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culture/(音标不会打)/①文化②教养③栽培④养殖⑤耕作⑥培养▲cultural α │d~ α.有教养的;人工培养的

8-hour Ozone是什么意思 环境专业名词


英文成绩单里有个Course Item项目,

Courses Items: R(Required Courses), C(Controlled Selective Courses), S(Selective Courses).

nature retreat什么意思

nature retreat 自然的撤退retreat 英[ru026au02c8tri:t] 美[ru026au02c8trit] vi. 撤退,后退; 撤销,作罢; (眼睛等) 凹进; [航] 向后倾斜; n. 撤回; 静居处; 引退期间; 静思,静修; [例句]"I"ve already got a job," I said quickly, and retreated from the room“我已经有了一份工作。”我马上说道,并从房间里退了出来。[其他] 第三人称单数:retreats 现在分词:retreating 过去式:retreated过去分词:retreated


siisisjj 0


posture的意思是(坐立的)姿势; 态度; 看法; 立场; 处理方式;故作姿态; 装样子。posture,英语单词,主要用作名词、不及物动词、及物动词,作名词时译为“姿势;态度;情形”,作不及物动词时译为“摆姿势”,作及物动词时译为“作…的姿势”。相关短语具体如下:Good Posture良好姿势 ; 打高尔夫的正确姿势 ; 好姿态;sitting posture坐姿 ; 就坐姿势 ; 人则主要以坐姿 ; 坐位姿势;immobile posture不动姿势;military posture军事态势;Posture Hypotension姿态性低血压;posture poise舞姿姿态 ; 舞姿仪态;Improves posture改善体形 ; 改善体态;Performing posture演奏姿势。例句如下:1、He enjoys posturing in front of an audience.他喜欢在观众面前装腔作势。They are trying to adopt a more cooperative posture.他们正试图采取更为合作的态度。2、Walking posture from the dust of Yijin, the location of the statue from the design of Block in the end, the old vine on every detail Qingliqingwei Therefore, he Xiaoping Jiongjiongweishen more clearly the vision contained in the expectations.从行走的姿态到飞扬的衣襟,从雕像的选址到底座的设计,藤老对每一个细节都亲历亲为,因此,他更加清楚小平炯炯有神的目光中包含的期望。



英语作文 Four seasons in a year(一年四季)

Four Seasons In A Year There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Girls wear different clothes in different seasons. In winter it is very cold. We wear thick sweaters and skirts. We like spring because spring is colourful. We can take off heavy clothes and play outside. It"s not too hot and not too cold. The weather often changes in spring. In summer we wear cool clothing. The weather doesn"t change often in summer. It"s very hot. Do you know autumn? Let me tell you about it. It"s cool in autumn. We wear light sweaters and skirts. The most wonderful thing is that we can eat all kinds of fruits. Autumn is really nice. Every season is very beautiful. I like them.

java、dom解析xml时出现Premature end of file 错误,原因是xml文件后没有节点 ,看问题补充

这是写入XML文件的方法:public boolean addStu(Document doc){try{System.out.print(" "+"doc="+doc);Element eStu = doc.createElement("Student");Element eName = doc.createElement("Name");Element eSex = doc.createElement("Sex");Element eAge = doc.createElement("Age");Element eAddress = doc.createElement("Address");Attr aNo = doc.createAttribute("SID");Text tid = doc.createTextNode(stuNO);Text tname = doc.createTextNode(stuName);Text tsex = doc.createTextNode(stuSex);Text tage = doc.createTextNode(stuAge);Text taddress = doc.createTextNode(stuAddress);eStu.setAttributeNode(aNo).appendChild(tid);eStu.appendChild(eName).appendChild(tname);eStu.appendChild(eSex).appendChild(tsex);eStu.appendChild(eAge).appendChild(tage);eStu.appendChild(eAddress).appendChild(taddress);Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();root.appendChild(eStu);return true;}catch(Exception e){System.out.print("addStu:"+e+" ");return false;}}


点一其中的一个文件,然后用RAR格式达开,里面你会看 到一个叫vty-0177.iso. 把他拖出来,然后用虚拟光区按装,里面的CDKEY可以在虚拟光区里的ViTALiTY下的KEYGEN.EXE里拿到,然后就正常安装,一切搞定

UEFA EURO 2004 各个键的作用


the carnival is dead and gone--Current 93帮忙翻译下 中文。要人工的 谢谢

女士们先生们宴会已经彻底结束虽然从未真正开始桌子和椅子灰飞烟灭每滴喝剩的葡萄酒都已经生成了锈 锈化成了灰 被吹走的灰带走了喝酒时的信任我在人群中看到了你高贵的内心你转身离开我的背影 熔化在灯光里破碎的灯和褪色的旗呼唤着我们最深处的光不必好奇地瞪着你的眼睛这些场景会返回你的记忆你的头盖骨的荧幕上看不到任何音乐和致意虽然我们已处在完全现实的现在在时间的最后一卷上那最深的夜它的轮廓闪耀着 然后慢慢淡出视线华伦天奴u2022瓦利u2022莫斯死去了小小的丧钟也为其而鸣你也开始眨眼组织和肌肉开始破裂是你脑死亡的延伸死亡死亡死亡那最深沉的夜像阳光明媚里闪过猫的脸那是只从我过去复活的猫你永远地跌倒 你永远地化成泡沫 你得到永远的快乐从另一个时空传来奏乐从那个只有死亡的世界那里的教堂没有钟声也没有上帝的降雨被浇润过的窗户被打碎你承担自己的选择追随魔鬼而去你被自己的骄傲永远地淹没窒息我记忆最深处的光永远地跌倒 永远地化成泡沫 得到永远的快乐对你外阴的回忆构想着我未来的生活将不复存在了将不复存在了将不复存在了我仿佛看见为了我所有的挫折和痛苦为了我所有的失去和徒劳你甜美的心和脸庞和淘气的笑着吻我的样子还有你迷人的双腿就像是最后的恩赐你最深最暖的心说着再见是最深处的光我希望我能死在你的身体里然后用力冲进你的内心面对着你的子宫 成为你最深处的光最深沉的夜

绝地大逃杀点击开始后出现dx11 feature level 10.0 is required


绝地求生一打开就出现dx11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engin


在……时期是in the time of还是during the time of


raise your glass 歌词

Grab the chair, boys! We"ve got another bucket kicker!Happy Birthday my olde friend.It seems this horror show will never end.Any moment"s your last breath,Here is to another day closer to death.The cake is on the table,And it is awfully bright,"Cause there"s so many candles on top.But you are so decrepit,Your chest so tight,When you blow them out your lungs are gonna pop.You cannot complainEach time you feel a pain,Though you have arthritis and gout."Cause when you start kvetching,All your teeth fall out.So have another cigarette,Have another beer,Raise your glass to one more year. (GONE!)Happy Birthday my olde friend.It seems this horror show will never end.Any moment"s your last breath,Here is to another day closer to death.Your skin is so worn out and old,All over your body it"s sagging.Especially loose is your old caboose,You"re dragging it behind you in a wagon.Well, you"re an alcoholic,And you"re blind and deaf,And you have Alzheimer"s I bet.You"re too old to remember,But you"re too drunk to forget.So have another cigarette,Have another beer,Raise your glass to one more year. (GONE!)Happy Birthday my olde friend.It seems this horror show will never end.Any moment"s your last breath,Here is to another day closer to death.You"re so old you smell like dust,And now your bones begin to rust.See that face, it"s full of wrinkles.So have another cigarette,Have another beer,Raise that chair to one more year. (RAISE!)Happy Birthday my olde friend.It seems this horror show will never end.Any moment"s your last breath,Here is to another day closer to death.Happy Birthday my olde friend.It seems this horror show will never end.Any moment"s your last breath,Here is to another day closer to YourSweetDeath

hourly chart在股票中什么意思


求黑名单03集网盘下载地址,美剧:《黑名单》 英文名称:《Burn Notice》 别名:《火线警告》

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seaport和harbour这两个单词的意思相近,都可以表示“港口,码头”,这两个单词的区别是: seaport:这个单词的词义主要指的是港埠。 harbour:属于一般用词,指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口。 扩展资料   seaport怎么解释   seaport这个单词是一个英语名词,这个英语名词的词义为海港,港口都市。   这个名词属于可数名词,这个英语名词的变形规则属于一般可数名词的.变形范畴,seaport的复数形式是seaports。   seaport和harbour的区别是什么   seaport和harbour这两个单词的意思相近,都可以表示“港口,码头”,这两个单词的区别是:   1、seaport:这个单词的词义主要指的是港埠。   2、harbour:属于一般用词,指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口。

你的笔友是男孩还是女孩?用英语怎么说? 选择疑问句 ______your pen pal a boy or a girl?


The feature you are trying to use is on anetwank resoyce is unavailabie

是这个吧?The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailabe你想要使用的特性在不可用的网络资源中。是不是这个特性出问题了?那就不用了,或者重新下载,或者杀毒。

what we should do to preserve nature? 需要英语短文……

The preservation of intact ecosystems and natural unspoiled regions is among the most urgent tasks facing our generation. Its importance is primordial among the multiple imperatives that determine the future of a post-industrial society capable of ensuring sustainable development…. We can start out by asking ourselves how to justify the protection of nature, and why we must replace some biocenoses with human intervention, even though similar questions can seem inappropriate to any reader of this work. To protect our natural environment we must work for systemical cultural changes both big and small. There are many things you can do to help. No one can do it all, but each of us can do something. Here are some practical strategies for developing partnership relations with our natural world: at home, at school, at work. At Home, we should obtain a list of environmentally and socially responsible companies from Co-Op America and buy from them. Recycle and reuse when possible and buy biodegradable soaps and pesticide-free produce.Besides, use nontoxic methods of pest and weed control and use energy-efficient light bulbs and drive a car that has fewer emissions and better gas mileage. At School, we should support Partnership Education that includes environmental education and ask our school district to replace diesel school buses with natural gas, or better still, with electric school buses. At Work, we should adopt manufacturing methods to recycle materials and avoid waste and join environmentally responsible professional and business organizations such as Businesses for Social, the Social Venture Network, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, and the World Business Academy. We can encourage our workplace to conserve energy and water and use recycled paper products. By protecting nature, we are actually protecting ourselves since the nature and human are co-dependent.


目前有一系列的点 每个点的位置上有对应的特征记为 ,经过旋转 、缩放 、平移 变成另外一些点 ,这些点上的特征为 ,考虑到变换的时候存在噪声,因此有目前要根据观测到的一系列 和 ,得到旋转 、缩放 、平移 该优化问题变成如下形式根据贝叶斯公式有假设噪声为高斯分布假设每个观测位置噪声独立同分布考虑到在固定源和目标点对的情况下 为常数,因此优化问题变为这意味着两组特征的相关最大是在高斯噪声下的匹配问题最优解,为了简化问题,这里首先考虑最简单的特征亮度,这样情况下,特征向量变成标量,这里首先对原始信号进行 个点的离散傅里叶变换DFT(既后面补上 个 )有

C++ 函数最后的返回值return后面加两个冒号什么意思


your Love is Blind 中文翻译 要准确的

Ramzi Feat. Ash King - Your Love Is Blind 你的爱情是盲目的I see you all the time 我一直看着你 Never see you smile 却从来没有见到过你微笑 I try to picture what"s going on in your mind 我试着猜想你脑子究竟是怎么回事 He leaves you every night by yourself 他每晚总是把你孤单的留在那里 He took your love and put it on the shelf 他得到了你的爱却把它就摆在那里不管 He doesn"t really care… how you feel... 他并不在乎你的真实感受 You should be moving on girl what"s the deal? 你应该改变这一切,这不是什么大问题 I wana see you out that door... cuz girl you know your worth much more 我希望你走出那扇门 因为你值得拥有更好的 So baby tell me why…you stick around 宝贝告诉我。。。你为什么徘徊 Always lonely and you only wear a frown 你为什么总是一个人是皱着眉头困惑 He don"t treat you good and you know 他对你一点都不好,这个你明白 The only thing left is for you to go 最终留下的只是你离开 You shouldn"t live a lie with someone 你不应该活在一个人的谎言下 When deep inside you know he ain"t the one 当你内心深处知道他不是你的唯一时 I don"t know what to say no more 我不知道该对你再说些什么了 I wana see you out that door 我希望你走出那扇门 Yah azizi (yo precious) is mahiriI really don"t wanna see u cry 我真不希望看到你哭泣 Mujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart) 请理解我,不要往心里去 Don"t wana see another tear in your eye 不希望看到你再流泪 Baby break away 宝贝 请放弃他 Let him go 让他离开 I don"t know what he"s done to you 我不知道他对你做过什么 But I know that it"s time to move on 但是我知道现在是改变的时候了 Girl your love is blind 女孩,你的爱情盲目了 Girl I understand 女孩,我理解 That you"re scared And you feel that you might never love again 你很害怕失去后将再也不能爱一次了 But baby that ain"t true 但是宝贝,这不是事实 No no no 不是 不是 不是 I know that there some there for you 我知道这里一定有一个人适合你 Someone that will see That you are worth 一个你所值得拥有的人 An un...

Lee Ritenour的《Road Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Road Song歌手:Lee Ritenour专辑:Wes BoundI call you they call youEveryone"s calling you my better halfI know you they don"t doNobody will ever do and we don"t careI don"t wana turn back the timeI don"t wana follow the lineStill waiting not creatingEverything we do is better when we"re twoDon"t take it like I fake itEverytime I try to say that i love youI don"t wana turn back the timeI don"t wana follow the lineBecause life is a road that is winding and darkBut i swear "cross my heart so are youLife is a road that is winding and darkBut i swear "cross my heart so are youNow you know it"s truei believe in youYeah you know it"s true I do care for youhappy fucking new year!I"m sorry you"re sorryBut you can be sorry in a better wayIt don"t matter if I neverNever ever let you be the one I needI don"t wana turn back the timeI don"t wana follow the lineBecause life is a road that is winding and darkBut i swear "cross my heart so are youBecause life is a road that is winding and darkBut i swear "cross my heart so are youSo are you.....So are you......So are you.....So are you......http://music.baidu.com/song/8535546

求英语短语意思“perilous nature”??在此句中“perilous”和“nature”分别是什么意思啊,谢谢


3._____ a desert had always been a risk adventure.



dangerous 是tragic, tragical, tragically 吗?

URK H10P指纹考勤机软件程序 怎么用

H10P指纹考勤机软件下载网友说:1 将U盘插到指纹机上。这时指纹机可能有重启动现象,这是正常的。说明指纹机进入操作U盘状态。2 在指纹机菜单上选择 -》数据下载-》U盘下载-》2下载全部记录3 指纹机提示 下载成功(必须出现这个提示)如果出现下载失败,请不要动,继续按OK,再下载一次,一般都会成功。如果指纹机下载到一半突然重新启动,说明U盘格式有问题,必须要用 FAT 或者 FAT32 格式的。并且不能是系统启动盘。可以重新格式化U盘后再试,注意,格式化时不要选择快速格式化。4 在U盘上会产生一个 AGL_001.TXT(或者GLG_001.TXT)的文档,这个文档是乱码,因为是加密的数据.5 用考勤软件导入这个文档,具体方法见光盘视频 04


您好,我们生产的URK产品共分为三个型号分别为:BA-urk/A BA-urk/B BA-urk/c目前市场上比较多的是A和B的机器这两款设备清附赠的软件内都有一项叫:初始化指纹机。选择后会直接将设备做初始化,恢复到原厂出厂状态建议您谨慎选择。如果非要初始化,可以将指纹及数据通过U盘或者485等方式备份出来,以备不时之需


nursery的意思是婴儿室;儿童房;苗圃;育苗场;幼儿园;托儿所;保育院;温床;滋生地;(连续)连撞两球;两球连撞。幼儿园的;托儿所的;保育院的。相关短语:1、seedling nursery 苗圃。2、nursery bed 苗床。3、nursery planter 苗圃播种机。4、polybag nursery 袋育苗圃。5、multiplication nursery 增殖范围。相关例句:1、Most nurseries sell certified trees.多数苗圃都出卖合乎标准的苗木。2、Many children under 5 go to nursery school.5岁以下的许多儿童都上幼儿园。3、Otherwise,no trees could be discarded in the nursery.否则,苗圃中的树木就不能被淘汰。4、The nursery lay at one end of a long,bright corridor.育婴处位于一条长而明亮的走廊尽头。5、They followed him out of the nursery and along the corridor to the staircase.他门跟着他走出育儿室,穿过走廊来到楼梯口。



URK H10P指纹考勤机软件程序 怎么用







荷兰的于尔克 是地名不是国家


urk的中文解释是"荷兰、地名",作为名词时有"于尔克"的意思,发音是[urk],urk在英语中经常以名词形式出现。1. The smell of the rotten fish made me go, "Urgh!"那腐烂的鱼味道太臭了,让我发出了“呕”的声音!2. Just looking at the slimy texture of the snail made me feel urk.只是看到这只蜗牛黏糊糊的质地就让我感到恶心。1. Our next issue is... about the Urk volunteering team. (翻译:下一个议题是 关于派遣医疗服务团到乌鲁克的事)。2. Urk is considered... so we can"t legally send any civil servants. (翻译:那个地方目前被定为战乱国家 法律上是不能排遣民间的)。3. The peace reconstruction work began... after the war ended in Urk. (翻译:在乌鲁克战争结束后展开的 和平重建事业中)。4. which is about 200km... the capital of Urk. (翻译:这次地震发生在距离乌鲁克首都200公里的莫乌鲁地区)。5. People of Urk believe that if they take the pebbles from this beach, they will be able to come back here for sure. (翻译:这里的人相信 从海边带走石头的话 就一定会再回到这里)。6. Visserijcooperatie Urk, a Dutch fisheries-equipment firm, has already expressed an interest in using the new device to catch sole, another bottom-dwelling species. (翻译:一丹麦渔业设备公司Visserijcooperatie Urk,对新装置感兴趣,想用于捕捞另一种海底栖息生物,比目鱼鳎。)

以“How to protect ourselves in an earthquake”为题,写一


Linn Akurate DS 与 klimax 比较 顺带提一下ps audio pwd

先声明,这里不讨论盗版问题,只讨论技术与声音,不屑的请点击右上角小叉子!!! 很多人关注linn的ds系列播放器很久了就是不敢出手,原因是多方面的,我吃了螃蟹,没被毒死,反而更硬朗了,跑来毒害大家,呵呵。 先要做一个重新的定义。 客观上,三台设备中只有psaudio的pwd能够称之为解码器,因为不管从功能上还是从硬件上来讲,它具备了解码器的全部特征,而linn的设备不具备。更准确的说,linn的ds只是一台支持upnp的播放器,想成cd机就容易理解了。 psaudio的设备其实有两件组成,分别是pwd和pwt,前者是解码器,后者是转盘。先说说后者吧,也是我最先出掉的东西。它与一般转盘有很大不同,实际上他是从光盘中读出文件,通过I2S传给pwd,并非传统转盘,读出数字信号pcm给解码器。当然他也具有传统的功能,但这不是它的创新之处。pwt可以读取包括flac,wma等等刻录光盘中的文件,传给pwd实现解码后的音频输出。所以叫他转盘,不如叫他播放器更为贴切。这点与linn akurate ds和klimax ds倒是一样。 LINN的两个DS设备仅仅是个播放器,它使用专用芯片进行码流文件的解码,直接DA后输出,没有了PCM的过程,从理论上讲必定高效率,同时带来高解析等等的好处,至于调味就看各家使用输出器件的特性了。 我之前做了一些功课,也许思维方式的不同,恰好将这几种设备理解的正确,几乎同时进了LINN AKURATE DS和PS AUDIO PWD+PWT,后来仔细进行了比较。关于这几类设备的技术特点,论坛内外有不少前辈的阐述都是相当准确到位的,再次不做赘述,搜搜看吧。 这里只谈谈实际听感,和对于器材选购的自己的一点建议,期望对于新手有所帮助。有任何问题,欢迎讨论。 先说说ps audio的pwd+pwt吧。首先他的声音很干净,速度很快,主要新的设备速度都比较快,因为这是适应高速率码流的基本素质,高低两头真实性延伸很大,但高频不刺耳,低频收的快还保持有准确和密度。这些描述也许太空洞,如果横向比较的话,假如以krell作为标杆,他就类似是mark,一切都是那么的准确细致,挑不出任何毛病,做到看着参数漂亮,听着觉得真的如此。但是味道呢?我们追求的不仅仅是准确。遗憾的告诉你,今年出的新的器材,都这个样子,解析力超级高,密度隔断都超级好,太平衡量,没个性,最多说是矿泉水,清澈无污染,也许你喜欢,也许不。不过这对于喜欢听大编制东西的朋友来说,也许是个好消息。pwd有两个很重要的功能,升频和滤波选择。升频功能绝对不只是个摆设,声音密度的变化在屋外估计都能听出,不管你用同轴接入还是usb接入,作用和质量是以往任何解码器都望尘莫及的。 我用了一周,就把pwt出掉了,发现pwd的usb异步传输或者I2S输入的素质已经足够高了,pwt除了好看,似乎就缺少硬盘接口,假如有电脑,要他何用? 再说说linn的两台ds,他家的m型号没有平衡输出,没用过不评论。akurate ds和klimax使用中没有任何区别,关键在于声音上,前面说了,两台设备都是不折不扣的播放器,和解码器没有任何关系,不要妄想利用已有的转盘和高价数码线。 两台设备都很LINN,akurate的声音更加直接一些,klimax声音有点小阴柔的感觉,别看高价,但觉得大编制的软件出来的差了一点什么。 和前面一样,做个和功放类似的比较,还是以krell为标杆的话,akurate有点贵丰的感觉,他没有psaudio的pwd那种直接的感觉,高频纤细开扬,中高频音色圆润,低频声调延伸出色。音调通透清爽,反应快捷、活泼流畅,但声底并不失润泽醇和,乐感好的很。klimax在此基础上具有我们以往所说的音乐味更加浓烈,更加模味的感觉,同时带有有点像乐林机器的那种阴柔的不见底的清澈。我猜产生这种效应的应该是输出端上两个和乐林同样型号的音频输出滤波器。 说说我的建议吧,假如你听大编制的东西比较多,对于瞬态,解析力,速度感和质感要求很高,且手里已经有素质不错的转盘,那么ps audio pwd是你的不二选择。假如没有转盘,直接玩pchifi,有大量ape或者flac资源,那么请选择akurate ds他更适合你,听大编制很好。假如你喜欢新乐林那种高清透明度晰下的阴柔,就像世霸那种暧昧的味道,对大编制没有疯狂的痴迷,对于弦乐钢琴和人声则是必须的话,klimax ds则最适合你。 我觉得这三台设备,在现阶段都能起到同样的作用,虽然他们根本不就不是同一种设备类型,我们需要那么在乎吗?虽然价格相差不少,但我觉得这是给喜欢不同音乐的人准备的,只看价格根本做不出正确的排序,也选不出适合你的东西。 从高到底 解析力:psaudio pwd 》akurate ds》klimax ds 瞬态 :psaudio pwd 》akurate ds》klimax ds 高频延伸:psaudio pwd 》akurate ds》klimax d s 音乐味:akurate ds= klimax ds》ps audio pwd 大编制: psaudio pwd 》akurate ds》klimax ds 弦乐: klimax ds》psaudio pwd》akurate ds 人声: klimax ds》psaudio pwd》akurate ds 二手设备,psaudio ds相当超值,才不到2w,加个网桥卡进去不到5千,和linn一样可用网线播放,akurate ds才不到3.5万,让那些转盘见鬼去吧,早出早安心。 说说自己吧,我觉得高清音频迟早会淘汰cd,且一定以文件的形式出现,现在制约这一切发生的是,他们还没为版权的问题,想出一个平衡各家公司利益的最终技术方案,LINN和ps audio打开了潘多拉盒子,要么其他hifi厂商支持软件打包的形式,要么音乐发行商接受这一切,否则坐着等死。现在来看,音乐商似乎没有选择了。 对于音乐鉴赏我不一定是权威,但确确实实拥有这些设备期间仔细做了比较,还是很有发言权的,想玩文件hifi的朋友有任何问题请留言。 飞机晚点等着没事断续手机写的,意思没错,文笔不顺,又不明白的留言吧。


歌曲名:DEAR FUTURE by WATCHMAN 歌手:coaltar of the deepers专辑:DEAR FUTURE「DEAR FUTURE by SECRET SHINE」作词∶岩里祐穂/EMI K. Lynn作/编曲∶NARASAKI歌∶coaltar of the deepersI don"t know what to do,tell me where we are nowSomebody show us the way,where should we go from here?If we were born with fate,If we have our destinyWhy are we trying so hard?Why do we cry so much?Don"t worry you don"t have to cryDon"t worry nothing is your faultYou don"t have to feel sorryand alone now, no moreNow we are here alone,looking at each otherBut we still can"t realize the pain that we both feelSo we try to look inside and listen to our heartsThen we can hear words of love,sounding sweet and beautifulDon"t worry you can find the wayDon"t worry it won"t be the sameI can"t tell, I can"t tell you so well but I…Remember when we swamdeep in the ocean blueRemember starting our life,beginning life anewDon"t worry you don"t have to cryDon"t worry nothing is your faultYou don"t have to feel sorrowand alone now, no moreDon"t worry you can find the wayDon"t worry it won"t be the sameI can"t tell, I can"t tell you so well but I…DEAR MY FUTUREDEAR YOUR FUTURE【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/16651769

☆★☆跪求火影忍者 YURAYURA歌词罗马音!☆★☆

Yura yura to yuganda sora eKimi no motto e tonde yukeKonna ni mo chikaku ni kanjiteruFutatsu no omoiZutto soba ni itta karaAita sukima ooki sugiteNamaiki na kimi no sunao na henjiMatte dare ga sabishiiMirarenai machi de naiteru NaraSoba ni inakutemo egao wa todoketaiYura yura to yuganda sora eKimi no moto e tonde yukeKonna ni mo chikaku ni kanjiteruFutatsu no omoi Hitori dakke no sofaManeka wo tori atta neItsuma demo yuki atte iru tamme niHoo dari wa ganbareruMiageta yoroza wa kumoga hageteYume ni yukateru hitomi wakawaranaiKira kira to kagayaku hoshi waIma mo kimi wo tera..........eruDeata hito kawaranu sora no shikaHitotsu no chikaiHanatsuto kini kami woSawaru kuru segao tsuteiruHitori kiri denomuru mune noItamisae kito kizunaiYura yura to yuganda sora eKimi no motto e tonde yukeKonna ni mo chikaku ni kanjiteruFutatsu no omoiKira kira to kagayaku hoshi gaItsumo hutari utsu..........eruDeata hito kawaranu sora no shikaHitotsu no chikai 希望满意

--I wonder if your wife will go to the party --If your wife___,so__

Fuck! U"re so lousy. U should express ur questions as the following:1. - - I wonder if - - -wife==, so == The answers for = = , ==, are A. does, does she B. will, will mine C. does, will mine D. will, will I2. When the Greens moved into the - - -big cleaning. The answers for= = - - A. - - - B. - - - C. - - D. - - 3. If our government - - - in danger. The answers for = = - - - A, B. C. D.如我一向所言, 你不标明是三个问题, 你想让乂工自己去仔细研读, 尊重何在? 邦你莫非自认是欠你?1. c 2.B 3.D 管它什麼冰语 状语 那些是半吊子才搞的, 我只记 If your - - "does",祈使句常用简单式就能表达未来之意, so "will" mine 或 so "will" I 不是祈使句,同理, I wonder if- -"will" 也不是祈使(祈求与假始)句. 我从不管语法 多读多讲自然合乎语法, 即便偶而疏乎犯错,那又如何? 学习英语 目的在沟通, 在扩大交流,不是为了分数!

the word is our oyster是什么意思?


Waiting For The Rapture 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting For The Rapture歌手:Oasis专辑:Dig Out Your SoulOasis - Waiting For The RaptureI still don"t know what I was waiting forA big love to fall down from the skyShe took my hand and picked me up off the floorShe put an apple in my eyeI said I"m tiredCome get me off the merry-go-roundI"m wiredCome feed me and then bring me downShe come up to meI can"t remember what she saidCause I was in a trance and I forgot it allI bet you don"t know about all thatRevolution in her headShe make a lover seem so magicalShe said I"m tiredCome get me off the merry-go-roundI"m wiredWell heaven must of sent youTo save me from the rapture... yeahI"m tiredCome get me off the merry-go-roundI"m wiredCome feed me and then bring me downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/505323

The Rapture的《Calling Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Calling Me歌手:The Rapture专辑:Pieces Of The People We Loveだから爱を叫ぶしかない 谁もがひとりじゃないからそれぞれの名を呼びあうことに 背中を向けちゃいけないCallin"words & music by 酒井ミキオ歌:酒井ミキオ遅すぎることはない 手を握りあうこと夺いあい伤つけあう 明日はのう必要ない狭くなったこの空で 太阳が微笑むために仆らひとりきりが云をどかしてみよう争いの最中に生まれた迷い 不条理が仆を掴むけど…だから爱を叫ぶしかない 谁もがひとりじゃないからそれぞれの名を呼びあうことに 背中を向けちゃいけない小さなその滴が やがて海になるように仆らの想いもきっと ひとつになれるはずさ想像することを怖がらないで 理解、误解缲り返すけど…だから“今”を駆けるしかない 梦を生きるその先に优しい未来が手を広げて 君の笑颜を待ってるそうさ谁もがひとりじゃない その名前を呼びあえばきっと七色に辉くだろう 心繋ぐ架け桥がだから“今”を駆けるしかない 梦を生きるその先に优しい未来が手を広げて 君の笑颜を待ってるhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8557628

我想问一下在《爱情连连看》中的插曲是英文歌的开头是one,two,three,four 一个女的说唱是什么歌


May the world be your oyster 什么意思?oyster在句中是什么意思?



1.oyster英["u0254istu0259] 美["u0254istu0259] n. 牡蛎;蚝purple英["pu0259:pl] 美["pu0259:pl] adj. 1. 紫的,紫红的 2. 帝王的 3. 辞藻华丽的;华而不实的 n. 1.[U] 紫色,紫红色 2.(帝王,显贵穿的)紫袍;王位;高位 v. 1.[T] 使成紫色 2.[I] 变成紫色供你参考,祝你开心。

“the word is our oyster”是什么意思?

应该是the world is my oyster,意思是世界有很多的机会让我们可以如愿利用。oyster原意是牡蛎,在西方文化中,牡蛎具有幸运、机遇的内涵。the world is my oyster原句来自莎士比亚名著《温莎的风流娘们儿》.莎士比亚是西方文学史上最具创造力的作家,直到今天,他的影响力仍无远弗届,弥久而深远。他的喜剧热闹喧哗,悲剧真挚无奈,而对白中所流露的生命观察,确乎掌握了人性的清明与软弱。莎士比亚是成功的剧作家,征服了当时的观众,作品更凝成珍珠,成为不朽的文学瑰宝。“要谈论莎士比亚,也许我们永远也不可能正确”。《温莎的风流娘们儿》中安妮拒绝父母包办,对传统的婚姻陋习发出诅咒。出身卑微的海丽娜蔑视世俗偏见,敢于和位尊显贵的勃特拉姆伯爵比肩而立,举案齐眉。杰西卡不顾父亲的反对和阻挠毅然决然地和心爱的罗兰佐私奔,鲍西娅更是为了自己的情人乔装打扮,在法庭上击败犹太富翁而震动整个威尼斯。她们被称为文艺复兴时代的新女生,莎士比亚通过这些女性形象实践了自己的人文主义理想。


形容词是raptured,比如 It is raptured .他欣喜若狂。

Blondie的《Rapture》 歌词

歌曲名:Rapture歌手:Blondie专辑:The Best of BlondieBlondie - Rapture (Special Disco Mix)Toe to toe, dancing very close.Body breathing almost comatose.Wall to wall, people hypnotized.And they"re stepping lightly.Hang each night, in rapture.Back to back, sacroiliac.Spineless movement and a wild attack.Face to face, sightless solitude.And it"s finger popping.Twenty four hour shopping in rapture.Fab Five Freddy told me everybody"s fly.D.J. spinning, I said, "My, My."Flash is fast, flash is cool.Francois, c"est pas flashe non due.And you don"t stop, sure shot.Go out to the parking lot.And you get in your car and drive real far.And you drive all night and then you see a light.And it comes right down and it lands on the ground.And out comes the man from Mars.And you try to run but he"s got a gun.And he shoots you dead and he eats your head.And then you"re in the man from Mars.You go out at night eating cars.You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too.Mercurys and Subaru.And you don"t stop.You keep on eating cars.Then when there"s no more cars you go out at nightAnd eat up bars where the people meet.Face to face.Dance cheek to cheek.One to one.Man to man.Dance toe to toe.Don"t move too slow "cause the man from Mars is through with cars.He"s eating bars.Yeah, wall to wall.Door to door.Hall to hall.He"s gonna eat "em all.Rapture.Be pure.Take a tour...through the sewer.Paint a train.You"ll be singing...in the rain.Said don"t stop...do the punk rock. (BREAK)Well now you see what you wanna be.Just have your party on T.V.Cause the man from Mars won"t eat up barsWhere the T.V"s on.Now he"s gone back up to spaceWhere he won"t have a hassle with the human race.Say you hip hop.Just blast off, sure shot.Cause the man from Mars stopped eatin" carsAnd eatin" barsAnd now he only eats guitars.Get up!http://music.baidu.com/song/57579296

Blondie的《Rapture》 歌词

歌曲名:Rapture歌手:Blondie专辑:Once More Into The BleachBlondie - Rapture (Special Disco Mix)Toe to toe, dancing very close.Body breathing almost comatose.Wall to wall, people hypnotized.And they"re stepping lightly.Hang each night, in rapture.Back to back, sacroiliac.Spineless movement and a wild attack.Face to face, sightless solitude.And it"s finger popping.Twenty four hour shopping in rapture.Fab Five Freddy told me everybody"s fly.D.J. spinning, I said, "My, My."Flash is fast, flash is cool.Francois, c"est pas flashe non due.And you don"t stop, sure shot.Go out to the parking lot.And you get in your car and drive real far.And you drive all night and then you see a light.And it comes right down and it lands on the ground.And out comes the man from Mars.And you try to run but he"s got a gun.And he shoots you dead and he eats your head.And then you"re in the man from Mars.You go out at night eating cars.You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too.Mercurys and Subaru.And you don"t stop.You keep on eating cars.Then when there"s no more cars you go out at nightAnd eat up bars where the people meet.Face to face.Dance cheek to cheek.One to one.Man to man.Dance toe to toe.Don"t move too slow "cause the man from Mars is through with cars.He"s eating bars.Yeah, wall to wall.Door to door.Hall to hall.He"s gonna eat "em all.Rapture.Be pure.Take a tour...through the sewer.Paint a train.You"ll be singing...in the rain.Said don"t stop...do the punk rock. (BREAK)Well now you see what you wanna be.Just have your party on T.V.Cause the man from Mars won"t eat up barsWhere the T.V"s on.Now he"s gone back up to spaceWhere he won"t have a hassle with the human race.Say you hip hop.Just blast off, sure shot.Cause the man from Mars stopped eatin" carsAnd eatin" barsAnd now he only eats guitars.Get up!http://music.baidu.com/song/2787601

Iio的《Rapture》 歌词

歌曲名:Rapture歌手:Iio专辑:Universal Smash Hits 2LaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laThe night I laid my eyes on youI felt everything around me moveGot nervous when you looked my wayBut you knew all the words to sayAnd your love slowly moved right inAll this time, oh my love, where you beenPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetI"m mesmerised in every wayYou keep in a state of dazeYour kisses make my skin feel weakAlways nothing in your heatLift our souls like a bird in the windOh I glide like I"m flying through heavenPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la la(La la la la la la)(La la la la la la)http://music.baidu.com/song/8347594



英语阅读理解A MISTAKEN RAPTURE 帮忙翻译一下啊,实在是看不懂…… 不要机器翻的

小女子死亡后通过她行驶的汽车天窗事件最好由数十名目击者描述为"错误的狂喜"期间跨越式。其他 13 人受伤后 20 车海冰堆积造成的人们试图避免击中的女人显然相信狂喜正在发生当她看见 12 人飘在空中,然后通过一个男人,她声称的道路一侧的耶稣。"她开始尖叫,"他后,他是背" 爬上的现成的天窗,纵身一跳,关闭的汽车,顶"Everet 威廉斯,今年 28 岁的 Georgann 威廉斯宣判死亡现场的丈夫说。"我减慢,但她不会等到我停下来,"威廉姆斯说。"她想提发生的事情和相信耶稣要她抬起向天空,"他接着说。保罗 · 麦迪逊,在舞台上的第一次主任说:"这是因为我已经经历了力量,我见过的最奇怪的事"。麦迪逊质疑的人看起来就像耶稣和发现他被打扮成耶稣,途中要化妆舞会时覆盖在床的他皮卡车的 tarp (防水布) 出现松动和释放 12 溃 dolls(玩偶) 装满氦气的向上飘入空中。32,是由几个朋友,他看起来像耶稣,把拉过和解除他的武器,在空气中挫折,并说"回到这里来"就像威廉姆斯的车通过他,和威廉斯太太是确定它是耶稣举起人到天空他们经过的他,根据她的丈夫被告知说厄尼 · 詹金斯谁说他的妻子爱耶稣比什么都重要。当被问及评论 12 娃娃,詹金斯回答说:"这是所有只是对我来说太怪异。我没想到会发生这种事情。"

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是的rapture3d是由Blue Ripple Sound开发的一款非常实用的电脑音效处理工具,这款软件具备非常优越的音效处理装置,附带多种处理优化功能,可以帮助用户去除声卡中的杂音以及优化音效等等。软件还可以作为一款音效插件,在用户看电影玩游戏的时候还能自动过滤音效中附带的杂音。

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可以尝试用 360软件管家或者其他软件来进行卸载。卸载时,选择扫除残余文件等。如果找不到安装包,那就需要你自己手动去找到它的安装目录了,你到C:Program Files 下面自己去找。或者你桌面上有这个软件的快捷方式的话,你直接右键点击快捷方式 ——“属性”----“查找目标”,这样就能找到它的安装目录了,然后手动删除那个文件夹。


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金发女郎 - 欢天喜地(特殊迪斯科组合) 法改会由LZH,从江西萍乡 脚趾到脚趾,跳舞非常接近。 人体的呼吸,几乎昏迷。 墙与墙,人催眠。 他们正在加紧掉以轻心。 挂每天晚上,在狂喜。 背靠背,骶髂。 骨气的运动和野生的攻击。 脸脸,失明的孤独。 和它的手指弹出。 在狂喜的二十四小时购物。 五虎FREDDY告诉我,每个人的飞行。 d.j.纺纱,我说,“我,我。” 闪光灯快速,闪光灯是凉爽。 弗朗索瓦,花莲PAS flashe非因。 和你不停止,确保拍摄。 走出去到停车场。 和你在你的车和驱动器的实远。 你开车整夜,然后你看到了光明。 谈到下和地面上的土地。 出来自火星的男人。 您尝试运行,但他有一支枪。 他拍摄你死,他吃你的头。 然后,你来自火星的男人。 你晚上出去吃车。 你吃的卡迪拉克,林肯。 水星和斯巴鲁。 和你不停止。 你继续吃车。 那么,有没有更多的汽车时,你晚上出去 吃了那里的人们见面的酒吧。 面对面。 舞蹈脸颊到脸颊。 一对一。 人盯人。 舞蹈脚趾到脚趾。 不移动过于缓慢“的原因来自火星的人是通过与汽车。 他的饮食酒吧。 是啊,墙墙。 门到门。 大厅大厅。 他会吃“。 狂喜。 是纯粹的。 采取参观... ...通过下水道。 油漆一列火车。 你会唱歌... ...在雨中。 表示不会停止... ...做朋克摇滚(打破) 现在好了,你看你想成为什么。 t.v.只是对贵党 导致来自火星的人是不会吃酒吧 t.v“上。 现在他走了备份空间 在那里他将不会与人类的麻烦。 你说嘻哈。 刚刚升空,确保拍摄。 导致男人来自火星停止eatin“轿车 eatin“酒吧 现在他只吃吉他。 起床!

IIO的《Rapture》 歌词

歌曲名:Rapture歌手:IIO专辑:Angels : Chill Trance EssentialsLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laThe night I laid my eyes on youI felt everything around me moveGot nervous when you looked my wayBut you knew all the words to sayAnd your love slowly moved right inAll this time, oh my love, where you beenPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetI"m mesmerised in every wayYou keep in a state of dazeYour kisses make my skin feel weakAlways nothing in your heatLift our souls like a bird in the windOh I glide like I"m flying through heavenPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la la(La la la la la la)(La la la la la la)http://music.baidu.com/song/59990945

Stereoliza的《Rapture》 歌词

歌曲名:Rapture歌手:Stereoliza专辑:X-Amine Your ZippaLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laThe night I laid my eyes on youI felt everything around me moveGot nervous when you looked my wayBut you knew all the words to sayAnd your love slowly moved right inAll this time, oh my love, where you beenPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetI"m mesmerised in every wayYou keep in a state of dazeYour kisses make my skin feel weakAlways nothing in your heatLift our souls like a bird in the windOh I glide like I"m flying through heavenPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetPleaseI"m moaning don"t you knowMy love I want you soSugarYou make my soul completeRapture tastes so sweetLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la la(La la la la la la)(La la la la la la)http://music.baidu.com/song/8224846

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怎样识别SHURE MX418话筒的真假

1、话筒的线可以自己焊上去,小心点就可以。2、电容话筒内就是一个收音头加一块小电路板。3、鉴别真伪是个很大的话题,最快速的办法就是找个懂行的人帮看了 。不过一般来讲,专业枪麦很少有假货,因为需求少嘛(造假也是要成本滴)。


1、音响、调音台、功放的接法音响的音频输出(AUDIO OUT)端联接调音台的音频输入(AUDIO IN) 端或线路输入(LINE IN )端,调音台的音频输出(AUDIO OUT)端或线路输出(LINE OUT)端连接功放的音频输入(AUDIO IN)端即可。需要注意的是左右声道必须一致!2、均衡器的作用就是用来对于某段音频频率(音调)提升或衰减的的音响设备,以达到最和谐满意音乐效果。3、至于说无线麦克的类型,这就看你的需要和资金情况了,当然一分钱一分货,品牌的、价格高一些的自然就会好一些了。

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