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rustic blazer中文翻译

rustic blazer的中文翻译是:乡村运动夹克。blazer的英音是/u02c8bleu026azu0259(r)/,美音是/u02c8bleu026azu0259r/。复数: blazers。含有blazer的双语例句1、The man in a red blazer is a member of the club.穿红色运动夹克的那个男人是这家俱乐部的会员。2、Every time I walk through a high school door with a blazer and tie.每次我穿着便装打着领带走过高中门口。3、Wear with a blazer and smart jeans for a high end look.运动夹克搭配时髦的牛仔裤为高端人士装扮。4、Recently more people have taken to wearing jackets or blazers.最近有更多人开始穿背心或运动衣。


您好,很高兴为您解答:UNIT D,BLOCK 2,26/FL.VIGOR INDUSTRIAL BLDG.,49-53 TA CHUEN PING STREET,KWAL CHUNG, 葵涌 打砖坪街 49-53号 华基工业大厦 2座 26楼 F室满意欢迎立即采纳~~-------------------------------★倾心解答★愿您满意★★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------呼吁:共同抵制不处理提问者行动:坚决拒绝为其二次解答



香港地址:Room 406,4/f golden gate comm.Bldg. 136-138 austin road,t.s.t.

尖沙咀柯士甸道136-138号, 金门商业大厦4楼, 406室


Sustain (延持)参数  即Sustain Time(延持时间)。若您在电子键盘乐器上持续压住一个琴键,则声音在经过Attack与Decay之后,会进入一个音量较为稳定的状态,这个时候就称为Sustain。Sustain Time就是用来调整当您一直按住琴键的状况下,声音可以持续多久。像鼓的音色,即使您按住琴键,它的声音也只会出现一下子,因此它的Sustain Time比较短;像钢琴,当您按住琴键不放,它的声音就会缓慢变弱,因此钢琴音色的Sustain Time较长;而对于弦乐器音色而言,只要您一直按住琴键,声音就会一直维持固定音量而不会消失,因此它的Sustain Time是无限大。

But life like road. Must go out the lively scenery in bleak.这句话有语法错误吗?




外贸术语查询,Declared Value for Customs指的是什么意思啊?


Declared Value for Customs和Declared Value for Carriage的区别

Declared Value for Customs申报商业价值Declared Value for Carriage申报载货价值

谁有 aerosmith 的那首just push play的英文歌词??

just push playShe gave you a flowerThe one that God gave herYou all up in the kool aidBut you do not know de flavorGet into the zone baybeeAnd do yourself a favorHead down spin aroundGet a little refriedIf that don"t get it you canKetch it on the b sideJust Push PlayF*****" AJust Push PlayThey"re gonna bleep it anywayJust Push PlayF*****" AJust Push PlayWe"re comin" at you anywaySweet leaf dreamer you beenSmokin" up the ganjaDamned if you do yeahBut don"t get any on ya"Kickin off the cashmerePuttin" on the kasbahIt"s a kiss, a dissAnd trade it for a coo hahJust Push PlayF*****" AJust Push PlayThey"re gonna bleep it anywayJust Push PlayF*****" AJust Push PlayWe"re comin" at you anywayInstead of growin" oldAll dapper and neatI"m gonna grow my hairRight down to my feetIt"s you and me babyNo pimp daddy jackIt"s cadillac wackNo cadillac wack backJust Push PlayF*****" AJust Push PlayThey"re gonna bleep it anywayJust Push PlayF*****" AJust Push PlayWe"re comin" at you anywayF*****" AThey"re gonna bleep it anywayWalk this wayWe"re comin" at you anywayJust Push PlayF*****" AJust Push PlayThey"re gonna bleep it anywayS"il vous plaitF*****" AJust Push PlayWe"re comin" at you anywayJust Push PlayWalk This WayF*****" AWe"re comin" at you anyway

cissy houston是谁

很多人根本不知道她是何许人也,但只要稍知道一点欧美音乐的人应该都知道天后歌手WH吧,这位CISSY就是惠尼休斯顿的母亲,一个很棒的黑人女歌手,有着节奏布鲁斯最棒歌手之一的美称,我喜欢她不是因为她生了一个巨星的女儿,而是她那优雅高亢的美妙嗓音实在让我着迷。 CISSY出生于三十年代,惠尼是她与第二任丈夫所生的,是她的第三个孩子,CISSY年青时曾和她的堂姐和侄女组成过一个福音乐团体“德氏歌手”,在福音乐圈子里很出名,可这样并赚不了什么钱,而且她的侄女由于对音乐的特殊感悟被音乐人BURT所看重,并劝她成为一名流行歌手,最终她以一首《不要改变我》取得巨大的成功,并且纵横歌坛近四十年,有着无数畅销名曲,她就是成就不在ARETHA之下的黑人女歌手DIONNE WARWICK,很多人把她当成是惠尼的姨妈,实际上她是惠尼的堂姐,她的母亲和CISSY是姐妹,只是年纪比CISSY大很多而已。 CISSY的运气却没有她这位侄女这么好,虽然她的嗓音同样美妙,被乐坛称为天使一样的嗓音,她找来三个人组成“CISSYGIRL”,为很多大牌歌手担任和音天使,由于为ARETHA FRANKLIN的多首名曲的成功伴音,她得到了大西洋唱片公司的一份合同,并将组合改名为“Sweet Inspirations”,中文译为美妙灵感,并以一曲“THE Sweet Inspirations”登上排行榜前十名,如果大家感兴趣可以上网下载这首歌曲,在电驴里面可以找到,真是奇迹,这首歌的四部和声中有一个主音就CISSY,她的声音高低起伏真是棒级了,让人振奋,她的声音极具创造力,音色我个人认为虽然没有惠尼那么浑厚,但回味无穷。后来CISSY由于在阿波罗剧院与ARETHA合唱了她的经典之作《我无路可走》,而大大走红,观众们惊叹于她的创造性的表演以及她那三个八度的嗓音。 最终CISSY由于种种原因选择离开乐队成为一名独唱歌手,而美妙灵感乐队依然存在,为猫王等大牌艺人伴音。她单飞后录制了一首由乡村音乐改编的歌曲,她认为这首歌可以让自己走红,可是她错了,这首歌并没有使她成功,但二年后这首歌却被GLADYS KNIGHT唱红并登上了排行榜的榜首,并且成为全球最经典五百首英文歌曲之一,它就是《开往乔治亚的午夜列车》,这让CISSY非常沮丧,歌是她的。我二个版本都听过,平心而论,虽然CISSY的嗓音比KNIGHT优越,但KNIGHT的版本却更加打动人心,她的嗓音里面有一股浓的化不开的感情在里面,这种平和正是CISSY却缺乏的,她和她的女儿一样,歌唱极赋创造性,可有些歌曲质朴一些却更加打动人。 最终CISSY虽然有几首比较成功的单曲,却在歌坛一直没有大红大紫,但她却培养了一个世界巨星的女儿,她的女儿曾这样评价她的母亲“那恰好不是她的年代,明证就是我,我现在拥有的歌唱嗓音和我母亲当年一模一样”,这是她十几年说的话,如果是现在她吸毒后的嗓子的话,我看她母亲能走红才叫见了鬼了。

competition just blew wide open, folks!

blew 应该是BLOW 这个单词的过去时态 WIDE OPEN 不是固定搭配的词组

什么叫做 Funding Value Adjustment

  FVA -funding value adjustment是一个新概念。08危机后,银行不再相信用libor来作为funding 和discounting的benchmark,因为在衍生品交易过程中,抵押赎买以及风险规避都需要资金,而交易各方的融资成本并不一样,这就导致对衍生品价值的又一调整。但FVA的计算目前市场没有统一的共识,它和CVA/DVA还有依赖关系,并不是简单的加和。FVA的hedge 也很特殊,是通过所谓的funding hub,具体如何操作尚不清楚。

something just like this歌词中文翻译


Respect This Hustle (Amended Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Respect This Hustle (Amended Album Version)歌手:T.I.专辑:T.I. Vs T.I.P.T.I. - Respect This HustleR-E-S-P-E-C-T M-Y H-U-S-T-L-ERespect this hustle, respect this hustleWont accept nothin less, so respect this hustleI aint in it for the fame I aint in it for the gloryI"m down to die for it absolutely mandatoryRespect this hustle, respect this hustleWont accept nothin less, so respect this hustleThese niggas bitch made i"m gettin paid six waysmy shits laid and shits sprayed with lemonade with blades,keep your mouth closed you dont want to get sprayedshoot you down your body make you sun bathe six days,Kamikazee renegade, now we never been afraidkept the trap hot enough to fry egg in the shade,I ball till the day lying dead in the graveleave the feds behind the wall cause i aint get away,chopper round the corner in a bush with a brick of yay,a bust can happen any day, we out here trapping anyway,gettin money to them Haitians damn what a nigga say,i got a real bad condition if i ain"t gettin paid,hand over fist what im missing got to get busy,i know you see this car I"m driving and see the house that i live inand figure this is enough,but nigga i want way more really this is play doe, you set your sites way low.i had enough of the game i don"t know whether to stay or go.different groups of lames and suckers i don"t know which way i go,well nigga you know you king why you always got to say it for?cause they said i couldn"t say it before,I say I wear the crown, not a halo sorry,niggas think they seeing me but they so sorry,they fast but they ain"t no ferrai, NRROWM.R-E-S-P-E-C-T M-Y H-U-S-T-L-ERespect this hustle, respect this hustleWont accept nothin less, so respect this hustleI ain"t in it for the fame I ain"t in it for the gloryI"m down to die for it absolutely mandatoryRespect this hustle, respect this hustleWont accept nothin less, so respect this hustleYou think you been pulling gats cussing fussing enoughhere bragging bout these niggas you been busting enough,man look around ain"t nobody suffering but her,you could beat a hundred cases catch one and you fucked.(i get probation)is you crazy pull your gun in the club,see how many folks and polices put you down in the club.if we got to come with a slug why we come to the clubhow much more of this shit you think we can put under the ruglook we already told them I Told You So,but all these niggas speaking out whoever spoke before,don"t take it personal people want to be close to folk,what you think the television and the posters for?(im claustrophobic though)well then you need to see a doctor for it,man i aint joking you close t.i.p. and bout to blow it,did you forget about them nights in the cells was you honestywhen we was having talks with God and you promise,if he could make away for you to be large and you done it.out the gate Urban Legend went on to do numbers,sold a mill made ATL king first week,five hundred with the Grammy (but not the one that i wanted),what about them eight figure deals and that other new money,but ask yourself something where thegun you got from me? Keep it real...You need to think of someone other than yourself some time, did you keep your promise...Keep it real.R-E-S-P-E-C-T M-Y H-U-S-T-L-ERespect this hustle, respect this hustleWont accept nothin less, so respect this hustleI ain"t in it for the fame I ain"t in it for the gloryI"m down to die for it absolutely mandatoryRespect this hustle, respect this hustleWont accept nothin less, so respect this hustleEND... ...



Freak the Freak Out歌词----Victoria Justice

Are you listening?Hear me talk, hear me singOpen up the doorEasy less, easy moreWhen you tell me to bewareAre you here are you there?Is there something I should know?Easy come, easy goOut of your headDon"t hear a word I said.I can"t communicate. when you wait.Don"t relate.I try to talk to youBut you never even knewSo.what"s it gonna be? tell me.Can you hear me?I"m so sick of it.Your attention deficitNever listen, never listenI"m so sick of it.So I"ll throw another fitNever listen, never listenI scream your name!It always stays the same.I scream and shout!So what I"m gonna doNow is freak the freak out.Hey!Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoaoaoaPatience running thinRunning thinCome againTell me what I getOpposite OppositeShow me what is realIf it breaks, does it heal?Open up your earWhy you think that I"m hereKeep me in the darkAre you even thinking of me?Is someone else above meGotta know, Gotta knowWhat am I gonna doCause I can"t get through to youSo whats it gonna beTell me, Can you hear me?I"m so sick of it.Your attention deficitNever listen, never listenI"m so sick of it.So I"ll throw another fitNever listen, never listenI scream your name!It always stays the same.I scream and shout!So what I"m gonna doNow is freak the freak out.Hey!Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoaoaoaWhoa-whoa-whoa-whoaoaoaEasy come, easy goEasy come, easy goCan you hear me?I scream your name!It always stays the same.I scream and shout!So what I"m gonna doNow is freak the freak out.Hey!Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoaoaoaWhoa-whoa-whoa-whoaoaoaFreak the freak out. [x15]I scream your name!But you never listen!No, you never listen!But you never listen…

austin falk 的详细资料?


austin falk 的详细资料

Austin Falk今年21岁,虽然在剧里饰演了一名操着性感爱尔兰口音的服务生,但是Austin本身却是美国人,不仅如此,他还是一名大学霸哦,他去年五月以优秀毕业生的身份毕业于南加州拜欧拉大学 (Biola University) ,他在校学习的是营销管理专业,毕业时GPA高达3.86!他之前还参演过“666: Devilish Charm”、“Expecting Amish”、 “Sangre Negra”等片,但是一直没有大的突破,这次出演《破产姐妹》,他在推特上表示很兴奋!Austin平时很爱分享自己的生活照,因此,喜欢他的小伙伴们不妨关注一下他的Instagram及推特账号:@austinfalk。当然,如此美男已名草有主,他毕业没多久就与女友结婚了,经常在社交网络上秀恩爱哦。最后给大家送上福利:一大波鲜肉照。

戴尔blos恢复默认设置出现bios defaults和custom user srttings是什么意思

Optiplex台式机系列: 如何进入BIOS1. 打开或重新启动计算机;2. 看到DELL图标时,立即按"F2"键进入"系统设置(BIOS)";恢复BIOS原始功能在BIOS界面下,分别按"Caps Lock(大写锁定)、Num Lock(数码锁定)和Scroll Lock(滚动锁定)"键,点亮键盘上的"Caps Lock(大写锁定)、Num Lock(数码锁定)和Scroll Lock(滚动锁定)"三个灯,然后再分别按下面的3组组合键:Alt+E -- 清除(释放)中断资源,下次启动重新分配。在按完此组合键之后将能听到一声清脆的"Bi-"声。Alt+F -- 恢复出厂设置。在按完此组合键之后将能听到一声清脆的"Bi-"声。Alt+B -- 重新启动。//本文来自电脑软硬件应用网www.45it.com清除Password方法一: 出现密码输入框后,输入密码后同时按下Ctrl键与Enter键。清除PassWord方法二: 利用MB上的PSWD跳线,拔除后启动系统,在BIOS中设置密码为空,关闭系统,重新插回PSWD跳线。Dimension系列台式机: 如何进入BIOS1. 打开或重新启动计算机;2. 看到DELL图标时,立即按"F2"键进入"系统设置(BIOS)";恢复BIOS原始功能在BIOS界面下, 分别按"Caps Lock(大写锁定)、Num Lock(数码锁定)和Scroll Lock(滚动锁定)"键,点亮键盘上的"Caps Lock(大写锁定)、Num Lock(数码锁定)和Scroll Lock(滚动锁定)"三个灯,然后再分别按下面的3组组合键:Alt+E -- 清除(释放)中断资源,下次启动重新分配。在按完此组合键之后将能听到一声清脆的"Bi-"声。Alt+F -- 恢复出厂设置。在按完此组合键之后将能听到一声清脆的"Bi-"声。Alt+B -- 重新启动。或者在BIOS界面设置 Reset Config Data ------ 相当于以上的"Alt+E"。Latitude系列笔记本: 如何进入BIOS1. 打开或重新启动计算机;2. 看到DELL图标时,立即按"F2"键进入"系统设置(BIOS)";恢复BIOS原始功能Latitude C; CP; CS系列系统:重启计算机,按"F2"进入BIOS设置状态,按"Alt+F"可恢复CMOS原始设置。在按完此组合键之后将能听到一声清脆的"Bi-"声;L 系列系统:重启计算机,按"F2"进入BIOS设置状态,按"F9" 可恢复CMOS原始设置。Inspiron系列笔记本 如何进入BIOS1. 打开或重新启动计算机;2. 看到DELL图标时,随即按"F2"键进入"系统设置(BIOS);恢复BIOS原始功能重启计算机,按"F2"进入BIOS设置状态,按"Alt+F"可恢复CMOS原始设置。在按完此组合键之后将能听到一声清脆的"Bi-"声;对于某些不同的BIOS版本,可通过按"F9" 可恢复CMOS原始设置。

求翻译!claims of creditors must be paid before ownership claims是什么意思?在自学会计基础。。


求翻译Part must be deburred and free of loose flash中loose flash如何翻译

Gate 出入口,parting 分开, ejector point 推出器的弹出点, ejector witness 推出器装配线, clamping point 钳位点, clamping witness钳位装配, Max. 0.5 raised 最大上升高度0.5 , Max.0.3 recessed 最大凹进深度0.3, at any surfaces 在任意表面position of part permissible 零件允许的位置

腐蚀有哪些基本操作指令 rust基本操作指令汇总

腐蚀rust基本操作指令有home add表示设定存当前位置,home list表示显示当前您保存的所有位置列表,home remove表示删除您保存的家的位置,tpa表示接受玩家传送,tpc表示取消瞬移或请求,town表示 瞬移特殊活动地区等等。 腐蚀rust基本操作指令汇总: HOME / 存储点功能 - home add - 设定存当前位置 (sethome // 存储目前位置)。 - home list - 显示当前您保存的所有位置列表 (listhomes // 查询设置位置列表)。 - home remove -删除您保存的家的位置 (removehome // 删除保存位置)。 - home - 传送到该设置的点。 TP / 传送功能 - tpr <玩家名称> - 传送至name玩家位置。 - tpa - 接受玩家传送。 - tpc - 取消瞬移或请求。 - town - 瞬移特殊活动地区 (EX:交易所、PVP、保护区等等)。 Clan / 战队功能 - clan - 显示有关当前战队的相关信息。 - c Message... - 将讯息发送给所有在线的战队成员。 - clancreate "TAG" "Description" - 创建你自己的一个新的战队。 - clan join "TAG" - 加入你被邀请到一个战队。 - clan leave - 离开你当前的战队。 战队管理员指令: - clan invite "Player name" - 邀请玩家到你的战队。 - clan kick "Player name" - 从你的战队踢一员。 战队所有权指令: - clan promote "Name" - 邀请队员提升为管理员。 - clan demote "Name" - 将某位队友管理员权限撤销。 - clan disband forever - 解散战队。 Friend / 好友系统 - friend add <玩家名称> ; 增加好友,才能设定home点。 - friend remove <玩家名称> ; 删除好友。 - friend list ; 好友清单。 PM / 私讯功能 - pm <名称 > <讯息>。 - r <讯息> 直接回覆密语玩家讯息。 模组服冷门指令: Bgrade / 自动升级建筑 - bgrade 1 // auto update to wood (自动升级木头)。 - bgrade 2 // auto update to stone (自动升级石头)。 - bgrade 3 // auto update to metal (自动升级板金)。 - bgrade 4 // auto update to armored (自动升级装甲)。 - bgrade 0 // auto update to (取消全部自动升级)。 RUST艺术家 - sil // 贴图功能 /sil <图片网址>。 - players // 查询线上玩家名称与数量。 - nextwipe // 查洗白时间。 - ad 5 // 五秒后自动关门,0关闭。 - kit // 游戏礼包,查询有哪些礼包。 - help // 游戏帮助。 - rank // 排名数据。 - gather // 查询倍率。 - removehome // 拆除房子 // 依照每个服务器设置为主。 - voteday // 跳过白天黑夜- kd // 查询杀人数据 // 依照每个伺服器设置为主。 - top // 查询任何排行榜 // 依照每个服务器设置为主。 - trade 名字 // 交易指令。 - trade accept // 交易确认。




腐蚀Rust是一款第一人称生存游戏,如果游戏过程中使用简单便捷的指令代码,玩家们就可以大大提高自己的游戏体验。然而指令代码不仅繁多琐碎,一开始全部记住基本不可能。所以今天深空高玩就带来了腐蚀Rust游戏指令代码大全 ,大全里把基本操作代码进行了统一汇总,希望能帮助到玩家们。基本指令代码汇总一览HOME / 存储点功能- home add - 设定存当前位置 (sethome // 存储目前位置)。- home list - 显示当前您保存的所有位置列表 (listhomes // 查询设置位置列表)。- home remove -删除您保存的家的位置 (removehome // 删除保存位置)。- home - 传送到该设置的点。TP / 传送功能- tpr 玩家名称 - 传送至name玩家位置。- tpa - 接受玩家传送。- tpc - 取消瞬移或请求。- town - 瞬移特殊活动地区 (EX:交易所、PVP、保护区等等)。Clan / 战队功能- clan - 显示有关当前战队的相关信息。- c Message... - 将讯息发送给所有在线的战队成员。- clancreate TAG Description - 创建你自己的一个新的战队。- clan join TAG - 加入你被邀请到一个战队。- clan leave - 离开你当前的战队。战队管理员指令:- clan invite Player name - 邀请玩家到你的战队。- clan kick Player name - 从你的战队踢一员。战队所有权指令:- clan promote Name - 邀请队员提升为管理员。- clan demote Name - 将某位队友管理员权限撤销。- clan disband forever - 解散战队。Friend / 好友系统- friend add 玩家名称 ; 增加好友,才能设定home点。- friend remove 玩家名称 ; 删除好友。- friend list ; 好友清单。PM / 私讯功能- pm 名称讯息。- r 讯息 直接回覆密语玩家讯息。模组服冷门指令Bgrade / 自动升级建筑- bgrade 1 // auto update to wood (自动升级木头)。- bgrade 2 // auto update to stone (自动升级石头)。- bgrade 3 // auto update to metal (自动升级板金)。- bgrade 4 // auto update to armored (自动升级装甲)。- bgrade 0 // auto update to (取消全部自动升级)。RUST艺术家- sil // 贴图功能 /sil 图片网址。- players // 查询线上玩家名称与数量。- nextwipe // 查洗白时间。- ad 5 // 五秒后自动关门,0关闭。- kit // 游戏礼包,查询有哪些礼包。- help // 游戏帮助。- rank // 排名数据。- gather // 查询倍率。- removehome // 拆除房子 // 依照每个服务器设置为主。- voteday // 跳过白天黑夜- kd // 查询杀人数据 // 依照每个伺服器设置为主。- top // 查询任何排行榜 // 依照每个服务器设置为主。- trade 名字 // 交易指令。- trade accept // 交易确认。相信只要玩家们多次浏览指令代码大全,再加上在腐蚀Rust游戏里的实际操作,必定能很快熟练掌握知行合一。如果对腐蚀Rus游戏有更多疑问,欢迎持续关注深空相关内容哦。







Happiness, in fact, is a condition that must be prepared for, cultivated (培养), and defended



你自己对照下吧 抱歉了 太久没看有点忘主要演员 泰瑞·海切尔(Teri Hatcher)——苏珊·梅尔(Susan Mayer) 弗莉蒂·赫夫曼(Felicity Huffman)——丽奈特·斯加沃(Lynette Scavo) 玛西娅·克罗斯(Marcia Cross)——布丽·范·德·坎普(Bree Van De Kamp) 伊娃·朗格利亚(Eva Longoria)——加布丽尔·索利斯(Gabrielle Solis) 布兰达·斯壮(Brenda Strong)——玛丽61爱丽丝·杨(Mary Alice Young) 妮可莱特·谢里丹(Nicolette Sheridan)——伊蒂·布利特(Edie Britt) 詹姆斯·登顿(James Denton)——迈克·德尔菲诺(Mike Delfino) 史蒂文·柯普(Steven Culp)——雷克斯·范·德·坎普(Rex Van De Kamp) 利卡多·安东尼奥61查维拉(Ricardo Antonio Chavira)——卡洛斯·索利斯(Carlos Solis) 马克·摩西(Mark Moses)——保罗·杨(Paul Young) 安德里娅·波温(Andrea Bowen)——朱莉·梅尔(Julie Mayer) 科迪·卡切(Cody Kasch)——扎克·杨(Zach Young) 耶西·梅特卡夫(Jesse Metcalfe)——园丁约翰(John) 克里斯汀·艾斯布鲁克(Christine Estabrook)——玛萨·胡布(Martha Huber)


社团:lost rarities作者:たかぴこ(takapiko)


the+clerk+in+the+bank+must+be+very+careful为啥职员不加s====可以加的。不加s表示 特指那个 职员,而不是其他的职员。

Gibson 13年r7和Gibson custom shop Ebony /白色 AW 哪个好点

说的是一个吧 呵呵

I Just Wanna Take You Home 歌词

歌曲名:I Just Wanna Take You Home歌手:Nick Carter专辑:Now Or NeverI Just Wanna Take You Home{M. Martin/Rami/P. Aldeheim}Girl, I don"t know what to sayI feel so insecureSo, I start out by saying a clicheLike "I"ve seen you before", yeahWhy play games and all these datesWo needs flowers?When all you wanna say is ...I just wanna take you homeWe could make a story of our ownPlease, don"t get me wrongI just wanna ...Don"t you hate it when you sweatAnd your legs are going numbWhen you get that feeling of regretAnd it makes you want to runBut then I am playing nice, meeting your parentsAll I want to say is ...So, please don"t get me wrongTell me that you feel the sameSomeone please explainWhy we have to play gamesInstead of just saying ...All I wanna say isI just want to go ...I just wanna ...


EB就是ebony 黑檀,乌木

Gibson Les Paul Custom Ebony

老款的Gibson LP custom是量产型号,出自gibson custom现在的这款琴的生产线,已经转为gibson custom shop制作了.再加上现在木头的产量低,这把琴的价格已经由3,4年前的24000升价到30000左右了.这款琴也是gibson非常受欢迎的型号之一.亲身:桃花心木+枫木贴面,虽说是黑色琴款,但是AAA级枫木贴面还是隐藏在黑色下面(因为你说的是Ebony是黑色,如果是白色,用的时间长点,你会在白色硝基漆下面发现AAA级枫木若隐若现的样子)琴颈与琴体连接方式是插接式.指板:乌木品记:鲍鱼骨(包括特有的塑料零件制成)拾音器:490R 490T双线圈封闭式拾音器金属配件:镀铬配件(金色)原装琴包括:琴箱,custom证书,gibson身份证卡片,擦琴布,烟斗板子,连接线。这就是这把琴的基本配置,当然只是标准的custom型号。至于什么Vox款,黑美人2pick款,虽说样子很像,但是价格还是有区别的。性价比其实还是看个人的资金状况。

Epiphone LP CUSTOM EBONY 这把琴好么?它和黑美人有什么区别?

你没有注意黑美人有三个拾音器?呵呵这就是不同,其他配置一模一样的。Epi Lp Cus适合玩的音乐风格非常广泛,从流行到摇滚,朋克,金属,爵士布鲁斯,几乎没有他不适合的。这把琴用的拾音器是两个Epi原装双线圈拾音器,音色特点是浑厚圆润,不过可能会感觉到有点闷,这也是很多人不喜欢Epi的一个很重要的原因。黑美人只是比Epi Lp Cus多了一个拾音器而已,拾音器的型号和其他配置两把琴是一模一样的。实际上黑美人多出来的那个拾音器没什么用处,我觉得是外观因素大于实用因素。如果你觉得三个拾音器很酷,就买黑美人,如果喜欢传统的样式,就买custom,这两把琴的音色是一样的(价格也是一样的),不存在好坏之分。

his pencil is blunt.what must he do?


gruff brusque blunt crusty的区别





在设置中选择Simplified Chinese语言进行设置。echoesoflust这款游戏是自带中文的,玩家进入游戏后可以在设置中选择Simplified Chinese语言进行设置即可。另外该作是锁Steam国区的,玩家想要游玩游戏的话只能通过更换steam地区去外服购买游戏或者使用别的区服账号购买。echoesoflust是一款游戏,官网介绍的是你是个十分幸运而又不幸的人。你和你的母亲和一对姐妹住在一起。但是你一直因为某些原因没有和她们产生什么奇怪的火花。但是,这种情况在某一天结束了...你发现,自己的时间,被固定在这天了,每一天凌晨0点,都会读档重来。

Echoes [Acoustic Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Echoes [Acoustic Version]歌手:Jason Reeves专辑:Patience For The WaitingEcho-menudo【译特】Oh man, feels like I"m losing controlForgot what it"s like to rule my worldShe got me and she got me goodI don"t even wanna hang around my boysI used to say I"m not that kinda guyI don"t do love, don"t waste my timeBut lately all that"s on my mindIs when I"m back with herWith her, with herAnd everywhere I hear her wordsEvery corner I seem to turnI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoSomehow, I keep lying to myselfI say I can manage just right alongMatter fact I am so damn scaredCause I think about were I belongI never had this kind of feeling beforeI think I"m falling in loveCause lately all that"s on my mindIs when I"m back with herWith her, with herAnd everywhere I hear her wordsEvery corner I seem to turnI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoRound and round, everywhere, in my head, in the airEchooo, echoooRound and round, everywhere, in my head, in the airEchooo, echooo(Menudo, echoo)Can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echo

ML2.22 ACOUSTlC BOⅩ音箱是哪国生产?


little busters!EX的游戏中的CG从哪看


Little Busters! EX所有歌曲


迈克just like you这句歌词是什么歌

Streetwalker 歌手:michael jackson Pretty babyKisses for your lovingI really get it when you"reNext to me yeah yeahI"m so excited how youGive me all your lovingI got it coming and it"s ecstacyStreetwalking babyCause everyday I watch youPaint the town so prettyI see you coming in and offOn my thought yeah yeahYou don"t believe me thenYou can ask my brotherCause everyday at sixHome aloneBecauseBaby I love youBaby I love youBaby I want youBaby come love meBaby I need youYou"re so satisfyingI hear you walkingCause your body"s talking to meI chase you every step of the way yeah yeahAn invitation to someFaraway hot islandIf I can show you babyHome with meYou see I never met a girlJust like youCome so easyDon"t you break my heartCause I love youYou see I never met a girlJust like youCome so easyDon"t you break my heartCause I love youStreetwalking baby(Why don"t you give me some time)(Won"t you give me some time)(Why don"t you give me some time)(Won"t you give me some time)I have to tell youThat you give me strong hot feverMy every thought is youAnd that"s a fact yeah yeahI"d like to take you placesHow about New York CityOr Paris, FranceWhat do you think of thatBecauseBaby I love youBaby I love youBaby I want youBaby come love meBaby I need youYou"re so satisfyingYou see I never met a girlJust like youCome so easyDon"t you break my heartCause I love youYou see I never met a girlJust like youCome so easyDon"t you break my heartCause I love youStreetwalking babyI got it coming babyBaby I love youBaby I love youBaby I want youBaby come love meLove me babyGot to have some lovingGot to make you mineGot to give some lovingGonna give you lovingMake you mineGot to get your loveGot to give some loveGot to make somebodyI told youI told youYou see I never met a girlJust like youCome so easyDon"t you break my heartCause I love youStreetwalking baby


denim industry牛仔产业industry 英[u02c8u026andu0259stri] 美[u02c8u026andu0259stri] n. 工业; 产业(经济词汇); 工业界; 勤劳; [网络] 行业; 行业资讯; 勤勉; [例句]British industry suffers through insufficient investment in research.研究投入不足让英国工业深受其害。[其他] 复数:industries


华东理工大学教务处信息网入口: 华东理工大学原名华东化工学院,1952年由交通大学(上海)、震旦大学(上海)、大同大学(上海)、东吴大学(苏州)、江南大学(无锡)等校化工系合并组建而成,是新中国第一所以化工特色闻名的高等学府。1956年被定为全国首批招收研究生的学校之一,1960年起被******确定为教育部直属的全国重点大学,1993年经国家教委批准,更名为华东理工大学,1996年进入国家“211工程”重点建设行列,2000年经教育部批准建立研究生院,2008年获准建设“985优势学科创新平台”,2017年入选国家“双一流”世界一流学科建设高校,化学、材料科学与工程、化学工程与技术三个学科入选一流学科建设名单。 学校现有徐汇、奉贤和金山三个校区,占地总面积2535亩,各类建筑总面积92万平方米。图书馆总藏书量309.4万册,收藏中外文期刊合订本28.4万册。建有分析测试中心、珠宝检测中心等国家级计量认证单位。以乒乓球为代表的“体教结合”工作,建立了“一条龙”培养大学生运动员的创新体制,学校乒乓球队在国际乒乓球比赛中共获得金牌167枚。学校已连续11次荣获上海市“文明单位”光荣称号。在QS世界 大学排名 榜中,位列中国内地高校第26位;在泰晤士高等教育(THE)世界 大学排名 榜中,位列中国内地高校第26位;在USNews世界 大学排名 榜中,位列中国内地高校第35位;在ESI中国大学综合排名中,位列第28位。 学校设有20个学院,学科设置涵盖理、工、农、医、经、管、文、法、艺术、哲学、教育等11个学科门类。现有本科专业68个;一级学科硕士学位授权点27个,二级学科硕士学位授权点142个;硕士专业学位授权点11个;一级学科博士学位授权点13个,二级学科博士学位授权点80个;博士后科研流动站12个。拥有8个国家重点学科、10个上海市重点学科、7个上海高校一流学科。“化学工程与工艺”是中国大陆高校首个通过ABET认证的专业,“化学专业”是中国大陆高校首个通过中俄联合国际理科专业认证的专业。化学、材料科学、工程学、生物学与生物化学、药理学和毒理学等5个学科进入ESI全球前1%,化学学科进入全球前1‰。 学校现有在校全日制学生2.6万余人,其中,本科生16485人,硕士研究生7819人,博士研究生1853人。现有教职员工3037人,其中两院院士6名,双聘院士4名,教育部“*奖励计划”入选者(含青年学者)25人,国家“”入选者(含青年项目)15人,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者23人,国家级教学名师2人。拥有基金委创新研究群体2个,教育部“*和创新团队发展计划”创新团队3个,科技部重点领域创新团队2个,国家级教学团队4个,一大批中青年学者崭露头角。 学校坚持,全面落实立德树人根本任务,培养德智体美劳全面发展的和接班人。拥有国家级实验教学示范中心2个,国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心2个,上海市实验教学示范中心3个;国家特色专业12个;国家工程实践教育中心5个。被评为全国毕业生就业典型经验高校、全国深化创新创业教育改革示范高校。在QS全球毕业生就业竞争力排名中,位居大陆高校第14名。建校以来,学校共为国家培养了近30万名毕业生,遍布海内外。校友中22人当选中国科学院、中国工程院院士,一大批毕业生成为党政机关、企事业单位的中坚和骨干。 学校面向国家重大需求,瞄准国际科学前沿,坚持把论文写在祖国大地上,持续提升学校服务经济社会发展的能力。拥有国家重点实验室2个、国家工程实验室1个、国家工程(技术)研究中心3个、省部级实验室与研究所26个、上海市人文社科智库(基地)3个。取得了一大批重大创新成果,拥有各类国内外有效专利1800多项。建有国家大学科技园,是全国6所首批建立国家技术转移中心的高校之一。一批行业共性、关键技术的大规模产业化推广应用产生了重大的经济和社会效益。 学校构建了多渠道、多层次、全方位的国际合作与交流体系,与美、德、英、法等国的200多所高校和科研机构建立了长期合作关系。在校留学生(含非学历留学生)1262人。瞄准国际学科发展前沿,建有7个教育部、外专局“111计划”学科创新引智基地。与国外顶尖科研资源合作开展高水平人才联合培养和科学联合攻关,成立了费林加诺贝尔奖科学家联合研究中心。在罗马尼亚成立首家中罗共建的“华东理工大学锡比乌中欧国际商学院”。为推动我国社会工作的国际化发展,建有中国首个“国际社会工作学院”。 今天的华东理工大学,坚持以,全面贯彻落实全国教育大会精神,按照学校第十一次党代会确立的目标任务,立足******,扎根中国大地,努力建设一流大学! ;


ecust一般指华东理工大学。华东理工大学(East China University of Science and Technology)简称”华理“(ECUST)


华东理工大学(East China University of Science and Technology),简称华理(ECUST),坐落于上海市,

谁能解释一下e.e.卡明斯的in just-这首诗?

  先翻译一下楼上的,再给楼主解释“in just-”  楼上的:  我随身带着你的心(把它装在  我的心里)一刻也不分离(我到哪里  你就到了哪里,亲爱的;我一人  做的事就是你做的事,我的亲亲)  我不怕  什么命(你就是我的命,我的甜心)我不要  什么世界(美丽的你就是我的世界,我的真心)  不论月亮总意味着什么,那就是你  不论太阳总唱着什么,那就是你  这里有无人知晓的最深的秘密  (那棵名叫生命的树,这里有它  根的根,花苞的花苞,天空的天空,它  长得比灵魂希望的、比心能掩藏的更高大)  这正是让星星保持着距离的奇迹  我带着你的心(把它装在心里)  in Just-  In Just  spring (1-2) when the world is mud-  luscious (2-3) the little  lame balloonman 4  whistles far and wee 5  and eddieandbill come  running (6-7) from marbles 7 and  piracies 8 and it"s  spring  when the world is puddle一wenderful 10  the queer  aid balloonman whistles  far and wee  and bettyandisbel 14 come dancing  from hop-scotch and jump- rope and 15  it"s  spring  and  the  goat-footed 20  balloonMan whistles  far  and  wee  介绍:  这首诗描绘初春儿童欢乐嬉戏的情景,藉以引起成年人对儿时欢乐之回  忆,同时也暗示成年人生活的世俗化,已无法感受和了解春的圣洁与童稚时  之欢乐。  这首诗呈现出一副生动的立体画面,描写春天儿童们自得其乐嬉戏著,  远处传来卖气球的人的哨声,孩子们立刻欢乐地奔向卖气球的地方,不久卖  气球的人也就随著哨声,远去而消逝。  这首诗的分节形式为4-1-4-1-4-1-4-1-4,非常工整。  第一节说,春天裏,小孩子们远远望见一个卖气球的人,吹著口哨从远  处而来。  第二节说,孩子们正在玩弹子和官兵捉强盗的游戏,远远望见卖气球的  人,便愉快地奔跑过去,真是个快活的春天。  第三节说,卖气球的老人吹著口哨,玩跳房子,跳绳子的小孩们雀跃奔  驰而来。  第四、五节说,这真是大好的春天,独脚的卖气球的人吹著口渐渐远去。  这首诗呈现出儿时欢乐的景象,其中有卖气球的老人,有玩弹子、官兵  捉强盗、跳房子和跳绳子的游戏。这种情景使世俗化的成年人,不觉忆起幼  时的欢乐,一切都如诗如画那麼清晰。  注释:  1-2. in Just- / spring: =in just spring time,春到人间。"Just"有  beginning之意,此字大写,给读者在心理上或意识感受上,一种较强烈的  冲和较深刻的印象: 春天到了。  2-3. the world is mud / luscious: "mud-luscious"=pleasant muddy.  "mud-luscious"一字唤起读者的感受是春雨后,小孩们在充满生气而泥泞  潮湿的地上玩的愉快情景。  4. balloonman: 卖气球的人。把 "balloon"和"man"合并成一个字可能产  生多层次的意义: (一)卖气球的人;(二)卖气球的人因为手上拿著很轻飘  飘的气球,远远看去,就活个气球人; (三)"balloonman"是春的象徵,气  球给人轻快的感觉。  5. far and wee: =far and wide,或 far and away,用来表示卖气球的  人的哨音传得广而远,空隔使人有声音从远方传来的真实感。  6-7. eddieandbill come / running: =eddie and bill come running=  Eddie and Bill come running."eddie and bill"是两个小男孩的名字  (eddie=Edward; bill=William)。"eddieandbill"有几个层次意思: (一)  名字的头一个字用小写,给人一种「小」的感觉; 也就是说,两个小孩还  很小;(二)"eddie" "and" "bill"三个字合成一个字给人一种小孩手拉著  手轻快的跑过去的感觉,亦即使用平面的字表现立体的印象。  7. marbles: 弹子。此一字很能使读者彷佛看见小孩在玩弹子游戏的生动  画面。  8. piracies: 官兵捉强盗,其功用与 marbles相同。  10. puddle-wonderful: puddle指(路上的)污水坑; 参阅2-3行注解,其意  大略相同。  14. bettyandisbel: =betty and isbele=Elizabeth and lsabela; 参阅  6-7行注解,其意大略相同。  15. hop-scotch: jump-rope: 跳房子,一种小孩子的游戏。跳绳子,一种  小孩子的游戏。  20. goat-footed / balloonMan: 山羊脚的气球人。"goatfooted" 的人,  使人联想到希腊神话中半人半羊的牧神Pan。 此处该注意的是:第四行卖气  球的人被形容为"lame balloonman"; 在第11, 12 行,被称为"the queer /  old balloonman"; 在这裏被称为 "goatfooted / balloonMan,"前后彼此呼  应。Pan同时也是 god of music and play,在这裹便成了春天欢乐的象徵。  balloonMan这个字裏的"Man"第一个字母大写,给人一种「大」的感觉; 这位  有山羊脚的卖气球的人原来是春之牧神变的。

英语 Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted

compliance trouble 指的是一个企业/公司对法律或政府命令、政策的遵守和执行上所遇到的麻烦。


做好雅思的阅读题除了掌握对的 方法 ,也离不开我们日常的辛勤练习,下面我给大家带来剑桥雅思阅读AUSTRALIA"S SPORTING SUCCESS及答案解析,一起加油吧! 剑桥雅思阅读AUSTRALIA"S SPORTING SUCCESS READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. AUSTRALIA"S SPORTING SUCCESS A They play hard, they play often, and they play to win. Australian sports teams win more than their fair share of titles, demolishing rivals with seeming ease. How do they do it? A big part of the secret is an extensive and expensive network of sporting academies underpinned by science and medicine. At the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), hundreds of youngsters and pros live and train under the eyes of coaches. Another body, the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), finances programmes of excellence in a total of 96 sports for thousands of sportsmen and women. Both provide intensive coaching, training facilities and nutritional advice. B Inside the academies, science takes centre stage. The AIS employs more than 100 sports scientists and doctors, and collaborates with scores of others in universities and research centres. AIS scientists work across a number of sports, applying skills learned in one — such as building muscle strength in golfers — to others, such as swimming and squash. They are backed up by technicians who design instruments to collect data from athletes. They all focus on one aim: winning. ‘We can"t waste our time looking at ethereal scientific questions that don"t help the coach work with an athlete and improve performance," says Peter Fricker, chief of science at AIS. C A lot of their work comes down to measurement — everything from the exact angle of a swimmer"s dive to the second-by-second power output of a cyclist. This data is used to wring improvements out of athletes. The focus is on individuals, tweaking performances to squeeze an extra hundredth of a second here, an extra millimetre there. No gain is too slight to bother with. It"s the tiny, gradual improvements that add up to world-beating results. To demonstrate how the system works, Bruce Mason at AIS shows off the prototype of a 3D analysis tool for studying swimmers. A wire-frame model of a champion swimmer slices through the water, her arms moving in slow motion. Looking side-on, Mason measures the distance between strokes. From above, he analyses how her spine swivels. When fully developed, this system will enable him to build a biomechanical profile for coaches to use to help budding swimmers. Mason"s contribution to sport also includes the development of the SWAN (Swimming Analysis) system now used in Australian national competitions. It collects images from digital cameras running at 50 frames a second and breaks down each part of a swimmer"s performance into factors that can be analysed individually — stroke length, stroke frequency, average duration of each stroke, velocity, start, lap and finish times, and so on. At the end of each race, SWAN spits out data on each swimmer. D ‘Take a look," says Mason, pulling out a sheet of data. He points out the data on the swimmers in second and third place, which shows that the one who finished third actually swam faster. So why did he finish 35 hundredths of a second down? ‘His turn times were 44 hundredths of a second behind the other guy," says Mason. ‘If he can improve on his turns, he can do much better." This is the kind of accuracy that AIS scientists" research is bringing to a range of sports. With the Cooperative Research Centre for Micro Technology in Melbourne, they are developing unobtrusive sensors that will be embedded in an athlete"s clothes or running shoes to monitor heart rate, sweating, heat production or any other factor that might have an impact on an athlete"s ability to run. There"s more to it than simply measuring performance. Fricker gives the example of athletes who may be down with coughs and colds 11 or 12 times a year. After years of experimentation, AIS and the University of Newcastle in New South Wales developed a test that measures how much of the immune-system protein immunoglobulin A is present in athletes" saliva. If IgA levels suddenly fall below a certain level, training is eased or dropped altogether. Soon, IgA levels start rising again, and the danger passes. Since the tests were introduced, AIS athletes in all sports have been remarkably successful at staying healthy. E Using data is a complex business. Well before a championship, sports scientists and coaches start to prepare the athlete by developing a ‘competition model", based on what they expect will be the winning times." You design the model to make that time," says Mason." A start of this much, each free-swimming period has to be this fast, with a certain stroke frequency and stroke length, with turns done in these times." All the training is then geared towards making the athlete hit those targets, both overall and for each segment of the race. Techniques like these have transformed Australia into arguably the world"s most successful sporting nation. F Of course, there"s nothing to stop other countries copying — and many have tried. Some years ago, the AIS unveiled coolant-lined jackets for endurance athletes. At the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, these sliced as much as two per cent off cyclists" and rowers" times. Now everyone uses them. The same has happened to the ‘altitude tent", developed by AIS to replicate the effect of altitude training at sea level. But Australia"s success story is about more than easily copied technological fixes, and up to now no nation has replicated its all-encompassing system. 剑桥雅思阅读AUSTRALIA"S SPORTING SUCCESS题目 Questions 1-7 Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs, A-F. Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet. NB You may use any letter more than once. 1 a reference to the exchange of expertise between different sports 2 an explanation of how visual imaging is employed in investigations 3 a reason for narrowing the scope of research activity 4 how some AIS ideas have been reproduced 5 how obstacles to optimum achievement can be investigated 6 an overview of the funded support of athletes 7 how performance requirements are calculated before an event Questions 8-11 Classify the following techniques according to whether the writer states they A are currently exclusively used by Australians B will be used in the future by Australians C are currently used by both Australians and their rivals Write the correct letter, A, B or C, in boxes 8-11 on your answer sheet. 8 cameras 9 sensors 10 protein tests 11 altitude tents Questions 12 and 13 Answer the questions below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet. 12 What is produced to help an athlete plan their performance in an event? 13 By how much did some cyclists" performance improve at the 1996 Olympic Games? 剑桥雅思阅读AUSTRALIA"S SPORTING SUCCESS答案 Question 1 答案:B 关键词:exchange of expertise, between different sports/collaborate, across a number of sports 定位原文:B段第2、3句“...and collaborates with… a number of sports …” 解题思路: 题干中讲到不同体育领域的专业知识交流正好跟原文中跨不同体育专家之间的合作相对应,理解意思即可容易找到正确答案。 Question 2 答案:C 关键词: visual imaging/3D, image 定位原文: C段第6句: “...shows off the prototype of a 3D analysis …” 解题思路: 通过题干中的视频成像可以很容易找到原文中对应的3D和成像。 Question 3 答案:B 关键词: a reason for narrowing/ can"t waste time 定位原文: B段最后1句: “We can"t waste our time looking…” 解题思路: 题目中的research activity和原文中的scientific questions 属于同义表达,定位答题区域,发现此句话所要表达的意思是不在一些飘渺的、不切实际的科学问题上浪费时间,也就是说要缩小研究的范围。 Question 4 答案:F 关键词:AIS ideas reproduce/ copying 定位原文: F段第1句话 “Of course, there"s nothing…” 解题思路: 题干中的reproduce是复制的意思,之后从 文章 中发现 句子 有复制copying,即可以直接定位。 Question 5 答案:D 关键词:Obstacle, investigated/ impact, monitor 定位原文: D段第6句“... to monitor heart rate…” 解题思路: 题干提到理想成绩的障碍是如何被调查研究的,而读到对应句子之后看到正好是sensors(传感器)对于运动员跑步的impact(影响)进行研究的仪器,而且obstacles和impact对应。 Question 6 答案:A 关键词:Overview, funded support finance 定位原文: A段倒数第2句 “...finances programmes of excellence…” 解题思路: finances是解题关键,意思为资助,正好跟题干中funded support表达了相同的义项,直接对应。而且之后一句话提及以上项目所提供的服务和建议,可以确信答案。 Question 7 答案:E 关键词:Calculated before an event/ using data, well before a championship 定位原文: E段第1句、第2句 “Using data is a complex business. Well before a championship, ...” 解题思路: 首先通过well before a championship和文章中before an event定位到E段, 之后发现后面提及的“竞争模型”作用就是计算时间和速率,因此内容对应上calculate,此时可断定答案的位置。 Question 8 答案:A 关键词: digital cameras 定位原文: C段倒数第3句: “..SWAN system now used in Australian national…” 解题思路: 前一句已经提到该系统已广泛应用于澳大利亚各项全国赛事之中,而没有提到其他国家,因此可以判断应该只有澳大利亚人在使用。 Question 9 答案:B 关键词:sensor 定位原文: D段第7句:“...With the Cooperative Research Centre for Micro…” 解题思路: 找到相同对应词sensor,读其前后的句子,发现有 Melbourne,断定是澳大利亚人的发明。之后要特别留心动词develop运用现在进行时,表示正在开发;而且注意之后的定语从句采用了将来时,所以可以断定此发明还没有完成,应该属于将来的成果。因此选择B。 Question 10 答案: A 关键词:protein 定位原文: D段倒数第4句: “… AIS and the University of Newcastle…” 解题思路: 非常容易在前面第一句话中找到跟题目protein tests所对应的词语a test ...protein。之后细读前后句,发现后面一句话对于此项科技成果的受益者文章中只提到AIS运动员,即澳大利亚体育学院的运动员,隶属于澳大利亚,所以应该选择A。 Question 11 答案:C 关键词: altitude tent 定位原文: F段倒数第2句: “The same has happened to the ‘altitude tent "…” 解题思路: 文章中很容易找到用引号括起来的题目中的名词 短语 ,因此只要细心读原句,就会发现开头的‘The same has happened..."同样的事情也发生在……根据 经验 应该顺着文章向上追溯,发现跟‘altitude tent"相同情况的是1996年奥运会上澳大利亚人受益的流线型散热运动服现在全世界都在用。因此 ‘altitude tent"也被世界各国应用。所以答案应该选择C。且根据此段话大意可以了解文章只提到两种研究成果被别国运用,即髙原帐蓬和流线型散热服。所以可以间接判断前三项成果是由澳大利人独享的。 Question 12 答案: (a)competition model 关键词: help an athlete plan, produced / prepare the athlete by, developing 定位原文: E段第1句“Using data…” 解题思路: Help an athlete plan their performance 对应上prepare the athlete by之后,要认真研究题目所问的是what is produced,断定所作答案必定要填一个名词。因此要细读原文发现有单词developing恰与produced相对应,中文意思是“开发”,则答案必定是开发之后的名词。 Question 13 答案: (by)2 percent/% 关键词: 19% Olympic Games, cyclists, improve 定位原文: F段第3句“At the Atlanta…” 解题思路: 分析问句是 ‘By how much... improve",意思为“提高了多少”,可以判断出答案需要写一个数字。因此仔细阅读相关语句找到 sliced as much as two per cent off cyclists ‘and rowers" time。很快就可以找到数字百分之二 。

What does the computer industry thrive on apart from anarchy?翻译


what does the computer industry thrive on apart from anarchy是什么意思。谢谢

thrive on靠……健壮成长;因……蓬勃发展 anarchy 混乱; 无秩序apart from 除了 句意: 计算机行业除了无序状态外, 靠什么来蓬勃发展 ?

Stand My Ground (Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:Stand My Ground (Acoustic)歌手:Within Temptation专辑:The Heart of EverythingWithin TemptationStand My GroundI can seeWhen you stay low nothing happensDoesn抰 feel rightLate at nightThings I though I抎 put behind meOn my mindI just know there抯 no escape nowOnce it sets its eyes on youBut I won抰 have to stare it in the eyeStand my ground I won抰 give inNo more denyingI gotta face itOr close my eyesAnd hide the truth insideIf I don抰 make itSomeone else willStand my groundIt抯 all aroundGetting strongerComing closer into my worldI can feelThat it抯 time for me to face itCannot take itThough this might just be the endingOf the life I held so dearBut I won抰 runThere抯 no turning back from hereStand my ground I won抰 give inNo more denyingI gotta face itOr close my eyesAnd hide the truth insideIf I don抰 make itSomeone else willStand my groundAll I know for sureIs I抦 tryingI will always stand my groundStand my ground I won抰 give inI won抰 give upNo more denyingI gotta face itOr close my eyesAnd hide the truth insideIf I don抰 make itSomeone else willStand my ground I won抰 give inNo more denyingI gotta face itOr close my eyesAnd hide the truth insideIf I don抰 make itSomeone else willStand my ground

Illustrator中怎么样快速地找一个标准色号如 pms 219C..请高手赐教

先把色板调出来,然后在上面输入219就出来了.是P T色吧?

求 roller coaster - justin bieber 歌词的翻译!!下周要唱啊!!

过山车-贾斯汀·比伯他们去了哪里?这样的夜晚不会再发生了我需要知道这是我吗?还是我失去控制?只有海外唯一的记忆希望我有你心的关键人来了又去宝贝,他们不知道我们之前感觉在我们眼前过山车,过山车旋转的世界各地和周围的孩子过山车,过山车一会儿我们了,但是接下来我们跌倒这是困难的我只是没有争吵没有更快乐但这是这样的夜晚,我不要错过你如果有这种情况发生的原因之一只有海外唯一的记忆希望我有你心的关键人来了又去宝贝,他们不知道我们之前感觉在我们眼前过山车,过山车旋转的世界各地和周围的孩子过山车,过山车一会儿我们了,但是接下来我们跌倒反弹……只有海外唯一的记忆希望我有你心的关键人来了又去宝贝,他们不知道我们之前感觉在我们眼前过山车,过山车旋转的世界各地和周围的孩子过山车,过山车一会儿我们了,但是接下来我们跌倒借助-有道- 这种可以不


在介绍dubbo的cluster之前,先来看一下cluster在dubbo整体设计中的位置。按照官网的说法,Cluster作为路由层, 封装多个提供者的路由及负载均衡,并桥接注册中心,以 Invoker 为中心,核心扩展接口为 Cluster , Directory , Router , LoadBalance ,接口间的依赖关系如下: 虚拟Invoker暴露流程程: Cluster => (Directory => Router) => LoadBalance => Invoker ,依照这个顺序,我们先来看Cluster。Cluster不属于核心层,目的是将多个 Invoker 伪装成一个 Invoker,这样其它人只要关注 Protocol 层 Invoker 即可,加上 Cluster 或者去掉 Cluster 对其它层都不会造成影响,因为只有一个提供者时,是不需要 Cluster 的。本文主要关注Cluster层的容错及其核心接口(LoadBalance在之前的文章已经做过介绍)。 先来看Cluster层中的Cluster接口,支持SPI扩展、自适应扩展,默认SPI实现是FailOverCluster,核心只有一个join接口 比较好理解,把Directory中的所有原始Invoker合并成一个虚拟Invoker,虚拟Invoker是一系列通过合并原始Invoker,并在此基础上扩展带有容错机制的Invoker。以FailOverCluster为例,join返回FailoverClusterInvoker,具体的invoke逻辑由虚拟Invoker( FailoverClusterInboker )实现,构造方法( 这里以FailoverClsterInvoker为例,其他虚拟Invoker的构造方法大同小异 )通过继承父类AbstractClusterInvoker实现,只有一个Directory参数: 当前dubbo版本提供的虚拟Invoker主要有下面几种,下面来分别介绍: 所有8种cluster中,除去AvailableCluster、MergeableCluster、BroadcastCluster,其他都需要根据LoadBalance选取可用Invoker,具体逻辑在。先来看AbstractClusterInvoker的构造方法: 两个核心参数,Directory和URL,Directory本节先不做介绍,这里的URL是被调用服务的URL;availableCheck为了与服务的availableCheck做区分,这里的参数名是 cluster.availablecheck ;核心关注上面提到的select方法,先来看逻辑: 整体select方法都是为了尽可能保证每次选出的Invoker不重复,也就是说最大限度的保证负载均衡;doSelect方法在处理的时候,通过loadBalance选出的Invoker,还会对其进一步判断是否已被选中过,步骤如下: doSelect方法中的loadbalance.select已经在LoadBalance部分做了分析,这里不再冗述,重点关注reSelect方法;先把备选Invoker中,未被选中过的Invoker过滤出来,优先从中选取可用Invoker,步骤如下: Cluster层的容错主要通过几种常用的容错机制配合负载均衡,保证最终通过Cluster暴露可用的Invoker;而且,dubbo在保证Invoker可用性前提下,要求尽可能均衡负载,过程会多次执行负载均衡策略。 注:dubbo源码版本2.7.1,欢迎指正。

Bloodlust Cerene有几部?

截至2021年12月7日,Bloodlust Cerene一共有三部。1、第一部:《Bloodlust: Cerene》。邪恶的吸血鬼恶棍拉杜(Radu)在流亡了多年之后,回到了他的家乡普里纳(Prejnar)。他从父亲那里偷走了据说正从所有圣徒流血的那块珍贵的血石,并杀死了他。同时,两名美国女学生与当地女孩合作研究罗马尼亚的文化。2、第二部《Bloodlust: Cerene – Royal Descent》。继续后的第一个“亚种”,一个女人刚刚成为一个吸血鬼试图逃离邪恶的吸血鬼,拉杜,谁寻求她作为他的爱的兴趣。但她拿走了吸血鬼家族的血石,现在拉杜必须找到她把它找回来。而她的妹妹来到罗马尼亚拯救她的灵魂。3、第三部《Bloodlust: Lanessa – Blood Crown》在邪恶的吸血鬼拉杜萨尔,米歇尔渴望成为教会的吸血鬼的能力。同时,她的姐姐Becky试图释放她从他的魔掌,而这一次,她带来了一些帮助。

Justin Bieber资料

更新1: 睇唔到个网.. 图片参考:99music/pic_3/99_P/20091119133514 Justin Bieber原名Justin Drew Bieber,1994年3月14日出生,加拿大少年歌手,早期在YouTube翻唱其他艺人的歌曲而出名,被经纪人Scooter Braun发掘,在与天王亚瑟小子 (Usher) 商量后,Scooter Braun迅速签下了Justin Bieber。现在Justin Bieber已经是亚瑟小子 (Usher) 的“得意门生”了,Justin Bieber 的个人单曲《One Time》一经推出便迅速火爆,第二首单曲《One Less Lonely Girl》首周上榜便空降Billboard Hot 100榜单第16位。Justin Bieber不仅在音乐上有惊人的才华:创作、打鼓、跳舞、弹吉他、弹琴、小号样样行,Justin Bieber现居住在美国佐治亚州亚特兰大,将会在2009年11月17日发行他的第一张专辑——My World。 Justin Bieber12岁时便参加了加拿大斯坦福的一场歌唱比赛,并夺得第二名,Justin Bieber自学了钢琴,鼓,吉他和小号。从2007年末开始,Justin Bieber和妈妈便把自己表演的视频发到Youtube上,以便不能前来现场观看演出的亲戚朋友们可以看到画面。没想到的是Justin Bieber在Youtube上渐渐拥有超人气,也吸引了星探的注意,最终有机会发行专辑。image.wangchao/yule/1258089635254 Justin Bieber bolg justinbiebermusic/

ski industries品牌滑雪服

要详细的话好像有点多32boots- 业内领先的单板靴品牌 686 Enterprises-专为单板爱好者设计服装的品牌 Alphanumeric-生产滑雪相关的软产品,包括手套、袜子、服装等 Apollopx Atlantis-atlantis和division 23单板 Arnette Optics-眼镜 Ass Industries Atomic Snowboards-以双板著称,单板产品也不错 Backhill Outerwear(youth) -单板服装 Bastard - 意大利单板品牌,包括单板、服装等 Belligerent Snowboards-生产雪板及配件 Bell Helmets-以自行车和摩托车头盔而著称,也进军了滑雪行业 Bent Metal-Lib Tech 和 Gnu的母公司,生产滑雪板、固定器等,其产品享有极高评价 Betty Rides-专为女性设计的滑雪产品 Black Diamond Equipment Ltd. - 滑雪功能性服装 Boeri - 以头盔而闻名 Black Flys Eyewear Bolle -眼镜生产商 Bomber Snowboard Bindings- 固定器 Built Snowboards - 生产碳素纤维滑雪板 Bugz -眼部保护产品. Burton Snowboards - 规模最大的单板制造商之一 Capita Snowboards-单板 Carrera Sport- 头盔 Chorus Snowboards-单板 Click Goggles-雪镜 Cold As Ice-女款滑雪服 Compatriot Snowboards-单板 Concept Sno Clothing-雪服 Da Kine- 知名的手套、包等软产品生产商 Dainese-知名护具(风车补充) DC Shoe Co USA-以鞋子闻名 Dimension Snowboard manufacturing- 雪板 Dinosaurs Will Die Snowboards-由滑手们创造的新品牌 Division 23-廉价雪板 DMT Diamond Stones-雪板护理产品,例如磨石 Dominator Wax-雪蜡 Donek Drake Bindings-顶级单板固定器 Drop Gloves - 手套及背包等 Dr Motts -雪蜡 Dryve- 雪板 DSO-眼镜 Dub Brand Weather Gear Duotone East Coast Freeride Apparel- 服装等 Elan Snowboards - 单双板都有 Electric-雪镜及其他相关产品(Viki补充) Elevation Snowboards-单板 Endeavor Snowboards-加拿大品牌 Evol boards- 雪板 F2 Snowboards-单板 Fiebelkorn Snowboards - 介绍如何制造滑雪板以及需要什么原材料 Fishpaw Industries-手套及服装 FK and SKS Tools -工具及雪蜡等 Flow- 设计生产穿着简易的单板固定器及其它产品 Flytrap Bindings-固定器 Forum Snowboards -著名的单板品牌,已被Burton收购 Four Square -服装很有名气 Gaspo Sports and more - 雪板及维护工具等 Gates- 服装手套等 Geronimo Snowboards - 雪板 Giro Helmets- 自行车、滑雪头盔很有名气 Glissade Snowboards GMC- 专注于护具 GNU- 在美国制造的单板品牌 Gordo- 雪板及雪靴 Grandoe- 手套 Grateful Heads Hammer Snowboards-法国单板品牌 Hayes Brothers Snowboards Head Snowboards-全系列产品,单双板均有 Heelside Snowboard Boots- 雪靴 Hestra USA-手套 Hobie-雪板直销 Holmenkol Waxes-雪腊 Hoomax Helmets- 头盔 Hotfingers-手套 Illuminati Snowboards - 雪板 Iris -雪镜 Jeenyus Snowboards Joyride K2 Snowboards - 产品线很全面,包括雪板、雪靴、固定器、头盔、护具等 Kelty Packs Killer Loop-雪板等 KUU- 板蜡 Lamar - 全线单板产品 Lap Hing Mercantile Limited - 单板靴等 Leedom Helmets-专业生产滑雪头盔 Level Gloves-顶级滑雪手套(烟徽补充) Lib Tech-在美国生产的单板 Limited-与Lamar同属一家公司,生产单板全系列产品 Logic Snowboards Lucid Notion Snowboards-位于科罗拉多的单板制造者 M3- 雪板 McCoy Board Company - 雪板 MIA- 板蜡等 Monson Snowboards-订制雪板 Monument Morrow-雪板 Never Summer Snowboards -位于科罗拉多的单板生产商,极其耐用 Nidecker- 欧洲知名的单板品牌 Nitro- 欧洲知名的单板品牌 Northwave Drake - 单板靴业内顶尖 Oakley -雪镜很有名气 Olive- 单板和滑板 Onetrack- 雪板 O"neill -服装 Option NFA - 知名加拿大品牌 Original Sin- 雪板 Orion Ski Oxygen -全系列 Palmer USA - 美国知名板品牌 Patagonia Planet Earth-服装等 Premier Prior Snowboards Pro-tec- 头盔,VANS的下属品牌 Raichle Boots-雪靴 Random Red-Corp.-头盔等护具 Revolution Snowboards Ride Snowboards - 知名的单板品牌 Rome Snowboards-迅速获得了玩家认可的单板品牌 Rossignol-法国滑雪用品生产商,少数从双板延伸到单板并获得成功的品牌之一 Roxy Snowboards-专为女性而诞生的品牌,包括雪板和服装等 RU Board - 雪板 Salomon - 法国冬季用品生产商 Santa Cruz-单板及滑板 (已更改) Sapient -高端单板 Scott- 头盔,手套等 Sessions -很有名气的服装 Shorty"s-雪板 Sidewinders Video Helmet- 头盔 Signal Snowboards-单板 Sims - 单板界的先驱之一 Smith Eyewear -雪镜很流行 Smokin" Snowboards-手工制造的单板 Snowjam Snowboards-物美价廉日的雪板 Special Blend-服装 Split -服装 Spy -雪镜 Stepchild Snowboards-加拿大的单板品牌 Sticky Fingers SWAG ->服装 Switch Binding Manufacturing-固定器 Swix -服装、用具、板蜡等 Technine Binding Company - 美国单板固定器 Team Wendy-以一位1997年死于滑雪的人而命名的头盔 Test Pilot TJ and Grace Industrial Corporation- 固定器 Trilogy Arts-位于美国加州的单板制造商 Triton Apparel - 加拿大服装品牌 Toko Wax -板蜡 Tool Works -雪具维护工具 Type A-雪板 Unity-知名单板品牌 Uvex - 来自德国的雪镜和头盔 Vans boots- 靴子很有名气 Vaude Velvet- 全线产品 Venue Snowboards-Northwave公司进军单板市场的品牌 Volcom -顶级服装品牌 Volkl-来自德国,单双板均有 Vortex Backpacks-包 Wave Rave - 服装 Winterstick-从70年代起就在盐湖城开始生产单板 World Industries-单板及滑板 Zardoz -板蜡 Zeal -雪镜

Cocaine Sex (Turbo Lust Mix) (1987) 歌词

歌曲名:Cocaine Sex (Turbo Lust Mix) (1987)歌手:Renegade Soundwave专辑:RSW 1987-1995Eminem (ft.Jazmine Sullivan) - CocaineGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomThis was a beat with no words at first, it"s a blank paintingExercising the mind, it"s brain strength trainingStarts off something like shady"s an insane maniacyeah slim shady that"s a zany name ain"t itnow all you needs an image to go with the name, babywife beaters and white t-shirtsHanes mainly, its a long shot but is it possiblethere"s a lane maybe,if not, he"s gonna have to come and change the whole game mainlyhe wants the fame so bad he can taste ithe can see his name up in lightswomen screaming his fucking name feintingshady did it, he sold out the whole stadiumjoe smo made it, he took his plain jane ladyand his baby Hailey out the trailerbut he ain"t trailing anymore he"s ahead of the racewhile maintaining his innocencelittle does he know his train is derailingand he"s about to be raped by this gamewhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomYou"re operating on all cylinderssyllables spit like dillingersspilling your gutspeople are feeling your mic skillsbut these haters are ice grillin" yawilling to sacrifice anything for the life they might steal from yafake friends will kill for ya, die for yabut you can"t decipher why for the life of yait wasn"t like this when you were cypheringargue with your wife againshe found vicodin in your pants last night againyour disputes publicnothings private anymorewhen your best friends say bye bye to himwhat kind of apple you take a bite of slim(but this is what you wanted Marshall ain"t it)fuck no, the way that it turned outwas nothing like the picture that I painted in my headsometimes a dream I make is more fun than to actually make itthe game stripped me nakedit robbed me of ever having another real relation-shipwith another girl, this World is a fucking tripas I slip in another worldproceed, take another hitsniff til I fucking urltell em all to fucking sit and spin til they fucking twirlmiddle finger up againrelapsing back in this game, oh well, fuck it thenwhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomstart of cryjust say you never liejust you can live life you take bythe role your side d.c.o.s```you think you goodjust call u got on the earthconcern on it with you get it knowno longer to pump on large to so they come hereon here we calling, my name is calling,why you stronger live when you could be bowlingmy head saying yeah, but my feeling staringso maybe walking but it idot fallingbut i got the heaven, ilike givin the hand forshe has the grammy, I got to take it, I got to make itleave the pain in keep sang it, yeahwhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedom

九年级人教版it must bolong to carla那课 2b 2c 语法的内容,急急急急


Barbara Dickson的《Stardust》 歌词

歌曲名:Stardust歌手:Barbara Dickson专辑:The Best Of Barbara DicksonStardustCocco作词: Cocco作曲: Cocco永远に咲く花を见せようと言った君はもう 遥か彼方甘い爱はいつか都合良くでかい爱とやらに摩り替わって残されるいつもここにそっと同じ场所にこれだけの星が犇めく世界で置いてけぼりの 独りぼっちああ またこの手を振り 见送り夜空ああ 君は もう行けるのだろうそうだ 确か そうなんだ留まること知らず 流れ光る爱しい君に望むことはただどうか幸わせでいてねやらかい风萌ゆる绿最後のひまわり焼け落ちた野山に手を伸ばす冬苺谁か出会ういつか别れ逝くなら笑って踊るように生きよ置いてけぼりの 独りぼっちああ またこの手を振り 见送り夜空ああ 君は もう行けるのだろうそうだ 确か そうなんだ留まること知らず 流れ光るどれだけ爱して恋し焦がれてずぶ濡れで立って云间に见えるよ

Frank Sinatra&The Pied Pipers的《Stardust》 歌词

歌曲名:Stardust歌手:Frank Sinatra&The Pied Pipers专辑:The Fabulous Frank Sinatra & Tommy DorseyStardustCocco作词: Cocco作曲: Cocco永远に咲く花を见せようと言った君はもう 遥か彼方甘い爱はいつか都合良くでかい爱とやらに摩り替わって残されるいつもここにそっと同じ场所にこれだけの星が犇めく世界で置いてけぼりの 独りぼっちああ またこの手を振り 见送り夜空ああ 君は もう行けるのだろうそうだ 确か そうなんだ留まること知らず 流れ光る爱しい君に望むことはただどうか幸わせでいてねやらかい风萌ゆる绿最後のひまわり焼け落ちた野山に手を伸ばす冬苺谁か出会ういつか别れ逝くなら笑って踊るように生きよ置いてけぼりの 独りぼっちああ またこの手を振り 见送り夜空ああ 君は もう行けるのだろうそうだ 确か そうなんだ留まること知らず 流れ光るどれだけ爱して恋し焦がれてずぶ濡れで立って云间に见えるよ

Artie Shaw & His Orchestra的《Star Dust》 歌词

歌曲名:Star Dust歌手:Artie Shaw & His Orchestra专辑:The Essential Artie ShawStardustCocco作词: Cocco作曲: Cocco永远に咲く花を见せようと言った君はもう 遥か彼方甘い爱はいつか都合良くでかい爱とやらに摩り替わって残されるいつもここにそっと同じ场所にこれだけの星が犇めく世界で置いてけぼりの 独りぼっちああ またこの手を振り 见送り夜空ああ 君は もう行けるのだろうそうだ 确か そうなんだ留まること知らず 流れ光る爱しい君に望むことはただどうか幸わせでいてねやらかい风萌ゆる绿最後のひまわり焼け落ちた野山に手を伸ばす冬苺谁か出会ういつか别れ逝くなら笑って踊るように生きよ置いてけぼりの 独りぼっちああ またこの手を振り 见送り夜空ああ 君は もう行けるのだろうそうだ 确か そうなんだ留まること知らず 流れ光るどれだけ爱して恋し焦がれてずぶ濡れで立って云间に见えるよ

trust me的歌词

black dress with the tights underneath i"ve got the breath of a last cigarette on my teeth and shes an actress but she ain"t got no need she"s got money from her parents in a trust fund back east t-t-t-tongues always pressed to your cheeks, while my tongue is on the inside of some other girl"s teeth tell your boyfriend if he says hes got beef that i"m a vegetarian and i ain"t f**king scared of him she wants to touch me, whoa oh she wants to love me, whoa oh she"ll never leave me, whoa oh whoa oh oh oh don"t trust a ho never trust a ho won"t trust a ho, cuz a ho won"t trust me she wants to touch me, whoa oh she wants to love me, whoa oh she"ll never leave me, whoa oh, whoa oh oh oh don"t trust a ho never trust a ho won"t trust a ho, cuz a ho won"t trust me x"s on the back of your hands wash them in the bathroom to drink like the bands and the set list you stole off the stage has red and purple lipstick all over the page b-b-b-bruises cover your arms shaking in the fingers with the bottle in your palm and the best is no one knows who you are just another girl, alone at the bar she wants to touch me, whoa oh she wants to love me, whoa oh she"ll never leave me, whoa oh, whoa oh oh oh don"t trust a ho never trust a ho won"t trust a ho, cuz a ho won"t trust me she wants to touch me, whoa oh she wants to love me, whoa oh she"ll never leave me, whoa oh, whoa oh oh oh don"t trust a ho never trust a ho won"t trust a ho, cuz a ho won"t trust me shush girl, shut your lips do the helen keller and talk with your hips i said shush girl, shut your lips do the helen keller and talk with your hips i said shush girl, shut your lips do the helen keller and talk with your hips she wants to touch me, whoa oh she wants to love me, whoa oh she"ll never leave me, whoa oh, whoa oh oh oh don"t trust a ho never trust a ho won"t trust a ho, cuz a ho won"t trust me

求首英文歌 女声 声音很像水果姐 末尾歌词有just right. everybody 什么



lustfuldesires攻略如下:电脑:组装电脑6.0系统:WIN10软件:lustful desires1.01、打开游戏,点击开始。2、点击字幕进行剧情对话。3、点击选择对话选项触发新的剧情。4、点击往前走继续探索获得游戏奖励。5、点击回屋休息恢复角色生命值和体力。

跪求:Justin的FutureSex/LoveSound专辑的 歌词!!

歌曲名:FutureSex / LoveSounds 所属专辑:FutureSex / LoveSounds 演唱者:Justin Timberlake歌词:you know what you wantand that makes you just like mesee everybody says you"re hot, babybut can you make it hot for mesaid if you"re thinking "bout holding backdon"t worry, girl"cause i"m gonna make it so easyso slide a little bit closer to me, little girldaddy"s on a mission to pleasewait a secondshe"s hopped up for mei"ve got her in my zoneher body"s pressed up for mei think she"s ready to blowmust be my future sex love soundand when it goes downbaby all you gotta do isjust tell me which way you like thatall you gotta do istell me which way you like thatdo you like it like thisdo you like it like thattell me which way you like thattell me which way you like thatyou can"t stop, babyyou can"t stop once you"ve turned me onand your enemy are your thoughts, babyso just let em go"cause all i need is a moment aloneto give you my toneand put you out of controland after you let it inwe"ll be skin to skinit"s just so naturalwait a secondshe"s hopped up for mei"ve got her in my zoneher body"s pressed up for mei think she"s ready to blowmust be my future sex love soundand when it goes downbaby all you gotta do isjust tell me which way you like thatall you gotta do istell me which way you like thatdo you like it like thisdo you like it like thattell me which way you like that

python chardet.detect(ustring)语句

看下API: throwable:所有已实现的接口: Serializable 直接已知子类: Error, Exception Throwable 类是 Java 语言中所有错误或异常的超类。只有当对象是此类(或其子类之一)的实例时,才能通过 Java 虚拟机或者 Java throw 语句抛出。类似地,...

求推荐少年音歌手!比如像Justin Bieber 、Taylor swift我都觉得有少年音的感觉

cody simpson chirs brown selena gomaz

justice boner 的正确译法应该是什么?

你好,知道英语牛人团为你解答。justice boner是个口语化的表达, 指的是某人在成功实施报复或者看到某些人活该罪有应得时,心里感觉到的一种兴奋和情感。因为字典里不太可能有这个词条,也就不会有固定的翻译。我们要根据不同的语境和上下文来分析。就你给的这句话来看,你可以翻译为“正义使者”。我们再来看一小段对话,帮助你进一步理解:- "Hey, did you hear about the Westboro Baptist Church picketing a soldier"s funeral this weekend?" - "No, what happened?" - "The police formed a barrier around the cemetery and arrested the ones that tried to get in. Gave me a raging justice boner."这里的最后一句:当说这句话的人看到警察将试图到葬礼捣乱的人绳之以法时,非常兴奋,感觉这些警察的做法给了他一种justice boner,也就是他在欢呼“太好了,这些人罪有应得啊!”当然你也可以翻译为:“这些警察真是正义感爆棚啊!”总之,justice boner是你的一种内在情感和情绪,不可追究文字上的一一对应翻译,意会才是最重要的。希望对你有帮助 :-)



有谁对august friedrich albrecht schenck的一幅名叫Anguish的画有了解的?


I just want to approach you,for i have got a coach on you.怎么翻译


Joan Baez的Diamonds And Rust中英文对照版歌词?

Diamonds and rust Joan BaezWell , I"ll be damned .Here comes your ghost againBut that"s not unusualIt"s just that the moon is full and you happened to callAnd here I sit, hand on the telephoneHearing a voice I"d known, a couple of light years agoHeading straight for a fallAs I remember your eyeswere bluer than robin"s eggsMy poetry was lousy, you said"Where were you calling from?""A booth in the Midwest"Ten years ago I bought you some cufflinksYou brought me somethingWe both know what memories can bringThey bring diamond and rustWell, you burst on the scene were already a legend The unwatched phenomenon,the original vagabond you strayed into my armsAnd there you stayed ,temporarily lost at seaThe Madonna was yours for freeYes, the girl on the half shell Could keep you unharmedNow I see you standingwith brown leaves falling all aroundSnow in your hairNow you"re smiling out the windowof that crummy hotel over Washington SquareOur breath comes out white cloud minglesand hangs in the airSpeaking strictly for meWe both could"ve died then and there Now you"re telling me you"re not nostalgicThen give me another word for itYou who"re so good with words and at keeping thing vagueCause I need some of that vagueness nowIt"s all come back too clearlyYes , I love you dearlyAnd if you"re offering me diamonds and rustI"ve already paid钻石与铁锈 琼拜雅我的老天!你的魅影又再度出现但这并非不寻常只因今晚月圆,你又恰巧打电话来我坐在这儿,手持电话听着我熟悉的声音,那是几个光年以前彷佛不断的向下坠落依稀记得你的眼睛比知更鸟的蛋更蓝(注)你说我写的诗糟透了"你从那里打电话来?""在中西部的某个电话亭"十年前我买过袖扣送你你亦送了一些东西给我我们都明白回忆能够带给我们的它们给了我们钻石与铁锈当你在我面前骤现,已然是个传奇人物 一种无法提防的现象一个真正的流浪者,你漂泊入我的臂弯而你的停留,如海上的短暂迷航有着圣母的眷顾保护你不被伤害如今,我看到你伫立在黄叶纷飞中发上覆着白雪你微笑着,在那可以远眺华盛顿广场的小旅馆窗前你我呼出的气如白云般交错凝结在冷空气中对我来说我们那时差点死去 如今你对我说,你并不怀乡念旧那麽请你找另一个字来代替你向来擅於玩弄文字使之暧昧难懂因为现在我正需要那样的暧昧不明过去的一切都太清晰了是的,我深爱着你如果你又给我钻石与铁锈

Diamonds And Rust 歌词

歌曲名:Diamonds And Rust歌手:Sarah Chen专辑:Recollecting Singapore 60S - Volume TwoDiamonds And RustBlackmore"s NightWell I"ll be damned 真见鬼Here comes your ghost again 你的幽灵又现But that"s not unusual 也不奇怪It"s just that the moon is full 正好今天月圆And you happened to call 你打来电话And here I sit 我坐着一动不动Hand on the telephone 两手抱着话筒Hearing a voice I"d known 听到熟悉的声音A couple of light years ago 几个光年前Heading straight for a fall 又要彻底栽进深渊As I remember your eyes 我记得你的眼睛Were bluer than robin"s eggs 比湖水更蓝My poetry was lousy you said 你的诗歌更糟糕,你说Where are you calling from? 你从哪儿打来A booth in the midwest 西部的一个公用电话Ten years ago 十年前I bought you some cufflinks 我送你一对袖扣You brought me something 你也送了我点什么We both know what memories can bring你我知道记忆带来什么They bring diamonds and rust 生锈的钻石Well you burst on the scene 你到来的时候Already a legend 已经是一个传奇The unwashed phenomenon 一个没有被腐化的奇迹The original vagabond 一个原创的流浪汉You strayed into my arms 你漫步到我怀里And there you stayed 就在那里Temporarily lost at sea 一时似乎漂失在海上The Madonna was yours for free 女神把一切奉献给你Yes the girl on the half-shell就是站在半个贝壳上的那个姑娘Could keep you unharmed 她能保护你不让你受伤Now I see you standing 我又看到你站在With brown leaves falling around 漫天落叶中And snow in your hair 雪花在你的发上Now you"re smiling out the window 我又想起你的微笑Of that crummy hotel 在那个旅馆的窗边Over Washington Square 华盛顿广场Our breath comes out white clouds 我们的呼吸像一片白云Mingles and hangs in the air 缠在一起,舍不得消去Speaking strictly for me 对我来说We both could have died then and there我们当时可以死掉Now you"re telling me 现在你告诉我You"re not nostalgic 你不是怀旧Then give me another word for it 那就再帮我找一个词You who are so good with words 你这么会弄词的人And at keeping things vague 还这么善于把一切变得模糊Because I need some of that vagueness now我急需一点模糊It"s all come back too clearly 因为过去突然太清楚I loved you dearly 是的,我还是放不下And if you"re offering me diamonds and rust如果你又带来生锈的钻石I"ve already paid 我所欠的已经付清
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