
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

1.We are i_____ in the story. 2.Our math teacher is very s______ with us 3.我想了解你们国家的情况。

1. impressed2. strict3. know what about4. is having5. shuts door6. tuesday today,history7. late8. school days

Your story is the ___of all,so none of us feel interested in it . (interest)

most interesting

blue in the sky blue in your mind什么意思


Why is the sky blue in colour?

这是太阳光被地球大气散射 (scattering) 的结果。当阳光进入地球的大气层后,空气和水蒸气的分子吸收部份阳光,再向四方八面辐射,这种现象称为散射。白色的阳光是由不同颜色的光波合成的,以蓝光 波长最短,红光波长最长,波长短的蓝光较容易被散射。日落时夕阳接近地平线,阳光须穿过较厚的大气层才到达地面 ,大部份蓝光被散射,余下红光,所以夕阳呈现红色。另一方面,由于白天时太阳光只穿过较薄的大气层,蓝光被散射的程度减少,所以太阳看起来是白色的,同时 由于天空充满了被散射的蓝光,所以整个天空呈现蓝色。 日落时阳光经过较厚的大气层,大部份蓝光被散射。 日落时天空呈现一片红色 散射小实验 工具︰手电筒一支、剩满清水的透明 玻璃杯、少量牛奶。 将牛奶滴入剩满清水的透明玻璃杯中,然后搅伴液体至均匀为止。 隔绝其他光源,用手电筒照射水杯。 从水杯的不同方向去观察被散射的光线。 注意在接近光源的地方牛奶的乳悬液略带蓝色,远离光源的地方则略带红色,可见蓝光较易被散射。 天为什么是蓝的,而不是绿的或红的呢? 首先你得明白一个道理:我们周围的事物之所以显现出颜色来,仅仅是因为阳光照射着它们。虽然阳光看上去是白色的,但是所有的颜色:赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫,在阳光里都存在。 天空里有这么多颜色,为什么我平时看到的只有蓝色呢?你可能会问。 如果你把光线设想为波浪,你就会猜破这个谜了。光其实是像一个波浪那样在运动的。我们来设想一下一滴雨落在一个水洼里的情景。当这滴雨落到水面上时,就会 产生小波浪,波浪一起一伏地变成更大的圈,向着四面八方扩展开去。如果这些波浪碰上一块小石子或一个别的什么障碍物,它们就会反弹回来,改变了波浪的方 向。 而阳光从天空照射下来,一样会连续不断地碰到某些障碍。因为光所必须穿透的空气并不是空的,它由很多很多微小的微粒组成。其中百分之九十九不是氮气便是氧 气,其余则是别的气体微粒和微小的漂浮微粒,来源于汽车的废气、工厂的烟雾、森林火灾或者火山爆发出来的岩灰。虽然氧气和氮气微粒只是一滴雨水的一百万分 之一,但是它们也照样能阻挡阳光的去路。光线从这些众多的小“绊脚石”上弹回,自然也就改变了自己的方向。 可是那么多颜色的光改变了方向,为什么只有蓝色被看到呢?你可能还是不明白。 我们还得回到刚才说的那个水洼里。 水洼里,小的波浪遇到小石子的话,水面便被搞得混乱不堪;但如果是一个“巨浪”,像你用手在水洼边掀起的那种“巨浪”,它就有可能干脆从石头上溢过去,并 畅通无阻地到达水洼的对面边缘。那么,就像有 *** 浪和小波浪一样,各种各样颜色的光波也有不同的“波浪”,也就是波长:不过它们可不像水波的波浪,用肉眼 是看不出它们的大小的,因为它们小得难以想像,只是一根头发的一百分之一!得用很灵敏的测量仪表才可以精确地测定出来。 根据科学家的测定,蓝色光和紫色光的波长比较短,相当于“小波浪”;橙色光和红色光的波长比较长,相当于“ *** 浪”。当遇到空气中的障碍物的时候,蓝色光和紫色光因为翻不过去那些障碍,便被“散射”得到处都是,布满整个天空—天空,就是这样被“散射”成了蓝色。 发现这种“散射”现象的科学家叫瑞利,他是在130年前发现的,他也是诺贝尔奖获得者。 用“散射”现象,你就可以解释下面这些天象了: 比如在你头顶的天空是蓝色的,可是在地平线—天地相接的地方,天空看上去却几乎是白色的。为什么?就是因为阳光从地平线到你这个地方比起它直接从空中落下 来,需要在空气中走的路程要远得多—而在一路上它所擦过的微粒子也自然就要多得多。这些大量的微粒子就这样多次散射出光,所以它显得白中透著淡蓝。建议你 做一个小实验来验证一下:拿一杯水,把它放在一个黑暗的背景里,放进一滴牛奶,再拿一只手电筒照射杯子的一端,并靠近它,手电筒的光在水中即会显现出淡蓝 色。如果你往水里放进的牛奶越多,水就越白,因为光一再地受到这些众多的牛奶微粒的散射,结果就是白色的。道理跟在地平线上空是白色的一样。 太阳落山时的傍晚,天空不显现蓝色而显现红色,正在下落的太阳也变成暗红色,也是一样的道理。由于傍晚的光在照射到你这个地方的路上所遇到的众多的微粒, 使得阳光中的紫色的和蓝色的部分往四面八方散射开去,仅留下一点点使你的肉眼看得见的橙红色光线—因为它们的波长长、“波浪大”,翻过了路上的障碍。 不过,细心的你会发现,天穹在落日后也还会在一段时间内呈现深蓝色。这也曾经是科学家们关心的一件怪事,不过几个物理学家已经在50年前揭开了这个谜:导 致黄昏时天空的蓝色,是一种特别的物质。这种特别的物质在离地球表面20至30公里的高空处聚集成厚厚的一个层面,叫臭氧层。这种气体对正在下落的太阳光 起到像颜色筛检程式那样的作用:它截获太阳光中的黄色和橙色的部分,却几乎无阻拦地让蓝色的部分通过。当最后的少许光消失时,所有的颜色才消失在黑暗的夜 色中。 2007-01-16 22:53:48 补充: The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red orange and yellow light is affected by the air. 2007-01-16 22:54:23 补充: However much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look some of this scattered blue light reaches you. 2007-01-16 22:54:45 补充: Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead the sky looks blue.As you look closer to the horizon the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. 2007-01-16 22:55:12 补充: Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.On a clear sunny day the sky above us looks bright blue. In the evening the sunset puts on a brilliant show of reds pinks and oranges. Why is the sky blue? What makes the sunset red? 2007-01-16 22:55:41 补充: To wer these questions we must learn about light and the Earth"s atmosphere. THE ATMOSPHEREThe atmosphere is the mixture of gas molecules and other materials surrounding the earth. It is made mostly of the gases nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). 参考: .knowledge.yahoo/question/?qid=7006112802398 It"s because the air reflect almost most of the other colour of light . 参考: no Why is the sky blue? Clear blue sky.The sky is blue partly because air scatters short-wavelength light in preference to longer wavelengths. Combined these effects scatter (bend away in all directions) some short blue light waves while allowing almost all longer red light waves to pass straight through. When we look toward a part of the sky not near the sun the blue color we see is blue light waves scattered down toward us from the white sunlight passing through the air overhead. Near sunrise and sunset most of the light we see es in nearly tangent to the Earth"s surface so that the light"s path through the atmosphere is so long that much of the blue and even yellow light is scattered out leaving the sun rays and the clouds it illuminates red. Scattering and absorption are major causes of the attenuation of radiation by the atmosphere. Scattering varies as a function of the ratio of the particle diameter to the wavelength of the radiation. When this ratio is less than about one-tenth Rayleigh scattering occurs in which the scattering coefficient varies inversely as the fourth power of the wavelength. At larger values of the ratio of particle diameter to wavelength the scattering varies in a plex fashion described for spherical particles by the Mie theory; at a ratio of the order of 10 the laws of geometric optics begin to apply. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Diffuse_sky_radiation 天空为什么是蓝的? Why is the sky blue in colour? 在天朗气清的日子,天空一片蔚蓝。要解释这现象,我们首先要重温阳光是由不同波长的光组成的–简单地说是由不同颜色的光组成。 早于19世纪,英国科学家雷利勋爵研究光线遇上分子(包括空气分子)时会出现改变方向的散射现象,并指出其散射程度与波长成反比。(严格来说,应是和波长四次方成反比)。 图片参考:o/education/edu06nature/images/ele-sky-f1 换句话说,蓝光(波长较短,约450纳米)比红光(波长较长,约600纳米)更易被散射。这说明当我们望向天空的任何部份,但不直望太阳,我们看到的都是被散射出来的蓝光。 参考: o/education/edu06nature/ele_sky_c

MR.Zhang,who is said to have gong to the USA to live with his son after retirement,______at our


我们的暑假长达两个月 英语 The___ ___ our___ ___ ___about two months

the schedule of our summer break is about two monthes

Guru Josh的《Infinity》 歌词

歌曲名:Infinity歌手:Guru Josh专辑:InfinityInfinityInara George and Bryony AtkinsGrey"s Anatomy SongsWe are all like astronautsDiscovering infinityTake my empty bodyAnd discover me, infinityForgive me endless longingSo it"s crazy you and crazy meI amI amI amI amI am infinityWe are all like astronautsThe little prints are going to pleaseNevermind your habits absolutelyYou encourage meForgive me endless longingSo it"s crazy you and crazy meI amI amI amI amI am infinityI get the (does not matter anyway)We"ve wasted of our lipsteryInter locking, we are center pipsTake this to the floretsInto staller with our blue-black museForgive me endless longingSo it"s crazy you and crazy meI amI amI amI amI am infinityI get the (does not matter anyway)So high浮生制作for the time for the conversationshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8745378


pressuring是pressure的现在分词pressure美 ["preu0283u0259r]英 ["preu0283u0259(r)]n.压;【物】压力;大气压力;电压v.对…施加压力;迫使;使(机舱等)增压;密封对…加压;强制;压迫复数:pressures 过去分词:pressured 现在分词:pressuring 例句筛选1.He wants sex with no strings attached, but she keeps pressuring himto commit.他要与她做爱不附带条件,但她给他压力,要他遵守承诺。2."They were pressuring me to quit, " she says.她说“他们迫使我离开公司”

Journal of Contemporary Medical Practice影响因子

Journal of Contemporary Medical Practice影响因子意思是:当代医学实践杂志影响因子。重点词汇:Journal英['du0292u025c:n(u0259)l]释义:n.杂志,期刊,报纸;日记,日志;(会计)日记账。[复数:journals;第三人称单数:journals;现在分词:journaling;过去式:journaled;过去分词:journaled]短语:The Wall Street Journal华尔街日报;华尔街时报;华尔街杂志。词语辨析:magazine,journal,periodical,publication,newspaper。这些名词均有“出版物或定期刊物”之意。1、magazine指刊登各种文章、小说、诗歌、评论的杂志。2、journal本义为“日报”,现在可指定期发生的周刊、月刊、季刊等或指学术团体出版的刊物、杂志或学报。3、periodical通常指除日报以外的定期出版刊物。4、publication指出版物,发行物。5、newspaper一般指每日出版的报纸。

It was the journey that inspired什么用法?

It was the journey that inspired…强调句型,强调主语the journey。 还原:The journey inspired.

Ruby Murray的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Ruby Murray专辑:When Irish Eyes Are Smiling/Irish... And Proud Of It(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调http://music.baidu.com/song/2703927

return privileges什么意思



Put your hands on your head.把你的手放在你的头上。望采纳!

keep our head on our shoulders什么意思?


put your hands on your head lift your




把你的头低下翻译英文 keep your head 什么

put your head down=把你的头低下 keep your head=保持你的头

John Hall Band的《Security》 歌词

歌曲名:Security歌手:John Hall Band专辑:All Of The Above / Search PartySecurityJoss StoneA loss that would have thrownA hole through anybody"s soulAnd you were only human after allSo don"t hold back the tears my dearRelease them so your eyes can clearI know that you will rise againBut you gotta let them fallI wish that I could snap my fingersErase the past but noYou cannot rewind realityOnce the tape"s unrolled<Chorus:>If your spirit"s broken and you can"t bear the painI will help you put the pieces backA little more each dayAnd if your heart is locked and you can"t find the keyLay your head upon my shoulderI"ll set you freeI"ll be your security~~~~~~A moment of despairThat forces you to say that life"s unfairIt makes you scared of what tomorrow may bringBut don"t go giving into fearStop hiding all alone in thereThe show keeps going on and onBut you"ll miss the whole damn thingI wish I had a crystal ball to see what the future holdsBut we don"t know how the story ends till it"s all been told<Chorus:>If your spirit"s broken and you can"t bear the painI will help you put the pieces backA little more each dayAnd if your heart is locked and you can"t find the keyLay your head upon my shoulderI"ll set you freeI"ll be your securityOn any clock upon the wallThe time is always nowSo baby kiss the past goodbyeDon"t let the future blow your mindJust sit back and chillTake things as they comeYou can"t be afraidTo live for todayI will be with you each step of the way<Chorus:>If your spirit"s broken and you can"t bear the painI will help you put the pieces backA little more each dayAnd if your heart is locked and you can"t find the keyLay your head upon my shoulderI"ll set you freeI"ll be your securityIf your spirit"s broken and you can"t bear the painI will help you put the pieces backA little more each dayAnd if your heart is locked and you can"t find the keyLay your head upon my shoulderI"ll set you freeI"ll be your security~~~oh~~~Lay your head upon my shoulderI"ll set you freeI"ll be your securityhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8122821

put on your head

put on your head 戴在你的头上 put on 这里指“戴上”的意思.戴上(衣、帽、眼镜等):

put your head down 和 put your head back的区别

You may put your head down on my shoulder. 我把肩膀借你靠一下。Put your head back and close the window, keep safe! 开车时不要把头伸出窗外。

Lay Your Head On 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Your Head On歌手:Monta专辑:Always AltamontYou can lay your head onLay your head on my shoulderYou can lay your head onIs it comfortable-reliableGood to know your aroundYou can lay your head onLay your head on my shoulderYou can lay your head onIs it suitable- personalGood to know your aroundShe stared at me - my mind was in a mazeShe moved her mouth but there was no soundI am covered with sandLike to breathe but i can′tYou can lay your head onLay your head on my shoulderYou can lay your head onIs it comfortable-reliableGood to know your aroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14595366

lay your head on my pillow 歌词

Lay your head on my pillow And just relax, relax, relax (‘cause it was meant for you) Lay your head on my pillow And just relax, relax, relax (‘cause it was made to groove) Here we are in the room together Holding hands and it"s gonna get better And I know that you"re in the mood So put your purse down and take off your jacket Oh girl it"s about to get nasty You"ll love what we gonna do Lay your head on my pillow And just relax, relax, relax (‘cause it was meant for you) Lay your head on my pillow And just relax, relax, relax (‘cause it was made to groove) Won"t you pull back the sheets and lay down Put your head upon my shoulders Let me tell you how I wanna feel You"re the girl that knows my pleasure So let me go down and find my treasure Let me see where my pearl is at Lay your head on my pillow And just relax, relax, relax (‘cause it was meant for you) Lay your head on my pillow And just relax, relax, relax (‘cause it was made to groove) The cutie pies they all know They can always lay on my pillow

Put Your Head On My Shoulder (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Put Your Head On My Shoulder (Album Version)歌手:Michael Bublé专辑:Michael BubléPut Your Head On My ShoulderPaul AnkaPut your head on my shoulderHold me in your arms, babySqueeze me oh so tight Show methat you love me tooPut your lips next to mine, dearWon"t you kiss me once, babyJust a kiss goodnight, may beYou and I will fall in loveSome people say that love"s a gameA game you just can"t winIf there"s a wayI"ll find it somebodyAnd then this fool with rush inPut your head on my shoulderWhisper in my ear, babyWords I want to hear,tell meTell me that you love me too.Some people say that love"s a gameA game you just can"t winIf there"s a wayI"ll find it somebodyAnd then this fool with rush inPut your head on my shoulderWhisper in my ear, babyWords I want to hear,tell mePut your head on my shoulder感谢:Michaelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1422087

Put Your Head On My Shoulder 歌词

歌曲名:Put Your Head On My Shoulder歌手:Paul Anka专辑:Pure... LovePut Your Head On My ShoulderPaul AnkaPut your head on my shoulderHold me in your arms, babySqueeze me oh so tight Show methat you love me tooPut your lips next to mine, dearWon"t you kiss me once, babyJust a kiss goodnight, may beYou and I will fall in loveSome people say that love"s a gameA game you just can"t winIf there"s a wayI"ll find it somebodyAnd then this fool with rush inPut your head on my shoulderWhisper in my ear, babyWords I want to hear,tell meTell me that you love me too.Some people say that love"s a gameA game you just can"t winIf there"s a wayI"ll find it somebodyAnd then this fool with rush inPut your head on my shoulderWhisper in my ear, babyWords I want to hear,tell mePut your head on my shoulder感谢:Michaelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10559913

Put Your Head On My Shoulder 歌词

歌曲名:Put Your Head On My Shoulder歌手:Paul Anka专辑:The Most Beautiful Songs Of Paul AnkaPut Your Head On My ShoulderPaul AnkaPut your head on my shoulderHold me in your arms, babySqueeze me oh so tight Show methat you love me tooPut your lips next to mine, dearWon"t you kiss me once, babyJust a kiss goodnight, may beYou and I will fall in loveSome people say that love"s a gameA game you just can"t winIf there"s a wayI"ll find it somebodyAnd then this fool with rush inPut your head on my shoulderWhisper in my ear, babyWords I want to hear,tell meTell me that you love me too.Some people say that love"s a gameA game you just can"t winIf there"s a wayI"ll find it somebodyAnd then this fool with rush inPut your head on my shoulderWhisper in my ear, babyWords I want to hear,tell mePut your head on my shoulder感谢:Michaelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7495747

Put Your Head On My Shoulder 歌词

歌曲名:Put Your Head On My Shoulder歌手:赵传专辑:You Are Always On My Mind萧敬腾 - Put Your Head on My ShoulderPut your head on my shoulderHold me in your arms, babySqueeze me oh so tightShow me that you love me tooPut your lips next to mine, dearWon"t you kiss me once, babyJust a kiss goodnight, may beYou and I will fall in loveSome people say that love"s a gameA game you just can"t winIf there"s a wayI"ll find it somedayAnd then this fool will rush inPut your head on my shoulderWhisper in my ear, babyWords I want to hear, tell meTell me that you love me too.Some people say that love"s a gameA game you just can"t winIf there"s a wayI"ll find it somedayAnd then this fool will rush inPut your head on my shoulderWhisper in my ear, babyWords I want to hear, tell mePut your head on my shoulderhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2126424

keep our head on our shoulders什么意思

keep our head on our shoulders保持我们的清醒头脑双语对照例句:1.The most pressure in this situation actually falls on our shoulders. 事实上这种形势下最大的压力落到了我们头上。2.We know that our little toes help us balance, and the hairs on our head keep us warm. 我们知道,我们的小脚趾帮助我们平衡,头发帮助我们保暖。

this isbetween your head and your shoulders.


put your head down的汉语意思是“把头后仰”吗?

低下头Put your head down what are you going to do? 低下头你要干什么?

put on your head 是什么意思?


寻求2001年上映的美国喜剧电影里面的一首歌曲,名字叫"put your head on my shoulder"

http://www.styling.cn/musicup/2057/music/Put_Your_Head_On_My_Shoulder.wma 不知道是不是

找歌达人帮忙啊:put your hands on my shoulder

是 Good Charlotte (狂野夏洛特) 的歌~~ Song: Put Your Hands On My Shoulder: Click here to send Good Charlotte polyphonic ringtone to your cell phone. Put your hands on my shoulder Hold me in your arms, baby Squeeze me, oh so tight and show me That you love me too Put your lips next to mine, dear Won"t you kiss me once, oh baby Just a kiss, goodnight and maybe You and I will fall in love People say that love is a game A game you just can"t win If there"s a way I"ll find it someday And then this fool will rush in Put your heads on my shoulder Whisper in my ear, baby Words I wanna hear Tell me Tell me that you love me too Put your hands on my shoulder Whisper in my ear baby Words I wanna hear please, baby Put your hands on my shoulder ============================================= 个人喜欢听他的 Girls & Boys 和 Anthem 这两首~~

westlife西城男孩的一首歌 歌词里有put your head on my shoulder...


Put Your Head On My Shoulder 歌词

歌曲: Put Your Head On My Shoulder歌手: 赵传 专辑: 《You Are Always On My Mind》歌词:Put your head on my shoulderHold me in your arms, babySqueeze me oh so tightShow me that you love me tooPut your lips next to mine, dearWon"t you kiss me once, babyJust a kiss goodnight, may beYou and I will fall in loveSome people say that love"s a gameA game you just can"t winIf there"s a wayI"ll find it somedayAnd then this fool will rush inPut your head on my shoulderWhisper in my ear, babyWords I want to hear, tell meTell me that you love me too.Some people say that love"s a gameA game you just can"t winIf there"s a wayI"ll find it somedayAnd then this fool will rush inPut your head on my shoulderWhisper in my ear, babyWords I want to hear, tell mePut your head on my shoulder

西城男孩专辑《world of our own》里的所有歌曲歌词!有翻译更好..谢了!


为什么Is your brother ok?用IS,而Are you ok? 却用are呢?


我刚买的摩托罗拉525手机,sd卡里面的文件都不知道是什么? 1.android_secure?2albumart?3LOST.DIR?


android 下使用Cursor如何获得专辑图片?

cursor刚开始指向的是第0列数据,要将cursor向下移一列:cursor1.moveToNext()后再使用, 或者是while(cursor1.hasNext()){}


意思不同、语境不同。1、areyouok意思是你没事吧?areyousure意思是你肯定吗?2、在某些语境下,areyouok还可以理解为你没事吧、你不要紧吧,你准备好了没有。Are you sure一般用在口语中或者非正式的语言环境中,是一种反问句式,它既可以单独使用,也可以接宾语从句,其意思为:你确定吗、你能肯定吗、你确信吗“等等。

four pinocchios什么意思


wang jia bao said this during his vist to a milk farm为什么visit不是过去式


电脑开不开机出现 your pc did not start correctly 什么意思 怎么


your initial

不太清楚,不过我也很想知道.所以顶个. 大概分不同场合.在合同里就签sun yao以免重复、误解.

关于船票预订 surname和initial怎么填

surname填姓,后面initial填名的首字母例如ZHANG XIAOSAN,则surname填ZHANG,initial填X

int current_count = Integer.parseInt(application.getAttribute("VIST").toString()) 要那么复杂么?

1.仅仅是set的话不需要判断.因为如果有,则覆盖旧的.所以不用担心2.存放的是Object类型.所以必须将该object转为String 形式,然后调用 int java.lang.Integer.parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatException这个方法来构造一个新的Integer对象3.这个要看你的业务需求了.但是就你的项目来看.不需要实现同步是要很大的系统开销作为代价的,甚至可能造成死锁,所以尽量避免无谓的同步控制。

电脑开不开机出现 your pc did not start correctly 什么意思 怎么



counterculture反正统文化赵梅 《美国研究》提起“反文化”(counter-culture)一词,人们会很自然地联想起美国60年代的摇滚乐、吸毒、性反常、堕胎、裸奔等迷恋怪癖和追求荒诞的嬉皮文化,以及嬉皮士们在纽约中央公园、旧金山金门公园和纽约郊外伍德斯托克(Woodstock)的昼夜狂欢, 及至以后的“政治正确”(political correctness) 、多元文化(muti-culture)及其对主流文化的挑战。 如果严格从字面上理解,“反文化”运动是指美国60年代在青年人当中流行的以反战和反主流文化为特征的一种价值观、文化和生活方式。 第一次将“反文化”归结为以60年代发生在美国社会政治、文化领域的青年人抗议运动为特征的,是美国加利福尼亚州立大学海沃德分校(California State University, Hayward)历史学教授西奥多?罗斯扎克。他于1969年出版的《反文化的诞生:反思技术社会及其年轻人的反叛》一书,在嬉皮辍学者和学生中的激进分子这两个分裂的群体中间找到了契合点,那就是反文化,亦即反抗以技术为主体的工业化社会。 在他的定义中,反文化运动是指60年代发生在美国社会的一切抗议运动,既包括校园民主运动、妇女解放运动、黑人民权运动、反战和平运动、环境保护运动、同性恋者权利运动等方面的政治“革命”,也包括摇滚乐、性解放、吸毒、嬉皮文化,及神秘主义和自我主义的复兴等方面的文化“革命”。 通常,人们把那些激进的青年学生主张用激进手段进行社会政治改革的运动称为“新左派运动”,而把那些中途辍学、以期通过吸毒、放纵等方式进行的文化反叛,称为“反文化”运动。本文无意在这里做概念上的界定,姑且将60年代发生在政治及文化领域的反抗运动统称为“反文化运动”。这首先是因为,对主流文化、对现存制度的不满与批判,对妇女、对少数民族处境的同情,对和平的渴望,是这两种运动的共同特征,而他们又源出于同样的历史背景。其次,从成员构成上看,很难在两者之间明确区分。不少反文化运动的参加者,同时也是新左派运动的成员。 1964年9月24日,加州大学伯克利分校年仅22岁的哲学系学生马里奥?萨维奥(Mario Savio)和阿特?戈登堡(Art Goldenberg)等发起并领导了校园“言论自由”运动(Free Speech Movement),抗议学校当局禁止在校园内谈论民权运动和发表反越战言论。10月1日到2日,加州政府出动国民警卫队前来制止,学生与警察对峙长达32小时,一些学生运动领袖被逮捕, 反文化运动的序幕由此而拉开,以后逐渐蔓延到美国其他所院校及学校以外的地方。1968年,该运动因马丁?路德?金和罗伯特?肯尼迪遇刺、越战的不断升级而达到高潮。 乍看起来,反文化运动至今没有完结,它因80年代发端于美国高校的多元文化运动而得以延续。但实际上,作为一场以争取民权和反战为目标的反抗运动,它在1975年随着越战的结束而告终。自此以后,反抗运动渐趋平息。这是首先是由于,就社会政治领域的抗议运动而言,运动的一些目标已经实现。美国从越南撤军,反战运动因此而停止。1964年的民权法、1965年的投票权利法和1963年的同酬法在国会获得通过,以及1965年“肯定性行动计划”的提出并实行,深刻地改变了黑人和妇女在美国社会及政治生活中的地位。虽然黑人反种族歧视的斗争和妇女解放运动此后仍在继续,但大规模的抗议活动在70年代中期暂告一段落。就文化领域的反抗而言,由于嬉皮士们的反抗手段日益激进,运动因逐渐失去了社会的广泛支持而日趋衰落下去。同时,反文化运动参加者年龄的增长也是反抗运动趋于平静的原因之一。到70年代中期,“婴儿潮”头一年出生的人已年届30岁,到了成家立业的年龄,他们的注意力开始转向如何面对来自工作和家庭等方面的压力。韦德?克拉克?鲁夫则注意到了冷战对社会思潮向保守主义回归所起的促进作用。他认为,冷战的对峙既激起了美国这场大规模的反抗运动,同时又促使了美国人向保守主义回归。这是因为,冷战的不断升级以及美国在外交上的一系列失败,使不少美国人感到美国所赖以存在的民主制度正在受到威胁,而稳定的家庭生活是美国国家安全所必需的,也是冷战中美国保持对苏优势地位的首要条件。 反文化运动的主要口号是:爱、正义、自由和和平。就运动本身而言,它包涵以下几方面内容:⑴民权运动;⑵ 反战和平运动;⑶文化反抗运动,即以青年学生为主体的、反抗一切现存文化的运动。 当然,每一种抗议运动的发生都有其特定的历史原因,本文所要力图探讨的是美国60年代这场反抗运动的根源。 本课题的研究必然要涉及到的另一个问题是美国“婴儿潮”一代(the baby boom generation)。第二次世界大战结束后,自1946年到1964年,美国出现了一次人口高峰。在此期间出生的人被称为“婴儿潮”一代。在“婴儿潮”头十年出生的人,60年代抗议运动发生时他们大多就读于高中或大学,是抗议运动的主体。因此,反文化运动的发生与这一代人的成长环境密切相关

ANother song feat. URATA NAOYA 歌词

【ANother song feat.URATA NAOYA】作词:浜崎あゆみ作曲:Yuta Nakano编曲:Yuta Nakano歌手:浜崎あゆみなのに、なのに、仆达は / 但是但是我们却隣、曲がりうらやんだ / 一直在羡慕著旁人そして、そして、私达はしか好きて见失った / 结果结果我们自己 因为太近而错失了彼此窓に映った自分が / 倒映在墙上的自己情けなくて ああ苛立つ / 无助的叫人生气だけど时间は巻き戻せない / 只是时光已无法到转I miss you悲しいくらい爱していたよ / 我曾经爱你 爱得几近悲哀どうしようもなく爱していたよ / 我曾经爱你 爱得不知如何是好あの夏の日はもう远いけど / 那一年的夏天 虽然已距离很远君に届けど歌うanother song / 还是为你唱一首歌希望你能听到 ANother songやがて、やがて、仆达は / 最後最後我们後になって気が付く / 在事後才发现だから、だから、私达は / 於是於是我们泣いたまま渡ってた / 又哭又笑曲がりくねった道の / 蜿蜒曲折的这条路先でまた出会えるかな / 有一天我们是否会在路上重逢なんて愚かな梦をみては / 我总是做著这样愚蠢的事Miss you so bad昨日もずっと爱していたよ / 昨日我始终 爱著你今日もいちにち爱していたよ / 今日一整天同样 爱著你明日もきっと爱しているよ / 明日想必还是一样 爱著你そして君へと歌うanother song / 然後我想要为你唱一首歌 ANother song今顷君は谁のそばで / 此刻不晓得你在谁身边どんな颜を见せているの / 会是一副甚麼样的表情君のいない毎日に / 少了你的日子まだ惯れることができないままだよ / 我还无法习惯 要再等一等悲しいくらい爱していたよ / 我曾经爱你 爱得几近悲哀どうしようもなく爱していたよ / 我曾经爱你 爱得不知如何是好あの夏の日はもう远いけど / 那一年的夏天 虽然已距离很远君に届けど歌うanother song / 还是为你唱一首歌希望你能听到 ANother song昨日もずっと爱していたよ / 昨日我始终 爱著你今日もいちにち爱していたよ / 今日一整天同样 爱著你明日もきっと爱しているよ / 明日想必还是一样 爱著你そして君へと歌うanother song / 然後我要为你唱一首歌 ANother songごめんね今も爱しているよ / 对不起至今 我依然爱著你ずるいかなでも爱しているよ / 或许我不应该 但还是爱著你あの夏の日がもう远くでも / 那一年的夏天 虽然已远去君に届けど歌うanother song / 还是为你唱一首歌希望你能听到 ANother song君に / 你君に届けど / 还是为你http://music.baidu.com/song/17858348

your initials


Plan breaks into your vist.

你好!Plan breaks into your vist.休息到你的访问计划。

求咕噜碳翻唱rolling survivor的罗马音歌词~

根据→http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=h_fmhBoiFW6ZJTg3_6XqmWkSMUovgl7czGkLF7T2MY-P44vnQ2ZmVzFg7n6SGnxU4TOzgW7977KPrCbT_0lPcq_Fp5bkjATWmuL4N8HTDu3这里的日语歌词翻译的罗马音,若有部分错误请见谅。saisho ha matamata最初はグーまたまたグーsaigo no saigo de wo nerae最後の最後でチヨキを狙えato dashi no janken de ushiro tora re te moあとだしのジャンケンで後ろ取られてもotsugi ha pa ha paお次はパー头はパーi hou ja nai kamo shire nai贤いほうじゃないかもしれないsoredemo sa koko made sa tsuzuki deそれでもさここまでさ连胜続きでitsu datte bouken itsuku ba tte chousenいつだって冒険这いつくばって挑戦madamada ware naiまだまだ终われないmou ichi kai dake kimi no emi wo se te kureもう一回だけキミの笑颜を见せてくれkonnichi mo guruguru me no mawaru sekai nochuushin bu de今日もぐるぐる目の回る世界の中心部でkimi to boku to te no tsunai da ano hikari no seneキミとボクと手の繋いだあの光の先えsoshite guruguru tomara nai sekai wo momo nikakeそしてぐるぐる止まらない世界を股にかけkimi to boku no teru keshiki onaji sora no shimodeキミとボクの见てる景色同じ空の下でtsuki muda ke突き进むだけwari yokere ba subete yoshi终わりよければ全て良し【 O. K !】yuuki ha taida ha勇気はYES !怠惰はNO !saisho de saigo no chansu tsukame最初で最後のチャンスつかめushiro no koto kangae te後のこと考えてsuru yori mo踌躇するよりもfutatabi pa pa再びパー计画パ ―uma ku ika nee koto dara ke deshoウマく行かねぇことだらけでしょsoredemo sa boku ra ha sa eikou mezashi teそれでもさボクらはさ栄光目指してjitto matu te mitsuru i nara sa re te suu nenじっと待って充电饲いならされて数年sorosoro tomare naiそろそろ止まれないnan kai datte yarinaoshi chae yo se te yare何回だってやりなおしちゃえよ见せてやれasu mo guruguru kakimazeru sekai no kanjou ni明日もぐるぐるかき混ぜる世界の感情论にkimi to boku to ni nin warau ano namida wo koe teキミとボクと二人笑うあの涙を超えてsoshite guruguru tomare nai korogari tsuzuke temoそしてぐるぐる止まれない転がり続けてもkimi ga boku ni seru keshikiキミがボクに见せる景色aoi sora no juu he青い空の中へhashiridasu ima走り出す今wari yokere ba subete yoshi终わりよければ全て良し【 O. K !】saisho ha matamata最初はグーまたまたグーisse no seいっせーのせjankempon ジャンケンポン !!!/itsu datte bouken itsuku ba tte chousenいつだって冒険这いつくばって挑戦madamada ware naiまだまだ终われないmou ichi kai dake kimi no emi wo se te kureもう一回だけキミの笑颜を见せてくれkonnichi mo guruguru me no mawaru sekai nochuushin bu de今日もぐるぐる目の回る世界の中心部でkimi to boku to te no tsunai da ano hikari no seneキミとボクと手の繋いだあの光の先えasu mo guruguru kakimazeru sekai no kanjou ni明日もぐるぐるかき混ぜる世界の感情论にkimi to boku to ni nin warau ano namida wo koe teキミとボクと二人笑うあの涙を超えてhashiridasu ima走り出す今wari yokere ba subete yoshi终わりよければ全て良しwari yokere ba subete yoshi终わりよければ全て良し【 O. K !】

求助place your initials 是什么意思

place your initials 全部释义和例句>>把你的名字

新视野大学英语第三版第二册 1-5单元structured writing答案

选择A:Why was he late for school yesterday?B:He overslept . By the time he got to the bus stop,the bus ___already ___.A.was ;leaving B.has ; left C.would ; leave D.had ;left 解D解析:公共汽车在到车站之前就来了,所以用过去完成时。选择We () here today .A are all B all areC is allD all is解A解析:副词放在be动词之后。

be structured with 什么意思

be structured with 是结构

clarks UN Structured是什么牌子


structured credit是什么?


UML structured activity怎么创建


为什么我们需要oop?structured programming 和oop的不同?


德国的Structured PhD和Individual Doctorate有什么区别


翻译这个句子,还有is structured with是什么意思,国定搭配?

be structured with 由···组成,由···构成,是固定搭配他们也注意到由日程安排和约会构成的时间越多,过的就越快。

帽子术语structured cap 和unstructured cap 有什么区别,请具体点,非常感谢

structured cap指的是前两片带内衬unstructured cap 则是不带内衬

structured time的定义

这个是自己根据需要来确定的。,你的程序中需要用到哪些值?比方说,一种定义如下。struct time{int yaer,month,day,hour,minute,second;}

structured RNA 什么意思


新视野大学英语第三版读写3第八单元的structured writing practice有人可以给一下参考范文吗?

Reference:According to the statistics, of all the people who died in traffic crashes last year, more than 30 percent of them died in traffic accidents related to drunk driving. Many experts believe that a possible solution to this problem is imprisonment on the first drunk driving offense, while some people would think such a punishment is too harsh. I am firmly convinced that this is an effective measure to prevent further killing on the roads. First of all, imprisoning drunk drivers on their first offense can save thousands of lives of innocent people. Generally, drunk drivers cannot effectively control their vehicles in a normal way, which often results in road accidents, injuries and deaths. They are not only endangering themselves, but also putting thousands of innocent people in a fatal situation. That is a serious crime, to be honest. Therefore, to save more innocent people from the possibility of being killed or injured, drunk drivers should be imprisoned on their first offense. Secondly, imprisoning drunk drivers on their first offense can prevent drunk drivers from committing the crime again. As shown in a study, many people who drink and drive have done it eight times before their first arrest, and some even more. If they were imprisoned on their first offense, they would have to live with shame. As a result, they would not make the same mistake over and over again. Finally, imprisoning drunk drivers on their first offense will discourage others from drunk driving. If one person is put in jail due to drunk driving, it will also be a big shock for those who are likely to do the same. The person who has been imprisoned may persuade others that it is simply not worth doing such a stupid thing by taking himself or herself as an example. Therefore, a harsher punishment, such as imprisonment on the first offense, will stop more people from committing the crime and in return save more lives from the tragedies. To sum up, drunk driving is a serious crime but it is completely preventable. If a harsher punishment is employed, people would think twice before they intend to drive drunk, and the rates of road accidents could be lowered significantly.

structure什么意思 structure翻译

1、structure英[u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259(r)]、美[u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259r] 2、n.结构; 构造; 结构体; (尤指)建筑物; 精心组织; 周密安排; 体系; 3、vt.使形成体系; 系统安排; 精心组织; 4、[例句]One of the panels had become detached from the main structure.一块镶板已从主体结构上脱落。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:structures 复数:structures 现在分词:structuring 过去式:structured 过去分词:structured

网申签名问题 enter your initials 是什么意思


结构化设计( Structured Design, SD )是一种面向( )的方法,该方法中(请作答此空)是实现功能的基本单位。

【答案】:A此题考查结构化设计基本概念,题目内容源于教程。结构化设计(Structured Design, SD)是一种面向数据流的方法,它以SRS和SA阶段所产生的数据流图和数据字典等文档为基础,是一个自顶向下、逐步求精和模块化的过程。SD方法的基本思想是将软件设计成由相对独立且具有单一功能的模块组成的结构,分为概要设计和详细设计两个阶段,其中概要设计的主要任务是确定软件系统的结构,对系统进行模块划分,确定每个模块的功能、接口和模块之间的调用关系;详细设计的主要任务是为每个模块设计实现的细节。

Structured Note 是什么意思啊啊?

structured note 连动式债券;结构型债券;连动债例句筛选1.Note that structured data types are not supported.注意,不支持结构化数据类型。2.Tasting note: a full and flavoursome wine, deep-hued with lifted aromaticsand a structured but supple palate.口味特征:这是一款饱满而且口味丰富的红葡萄酒。酒色浓郁,芬芳怡人,架构清晰。

Structured Note是什么意思啊?


什么是structured payments

structured payments结构性付款payments[英]["peu026amu0259nts][美]["peu026amu0259nts]n.支付,付款,缴纳,报酬( payment的名词复数 ); 付出的[要付出的]款项; 报答,报偿; 双语例句 How do you track cash payments?你是怎么追踪现金交易的?

structured writing是什么意思?

写作 或 计算机架构记录

tip of your tongue歌词翻译

ti-ti-ti-tip of your tongue oohh yeah i see you always turning round & round in your mind your nerves are working overtime i think i know what you"re thinkin so talk to me i swear i almost heard those three words i know they wanna fall off the tip of your tongue they"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging on boy, you can"t hide what i can see in your eyes you can"t tell me it"s not love on the tip of your tongue ti-ti-ti-tip of your tongue the tip of your tongue you"re standing in the shadow of a broken yesterday somebody must have hurt you somewhere along the way but that was her and this is me come on and tell me now just let it out i know they wanna fall off the tip of your tongue they"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging on boy, you can"t hide what i can see in your eyes you can"t tell me it"s not love on the tip of your tongue i know you feel it for me what i"m feelin for you without sayin a thing it"s in everything you do every touch, every kiss got me ready for this now i swear that they hide your lips i know they wanna fall off the tip of your tongue they"re slipping off the edge... i know they wanna fall off the tip of your tongue they"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging on boy, you can"t hide what i can see in your eyes you can"t tell me it"s not love on the tip of your tongue i know they wanna fall off the tip of your tongue they"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging on boy, you can"t hide what i can see in your eyes you can tell me it"s not love on the tip of your tongue ti-ti-ti-tip of your tongue on the tip of your tongue

什么是structured abstract 和condensed abstract

structured abstract 和condensed abstract是结构式摘要和段落式摘要的意思,前者包括objective,methods,results,conclusions,有的还有background,不同的杂志有一些细微差别.后者即按照backround,objective,methods,results,conclusions的顺序写,但不需要特别注明以上几项

how many hours歌词翻译

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 十分喜欢这首歌,无奈英语能力有限.拜托了!!!谢谢各位英语达人!!!How Many HoursMothers giving birth to a little soncrying in the rain of falling bombsFather he is young but deep and wiseYou see the fighter inside his eyesHold me cover my sightThis is no paradiseDon"t show methe evil sides of the worldHow many hours and how many dayslove is just slipping awayHow many seasons and how many yearsin tearsHow many centuries and how many livesin fearPeople selling flowers like nothing"s going onturning their backs on a world gone wrongChildren play around I guess they found some wheelsYou see them running down the naked fieldsHold me cover my sightThis is no paradiseDon"t show methe evil sides of the worldHow many hours and how many dayslove is just slipping awayHow many seasons and how many yearsin tearsHow many centuries and how many livesin fear 解析: Mothers giving birth to a little son 母亲赐予小男孩生命 crying in the rain of falling bombs 在雨中对着落下的炸弹哭泣 Father he is young but deep and wise 父亲很年轻,但是却聪明有内涵You see the fighter inside his eyes 你从他眼中可以看到战斗力 Hold me cover my sight 搂着我,遮住我的视线 This is no paradise 没有什么人间乐园 Don"t show me 不要展示给我 the evil sides of the world 世界邪恶的一面 How many hours and how many days 多少个日夜,多少个分秒 love is just slipping away 爱正慢慢得远走 How many seasons and how many years 多少个季节,多少个年头 in tears 都在哭泣 How many centuries and how many lives多少个世纪,多少条生命 in fear 都在恐惧中 People selling flowers like nothing"s going on人们还在卖着鲜花,好像什么都没有发生一样 turning their backs on a world gone wrong当这个世界变化的时候,他们置之不理 Children play around I guess they found some wheels孩子们在玩耍,我向他们一定找到了轮子(没有停下来) You see them running down the naked fields你看到他们奔跑在贫瘠的土壤上 Hold me cover my sight 搂着我,遮住我的视线

Structured learning什么意思

结构化,有条理的学习例:As europeans try to harmonise higher education, some institutions are pushing the more structured learning that comes with an american phd.当欧洲人努力协调高等教育时,有些机构正在竭力推行来自美国的更加有组织的博士学习方式。home.52brain.com2.Curriculum is a structured series of intended learning outcomes.课程是预期的学习结果的构造系列。Provided by jukuu3.In this blog post I will write about how I taught them, why I structured the learning the way I did, and why it worked.在这篇博客中,我会介绍我是怎么教她们的,我构建教她们的方式的理由,以及这种方法是怎么起作用的。article.yeeyan.org4.It is moderate that schools are expected to operate a well-disciplined, structured environment that is conductive to learning.学校应该营造一种有利于学习的,有纪律的,有组织的环境,这是很正常的。jinan.neworiental.org5.Most learning doesn"t occur during formal training programs. It happens through processes not structured or sponsored by an employer or a school.多数学习发生在不是雇主(或学校)主导(或主办)的过程中,而非正式培训项目。blog.163.com


I know its time for me to stop now!girl I threw in the towelYeahCause now I keep myself what I chooseSo I"mma do what I can and ta tell you the truth.Believe me baby cause the best is all I can do-o oooh.Girl I know I cheated on you beforeI cant say I wont do it againI cant say I wont do it a-gainStick by my side girl I can changeWhat would I do-o without you yeahSometimes I just dont know what the fuck is wrong with meSomehow I know I will for youGirl I know I cheated om you beforeNo more coming home late staggering, yawning, going to sleep snoring girlI regret that......?I know that there is no one out there for me but youI keep slipping (slipping) and slippingI stopped for a minute (stopped)then I"m right back cheating on you-u (you you you)Girl I know I cheated on you beforeI cant say I wont do it againStick by my side girl I can changeSometimes I just dont know what the fuck is wrong with meGirl I know I cheated om you beforeI cant say I wont do it a-gainWhat would I do-o without you yeah

隔离的选择laura mercier,cdp,la mer,rmk,ipsa

你说这几个真是满难选的,我情况和你差不多, 也是毛孔粗,但没有痘印,先说LAURA M吧,它的隔离比较薄, 不是很能遮暇, 但是我没明白的是,你是打算用隔离来遮暇?还是粉底?如果是隔离,我想没有什么产品能作到遮暇。隔离最多一个润色的作用. 如果你喜欢轻薄型的隔离,那么LAURA M, IPSA, 和RMK都是这一类的,LM有一个叫OIL FREE的隔离,提亮效果不错。 RMK有款蓝色隔离是我一直给朋友推荐的,非常好推不说,而且很滋润很保湿也不油,虽然没有感觉到有遮盖的效果,但整张脸立刻变得有光泽,非常通透的效果~~很修饰脸色,打裸妆用这个简直PERFECT, IPSA~~就跟我上次说的一样,彩妆不能算很出色。 好,我们再说两个比较贵的,LA MER, 分有色和无色隔离,无色那个用起来就像乳液,滋润度优,个人觉得更适合偏干的皮, 润色隔离, 我买的是light,很自然的白皙,不用担心像其他一些润色隔离用起来脸马上变得白一两个色号。而且有一定的均匀肤色跟遮盖毛孔的效果,可以直接当粉底用,缺点是防晒值低, 夏天用不够. cdp, 跟它家产品一样,也分滋润/清爽型,我因为地区不同,所以买的滋润型,这个刚涂时有点惨白,不过一会就好了,个人觉得这个效果最好。 总之,RMK, LAURA M因为价格限制,效果不如LA MER和CDP, 你还是要去多试试.你的补充:LM的确颜色不尽如人意, 因为是欧美品牌的原因,所以还是颜色更针对外国女性的皮肤,并不如日系那么显白皙,至于CPB出痘, 我个人没有,我朋友也没这么说过,况且我自己对矿物油过敏. 我想CPB出痘的隐患还是满小的。

structured decision什么意思

structured decision结构化决策; 例句:1.Presents compatibility and implementation method of group decision tostructured problems and tentative idea of group decision to worse structuredproblems. 阐述了群体对结构化问题做决策的协调及实现方法,以及对结构不良问题做决策的设想。2.The uk-listed bank said its decision to bail out its structured investmentvehicles ( siv) would provide certainty for investors in the funds, for hsbcshareholders and for the bank itself and could help support the broadermarket by removing the threat of a firesale of the assets its vehicles held. 这家英国上市银行表示,为其结构性投资工具纾困的决定,将给基金投资者、汇丰银行股东以及汇丰银行自身带来信心,同时可能会通过消除其结构性投资工具所持资产遭到贱卖的威胁,从而支撑更广泛的市场。

Structured Finance 是什么意思??

structured finance[财]结构融资; 例句:Fitch"s quarterly Structured Finance Snapshots provide an analysis of developments in the structured finance sector.

Structured Note ,这指的是什么意思啊?

structured note 结构性票据解释:结构性票据(Structured Notes)是一种结合“固定收益型产品”及“衍生性金融产品”的投资工具,透过发行机构将大部分的本金投资于固定收益产品,利用剩余少数的本金从事衍生性金融产品的操作,同时达到保障本金与资产增值的目的(如利用95%的本金购买零息债券,5%的本金投资选择权等衍生性金融商品)。
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