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Is your birthday in June? 作否定回答

No, it isn"t.

There are four birthdays in June的问句是什么?

how many birthdays in June

急需Never your gone英文歌词!!!

纠正你下 这首歌叫gone 不是never you gone

break、 continue、 return有什么区别吗?


never your gone的歌词


you can ture in me 这首歌的翻译


exactly,precisely 与accurately用法的区别

这些形容词均含“准确的”“正确的”之意。区别如下:1. accurate 指通过谨慎的努力达到符合事实或实际,侧重不同程度的准确性,与事实无出入。如:Watches have become very accurate. 手表已造得非常准确了。You should send in accurate income tax returns. 你应当寄去准确的个人所得税报表。Many people complain about not gathering accurate news. 许多人抱怨搜集不到准确的消息。2. exact 着重在质与量方面的准确,语气比accurate强。如:What is her exact age? 她的准确年龄是多少?I need to know the exact size. 我需要知道确切的尺寸。Mathematics is an exact science. 数学是一门精密的科学。3. precise 侧重极端准确,更强调细节的精确无误。如:She denied knowing any thing more precise. 她否认知道任何更明确的事。The level of formality determines the precise mode of expression. 不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。It was found at the precise spot where she had left it. 那东西正好在她遗落的那个地点找到了。

pressure gradient

1. What is pressure gradient? Pressure gradient is the variation of pressure over distance. It is clear that in a centrifuge the pressure at the bottom of the test tube which is farthest away from the axis of rotation is the highest whereas pressure near the top of the test tube is lowest. Thus there exists a pressure variation along the test tube increasing in magnitude as one goes from top to the bottom of the tube. Such pressure variation is a "pressure gradiant". 2. How can it provide the centripetal force for the substances inside the test tube? Particles inside the revolving centrifuge being a non-inertia reference system are subject to an inertia force - the centrifugal force. The magnitude of this force is proportional to the mass of the particle and the distance of the particle from the axis of rotation. Thus heavier particles being of larger mass experience a larger centrifugal force which pulls the particles towards the bottom of the tube more than light particles. As a result heavier particles are pressed against the bottom of the test tube which in turn provides the necessary centripetal force for the particles to rotate with the test tube. 3. What is the reaction pair according to the newton"s third law? As said above if you are looking at the position of the test tube in revolution the inertia force (centrifugal force) is balanced by the normal reaction (this normal reaction is termed as "centripetal force" when looking outside the test tube system). The centrifugal force which gives a pressing force onto the bottom of the test tube and its normal reaction which acts on the revolving particle constitute an action-reaction pair.

有关Bunsen Burner (超紧急) (40分)

更新1: (4) The hottest part of the flame is ( ). (5)What is the difference of (i) colour (ii) shape beeen luminous and non-luminous flame? (6)Which of them produce noise luminous flame or non-luminous flame? (7) Which of them is hotter luminous flame or non-luminous flame? 更新2: clscz01: 原来你的硕士之位就是如此骗分得来的,知识+多亏有你们的支持,才会变成一个垃圾氾滥之网。你的「答案」盲的一看也知是用来骗分、企图鱼目混珠的答案,又以为我会弃置此问题让只为一分而投票的用户投你。我删掉这问题也不会让你做最佳解答。 Bunsen burner Bunsen burner 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/8/8e/Bunsen_burner/200px-Bunsen_burner A bunsen burner with needle valve; the hose barb for the gas tube is facing left and the needle valve for gas flow adjustment is on the opposite side; air inlet on this particular model is adjusted by rotating the barrel thus opening or closing the vertical baffles at the base Uses Heating Sterilization Combustion Inventor Michael Faraday Related Hot plate Heating mantle A Bunsen burner is a mon piece of laboratory equipment used for heating sterilization and bustion. History A mon misconception is that the Bunsen burner was invented by German chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen and Christian Schonbein. Although it is named after him it is actually an improvement made in 1855 by his laboratory assistant Peter Desaga on an earlier design by Michael Faraday. The improvement is called a Tirrill Burner. The main differences beeen these burners is the gas control valve on a Tirrill Burner and the improved structure of the Tirrill Burner. Most Bunsen burners are in fact Tirrill Burners. Operation 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/b/b0/Bunsen_burner_flame_types_/300px-Bunsen_burner_flame_types_ Different flame types of Bunsen Burner depending on flow through the throat holes (holes on the side of the bunsen burner -- not to be confused with the needle valve for gas flow adjustment). 1. air hole closed (Safety flame) 2. air hole half open 3. air hole nearly fully open 4. air hole fully open (Roaring Blue Flame) The device safely burns a continuous stream of a flammable gas such as natural gas (which is principally methane) or a liquified petroleum gas such as propane butane or a mixture of both. At the time of its invention the Bunsen burner would have mostly burnt coal gas. The burner has a weighted base with a connector for a gas line (hose barb) and a vertical tube (barrel) rising from it. The hose barb is connected to a gas nozzle on the lab bench with rubber tubing. Most lab benches are equipped with multiple gas nozzles connected to a central gas source as well as vacuum nitrogen and steam nozzles. The gas then flows up through the base through a *** all hole at the bottom of the barrel and is directed upward. There are open slots in the side of the tube bottom to admit air into the stream via the Venturi effect and the gas burns at the top of the tube once ignited by a flame or spark. The most mon methods of lighting the burner are using a match or a spark lighter. The amount of air (or rather oxygen) mixed with the gas stream affects the pleteness of the bustion reaction. Less air yields an inplete and thus cooler reaction while a gas stream well mixed with air provides oxygen in an equimolar amount and thus a plete and hotter reaction. The air flow can be controlled by opening or closing the slot openings at the base of the barrel similar in function to a car"s carburetor. If the collar at the bottom of the tube is adjusted so more air can mix with the gas before bustion the flame will burn hotter appearing blue as a result. If the holes are closed the gas will only mix with ambient air at the point of bustion that is only after it has exited the tube at the top. This reduced mixing produces an inplete reaction producing a cooler but brighter yellow which is often called the "safety flame". The yellow flame is luminous due to *** all soot particles in the flame which are heated to incandescence. When the burner is regulated to produce a hot blue flame it can be nearly invisible against some backgrounds. Increasing the amount of fuel gas flow through the tube by opening the needle valve will of course increase the size of the flame. However unless the airflow is adjusted as well the flame temperature will decrease because an increased amount of gas is now mixed with the same amount of air starving the flame of oxygen.

leisure, recreation, amusement有什么区别

呵呵。发了很多哦。希望能帮到你。觉得可以就采纳:comfort, ease, leisure, relaxation, relief, rest这些名词均含“舒适,安逸,悠闲”之意。comfort: 通常指在摆脱烦人、痛苦的事情,或在要求、愿望得到满足后所感到的舒适。ease: 指因没有担心和忧虑而轻松。leisure: 专指闲暇时间或悠闲状态。relaxation: 强调消除肌肉疲劳或思想的紧张状态,使身心松弛,得到休息。relief: 侧重有消除痛苦、不适或困难的负担,常暗含不利因素已不存在的意味。hoblly, pastime, recreation这些名词均有“嗜好,消遣,娱乐”之意。hobby: 指在某一具有知识性和趣味性的领域内从事的业余爱好活动。pastime: 多指消遣,系空余时间的娱乐活动,常常不具什么内在价值或意义。recreation: 通常指令人愉快的消遣或有节制的活动,侧重于游玩、游戏和消遣。amusement:1. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词有趣;可笑 Amusement is the feeling that you have when you think that something is funny or amusing. 2. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词愉悦;娱乐 Amusement is the pleasure that you get from being entertained or from doing something interesting;3. N-COUNT 可数名词消遣方式 Amusements are ways of passing the time pleasantly.4. N-PLURAL 复数名词(游乐场或海边的)娱乐活动,游戏,消遣活动 Amusements are games, rides, and other things that you can enjoy, for example at a fairground or at the seaside.

弱弱问一句:MYOB的purchase type里面三种类型quote,order,和bill有什么不一样,分别指什么?谢谢?


sap里怎么批量更改purchase order的价格

不确定系统有没有批量创建采购信息记录的TCODE,但肯定是你可以 用 LSMW来批处理,建议你是参考一个采购信息记录来录屏,这样后续处理起来容易些,可以少传点字段。你若是熟悉,还可以在 LSMW 使用 BAPI ,或者 写一个 program 调用 标准的BAPI...创建采购信息记录的BAPI是有的...ME_DIRECT_INPUT_INFORECORD, Create/Change Info Records: ME_UPDATE_INFORECORD_PD,ME_POST_INFORECORD


purchase的英式和美式读音分别为:英[u02c8pu025c:tu0283u0259s];美[u02c8pu025crtu0283u0259s]。一、英汉释义purchase:购买;采购;换得;依靠机械力移动;购买;购买行为;购置物;紧握。二、词性变形过去式:purchased;过去分词:purchased;现在分词:purchasing;第三人称单数:purchases。三、词组搭配1、purchase price:买价,进货价格。2、purchase order:订购单,采购订单。3、purchase contract:购货合同。4、purchase cost:进货成本。5、make a purchase:购物。四、英语例句1、She purchased a number of shares in the company.她在公司里买了一些股票。2、Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.票必须提前两周买。3、The receipt is your proof of purchase.这张发票是你购物的凭据.4、The house is the most expensive purchase I have ever made.房子是我买过的最贵的东西。

歌词中有you know what i am saying ,you know who your playing,还有一句是baby i can b

美国好声音Vicci Martinez 的I can love

blacket purchase order是什么?


要给国外杂志社寄去50美金的审稿费,他们要求用支票或purchase order,请问到银行可以办理吗?

中国银行可以买到Purchase order 或者叫Money Order、汇票 不过手续费不便宜。我当年申请的时候,用过它。买汇票,即所谓的手续费,是按汇款的“笔数”定的,每笔一张汇票,500美元以下,中国银行和中信银行每张40元人民币,而交通银行是30元。 可以用人民币按牌价买。

请问客户在Purchase order上签完字还用我们公司再签字吗?

一般都要回签的 但是实际上很多关系好的 经常合作的 可以不回签 我们有的没回签 像正规大公司 很多要求必须会签 看你客户的要求喽

外国客户下了purchase order后,业务员该具体做哪些流程?

没这么麻烦,我来给你个简单的,希望采纳:1.做PI让客户确认!确认后打预付款TT30%,开始下单给生产部门,通知生产!2.等货物快完成的时候,联系客户把70%的余款付拉.3.做Packinglist 和CI给客户确认.OK就准备发货!4.联系货代取货,跟货代说买单报关,你只要提供发票和箱单给他们就OK,买单一般200左右!剩下就没你什么事了,把提单号告诉客户就OK拉!上述方法适合那些暂时还未去海关备案的进出口公司,也就是还未有自己的核销单和报关单. 请采纳!!

请购单与订单有何不同? PURCHASE REQUISITION和PURCHASE ORDER 意思是否相同? 请各位大虾指点~谢谢!

请注意请购单是本企业的需求一般由物控、用料部门填写,经权限人审批后交予采购汇总请购单是采购部对外采购的依据而订单是指采购根据请购单内容,选择供应商,议定价格后的合同形式如下请购单 编码 品名 规格 数量 需求日期 用途123 玻璃基板 150*180*0.5 30块 5月20日 生产申请人 甲 申请日期 5月10日 核准人 甲的主管 核准日期 5月10日 审批人 甲的公司高层 审批日期 5月10日 接收人 一般为采购文员 接收日期 5月10日 采购订单 供应方 甲 交货地点 乙仓库 需求方 乙 交货时间 5月18日 编码 品名 规格 数量 需求日期 单价 总金额123 玻璃基板 150*180*0.5 30块 5月18日 RMB100元 RMB3000采购员 孙悟空 采购日期 5月11日 供方签名 猪八戒 合同内容 略

发了purchase order不签合同

purchase order可以视为要约邀请,如对方明确表示接受order,你方即使没有签合同如对方有相应损失也是要赔偿的如果对方没有明确表示接受order,但如果为order做了实质的准备,你方即使没有签合同如对方有相应损失也是要赔偿的

外国客户下了purchase order后,业务员该具体做哪些流程?

没这么麻烦,我来给你个简单的,希望采纳:1.做PI 让客户确认! 确认后打预付款TT 30% ,开始下单给生产部门,通知生产!2.等货物快完成的时候,联系客户把 70% 的余款付拉.3.做 Packing list 和 CI 给客户确认.OK 就准备发货!4.联系货代取货,跟货代说买单报关,你只要提供发票和箱单给他们就OK ,买单一般200左右!剩下就没你什么事了,把提单号告诉客户就OK拉! 上述方法适合那些暂时还未去海关备案的进出口公司,也就是还未有自己的核销单和报关单. 请采纳!!

商务用语领域 Purchase Order 和 Release Order 的区别~

RO是计算机用语,表示释放指令采购订单是PORelease Purchase Order表示:批准采购订单

国外采购中purchase order在签署合同后,国外会给order achievement,这是怎么回事?


purchase order中的问题

是的,发你们的采购订单PO,ship to是你们要求的发货地址,一般是你们公司的地址;运输方式以shipping mode表示,可以写上by air;PO号码你们自己定。

外贸业务中,PO(purchase order)由哪方开立?


purchase order 采购订单英文格式/模板

purchase order可以视为要约邀请,如对方明确表示接受order,你方即使没有签合同如对方有相应损失也是要赔偿的如果对方没有明确表示接受order,但如果为order做了实质的准备,你方即使没有签合同如对方有相应损失也是要赔偿的 http://www.peee.net/Soft/mb/exl/200505/288.html这里有模板,自己下一个去吧。

请假外贸问题,PO是purchase order 的意思吗?PI又是什么意思呢?

PO purchase order 采购单PI 是一种形式发票,全名就是proforma invoice在签订合同的时候,你可以把盖了公司章的合同传真过去给他们看,然后他们也会把盖了他们章的给你回传,确定可以之后,你们把你们的正本盖了章的合同两份用快递给他们寄过去,他们会留下一份,而将另一份盖了章之后给你们寄回来的,这样,你们手中都会有一份正本的合同了,,,

PR Purchase Request与PO Purchase Order有什么区别

  从字面理解是:一个是材料需求,一个是订单,  如果从ERP单据上来讲的话:类似一个是请购单,一个是采购订单  1、请购与需求不完全是一个概念,请购是材料需求的一种,从逻辑上讲,请购相当于独立需求  2、PR和PO之间还是可能有数量差的,因为需求的时候要考虑更多的东西,比如批量规则或者交付期  3、PR和PO还有区别是,PR不指定供方,PO必须指定

请假外贸问题,PO是purchase order 的意思吗?PI又是什么意思呢?


哪位高手帮忙提供Purchase Order的格式,急~~

英文简历有一定格式,供参考。SummaryI"m an honest, responsible, diligent and creative person. I have very good teamwork spirit and professional skill set. I am looking for a challenging position at …SkillsFluent in English reading, oral speaking and translation, certified in College English Test - Level 4 (CET-4)Skillful in Word, Excel, AutoCADDeep knowledge in Mechanical Outline Drawings and Manufacturing Process DrawingsDeep knowledge in physics and chemistry of metal materialsUnderstanding basic marketing skills, such as placing purchase order, sales, business trading and material flow managementWorking experience5/2006-present, Engineer, Department of Quality Assurance (QA), Sino-US Changzhou Kaier Pump Manufacturing Ltd.Responsible for QA of metal parts and components including physics-chemistry analyze, microscope inspection, foundry parts defect diagnosis.3/06-4/06, Intern at China Ship Manufacturing Ltd, ShanghaiPractical training in metal heat processing12/05-1/06 Intern at Yinfeng Foundry Company, SpainEducation and CertificatesBachelor in EngineeringCertificate for College English Test - Level 4 (CET-4)Certificate for National Professional Material Flow ManagementDriver"s License CAwardFellowship award: 2nd place once, 3rd place three timesBest internship awardLeadership award for social activitiesSocial ActivitiesVice president of Material Science School"s sports club.Organize university-wide football league and basketball league.Founder and editor of university newspaper - New ElementPersonal InterestsSports, reading and singing

purchase ordernumber这句话是什么意思


外贸 外贸采购订单即Purchase Order是由出口商做再由客人回签了,还是由客人做再由我们回签给客人了?


外国人说 close the purchase order 是什么意思


order 和 purchase 区分

purchase order

PR Purchase Request与PO Purchase Order有什么区别

po (purchase order,订购单号) pr (Purchase Request Form 采购申请单,) 外贸中的PO是订单的意思  英文全称是“PURCHASE ORDER”。 就是客户给你下订单时候给卖方发的一张订单,格式各个公司不同,但是基本上要包含买方和卖方公司名称、地址、电话、购买产品具体型号、说明、数量、付款方式等信息。PR单是购物申请单, 一般现在大公司各部门需要买东西,就要填写PR单(购物申请单)。送采购部门去采购

A river() deep because of its source.

A river() deep because of its source. A.is runing B.runs C.is run D.running 正确答案:B

purchase order 以及V.A.T.是什么意思?

purchase order由一下部分组成: PO number (客户定单号), shipping date (装船日期), billing address (发票地址), shipping address (运输地址), terms of payment (付款方式), and a list of services/products (产品/服务信息). 其中产品/服务信息包括产品名称(pecifications),产品数量(numbers of the items),质量 (quantities),价格(prices)等VAT 即是 Value Added Tax ,附加税,欧盟的一种税制,即购物时要另加税,如定价是 inc vat,即已含税, excl vat 是未包税,Zero vat 是税率为0.意大利好像是 20% 税率,(英国是17.5%),即要多给20% 款项, 有些国对欧盟外购物不用付税,后面是当申请退税时需显示的号码。希望能帮到楼主,谢谢采纳了。

sell order 与purchase order区别?

sell order :销售订单,(向外卖出,赚钱)purchase order:采购订单 (向内买进,花钱)

purchase order 和 sales confirmation 有什么不同呢

purchase order购买订单sales confirmation销售确认

你好!请问purchase order 以及V.A.T.分别是什么意思?

purchase order 是指采购订单或者购货合同。VAT 即是 Value Added Tax ,附加税,欧盟的一种税制,即购物时要另加税,如定价是 inc vat,即已含税, excl vat 是未包税,Zero vat 是税率为0.意大利好像是 20% 税率,(英国是17.5%),即要多给20% 款项, 有些国对欧盟外购物不用付税,IT00299910026 是该公司注册编号,是当申请退税时需显示的号码。

sales order和purchase order 的区别


选择适当的代词填空 [he she her me my them your our its you}

1 your2 She Her3 me4 our5 them6 his7 He8 you9 my

purchase order 中文是什么?


purchase order是什么意思

purchase order采购订单



一篇关于natural disasters(自然灾害)的演讲稿

Natural Disasters - 自然灾害 A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts which affects human activities. But do not always blame, it mainly is caused by human being. Because human have cut down too many trees in the forests, dump rubbish into the landfill and invented nuclear bomb. These have badly polluted the environment. It is very late when we people realize the climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land. Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth because the earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.

以natural disaster 为题目的英语作文

就这些了~~~ In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.




前面的是企业编号 这个不懂哦 后面是合资企业

求东方Yumetsuzuri - ユメツヅリ歌词罗马音

[ti:ユメツヅリ][ar:时音(TOKINE)][al:东方Yumetsuzuri][by:Kiseri][00:00.00]ユメツヅリ[00:05.00]アルバム:舞风 - 东方Yumetsuzuri[00:10.00]作曲/原曲:ZUN/あなたの町の怪事件[00:15.00]编曲/作词/歌:时音(TOKINE)[00:20.00]コーラス:怜歌[00:25.00][00:29.65] kun ga kanade ru oto no namegata ga watashi wo sasou no[00:42.61] kasuka ni kiko erutatta hitotsu no sekai no kiroku[00:55.42][00:56.21] ima mokokoni utsuru subete gaarutosurunara[01:09.34] sorehayagate dareka no moto hetadori tsuku darou[01:22.19][01:22.68] sokoniha[01:23.57] yama no kamigami no uwasa imada minu youkai no kage tsurana ru ningen no mure[01:33.35][01:33.52] omona ru kokoro wo kanji de ...[01:37.65] mijuku tado sou kurikaeshi shiru nda [01:42.86][01:42.95] nensha ( utsu ) sukotoshiga dekina ikarato [01:49.10] tada motome teha kaki totta[01:55.05][01:55.81] koko niarunoha kun no sokuseki[02:02.43] kiji to iu mei no yume no ato[02:10.19][02:35.50] itsuka kanae ru anatano michi gasokoni aru nara[02:48.72] eikyuu ( towa ) ni nagare ru jikan no itami woizure shiru darou[03:01.27][03:01.91] ima demo[03:02.89] matataku setsuna no mani yokogiru murasaki no kage[03:09.42] sagashi ta kun no sugata naku shita negai wo shinji te ...[03:16.97] katakuna dearukotowo shiru nta[03:22.18][03:22.29] iku sen no yoru wokoete tadotta[03:28.51] tsutae tai omoi gaarunara[03:34.56][03:35.08] kun to futari yume wo atsume you[03:41.66] koi to iu mei no ano nichi kara[03:48.80][03:48.86] nensha ( utsu ) sukotoshiga dekina ikarato[03:54.96] tada motome teha kaki totta[04:01.09][04:01.61] koko niarunoha kun no sokuseki[04:08.24] kiji to iu mei no yume no ato[04:15.64][04:20.64]LRC by Kiseri

请问中意合资翻译成:sino-italy joint venture 可以么?


in the joint venture

水平有限,而且具体整句话都意思还要联系上下文,我只能告诉你词组都意思你自己组织一下吧. In the joint venture,在合资企业 mess of the benefit ,利益的混乱(或混乱的利益) go to ,定位,转到

joint venture company是什么意思

joint venture company合资公司The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture company.董事长是合营公司法定代表。

想问下ACCA中joint operation和joint venture的区别

这些问题我都是问高 顿的学服老师的,他们一般都会回答我。

写一篇What can I do for our environment为题英语作文

What Can I Do for Our EnvironmentAs our world faces numerous environmental challenges, it is crucial for each of us to take responsibility and contribute to the well-being of our planet. While it may seem overwhelming to address such complex issues, every small action can make a significant difference. In this article, we will explore practical ways in which individuals can actively participate in protecting and preserving our environment.1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:One of the most effective ways to minimize waste and conserve resources is through the practice of the three R"s: reduce, reuse, and recycle. By reducing our consumption, reusing items whenever possible, and properly recycling materials, we can significantly reduce the strain on the environment.For instance, we can carry reusable bags while shopping instead of relying on single-use plastic bags. We can also opt for products with minimal packaging and avoid unnecessary disposable items. Furthermore, segregating recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, and glass and ensuring they are sent to appropriate recycling facilities will help conserve resources and reduce pollution.2. Conserve Water:Water is a precious resource, and it is crucial to use it wisely. Simple steps like turning off the faucet while brushing teeth, fixing leaky faucets and pipes, and using efficient appliances can go a long way in conserving water. Additionally, collecting rainwater for gardening or using water-efficient irrigation systems can help reduce water consumption and preserve this vital resource.3. Energy Efficiency:Reducing our energy consumption not only benefits the environment but also helps us save money. We can make a difference by adopting energy-efficient practices. This includes switching off lights and appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient light bulbs, and adjusting thermostat settings to conserve energy.Moreover, investing in renewable energy sources such as solar panels or supporting clean energy initiatives can contribute to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and combating climate change.4. Sustainable Transportation:Transportation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. To mitigate its impact, we can make sustainable choices in our daily commute. Walking, biking, or using public transportation whenever possible not only reduces emissions but also promotes a healthier lifestyle. Carpooling or sharing rides with others can also help decrease traffic congestion and pollution.5. Support Environmental Initiatives:Active participation in environmental initiatives and organizations can amplify our impact. Joining or supporting local community groups, volunteering for environmental clean-up events, or advocating for sustainable practices in our schools and workplaces can create a ripple effect and inspire others to take action.Additionally, staying informed about environmental issues and spreading awareness through social media, organizing awareness campaigns, or even initiating conversations with friends and family can contribute to a wider understanding of the importance of environmental conservation.In conclusion, each of us has the power to make a positive impact on our environment. By adopting sustainable practices, conserving resources, and supporting environmental initiatives, we can protect our planet for future generations. Remember, even the smallest actions, when multiplied, can lead to significant change. Let"s take responsibility and work together to create a sustainable and thriving environment for all.

joint venture和joint stock的区别

joint venture合资企业joint stock合股

unincorporated joint venture是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:unincorporated joint venture非法人型合资企业;联营公司;非公司型合资结构;投资结构不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

consortium和joint venture的区别

consortium. 财团;联合;合伙;联营;国际财团joint venture合资企业;[经管] 联合经营;联营体;合营企业

怎么区分joint operation和joint venture?有什么不同吗

joint operation和joint venture应该都 有联合经营的意思,但我觉得如果是两个或以上的企业联合经营的话一般多用joint venture。joint operation有侧重于联合行动的意思,比如某两上部门联合完成某项行动等。

joint venture有海运的意思吗?


joint venture与joint operation有啥区别?

IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements was issued by the IASB in 2011, under this standard, joint arrangents are classified as either joint operations or joint ventures depending upon the parties" rights and obligations.Jointoperation is where the parties called joint operators, have joint control of the arrangement which gives rights to the assets and obligations for the liabilities. it is the existence of rights and obligations that is critical to determining whether a joint operation exists as opposed to the legal structure of the joint venture.Joint ventures is where the parties, called joint ventures, have joint control of the arrangement which gives rights to the net assets of the arrangement. typically in a joint venture the venturers rake a share of the overall profit or loss earned by the joint venture as opposed to taking a share of the output of the venture.

In the joint venture, Benjamin’s mess of the benefit will go to him.

水平有限,而且具体整句话都意思还要联系上下文,我只能告诉你词组都意思你自己组织一下吧。In the joint venture,在合资企业mess of the benefit ,利益的混乱(或混乱的利益)go to ,定位,转到

谁知道Joint venture 和merger有啥区别


怎么区分joint operation和joint venture?有什么不同吗

joint operation和joint venture应该都 有联合经营的意思,但我觉得如果是两个或以上的企业联合经营的话一般多用joint venture。joint operation有侧重于联合行动的意思,比如某两上部门联合完成某项行动等。

R. Kelly Featuring Keri Hilson的《Number One》 歌词

歌曲名:Number One歌手:R. Kelly Featuring Keri Hilson专辑:Number OneSkye Sweetnam - Number OneI saw my boyfriendHanging with this girl that I hateHe didn"t have to tell meWhy last night he was lateI can"t believe what you tell meYour lies have come undoneNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneI took a ride to the cityHad to get out of this placeI just can"t stand the pityWhen the tears fall down my faceI used to think it was overBut it"s only just begunNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI hitched a ride on a GreyhoundStashed away on a trainBought a ticket for the subwayPlaying guitar out in the rainI wanna follow the riversTo an island in the sunNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneLate at nightTrying to fightI just might think about himRight now I"m feeling fineI"m better off without himYeah Yeah Yeah YEAH!One day...One day...One day...You"ll sayI was the oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI know that one dayYou"ll see meI"ll haunt you when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI"m number onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7913469

怎么区分joint operation和joint venture?有什么不同吗

the key identifying factor for a joint venture is that in this type of arrangement a separate legal entity is set up,with the ownership of that entity being shared by the ventures

英国会计中的group,associate和joint venture的具体概念和区别有哪些?

首先,Group,顾名思义是指一组公司,其中包括一个母公司parent company和它的所有子公司subsidiaries。它们虽然法律形式上是彼此独立的,但经济角度上可以看作是一个单一的经济体the single entity,是economic substance over legal form的体现。这是因为当一个公司拥有另一个公司足够多的股份时,就已经根本上控制了这家公司。比如,A拥有B的60%股份,这就意味着A在B的年会决议上有着绝大多数的投票权和决定权,可以单方任免管理者或设定股利分配。因此B对于A来讲,绝不是一个有独立意志的公司而更象A的一个部门了。B就是A的subsidiary。所以作为Group的一个重要特征就是,在一组公司里有一个公司控制着其他所有公司。Group里只有parent company and its subsidiaries,没有associate。因为parent对subsidiary拥有50%以上的股权--是控制权,但对associate仅有大于或等于20%并小于或等于50%的股权,没有控制权,只有重要影响力significant influence,年会上有发言权的。可见associate比起subsidiary来离parent远多了;而joint venture又比associate离group远,它更像是一个比较单纯的借势投资行为。joint venture又有三种形式jointly controlled operation,jointly controlled assets,jointly controlled entities。所以consolidated financial statements中,subsidiaries要和parent合并为一个经济体--因此要特别注意intra-group trading和goodwill的计算,而对于associate要求很简单只用equity method就可以了,joint venture是更为独立的记录了。这是我的理解,不一定准确,不过希望对你能够有点帮助:D


1. 谁有英语作文 Dear CEO, My name"s LiHua and I"m 16 years old.I"m at a senior school and I"m healthy.I"m 1.65metres tall.I"m warm and friendly.If I get the part-time job,I will work hard and I will be careful.I"d like to show myself to you and make a huge effort at working. I think it"s a good chance for me to work in your pany.I will do my best to finish my work. I will be very glad if I get the job.I"m waiting for your answer. yours, Li Hua 2. 英语作文 1.winter vacation plan How time flies unconsciously the next winter vacation will soon e.In order to improve myself as well as enjoy a happy holiday,I made the winter vacation plan. Firstly i want to continue with my study,i think study is a life process,so no matter what the situation I am in,i will look for chances to continue it.I have bought several new books ,including those books on my major and some novels ,I will try to finish reading them in the holiday and write notes. Secondly,since it is the holiday,I will share it with my family and friends .You know the spring festival will soon e, I believe I would chatting and play games with my friends and family .I think I will enjoy the vacation. 2.Christmas Can"t Replace the Spring Festival Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China. Christmas cards bee popular with students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts. A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing to youngsters. Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival. This worry is fairly unnecessary. Why ? One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians,college students and joint-venture workers. Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic festival. By contrast,the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family. I think,it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West,a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to wele the beginning of a new year. And we will treasure the Spring Festival forever. 3. western festivals的作文50字 More and more young people today like Western festivals,such as Christmas,Valentine"s Day,Mother"s Day,etc.,while often neglecting traditional Chinese holidays. This phenomenon happens for many reasons.First,Western culture is relatively strong,such as youth usually watch the Hollywood films,western music,so young people feel more Western festival more fashionable.Second,Western festivals have relatively more human touch.Like Father"s Day and Mother"s Day attach great importance to family love,therefore also more likely to be accepted by youth.In addition,our traditional culture is relatively weak.Although our government has now added such as the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival holiday as legal holidays,but these festival for young people"s influence is relatively weak. 4. 什么是Joint 合资公司,又称合营,简称 JV(joint venture),一般定义为由两家公司共同投入资本成立,分别拥有部分股权,并共同分享利润、支出、风险及对该公司的控制权。 源自:/link?url=_iDIV8VwZz0RBFklQ5J0uFRhatHLq1NI68WXnlThYtEeW2cwbYAQ20Kk_69iaYJDaXvRrjjbFswN2O1lssEOKK 合资企业性质:合资企业一般指中外合资合资经营企业,是由中国投资者和外国投资者共同出资、共同经营、共负盈亏、共担风险的企业。 外国投资者可以是企业、其他经济组织或个人。中国合营者目前只限于企业、其他经济组织,不包括个人和个体企业。经审查机关批准,合营企业是中国法人,受中国法律的管辖和保护。 源自:/link?url=zNvkxXN8U1wSrtPu8ncAZsERKyc9Dyvh3RZ7VfuLH6_N23R2BqRJ6mGQcxLWyz502FLZ0LxgNDg1FDgKyZ66fq 5. Limited partnership和Joint Venture的区别 Limited Partnership 有限责任合伙公司;普通合股公司 有限合伙(Limited Partnership)是英美法系国家十分重要的企业形式,它是指一个由二个或二个以上的自然人和其他法人所组成的经营商业、分享利润的营利团体。有限合伙中包括两种合伙人,即至少要有一个一般(即普通)合伙人(General Partner)以及一个有限合伙人(Limited Partner)。一般合伙人负责合伙事业的经营管理,并且对有限合伙的债务承担无限连带责任;而有限合伙人对于合伙事业的经营管理仅具有有限的参与权,对有限合伙的债务也仅以自己对有限合伙的出资为限承担有限责任。 joint venture 合资企业,合营企业 n.a venture by a partnership or conglomerate designed to share risk or expertise 合资企业一般指中外合资 中外合资经营企业是由中国投资者和外国投资者共同出资、共同经营、共负盈亏、共担风险的企业。外国合营者可以是企业、其他经济组织或个人。中国合营者目前只限于企业、其他经济组织,不包括个人和个体企业。经审查机关批准,合营企业是中国法人,受中国法律的管辖和保护。它的组织形式是有限责任公司。目前合营企业还不能发行股票,而采用股权形式,按合营各方的投资比例分担盈亏。 6. 求1篇高1英语作文 Will Christmas Replace the Spring Festival Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China. Christmas cards bee popular with students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts. A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing to youngsters. Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival. This worry is fairly unnecessaryg Why Ⅱ One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians, college students and joint-venture (workers. Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic festival. By contrast, the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family. I think, it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West, a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to wele the beginning of a new year. And we will treasure the Spring Festival forever. 7. 合资公司怎样签合同 中外合资经营____有限公司合同第一章 总 则中国______公司和_______国(地区)_____公司,根据 《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》和中国的其他有关法律、法规,本着平等 互利的原则,经过友好协商,同意在中华人民共和国___省___市共同投资 举办合资经营企业,特订立本合同。 第二章 合营各方第一条 本合同的各方为: 甲方:中国______公司,在中国__省__市登记注册。 法定地址:中国_省__市__区_街_号 法定代表人:姓名___,职务___,国籍____ 电话:____,传真:____ 乙方:____国____公司,在__国__地登记注册。 注册地址:______________ 法定代表:姓名____ ,职务____,国籍___ 电话:____,传真:_____ 第三章 成立合资公司第二条 合营各方根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》和中国的其 他有关法律、法规,同意在中国境内建立合资经营_____ 有限公司(以下简称合营公司)。 第三条 合营公司的名称为_______有限公司。 外文名称为______________。法定地址为____省_____市____路____号。 第四条 合营公司的一切活动,必须遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法令和有 关条例规定,并受中国法律的管辖和保护。 第五条 合营公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。 合营各方以各自认缴的出资 额对合营公司承担责任。各方按其出资额在注册资本中的比例分享利润和分担风 险及亏损。 第四章 生产经营目的、范围和规模第六条 合营各方合资经营的目的是: 本着加强经济合作和技术交流的愿望,采用先进而适用的技术和科学的经营管理方法,提高产品质量,发展新产品,并 在质量、价格等方面具有国际市场上的竞争能力,提高经济效益,使投资各方获 得满意的经济利益。 (注:在具体合同中要根据具体情况写。) 第七条 合营公司生产经营范围是: 生产__________产品; 对销售后的产品进行维修服务; 研究和发展产品。 (注:要根据根据具体情况写。) 第八条 合营公司的生产规模如下: 1.合营公司投产后的生产能力为_________。 2.随着生产经营的发展,生产规模可增加____。 产品品种将发展__ ____。 (注:要根据具体情况写。) 第五章 投资总额与注册资本第九条 合营公司的投资总额为人民币___元(或双方商定的一种外币)。 第十条 合营各方的出资额共为人民币(或双方商定的一种外币)___元, 作为合营公司的注册资本。 其中:甲方____元,占___%; 乙方____元,占___%。第十一条 甲、乙双方将以下列作为投资: 甲方:现金____元 机械设备____元 土地使用权及厂房____,作价____元 工业产权或专有技术____,作价____元 其它____元,共____元。 乙方:现金____元 机械设备____元 工业产权或专有技术____,作价____元 其它____元,共____元。 第十二条 合营公司注册资本由合营各方按出资比例分__期缴付,每期缴 付的数额如下:(注:根据具体情况写。) ________________; ________________; ________________。 第十三条 甲、乙任何一方如向第三者转让其全部或部分出资额,须经另一 方同意,并报审批机关批准;合营一方转让其全部或部分出资额时,合营他方在 同等条件有优先购买权。 第六章 合营各方的责任第十四条 合营各方应各自负责完成以下各项事宜。 甲方责任: 1.办理为设立合营公司向中国有关主管部门申请批准、登记注册、领取营业 执照等事宜; 2.向土地主管部门办理申请取得土地使用权的手续; 3.组织合营公司厂房和其它工程设施的设计、施工; 4.按第十一条和第十二条的规定提供现金、机械设备、厂房……; 5.协助办理乙方作为出资而提供的机械设备的进口报关手续和在中国境内的 运输; 6.协助合营公司在中国境内购置或租赁设备、材料、原料、办公用具、交通 工具、通讯设施等;7.协助合营公司联系落实水、电、交通等基础设施; 8.协助合营公司招聘当地的中国籍的经营管理人员、技术人员、工人和所需 的其他人员; 9.协助外籍工作人员办理所需的入境签证、工作许可证和旅行手续等; 10._________________。 11.负责办理合营公司委托的其它事宜。 乙方责任: 1.按第十一条和第十二条的规定提供现金、机械设备、工业产权……并负责 将作为出资的机械设备等实物运至中国港口; 2.办理合营公司委托在中国境外选购机械设备、材料等有关事宜; 3.提供需要的设备安装、调试以及试生产技术人员、生产和检验技术人员; 4.培训合营公司的技术人员和工人; 5.如乙方同时又是技术转让方,则应负责合营公司在规定的期限内按设计能 力稳定地生产合格产品; 6.协助合营企业工作人员及其他相关人员办理进入外国合营者所在国家或地 区的签证; 7._________________。 8.负责办理合营公司委托的其它事宜。 (注:要根据具体情况写。) 第七章 技术转让第十五条 甲、乙双方同意,由合营公司与_____方(或第三者)签订 技术转让协议,以取得为达到本合同第四章规定的生产经营目的、规模所需的先 进生产技术,包括产品设计、制造工艺、测试方法、材料配方、质量标准、培训 人员等。(注:要在合同中具体写明。) 第十六条 乙方对技术转让提。 8. 跪求英语作文Joint Ventures in China 请高手帮帮忙,谢谢 We all know that there are a lot of joint ventures from developed countries in China, especiall those from western countries and Japan. As for the reasons, I think there are several of them as follows: First, since China is a developing country, the labor cost in China is a lot lower than that in the developed countries. Second, in order to bring in foreign capital and establish foundational facilities in China, Chinese government enacts economic policies in favor of the joint adventures, which brings extra benefits for foreign enterprises. Last but not least, China has the biggest population in the world, which provides the biggest consumer market at the same time as the biggest workshop of the world. Although joint adventures help China to build up necessary foundational facilities and much enrich the Chinese market, they also make the petition and challenges get a lot intenser for local panies as time goes by. So, gradually, there would be policies to restrain the privileges foreign capitals have in order to ensure the interest of domestic panies. At last, I think a much balanced policy will e out to do good for both sides.

Joint Venture是什么意思?

联营体(Joint Venture) 联营体,也有人叫联销体, 也就是在这种无奈的背景下产生的一种折中的商业模式 商业模式 , 这即体现了中国传统文化中中庸思想的智慧, 也反映出中国市场经济的特殊性的特点, 也体现了中国市场建设的一种特殊要求, 同时对解决中国市场发展中的一些难题起到了抛砖引玉的特殊作用。

请问 joint venture的好处同坏处?

joint venture 释义 & 好坏处 ph. 1. 【商】合资企业;合营企业 策略联盟是由两家或两家以上的公司组成,基于共同商业目标而结合的正式或非正式合作关系,这样的关系比以往卖主与客户的关系更深,又不像商业并购这样的绝对。 公司之间结合成为策略联盟的原因大略有以下几点: 市场开发 例如肯德基为了在日本开设连锁店,而与三菱集团进行策略联盟的合作,以利用三菱对日本市场的熟悉。 成本或风险分散 例如多家航空公司参与星空联盟的合作的部分原因即是为了结合各家公司的资源,并分摊开发新型喷射引擎的钜额成本。 围堵或吸收竞争者 例如雅虎与微软开放各家公司所属的即时通软体(MSN Messenger 与雅虎通)互通,即是为了防堵 Google 的强势进逼,并对美国线上造成极大的竞争压力。 策略联盟包含各种形式与规模,从契约协议到股份购买都有。 各种策略联盟 依规模区分: 两家公司参与 非正式合作 契约协议(contractual agreements) 合资公司(joint venture) 股权投资(equity participation) 两家以上公司参与 非正式合作 联盟 依合作领域区分: 功能性策略联盟(functional alliances) 生产联盟(production alliances) 行销联盟(marketing alliances) 产品或服务联盟:某公司授权他公司生产产品,或共同行销成员公司的互补性产品或新产品。 促销联盟:某公司同意为他公司的产品或服务促销,如麦当劳与迪士尼过去的合作关系。 物流联盟:某公司为他公司提供物流服务,如台湾物流业者与各地土产销售商的合作。 定价合作:数家公司共同参与特殊定价的合作,常见于美国旅馆业与租车业之间的折扣合作。 研发联盟(R&D alliances) 全面性策略联盟(prehensive alliances) 依形式区分: 契约 授权 交互授权 加盟 共同研发 管理合约 整厂输出 持股 成立新公司 的合资公司 国际企业的非合资公司 现存实体: 股权取得 股权交换 .V mean o individual panies co-operate together both panies have individual status and no one supersed the other one Merging is somewhat like o panies (or more) are similiar in size and merged together. The preceding panies no longer exisit and they togher formed one pany which consisit of both Acquisition is normally a bigger one buy a *** aller one the bigger one obtain the *** aller one and in Accounting the *** aller one"s asset and liability is put under the account of the bigger one 2007-01-16 23:53:17 补充: joint venture =J.V 2007-01-17 00:05:24 补充: you are welle joint venture 如果系做生意的话,做得唔好味连朋友都无埋罗。但如果系做得好,味多个人多分力量罗。

Joint Venture代表什么?

joint venture company合资公司The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture company.董事长是合营公司法定代表。

Joint Venture是什么意思呢?

合资企业 或者 联营体的意思联营体,也有人叫联销体, 也就是在这种无奈的背景下产生的一种折中的商业模式 商业模式 , 这即体现了中国传统文化中中庸思想的智慧, 也反映出中国市场经济的特殊性的特点, 也体现了中国市场建设的一种特殊要求, 同时对解决中国市场发展中的一些难题起到了抛砖引玉的特殊作用。

Joint Venture是什么意思?

joint venture 英[dʒɔint ˈventʃə] 美[dʒɔɪnt ˈvɛntʃɚ] [释义] 合资企业;

Joint Venture 是什么释义呢??

joint venture 英[dʒɔint ˈventʃə] 美[dʒɔɪnt ˈvɛntʃɚ] [释义] 合资企业; 全部释义>>[例句]The joint venture just announced with chesapeake is very different.而刚刚宣布与chesapeake组建的合资公司则非常不同。望采纳 谢谢

joint venture是什么意思

joint venture n.合资joint venture noun a commercial enterprise undertaken jointly by two or more parties which otherwise retain their distinct identities 合营企业,合资企业,联合企业,联营企业

joint venture是什么意思

joint venture合资企业双语对照词典结果:joint venture[英][du0292u0254int u02c8ventu0283u0259][美][du0292u0254u026ant u02c8vu025bntu0283u025a]合资企业; 复数:joint ventures例句:1.The joint venture just announced with chesapeake is very different. 而刚刚宣布与chesapeake组建的合资公司则非常不同。

of course 的词性


英语作文段首用of course可以吗


of couse和of course有什么区别?



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