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Paula DeAnda的Good Girl 中文歌词


By no means shall I give in to difficulties 是什么意思

shall I 是倒装句 因为前面by no means中no表否定 我绝不会向困难屈服



请教spin-polarized caculation

spin-polarized caculation翻译过来就是 自旋极化计算解释为:某些原子结构的电子不能完全配对,就会出现自旋极化。主要是计算态密度,看在费米面附近的自旋向上和向下的态密度是否相同,如果不一样就有自旋极化。请采纳

求类似cry on my shoulder这样的歌。谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

1.Just one last dance:由德国蓝调天后Sarah Connor和丈夫Marc Terenzi(德国歌手)合唱.相信很多朋友都知道,但大部分人都只听过Sarah的独唱版本,SARAH的声音在寂静的夜晚能穿透每一个人的心灵,再配上Terenzi的浑厚嗓音,简直是绝了!仔细听,这首歌实际上记叙了Sarah和Marc的相识场景,开头如低吟般娓娓道来,而后的高潮令人震撼!介绍了这么多,不听是遗憾!推荐听它的对唱版本! 2.Love to be loved by you:虽然这不是对唱,但是绝对的感人.是由Marc Terenzi写给妻子Sarah的,婚礼上MARC演唱了这首歌.Sarah流下了幸福的眼泪.Marc真的是一个浪漫的男人. 3.Cry on my shoulder:由德国群星合唱,很好的励志歌曲.当你经受挫折时,不妨听听! 4.Could I have this kiss forever:天后惠妮休斯敦和安力奎对唱.这首《Could I have this kiss forever》堪称20世纪末最动人的对唱情歌,由流行天后Whitney Houston和拉丁天王Enrique iglesias联袂献唱。他们的表演激情肆意、默契十足,无不令人心醉神迷。 5.Against all odds:westlife(西城男孩)和美国天后玛丽亚凯利演唱 6.When you tell me that you love me:Westlife与Diana Ross合作,很多人都向我推荐这首歌.越听越有感觉!希望大家不要错过好歌! 7.Almost here:由Delta Goodrem和Brian McFadden对唱,很抒情的一首歌,对于热恋中的男女很适合听! 8.I finally found someone:芭芭拉和布莱恩亚当斯合唱.不妨看看歌词.歌曲的曲调是很普通的情歌音调,但经过两人声音的完美融合,这首歌显得不在平庸! 9.One Sweety Day:mariah carey&boyz2men ,这是所有合唱歌曲中在排行榜上成绩最辉煌的一首,凭借着对唱双方公认的音乐实力和如日中天的气势,歌凭人红的one sweet day在billboard单曲榜上令人难以置信的蝉联!在百度好象找不到. 10.Tell Him: 1997年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,barbra streisand导演的电影two 没有获得最佳导演奖,她一气之下拒绝上台与男歌手bryan adams演唱歌曲,主办方只好请来celion dion代唱 . 这一个事件可以说是两大天后能够合作tell him的一个契机,歌曲精彩程度当然不用说了,这首歌曲曾经上过英国单曲榜的第七,并且获得41grammy的最佳流行合唱提名! 11.the prayer:celion dion&andrea bocelli .这是流行和美声之间的一次完美结合,有一句乐评这样说:当这个世界上两把最高贵的男女声相遇的时候,我要说的只能是:对不起,杀死你! 的确,andrea bocelli的超凡脱俗和celion dion的雍容典贵确实相映成辉,美妙的歌声不知道迷倒乐多少听众,令多少人心中燃起了一盏明灯! 12.time to say goodbye :sarah brightman&andrea bocelli.1996年11月,德国拳王henre maske邀请sarah brightman和andrea bocelli为他的告别赛演唱,结果maske意外的在最后一场比赛中失败,当这首伤感的旋律缓缓响起在比赛结束的时候,全场观众无不动容,大家在为时运不及的拳王深深黯然神伤的时候也沉醉于歌曲动人的意境和圣洁的歌声! 13.i want to spend my lifetime loving you :tina arena&marc anthony .看过电影<佐罗的面具>的人肯定印象最深刻的就是这首充满了异国浪漫情调的主题曲,这首歌曲时配乐大师james horner与搭档will jennings在my heart will go on 之后的再次精彩合作,两位天王天后的演绎堪称完美! 14.endless love:lionel richie&diana ross .这是美国1981年经典的爱情同名电影的主题曲,电影已经被人们忘记得干干净净,但是这首经典的情歌还是一直传唱到今天,成为流行音乐历史上不朽的丰碑,这首歌曲由lionel richie创作,旋律异常优美,两位巨星不可替代的本色嗓音配合得天衣无缝. 15.When you believe:不用说也都知道! 16.i"m your angel :celion dion&r.kelly .流行天后,r&b天王的合作能带来的惊艳的作品,1998年一经推出便占据公告牌榜首.6个星期之久,是当年圣诞期间欧美乐坛的最大两点,这首歌曲本来是乖乖的r.kelly献给母亲的,写完了出来觉得更加适合男女对唱,并且条件反射的想到了对唱女王celion dion,认为她肯定是最佳人选,事实证明,他当时的选择是多么的明智! 17.nobody wants to be lonely :ricky martin*&christina aguilera .拉丁音乐界最出色的两位帅哥美女的合作擦出了惊人的火花,这首歌曲在2001年推出的时候,马上登上了全球无数国家的排行榜前列,得到了44thgrammy的最佳流行合唱提名,其实在这之前两位大明星互相仰慕已久,互相希望合作,无奈都是忙碌异常,2001年billboard音乐大奖 颁奖典礼上现场表演的ricky martin与领取最佳女歌手的christina终于见面了,两人合作,终于有了这首精彩绝伦的对唱作品 !天王天后,怎能错过?! 18.i"ll be missing you :puff daddy,faith evans&112 . puff daddy为了纪念朋友notorious B.I.G的死亡而创作的一首歌曲取材的经典名曲,歌曲一经推出马上轰动,一方面是歌曲本身的精彩,另一方面在于歌曲由B.I.G的遗孀faith evans的献声,1997年的美国公告牌这首歌曲在冠军位置停留了11个星期!同时也是英国单曲榜的6周冠军,美国国内现在红得发紫的r&b美声组合112也因此一举成名 19.A whole new world:不用多介绍.peabo brysonina belle 伟大的神灯巨人的伟大的众多歌曲中最脍炙人口的歌曲之一,也是迪斯尼公司动画片主题曲中公认最为人称道的作品之一,曾几何时,这首歌曲是我们中学时候学习英文歌曲的普及曲目,现在每次听到,都很容易的被感动流泪! 20.Wait till you hear from me:这不是一首对唱的情歌,是由Sarah Connor写给因吸毒死去的朋友的.SARAH在歌中唱出了对朋友的思念.同时也告戒世人:珍惜生命,远离毒品!歌曲很感人,耐听!Sarah的声音真的让人难以自拔! 有些歌可能百度MP3找不到,但希望大家仔细找,确实是经典之作!!

开机显示couldn`t find ntldr是什么问题??

具体解决方法如下:1、某些情况下,打开电脑,会显示Couldn"t find NTLDR的情况,如下图2、首先在其他电脑上制作一个U盘启动的简易系统(win PE),重新启动电脑,进入BIOS,设置成U盘启动。网上有很多方法,自己找。本文以老毛桃为例。3、重启后,会出现老毛桃装机选择界面,在这里选择第二项‘WIN8 PE标准版",然后会启动PE简易系统,双击桌面的所有程序文件夹。4、进入后,双击打开‘引导修复"文件夹,在文件中双击NTBOOT引导修复工具,在弹出的界面里选择第一项‘自选引导分区盘"5、从出现的盘符中选择需要修复的盘符,会进入下一个界面,然后点击自动修复,软件会自动在C盘安装相应的文件,软件会显示写入成功,关闭退出,重新启动电脑。6、如果还是不能进入系统,可以重复步骤后点击高级,选择安装的文件。


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Beautiful Mystic Defenders(美丽的神秘防御者)是一个战术塔防,浪漫新视觉游戏,在那里你是神秘王国的绝世美女们们的救世主。

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The crazy fans ________ patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star arrived.



  在本文提供的示例中,源服务器配置有控制域和一个托管 Oracle 数据库的来宾域(名为 ldg1)。控制域名为 primary,也是一个 I/O 域。此外,控制域还用作服务域,为来宾域提供虚拟设备服务(虚拟磁盘和虚拟网络)。  作为服务域,控制域提供以下虚拟设备服务:  一个虚拟磁盘服务 (primary-vds0),将物理磁盘作为虚拟磁盘导出到来宾域。  一个虚拟控制台集中器服务 (primary-vcc0),提供对来宾域虚拟控制台的访问。此服务使用端口范围 5000–5100 来访问虚拟控制台。  一个虚拟交换机服务 (primary-vsw0),与主网络接口 (nxge0) 关联。  软件安装和配置  按照以下步骤配置您的环境以便进行实时迁移。  安装 Oracle Solaris 操作系统  新的 SPARC 服务器上预先安装了 Oracle Solaris。对于这些系统,应确保安装了相应的 Oracle Solaris 版本,并验证打了所需的补丁。  要在 SPARC 系统上重新安装 Oracle Solaris,请参见 Oracle Solaris 10 文档或 Oracle Solaris 11 文档。在本文的示例中,操作系统安装在服务器的第一个内部磁盘上。  安装 Oracle Solaris 之后,可以配置并启用系统以使用 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.1 软件。  安装 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 软件  新的 SPARC 服务器上也预先安装了 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 软件。对于这些系统,应确保安装了相应的 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 版本,并验证打了所有需要的补丁。  如果在服务器上重新安装了 Oracle Solaris,您可能必须重新安装 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 软件。参见 Oracle VM 下载页面。  以下示例显示了在每台物理服务器上执行的操作。每台服务器已经安装了 Oracle Solaris 和所需的补丁。  应确保系统固件与您计划安装的 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 版本匹配。参见文档的 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.1 版本说明 中的“所需软件和补丁”以及 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.1 管理指南 中的“升级系统固件”。  从 Oracle VM 下载页面下载 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.1 软件。  解压缩存档文件。  安装 SUNWldm.v 程序包。参见 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.1 管理指南 中的“在新系统上安装 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 软件”。  primary# pkgadd -d OVM_Server_SPARC-2_1/Product SUNWldm.v  配置存储阵列  Sun Storage 2540-M2 存储阵列连接到控制域,控制域将两个 LUN(LUN 0 和 LUN 1)作为虚拟磁盘导出到来宾域。  来宾域使用第一个 LUN (LUN 0) 作为操作系统的系统磁盘,使用第二个 LUN (LUN 1) 作为存储 Oracle 数据库数据文件的磁盘。  配置控制域  安装 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 软件之后,重新配置当前系统使其成为控制域。在每台物理服务器上执行以下操作:  创建一个虚拟控制台集中器 (vcc) 服务以供虚拟网络终端服务器后台程序 (vntsd) 使用,并作为所有逻辑域控制台的集中器。  primary# ldm add-vcc port-range=5000-5100 primary-vcc0 primary  创建虚拟磁盘服务器 (vds)。  primary# ldm add-vds primary-vds0 primary  创建一个虚拟交换机服务 (vsw) 以便在逻辑域中的虚拟网络 (vnet) 设备之间实现联网。  primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=igb0 primary-vsw0 primary  使用 ldm list-services 命令验证已经创建了这些服务,如清单 1 所示。清单 1. 验证服务   primary# ldm list-services primaryVDS NAME VOLUME OPTIONS DEVICE primary-vds0VCC NAME PORT-RANGE primary-vcc0 5000-5100VSW NAME MAC NET-DEV DEVICE MODE primary-vsw0 02:04:4f:fb:9f:0d nxge0 switch@0 prog,promiscVCC NAME LDOM PORT-RANGE primary-vcc0 primary 5000-5100VSW NAME LDOM MAC NET-DEV ID DEVICE LINKPROP DEFAULT-VLAN-ID PVID VID ... primary-vsw0 primary 00:14:4f:f8:28:c2 igb0 0 switch@0 1 1 1500 on VDS NAME LDOM VOLUME OPTIONS MPGROUP DEVICE primary-vds0 primary  Oracle VM Server for SPARC 使用 SSL 对迁移流量进行加密,以保护敏感数据免受利用,并消除了对额外硬件和专用网络的需求;  当源计算机和目标计算机上的主域具有分配的加密单元时,迁移操作的速度会增加。速度增加的原因在于可以将 SSL 操作分流到加密单元。  注:SPARC T4 CPU 具有内置的加密指令,因此您不需要为 CPU 分配这些指令。  确定控制域中是否有加密设备。  primary# ldm list -o crypto primary  为控制域分配加密资源。  primary# ldm set-crypto 1 primary  为控制域分配 CPU 和内存。  您可以通过向源计算机上的主域中添加更多 CPU 来减少整体迁移时间。最好为每个主域至少分配 8 个 CPU。例如,以下命令为控制域分配 8 个 CPU 和 4 GB 内存。  primary# ldm start-reconf primaryprimary# ldm set-vcpu 8 primaryprimary# ldm set-memory 4G primary  重新启动系统。  primary# init 6  重新启动系统之后,启用 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 并为系统配置一个域:控制域 primary。在控制域中,您可以创建和配置其他域。  确保启用 Logical Domains Manager (ldmd) 和虚拟网络终端服务器 (vntsd) 服务。  primary# svcadm enable ldmdprimary# svcadm enable vntsd  向服务处理器 (SP) 添加逻辑域计算机配置。例如,以下命令添加名为 initial 的配置。  primary# ldm add-config initial  验证该配置可以使用。  primary# ldm list-configfactory-defaultinitial [current]  配置来宾域  配置控制域之后,创建来宾域以用作 Oracle 数据库节点。在作为源计算机的物理服务器上,仅创建一个来宾域。另一台物理服务器最终将成为目标计算机。  最初使用以下资源创建来宾域 ldg1:  8 GB 内存。  24 个 CPU。  一个虚拟网络接口 (vnet0),它连接到虚拟交换机 primary-vsw0。  一个虚拟磁盘,它在来宾域中显示为 c0d0 并且是存储阵列中的一个 LUN。域 ldg1 使用存储阵列的 LUN 0 (c2t6d0)。  另一个虚拟磁盘,它在来宾域中显示为 c0d1 并且是存储阵列中的一个 LUN。域 ldg1 使用存储阵列的 LUN 1 (c2t6d1)。此虚拟磁盘用于存储 Oracle 数据库文件。  执行以下步骤创建每个来宾域:  在源计算机上,从控制域创建 ldg1 来宾域。  注:如果您的服务器不是基于 SPARC T4 的系统,则仅执行 ldm set-crypto 命令。  primary# ldm create ldg1primary# ldm set-vcpu 24 ldg1primary# ldm set-memory 8G ldg1primary# ldm set-crypto 3 ldg1primary# ldm add-vnet vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldg1primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c2t6d0s2 vol1@primary-vds0primary# ldm add-vdisk vol1 vol1@primary-vds0 ldg1primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c2t6d1s2 oradata@primary-vds0primary# ldm add-vdisk oradata oradata@primary-vds0 ldg1  创建域之后,在源计算机上使用以下命令从控制域绑定并启动来宾域。  primary# ldm bind ldg1primary# ldm start ldg1  确定域的控制台端口。  primary# ldm ls ldg1NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIMEldg1 active -n---- 5000 24 8G 0.0% 1h 1m  使用 telnet 命令访问 ldg1 域的控制台。  primary# telnet localhost 5000  启动来宾域之后,确保在来宾域中安装了相应的 Oracle Solaris 操作系统和补丁。您可以通过网络、从 DVD 或使用 DVD ISO 映像来执行安装。参见 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.1 管理指南。  注:LUN 通常在不同服务器上以不同名称显示。控制域中的 LUN 名称不需要相同。但是,两个系统上的控制域必须使用相同的卷名(vol1 和 oradata)对相同的 LUN(LUN 0 和 LUN 1)进行虚拟化。  清单 2 的示例显示了如何为名为 ldg1 的域配置 8 个 CPU、24 GB 内存以及 Sun Storage 2540-M2 存储阵列中的两个 LUN。  清单 2. 域配置示例 primary# ldm ls -l ldg1NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIMEldg1 active -n---- 5000 24 8G 0.0% 1h 1mSOFTSTATESolaris runningMAC 00:14:4f:fb:96:89HOSTID 0x84fb9689CONTROL failure-policy=ignoreDEPENDENCY master=VCPU VID PID UTIL STRAND 0 16 0.2% 100% 1 17 0.0% 100% 2 18 0.5% 100% 3 19 0.0% 100% 4 20 0.0% 100% 5 21 0.0% 100% 6 22 0.1% 100% 7 23 0.0% 100% 8 24 0.1% 100% 9 25 0.0% 100% 10 26 0.0% 100% 11 27 0.0% 100% 12 28 0.0% 100% 13 29 0.0% 100% 14 30 0.0% 100% 15 31 0.0% 100% 16 32 0.0% 100% 17 33 0.0% 100% 18 34 0.0% 100% 19 35 0.0% 100% 20 36 0.0% 100% 21 37 0.0% 100% 22 38 0.0% 100% 23 39 0.1% 100%MEMORY RA PA SIZE 0x8000000 0x408000000 8GVARIABLES boot-device=vdisk1 keyboard-layout=US-EnglishNETWORK NAME SERVICE ID DEVICE MAC MODE PVID VID MTU LINKPROP vnet1 primary-vsw0@primary 0 network@0 00:14:4f:f9:c0:62 1 1500 DISK NAME VOLUME TOUT ID DEVICE SERVER MPGROUP vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0 0 disk@0 primary oradata oradata@primary-vds0 1 disk@1 primaryVCONS NAME SERVICE PORT ldg1 primary-vcc0@primary 5000  清单 3 的示例显示了控制域的配置。使用 ldm list-services 命令验证已经创建了这些服务。  清单 3. 控制域配置示例 primary# ldm ls-services primaryVCC NAME LDOM PORT-RANGE primary-vcc0 primary 5000-5100VSW NAME LDOM MAC NET-DEV ID DEVICE LINKPROP DEFAULT-VLAN-ID ... primary-vsw0 primary 00:14:4f:f9:32:b0 nxgeg0 0 switch@0 1 1 ...VDS NAME LDOM VOLUME OPTIONS MPGROUP DEVICE primary-vds0 primary vol1 /dev/dsk/c2t6d0s2 oradata /dev/dsk/c2t6d1s2  在来宾域中安装 Oracle Solaris  确保在来宾域中安装了相应的 Oracle Solaris 版本,并验证打了所需的补丁。  在来宾域中安装 Oracle Solaris 之后,可以配置并启用系统使其使用 Oracle 数据库。  安装 Oracle Database  Oracle Database 软件的安装类似于标准 Oracle Database 安装。首先安装 Oracle Database,然后应用最新补丁集。使用第二个 LUN 创建 UFS 或 ZFS 文件系统用于存储 Oracle 数据库数据文件。  有关针对 Oracle 数据库使用 ZFS 的更多信息,请参见针对 Oracle 数据库配置 Oracle Solaris ZFS。  准备目标服务器  按如下方式准备目标服务器。  执行以下各节中所述的步骤来准备目标计算机:  安装 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 软件  配置控制域  确保在目标服务器上提供了供待迁移域使用的所有虚拟 I/O 服务。  确保目标服务器有权访问同一存储中的 LUN 0 和 LUN 1。  要将第一个 LUN (LUN 0) 和第二个 LUN (LUN 1) 添加到目标计算机,从目标服务器的控制域执行以下命令:  # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c2t6d0s2 vol1@primary-vds0# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c2t6d1s2 oradata@primary-vds0   注:LUN 通常在不同服务器上以不同名称显示。控制域中的 LUN 名称不需要相同。但是,两个系统上的控制域必须使用相同的卷名(vol1 和 oradata)对相同的 LUN(LUN 0 和 LUN 1)进行虚拟化。  确保待迁移域中的每个虚拟网络设备在目标计算机上都有一个对应的虚拟网络交换机:  # ldm add-vsw net-dev=nxge0 primary-vsw0 primary

you should do it...(patient)应该填什么 为什么

patiently 英["peu026au0283ntlu026a]美[u02c8peu0283u0259ntlu026a]adv. 耐心地,坚韧不拔地;[网络] 耐心地; 有耐性地; 耐心的;[例句]She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention but he was too busy at this moment.她耐心地等待着药剂师能够注意到她,但他在这个时候太忙了。

求不二周助(甲斐田ゆき)《peaceful time》歌词

【】内为台词Black RainDon"t Stop The Rain黒(くろ)い雨(あめ)の中(なか) 静(しず)かな微笑(ほほえ)みをDon"t Heal My Painまだ谁(だれ)も知(し)らない仆(ぼく)を见(み)せるよ【确(たし)かにでたらめなスピード(すぴーど)だねでも、仆(ぼく)に胜(か)つのはまだ早(はや)いよ。】なくすモノ(もの)を恐(おそ)れないで挑(いど)んでくるでもこの一线(いっせん)は超(こ)えさせはしない望(のぞ)むモノはただ仅(わず)かの翳(かげ)りも无(な)く时(とき)に罪深(つみぶか)くも完璧(かんぺき)な强(つよ)さDon"t Stop The Rainこの胸(むね)の中(なか)の野性(やせい)が目(め)を覚(さ)ますDon"t Heal My Pain络(から)み出(だ)す运命(とき)の悪戯(いたずら)が见(み)たいDon"t Stop The Rain渇(かわ)いた心(こころ)が 求(もと)める楽园(オーシス)よDon"t Heal My Painまだ谁(だれ)も知(し)らない仆(ぼく)を见(み)せるよ【どんなに突(つ)き放(はな)してもあっという间(ま)に追(お)いついてくる、こんなスリル、灭多(めった)に味(あじ)わえないよ】ただ一途(いっと)にこだわってるその姿(すがた)がぶつかってくる程(ほど) 突(つ)き上(あ)げるスリルざわめき出(だ)す鸟(とり)たちは気付(きづ)いていた新(あたら)しい岚(あらし)が近(ちか)づいた事(こと)をDon"t Stop The Rain黒(くろ)い雨(あめ)の中(なか) 静(しず)かな微笑(ほほえ)みをDon"t Heal My Pain喜(よろこ)びにも似(に)た 感覚(かんかく)が走(はし)るDon"t Stop The Rain走(はし)るイナズマ(いなずま)に 解(と)き放(はな)つ覚醒(かくせい)をDon"t Heal My Painまだ谁(だれ)も知(し)らない仆(ぼく)を见(み)せるよDon"t Stop The Rainこの胸(むね)の中(なか)の野性(やせい)が目(め)を覚(さ)ますDon"t Heal My Pain络(から)み出(だ)す运命(とき)の悪戯(あくぎ)が见(み)たいDon"t Stop The Rain走(はし)るイナズマ(いなずま)に 解(と)き放(はな)つ覚醒(かくせい)をDon"t Heal My Painまだ谁(だれ)も知(し)らない仆(ぼく)を见(み)せるよThe Ache of My Heart眠(ねむ)れない夜(よる)が続(つづ)き见上(みあ)げた白(しろ)い月(つき)今(いま)も鲜(あざ)やかに浮(う)かぶ褪(あ)せない记忆(きおく)に胸(むね)の痛(いた)み缲(く)り返(かえ)す手(て)を伸(の)ばしても届(とど)かないキミの背中(せなか)それでもボクは梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)追(お)いかけていた何(なに)もなかったかのように振舞(ふるま)ってしまうけど出来(でき)るなら全(すべ)てを忘(わす)れられたら…きっと I"ll be with a smile知(し)らない道(みち)を选(えら)んで歩(ある)いた帰(かえ)り道(みち)远回(とおまわ)りでもいいから仅(わず)かな期待(きたい)をこの胸(むね)から消(け)したくて雑踏(ざっとう)の中(なか)で 空(から)回(まわ)ってる ボク(ぼく)の想(おも)いシグナル(しくなる)が変(か)わってもまだ踏(ふ)み出(だ)せないよ何(なに)もなかったかのように微笑(ほほえ)んでいるけど弱(よわ)い自分(じぶん)なんて断(た)ち切(き)れたなら…もっと I"ll be with a smile何(なに)もなかったんだよと嗫(ささや)いてくれたらどんなに今(いま)ボクは救(すく)われるだろう…だけど still love you何(なに)もなかったかのように振(ふ)る舞(ま)っているけどそれでもまだキミを思(おも)い出(だ)すんだ…今(いま)は少(すこ)し泣(な)かせて

how could you turn down

答案C.选项A turn off“关闭,关掉”;B turn in“上交”;D turn to“转向;求助于;翻到 … … ”;C turn down“拒绝;(煤气,声音等)开小”符合语境,故选C项.

ONSPuls 跟普通的ONS模拟器有什么区别


turn down能不加宾语吗?i should turn down我应该拒绝,行吗

必须加!turn sth down我应该拒绝 i should turn it down





woldyoulike_ (eat) some mushrooms?

参考答案:to eat

as a result和because of的区别

as a result of 意思是结果是... because of 意思是:由于. As a result of the matter,he lost the game.结果,他输掉了这个游戏. Because of his carelessness,he lost the game.由于他的粗心,他输掉了这个游戏.

急求有关success和women,men&moneny 和the soul of business为话题的英文对话


You are careful with moneny and work to budget.



LOL手游v2.5.0.5047类型:角色扮演大小:1680MB评分:10平台:标签:MOBA类战斗大厂游戏男生精选LOL手游could not connect to the server是我们在游戏中会遇到的一个问题,他的意思是无法连接到服务器,出现这个说法的原因是很多的,最常见的就是加速器的问题,一般来说多尝试更换一些不同的线路或者去其他的服务器玩就能够解决这样的问题,下面小编带来的就是各种无法登录的原因的介绍。1、we've let too many poros in 提示原因:服务器访问人数过多。解决方法:可以晚点登录尝试。2、unable to login with an account from this region”的意思是注册地与服务器不匹配。 解决方法:更换注册地址选择相同区服,重新换号。3、we‘ve received your request.please wait a few minutes and try again意思是服务器满载或者其他问题导致的。解决方法:需要重新开服,等待官方修复,或者去别的区服。4、Login Time Out的意思是安装时出现了错误。解决方法:重新尝试安装包,正规渠道下载。5、account missing permissions的意思是没有权限。解决方法:换区服试试就可以了。6、an error occurred please try toagain later的意思:服务器炸了,建议等待哦,或者重新尝试登陆。

请帮忙解释:I would like some Chinese food


expect 的用法和suggest一样吗 就是加that sb (should) do

expect 英音:[iks"pekt] 美音:[ɪk"spɛkt] 及物动词 vt. 1.预计...可能发生(或来到);预料;预期[+(that)][+to-v][O2]He expected to finish the work by March. 他预期三月份完成这项工作。 We expected that you would succeed. 我们预计你会成功的。 2.期待;等待;盼望That"s just what we expected. 那正是我们所期望的。 I"ll expect you for supper at six o"clock. 我六点等你吃晚饭。 3.认为理应得到;指望;要求[(+from)][O2]Don"t expect too much of him. 别对他期望过高。 I expect you to be punctual. 我要求你准时。 The professor expected respect from his students. 教授认为学生理应尊敬他。 4.想;认为[W][Y][+(that)]I expect you are right. 我想你是对的。 不及物动词 vi. 1.期待;预期2.(用进行时)怀孕,怀胎suggest 英音:[sə"dʒest] 美音:[sə"dʒɛst] 及物动词 vt. 1.建议,提议[+v-ing][+(that)][+wh-]I suggest our going to the park on Sunday. 我建议我们星期天去公园。 The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day. 牙医建议她改天再来。 2.暗示;启发[+(that)]Her expression suggested pleasure. 她面露喜色。 3.使人想起,使人联想到[(+to)]That cloud suggests a boat to me. 那朵云使我联想到船。 就that句型,expect 前后事态要保持以致。而suggest用于虚拟语气,后面接(should )+动原

be careful与notice的区分

be careful 可以跟不定式 和从句 be careful to do sth be careful 加名词性从句其他跟介词 的用法 是介词本身的用法 除了 be careful with 和 be careful for以外还有 be careful in doing ,be careful about sth, be careful of sth notice用法:notice sb .doing sth注意到某人做某事短语:take notice of 注意到come to one"s notice引起某人注意bring sth.to sb."s notice提醒某人注意某事give sb.notice向某人发出解雇、停租通知until further notice直至另行通知派生:noticeable a.显而易见的;显著的notify v.(正式地)通知,告知

Slipknot的《Sulfur 》 歌词

歌曲:Sulfur歌手:Slipknot专辑:antennas to hell发行时间:2012-07-24发行公司:RoadRunnermy guilt and my shame always sell me short - always feel the sameand my face and my soul always wear me thin - always under controlbut the longest hours you"ll have in your lifeare the ones you sit through to know if you"re rightso i"ll wait, but i pray that i"m wrongbecause i think i know what"s going onso let me get this straight… the only will is my owni do whatever i want and stay aloneall my decisions make it untouchable and taintedi"m gonna suffer for the rest of my lifebut i will always find a way to survivei"m not a failure, but i know what it"s likei can take it or leave it… or diestay - you don"t always know where you stand"til you know that you won"t run awaythere"s something inside me that feelslike breathing in sulfur…my life is undoneand i"m a sinner to most but a sage to someand my gods are untruei"m probably wrong, but i"m better than youand the longest hours i"ve had in my lifewere the ones i went through to know i was rightso i"m safe, but i"m a little outsidei"m gonna laugh when i"m buried alivestay - you don"t always know where you stand"til you know that you won"t run awaythere"s something inside me that feelslike breathing in sulfur…like breathing in sulfurstay - you don"t always know where you stand"til you know that you won"t run awaythere"s something inside me that feelslike breathing in sulfur…like breathing in sulfur

Slipknot活结贝斯手Paul Gray怎么死的?好像是今年5月24日驾崩的

都传闻是吸毒 唉 可惜了

英语问题 to make her beautiful 和 to make herself beautiful 哪个对 ?


counterculture of 1960s是指什么?


fixed lot multiple是什么意思


what a beautiful river and breathtaking miuntains

C 分 析: 句意:--多么美丽的河和令人激动的山啊!--是的,它们让我想到我已经到达了外星人的星球.这里强调现在的感觉,用现在完成时,所以选C. 考点: 考查时态

Win8系统下persistence module是什么,可开机禁止启动么

如果您安装的是360杀毒软件。 点击360杀毒软件的右上角的设置键---常规选项---登陆启动Window后自动启动 前面的勾去掉就可以解决这个问题了。

Win8系统下persistence module是什么,可开机禁止启动么

persistence module是用户存储模块程序进程 可以开机禁止启动 不会对你的使用产生什么影响

win7开机显示的persistence module已停止工作如何解决? 我不懂什么驱动问题 请解答直白~

如果您安装的是360杀毒软件。 点击360杀毒软件的右上角的设置键---常规选项---登陆启动Window后自动启动 前面的勾去掉就可以解决这个问题了。

此处为何选 particular 而不选 typical ?

typical is like commonbut in this sentence you need to use particular- specifically pointing to one thing...

would you like a cup of coffee? A.No,i don`t want. B.No, thank you C.I don`t like it D.Yes,i do

选B AC肯定不选 而D不能用DO来回答

Would you like _____ NO,thank


can,could和be able to的区别

表示能力时,can 和be able to 可互换can 只有原形(现在时,可表现在或将来)和过去式could(即过去式,表过去),be able to 有多种时态用在过去式时中,could do 表示过去的一般能力,而was/were able to 表示做某件具体事情的能力,相当于managed to 或succeeded in.

could和be able to的区别

1.当下面三句话在 现在时 的对话中,都可以简单译为 [我能清理房子],但结合全文每句的意思又可以各有侧重:I can clean the room. (告知你 或 来和你确认)我去整理房间。I could clean the room. (如果你不想整理)我可以,但实际上也没想去做。I"m able to clean the room. 我胜任房间清理(我不是2岁能力不足)。可以根据上下文来选择使用哪一种表达。 Can 和 Could 回答时,can给人一种自愿接受的感觉。Could有种不情愿的接受。上下文无序强调时,两者亦可通用。2.can 和 could 在疑问句中:Could 提问表委婉请求。路人对你说:Could you do me a favour?Can提问更强烈,商量余地弱。妈妈说: can you clean your room?不许侧重的时候,两者通用都可。

could和be able to的区别

can,could和be able to的区别can 与be able to在用法上既有相同的一方面, 又有不同的地方,这是应该引起注意的。当它们表示能力的时候,是同义的。如: He can speak two foreign languages. He is able to speak two foreign languages. 它们用法上的不同主要体现在以下几方面: 1. can只有两种时态, 即can 和could, 而be able to 有多种时态, 如was/were able to, will/shall be able to, have/has been able to等: I"ll be able to drive the car in a week. 2.表示过去通过努力终于做成了某事要用be able to,而不能用can。如: I was able to swim to the bank after the boat turned over. can 和be able to 都可以表示能力.can泛指一般的能力,而且只有两种形式,即:can, could.be able to 则主要指具体做到了某件事的能力,其形式主要是靠be 发生变化,所以形式比can 多.可以说:I can swim. I am able to swim. 但是不能说:All the people could escape from the big fire in time. 只能说:All the people were able to escape from the fire in time. 3.can能表猜测,be able to不能。can的这种用法主要用于疑问句和否定句。 Somebody is knocking at the door. Who can it be? It can"t be our teacher who is knocking at the door. 其肯定形式是must be。如: It must be our teacher who is knocking at the door. must have done something 表示对现在完成或过去动作的猜测,其否定形式是can"t have done。如: “His parents must have gone abroad.” “No, I don"t think so. They can"t have gone, for I saw them only this morning.” 要特别注意它们的反意问句形式: He must be a good teacher,mustn"t /isn"t he? The students must have gone to bed, haven"t they? They must have finished their lessons yesterday, didn"t they? could既可以用肯定形式,又可以用疑问或否定形式。如果用could表示现在“可能”,比can语气更加委婉。如: If you don"t spend enough time on your studies, you could fail in the final examination. It could be our teacher who turned off the light last night. 与It must be our teacher. 相比,这句话表示的可能性更小, 因为它表示了两种可能性, 既 “可能是”也可能“不是”,而 must be 只表示了一种猜测。 could have done 这个句型有它的特殊含意,表示“本来可能做到而未做到的事”。如: Our class team could have won the game. 再看以下例句: He cannot be over praised for what he has done for all of us. 他为我们大家做了这些事, 应该受到大大的表扬。 即 “再怎么表扬也不过分”。 4.can 可以表 “允许”, 与may可以互换, 此时不能用be able to 代替。如: “Can / May I sit here?” “Yes, please.” 由于may not 有两个意思, 即 “不可能” 和 “不许可”, 因此使用时要特别注意。如: He may not go home this weekend. 此句既可以表示 He will probably not go home this weekend.也可以表示 I don"t permit him to go home this weekend. 在口语中,表达这两种不同的含义是通过句重音来解决的。如: He may `not go home this weekend. (I don"t permit him to go home this weekend.) He `may not go home this weekend. (He will probably not go home this weekend.) 而在书面表达时不可能使用句重音的手段, 所以最好用can"t代替may not来表示 “不可能”: He can"t go home this weekend. 5. can 是情态动词,只能用作谓语成分,be able to是普通动词短语,既可以作谓语,也可以作非谓语。如: Being able to speak English fluently, he has no difficulty in communicating with the Americans at the party. How I long to be able to communicate with the foreigners in fluent English! 6. be able to 后边接动词不定式表示一种实际情况时,其否定形式不是be not able to,而是cannot。如: Were you able to catch the first bus yesterday morning? No, I couldn"t. 7. 一般说来, be able to 后边的动词不定式没有被动语态。如: I"m sure he is able to correct his mistakes in grammar. 不说: *I"m sure his mistakes are able to be corrected by him.

一般情况下“be able to”等同于“can/could”,那下面这句话中“be able to”可否替换为“can/could”?

这里有两个问题。首先,can/could在表示“能够”的意思时,除了带有“具有做…的能力” 外,还夹带着“主观上愿意”的含义。而be able to在表示“能够(做)”的意思时,则只是“客观上具备了做…的能力”的意味,并不含有主观上的任何意愿。其次,be able to可以将be改成being跟在介词之后,但can/could是无论如何不能放在介词之后的。


虽然我并不是太了解什么是带死区的继电特性。不过我可以告诉你以下以下方法。1.将死区dead zone模块同继电relay模块串联,或许可以实现。2.利用matlab function模块,里面可以编程。3.利用s-function模块,进行复杂的编程。

英语a particular location怎么翻译?




I am very surprised to _________the odd skull in this formidable locker.

【答案】:C考查动词不定式用法。be surprised to 后面要用动词原形,故选come across。句意:无意中在这个可怕的储物柜中发现了奇怪的头骨,这让我很吃惊。come across 无意中发现;偶遇。


【formidable】 adj. 强大的;可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的;使人敬畏的;令人惊叹的;庞大的;优秀的,杰出的;难对付的,难以克服的...同义有--powerful, terrible, august, horrible ...【dreadful 】 adj. 1. 可怕的,可怖的,可畏的,令人(感到)恐惧的;令人惊骇的,骇人的2. 令人敬畏的3. [口语]极不合意的,令人作呕的,令人不快的;糟透了的;极讨厌的;丑陋的;可恶的4. 极其严重的;极大的;极端的(有 比较级more dreadful 最高级most dreadful )读音不同,部分词义不同》以上回答,希望能解决你的问题。递交。

Paul Wong的《Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:Lady歌手:Paul Wong专辑:Paul Wong X Steve Wong X Beyond - Rock & Roll CollectionJanne Da Arc - Lady作词:yasu作曲:yasu编曲:yasu/Janne Da Arc『いつもすました颜しやがって!』何も言えない仆は心の中でそう叫ぶだけど『その态度にもあきれちまって!』だけども甘いklssに胜てないよ今宵もあなたとsatisfaction love『能书きはしつこくたれやがって!』伪りの姿で爱を确かめようとしているけど『そのセリフにも、もう饱きちまって』まあいい骗されるのも悪くない今宵もあなたとsatisfaction loveああ 时折り见せるその笑颜がLadyそれだけでも自分の物にしたくなる仆が怖くなる『さあ、今すぐここへひざまずきなよ』ほらもう无駄な抵抗はやめて今すぐ恋に落ちてくれああ お愿い よそ见しないでよLadyもうわかるだろう“百戦錬磨”面倒な事はやめないか?『さあ 今すぐここへKissしておくれよ』ほらもう邪魔な物はすべて舍て今すぐ頬を染めてくれ『ほらまた爱想ふりまきやがって!』别にすねてるわけでもないジェラシーなんて感じるわけない『闻こえてないのか浮かれやがって!』とにかくKissの続きがしたいだけ『八方美人 笑わせやがって!』周りの奴らにチヤホヤされるのもまあ今のうちだから『もういいだろう? イラつかせやがって!』仆の视界でイチャつかないでくれ今宵は谁とsatisfaction love?ああ 时折り见せるその笑颜がLadyそれだけでも自分の物にしたくなる仆が怖くなる『さあ、今すぐここへひざまずきなよ』ほらもう无駄な抵抗はやめて今すぐ恋に落ちてくれああ お愿い よそ见しないでよLadyもうわかるだろう“百戦錬磨”面倒な事はやめないか?『さあ 今すぐここへKissしておくれよ』ほらもう邪魔な物はすべて舍て今すぐ頬を染めてくれああ 时折り见せるその笑颜がLadyそれだけでも自分の物にしたくなる仆が怖くなる『さあ、今すぐここへひざまずきなよ』ほらもう无駄な抵抗はやめて今すぐ恋に落ちてくれああ お愿い よそ见しないでよLadyもうわかるだろう“百戦錬磨”面倒な事はやめないか?『さあ 今すぐここへKissしておくれよ』ほらもう邪魔な物はすべて舍て今すぐ頬を染めてくれおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7317995



a host of 和a multitude of 分别加可数还是不可数名词?

a multitude of 大批的,众多的,后面接可数名词复数形式.They are found in amultitude of colours making them the most beautiful frogspecie.它们被发现拥有众多颜色,这使它们成为最美丽的青蛙物种之一.a host of许多 一大群,后面接可数名词复数形式This leads to a host of legal quirks.这导致了大量合法却十分怪异的事。

a host of 和a multitude of 分别加可数还是不可数名词?


michael,could you help me,please怎么读

英文原文:michael,could you help me,please英式音标:[u02c8mau026akl] [ku0259d; ku028ad] [juu02d0] [help] [miu02d0] [pliu02d0z] 美式音标:[u02c8mau026akl] [ku028ad] [ju] [hu025blp] [mi] [pliz]

Pull Me Under 歌词

歌曲名:Pull Me Under歌手:matt cardle专辑:Letters (Limited Edition 2CD)Matt Cardle - Pull Me UnderTruth, daresGirls for which I never really caredAffairs to forgetA search for ends that never really metIf I could only find this feelingAnd find a love beyond this dreamIt"s never been so clear thatI need someone to pull me underI need someone, I start to wonderWill I ever stop skipping like a stoneMy heart keeps skipping like a stoneOn the calmest river keep onAnd I"ll never break the surface"Till it feels like homeTruth, dares, lust, affairsGirls for which I never caredSuccess, deceit, lies, defeatMaking ends that never meetI"ve been found, lost, paid the costA skipping stone that gathered mossTrying to keep my heart above the waterIf I could only find this feelingAnd find a love beyond this dreamIt"s never been so clear thatI need someone to pull me underI need someone, I start to wonderWill I ever stop skipping like a stoneMy heart keeps skipping like a stoneOn the calmest river keep onAnd I"ll never break the surface"Till it feels like homeTill it feels like homeI need someone to pull me underI need someone, I start to wonderWill I ever stop skipping like a stoneMy heart keeps skipping like a stoneOn the calmest river keep onAnd I"ll never break the surface"Till it feels like homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/19043517


multichannel:多通话线路的,多波段的;多道;多通路;多通道。多用来形容线路,讯息传导方式等。stereo:立体声的;有立体感的 。多用于音响,电视等可视可听等设备。

he hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball,otherwise he would have scored a goal什么意思?

在他踢球之前他犹豫了一会,不然他就会进球了因为他没有进球 只是对过去发生事情的假设

life is beautiful ——TIM MCMORRIS求这首歌歌词

life is beautiful ——TIM MCMORRISHey nowCome onLet"s goThe music"s playin"I"ve gotTo move onTo go outNo more delayin"Pack myThings upCare freeAdventure"s waitin"I"m headin" outHeadin" out to see the rest of the worldYeah, yeahSo kick it up to stir it upAlive will make you feelPress reset with no regretMake sure to keep it realThe possibilities, right in front of meOh all the things that I can beGot me feelin" freeYeahSo turn it up and shout it outCause you got something to shout aboutAnd let the world just spin aroundAs you go on and make more groundAnd throw your hands up, ya put em up highWalk a new path, and go onAnd let the cares fly byAnd if you take some time to ask me whyYou always see me with a smileI"ll tell you thatLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulYa gotta give it all ya gotEverything you got to giveTime to shine, time to liveLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulNow your living out your dreamWith your hopes up highYour only limit is the skyHey, hey, hey, heyStanding in a brand new placeI feel the sun shine on my faceThe weather"s good, the day is brightI watched it turn from dark to lightAnd keep the music goingKeep the good times rollin"And now I"ll never let it stopYou"ll only find me growin"Come onSing out a songAnd don"t be shyCause you"ll never knowTill you give it a tryColourful like a work of artA brand new day, a brand new startAnd once you go up, you"ll never come downLike your walking right on the air, with your feet far off the groundAnd if I take some time to ask you whyI always see you with a smileYou"ll tell me thatLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulYa gotta give it all ya gotEverything you got to giveTime to shine, time to liveLife is grand, life is great, life is goodLife is beautifulNow your living out your dreamWith your hopes up highYour only limit is the skyHey, hey, hey, hey


可以辅助判断:if ( !feof(fp) ) { if ( fgets(buffer,256,fp)==NULL ) break; ... }

一首很经典的英文歌,摇滚,女歌手,高潮部分有"julia julia"的歌名是什么

Call Me Maybe-Carly Rae JepsenI threw a wish in the wellDon"t ask me I"ll never tellI looked to you as it fellAnd now you"re in my wayI"d trade my soul for a wishPennies and dimes – for a kissI wasn"t looking for thisBut now you"re in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans – skin was showingHot night – Wind was blowingWhere d" you think you"re going baby?Hey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeIt"s hard to look rightAt you baby!But here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeAnd all the other boysTry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me Maybe......You took your time with the callI took no time with the fallYou gave me nothing at allBut still you"re in my wayI beg and borrow and stealHave foresight"and it"s realI didn"t know I would feel itBut it"s in my wayYour stare was holdingRipped jeans – skin was showingHot night – Wind was blowingWhere d" you think you"re going baby?Hey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeIt"s hard to look rightAt you baby!But here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeAnd all the other boysTry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badAnd You should know thatI"ve missed you so so badIt"s hard to look rightAt you babyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeHey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeAnd all the other boysTry to chase meBut here"s my numberSo" Call Me MaybeBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so badI"ve missed you so so badBoy you came into my lifeI"ve missed you so badYou should know thatSo" Call Me Maybe

布兰妮why should i be sad 的歌词

They couldn"t believe I did it But I was so committed My life was so restricted for you I just told them set of lies Couldn"t see what"s on inside Thought there"d be real panic for you Exchanged my vows And said it all Woman, let"s prepare to fall Even, screaming did it for you (Remember it?) My friends said you would play me But I just said they"re crazy While I was crying, praying Was it true? Well, should I be sad? Heaven knows From the stupid freaking things that you do (Stupid freaking things) Or should I get bad or sad Who knows? Just take it all As a sign that we"re through Goodbye It"s time for me to move along (Goodbye) It"s time for me to get it on (OK) I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right) It"s time for me (Britney, let"s go) I sent you to Vegas With a pocket roll of paper Don"t put no ultimatiums on you I thought what could separate us But it just seemed to break us Only brought the playa part of you (Hey baby, what"s your name?) Lavish homes and fancy cars Even got the drop Ferrari Filled up our garage for you Made your choice with all the teams People let us in magazines Tell me who"d I do that for, who? Why should I be sad? Heaven knows From the stupid freaking things that you do (Stupid freaking things) Or should I get bad or sad Who knows? Just take it all As a sign that we"re through Goodbye It"s time for me to move along (Goodbye) It"s time for me to get it on (OK) I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right) It"s time for me (Britney, let"s go) It"s time for me to move along (Goodbye) It"s time for me to get it on (OK) I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right) It"s time for me (Britney, let"s go) And don"t you worry About our angels (All the magazines trying to analyse Seeing things in the Us subsection) There"ll get good guidance And be trained well Don"t worry I"ll keep a little secret When I ask this question Why should I be sad? Heaven knows From the stupid freaking things that you do (Stupid freaking things) Why should I get back the sack? Who knows? Just take it all As a sign that we"re through Goodbye It"s time for me to move along (Goodbye) It"s time for me to get it on (OK) I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right) It"s time for me (Britney, let"s go) It"s time for me to move along (Goodbye) It"s time for me to get it on (OK) I"m tired of singing sad songs (All right) It"s time for me (Britney, let"s go) Yeah Baby, come on 人们无法认同我的行为 但我心依然坚定 我的生活因你而被套牢 沉溺在盲目的爱情中 真相也不曾水落石出 以为这样就是最浪费是事 交换爱的誓词 道出一切 做一个忠实的妻子 无论忧伤喜乐 这些你还记得吗? 朋友都说你只是玩玩我 但我都说他们疯了 当我哭泣 祈祷时 难道这都是真的吗? 复歌 忧伤止步 愿上天知道 你的种种愚昧和下流的行为 让狂怒与忧伤止步 谁知道? 只好把种种历程当做一个微兆 说再见吧 是我该走的时候了 说再见吧 是我重新开始的时候了 是的 我厌倦了唱悲伤的歌 好吧 是我私人的时候了 布兰妮 快走吧 我载你到vegas 还带找大笔钞票 我不曾去限制你的生活 还在猜想着 到底是什么使我们疏远 但似乎你去vegas赢来的 只是那冷漠无情的心 宝贝 请问你是何方神圣 豪宅与名车 甚至开找法拉力 你的欲望塞满了正个车库 还要受到年轻人的欢迎 杂志周刊争相去报导 快告诉我这一切是为了谁? 复歌X2 难道你不担心 我们那两个小天使 狗仔都试着从我们身上 颇析出端倪 我想他们会有很专业的咨询师 报导文章也会被指导得很好 放心我会帮你保守一点秘密 但除了这个问题


fgets函数原型char *fgets(char *buf, int bufsize, FILE *stream);参数*buf: 字符型指针,指向用来存储所得数据的地址。bufsize: 整型数据,指明存储数据的大小。*stream: 文件结构体指针,将要读取的文件流。含义:从文件结构体指针stream中读取数据,每次读取一行。读取的数据保存在buf指向的字符数组中,每次最多读取bufsize-1个字符(第bufsize个字符赋""),如果文件中的该行,不足bufsize个字符,则读完该行就结束。如若该行(包括最后一个换行符)的字符数超过bufsize-1,则fgets只返回一个不完整的行,但是,缓冲区总是以NULL字符结尾,对fgets的下一次调用会继续读该行。函数成功将返回buf,失败或读到文件结尾返回NULL。用法:#include<string.h>#include<stdio.h>int main ( void ){FILE*stream;char string[]="This is a test";char msg[20];stream=fopen("tmp.dat","w+");fwrite(string,strlen(string),1,stream);fseek(stream,0,SEEK_SET);fgets(msg,strlen(string)+1,stream);printf("%s",msg);fclose(stream);return 0;}

一首英文歌 高潮歌词should i give up give up give up give up~~~好像是这样~求告知!

adele - chasing pavements



healthy 和 healthful 有什么区别

一.两者作为“卫生的”、“有益于健康的”意思是相同的That book is not healthy reading for a child.对孩子来说那书不是本健康读物。healthy country air有益于健康的农村的空气Regular exercises are healthful.经常运动有益于健康。二.但是healthy还可以作为:1.健康的、健壮的The children look very healthy.孩子们看来很健康。2.看起来健康的His cheeks have healthy glow.他的双颊有着健康的红晕。3.健全的The country"s economy is not very healthy.该国的经济不很景气。

西数My Passport Ultra和Elements 新元素系列到底有什么不同


西数My Passport Ultra和Elements 新元素系列到底有什么不同

WD ELEMENTS DESKTOP是一款是最基础的大容量外置硬盘,稳定性比便携移动硬盘好,默认格式NTFS格式,WIN7以上系统使用,兼容MAC系统,XP只能选购2T的,没有加密和备份功能!MY BOOK(商务)是一款大容量外置移动硬盘,默认EXFAT格式,WIN7以上系统与MAC系统可以直接使用,具有加密和备份功能。My Passport这款多彩时尚,具有加密和备份功能,ABS工程塑料,防滑和3D防震缓冲设计!

It should be a fairly smooth walk to begin withbe


I would like to learn chinese ! I need some advice ! please tell me where I could find them !



Why do you learn ChineseChina is not only one of the world"s oldest and richest continuous cultures, over 5000 years old, but also the most populous nation in the world, with 1.28 billion people.One fifth of the planet speaks Chinese. Mandarin Chinese is the mother tongue of over 873 million people, making it the most widely spoken first language in the world. In addition to the People"s Republic of China and Taiwan, Mandarin Chinese is also spoken in the important and influential Chinese communities of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore,Brunei, the Philippines, and Mongolia.China is the second largest economy in the world and one of largest trading partners of the United States.Many US companies do business in China and have long-term investments there.Chinese is important for your career in the future!International businesses prefer to hire people who speak more than one language. China has become a huge market, and business leaders are looking for people who can speak Chinese and operate successfully in a Chinese cultural context. Knowing Chinese may give you an edge when competing for an important position.China will play a major role in world affairs in the future. As China now has opened up to the West, there are opportunities for employment in all areas.China is a wonderful country in which to teach English while developing your language and cultural skills. The experience is great, and it"s something you will never forget.望采纳 谢谢

题目: In modern _______ areas, sociocultural change is happening at an accerated rate. A: industr

选Aindustrial area工业地带In modern industrial areas, sociocultural change is happening at an accerated rate. 在现代工业地域里,社会和文化正以很快的速度变化着。


MATLAB中产生高斯白噪声的两个函数 MATLAB中产生高斯白噪声非常方便,可以直接应用两个函数,一个是WGN,另一个是AWGN。WGN用于产生高斯白噪声,AWGN则用于在某一信号中加入高斯白噪声。 1. WGN:产生高斯白噪声 y = wgn(m,n,p) 产生一个m行n列...




可以使用AWGN和WGN产生高斯白噪声。WGN用于产生高斯白噪声,AWGN则用于在某一信号中加入高斯白噪声。 加性高斯白噪声 AWGN(Additive White Gaussian Noise) 是最基本的噪声与干扰模型。加性噪声:叠加在信号上的一种噪声,通常记为n(t)

green food is now becoming more and more popular, do you know why?

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《The Fault in Our Stars》(John Green)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1z-1pDfhwF1j9BiCECaj1IQ 提取码:04dm书名:The Fault in Our Stars作者:John Green豆瓣评分:8.2出版社:Dutton Juvenile出版年份:2012-1-10页数:336内容简介:TIME Magazine"s #1 Fiction Book of 2012!“The Fault in Our Stars is a love story, one of the most genuine and moving ones in recent American fiction, but it"s also an existential tragedy of tremendous intelligence and courage and sadness.” —Lev Grossman, TIME MagazineDespite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel"s story is about to be completely rewritten.Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning-author John Green"s most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love.Winner of the 2013 Children"s Choice Teen Book of the Year Award作者简介:John Green is an award-winning, New York Times–bestselling author whose many accolades include the Printz Medal, a Printz Honor, and the Edgar Award. He has twice been a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize. With his brother, Hank, John is one half of the Vlogbrothers, one of the most popular online video projects in the world. You can join John"s 1.1 million followers on Twitter (@realjohngreen). John lives with his wife and son in Indianapolis, Indiana.


《The Fault in Our Stars》(John Green)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1S8ADY8-QVhaZK8r02XCYug 提取码: hnx6书名:The Fault in Our Stars作者:John Green豆瓣评分:8.2出版社:Dutton Juvenile出版年份:2012-1-10页数:336内容简介:TIME Magazine"s #1 Fiction Book of 2012!“The Fault in Our Stars is a love story, one of the most genuine and moving ones in recent American fiction, but it"s also an existential tragedy of tremendous intelligence and courage and sadness.” —Lev Grossman, TIME MagazineDespite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel"s story is about to be completely rewritten.Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning-author John Green"s most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love.Winner of the 2013 Children"s Choice Teen Book of the Year Award作者简介:John Green is an award-winning, New York Times–bestselling author whose many accolades include the Printz Medal, a Printz Honor, and the Edgar Award. He has twice been a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize. With his brother, Hank, John is one half of the Vlogbrothers, one of the most popular online video projects in the world. You can join John"s 1.1 million followers on Twitter (@realjohngreen). John lives with his wife and son in Indianapolis, Indiana.

ReceiVed July 7, 1998 是什么意思?



Colourful读音:英 [u02c8ku028clu0259fl],美 [u02c8ku028clu0259rfl]。adj.富于色彩的;颜色鲜艳的;富有趣味的;生动的;绘声绘色的;丰富多彩的;不光彩的;粗鲁无礼的;放浪形骸的;粗俗的。短语搭配:colourful character,鲜明的性格。colourful language,丰富多彩的语言。近义词:adj.vivid telling live反义词:colorless colourless同根词:coloured,adj.有色的;着色的;n. 混血人;有色人种的人;vt. 给…着色(colour的过去式和过去分词)。colorless,adj.无色的;苍白的;无趣味的。colourless,adj.无色的;不生动的;颜色黯淡的。colour,n. 颜色;风格;气色,面色;外貌;vi. 变色;vt. 把…涂颜色,粉饰;歪曲;使脸红。colorist,n. 善用色彩者;五彩画家。双语例句:He regaled her with a colourful account of that afternoon"s meeting.他把那天下午会面的事绘声绘色地讲给她听。Choose from a colourful array of mango, starfruit, and raspberries, to name but a few.从一堆五颜六色的水果中选择,有芒果、星果和覆盆子,这里仅举几个例子。The financier had had a colourful career in the more maverick corners of the Euromarkets.这个金融家曾在欧洲市场的阴暗角落干过不光彩的行当。A vast backdrop with the colourful logo highlighted with lasers.用激光突现彩色标识的巨幅背景幕布。The monuments act as guidelines through the country"s colourful past.这些纪念碑是这个国家灿烂历史的指南。

Weezer的《Ruling Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ruling Me歌手:Weezer专辑:HurleyWeezer - Ruling MeRing ring goes your telephoneYou act like you ain"t at homeYou shut me out, but it turns me onRed lipstick, black dressesA look that I should not mess withIt makes us boys go crazy for youSo fascinatedI"m anticipating the touchThat may never comeIn the rainIn the sunEverybody needs someoneThey can dream of all night longAll the painAnd the waysThat you"re driving me insaneIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling meWe first met in the lunch roomI never observed such a beautiful faceSweet lady, don"t play meIf I am a knob, don"t fade meYou can"t win the game if you pass theI"m so frustratedThis love"s belated, methinksLet"s get it to goIn the rainIn the sunEverybody needs someoneThey can dream of all night longAll the painAnd the waysThat you"re driving me insaneIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling meI"m not kidding anymoreThis love hurts, that"s for sureI feel you, I see you,I need youIn the rainIn the sunEverybody needs someoneThey can dream of all night longAll the painAnd the waysThat you"re driving me insaneIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling meIt"s no mystery why you"re ruling mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7446114
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