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course [英]ku0254:s[美]ku0254:rsn. 课程;航线;行动方向;一道菜vt. 快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐vi. 沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动


course即可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。当用作“路线,方向;课程,科目;方针,做法”等时,为可数名词。当用作“过程,进程”时,为不可数名词。第三人称单数: courses复数: courses现在分词: coursing过去式: coursed 扩展资料   例句:   The content of the course depends on what the students would like to study.   课程的`内容取决于学生愿意学什么。   What is the best course of action in the circumstances?   在这种情况下最佳行动方针是什么?   This course is designed so that students can progress at their own speed.   这门课的设计思路是让学生自己掌握进度。


course是一门课程。比如说语文,数学。 session是一段时间,可以是一节课,也可以不是。 lesson是一节课,更准确的说,是一节课的内容。 this term i"m taking five courses->这学期我上五门课, today"s lesson will be on grammar. the session will take place in room 101今天的课讲的是语法。这堂课将在101室上。


国际顶级期刊,影响因子位列全球杂志前列,能在这两本杂志发表文章代表学术水平非常高!nature和science与cell一起被称作学术界三大刊物,可见其全球影响力之高。在nature上发表一篇文章,那绝对是能够深刻影响世界或者刷新人类认知的科研成果,普通的研究结果根本不可能发在这种期刊上。图片nature 自然杂志是自然科学领域的顶尖杂志。能发一两篇在国内的普通本科学校混一个教授就没有问题了。如果说是发了八篇,那应该是世界的顶尖教授,是某一个领域的权威人物了。中国有位大神(曹元)就是发过8篇,这已经是轰动学术圈了,nature,science杂志是世界上最出名的两个综合性学术期刊,这两个杂志基本上代表了学术上最高的水平,在上面发表论文,需要你做出非常好的实验成果,非常惊人的原创性的发现。国内外众多教授终其一生都无法在该杂志上发表论文,可想而知含金量有多高图片


curriculum 不是很常用,在特定环境下用,例如 curriculum vitaecourse一般指特定的可能,如take the financial coursecourse指全部课程curriculum暗指纲内课程course 英[ku0254:s] 美[ku0254:rs] n. 课程; 航线; 行动方向; 一道菜; vt. 快速地流动; 奔流; 跑过; 追逐; vi. 沿…(方向)前进; 指引航线; 快跑; 迅速移动; [例句]Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right飞机可以通过上下升降和左右移动改变航线来避免相撞。[其他] 第三人称单数:courses 复数:courses 现在分词:coursing过去式:coursed curriculum 英[ku0259u02c8ru026akju0259lu0259m] 美[ku0259u02c8ru026akju0259lu0259m] n. 全部课程,课程; [例句]There should be a broader curriculum in schools for post-16-year-old pupils学校对16岁以上的学生开设的课程,范围应该更广一些。[其他] 复数:curricula

fenner school courses 什么意思





Of course he was a plain pro-nazi . 当然,他是个不折不扣的亲纳粹派。 Of course i knew them both directly . 我当然一下子就认出了他们两个。 Of course it concerns neither of them . 双方自然都没有把自己摆进去。 It was , of course , within my right to do so . 我当然有权利这样做。 Lassitude occurs early in the course of the disease . 病初出现疲倦。 Each course created only a partial man . 每种道路产生的只是片面的人。 Our course must thwart those designs . 我们的方针是必须挫败那种企图。 The ship is holding a southeasterly course . 船只继续朝东南方向航行。 This is of course still the essential method . 这当然仍是本质的方法。 Can i sign up for this course in advance ? 我能事先申请上这一课程吗? What is the best course of action we can take ? 我们采取什么办法最好? It was pke a course in bull-fighting . 好象是一场斗牛的示范教程。 The checks are all good, of course . 当然,这些支票是完全有效的。 The continental drama ran its course . 欧洲大陆的形势继续演变著。 The garden neighbors on a golf course . 那花园与高尔夫球场相邻。 Gasopne , of course , must be saved in consumption . 汽油还是省著用吧。 Berenice had taken a nurse"s course . 白丽莱茜参加了一个护士班。 We have three courses of action to take . 我们从三方面著手行动。 What would be mr. carson"s course ? 卡逊先生会要采取什么行动呢? Winterborne pursued his own course homeward . 维恩特波恩踏上了回家的路。 What is the future course of the earth ? 地球将来的去向是什么? Regular procedures would take their course . 程序将按常规进行。 The best course is to let them alone . 最好的办法就是让他们一意孤行去吧。 Of course he chanted with the rest . 当然,他也和大家一起高喊。 They train technical cardres in short course . 他们办短训班培养技术干部。 The courses and topsails are set . 下桁大横帆和中桅帆均已扬起。 This is a normal course of exit out of the lung . 这是排出肺外的正常过程。 Of course his parents became terribly worried . 不用说,他的双亲万分忧虑。 The fever must run its course . 这种热病要经过一定过程才会好。 "of course the man"s a pedant. " “没错,他是个迂腐的家伙。” Of course she"ll fprt with anybody . 当然,她对谁都卖弄风情。 We of course wanted to recapture burma . 我们当然想收复缅甸。 The course of true love never did run *** ooth . 真正的爱情总不是一帆风顺的。 The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course . 船队开始顺风向北航行。 I"m as old as the hills, of course . 当然啦,我早已老态龙钟。 He shaved every day, of course . 他每天都刮胡子,这毫无疑问。 It is designed as a textbook for a one-term course . 它可用作一学期的教材。 The college offers courses in a variety of trades . 该学院开设多种职业课程。 No doubt nature took its course . 毫无疑问,事情就按照自然发展的规律发生了。 Course 1 makes heavy use of quantum mechanics . 第一种课程大量应用量子力学。


course的意思有:1、作为n:课程;(有关某学科的系列)讲座;过程,进程,经过;(船或飞机的)航向;所经之路,道路,航线;河道;方针,总方向;行动方式,处理方式;一道菜;比赛场地;高尔夫球场,跑马场;江河流向;疗程;系列,连续;(砖、石等墙的)层;月经,月经期;追踪狩猎;(大)横帆2、作为v:奔流,快速地流动;(感情、思想)涌动;沿特定路线行进;(用猎犬)追猎(兔子);迅速越过(或穿过);(使)追;砌(砖)成层,铺(石子、木条)成层第三人称单数: courses复数: courses现在分词: coursing过去式: coursed例句:1、He radioed the pilot to change course .他用无线电通知飞行员改变航向。2、There are various courses open to us.我们有多种处理方法可采取。3、The college runs specialist language courses .这所学院开设有专门语言课程。4、She was overtaken on the last stretch of the course.她在最后一个直道上被超过。


course [英] [k__ (r)s] [美] [k__ (r)s]。1.We often follow the savoury course with a sweet course.我们常常吃了开胃的菜,接着就吃甜的菜。2.The course of the argument suddenly changed.辩论的方向忽然改变了。3.Richard chucked in his cultural studies course.理查德放弃了文化研究课程。4.We offer accounting as a subsidiary course.我们开设会计课,作为副修课程。5.Schools are piloting the new maths course.学校正试用新的数学教程。6.The country club has a golf course.该地区俱乐部拥有高尔夫球场。7.This college individualizes its course of study.这所学院设有特殊的课程。8.He lapped the course in three minutes.他用三分钟跑完全程。9.What courses are most students opting for?多数学生选什么课程?10.Yesterday, Rimula experienced a solid start-up course.昨天,劲霸经历了坚实的创业历程。11.Originality outcrops in the course of planning.创造能力在拟定计划的过程中显露出来。


coursen.课程; 航线; 行动方向; 一道菜vt.快速地流动; 奔流; 跑过; 追逐vi.沿…(方向)前进; 指引航线; 快跑; 迅速移动复数: courses过去式: coursed现在分词: coursing第三人称单数: courses


course 英[ku0254u02d0(r)siz] 美[ku0254u02d0(r)siz] n. 科目;进程;课程;方针 vt. 快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐 vi. 沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动 [例句]The war continued to run its course.战争,还在按其进程发展着。


course 英[ku0254:s] 美[ku0254:rs] n. 课程; 航线; 行动方向; 一道菜; vt. 快速地流动; 奔流; 跑过; 追逐; vi. 沿…(方向)前进; 指引航线; 快跑; 迅速移动; [例句]Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right飞机可以通过上下升降和左右移动改变航线来避免相撞。[其他] 第三人称单数:courses 复数:courses 现在分词:coursing过去式:coursed


国际顶级期刊,影响因子位列全球杂志前列,能在这两本杂志发表文章代表学术水平非常高!nature和science与cell一起被称作学术界三大刊物,可见其全球影响力之高。在nature上发表一篇文章,那绝对是能够深刻影响世界或者刷新人类认知的科研成果,普通的研究结果根本不可能发在这种期刊上。图片nature 自然杂志是自然科学领域的顶尖杂志。能发一两篇在国内的普通本科学校混一个教授就没有问题了。如果说是发了八篇,那应该是世界的顶尖教授,是某一个领域的权威人物了。中国有位大神(曹元)就是发过8篇,这已经是轰动学术圈了,nature,science杂志是世界上最出名的两个综合性学术期刊,这两个杂志基本上代表了学术上最高的水平,在上面发表论文,需要你做出非常好的实验成果,非常惊人的原创性的发现。国内外众多教授终其一生都无法在该杂志上发表论文,可想而知含金量有多高图片


course[英][ku0254:s][美][ku0254:rs]n.课程; 航线; 行动方向; 一道菜; vt.快速地流动; 奔流; 跑过; 追逐; vi.沿…(方向)前进; 指引航线; 快跑; 迅速移动; 第三人称单数:courses复数:courses现在进行时:coursing过去式:coursed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Pickard"s largest course had 120,000 students. 皮卡德参加的最大规模课程足有120,000名学生。


course 英[ku0254u02d0(r)s] 美[ku0254u02d0(r)s] n. 科目;进程;课程;方针 vt. 快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐 vi. 沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动 [例句]The war continued to run its course.战争,还在按其进程发展着。2.Find a summer course. 参加一个夏日课程。3.We must chart a more centered course. 我们必须保持更为中间的路线。4.Forgives me for encouraging the full course of treatment. 会不会原谅我在整个治疗过程中的推波助澜。5.Certainly enough for a full management course! 这些问题简直够上一整套的管理课了!


course 英[ku0254u02d0(r)s] 美[ku0254u02d0(r)s]n. 科目;进程;课程;方针vt. 快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐vi. 沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动短语搭配offer courses 开设课程 ; 开课Culture Courses 文化课 ; 文化课程optional courses 进修课 ; 选修课程 ; 选修课 ; 选项课short courses 短期课程 ; 短课程 ; 短期班 ; 短训班Issue Courses 专题课程advanced courses 高级课程 ; 国家精品课程 ; 成长课程Chinese Courses 中文课程 ; 语文课 ; 语文课程taking courses 修读 ; 上课[例句]1.The war continued to run its course.战争,还在按其进程发展着。2.Find a summer course.参加一个夏日课程。3.We must chart a more centered course.我们必须保持更为中间的路线。4.Forgives me for encouraging the full course of treatment.会不会原谅我在整个治疗过程中的推波助澜。5.Certainly enough for a full management course!这些问题简直够上一整套的管理课了!

汉译英:1这个学期她选修了英语、计算机、和驾驶三门课程(take a course)

she take three optional courses this term namely English ;computer and driving!


下载一个随身译 将单词输入进去 就有发音 记得黑好评哟

英语中course 是什么意思


初中英语 courses作为课程的意思的时候用什么在前面搭配?listen?take?give?act?

可以用have courses表示上课



Courses/cm 、Wales/cm 是什么意思





courses可以当"菜"的意思? 可以的 ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点选【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步! 悲歌可以当泣,远望可以当归的意思 悲歌可以当泣:唱一支哀歌用来当作哭泣 远望可以当归:眺望着远方用来当作回还。 译文: 悲歌一曲代替思家的哭泣, 登高望远权当回到了故乡。 get和make都可以当"使.变得"的意思,但它们有区别吗? get+形容词 make *** sth + 形容词 apples可以当成苹果汁的意思吗? 不可以 apples 是苹果的复数 apple juice 苹果汁 严格意义来讲,oranges 也不是橙汁的意思 是橙子的复数 orange juice 是橙汁 如果别人问你 what kind of juice you wanna drink? 你可以回答 oranges 作契以代绳,造纸以当策"的意思? 古代在龟甲、兽骨上灼刻文字和灼刻文字用的刀具,皆称契中国古代用竹片或木片记事著书,成编的叫做策 这样就好解释了:制作龟甲在上面刻字来代替结绳记事,发明纸张来代替竹简。 法语问题:clair可以当"聪明"的意思讲吗? 没有这个意思的,但是avoir l"esprit clair 是头脑清楚思路敏捷的意思 聪明的可以用intelligent 信手捻来可以当不在乎的意思吗 信手拈来可以这么想,但主要是褒义居多。必要时可以褒词贬用 "宁可以急相弃邪"的意思? 怎么可以因为(事态)的紧急而抛弃(他们)呢? 三国时,名士华歆、王朗曾经一起乘船避贼。王朗不顾华歆反对,多载一人逃难,后来,贼人眼看要追到了,王朗就想把那人甩了,不料华歆却反对说:“既已纳其自托,宁可以急相弃邪?”(《世说新语·德行》) "允许"是不是“可以”的意思? 允许——可以当及物动词用,也就是说允许后面可以跟宾语,如:允许学生犯错误。而可以就不能跟宾语,也就是说它是个不及物动词。本来可以是一个复合型的词,也就是说可以(之),这里的可就是允许的意思,以是对允许的一个补充。 第二点,允许可当名词用,如,这事得到了他的允许。 从结构说,允许作动词时,后面一般是要跟一个兼语式的句型。如:我不允许他侮辱我的人格。允许后面的他就是个兼语,即是允许的承受者,也是侮辱的发出者 来源网路。 什么字可以代表"你"的意思 若 汝 尔 乃 彼 伊 君


course和curriculum都有课程的意思,但它们的范围是不一样的。course的范围较小,curriculum则相反。举个例子来说,教育学和教育心理学都同属于一组主题相关的课程(curriculum),但它们各自又分别是独立的一门课程(course),由各种不同类型的教学内容组成(如视频,文档,展示等)。总而言之,a curriculum是由各种courses组成的。

courses 的汉语翻译


美国留学网申的current year courses要怎么填?

current year courses = 你今年的课程course level = 课程程度(不一定是大一就100或1000,看具体学校)credit value = 学分



courses怎么读 英语courses怎么读

1、courses英[u02c8ku0254u02d0su026az]美[u02c8ku0254u02d0rsu026az],n.(有关某学科的系列)课程,讲座; (大学中要进行考试或取得资格的)课程; (船或飞机的)航向,航线;v.快速地流动; 奔流。 2、[例句]There were only three of us on the advanced course.只有我们三人学高级课程。


n.课程;(有关某学科的系列)讲座;过程,进程,经过;(船或飞机的)航向;所经之路,道路,航线;河道;方针,总方向;行动方式,处理方式;一道菜;比赛场地;高尔夫球场,跑马场;江河流向;疗程;系列,连续;(砖、石等墙的)层;月经,月经期;追踪狩猎;(大)横帆v.奔流,快速地流动;(感情、思想)涌动;沿特定路线行进;(用猎犬)追猎(兔子);迅速越过(或穿过);(使)追;砌(砖)成层,铺(石子、木条)成层第三人称单数: courses复数: courses现在分词: coursing过去式: coursed






course[英][ku0254u02d0(r)s][美][ku0254u02d0(r)s]n.课程;航线;行动方向;一道菜vt.快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐vi.沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动复数: courses双语例句1.There were only three of us on the advanced course.只有我们三人学高级课程。2.For this course, you need two GCE Advanced Level passes.要学这个学程,就须要通过普通教育证书两门学科的高级证书考试。3.You need three A levels to get onto this university course.你要参加这个大学教程,就需要通过三科高级证书考试。4.a two-year diploma course二年制的文凭课程5.You may be eligible for a discretionary grant for your universitycourse.读大学课程可能会有资格获得学校自行决定是否发放的助学金。




国际顶级期刊,影响因子位列全球杂志前列,能在这两本杂志发表文章代表学术水平非常高!nature和science与cell一起被称作学术界三大刊物,可见其全球影响力之高。在nature上发表一篇文章,那绝对是能够深刻影响世界或者刷新人类认知的科研成果,普通的研究结果根本不可能发在这种期刊上。图片nature 自然杂志是自然科学领域的顶尖杂志。能发一两篇在国内的普通本科学校混一个教授就没有问题了。如果说是发了八篇,那应该是世界的顶尖教授,是某一个领域的权威人物了。中国有位大神(曹元)就是发过8篇,这已经是轰动学术圈了,nature,science杂志是世界上最出名的两个综合性学术期刊,这两个杂志基本上代表了学术上最高的水平,在上面发表论文,需要你做出非常好的实验成果,非常惊人的原创性的发现。国内外众多教授终其一生都无法在该杂志上发表论文,可想而知含金量有多高图片


Look! Ma Long is cleaning our classman.这句里有了系动词is,所以后面跟的动词需要变形。

Que Reste - T Il De Nos Amours? 歌词

歌曲名:Que Reste - T Il De Nos Amours?歌手:Jacky Terrasson专辑:A ParisCe soir le vent qui frappe à ma porteMe parle des amours mortesDevant le feu qui s" éteintCe soir c"est une chanson d" automneDans la maison qui frissonneEt je pense aux jours lointainsQue reste-t-il de nos amoursQue reste-t-il de ces beaux joursUne photo, vieille photoDe ma jeunesseQue reste-t-il des billets douxDes mois d" avril, des rendez-vousUn souvenir qui me poursuitSans cesseBonheur fané, cheveux au ventBaisers volés, rêves mouvantsQue reste-t-il de tout celaDites-le-moiUn petit village, un vieux clocherUn paysage si bien cachéEt dans un nuage le cher visageDe mon passéLes mots les mots tendres qu"on murmureLes caresses les plus puresLes serments au fond des boisLes fleurs qu"on retrouve dans un livreDont le parfum vous enivreSe sont envolés pourquoi?Que reste-t-il de nos amoursQue reste-t-il de ces beaux joursUne photo, vieille photoDe ma jeunesseQue reste-t-il des billets douxDes mois d" avril, des rendez-vousUn souvenir qui me poursuitSans cesseBonheur fané, cheveux au ventBaisers volés, rêves mouvantsQue reste-t-il de tout celaDites-le-moiUn petit village, un vieux clocherUn paysage si bien cachéEt dans un nuage le cher visageDe mon passéhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2900068

Que Reste-T-il De Nos Amours 歌词

歌曲名:Que Reste-T-il De Nos Amours歌手:La Voss del Tropico专辑:No Son…BolerosCe soir le vent qui frappe à ma porteMe parle des amours mortesDevant le feu qui s" éteintCe soir c"est une chanson d" automneDans la maison qui frissonneEt je pense aux jours lointainsQue reste-t-il de nos amoursQue reste-t-il de ces beaux joursUne photo, vieille photoDe ma jeunesseQue reste-t-il des billets douxDes mois d" avril, des rendez-vousUn souvenir qui me poursuitSans cesseBonheur fané, cheveux au ventBaisers volés, rêves mouvantsQue reste-t-il de tout celaDites-le-moiUn petit village, un vieux clocherUn paysage si bien cachéEt dans un nuage le cher visageDe mon passéLes mots les mots tendres qu"on murmureLes caresses les plus puresLes serments au fond des boisLes fleurs qu"on retrouve dans un livreDont le parfum vous enivreSe sont envolés pourquoi?Que reste-t-il de nos amoursQue reste-t-il de ces beaux joursUne photo, vieille photoDe ma jeunesseQue reste-t-il des billets douxDes mois d" avril, des rendez-vousUn souvenir qui me poursuitSans cesseBonheur fané, cheveux au ventBaisers volés, rêves mouvantsQue reste-t-il de tout celaDites-le-moiUn petit village, un vieux clocherUn paysage si bien cachéEt dans un nuage le cher visageDe mon passéhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14983844

Que reste-t-il de nos amours ? 歌词

歌曲名:Que reste-t-il de nos amours ?歌手:Charles Trenet专辑:PlatinumCe soir le vent qui frappe à ma porteMe parle des amours mortesDevant le feu qui s" éteintCe soir c"est une chanson d" automneDans la maison qui frissonneEt je pense aux jours lointainsQue reste-t-il de nos amoursQue reste-t-il de ces beaux joursUne photo, vieille photoDe ma jeunesseQue reste-t-il des billets douxDes mois d" avril, des rendez-vousUn souvenir qui me poursuitSans cesseBonheur fané, cheveux au ventBaisers volés, rêves mouvantsQue reste-t-il de tout celaDites-le-moiUn petit village, un vieux clocherUn paysage si bien cachéEt dans un nuage le cher visageDe mon passéLes mots les mots tendres qu"on murmureLes caresses les plus puresLes serments au fond des boisLes fleurs qu"on retrouve dans un livreDont le parfum vous enivreSe sont envolés pourquoi?Que reste-t-il de nos amoursQue reste-t-il de ces beaux joursUne photo, vieille photoDe ma jeunesseQue reste-t-il des billets douxDes mois d" avril, des rendez-vousUn souvenir qui me poursuitSans cesseBonheur fané, cheveux au ventBaisers volés, rêves mouvantsQue reste-t-il de tout celaDites-le-moiUn petit village, un vieux clocherUn paysage si bien cachéEt dans un nuage le cher visageDe mon passéhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2810794

who hurts me most is the one i love best 什么意思


哪里有电影音乐之声里歌曲My favourite things的翻译?

My favourite things这首歌的中文翻译Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with string These are a few of my favourite things Cream coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels Doorbells and sleighbells and schnitzel with noodles Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings These are a few of my favourite things When the bee stings When the dog bites When I"m feeling bad I simply remember my favourite things And then I don"t feel so sad 雨珠在玫瑰和颊须在小猫明亮的铜水壶和温暖的羊毛mittens 包装纸包裹阻塞与串这些是一些我的喜爱事 奶油色的小马和酥脆苹果strudels 门铃和sleighbells 和schnitzel 用面条飞行与月亮在他们的翼的野生鹅这些是一些我的喜爱事 当蜂蜇当狗叮咬当I"m 感觉坏我简单地记住我的喜爱事并且然后我don"t 感受很哀伤

next saturday, the one i love most……

next saturday, the one i love most 全部释义和例句>>下个星期六,我最爱的人most 英[mu0259u028ast]美[mou028ast]adv. 最,最多(大) much的最高级; 非常,很; 几乎;adj. many的最高级; 最多的,最大的; 大概的; 大多数的,大部分的;n. 大部分; 最大限度; 大多数人;[例句]This is the most popular ball game ever devised.这是有史以来发明出的最受欢迎的球类运动。

my favourite things的歌词及其翻译

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittensBright copper kettles and warm woolen mittensBrown paper packages tied up with stringsThese are a few of my favorite thingsCream colored ponies and crisp apple streudelsDoorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodlesWild geese that fly with the moon on their wingsThese are a few of my favorite thingsGirls in white dresses with blue satin sashesSnowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashesSilver white winters that melt into springsThese are a few of my favorite thingsWhen the dog bitesWhen the bee stingsWhen I"m feeling sadI simply remember my favorite thingsAnd then I don"t feel so bad

请问《音乐之声》里面那首“。。。a few of my favourite thing...”的歌叫什么名字?

My favourite things

求音乐之声中My Favourite Things的歌词?

My Favourite ThingsRaindrops on rosesAnd whiskers on kittensBright copper kettlesAnd warm wool mittensBrown paper packagesTied up with stringsThese are a few of my favourite thingsCream coloured poniesAnd crisp apple strudelsDoorbells and sleigh bellsAnd schnitzel with noodlesWild geese that flyWith the moon on their wingsThese are a few of my favourite thingsGirls in white dressesWith blue satin sashesSnowflakes that stayOn my nose and eyelashesSilver white wintersThat melt into springsThese are a few of my favourite thingsWhen the dog bitesWhen the bee stingsWhen I"m feeling sadSimply remember my favourite thingsAnd then I don"t feel so badRaindrops on rosesAnd whiskers on kittensBright copper kettlesAnd warm wool mittensBrown paper packagesTied up with stringsThese are a few of my favourite thingsCream coloured poniesAnd crisp apple strudelsDoorbells and sleigh bellsAnd schnitzel with noodlesWild geese that flyWith the moon on their wingsThese are a few of my favourite things

Jon B.的《Love Hurts》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Hurts歌手:Jon B.专辑:Cool RelaxJon B. - Love HurtsSometimes love can feel likethe closest thing to heavenSometimes love can feel likeyou"ve been run over by a carYes it canIt"s the strangest thing I knowmake you feel warm when you feel coldAnd if you down on happinessyou better get used to the taste of sadnesscause love can sure hurt sometimesLove hurts and it don"tLove don"t always workLove ain"t all it seemsIt feels good but it stingsLove hurts and it don"tSome people will tell youit"s the best thing for the heartYes they willWhat they fail to tell youit can tear your life apartBut you know it"s as sweet as a summer rainbut it can hit you like a trainand fill your heart with painFill your heart with painOoh everybody sing, everybody singLove hurts and it don"tLove don"t always workLove ain"t all it seemsIt feels good but it stingsLove hurts and it don"tWhen you know that you"re alivecause you feel so much painWhen you feel you can"t survivebut you make it anywayWhen it feels too good to stopbut it hurts too much to sayThen you know, yes you knowYou gotta know love hurtsIt hurts and it don"tLove hurts and it don"tLove don"t always workLove ain"t all it seemsIt feels good but it stingsLove hurts and it don"thttp://music.baidu.com/song/7435208

never your gone的中文歌词翻译


how to deal with the pressure英语作文

Nowadays, society is more and more competitive than before, which, inevitably, will cause a lot of stress and pressure. So how to deal with stress or even making full use of it has been to the top of the list. Here take students for example; I just want to give two suggestions about it.Firstly, I firmly believe that communication with classmates or friends or teachers or even parents, anyone you trust in is ok, is a good way. We can share our happiness and sorrows with them by communication. It is the same as stress and pressure. They will help us find the real reason why we feel stressed. And then give us some good advice, figure out a way to solve it, and lastly enjoy the pleasure of it together with you.


appSettings与配置文件中connectonStings节点没有关系的。如果你的程序是b/s 那么 程序根目录下有一个Web.Config,这句代码就是获取该文件中appSettings节点下key="conStr" 这个节点的value值如果你的程序是c/s 那么就是获取App.Config文件中的这个值从命名来看。 conStr是存放数据库连接字符串的。一种写法就是你提问的这种<appSettings> <add key="conStr" value="server=服务器名;database=数据库名;uid=用户名;password=密码;"/> </appSettings> 然后用 ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["conStr"]读取另外一种就是 connectonStings节点的connectionStrings> <add name="conn" connectionString="Dserver=服务器名; database=数据库名;uid=用户名;password=密码" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings> 使用ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conn"] 获取

The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than .....

这题应该选的是A“is necessary” than即可以做连词也可以做介词的than都是比较的含义,它居然也可以用在定语从句中。 例句: 1. Parents had better not give kids more money than is needed. 父母最好别给孩子们太多的钱,够用就可以了。 2. Don"t order more food than can be finished. 别点太多吃的,会吃不完的。 此处Than以主语的形式出现在定语从句中,其实省略了what,than也就等于than what。例句也可以写作:Parents had better not give kids more money than what is needed 例句2则可以转换为:Don"t order more food than what can be finished 不管是做介词、连词也好,在定语从句里做关系代词也罢,than都表示了一个比较的关系,从上述两个例句来看,句中都出现了比较级的形式。

next saturday, the one i love most

next saturday, the one i love most下个星期六,我最爱的人

The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than .....

这题应该选的是A“is necessary” than即可以做连词也可以做介词的than都是比较的含义,它居然也可以用在定语从句中。 例句: 1. Parents had better not give kids more money than is needed. 父母最好别给孩子们太多的钱,够用就可以了。 2. Don"t order more food than can be finished. 别点太多吃的,会吃不完的。 此处Than以主语的形式出现在定语从句中,其实省略了what,than也就等于than what。例句也可以写作:Parents had better not give kids more money than what is needed 例句2则可以转换为:Don"t order more food than what can be finished 不管是做介词、连词也好,在定语从句里做关系代词也罢,than都表示了一个比较的关系,从上述两个例句来看,句中都出现了比较级的形式。



问一个句子: The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.


Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving中文意思


the other side of the picture is quite the opposite,句中quite可以修饰名词the opposite吗?

quite在这里是加强语气。类似与 You are quite a woman    It is rather a pity

问一个句子: The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.


To keep your balance you must keep moving//中间有省略的?



magnet代表bai磁力链接。xt代表eXact Topic,urn代表Uniform Resource Name;btih代表BitTorrent info hash。对等网络中进行du信息检索和下载文档的电脑程序。这种链接是通过不同文件内容的Hash结果生成一个纯文本的“数字指纹”,来识别文件的权。而不是基于文件的位置或者名称。磁力链接:类似下面这样以“magnet:?xt=urn:btih:”开头的字符串,就是一条磁力链接;确切的说:“磁力链接”的主要作用是识别【能够通4102过“点对点技术(即:P2P)”下载的文件】。扩展资料:磁力链接不基于文档的IP地址或定位符,而是在分布式数据库中,通过散列函数值来识别、搜索来下载文档。因为不依赖一个处于启动状态的主机来下载文档,所以特别适用没有中心服务器的对等网络。举例来说,一个常见的磁力链接形式为“magnet:?xt=urn:btih:”。一个磁力链接可被运行在几乎所有平台上的应用程序们使用以下载一个文件。因为磁力链接十分简洁且为纯文本格式,所以用户可以很方便地将其复制到电子邮件或即时消息中,比如种子文件。参考资料来源;百度百科-磁力链接

请那位高手帮下忙!别人用英语祝福你母亲快乐,回礼用"the same to you!"还是"the same to yours!"?

the same to you!一般祝福的回话都用这句.

Thank you! The same to you and your family!什么意思


求一首英语歌,女的唱的,高潮好像是 open your eyes,some dong mind,.


兰芝Gel cream和Moisture Cream有什么区别?

Gel cream是凝胶霜的意思,但最基本的功效就是保湿,保湿效果特别好的。后者Moisture Cream这是护肤霜的意思,保湿精华类。兰芝的品牌还是比较好的~(仅供参考)

let() open our books这道题括号里填us we哪个合适?


organic food和natural food的区别

标注为有机(organic)和天然(natural)的食品(food),都意味着它们不含任何人造化学物质。但标注为有机的食品(organic food),还表示它产自更加严格和经过控制的环境下。天然食品(natural food)通常指自然产生和不含化学品的食品,但没有明确的“天然食品”或“纯天然食品”认证。而各国有机认证机构给有机食品(organic food)提供了明确的定义和详细标准,只有符合标准的食品才可以使用有机(organic)标签。

更新不了显卡驱动,出现An unknown error has occurred


Burton Us Open为什么取消


9:05和9:56,写:five past nine,four to ten.对吗?


英语1到10是one、two、three 、four 、five 、 six 、seven 、eight、nine 、 ten到11应该是 ten one吗




跪求一首歌 开头是one two three four five six ...ten 这段是女声 后面貌似是韩文 是一首DJ


Ten and five is_____________ A.five B.fifteen C.four D.fourtee


the boy scouts surrounding a hiker请问surrounding作什?


PROE4.0安装上后打开,出现一英文“license request failed for feature PROE-DDiTy:-9:"Invalid host


your love -cradle orchestra 求歌词和翻译!没有翻译给歌词也行!

(part 1,女)I truly love youand I know you love me tooand everything is going strong, going strong, yeah‘long as you don"t do me wrongand if you doand I have to kill you just kidding, I"m just living here imaging life without youwhole wide world is just a stage nothing, I say nothing is the same without you love (男说唱) × 2Yeah, I can"t believe it but I fell in loveI wasn"t ready but I fell in loveI wasn"t looking but I fell in love now (女:if you"ve been in love before)I must be dreaming cuz I fell in lovesomebody picked me cuz I fell in loveI can"t believe it but I fell in love now (女:if you"ve been in love before)(part 2, 女)take, a good look at meI am every single thing you need, that"s you need yeahI"m an apple, you"re an orangebut each other we adorewe ain"t never really been two piste now try to realize what you got you won"t know "till it"s goneyou"re the trunk and I"m the leavesit"s more than nature recipecan"t you seeit"s me (男说唱) × 2Yeah, I can"t believe it but I fell in loveI wasn"t ready but I fell in loveI wasn"t looking but I fell in love now (女:if you"ve been in love before)I must be dreaming cuz I fell in lovesomebody picked me cuz I fell in loveI can"t believe it but I fell in love now(女:if you"ve been in love before) (part 3, 男说唱) yeah, I can"t believe it love I finally fell forI feel like I just going off the 12th floorfree flying, but I was keep buyingif you don"t take it now, I think I"ll just keep trying, to sending thing for the lady I love so much for being afraid I might go for the gustocuz us two, we"re like piece and partthe whole dawn to my angels singing peaces to the godI don"t know what I do I got you baby promise if you"re falling too I"m gonna catch you babysee me blowing kisses back, catch you babywe are couple love won"t you hatch my love babywe"ll make a nestwe"ll be the bestcouple love approachable is like Cupid"s ever blessedpull out an arrow with something to poison, no blood, everything was coming up as roses(男说唱) × 2Yeah, I can"t believe it but I fell in loveI wasn"t ready but I fell in loveI wasn"t looking but I fell in love now (女:if you"ve been in love before)I must be dreaming cuz I fell in lovesomebody picked me cuz I fell in loveI can"t believe it but I fell in love now (女:if you"ve been in love before) (结尾,女)one isn"t one is twobut half of me is youso do the math and add the sumand together we make onei love you, i do 拿去



proe wildfire4.0 structure 开启显示 invalid license key


高一英语必修一unit3(Part 6 the end of our journey)这篇阅读的翻译

Part 6 The end of our journey Cambodia was in many ways similar to Laos, althought it has twice the population.At another inn we talked with a teacher who told us that half of the people in her country couldn"t read or write.Her village couldn"t even afford to build a school.So she had to teach outside under a large tent.When we said goodbye,we all felt very lucky to have studied in college.Back on the road,we passed between many hills and forests.Then we came to the plains and entered the Phnom Penh,the capital of Cambodia.In many ways it looked like Vientiane and Ho Chi Minh City.It also had wide streets with trees in rows and old French houses.Unlike Vientiane ,ships could travel the Mekong River here.In the centre of the city we visited the palace and saw a beatiful white elephant.It can only be seen outside the palace on special days.We ate an early supper and went to see a great temple with floors made of silver.The next morning our group slept late.We were very tired from the long bike ride the day before. Cycling in the hills had been dificult.Now our cousins had the chance to make jokes about WangWei and me.Perhaps,they said,they were the strong ones.We had lunch at a nice outdoor cafe,then rode out of the city.Two days latter we crossed the border into the Vietnam.We began to see many more people.But I wasn"t surprised. I read in an atlas before our tripe that Vietnam has almost seven times the population of Cambodia.We met a farmer who gave us directions and told us that he grows a new rice crop four times every year so he can feed more people.He also told us that the northern part of his country has many mountains and it is much cooler than here in the south,where it is flat.Althought the flat land of the delta made it earsier for us to cycle,we get warm very quickly.So we drank lots of water and ate lots of bananas.Soon the delta separated into nine smaller rivers.Two days later, after we had passed thousands of rice fields, we came to the sea.We were tired but also in high spirit.Our dream to cycle along the Mekong River had finally come ture. 柬埔寨在许多方面都与老挝相似,尽管它的人口是老挝的两倍.在另一个小饭店里我们和一位老师谈话,她告诉我们在她的国家有一半的人不会阅读和书写.她所在的村子甚至没有钱去建学校.因此她不得不在外面的大帐篷下教学.当我们分手时,我们感觉在大学的学习是多么的幸运.又上路了,我们穿过了许多小山和树林,来到了平原进入了柬埔寨的首都金边.在许多方面它看上去像万象(老挝首都)和胡志明市(越南南部城市),它也有宽阔的街道,排列整齐的树木以及老式的法国建筑.与万象不同的是在这里可以坐船去湄公河.在城市中心,我们参观了皇宫,看到了一只漂亮的白象,这只能在特定的日子才能在皇宫外看到,我们早早地吃完晚饭就去参观那座著名的银子铺地的寺庙.第二天早晨我们的团队起来的很迟,我们经过了前天长途骑行都感到很累.在山上骑行是很困难的.现在我们的兄弟还能与王伟和我开玩笑,也许他们想说,他们的身体是最好的.我们在外面的一家不错的咖啡店吃了午饭,然后骑着车出了城.两天后我们穿过国境线来到了越南.我们见到的人开始多了起来,但我并不吃惊.在旅行前我看过相关地图集越南的人口是柬埔寨的七倍.我们遇到一位农民为我们指路,并告诉我们他一年种四季水稻所以他能养活更多的人,他还告诉我们在这个国家的北部有许多大山,那里比这边南方要冷许多,这里是地势平坦.尽管三角洲的平原让我们易于骑行,但很快我们就感到热了.所以我们喝了大量的水,吃了许多香蕉.不久湄公河三角洲分出了九条小河.两天后,我们穿过上千公顷的水稻田后,我们来到了海边.我们很累但兴致不减.我们的梦想就是骑行畅游湄公河,现在终于实现了.

Orchestra的《Overture》 歌词

歌曲名:Overture歌手:Orchestra专辑:A Star Is Born/The Way We Were/Funny Girl (3 Pak)Overture 陈奕迅入场观众请注意在节目进行期间 请勿录音录影场内不准吸烟不准饮食不准缺乏恒久忍耐 恩慈不准嫉妒不准自夸骄傲不准做害羞的事不准轻易发怒凡事包容凡事相信凡事盼望凡事忍耐直至演唱会正式开始阿门http://music.baidu.com/song/8705195
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