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rabies vaccine中文翻译

Studies on the cellular immune effect of rabies vaccine 狂犬病疫苗细胞免疫作用研究 Rabies vaccine human diploid call 狂犬病疫苗肺炎链球菌接合疫苗 12th , regularly for dog injection prevention rabies vaccine 十二、定期为犬注射预防狂犬病疫苗。 Development and current situation of domestic and foreign rabies vaccine 国内外狂犬病疫苗的发展和现状 A survey on the efficacy of rabies vaccines in guangzhou city 广州市288例狂犬病疫苗免疫效果影响因素分析 Cpnical observation on the effect of purified human vero - cell rabies vaccine 细胞狂犬病疫苗临床观察研究 Serological evaluation of results of o domestic rabies vaccines 两种国产狂犬病疫苗免疫后血清学效果评价 If that wasn " t enough , he also came up with a rabies vaccine 如果说这还不够的话,他还研制出了狂犬病疫苗。 Observation on the protective effectiveness of purified human rabies vaccine 人用狂犬病纯化疫苗免疫效果观察 Immunization effect and adverse reaction of three kinds of rabies vaccine 三种狂犬病疫苗免疫学效果及副反应观察 Cpnical observation on the effect of purified vero cell rabies vaccine for human use 细胞狂犬病纯化疫苗临床效果观察 Studies on healthy crowd " s humoral immune responses to purified vero cell rabies vaccine 细胞狂犬病疫苗的体液免疫应答 Cpnical *** ysis of 64 cases with allergic reaction by injecting rabies vaccine 注射狂犬病疫苗引起过敏反应64例临床分析 Safety and immune effects of the purified vero cell rabies vaccine for human use 细胞狂犬病纯化疫苗安全性观察及免疫效果分析 Effect of rabies vaccine immunization among 529 cases injured by dogs in gaozhou 高州市529例犬伤者注射人用狂犬病疫苗的免疫效果 Observation on the immunization effect of human purified rabies vaccine in 1270 cases 1270例注射人用狂犬病纯化疫苗者免疫效果观察 Observation on the efficacy and side effect of aqueous and lyophipzed rabies vaccine 液体与冻干狂犬病疫苗临床反应与免疫原性观察 Studies on the manufacture and immunogenicity of purified rabies vaccines on hum ans vero cell 细胞狂犬病疫苗的研制及免疫学效果观察 Studies on cpnical trials and immune effect of a new purified rabies vaccine prepared from vero cells 细胞狂犬病疫苗的临床观察及免疫学效果研究 Analysis of the early stage antibodies in sera of the subjects immunized with rabies vaccine with ifat and epsa 检测狂犬病疫苗接种者早期血清抗体结果分析 Objective to investigate the cellular immune effect of rabies vaccine of people exposed to rabies 摘要目的观察狂犬病暴露后接种疫苗对机体的细胞免疫作用。 Observation on the prevalent features of rabies and the results of immunization with rabies vaccine in tengzhou city 滕州市犬致伤特点及狂犬疫苗免疫后效果观察 The prepminary *** ysis on the serological and epidemiological effects of in oculation with rabies vaccine in crowd of subjects bitten by animals 动物致伤人群接种狂犬病疫苗后血清学与流行病学效果的初步分析 Conclusions after vaccinated with rabies vaccine , it was possible that some persons might not have the antibody and cellular immunity simultaneously 结论狂犬病暴露者接种狂犬病疫苗后,并非都能同时产生体液和细胞免疫,不能产生细胞免疫的这部分人,其总体细胞免疫功能亦偏低。 The anti - rabies vaccine must be injected at least once every three years . vaccination is available from any private veterinary surgeon , the cpnics of the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals or afcd s animal management centres 狂犬病防疫注射必须每三年进行一次,私家兽医师、爱护动物协会的兽医诊所和渔护署辖下的动物管理中心均提供狂犬病防疫注射服务。 One of the first inkpngs that viruses could be useful in bating cancer came in 1912 , when an itapan gynecologist observed the regression of cervical cancer in a woman who was inoculated with a rabies vaccine made from a pve , crippled form of the rabies virus 最早显示病毒可能可以用来对抗癌症的迹象之一,于1912年浮现:有位义大利妇科医生观察到某个妇女在注射了减毒狂犬病疫苗之后,其子宫颈癌有消退的现象。

menactra vaccine是什么


meningococcal vaccine是什么意思

meningococcal vaccine脑膜炎球菌疫苗双语对照词典结果:meningococcal vaccine脑膜炎球菌菌苗; 易混淆单词:Meningococcal Vaccine以上结果来自金山词霸


vaccinate 这是动词


一、指代的不同 1、vaccine: 疫苗之意。 2、vaccination:接种疫苗;种痘。 二、侧重点不同 1、vaccine:侧重于表达用于统称疫苗之义,没有操作疫苗的具体动作。 2、vaccination:侧重于表达疫苗的操作性,存在打疫苗的动向。 扩展资料   三、引证示例用法的不同   1、vaccine: The smallpox vaccine has saved many lives。天花疫苗挽救了许多人的`生命。   2、vaccination:So vaccination efforts could target those areas。所以接种疫苗的努力能针对那些地方。


疫苗。vaccine,英语单词,主要用作形容词、名词,作名词时意为“疫苗;牛痘苗”。作形容词时意为“疫苗的;牛痘的”。2021年11月29日,《韦氏词典》公布了2021年度词汇,vaccine入选。1.Hmm,which is more important,connectivity or malaria vaccine?呃,到底哪个更重要,是上网还是疟疾疫苗?2.There is no hcv vaccine.还没有研制出hcv的疫苗。


疫苗。vaccine,英语单词,主要用作形容词、名词,作名词时意为“疫苗;牛痘苗”。作形容词时意为“疫苗的;牛痘的”。2021年11月29日,《韦氏词典》公布了2021年度词汇,vaccine入选。1.Hmm,which is more important,connectivity or malaria vaccine?呃,到底哪个更重要,是上网还是疟疾疫苗?2.There is no hcv vaccine.还没有研制出hcv的疫苗。


这个要结合历史来看,这个词是在巴斯德发现霍乱灭活病毒(attenuated cholera virus)能用来作为疫苗时被他引入英文的。vaccine在拉丁语中确实是牛的意思,巴斯德(Louis Pasteur)选用这个拉丁词汇作为疫苗的英语名词是用来纪念前人爱德华 詹纳(Edward Jenner)用牛痘(cowpox)治疗天花(smallpox)的突破性发现。相信了解了这段历史能帮助你记忆这个单词

The Vaccines的《Weirdo》 歌词

歌曲名:Weirdo歌手:The Vaccines专辑:Come Of Age (Deluxe Version)Hilary Duff - WeirdAlbum: Hilary DuffI like the way you never sleepAnd the promises you never keepI like the way you say helloAnd make it sound like time to goI like the scar above your lipThe way you let your feeling slipBut they"re never what you feelOh so fake but completely realDon"t you think it"s weirdWeirder than weirdThat"s what you areThat"s what you wanna beWhat I like about you is what you like about meI like the rules that don"t applyAnd let the good things pass you byStanding here without a fanThat"s why you"re such a happy manDon"t you think it"s (one, two)I wanna make some changesI want my money backI want a starter but yeah yeahI wanna talk to strangersI wanna be with youBut I just don"t know where or when

The Vaccines的《Ghost Town》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghost Town歌手:The Vaccines专辑:Come Of AgeThe Vaccines - "Ghost Town".I""ve been driving in my carTrying to find some sign of lifeNo one""s about and it""s kinda creepyIt""s an understatement to say it""s sleepy.It""s a ghost town where no one goesIt""s a ghost town where no one goes.Well you think your town is pretty boringCome and spend a day with meI am asking real politelyI""m afraid to be alone.It""s a ghost town where no one goesIt""s a ghost town where no one goes.Apocalyptic, distressing, needs addressing and I""m guessingEverybody likes to go... I know, I know, I know.It""s a ghost town where no one goesIt""s a ghost town where no one goes.It""s a ghost town....

vaccine platform 什么意思
