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last march, the president of harvard university,drew gilpin faust,vistied japan to find out for

Don"t give up on Japan"s kidsby Stephen HesseLast March, the president of Harvard University, Drew Gilpin Faust, visited Japan to find out for herself what has become of Japan"s once-vibrant contribution to American academia. The numbers of Japanese students enrolling in Harvard have declined steadily over the past decade, and in September 2009 that renowned university"s first-year intake included just one student from Japan.Faust"s concern is not new. For several years, educators world wide have been puzzling over Japan"s decade-long decline in students studying overseas. That"s not just degree-seeking students, but also semester and year long study-abroad numbers, too.Unfortunately there is not one single factor that can beblamed, or targeted. As David H. Satterwhite, executive director of the Fulbright Japan program, told me last autumn, there seem to be a broad range offactors that have appeared simultaneously — from demographics to financial concerns to risk aversion — with the combination magnifying the overall trend.As a university educator in Japan for almost two decades, I, too, have been concerned, especially while watching the numbers of other Asians and Europeans studying abroad continue to climb steadily. I was even rendered speechless last year when I asked a bright student if he was thinking of studying abroad. The young man responded matter-of-factly, “Japan is so safe and convenient; why would I want to leave?”“How about adventure, excitement, meeting new people,seeing new places?” I floundered.He just smiled and shrugged.Nevertheless, I can also say with confidence that — to twist the words of Mark Twain — reports of the death of Japaneseinternationalism have been greatly exaggerated.Yes, the overall number of students studying abroad isdown, but over the past two years I have also come across plenty of students eager and determined to study and travel abroad. Many, too, are truly excitedabout getting jobs in the global marketplace.Just the other day, one of my law students was returning from three weeks backpacking in Europe when she ran into two of her classmateson their way to Jordan and Morocco. The three crossed paths in Abu Dhabi International Airport.The student returning from Europe has already left onanother trip with three friends to Bolivia and Peru. This young woman is unusual, but not as unusual as she once would have been.Two of my second-year students are doing volunteer work in India; another young man is backpacking through Southeast Asia; two otherstudents are traveling across Europe on local buses; and quite a few arestudying English in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and England. I can also say with certainty that among the young people coming into my classes recently, I am finding some of the best and most interesting students ever.For example, here are some of the research topics thatstudents in my Faculty Linkage Program environment seminar undertook this past year.Tomoaki, one of my fourth-year Policy Studies students, became very interested in the concept of aquaponics, which is a combination ofaquaculture and hydroponics, the raising of fish and the cultivation of plantsin a combined system. He began doing research and realized that the only way hewas going to understand the challenges of the process was to set up anaquaponics system himself. So he did. For two months he raised fish and plants at home in a simple aquaponic system using a large fish tank. In the end, he found the fish much easier to maintain than the plants: The plants grew quickly but faced various problems, such as wilting, lettuce that failed to form heads dueto insufficient light, and insect infestations.A second-year Policy Studies student considered threequite divergent topics over the course of the year: inundation of Japanese fresh water ecosystems by water hyacinth plants; the Penan people who are nativeresidents of Malaysia"s Sarawak forests; and how plants and animal species havethrived in the Chernobyl region of Ukraine since the 1986 nuclear accident.At first I thought Hazuki was taking a shotgun approach toher topic selection, but when we talked I realized that she was intrigued by points of intersection between humans and the natural environment.The Penan people, for example, have been living in balance with nature for generations, only to lose their forests, their homes and their culture to other humans who have come to cut the forests for timber. The water hyacinth is an invasive species in Japan that was first imported during theMeiji Era (1868-1912) for use as an ornamental plant. Today it has spread tocanals, ponds and other water bodies, choking out plant and fish life andblocking water flow. Regarding the afteraffects of Chernobyl, Hazuki was impressed by the ability of plants and animals to inhabit and thrive in anecosystem that had become lethal to humans. The destructive power of human development dismayed her, but the resilience of nature left her optimistic about nature"s chances, even as human impacts on ecosystems mount.Meanwhile, a second-year law student, Midori, focused onone theme throughout the year, making three presentations on futuristic, environmentally sustainable cities. Her first PowerPoint presentation introducedthe concept of sustainable cities then compared research developing in Japan and Sweden. She noted that in Japan research programs lack sufficient government support and alternative-energy development is still less thannascent. Her second presentation focused on developing sustainable transportation systems, and the final installment took a look at urban planning of sustainable cities, from the wise to the wacky. These included satellite cities outside major urban areas, concentric-circle cities, and even massive floating cities that put housing, businesses and even agriculture offshore.Another student surveyed the development of planted, or green, roofs in urban Japan; and another looked at the development of Sweden"s Environmental Code and the concept of environmental courts.Shota, another student, looked at environmentally friendly publishing and compared digital publications with custom-order book printing.He also considered the need for increased food self-sufficiency in Japan inorder to ensure food security and to reduce the carbon-dioxide emissions causedby long-distance, international food shipments. For his third presentation, Shota made a valiant effort to understand and objectively weigh the activitiesof Sea Shepherd"s anti-whaling activities; but in the end he had to admit that he just could not fathom the anti-whalers and their aggressive methods.Perhaps the class favorite this year was Yumiko"s presentation, titled “The Amazing Abilities of Cockroaches,” which openedeveryone"s eyes to the world of these incredible creatures. Quite a featconsidering that no other insect in Japan is as reviled as the lowly cockroach.Did you know, for example, that there are 4,000 kinds of cockroaches on theplanet, and 50 kinds in Japan? Or that some can run up to one meter per second?Don"t quote me, because I didn"t check these facts, but according to Yumiko,scientists are working with cockroaches to detect radiation by securing tiny detectors to their backs; and in South Korea you can get a face pack that ishigh in collagen made from ground-up cockroaches. Yumiko even included pictures of the cockroach traps she set around her house and the unfortunate few she"d snared.This might sound strange, but for me it is encouraging indeed to be teaching a law student who wears pink nail polish and is alsointrigued by reviled insects.So, even though I don"t have statistics to support my anecdotal observations, overall I am quite optimistic that Japanese young people are finally coming out of their decade of slumber.Japan has never spawned world travelers in the numbers that have spilled out of Europe and Australia, but more and more of my studentsare heading off alone and with friends for extended travels to China, SouthKorea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia and New Zealand. Others are going evenfurther afield, to the Middle East, Turkey, North Africa, Europe and SouthAmerica.So what is getting these young people up and out of Japan?Their influences include meeting foreign students in Japanwho introduce their home languages, cultures and schools; foreign instructorsin high schools and universities; short-term study-abroad language programs;and formal exchange programs.Having just one person say, “Give it a try; you"ll be fine” can make all the difference to a young person, and help counter all thefears and anxieties they have acquired from parents and teachers who too oftenproject their own discomfort with all things foreign.By the way, the law student who traveled through Europeand is now off to Peru and Bolivia will graduate in March and join a small IT venture firm, which she calls her next adventure.So what set her on a global path? A teacher who said: “Go,study abroad; you"ll be fine.” A year later she went to the United States,where a year of study changed her life.






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这个情况很普遍 微软IE8 最近发布的补丁稳定性极差 安了就会出现你这种情况 唯一解决办法卸掉IE8 如果不是IE的问题 请直接看最后俩条解决方案或者下载windows更新 如果想了解一下 那就从头看吧该内存不能read 或written数值 叙述 0 0x0000 作业完成。 1 0x0001 不正确的函数。 2 0x0002 系统找不到指定的档案。 3 0x0003 系统找不到指定的路径。 4 0x0004 系统无法开启档案。 5 0x0005 拒绝存取。 6 0x0006 无效的代码。 7 0x0007 储存体控制区块已毁。 8 0x0008 储存体空间不足,无法处理这个指令。 9 0x0009 储存体控制区块位址无效。 10 0x000a 环境不正确。 11 0x000b 尝试载入一个格式错误的程式。 12 0x000c 存取码错误。 13 0x000d 资料错误。 14 0x000e 储存体空间不够,无法完成这项作业。 15 0x000f 系统找不到指定的磁碟机。 16 0x0010 无法移除目录。 17 0x0011 系统无法将档案移到 其他的磁碟机。 18 0x0012 没有任何档案。 19 0x0013 储存媒体为防写状态。 20 0x0014 系统找不到指定的装置。 21 0x0015 装置尚未就绪。 22 0x0016 装置无法识别指令。 23 0x0017 资料错误 (cyclic redundancy check) 24 0x0018 程式发出一个长 度错误的指令。 25 0x0019 磁碟机在磁碟找不到 持定的磁区或磁轨。 26 0x001a 指定的磁碟或磁片无法存取。 27 0x001b 磁碟机找不到要求的磁区。 28 0x001c 印表机没有纸。 29 0x001d 系统无法将资料写入指定的磁碟机。 30 0x001e 系统无法读取指定的装置。 31 0x001f 连接到系统的某个装置没有作用。 32 0x0020 the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. 33 0x0021 档案的一部份被锁定, 现在无法存取。 34 0x0022 磁碟机的磁片不正确。 请将 %2 (volume serial number: %3) 插入磁碟机 %1。 36 0x0024 开启的分享档案数量太多。 38 0x0026 到达档案结尾。 39 0x0027 磁碟已满。 50 0x0032 不支援这种网路要求。 51 0x0033 远端电脑无法使用。 52 0x0034 网路名称重复。 53 0x0035 网路路径找不到。 54 0x0036 网路忙碌中。 55 0x0037 the specified network resource or device is no longer available. 56 0x0038 the network bios command limit has been reached. 57 0x0039 网路配接卡发生问题。 58 0x003a 指定的伺服器无法执行要求的作业。 59 0x003b 网路发生意外错误。 60 0x003c 远端配接卡不相容。 61 0x003d 印表机伫列已满。 62 0x003e 伺服器的空间无法储存等候列印的档案。 63 0x003f 等候列印的档案已经删除。 64 0x0040 指定的网路名称无法使用。 65 0x0041 拒绝存取网路。 66 0x0042 网路资源类型错误。 67 0x0043 网路名称找不到。 68 0x0044 超过区域电脑网路配接卡的名称限制。 69 0x0045 超过网路 bios 作业阶段的限制。 70 0x0046 远端伺服器已经暂停或者正在起始中。 71 0x0047 由于连线数目已达上限,此时无法再连线到这台远端电脑。 72 0x0048 指定的印表机或磁碟装置已经暂停作用。 80 0x0050 档案已经存在。 82 0x0052 无法建立目录或档案。 83 0x0053 int 24 失败 84 0x0054 处理这项要求的储存体无法使用。 85 0x0055 近端装置名称已经在使用中。 86 0x0056 指定的网路密码错误。 87 0x0057 参数错误。 88 0x0058 网路发生资料写入错误。 89 0x0059 此时系统无法执行其他行程。 100 0x0064 无法建立其他的系统 semaphore。 101 0x0065 属于其他行程专用的 semaphore 。 102 0x0066 semaphore 已经设定,而且无法关闭。 103 0x0067 无法指定 semaphore 。 104 0x0068 在岔断时间无法要求专用的 semaphore 。 105 0x0069 此 semaphore 先前的拥有权已经结束。 106 0x006a 请将磁片插入 %1。 107 0x006b 因为代用的磁片尚未插入,所以程式已经停止。 108 0x006c 磁碟正在使用中或被锁定。 109 0x006d pipe 已经中止。 110 0x006e 系统无法开启指定的 装置或档案。 111 0x006f 档名太长。 112 0x0070 磁碟空间不足。 113 0x0071 没有可用的内部档案识别字。 114 0x0072 目标内部档案识别字不正确。 117 0x0075 由应用程式所执行的 ioctl 呼叫 不正确。 118 0x0076 写入验证参数值不正确。 119 0x0077 系统不支援所要求的指令。 120 0x0078 此项功能仅在 win32 模式有效。 121 0x0079 semaphore 超过逾时期间。 122 0x007a 传到系统呼叫的资料区域 太小。 123 0x007b 档名、目录名称或储存体标签语法错误。 124 0x007c 系统呼叫层次不正确。 125 0x007d 磁碟没有设定标签。 126 0x007e 找不到指定的模组。 127 0x007f 找不到指定的程序。 128 0x0080 没有子行程可供等待。 129 0x0081 %1 这个应用程式无法在 win32 模式下执行。 130 0x0082 attempt to use a file handle to an open disk partition for an operation other than raw disk i/o. 131 0x0083 尝试将档案指标移至档案开头之前。 132 0x0084 无法在指定的装置或档案,设定档案指标。 133 0x0085 join 或 subst 指令 无法用于 内含事先结合过的磁碟机。 134 0x0086 尝试在已经结合的磁碟机,使用 join 或 subst 指令。 135 0x0087 尝试在已经替换的磁碟机,使 用 join 或 subst 指令。 136 0x0088 系统尝试删除 未连结过的磁碟机的连结关系。 137 0x0089 系统尝试删除 未替换过的磁碟机的替换关系。 138 0x008a 系统尝试将磁碟机结合到已经结合过之磁碟机的目录。 139 0x008b 系统尝试将磁碟机替换成已经替换过之磁碟机的目录。 140 0x008c 系统尝试将磁碟机替换成已经替换过之磁碟机的目录。 141 0x008d 系统尝试将磁碟机 subst 成已结合的磁碟机 目录。 142 0x008e 系统此刻无法执行 join 或 subst。 143 0x008f 系统无法将磁碟机结合或替换同一磁碟机下目录。 144 0x0090 这个目录不是根目录的子目录。 145 0x0091 目录仍有资料。 146 0x0092 指定的路径已经被替换过。 147 0x0093 资源不足,无法处理这项 指令。 148 0x0094 指定的路径这时候无法使用。 149 0x0095 尝试要结合或替换的磁碟机目录,是已经替换过的的目标。 150 0x0096 config.sys 档未指定系统追踪资讯,或是追踪功能被取消。 151 0x0097 指定的 semaphore事件 dosmuxsemwait 数目不正确。 152 0x0098 dosmuxsemwait 没有执行;设定太多的 semaphore。 153 0x0099 dosmuxsemwait 清单不正确。 154 0x009a 您所输入的储存媒体标 元长度限制。 155 0x009b 无法建立其他的执行绪。 156 0x009c 接收行程拒绝接受信号。 157 0x009d 区段已经被舍弃,无法被锁定。 158 0x009e 区段已经解除锁定。 159 0x009f 执行绪识别码的位址不正确。 160 0x00a0 传到 dosexecpgm 的引数字串不正确。 161 0x00a1 指定的路径不正确。 162 0x00a2 信号等候处理。 164 0x00a4 系统无法建立执行绪。 167 0x00a7 无法锁定档案的部份范围。 170 0x00aa 所要求的资源正在使用中。 173 0x00ad 取消范围的锁定要求不明显。 174 0x00ae 档案系统不支援自动变更锁定类型。 180 0x00b4 系统发现不正确的区段号码。 182 0x00b6 作业系统无法执行 %1。 183 0x00b7 档案已存在,无法建立同一档案。 186 0x00ba 传送的旗号错误。 187 0x00bb 指定的系统旗号找不到。 188 0x00bc 作业系统无法执行 %1。 189 0x00bd 作业系统无法执行 %1。 190 0x00be 作业系统无法执行 %1。 191 0x00bf 无法在 win32 模式下执行 %1。 192 0x00c0 作业系统无法执行 %1。 193 0x00c1 %1 不是正确的 win32 应用程式。 194 0x00c2 作业系统无法执行 %1。 195 0x00c3 作业系统无法执行 %1。 196 0x00c4 作业系统无法执行 这个应用程式。 197 0x00c5 作业系统目前无法执行 这个应用程式。 198 0x00c6 作业系统无法执行 %1。 199 0x00c7 作业系统无法执行 这个应用程式。 200 0x00c8 程式码的区段不可以大于或等于 64kb。 201 0x00c9 作业系统无法执行 %1。 202 0x00ca 作业系统无法执行 %1。 203 0x00cb 系统找不到输入的环境选项。 205 0x00cd 在指令子目录下,没有任何行程有信号副处理程式。 206 0x00ce 档案名称或副档名太长。 207 0x00cf ring 2 堆叠使用中。 使用Windows操作系统的人有时会遇到这样的错误信息:“0X????????指令引用的 0x00000000内存,该内存不能written”,然后应用程序被关闭。如果去请教一些“高手”,得到的回答往往是“Windows就是这样不稳定”之类的义愤和不屑。其实,这个错误并不一定是Windows不稳定造成的。本文就来简单分析这种错误的常见原因。 内存不能为read的问题是一个非常复杂的问题,造成的原因是多方面的,有硬件的原因,也有软件的原因,一时半会儿很难搞的清楚。就是对那些整天玩电脑的老手来说也是一个非常辣手的问题。就我个人的理解,大多与使用非原版的系统而产生的不稳定性有关,轻易很难修复。所以我一般的主张是,只要不是频繁出现,可以不必管它,点一下“确定”或者“取消”就可以了。如果真有兴趣想研究一下的话,你可以试着从一下方面寻找原因: 1. 内存条坏了或与主板不兼容 更换内存条 2. 双内存不兼容 使用同品牌的内存或只要一条内存 3. 内存质量问题 更换内存条 4. 散热问题 加强机箱内部的散热 5. 内存和主板没插好或其他硬件不兼容 重插内存或换个插槽 6. 硬盘有问题 更换硬盘 7. 驱动问题 重装驱动,如果是新系统,应先安装主板驱动 8. 软件损坏 重装软件 9. 软件有BUG 打补丁或更新到最新版本 10 软件和系统不兼容 给软件打上补丁或是试试系统的兼容模式 11 软件和软件之间有冲突 如果最近安装了什么新软件,卸载了试试 12 软件要使用其他相关的软件有问题 重装相关软件,比如播放某一格式的文件时出错,可能是这个文件的解码器有问题 13 病毒问题 杀毒 14 杀毒软件与系统或软件相冲突 由于杀毒软件是进入底层监控系统的,可能与一些软件相冲突,卸载试试 15 系统本身有问题 有时候操作系统本身也会有BUG,要注意安装官方发行的更新程序,象SP的补丁,最好打上 ——最后我再强调一下,不是所有的电脑问题我们普通人都能搞得清摸得透的,以上的方法即使都已试过,谁也不能保证一定能够解决你的问题,因为电脑的问题的确很复杂,“不能为read”这仅仅是一个症状,单凭这一个小小的症状是很难一下子找到问题所在的。我们都希望当说明了问题之后能够马上得到满意的回答,有时候是不可能的,必须慢慢的摸索才能知道问题所在。如果想省心的话,也许只有最后这两点建议最有用:一是不管它(反正也没有大碍),二是重装一个稳定的系统。说到系统,这也是我要说的重点,实际上我们的电脑之所以出现“内存不能为read的问题”,大多都与安装了Ghost系统有关,“内存不能为read”现象可以说是Ghost系统的一个不可修复的通病。所以我建议你用原版系统盘重装系统。关于什么是Ghost系统,我在这里也解释一下(好多现在正在使用Ghost系统的人都不知道自己的系统是Ghost系统),所谓Ghost系统,就是指像那些番茄花园、电脑公司版、雨林木风、萝卜家园等改版本的XP系统,即非原版的系统。你可以通过点“我的电脑”右键-属性来查看你的系统属性。 下面有两种处理方法可以试试:【如果不行只有恢复或重装系统了】(1)试用命令排除 开始-运行- 输入cmd-- 回车,在命令提示符下输入下面命令 for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1 怕输入错误,可以复制这条指令,然后在命令提示符后击鼠标右键,打“粘贴”,回车,耐心等待,直到屏幕滚动停止为止。 (2)运行regedit进入注册表, 在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShellExecuteHooks 下,应该只有一个正常的键值{AEB6717E-7E19-11d0-97EE-00C04FD91972}, 将其他的删除。

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用free time activisties造句It good for young people to take part in free time activities.Free time activities are good for young people.I have plenty of free time activities.I never participate in free time activities.I have no interest in free time activities.I am rather fond of free time activities.I am currently participating in four different kinds of free time activities.以上的句子,我想必定足够了罢。若果满意请采纳,谢谢你。很希望会对你有帮助。

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shareholder activist是什么?怎么翻译最好?

.hareholder Activism一般译为股东权益运动、股东积极主义、 积极股东行动主义、股东行动主义。 . 所谓的股东积极主义,就是当上市公司董事会的决策, 不符合股东利益,身为「有识之士」股东的就纠集力量, 令董事会改组,甚或逼管理层下台。此处所谓股东, 其实并非一般小股东,而是以以机构投资者为主的股市中实户。 他们积极参与公司治理的动力, 主要取决于持股成本与发动改革的收益的比较。 具体决定于机构投资者的持股比例、持股时间和监督成本等. 机构投资人对公司治理的态度, 已倾向以企业经营模式来发挥其最大的影响力。 . 机构投资人自期为投资大众的”守门员” -Watch Dog,强调监督『经营责任』 (Management Accountability),更为自己追求最大『股东价值』 (Shareholder Value)。Wall Street Rules 衍成Market-Based Governance Model 。 . 股东积极主义近年在欧洲搞得如火如荼, 更可为小股东带来相当的回报。据一份在伦敦商学院(London Business School)研讨会上发表的独立学术研究指, 英国的法律及文化环境极为适合股东权益运动壮大规模, 学者追踪一个名为Hermes UK Focus Fund 的表现,发现该基金在研究期间, 专门锁定一些股价落后大盘或被低估了的公司,经营绩效差、 公司治理品质与内涵不良、法人持股比重高、 内部人持股比重低之企业作投资对象,投资额占被锁定公司的1% 至15%权益,然后针对公司治理、 财务结构等导致股价积弱的原因,作出积极参与, 例如与管理层谈判,甚至撤换董事会成员。 值得留意的是,该基金很少在公开的股东会高调行事, 反而多在幕后发招,以达到提高派息率、改善认股权计划等目的。 而在这些公司大动作的公布期前后, 有关公司的股价表现往往脱胎换骨,此亦正是该基金的杰作。 在亚洲,南韩的三星电子也开始正视类似的股东集体挑战, 香港民间非营利机构民主人民团结组织(People"s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy;PSPD)前(2005) 年就曾经在股东大会上,对总裁担任董事的提案,集结到3.75% 的反对票,虽未足以左右大局,但对当地企业界已响起警讯, 更代表股东权益运动的起步。正如PSPD在其创立宣言中所言述, "We are going to raise the flag of Solidarity for a society in which everyone can have a voice, and people with diligence and honesty may lead life they deserve.To be the real sovereigns of the country, we should become watchdogs of the government, screening the daily decision-making process it derives its power from." 说明把公民参与的意识带到公司治理的范畴。 前(2004)年,德国证券交易所(Duetsche Borse)想收购英国伦敦证券交易所。 岂知拥有德国证券交易所8%股权的TCI突然出手, 一手放空伦敦证券交易所的股票,另一手联合美林证券、 富达基金等德国证券交易所股东,反对德国证券交易所的收购建议, 最后搞到德国证券交易所的行政总裁Werner Seifert在2004年5月9日仓皇下台。 . 机构投资者积极参与公司治理,可以克服小股东治理激励不足, 弥补大股东内部控制的缺陷。



activist;theatrical;vertical 这英语在美音中怎么读,求谐音的读法~

activist爱克(轻音)踢为斯特。 激进者 theatrical 翡阿chuo扣。 戏剧的vertical ver特(轻音)扣。 垂直的




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光晕2 孤岛危机 其他的都是通用的了




歌词是完整的aru no wa kamigire ni natta chippoke na zaisan to,hinshi joutai ni ochiitteita anata gurai dattatotsuzen owari o tsugeta sekai de no kotoanata ga shaberenai sei de HITO koishigattayowasa o tate ni shitoite sa, wagamama houdai datake my hands.take my love.hako goto kooritsuita nekokiekake de yomenai mojishiawase na hyoujou no ura ni kakushiteru kidoairakuhaikyo no you na RESUTORAN (with you)ashita wa doko ikou ka (with you)futari nori shooting star (with you)boku wa mada shinitakunaitsurugi o te ni ireta bokura ni kowai MONO wa naiatama kara shippo no saki ekirisaki zoumotsu o abiteiro no tarinai sora ni wa sabishiku omottataiyou ga nai nara nai de dou demo yokattayakekogeta moufu dake ja furueteru kara, fukakouryoku to iedomo fureteiraretamamorubeki MONO ga ima, arimasu ka?But I pray for the daybreak.suisou ni ukanda shinkaigyokimi no na wa nante iu n"dakkeshiawase na hyoujou no ura ni kakushiteru kidoairakuhaikyo no you na suizokukan (with you)ashita wa doko ikou ka (with you)futari nori shooting star (with you)boku wa mada shinitakunaiyomenai gakufu o kaidoku shite itsuka utau kedo, sore wa tsurai uta daGod damnit!kono mama jikan yo tomarekui naku ikiteiku n"da (with you)kui naku ikiteiku n"da (with you)hontou ni ureshii toki wa, namida suru tte shitteita kai?tsurugi o te ni ireta anata ni kowai MONO wa naiLife is far out.Good bye fam.

谁知道windows Vista的密钥,急用!


急!赏!windows Vista ctrl+c 复制的内容怎么找回来?

打开记事本复制出来不就好了或开始--运行 clipbrd 也能看到


THE SOUL OF AN INDIVIDUALIST “Men have been taught that it is a virtue to agree with others. But the creator is the man who disagrees. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to stand together. But the creator is the man who stands alone.“Men have been taught that the ego is the synonym of evil, and selflessness the ideal of virtue. But the creator is the egoist in the absolute sense, and the selfless man is the one who does not think, feel, judge or act. These are functions of the self.“The egoist in the absolute sense is not the man who sacrifices others. He is the man who stands above the need of using others in any manner. He does not function through them. He is not concerned with them in any primary matter. Not in his aim, not in his motive, not in his thinking, not in his desires, not in the source of his energy. He does not exist for any other man—and he asks no other man to exist for him. This is the only form of brotherhood and mutual respect possible between men.“In all proper relationships there is no sacrifice of anyone to anyone. An architect needs clients, but he does not subordinate his work to their wishes. They need him, but they do not order a house just to give him a commission. Men exchange their work by free, mutual consent to mutual advantage when their personal interests agree and they both desire the exchange. If they do not desire it, they are not forced to deal with each other. They seek further. This is the only possible form of relationship between equals. Anything else is a relation of slave to master, or victim to executioner.“The ‘common good" of a collective—a race, a class, a state—was the claim and justification of every tyranny ever established over men. Every major horror of history was committed in the name of an altruistic motive. Has any act of selfishness ever equaled the carnage perpetrated by disciples of altruism? Does the fault lie in men"s hypocrisy or in the nature of the principle? The most dreadful butchers were the most sincere. They believed in the perfect society reached through the guillotine and the firing squad. Nobody questioned their right to murder since they were murdering for an altruistic purpose. It was accepted that man must be sacrificed for other men. Actors change, but the course of the tragedy remains the same. A humanitarian who starts with declarations of love for mankind and ends with a sea of blood. It goes on and will go on so long as men believe that an action is good if it is unselfish. That permits the altruist to act and forces his victims to bear it. The leaders of collectivist movements ask nothing for themselves. But observe the results.“The only good which men can do to one another and the only statement of their proper relationship is—Hands off!“Now observe the results of a society built on the principle of individualism. This, our country. The noblest country in the history of men. The country of greatest achievement, greatest prosperity, greatest freedom. This country was not based on selfless service, sacrifice, renunciation or any precept of altruism. It was based on a man"s right to the pursuit of happiness. His own happiness. Not anyone else"s. A private, personal, selfish motive. Look at the results. Look into your own conscience.“It is an ancient conflict. Men have come close to the truth, but it was destroyed each time and one civilization fell after another. Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage"s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.——《For The New Intellectual》by Ayn Rand

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《After visting hours》 U.A.Fanthorpe 我需要这首诗的详细英文赏析 有link也行 重奖!



很多,看看有没有适合你的。呵呵。 绝大多数now loading画面后跳至桌面的原因是显卡的问题,以下是解决方案。 1.GF4MX440420显卡的解决方案一: 首先要准备两样东西 第一个是显卡驱动44.67版 第二个是优化工具3DAnalyze2.16 先安装显卡驱动,之后运行3DAnalyze 除了可以顺利运行游戏外,画面还得到一定优化(应该是质的提高),开1024*786,效果至少不会比5200差多少 在左边第二个选项select中选中353的可执行文件 勾选:emulate other DX8.1 caps emulate pixel shader caps emulate bump map caps emulate max.sim.textures emulate cube maps emulate DXT textures 然后点击最下面的save batch file保存! 以后就不需要启动3DA来执行了,直接启动353即可调用生成的模拟优化文件! 2.GF4MX440420显卡的解决方案二: 不卡又不会出问题的MX440解决方法: 1.用44.67版驱动 2.下载3DAnalyze2.16 3.启动3DAnalyze2.16 按下左边的第二个Select去选取Shin Sangokumusou 3.exe 4.勾选:force max.pixel shader version 1.1 emulate other DX8.1 caps emulate pixel shader caps emulate bump map caps emulate max.sim.textures emulate cube maps emulate DXT textures 5.按RUN进入游戏(这时应该是出现游戏和3DAnalyze都没有响应的情况,不要紧说明快成功了) 6.调出任务管理器将3DAnalyze的进程结束 7.返回游戏即可 PS:不能正常进入游戏的勾force max. pixel shader version 1.4不要勾1.1 在左边第二个选项select中选中353的可执行文件,然后点击最下面的save batch file保存! 以后就不需要启动3DA来执行了,直接启动353即可调用生成的模拟优化文件! 3.GF4MX440420显卡的解决方案三: MX440流畅游戏心得 首先我个人认为选用43.51版驱动才能发挥MX440的最大潜力,我曾用3DMARK2001测试过 而且选用该驱动不需要选emulate HW T&L了,选这个画面会很卡 在3DA里面我只选了emulate pixel shade caps,其他的什么都不选,选的越多,就会增加CPU的负担! 在左边第二个选项select中选中353的可执行文件,然后点击最下面的save batch file保存! 以后就不需要启动3DA来执行了,直接启动353即可调用生成的模拟优化文件! 我选用1024×768的分辨率,以时间为基准,并且不是窗口运行模. 不会出现黑屏和假死机的情况,游戏十分流畅! 4.GF4MX440420显卡的解决方案四: MX440流畅游戏无退出 1、安装45.28驱动(我的机子就是用的45.28驱动) 我个人认为使用45.28驱动比44.67驱动郊果要好 2、复制破解补丁第四版到游戏安装目录 3、使用3D-Analyze 2.16a(切记不能使用3D-Analyze 2.0,虽然能进,但游戏中会退出),勾选: (1)、force max.pixel shader version 1.4 (2)、emulate pixel shader caps 4、开机后第一次运行可能会弹出一个黑屏,此时先按出任务管理器结束游戏,再在3D-Analyze 2.16a里点击RUN运行游戏 游戏很流畅(最少我感觉是)也不会出现退出. 在左边第二个选项select中选中353的可执行文件,然后点击最下面的save batch file保存! 以后就不需要启动3DA来执行了,直接启动353即可调用生成的模拟优化文件! 5.GF2MX400显卡的解决方案一: 1.用44.67版驱动 2.使用3D-Analyze 2.16a 3.

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vistapanel和cpanel没有一点关系,cpanel是cpanel inc公司开发的,vistapanel只是一款功能一般的控制面板总体来说cpanel优于istapanel 不在一个级别

uppababy vista和宝得适Britax欢途有什么区别

你好,下文来自网络,仅供参考其实uppababy vista和宝得适欢途应该说属于同类型的多功能婴儿推车。大部分的功能其实都是相同的,当然材质和细节有一些不同,所以价格也有差别。相同点:(uppababy vista婴儿推车)都是高景观设计,vista的座椅离地高度是64cm,欢途是62cm,区别不大;都是大尺寸车轮避震设计,好处就是舒适度提升,另外我们大人推起来也比较轻松;座椅都可以双向安装,方便我们和宝宝面对面互动交流和照顾;都可以兼容安全提篮,针对6个月以下的宝宝比较合适;把手高度都可以调节,满足不同身高的家长使用;都是五点式安全带来约束宝宝;都可以整车折叠,当然收车后尺寸会有不同,如果需要开车出行的话,涉及到装车的话,就需要仔细记录对比下;当然这些也是大部分这种高端多功能婴儿推车的特点,应该说都能满足我们平时使用的需要的,有一些不同的地方,其实区别也不大。不同点:(宝得适Britax 欢途婴儿推车)重量不同,欢途差不多12kg左右,vista净重10.5kg左右,都不算轻。上面也说到了,uppababy vista和宝得适欢途都有避震性能,一般这种推车重量都不会太轻,如果我们出门有电梯,外出没有多少台阶,不同经常搬运的话,重量应该就影响不大的;vista可以安装第二个座椅,以及一个踏脚板,所以同时装2个宝宝甚至3个宝宝都OK,当然这个看我们实际使用的时候会不会有用到。根据实际情况来添置这个配件;uppabbay vista是分体式的设计,也就是有单独的睡篮,6个月以下的宝宝可以使用,欢途的话,座椅也可以放平调节,像您的宝宝现在也可以直接用的;需要强调的是,这种高端的婴儿推车,单纯的从功能上来看,应该说肯定都能满足我们平时的需求,唯一不太完美的可能就是重量了。当然刚才也说了,这个跟我们的出行条件有关系了。所以这2款推车不能说哪一款更好,当然vista在材质上,使用时间上表现更抢眼一些,价格也更高一些,一分钱一分货也有这个道理。如果预算有限,宝得适欢途也是不错的选择。(uppababy cruz婴儿推车)另外说到uppababy cruz,其实应该说是vista的轻便版,但是净重8.8kg,轻了不少。不过cruz最好是宝宝6个月以后使用,cruz也有一定的避震性能,效果当然不能完全和vista比,不过这个也和我们出行的路况有关系。所以婴儿推车的避震,高景观和轻便其实是很难兼容的。从使用时间来看,子霏是比较建议选择uppababy cruz的,只是需要等到宝宝6个月以后使用,而且宝宝越长越大,轻便的推车更适合一些。

Asta La Vista Baby 是什么意思?是西班牙语



以下部分转自逗乐博客 一、首先,查出本机IP和路由器地址,操作如下: 1、依次点击“开始”——“运行”,在“运行”对话框中键入“cmd”(大小写均可)会弹出“命令提示符”窗口。2、在命令行里输入指令“ipconfig”会出现如下图所示的列表:其中:IP Address —— 就是你的内网地址! Subnet Mask —— 是你的子网掩码! Default Gateway —— 就是你的默认网关,如果你是通过路由器上网,那么这个就是你的路由器地址! 二、其次,对你的宽带路由器进行端口映射,具体方法如下: 1、登陆配置页面,在IE地址中用你的路由器地址(默认网关)登录,用户名和密码请查你的路由器使用手册。2、进入在“转发规则”->“虚拟服务器”选项卡中3、在虚拟服务器的操作界面中的“服务端口”写入4661;在“IP地址”的最后面一个空格写入使用eMule的计算机IP地址的最后一串数字;在“协议”选择TCP,然后勾选“启用”单选框。另2个服务端口号(TCP:4662、UDP:4672)同样更改就可。即下图所示进行操作; 4661 本机IP tcp v 4662 本机IP tcp v 4672 本机IP udp v 点 保存4、保存虚拟服务器操作界面、启动eMule;5、恭喜你,您的eMule已经获得High ID。 最后再次检查emule 里面设置,连接的客户端口,看一下TCP和UDP端口是不是和刚才更改的一样,不一样的话手动更改并保存。 可能如果有防火墙限制这两个端口的话,手动更改。
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