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git bash 出现 resource temporarily unavailable 怎样解决

经过深入查询,排除了内存,句柄数等问题. 并且切换至root用户打开大量线程时没有问题。试着调整ulimit各项参数,最后发现是"max user processes "参数有问题,通过root用户调整大小至 12000,线程数也随着增大. Java代码 root@blog:/home/badqiu#...

速卖通Your account is temporarily unavailable.怎么处理


Resource temporarily unavailable,该怎么处理

经过深入查询,排除了内存,句柄数等问题. 并且切换至root用户打开大量线程时没有问题。试着调整ulimit各项参数,最后发现是"max user processes "参数有问题,通过root用户调整大小至 12000,线程数也随着增大.Java代码 root@blog:/home/badqiu# ulimit -a core file size (blocks, -c) 0 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited scheduling priority (-e) 0 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited pending signals (-i) 143360 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 32 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited open files (-n) 2048 pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8 POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200 real-time priority (-r) 0 stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited max user processes (-u) 2046 virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited file locks (-x) unlimited 在linux系统内生效。vi /etc/security/limits.confJava/">Java代码 * soft nproc 12000 * hard nproc 12000 nproc就是"max user processes",完整描述是: nproc - max number of processes参数含义:单个用户可以启动的线程数,因为进程也会启动一个线程,所以也间接对进程数有限制。注意:该参数只对普通用户有用,root用户不在此限制。 所以用root用户可以启动几万个线程,无法重现这个问题.

网页打不开出现resource temporarily unavailable


urban decay 眼影盘哪个好用




求大家帮忙看一下URBAN DECAY眼影是真的假的


how dou you spend your free time的作文


occur to是什么意思

occur to的意思是:被想到。一、读音:英[u0259u02c8ku025cu02d0(r) tu],美[u0259u02c8ku025cu02d0r tu]二、短语:1、occur to sb:浮现在某人脑海中,被人想起。2、occur to some extent:发生一定程度。三、例句:Did it occur to you that she might be dead?翻译:那你有想过她死了吗?扩展资料:occur to的近义词:dream。dream一、读音:梦想。二、详细释义:1、作名词时的意思是:梦;睡梦;梦想;理想;愿望;梦幻状态;恍惚;出神。2、作动词时的意思是:做梦;梦见;想象;梦想。三、短语:1、Dream Saga:梦幻传说;梦境传说;黑甜乡传说。2、Pipe dream:白日梦;管道之梦;幻想;美梦。四、例句:1、He had a dream about Claire.翻译:他梦见了克莱尔。2、Ivor dreamed that he was on a bus.翻译:艾弗梦见他在一辆公共汽车上。


去掉 return 还剩什么……

occur to是什么意思

occur to[英][u0259u02c8ku0259: tu:][美][u0259u02c8ku025a tu]…发生在; 被想起[到]; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.An irony that did not occur to her until much later. 直到很久以后她才想到那是一件讽刺的事。2.Why would it even occur to him? 他为什么会萌生这样的想法?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

沙田新城市广场有没有urban decay的专柜

  香港沙田新城市广场并没有urban decay的专柜。    香港urban decay专柜地址:   1、朗豪坊店:九龙旺角亚皆老街8号朗豪坊购物商场L2-06,   开放时间:11am - 11pm   2、尖沙咀海港城海运大厦2楼202号铺Facesss   开放时间:10am - 10pm   3、 铜锣湾勿地臣街1号时代广场4楼401-404号铺Facesss   开放时间:10am - 10pm

urban decay牛郎名字

space cowboy牛郎色_rban decay UD衰败城市牛郎单色眼影叫space cowboy_rban Decay中文名叫衰败城市。UD Naked 就是就是衰败城眼影。UD 是Urban Decay简写。

淘宝上很多店都在卖据说是尾货的urban decay naked2 ,价格从50多到100多的都有,请问是真的吗?


我买的URBAN DECAY~NAKED HEAT眼影盘,打开外包装,里面掉出个条形码,干嘛的?


urban decay怎么看生产日期


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日本东京和大阪哪里有urban decay的专柜?


沙田新城市广场有没有urban decay的专柜

  香港沙田新城市广场并没有urban decay的专柜。    香港urban decay专柜地址:   1、朗豪坊店:九龙旺角亚皆老街8号朗豪坊购物商场L2-06,   开放时间:11am - 11pm   2、尖沙咀海港城海运大厦2楼202号铺Facesss   开放时间:10am - 10pm   3、 铜锣湾勿地臣街1号时代广场4楼401-404号铺Facesss   开放时间:10am - 10pm

urban decay眼部打底膏哪个颜色好?urban decay眼部打底膏试色

提到urban decay,大家一定会自然而然的想到它们家的眼影,事实上这款眼部打底膏也和它们家的眼影一样有名气, 经常化妆的人,眼妆颜色容易晕开、流进双眼皮褶皱、或者颜色不能真实体现眼影本来的鲜艳色泽,都可以使用本品。 urban decay眼部打底膏颜色 【产品功效】:UDPP是油皮们的福音,是彩妆的必备品,超轻薄无色的质地,轻易就可以均匀的涂抹在眼皮上,能使之后的眼妆更均匀更持久,不脱妆,人手一个的好东西,24小时不脱妆的奇迹就是这样创造的。【产品简介】:URBANDECAY来自美国L.A,商品以彩妆为主,颜色大胆前卫,甚至带有颓废的色彩风格。色彩大胆、鲜明、流光闪烁、虹彩耀目,在追求创造自我风格的当代、玩出创意的彩妆诉求下,绝对值得推荐给独立自主、爱做怪、不随波逐流、充满个性的现代女子,让你做个百变高手。 1、原色(original)是无色的;在各种肤色上非常自然。对彩色眼影的显 色也非常好! 2、肤色(eden)是带遮瑕功能的。遮瑕效果很好,眼部提亮的效果也很明显。大多时候的显色度也不输UDPP原色的。 3、金色带闪(greed)是淡金色珠光的,新颜色,可以单用在内眼角提亮,也可用在眼影层下。适合在本身带有金色调或金色亮片下打底,会增加金色感。本身是有颜色的,可以单独当眼影使用,所以在其他眼影下作打底时显色效果比较差。 4、香槟色(sin)是香槟带珠光的,单用都可以当做淡淡的眼影,可以稍微改变眼影的发色,让眼影变得有点金属的质感!即使叠加在亚光眼影下,金属感也会透出眼影层。Greed则有时透不出来。如果叠加在Sin上面的眼影色比较浅,有可能会被Sin改变。 【适用人群】:混合/油性肌肤,不太适合干皮的菇凉。urban decay眼部打底膏试色 【使用方法】:取适量在手指上,然后快速在干净的眼皮上轻轻拍开。因为眼部打底都是比较容易干的,一定要快,然后涂抹均匀,不然对后续眼影的晕染会有影响的。然后内眼角和画下眼影的位置也要涂上眼部打底,但是这些细节位置比较难用手指来涂抹,可以选择用一支纤维毛的扁头眼线刷或者眼影刷,蘸取UDPP涂抹在细节的位置。试色图片:试色图原来是采用的网络上的,店主自留了一个4色小样,拍了个试色图,供美女们参考! urban decay眼部打底膏心得 rbanDecay眼部打底膏EyeshadowPrimerPotion,一时兴起决定买一个眼部打底膏,浏览了一下最受欢迎的眼部打底产品便发现了它,于是二话不说奔到Mecca买下了这款有antiaging功效的小号眼部打底膏,同系列还有其他具有不同功效的眼部打底,什么润色效果的乱七八糟的,BA说这款就很好只需要涂在眼皮上画后续的眼妆就会有很棒的效果,果然上了眼部打底膏再上眼影就会很显色晕妆的问题也淡化了很多 Urban Decay眼部打底膏。眼部爱出油的mm救星啊,我眼皮超爱出油,到下午眼皮就biling-biling跟上过油一样。小时候还得意眼睛不化妆也美美的,但长大了完全的嫌弃呐,涂什么过一会就全晕开了,巨丑。以前觉得用专柜化妆品可以改善晕染的状况,但我太天真。直到我用了urban decay的眼部打底,我一般都会用在眼皮和眼下,它真的是神一样的存在,一天都不会脱妆,不脱妆,不脱妆(重要的事情说三遍),能让眼影更加显色和持久。比起挤出来的包装,我更喜欢它现在小刷子的包装,卫生又不浪费,真是一生推!!! Ps:打底膏涂在眼皮上时尽量迅速的抹开,不然等它干了就很难推开了,切记!

urban decay定妆喷雾有酒精吗 ud定妆喷雾保质期

定妆喷雾是常见的定妆产品之一,定妆喷雾在控油持妆的同时还能保湿补水,喷完凉凉的挺舒服,一整天下来,妆容也比较持久服帖,一年四季都可以使用。 urban decay定妆喷雾有酒精吗 urban decay定妆喷雾是不含有酒精的。这款定妆喷雾一共有三个系列,一个是适合干皮的主打持妆保湿,一个是适合油皮的控油能力超强,还一款是非常热门的 All Nighter适合所有的肌肤。官方宣称可定妆16小时,实际情况虽然没有那么久,但是能满足日常所需要了,喷上脸瞬间变成雾面奶油肌,妆面融合的超级自然漂亮。唯一的缺点就是味道有一些女生不太能接受,因为它是无添加的,很多小仙女反馈会有口水味。定妆喷雾在使用上也是有一些小技巧的片,不仅可以在妆后定妆,还可以在妆前喷。妆前喷是在护肤之后,喷一层在脸上之后再上粉底液,这样会让妆容更服帖,特别干皮可以选择一些保湿的定妆喷雾,这样不会出现浮粉或者卡粉的情况。ud定妆喷雾保质期 开封保质期:衰败城市开封后6个月用完。 用法一:全脸定妆 第一步:在使用完粉底液后,将喷雾瓶举到离脸25cm到30cm的地方,然后轻轻按一下喷头,将定妆喷雾均匀的喷到全脸上。 第二步:喷完后用纸巾覆盖到脸上,吸走多余的水分。 用法二:眼部底妆 在上眼妆前,为了让眼影更显色,将定妆喷雾喷到化妆刷上,再上眼妆会让眼妆更显色也更持久。urban decay衰败城市定妆喷雾怎么样 第一次用定妆喷雾,在万能圈好多朋友推荐这款,就买来试试~成功种草。发货后隔天就收到了,没评价是因为打算试用过再评论。我配的是雅诗兰黛家的油皮亲妈dw,真是好用到爆炸,吃了dw的妆感,喷完是哑光感的,定妆力强,喷多也不会出问题,如果多了有油光可以用透明散粉再轻轻压一下,但是我容易卡粉,所以除了鼻子位置需要用lm散粉压一下再喷一点喷雾,hold一整天。带了一天框架鼻梁才花了一点,配合dw越油越逆天的效果真是好好,不戴框架正常情况反正一天也不会脱妆。?就是味道~~好像被喷了一脸口水~然后习惯了就没问题,味道很容易就散了,而且相对容易干透,喷雾雾状很美好,万能圈好多吐槽Mac喷头的都被我安利了这款。用完会回购,比散粉好用。 买的油皮使用版,这个定妆喷雾持妆控油效果非常牛逼,能延缓出油至少4小时以上。我觉得如果夏天大油田,可以试试在最后的步骤使用下这个,应该会有好的体验感,但是价格不算低,之前跟着毛蛋的视频种草了jill leen(复刻各种大牌彩妆口红)这个牌子,就没咋用过大牌了,买来发现除了包装以外,不光颜色和质地和原版效果差不多,持久度也没得说,因为他们家没有出所以来买个这个,每天吃土剁手真的是,收集彩妆这个爱好戒不掉早上七点化好妆喷了三下,中午十一点半基本和早上出门没变化。中午睡了两个小时起来看了一下鼻头有一点出油但是妆并不花,纸巾按压一下再补点蜜粉就OK!连老铁都说我的皮肤看起来特别好。特意用了两天才来评价的,持妆效果很不错。挺好用的,喷完晾干的过程中紧绷感没有all nighter明显,是会有点凉凉的感觉,适合中干皮,味道的话貌似比all nighter重点?不过没太大影响的。喷雾真的超级好用 持妆能力远超cover fx之流 而且妆效还贼好看……就是喷头真的不怎么好用 不过不是事儿 往天上喷然后用脸接着就ok了 或者换个好用的喷瓶就行了 把cover fx的用完之后把这个装进去 目测以后不会换喷雾了!!混干表示很满意。urban decay衰败城市是什么牌子 URBAN DECAY是来自美国L.A的前卫型化妆品品牌。商品以彩妆为主,颜色前卫性感,带有时尚的色彩风格,鲜明、流光闪烁、虹彩耀目,在追求创造自我风格、玩出创意的彩妆的时代,绝对值得推荐给充满个性与时尚的确的现代女生,让你做个百变高手。 1、眼部打底膏 挺耐用的一支,10ml可以用很久了,价格也在一百五软妹币左右。分四个色号,我选择2号,遮瑕力蛮强,可以让眼影显色且不脱妆,比较适合夏天或者油性皮肤。而它的香槟色不仅可以打底,赶时间的话涂这个充当眼影也很美。 2、眼线液 十种颜色可选的金属光泽眼线液笔,可以画出blingbling的彩色眼线,契合当今潮流,让你更有个性,更可贵的是画出来不是那种廉价的金属感。

Twins的《Burn It Up》 歌词

Burn It Up作曲:陈伟、Edward Chan、Charles Lee作词:李焯雄、黄伟文编曲:Joey Lo演唱:TwinsTwins-Burn It Up【八十块环游世界】摊开手掌八十个铜板头像忽然射出强光商场切换恒河岸我是无壳的蛋黄自由的流荡米兰花瓣泰姬陵飘香伦敦急降溅起红海浪靠在你肩膀更紧张爱在飞翔没有围墙像电影一样场景随意换宝莱坞现场豪华又浪漫快给我波斯飞毯不着地的幸福感弄蛇人笛子在响地球骨头都变软爱不是天方夜谭神灯般愈擦愈亮我想好有成就感什么都得到后冠不管不管想怎样就怎样想玩就玩功课都不用赶杀价最在行八十块买到水钻【一时无两】如有两套马戏在演在空中的千秋旋转衬托行钢线表演都不太乱如猛兽正扑向右边而小丑竟滑过面前控制住两边的视线人往往有两个重点为相恋跟事业而战我盼望两边演出都不会乱如要照顾两个剧院若我分神接那飞剑问跳火圈怎算(跳火圈怎算)谁有空分身有限时间用在哪边荣耀百千愿这边和那边款款亦有点让我闪同步照出东西精彩的两面任我选愿这边和那边双双在发展但我知谁亦要拣一边专注一直线如有两个我去值班能省一省节目时间以法术锯开身体不敢怠慢上半个我要去换衫下半身狂舞撑一撑又怕只出一半力无法顺利过关La……Hey yeah 我抓不牢Oh hey yeah 我往下掉Hey yeah 怎样才好Oh hey yeah 梦醒得早我困在三年二班课文只认得一半爱是否天方夜谭你永远高不可攀还是得回家吃饭我要存钱买耳环http://music.baidu.com/song/14490720

Najee的《Burn It Up》 歌词

『 Burn it up 』歌手:玉木宏作词:Tarantula & Kitaura Masataka作曲:Kitaura MasatakaIt"s kinda funnyfeel like I"ve been deceiving myself 知らぬ间にI"m ready to break myself, everything 満たせないfeel it, 胸のpain like a hard rain but I don"t carecause it"s my decision 今からはwow 忘れない I get myself backwow だから never ever look back yeah今 远くへ远くへ忘れかけていた梦をもう一度 again もう一度きっと brighter day このままで 终われないI gotta keep on trying失くしてた自分取り戻すどこまでも一途だった 想いまだ消えてないもう谁が何言おうと no matter what they saywow 目を伏せたまま生きていたwow あるがまま just get yourself a gun行けるとこまで 行くだけI ain"t got nothing to lose 止まらないこの痛みさえ焼き付けて燃やせ burn it out, burn it up鼓动にこの身を委ね全てが突き抜けるまでwow 戻りはしない I get myself backwow だから never ever look back yeah今 远くへ远くへ忘れかけていた梦をもう一度 again もう一度燃やせ burn it out, burn it up鼓动にこの身を委ね全てが突き抜けるまで- ヘルズ·ゲート歌词の组织 -http://music.baidu.com/song/3491235


burn的意思英语是:1、烧;燃烧;晒黑;晒痛;晒伤;以…作燃料;飞速驾驶;刻录;烧伤;烫伤。2、烫伤;烧伤;消耗;烧除地上草木;小溪;烧痕;灼痛;灼热;火辣感觉。短语搭配:1、burn the candle at both ends。过度劳累, (起早贪黑而疲惫不堪)超负荷工作。2、burn down。焚为平地,烧得精光。3、burn the midnight oil。挑灯夜战,熬夜。4、burn up。旺起来;烧起来;被焚毁。

burning up中文歌词

nick carter - burning up (feat briton "briddy" shaw)you you are the game that i wanna playand i i just wanna know your namethe way you dance, dance, dance on the floorwhile everybody drinks, drinks, drinks, drinks some moreit got me thinking "damn!"i wanna take you back home with methis club is so highand your light it up it"s ready to blowhands up, don"t stopif you"re sexy then get out of controllet"s get fired up, get, get fired uplet"s get fired up, get, get fired uplet"s get fired up, get, get fired uplet"s get fired up, get, get fired upi"m burning up and upi"m burning up and upi"m burning up and upso all you sexy people burn it upyou not tryin" to sweat cause you have bought a nice dressdon"t you think, do you think your stylin"took a shot now she is whylin"haha reversin", poppin", drop it, drop it, stock markin"she wet and i"m coast guardin"i"mma let my boy nick tell em wh-wh whats poppin"the way you shake, shake, shake, shake that assit makes me wanna come, come, come get it fastyou got me thinking "damn!"i wanna take you back home with methis club is so highand your light it up it"s ready to blowhands up, don"t stopif you"re sexy then get outta controllet"s get fired up, get, get fired uplet"s get fired up, get, get fired uplet"s get fired up, get, get fired uplet"s get fired up, get, get fired uplets go!i"m burning up and upi"m burning up and up (let"s go, let"s go, let"s go)i"m burning up and upso all you sexy people burn it upso everybody that is hotjust cool off here and just take a shotput your cup in the airand say you don"t carei don"t careyo i don"t careput your cup in the air and say you don"t carei don"t care, i don"t careput your cup in the air and say you don"t carecause it"s burnin" up in herei"m burning up and upi"m burning up and upi"m burning up and upso all you sexy people burn it upi"m burning up and upi"m burning up and upi"m burning up and upso all you sexy people burning upi"m burning up

burn up与burn down的区别

意思和侧重点不同,burn up意思是烧光,burn down意思是烧毁;前者注重的是结果,后者注重的是一个动作。Burn可以作及物动词、不及物动词、名词使用。 burn的用法 burn的基本意思是“烧”,指“燃烧”(自燃或人为点燃),也可指“烧伤”(各种原因如烧、烫、烤等及各种程度)。引申则可表示“情绪激动”(如怒火中烧)。 burn可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。burn可用于被动结构。 burn还可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。 burn的过去式和过去分词有两种形式,burned或burnt。英式英语中用作不及物动词或用作比喻时用burned,用作及物动词或形容词时用burnt;美式英语中一般只用burned,只有过去分词作形容词时才用burnt。 burn作不及物动词用于现在进行体时,若主语为物,则主动形式含有被动意思。 burn的现在分词burning可用作形容词,在句中作表语,后接动词不定式表示“渴望的”、“热衷于”。burning也可修饰形容词,带有口语色彩,着重强调。

burn on中文是什么意思

burn on是英语短语短语词义:在...之上烧


杀人科Burn-up_s_cramble英文名 Burn-up_s_cramble 时长 13集上映信息 2004年1月12日 日本 故事时间是近代未来2023年的东京,社会国际化,流通的扩大。。。伴随这社会的变化,社会的黑暗面也在持续改编这。犯罪巧妙化,组织更加大规模化,社会治安持续恶化着。发现到事态严重性的当时政府,决定引入时代的系统,便是有组织并处理特殊犯罪的超常规警队。是为了要及时响应市民的要求,能迅速解决事件的少数精锐警察队一。杀人科简介 对于处理一些棘手的案件,警察总部就会派出特别警察W组出面解决。W组一共有六位成员,他们是队长玛姬,格斗手利绪,神枪手真弥,电脑专家莉丽卡,发明家娜比路和队中唯一的男性无济。 故事的主线是对抗一个神秘的犯罪组织,最后虽然解决了事件,可那个组织却并没有消失,也就是还有下文了。前两话很搞笑,可第三话后由于警察中有人被洗脑,所以警局中发生了警察杀人事件,包括利绪好朋友在内的很多人都殉职了,看的人心情非常沉重。 视频http://v.ku6.com/show/HDrr6MZ-EGyyZDVD.html

求一部动画BURN-UP W


burn up是什么意思?

烧掉 引申为发怒

救命!电脑中毒杀不死病毒名称 Heur:Trojan/PSW.QQPass

换个杀软呀 ,江民杀不掉 不一定别的也不行呀

澳洲高中这五个哪个好点呢:box hill high school,camberwell high school,kew high school,blackburn hig

1、box hill high school(博士山中学):位于墨尔本东部,曾经夺取首次科学学校奖,赢得新南威尔士大学举办的英语竞赛奖;数学竞赛奖;计算机水平竞赛奖。提别强调特优教育水平;纪律良好,教学严谨。维多利亚洲公立中学实行VCE考试体制,博士山中学最棒的学生可以拿到惊人的99.75分的优异毕业成绩;有8个学生其中也包括最棒的国际学生可以拿到98或更好的毕业成绩;12年级的17.2%可以拿到95的毕业成绩;12年级的29.3%可以拿到90的毕业成绩。2、camberwell high school(坎伯韦尔中学):位于墨尔本Camberwell 区,这里是墨尔本的最佳居住区之一, 交通方便,环境优美,是学习和生活的好地方。2012年共有291位VCE学生,其中9.1%学生的VCE成绩在40分以上(满分50),位列维多利亚州全部366所公立高中第24位。2012年VCE成绩的平均分为31分,位列维多利亚州全部366所公立高中第28位。坎伯韦尔高中晋升大学的成绩屡创高峰。近年来,学校参加维多利亚州中学毕业考试(VCE)的学生中40%的成绩进入全州5%最佳成绩之列。58%的毕业生顺利晋升维州最佳的墨尔本大学和莫那什大学(Monash University)。3、kew high school(基尤中学):位于墨尔本东部,澳洲CVE公立学校排名中位于第31名,平均分为31分,学校超过40分的优秀生比例为9.1%。4、blackburn high schoole(布莱克本高中):位于墨尔本近郊,取得VCE(澳大利亚维多利亚省的教育证书)占98%、大学升学率 73%、升入国家职业教育和培训19%。  选择澳洲中学:除了费用之外,最重要的是要看课程设置,它的地理位置,学生毕业成功率。推荐博士山中学和坎伯韦尔中学,希望对你有帮助!



There is an English corner at our school.哪个是主语?

English corner 是主语.

In many English homes, people eat four meals a day: breakfast,lunch,tea and dinner. People have bre



survey同义词是:investigation一、基础释义:n.调查;审查二、短语搭配:(1)investigation into对...的调查(2)launch an investigation展开调查(3)criminal investigation刑事调查;刑事侦查;刑事犯罪调查(4)under investigation调查中;正在调查;受到调查三、双语例句:(1)An investigation is being carried out into the disappearance of the money.正在对这笔钱的丢失进行一场调查。(2)Two officers were suspended from duty pending the outcome of the investigation.调查结果出来前,两名军官被暂时停职。(3)The request for an investigation was remitted to a special committee.调查申请被提交给一个特别委员会。

What is the different with "survey" and "investigation"?


高中英语问题,大家帮我看看, 这个单词:investigation和survey有什么区别



Camera照相机. 翻译为:不要忘记带照相机,我们要照一些照片.


答案选择C ,意思是:外面很冷,不要忘记穿上你的外套 ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~



求音乐:dont forget your old shipmates

Don"t Forget Your Old Shipmates 歌词:Safe and sound at home again, let the waters roar, Jack. Safe and sound at home again, let the waters roar, Jack. ChorusLong we"ve tossed on the rolling main, now we"re safe ashore, Jack. Don"t forget yer old shipmate, faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe! Since we sailed from Plymouth Sound, four years gone, or nigh, Jack. Was there ever chummies, now, such as you and I, Jack? Long we"ve tossed on the rolling main, now we"re safe ashore, Jack. Don"t forget yer old shipmate, faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe! We have worked the self-same gun, quarterdeck division. Sponger I and loader you, through the whole commission. Long we"ve tossed on the rolling main, now we"re safe ashore, Jack. Don"t forget yer old shipmate, faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe! Oftentimes have we laid out, toil nor danger fearing, Tugging out the flapping sail to the weather earring. Long we"ve tossed on the rolling main, now we"re safe ashore, Jack. Don"t forget yer old shipmate, faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe! When the middle watch was on and the time went slow, boy, Who could choose a rousing stave, who like Jack or Joe, boy? Long we"ve tossed on the rolling main, now we"re safe ashore, Jack. Don"t forget yer old shipmate, faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe! There she swings, an empty hulk, not a soul below now. Number seven starboard mess misses Jack and Joe now. Long we"ve tossed on the rolling main, now we"re safe ashore, Jack. Don"t forget yer old shipmate, faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe! But the best of friends must part, fair or foul the weather. Hand yer flipper for a shake, now a drink together. Long we"ve tossed on the rolling main, now we"re safe ashore, Jack. Don"t forget yer old shipmate, faldee raldee raldee raldee rye-eye-doe!参考资料:http://www.napoleonguide.com/music_forget.htm

hire purchase和on instalments区别

我在wordreference查了一下 hire purchase: Hire purchase is a sort of leasing arrangement under which once all the periodic payments have been made,the customer takes ownership of the equipment. 强调的是leasing arrangement,是一种租赁关系,而租者拥有租赁期间的是用权. on installments 更侧重于购买的分期付款,比如购房首付分期什么的~ 租者拥有产权 希望回答对你有用


  return是归还,return sth to sb把某物归还给某人  rent是租借,rent sth to sb把某物租给某人  hire是雇用,hire sb雇用某人  满意请采纳,谢谢


逐渐增多increased gradually;gradually increased;increases gradually||

spice up your life歌词

La la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la When you"re feeling sad and low We will take you where you gotta go Smiling, dancing, everything is free All you need is positivity Colours of the world (Spice up your life!) Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!) People of the world (Spice up your life!) Aah... Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time) Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine) Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go round Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time) Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine) Chicas to the front (huh huh) Hi, see ya, hold tight! La la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la Yellow men in Timbuktu Colour for both me and you Kung-Fu fighting, Dancin" Queen Tribal spaceman and all that"s in between Colours of the world (Spice up your life!) Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!) People of the world (Spice up your life!) Aah... Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time) Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine) Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go round Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time) Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine) Chicas to the front (huh huh) Hi, see ya, hold tight! Flamenco, Lambada, but hip-hop is harder We moonwalk the Foxtrot, then Polka the Salsa Shake it shake it shake it, haka! Shake it shake it shake it, haka! Arriba! Colours of the world (Spice up your life!) Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!) People of the world (Spice up your life!) Aah... Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time) Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine) Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go round Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time) Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine) Chicas to the front (huh huh) Hi, see ya, hold tight! Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time) Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine) Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go round Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time) Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine) Chicas to the front (huh huh) Hi, see ya, hold tight!望采纳,谢谢。

Spice Up Your Life (Morales Beats) 歌词

歌曲名:Spice Up Your Life (Morales Beats)歌手:Spice Girls专辑:Spice Up Your LifeArtist: Spice GirlsAlbum: SpiceworldTitle: Spice Up Your LifeLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laWhen you"re feeling sad and lowWe will take you where you gotta goSmiling, dancing, everything is freeAll you need is positivityColours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!La la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laYellow men in TimbuktuColour for both me and youKung-Fu fighting, Dancin" QueenTribal spaceman and all that"s in betweenColours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!Flamenco, Lambada, but hip-hop is harderWe moonwalk the Foxtrot, then Polka the SalsaShake it shake it shake it, haka!Shake it shake it shake it, haka!Arriba!Colours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!http://music.baidu.com/song/2570751

Spice Up Your Life 歌词

歌曲名:Spice Up Your Life歌手:Spice Girls专辑:SpiceworldArtist: Spice GirlsAlbum: SpiceworldTitle: Spice Up Your LifeLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laWhen you"re feeling sad and lowWe will take you where you gotta goSmiling, dancing, everything is freeAll you need is positivityColours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!La la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laYellow men in TimbuktuColour for both me and youKung-Fu fighting, Dancin" QueenTribal spaceman and all that"s in betweenColours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!Flamenco, Lambada, but hip-hop is harderWe moonwalk the Foxtrot, then Polka the SalsaShake it shake it shake it, haka!Shake it shake it shake it, haka!Arriba!Colours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!http://music.baidu.com/song/28217272

spice up your life 翻译







EF使用EntityTypeConfiguration配置映射关系我们可以定义一个继承自EntityTypeConfiguration<>泛型类的类来定义domain中每个类的数据库配置,我们在这个自定义类的构造函数中使用我们上次提到的那些方法配置数据库的映射。实体类关系的映射实体类映射中,关系的映射配置在关系的两端都可以配置。例如,用户信息与登录信息的 一对多 关系可以在用户信息端配置:HasMany(m => m.LoginLogs).WithRequired(n => n.Member);等效于在登录日志信息端配置:HasRequired(m => m.Member).WithMany(n => n.LoginLogs);但是,如果所有的关系映射都在作为主体的用户信息端进行配置,势必造成用户信息端配置的臃肿与职责不明。所以,为了保持各个实体类型的职责单一,实体关系推荐在关系的非主体端进行映射。用户信息映射类,用户信息是关系的主体,所有的关系都不在此映射类中进行配置

Medusa will turn cars and their owners to stone.

turn to和 turn into是一样的用法。


现在深度学习在机器学习领域是一个很热的概念,不过经过各种媒体的转载播报,这个概念也逐渐变得有些神话的感觉:例如,人们可能认为,深度学习是一种能够模拟出人脑的神经结构的机器学习方式,从而能够让计算机具有人一样的智慧;而这样一种技术在将来无疑是前景无限的。那么深度学习本质上又是一种什么样的技术呢? 深度学习是什么 深度学习是机器学习领域中对模式(声音、图像等等)进行建模的一种方法,它也是一种基于统计的概率模型。在对各种模式进行建模之后,便可以对各种模式进行识别了,例如待建模的模式是声音的话,那么这种识别便可以理解为语音识别。而类比来理解,如果说将机器学习算法类比为排序算法,那么深度学习算法便是众多排序算法当中的一种(例如冒泡排序),这种算法在某些应用场景中,会具有一定的优势。 深度学习的“深度”体现在哪里 论及深度学习中的“深度”一词,人们从感性上可能会认为,深度学习相对于传统的机器学习算法,能够做更多的事情,是一种更为“高深”的算法。而事实可能并非我们想象的那样,因为从算法输入输出的角度考虑,深度学习算法与传统的有监督机器学习算法的输入输出都是类似的,无论是最简单...

4. 下面是一个简单的VHDL描述,请画出其实体(ENTITY)所对应的原理图符号和构造体(ARCHITECTURE)所对应


文化研究中 表征(representation) 话语(discourse) 对话(dialogue)的差异在哪里?

我不明白“文化研究”这个大前提,但是在意义上面,representation是具有代表性的会议和和陈述。discourse是指演讲论述,注重的事course, 定主题的,特定的的演讲和论述。dialogue则是指对话和对白,也可以指两个人的对话。三个都有演讲和陈述的意思,但是针对的对象和规模,演讲的目的都不一样。

报表中 entity currency 和 entity curr total是什么意思


uc surface 怎么设置中文


"your my everything and i need you to know?"是什么歌曲上的歌词?

原版:Jennifer Lopez的You Are Everything歌名:me and you you are my everything 你是我的全部and you have to know 而你必须知道I just can"t waiting for a moment 我一分一秒都无法等待and I love you so 我如此爱你oh baby you are my everything 你是我的一切but I have to say 但我必须说I have been give you a promise 我曾给过你的承诺and will to do so 我一定会做到and I love you loving you all day 我爱你 爱你每一天and all night I just want see your face 整夜我都想看着你的脸tell me what should I do to loving you 告诉我 爱你我应该做些什么tell me what can I do to meeting you 告诉我 见你我应该做些什么Me and you 我和你hurry up and what can we do 我们赶紧为爱做些什么Me and you 我和你I will love you 我会爱你的Oh, baby, baby, please don"t go 宝贝 请不要走I just wanna let you know 我只想让你知道you are my lover never never end 你将永远是我的最爱so pretty that how I can say 只可惜我不知道怎么去表达Oh, baby, baby, please don"t go 宝贝 请不要离开I just wanna let you know 我只是想让你知道you are my lover never never end 你将永远是我的最爱so pretty that how I can say 只可惜我不知道我怎么去表达and i love you, loving you all day 我爱你,爱你每一天and all night I just want see you face 整晚我都想看着你的脸tell me what should I do to loving you 告诉我,爱你我应该做些什么tell me what can I do to meeting you 告诉我,见你我应该做些什么me and you 我和你hurry up and what can we do 我们赶紧为爱做些什么me and you 我和你Oh, baby, baby, please don"t go 宝贝 请不要走i will love you 我会爱你的I just wanna let you know 我只想让你知道you are my lover never never end 你将永远是我的最爱so pretty that how I can say 只可惜我不知道怎么去表达Oh, baby, baby, please don"t go 宝贝 请不要离开我I just wanna let you know 我只想让你知道you are my lover never never end 你将永远是我的最爱so pretty that how I can say 只可惜我不知道怎么去表达you are my everything 你是我的全部and i need you to know 而你必须知道I just can"t waiting for a moment 我一分一秒都无法等待and I love you so 我如此爱你o baby you are my everythin 你是我的一切but i need you to know 而你必须知道I have been give you a promise 我曾给过你的承诺and i will to do so 我一定会做到Oh, baby, baby, please don"t go 宝贝 请不要走I just wanna let you know 我只想让你知道you are my lover never never end 你将永远是我的最爱so pretty that how I can say 只可惜我不知道怎么去表达Oh, baby, baby, please don"t go 宝贝 请不要离开I just wanna let you know 我只想让你知道you are my lover never never end 你将永远是我的最爱so pretty that how I can say 只可惜我不知道怎么去表达

"your my everything and i need you to know?"是什么歌曲上的歌词?

歌曲 me and you歌手 AL酷狗可以找到you are my everything 你是我的全部 and you have to know 而你必须知道 I just can"t waiting for a moment 我一分一秒都无法等待 and I love you so 如此的爱你 oh baby you are my everything 你是我的一切 but I have to say 但我必须说 I have been give you a promise 我曾给过你的承诺 and will to do so 我一定会做到

Unfortunately, very few sheep (survived?) the severe winter last year.

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Unfortunately, very few sheep () the severe winter last year. 选项: a、a. survived b、 b. endured c、 c. spent d、 d. remained alive 解析: A存活

Have the courage to follow your heart. Everything else is secondary .


your heart is free have the courage to follow it是什么意思


with courage razher zhan fear in his heart什么意思


"Your heart is free,have the courage to follow it


英语选择题求解释:“when i returned home,i found the window open and a number of things_____”


求heart of courage 完整版 最好就是无损版


求heart of courage唱词?

Heart of Courage - Two Steps From HellThe promise,RedemptionThis time we fight for freedomThe dreamerAwaking,Shattered by loveThe courageTogetherWe lean against destructionSalvation, remissionWait, my new worldWe take it,We save it,Our hearts unite each otherThe one who dies with youFollow your path soldier,We face it, we save itUntil our last breath fadingWherever, don"t matterBurning love for Gaia!

take me home to your place 其中的一句歌词 这是什么歌呀?


求Heart of courage英文唱词?

The promiseRedemptionThis time we fight for freedomThe dreamerAwakingShattered by loveThe courageTogetherWe lean against destructionSalvation, remissionWait,my new worldWe take itWe save itOur hearts unite each otherThe one who dies with youFollow your path soldierWe face it, we save itUntil our last breath fadingWherever, don"t matterBurning love for Gaia!

Heart Of Courage是哪部电影的




求s z y三个字母可以组成那些有意义的词组 例:BYD=build your dream NSD=never say die 就这个意思 有加


《fall》 the saturdays歌词

i gave you all you desired all that you needed boy, i provided i let you into my head, into my bed and that"s a privilege i had you back in the enters you took the dollars i took the gentiles defended the battle before cause i really thought you loved me i don"t know where to start or where to stop (no) but i know i am gone, i"ve had enough so fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall you said that you were the strong one i was the girl and i was the young one i kept your feet on the ground my head in the rounds, i had you you tell me you were so grateful i was with you and i was so faithful i stood by in all that you said and all that you dared, i loved you i don"t know how to act or what to say but i know i am gone, i"ll be ok and you fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall fall, fall, fall, fall haaa, fall, fall i want you to fall.......... fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall


counter culturist是指反主流文化者。

My favourite animal is zebra。英语作文。

My favourite animal is a dog or anything to do with the dog family. I love dogs. I also love their wild relatives, coyotes and wolves.The reason I love dogs so much is because they are loyal and they are man"s best friend. I have a dog. He is part Australian cattle dog. His name is Ice. I love Ice very much.The reason I love Ice so much is because when we first got him, just a little over a year ago, he had hurt his paw. I walk slower than most people do because I have congenital chorea. I took Ice outside one morning and I was walking down the stairs to get to our front lawn. Ice sat at the top of the stairs, holding his sore paw up in the air and he waited until I had gotten all the way down the stairs before he went down them.

Turn Up The Music 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Up The Music歌手:Chris Brown专辑:Turn Up The MusicTurn Up The MusicChris BrownTurn up the music,cause this song just came onTurn up the music,if they try to turn us downTurn up the music,can I hear it til the speakers blowTurn up the music,fill your cup and drink it downIf you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the airPut your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands upIf you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the airPut your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands upTurn up the music, just turn it up loudTurn up the music, I need it in my life, yeahTurn up the music, just turn it up loudTurn up the music, I need it in my life, yeahOh, oh, oh, ohTurn up the musicOh, oh, oh, ohTurn up the musicTu-turn up the musicTu-turn up the...Turn up the musiccause the sun just came upTurn up the music,if they try to turn us downTurn up the music,cause i"m trying to hear the speakers blowTurn up the music,fill your cup and drink it downIf you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the airPut your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands upIf you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the airPut your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands upAnd Turn up the music,just turn it up loudTurn up the music,I need it in my life, yeahTurn up the music,just turn it up loudTurn up the music,I need it in my life, yeahOh, oh, oh, ohTurn up the musicOh, oh, oh, ohSave my life, all I wanna do is partySo dj turn it upGirl, dance with me, just dance with meGirl can I see that, I really wanna touch thatMaybe can I beat that (don"t stop the)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it upTurn up the music, just turn it up loudTurn up the music, I need it in my life, yeahTurn up the music, just turn it up loudTurn up the music, I need it in my life, yeahOh, oh, oh, ohCan you turn it up, girlOh, oh, oh, ohCan you turn it up, babyTurn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it up (just dance with me)Turn it upTurn up the musichttp://music.baidu.com/song/13762904

turn up the music的歌词

[chris brown]u200bturn up the music, cause this song just came on让乐声大作吧,没错就是这首歌turn up the music, if they try to turn us down让乐声大作吧,如果他们想要使我们落寞turn up the music, can i hear it til the speakers blow让乐声大作吧,让我听到每一台音响的吼叫turn up the music, fill your cup and drink it down让乐声大作吧,斟满你的酒杯然后开怀畅饮if you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air你知道应该在空中挥舞双手,如果你足够性感put your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands up在空中挥舞双手吧,女孩,挥舞双手吧if you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the airu200b,put your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands up你知道应该在空中挥舞双手,如果你足够性感。在空中挥舞双手吧,女孩,挥舞双手吧turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeah让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeahu200b,oh, oh, oh, oh让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶,哦,哦,哦,哦turn up the music让乐声大作吧oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦turn up the music让乐声大作吧turn up the music让乐声大作吧tu-turn up the…让乐声大作吧...turn up the music, cause this song just came on让乐声大作吧,没错就是这首歌turn up the music, if they try to turn us down让乐声大作吧,如果他们想要使我们落寞turn up the music, can i hear it til the speakers blow让乐声大作吧,让我听到每一台音响的吼叫turn up the music, fill your cup and drink it down让乐声大作吧,斟满你的酒杯然后开怀畅饮if you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air你知道应该在空中挥舞双手,如果你足够性感put your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands up在空中挥舞双手吧,女孩,挥舞双手吧if you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the airu200b,put your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands up你知道应该在空中挥舞双手,如果你足够性感。在空中挥舞双手吧,女孩,挥舞双手吧turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeah让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeahu200b,oh, oh, oh, oh让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶,哦,哦,哦,哦turn up the music让乐声大作吧oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦save my life, all i wanna do is party拯救我的生活,这就是我的派对so dj turn it up所以DJ打开(音响)吧girl, dance with me, just dance with me女孩,伴我起舞吧,就这样疯狂摇摆吧girl can i see that, i really wanna touch that女孩让我看看吧,那些想要触碰的东西maybe can i beat that (don"t stop the)或许我能控制它(别停下)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up狂欢吧turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeah让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeah让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦can you turn it up, girl一起狂欢吧,女孩oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦can you turn it up, baby你能陪我狂欢吗,宝贝turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up狂欢吧turn up the music让乐声大作吧

Turn Up The Music 歌词

中文名称:将音乐调响外文名称:Turn up the music歌曲原唱:Chris Brown,Rihanna音乐风格:电子舞曲,house,流行舞曲歌曲语言:英语歌曲时长:3:49 所属专辑:《Fortune》发行公司:RCA发行时间:2012年2月7日编 曲:The Underdogs,Fuego填 词:Harvey Mason, Jr,Damon Thomas,FuegoMV导演:Godfrey Taberez,Brown歌词[chris brown]turn up the music, cause this song just came on让乐声大作吧,没错就是这首歌turn up the music, if they try to turn us down让乐声大作吧,如果他们想要使我们落寞turn up the music, can i hear it til the speakers blow让乐声大作吧,让我听到每一台音响的吼叫turn up the music, fill your cup and drink it down让乐声大作吧,斟满你的酒杯然后开怀畅饮if you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air你知道应该在空中挥舞双手,如果你足够性感put your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands up在空中挥舞双手吧,女孩,挥舞双手吧if you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air,put your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands up你知道应该在空中挥舞双手,如果你足够性感。在空中挥舞双手吧,女孩,挥舞双手吧turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeah让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeah,oh, oh, oh, oh让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶,哦,哦,哦,哦turn up the music让乐声大作吧oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦turn up the music让乐声大作吧turn up the music让乐声大作吧tu-turn up the…让乐声大作吧...turn up the music, cause this song just came on让乐声大作吧,没错就是这首歌turn up the music, if they try to turn us down让乐声大作吧,如果他们想要使我们落寞turn up the music, can i hear it til the speakers blow让乐声大作吧,让我听到每一台音响的吼叫turn up the music, fill your cup and drink it down让乐声大作吧,斟满你的酒杯然后开怀畅饮if you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air你知道应该在空中挥舞双手,如果你足够性感put your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands up在空中挥舞双手吧,女孩,挥舞双手吧if you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air,put your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands up你知道应该在空中挥舞双手,如果你足够性感。在空中挥舞双手吧,女孩,挥舞双手吧turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeah让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeah,oh, oh, oh, oh让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶,哦,哦,哦,哦turn up the music让乐声大作吧oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦save my life, all i wanna do is party拯救我的生活,这就是我的派对so dj turn it up所以DJ打开(音响)吧girl, dance with me, just dance with me女孩,伴我起舞吧,就这样疯狂摇摆吧girl can i see that, i really wanna touch that女孩让我看看吧,那些想要触碰的东西maybe can i beat that (don"t stop the)或许我能控制它(别停下)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up狂欢吧turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeah让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶turn up the music, just turn it up loud让乐声大作吧,就让它肆无忌惮地喧哗turn up the music, i need it in my life, yeah让乐声大作吧,我需要以此充实生活,耶oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦can you turn it up, girl一起狂欢吧,女孩oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦can you turn it up, baby你能陪我狂欢吗,宝贝turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up (just dance with me)狂欢吧(就这样伴我起舞)turn it up狂欢吧turn up the music让乐声大作吧


meanwhile是与此同时,furthermore是此外,而且 可以说furthermore含有向前叙说的含义
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