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return my money back

请把我的钱返还到我的账户里, 句子中return和back不要同时出现,建议去掉back

数码相机 EXPOSURE是什么意思

  曝光英文名称为Exposure,曝光模式即计算机采用自然光源的模式,通常分为多种,包括:快门优先、光圈优先、手动曝光、AE锁等模式。照片的好坏与曝光量有关,也就是说应该通多少的光线使CCD能够得到清晰的图像。曝光量与通光时间(快门速度决定),通光面积(光圈大小决定)有关。  快门和光圈优先:  为了得到正确的曝光量,就需要正确的快门与光圈的组合。快门快时,光圈就要大些;快门慢时,光圈就要小些。快门优先是指由机器自动测光系统计算出暴光量的值,然后根据你选定的快门速度自动决定用多大的光圈。光圈优先是指由机器自动测光系统计算出暴光量的值,然后根据你选定的光圈大小自动决定用多少的快门。拍摄的时候,用户应该结合实际环境把使曝光与快门两者调节平衡,相得益彰。  光圈越大,则单位时间内通过的光线越多,反之则越少。光圈的一般表示方法为字母“F+数值”,例如F5.6、F4等等。这里需要注意的是数值越小,表示光圈越大,比如F4就要比F5.6的光圈大,并且两个相邻的光圈值之间相差两倍,也就是说F4比F5.6所通过的光线要大两倍。相对来说快门的定义就很简单了,也就是允许光通过光圈的时间,表示的方式就是数值,例如1/30秒、1/60秒等,同样两个相邻快门之间也相差两倍  光圈和快门的组合就形成了曝光量,在曝光量一定的情况下,这个组合不是惟一的。例如当前测出正常的曝光组合为F5.6、1/30秒,如果将光圈增大一级也就是F4,那么此时的快门值将变为1/60,这样的组合同样也能达到正常的曝光量。不同的组合虽然可以达到相同的曝光量,但是所拍摄出来的图片效果是不相同的。  快门优先是在手动定义快门的情况下通过相机测光而获取光圈值。举例说明,快门优先多用于拍摄运动的物体上,特别是在体育运动拍摄中最常用。很多朋友在拍摄运动物体时发现,往往拍摄出来的主体是模糊的,这多半就是因为快门的速度不够快。在这种情况下你可以使用快门优先模式,大概确定一个快门值,然后进行拍摄。因为快门快了,进光量可能减少,色彩偏淡,这就需要增加曝光来加强图片亮度。物体的运行一般都是有规律的,那么快门的数值也可以大概估计,例如拍摄行人,快门速度只需要1/125秒就差不多了,而拍摄下落的水滴则需要1/1000秒。  手动曝光模式:  手控曝光模式每次拍摄时都需手动完成光圈和快门速度的调节,这样的好处是方便摄影师在制造不同的图片效果。如需要运动轨迹的图片,可以加长曝光时间,把快门加快,曝光增大;如需要制造暗淡的效果,快门要加快,曝光要减少。虽然这样的自主性很高,但是很不方便,对于抓拍瞬息即逝的景象,时间更不允许。  AE模式:  AE全称为Auto Exposure,即自动曝光。模式大约可分为光圈优先AE式,快门速度优先AE式,程式AE式,闪光AE式和深度优先AE式。光圈优先AE式是由拍摄者人为选择拍摄时的光圈大小,由相机根据景物亮度、CCD感光度以及人为选择的光圈等信息自动选择合适曝光所要求的快门时间的自动曝光模式,也即光圈手动、快门时间自动的曝光方式。这种曝光方式主要用在需优先考虑景深的拍摄场合,如拍摄风景、肖像或微距摄影等。  多点测光:  多点测光是通过对景物不同位置的亮度,通过闪光灯补偿等办法,达到最佳的摄影效果,特别适合拍摄别光物体。首先,用户要对景物背景,一般为光源物体进行测光,然后进行AE锁定;第二步是对背光景物进行测光,大部分的专业或准专业相机都会自动分析,并用闪光灯为背光物体进行补光。


exposure 的意思有:承受风险;收支差〔外汇〕这两句话里前者可翻译成收支差 后者翻译成风险




exu2027pou2027sure n AC / u026ak"spu0259u028au0292u0259 ; u026akˋspou0292u025a / 英 / u026ak"spu0259u028au0292u0259 /1 TO DANGER 受危害[U] when someone is in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant 暴露[+ to ]Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.长时间晒太阳会导致皮肤癌。2 TRUTH 真相[U] the action of showing the truth about someone or something, especially when it is bad 揭发,揭露[+ of ]the exposure of his underground political activity对他地下政治活动的揭露[+ as ]her fear of exposure as a spy她对间谍身份被揭露的惧怕3 PUBLIC ATTENTION 公众的注意[U] the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television etc 报道,关注SYN publicityThe failure of their marriage has got a lot of exposure recently.他俩婚姻失败一事最近被频频曝光。


exposure 英[u026ak"spu0259u028au0292u0259(r)] 美[u026aku02c8spou0292u025a] n. 暴露;揭发;公开;(商品等的)展出 名词复数:exposures [例句]That is one reason why investors seeking pure chocolate exposure face limited opportunities.这是那些寻求纯粹巧克力敞口的投资者选择有限的原因之一。

25.(1)I insist that you ______ me my money backuff0e (2)I insisted on your __________me my money backuff0e





exposure 风险




exposure 英 [iksu02c8pu0259uu0292u0259] 美 [u026aku02c8spou0292u025a]n.暴露,揭发,公开,(商品等的)展出[例句]Their sporting reputation has suffered enormously from Johnson"s exposure.由于约翰逊东窗事发,他们的体育声誉受到了严重损害。

exposure 什么意思?



expose 暴露 的名词形式 读法:[iks"pəuʒə] 最常用的意思就是暴露了


揭露; 曝光; 暴露 ;陈列




exposure英 [u026ak"spu0259u028au0292u0259(r)]    美 [u026ak"spou028au0292u0259r]n.暴露;揭露;胶片;曝光时间;(在电视、报纸等媒体上的)亮相;挨冻例:Her skin was dry after exposure to the wind.经过风吹后她的皮肤很干。

( )l. Look!Our cat is ________ a big mous

Look our cat is running after a big mouse.

frattura e integrita strutturale 是sci吗

目前还不是,但被EI收录。目前被收录列表如下:Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is indexed in:u2022 Academic Journals Databaseu2022 ACNP: Catalogo italiano dei periodiciu2022 ChemNetu2022 Clarivate Analytics (formerly ISI WoS - ESCI, since 2015)u2022 CNKI - China Academic Journals Electronic Publishing Houseu2022 DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal)u2022 EBSCO HOSTu2022 EI Compendexu2022 Electronic Journals Libraryu2022 Genamics JournalSeeku2022 Google Scholaru2022 Index Copernicus - ICF2016: 123.66u2022 InfoBase Indexu2022 JGate u2022 JournalGuideu2022 OCLC WorldCatu2022 OpenAIREu2022 Open Science Directoryu2022 Ores Scientific Platformu2022 ProQuestu2022 ResearchGate - JI2015: 0.69u2022 ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources)u2022 Scienceopenu2022 SCImago Journal & Country Ranku2022 Scopus (since 2012)u2022 Ulrichsweb - Global Serials Directory

Figurine的《Impossible》 歌词

歌曲名:Impossible歌手:Figurine专辑:Like CrazyNewsboys - ImpossibleI can"t see myself without YouWith You I get strength to do thingsI"ve never ever dreamt in a million yearsI"m unstoppable "cause You"re here with meUnbelievable how I can believeHow powerful You"ve caused me to be, yeahSee only You got me flying with eaglesWalking on waterWith You I can do the impossibleJump over mountains with one single boundI"ve found out I can do the impossibleDo the impossibleNo other soul could have saved meI feel You in every heartbeatYou"re incredible, invincible - so easy to seeYou"ve strengthened meI"m out of this world, oh yeah, now that I"m with YouI"m unbreakable, there ain"t no way I can loseSee only You got me flying with eaglesWalking on waterWith You I can do the impossibleJump over mountains with one single boundI"ve found out I can do the impossibleDo the impossible"Cause heaven is at the end of this roadMe and You, now I know I"m not aloneYou"re pierced in my heart, You"re not just in my headThis is what makes You the bestSee only You got me flying with eaglesWalking on waterWith You I can do the impossibleJump over mountains with one single boundI"ve found out I can do the impossibleDo the impossibleDo the in...No other soul could"ve saved meI feel you in every heartbeathttp://music.baidu.com/song/13701298

英语作文my. perfect. neighbourhood

My dream neighbourhood is in the center of city. It"s a great place to live. Because if offers us a convenient life which everybody dreams of. It"s a very busy and clean area. There are lots of cars on Center Street, especially in the morning and evening. Because most people travel at those two time periods. And there also is a tube station named Center Street Tube Station near my house which is a really convenient transportation for the neighbourhood




exterior 英 [ɪk"stɪərɪə; ek-] 美 [ɪk"stɪrɪɚ] adj. 外部的;表面的;外在的n. 外部;表面;外型;外貌outer 英 ["aʊtə] 美 ["aʊtɚ] adj. 外面的,外部的;远离中心的n. 环外命中external 英 [ɪk"stɜːn(ə)l; ek-] 美 [ɪk"stɝnl] adj. 外部的;表面的;[药] 外用的;外国的;外面的n. 外部;外观;外面outward 英 ["aʊtwəd] 美 ["aʊtwɚd] adj. 向外的;外面的;公开的;外服的;肉体的adv. 向外(等于outwards);在外;显而易见地n. 外表;外面;物质世界outside 英 [aʊt"saɪd; "aʊtsaɪd] 美 [,aʊt"saɪd] adj. 外面的,外部的;外来的n. 外部;外观adv. 在外面,向外面;在室外prep. 在…范围之外只注重分析形容词“外” 的意思outer是这里边最简单的一个词,就指一个物体离物体中心较远的部分,比如说有一个大房子,外屋就可以说outer room;exterior 指物体的表面,大房子的外墙是用混凝土做的,外墙 exterior wall,它的名词“外表,外观,外貌”用的较多,房子的外观the exterior of the house,还有 exterior shot 指外景镜头;external主要强调外来的,比如这个房子是文物,要在外面建一个墙保护这个房子,这个外面另外建的墙就可以说 external wall, 为什么要建外墙啊?因为有风雨雪空气这些外界环境会破坏文物external condition,叙利亚内战爆发有外界因素 external factor,还有表示“涉外的,对外的(国家)” external affairs 对外事务;outward 指“从外面开起来”,这个房子从外面看没有被破坏的痕迹 no outward sign of damage,这个人外面冷静outward calm,还有“外出的”意思, 我在房子里,outward journey指我要到房子外面走一圈但是我最终还是要回到房子里的;outside介词和副词的用法多余形容词,指“外面的,外部的,外聘的”,房子外的气温the outside tempreture,外面的世界 the outside world,外聘顾问outside constant关系不属于本单位的;都是表“外” 的,但是细细看来区别还是挺大的,当然也有一些可以互换的,比如外墙,outside wall 就可以换其他两个,而其他两个external wall和exterior wall则不能互换。

curve 的sort code是什么

sort code的意思是:银行代码、银行区号、分类代码、排序码、分类编码。swift code的意思是:迅速代码,该号码相当于各个银行的身份证号码。

feature owner是什么意思?


正确解释 we are getting ahead of ourselves





留学英国的留学生们需要经常完成各种形式的作业,其中比较常见的是Coursework。下面我将为大家介绍一些有用的写作技巧和注意事项,希望能帮到大家。1. 认真阅读指导书在着手写作之前,一定要仔细阅读指导书,并明确要求和要点。只有弄清楚老师想要你完成的内容和标准,才能更好地把握写作方向和重点。如果有不理解的地方,需要及时向老师请教。2. 制定合适的写作计划写Coursework不是一蹴而就的事情,需要制定合适的写作计划。你需要在规定时间内完成一定的进度,避免拖延或者赶工导致质量下降。可以在日历或者笔记本上列出计划,定期自我检查进度,确保按时完成。3. 收集并阅读重要资源书本、期刊、杂志、网站等都是写作的重要资源,一定要认真阅读和收集。尤其是在网络资源中,你可以发现很多不同的观点和主张,并结合自己的经验和创意,来展示独特的视角。4. 确定文章框架写Coursework前先确定文章的框架,包括引言、正文和结论等。在引言部分中,需要明确主题和论点,并展示自己的写作目的。正文部分可以根据自己的主张或者策略来展开,结论部分需要扼要概括写作的主旨,让读者得到清晰的结论。5. 确定文献引用格式在Coursework中引用文献是很常见的,因此需要知道什么样的格式适用于你的Subject Area。比如,一些领域需要应用APA格式,而其他领域则需要使用Harvard格式。如果不确定正确的格式,最好向老师请教或者咨询相关指导。6. 仔细检查文章语法和拼写语法和拼写错误通常会降低作业的质量,更容易被老师发现。因此,在提交之前一定要认真检查文章,确保语言和拼写不出问题。以上是写Coursework时需要注意的几个方面,希望对你有所帮助。做好充分准备,认真写作,相信你会得到优秀的成绩!

feature owner是什么意思?


《get ahead with your english》 翻译


get ahead of ourselves


正确解释 we are getting ahead of ourselves


stick your ass out是什么意思

stick out 突出;伸出;坚持 ass 屁股;驴子;蠢人stick your ass out 贴出你的屁股eg. Did I tell you to stick your ass out in the wind? 我有叫你把大屁股在寒风里翘得很高吗?

Stick to Your Choice 帮我翻译下谢谢; 了、各位大虾

这么长才给5分 不HD

stick out your tongue翻译

1.伸出舌头 put out your tongue(最一般的说法,stick out 也可以) 伸出手指头 stretch out your fingers 挺起胸膛 stick out your chest 2.stick out part of your body/your hands(与身体部位有关的词大多可以) 3.keep/hold your head up(我个人偏向这种)to chin up and chest out(这也是一种)




分类: 电脑/网络 >> 操作系统/系统故障 解析: URF 是英文UI Resource File的简称,URF是MatinSoft为AppFace专门开发的文件格式,每一个Skin就是一个URF文件,其中保存了这个Skin所用到的所有图片,相关尺寸信息,声音文件等.URF支持BMP,JPG,GIF等多种图形格式,而且将文件压缩后再保存在URF中,所以URF文件的体积都很小,一般来说,大概30K左右。加载速度也很快,您可以从磁盘文件,内存或资源中加载URF。MatinSoft 开发了URF的专门制作工具 AppFace SkinTool .如果您准备好了用于软件界面的图片,使用AppFace SkinTool制作URF是一件非常容易的事。 goldtach/matinsoft/chs/appface/urf


journée-jour=née 别砍俺

法语中表示时间的介词en/dans/pour/depuis/il y a/pendant的具体区别

1“en”是表示地点的介词,常用在阴性国名前,“en”还可表示在 夏天 秋天 冬天。2 介词dans 的意义和英语的in 意义是一样的。3 pour相当于英语的for.4 depuis 相当于英语的 since.5 il y a 后面常加一段时间 表示这段时间之前。应该说它是复合过去时的标志。6 pendant 相当于英语的during。


在这个句子中,有如下成分:主语:I(我)副词:naturally(自然地)谓语动词:assumed(假设)宾语从句:that she wanted to talk(她想要谈话)连词:that(引导宾语从句)主语:she(她)谓语动词:wanted(想要)宾语:to talk(谈话)

The Best Of Secret Garden 20th Century Masters - The Millemmium Collection


As soon as you have a baby, your maternal instincts kick in.


Deep Purple的《Lazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Lazy歌手:Deep Purple专辑:Machine Head (Remastered)You"re lazy just stay in bedYou"re lazy just stay in bedDeep PurpleYou don"t want no moneyYou don"t want no breadIf you"re drowning you don"t clutch no strawIf you"re drowning you don"t clutch no strawYou don"t want to live you don"t want to cry no moreWell my trying ain"t done no goodI said my trying ain"t done no goodYou don"t make no effort no not like you shouldLazy you just stay in bedLazy you just stay in bedYou don"t want no moneyYou don"t want no breadhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28133702

Deep Purple的《Lazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Lazy歌手:Deep Purple专辑:Phoenix RisingYou"re lazy just stay in bedYou"re lazy just stay in bedDeep PurpleYou don"t want no moneyYou don"t want no breadIf you"re drowning you don"t clutch no strawIf you"re drowning you don"t clutch no strawYou don"t want to live you don"t want to cry no moreWell my trying ain"t done no goodI said my trying ain"t done no goodYou don"t make no effort no not like you shouldLazy you just stay in bedLazy you just stay in bedYou don"t want no moneyYou don"t want no breadhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17760637

oh, labor is your father.


Jake Shimabukuro 是谁

杰克·岛袋(Jake Shimabukuro,1976年11月3日-)为来自美国夏威夷州的乌克丽丽演奏家。因有着多样化的演奏技巧,而被称为乌克丽丽界的吉米·亨德里克斯。具体可以参考百度百科词条:http://baike.baidu.com/view/8204818.htm?fromtitle=Jake+Shimabukuro&fromid=10940719&type=syn

解释英语习题“Where is your father?” “Oh, ____B____”.

he comes here 的倒装 = he is coming here

Jake Shimabukuro 是谁

杰克·岛袋(Jake Shimabukuro,1976年11月3日-)为来自美国夏威夷州的乌克丽丽演奏家。因有着多样化的演奏技巧,而被称为乌克丽丽界的吉米·亨德里克斯。杰克·岛袋出身于夏威夷州的檀香山,为日侨五世的日裔美国人。在四岁时因把玩由母亲给予的乌克丽丽琴而开始对此乐器产生兴趣,青年时期则曾在当地的咖啡馆演出过。乐团时期1998年杰克·岛袋从高校毕业后,与乔恩·山乡(Jon Yamasato,担任吉它)、罗帕卡·克隆(Lopaka Colon,担任打击乐器)三人组成名为“Pure Heart”的表演乐团开始公开演出。同一年Pure Heart发表了与乐团齐名的首张专辑,并在当年夏威夷的音乐大奖典礼“Na Hoku Hanohano”上获得了年度最佳新人、最佳专辑等奖项。在2000年因乔恩·山乡题出退出Pure Heart的要求,杰克·岛袋便与原先的团友罗帕卡·克隆及另一名的吉它手盖伊·克鲁兹(Guy Cruz)新组成名为“Colon”的乐团,该团体则同在2001年Na Hoku Hanohano典礼上夺得奖项。

Jake Shimabukuro 是谁

Jake Shimabukuro,1976年11月3日于夏威夷州檀香山出生,日裔美籍。受母亲的影响4岁开始接触UKULELE, 学生时代就已经展现其才能,高校毕业后的1998年作为PURE HEART乐队成员而亮相.通过天生的Dynamic创造性及超绝技巧将UKULELE这简单4弦乐器自由自在地表现而作为新型艺术家被注目。古典、摇滚、爵士、布鲁斯等所有音乐都以其卓越技巧和独自feeling得以升华。一边听Jimi Hendrix 、Edward Van Halen 等著名GUITARIST的音乐,一边考虑用UKULELE来表现的NEW WAVE就是Jake Shimabukuro.通过PURE HEART、COLON的活动、Jake亮相以来3年连续在NA HOKU HANOHANO AWARDS上获得被称为夏威夷的格莱美奖。并且终于从2002年开始进行SOLO活动。与此同时成功地在日本亮相。MINI专辑「Sunday Morning」及「SKYLINE」深受欢迎。这2张的合并专辑「Sunday Morning」、再次在NA HOKU HANOHANO AWARDS的2部门上获奖。(这小子的是个混血儿,长得有点像菲律宾人,但和菲律宾一点关系都没有,他是日裔美国人,母亲是夏威夷人,父亲是日本人。好像是这样)受赏历:1999年 PURE HEARTNA HOKU HANOHANO AWARDS.新人奖、最优秀专辑奖等4部门获奖。2000年 PURE HEART NA HOKU HANOHANO AWARDS.最优秀专辑奖。2001年 COLON 「THE GROOVE MACHINE」 NA HOKU HANOHANO AWARDS.Entertainer of the Year奖。2003年 SOLO第1作 「Sunday Morning 」 NA HOKU HANOHANO AWARDS.Entertainer of the Year奖、最优秀instrumental 专辑奖2部门奖。详见百度百科http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=vLVdI59NXsR7j3cv9PkWR1P_PvO3kbN7VbZ7zI-nRNsMxLLkPCW_g0L7NWZZ7LpvoISswa3X533Uf3V0JRb0yK

bring to our attention


Jake Shimabukuro 是谁

Jake Shimabukuro,1976年11月3日于夏威夷州檀香山出生,日裔美籍。受母亲的影响4岁开始接触UKULELE, 学生时代就已经展现其才能,高校毕业后的1998年作为PURE HEART乐队成员而亮相.通过天生的Dynamic创造性及超绝技巧将UKULELE这简单4弦乐器自由自在地表现而作为新型艺术家被注目。古典、摇滚、爵士、布鲁斯等所有音乐都以其卓越技巧和独自feeling得以升华。一边听Jimi Hendrix 、Edward Van Halen 等著名GUITARIST的音乐,一边考虑用UKULELE来表现的NEW WAVE就是Jake Shimabukuro.通过PURE HEART、COLON的活动、Jake亮相以来3年连续在NA HOKU HANOHANO AWARDS上获得被称为夏威夷的格莱美奖。并且终于从2002年开始进行SOLO活动。与此同时成功地在日本亮相。MINI专辑「Sunday Morning」及「SKYLINE」深受欢迎。这2张的合并专辑「Sunday Morning」、再次在NA HOKU HANOHANO AWARDS的2部门上获奖。(这小子的是个混血儿,长得有点像菲律宾人,但和菲律宾一点关系都没有,他是日裔美国人,母亲是夏威夷人,父亲是日本人。好像是这样)

50 Ways To Leave Your Lover (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:50 Ways To Leave Your Lover (Live)歌手:Rosemary Clooney专辑:50Th Anniversary Concert At The London Palladium50 Ways to Leave Your LoverPaul Simon"The problem is all inside your head", He said to meThe answer is easy if you take it logicallyI"d like to help you in your struggle to be freeThere must be fifty ways to leave your loverHe said it"s really not my habit to intrudeFurthermore, I hope my meaning won"t be lost or misconstruedBut I"ll repeat myself at the risk of being crudeThere must be fifty ways to leave your loverFifty ways to leave your loverJust slip out the back, JackMake a new plan, StanYou don"t need to be coy, RoyJust get yourself freeHop on the bus, GusYou don"t need to discuss muchJust drop off the key, LeeAnd get yourself freeJust slip out the back, JackMake a new plan, StanYou don"t need to be coy, RoyJust get yourself freeHop on the bus, GusYou don"t need to discuss muchJust drop off the key, LeeAnd get yourself freeHe said it grieves me so to see you in such painI wish there was something I could do to make you smile againI said I appreciate that and would you please explainAbout the fifty waysHe said why don"t we both just sleep on it tonightAnd I believe in the morning you"ll begin to see the lightAnd then she kissed me and I realized she probably was rightThere must be fifty ways to leave your loverFifty ways to leave your loverJust slip out the back, JackMake a new plan, StanYou don"t need to be coy, RoyJust get yourself freeHop on the bus, GusYou don"t need to discuss muchJust drop off the key, LeeAnd get yourself freeYou just slip out the back, JackMake a new plan, StanYou don"t need to be coy, RoyJust get yourself freeHop on the bus, GusYou don"t need to discuss muchJust drop off the key, LeeAnd get yourself free50 Ways to Leave Your Loverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3473422

如果把你的心给我(give me your heart) girls day 歌词


row your boat 最后一句 life is but a dream是什么含义阿

书啊LIFE IS BUT A DREAM. by: Lewis Carroll (1832-1898). 浮生若梦啊

focus on your strength 这个短语对吗


focus on your strength 这个短语对吗

focus on :集中;集中于;集中注意力于某事例子:1:focus one"s attention on.:将自己的注意力集中于某事物;2:focus one"s attention on a certain state. 将自己的注意力保持成某种状态。3:Focus your attention on your work. 把注意力集中在你的工作上。不是说没有你说的这个短语,应该把位置调换一下,这样:focus your strength on.......【把你的力量都集中到.....上】,on接动作的对象啊,还有不懂,请看例句,谢谢,o(∩_∩)o...



PHP CURL内存泄露的解决方法

PHP CURL内存泄露的解决方法   curl配置平淡无奇,长时间运行发现一个严重问题,内存泄露!不论用单线程和多线程都无法避免!是curl访问https站点的时候有bug!   内存泄露可以通过linux的top命令发现,使用php函数memory_get_usage()不会发现。   经过反复调试找到解决办法,curl配置添加如下几项解决问题:   复制代码 代码如下:   [CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL] = true;   [CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false;   [CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = false;   CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL具体说明stackoverflow上有,直接贴原文:   Without CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL   Without CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL : You just use the proxy address/port as a destination of your HTTP request. The proxy will read the HTTP headers of your query, forward your request to the destination (with your HTTP headers) and then write the response to you.   Example steps :   1)HTTP GET / sent to (proxy)   2) receive request and parse header for getting the final destination of your HTTP request.   3) forward your query and headers to www.site.com (destination in request headers).   4) write back to you the response receive from www.site.com   With CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL   With CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL : You ask the proxy to open a direct binary connection (like HTTPS, called a TCP Tunnel) directly to your destination by doing a CONNECT HTTP request. When the tunnel is ok, the proxy write you back a HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established. When it received your browser start to query the destination directly : The proxy does not parse HTTP headers and theoretically does not read tunnel datas, it just forward it, thats why it is called a tunnel !   Example steps :   1)HTTP CONNECT sent to   2) receive HTTP CONNECT and get the ip/port of your final destination (header field of HTTP CONNECT).   3) open a TCP Socket by doing a TCP handshake to your destination (ip/port of www.site.com).   4) Make a tunnel by piping your TCP Socket to the TCP Socket opened to then write you back HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established witch means that your client can now make your query throw the TCP Tunnel (TCP datas received will be transmited directly to server and vice versa). ;


网站上面多的是 自己去下吧



speechless;surgical;conversation 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法.

speechless 谐音 斯鼻池磊斯surgical 谐音 涩吉阔尔conversation 谐音 康 V 尔塞醒



睡美人的英文名是Aurora还是sleeping beauty啊…………??

sleeping beauty





facts and figures是什么意思

facts and figuresun.式子;确实的消息事实和数字;事实和数据;事实与数字例句1.I will report to my manager the facts and figures of your company.我将向经理汇报贵公司的实际情况。2.He"s trying to grind a lot of facts and figures into his mind.他正设法把大量的事实和数据记住。3.Management deals in facts and figures, an analytical approach to a problem.管理其实是对现实问题的分析。4.Discover key facts and figures about NCR.发现有关NCR的关键事实与数字。5.Instead, the bank would "remain pragmatic" and react to "facts and figures" .相反,该行将“保持务实的作风”,并根据“事实和数据”作出反应。


reporter记者, 通讯员journalist新闻记者, 从事新闻杂志业的人correspondent通讯记者, 通信者



请问, binary tournament, n-size tournament and linear ranking.的汉语意思是什么

二进位的巡回赛, n-大小的巡回赛和线的排名

talk about your weekends.写一篇英语作文

Whenever we learn English ,it is a common problem that we need to open our mouth and don"t be shy about what we are talking about.Also,using the right words and grammars are significant.There are quite a lot solutions to the speaking oral English without shyness.For instance,I can try to spend more time on practicing English and recite the English dialogs or passages.This will gain me more courage and knowledge.I can also be confident to talk to the foreigners via Internet or the real life.It is useful to act in the real world.Words might be the most difficult question for me to solve.It must cost me a long time to learn how to use the words and lock them in my mind.Then,I will spend more time on them and find some information to learn them.To grammars ,it is necessary to learn and remember the uses.Reading a lot of English magazines and newspapers ,such as TIMES ,will help me improve my English.I will use these solutions and try to get my English better.Learning English is not a most difficult work if you put your heart into it!

golf tournament是什么意思

(GOLF TOURNAMENT)高尔夫球对抗赛,高尔夫联赛In the first year, they founded an annual charity golf tournament. 第一年时,他们找打一个年度高尔夫联赛慈善会。


Yonex Tournament羽毛球YONEX专供国际羽联各赛事使用的羽毛球,在市场上是没有销售的,只有Yonex的工作人员可以拿到,偶尔会出现在一些专卖店里,一桶的价格在800元人民币左右。


tournament意为“锦标赛,联赛,比赛”。短语搭配:tournament systems赛制。tournament committee竞赛委员会;比赛委员会。Mass tournament群众比赛;群众性比赛。Tournament bow比赛弓;比赛用弓。HyperBrawl Tournament超级热血锦标赛;超级战士球。Tournament Tower竞技之塔;锦标赛塔楼。双语例句:Players can only play for one team in this tournament.选手在本次锦标赛上只能为一个队伍效力。Whether she wins or she loses, this is her last tournament.不管她是赢是输,这是她的最后一次锦标赛。

Big Brother & The Holding Company (featuring Janis Joplin)的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:Big Brother & The Holding Company (featuring Janis Joplin)专辑:Box Of PearlsDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8776222


tournament意为“锦标赛,联赛,比赛”。短语搭配:tournament systems赛制。tournament committee竞赛委员会;比赛委员会。Mass tournament群众比赛;群众性比赛。Tournament bow比赛弓;比赛用弓。HyperBrawl Tournament超级热血锦标赛;超级战士球。Tournament Tower竞技之塔;锦标赛塔楼。双语例句:Players can only play for one team in this tournament.选手在本次锦标赛上只能为一个队伍效力。Whether she wins or she loses, this is her last tournament.不管她是赢是输,这是她的最后一次锦标赛。


tournament[英][u02c8tu028au0259nu0259mu0259nt][美][u02c8tu028arnu0259mu0259nt]n.锦标赛,联赛; 中世纪的骑士比武; 锦标赛; What did you learn from that tournament?那届比赛使你学到了什么?


tournament [tour·na·ment || "tu028au0259nu0259mu0259nt]n. 比赛, 联赛, 锦标赛

Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition 锐蝮蛇竞技版鼠标怎么设置宏


Culture Club的《Move Away》 歌词

move away歌手:culture clubSpirit changed the conversationStepping stones across the landI never wanted to be a heroI never wanted to be a manI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said i"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said i"d understandIf i could say this was judgment dayYou know I"d be a millionaireI"m prepared to wear my sorrowEverywhere we go in townAin"t no need to beg or borrowWhile you"re there to drag me downI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d understandIf I could say this was judgment dayYou know I"d be a millionaire(Justice right)I need you soI can"t let goI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d understandMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handIf I could say this was judgment dayI"d be a millionaireI never said I"d hold your handWhy don"t you move?I never said I"d understandWhy don"t you move?Why don"t you move?http://music.baidu.com/song/2819587

Frozen Four tournament是什么比赛,中文名叫什么?

这个体育是 冰上曲棍球, 好像叫 “冰冻四强”。

在看高尔夫球手资料的时候经常会看到这两项数据“Career Wins" 和"Tournament Wins",请问两者有什么区别

Career Wins 代表整个整个职业生涯赢的冠军数;Tournament Wins代表赢的比赛数,包括在业余期间赢的比赛。
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