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Richie Allen & The Pacific Surfers的《Tidal Wave》 歌词

歌曲名:Tidal Wave歌手:Richie Allen & The Pacific Surfers专辑:Ultra-Surf Presents: Catch A WaveThe Killers - Tidal WaveHe"s always trouble with his non-complacentShotgun eyes, shotgun eyesHis subtlety, his mysteryNot like the other guysShe"s always taken by his reputationHe"s so bad, he"s so badOn Saturday night they"re running for the shadowYou say your heart ain"t ever been brokenYou think you know where you"re goin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meYou say this life is giving you nothin"You got another thing comin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meYou get a warning sign to keep his distanceFrom her old man, from her old manNow the story of forbidden love is gonna make a standSo in the middle of the early mornin"They slip away, slip awayAnd we know they"ll do their bestSomewhere in the golden West, oh yeahWe"ll watch and driveAnd they"re so aliveYou say your heart ain"t ever been brokenYou think you know where you"re goin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meYou say this life is giving you nothin"You got another thing comin"Tidal wave, tidal waveCome rushing over meTidal waveThese tidal waves are caught off trackCome tomorrow "cause I can"t go backAll together, can"t you see?Tidal wave gonna cover meThese tidal waves are caught off trackCome tomorrow "cause I can"t go backCome together, can"t you see?Tidal wave gonna cover meCover meI can"t go backCan"t you see?End~~~http://music.baidu.com/song/2830306

阅读笔记-Deep learning for person re-identification: A survey and outlook

行人重识别任务的目标是希望在多个不具有重叠区域的摄像场景中实现行人的检索。目前行人重识别根据采用的组件不同可以分为closed-world和open-world两种。closed-world场景相对而言目前研究较深入,其主要针对于不同的应用假设,在多个数据集上都取得较好的性能,比如Market1501,CUHK和DUKE等。 closed-world场景一般研究重点有三部分:深度特征表示学习、深度度量学习和rank优化。而open-world场景则相对更加复杂。本文总结了open-world场景中ReID的五个不同视角,提出了一种AGW基线方法,在多个ReID任务上都取得较好性能。另外,本文还提出了一种新的评估度量 mINP。最后探索了ReID目前亟待解决的一些方向。 基本定义: 非重叠的多个摄像场景中,特定行人的检索问题。具体而言,给定一个待检索的目标行人,ReID希望能够判断这个目标是否出现在不同时刻不同场景不同摄像头的场景中。 基本难点: 行人的视角、图像分辨率变化、光照变化、姿态变化、遮挡,不同模态等。 该综述的不同点: 根据上面五块内容,ReID任务分为closed-world和open-world两类,区别如下: closed-world场景的一般前提:1)输入时裁剪后的行人图像块;2)有监督学习;3)检索目标一定存在gallery中。 closed-world场景模型一般包含3部分:特征抽取、度量学习和rank 优化。 如下图所示,一般包含四类: 知识点: ReID的难点包括视角不同,遮挡等,行人区域可能不对齐,这时往往希望通过部件或者区域特征进行对齐。主流趋势是combine全局特征和部件特征。以PDC模型为代表的pose驱动方法,通过pose获得部件信息,然后利用部件的attention进行检索。PCB方式是利用图像均匀划分的典型。其将目标框水平分成6个条带,每个条带进行独立的分类任务学习,在推理阶段将六条条带的特征进行concat表征整体。另外还通过refined part pooling策略增强了部件内部的一致性,具体是计算每个部件与所有像素点的相似度进行重新划分,可以认为是一种non-local的attention。 行人parsing技术能够获得较好的语义部件,提供更对齐的部件特征,但需要额外的pose检测器且由于ReID数据集和Pose数据集的分布差异,易产生错误的pose。均匀划分的策略更灵活,但对严重遮挡和大的背景模糊无能为力。 辅助特征表示学习一般包括额外的标注数据,比如语义标注,和训练样本生成等。 该任务中,每个目标不再是图像区域,而是一段帧序列。 待续(ReID领域新接触,积累不够,综述文章读着好多理解不够深入,先去读具体方法了;( 后面积累了,再回来阅读这个吧。。。留坑) 将行人作为特定的行人检索问题,大多数方法都采用用于图像分类的网络结构作为backbone。其中一些方法通过修改backbone的结果以提取更好的ReID特征,比如对于ResNet50而言,一般将最后一个stage的stripe改为1以增大分辨率(参考文献PCB),或者最后一个pooling层采用自适应的平均池化(这里参考文献是PCB模型,池化时时不同的条带中进行gap),再或者在pooling层后添加具有bn的bottleneck 层(暂停,滚去阅读参考文献75, SVDNet了!(OK,已读完,见 https://www.jianshu.com/p/43fb25a3ef6d ,和作者说的其实有出入,并不是加了bn,而是希望投影向量正交,从而获得的表观特征在每个维度上相互独立))。 其他的一些为ReID专门设计的网络结构有 FPNN(filter pairing neural network), 通过部件鉴别信息的挖掘同时处理不对齐和遮挡问题(暂停,去读参考文献34,DeepReID (已读, https://www.jianshu.com/p/693e724ef2cc )),[141]提出一种提升邻域差异的层用于捕捉patch特征的差别,进而把这种差异送入后面的层中(感觉类似resnet的思想。(读完, https://www.jianshu.com/p/38875b0e0def,AutoReID 其实就是提出一种结合了self-attention的part-aware module方法search space中,使用NAS迭代的搜索方法寻找针对于数据集的最优结构,当然说是专门为reid设计的网络结构也没毛病。))

quality assurance certificate是什么意思


Quality Assurance 这两个单词怎么读

Quality Assurance 这两个单词怎么读quality ["kwu0254liti] 扩类忒assurance [u0259"u0283uu0259ru0259ns] 额叔er润思

Quality Assurance是什么意思啊?

质量保证QA 是一个防止产品错误和瑕疵,再给顾客提供方法时避免问题的一个方法 (英文wikipedia的解释)

quality assurance manager是什么意思

  quality assurance manager_翻译  quality assurance manager  质量保证经理;  [例句]The batch record is verified and authorized by the quality assurance manager.  由品质经理检验并授权记录批号。

Quality Assurance 这两个单词怎么读


Quality Assurance Department是什么意思


什么是Quality Assurance

  Quality Assurance---品质保证  质量保证 (quality assurance)为了提供足够的信任表明实  体能够满足质量要求,而在质量体系中实施并根据需要进行有系统的  活动。注:  (1)质量保证分为内部质量保证和外部质量保证两类。a.内部  质量保证:在组织内部,质量保证向管理者提供信任 b.外部质量  保证:在合同或其它情况下,质量保证向顾客或他方提供信任。  (2)质量控制和质量保证的某些活动是相互关联的。  (3)只有质量要求全面反映了用户的要求,质量保证才能提供  足够的信任,由保证”的定义可知,它已是一个专用名词,具有特  殊的涵义,与我们一般概念的“保证质量 ”出入较大。保证满足质  量要求是质量控制的任务,对于一般市场销售,用户不提质量保证  的要求,生产厂仍应进行“质量控制”,以保证产品的质量满足用  户的需要 用户提质量保证要求与不提质量保证要求有什么,用户  不提质量保证要求,生产厂在生产过程中如何进行质量控制就不需  让用户知道,用生产厂之间只是出质量要求与提供产品供验收这样  一种交往关系 如果产品较简单,其性能完全可由最终检验反映,  则用户只需把住“检验”关,就能得到的产品,而不需知道生产厂  是如何设计、制造的。但是 ,随技术的发展,产品也越来越复杂,  对其质量要求也越来越高,产品的不少性能已不能通过检验来鉴定,  在使用一段时后就逐渐暴露出各种质量问题 这时,用户为了确信  生产厂提供的产品是达到了所规定要求,就要求供方提供设计、生  产各环节的主要质量活动确实做好,供方有能力提供格产品的证据,  这就是用户提出的“质量保证要求” 针对用户的质量保证要求,  供方就开展部质量保证活动,就得对用户提出的设计、生产全过程  中的某些环节的活动提供必要的证据,以使用户放心。  显然,“质量保证”的内涵已不是单纯的为了保证质量,保证质量  是质量控制的任务,而保证则是以保证质量为其基础,进一步引伸  到提供“确信”这一基本目的 要使用户(或第三方)能“确信”,  企业首先应加强质量管理完善质量体系,对合同产品有一整套控制  方案、办法,并认真贯彻执行,对实施过程及成果进行分阶段验证,  以确保其有效性 在此基础上,企业应有计划、有步骤地采取各种  活动,使用户(或第三方)能了解企业的实力、业绩、管理水平、技  术水平以及对合同产品在设计、生产各阶段主要质量控制活动和保  证活动的有效性,使对方建立信心,相信提供的产品能达到所规定  的质量要求。因此,质量保证的主要工作是促使完善质量控制,以  便准备好客观证据,并根据对方的要求有计划、有步骤地开展提供  证据的活动。有一点值得注意,生产厂向需方提供质量保证时有权  提出加价的要求,加价的幅度取决于需方所要求提供证据的范围、  方式和程度,以及产品的性质,要考虑外部质量保证成本和风险费、  外部质量保证成本是为向用户提供所要求的客观证据所支付的费用,  包括特殊的和附加的质量保证措施、程序、数据、证实试验和评定  的费用(如由认可的独立试验机构对特殊的安全性能进行试验的费  用)。有人会问,不要质量保证要求,生产厂也要进行质量控制,  保证产品的质量满足用户要求,多付质量保证加费提质量保证要求  能起什么作用?美国质量管理专家朱兰在<<质量计划与分析>>一书  中指出,“保证”一词的含义,非常类似于“保险” 这个词。保证  和保险都是为了试图得到某种保护,以避免灾祸而进行少量的投资。  就“保险”来说,这种保护是在万一出了灾害或事故之后,能得到  一笔损失赔偿费,至于“保证”这种保护反映为所得到的信息,这  种信息为下述两种信息之一:(1)使对方“确信”万事如意,例如  产品适合使用 过程正在正常进行 工艺规程正被遵循等 (2)向  对方提供并非一切如意和某种故障可能正在酝酿之中的早期报警。  通过这种早期报警对方可以预先采取措施,以防止故障或事故的发  生。因此,质量保证的作用693是从外部向质量控制系统施加压力,  促使其更有效地运用并向,以便及时采取改进措施,把问题在早期  加以解决,以避免更大的经济损失。质量保证的内部质量保证是为  了使企业领导“确信”本企业所生产的产品能满足质量要求所开展  的系列活动。企业领导是法人代表,他对产品的质量负全责,一旦  出现质量事故,他要承担法律和经济责任。而产品的一系列质量活  动是由各职能部门的有关人员去干的,虽然名职能部门明确了职能  分工,也有了一套质量控制的办法程序。但是,他们是否严格按程  序办事,这些程序是否确实有效,企业领导需要组织一部分独立的  人员(国外称质量保证人员)对直接影响产品质量的主要质量活动,  实施监督、验证和质量审核活动(即内部质量保证活动),以便及时  发现质量控制中的薄环节,提出改进措施,促使质量控制能更有效地  实施,从而使领导“放心” 因此,内部质量保证是企业领导的一  种管理手段 正如朱兰所提出的那样,质量保证概念与财政概念财  务状之确实可信,是通过“独立的”审计,核定以下事实来保证的:  (1)良好的会计制度(相当于质量控制程序),若能遵行无误,财务报  告(相当于质量活动的成果)就能正确地反映公司的财政情况(相当  于满足质量要求)。(2)这种制度正在得到贯彻执行。  可参考:  质量保证体系(QA) http://www.ectranslate.com.cn/Chs/project/Quality_Assurance.htm  http://www.2ic.cn/viewthread.php?tid=24269&sid=F4F1sV

point at your pen是什么意思

point at your pen的意思是指着你的笔。例句:1、Science was never my strong point at school.我上学时理科从来都不是我的强项。2、The home team trailed by one point at half time.上半场主队落后一分。3、He came to the point at once. "You did a splendid job on this case."他立刻切入正题道:“这件案子你处理得很棒。”4、He camped it up, he told bad taste jokes and endless anecdotes with no point at all.他耍宝逗乐,讲荤段子,没完没了地说一堆毫无头绪的八卦。5、Sire, your majesty will, I trust, be amply sATisfied on this point AT least.陛下,我相信陛下对此已经满意了。point to 和point at 的区别point to多用来表示指向离说话人较远的事物,意为“指向”,to也是介词,着重于指的方向.point at习惯上表示指向离说话人较近的事物,意为“指着”,at是介词,着重于指的对象.

Your confidence will strengthen为什么不用被动语态?

因为写错了, 肯定是要用被动语态的

Your confidence will be strengthened 是正确的吗?

你给的两个答案都是错的。加强,巩固 动词是 strengthen , 既可作及物动词,又可以是不及物动词。如果作为不及物动词,本题可用will strengthen , 不是will strengthern 。如果作为及物动词,则要用被动,答案是 will be strengthened 。

英语书信,落款用best regards还需要yours吗?顺序是什么

不用,best regards就可以了如果是更正式的书信的话还是推荐使用yours sincerely



一些场景中RESTful url 应该怎么写

0收藏(1)1 用户登录 一般的写法 GET http://localhost:8080/Test/login.do?username=name&password=p REST的原则之一是:网络上的所有事物都被抽象为资源 这么说,所有的url都应该是名词形式的,不应该是动词或者动宾结构? 对应的 RESTful: GET http://localhost:8080/Test/users/user?username=name&password=p ?? 2 删除多个用户 页面表单中有checkbox,可以删除多个用户 一般的写法 POST http://localhost:8080/Test/deleteUser.do 传一个参数userIds,是删除用户的id的列表 改成RESTful DELETE http://localhost:8080/Test/users/user 还传参数userId? 这样写好么? 3 给用户分配设备,权限等操作 一般的写法 POST http://localhost:8080/Test/grantUserPrivilege.do?userId=id1&privilegeId=id2 典型的动宾形式,


一个好的RESTful API,应该具备以下特征:这个API应该是对浏览器友好的,能够很好地融入Web,而不是与Web格格不入。浏览器是最常见和最通用的REST客户端。好的RESTful API应该能够使用浏览器+HTML完成所有的测试(不需要使用编程语言)。这样的API还可以很方便地使用各种自动化的Web功能测试、性能测试工具来做测试。Web前端应用(基于浏览器的RIA应用、移动App等等)也可以很方便地将多个RESTful API的功能组合起来,建造Mashup类的应用。这个API中所包含的资源和对于资源的操作,应该是直观和容易理解的,并且符合HTTP协议的要求。REST开发又被称作“面向资源的开发”,这说明对于资源的抽象,是设计RESTful API的核心内容。RESTful API建模的过程与面向对象建模类似,是以名词为核心的。这些名词就是资源,任何可命名的抽象概念都可以定义为一个资源。而HTTP协议并不是一种传输协议,它实际提供了一个操作资源的统一接口。对于资源的任何操作,都应该映射到HTTP的几个有限的方法(常用的有GET/POST/PUT/DELETE四个方法,还有不常用的PATCH/HEAD/OPTIONS方法)上面。所以RESTful API建模的过程,可以看作是具有统一接口约束的面向对象建模过程。按照HTTP协议的规定,GET方法是安全且幂等的,POST方法是既不安全也不幂等的(可以用来作为所有写操作的通法),PUT、DELETE方法都是不安全但幂等的。将对资源的操作合理映射到这四个方法上面,既不过度使用某个方法(例如过度使用GET方法或POST方法),也不添加过多的操作以至于HTTP的四个方法不够用。2.如果发现资源上的操作过多,以至于HTTP的方法不够用,应该考虑设计出更多的资源。设计出更多资源(以及相应的URI)对于RESTful API来说并没有什么害处。这个API应该是松耦合的。RESTful API的设计包括了三个循序渐进、由低到高的层次:资源抽象、统一接口、超文本驱动。正是这三个层次确保了RESTful API的松耦合性。3.当设计面向互联网的API时,松耦合变成了一种“必须有”的强需求。紧耦合的API非常脆弱,一旦公布出去,服务器端和客户端都无法持续进化。尤其是服务器端,公布出去的接口根本不敢改,改了之后,几乎所有客户端应用立即无法正常工作。REST这种架构风格就是紧耦合API的解毒剂,这个话题可以谈的很深,这里就不展开了。感兴趣的读者可以参考《REST实战》。这个API中所使用的表述格式应该是常见的通用格式在RESTful API中,对于资源的操作,是通过在服务器端-客户端之间传递资源的表述来间接完成的。资源的表述可以有很多种格式,并且在响应和请求中的资源表述格式也会有所不同。GET/POST响应中的资源表述格式,常见的有HTML、XML、JSON;POST/PUT请求中的资源表述格式,常见的有标准的HTML表单参数、XML、JSON。4.这些常见表述格式,处理起来非常容易,有大量的框架和库提供支持。所以除非有很合理的要求,通常不需要使用自定义的私有格式。使用HTTP响应状态代码来表达各种出错情况HTTP响应状态代码,是HTTP协议这个统一接口中用来表达出错情况的标准机制。响应状态代码分成两部分:status code和reason phase。两部分都是可定制的,也可以使用标准的status code,只定制reason phase。5.如果一个所谓的“RESTful API”对于任何请求都返回200 OK响应,在响应的消息体中返回出错情况信息,这种做法显然不符合“确保操作语义的可见性”这个REST架构风格的基本要求。这个API应该对于HTTP缓存是友好的6.充分利用好HTTP缓存是RESTful API可伸缩性的根本。HTTP协议是一个分层的架构,从两端的user agent到origin server之间,可以插入很多中间组件。而在整个HTTP通信链条的很多位置,都可以设置缓存。HTTP协议内建有很好的缓存机制,可以分成过期模型和验证模型两套缓存机制。如果API设计者完全没有考虑过如何利用HTTP缓存,那么这个API的可伸缩性会有很多问题。

java restfulapi url 参数前带冒号是什么意思

接口的调用直接就是 Restful啊。不是方法

our new home的o要大写吗?

那个字那个住宿的话 应该要大写的 你可以要大写的 大小的话表示就是开头呗

英语作文Travelling in our city怎么写

我们城市的旅游业 the only reason we love our own city is not just because it"s the place where our home is. There are also many other reasons which makes us love the city. The second most important reason in my mind is about the travelling in the city. It was not as developed as it seems now in the past because the policy published by the state and something else, but it is kind of more natural with unpolluted air. For nowadays, with the great development of the state, the great changes have been taken place in every area of the country, there are many artificial sights which all of them are very beautiful. there is no doubt that more attentions will be put into the travelling, i think, in the future, travelling the our city will become more and more prosperous.

关于“how to care for our earth”的英语作文

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence. The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better !

题目为《Stop Destroying Our Earth》的英语作文。八十个单词左右


How does our earth turn better 为题的作文,初三水平,今天要的,谢谢

The earth is our home. We should be kind to it. How does our earth turn better? Here are some tips. Firstly, we should enhance our awareness of the importance of environmental protection. Secondly, as a student, we shouldn"t litter paper and empty bottles everywhere. We should keep our environment clean and tidy. Thirdly, we can plant more kinds of trees in our spare time, they can make fresh air. In a world, protecting the environment is very urgent. It is everyone"s responsibility. We should try our best to make our earth better and better.望采纳,祝开心!

I and my brother always do our homeworks这句话对不对?

不对I 要放在and后即My brother and I always do our homeworks.

my family moved into our ho home


您好 能问一下we do our home work in the classroom 变疑问 do we do our homework 第二个DO 还要写吗

我是一个叫晶晶的女孩,前几天,我晚自习回家,被一辆大卡车撞死了司机将我的尸体抛入了路径边的小河里,然后逃走了,你看见了这条消息后 ,请将她发给4个论坛,如果没有发,你的妈妈会在1个月后被车撞死,你的爸爸会得绝症,如果你照着上面做了,在5天后,你喜欢的人也会喜欢你,对不起大家不无意中看评论看 到了 这个吓死我了。不管是真是假我都害怕!所以只能乱发了`!对不起啊`!我真不想害人的

Our Local Area (我们的社区)英语作文 。。

Our Local AreaOur community is very beautiful, where is a beautiful city, our community park, garden, amusement park, zoo.... There are many people, one night, the bright lights, it can be beautiful, I love my community翻译:我们的社区美丽极了,哪儿是一个美丽的城市,我们的社区有公园、花园、游乐园、动物园。。。。还有许许多多的人家,一到晚上,灯就亮了,可美了,我爱我的社区。




There is a shopping centre near ourhome.

( )to ourh home.

welcome to our home欢迎来到我家

How to protect our home-the earth


everything in ourhome 中in our home 做什么成分


歌词this is our home

歌曲名:This Is Our Song歌手:colt ford专辑:Every Chance I GetColt Ford - "This Is Our Song".It""s the mudslingin"", country singin"" redneck stunnerI""ma show you who I am if you really think you wannaTake a ride down the dirt road, show ya where the still isScared, stay at home son, this is where the real isFolks ""round her still believe in GodAnd the right to tote a gun and our flag don""t runAin""t askin"" you fo"" nothin"" if we can""t get it on our ownTell the government to leave my check and church aloneY""all can do y""all and we""ll do usAnd our money should always say "In God We Trust"So if you think like that, then you one of usIf not then move on and leave us aloneCuz country folk can survive, jus"" ask HankLeave my money in my pocket y""all can have the bankI""m tryin"" to tell ya we smarter than some of y""all thinkEven though we talk slow all of y""all should know that...This is our song everybody sing itClap your hands y""all and do it like you mean itStand our ground and we don""t back downIf you""re from a small townand you""re never gonna leave itThis is our song everybody sing itClap your hands y""all and do it like you mean itStand our ground and we don""t back downAnd if you don""t like it then don""t come around.We come from hardworking people,they can""t stand a thiefDon""t like a liar, freezer full of deer meatHomegrown tomatoes in the kitchen windowDaddy is a deacon, mama sings "Swing Low"At the church in the choir, Sunday dinners on the fireColt Ford, Danny Boone gettin"" mud up on the tiresWe represent our folks but don""t take it for a jokeWe got a cooler full of boo and a pocket full of smokeYeah we country as corn bread, and pumpin"" Nappy RootsAnd if it ain""t a funeral we ain""t gon"" wear a suitWe peein"" off the front porch, peein"" of the backCuz we livin"" in the booniesand they don""t know where we atCan""t market us urban, won""t market us ruralDrinkin"" moonshine till we drunk and seein"" pluralSmall town livin"" and we don""t give a damnIf yo Hollywood or not, cuz we know who we am.This is our song everybody sing itClap your hands y""all and do it like you mean itStand our ground and we don""t back downIf you""re from a small townand you""re never gonna leave itThis is our song everybody sing itClap your hands y""all and do it like you mean itStand our ground and we don""t back downAnd if you don""t like it then don""t come around.Ain""t it funny how the money change who you isSell your soul to the devil be a star in his bizGive up everything so you can play this gameMake a buncha folks happy that don""t know your nameDon""t worry ""bout me, cuz I""ma spit the truthSee I gotta represent for our country youthAnd keep hope alive, cuz I will surviveWith a shotgun baby and a four wheel driveI""m buck huntin"" dog runnin"" playin"" in a mud holePumping Johnny Cash, haulin"" ass down a back roadLove it in the country where my soul is freeAnd God and my family is all I need, sing it.This is our song everybody sing itClap your hands y""all and do it like you mean itStand our ground and we don""t back downIf you""re from a small townand you""re never gonna leave itThis is our song everybody sing itClap your hands y""all and do it like you mean itStand our ground and we don""t back downAnd if you don""t like it then don""t come around

This is our home Please come后面填什么?

后面填写介词: inThis is our home.Please come in.

连词成句英语 is/home/our/near/school

our home is near school


倒装句:Such would be our home in the future.

Welcome to our house.其中的house改用home行吗?

Welcome to our house的意思是欢迎来到我们的房子。Welcome to our home的意思是欢迎来到我们的家。主要要看你前面写了什么,后面要怎么连接。两句话都是可以的。

we have……in our home。中,……该写什么?

可以这样填写:We have four people in our home.意思是:我们家里有四口人。

请问in our home 和in our homes的分别?

前者为单数 后者为复数

our earth our home 英语作文

our earth our home(这篇可以参考:)~~We all live in the earth. The earth is our home. We must take care of it. It gives us the blue sky, clean air and green trees. It gives us the best environment. If we harm it, it will be angry. And then we will have a terrible end.It"s our duty to protect our environment. So we must plant more trees, protect the flowers and the trees, reduce the white pollution, not throw old batteries in the river and etc.Tanking care of our environment is very important. It"s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. If everyone makes a contribution to protect the environment, the earth will become much more beautiful.

There is our home 这句英文什么意思?


里的OUR HOME指的是什么?


Success Has Made A Failure Of Our Home 歌词

歌曲名:Success Has Made A Failure Of Our Home歌手:Sinéad O"Connor专辑:Top of the Pops 1992We used to go outwalking hand in handYou told me all the bigthings you had plannedIt wasn"t longtill all your dreams came trueSuccess put me in second place with youYou have no timeto love me anymoreSince fame and fortuneknocked up on our doorAnd i spend allmy evenings all aloneSuccess has made a failure of our homeIf we could sharean evening now and thenI"m sure we"d find truehappiness againYou never hold melike you used to doOh, it"s funny what successhas done to youYou have no time tolove me anymoreSince fame and fortuneknocked up on our doorAnd i spend all myevenings all aloneSuccess has made a failure of our homeSuccess has made a failure of our homeI never changedI"m still the sameI never changedStop what you"re sayingYou"re killing meAnd am i not your girl?Am i not your girl?Am i not?http://music.baidu.com/song/60686944

Success Has Made A Failure Of Our Home 歌词

歌曲名:Success Has Made A Failure Of Our Home歌手:SinéAd O Connor专辑:This Is... 1992We used to go outwalking hand in handYou told me all the bigthings you had plannedIt wasn"t longtill all your dreams came trueSuccess put me in second place with youYou have no timeto love me anymoreSince fame and fortuneknocked up on our doorAnd i spend allmy evenings all aloneSuccess has made a failure of our homeIf we could sharean evening now and thenI"m sure we"d find truehappiness againYou never hold melike you used to doOh, it"s funny what successhas done to youYou have no time tolove me anymoreSince fame and fortuneknocked up on our doorAnd i spend all myevenings all aloneSuccess has made a failure of our homeSuccess has made a failure of our homeI never changedI"m still the sameI never changedStop what you"re sayingYou"re killing meAnd am i not your girl?Am i not your girl?Am i not?http://music.baidu.com/song/2782776

in our homes 和at home 的 home有什么区别,为什么.???

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 大虾帮忙.!!! 解析: in our homes是指物理位置的家里。。。比如,furniture in our homes(家里的家具) 但是at home用法就比较普遍,可以作为“家里”的意思,但也可以作为“在家”的状态或者是“在家乡”。比如: We usually have chicken for dinner at home. 我们家里一般晚饭吃鸡肉。At home we usually go out on New Year"s Day. 在家的时候我们通常新年那天会出去。(这里就不是在家里面的意思了) At home people don"t usually care about politics. 在我家乡,人们对政治漠不关心。

my home is about__our home A,1 miles far away B.10 miles from C.10miles far from D.10miles for

from在这里表示远近,……is about X from …… home 故选B。

guard our home safe 语法对吗?(在线等)

secure our homeland保卫家乡/祖国keeping our home secure确保我们家的安全

谁帮我查下“就让我们此刻相逢our home”是哪首歌的歌词


god bless our home


live in our home还是live on our home

live in our home正解

home we a our fridge have in怎么连词成句?

连词成句。We have a fridge in our home.我们家有一台冰箱。

Lt is not far from our home.同义句

有没有变化格式要求?常见的变化形式如下: = It is near our home. = It is close to our home.

welcome to ( ) home.选择填空 a i b our c /


英语题our home is finer than( )


能不能说Our home will be as sweet as honey.

Home 最好用family其他的没问题

our home/further evidence怎么连读


想买个门牌… 我们的家不用英文 应该是 Our home 还是our family


Welcome to our home是什么意思?

欢迎光临我家欢迎光临寒舍Welcome欢迎our home我们家

Our home is _ _ _ 我们的房子比他们的大两倍

His house is twice bigger than mime

里的OUR HOME指的是什么?

our home字面意思是我们的家... 事实上还有另一层含义 OURHOME CHINA是王力宏大陆区国际歌迷会... 《爱 因为在心中》OURHOME的家人作词作曲加演唱在05年5月17日,力宏生日那天送给他的生日礼物...

Our Home的音标是什么? 怎麽拼?

["au05:] [h05um]

求一首英文歌,女生的,感觉听到,everybody say hurt,然后跟着一句everybody hurt。但不是艾薇儿的那个

歌曲名称:Everybody Hurt

having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage想表达什么意思


An error occurred at line: 46 in the jsp file: /shop/newGoods.jsp这句是什么意思


In Your Face的歌词

歌手:Children Of Bodom 专辑:Follow the Reaper Taste Of My Scythe(Rip and cut and mutilate the innocent his friends,and again and again and on and on!)You make me own my life in Hell, my kingdom back to the bound.You say you don"t make it alone, kingdom back to the Lord.Falling, I say: you too, falling, you too, born to die!Come with hate!Come and die!One day I"ll face you all alone,enduring out with wind and ice.It"s payback time, it"s your demise sought to feel:they"ll taste of my scythe!You say my ear, my God who help me, God take yours in shame.Back too low, I want your head on a plate to feel my eyes.Come with me, I want your blood to save it on my eyes.I want you and in the plate to be coming in the sky (sky!)Come with hate!Come and die!One day I"ll face you all alone,enduring out with wind and ice.It"s payback time,it"s your demise until they feel:taste of my scythe!




put into[英][put u02c8u026antuu02d0][美][pu028at u02c8u026antu]使处于某种状态; 把…译成,用…表达; 投入; pour into[英][pu0254:u02c8u026antuu02d0][美][pu0254r u02c8u026antu]不断地[大量地]流进[涌进]; 注入; 灌注; 倾注; 前者注重固体后者倾向于液体

go,turn,get,become 有什么区别



buy是及物动词买 sell是及物动词卖 retail 是及物动词零售 也是名词零售 market是动词的推销,促销 在美式英语里也指去市场买东西 名词是市场的意思 purchase动词为购置 主要是购置房产等 get 就是单纯的得到,取得

put…into与pour…into的区别 put…into与pour…into到底有什么区别

put…into 放进去(也可以代替pour…into 但也可以说 把钱存入银行帐号 put money into bank account) pour…into倒进去(一般说的是液体) pour water into the glass

take me to your heart的中文翻译歌词



buy是及物动词买 sell是及物动词卖 retail 是及物动词零售 也是名词零售 market是动词的推销,促销 在美式英语里也指去市场买东西 名词是市场的意思 purchase动词为购置 主要是购置房产等 get 就是单纯的得到,取得

123、Parents are advised to take pressure ____ a child and give him some encouragement before an ex

翻译注解如下:这道题目关键是在and后面的部分意思要理解,在一次大考前给孩子一些鼓励,让父母给孩子去压力建议父母在考试前应该消除孩子的压力,给他一些鼓励。与pressure(压力)相配合的消除,一般用take off. 所以应该选A。off 是介词,一般放在pressure后面。take out, 可以表示拿出,拔出,去掉,出发,但是一般不和pressure压力用在一起。C,和D,可以表示拿走,移除,一般说 take away from.

请问《take me to your heart》这首歌的中文意思是什么?

Take Me To Your Heart——歌词   歌手:Michael Learns to Rock 专辑:Take Me to Your Heart  hiding from the rain and snow 藏身于雨雪之中  trying to forget but i won"t let go 努力忘记,但我怎能就这样离去  looking at a crowded street 看着熙熙攘攘的街道  listening to my own heart beat 却只能听见自己的心跳  so many people 这么多的人  all around the world 在世界上  tell me where do i find 请告诉我在哪里可以找到  someone like you girl 像你一样的女孩  take me to your heart 将我留存心间  take me to your soul 与你的灵魂相伴  give me your hand before i"m old 给我你的手,在我老去之前  show me what love is 问情为何物  - haven"t got a clue 毫无头绪  show me that wonders can be true 让我看到奇迹也可以成为现实  they say nothing lasts forever 他们说没有什么是永远的  we"re only here today 我们也能此时相守  love is now or never 爱情是勿失良机  bring me far away 请带我一起远走  take me to your heart 让我靠近你的心  take me to your soul 与你的灵魂相伴  give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀  show me what love is 问情为何物  - be my guiding star 让星辰照亮我路  it"s easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单  standing on a mountain high 站在高山之颠  looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 看着月亮高挂于清澈的蓝天  i should go and see some friends 也许我应该去和朋友们在一起  but they don"t really comprehend 但他们真的不明白我此时的心情  (repeat)  take me to your heart 让我靠近你的心  take me to your soul 与你的灵魂相伴  give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀  show me what love is 问情为何物  - be my guiding star 让星辰照亮我路  it"s easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单

take me to your heart ,take me to your soul ,give me your hand and hold me这是什么意思谁可以告诉我


put yourself out there是什么意思呢?




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求一首英文歌,在酒吧里听到的,女声,歌词里大概有:I Can see in your eye

1.阿肯的Akon - In Your Eyes (Once In A While I Do Look At You) I Can See It...Cuz Everyday I Can"t Help But See It, People Aint Satisfied...And Your Hatin" Your 9 to 5, & Everybody Wanna Live AnotherLife...Even If You Go Out To Mountain Climb, To Better Your Day...All That Will Do Is Leave Room For People To Say...Wish You Livin" Better Now, Share A Little O" That CheddarNow...Cuz I Remember Days Back When A Brother Was Hustlin" N Robbin"Too...I Dun Tossed The Beretta Now, On A Whole Nother Level Now...Still I Can"t Enjoy My Fame, "Less My People Doin The Same &Gettin" Money Too...**Once In A While I Do Look At You & See That Twinkle In YourEye**Ooh Once In A While...I Can See That You Don"t Want To EverStruggle No More...**Once In A While I Do Look At You & See That Twinkle In YourEye**I Can See That You Don"t Ever Wanna Cry No More...Cuz Every Time You Ask Me In Grinding, It Shouldn"t Have To BeThat Way...Shouldn"t Have To Be My Way, I Shouldn"t Have To Want For ABrighter Day...Gotta Little Little Problem On My Way, Bounty Hunter CheckinState To State...Child Support Lady On Your Case, Not To Mention Tickets You AintNever Paid...Ooh It Will Stop Though, This What You Be Askin...God Please Hold It Down For Me, Don"t Let Satan Get A Hold OfMe...I"m Tryna Tell You, It Can Happen To Me Too...But It Happend Lot Worse To My Brother, Muhamad, I Thank God HeRecovered

Over Your Shoulder 歌词

歌曲名:Over Your Shoulder歌手:Oregon专辑:Northwest PassageOver YouWeather man said it"s gonna snowBy now I should be used to the coldMid-February shouldn"t be so scaryIt was only DecemberI still remember the presents" the tree" you and meBut you went awayHow dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youLiving alone here in this placeI think of you" and I"m not afraidYour favorite records make me feel betterCause you sing alongWith every songI know you didn"t mean to give them to meBut you went awayHow dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youIt"s really sinks in when I see it in stoneCause you went away" how dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/56746400
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