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assume作动词的意思: 承担;呈现;假定,认为;装出。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。




assume,英文单词,动词,意思是“假定;设想;承担;采取;僭取;篡夺;夺取;擅用;侵占”。 名词:assumption n.假定;假设;(责任的)承担;担任;(权力的)获得 扩展资料 1、His actions were based on a false assumption. 他的行为基于错误的设想。 2、We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up. 我们假定了每一个人都会应邀出席并正就此作出安排。




assume后面直接跟宾语,用法三例: 1.We cannot assume anything in this case. 2.assume + 某人 + to be... 如 assume him to be innocent 3.assume (that) + 宾语从句 如 assume (that) he is innocent 记住一个例句就ok了 及物动词 vt. 1.以为;假定为;(想当然地)认为[+(that)][O2][O8][O9] I assumed that he had gone for a stroll. 我想他去散步了. 2.承担;就任;取得 The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen. 王子在十五岁时就掌权了. 3.呈现;采取;采用 His illness assumed a very grave character. 他的病显得非常的严重. 4.把...视为己有,僭取,夺取 5.装出,假装 He assumed a look of surprise. 他装出吃惊的神色.


suppose - 应该去做些什么 assume- 你估计些什么 suppose- she suppose to be the party tonight assume- she assume that she will be the party tonight 第一句就是说她应该,按照常规她应该去聚会 第二句就变成她估计她会去

assume的用法 assume后加什么介词

assume后面直接跟宾语,用法三例:1. We cannot assume anything in this case.2. assume + 某人 + to be... 如 assume him to be innocent3. assume (that) + 宾语从句 如 assume (that) he is innocent...




作为 假设/认为 的意思, 一般情况下两者可以通用而两者的区别是assume是主动性的,有目的的,是要用assume的东西来得出别的结论pressume是被动性的,被presumed的本身是要得出的结果,是在缺少足够信息的情况下presumed.这个主动被动不是说语法上的主动被动,而只是说语气。比如let us assume that he is not coming, and so we will not prepare for didn"t tell me anything, so i presumed that you are not didn"t tell me anything, so i assume/presumed that you are not coming and didn"t prepare for you.但是实际应用不需要这么严格。


Assume的中文意思为“假定”、“认为”、“承担”、“取得”、“呈现”、“显露”。1、assume的名词形式是assumption。assume作为动词,而assumption指assume的名词形式,中文含义有“假定”、“担任”、“获得”。2、assume作为动带配词,意为假定;假设;认为;承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力);呈现(外观、样子);显露(特征)。3、assumption作为名词时,意蠢铅指为假定;假设;(责任的)承担;担任;(权力的)获得。双语例句:1、We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.我们假定了每一个人都会应邀出席并正就此作出安排。2、His actions were based on a false assumption.他的行为基于错误的设想。3、His views are grounded on the assumption that all people are equal.他的观点建立在人人平等的假设之上。4、Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty.他话语中的言外之意是设定他们有罪。

assume 意思是


nds DeSmuME和no$gba模拟器对比



与NO$GBA模拟器相比,DeSmuMe模拟器在图像和声音上有较大的优化。尤其表现在图像质量方面,颜色更加鲜明,甚至许多用NO$GBA看不清楚地细节都可以在DeSmuME中看到。   存取档异常方便。不同于NO$GBA模拟器只能在游戏中进行存档,DeSmuME模拟器支持即时存/读档。也就是说在游戏进行中玩家可以随时按Shift + F1等键进行存档,读档时则直接按F1键就可以读出。   DeSmuMe还具有其他的操作优点,比如可以拖拽边框任意调整屏幕边框大小、上方图标键可以方便地进行暂停等操作,可以旋转屏幕,画面可以90度、270度旋转,可以设置截图路径,而这些都是NO$GBA模拟器不具备的功能。   缺点:画面和声音质量提升的代价就是,DeSmuME模拟器在速度调节方面不如NO$GBA模拟器,如打开一些画面像素很高的3D游戏时,速度会非常的卡。但不得不说的是,有些NDS游戏只有用DeSmuME模拟器才能打开并正常游戏,比如美妙世界等。



do you often watch documentary英语作文?

I think documentaries are boring, so I don"t often watch documentaries, but sometimes some documentaries are really interesting, so I enjoying watching themu3002


IRREVOCABLEDOCUMENTARYCREDIT不可撤销的跟单信用证 例:Anirrevocabledocumentarycreditisthemostgenerallyusedmethodofpaymentininternationaltrade.Itisreliableandsafeforbothsellersandbuyers.不可撤销跟单信用证是最普遍采用的付款方式在国际贸易中。这是可靠及安全的两个卖方和买方。Theonlytermofpaymentwecanacceptis100%irrevocabledocumentaryletterofcredit.我们能接受的付款条件只有100%不可撤销跟单信用证。

Issue of a Documentary Credit是什么意思?


We will draw on you by our documentary draft at sight,on collection basis. 翻译

Documentary draft 单汇票 We will draw on you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis. 我们将按托收办法向贵方开具即期跟单汇票.

documentary letter of credit是什么意思


document这句英语的形容词是什么 请帮

documentary记录的 ;纪实的望采纳

documentary remittance是信用证吗


documentary collection是什么意思


documentary producer什么意思

Documentary Producer 纪录片制片人;[例句]Wu Xianglie is a first-grade director and is presently the Deputy Director and documentary producer of the Program Department of China Guangxi Television.一级导演,现任广西电视台卫视编辑部副总监、纪录片制作人。

bbc documentary什么意思

bbc documentary 全部释义和例句>>英国广播公司纪录片

documentary compliance 啥意思

documentary compliance 英[u02ccdu0254kjuu02c8mentu0259ri ku0259mu02c8plau026au0259ns] 美[u02ccdɑkju0259u02c8mu025bntu0259ri ku0259mu02c8plau026au0259ns] [词典] [经] 文书单据的符合; [例句]Strict compliance standard is the basic standard followed by the banking industry while determining the documentary compliance under letter of credit.严格相符标准是银行审核信用证项下的单证相符的基本标准。

documentary有几个音节 重读在第几个音节

documentary [,dɑkju0259"mu025bntu0259ru026a] 重音在men 五个音节


documentary的复数documentaries documentary n.纪录影片;纪实广播(或电视)节目 adj.文件的;文献的;由文件(或文献)组成的;记录的;纪实的 扩展资料   We have documentary evidence that they were planning military action.   我们有书面证据证明他们正在策划军事行动。   The documentary left me in a state of shock   那部纪录片使我大为震惊。   She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary   她花了两年时间在佛罗里达州南部做研究,拍摄纪录片。


document是文件的意思,可以记word文档后缀就是doc拉,与文件有关的就是各种纪录啊啥的,这个词有俩意思:1.纪录片 2.文件的、文书的. ary是常见形容词后缀拉~ 实在记不住就读它个40遍。。自然就记住了~




"document" 是一个名词,指的是书面或印刷的文件,记录了某种信息或事实。"documentary" 是一个形容词,用来描述与实际事实或真实事件相关的电影、电视节目或文学作品。它也可以作为一个名词,表示一部纪录片或纪实性的作品。



Documentary 和 Document 有什么区别?分别用在什么场合或情境中?

documentary [,d00kju"ment05ri] adj. 文件的;记实的;记录的n. 纪录片[ 复数documentaries ] documentary [,d00kju"ment05ri] adj. 1. (有关)文献(或文件)的;由文献(或文件)组成的;来源于文献(或文件)的,文件包含的;凭文件(或证件)证明的;书面(证明或证据)的 2. 【电影、电视】记录的;纪实的 3. 使用引证的[亦作documental] n. 1. 【电影、电视】记录(影)片,纪实性影片;记录(或纪实性)电视片;(广播、电视等的)纪实节目 2. 纪实文学作品,纪实小说[亦作doco] 变形: n.documentariesThis is a documentary.这是一个纪录片, The documentary was filmed with an underwater camera.这部记录片是用水下摄影机拍的。 Also keep in mind that NO film is entirely accurate in its depiction, not even a documentary.也必须注意“没有”一部电影在描述上是完全准确的,即使是记录片也不例外。document ["d00kjum05nt; "d00kjument] n. 1. (尤指官方的或法律的)公文,文件,文书;文献(如提供事实或信息的书、文章、信件等)[略作doc.] 2. 证件,证书,凭证(如护照、契约等) 3. 【商业】 凭证;证券;交单 [用复数]票据,单据,单证;船证 4. (藏于博物馆的)古织物;古图案 5. 铸币;(刻有符号或文字的)石碑 6. =documentary 7. [古语]证据;证明 8. [废语]告诫;教训;教育 9. 【计算机】文件,文档 10. 报文 vt. 1. 用纪实材料构成(小说、电影、电视等);(用电影、电视、报纸、文学等形式)作记述性报道,纪实性地描述: 例句: He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War.根据他在科索沃战争期间的观察,他对破坏情况作了记述性报道。 The film documented the development of our country during the 50 years.这部电影纪实性地描述了我国50年中的发展过程。 2. 为书(或文章等)引证或提供引证(材料),为(书、小册子等)提供参考书(或注明资料来源): 例句: The life of Marx is remarkably well documented.马克思的生平有极翔实可靠的文献作证。 This book is a carefully documented biography.这是一本文献佐证翔实可靠的传记。 3. 用文件(或文献、证书、证件等)证明,用参考资料证明(或证实);提供文献(或文件、证据等): 例句: He can document his theory with facts.他能为自己的理论提供事实证明。 The lawyer worked to document his case.那位律师为他的案件提供证据。 4. 为…提供官方文件(或证件): 例句: to document one"s passport提供护照 5. 【商业】为(船舶)提供船证(说明其国籍、所有权、吨位、容积等) 6. 【商业】把装运单据附于(汇票): 例句: to document the documents of carriage附运输单据于汇票 7. [废语]教,教育He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War.根据他在科索沃战争期间的观察,他对破坏情况作了记述性报道。 Choose File >Exit and Return to Document.选择文件“ >退出并返回到文档。 -We use these standards discussed in this document.我们使用该文件已讨论过的标准。


纪录片( documentary的名词复数

英文Documentary是 “记录片” 还是 “纪录片”







词目:纪实 拼音:jì shí 基本解释:对事情或事件所作的现场报道 古文中:1. 纪,通“ 记 ”。记述实况。2. 纪,通“ 记 ”。实况的记录。






documentary英 [u02ccdu0252kjuu02c8mentri]美 [u02ccdɑ:kjuu02c8mentri]n.纪录片adj.纪实的;记录的;文书的例句:The documentary premiered at the Jerusalem Film Festival.这部纪录片在耶路撒冷电影节首映。


机械硬盘最小读写单位是sector,指的是扇区,一般是512个字节。 cluster:指的是簇,这个是windows 文件系统中的一个概念,是操作系统每次操作文件所使用的基本单位就好了。。volume:指一个卷,比如C盘,D盘,这些都称为卷标! 如果还是不明白,你可以 用度娘找一本电子书 windows internals 里面的文件系统一节 有详细的介绍。。

申请国外大学,curriculum vitae和resume有什么区别

CV和Resume的区别:1. 主要用途一般当你申请工作时,国际上,特别是申请科研教育学术研究方面 (留学或申请奖学金),你需要提供CV。和resume相比较,CV通常更加详细(一般都要两页纸甚至以上),涵盖更加全面的内容。CV主要是用于申请学术、教育、科研职位,或者申请奖学金等等,而在欧洲、中东、非洲和亚洲等地,CV则更常用于应征工作。而Resume则概述了与求职有关的教育准备和经历,是对经验技能的摘要,其主要目的在说服用人单位老板雇佣自己;Curriculum Vitae则集中说明学术工作,不重视与文化程度和学习成绩无直接关系的资料。2. 格式和内容CV的长度由其内容确定,年轻专业人的履历一般长度都在2-4页,而老资历的通常也在6-8页(根据经验,CV其实最好不要太长,录取委员会人员的精力也是有限的)。其具体内容需要应包括个人基本信息:姓名、地址、电话号码及电子邮件地址;文化程度;各种奖励荣誉;教学或研究等相关经历;论著发表;语言或其它技能;课外活动及个人爱好。Resume,大多只需一页大小,而有两页的对具有广泛的工作经验的人才有典型性。应包括个人基本信息:姓名、地址、电子信箱(可选)和电话号码(当地和固定的);工作岗位(可选),工作或实习经历,列出组织、地址、日期、工作名称、成绩和职责简述;教育经历;获何荣誉奖励;有关功课(也可写);3. 其他CV长于Resume.因为前者强调申请人的全面性,而后者强调申请人特点的简洁性(brevity)。如果你是硕士或者博士即将毕业,CV上简要写上你的ThesisTopic。CV选词使用 verbs。CV应该描述以achievements为基础的相关背景。“Detail-oriented”,“Teamplayer/results-oriented”写出你自己独特的地方,用CV中的事实来表现。S-A-R写法:CV主要展示accomplishments,因此你可以遵循S-A-R写法:Situation,Action, Results。也就是说CV是用来展示成就的。

secure;volume ; familiar 这英语用谐音怎么读?

secure [su026au02c8kju028au0259(r)] 西渴求,思科切度volume [u02c8vu0252ljuu02d0m] 我拉亩,我那么知道familiar [fu0259u02c8mu026aliu0259(r)] 饭米粒儿,饭么尼尔φ答


It is vital to write a good, clear resume. A resume should be no more than one page.It is only necessary to describe your most relevant experiences.Employers usually have a lot to do. You can not expect them to take the time to read many pages. Make it short, clear, and interesting. You have to sell yourself in your resume. Do everything you can to make yourself sound like an outstanding employee. Most people think it best to use action verbs to describe your past experience. It is considered incorrect to begin your sentences with "I". Use past-tense verbs like managed, designed, developed, and succeeded. It is not enough to say you improved something. Try to give details. What did you do to improve it? Before sending your resume to potential employers, it is crucial to check the grammar and spelling. Employers want to make sure you have good communication skills. A single mistake may cause an exployer to throw your resume in the trash. Ask someone you trust to read and criticize your resuem. There"s no need to include references. If the employer wants you to furnish references, he or she will ask you to do so during the interview. It"s a bad idea to offer too much personal information. Don"t inculde your age, race, marital status, or hobbies. Tell the truth on your resume. It"s very easy for employers to check your informaion. No one wants to hire a dishonest person. It"s OK to exaggerate a little, but lying is going to get you in trouble.


一、详细释义: , n. , 英[u02c8ru025bzju028au02ccmeu026a];美[u02c8ru025bzu0259u02ccmeu026a]; [u02c8reu026azuu02ccmeu026a]; [u02c8reu026azjuu02ccmeu026a] , 摘要 , 例句: ,In this case, your blog essentially bees a resume or portfolio for your work.,从这个意义上讲,你的博客从本质上变成了你工作的摘要或者文件夹。, 例句: ,Bring your monthly resume to your boss.,将你做的每月摘要表拿给你的上司看看。, 履历,简历 [C] , 例句: ,Do I need to prepare a resume?,我需要准备一份简历吗?, 例句: ,Please bring your resume with you.,请带上你的简历。, v. , 英[ru026au02c8zjuu02d0m];美[ru026au02c8zum]; [ru026au02c8zjum] , 重新开始,继续,恢复 [I,T] , 例句: ,He suddenly broke off, only to resume his words almost at once.,他突然住口,但几乎与此同时又继续说下去。, 例句: ,After the war he resumed his duties at Emmanuel College.,战争过后,他重新开始了在伊曼纽尔学院的工作。, 例句: ,He suddenly broke off, only to resume his words almost at once.,他突然住口,但几乎与此同时又继续说下去。, 取回,重新占用 [T] , 例句: ,I would like to resume my words.,我愿意收回我刚才的话。, 例句: ,"I changed my mind," Blanche said, resuming her seat.,“我改变主意了,”布兰奇说着回到她的座位上。, 二、词义辨析: , continue,resume,succeed,go on ,这些动词或短语动词均有“继续”之意。continue普通用词。或指持续而不停止,或有一段中断后又继续下去。resume指中断后的继续。succeed侧重指有规律地连续。go on通俗用词,多用于口语中。go on+-ing表暂停后继续做原事,即后继续的内容与原来的内容相同。go on+不定式指做完某事后,接着做不同的另一件事。, 三、参考例句: ,Send a resume, please.,请寄一份简历。,Resume was a music video.,简历是一段音乐视频。,The resume includes his personal information.,简历里包括了他的个人信息。,Do I need to prepare a resume?,我需要准备一份简历吗?,Those standing may now resume their seats.,站着的各位现在可以重新坐下了。,Resume"s "Skills" section was spelled "Skelze.",简历中错把“Skills”拼成“Skelze”。,Your resume need include your educational background.,你的简历需要包含你的教育背景。,The one page resume is a myth.,简历只有一页,很难把握。,Please bring your resume with you.,请带上你的简历。,Resume reading where you left off.,从停下的地方接着往下读吧。

Resume 的格式怎么写

  Resume 的格式怎么写   1. Personal Information   Name: XXXXXXXXX XXX   Sex: XXXXXX   Birth: XXX. XX "XX   2. Education: XX   Junior High School XX   Senior High School XXXXXXXXX Univ.,   Department of XXXXX ( Oct. "91 - July "95 )   3. Activities: XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX   4. Scholarships: XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX   5. Working/Teaching Experience: XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX   剩下还要写??? 如我的GPA要写那里? 要不要写个人兴趣or特殊才能(如演奏乐器)?   我要念science的.. 是否课外活动并不重要?   又: BM 是不是 working experience or service? 哈哈哈..   又又: reference 是不是指写推荐信的老师?   For all events, the latest, the first to put down. So for Education,   you will put university before senior high school.   You can also include the name of the term papers (or reports) you have written   其他的. 以後想到再说. 现在一时记不全.   申请学校用??!! 我觉得能写得越多越好!! BM也是一个很好的经验??!!   电脑能力和人际关系. 勇敢的表达自己positive的那一面吧!!   :) 多多愈善!!   Hi, Here are some subtitles of my resume:   * Personal Information   * Education   * Research and Working Experience   * Fields of Interest (Important!)   * Extracurricular Activities   You can put your GPA, GRE and TOEFL scores, as well as scholarships in the section "Education". All of them are very important, but be sure to make it ovbious about your strongest parts (for example, lots of research experience, high scores on courses related to your major, or ultra-high test scores).   My major is Computer Engineering. And my boss said my record is impressive partly because my test scores, partly because of my extracurricular activities. Also notice that some professors may pick you out of some similar-conditioned guys just because your english scores are better, because they will not have to pay extra attentions when you are writing paper or giving presentations.


resume是一个英语单词,主要用作名词和动词,作名词时中文含义是:简历;摘要;概述;概要。作动词时中文含义是:重新开始;(中断后)继续;恢复席位、地位、职位。resume词性变化:第三人称单数:resumes复数:resumes现在分词:resuming过去式:resumed过去分词:resumedresume词语搭配:Resume简历personal resume个人简历Resume Certificate简历证书;简历证明chronological resume以经历为主的简历Chinese resume中文简历resume双语例句:1.The conversation around them was resumed,but in subdued tones.他们周围的人又开始交谈了,但这次是窃窃私语。2.The two countries resumed normal diplomatic relations两国恢复了正常的外交关系。3.The storm resumed with even greater intensity.风暴更猛烈地再度肆虐。4.Even seemingly harmless details on a resume,it appears,can tap into recruiters"biases.在简历上,即使是无关紧要的细节也可能会引发招聘人员的偏见。5.Play resumed quickly after the stoppage.比赛中断后不久又继续进行。6.The noise resumed,louder than before.噪声再起,比先前更大。


短语personalresume对应的汉语是()。 A.邮政编码 B.个人简历 正确答案:B

申请美国研究生的resume麻烦大家帮忙看一下 谢谢!!!


"我的简历"的英文就是MY RESUME

Resume is enough


resume 简历presume 假设assume 承担subsume 归入consume 消耗

resume personal这个语法对吗

personal resume 个人履历

请问cusumer 和 customer 有什么不同?

您好:沒有cusumer這個單字,應該是"consumer",這個單字是指"消費者"的意思"customer"指的就是"顧客"的意思另外補充:Reguler customer 指的是"常客" 常常到店裡來消費的人.希望有幫助到你!!!

customer consumer client clientele 都是客户,有什么区别呢?

customer: 客人,一般适用于小店铺。consumer: 消费者,适用于指点江山的口吻。client: 客户,一般是服务业用语。clientele: 客户群,一般指所有的客户。

customer 和 consumer的区别在哪

customer 顾客 (一般站在商家的立场上说的) consumer 消费者(官方,经济学家,统计学家的术语)




consumer是买了商品的人而使用某某商品的人, customer只是指买该商品的人但不证明他/她有使用该商品的人. 总结来说两者是一样的意思,一个是一般的,而另一个是详细的


1、表达意思不同customer:顾客;(某一类型的)家伙。consumer:消费者,顾客,用户;食用者,使用者,消耗者。2、固定搭配不同customer:customer loyalty顾客忠诚度;顾客忠诚;客户忠诚度;客户忠诚。consumer:consumer price index消费者物价指数;居民消费价格指数;消费者价格指数;消费价格指数。3、用法不同customer:customer(顾客)着重指商店或公司的具体服务对象,与店主相对应,是客与主的关系。consumer:Customer比较具体,有相对性,如公司对客户,是商业管理是常用的词。consumer着重指市场上所有已花钱消费的顾客,与经营者相对应,这个词多用于市场研究




1、表达意思不同customer:顾客;(某一类型的)家伙。consumer:消费者,顾客,用户;食用者,使用者,消耗者。2、固定搭配不同customer:customer loyalty顾客忠诚度;顾客忠诚;客户忠诚度;客户忠诚。consumer:consumer price index消费者物价指数;居民消费价格指数;消费者价格指数;消费价格指数。3、用法不同customer:customer(顾客)着重指商店或公司的具体服务对象,与店主相对应,是客与主的关系。consumer:Customer比较具体,有相对性,如公司对客户,是商业管理是常用的词。consumer着重指市场上所有已花钱消费的顾客,与经营者相对应,这个词多用于市场研究


  都是 顾客 消费者customer(顾客)着重指商店或公司的具体服务对象,与店主相对应,是客与主的关系。consumer(消费者)着重指市场上所有已花钱消费的顾客,与经营者相对应

customer 和 consumer是什么意思??


consumer,customer,client 有何区别



consumer是买了商品的人而使用某某商品的人, customer只是指买该商品的人但不证明他/她有使用该商品的人. 总结来说两者是一样的意思,一个是一般的,而另一个是详细的


customer: 客人,一般适用于小店铺。consumer: 消费者,适用于指点江山的口吻。client: 客户,一般是服务业用语。clientele: 客户群,一般指所有的客户





plectosphaerella cucumerina 是什么菌


How to be a green consumer 初三的文采,不要太好.越快越好~

1 How to be a green consumer It is becoming easier and easier to know what effects the things you buy have on the environment. Be aware of what the things you buy are made of, where they come from, and how they made it to you. All of this knowledge determines how you impact biodiversity in your back yard and around the world. And remember, you have the power to choose what you spend your money on. Consume less. Use things until they wear out, buy second-hand, repurpose old things into something new. Choose products – printer paper, canvas totes for groceries, bank checks, or clothes – that are made of recycled material or can be reused or recycled. You can also find usual items made out of unusual reused and recycled materials. Nau is a CI partner with this kind of business model. Support companies that think about the environment like you do. CI has partnered with a number of eco-conscious companies such as Office Depot, Wal-Mart, McDonald"s, and Starbucks. Even your shampoo and conditioner can be green. Aveda, a CI partner, is committed to producing all-natural personal care products. The company can trace its ingredients from the communities they grow in to the bottles they are sold in. Having a party? Go ahead – use real plates, glasses, and cutlery. Your guests will feel special, and you"ll avoid a huge amount of waste. Be a one-bag family. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost to reduce your weekly trash contribution to one bag or less.

生化危机6完美存档存档位置在D:DocumentsCAPCOMRESIDENT EVIL 6 的存档

生化危机6存档位置: RELOADED破解的存档位置: WIN7 C:ProgramDataRELOADED\%UserName%\%Appid% 或者C:ProgramDataSteamRLD!221040storage XP C:DocumentsandSettingsAllUsersApplicationDataRELOADEDUserNameAppid 3DM破解的存。

volume snapshot是什么意思

英文:volume snapshot中文:卷快照可能您的英文不是很完整,导致翻译的结果不是很流畅也许是翻译水平有限,请见谅很高兴为您解答您的采纳是我答题的动力祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问手机用户点击右上角的【满意】如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

ghost 磁盘对拷时出现force lock和 volume snapshot?选哪个

force block 是强制备份,volume snapshot是备份快照。




using namespace NationalInstruments


binkw32.dll文件应该是不区分系统版本的,你可以去这里下载一个 /soft/184/dll/2008/Soft_40502.html,吧binkw32.dll文件放到c:windowssystem32目录下试试看

C# 引用Ni dll 未能加载文件或程序集“NationalInstruments.Vision.Common, Version=






never assume,for it makes an AAS out of U and ME.

assume = ass + u + me.where does AAS come from?ass means fool or idiot.
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