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Vague feeling什么意思


[A] faint[B] vague[C] dark[D] pale


什么是vague language

vague是(表达等)含糊不清,不准确 fuzzy是(轮廓,形状)模糊,不清楚 vague意思偏于抽象,fuzzy比较具体 对于fuzzy language 与 vague language 前者是形容语言听起来不清楚(即说的不清楚) 后者是指语言的含义模糊,不准确 希望有帮助.

vague是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

n. f. 1浪, 波浪, 波涛2[引波状物; 波浪形3[转]浪潮, 高潮4[建]波形装饰5(卷发的)波浪n. m. 1[古]空间; 2[今]无确定边际的空间; 3虚空; 4含糊不清, 含混, 不明确a. 1含糊的, 含混的, 不明确的Sa réponse a été vague. 他的回答含糊不清2模糊的, 隐隐约约的Une forme vague dans la nuit. 夜里模糊的身影3茫然的, 心不在焉的4宽松的, 肥的5某个(放在n前指毋需说出或无关紧要的人或物)C"est un vague cousin à lui. 这是他某个表兄弟6[古]流浪的, 漂泊不定的常见用法terrain vague空地faire des vagues掀起风浪




vague 英[veu026ag] 美[veɡ] adj. 模糊的; (思想上) 不清楚的; (表达或感知) 含糊的; 暧昧的; n. 模糊不定状态; [例句]The bus was a vague shape in the distance.远处的公交车只是一个模糊的轮廓。如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Both his parents are ______ about where he is at the moment.为什么是vague而不是explicit?

如果知道,那就不用where,从逻辑来看,不知道才会说where。Both his parents are vague about where he is at the moment.他的父母都不清楚他现在在哪里。vague about=not clear aboutBoth his parents are explicit about the place where he is at the moment.他的父母都很清楚他现在所处的地方。(定语从句,修饰the place)He was quite explicit about the matter. 他对此事的态度十分明确。






blurred - 变成模糊的了,可以作为过去形式的动词以及形容词使用。它的是指事情变得扑朔迷离或者视觉上的模糊。如:眼镜片被指纹弄得模糊 - The glass is blurred by fingerprints.vague - 暧昧。可用做形容词。指情感上,立场上,表达(交流的那种),不清楚或被人所知如:The date of his birth is vague. 他的出生日期不被人所知。unambiguous - 形容词。可用以形容暧昧,不清不楚。也可形容难以理解。不止如此,还可形容一件物品“四不像”,难以区分。

hazy,misty,vague 有什么区别?



关于vague什么意思如下vague,英语单词,主要用作形容词、名词,作形容词时译为“模糊的;含糊的;不明确的;暧昧的”,作名词时为人名。扩展知识一、例句1.They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available.他们只是大概知道可用水的总量。2.She had married a charming but rather vague Englishman.她嫁给了一个外表迷人实际却很迷糊的英国人。3.He looked at her vague shape through the frosted glass.他透过雾蒙蒙的眼镜注视着她模糊的身形。4.He was vague, however, about just what U.S. forces might actually do.然而,他对美军实际可能采取的行动却闪烁其词。5.The bus was a vague shape in the distance.远处的公交车只是一个模糊的轮廓。6.This foundation was not only vague but inelastic.这个基础不仅是含糊的,而且是僵硬的。7.If you try to use it in your thinking, your thinking will be vague.如果您的想法中尝试使用它,你的想法将是含糊的。8.Most of us have some sort of vague idea about what happens to our assets when we die.我们大多数人都有一些关于当我们死后我们的财产会怎样的模糊的想法。二、相关词汇vague language模糊语;模糊用语;英汉对比vague convergence不梅收敛vague words模糊词语;模糊词


vague 英[veu026aɡ] 美[veɡ] adj. 模糊的;(思想上)不清楚的;(表达或感知)含糊的;暧昧的 n. 模糊不定状态 最高级:vaguest;比较级:vaguer [例句]But his statement was vague.不过他的声明很模糊。2.But the details are vague. 但细节方面还很模糊。3.But this remains vague talk. 但这只是含糊的说法。4.You will never reach a vague goal. 你永远无法实现一个含糊不清的目标。5.Most important, the need for teaching computational thinking to all studentsremains vague. 最重要的是,对于是否需要面对所有学生教授计算思维仍不明确。



I vaguely remember_something like that. A.him having said B.his saying C.that he had said


英语单词potential 和vaguely 都是潜在的意思吗,有什么区别?

不知道你是打错了还是怎么,vaguely并没有潜在的意思。potential是形容词,表示潜在的,不在表面上的,比如说潜在的危险,潜在的机会等。(potential threat/opportunity)vaguely表示模糊的,不清楚的,是副词。如,我模糊地记得,I remember vaguely that...



nouvelle vague if歌词下载


有什么字体是和Nouvelle Vague字体差不多吗?主要我们是要数字,Nouvelle Vague字体只可以写12345。谢谢

LHF Colonial RomanEngravers MT Poster Bodoni BTBodoni MT BlackElephant上面五个数字都是比较相似的 下面也有几分相似的地方提供给LZ参考Windsor BOLDWindsor BTLHFPilsnerRegularLHF Royal Script ExtendedLHF Royal Script BETALHFHeavyFrenchRomanATKAllegro BT 哥们这么多你一个都找不到?上面两个我试了能下载,不能一个个给你找。你慢慢找,输入时加上字体或英文字体,百度不行用谷歌……一定能找到的。祝你成功! 如果我的回答对您有帮助,请记得采纳为满意答案,谢谢!祝您生活愉快!

有什么字体是和Nouvelle Vague字体差不多吗?主要我们是要数字,Nouvelle Vague字体只可以写12345。谢谢

LHF Colonial RomanEngravers MT Poster Bodoni BTBodoni MT BlackElephant上面五个数字都是比较相似的 下面也有几分相似的地方提供给LZ参考Windsor BOLDWindsor BTLHFPilsnerRegularLHF Royal Script ExtendedLHF Royal Script BETALHFHeavyFrenchRomanATKAllegro BT ___________________________________________Engravers MT Bodoni Italic BT [英文字体,TTF]哥们这么多你一个都找不到?上面两个我试了能下载,不能一个个给你找。你慢慢找,输入时加上字体或英文字体,百度不行用谷歌……一定能找到的。祝你成功!

求Nouvelle Vague dance with me的歌词

歌词:Let"s dance little strangerShow me secret sinsLove can be like bondageSeduce me once againBurning like an angelWho has heaven in reprieveBurning like the voodoo manWith devils on his sleeveWon"t you dance with meIn my world of fantasyWon"t you dance with meRitual fertilityLike an apparition You don"t seem real at allLike a premonitionOf curses on my soulThe way I want to love youWell it could be against the lawI"ve seen you in a thousand minds[Dance With Me Lyrics on]You"ve made the angels fallWon"t you dance with meIn my world of fantasyWon"t you dance with meRitual fertilityCome on little strangerThere"s only one last danceSoon the music"s overLet"s give it one more chanceWon"t you dance with meIn my world of fantasyWon"t you dance with meRitual fertilityTake a chance with meIn my world of fantasyWon"t you dance with meRitual fertility

想要卡地亚PARIS NOUVELLE VAGUE系列的这款项链的细节图,特别是侧面图,哪位大神能帮个忙?谢谢!

1、卡地亚价格贵 大品牌卖的远不是产品而是知名度。部分卡地亚戒指价格:1.卡地亚LOVE戒指铂金不带钻¥19800;2.螺丝纹不带钻玫瑰金和黄金(18K)¥6100;3.螺丝纹不带钻白金(18K)¥6750;4.PT950 铂金¥16000。如果加钻的话,一般加20分,大概要加5000人民币。2、卡地亚切工好:好的切工能把钻石内在的璀璨光芒透过切割面的悉心排列而释放出来。可见,切工的优劣不仅决定结婚钻戒是否美丽,也直接影响了结婚钻戒的价值。3、logo的标记,卡地亚戒指内圈刻字没有#这种符号的,内圈刻字内容是logo、(代表K金的数字)750、指圈尺寸(阿拉伯数字)、货号、一个菱形的小符号,卡地亚戒指都带证书的,真品能够在全球卡地亚专柜免费刻字。4.材质好:卡地亚戒指创意设计出色,其缜密选材、制作工艺都是无可挑剔的完美之作。只要是假货,通过各方面仔细的对比,就完全可以识别出来。100%专柜材质,30%专柜价格,百年御希珠宝,v我昵称

求`Nouvelle Vague 的歌词 (This Is Not)A Love Song

This is not a love songHappy to haveNot to have notBig business isVery wiseI"m crossing over intoEnter prizeThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songI"m adaptableAnd I like my new roleI"m getting better and betterAnd I have a new goalI"m changing my waysWhere money appliesThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songI"m going over to the other sideI"m happy to haveNot to have notBig business isVery wiseI"m inside freeEnterpriseThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songNot televisionBehind the curtainOut of the cupboardYou take the first trainInto the big worldAre you ready to grab the candleThat turn of visionThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love songThis is not a love song


Nouvelle Vague - Love Will Tear Us Apart

《Love Will Tear Us Apart》When the routine bites hardand ambitions are lowAnd the resentment rides highbut emotions won"t growAnd we"re changing our waystaking different roadsThen love, love will tear us apart againWhy is the bedroom so coldTurned away on your side?Is my timing that flawedour respect run so dry?Yet there"s still this appealThat we"ve kept through our livesLove, love will tear us apart againmusicDo you cry out in your sleepAll my failings expose?Get a taste in my mouthAs desperation takes holdIs it something so goodJust can"t function no more?When love, love will tear us apart againmusic

nouvelle vague是什么意思

nouvelle vague [英]nu:u02c8vel veiɡ [美]nuu02c8vu025bl veɡ 新浪潮派 [例句]Concert by hot trendy french jazzy band - nouvelle vague - shanghai centre theatre.当红法国时尚爵士风乐队新浪潮乐队音乐会-上海商城剧院-网上订票。

nonvelle vague什么意思

当红法国时尚爵士风乐队——新浪潮乐队(Nouvelle Vague)队由两个法国鬼才Marc Collin和Olivier Libaux所组成,他们各自都有自己的音乐演艺事业,Marc作广告、配乐,Olivier作流行音乐戏剧等等.现发行的两张专辑的主唱均为临时找来的歌手.

make vague hints是什么意思? 看到是拐弯抹角的意思对吗?



dim尤指光线弱,昏暗She stood waiting in the dim light.她站在昏暗的灯光下等待着。vague模糊,说话模糊不清,表示有歧义,比如vague and general表示空泛的;vague memory表示模糊的印象1.A lot of the talk was apparently vague and general.这次会谈的许多内容显然是含糊而笼统的。2.They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available.他们对于可用水量只有一点模糊的了解。faint虚弱;微弱,指声音、颜色、感觉、特质等的程度弱1.He became aware of the soft, faint sounds of water dripping.他开始觉察到水滴下来的轻柔、微弱的声音。2.There was still the faint hope deep within him that she might never need to know.他内心深处仍然存一线希望,希望她会永远都不想知道。



求英语大神教小弟做Clarify vague pronouns,我是美国九年级的学生。直接教我好

就是代词指代不明啊,打个比方:i put your letter in my briefcase, but now i can"t find it. 这里的it就很模糊,所以要改的话,要么把it改成letter 要么就把it 改成briefcase。把指代说清楚