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英文歌 男人唱的 just wanne be with you

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only love acoustic歌中文词

Two.a.m.and the rain is falling   凌晨2点,下着雨.   here we are at the crossroads once again   我们再次来到这分手的十字路口.   you"re telling me you"re so comfused   你告诉我你是那么彷徨,   you can"t make up your mind   你无法下定决心.   is this meant to be   那是不是意味着,   you"re asking me   你在向我寻找答案.   but only love can say try again or walk away   但是只有爱才可以解释,是应该重新再来还是默默走开.   but i believe for you and me   然而我坚信,对于你我来说,   the sun will shine one day   有一天,太阳还会升起.   so i"ll just play my part   所以我只是扮演好自己的角色,   and pray you"ll have a change of heart   同时祈祷你会回心转意.   but i can"t make you see it through   但我却无法让你明白,   that"s something only love can do   有些事只有爱才可以解释.   in you arms as the dawn is breaking   清晨,依偎在你的怀里,   face to face and a thousand miles apart   面对面而心却相距千里,   i"ve tried my best to make you see   我倾尽全力想让你明白,   there"s hope beyond the pain   那些痛楚过后还会有希望.   if we give enough - if we learn to trust   只要我们能学着付出,只要我们能彼此信任.   but only love can say - try again or walk away   但是只有爱才可以解释,重新再来或默默走开.   but i believe for you and me   然而我坚信,对于你我来说,   the sun will shine one day   有一天,太阳还会升起.   so i"ll just play my part   所以我只是扮演好自己的角色,   and pray you"ll have a change of heart   同时祈祷你的心会回来.   but i can"t make you see it through   但我却无法让你明白,   that"s something only love can do   有些事只有爱才可以解释.   i know if i could find the words   to touch you deep inside   我知道如果能够找到那些可以触动你内心深处的话   you"d give our dream just one more chance   你会再给我们的爱一次机会   don"t let this be our last goodbye   不会让这一次成为我们的永别

有一首歌的歌词是i just want to be with you 跪求此歌名

BONZO DOG BAND I Want To Be With You There are things that must be doneThat are not yet begunThings that I must doWhen I want to be with youAlthough we`re far apartYou`re with me in my heartNo one else will doI just want to be with youI want to be with youCan`t you hear me?I need you near meI want to be with youI need you near me, my loveThe two of us are oneMother of my sonNo one else will doI just want to be with youI want to be with youCan you hear me?I need you near meI want to be with youI need you near me, my love



Britney Spears 和Justin Bieber按国际排名谁高?

B宝粉丝量是第二,可是他比GAGA年轻,GAGA没宝有发展前途,看看宝的成就吧2011孩子们的十大榜样第三名  2011英国NME音乐奖入围三项.  贾斯汀-比伯(Justin Bieber)和他的专辑《My World》被评为年度最佳着装和年度最佳专辑。  2011英国NME杂志音乐奖重要奖项获奖名单如下(贾斯汀部分):   最佳着装(Least Stylish) Justin Bieber  最佳专辑(Worst Album) Justin Bieber  《My World》  第12届全美青少年选择奖(Teen Choice Awards )  最佳男艺人(Choice Music: Male Artist):Justin Bieber  最佳流行专辑(Choice Pop Album): Justin Bieber —《My World 2.0》  最突出男歌手(Choice Breakout Artist – Male): Justin Bieber  夏季最佳音乐贾斯汀·比伯(17张) 男歌手(Choice Summer Music Star - Male): Justin Bieber  第27届MTV音乐录影带颁奖典礼 获得最佳新人奖Justin Bieber《Baby》  2010加拿大MuchMusic音乐录像带大奖  加拿大最佳国际录像奖(International Video by a Canadian): Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - 《Baby》  乐迷最喜爱录像带(UR FAVE Video): Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - 《Baby》  乐迷最喜爱新人奖(UR FAVE New Artist) Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - 《Baby》  2010全美音乐奖公布表演嘉宾  2010MTV欧洲音乐大奖  2010年第37届美国人民选择奖最突出进步歌手提名  2010 AMA全美音乐奖  年度艺人(ARTIST OF THE YEAR) --Justin Bie  ber  最具突破艺人(BREAKTHROUGH ARTIST) --Justin  Bieber  流行/摇滚类(POP/ROCK) 最受欢迎男歌手(Favorite Male Artist)-- Justin Bieber  流行/摇滚类(POP/ROCK) 最受欢迎专辑(Favorite Album) Justin Bieber, "My World 2.0"  2010 MTV欧洲音乐大奖  最佳男歌手: 贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)  “PUSH”最佳歌手: 贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)  2010蒙牛酸酸乳新人盛典  年度海外新人奖--Justin Bieber  2011年68金球奖颁奖嘉宾  2011年度第53届格莱美奖 “最佳新人奖”和“最佳流行类专辑奖”的提名  2011全英音乐奖  国际最具突破艺人--Justin Bieber  2011年NBA全明星赛嘉宾  最佳突破男艺人:贾斯汀-比伯 最佳流行专辑:《My World2.0》贾斯汀-比伯  最佳夏天音乐男星:贾斯汀-比伯  19 2010年9月13日洛杉矶讯,当地时间9月13日,第27届MTV音乐录影带颁奖礼(MTV Video Music Awards)举行。贾斯汀·比伯 (Justin Bieber) 获得最佳新人奖(the Best New Artist award )。并在室外表演baby 和 somebody to love和打架子鼓  20 由国际在线娱乐频道举办的“全球娱乐热势力2010最红人网络评选活动(专题)”欧美地区的入围投票第二名  21 2010MTV欧洲音乐大奖获得“最佳男歌手”奖项  22 2010年11月21日获得AMA年度艺人、最具突破性艺人、最佳流行男歌手以及最佳专辑四项大奖  23 2010年美国在线最热搜索名人前十名  24 2010年全美大奖赛击败Mariah carey、Madonna、Lady gaga等人,获得年度最佳艺人奖项。  25 2010月12月1日,第53届格莱美音乐奖(Grammy Awards)公布各奖项提名,贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber) 入围最佳新人和最佳流行专辑提名名单,这是Justin bieber首次获得格莱美的提名!  26.2010年Justin客串《school girls》。  27.2011年Justin Bieber联手喜剧大师Andy Samberg出演爆笑喜剧《室友》。   28.2011年Justin Bieber的《my world 2.0》获得第53届格莱美最佳流行专辑奖提名  29.2011年洛杉矶全明星名人赛MVP(最佳)Justin Bieber在12岁时,获得了斯特拉当地歌唱比赛第二名。他自学了钢琴、鼓、吉他和小号。为了让一些不能出席看他表演的家人和朋友看到自己的表演,在2007年年底和他的母亲在YouTube上传的自己影片和翻唱歌曲。Justin Bieber很快被一个多伦多的一家名为 Rapid Discovery Media公司发现,并在YouTube和MySpace申请了帐户和制作,编辑和推行他的影片。 Scooter Braun看到Justin Bieber的录像,飞往比耶贝到亚特兰大(Atlanta) ,乔治亚州(Georgia),会见了R&B歌手/歌手亚瑟小子(Usher)。Bieber引起了亚瑟小子的极大的兴趣,让Bieber与安东尼拉雷音唱片在港岛2008年10月签约。据报道,Bieber最终与亚瑟小子(Usher)签约。  全球人气小天王,这一长串极有分量的头衔都是用来形容这位浓眉大眼、用厚厚刘海遮住前额的90后的。他的发型已经成为流行的标志,成为了时下众多年轻人争相模仿的对象。  比伯并没有帅到无以复加的俊朗外形,在很多人眼里,这个小孩甚至还未发育成熟,但在最新出炉的《人物》杂志年度“全球最美人物”评选中,他竟然也入选男星榜单。同时,资历和经历尚浅的他已经频繁出入各大音乐颁奖典礼,与乐坛赫赫有名的巨星们平起平坐,让人难以置信。要知道,就在不久前贾斯汀·比伯还只是一个默默无闻、喜欢唱歌的平凡男孩。  1994年,比伯出生于加拿大安大略省一个单亲家庭。他很小就有表演天赋,与其他同龄人一样,渴望受到关注。从五岁起他就无师自通,自学了钢琴、打鼓、吉他和小号,才华横溢的比伯还非常热爱唱歌,他的歌声清脆而优美。  12岁那年,比伯参加了当地的一次唱歌比赛并获得第二名的好成绩。赛后,比伯的母亲把比赛的片段放到了视频网站YouTube上,最初的目的是让住在其他地方的亲戚们可以看到比伯的表演,不料却意外被亚特兰大资深音乐经纪人斯科特·布劳恩看到。 2007年的一天,布劳恩正躺在床上上网,无意间点到了比伯的家庭视频——比伯正深情并茂地唱着阿瑞萨·富兰克林的歌曲《Respect》。“当时比伯的账户下只有六七个视频,每个也不过有几千的浏览量。但当我听到他清脆的歌声,就觉得他真是个罕有的天才,我欣喜得快要疯掉了。”布劳恩这样形容当时的心情,敏锐的职业直觉告诉他:比伯有巨大潜质和可塑性。于是,他很快联系到了比伯的母亲,说服她带着比伯一起飞到亚特兰大与自己碰面。 贾斯汀这是母子俩第一次坐飞机。布劳恩说:“比伯的家庭并不富裕,他的母亲为了生计做过很多份不同的工作,还时常需要家中的长辈贴补家用。”两周之后,经过几个回合的谈判,布劳恩最终签下了当时年仅13岁的贾斯汀·比伯,成为他的经纪人。  一开始,布劳恩还想走包装童星的常规路线。他走访了好几家主流厂牌,想要找到合作者一起经营包装比伯,但是每一家都拒绝了。尽管这些唱片公司也认同比伯的天赋和潜质,但在经济不景气的大环境下,大家都格外谨慎,不想冒险。布劳恩回忆:“他们都认为比伯是个出色的歌手并有惊人的天赋,但是他没有迪斯尼频道的支持,也从来没上过电视,对大众来说,比伯只是个乳臭未干的无名小卒。即便他的歌声很动听,也不足以让唱片公司冒险。毕竟为未经市场检验的少年发行唱片需要极大的魄力。”  吃了闭门羹之后,布劳恩开始将目光转向新媒体。他和比伯花了近半年时间在网络上建立了强大的粉丝基地。在YouTube上发布新歌让歌迷订阅,并以更自由的方式直接从YouTube和Twitter上与歌迷建立真实又真诚的连接。  与此同时,流行歌手亚瑟小子的巡演经纪人找到了布劳恩,询问他是否签下了一位极具潜质的新艺人。当布劳恩把比伯在YouTube上的视频给亚瑟小子和Island Def Jam音乐集团主席兼首席执行官安东尼奥·雷德看时,二人马上表示愿意签下比伯。雷德说:“虽然这个孩子缺乏电视平台,但也许通过《美国偶像》和《歌舞青春》等选秀节目来推出艺人的方式太过时了。虽然我们知道那些上过迪斯尼频道的孩子都很有才华,但大众普遍是因为 ‘童星"或‘电视明星"的身份而接受他们,其次才是歌手。而比伯不同,他是以音乐为先的。”于是,雷德、亚瑟小子和布劳恩强强联手,决定用各自不同的专长和经验一起从市场定位、歌曲选择、专业声乐训练、舞蹈等多个角度为比伯量身打造属于他的音乐。布劳恩更是为比伯预约了顶级的流行乐制作人兼创作者特里基·斯图尔特等人为他的音乐出谋划策,而这些新鲜出炉的音乐都是第一时间在网络(而不是电台、电视台)让歌迷欣赏。公司数据表明,他在短短的几个月内,就为公司谋利近7亿美元,这是让人难以至信的事实!  2010年,贾斯汀·比伯为成龙&贾登·史密斯新电影《功夫梦》唱出了自己的新歌《Never Say Never》,为自己的成名道路加上了新的一笔!  2010年客串 CSI LV S11E01  2010年十一月二十六号在沃尔玛销售2010年新街拍(20张) JB的第一支个人香水系列,名为“我的世界 My World”的中性香水即将面世,且与Etoile Nation Beauty还将联手推出的这款香型的腕带等周边系列,产品将于专辑一起发布。  经历列表:  1. Bieber在奥巴马就职典礼庆祝会上担任表演嘉宾。  2 2009年12月25日justin bieber为奥巴马夫妇献上《someday at Christmas》。  3 2009年在VMA音乐颁奖典礼上为泰勒·斯威夫特致词。   4 2010年GRAMMY(格莱美)与Ke$ha 为Bon Jovi 致辞 (于格莱美全集约63:30秒出现)。  5 2010年参加演唱了We Are The World 25 For Haiti 。  6 2010年3月27日二十三届Kids" Choice Awards上表演《baby》。  7 2010年3月23日David Letterman上表演《baby》。  8 2010年4月10日, NBC Saturday Night Live 表演 《baby》/ 《U Smile》 以及与Tina Fey合作一个短片。  9 2010年5月1日justin bieber参加了白宫晚宴。  10 2010年5月11日参加了美国著名的Oprah talk show。  11 2010年5月参加美国偶像,进行表演。  12 2010年5月17日参加THE ELLEN SHOW。  13 2010年6月8日为《功夫梦》成龙新片献唱主题曲Never Say Never [MV] 《永不言弃》。  14 2010年6月20日参加mmva‘s的演出献唱《baby》和《somebody to love》。(somebody to love也是他最喜欢的歌曲之一)  15 2010年6月23日开始他的“My World” Tour。  16 2010年7月客串CSI第11季,饰演问题少年。  17 2010年7月参加美国偶像,进行表演。  18 2010年8月8日 美国2010年青少年选择奖  Bieber推出了最新的单曲《Pray》《latin girl》,悠扬的曲调和美妙的歌词给心灵带来一次巨大的震撼,而最近又泄漏出JustinBieber的下个新单曲《i know your our there out soon》  Justin Bieber与Nicole by OPI合作推出“One Less Lonely Girl”指甲油系列。作为灵感的One Less Lonely Girl指甲油系列新增的颜色8种新色调"薄荷绿、蓝色、酸橙色、淡紫色、红色、亮银色、深紫色、金色“被加入了生产线这个系列中的每种颜色售价8美元并且现在在沃尔玛中有售,2月份将会出现在 TargetULTA和Sears stores中。  Justin Bieber 联手重金属教父奥兹-奥斯伯恩及其妻子莎伦-奥斯本一同为美国第一大消费电子产品零售商Best Buy公司拍摄商业广告。三人在巨大的宇宙飞船舱内拍摄,充满高科技未来感,贾斯汀穿上帅气的盔甲装戴着潮镜,俨如未来战士酷味十足。Justin Bieber 的3D传记影片《Never Say Never》上映后,得到观影者极大的肯定.“这部电影有趣地揭示了为什么贾斯汀·比伯会这么受欢迎,他是怎样一步步走到今天,谁在他身后起了推波助澜的作用。”《娱乐在线》如此评价《贾斯汀·比伯:永不言败》。上周五于北美开画,17岁的贾小天王的这部音乐传记片,首周便一举拿下了3026万的票房,排名第二,成绩仅略逊于票房冠军喜剧片《随波逐流》的3100万.Justin Bieber的《Never say never》将于2011年4月21日在香港上映。  Justin Bieber Live in Concert Hong Kong</SPAN></SPAN>  2011年5月13日(星期五) 晚上8时开唱 

我要关于Justin Bieber的资料


英语里面写我们必须,除了用we must 还有什么高大上表达方式,求大神给参考,越多越好


You must have the wrong number

You must have dialed the wrong number.

一首歌,You just disappeared


Motor cars were first made in England just before 1900. The parts for the bodies and engines we...

小题1:D小题2:D小题3:D 试题分析:这篇短文简要的介绍了汽车的生产及发展历史。小题1:根据第一段Motor cars were first made in England just before 1900.描述,可知选D。小题2:根据第一段Then a quicker and cheaper way of making cars was found. Instead of making all the parts at their own works, some car factories asked other factories to make some of them. All the parts were then fitted together in the car factories.描述,可知选D。小题3:根据短文最后一段描述,可知现代汽车制造厂指的是生产汽车的工厂。故选D。点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。

Justin Bieber的全名是?

Justin Drew Bieber(艺名:Justin Bieber)

justin bieber 的 个人简介 【要全面】。。。。和他的所有歌曲


Justin Bieber粉丝的名称


justin bieber 的believe歌词及翻译!急用!万分感激!


Justin Bieber的个人资料

个人简介 粉丝昵称:belieber国籍:加拿大  居住地:美国洛杉矶生日:1994年3月1日  星座:双鱼座  身高:约176cm  体重:108磅(53公斤)  鞋码:目前SIZE7.5(US码41,UK码42)

我要寄样品去澳大利亚,地址是:58 ELGEE RD Midland WA 6056 WESTERN AUSTRALIA 这个地址在信封上怎么写




justin bieber资料 bieber的详细资料.超级爱他的.我是Belieber!!!

用英语写一篇有关Justin Bieber的介绍...求各位Belieber帮忙~~

Justin bieber,the famous canadian singer。he is a talented musician,and he is a pretty boy.I"m bebieber.i love he very much.i love to listen to him song very much! like <one time><never say never><this dream is too good>.i listen to his song again and again everyday.jusitn is the people i admire.i hope i could meet him one day. justin bieber started singing songs for people when he was only fifteen years old.and i love his beautiful voice.he makes me know"you are never too young to start doing things." 我也是bebieber哦,超爱宝的,这篇是我英语口语的材料,它可帮我拿到了A的,希望可以帮到你哦,!

Justin Bieber所有歌曲的歌词,要详细准确,望各位Belieber帮忙!!记住是所有!!

  MY World  1.One Time  2.Favorite Girl  3.Down To Earth  4.Bigger  5.One Less Lonely Girl  6.First Dance  7.Love Me  8.Common Denominator  My World 2.0  1 Baby (Feat. Lud  2 Somebody To Love  3 Stuck In The Moment  4 U Smile  5 Runaway Love  6 Never Let You Go  7 Overboard (Feat. Jessica Jarre)  8 Eenie Meenie (Feat. Sean Kings)  9 Up  10 That Should Be Me  Never say never  1.Never say never  2.Born To Be Somebody  My Worlds Acoustic  1. One Time (Acoustic Version)  2. Baby (Acoustic Version)  3. One Less Lonely Girl (Acoustic Version)  4. Down To Earth (Acoustic Version)  5. U Smile (Acoustic Version)  6. Stuck In the Moment (Acoustic Version)  7. Favorite Girl (Live) (Acoustic Version)  8. That Should Be Me (Acoustic Version)  9. Never Say Never (Acoustic Version)  10. Pray (Acoustic Version)  Under The Mistletoe  Only Thing I Ever Get For Christmas  1.Mistletoe  2.The Christmas Song  3.Santa Claus Is Coming To Town  4.Fa La La  5.All I Want For Christmas Is You  6.Drummer Boy  7.Christmas Eve  8.All I Want Is You  9.Home This Christmas  10.Silent Night  11.Christmas Love  12.Someday At Christmas  13.Fa La La(feat. Boyz Ⅱ Men)  Believe  1Boyfriend    2All Around the World (featuring Ludacris)  3 As Long As You Love Me (featuring Big Sean)  4 Take You  5 Right Here(featuring Drake)  6 Catching Feelings  7 Fall  8 Die In Your Arms  9 Thought of You  10 Beauty & a Beat (featuring Nicki Minaj)  11 One Love  12 Be Alright  13 Believe  14 Out of Town Girl  15 She Don"t Like the Lights  16 Maria  Mother"s Day Dedication  1.Turn To You  Boyfriend (Promo CDR)  其他的都是单曲  Latin Girl  Happy New Year  Pick Me  Mi Amor  Digital  Rich Girl Feat. Soulja Boy  Kiss And Tell  fairytale Feat Jaden Smith  Next 2 You  写得很辛苦,希望采纳,我也是belieber

justin bieber的粉丝名是叫B宝还是Bieber?


有谁晓得Justin Bieber的资料哇?求大神帮助

中文名:贾斯汀比伯贾斯汀比伯 英文名:Justin Bieber 生日:1994年3月1日 国籍:加拿大,多伦多,安大略省 爱好:唱歌 特长:创作,打鼓,跳舞,弹吉他,弹琴 歌曲类型:R&B 偶像:Craig David, Usher Boyz II Men, Ne-yo, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Elliott Yamin等等 个人首张单曲:《one time》 出道经历:在youtube红起的15岁歌手 亚瑟小子新收的徒弟,加拿大的贾斯汀比伯,网络红人。 在youtube红起的15岁歌手,比伯公司目前正在为他策划发片。 名为“我的世界”的唱片将在今年晚些时候发行。 这几首还可以: Baby One Time Stuck in the moment

谁知道Justin bieber什么意思啊?

新晋流行天王 — 贾斯汀·比伯 贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)(1994年3月1日—) 是人气正在迅速上升的加拿大少年流行天王。他的个人单曲《One Time》一经推出便迅速火爆,他不仅在音乐上有惊人的才华:创作、打鼓、跳舞、弹吉他、弹琴、小号样样行,而且长相很萌很帅气。15岁的他先是在视频网站Youtube上“唱红”了自己,然后被经纪人Scooter Braun发掘,在与天王Usher商量后,Scooter Braun迅速签下了他。近年来,他的人气风靡互联网。《Baby》youtube全球视频点击超过五亿全球排行第一。微博粉丝数全球第二,在“2011年福布斯全球百位巨星排行榜”上比伯名列第三。 中文名: 贾斯汀·比伯 外文名: Justin Bieber / 全名Justin Drew Bieber 别名: JBiebs(国外)、B宝(中国) 国籍: 加拿大 出生地: 加拿大斯特拉特福 出生日期: 1994年3月1日 职业: 歌手 代表作品: 《Baby》《One Time》《never say never》等 主要成就: 2010MTV欧洲音乐大奖最佳男歌手 2010全美音乐奖年度最佳艺人大奖 2010全美音乐奖年度最佳男歌手奖 第53届格莱美最佳新人、专辑提名 第27届MTV音乐录影带最佳新人奖 2011年福布斯全球巨星排行榜第三 语言: 英语、法语 全球粉丝统称: Belieber (believe + bieber) 唱片公司: 小岛唱片(Island Records) 星座: 双鱼座

Justin Bieber 、的粉丝名字?


Justin Bieber的粉丝名?


Justin bieber的粉丝团叫什么?他粉丝团遍布全球是吗、?


at the moment用什么时态,还有just now 等等等等


我只是无聊着,用英语怎么说? I just hang out

hang out 是闲逛的意思。无聊用boring

We can just hang out and have a good time. 翻译


lets just call it a day翻译

  let s just call it a day  我们就到此为止吧  重点词汇  let 让 ; 准许 ; 许可 ; 同意 ; 允许 ; 让,由 ; 要 ; 假设,设 ; 出租 ; 擦网球 ; 租借  just 只是 ; 正好 ; 恰好 ; 正当u2026时 ; 不少于 ; 同样 ; 刚才 ; 此时 ; 真正地 ; 仅仅 ; 请,就 ; 可能,也许 ; 公正的 ; 正义的 ; 正当的 ; 合理的 ; 正直的人 ; 公正的人 ; 合适的 ; 恰当的  call it a day 到此为止;结束



请教一下歌词中有and i know konw would you say so when i can just let you go 是什么歌?


justin bieber beautiful歌词大意

是Bieber和Carly Rea Jepson唱的吧

rust提示building blocked 是怎么回事

建筑物被阻挡building英汉翻译:n. 建筑;建筑物v. 建筑;建立;增加(build的ing形式)网络释义:building: 建筑物Green building: 绿色建筑Chrysler Building: 克莱斯勒大厦blocked英汉翻译:v. 阻塞(block的过去分词)adj. 堵塞的;被封锁的网络释义:blocked: 此路不通blocked currency: 冻结货币Blocked Style: 齐头式

急求 一首歌词内容健康积极的英文歌!要求歌词中尽可能多的包含情态动词,如can,must,will,should,might等

Never say never

请问to be or not tobe this is a qustion 这句英语是什么意思?


Faustine 这句啥意思?


dj tiesto的《Just Be》 歌词

歌曲名:Just Be歌手:dj tiesto专辑:Just Be [Nettwerk]Just-Mark RonsonCan"t get the stink offHe"s been hanging round for daysComes like a cometSuckered you but not your friendsOne day he"ll get to youAnd teach you how to be a holy cowYou do it to yourself, you doAnd that"s what really hurtsIs that you do it to yourselfJust you and no one elseYou do it to yourselfYou do it to yourselfDon"t get my sympathyHanging out the 15th floorYou"ve changed the locks three timesHe still comes reeling through the doorOne day I"ll get youYou do it to yourself, you doAnd that"s what really hurtsIs that you do it to yourselfJust you, you and no one elseYou do it to yourselfYou do it to yourselfYou do it to yourself, you doAnd that"s what really hurtsIs that you do it to yourselfJust you, you and no one elseYou do it to yourselfYou do it to yourself.. yourself.. yourself..

你好,求防弹少年团的just one day 中文歌词


just to be close to you

I just wanna be close to you

Jay Delano 的 Close to you

请问我刚到家用英文怎么说i just come home?

I just got home或者简单点just home

you must come home early.....early为什么要放到句尾

作状语,修饰come,用在它的后面。但come home 是词组,联系紧密,所以只能用在come home 后面。

The Show Must Go On 歌词

歌曲名:The Show Must Go On歌手:Queen专辑:Live in UkraineThe Show Must Go On(Live)Empty spaces - what are we waiting forAbandoned places - I guess we know the scoreOn and onDoes anybody know what we are looking forAnother hero another mindless crimeBehind the curtain in the pantomimeHold the lineDoes anybody want to take it anymoreThe show must go onThe show must go onInside my heart is breakingMy make-up may be flakingBut my smile still stays onWhatever happens I"ll leave it all to chanceAnother heartache another failed romanceOn and onDoes anybody know what we are living forI guess I"m learningI must be warmer nowI"ll soon be turning round the corner nowOutside the dawn is breakingBut inside in the dark I"m aching to be freeThe show must go onThe show must go on - yeahOoh inside my heart is breakingMy make-up may be flakingBut my smile still stays onYeah oh oh ohMy soul is painted like the wings of butterfliesFairy tales of yesterday will grow but never dieI can fly - my friendsThe show must go on - yeahThe show must go onI"ll face it with a grinI"m never giving inOn with the showI"ll top the billI"ll overkillI have to find the will to carry onOn with theOn with the showThe show must go on

trust in me-beyonce歌词

Trust in meIn all you doHave the faithI have in youLove will seeUs throughIf only youTrust in meWhy don"t you,youTrust me?Come to meWhen thingsGo wrongCling to me daddyAnd o yeah I"ll beStrongWe can get alongWe can get alongIf only youTrust in meWhile there"sA moonA moon on highWhile thereAre birdsBirds to flyWhileThere is youYou and II can be sureThat I love you ooStand beside meStand beside meAll the whileCome on daddyFace the futureWhy don"t youSmile?Trust in meAnd I"ll beWorthy of you ooo yea yea Why don"t youTrust in meIn all you do?and Have the faithThat I haveIn youo And loveWill seeUs throughIf only youTrust in me yea yea yea Why don"t youCome to meWhen thingsGo wrongCling to me and ooAnd I"ll beStrongWe can get alongWe can get along ooIf only youTrust in meyea yea yeaonly if you trust in me

Justin Bieber Eenie Meenie 中文译音


在一张询价表中,遇到industry, 和supplier progress date这两格,不知应该填写什么,请多多指教啊!!


The shop assistant was dismissed as she was_______of cheating customers’. A.accused B.charg

A 试题分析:句意:商店售货员被解雇了,因为她被指控欺骗顾客。 Be charged with“被指控”,A.accuse也可以做“指控”,但是要和of连用,C项scold“责备”,D.curse咒骂,所以选A。

acoustic engieer什么意思

acoustic engineering英 [u0259u02c8ku:stik u02ccendu0292iu02c8niu0259riu014b] 美 [u0259u02c8kustu026ak u02ccu025bndu0292u0259u02c8nu026aru026au014b]声工程学,声学工程权威例句1. But as you talk the acoustic immediately reveals itself. 来自BBC2. That is a smoking gun the cause was acoustic. 来自SA3. Opening will be the dexterous acoustic guitarist Steve Gunn. 来自NEWYORKER

eq acoustic什么意思

eq acoustic情商声acoustic[英][u0259u02c8ku:stu026ak][美][u0259u02c8kustu026ak]adj.听觉的; 声学的; 原声的; 音响的; 复数:acoustics以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Ocean acoustic waveguide remote sensing is an especially exciting advance. 海洋声学波导遥测是一种特别令人兴奋的先进技术。

acoustic 和 unplugged 有什么区别

二者根本就是不同。acousticadj.声学的;听觉的;原声的;音响的例如:He plays a solo acoustic set. 他伴着原声乐器独唱了一组歌曲。unpluggedv.拔去(电源)插头( unplug的过去式和过去分词 ); 拔去…的塞子;去掉…的障碍物例如:Unplugged my computer and then threw out my beer. 她拔下了我的计算机插头,还把啤酒都扔了出去。








流行音乐中常常出现的歌曲后缀名,如《群青の谷 Acoustic Version》。常用意思是“不插电”,即表示不含电子合成音乐,而是由纯乐队演奏的版本,非MIDI合成音乐。   不插电简介 不插电,就是“Unplugged”,直译为“拔掉电源插头”。现在多指一种摒弃全电声乐队效果的音乐形式。它通过尽量使用原声乐器,以获得纯净音色,来达到一种更原始朴实的“不插电”的效果。   Unplug一词的原意为“不使用(电源)插座”,专指不使用电子乐器,不经过电子设备的修饰加工的现场化的流行音乐表演形式。拓展资料acoustic[英][u0259u02c8ku:stu026ak][美][u0259u02c8kustu026ak]adj.听觉的; 声学的; 原声的; 音响的;复数:acoustics易混淆单词:Acoustic


流行音乐中常常出现的歌曲后缀名,如《群青の谷 Acoustic Version》。常用意思是“不插电”,即表示不含电子合成音乐,而是由纯乐队演奏的版本,非MIDI合成音乐。   不插电简介 不插电,就是“Unplugged”,直译为“拔掉电源插头”。现在多指一种摒弃全电声乐队效果的音乐形式。它通过尽量使用原声乐器,以获得纯净音色,来达到一种更原始朴实的“不插电”的效果。   Unplug一词的原意为“不使用(电源)插座”,专指不使用电子乐器,不经过电子设备的修饰加工的现场化的流行音乐表演形式。拓展资料acoustic[英][u0259u02c8ku:stu026ak][美][u0259u02c8kustu026ak]adj.听觉的; 声学的; 原声的; 音响的;复数:acoustics易混淆单词:Acoustic


流行音乐中常常出现的歌曲后缀名,如《群青の谷 Acoustic Version》。常用意思是“不插电”,即表示不含电子合成音乐,而是由纯乐队演奏的版本,非MIDI合成音乐。   不插电简介 不插电,就是“Unplugged”,直译为“拔掉电源插头”。现在多指一种摒弃全电声乐队效果的音乐形式。它通过尽量使用原声乐器,以获得纯净音色,来达到一种更原始朴实的“不插电”的效果。   Unplug一词的原意为“不使用(电源)插座”,专指不使用电子乐器,不经过电子设备的修饰加工的现场化的流行音乐表演形式。拓展资料acoustic[英][u0259u02c8ku:stu026ak][美][u0259u02c8kustu026ak]adj.听觉的; 声学的; 原声的; 音响的;复数:acoustics易混淆单词:Acoustic


流行音乐中常常出现的歌曲后缀名,如《群青の谷 Acoustic Version》。常用意思是“不插电”,即表示不含电子合成音乐,而是由纯乐队演奏的版本,非MIDI合成音乐。   不插电简介 不插电,就是“Unplugged”,直译为“拔掉电源插头”。现在多指一种摒弃全电声乐队效果的音乐形式。它通过尽量使用原声乐器,以获得纯净音色,来达到一种更原始朴实的“不插电”的效果。   Unplug一词的原意为“不使用(电源)插座”,专指不使用电子乐器,不经过电子设备的修饰加工的现场化的流行音乐表演形式。拓展资料acoustic[英][u0259u02c8ku:stu026ak][美][u0259u02c8kustu026ak]adj.听觉的; 声学的; 原声的; 音响的;复数:acoustics易混淆单词:Acoustic


流行音乐中常常出现的歌曲后缀名,如《群青の谷 Acoustic Version》。常用意思是“不插电”,即表示不含电子合成音乐,而是由纯乐队演奏的版本,非MIDI合成音乐。   不插电简介 不插电,就是“Unplugged”,直译为“拔掉电源插头”。现在多指一种摒弃全电声乐队效果的音乐形式。它通过尽量使用原声乐器,以获得纯净音色,来达到一种更原始朴实的“不插电”的效果。   Unplug一词的原意为“不使用(电源)插座”,专指不使用电子乐器,不经过电子设备的修饰加工的现场化的流行音乐表演形式。拓展资料acoustic[英][u0259u02c8ku:stu026ak][美][u0259u02c8kustu026ak]adj.听觉的; 声学的; 原声的; 音响的;复数:acoustics易混淆单词:Acoustic







求justin bieber 的《baby》 acoustic 版本rap歌词。

Justin Bieber ft.Ludacris - Baby☆taTu @369 QQ:417288035Oh woooah, oh woooooahoh wooooah, ohYou know you love me, I know you careyou shout whenever and I"ll be thereYou are my love, you are my heartand we will never ever ever be apartAre we an item? girl quit playingwe"re just friends, what are you sayingSaid there"s another, look right in my eyesmy first love broke my heart for the first timeAnd I was likeBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mine Baby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineOh, for you I would have done whateverand I just can"t believe we aint togetherand I wanna play it cool the thought of losing youI buy you anything, I buy you any ringand now please say baby fix me and you shake me til" you wake me from this bad dreamI"m going down down down downand I just can"t believe my first love won"t be aroundAnd I"m likeBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mine Baby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineLuda, When I was 13 I had my first lovethere was nobody that compared to my babyand nobody came between usno-one could ever come aboveShe had me going crazy, oh I was star-struckshe woke me up daily, don"t need no StarbucksShe made my heart poundI skip a beat when I see her in the street andat school on the playground but I really wanna see her on the weekendShe knows she got me dazing coz she was so amazingand now my heart is breaking but I just keep on sayingBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineNow I"m goneYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m goneyeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m goneyeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahnow I"m all goneGone, gone, gone, gone, I"m gone

justinbieber baby歌词

Ohh wooaah (3x) You know you love me,I know you care You shout whenever, And I"ll be there You want my love, You want my heart And we will never ever ever be apart Are we an item? Girl quit playing Were just friends, Or are we saying So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes My first love broke my heart for the first time, And I was like Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine mine Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine, oh oh For you, I would have done whatever Another chance and we, We get together And wanna play it cool, About loosin" you I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring And i"m in piece , baby fix me And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream Im going down, down, dooown And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around Baby, baby, baby nooo Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine When i was 13 i had my first love Here was nobody to compare my baby And nobody came between us or could ever come above She had me goin crazy Oh i was starstruck. She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks She made my heart pound Asking for a beat when i see her in the street And in the school on the playground But i really wanna see her on the weekends She knows she got me dazy Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking But i just keep on sayin Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine x2 Now Im all gone

贾斯汀 比伯(justin bieber)的歌曲baby的歌词中文意思是啥?这首歌很好听。


急求justin bieber《BABY》中文歌词

我修改一下啊那句翻译得有点问题Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一个项目吗?(我也不懂啥意思) 女孩退出/放弃游戏BE AN ITEM有与SB发生性关系的意思,这里应该是指我们是一体的吗?

求Baby——Justin Bieber歌词

Justin Bieber Ft. Ludacris - Babyu3002Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you careYou shout whenever, And I"ll be thereYou want my love, You want my heartAnd we will never ever ever be apartAre we an item? Girl quit playingWere just friends, Or are we sayingSo theres another one, Looks right in my eyesMy first love broke my heart for the first timeAnd I was likeBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine mineBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine, oh ohFor you, I would have done whateverAnother chance and we, We get togetherAnd wanna play it cool, About loosin" youI"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ringAnd i"m in piece , baby fix meAnd you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dreamIm going down, down, dooownAnd just can"t believe my first love won"t be around Baby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mineWhen i was 13 i had my first loveHere was nobody to compare my baby And nobody came between us or could ever come aboveShe had me goin crazy Oh i was starstruck.She woke me up daily dont need no starbucksShe made my kupig heart pound Asking for a beat when i see her in the street And in the school on the playgroundBut i really wanna see her on the weekendsShe knows she got me dazy Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking But i just keep on sayinBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2Now Im all gone

Justin Bieber Ft. Ludacris - Baby的中文歌词

Ohh wooaah (3x) 这个…就不翻译了6You know you love me,I know you care 你知道你爱我,我知道你会在意You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时只要你呼唤,我就会出现在那里You want my love, You want my heart 你想要我的爱,你想要得到我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 而我们也将永远不分离Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一个项目吗?(我也不懂啥意思) 女孩退出/放弃游戏We re just friends, what are you saying 我们只是朋友,你在说什么?Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes 说那里有另一个在我眼中看起来是对的(指遇见新欢)My first love broke my heart for the first time, 我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like 而我就像Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 这个地球人都知道啥意思 就不翻了I thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine, oh oh 同上For you, I would have done whatever 为你 我无论如何都会完成{应该是这样}Another chance for we, We"ll get together如果再给我们另一个机会 我们就会在一起 And wanna play it cool, or I"ll loosin" you 并且想要弄的酷一点 不然我就会失去你I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何戒指And i"m in pieces , baby fix me 而我变成碎片的时候 宝贝修理我吧{比较好玩}And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直摇我直到我从这个美梦中醒来Im going down, down, dooown我的情绪愈来愈失落And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 只因为我不相信我的初恋不在周围Baby, baby, baby nooo Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine 同上When i was 13 i had my first love 当我13岁时我拥有了初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby没有任何人可以和我的宝贝相比And nobody came between us or could ever come above并且没有任何人介入我们之中或在我们之上{就是家长在上管理的意思}She had me goin crazy 她让我疯狂Oh i was starstruck. oh 我就像追星族She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她每天都使我醒来 不得不需要星巴克咖啡来让我清醒{个人理解}She made my heart pound 她使我心跳加速/猛烈跳动Asking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街上遇到她时 心脏一阵跳动And in the school on the playground 还有在学校和操场的时候But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的很想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazy 她知道她使我疯狂Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是如此的引人吃惊 而我正在心碎But i just keep on sayin 但我还是想继续说Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine x2 同上Now Im on gone yeah yeah yeah x3i"m gone现在我只能/已经离去

英语I just wanted to piss you off什么意思?

piss sb. off是个固定词组,表示“让……滚开”。所以这句话的意思是:我只想让你滚开!

justin bieber的《Baby》歌词


Justin Bieber feat. Ludacris --baby的歌词 要准确的! 不知是哪个MaxRnb的傻,B乱翻译狗屎一通!

很准确的 看吧~BIEBER:Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you careJust shout whenever, And I"ll be thereYou want my love, You want my heartAnd we will never ever ever be apartAre we an item? Girl quit playingWe"re just friends, What are you sayingSaid there"s another, Look right in my eyesMy first love broke my heart for the first time,And I was likeBaby, baby, baby ohhhLike baby, baby, baby nooLike baby, baby, baby ohhI thought you"d always be mine, mineBaby, baby, baby ohhLike baby, baby, baby nooLike baby, baby, baby ohhI thought you"d always be mine,mine (oh oh)For you, I would have done whateverAnd I just can"t believe, we ain"t togetherAnd I wanna play it cool, But I"m losin" youI"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ringAnd I"m in pieces, Baby fix meAnd just shake me til" you wake me from this bad dreamI"m going down, down, down, downAnd I just can"t believe my first love won"t be around.And I"m likeBaby, baby, baby ohhLike baby, baby, baby nooLike baby, baby, baby ohhI thought you"d always be mine, mineBaby, baby, baby ohhLike baby, baby, baby nooLike baby, baby, baby ohhhI thought you"d always be mine, mineLUDACRIS:When I was 13, I had my first love,There was nobody that compared to my baby,And nobody came between us or could ever come aboveShe had me goin" crazy,Oh I was starstruck,She woke me up daily,Don"t need no Starbucks.She made my heart pound,And skip a beat when I see her in the street and,At school on the playground,But I really wanna see her on the weekend,She know she got me gazin",Cuz she was so amazin",And now my heart is breakin",But I just keep on sayin"...Baby, baby, baby ohhLike baby, baby, baby nooLike baby, baby, baby ohhI thought you"d always be mine, mineBaby, baby, baby ohhLike baby, baby, baby nooLike baby, baby, baby ohhI thought youd always be mine, mine(I"m gone)Yeah, yeah, yeah (6x)(Now I‘m all gone, now I"m all gone, now I‘m all gone)Gone, gone, gone,(gone)I"m gone.

跪求justin bieber所有歌曲的歌词英文的,还有中文

Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you careYou shout whenever, And I"ll be thereYou want my love, You want my heartAnd we will never ever ever be apartAre we an item? Girl quit playingWere just friends, Or are we sayingSo theres another one, Looks right in my eyesMy first love broke my heart for the first time,And I was likeBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine mineBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine, oh ohFor you, I would have done whateverAnother chance and we, We get togetherAnd wanna play it cool, About loosin" youI"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ringAnd i"m in piece , baby fix meAnd you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dreamIm going down, down, dooownAnd just can"t believe my first love won"t be aroundBaby, baby, baby noooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mineWhen i was 13 i had my first loveHere was nobody to compare my babyAnd nobody came between us or could ever come aboveShe had me goin crazyOh i was starstruck.She woke me up daily dont need no starbucksShe made my heart poundAsking for a beat when i see her in the streetAnd in the school on the playgroundBut i really wanna see her on the weekendsShe knows she got me dazyCause she was so amazing and now my heart is breakingBut i just keep on sayinBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2Now Im all gone Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you care 我知道你爱我 我知道你在意的You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时 只要你呼叫 我就会(出现)在那里You want my love, You want my heart (我感觉)你想要我的爱和我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 我们也永远不会被拆散Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一体的吗?女孩 停止游戏(爱情)了We re just friends, what are you saying 你在说什么?!我们只是朋友?So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes 直视我的眼睛 所以有另一个人?!(出现在我们的世界)——为了让语句连贯,就颠倒了下语序。My first love broke my heart for the first time,我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like 我(感觉我)像一个婴儿———类似那句爱情让人变笨~Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝(baby 还有“需要特殊关爱的人”的意思,我觉得在这里适用一点吧)My baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine, oh oh 我以为你会永远都会是我的 For you, I would have done whatever 为了你 我愿意做任何事Another chance and we, We get together (再)给我另一个机会 我们(也许)会再在一起的And wanna play it cool, About loosin" you 我想用酷酷的方式谈恋爱 也包括失去你I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何(你喜欢的)戒指 ——引申应该就是说会给她买任何贵重的她想要的珠宝And i"m in piece , baby fix me 我支离破碎了 宝贝(用你的爱)修复我And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会(一直)推我直到把我从噩梦中摇醒Im going down, down, dooown 我摇摇欲坠And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 不能相信我的初恋(就这样)无疾而终——我感觉比直译不在周围好一点Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的When i was 13 i had my first love 我在十三岁的时候 有了自己的初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby 就此没人可以和我的爱人(宝贝)相提并论And nobody came between us or could ever come above 没人可以介入我们之间或凌驾于(这份感情)之上She had me goin crazy 她让我几近疯狂Oh i was starstruck.(弄的)我像一个追星族一样She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她让我的思维清醒就像我每天不能没有星巴克咖啡(应该是说时时刻刻离不开她) 说真的 这句我不大懂~~~略纠结了一下!She made my heart pound 她让我心跳加速Asking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街头看见她 请给我猛烈的打击(叫我不要想他)And in the school on the playground (也包括)在学校的操场上But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的(还)想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazy 她(也应该)知道她让我精神恍恍惚惚Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是那样为爱疯狂 现在我的心也被伤透了But i just keep on sayin 但我只是想继续说(那句)Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝 My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2我以为你会永远都会是我的Now Im all gone (好吧) 我带着回忆走了来源:( - justin bieber-baby中文翻译歌词(原创翻译)_蕾丝爱丽丝_新浪博客

Patti Austin的《Starstruck》 歌词

歌曲名:Starstruck歌手:Patti Austin专辑:Patti AustinStar StruckYellowcardManufacture Frow The SWRWhere is your inspiration, you lost it, oh so long agoSo much for innovation, I saw this coming long beforeYou had no motivation, your hopes are high but trapped below,This constant competition, we"ve won but your still keeping scoreBut I grew up, wishing on a starYou think I won"t ever get too far.So high on dedication, it feels so good to get away,From all this repetition, this angry town, this battlegroundSo now we"ll break tradition, we"ll leave you swimming in our wakeWithout your inspiration, you won"t survive, you"ll surely drownBut I grew up, wishing on a starYou think I won"t ever get too farSo now I am wishing on a starYou think I won"t ever get too farBut I grew up, wishing on a starYou think I won"t ever get too farSo now I am wishing on a starYou think I won"t ever get too farWhere is your inspiration, you lost it oh so long ago

Patti Austin的详细资料~想知道她的生平、专辑,然后就是比较好听的歌曲,谢谢!~

Patti Austin 年仅4岁就在阿波罗剧院登台的节奏蓝调。于1948年出生在纽约,60年代末期成为录音室歌手并替广告歌曲配唱。81年名制作人昆西琼斯发表流行专辑《The Dude》,这张畅销专辑不仅捧红担任男声主唱的James Ingram,更成为Patti Austin音乐事业的转折点。82年James Ingram与Patti Austin合唱一曲“Baby, Come To Me”一举拿下流行与抒情单曲榜的双料冠军,此时Patti真正成为横跨节奏蓝调与流行两个音乐领域的女歌手。90年代开始,Patti Austin与流行爵士名厂GRP签约并出版几张专辑,曲风上虽然有着爵士的色彩,但歌声依旧慵懒而闲适。End of a RainbowReleased: 1976Patti Austin Say You Love Me.mp3 (6:07) Patti Austin In My Life.mp3 (4:23) Patti Austin You Don"t Have To Say You"re Sorry.mp3 (3:39) Patti Austin More Today Than Yesterday.mp3 (5:34) Patti Austin Give It Time.mp3 (3:27) Patti Austin There Is No Time.mp3 (3:44) Patti Austin What"s At The End Of A Rainbow.mp3 (2:55) Patti Austin This Side Of Heaven.mp3 (3:05) Patti Austin Sweet Sadie The Savior.mp3 (6:26) Live at the Bottom LineReleased: 19791 Jump for Joy 2 Let It Ride3 One More Night4 Wait a Little While5 Rider in the Rain6 You"re the One That I Want7 Love Me by Name 8 You Fooled Me9 Spoken Introductions10 Let"s All Live and Give TogetherEvery Home Should Have OneReleased: 19811 Do You Love Me2 Love Me to Death3 Way I Feel4 Every Home Should Have One5 Baby, Come to Me6 Genie7 Stop, Look, Listen (To Your Heart)8 Symphony of Love 9 Oh No, Margarita10 IslandPatti AustinReleased: 1984Patti Austin It"s Gonna Be Special.mp3 (4:19) Patti Austin Rhythm Of The Street.mp3 (4:53) Patti Austin All Behind Us Now.mp3 (5:00) Patti Austin Hot! In The Flames Of Love.mp3 (3:59) Patti Austin Change Your Attitude.mp3 (3:43) Patti Austin Shoot The Moon.mp3 (3:38) Patti Austin I"ve Got My Heart Set On You.mp3 (4:14) Patti Austin Fine Fine Fella (got To Have You).mp3 (4:35) Patti Austin Starstruck.mp3 (4:31) Patti Austin Any Way You Can.mp3 (4:32) Gettin" Away with MurderReleased: 19851 Talkin" "Bout My Baby2 Big Bad World3 Heat of Heat4 If I Believed5 Honey for the Bees6 Gettin" Away With Murder7 Anything Can Happen Here8 Only a Breath Away9 Summer Is the Coldest Time of YearThe Real MeReleased: 1988Patti Austin I Can Cook Too.mp3 (5:14) Patti Austin Stockholm Sweetnin.mp3 (1:37) Patti Austin Smoke Gets In Your Eyes.mp3 (4:15) Patti Austin True Love.mp3 (3:48) Patti Austin Across The Alley From The Alamo.mp3 (3:48) Patti Austin How Long Has This Been Going On?.mp3 (4:07) Patti Austin Lazy Afternoon.mp3 (5:46) Patti Austin Love Letters.mp3 (3:55) Patti Austin They Can"t Take That Away From Me.mp3 (3:59) Patti Austin Mood Indigo.mp3 (3:26) Patti Austin Cry Me A River.mp3 (4:21) Patti Austin Someone Is Standing Outside.mp3 (3:59) Patti Austin Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most.mp3 (5:08) Love Is Gonna GetchaReleased: 19901 Through the Test of Time2 Too Soon to Know 3 In My Life4 Love Is Gonna Getcha5 Ooh-Whee (The Carnival) 6 Believe the Children 7 Good in Love8 Wait for Me 9 First Time Love 10 In My Dream11 Girl Who Used to Be MeCarry OnReleased: 19911 Carry On2 Givin" in to Love3 I Will Remember You4 How Can I Be Sure5 Why Did She Come in With You6 I Just Can"t Let Go 7 Monday, Monday8 More I Think About It9 Nobody to Dance With10 I"ll Be Waiting for You11 Whether to Laugh or Cry (Don"t Know)LiveReleased: 19921 I Can Cook, Too2 Love Is Gonna Getcha3 It Might Be You4 Dialogue 5 Baby, Come to Me6 How Do You Keep the Music Playing?7 Do You Love Me? 8 Dialogue9 We"re All in This Together10 Dialogue 11 Through the Test of Time 12 (Don"t Know) Whether to Laugh or CryThat Secret PlaceReleased: 19941 That"s Enough for Me2 Ability to Swing3 Somebody Make Me Laugh 4 Broken Dreams 5 Rock Steady6 Captivated7 Hurry Home 8 That Secret Place9 Reach10 Stars in Your EyesIn & Out of LoveReleased: 1998Patti Austin In & Out Of Love.mp3 (3:56) Patti Austin Don"t Go Away.mp3 (4:19) Patti Austin Totally Unacceptable.mp3 (5:17) Patti Austin Once In A Lifetime.mp3 (5:19) Patti Austin If We"re Not In Love.mp3 (4:58) Patti Austin Why You Wanna Be Like That.mp3 (4:32) Patti Austin I"ll Never Get Over You.mp3 (5:11) Patti Austin Do-sie-doe-in".mp3 (3:57) Patti Austin I Offer You Love.mp3 (5:23) Patti Austin Maybe.mp3 (4:39) Patti Austin Summer Breeze.mp3 (4:13) Patti Austin I Will Be There.mp3 (5:38) Street of DreamsReleased: 1999Patti Austin Patti Austin / The Look Of Love.mp3 (5:10) Patti Austin Patti Austin / Street Of Dreams.mp3 (2:42) Patti Austin Patti Austin / A Candle.mp3 (3:40) Patti Austin Patti Austin / Someone To Watch Over Me.mp3 (3:27) Patti Austin Patti Austin / "til There Was You.mp3 (4:27) Patti Austin Patti Austin / Rain, Rain, Rain.mp3 (4:44) Patti Austin Patti Austin / I Only Have Eyes For You.mp3 (3:54) Patti Austin Patti Austin / Foe Once In My Life.mp3 (3:36) Patti Austin Patti Austin / Igy (what A Beautiful World).mp3 (5:33) Patti Austin Patti Austin / Calling You.mp3 (5:41) Patti Austin Patti Austin / Waiting For You.mp3 (3:47) Patti Austin Patti Austin / Look What You"ve Done To Me.mp3 (5:27) On the Way to LoveReleased: 2001Patti Austin Girlfriend.mp3 (4:01) Patti Austin What Can I Say.mp3 (4:17) Patti Austin On The Way To Love.mp3 (4:00) Patti Austin Love"s Been Kind To Me Lately.mp3 (3:37) Patti Austin Make It Right.mp3 (4:28) Patti Austin If You Really Need Me Now.mp3 (4:28) Patti Austin Playin Arround.mp3 (3:55) Patti Austin Let Me Be Me.mp3 (4:26) Patti Austin Southern Rain.mp3 (4:31) Patti Austin Tell Me Why.mp3 (4:33) Patti Austin Love"s Been Kind To Me Lateley (unplugged).mp3 (3:38) For EllaReleased: 2002Patti Austin Too Close For Comfort.mp3 (3:54) Patti Austin Honeysuckle Rose.mp3 (4:11) Patti Austin You"ll Have To Swing It ( Mr. Paganini).mp3 (4:20) Patti Austin Our Love Is Here To Stay.mp3 (5:27) Patti Austin A Tisket A Tasket.mp3 (2:48) Patti Austin Miss Otis Regrets.mp3 (3:57) Patti Austin Hard Hearted Hannah, ( The Vamp Of Savannah).mp3 (3:28) Patti Austin But Not For Me.mp3 (3:52) Patti Austin Satin Doll.mp3 (2:52) Patti Austin The Man I Love.mp3 (3:26) Patti Austin Hearing Ella Sing.mp3 (2:54) Patti Austin How High The Moon.mp3 (4:32) Body Language - REMASTEREDReleased: 2004Body LanguageReleased: 1980 Patti Austin Body Language.mp3 (5:05) Patti Austin Another Nail For My Heart.mp3 (3:14) Patti Austin S.o.s..mp3 (3:57) Patti Austin We"ve Got Tonight.mp3 (4:18) Patti Austin (ooh-wee) He"s Killing Me.mp3 (3:28) Patti Austin I Can"t Stop.mp3 (3:29) Patti Austin Love Me Again.mp3 (3:44) Patti Austin Soar Me Like An Eagle Flies.mp3 (3:35) Patti Austin People In Love.mp3 (2:51) Patti Austin I Want You Tonight.mp3 (3:43) Best Of Patti AustinPatti Austin All Behind Us Now.mp3 (5:01) Patti Austin If I Believe.mp3 (3:30) Patti Austin In My Life.mp3 (4:02) Patti Austin Say You Love Me.mp3 (5:07) Patti Austin True Love.mp3 (3:50) Patti Austin Love Me Again.mp3 (3:48) Patti Austin Baby Come To Me.mp3 (3:38) Patti Austin How Do You Keep The Music Playing.mp3 (4:20) Patti Austin Candle.mp3 (3:43) Patti Austin Smoke Gets In Your Eyes.mp3 (4:14) Patti Austin Someone To Watch Over Me.mp3 (3:29) Patti Austin Stop, Look, Listen.mp3 (3:06) Patti Austin Love Letters.mp3 (3:58) Patti Austin It Might Be You.mp3 (5:11) Patti Austin Till There Was You.mp3 (4:29) Patti Austin For Once In My Life.mp3 (3:39) Patti Austin Rhythm Of The Street.mp3 (4:56) Patti Austin Do You Love Me.mp3 (3:21) The Ultimate CollectionPatti Austin Hold Me.mp3 (4:18) Patti Austin Ability To Swing.mp3 (4:50) Patti Austin Givin" In To Love.mp3 (4:59) Patti Austin We Fell In Love Anyway.mp3 (3:28) Patti Austin The Heat Of Heat.mp3 (5:13) Patti Austin Through The Test Of Time.mp3 (5:07) Patti Austin You, Who Brought Me Love.mp3 (4:07) Patti Austin The Girl Who Used To Be Me.mp3 (4:34) Patti Austin Love Is Gonna Getcha.mp3 (5:04) Patti Austin Soldier Boy.mp3 (3:33) Patti Austin I"ll Keep Your Dreams Alive.mp3 (4:08) Patti Austin Reach.mp3 (3:54) Very Best Of Patti AustinPatti Austin The Family Tree.mp3 (3:14) Patti Austin Say You Love Me.mp3 (3:06) Patti Austin We"re In Love.mp3 (4:01) Patti Austin Love, I Never Had It So Good.mp3 (3:27) Patti Austin Body Language.mp3 (3:48) Patti Austin Razzmatazz.mp3 (4:09) Patti Austin Do You Love Me?.mp3 (3:25) Patti Austin Every Home Should Have One.mp3 (3:28) Patti Austin Baby, Come To Me.mp3 (3:34) Patti Austin How Do You Keep The Music Playing?.mp3 (4:15) Patti Austin It"s Gonna Be Special.mp3 (4:16) Patti Austin Rhythm Of The Street.mp3 (4:06) Patti Austin Shoot The Moon.mp3 (3:36) Patti Austin Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.mp3 (4:01) Patti Austin Honey For The Bees.mp3 (3:47) Patti Austin The Heat Of Heat.mp3 (3:40) Patti Austin Gettin" Away With Murder.mp3 (3:51) 希望可以帮到你,呵呵~

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Busta Rhymes的《Touch It》 歌词

歌曲名:Touch It歌手:Busta Rhymes专辑:The Big BangBusta Rhymes Ft. Lloyd Banks, DMX, Mary J Blige, Ne-Yo, Papoose, Rah Digga & Missy Elliot - Touch It (Remix)Busta Rhymes (Lloyd Banks):Aiy yo Swizz (It ain"t over) we done created another epidemic for the streets niggaJust when y"all thought it was safe to poke your head out again, let"s go!!!I know you thought we was finished, Flipmode bitch!!!(G-Unit!!!) Yeah! Streetsweepers!!!REMIX We Bout" Ta Do It Again!!! REMIX We Bout" Ta Do It Again!!! REMIXAiy yo just imagine if they cut the lights off in the clubLloyd Banks (Busta Rhymes):(Get low Banks!) Who you know that got a flow this sickPump shorty nobody can hold his clickThem hoes eyeing" they probably on my dickThe chocolate would look good in my all white whip (TURN IT UP!!)AND YOU KNOW I STAY WITH THE SKITS SO DON"T EVEN TRYKISS YO" ASS BYE BYE YOU BE ALONE IN THE SKYAND THE FIRST HUMAN BEING NOW TO LEARN HOW TO FLYAND I BE LOW IN THE BM ON MY WAY OUT NY(Get low Banks!) I know it feels like I been gone for a minuteBut I"m back chinchilla Ice on with a fittedEverybody talk money everybody gonna runwith that bowl of bread smaller than the arm of a midget(TURN IT UP!!) AND YOU KNOW I"M DOIN MY THING IT"S BLUE IN THE RINGIF YOU HAD IT LIKE THIS YOU PROBABLY DO IT THE SAMEBUT YOU WON"T CAUSE YOU BROKE ALL YOU DO IS COMPLAINAFTER THE CLUB, I"M A PUT A FEW IN THE RANGE AND LET "EM"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"DMX (Busta Rhymes):Grrrrrrrrr(Get low X) Anything it"s took, it"s gone be a breakdownCome through like "hmmm, what I"m goon take now?"Whatever the fuck I want, trust me dogIt gets ugly even when it comes to the hunt (TURN IT UP)NIGGAZ LIKE TO STUNT, YOU WANNA TO FRONTI"MA HIT YOU AND YOUR MANAND IMA HIT YOU WHERE YOU STAND (WHAT)NIGGAZ AIN"T BUILT FOR NOTHIN BUT FRONTINCOME THROUGH, FAGGOTS HIT THE SECURITY FRONTIN (Get Low X)Get that do, What that do? How that do?Fuck you faggot, I shot at youAnd what? You and you mans butt, you in your man"s truckBut your chance is up, not get up (TURN IT UP!!)YOU KNOW HOW THAT SHIT GOES, LET THAT SHIT GOAIN"T NOTHIN CHANGE, BEEN THE SAME FROM THE GETGO (WHAT)GET UP OUT THAT WHIP YO, I AIN"T GON" TELL YOU AGAINFUCK IT, SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"DMX & Mary J. Blige (Busta Rhymes):(Get low X) Swizz is the monster, X is the beastFuckin" wit Bus, man everyday is a feastStay off the streets, tired of talkin" to y"all niggazI"ma stick a fork at y"all niggaz (TURN IT UP)WHEN I HIT "EM, MAN THAT CRUNK GON GET "EM MANFUCKED UP HOW I DID "EM MAN (WHAT)AIN"T NO REMORSE BUT THE CHORUS, TRUTH ISCAN I. D. THE BODY WHEN A NIGGA TOOTHLESS (Get low Mary!)Maybe you can guess who it is (Uh huh)Mary J. Blige about to handle my biz (Uh huh)I"m on my grown woman still I rep for the kidsIn every hood, and all my peoples doin a bid (TURN IT UP!!)NOW YOU KNOW WHO"S REALLY THE QUEEN DELIVER THE MAILSEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND FIRST WEEK OF MY SALESTHE HATERS PLOT AND THEY WATCH LOOKIN ALL PALEWHILE I"M ON A YACHT, OVERSEAS DOIN MY NAILS (Get low Mary!)Well let me show you how we do (Ha!)I gotta thank everyone for coppin The Breakthrough (Uh huh)Bus did take one the remix is take twoYou love the way we re inventin" how we just stay new (TURN IT UP!!)HOW WE SELLIN OUT THE STADIUMS, ARENAS AND ALL (Ha!!!)ONLY LOUIS AND GUCCI WE DON"T SHOP AT THE MALL (Huh!)GOT YOU PARTYIN AND DANCIN AND HAVIN A BALLAND YOUR LOVIN THE WAY WE REPPIN HOW WE DO IT FOR Y"ALL GO "HEAD AND"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"Ne-Yo (Busta Rhymes):(oohhh) (Get Low Boy) Is it any women in hereLike it when I be spankin" them and pullin" they hairTheirs a freak in your presence im just makin" it clearThen you would all know if he wasen"t nowhere (TURN IT UP!!)GET YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR IF YOU READY TO GOCOME THROUGH YOUR CITY AND I MURDER THE SHOWAND THE TRUTH WEIGHING THE PROBLEM IF YOU DIDN"T KNOWGET UP RIGHT IN YA FACE AND HOLLA NE-YO(Get Low Boy) Shorty what you wanna doI ain"t got time to deal with your attitudeThis shit was designed to put you in the moodtryna" do sumtin nasty with you and ya crew (TURN IT UP!!)IM A FREAKY LIL" BROTHER WITH A WHOLE LOTTA LOOTYA BOY WORKIN WIT SUMTIN AND IM KINDA CUTEWATCH THE WAY I DO IT HOW I TURN IT OUTGUARENTEED YOU"LL BE TRYNA PUT MY DICK IN YOUR MOUTH"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"Papoose (Busta Rhymes):(Get low Papoose!) Papoose, Pa-poose, had to get on this club bangerSmack you in your mouth make you swallow your pulp razorPop a couple bottles laugh about it with Bus laterBare witness I"m the young savior (TURN IT UP!!)I GOT STATEN ISLAND ON MY PINKY QUEENS ON MY THUMB DUDETHE BRONX ON MY MIDDLE FINGER SCREAMIN FUCK YOUROCK ICE IN MANHATTAN SO THERE"S THE RING FINGERYOU KNOW I HAD TO KEEP BROOKLYN ON THE TRIGGER FINGER(Get low Pap!) Five boroughs of death, you don"t understandI got New York City in the palm of my handNow I could make a tight fist and let it crumble ridiculousOr I could smack the world with a New York Nemesis (TURN IT UP!!)I FLIP THE MAG AND GET THE CLAPPIN IF IT HAPPENS RIP HIS JACKETSPLIT HIS BACK AND LIFT HIS HEAD I"M GETTIN AT HIM (Ha!!)PICK UP A DIFFERENT MAG AND THEN ATTACK HIM WHEN I GRAB HIM TRIGGERS BLASTINWITH A PASSION GET IT CRACKIN THE ASSASSIN, YOU LET "EM"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"Rah Digga (Busta Rhymes):(Get low Digga!) See me rollin up in your hood (Uh huh)These jokers screamin damn Rah still be lookin good (Yeah)They do they little mack he askin me who I tappedAin"t none of your concern you a G make it hap (TURN IT UP!!)WHEN I GIVE A NIGGA SOME PLAY HE LOSIN HIS BRAIN (Uh)ASKIN ME A BUNCH OF QUESTIONS ACTIN LIKE HE MY MANWANNA STRESS A BITCH OUT TELLIN ME I DID CHANGETHEY SAYIN DAMN MY BAD IF YOU FELL FOR THE GAME(Get low Digga!) Now he sittin there lookin stuck (Ha!)He thinkin cause he spent a little dough I"m "gon fuckIf money ain"t a thang I"m sayin let a bitch knowType to empty your account, how far you willin to go (TURN IT UP!!)NOW HE HOPIN ON THE JET HE AIN"T WASTIN NO TIMETOLD ME ALL EXPENSE PAID ANYPLACE I COULD FINDHIT THE ISLANDS IN THE WINTER TRICKIN ALL ON HIS DIMEAIN"T A SHORTY IN THE WORLD PUSSY BETTER THAN MINE, THEY WANNA"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"Missy Elliot (Busta Rhymes):Bus this is serious man!!!!!!!! (Get low Missy!)I"m jinglin baby, go "head mami, don"t I look charmin put your lips up on me (Woo!!!)Kiss it touch it, good, yes I wish you would (TURN IT UP!!)YOU LIKE TO SEE ME WHEN I DIP BABY DIP (Ha1)DON"T IT LOOK LIKE I GOT BEYONCE"S HIPSLOOKIN LIKE I COULD BE LIKE NIA LONGBOY YOU SMOKIN THAT CHEECH AND CHONG(Get low Missy!) Have you ever seen thickness in a thong (Come on!)You can hit it like a game of ping pongIf you give me two shots of it strongNigga bring it on I might let you take me home (TURN IT UP!!)NOW BUSTA BUS (BUS!!) MISDEMEANOR IN HERETHIS YEAR BE CLEAR Y"ALL BE BEWAREFAKE MC"S Y"ALL CAN"T COME NEARI"M TOXIC BABY LIKE I"M BRITNEY SPEARS"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"Busta Rhymes:(Get low Bus!) You see me you love me the streets declare me God of the hoodYou niggaz is watchin and wishin you couldBe claimin the throne the way I got it lock it mu"fuckersWhat"s good you tryin to stop it I"m wishin you would (TURN IT UP!!)CAUSE THEM I"M GLAD TO HIT YOU WITH THE FACT THAT THE GOD IS IMMORTAL AS SPITTHE WAY I BE DOIN HISTORICAL SHITINCASE YOU AND YOUR NIGGAS ACT LIKE YOU AINT KNOW WHEN I"M INFORMIN YOUR CLICKI TAKE YOUR BITCH WHILE I"M PERFOMIN MY SHIT(Get low Bus!) As I was sayin niggaz know I ain"t playinThere"s no more delayin I"m comin and slayinThe street with the heat now turn up the beat until you go deafI eat a nigga food until nothin left (TURN IT UP!!)NOW THE WAY I"M KILLIN AT THIS MASS LIKE I"M DOIN THE BOOKER TRESPECT IT YOU BETTER GET THE SALUTIN ME WHEN YOU SEE MELLOYD BANKS, PAPOOSE AND BUSTA BUS YEAH I"M GREEDYI PAINT THE ILLEST PICTURE FOR THE HOOD LIKE I DO GRAFFITI SO"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it

Busta Rhymes的《Touch It》 歌词

歌曲名:Touch It歌手:Busta Rhymes专辑:I Love My BitchBusta Rhymes Ft. Lloyd Banks, DMX, Mary J Blige, Ne-Yo, Papoose, Rah Digga & Missy Elliot - Touch It (Remix)Busta Rhymes (Lloyd Banks):Aiy yo Swizz (It ain"t over) we done created another epidemic for the streets niggaJust when y"all thought it was safe to poke your head out again, let"s go!!!I know you thought we was finished, Flipmode bitch!!!(G-Unit!!!) Yeah! Streetsweepers!!!REMIX We Bout" Ta Do It Again!!! REMIX We Bout" Ta Do It Again!!! REMIXAiy yo just imagine if they cut the lights off in the clubLloyd Banks (Busta Rhymes):(Get low Banks!) Who you know that got a flow this sickPump shorty nobody can hold his clickThem hoes eyeing" they probably on my dickThe chocolate would look good in my all white whip (TURN IT UP!!)AND YOU KNOW I STAY WITH THE SKITS SO DON"T EVEN TRYKISS YO" ASS BYE BYE YOU BE ALONE IN THE SKYAND THE FIRST HUMAN BEING NOW TO LEARN HOW TO FLYAND I BE LOW IN THE BM ON MY WAY OUT NY(Get low Banks!) I know it feels like I been gone for a minuteBut I"m back chinchilla Ice on with a fittedEverybody talk money everybody gonna runwith that bowl of bread smaller than the arm of a midget(TURN IT UP!!) AND YOU KNOW I"M DOIN MY THING IT"S BLUE IN THE RINGIF YOU HAD IT LIKE THIS YOU PROBABLY DO IT THE SAMEBUT YOU WON"T CAUSE YOU BROKE ALL YOU DO IS COMPLAINAFTER THE CLUB, I"M A PUT A FEW IN THE RANGE AND LET "EM"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"DMX (Busta Rhymes):Grrrrrrrrr(Get low X) Anything it"s took, it"s gone be a breakdownCome through like "hmmm, what I"m goon take now?"Whatever the fuck I want, trust me dogIt gets ugly even when it comes to the hunt (TURN IT UP)NIGGAZ LIKE TO STUNT, YOU WANNA TO FRONTI"MA HIT YOU AND YOUR MANAND IMA HIT YOU WHERE YOU STAND (WHAT)NIGGAZ AIN"T BUILT FOR NOTHIN BUT FRONTINCOME THROUGH, FAGGOTS HIT THE SECURITY FRONTIN (Get Low X)Get that do, What that do? How that do?Fuck you faggot, I shot at youAnd what? You and you mans butt, you in your man"s truckBut your chance is up, not get up (TURN IT UP!!)YOU KNOW HOW THAT SHIT GOES, LET THAT SHIT GOAIN"T NOTHIN CHANGE, BEEN THE SAME FROM THE GETGO (WHAT)GET UP OUT THAT WHIP YO, I AIN"T GON" TELL YOU AGAINFUCK IT, SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"DMX & Mary J. Blige (Busta Rhymes):(Get low X) Swizz is the monster, X is the beastFuckin" wit Bus, man everyday is a feastStay off the streets, tired of talkin" to y"all niggazI"ma stick a fork at y"all niggaz (TURN IT UP)WHEN I HIT "EM, MAN THAT CRUNK GON GET "EM MANFUCKED UP HOW I DID "EM MAN (WHAT)AIN"T NO REMORSE BUT THE CHORUS, TRUTH ISCAN I. D. THE BODY WHEN A NIGGA TOOTHLESS (Get low Mary!)Maybe you can guess who it is (Uh huh)Mary J. Blige about to handle my biz (Uh huh)I"m on my grown woman still I rep for the kidsIn every hood, and all my peoples doin a bid (TURN IT UP!!)NOW YOU KNOW WHO"S REALLY THE QUEEN DELIVER THE MAILSEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND FIRST WEEK OF MY SALESTHE HATERS PLOT AND THEY WATCH LOOKIN ALL PALEWHILE I"M ON A YACHT, OVERSEAS DOIN MY NAILS (Get low Mary!)Well let me show you how we do (Ha!)I gotta thank everyone for coppin The Breakthrough (Uh huh)Bus did take one the remix is take twoYou love the way we re inventin" how we just stay new (TURN IT UP!!)HOW WE SELLIN OUT THE STADIUMS, ARENAS AND ALL (Ha!!!)ONLY LOUIS AND GUCCI WE DON"T SHOP AT THE MALL (Huh!)GOT YOU PARTYIN AND DANCIN AND HAVIN A BALLAND YOUR LOVIN THE WAY WE REPPIN HOW WE DO IT FOR Y"ALL GO "HEAD AND"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"Ne-Yo (Busta Rhymes):(oohhh) (Get Low Boy) Is it any women in hereLike it when I be spankin" them and pullin" they hairTheirs a freak in your presence im just makin" it clearThen you would all know if he wasen"t nowhere (TURN IT UP!!)GET YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR IF YOU READY TO GOCOME THROUGH YOUR CITY AND I MURDER THE SHOWAND THE TRUTH WEIGHING THE PROBLEM IF YOU DIDN"T KNOWGET UP RIGHT IN YA FACE AND HOLLA NE-YO(Get Low Boy) Shorty what you wanna doI ain"t got time to deal with your attitudeThis shit was designed to put you in the moodtryna" do sumtin nasty with you and ya crew (TURN IT UP!!)IM A FREAKY LIL" BROTHER WITH A WHOLE LOTTA LOOTYA BOY WORKIN WIT SUMTIN AND IM KINDA CUTEWATCH THE WAY I DO IT HOW I TURN IT OUTGUARENTEED YOU"LL BE TRYNA PUT MY DICK IN YOUR MOUTH"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"Papoose (Busta Rhymes):(Get low Papoose!) Papoose, Pa-poose, had to get on this club bangerSmack you in your mouth make you swallow your pulp razorPop a couple bottles laugh about it with Bus laterBare witness I"m the young savior (TURN IT UP!!)I GOT STATEN ISLAND ON MY PINKY QUEENS ON MY THUMB DUDETHE BRONX ON MY MIDDLE FINGER SCREAMIN FUCK YOUROCK ICE IN MANHATTAN SO THERE"S THE RING FINGERYOU KNOW I HAD TO KEEP BROOKLYN ON THE TRIGGER FINGER(Get low Pap!) Five boroughs of death, you don"t understandI got New York City in the palm of my handNow I could make a tight fist and let it crumble ridiculousOr I could smack the world with a New York Nemesis (TURN IT UP!!)I FLIP THE MAG AND GET THE CLAPPIN IF IT HAPPENS RIP HIS JACKETSPLIT HIS BACK AND LIFT HIS HEAD I"M GETTIN AT HIM (Ha!!)PICK UP A DIFFERENT MAG AND THEN ATTACK HIM WHEN I GRAB HIM TRIGGERS BLASTINWITH A PASSION GET IT CRACKIN THE ASSASSIN, YOU LET "EM"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"Rah Digga (Busta Rhymes):(Get low Digga!) See me rollin up in your hood (Uh huh)These jokers screamin damn Rah still be lookin good (Yeah)They do they little mack he askin me who I tappedAin"t none of your concern you a G make it hap (TURN IT UP!!)WHEN I GIVE A NIGGA SOME PLAY HE LOSIN HIS BRAIN (Uh)ASKIN ME A BUNCH OF QUESTIONS ACTIN LIKE HE MY MANWANNA STRESS A BITCH OUT TELLIN ME I DID CHANGETHEY SAYIN DAMN MY BAD IF YOU FELL FOR THE GAME(Get low Digga!) Now he sittin there lookin stuck (Ha!)He thinkin cause he spent a little dough I"m "gon fuckIf money ain"t a thang I"m sayin let a bitch knowType to empty your account, how far you willin to go (TURN IT UP!!)NOW HE HOPIN ON THE JET HE AIN"T WASTIN NO TIMETOLD ME ALL EXPENSE PAID ANYPLACE I COULD FINDHIT THE ISLANDS IN THE WINTER TRICKIN ALL ON HIS DIMEAIN"T A SHORTY IN THE WORLD PUSSY BETTER THAN MINE, THEY WANNA"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"Missy Elliot (Busta Rhymes):Bus this is serious man!!!!!!!! (Get low Missy!)I"m jinglin baby, go "head mami, don"t I look charmin put your lips up on me (Woo!!!)Kiss it touch it, good, yes I wish you would (TURN IT UP!!)YOU LIKE TO SEE ME WHEN I DIP BABY DIP (Ha1)DON"T IT LOOK LIKE I GOT BEYONCE"S HIPSLOOKIN LIKE I COULD BE LIKE NIA LONGBOY YOU SMOKIN THAT CHEECH AND CHONG(Get low Missy!) Have you ever seen thickness in a thong (Come on!)You can hit it like a game of ping pongIf you give me two shots of it strongNigga bring it on I might let you take me home (TURN IT UP!!)NOW BUSTA BUS (BUS!!) MISDEMEANOR IN HERETHIS YEAR BE CLEAR Y"ALL BE BEWAREFAKE MC"S Y"ALL CAN"T COME NEARI"M TOXIC BABY LIKE I"M BRITNEY SPEARS"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it"Busta Rhymes:(Get low Bus!) You see me you love me the streets declare me God of the hoodYou niggaz is watchin and wishin you couldBe claimin the throne the way I got it lock it mu"fuckersWhat"s good you tryin to stop it I"m wishin you would (TURN IT UP!!)CAUSE THEM I"M GLAD TO HIT YOU WITH THE FACT THAT THE GOD IS IMMORTAL AS SPITTHE WAY I BE DOIN HISTORICAL SHITINCASE YOU AND YOUR NIGGAS ACT LIKE YOU AINT KNOW WHEN I"M INFORMIN YOUR CLICKI TAKE YOUR BITCH WHILE I"M PERFOMIN MY SHIT(Get low Bus!) As I was sayin niggaz know I ain"t playinThere"s no more delayin I"m comin and slayinThe street with the heat now turn up the beat until you go deafI eat a nigga food until nothin left (TURN IT UP!!)NOW THE WAY I"M KILLIN AT THIS MASS LIKE I"M DOIN THE BOOKER TRESPECT IT YOU BETTER GET THE SALUTIN ME WHEN YOU SEE MELLOYD BANKS, PAPOOSE AND BUSTA BUS YEAH I"M GREEDYI PAINT THE ILLEST PICTURE FOR THE HOOD LIKE I DO GRAFFITI SO"Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn it - leave it - stop - format it""Touch it - bring it - babe - watch it -turn

you must (尽力)to do it again

you must (尽力)to do it againtry----尽力

别人说just do it. do it again,该怎么回答

just do it. do it again回答:i will try。i will work hard


HUMBLE --- Kendrick Lamar
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