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for since during through区别

一、during意为:在……期间,与表示一段特定时间的名词连用,强调时间的延续,可以表示在某段时间内自始至终的状态,谓语动词一般是延续性的。e.g①During the meal we talked about the TV play.我们在吃饭期间谈起了那部电视剧。②The shop was closed during the whole three months.在整整三个月中那家商店都没有营业。二、for意为:(延续)……之久,与表示一段不特定时间的名词连用。用于以下三种时态:a.与现在完成时连用,其着眼点是现在,表示延续到现在的一段时间;b.与过去时连用,表示一段已经终结了的时间;c.与将来时连用,表示将要延续的一段时间。e.g①She has stayed here for two years.她在这里已经呆了两年了。②They lived in China for two years.他们在中国住过两年。③I will be with you at the airport for a little while.我将和你在机场呆一小会儿。三、since 意为:自从(过去某时)以来,与表示过去时间点的名词连用,其着眼点是过去某时,即表示自过去某时延续至今的一段时间,常与现在完成时连用。e.g①I haven"t eaten since breakfast.自从早饭起,我还没吃东西。②We haven"t seen each other since three years ago.自三年前以来,我们就未曾见过面。四、through指的是以三维空间为参照物下的穿过。through的意思是从...一端至另一端;穿过;自始至终。例:he succeeded through hard work。through作介词时与之对应则是cross,也表示穿过,但指的是二维空间下的穿过,可以对比:穿过森林使用的是through,把森林想象为三维空间;穿过马路使用的是cross,把马路想象为二维空间。


since+点时间-----------段时间for+段时间--------------段时间during the daytimein the afternoonat加时间on+具体时间before单独用


in1.介词 prep. 在…里;在…中 word that shows where or what place · There is no cloud in the sky. 晴空万里无云。 · Glasgow is in Scotland. 格拉斯哥在苏格兰。 2. 介词 prep. 进;入 word that shows where to · Ray put his hand in the water. 雷把手放进水中。 3.介词 prep. 在;于(时间) word that shows when · Margaret started school in 1973. 玛格丽特一九七三年开始上学。 · No,it was in 1970,not 1969. 不对,是在1970年,不是1969年。 4.介词 prep. 在…(时间)以内 word that shows how long · I"ll be ready in an hour. 我一小时以内准备好。 5.介词 prep. 在…(情况)中 word that shows how someone is · My mother is in good health 我的母亲身体很好。 · Emma was in tears. 埃玛哭了。 6.介词 prep. 穿;戴 word that shows what sort of clothes · The policeman is in uniform. 警察穿着制服。 · She dresses him in his new clothes. 她给他穿新衣服。 7.介词 prep. 在…(环境)下 word that tells about what is happening around us · We walked in the rain. 我们冒雨行走。 · They slept in the shade. 他们睡在树荫下。 8.介词 prep. 以…(方式),用…(语言) word that shows what way,what language,etc. · He spoke in Italian. 他讲话用意大利语。 · They talked in English. 他们用英语交谈。 · Please write in pencil,not in ink. 请用铅笔写,不要用钢笔写。 · The letter was written in French. 信是用法文写的。 9. 介词 prep. 从事(职业);参加(活动) word that shows where someone belongs · He"s in the army. 他在军队里 10. 副词 adv. 向内;进入 word that shows where someone or something is going · He just looked in for a moment. 他只是(在门外)往里头看了看。 · Come in. 进来。 · Step in,please. 请进来。 11.副词 adv. 在内;在家;在办公室 word that shows where someone or something is · Is your brother in or has he gone to the match? 你弟弟是在家还是看球赛去了? · "Is Mr. Smith in?" "No,he"s gone out for lunch!" “史密斯先生在家吗?”“不在,他出去吃午饭去了。” 12.副词 adv. 时髦;流行 popular;liked by most people · This year,short skirts are in. 今年时兴短裙。 13.副词 adv. (车,船)到达 arrived · The train is in. 列车到站了。 during1.介词 prep. 在…的期间;在…过程中 for all the time of · The sun gives us light during the day. 白天太阳发光。 2. 介词 prep. 当…之际;在…的时候 at some time in · He came in during the film. 他进来的时候正在放电影。

during may to september

during:介词 prep.1.(表示时间)在某情况的一段时间 Where shall you go during the summer?今年夏天你将到什么地方去?2.(表示时间)在…期间, 当…之时, 在…期间的某个时候 The fire started during the workmen"s dinner.火灾是在工人们吃饭时发生的。(参考金山词霸)从解释看,是不能用于从某物到某物的。搭配如:1. during one"s absence 离任期间2. during the vacation 假期间3. during his lifetime 在他活着的时候4. during the war 在战争中5. 2. During UK. 2.应用UK.6. damaged during handling. 期间损坏处理.7. during one"s stay 逗留期间8. during his tarry 在他逗留期间9. spotting during pregnancy 胎漏10. during a meal 在吃饭的时候



跪求定语从句中in which和during which的区别和用法,求大神指点。

你要比较看看这动作是在一段时间内完成的 还是在某一个具体的时间完成的~

when when during 的用法

()我通过一个狭窄的街道,我突然听到一声尖叫。 A. during 在。。。期间 B.after 之后/在。。。之后 C.until 直到 D.while消磨(时间)



while,when,during,since,for的用法及区别 做题的时候应该注意什么?

during是指在什么期间它和when,while的意思是不一样的when一般接瞬间动词,比如start等词,而while后可以接连续动词,可以指一直做的动作. for后面是跟一段时间,而since的用法主要有两点:一是表示“自从……以来”,二是表示“既然”之意.since后跟某个固定时间或日期.

介词during 和连词while都有“在……期间”的意思,用法如何区分? 还有介词through可以和during互用吗?



这个没问题啊,during后面跟表示时间段的名词词组是正确的用法比如,本周内就是during the week,夜间就是during the night这句里面的during the champions of ...就是在夺冠期间相对的,during doing something就是错误的用法了

英语中in on at during在时间上的用法

in: 一个不具体的时间on: 一个具体的时间at: 一个时间点during: 一段时间


when和while的区别 ①when是at or during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间; while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。 ②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生。 ③由when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时;如果从句和主句的动作同时发生,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用while引导,如: a. When the teacher came in, we were talking. 当此句改变主从句的位置时,则为: While we were talking, the teacher came in. b. They were singing while we were dancing. ④when和while 还可作并列连词。when表示“在那时”;while表示“而,却”,表对照关系。如: a. The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motor bike. 孩子们正要跑过去搬开那袋米,这时他们听到了摩托车的声音。 b. He is strong while his brother is weak. 他长得很结实,而他弟弟却很瘦弱。 具体你可以参考这一段。 when,while,as引导时间状语从句的区别 when,while,as显然都可以引导时间状语从句,但用法区别非常大。 一、when可以和延续性动词连用,也可以和短暂性动词连用;而while和as只能和延续性动词连用。 ① Why do you want a new job when youve got such a good one already?(get为短暂性动词)你已经找到如此好的工作,为何还想再找新的? ②Sorry,I was out when you called me.(call为短暂性动词)对不起,你打电话时我刚好外出了。 ③Strike while the iron is hot.(is为延续性动词,表示一种持续的状态)趁热打铁。 ④ The students took notes as they listened.(listen为延续性动词)学生们边听课边做笔记。 二、when从句的谓语动词可以在主句谓语动作之前、之后或同时发生;while和as从句的谓语动作必须是和主句谓语动作同时发生。 1.从句动作在主句动作前发生,只用 when。 ①When he had finished his homework,he took a short rest.(finished先发生)当他完成作业后,他休息了一会儿。 ②When I got to the airport,the guests had left.(got to后发生)当我赶到飞机场时,客人们已经离开了。 2.从句动作和主句动作同时发生,且从句动作为延续性动词时,when,while,as都可使用。 ①When /While /As we were dancing,a stranger came in.(dance为延续性动词)当我们跳舞时,一位陌生人走了进来。 ②When /While /As she was making a phonecall,I was writing a letter.(make为延续性动词)当她在打电话时,我正在写信。 3.当主句、从句动作同时进行,从句动作的时间概念淡化,而主要表示主句动作发生的背景或条件时,只能用 as。这时,as常表示“随着……”;“一边……,一边……”之意。 ① As the time went on,the weather got worse.(as表示“随着……”之意) ② The atmosphere gets thinner and thinner as the height increases.随着高度的增加,大气越来越稀薄。 ③As years go by,China is getting stronger and richer.随着时间一年一年过去,中国变得越来越富强了。 ④The little girls sang as they went.小姑娘们一边走,一边唱。 ⑤The sad mother sat on the roadside,shouting as she was crying.伤心的妈妈坐在路边,边哭边叫。 4.在将来时从句中,常用when,且从句须用一般时代替将来时。 ①You shall borrow the book when I have finished reading it.在我读完这本书后,你可以借阅。 ②When the manager comes here for a visit next week,Ill talk with him about this.下周,经理来这参观时,我会和他谈谈此事。 三、when用于表示“一……就……”的句型中(指过去的事情)。 sb.had hardly(=scarcely) done sth.when...=Hardly / Scarcely had sb.done sth.when... ①I had hardly /scarcely closed my eyes when someone knocked at the door.=Hardly / Scarcely had I closed my eyes when someone knocked at the door.我刚一闭上眼,就有人在敲门了。 ②I had hardly /scarcely entered my room when the telephone rang.=Hardly /Scarcely had I entered my room when the telephone rang.我刚一走进房门,电话就响了。

高中英语教师网during time 与during which time 用法一样吗?

至今未见during time的用法during which time等于during when,用以引导非限制性定语从句,属于介词+when/where引导定语从句的范畴。如果作为先行词的时间名词在主句、从句中都是作介词宾语,充当时间状语,但介词前后发生了变化,那么,定语从句的引导词就要使用“介词+ when /which time”(介词的使用要取决于从句中的搭配需要)。如果作为先行词的时间名词在主句中作主语、宾语(作介词宾语时,主句从句中的介词是同一个介词)、表语等,加上适当的介词后在定语从句中时间状语,那么引导词就要使用“介词+which”(介词的使用要取决于从句中的搭配需要)。①They stayed with me for two weeks, ____they drank all the beer I had.A. for which B. which time C. during which time D. during which②The book was written in 1946, ___ the education system has witnessed great changes.�A. when B. since which�C. since then D. since when有类似用法的还有“介词+where":① He stood at the window, ____ he could see what was happening.A. from where B. from which C.which D. at which② His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey window, from where he could see nothing but trees.

during后可以跟句子吗 不是跟短语而是跟句子,顺便加上during的词性和用法.

不可以跟句子.. during 表示在.期间,没有时态限制,可能是现在,可能是过去.后面一般跟短语.

during to用法

不可以. from February 2009 to June 2010 ==during the period from February 2009 to June 2010 ====between February 2009 and June 2010


during用作介词表示“在……期间”,可以表示一定时间中的一段时间,也可以表示一定时间的某个时间点,另外during强调时间的延续。during和for均可表示一段时间,但两者有差别,常被放在一起进行区分。during与in均可表示“时间点”,有时可以进行互换。1.表示“在……期间”,是介词,不要将其误用作连词。如: 他在巴黎期间,与他的朋友住在一起。 误:During he was in Paris, he lived with his friends. 正:During his stay in Paris, he lived with his friends. 2.during和for均可表示一段时间,但两者有差别。 (1)during通常表示事件发生在何时(when),而for则表示事件持续了多长时间(how long)。 他在夏天住了6个星期的医院。 He was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. (2)两者之后均可接由the whole引起的时间短语,但通常不能接由all引起的时间短语。 他整个夏天都住在那儿。 正:He stayed there for [during] the whole summer. 误:He stayed there for [during] all the summer. (3)在“数词+时间名词”之前以及在some time, a long time之类表示泛指一段时间的词组之前,可用介词 for,但不用 during。如: He lived here for ten years (for some time).他在这儿住过10年(一段时间)。 2.during与in均可表示“时间点”,有时可互换。如: I"ll be on holiday in [during] August.我将在8月度假。 He woke up three times in [during] the night.夜里他醒了3次。 但在使用时还有以下几点要注意: (1)比较而言,during更强调时间的延续,in只是指一般性的某一时间。因此若表示状态或习惯性动作,多用during,否则以用in为常见。如: Many people suffered hardship during the war.许多人在战争期间受苦遭难。 He was injured in the war. 他在战争期间受了伤。 (2)在stay, visit, meal等表示行为要持续一段时间的名词之前,只能用during而不能用in。如: The phone rang during the meal. 吃饭时电话铃响了。 I went to see my aunt during my stay in Beijing.在北京逗留期间,我去看了我的姑妈。 (3)与季节名词连用,in表泛指,during表特指。如: In summer we often camp in the forest.夏天我们常在森林里露营。(泛指) During the summer we camped in the forest.今年夏天我们在森林里露营。(特指)


在 学习英语 的时候,各位应该遇到过during这个单词,during是比较常见的一个单词,知道during的用法都有哪些吗?下面是我给大家带来的关于during的用法及解释_during的用法和例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ during的解释 ★ ★ during的用法 ★ ★ during的短 语 ★ ★ during的例句 ★ ▼ during的解释 prep. 在…的时候;在…期间,当…之时;其间; ▼ during的用法 1. 表示“在……期间”,是介词,不要将其误用作连词。如: 他在巴黎期间,与他的朋友住在一起。 误:During he was in Paris, he lived with his friends. 正:While he was in Paris, he lived with his friends. 正:During his stay in Paris, he lived with his friends. 2. during 和 for 均可表示一段时间,但两者有差别。 (1) during 通常表示事件发生在何时(when),而for则表示事件持续了多长时间(how long)。如: He was in hospital for six weeks during the summer. 他在夏天住了 6 个星期的医院。 (2) 两者之后均可接由 the whole 引起的时间 短语 ,但通常不能接由 all 引起的时间短语。如: 他整个夏天都住在那儿。 正:He stayed there for [during] the whole summer. 误:He stayed there for [during] all the summer. (3) 在“数词+时间名词”之前以及在some time, a long time之类表示泛指一段时间的词组之前,可用介词 for,但不用 during。如: He lived here for ten years (for some time). 他在这儿住过 10 年(一段时间)。 2. during与in均可表示“时间点”,有时可互换。如: I"ll be on holiday in [during] August. 我将在8月度假。 He woke up three times in [during] the night. 夜里他醒了 3 次。 但在使用时还有以下几点要注意: (1) 比较而言,during 更强调时间的延续,in 只是指一般性的某一时间。因此若表示状态或习惯性动作,多用during,否则以用in为常见。如: Many people suffered hardship during the war. 许多人在战争期间受苦遭难。 He was injured in the war. 他在战争期间受了伤。 (2) 在stay, visit, meal等表示行为要持续一段时间的名词之前,只能用during 而不能用in。如: The phone rang during the meal. 吃饭时电话铃响了 I went to see my aunt during my stay in Beijing. 在北京逗留期间,我去看了我的姑妈。 (3) 与季节名词连用,in表泛指,during表特指。如: In summer we often camp in the forest. 夏天我们常在森林里露营。(泛指) During the summer we camped in the forest. 今年夏天我们在森林里露营。(特指) <<< ▼ during的短语 during the day 白天;白天期间;在白天 during the week 本周期间;这周期间 during the journey 旅程期间;在旅程期间;旅途期间 during daylight hours 白天;白天时段;白日 during the sentencing 判决期间的;量刑时;量刑阶段 during lovemaking 做爱时;做爱过程中;做爱当中 during the sex 性行为期间 discussed during deliberations 商议讨论;在深思熟虑中探讨 during the sing-alongs 圣诗学唱期间 discussed during jury 陪审团期间讨论 <<< ▼ during的例句 1. She rejected his advances during the trip to Cannes. 在去往戛纳的途中,她拒绝了他的挑逗。 2. He lost two stone in weight during his time there. 他在那儿的时候体重下降了2英石。 3. She produced the knife during arguments with her friends. 在和朋友争吵的时候,她掏出了刀。 4. She conceded just three points on her service during the first set. 她在第一盘自己的发球局仅失了3分。 5. Walking and golf increased in popularity during the 1980s. 在20世纪80年代越来越多的人喜欢上了远足或是打 高尔夫球 。 6. His trial revived memories of French suffering during the war. 他的受审重新勾起了在战争中受苦受难的法国人民的回忆。 <<< during的用法及解释相关 文章 : ★ during的用法总结大全 ★ during的用法总结大全 ★ 介词during的用法整理有哪些 ★ during的用法 ★ 关于during的用法及解释 ★ 关于nearby的用法及解释 ★ occupy的用法总结大全 ★ 关于hurt的用法及解释 ★ 关于occupy的用法及解释 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?6990a94c9bf3cca817150d7468a26be6"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();

翻译句子:We are in complete ignorance of your plans.


请问在传感器领域里的strain、force 、pressure这三个词确切含义是什么?


wannabeurdog 是什么意思?谢谢

wanna be your dogwant to be your dog

Saving resources,starting from me_节约资源从我做起英语作文800字

With the invention of human life has become better, but the unrestricted felling of trees, the earth lost its natural protective layer, tropical forests are shrinking rapidly, it is estimated that it is 110 thousand square kilometers per year at reduced speed. Had a clear bottoming out of the river has become black, some are long full of green grass, fish and shrimp that fresh air, all floating in the water. Human beings for their own lives, opened the field and tens of thousands of factories, sewage was discharged into the river, the river became a waste River; exhaust straight into the sky, become turbid air pollution, is no longer any "blue sky; blue, to be black exhaust Xunde; discharged from the exhaust gas, dispersed in four weeks, all the air has been polluted. People now have been abusing water, but have they ever thought about the consequences of doing this? I believe we should have seen a TV advertisement: the picture presented a faucet has been slowly dripping a few drops after no water, then there was a tears in the eyes, it is out of our students all know the slogan: "if we don"t cherish today a drop of water, so we see the last drop of water will be our tears!" As the population increases, water resources are less and less, and the quality of water is getting worse and worse by agricultural pollution and chemical pollution. There are so few fresh water, people are also extremely wasteful of water and polluted water. Sustainable development in South Africa at the world summit has been listed as one of the water crisis, the most serious challenge in the future facing humanity in the 2017 to 2025, there will be nearly half of the population living in dry areas, now lack of water or water stressed areas are expanding. In Africa, there are severe water shortages, and thousands of people have been killed by drinking water or without water. For them, water is the supreme treasure! So, we face this limited water, what should we do? First of all, we can "start from me", from the side of the small things to start, to develop a good habit of saving water. Such as: usually washing water, wash water can be used to flush the toilet; the fish in the water can be used to water the flowers, it can speed up the flowers thrive; rice washing water can be used to wash dishes or wash cloth, go to the oil well; the washing machine to the last two times the water to wash the mop, can take out mop the floor, brush soles...... In a word, water is an invaluable resource that can not be replaced. Treasure the water is to cherish life! Finally, I call on everyone: please save every drop of water, "start from me", start from every small thing around you! - save water, is everyone"s responsibility! In China, because of the rapid economic development, electricity consumption is also more than one day. So, electricity has also become a shortage of materials in our country. Take our family. In the hot summer, when we feel the cool wind blowing in the electric fan, the power is suddenly cut off. A stop is a stop for most of the day, we had to complain incessantly, but electricity is still parked. So, I would like to advise those who do not know how to treasure electricity, and you must not waste electricity as they used to. In the spring and autumn, the air conditioning is still open, the summer air conditioning hits ten degrees, and would rather sleep at night and cover the quilt... The lights on all night sleep, not out, also What one says is plausible. to say: "I will pay for." Can you buy everything with money, please? Can money buy electricity? For an individual, should start from every little bit, for example, to save every drop of water, saving every penny, turn off the lights and so on; for schools, schools should hold some moral education activities, strengthen students" thrift awareness, cultivate students" moral sentiment; government officials should set an example, refused to "hedonism" so, to take the lead in promoting socialist morality, the sleeves swaying with every soft breeze.


Maurice男人名; 莫里斯

为什么国外法庭上称呼法官为 “Your Honor” ,而...

就法官称呼而言,英国是My Lord,美国是Your Honor,主要是基于不同的历史原因形成的,早期的英国法律大多由王室制定,通过各地的领主或国王派出的巡回审判官执行,对老百姓而言,他们就是“My Lord”。而在美国,法官的审判权利是人民赋予的,法官只是一种职业,没有特权,更没有领地,所以尊称为“Your Honor”。 不过,现在这类称呼没那么严格了,在美国地方法院称呼法官“Judge”很常见,高等法院法官则是“Justices”或者“Judges of the peace"。另外,像洛杉矶郡法院等少数法院会有特殊规定,要求必须称呼法官“Your Honor”。

This is the hour,this is the day ,for our two peoples to rise

this 主语is 谓语the hour, the day 并列 表语for our two peoples 插入语to rise to the heights of greatness(表语的)补语. 用语补充说明表语的状况which can build a new and better world 定语从句, 修饰greatness是一种可以建造更新,更好世界的greatness.

With these measures taking strictly有问题吗?

正确形式应该为:with these measures taken strictly。因为these measures与take为被动关系,所以用过去分词taken



关于coat kuratatsu的成员?

: 姓名:sho 身高:180cm 体重:70kg 年龄:21 TAIKI: 姓名:TAIKI 身高:177CM 体重:63KG 年龄:22 NAGI: 姓名:NAGI 出生于:1984年4月2日身高:175CM 体重:60KG

Your Fine Petting Duck 歌词

歌曲名:Your Fine Petting Duck歌手:Devendra Banhart专辑:MalaDevendra Banhart - Your Fine Petting Duck.I"ll take you back"Cause I don"t really love himNo, no, noGive me thatWon"t you gimme gimmeGive me all your lovingAnd I"ll call youAnd hope that you won"t say."If he ever treats you badPlease remember how much worse I treated youIf he doesn"t try his bestPlease remember that I never tried at allAnd if he makes you cry a lotPlease remember that with me you never stoppedI never held on long enough to let you go".Come back babyI never really loved himI"ll take you backI never really loved him."If he don"t give enough timePlease remember that I never gave you mineAnd if he doesn"t have a dimePlease forget how hard I worked to get you lotsYou, you always knewBut you pushed it, babyYeah, you pushed it, babyYou looked away".Come back babyI never really loved himI"ll take you backI never really loved him."If he ever is untruePlease remember I was tooAnd so much more soIf he doesn"t have a cluePlease forget how much I always had a fewIf he ever is unkindAt least he"ll never change his mindNot the way I always did and still will do".Als eine Flamme rei

turn around怎么连读?


turn around怎么读

turn around[英] [tə:n əˈraund][美] [tɚn əˈraʊnd][词典](使)转身; (使)好转; 改变意见; 使变得完全不同;

turning around怎么读

turning [turn·ing || "tu025crnu026au014b /"tu025cu02d0-]n. 旋转; 转弯处; 转向around [a·round || u0259"rau028and]adv. 到处, 四处; 向相反方向; 周围,附近; 环绕prep. 到处, 四处; 向相反方向; 周围,附近; 环绕#围绕, 环绕; 在...附近; 在...四处; 绕过

turn around怎么读?




C# PictureBox控件 显示位置问题


柴油是gasoil,难道和天然气natural gas有关系么?

和天然气倒没有什么关系,天然气主要成分是甲烷,还含有少量乙烷、丁烷、戊烷、二氧化碳、一氧化碳、硫化氢等。在英语中叫做gas oil,可能和柴油中各组分的沸点相对较高,容易汽化有关系。柴油主要是由烷烃、烯烃、环烷烃、芳香烃、多环芳烃与少量硫 (2 ~ 60g /kg) 、氮 (< 1g /kg) 及添加剂组成的混合物。以燃料油为例 : 白色或淡黄色液体。相对密度 0.85 。熔点 -29.56 ℃ 。沸点 180 ~ 370 ℃ 。闪点 40 ℃ 。蒸气密度 4 。蒸气压 4.0kPa 。蒸气与空气混合物可燃限 0.7 ~ 5.0% 。不溶于水。遇热、火花、明火易燃 , 可蓄积静电 , 引起电火花。分解和燃烧产物为一氧化碳、二氧化碳和硫氧化物。避免接触氧化剂。

grasshopper中iso curve的用法


英语Neural Engine怎么翻译?

Neural Engine翻译成中文的意思就是。神经引擎。神经网络引擎ri,那么当然要提一提A11 Bionic中搭载的专用于机器学习的硬件——Neural Engine(神经网络引擎)

谁知道shakira「La Tortura」这首歌的歌词? 求助... 谢谢大家勒!!!

Shakira - La Tortura [歌词] LyricsLa Tortura - Alejandro Sanz & ShakiraLyrics by Shakira & Alejandro SanzAlejandro: Ay! payita m铆a gu谩rdate la poes铆a, gu谩rdate la alegr铆a pa钬?ti.dame, dame, damelo. Ah!Shakira: No pido que todo los d铆as sean de sol,no pido que todos los viernes sean de fiesta...Y tampoco te pido que vuelvas rogando perd贸n, si lloras con los ojos secos y hablando de ella.Shakira: Ay Amor! me duele tanto...Alejandro: Me duele tanto!Shakira: Que te fueras sin decir adonde. Ay Amor! Fue una tortura...Alejandro & Shakira:Perderte!Alejandro: Yo s茅 que no he sido un santo, pero lo puedo arreglar, amor.Shakira: No s贸lo de pan vive el hombre y no de excusas vivo yo!Alejandro: S贸lo de errores se aprende y hoy s茅 que es tuyo mi coraz贸n.Shakira: Mejor te guardas todo eso, a otro perro con ese hueso y nos decimos adi贸s!Alejandro: Pues otra vez, pues otra vez, No.pues otra vez, pues otra vez, No.Shakira: No puedo pedir que el invierno perdone a un rosal. No puedo pedir a los olmos que entreguen peras. No puedo pedirle lo eterno a un simple mortaly andar arrojando a los cerdos miles de perlas!Alejandro: Ay Amor! Me duele tanto, me duele tanto! Que no creas m谩s en mis promesas.Shakira: Ay! Amor...Alejandro: Es una tortura...Shakira:...perderte!Alejandro: Yo s茅 que no he sido un santo, pero lo puedo arreglar, amor.Shakira: No s贸lo de pan vive el hombre y no de excusas vivo yo!Alejandro: S贸lo de errores se aprende y hoy s茅 que es tuyo mi coraz贸n.Shakira: Mejor te guardas todo eso, a otro perro con ese hueso y nos decimos adi贸s!Alejandro: dame, dame, damelo. (shakira says: ah!..)No te bajes, no te bajes, oye negrita mira, no te rajes.De lunes a viernes tienes mi amor, d茅jame el s谩bado a mi que es mejor! Oye mi negra no me castigues m谩s, porque all谩 afuera sin ti no tengo m谩s. Yo s贸lo soy un hombre arrepentido y como el ave que vuelve a su nido.Alejandro: Yo s茅 que no he sido un santo y es que no estoy hecho de cart贸nShakira: No s贸lo de pan vive el hombre y no de excusas vivo yo!Alejandro: S贸lo de errores se aprende y hoy s茅 que es tuyo mi coraz贸n.Shakira: Ay!... Ay!... ay, ay, ay, Ay! Todo lo que he hecho por ti. Fue una tortura perderte y me duele tanto que sea as铆. Sigue llorando perdon. Yo... ya no voy...a llorar por ti!

Cornerstone中,copy url包含中文会乱,怎么解决


The Cursed Mayhem 歌词

歌曲名:The Cursed Mayhem歌手:sinister专辑:HateFrom beyond death they rise in furious hateMalicious demons harbingers of scornful wrathThe awaken painDark waters stir the abyss roars with hateDamned souls scream in agonising painI summoned up the mayhem of oblivious timesSmeared the blood upon my faceOn my throne of human wasteBloodfeast my carnage riteBodies slaughtered to sacrificeBow down before the Absu fiendWanderers in the land of wasteBeware, I conjured theeSinisterThou will suffer and dwell unseenI"m the author of all painTransformed to my ancient soulDragonbull with a body of flamesLustful skin as cold as iceI burn from thou desireGive me pain and thou fireThe cursed mayhemThe cursed mayhemReborn from pain and hatredBreeding the new aeon of the beastThe cursed mayhemDoglord and dragonbull breeders of the goatLord of abomination unseen behemothI"m the author of all painMad and howling covered with bloodYelled the names of the ancient onesScreaming proudly at their riteFrom beyond death they rise in furious hateMalicious demons, the awaken painI summoned up the mayhem of oblivious timesSmeared the blood upon my faceFrom the offers of human wasteBloodfeast my carnage riteBodies slaughtered to sacrificeThe cursed mayhemThe cursed mayhemDoglord and dragonbull breeders of the goatLord of abomination unseen behemothThe cursed mayhemReborn from pain and hatredBreeding the new aeon of the beasthttp://music.baidu.com/song/14122924


恶意,恶感,恶念,毒心;怨恨短语of malice: 恶意absence of malice: 并无恶意aforethought malice: 恶意预谋

求第二版新编大学英语2中第7单元课文(Bridging Cultural Gaps Gracefully)全文翻译;第10单元课文翻译;


Rachel Carson, born in rural Pennsylvania in 1907, had a great impact on the environment. Carso...

小题1:A小题2:A小题3:B 试题分析:本文介绍了美国海洋生物学家雷切尔·卡逊,尽管她是一名科学家,但她是以她的作品《寂静的春天》引发了美国以至于全世界的环境保护事业。她掌握了许多由于杀虫剂、除草剂的过量使用,造成野生生物大量死亡的证据,但她以更文学化的、更生动的方式写出来,使这本书成了美国和全世界最畅销的书。小题1:A词意猜测题。A极度的, 过度的;B不充足的;C权威的;D有效率的。根据下文She was the first to detail how the pesticide DDT had entered the food chain and damaged populations of bald eagles可知杀虫剂的使用进入了食物链,对一些动物造成了危害,由情理可知此处是指杀虫剂的过度使用,所以A选项正确。小题2:A推理判断题。根据文中she expressed dry facts in poetic and persuasive language.她用诗一般动听的语言解释一些枯燥的事实,和下文In her best-selling book Silent Spring,可知她的书很畅销,由此推断她书中的语言应该是人们都能读懂的,所以A选项内容正确。小题3:B主旨大意题。文章开头介绍以作家而闻名的科学家切尔·卡逊,然后介绍她的贡献,即通过写作引起了人们对环境的关注,由此可知B选项内容正确。


team 进入游戏后 options-进去后右边第四项Text Language-选择chinese,回车就是中文了

the dark pursuer能联机吗





exploitation①开采,开垦,开发,开拓,采掘 ②运转,运行,营运,操作 ③使用,利用,应用 ④(广告)宣传⑤ 剥削,......exploiture 没有找到。。。











求Pchy唱的I am yours 歌词

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it  I tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I melted  I fell right through the cracks now I"m trying to get back  Before the cool done run out I"ll be giving it my bestest  nothing"s going to stop me but divine intervention  I reckon it"s again my turn to win some or learn some  But I won"t hesitate no more no more  It cannot wait I"m yours  ``````````````````````````````` Well open up your mind and see like me  Open up your plans and damn you"re free  Look into your heart and you"ll find love love love love  Listen to the music of the moment people, dance and singWe"re just one big family(A la peaceful melody) And it"s our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loveSo I won"t hesitate no more no moreIt cannot wait I"m sure  There"s no need to complicate our time is short This is our fate I"m yoursDd-do do you, but do you, dd-doBut do you want to come on Scooch on over closer dear And I will nibble your earohohohohohohohI"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer But my breath fogged up the glass And so I drew a new face and I laughed I guess what I be saying is there ain"t no better reason To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasonsIt"s what we aim to do our name is our virtue But I won"t hesitate no more no more It cannot wait I"m yours Open up your mind and see like me Open up your plans and damn you"re free  Look into your heart and you"ll find that the sky is yours So please don"t, please don"t, please don"t There"s no need to complicate Cause our time is short  This is, this is, this is our fate  I"m yours


屏幕尺寸:10.6英寸 电容式触摸屏,多点式...操作系统:Windows 8处理器:NVIDIA ARM存储容量:32GB/64GB SSD固态硬盘屏幕分辨率:1366x768摄像头:集成摄像头产品重量:676g续航时间:具体时间视使用环境而定WiFi功能:支持802.11b/g/n无线协议上市时间:2012年数据接口:USB2.0存储卡:支持Micro SD(TF)卡,最大支持...上市时间:2012年10月存储卡:支持Micro SD(TF)卡,最大支持32GB指取设备:触摸屏设备描述:ClearType HD支持语言:支持多国语言WiFi功能:支持802.11b/g/n无线协议蓝牙功能:支持声音系统:内置音效芯片视频格式:可播放1080p(1920×1080分辨率)视频数据接口:USB2.0音频接口:3.5mm耳机接口其他接口:电源接口,存储卡接口,MIMO天线电池类型:锂电池,3150毫安摄像头:集成摄像头图片浏览:支持JPEG,GIF,BMP格式内置感应:智能重力感应其他功能:支持Flash,支持NFC近场通信技术


一、Metro界面下系统设置在系统正常的情况下,Metro界面下系统设置可以直接选择U盘启动作为第一启动项,步骤如下:设置-更改电脑设置-常规-高级启动-立即启动-使用设备(使用U盘、网络连接或windows恢复DVD)-UEFI:设备名称,选中就可以重启,然后就可以开始安装win10系统了。二、Bios设置1、没有键盘关闭Surface →按住音量上调键 →打开Surface,不要松开音量上调键 →出现LOGO时,松开音量上调键;2、有键盘开机时连续按下F12,进入启动项窗口。

Microsoft Surface到底是个什么东西?


surface 怎么进入电脑模式

进入安全模式一般是在刚开机,刚刚到载入系统的时候,按 Shift+F8 键,但是Surface与传统电脑不同,这时候按smart cover的按键并不起作用,我估计是因为Surface的Smart Cover键盘并非传统的USB或者PS/2设备,硬件本身不支持,需要进入RT系统后,在相应的驱动下才可以使用,所以在刚启动的时候smart cover键盘应该是毫无作用,所以无法通过键盘快捷键的方法进入安全模式。


  一、微软surface怎么样?   其实把surface说成是平板电脑不是完全正确的,因为其还是一部超极本,当然由于其拥有优秀的机身厚度与续航时间,把它当做一台平板电脑也是没有问题的。在cpu方面,其使用了特制的i3cpu,极大地强化了节能效率,在保证一定的性能的基础上,surface做到了比较长的续航能力,这一点确实非常不易。   在屏幕方面,surface的屏幕大小达到了10英寸,是比较常见的平板电脑尺寸。在硬盘存储方面,surface采用了500gbssd硬盘,以最小的空间提供给了大家最优秀的储存空间,另外还有1tb版供大家选择。   二、微软surface的优缺点   作为微软唯一的超极本、平板系列,surface的优点是显而易见的。首先就是surface非常轻薄,整机重量不过两百克左右,厚度也仅仅为9.7cm,将键盘拆下来之后完全可以轻松的进行双手操作。另外surface采用了windows系统,这一点是它与市面上其他的平板产品最大的不同,微软将自家的系统完美的融合进这款产品中,大家可以在上面运行office等办公软件,这种便利是其他的平板无法提供的。   既然有优点,缺点也是不可避免的。首先就是win8的"触控操作比较不成熟,在进行不少普通操作时你会发现没有其他的专业触控系统那样便利,毕竟微软是专 门 做桌面系统的,有这一点缺点也可以理解。另外就是比较有争议的一点,那就是不少人认为surface配置过低,因为不少人都还是用评价一款 笔记本电脑 的眼光来评价surface,这种看法其实是不准确的,毕竟surface的官方定义是一款平板超极本,不过surface确实没有办法流畅的运行一些大型的电脑游戏。   三、微软surface的定价   微软surface的定价非常高,即便是低配版的价格也一般都在5000元左右,最新款的高配版更是达到了10000元。这也是用户抱怨最大的点,只能说这款电脑确实是比较适合商务人士购买。

两台surface pro怎么数据迁移?



没问题,性能和Macbook AIR 差不多,有一个USB,可以插移动硬盘。

surface 用什么操作系统


微软 Surface的基本参数

屏幕尺寸:10.6英寸 电容式触摸屏,多点式...操作系统:Windows 8处理器:NVIDIA ARM存储容量:32GB/64GB SSD固态硬盘屏幕分辨率:1366x768摄像头:集成摄像头产品重量:676g续航时间:具体时间视使用环境而定WiFi功能:支持802.11b/g/n无线协议上市时间:2012年数据接口:USB2.0视频格式:可播放1080p(1920×1080分辨率)视频数据接口:USB2.0音频接口:3.5mm耳机接口其他接口:电源接口,存储卡接口,MIMO天线电池类型:锂电池,3150毫安摄像头:集成摄像头图片浏览:支持JPEG,GIF,BMP格式内置感应:智能重力感应存储卡:支持Micro SD(TF)卡,最大支持...上市时间:2012年10月存储卡:支持Micro SD(TF)卡,最大支持32GB指取设备:触摸屏设备描述:ClearType HD支持语言:支持多国语言WiFi功能:支持802.11b/g/n无线协议蓝牙功能:支持声音系统:内置音效芯片其他功能:支持Flash,支持NFC近场通信技术

Surface 尺寸是多少?

微软官方商城在售的Surface系列各款产品的尺寸不尽相同。Surface Go:10.5英寸(245mm x 175mm x 8.3mm)Surface Pro 6:12.3英寸(292mm x 201mm x 8.5mm)Surface Pro 7:12.3英寸(292mm x 201mm x 8.5mm)Surface Laptop 2:13.5英寸(308.1mm x 223.27mm x 14.48mm)Surface Book 2:13.5英寸与15英寸两种可选Surface Studio:28英寸(637.35 mm x 438.90 mm x 12.50 mm)


surface的释义为:表面;外观;外表;地面;水面。以这个词语命名的电脑是微软旗下的一款电脑,只是用了这个词语命名,和词语本身的意义无关。以他命名的电脑一个叫surface rt,一个叫surface pro。对于移动办公的需求,surface看上去是个不错的选择,用户几乎可以很低成本地从PC上过渡到平板。但实际上它是一个平板,用户在移动办公得到便利的同时也能享受到平板独有的体验。所以理论上对于苹果的air和ipad都产生了威胁。不过最终表现如何,还要看价格,




平板电脑也是个人计算机,与常见的笔记本电脑不同,平板电脑没有屏幕转轴,或没有键盘,或只配备柔性键盘,以柔性、可拆卸方式连接。内核来看,Windows +X86 处理器的平板电脑和笔记本电脑没有区别,ARM系列的平板电脑在处理器绝对性能上明显弱于主流的PC产品。Surace Book 有转轴,是笔记本,Surface Pro 没有转轴,是平板电脑。






1/3 分步阅读我的电脑----属性-----硬件-----设备管理器-----cpu,2/3一般单核的只显示一个图标。双枋则显示二个一样的图标。3/3也可以左边硬件检测软件来查看CPU型号,例如左边cpu-z,everest等都可以也可以打开机箱,拿下风扇(含散热底座),就可以看到CPU型号。(这个虽然不用借助软件查看,但是需要打开机箱,拆下风扇才能看到,比较麻烦。)...


有个疑问有op4吗少年ハート少年ハート [交响诗篇 エウレカセブン OP2] 歌:HOME MADE 家族 作词:KURO.MICRO.DJ U-ICHI 作曲:KURO.MICRO.DJ U-ICHI.渡辺贵浩 编曲:渡辺贵浩 口ずさむメロディーが思い出させてくれる (Back in the Days) メモリーはどれも辉いてばかりいる (So) You gotta remember 今も 梦のかけらを手に あの顷のように (Come on!) 光はなつ少年のハート 「将来の梦」の栏に书いた あの顷の俺から何年経った? 现実と理想の狭间揺らいだ 情热の炎も消えかかった ちょっと待った!ちょ、ちょっと待った!! 胜负はこれからさ 张った!张った! 谛めた时点でゲームオーバー 现状をこの手で切り开こうか 覚えていますか?昔は确か かすかな希望に全力を出した 昨日のために生きていました その気持ちどっか忘れてないか? 青春に期限なんてない 探究心に年は関系ないと思うよ だってそうだろ? We wanna make the dream come true つまり... 咲かそう 咲かそう 咲かそう 情热の花を咲かそう 咲かそう 咲かそう 咲かそう... 口ずさむメロディーが思い出させてくれる (Back in the Days) メモリーはどれも辉いてばかりいる (So) You gotta remember 今も 梦のかけらを手に あの顷のように (Come on!) 光はなつ少年のハート 「いつかきっときっときっと俺も...」って ボーっとしてると きっとで终わるぞ 无邪気な勇気ふりしぼって 童心の热を呼びおこせ 少年から青年 to the 中年 未だ目下 何かに梦中で 辉いている方がそう、格好いいじゃん like challengerだYEAH!! 「子供から大人はどっから?」なんて考えてる 俺どっちだ?? いつからか社会の壳の中 闭じ笼って小さくまとまってないか? 镜の中のお前に问う 「まだまだこんなもんじゃないだろう」 梦の形は変化していても 辉けるはずなのさ いつでも 探そう 探そう 探そう 梦のかけらを探そう 探そう 探そう 探そう 口ずさむメロディーが思い出させてくれる (Back in the Days) メモリーはどれも辉いてばかりいる (So) You gotta remember 今も 梦のかけらを手に あの顷のように (Come on!) 光はなつ少年のハート (ラップ) 何をしたらいい?何ができるこの仆に? やりたい事がわからない I believe there"s never too late 始めるのにきっと遅いはない 可能性はそうさ 无限大 明日を変えてく力は そうキミ次第 だから探そう 咲かそう 情热の花を咲かそう 口ずさむメロディーが思い出させてくれる (Back in the Days) メモリーはどれも辉いてばかりいる (So) You gotta remember 今も 梦のかけらを手に あの顷のように (Come on!) 光はなつ少年のハート ------------------------------------------------------------ kuchizusamumerodi-gaomoidasasetekureru(Back in the Days) memori-wadoremokagayaitebakariiru(so) You gotta remember imamo yumenokaderawoteni anokoronoyouni (Come on!) hikariwanatsushounennoha-to 「shourainoyume」norannikaita anokoronoorekaranannentatta? genjitsutorisounowazamayuraida jounetsunohonoomokiekakatta chottomatta! cho、chottomatta!! shoubuwakorekarasa hatta!hatta! akirametajitendege-muo-ba- genjouwokonotedekirihirakouka oboeteimasuka? mukashiwatashika kasukanakibounizenryokuwodashita kinounotameniikiteimashita sonokimochidokkawasuretenaika? seishunnikigennantenai tankyuushinnitoshiwakankeinaitoomouyo dattesoudaro? We wanna make the dream come true tsumari.. sakasou sakasou sakasou jounetsunohanawosakasou sakasou sakasou sakasou... kuchizusamumerodi-gaomoidasasetekureru(Back in the Days) memori-wadoremokagayaitebakariiru(so) You gotta remember imamo yumenokaderawoteni anokoronoyouni (Come on!) hikariwanatsushounennoha-to 「itsukakittokittokittooremo...」tte bo-ttoshiteruto kittodeowaruzo mujakinayuukifurishibotte doushinnonetsuwoyobiokose shounenkaraseinen to the chuunen imadamokka nanikanimuchuude kagayaiteiruhougasou、kakkouiijan like challenger da YEAH!! 「kodomokaraotonawadokkara?」nantekangaeteru oredocchida?? itsukarakashakainokaranonaka tojikomottechiisakumatamattenaika? kagaminonakanoomaenitou 「madamadakonnamonjanaidarou」 yumenokatachiwahenkashiteitemo kagayakeruhazunanosa itsudemo sagasou sagasou sagasou yumenokakerawosagasou sagasou sagasou sagasou kuchizusamumerodi-gaomoidasasetekureru(Back in the Days) memori-wadoremokagayaitebakariiru(so) You gotta remember imamo yumenokaderawoteni anokoronoyouni (Come on!) hikariwanatsushounennoha-to (rappu) naniwoshitaraii?nanigadekirukonobokuni? yaritaikotogawakaranai I believe there"s never too late hajimerunonikittoosoiwanai kanouseiwasousa mugendai ashitawokaetekuchikarawa soukimishidai dakarasagasou sakasou jounetsunohanawosakasou kuchizusamumerodi-gaomoidasasetekureru(Back in the Days) memori-wadoremokagayaitebakariiru(so) You gotta remember imamo yumenokaderawoteni anokoronoyouni (Come on!) hikariwanatsushounennoha-to



surface什么意思 英文翻译 正常的



surface单词发音:英[u02c8su025cu02d0fu026as];美[u02c8su025cu02d0rfu026as]。surface,英文单词,名词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“表面;表层;外观;人名;(英)瑟菲斯”,作形容词时意为“表面的,肤浅的”,作动词时意为“浮出水面;使浮出水面;使成平面”。短语搭配:on the surface在表面上,外表上surface treatment表面处理surface area表面面积;曲面面积surface quality表面质量;表面符号;外观要求surface water[地]地表水例句:Put it in the flour without impairment of its surface.把它放入面粉中且不损伤它的表面。This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round.这是因为地球的表面是圆的而不是平的。You should clean every room, every surface, and every closet in the house.你应该清理屋子里的每个房间,每个表面,以及每个壁橱。




surface的释义为:表面;外观;外表;地面;水面。以这个词语命名的电脑是微软旗下的一款电脑,只是用了这个词语命名,和词语本身的意义无关。以他命名的电脑一个叫surface rt,一个叫surface pro。对于移动办公的需求,surface看上去是个不错的选择,用户几乎可以很低成本地从PC上过渡到平板。但实际上它是一个平板,用户在移动办公得到便利的同时也能享受到平板独有的体验。所以理论上对于苹果的air和ipad都产生了威胁。不过最终表现如何,还要看价格,




surface,英文单词,名词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“表面;表层;外观;人名;(英)瑟菲斯”,作形容词时意为“表面的,肤浅的”,作动词时意为“浮出水面;使浮出水面;使成平面”。surface英[u02c8su025cu02d0fu026as]美[u02c8su025cu02d0rfu026as]n.表面;面;表层;地面;水面;液面;(家具的)顶面,操作台;v.升到水面;浮出水面;(隐藏或被掩盖一段时间后)露面,重新出现,显露,被披露;醒来;起床;[例句]Ozone forms a protective layer between 12 and 30 miles above the Earth"s。臭氧在地球表面上方12到30英里处形成一个保护层。[其他]第三人称单数:surfaces复数:surfaces现在分词:surfacing过去式:surfaced过去分词:surfaced。扩展资料:surface指物体的“面”“表面”时,是可数名词,可加不定冠词,也可与数词连用。surface指“水面”“液体的表面”时,常用单数形式。surface用于比喻,可指人或事物的“表象”“外表”“外观”,也常用单数形式。surface还可用作动词,表示“在某物上面加表层”“浮到水面”“重新出现”“睡醒,恢复知觉”。例如:After living abroad for years, she suddenly surfaced again in London.她在国外居住多年后,突然在伦敦重新露面了。Their old rivalry soon surfaced when they met again.他们重逢时,昔时之明争暗斗旋即死灰复燃。He finally surfaced at midday.他终于在中午醒过来了。


surface的意思是表面。surface,英文单词,名词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“表面;表层;外观;人名;(英)瑟菲斯”,作形容词时意为“表面的,肤浅的”,作动词时意为“浮出水面;使浮出水面;使成平面”。短语搭配1、on the surface在表面上,外表上。2、surface treatment表面处理。3、surface area表面面积;曲面面积。4、surface quality表面质量;表面符号;外观要求。5、surface water地表水。双语例句1、Put it in the flour without impairment of its surface.把它放入面粉中且不损伤它的表面。2、This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round.这是因为地球的表面是圆的而不是平的。3、You should clean every room, every surface, and every closet in the house.你应该清理屋子里的每个房间,每个表面,以及每个壁橱。


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