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unturned 种植箱怎么做



未转变者是有Valve 反作弊保护的!你刷东西的话会受到小红信的,那就下个id见了这种游戏讲道理还是不作弊好玩的,刷代码就没乐趣了


  问:《unturned》怎么换地图?  答:答案如下:  这里有两种创地图的方法:  1,加入Unturned创意工坊组,这样就可以在Unturned的社区指南里能看到创意工坊,然后找到一个地图订阅后就会有地图了  2,还有一种方法就是去贴吧下载






根据地点的物品生成被我划分为“蓝、绿、黄、橙、红”五个等级蓝 < 绿 < 黄 < 橙 < 红(当地物品、僵尸生成等级)-----蓝色:农场、营地等-Mawby"s Farm(莫比的农场)-Oskar‘s Farm(奥斯卡的农场)-Moritz"s Farm (莫里兹的农场)-Camp Stuttgart(斯图加特营地)-Camp Dusseldorf(杜塞尔多夫营地)-Neuschwanstein Castle(新天鹅城堡)-Svalbard Seedbank(斯瓦尔巴植物种子仓库)----绿色:中型城镇-Munich(慕尼黑)-Hamburg(汉堡)---黄色:机场、采石场-Frankfurt Airport(法兰克福机场)-Limestone Quarry(石灰岩采石场)--橙色:联盟驻扎点、小型军事驻扎点、监狱-Fernweh Prison(Fernweh监狱)-Rappbode Dam(Rappbode水坝)-Ostsee Compound(波罗的海训练营)-Berlin(柏林)-红色:军事基地、航天飞机坠毁点-Schwarzwald Military Base(黑森林军事基地)-Aerospace Defense Complex(航天&国防设施)-Cologue(科隆)




《unturned》开局是大家在游戏中的各个方面都会比较脆弱的关键时期,所以想要度过此阶段的需要去掌握一定的技巧,包括对付僵尸的方法还有武器等各方面的获得。开局:一开始没武器 可以去竞技场刷,然后去小镇搜刮get僵尸对付方法(虐菜方法):僵尸要咬你, 必须停下来一会, 然后啃你 ,所以一边退一边用手中武器打姜丝的头 ,头是弱点(动物也是这样) 然后切记!!!小心脚下 爬地僵尸会打的你措手不及。生存系列:第一 找到个平台(或者自己建)因为姜丝不会爬梯子 (但是如果僵尸太多。。呵呵)第二 没食物怎么办? 请看果子系列第三 千万不要说什么死都不吃过期食品 你可以想象口渴100 辐射10的人活活渴死是何等卧槽的感觉第四 没水? 竞技场里出产水壶(可以多次使用而且不会感染)第五 辐射高? 绿色绷带和各种针 紫色针效果显著然后90多辐射的话。。而且是单人的话。。走好不送第六 格子不够怎么办? 背包走你 最大的好像是20kg载重第七 枪没子弹怎么办? 弹夹用完千万别扔 然后自行查看精品贴怎么合成第八 每次出门切记带足食物你可以想象2个人在荒郊野外吃野果然后无奈辐射而死是何等卧槽的感觉第九 没血怎么办?衣服 把衣服分解成布 然后做成绷带自制绷带每次回5血(好少对不对)第十 饿的渴的快怎么办?技能走你第十一 没技能点怎么办? 屠村走你 砍树也行 但是经验少的可怜(所以我这个建筑师技能少的可怜而lm都快全满级了)第十二 多的东西怎么办? 造箱子(只有4格哦) 如果只是pve而且只和信任的机油玩的话 保险柜可以不用(保险柜=箱子+3废金属)第十三 车没油怎么办? 几箱油的事切记!!!!用完的油罐不要扔 可以去大油罐处打油(军营有 乡村也有 而且无限油有木有!!简直福利!)第十四 迷路怎么办? 贴吧地图或者让机油接你(lm是个好司机~~)第十五 一定要找个地方安家还要有睡袋和床床可是神器 打开制作栏腐烂的蔬果可以变成种子!有了种子拿在手上就可以种了(种出来的蔬菜都是新鲜无毒不会腐烂品种。)找个没僵尸的地方偷偷种下而且默默记下位置半夜去偷菜。。啊不对。是收菜。 绷带其实可以做。没点技能一次回5血。只要捡到衣服就用技能栏制作就可以变成布。5个布=1绷带。前期回血好用。。


Unturned睡袋怎么用?unturned中可以使用睡袋和床来重制重生点,这一点相信很多玩家都是有共识的,深空高玩也曾和大家提过相关内容,但问题是有些童鞋明明已经使用过睡袋了,为什么还是不能重制重生点呢,究竟我们该如何使用睡觉来重制呢?今天深空高玩就针对这个问题来给大家详细解答一番。1.首先你手中要有一个睡袋:1)在游戏中通过物品刷新,拾取睡袋——睡袋刷新点:河边报废的船上、夏洛特镇的码头边。2)玩家自己合成睡袋2.需要在游戏中调出睡袋——按“Tab”键调出任务属性栏,鼠标左键点击睡袋(Sleep Bags),选择“Equip”装备睡袋,然后对着想要放睡袋的地方单点鼠标左键(等睡袋变成绿色后)。3.最重要的一步,等睡袋部署好之后一定要对着睡袋按“F”(claim it),声明该睡袋是玩家所有的。这样,你才会在不小心挂掉之后回到睡袋中,而不是随机被生成到其他重生点去。很多小伙伴就是忘记第三步,才会导致明明部署了睡袋,还是随机重生的悲剧。未转变者(Unturned)中文汉化破解版v3.22.8.0

未转变者(unturned)完整合成表 未转变者合成表攻略

  《未转变者》是由NelsonSexton制作的一款动作冒险类游戏,游戏中玩家将扮演幸存者,躲避丧尸以及其他玩家的攻击,建造防御工程,寻找食物和水,获取更多的武器和弹药应对丧尸和玩家的攻击。   图标【#】为不确定之合成配方   零件   1 Log(原木) u2192 4 Board(木板)   1 Board(木板)+ 使用Handsaw(锯子) u2192 4 Stick(木棍)   1 Scrap Metal(金属) u2192 2 Nails(钉子)   1 Scrap Metal(金属)+ 在营火(Campfire)旁 u2192 2 Bolts(螺丝)   2 Stick(木棍)+ 使用Pocketknife(口袋匕首) u2192 1 Wooden Spike(木刺)   1 Branch(树枝) u2192 3 Stick(木棍)   1 Rocks(石头堆) u2192 3 Stone(石头)   2 Stone(石头)+ 在营火(Campfire)旁 u2192 1 Scrap Metal(金属)   1 Animal Pants(动物皮裤) u2192 1 Animal Pelt(动物皮)   1 Scrap Metal(金属)+ 使用Handsaw(锯子) u2192 2 Wire(线)   1 Cloth(布)+ 使用Handsaw(锯子) u2192 2 Rope(绳子)   1 Animal Pelt(动物皮)+ 1 Can(空罐) u2192 2 Ducttape(胶带)   材料   2 Board(木板) u2192 1 Wooden Plate(木片)   2 Stick(木棍) u2192 1 Wooden Support(木支架)   2 Wooden Plate(木片) u2192 1 Wooden Frame(木框)   2 Wooden Support(木支架) u2192 1 Wooden Cross(木十字架)   2 Stone(石头) u2192 1 Stone Plate(石片)   1 Stone(石头)+ 1 Board(木板) u2192 1 Stone Support(石支架)   2 Stone Plate(石片) u2192 1 Stone Frame(石框)   2 Stone Support(石支架) u2192 1 Stone Cross(石十字架)   #2 Scrap Metal(金属) u2192 1 Metal Plate(铁片)   #1 Scrap Metal(金属)+ 1 Board(木板) u2192 1 Metal Support(铁支架)   #2 Metal Plate(铁片) u2192 1 Metal Frame(铁框)   #2 Metal Support(铁支架) u2192 1 Metal Cross(铁十字架)   陷阱   3 Board(木板)+ 1 Nails(钉子) u2192 1 Wooden Shield(木盾牌)   1 Wooden Frame(木框)+ 1 Bolts(螺丝) u2192 1 Wooden Door(木门)   1 Wooden Door(木门)+ 1 Bolts(螺丝) u2192 1 Wooden Shutter(木窗)   1 Wooden Door(木门)+ 3 Scrap Metal(金属) u2192 1 Metal Door(铁门) (等级2 的Craftsman)   1 Wooden Shutter(木窗)+ 3 Scrap Metal(金属) u2192 1 Metal Shutter(铁窗) (等级2 的Craftsman)   2 Wooden Shutter(木窗)+ 2 Bolts(螺丝) u2192 1 Garage Door (车库门)   2 Metal Shutter(铁窗)+ 2 Bolts(螺丝) u2192 1 Metal Garage Door (铁车库门)   2 Sticks(木棍)+ 2 Bolts(螺丝)u2192 1 brazier (火炬)   2 Nails(钉子) u2192 1 Caltrop(铁刺)   2 Wire(线) u2192 1 Barbed Wire(刺线圈)   4 Wooden Spike(木刺) u2192 1 Wooden Spike Trap(木刺陷阱)   1 Can(空罐)+ 2 Scrap Metal(金属) u2192 1 Snare(捕兽陷阱)   3 Scrap Metal(金属)+ 2 Wire(线) u2192 1 Electric Trap(电陷阱)   2 wooden supports(木支柱)+ 3 barbed wire(刺线圈) u2192 1 wire fence(铁丝网)   1 wire fence(铁丝网)+ 4 scrap(金属) u2192 1 electric fence(电网)   7 Cloth(布)+ 2 Duct Tape(胶带) u2192 1 Sleeping Bag(睡袋)   8 Cloth(布)+ 5 Scrap Metal(金属) u2192 1 Cot(简易床)   4 Stick(木棍)+ 4 Stone(石头) u2192 1 Campfire(营火)   3 Raw Explosives(炸药原料)+ 2 Duct Tape(胶带) u2192 1 MOAB(炸弹) (等级2 的Craftsman)   2 Raw Explosives(炸药原料)+ 4 Wire(线) u2192 1 Tripmine(陷阱雷) (等级2 的Craftsman)   2 Raw Explosives(炸药原料)+ 1 Can(空罐) u2192 1 Landmine(地雷) (等级2 的Craftsman)   4 Scrap Metal(金属)+ 2 Bolts(螺丝) u2192 1 Metal Shield(铁盾牌) (等级2 的Craftsman)   2 Wooden Frame(木框)+ 3 Wooden Cross(木十字架) u2192 1 Crate(小木箱) (等级1 的Craftsman)   1 Crate(小木箱)+ 3 Wooden Cross(木十字架) u2192 1 Chest(大木箱) (等级2 的Craftsman)   3 Scrap Metal(金属)+ 1 Crate(箱子) u2192 1 Lockers(保险箱) (等级2 的Craftsman)



unturned指令怎么用 unturned指令使用教程



Unturned这款游戏的就是不停生存下来,为此我们不仅要收集大量食物武器,还有准备各种医疗用品,以便在受伤、流血或者生病时可以及时让自己恢复健康。下面是一份unturned医疗物品清单,包括各种医疗用品及他们的使用效果们,有兴趣的小伙伴可以过来看下。浆果类:名称基本补血疾病值评比Crushed Blue Berries 压碎蓝浆果+20去找药店找药比较快,不过紧急时倒是可用Crushed Green Berries 压碎绿色浆果+20同上Crushed Pale Berries 压碎白浆果+20Crushed Pink Berries 压碎粉红色浆果+5-25Crushed Purple Berries 压碎紫色浆果+10Crushed Red Berries 压碎红色浆果+10针筒类:名称稀有度基本补血疾病值效果评比Vaccine 疫苗(绿色)3+5-50解除疾病值的好东西Morphine 吗啡(紫色)2+100解除骨折我是狂战士Adrenaline 肾上腺素(黄色)2+100快速回_耐力小宇宙爆发!药罐类:名称稀有度基本补血疾病值效果评比止痛药(蓝色小罐)1+300常见的药罐Antibiotics抗生素(橘色)2+50-25很好的药罐Purification Tablets净化药片(蓝标白罐)10-5消除发霉饮水类没鱼虾也好Vitamins维生素(黄标绿罐)20-15没鱼虾也好布类:名称稀有度基本补血疾病值效果评比Rag破布卷(淡黄色)0+50止血常见的自己可制作Dressings敷料卷(深绿)2+15-5止血不常见Bandage绷带(白)1+100止血常见的,PVP或单人随身带其他类:名称稀有度基本补血疾病值效果评比Medkit 医疗包3+50-25止血,解除骨折一包在手希望无穷Blood Bag 血袋2+1000有此一袋,护你一命Splint 夹板0+100解除骨折可自己_作另外,如果不知道怎么合成这些医疗用品的话,可以参考:unturned合成表未转变者(Unturned)中文汉化破解版v3.22.8.0


Unturned是近期steam平台上非常火爆的一款免费游戏,游戏不仅内容有趣好玩,还支持多人游戏,甚至支持玩家自建服务器。不过很多玩家对于steam平台上unturned怎么联机不是非常清楚,下面深空高玩就给大家简单介绍一下r如何利用蛤蟆吃进行联机吧。这里联机,我们借助hamachi蛤蟆吃来进行联机。蛤蟆吃(logmein hamachi)v2.2.0.518最新官方中文版1.打开蛤蟆吃2.打开游戏咯,然后选择Play,选择最下面的Host,设置的方法很简单,就是“是否公共开放”和“保存”、还有选择地图什么的。在就是“是否公共开放”和“保存”、还有选择地图什么的。3.将你的蛤蟆吃IP、端口告诉好基友,就可以进行联机了。

unturned 未转变者联机

Unturned(未转变者)是seam上一款免费游玩的多人游戏,但是很多玩家在游戏中无法和其他玩家联机游戏,这里给到一些方法来解决游戏无法联机的问题 01 打开这款游戏我们需要在steam平台事先下载下来,游戏不是很大,但是也需要下载一会儿,耐心等其下载完毕。 02 下载完成我们打开游戏可以看到这个界面。我们点击“play”开始试玩。 03 随后我们会进入下图界面,点击“servers”选项,我们就可以寻找steam上挂载的服务器了。 04 点击“Internet”选项,然后刷新服务器列表,这样就能在steam上和小伙伴一起联机游戏啦。 05 刷新后出现很多服务器选项,我们根据自己的需要选择一个适合的服务器进入即可。 06 另外一种方法也可以联机和小伙伴一起游戏,返回下图界面,然后选取“connecct”选项,表示可以直接输入服务器的选项。 07 打开“connecct”选项后,我们只需要在下图箭头所指的选项卡里面输入需要联机的IP地址即可。






Unturned中有很多日常小知识和小技巧,可能很多人每天都会运用到这些小技巧,但未必都知道全部的小技巧,下面深空高玩就给大家分享一下由玩家总结的Unturned中日常实用小知识和技巧大全,总有一些会是你需要的。Unturned中日常实用小知识和技巧大全:1.单人的基地可以放在第二个地图。没有僵尸无比安全。放一堆箱子然后种一大片地吧。2.刚出生可以去第二张地图建个水壶。刷种子,水壶,弓,箭都可以在第二张地图进行机场篇3.了望塔顶层每次定期刷两只僵尸,一只在里面,一只在外面。【大家可以去试试。欢迎报错4.机场是刷经验的第一选择。地势平坦,开阔,僵尸也不少。过渡期刷经验圣地。真的比别的地方好刷很多。5.了望塔上可以刷武器,比如Ak,vss,猎枪,双管,左轮,乌兹,科尔特。还有各种子弹以及其他东西。每次都有新发现。基地在了望塔的惊喜颇多。6.箱子可以放在机场的机棚上,将是不会上去。唯一不足,下去时小心点,切记不可以跳,不可以大跑,滑下来就是骨折。还可以放在门口翻到的卡车上,或者两手遍的箱子上7.机场药品刷新率我觉着应该高于药店。搜刮前先搜医药帐篷,搜刮完其他地方再回去会发现又刷药物了。而且什么药物都刷。8.如果你认真观察你可以在机场外围找到一小片地种田,那里不刷僵尸。9.机场机棚中有一个货架顶层会刷子弹盒,武器配件,但是需要垫个东西或者搭个梯子才能拿到。10.刷vss和ak就去左下角的霍尔曼岛吧。vss,ak,弹夹,刺刀,能量饮料刷新率极高。我ak没子弹都去那里。幸运还会碰上发电机11.军营进门右手边的桌子上会刷新药物。 塔楼刷新武器配件几率很高。兵营里面刷新地雷,c4,阔剑地雷和反坦克地雷几率很高。还会刷土狼包。机棚里没什么东西。12.dayz过来的习惯,认为unturned中消防斧最厉害,确实消防斧伤害最高,但是打僵尸只要能够一刀秒就行了。中期王大锤比消防斧好 用,后期战士技能升三级以后武士刀也很厉害。最后我发现刺刀才是无脑冲锋流,掌握好技巧一直按着F就可以无脑冲锋。而且刺刀攻击频率极高,应该是最快的13.我的世界过来的后遗症,拿着大锤看见箱子一个右键。14.如果你一直单机,狙对你的意义不大了。15.你会发现手枪装上6x瞄准镜和步枪装上红点瞄准镜差不多。16.位于地图下方的夏洛特顿有三个食物刷新点,加油站的储物柜,食品店和晚餐点。其中晚餐点刷新食物最多,并且极少出现发霉食物。刷食物就去夏洛特顿,好于艾伯顿17.蒂格尼什营地的僵尸数量极多,密度大。貌似比军营还凶残,在没有充分的准备之前不要轻易过去,也没有什么好东西。18.你会发现5x5的背包在机场刷新率最高。绝对高于军营和断桥刷新率。19.地图最下方的小岛是荒岛,什么东西都没有,有几头小鹿20.夏洛特顿的码头总会给你带来惊喜。简直就是杂物码头。我刷到过床,门,窗户,发电机。有必要去看看。21.坠机点会刷不少武器配件,还会刷弹鼓。我还在那里见到过5x5背包。船祸现场就没什么东西了,唯一的亮点刷新睡袋和床机率高。22.路过断桥可以去看看,刷新药品挺多的,坦克那里会刷武器配件和5x5,5x4,土狼背包。但是几率均不如军营和机场。23.两个农场可以没事刷刷电锯,弩,复合弓。24.内陆小镇蒙塔古可以算是整张地图最安全的镇子了,僵尸一般不超过五只。不过东西也少。全是住宅楼,没有商店。25.夏洛特顿旁边的夏洛特顿感觉什么都有,却又什么都没有。物资特别丰富就是刷新频率有点低。我宁可开着车满地图军营,艾伯顿,夏洛特顿,机场来回绕,也不愿意在夏洛特顿呆着刷物资。26.军营平均每次都可以刷到五个沙包,霍尔曼岛船长室平均每次可以刷到一个铁盾。27.如果你没有营火,那么肉店一定不如晚餐店。如果你有,肉店也不一定给你刷肉。28.你见到的左轮百分之八十都是满弹夹,而berette的弹夹百分之九十都不会慢。29.游戏中所有建筑物的房顶都可以上去。上不去是因为打开的方式不对。30.大家不要觉着VSS很难刷,但是这把枪真的很常见。蒂格尼什的枪店,机场的了望塔,断桥的坦克,霍尔曼岛船长室 这些地方我都见过vss,但是首选肯定是霍尔曼岛船长室。31.手电几乎是每款生存游戏的_丝礼包之一。甚至恐怖游戏,解密游戏手电都是必不可少的物品。32.如果你枪法不好或者连PVP服延迟高,那么森林狼吓唬人的作用大于杀人的作用我喜欢vss,因为消音,也因为玩幸存者的故事(原WARZ)VSS确实是暗杀神器。所以受影响吧。我也喜欢m4带消音,确实比较逆天,DAYZ MOD M4带消音更逆天。晚上撒开了打,僵尸听不见。33.整个游戏中电锯砍树速度最快34.幸好自己当初没在PVE服拿16个肾上腺素12个吗啡11个维他命7个抗生素换电锯,伤害太低了。即使攻击频率最高而且是连击也低的惨不忍睹。35.忍者套装刷新几率很低。36.吉利服是一整套一起刷。所以都是一叠衣服摞在一起。未转变者(Unturned)中文汉化破解版v3.22.8.0


未转变者《Unturned》全成就攻略不知如何解决,为此小编给大家收集整理未转变者《Unturned》全成就攻略解决办法,感兴趣的快来看看吧。未转变者《Unturned》全成就攻略【欢迎来到PEI】找到去爱德华王子岛的路。获取方法:进入爱德华王子岛地图【欢迎来到俄罗斯】找到去俄罗斯的路。获得方法:进入俄罗斯地图【欢迎来到育空】找到去育空的路。获得方法:进入育空地域【欢迎来到华盛顿】找到去华盛顿的路。获得方法:进入华盛顿地图【欢迎来到夏威夷】找到去夏威夷的路。获得方法:进入夏威夷热带岛【欢迎来到德国】找到去德国的路。获得方法:进入德国地图【欢迎来到科威特】找到科威特的路。获得方法:进入科威特沙漠【欢迎来到爱尔兰】找到去爱尔兰的路。获得方法:进入爱尔兰地图【在方向盘的后面】找到一辆属于自己的车车获得方法:驾驶车辆【毕业】完成你的教育。获得方法:完成新手教程【接受教育】获得100点经验获得方法:得到100点经验【浆果】!?获得方法:吃浆果获得【意外事故】累计死亡10次获得方法:死亡十次【远处的桥】因为无法控制病毒,尝试逃离pei王子岛。获得方法:跑到联合会桥尽头【有 经验】获得1000点经验获得方法:得到1000点经验【幸存者】杀死100只僵尸获得方法:弄死100只僵尸【清道夫】搜集100件物品获得方法:捡100个垃圾!【露营者】收获10份资源。获得方法:砍倒木材或者挖掘矿石总计100次【爆头】完成100次爆头获得方法:完成一百次爆头击杀【制作】手工制作100件物品获得方法:合成100件物品【突击手】全面学习你的进攻技能树。获得方法:点满攻击方面的技能树【防御】全面学习你的防御技能树。获得方法:点满防御方面的技能树【支援】全面学习你的支援技能树。获得方法:点满支援方面的技能树【策划者】充分学习你的所有技能。获得方法:点满全部技能树【囤积者】给自己找1000件物品。获得方法:搜刮1000件物品【未转变者】杀死1000个僵尸获得方法:杀死1000只僵尸【硬化】杀死一只超级僵尸获得方法:击杀巨型僵尸【渔夫】钓鱼10次获得方法:河边钓鱼10次【农夫】给自己种100棵植物。获得方法:种植100次【猫的朋友】给猫喂些鱼。获得方法:在有牛奶和鱼肉前提下喂养猫咪【恐龙汁】也许不是最好的饮料。获得方法:直接喝掉石油【锻造】击杀10只超级僵尸获得方法:击杀巨型僵尸10次剩下的晚上更新【猎头者】爆头击杀1000次获得方法:爆头击杀1000次【加固】放置250个物体获得方法:放置物体250个【杀人犯】杀死10名玩家。获得方法:pvp模式杀死玩家10名【冠军】赢得3场竞技场比赛。获得方法:大逃杀模式赢3次【徒步旅行】徒步旅行50000米。获得方法:走路50000米【老司机】乘汽车行驶100000米。获得方法:开车行驶100000米【家居装饰】制作一些可爱的装饰。获得方法:在科威特手工制作魔方,小恐龙,花束【变态杀人魔】杀死100名玩家获得方法:杀死100名玩家【园丁】在户外收获100个资源。获得方法:累计砍树挖矿获得100个资源【恶棍】获得令人生畏的名声。获得方法:声誉值达到-200【帮手】完成任务一次。获得方法:完成一次任务。【少尉】在联盟中升为少尉获得方法:完成联盟任务晋升成为少尉。【中尉】在联盟中晋升为中尉。获得方法:完成联盟任务晋升成为中尉。【少校】在联盟中晋升为少校。获得方法:完成联盟任务晋升成少校【大善人】获得受人尊敬的声誉。获得方法:声誉值达到+200以上【灵魂晶体】包袱在灵魂晶体内的恶灵要出现了!获得方法:晚上时,在俄罗斯地铁尽头按k输入Anatasia 开门获得【毛茸茸】水下发现一条大鲨鱼!获得方法:在科威特用升级钓竿钓鱼获得 (超级难钓)【一直看着】眼睛,在,看,着,你!!!!!获得方法:完成科威特北部npc人物 完成凝视任务获得【MK.2】全星交汇,最棒的武器获得方法:完成收集骸骨任务 击杀海盗boss 修复三座电塔 收集医疗胶囊 收集灵魂水晶 前往实验室 启动三点交汇后获得【熄灭】【补充这个是排前面的比较简单】击杀熔岩僵尸获得方法:在夏威夷 启动石碑以后前往熔岩洞穴击杀熔岩僵尸获得【熟悉的面孔】联系科威特联盟。。。眼睛,同时也在看着你获得方法:完成科威特遥望远处的一系列任务,同时完成北部npc全部任务,让特种通讯员联系北方的通讯员以后,向联盟发射求救电波,使联盟队友上岸拯救科威特岛。【任务过程很复杂,需要大量时间,大概半天时间】成就已经全部更新完毕,如果有疑问欢迎提问,不管是成就还是啥问题都可以问我,乐意效劳!!新的科威特魔眼3任务圣诞节成就我要出力了!【前往埃尔弗】获得:找到前往埃尔弗的路先更新一个明天用图文的方式更新,怕一些兄弟看不懂 ,手把手教导这个是视频攻略可以先看看楼主实在是困得不行了先睡觉了【建筑师】在寒假期间堆一个大雪人获得方法:在PEI完成堆雪人任务pei地图堆雪人的任务地点按照数字顺序取下雪人的鼻子(胡萝卜)礼物盒开出来的雪铲可以用来收集雪球(堆雪人用)堆雪人需要的材料:雪球12个 id1132废铁10个 id67木头2个 id41胡萝卜4个 id329.完成雪人任务送一把电锯 可以用来据糖果树 获得的糖果可以用来做饰品 比如礼物盒,拐杖什么的【天上的星星】在寒假期间为华盛顿的天际线供电获得方法:为信号塔收集收集电源并启动它!华盛顿市区任务点需要收集的材料:5个冰棒4个废铁 id672个化工原料 id75冰棒可以用稿子或者电钻挖 在华盛顿市区旁边附件都有冰柱工具id1198十字镐 1475电钻完成任务收集电池 给电塔充能夜晚的电塔十分美丽【小圣诞老人】在寒假期间帮圣诞老人快递没有发出去的礼物获得方法:送礼物到消防局,溜冰场,警察局,甜甜圈店1.溜冰球场 2.消防局 3.警察局 4.甜甜圈店任务完成别忘记回到任务点领取奖励【饼干厨师】在寒假期间烹饪一批香喷喷的曲奇获得方法:在联盟号厨房烹饪曲奇联盟号上找到副厨师接任务需要的材料:巧克力棒 id83鸡蛋 id470放入烤箱以后,吃一口,找厨师交任务解锁成就【荣誉本森】????获得方法:拯救Elver埃尔弗通关Elver后解锁如果不想做elver的任务流程可以使用以下指令快速通关/teleport credits


unturned未转变者是一款非常火爆的僵尸生存沙盒游戏,网上关于这款游戏的生存攻略教程也不少,但大部分大部分都不适合一个真正的新手玩家,也无法在游戏中实际运用起来。所以今天深空高玩专门给大家分享一篇一位玩家根据自己亲身实践经验而得出的新手真实生存教学攻略,下面就让我们一起来看下。Unturned未转变者新手真实生存教学攻略第一天:第一天。最好是复活在房子那边,如果没房子就走一会。找到房子之后。(按X和Z可以潜行走) 蓝色的背包。看见不要管。没啥用的。黄色的或者别的都可以拿上。然后去一些店里面弄点吃的。度过晚上。我相信还没有晚上。然后就可以去找武器和衣服了,不过刚开始千万不要拿别的东西,会妨碍你的。不过武器可以拿。相信你现在已经有衣服和武器了吧。衣服可以多拿一点。枪不要拿。衣服可以拆成布然后做成破布。破布是刚开始最好的加血用品了。然后可以去找油桶了。现在你可以尽情的去打僵尸了。升级最好是跑步的。和黑色的那个东西。很给力的。现在已经算一个人了。。。你可以多找点吃的。。。乘天还没黑。去药店找点药,如果没有的话,就净量别被僵尸抓。打僵尸技巧在最后。。。然后差不多天黑了吧。你可以随便找一个房子进里面,把你的衣服拆成布做成绷带,迎接下一天的到来。第二天:第二天:你可以出去走走路了。碰到僵尸可以打死他。到新的城市去搜刮。尽量找到一个车。充点油。然后就可以开回你的基地了。基地随你弄在哪里。然后在步行出去,找喷漆。把你的车修好。你差不多是高富帅了。。现在开车,去军营。军营会刷大背包。如果你幸运,直接刷大背包。绿色的或者黑色的。相信你人品会好的。那我用绿色的做示范。军营会有药。应为僵尸比较强。上塔。不行了就上塔。。准备好了就可以下去打僵尸了。在那边会刷喷漆,如果你没找到可以去军营找。军营很容易刷枪。有了枪现在就好了,然后找到Mi什么的(军用子弹盒)2个就可以做一个子弹。。 然后可以开车回家了。别的就不需要了,如果有军服,尽量有需要的就穿上去。然后退出,单人游戏,巨石阵。进去。去里面拿一把斧头,弓不用拿。不推荐。箭可以拿。用在弓弩上面。然后回到PEI里面。去伐木,然后做一个自己的温馨小屋。床的话可以在码头和军营找到。房子可以简陋一点。但你必须做在僵尸刷的比较少的地方。推荐农场那边的山上。不会刷怪还很方便搜资源。那么第二天也差不多了(晚上也要工作)。第三天:第三天了。你可以去飞机场。或者别的地方找夜视镜。夜视镜已经找到了。晚上按N就可以打开 依然按N也能关闭。你有了房子后。你差不多已经会玩这个游戏了。那么祝你游戏愉快。打僵尸技巧:拿着武器。Zombies追着你。突然停下,他会不动。然后乘这个时机打他,如果他速度你快,你就边跑边打。Unturned未转变者新手真实生存教学攻略,深空高玩就给大家分享到这里了,是不是看起来比之前的新手攻略来的更加详细呢?未转变者(Unturned)中文汉化破解版v3.22.8.0


unturned英 [u028cn"tu025cu02d0nd]美 [,u028cn"tu025dnd]adj. 未翻转的;未颠倒的;不转动的《Unturned》是一款第一人称沙盒生存游戏,目前最新版为3.18.2.0【还在更新中】。该游戏融合了【minecraft】的方块画面特色以及【dayz】的游戏特色,玩家将扮演幸存者,躲避丧尸以及其他玩家的攻击,建造防御工程,寻找食物Unturned和水,获取更多的武器和弹药应对丧尸和玩家的攻击。游戏中一共会为玩家们提供五个游戏模式,每一种模式都是了一种游戏的体验,而且他的PVP设计的十分具有创意。Unturned是一个以丧尸导致的末日危机为题材的沙盘游戏,支持单人游戏和多人联机。这款游戏注重于简明易懂的系统和轻松的游戏性,让玩家能和朋友们一起在布满丧尸的世界中完成他们的生存之旅。作为一个典型的末日生存类游戏,Unturned的世界仍需要玩家们充分探索,收集物资,建造房屋,抵御丧尸,或者到处游走,与他人交流。该游戏由steam青睐之光选出,其开发过程完全在社区玩家的关注之下,游戏内的许多元素也是根据玩家的反馈而加入的。

急!!!! I Love Nature 我爱大自然。 英语作文 80词左右。初二水平。 好的加分。

I Love Nature All the wonderful things in the world are worthy of my love, and I love nature. The four seasons in nature to the human. And warm winds of spring, hot summer, autumn is an invigorating autumn climate, snow of winter, is a daydream.Nature is like a knowledgeable teacher. She let the pine told people difficulties do not shrink back the truth; she leaves tell people unknown to the public work,; she called grass tell people to survive. In the magical humans under the guidance of teachers, continue to exercise their own, to enrich themselves.Nature makes people under the tree shade, let the children play on the lawn, let people pick to eat of the fruit of the tree, let people drink the water in the river ... ... Human in her warm embrace growth, also be most willing to give myself to her.Because of all this, I love nature, love it"s magic, the good and the beautiful.望采纳。。。。。。。

一首英文女歌手,动感的,歌词里有put your hands up Ohohonohoho~和I gonna my love 歌词中很多ohohoh~

Nicole Scherzinger-right there


one是数词,直接是one hour。如果是“一个小时的某物(比如路程)”,就是a one-hour ...。因为one开头发音是/w/,是辅音,所以前面的不定冠词是a

please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别

Plaese有两个意思。1、表请求或要求的语气.是动词(及物动词)。-Come in,please.请进来吧.(或Plaese come in)-Sit down,please.请坐.(或Please sit down)2.表“讨好,讨人喜欢;喜欢”(不及物动词)或者“使···高兴,使···满意,使···喜欢”(及物动词)-Go where you please.你想去哪就去哪。(不及物动词,喜欢)-What pleases you best?你最喜欢什么?(及物动词,使···喜欢)Pleased它是个形容词.表示“高兴的,喜欢的,满意的”。它指的是人主观上感到的满足心理-I"m pleased to see you!见到你真高兴!pleased的句型有:be pleased to do sth.高兴做某事be pleased at/about/with/by 对···感到满意/高兴be pleased that···(后加从句)对···(句子)感到满意/高兴Pleasure它一般是名词,有时做动词。名词时,表示“满足;乐趣;消遣、娱乐”It"s a pleasure to read this book. 读这本书真是件乐事.动词时,表示“使满意”(及物动词);“高兴、喜欢;寻欢作乐”(不及物动词)pleasure作动词我觉得很少见.我也是刚刚百度词典才知道.在这里不举例,如感兴趣可自查Pleasant它又是一个形容词.但是它表示“令人愉快的”。如何区分pleasant 和 pleased是个难点和重点。区别在于:pleased表示人主观上,在心理感到愉快满足,主语一般为人;pleasant表示一个事物“让人感到满意”,主语一般为物。英语中 这类意思相近 但一个表示主观感受、一个表示令人怎样 的形容词对 有很多很多要熟练掌握他们。由动词+ed后缀 组成的形容词,一般都表示人的主观感受。对了还有例句:The walk was very pleasant. 那次散步很(让人)愉快。

有一首欢快的英文歌曲 里面有句歌词是 i can be your boy you can be my girl求大神帮助

《Be My Girl》 New Kids On The Block Girl, I think it"s time That I let you know About the way I really feel I just can"t wait no more Be my baby Be my girl I wanna be the one That steals your heart away I wanna hold you in my arms And fill you with all my charms (Be my baby) Be my girl (Be my girl) Baby, I love it when we"re walkin" Darlin", I love it when we"re talkin" When you touch my hand You brighten up my day No one else can make me feel Girl this special way Be my baby Be my girl (Be my girl) Baby, I love it when we"re walkin" Darlin", I love it when we"re talkin" (Be my girl, be my girl, be my girl) Yeah (Be my girl, be my girl, be my girl) Girl it"s for real All this love that I feel Girl, I think it"s time That I let you know About the way I really feel I just can"t wait no more Be my baby Be my girl Won"t you be my girl (Be my girl, be my girl, be my girl) Be my girl, baby (Be my girl, be my girl, be my girl) Repeat and fad 追问: 不是!有 据歌词是i can be your boy you can be my girl 这个 你这首歌里面没有! 回答: Martin Solveig feat Dragonette - Boys & Girls ??求采纳

请问,关于英国法律的mischief rule和purposive approach

c) Mischief RuleThe mischief rule is an old version of the purposive approach. It means that to remedy the mischief, the court is required to interprete the words by looking at the difference in previous law.The signaficance of mischief rule is that it makes the act work as parliament intented, but it can be argued that this destories the parliament supremacy. Anyway, this correct the mischief and avoid the absurd or unjust results, which are better than literal rule and golden rule.d) Purposive ApproachThe purposive approach looks for the intention of the parliament and of ministers. It is not only regard at the difference in previous law, but also allow for the judicial law making. In another word, both golden rule and the mischief rule are the applications of the purposive approach. The only issue to this approach is how to determine the intentions of parliament and whether judges should refuse to follow the words of parliament. On the good side, this approach looks for the intention of the parliament and allows the judicial law making. However, people criticised about the usurpation of the legislative function.这是我的assignment。。。理解就是这样的

Labour MPs全称

labour Member of Parliament。labour MPs :全称 labour Member of Parliament,指的是工党议员。关于英国的政党知识也是经常在阅读和完型中考察到的,大家要积极进行了解。

the functions of british Parliament?in your own words!


怎样记住feature~ representative~parliament

这三个词我们都常用哦,先从心理上不要抗拒,多用几遍就都会了feature 跟feather有点像哈 你就想啊,羽毛是鸟的重要特征。像representative,我们中国的所有外国驻华机构、代表处的头头,都是用这个词。你看这次冬奥会介绍运动员:Meng Wang, representing the P.R.China它的动词是represent,代表。Parliament 同 Parliamentry,都是国会、议会。这个多用于外国,因为咱们中国是人民代表大会制度。

It was officially opened on March 7,1994, finally connecting Britain to the European continent.


hourglass worm中文翻译

The process has an advanced principle . the involute hourglass worm drive can reapze the design machining of gear form and direction , and the internal meshing honing gear has high efficiency . this process has all merits mentioned above , and also has the advantages of quapty stabipty , high productivity for rude and finish machining 该工艺原理先进,它集有利于实现齿形、齿向设计加工的渐开面环面蜗杆传动与高效的内啮合珩齿的优点与一体,对齿轮的粗、精加工都有质量稳定、生产效率高的优点。 On the condition of “ many - head ” and “ *** all drive ratio ” , the plane double enveloping hourglass worm can not settle the problem of undercutting and sharpening simultaneously . it has devoted to a new type hourglass worm _ sphere double enveloping hourglass worm . the coordinate system is estabpshed according to the frock . the meshing equation and the tooth equation of worm and gear have been developed and the distribution of contact pne on gear tooth is *** yzed . to evaluate the meshing quapty , four meshing quapty indexes and five original parameters are put forward . through mass programming puting , the relations beeen meshing quapty and original parameters are derived and depicted by graphs 考虑到平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动在多头小传动比条件下根切与齿顶变尖的矛盾很难同时解决且啮合性能较差,介绍了一种新型环面蜗杆传动? ?球面二次包络环面蜗杆传动.在研究过程中,根据工装建立了坐标系,根据一二包过程的运动关系推得了啮合方程和蜗杆与蜗轮的齿面方程,分析了蜗轮齿面上的接触线分布.为了评价啮合性能,提出了4项性能指标和5项原始参数,通过大量编程计算得到了啮合性能指标与原始参数之间的关系,并以图表直观的表示 With the increasingly extensive apppcation of the planar enveloping hourglass worm gearing , it bees more important to rapid detection and high precision of the manufacture error . the surface of the planar enveloping worm gearing is ppcate , and current domestic and international examination concerning its form generally is recur to the general three dimension measure apparatus or the special measure apparatus according to " the type of assemble " principle designed 由于平面包络环面蜗杆齿面比较复杂,其齿形、齿距、齿厚各不相等,因而关于它的制造误差检测也比较复杂。目前国内外关于其形面的检测一般是借助于通用三坐标测量机或按“装配式”检测原理(即测量状态与加工状态一致的原理)设计专用量仪进行的,一直没有十分成熟的专门产品问世。


近段时间将使用七牛云存储来存放用户上传的数据,客户端通过七牛的js-sdk与七牛交互,服务端C#实现了七牛相关的接口。在这过程中多多少少遇到点问题,在这里总结一下。原文: 使用七牛云存储的一些经验总结599错误处理如果在与七牛的交互中出现http状态码为599的错误,一句话,不要犹豫,直接联系七牛技术支持 。七牛的文档也在很多地方提到这个错误,都是指导大家去联系技术支持的。笔者是在分块上传后的 mkfile 调用时出现的,联系技术支持后,说是调整了一下,让我重试。后来就好了...分块上传无法从回调中获得文件的原始名简单上传采用的是multipart/form-data方式上传,七牛服务端能够从请求中获得文件的原始名,并支持使用魔法变量 $(fname) 回调业务服务器。不过当使用分片上传的时候情况有所不同。分片上传需要在最后调用 mkfile ,来将分片拼接起来。但是, mkfile 接口支持普通的请求,并没有附带文件名,所以七牛也就无法获得文件名,此时从 $(fname) 中是取不到文件名的。这个问题我也向七牛技术支持提交了问题,得到的结果是使用自定义变量 mkfile 支持将自定义变量放在url中,回调的时候自定义变量可以传递给业务服务器。慎用图片预处理七牛云支持很多对文件的预处理,其中最常用的应该就是图片预处理了,可以对图片的大小做变换等。七牛推荐使用GET的方式直接指定图片处理结果的url,像这样:http://qiniuphotos.qiniudn.com/gogopher.jpg?imageView2/1/w/200/h/200处理后的图片会自动缓存,用户不用关心,只要每次访问都用这个url就行了。然而,笔者在开始的时候,为了保持与其他文件形式统一的处理方法,对图片使用了预处理(因为视频什么的只能预处理),即在token中指定了预处理。此时问题出现了,从后台的日志看到,图片的预处理通知回调竟然比正常的上传成功回调还要快!这就导致预处理结果到来之前,我的业务服务器的数据库中还没有这个图片,无法保存预处理结果了。所以 推荐还是使用url直接处理,对图片要慎用预处理视频文件无法快进播放通常用户在观看视频的时候都会根据自己的喜好,快速将视频定位到指定的时间播放。实现这个功能,需要视频本身有关键帧信息、服务端需要支持关键帧播放请求,在 这篇文章 中有详细讨论。但是笔者发现,在使用七牛云转化后的视频,这样做是无效的。于是咨询技术支持,得到的答案是:转化的文件是具有关键帧的,但七牛使用CDN加速,所以关键帧请求需要CDN的支持,如果想要用这个功能的话,需要单独联系销售或技术支持在CDN上配置,而且时间比较长。笔者联系了销售和技术支持,说是帮我配置,但到现在还没有搞定,因为最近这个也不是特别重要,所以也没有跟下去。Callback校验这是可选的一个步骤。由于七牛云会在上传完成之后回调业务服务器,所以理论上说业务服务器需要校验这个回调的合理性。原理在七牛的 文档 中有,需要用到 HMAC-SHA1 签名函数。但是七牛的sdk中没有提供直接的方式来做校验,在研读文档、多次失败和查看sdk源码后,笔者终于校验成功了。关键的分歧在于,文档中的这句话:获取明文:data = Request.URL.Path +” ” +Request.Body这里的 Request.URL.Path 是否包含Querystring?答案是包含的!下面是笔者C#服务端的校验代码,使用的是ASP.NET Web Api:```C#byte[] key = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Qiniu.Conf.Config.SECRET_KEY);using (HMACSHA1 hmac = new HMACSHA1(key)){var t = filterContext.Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();t.Wait();string rawbody = t.Result;log.DebugFormat("request"s rawbody : {0}", rawbody);string text = filterContext.Request.RequestUri.PathAndQuery + " " + rawbody;log.DebugFormat("PathAndQuery + + rawbody : {0}", text);byte[] digest = hmac.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));string computed = Qiniu.Util.Base64URLSafe.Encode(digest);log.DebugFormat("Computed hash after base64 : {0}", computed); IEnumerable<string> auths; if (filterContext.Request.Headers.TryGetValues("Authorization", out auths) && auths.Count() == 1) { string auth = auths.First(); log.DebugFormat("Authorization in header : {0}", auth); if (auth.StartsWith("QBox ")) { var arr = auth.Substring(5).Split(":"); if (arr.Length == 2) { if (arr[1] != computed) { log.ErrorFormat("Authorization failed. Since auth from header {0} not equals computed {1}", arr[1], computed); } else { log.Debug("Authorization success."); //only pass can be return return; } } else { log.Error("Callback Authorization"s format is invalid, can not find two part after split by ":"."); } } else { log.Error("Callback Authorization"s format is invalid, missing leading "QBox "."); } } else { log.Error("The request from qiniu callback is missing "Authorization""); } filterContext.Response = filterContext.Request.CreateResponse(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);}如下几个注意点:- 明文应当是请求的path+querystring部分和rawbody- 对于.NET而言,明文和key都需要用UTF-8编码变换成字节才能进行签名。而php中的hash_hmac函数完全不用这么复杂...- 签名的结果再用base64的url安全的方式编码,再与请求的http头部的Authorization比较建议官方在文档中加入一些相对底层一些的编程语言的实现,php太高端了...## js-sdk实现略显粗糙 ##在使用过程中,我发现[官方的js-sdk](https://github.com/qiniupd/qiniu-js-sdk/)有几个我觉得不好的地方:**不能为每个文件获取UpToken**试想,在文件上传过程中有获取UpToken是必须的,而且UpToken又需要包含预处理指令,不同的文件显然需要不同的UpToken,而在js-sdk的实现中,只在初始化这个上传组件对象的时候请求一次上传凭证,后面所有的上传都需要使用这个预先得到的UpToken:```javascript uploader.bind("Init", function(up, params) { getUpToken(); });于是我修改了这部分,在 BeforeUpload 事件中请求UpToken。建议官方考虑更改这个地方只能实现分片上传,无法断点续传js-sdk的实现在分片上传的实现上,是很简单的,不仅没有使用分片,而是分块(一块4m,调用mkblk),而且没有实现持久化ctx,或者类似的回调或接口。4m分块这个问题还可以不追究,没有实现持久化ctx就说不过去了,不持久化怎么实现断点续传撒?!就算不实现,也应该给出回调的入口,让调用者来实现持久化,而我实在无法找到这个"空子"可钻,只能直接在源码上改动了。没有复用流行类库的东西这个其实算不上问题,因为作为一个不依赖jquery的sdk,当然不能使用jquery现成的东西,比如ajax。不依赖jquery就算了,依赖plupload是几个意思嘛,还依赖全局对象...于是最后,我干脆自己将sdk改成了Backbone的类,将不要的东西统统去掉,使用jquery和underscore简化代码了...

求一首英文歌曲,高潮部分歌词大概是“i need your love ,i need you now”


Rocio Jurado的《La Noche》 歌词

歌曲名:La Noche歌手:Rocio Jurado专辑:ColeccióN Diamante: RocíO JuradoJuanes - La NocheCandela!!En invierno tu calor yo fuiTu sombra en verano ardiente solYo mitigué tu sed de amor esa nocheMi ninfa, di por qué te marchas, yo no te boté jamásViviré al recordar, ohhhhQué bonita fue esa nocheMe trae recuerdos la nocheBesando tu boquita de granaBella nocheQué inolvidable es la nocheQué romántica es la nocheCuando besé tu boca de granaBella nocheOtra, otra noche, otraHay dame otra noche másOtra, otra noche, otraHay quiquiquiriquiquiquiquiOtra, otra noche, otraHay quiquiquiriquiquiquiquiOtra, otra noche, otraOtra Otra Otra....Otra,Otra,Otra,Otra...Qué misteriosa es la nocheQué fascinante es la nocheCuando besé tu boca de granaBella nocheQué bonita fue esa nocheMe trae recuerdos la nocheCuando besé tu boca de granaBella nocheOtra, otra noche, otraRecuerdo que te beséOtra, otra noche, otraHay dame otra noche másOtra, otra noche, otraHay quiquiquiriquiquiquiquiOtra, otra noche, otrahttp://music.baidu.com/song/2793657

Rocio Jurado的《La Noche》 歌词

歌曲名:La Noche歌手:Rocio Jurado专辑:Volcan De Amor Y FuegoJuanes - La NocheCandela!!En invierno tu calor yo fuiTu sombra en verano ardiente solYo mitigué tu sed de amor esa nocheMi ninfa, di por qué te marchas, yo no te boté jamásViviré al recordar, ohhhhQué bonita fue esa nocheMe trae recuerdos la nocheBesando tu boquita de granaBella nocheQué inolvidable es la nocheQué romántica es la nocheCuando besé tu boca de granaBella nocheOtra, otra noche, otraHay dame otra noche másOtra, otra noche, otraHay quiquiquiriquiquiquiquiOtra, otra noche, otraHay quiquiquiriquiquiquiquiOtra, otra noche, otraOtra Otra Otra....Otra,Otra,Otra,Otra...Qué misteriosa es la nocheQué fascinante es la nocheCuando besé tu boca de granaBella nocheQué bonita fue esa nocheMe trae recuerdos la nocheCuando besé tu boca de granaBella nocheOtra, otra noche, otraRecuerdo que te beséOtra, otra noche, otraHay dame otra noche másOtra, otra noche, otraHay quiquiquiriquiquiquiquiOtra, otra noche, otrahttp://music.baidu.com/song/2722238

英语作文dear friends,welocm to our school....

Dear friend,Welcome to our school. I would like to talk about two ways of study in our school. The first way is to study in groups. When we study in groups, we can help each other. We can learn to listen to others and how to work together. Also, everyone can have chances to express his own ideas. The other way we like is to study by ourselves. We can make our own plans for study and learn to make good use of time. We can also learn to think by ourselves. And the most important thing is that we we can be the master of our own study Thanks for listening!

韩语歌i need your love(韩语)i need you now


Olly Murs 《i need you now》歌词中文翻译

I wonder how you kiss first thing in the morning 我在想当你在早晨醒来时会怎麼吻我Before you go, go to work and your smiling at me 而我猜在你去离开家去工作之前你会对著我笑Do you laugh at my jokes, even the ones that you"ve heard before? 就算你已经听过一样的笑话,会因为是我告诉你的而依然捧场的笑吗?There be times when everything"s not perfect, when we fight 而那些当我们吵架不太完美的时间Do you say things like I hate you or it"s all your fault 你会说"我恨你"还是"这都是你错"Or do you say nothing at all 或者你会什麼都不说呢?I don"t know who you are 我不知道你是谁Don"t even know your name 甚至不知道你的名字I wish we could talk but I don"t have a number to call 我好希望我们可以说说话但我根本没有你的号码So hold your hand up if you hear me, 所以当你听见我的呼唤时候,尽全力的举高你的手吧 I"ve been searching but all that I Found 我一直一直一直在找你,但找到的Is everywhere that I go, standing alone in the crowd 就只是无论到了何处,都只有我一个人孤独地站在人群里Baby your right here in front of me Baby你就在这里就在我面前Am I looking to hard it"s hard to see是不是我找的太认真的? 但真的好难找到阿Oh, give me a sign; I"m starting to wonder if you"ve lost your wayOh!给我一个提示吧,我开始在怀疑你是不是迷了路忘了我在哪里I"ve been right here waiting patiently, 我会在这里一直耐心地等著你your lane should be right here next To me 你的路就在这,在我身边I need you tonight, think of you all of the time我一直一直想著你,我多想今晚你就在这里I don"t know who you are 我不知道你是谁Don"t even know your name 甚至不知道你的名字I wish we could talk but I don"t have a number to call 我好希望我们可以说说话但我根本没有你的号码So hold your hand up if you hear me, 所以当你听见我的呼唤时候,尽全力的举高你的手吧 I"ve been searching but all that I Found 我一直一直一直在找你,但找到的Is everywhere that I go, standing alone in the crowd 就只是无论到了何处,都只有我一个人孤独地站在人群里And I need you now... I need you now 但我真的好需要你,需要你I wonder how you kiss,how you fight,how you laugh,how you smile All of the time 我一直在想我们会如何亲吻吵架的时候会如何你笑起来会多麼美丽而你的微笑又会多麼甜蜜I don"t know who you are 我不知道你是谁Don"t even know your name 甚至不知道你的名字I wish we could talk but I don"t have a number to call 我好希望我们可以说说话但我根本没有你的号码So hold your hand up if you hear me, 所以当你听见我的呼唤时候,尽全力的举高你的手吧 I"ve been searching but all that I Found 我一直一直一直在找你,但找到的Is everywhere that I go, standing alone in the crowd 就只是无论到了何处,都只有我一个人孤独地站在人群里And I need you now... I need you now 但我真的好需要你,需要你

The Cure的《Apart》 歌词

歌曲名:Apart歌手:The Cure专辑:WishTHE CURE - Apart Lyricshe waits for her to understandbut she won"t understand at allshe waits all night for him to callbut he won"t call anymorehe waits to hear her sayforgivebut she just drops her pearl-black eyesand prays to hear him sayi love youbut he tells no more lieshe waits for her to sympathizebut she won"t sympathize at allshe waits all night to feel his kissbut always wakes alonehe waits to hear her sayforgetbut she just hangs her head in painand prays to hear him sayno morei"ll never leave againhow did we get this far apart?we used to be so close togetherhow did we get this far apart?i thought this love would last foreverhe waits for her to understandbut she won"t understand at allshe waits all night for him to callbut we won"t callhe waits to hear her say forgivebut she just drops her pearl-black eyesand prays to hear him sayi love youbut he tells no more lieshow did we get this far apart?we used to be so close togetherhow did we get this far apart?i thought this love would last forevehttp://music.baidu.com/song/322448

Be Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Be Yourself歌手:Robin Pecknold专辑:Be Yourself: A Tribute To Graham Nash"S Songs For Beginners爱不要说得太早 我想你还没又准备好No 别说我太骄傲 你要用心去思考爱的感觉真奇妙 是快乐 还是烦恼星座书上 有说到 我们配对指数不够高All I want is just to be your friend不管你 要装酷还是傻笑All I want is just to be your friend除非你 只有对我最好爱这问题很重要 心里测验不能省掉你假如过一座桥 是先找兔子 或寻宝爱的感觉真奇妙 是快乐 还是烦恼爱情专家 在警告 你的花心指数 太糟糕All I want is just to de your friend除非把call你的电话 都扔掉All I want is just to de your friend除非你 只有对我 最好That"s all for you,thank you! bbhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7477989

For You, and Your Denial歌词,中文翻译

Yellowcard - For You, and Your Denial 4am, you call to spit some fire out Did you think that I would listen to you now? It"s nothing new so get in line with all the rest And I will wait until you realise you"re out of breath Can you hear the crowd? They all go wild For you, and your denial I"m watching you break down (break down) Hate me all you want, I"ll be okay I"m half the world away I"m letting you go now (go now) You got sadness twisted up with jealousy Show your fists to make them look like loyalty And I have seen what holding on can take away If it"s the past you love then that"s where you can stay Can you hear the crowd? They all go wild For you, and your denial I"m watching you break down (break down) Hate me all you want, I"ll be okay I"m half the world away I"m letting you go now (go now) Go now (go now) Desperation kills (ah-ah-ah-ah) When it"s on your sleeve, you wear it well Underneath it all (ah-ah-ah-ah-ah) You"ll always have this war inside yourself I"m letting you go now (go now) Can you hear the crowd? They all go wild For you, and your denial I"m watching you break down (break down) Hate me all you want, I"ll be okay I"m half the world away I"m letting you go now (go now) Go now (go now) I"m letting you go now (go now) Go now (go now) For You, And Your Denial -Yellowcard4 am you called to spit some fire out早上4点你打着电话要将火喷出Did you think that I would listen to you now你没有没想过我现在会听你讲的(SHIT)?It"s nothing new so get in line with all the rest这没有什么新鲜所以让其余不重要的(SHIT)慢慢等着吧I will wait "til you realize you"re out of breath我会等你只到你自己意识到你喘不过气来 Can you hear the crowd, they all go wild你能听见这群人?他们都在发疯For you, and your denial为你,为你的denialWatching you break down看着你倒塌Hate me all you want I"ll be okay随你怎么恨我都行但我都会很好I"m half the world away我已在地球的另一端点And I"m letting you go now 所以我现在会放手让你走 You"ve got sadness twisted up with jealousy你被嫉妒弄的伤心不已You show your fists to make them look like loyalty你用你的拳头告诉他们你很忠诚And I have seen what holding on can take away我已经看到什么样的等待可以把它取走If it"s the past you love then that"s where you can stay如果这是你过去的爱那么这就是你呆在的地方<a href=" http://pop.yinyueabc.com/lyrics_yellowcard_song_for-you-and-your-denial/">For You, And Your Denial 歌词<a><a href=" http://www.yinyueabc.com">音乐 ABC<a> Can you hear the crowd,they all go wild你能听见这群人?他们都在发疯For you and your denial为你,为你的denialWatching you break down看着你倒塌Hate me all you want I"ll be okay随你怎么恨我都行但我都会很好I"m half the world away我已在地球的另一端点And I"m letting you go now所以我现在会放手让你走 Desperation kills 绝望杀死了我But when its on your sleeve you wear it well但是当绝望在你身上你却十分坦率And underneath it all并且完全在绝望的底下You"ll always have this war inside yourself你总会一直有一场内心纠结(自我分裂)的战斗 I"m letting you go now我现在放手让你走 Can you hear the crowd,they all go wild你能听见这群人?他们都在发疯For you and your denial为你,为你的denialWatching you break down看着你倒塌Hate me all you want I"ll be okay随你怎么恨我都行但我都会很好I"m half the world away我已在地球的另一端点And I"m letting you go now所以我现在会放手让你走 桃子,是我哈</B>

i see you monster i see your pain什么歌?

《Monsters》。"i see you monster,I see your pain"这首歌叫作《Monsters》,歌手Katie Sky所发行的歌曲,这也算得上是一首经典老歌曲了。歌手Katie Sky是英国人,除去这首《Monsters》也还有很多好听歌曲的。《Monsters》这首歌,是非常有正能量的一首歌曲。《Monsters》这首歌曲,关键叙述了男主角心里有非常多的缺陷和缺点,害怕随便的向自身心爱的女孩讲出,自身内心里住着一个怪物,担心那一个女生害怕喜爱他,可是最终这一女孩用自身内心的情意。歌词:I see your monsters,I see your pain我看到你心里的野兽,看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away告诉我你的麻烦,我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse,I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away把它们全部赶走In the dark we,we,we在黑暗里我们stand apart we,we分开站着我们never see that the things we need are staring right at us永远看不到需要的东西都在盯着我们You just want to hide,hide,hide你只是想逃避,逃避never show your smile,smile从不展现你的友好,友好Stand alone when you need someone当你需要陪伴时我旁观its the hardest thing of all是最困难的事情that you see are the bad,bad,bad memories因为你所想都是坏的回忆take your time, you"ll find me别着急,我会马上出现I see your monsters,I see your pain我看到你的野兽,你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away向我倾诉你的麻烦,我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse,I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away赶跑它们I can see the sky,sky,sky我看到天空,天空,天空beautiful tonight,night美好的夜晚when you breathe why cant you see当你呼吸时为何没看到the clouds are in your head你头顶的乌云I will stay there there,there,there我会留在那儿,那儿,那儿no need to fear,fear不要害怕,害怕when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust当你需要倾诉时可以向你所信任的挚友倾诉What you see are the bad, bad, bad memories你所想都是坏的回忆take your time you"ll find me别着急,我会马上出现I see your monsters,I see your pain我看到你的野兽,你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away向我倾诉你的麻烦,我会把它们赶跑I"ll be your lighthouse,I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away把它们全部赶走I"ll chase them all away我会把它们全部赶走You"ve got the chance to see the light你已经有机会看到灯光even in the darkest night即使在最黑暗的夜里And I will be here like you were for me我会像你一样为我so just let me in所以就让我加入吧Cause,I see your monsters,I see your pain因为,我看到你的野兽,你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away向我倾诉你的麻烦,我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse,I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来I see your monsters,I see your pain我看到你的野兽,你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away向我倾诉你的麻烦,我会把他们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse,I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away把它们全部赶走

hurt me with the truth,but never comfort me with a lie是什么意思

给你一些仁爱七年级的语法与短语吧 1. I see. 我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too. 我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on. 来吧(赶快)。 8. Hold on. 等一等。 9. I agree. 我同意。

想知道一首艾薇儿的歌,有说唱部分,里面的歌词有一句是 one two three four,还有个什么什么lady

太爱你了··· 咋办啊?,完美啊

i see you monster i see your pain什么歌?

I see your monsters I see your pain这句歌词出自Katie Sky的《Monsters》。歌曲:《Monsters》演唱:Katie Sky作词:Katie Sky作曲:Katie Sky歌词:I see your monsters, I see your pain我看到你心里的野兽,看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away告诉我你的麻烦,我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse,I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away把它们全部赶走In the dark we,we,we在黑暗里我们stand apart we,we分开站着我们never see that the things we need are staring right at us永远看不到需要的东西都在盯着我们You just want to hide,hide,hide你只是想逃避,逃避never show your smile,smile从不展现你的友好,友好Stand alone when you need someone当你需要陪伴时我旁观its the hardest thing of all是最困难的事情that you see are the bad,bad,bad memories因为你所想都是坏的回忆take your time, you"ll find me别着急,我会马上出现I see your monsters,I see your pain我看到你的野兽,你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away向我倾诉你的麻烦,我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse,I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away赶跑它们I can see the sky,sky,sky我看到天空,天空,天空beautiful tonight,night美好的夜晚when you breathe why cant you see当你呼吸时为何没看到the clouds are in your head你头顶的乌云I will stay there there,there,there我会留在那儿,那儿,那儿no need to fear,fear不要害怕,害怕when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust当你需要倾诉时可以向你所信任的挚友倾诉What you see are the bad, bad, bad memories你所想都是坏的回忆take your time you"ll find me别着急,我会马上出现I see your monsters,I see your pain我看到你的野兽,你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away向我倾诉你的麻烦,我会把它们赶跑I"ll be your lighthouse,I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away把它们全部赶走I"ll chase them all away我会把它们全部赶走You"ve got the chance to see the light你已经有机会看到灯光even in the darkest night即使在最黑暗的夜里And I will be here like you were for me我会像你一样为我so just let me in所以就让我加入吧Cause,I see your monsters,I see your pain因为,我看到你的野兽,你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away向我倾诉你的麻烦,我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse,I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来I see your monsters,I see your pain我看到你的野兽,你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away向我倾诉你的麻烦,我会把他们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse,I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away把它们全部赶走作品鉴赏:歌曲内容主要讲述了一个内心有着不可告人的故事的男生,在自己喜欢的人面前不敢展现自己的柔弱和缺点,不愿意把自己的烦恼倾诉于她,而使两人关系走向紧张,最终女生用自己的善良与包容去融化男生的冰冷的心、舒缓焦虑与不安,两人最终能互相理解与沟通的故事。

与我同眠《LIE WITH ME》片尾曲Saviour-Annelise Noronha of Dinky的歌词

歌词Lights - SaviourThe night is deafening when the silence is listeningAnd I"m down on my knees, and I know that something is missing.Because the back of my mind is holding things I"m relying inBut I choose to ignore it because I"m always denying themI"m a bit of a manic when it"s not as I plan itCause I start losing my head and then I get up in a panicRemember when we were kids and always knew when to quit itAre we denying a crisis or are we scared of admitting it?I don"t want to knowI just want to run to youAnd break off the chains, and throw them awayI just want to be so muchAnd shake off the dust that turned me to rustSooner than later, I"ll need a savior, I"ll need a saviourIt won"t ever change if you want it to stay the sameI really hate it but I know it"s hard to choose if you"re chainedAnd when it"s all you control cause you"ve got nothing else to holdYou"re getting tighter and tighter, it"s getting harder to let it goI don"t want to knowI just want to run to youAnd break off the chains, and throw them awayI just want to be so muchAnd shake off the dust that turned me to rustSooner than later, I"ll need a saviourI"ll need a saviourStand me up and maybe I won"t be so smallFree my hands and feet and maybe I won"t always fall...save meI just want to run to youAnd break off the chains, and throw them awayI just want to be so muchAnd shake off the dust that turned me to rustI just want to run to youAnd break off the chains and throw them awayI just want to be so muchAnd shake off the dust that turned me to rustSooner than later, I"ll need a saviourI"ll need a saviour还望采纳(*^__^*) 嘻嘻


可以查的发明名称:Process for preparing fluorinated and optionally also chlorinated benzotrifluorides, and benzotrifluorides发明人: MARHOLD ALBRECHT DR; BRADEN RUDOLF DR 申请人: BAYER AG (DE) 欧洲分类号: C07C17/23; C07C25/13 IPC: B01J23/44; B01J25/02; 07B61/00 公开信息: EP0302326 - 1989-02-08 具体网址在这里:http://ep.espacenet.com/numberSearch?locale=en_ep输入:EP302326

influence our behavior要s吗?

主语是culture,不可数名词,为单数。谓语动词应该加s,成为第三人称单数一般现在时。 influences。 influence是及物动词,去掉介词on。很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!,多谢你的问题!^_^


Colour of the wind 风之彩 You think you own whatever land you land on 也许你认为无论在哪里, The earth it just the death thing you can claim, 大地只是寂静的匍匐在你脚底, But I know every rock and tree and creature 但我知道大树、动物甚至岩石, Has a life, has a spirit, has a name 都有自己的生命、灵魂和名字。 You think the only people who are people 很多人就象你所了解的, Are the people who look and think like you 都是有着同样想法的你, But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, 但如果跟着我在丛林中寻觅, You"ll learn the things you never knew, you never knew. 你会收获意想不到的新东西。 Have you ever hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon ? 你没有听到过蓝色月光下野狼的哭嗥? Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned 你不知道张牙舞爪的山猫有时候会笑? Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain ? 你能唱出山的声音吗? Can you paint with all the colours of the wind ? 你能画出风的颜色吗? Can you paint with all the colours of the wind ? 你能画出风的颜色吗? Come run the hidden pine trail of the forest 来吧让我们走进那片松树林里, Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth 品尝最充足阳光雨露的甜果子, Come roll inall the riches all around you 你看你的周围都是珍宝, And for once never wonder what they" re worth 多得永远不知道有多少。 The rainstorm and the river are my brothers 暴雨和河流是我的兄弟, The heron annf the other are my friend 苍鹭和水獭是我的朋友, And we are all connected to each other 其实我们彼此都紧密相系, In the circle, in a hoop that never ends. 就象一个没有结束的圈子 Have you ever the wolf cry to the blue corn moon ? 你没有听到过蓝色月光下野狼的哭嗥? Or let the eagle tell you where he" s been ? 也不知道盘旋翱翔的山鹰飞得有多高? Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain ? 你能唱出山的声音吗? Can you paint with all the colours of the wind ? 你能画出风的颜色吗? Can you paint with all the colours of the wind ? 你能画出风的颜色吗? How high does the sycamore grow ? 梧桐树能长得有多高? If you cut it down, then you" ll never know 假若你砍倒它,你将永远无法知道, And you"ll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon 也听不到蓝色月光下野狼的哭嗥。 For whether we are white or copper skinned, 无论你是白肤色或黄皮色, We needed to sing with all voices of the mountain , 我们都需要唱出山的声音, Need to paint with all the colour of the wind 画出风的颜色。 You can own the earth and still all you"ll own is earth until 只要让我们在大地上紧紧地拥抱着, You can paint with all the colours of the wind. 就能唱出山的声音,画出风的颜色。

colour of the wind的歌词?

you think you own whatever land you land onthe earth is just a dead thing you can claimbut i know every rock and tree and creaturehas a life has a spirit has a nameyou think the only people who are peopleare the people who look and think like youbut if you walk the footsteps of a strangeryou"ll learn things you never knew you never knewhave you ever heard the wolf cryto the blue corn moonor asked the grinning bobcat why he grinnedcan you sing with all the voices of mountaincan you paint with all the colors of the windcan you paint with all the colors of the windcome run the hidden pine trails of the forestcome taste the sun-sweet berries of the earthcome roll in all the riches all around youand for once never wonder what they"re worththe rainstorm and the river are my brothersthe heron and otter are my friendsand we are all connected to each otherin a circle in a hoop that never endshave you ever heard the wolf cryto the blue corn moonor let the earle tell you where he"s beencan you sing with all the voices of mountaincan you paint with all the colors of the windcan you paint with all the colors of the windhow high does the sycamore growif you cut it down then you"ll never knowand you"ll never hear the wolf cryto the blue corn moonfor whether we are white of copper-skinnedwe need to sing with all the voices of mountainwe need to paint with all the colors of the windyou can own the earth and stillall you"ll own is earth untilyou can paint with all the colors of the wind

求《风中奇缘》中《colour of the wind》歌词

词曲:Alan Menken/Stephen Schwartz 演唱:陈慧珊You think you own whatever land you land onThe Earth is just the dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life, has a spirit, has a name Thinking only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You learn things you never knew You never knew Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? or let the eagle tell you where he"s been Can you paint with all the voices of the mountain?m Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? I come the hidden pinetrails of the forest Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth Come roll in all the riches all around us And for once never wonder what they"re worth The rainstorm and the rivers are my brothers Yhe heron and the otter are my friends We are all connected to each other In a circle in a hoop that never ends How high does the sycamore grow If you cut it down then you"ll never know And you"ll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon Or whether we are white or copper-skinned We need to paint with all the voices of the mountain Need To paint with all the colors of the wind You can own the Earth and still all you"ll own is earth Until you can paint with all the colors of the wind

Colour of the wind歌词大意?

You think you own whatever land you land on 你认为你拥有一切你到过的地方, The earth it just the death thing you can claim, 大地只是寂静的匍匐在你脚底, But I know every rock and tree and creature 但我知道大树、动物甚至岩石, Has a life, has a spirit, has a name 都有自己的生命、灵魂和名字。 You think the only people who are people 你所谓的人们 Are the people who look and think like you 都是和你同样的想法 But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, 但如果你和我一起在陌生的地方散步, You"ll learn the things you never knew, you never knew. 你会收获意想不到的新东西。 Have you ever hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon ? 你没有听到过蓝色月光下野狼的哭嗥? Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned 你不知道张牙舞爪的山猫有时候会笑? Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain ? 你能唱出山的声音吗? Can you paint with all the colours of the wind ? 你能画出风的颜色吗? Can you paint with all the colours of the wind ? 你能画出风的颜色吗? Come run the hidden pine trail of the forest 来吧让我们奔入那片松树林里, Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth 来品尝最充足阳光雨露的甜果子, Come roll inall the riches all around you 你看你的周围都是珍宝, And for once never wonder what they" re worth 多得永远不知道有多少。 The rainstorm and the river are my brothers 暴雨和河流是我的兄弟, The heron annf the other are my friend 苍鹭和水獭是我的朋友, And we are all connected to each other 其实我们彼此都紧密相系, In the circle, in a hoop that never ends. 就象一个永不结束的轮回 Have you ever the wolf cry to the blue corn moon ? 你没有听到过蓝色月光下野狼的哭嗥? Or let the eagle tell you where he" s been ? 也不知道盘旋翱翔的山鹰飞得有多高? Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain ? 你能唱出山的声音吗? Can you paint with all the colours of the wind ? 你能画出风的颜色吗? Can you paint with all the colours of the wind ? 你能画出风的颜色吗? How high does the sycamore grow ? 梧桐树能长得有多高? If you cut it down, then you" ll never know 假若你砍倒它,你将永远无法知道, And you"ll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon 也听不到蓝色月光下野狼的哭嗥。 For whether we are white or copper skinned, 无论你是白肤色或黄皮色, We needed to sing with all voices of the mountain , 我们都需要唱出山的声音, Need to paint with all the colour of the wind 画出风的颜色。 You can own the earth and still all you"ll own is earth until 只要让我们在大地上紧紧地拥抱着, You can paint with all the colours of the wind. 就能唱出山的声音,画出风的颜色。 .


colour与color的区别在写法、使用习惯和起源上。1、color是美式英语的写法,而colour是英式英语的写法。美式英语:She differs from her sister in the color of her eyes.她与她姐姐眼睛的颜色不同。英式英语:Run some clean water through and then you"ll see its true colour.让一些清水从中流过,你就会看出它的真正颜色了。2、使用习惯不同。color更倾向于书面用语,文学色彩重一点,colour更偏向于口语。英语写作更多的是使用color。With a nice dark colour, the wine is medium to full bodied.这种葡萄酒色泽深暗悦目,是中等浓郁至浓香型的。英语口语中,更喜欢使用colour来表示颜色的五彩缤纷。I wanted the front garden to be a blaze of colour.3、起源不同。color源自法国:古法语主要形容肤色,法国古铜色,更强调“可见的颜色,某物的颜色”。colour源自英国:含义是“隐藏内在”更强调隐藏色彩。总而言之,现在color和 colour 主要是英式英语和美式英语上的区别,意思的差别并不是很大,在用法上color更侧重于指各种颜色,colour则强调由于紧张而引起的情绪(脸色)变化。color主要是接副词或[者介词,在句子中作宾语成分,指具体“颜色”时,是可数名词,泛指“颜色”时,是不可数名词。colour由“脸色”转化成动词,可以表示“脸红”,多用于口语。


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请教:The colour of the shirt will run.中的run如何理解?



1、color和colour的区别只是拼写上的不同,前者是美式英语的写法,后者是英式英语的写法,意思都一样。 例句: ①She differs from her sister in the color of her eyes. 她与她姐姐眼睛的颜色不同。 ②The color of the curtains clashed with the color of the carpet. 窗帘的颜色与地毯的颜色不协调。 ③She tinted each flower in her paintings a different color. 她将画里每一枝花都画成不同的颜色。 ④Run some clean water through and then you"ll see its true colour. 让一些清水从中流过,你就会看出它的真正颜色了。 ⑤With a nice dark colour, the wine is medium to full bodied. 这种葡萄酒色泽深暗悦目,是中等浓郁至浓香型的。 扩展资料 相关短语: ①color in填色,用颜色填 ②color image彩色图像 ③color printing彩印 ④skin color肤色 ⑤bright color明亮的颜色 ⑥color difference色差,色彩差异 ⑦color matching配色;调色;色彩匹配;调整色差 ⑧color space彩色空间,色空间 ⑨color fastness[化]色牢度 ⑩natural color自然色;天然色;本色

The colour might run和the colour might go的区别?

The colour might run和the colour might go的区别:The colour might run表示 颜色会 深浅不定(不同的颜色混合的结果)the colour might go表示颜色会 逐渐褪去,变淡。不是混色。开心快乐每一天!


color和colour的区别如下:1、color是美式英语的写法,而colour是英式英语的写法。美式英语:She differs from her sister in the color of her eyes.她与她姐姐眼睛的颜色不同。英式英语:Run some clean water through and then you"ll see its true colour.让一些清水从中流过,你就会看出它的真正颜色了。2、使用习惯不同。color更倾向于书面用语,文学色彩重一点,colour更偏向于口语。英语写作更多的是使用color。With a nice dark colour, the wine is medium to full bodied.这种葡萄酒色泽深暗悦目,是中等浓郁至浓香型的。英语口语中,更喜欢使用colour来表示颜色的五彩缤纷。I wanted the front garden to be a blaze of colour.3、起源不同。color源自法国:古法语主要形容肤色,法国古铜色,更强调“可见的颜色,某物的颜色”。colour源自英国:含义是“隐藏内在”更强调隐藏色彩。color和colour的相关介绍:1、color与colour的区别:两者词性不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。在词性上,color有名词和动词两种词性,colour有名词、动词和形容词三种词性。在用法上,color后可接副词或介词,在句中充当宾语,colour则多在句中充当谓语。在侧重点上,color侧重表示各种颜色,colour侧重表示由于紧张而引起的情绪或脸色变化。2、总而言之,现在color和colour主要是英式英语和美式英语上的区别,意思的差别并不是很大,在用法上color更侧重于指各种颜色,colour则强调由于紧张而引起的情绪(脸色)变化。3、color主要是接副词或[者介词,在句子中作宾语成分,指具体“颜色”时,是可数名词,当其泛指“颜色”时,是不可数名词。colour由“脸色”转化成动词,可以表示“脸红”,多用于口语。

The colour run是什么意思



Purchasing Unavailable 无法购买

turn left at the traffic lights改为否定句

Don"t turn right at the traffic lights

traffic lights turned red

7. C7. C解析:本题考查固定搭配。句意为“当 交通灯变成红灯财,孩子们停下来等待变 成绿灯”。表示“停下来去做另一件事”用 stop to do sth.

There are ____ traffic lights. A. one B. two C. three D. four 这道题你们选什么?答案是c.

这道题 很容易了解上出现错误 呵呵

turn right on the traffic lights

D 固定短语 at the traffic light on the left/right 祝你开心.

turn right on the traffic lights 为什么用on?

因为turn on 就是开的意思

microelectronics journal 杂志的 under review一般多久

期刊名 microelectronics journal 出版周期: 月刊 微电子方向,这期刊不错了,under review看你审稿人快否,一般1~3个月都有可能。 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0026-2692 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Published since 1969, Microelectronics Journal is an international forum for the dissemination of research into, and applications of, microelectronics. Papers published in Microelectronics Journal have undergone peer review to ensure originality, relevance and timeliness. The journal thus provides a worldwide, regular and comprehensive update on semiconductor technology. Coverage of the journal falls into the two main categories of Circuits and Systems and Physics and Devices. The journal invites research and application papers in all the areas listed below. Papers featuring novel system designs or devices are especially welcomed. The journal also considers comprehensive review/survey papers covering recent developments. The journal"s coverage includes, but is not limited to: Circuits and Systems Analogue, digital and RF circuit design methodologies Logic, architectural and system level synthesis Testing, design for testability, built in self-test Area, power and thermal evaluation Co-design, including hardware-software and chip-package Mixed-domain simulation and design Formal verification Application aspects such as signal and image processing, sensor and actuator design, reliability and quality issues, and economic models, are also welcome. Physics and Devices Materials growth science: technology and techniques Physics, properties and characterisation of materials systems Devices and microsystems technology: production and manufacturing Advanced lithography for submicron devices and VLSI microlithography Nanoelectronics and nanoprecision instrumentation Technology and applications of magnetic materials Molecular engineering: molecular materials and self-assembly processes Devices covered include semiconductor devices, optoelectronic devices, micromachined devices, nanodevices and hybrid devices. Papers covering the associated materials, physics, properties, fabrication and manufacturing of these devices are also welcomed. Journal homepages: www.elsevier.nl/locate/mejo www.elsevier.com/locate/mejo

If the traffic lights turn为什么light要加s?

traffic lights 交通信号灯不是抽象名词是物质名词,加s表泛指,再者街道马路上的信号灯不止一个, 一个信号灯系统包括红黄绿,也要加-s。

Arch Enemy的《Vultures》 歌词

歌曲名:Vultures歌手:Arch Enemy专辑:Tyrannts Of The Rising Sun - Live In JapanBreathing life into these mares where enemies turn into fleshThis is the abyss I fear the most – I feel their eyes staring at meWaiting with carnivorous patience, their memory timelessFor all they know I must succumb sometime…A solemn cry rises to the sky as heavy wings blacken outThe morning sun with infinite darkness. Am I dreaming or am I dead?Waiting with carnivorous patience, their memory timelessFor all they know I must succumb sometime…In search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartIn search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartScreaming Voices in my head. A sudden pain then deadly silenceDevouring the remains of my heart – I can feel it dyingWaiting with carnivorous patience, their memory timelessFor all they know I must succumb sometime…In search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartIn search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartPicking at the bones of my soulLeft me dead insideThe more I gave the more they tookLeft me dead insideIn search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me aparthttp://music.baidu.com/song/35235264

Arch Enemy的《Vultures》 歌词

歌曲名:Vultures歌手:Arch Enemy专辑:Rise Of The TyrantBreathing life into these mares where enemies turn into fleshThis is the abyss I fear the most – I feel their eyes staring at meWaiting with carnivorous patience, their memory timelessFor all they know I must succumb sometime…A solemn cry rises to the sky as heavy wings blacken outThe morning sun with infinite darkness. Am I dreaming or am I dead?Waiting with carnivorous patience, their memory timelessFor all they know I must succumb sometime…In search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartIn search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartScreaming Voices in my head. A sudden pain then deadly silenceDevouring the remains of my heart – I can feel it dyingWaiting with carnivorous patience, their memory timelessFor all they know I must succumb sometime…In search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartIn search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartPicking at the bones of my soulLeft me dead insideThe more I gave the more they tookLeft me dead insideIn search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me aparthttp://music.baidu.com/song/35234399

kindly seek your approval




i will hurt 和i will be hurt 有什么区别吗?

主要区别是前者是主动式,后者是被动式. i will hurt翻译成汉语是我将伤害··· i will be hurt 翻译成汉语是我被伤害···

For your approval.是什么意思

For your approval.供你批准。重点词汇your你的,你们的; 尊; 玉; 乃approval批准; 同意; 赞成

For your approval.是什么意思

For your approval对你的认可例句:We hereby make this application for your approval. 特此申请,请予审批。I will send you the shipping quotes tomorrow for your approval. 我明天会把运费报价单寄给你批准。Serving diligently is our commitment; working faithful is for your approval. “用心服务是我们的承诺,诚信做事为你们的认可”。



Curtis Mayfield的《Superfly》 歌词

歌曲名:Superfly歌手:Curtis Mayfield专辑:Give It UpDarkest of nightWith the moon shinin" brightThere"s a set goin" strongLotta things goin" onThe man of the hourHas an air of great powerThe dudes have envied him for so longOooh, SuperflyYou"re gonna make your fortune by and byBut if you lose, don"t ask no questions whyThe only game you know is "Do or Die"Ah-ha-haHard to understandWhat a hell of a manThis cat of the slumHad a mind, wasn"t dumbBut a weakness was shown"Cause his hustle was wrongHis mind was his ownBut the man lived aloneOooh, SuperflyYou"re gonna make your fortune by and byBut if you lose, don"t ask no questions whyThe only game you know is "Do or Die"Ah-ha-haThe game he plays he plays for keepsHustlin" cards on ghetto streetsTryin" ta get over(That"s what he tryin" to do, y"all)Takin" all that he can takeGamblin" with the odds of fateTryin" ta get overTryin" ta get overTryin" ta get overTryin" ta get overWoo, SuperflyThe aim of his roleWas to move a lot of blowAsk him his dreamWhat does it meanHe wouldn"t know"Can"t be like the rest"Is the most he"ll confessBut the time"s running outAnd there"s no happinessOooh, SuperflyYou"re gonna make your fortune by and byBut if you lose, don"t ask no questions whyThe only game you know is "Do or Die"Ah-ha-haSuperflySuperflySuperflySuperfly"Tryin" ta get over...http://music.baidu.com/song/56534305

________ 查看材料A.EncouragedB.ApprovedSXB


I will be back with your order是什么意思?

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