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vested share award是什么意思

vested share award归属/授予股份奖励

The University council by virtue of the authority vested in it

首先你要清楚几个关键短语和词的意思,如 by virtue of 是 because of 的意思;vest 做动词时是 赋予 (权利,头衔)之类的意思,这样一来,这短语就好懂了,(可惜你没写出完整的句子),但是大概的意思是: "学校理事会,凭其被赋予的职权..."。

vested in和engage在这里的意思,谢谢!

vest in v. 授予,归属于 engage [inˈɡeidʒ] vt. 吸引, 占用 雇, 聘 He is engaged at a bank. 他受雇于一家银行。 答应, 保证 He engaged to read the book. 他答应看这本书。 vt. & vi. (使)从事于, (使)忙于 Please wait a minute, he is engaged just now. 请稍等一会儿, 他正有事呢。

Total Gain on Unvested Shares怎么翻译

vest:v. (财产、权利等)授予通常用于期权(stock option)、限制性股票(restricted stock)等vested shares:可行权的股票unvested shares:尚不可行权(未到行权期)的股票。Total Gain on Unvested Shares翻译:尚不可行权股票的总收益。(指的是账面收益,因为还不可以行权)

vested interest是什么意思

n. 特权阶级;既得权利

vested interest是什么意思

vested interest 英[u02c8vestid u02c8intrist] 美[u02c8vu025bstu026ad u02c8u026antru026ast] n. <常贬>既得利益; [网络] 既得权益; 即得利益; 既得权益,法定权益; [例句]Almost all large organizations offer it since, after all, they have a vested interest in your success.几乎所有的大型公司均提供类似的培训。毕竟,公司是希望你成功的。如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


ested英["vestu026ad] 美["vestu026ad] adj. 既定的; [例句]We have no vested interest in this respect.我们在这方面没有既得利益。[其他] 形近词: bested vestee zested



求翻译 a principle of 4100 dollars is invested at


be invested with是什么意思

被; 有 ... 色彩; 被授于 History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality.史书似乎常被赋予几分不真实的色彩。