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culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。 扩展资料   culture用法:   n.文化,(微生物等的)培养,修养,养殖   vt.培植,培养   变形:过去式:cultured;现在分词:culturing;过去分词:cultured;   culture可以用作名词   culture常用作不可数名词,当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,可用于复数形式。   culture用作名词的用法例句   He has to learn the culture of bees.他得学养蜂。   She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries.她研究过东方各国的文化。   He is a man of little culture.他没多少文化修养。   culture用法例句:   1、The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture.   孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。   2、Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels.   我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。   3、They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture.   他们不再担心文化的.同质化。   4、Elvis Presley was the true begetter of modern youth culture.   埃尔维斯·普雷斯利是现代青年文化的真正奠基人。   5、Anybody interested in pop culture at all should buy "Pure Cult".   任何对流行文化有一点兴趣的人都应该买《完全崇拜》这张专辑。   6、His work offers an insight into an alien culture.   他的作品能让人们对一种异域文化产生较深入的了解。   7、He was one of the world"s foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.   他是世界上最杰出的古印第安文化研究者之一。   8、It placed reggae music firmly in the mainstream of world culture.   它使得雷鬼音乐在世界主流文化中占据了不可动摇的一席之地。



culture怎么读 culture如何读

1、英[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259(r)]、美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259r] 2、n.文化(艺术、音乐、文学等的统称或指拥有特定信仰等的国家、群体等); 文明(指国家或群体的风俗、信仰、艺术、生活方式及社会组织); 3、vt.培养(细胞或细菌); 4、[例句]We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.我们在很大程度上都是本土文化的产物。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:cultures 复数:cultures 现在分词:culturing 过去式:cultured 过去分词:cultured


culture既是可数也是不可数。 culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。 扩展资料   culture用法:   n.文化,[生物学](微生物等的)培养,修养,养殖;   vt.培植,培养;   变形:过去式:cultured;现在分词:culturing;过去分词:cultured;   culture可以用作名词   culture常用作不可数名词,当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的"文化时,可用于复数形式。   culture用作名词的用法例句:   He has to learn the culture of bees.   他得学养蜂。   She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries.   她研究过东方各国的文化。   He is a man of little culture.   他没多少文化修养。




culture[英]["ku028cltu0283u0259(r)] [美][u02c8ku028cltu0283u025a] 生词本简明释义n.文化;[生物学](微生物等的)培养;修养;养殖vt.培植,培养复数:cultures第三人称单数:cultures过去式:cultured过去分词:cultured现在分词:culturing以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-UNCOUNT文化,文明(如艺术、哲学)Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people"s minds.There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today.当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。


culture [u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259] 音译:“考却儿”



culture 的简单英文介绍

google翻译The concept of culture: one of human society at the history of the development process created by the material and spiritual wealth of the sum of specific spiritual wealth, such as literature, art, education, science and so on. 2. Archeology terminology, refers to the same historical period is not easy locations for the transfer of relics, artifacts of the complex. The same instrument, appliance, manufacturing technology, such as a culture are the same characteristics, such as Yangshao Culture, Longshan Culture. 3. The use of language ability and general knowledge: study culture, level of education. Architectural Culture Religious and cultural Fashion Culture Food Culture


cultural的名词是cultureculture 英[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259(r)]美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259r]n.文化,文明; 文化v.培养(细胞或细菌);[例句]There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today.当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。[其他] 第三人称单数:cultures 复数:cultures 现在分词:culturing 过去式:cultured 过去分词:culturedcultural英[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259ru0259l]美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259ru0259l]adj. 与文化有关的; 文化的; 与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的;[例句]Manchester has a rich cultural, economic and sporting heritage.曼彻斯特有丰富的文化、经济和体育遗产。


文化是不可数的,Chinese culture。用法,可以跟在国家后面,如:Chinese culture,也可以跟在名词性物主代词后面,如:our culture.也可以跟在形容词后,如:beautiful culture.




Culture既是可数名词,也是不可数名词,区分具体可不可数的时候要看实际要表达的含义。culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。 culture的短语 ancient culture:古代文化 artistic culture:艺术修养 Confucian culture:儒教 acquire culture:受到教育 develop a culture:发展文化 lack culture:缺乏修养 man of culture:有教养的人 culture的例句 The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture. 孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。 Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels. 我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。 They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture. 他们不再担心文化的同质化。 She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture. 她不会说日语,也不了解日本文化。 There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today. 当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。



chinese culture可数吗

chinese culture不可数,chinese culture 意思是中国文化; culture 表示“文明”时不可数,表示“文化”时既可数又不可数,当总称时不可数,当表示“不同国家的文化”时是可数的。这里作为总称,不可数的。 扩展资料   Now I have a better understanding of Chinese culture.   现在我更加了解中国文化。   We should assimilate the good things in ancient Chinese culture, as well as in foreign cultures.   对中国古代的文化,我们要吸收其中有益的东西,同样,对外国的"也应如此。   The riches and splendour of our Chinese culture has evolved over a long history of thousands of years.   在中国几千年的历史中,产生了丰富灿烂的文化。   TCM is an important part of Chinese culture.   中医是中国文化的重要组成部分。






We should learn about other countries" culture when you travel abroad.




culture is 文化. civilization is 文明.


culture的形容词是cultural,发音是英["ku028cltu0283(u0259)r(u0259)l],美["ku028cltu0283u0259ru0259l],含义是文化的;教养的。 基本字义 cultural 英["ku028cltu0283(u0259)r(u0259)l] 美["ku028cltu0283u0259ru0259l] adj.文化的;教养的 双语例句 1.Manchester has a rich cultural, economic and sporting heritage. 曼彻斯特有丰富的文化、经济和体育遗产。 2.Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of adventure. 他们的文化背景赋予了他们一种冒险精神。 3.We are doing this work in the context of reforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres. 我们是在对经济、社会、文化诸领域进行改革的背景下从事这项工作的。 4.A rich and varied cultural life is essential for this couple. 丰富多样的文化生活对这对夫妇而言至关重要。 5.All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited, but in a critical way. 凡属我国文化遗产中有用的东西,都应当批判地继承。





culture什么意思中文 culture的意思

1、culture的意思: n.文化(艺术、音乐、文学等的统称或指拥有特定信仰等的国家、群体等); 文明(指国家或群体的风俗、信仰、艺术、生活方式及社会组织); 文化; 种植; 培养物; vt.培养(细胞或细菌); 2、culture的读音:英[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259(r)],美[u02c8ku028cltu0283u0259r]。 3、[例句]We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.我们在很大程度上都是本土文化的产物。

culture 意思

culture的意思是:栽培;文化。音标:英["ku028cltu0283u0259(r)];美["ku028cltu0283u0259r]。释义:栽培,(人工)培养,培育;文化,文明;养殖;教养,修养;培养菌,培养物。语法:culture常用作不可数名词,当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,可用于复数形式。用作名词,Paris is a good city for people who are interested in culture.对于修养心性有兴趣的人来说,巴黎是个好城市。双语例句1、Universities are centers of culture.大学是文化中心。2、He has studied the cultures of the Eastern countries.他研究过东方国家的文化。3、She is a woman of culture and taste.她是一个有修养,有风度的女人。4、This is a culture of cholera germs.这是培养出的霍乱菌。5、He has to learn the culture of bees.他得学养蜂。


culture的读音是:英["k?lt??(r)]。culture的读音是:英["k?lt??(r)]。culture的例句是用作名词(n.)He has to learn the culture of bees.他得学养蜂。culture【近义词】art。一、详尽释义点此查看culture的详细内容n.(名词)栽培,(人工)培养,培育文化,文明养殖教养,修养培养菌,培养物陶冶磨炼培养组织耕作,造林,培植,种植《文化报》v.(动词)养殖培养(细菌),栽培,培植,培育耕种,耕作修养,修习,使有教养磨炼二、词典解释1.文化,文明(如艺术、哲学)Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people"s minds.e.g. There is just not enough fun and frivolity inculture today.当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。e.g. ...aspects of popularculture.大众文化的方方面面2.文化(尤指拥有特定信仰、生活方式或艺术形式的社会或文明)Aculture is a particular society or civilization, especially considered in relation to its beliefs, way of life, or art.e.g. ...people from different cultures...来自不同文化背景的人们e.g. I was brought up in aculture that said you must put back into the society what you have taken out.我成长于其中的那个社会文化认为,取之社会必须回报社会。3.文化(某组织或群体的一致习惯和行为方式)Theculture of a particular organization or group consists of the habits of the people in it and the way they generally behave.e.g. But social workers say that this has created aculture of dependency, particularly in urban areas...然而社会工作者认为这使得人们普遍产生了依赖,尤其是在城市地区。e.g. The institutions have realised they need to change theirculture to improve efficiency and service.这些机构已经意识到需要改变他们的内部文化以提高效率、改进服务。4.培养物;培养菌;培养细胞In science, aculture is a group of bacteria or cells which are grown, usually in a laboratory as part of an experiment.e.g. ...aculture of human cells.人类细胞的培养物e.g. ...a number of tissueculture experiments.多次组织细胞培养实验5.培养(细菌);培植(细胞)In science, toculture a group of bacteria or cells means to grow them, usually in a laboratory as part of an experiment.e.g. To confirm the diagnosis, the hospital laboratory mustculture a colony of bacteria.为进一步确诊,医院实验室必须培养一个细菌菌落。e.g. ...cultured human blood cells.培养的人体血细胞三、网络解释1. 企业文化:知识管理的理论模式与架构 知识管理的方式 勤业知识管理的公式 策略与领导 企业文化(culture) 知识管理过程 IBM知识管理 以程序观点区分知识管理议题 知识管理的程序 知识取得 知识流通之来源 ......2. culture的翻译2. 培养:无菌组织块经培养液洗液洗涤后制成10~20%悬液离心后,取上清接种;咽洗液,粪便,尿,感染组织或昆虫等污染本在接种前先用抗生素处理,杀死杂菌.1.细胞培养用分散的活细胞培养称细胞培养(culture).所用培养液是含血清(通常为胎牛血清),四、例句He has to learn the culture of bees.他得学养蜂。She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries.她研究过东方各国的文化。He is a man of little culture.他没多少文化修养。The culture of the mind is vital.修心养性是极其重要的。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~absorb〔bridge〕 culture吸收〔沟通〕文化acquire culture受到教育develop a culture发展文化lack culture缺乏修养promote physical culture发展体育运动spread culture传播文化形容词+~ancient culture古代文化artistic culture艺术修养Confucian culture儒教ethnic culture民族文化human culture人类文化intellectual culture智育physical culture体育western culture西方文化名词+~beauty culture美容术bird culture鸟的饲养fruit culture果树栽培health culture养身法mass culture大众文化介词+~man of culture有教养的人六、经典引文Their method of rice culture was far superior to any other in SE Asia.出自:F. Fitzgerald七、词语用法n.(名词)culture常用作不可数名词,当表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,可用于复数形式。culture的相关近义词art、civilization、good tasteculture的相关临近词culvert、cultural、cultures、cultured、culturette、culture set、culture map、culture war、culture aim、culture gap、culture day、culture fit点此查看更多关于culture的详细信息




culture[英]["ku028cltu0283u0259(r)] [美][u02c8ku028cltu0283u025a] 生词本简明释义n.文化;[生物学](微生物等的)培养;修养;养殖vt.培植,培养复数:cultures第三人称单数:cultures过去式:cultured过去分词:cultured现在分词:culturing以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-UNCOUNT文化,文明(如艺术、哲学)Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people"s minds.There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today.当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。...aspects of popular culture.大众文化的方方面面...France"s Minister of Culture and Education.法国文化和教育部部长


cum ,动词……口语中有时候将come,came之类的缩略成cum。但cum最常见的意思,咳咳,是说男人最爽的那一刻。可以翻译为“射”。名词则指那种乳白的液体。如果你在看的是比较纯净的文章,请当我没说过。我想-----(自己想吧)


should have done 是翻译为本该做某事 而没做 would have filled 没有这个意思 1 Like the rules governing the use of shall and will on which they are based, the traditional rules governing the use of should and would are largely ignored in modern American practice. Either should or would can now be used in the first person to express conditional futurity: 就象作为shall 和 will 词的基础的限用的用法规则一样, 适用于should 和 would 这个词的传统使用规则在现代美国英语中也已被忽略了. 现在should 或 would 这两个词中的任何一个都可以用于第一人称,表示条件式中的将来: If I had known that, I would (or somewhat more formally, should ) have answered differently. 如果已经知道了这个情况的话,我就(或正规一点用 should ) 不会那么回答了 , 2 But in the second and third persons only would is used: 但在第二人称或第三人称中只用would : If he had known that, he would (not should ) have answered differently. 如果他知道那个情况的话,就(不能用 should ) 不会那么回答了. 3 Wouldcannot always be substituted for should, however. Should is used in all three persons in a conditional clause: 但是Would并不是总是能由 should 代替. Should 在三种人称的条件从句中都可以用: if I (or you or he ) should decide to go. 如果我(或 你 或 他 ) 决定要去. 4 Should is also used in all three persons to express duty or obligation (the equivalent of ought to ): Should用于这三种人称的表示职责和义务的句子中(相当于 ought to ): I (or you or he ) should go. 我(或者 你 或者 他 ) 应该去 . 5 On the other hand, would is used to express volition or promise: 另一方面,would 用来表达决心或保证: I agreed that I would do it. 我一定会做的. 6 Either would or should is possible as an auxiliary with like, be inclined, be glad, prefer, and related verbs: 而would 或 should 都可以作助词和 like,be inclined, be glad,prefer 及其相关词语一起使用: I would (or should ) like to call your attention to an oversight. 我想(或 should ) 请你注意一下一个疏漏之处 . 7 Here would was acceptable on all levels to a large majority of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey and is more mon in American usage than should. · Should have is sometimes incorrectly written should of by writers who have mistaken the source of the spoken contraction should"ve. See Usage Note at if, rather, shall 在此处,在一次早期的调查中对大多数各阶层的使用者来说,would 是可以接受的, 且在美国用法中比should 更为常见. 有时书写者把should have 误拼成 should of , 因为他们把口头缩略形式should"ve的来源给弄错了


《What makes you beautiful》--One Direction You"re insecure Don"t know what for 不知道为何 你会觉得没安全感 You"re turing heads When you walk through the door 你总是别过头 Don"t need make-up To cover up 别掩饰了 Being the way thay you are is enough 做你自己就足够了 Everyone else in the room can see it 你身旁所有人都看得出 你是如此美好 Everyone else but you 除了你自己 Baby you light up my world like nobody else 宝贝,只有你能照亮我的世界 The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得我神魂颠倒 But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的动人 You don"t know 你不知道 OH OH OH You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人 If noly you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心 You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会知道我为什么如此疯狂地想要得到你 Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视你 美好得让我不敢相信 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道 噢 噢~ You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人噢~噢~ That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~ So c-come on 来吧~ You got it wrong 用这一曲 to prove I"m right I put it in a so-o-ng 来证明我是对的 你是错的 I don"t know why 我不明白 You"re being shy 为什么你总是害羞 And turn away when I look into you eyes 当我注视你的时候 你总是避开 Everyone else in the room can see it 你身边所有人都看得出 你是如此美好 everyone else but you 除了你自己 Baby you light up my world like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界 The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得我神魂颠倒 But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的动人 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢· You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人 If only you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心 You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会理解为什么我会疯狂地想要得到你 Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视着你 美好得让我无法相信 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道 噢~噢~ You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人 噢~噢~ That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~ NA NA NA NA. Baby you light up my wrold like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界 The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得让我神魂颠倒 But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的美丽动人 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~ You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人 Baby you light up my wrold like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界 The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得让我神魂颠倒 But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的美丽动人 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~ You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人 If only you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心 You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会理解为什么我那么疯狂地想要得到你 Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视着你 美好的让我无法相信 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~ You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人 You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人 That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~

Nobody else could be lazier?是什么意思


英语作文:college graduates have difficulty fingding jobs

Nowadays, it has become a heated issue that college graduates have difficulty finding jobs, which has a big difference with what it used to be in the past that all of college students can find their satisfying jobs. For my perspective, I do agree with the opinion for the following reasons: First of all, the number of college graduates is increasing that they have become so common. Though the college students used to be well welcomed, however, with the increasing number of graduates, people have get used to college graduates , they find almost everyone around is graduate. Consequently, you have lost your advantages that if you are only a college graduate.Secondly, the economy is still in a bad state, which has made the available job less than usual. The economy crisis has made the companies offer less position for people,in such a bad society situation, there is no doubt that college students will have difficulty finding jobs.The last but not least, graduates themselves don"t qualify for the jobs. Nowadays, graduates commonly have a pride attitude that they don"t willing to do small things and usually they don"t have enough patience, stamina and courage to bear the cruel reality, what"s more, the current graduates tend to have little experience to take action, they can only do theory works, which certainly can"t satisfy the companies" requirement. So it is not astonishing that the graduates are usually hard to find jobs.As a whole, in order to make the college graduates have less difficulty finding jobs, the government as well as the graduates should take efforts to improve the bad situation.

Sweetbox的《Beautiful》 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful歌手:Sweetbox专辑:糖果盒子45超精选Sweetbox Complete BestI"ve been feeling high.I"ve been feeling low.Waiting for a hand to hold.Searching faces for the one to call home.But their touch just left me cold.I don"t know what went wrong.Or How I"ve been going on.I"ve been spinning round and round.Running through these ups and downs.How did I end up here?How"d I end up here?I know that I can be stronger.[00:47But I don"t wanna be strong tonight.And you don"t need to make everything all right.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonight.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonightI"ve had the view.I"ve had the fall.Heard my doubts in surround sound.Life"s let me fly, Life"s made me crawl.Learned to balance on shaky ground.I don"t need your rescuing.Just help me to believe again.That broken hearts can be heal and mend.And people do get happy ends.How did I end up here?Will I always be here?I know that I can be stronger.But I don"t wanna be strong tonight.And you don"t need to make everything all right.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonight.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonight.Beautiful, So beautiful.I"m waiting here.Grab my hand oh someone pull me out.Cause I don"t need a hero.But I don"t want to be alone.Just make me feelanything anything anything anything at all.I know that I can be stronger.But I don"t wanna be strong tonight.And you don"t need to make everything all right.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonight.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonight.make me feel beautiful tonight.http://music.baidu.com/song/803014

you should miss none of the exhibitions翻译?


circular segment是什么意思

circular segment[英][u02c8su0259:kjulu0259 u02c8seɡmu0259nt][美][u02c8su025akju0259lu025a u02c8su025bɡmu0259nt]圆弓形; 双语例句1If the circular segment or the spherical patch to be approximated is a full circle or a sphere, The parameter B é zier form polynomial approximants of a full circle or a sphere can be given by the same process.如果所取圆弧曲线段或球面曲面片为圆或球面时,则可得到圆或球面的参数Bézier多项式逼近式。


本文将基于一个简单的用户态段错误问题,简单梳理下arm64平台SegmentFault处理流程。 反汇编如下 dmesg打印的kenrel log如下 el0_sync如下 这里简单解释下 高6位是exception class, 用于标识当前异常的类型 根据前面的测试用例,esr值为0x92000045,则exception class= esr >> 26 = 0x24, 对应ESR_ELx_EC_DABT_LOW 会跳到el0_da继续处理,el0_da的实现如下 el0_da的操作 源码位于arch/arm64/mm/fault.c esr_to_fault_info()函数用于从esr的低6bit取出 错误状态码DFSC(Data Fault Status Code) 而fault_info[]是一个struct fault_info结构体数组,对应这64种错误状态码的处理 dfsc = esr & 0x3f = 0x92000045 & 0x3f = 0x5, 对应fault_info[]中的第5个元素"level 1 translation fault",下一步会跳到do_translation_fault()处理。 这里会跳到do_page_fault() do_page_fault()主要会调用 __do_page_fault()的实现如下 __do_page_fault()这里, 没有找到相应的vma, 则会直接返回。 前面的page fault无法处理后, 若是用户态page fault,最终会走到__do_user_fault() __do_user_fault()主要做几件事: show_regs_print_info()相关

linux 出现 segment fault怎么解决

Linux 系统下面出现:Segment fault(段错误)提示信息,有时候是由于你自己在编写程序的过程中,有数组越界、或者是内存泄漏(例如: 引用了空指针)等原因造成的。具体是哪一种情况,就需要自己仔细查看自己编写的源程序,到底哪里有程序漏洞。Linux是一套免费使用和自由传播的类Unix操作系统,是一个基于POSIX和UNIX的多用户、多任务、支持多线程和多CPU的操作系统。它能运行主要的UNIX工具软件、应用程序和网络协议。它支持32位和64位硬件。Linux继承了Unix以网络为核心的设计思想,是一个性能稳定的多用户网络操作系统。Linux操作系统诞生于1991 年10 月5 日(这是第一次正式向外公布时间)。Linux存在着许多不同的Linux版本,但它们都使用了Linux内核。Linux可安装在各种计算机硬件设备中,比如手机、平板电脑、路由器、视频游戏控制台、台式计算机、大型机和超级计算机。严格来讲,Linux这个词本身只表示Linux内核,但实际上人们已经习惯了用Linux来形容整个基于Linux内核,并且使用GNU工程各种工具和数据库的操作系统。在图形计算中,一个桌面环境(Desktop environment,有时称为桌面管理器)为计算机提供一个图形用户界面(GUI)。但严格来说窗口管理器和桌面环境是有区别的。桌面环境就是桌面图形环境,它的主要目标是为Linux/Unix操作系统提供一个更加完备 的界面以及大量各类整合工具和使用 程序,其基本 易用性吸引着大量的新用户。桌面环境名称来自桌面比拟,对应于早期的文字命令行界面(CLI)。一个典型的桌面环境提供图标,视窗,工具栏,文件夹,壁纸以及像拖放这样的能力。整体而言,桌面环境在设计和功能上的特性,赋予了它与众不同的外观和感觉。

demand schedule需求表是什么


英语This game is nothing short of beautiful怎么翻译?


I Could Get Used To You 歌词

歌曲名:I Could Get Used To You歌手:流亡专辑:Greatest HitsOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15219824

If this were not so,they would not choose to migrate abroad either temporarily or()

选B, permanently 选副词修饰谓语动词。

see anybody could good to you your mind your mind是哪首英文歌的歌词

Bang Bang演唱:Jessie JShe got a body like an hourglass,but I can give it to you all the timeShe got a booty like a Cadillac,but I can send you into overdrive (oh)(Stop and wait, wait for that, stop,hold up, swing your bat)See anybody could be bad to you,you need a good girl to blow your mind,yeahBang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)She might"ve let you hold her hand in school,but I"mma show you how to graduateNo, I don"t need to hear you talk the talk,just come and show mewhat your momma gave(Oooh yeah)(Your love gotta be baby,love but don"t say a thing)See anybody could be good to you,you need a bad girl to blow your mindBang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)It"s Myx MoscatoIt"s frizz in a bottleIt"s Nicki full throttleIt"s oh, ohSwimming in the grottoWe winning in the lottoWe dipping in the pot of blue foamKitten so goodIt"s dripping on woodGet a ride in the engine that couldGo, Batman robbin" itBang, bang, cockin" itQueen Nicki dominant, prominentIt"s me, Jessie, and AriIf they test me they sorryRide us up like a HarleyThen pull off in this FerrariIf he hanging we bangingPhone ranging, he slangingIt ain"t karaoke night but get the miccause he singingB to the A to the N to the G to the uhB to the A to the N to the G to the heySee anybody could be good to you,you need a bad girl to blow your mind(your mind)Bang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Bang, bang, bang, bang,bang, bang,Bang, bang, bang, bang,bang, bang, bangBang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)


utilize与use的不同在于,utilize往往指使(-ize)本来无用的或开发的变为utile(有用的)。use utilize 都含"用"、"使用"的意思。use 系常用词, 指"把某物[人]当作工具而使用, 以满足需要或达到目的", 如:When we write, we always use pens or pencils.我们写字总是用钢笔或者铅笔。utilize 强调"使有用"或"使用于有益的方面", 如:utilize water for producing electric power利用水力发电。因此useful和utile在对应的utilize和use上区别开来


hail n. 冰雹;致敬;招呼;一阵 vt. 致敬;招呼;向...欢呼;猛发;使象下雹样落下(过去式hailed,过去分词hailed,现在分词hailing,第三人称单数hails) vi. 招呼;下雹 int. 万岁;欢迎 hail insurance [保险] 冰雹保险 ; [保险] 雹害保险 ; 雹灾保险 hail mark 雹痕 ; 冰雹痕 Within Hail 在近处 ; 在附近 hail from (车、船)来自;(人)出生于 hail storm 冰雹风暴 haul n. 拖,拉;用力拖拉;努力得到的结果;捕获物;一网捕获的鱼量;拖运距离 vt. 拖运;拖拉 vi. 拖,拉;改变主意;改变方向 Long Haul 拖斗 ; 长距 ; 爆走 ; 长程网络 haul out 拉出 haul route 工地运料路线 ; 长途线

Opinion vary from individual to individual,from culture to culture.


vary from culture to culture是什么意思




vary from culture to culture是什么意思

vary-from-culture-to-culture因文化的不同而不同双语例句1. Prices may vary so it"s well worth shopping around before you buy. 价格可能会有高有低,所以在买之前很有必要货比三家。2. The treatment regime may vary widely depending on the type of injury. 因受伤类型不同治疗方法可能有很大的区别。3. This absolutist belief is replaced by an appreciation that rules can vary. 这种绝对主义的信念被规则可以变通这一认识所替代。4. Monthly interest costs vary. 每个月的利息费用都不一样。5. The island"s hotels vary wildly. 岛上的宾馆千差万别。

The christmas tree is beautful(改为感叹句 )

1. How beautiful the Christmas tree is!2. What a deautiful Christmas tree it is!

歌词里有i used to be so beautiful now look at me,求歌名

Absolutely AnythingCG5 I run I hide because I want A little freedom But I can"t get just what I want No I can"t beat "em Why did I do I even dare? She"s here and there and everywhere I"m in the depths of dark despair I can"t succeed I"ll never be the same again The things I"ve seen here It"s absolutely evident I"m not asleep You think I must be dreaming this? That all I do is reminisce? There"s nothing here to reminisce Nothing for me Can you hear me calling? Calling out to you? I"m falling apart I"m falling This body I must renew I"ll do anything anything Anything that you need me to do Absolutely anything for you I will be aware of the ink swim or sink Watching out for anything out of the blue But this nightmare"s coming true I used to be so beautiful Now look at me My actions are undutiful It"s clear to see Come on and step out of that cage There"s a new chapter turn the page I"ll take my place up on the stage All eyes on me I can hear you calling Calling out to me I"m falling down I"m falling Won"t you set me free? I"ll do anything anything Anything that you need me to do Absolutely anything for you I will be aware of the ink swim or sink Watching out for anything out of the blue But this nightmare"s coming true What have I got myself into? Have you ever wondered what heaven is like? I"d like to dream that it is quite beautiful A soft valley of green grass blanketed by a warm sun I don"t think I"ll ever get to see it Are you ready to ascend my little errand boy? The heavens are waiting You"ll do anything anything Anything that I ask you to do But you don"t have a clue "Cuz I can guarantee guarantee The demon"s always after me and you But this nightmare"s coming true Look what you"ve got yourself into Doo do do doo doo doo dooo Doo do do doo doo doo dooo Doo do do doo doo doo dooo Doo do do doo doo doo dooo

回答Would youlike me to see ...

5、 Come down 是短语6、 Would you like me to see the animals with you?这得看上下句语境,你愿意我陪你看动物吗?that is verykind of you.你太好了7、 翻译 it is great playing for you 你玩的太好了(说实话,我没见过这样的句子)8、 My brother likes listening to music to relax himself. Relax前面有to ,to 是动词不定式的符号9、 翻译tell jokes 开玩笑的意思10、 Thanks for+doingThanks for writing to me. 谢谢你写信给我11、 Woman的复数Women12、 Is Benthere?—Yes,it is.13、 They are playing in the school.请写出问句What are they doing?14、 Wish+to do Wish+for+名词15、 We can jointhe music club now请改为祈使 句? Join the music club now 16、 May +动词原型17、 There is alot of snow today.改为同义句 It"s very snowy today.18、 It is very relaxing here. ing 形式的形容词修饰物,ed 形式的形容词修饰人19、 She finddoing? 20 翻译working on me 努力影响〔说服〕我例:We will work on those who have erred and help them do right.我们将对犯了错误的人做工作, 并帮助他们改正。

eminem的beautiful和T.I.的dead and gone 的完整歌词

Lately I"ve been hard to reach最近我变得无法让人接近I"ve been too long on my own我已经太久一个人Everybody has a private world每个人都有自己的天空Where they can be alone好让自己来有片刻安宁Are you calling me?你打电话找我么?Are you trying to get through?想和我说说话么?Are you reaching out for me?你想了解我么?I"m reaching out for you....我也想了解了解你....I"m just so f**kin" depressed,我就是感到很压抑I just can"t seem to get out this slump似乎就是无法从萧条中逃出去If I could just get over this hump, 除非我能把这座山头给翻过去but I need something to pull me out this dump我需要一些东西把我从忧郁里拉出去I took my bruises, took my lumps,身上带着淤青和肿块fell down and I got right back up摔倒了也立刻爬起来But I need that spark to get psyched back up,但我需要那种快感来使我的精神振作起来in order for me to pick the mic back up这样才能回到麦克风前I don"t know how or why of when 不知道怎么做到因为什么或什么时候I ended up in this position I"m in我告别了处在这种状态中的我I"m startin to feel distant again, 再次开始感到冷漠so I decided just to pick this pen up and try to make an attempt to vent所以我便拿起笔来开火but I just can"t admit or come to grips但我真的无法承认一个事实With the fact that I may be done with rap, 就是我可能会和饶舌一同去死I need a new outlet我需要一个新的出口And I know some shit so hard to swallow,并且我懂有些事情无法吞的下喉but I just can"t sit back and wallow 但我会退后一步在我的伤感中颠簸In my own sorrow, but I know one fact,但我知道一个事实,那就是I"ll be one tough act to follow one tough act to follow跟随我的脚步可不是一件轻松的事One tough act to follow跟随我的脚步不是一件轻松的事Here today, gone tomorrow, but you"d have to walk a thousand miles...今日毕,明日始,漫漫长路即将开始In my shoes, just to see,用我的眼,去发现what it"s like to be me,成为我是什么感觉I"ll be you, let"s trade shoes交换灵魂,我是你Just to see what it"d be like 看看我究竟能不能to feel your pain, you feel mine, 感受你的痛,我的痛go inside each others minds深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we"d find, 试试看会有什么新发现look at shit through each others eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 I think I"m startin to lose my sense of humor,我觉得我的幽默感已经开始离我远去everythings so tense and gloom所有事情绷得那么紧看起来那么忧郁Almost feel like I got to check the temperture of the room just as soon as I walk in, 刚踏入房间就觉得气氛不对想把它给换的干干净净it"s like all eyes on me, so I try to avoid any eye contact就好像所有人都在盯着我看所以眼神的交流我尽量避免Cause if I do that, then it opens the door for coversation, like I want that如果不这么做的话就打开了话匣子好像我希望如此I"m not looking for extra attention, I just want to be just like you我不是想吸引多余目光我只想成为你Blend in with the rest of the room, maybe just point me to the closest restroom和大多数人关系融洽或许只是告诉我最近的休息室在哪里I don"t need no f**kin" man servant, tryna follow me around and wipe my ass我TM不需要谁来做我的跟屁虫拍我马屁And laugh at every single joke I crack and half of them aint even funny like 对我说的每个笑话都笑到面部抽筋,尽管它们中有一半根本就无聊透顶"Ahh, Marshall you"re so funny man you should be a comedian, god damn"“哈哈哈哈marshall哥们你太逗了你TM该去当个喜剧演员”Unfortunately I am, I just hide behind the tears of a clown不幸被你言中,我只是藏在一个小丑的眼泪的后面So why don"t you all sit down,所以说你们为什么不试试静静坐下来listen to the tale I"m about to tell聆听我将要诉说的故事Hell, we ain"t gotta trade our shoes,丫的,我们不用互换角色and you aint gotta walk no thousand miles而你将无法知道我的苦涩 In my shoes, just to see,用我的眼,去发现what it"s like to be me,成为我是什么感觉I"ll be you, let"s trade shoes交换灵魂,我是你Just to see what it"d be like 看看我究竟能不能to feel your pain, you feel mine, 感受你的痛,我的痛go inside each others minds深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we"d find, 试试看会有什么新发现look at shit through each others eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 Nobody asked for life to deal us what these bullshit hands with doubt没有人会要求生活来赐给自己那些狗屎事情We gotta take these cards ourselves, and flip them, don"t expect no help我们得自力更生所以别寄希望会有人来帮你Now I could have either just sat on my ass and pissed and moaned现在我可以呆在家呆坐着无病呻 吟But take this situation in which I"m placed, and get up and get my own但身在我的处境只能振作起来靠你自己I was never the type of kid to wait but I know to unpack his bags我从来不是那种只会等待的孩子我会收拾自己的行李Or sat on the porch and hoped and pray for a dad to show up who never did或者坐在走廊里并祈祷老爸出现尽管他一直没有来I just wanted to fit in, in every single place, every school I went我只是希望能融入我去的每一所学校每个地方I dreamed of being that cool kid, even if it meant actin stupid我梦想我能做个酷小孩即便要表现的很傻XAunt Edna always told me, keep makin that face till it get stuck like thatEdna阿姨告诉我要不许说话直到面部僵化Meanwhile I"m just standin there holdin my tongue tryna talk like "thissss"然后我就开始一言不发在那里试着“这样”说话Till I stuck my tongue on that frozen stop sign pole at 8 years old接着我如同坠入冰窟走向极端不想言语,那年我才8岁啊I learned my lesson then, cause I wasn"t tryin to impress my friends no more那时我吸取了教训因为我不想再引起朋友的注意But I already told you my whole life story, not just based on my description但我已经告诉了你们我生命中全部的故事 ,不止是建立在我的笔墨文字上Cause where you see it, from where you"re sittin, it"s probably 110 percent different因为换个角度看你的看法将会110%不一样I guess we would have to walk a mile in each others shoes at least我猜我们至少该互换鞋子在彼此的生命里走上一英里What size you wear? I wear 10"s, let"s see if you could fit your feet...你鞋码多大?我穿10号 ,看看你的脚穿我的鞋能不能正正好In my shoes, just to see,用我的眼,去发现what it"s like to be me,成为我是什么感觉I"ll be you, let"s trade shoes交换灵魂,我是你Just to see what it"d be like 看看我究竟能不能to feel your pain, you feel mine, 感受你的痛,我的痛go inside each others minds深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we"d find, 试试看会有什么新发现look at shit through each others eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 Lately I"ve been hard to reach最近我变得无法让人接近I"ve been too long on my own我已经太久一个人Everybody has a private world每个人都有自己的天空Where they can be alone好让自己来有片刻安宁Are you calling me?你打电话找我么?Are you trying to get through?想和我说说话么?Are you reaching out for me?你想了解我么?I"m reaching out for you....我也想了解了解你....Yeah, to my babies, stay strong.献给我的宝贝们,要坚强Dad will be home soon. 爸爸就快到家了And to the rest of the world, 献给世上其他的人God gave you them shoes, to fit you, 上帝给了你属于你的鞋子so put them on and wear em. 系好鞋带,整装待发Be yourself man.做你自己,兄弟Be proud of who you are. 为你的本色而自豪Even if it sounds corny, 就算这话听着有点老土don"t ever let anyone tell you, you aint beautiful. 永远不要让任何人说你不够美。 T.I. feat. Justin Timberlake - Dead and Gone出自T.I.最新专辑《Paper Trail》Justin:oooh,I"ve been travelin on this road too long,Just tryin find my way back home,The old me"s dead and gone,Dead and Gone,oooh,I"ve been travelin on this road too long,Just tryin find my way back home,The old me"s dead and gone,Dead and GoneDead and GoneT.I. :Every had one of them days wish you would have stayed home,Run into a group of niggas who gettin their hate on,You walk by - they get wrong,You reply then shit get blown,Way out of proportion way bad discussion,Just you against them pick one then rush them,Figure you get jumped here thats next,They don"t wanna stop there now they bustin,Now you gushin ambulance rushin,You to the hospital with a bad concusion,Plus you hit four times but it hit yo spine,Paralyzed waist down and ya wheelchair bound,Never mind that now you lucky to be alive,Just thinkin it all started fussin wit three guys,Nigga pride in the way but your pride is the way you can f**karound get shot down anyday,Niggas die everyday,All little bullshit, dope money, dice games, for their hood shit,Could this be cuz of hip-hop music,Or did the ones with the good sense not use it,Usually niggas don"t know what to dowhen they back against the wall,So they just start shootin,So they just start shootin,From Bankhead at the old projects,No more stress now I"m straight,Now I get it now I taketime to think before I make mistake just for myfamily stake,That part of me left yesterdayThe harder me is strong today,No regrets I"m blessed to say the old me dead and gon awayJust tryin find my way back home,The old me"s dead and gone,Dead and Gone,oooh,I"ve been travelin on this road too long,Just tryin find my way back home,The old me"s dead and gone,Dead and GoneSituations could been dead lookin back at it,Most of that shit didn"t even have to happen,But you think about it when you out there trappin",In the appartments hangin", smokin and rappin,Niggas start shit next thing we know we cappin,Get locked up then didn"t even get mad,Now I think about that what a life I had,Most of that shit look back just laugh,Some shit still look back get sad,Thinkin my home boy still be around had I not hit the nigga in the mouth that time,I won that fight I lost that war,I could still see my nigga walkin out that door,Who would of thought I"d never see Philant no more,Got enough dead homies I don"t want no more,Cuz a nigga his jump cost me more,I"d a took that ass whoppin out for sure,Now think before I risk my life,Take them chances to get my stripes,A nigga put his hands on me alright,Otherwise stand there talk shit all night,Cuz I hit you and you sue me,I shoot you get locked up poor me,No more stress now I"m straight,Now I get it now I take time to thinkbefore I make mistake just for my family stake,That part of me left yesterdayThe harder me is strong today,


# [[Be a Gentle Person|Be gentle]], not forceful or insistent. This doesn"t mean you need to act like a meek, quiet pushover. It means that when you do something, offer something, or make a request, you do it without pressuring the people around you and making them feel like they"re being pushed into a corner. If you"re having a conversation, it"s one thing to ask a question or offer your opinion, but it"s rude to push the matter when someone has expressed discomfort (verbally or non-verbally) about the subject. Even if you"re trying to help, like offering to pay for lunch or wash the dishes, don"t be too insistent. If the person says "No, thank you, I"ve got it" then say "Please, I"d really love to help." If they still say no, then let it go. They obviously want to treat you, so let them, and return the favor some other time.# When in doubt, observe others. How are they greeting and addressing each other? What are they doing with their coats? What kinds of topics are they discussing? Different settings require different standards of formality, and those standards often define what is polite and what is not. A work-related dinner, and holiday gathering, a wedding, and a funeral will all demand a different tone.# [[Be Nice|Be nice]]. Treat everyone the same way, even if you are not fond of them. Never make any enemies. Always be courteous, you might meet this person again in another setting and wouldn"t want to have caused negative memories that would give you a bad standing. If someone annoys or even insults you, don"t get into an argument. Say "Let"s agree to disagree" and change the subject, or simply excuse yourself from the conversation.# Start a conversation by asking questions about the other person. Try not to talk about yourself too much. Be confident and charming. Do not hog the conversation, that is arrogant. Look interested and listen to the answers. Don"t look over the person"s shoulder or around the room when he/she is talking. That implies you are distracted or not interested, i.e. he/she is not important to you.# [[Be Honest|Be honest]]. It is always much worse to be caught in a lie than to tell the truth.# [[Shake Hands|Shake hands]] firmly and look your acquaintance in the eye. You might want to practice this a bit so you don"t squish people"s hands, depending on how strong you are. That would make them feel uncomfortable. Beware especially when shaking hands of women who are wearing rings. Too much pressure can be very painful. <br><br>#*[[Remember Anything|Remember]] too that many people with an "old-school" etiquette background (especially if you are in Europe) find it inappropriate to offer your hand for a handshake to a lady or an older gentleman if you are a gentleman, or to an older lady, if you are a lady. Always greet the other person first, but wait for them to extend their hand. On the other hand, if you are the older person/lady, keep in mind that if you do not extend your hand, the other person may feel rejected, as he/she is not permitted to shake your hand. Usually this situation only takes half a second in checking whether the other person is moving towards you for a handshake. Be alert.#* Do not approach someone with an already outstretched hand. That is pushy. If you want someone to know you are moving towards them, establish a firm eye contact and smile, maybe opening your arms a little (bent at the elbow) to make a welcoming gesture.# Know the proper [[Act at a Dinner Party|dinner etiquette]]. For silverware, go from the outside, in. And put your napkin on your lap, and do not add anything to the table that was not there when you got there (cell phone, glasses, jewelry). Put your purse between your feet, under your chair. Women should not apply makeup at the table. It is rude and demonstrates a lack of refinement. If you want to fix your makeup or check if something is in your teeth, go to the restroom.# Have a [[Laugh|laugh]] which shows you are having fun, without being loud. Loudness either indicates arrogance or insecurity. A charming polite person makes another person feel good. Keep this goal in mind, be considerate of other people"s needs and opinions. Don"t make derogatory remarks towards any kind of ethnic, political or religious groups under any circumstances.# Be graceful and show elegance. Carry yourself smoothly, with a sense of calm, yet involved in the moment. People will notice this subtle charm and this will help you greatly.# Be aware that etiquette and manners vary depending on the cultural region you are in...be sure to study the local customs before you travel!


cyber bullied读音如下:网络欺凌。网络欺凌行为有哪些1、对其他网民使用语言暴力。2、对特定网民或网络群体进行杯葛。3、把受害人之个人资料(如真实姓名,容貌等)公开,俗称“起底”。4、把受害人容貌移花接木至他人相片中,或在这些相片旁加上诽谤性文字,俗称“改相(改图)”。5、在论坛中以言语用发帖甚至以洗版等方式公开侮辱受害人。6、受害人当看见其他网友违反网规时管理员便置诸不理,但看见受害人违反网规时却即时向警方举报,使受害人感到欺凌者有双重标准之嫌。为什么孩子们会网络欺凌?“当涉及到欺凌行为时,并不是”孩子和青少年可能参与的"一刀切"的理由,“休斯顿说。“我们经常看到的一个共同点就是欺负孩子 - 无论是亲自还是在线 - 经常寻求表现力量并希望控制自己。”例如,学生可能喜欢网络欺凌带来的信心和力量,或者他们可能会是试图以配合他们的同龄人。使网络欺凌特别有吸引力的一个因素是与受害者的物理距离。经常欺凌涉及面对面的对抗和口头/身体暴力。另一方面,网络欺凌是以电子方式进行的,肇事者可以在闭门造车。“由于物理距离很远而且没有看到网络欺凌行为目标立即做出反应,因此使用技术更加残酷,”Huston说。“因此,网络欺凌的学生可能不会认识到他们行为的严重危害。”


cyberbullingcyber是网络的意思,bulling是bully的变形,意味网上霸凌,这是一种新的欺辱模式。可以理解为网友动不动就对一个人的观点进行语言攻击。具体点说:1. 重复并且不断地对其他网民使用言语暴力。2. 重复并且不断地对特定网民或网络群体进行杯葛。3. 模仿特定网民外表及行为特征,并且加以羞辱。4. 把受害人之个人资料(如真实姓名,容貌等)公开,俗称“起底”,但是有时受害者也会公布加害者之个人资料藉以自我保护,由于牵涉言论自由,犯罪加害者的个人隐私保护问题一直存在争议。把受害人容貌移花接木至他人相片中,或在这些相片旁加上诽谤性文字,俗称“改相(改图)”。5. 重复并且不断地在论坛中以言语用发帖甚至以洗版等方式公开侮辱受害人。6. 重复并且不断地伤害跟受害人有关的人士与朋友藉以孤立受害者,称为关系霸凌。7. 使用不同的帐户及身份攻击同一名受害人,导致受害人误以为很多人讨厌及攻击他。这才是真正的意思,而上面那个解释有点不对劲。

Lift my arms out wide ,I open my eyes .And now all i wanna see.Is a sky full of lighters的中文意思



1.circle只是圈,环状物而已; cycle才是循环,周期循环.一句话来表示:前者具体,后者抽象. 2.circle 非要有抽象意义的话,那它表示一个圈子,一个阶层. 1)circle vt.环绕,盘旋 n.圆 例句:They sat in a circle round the fire. 他们围着火坐成一圈. 2)circuit n.电路;环行;巡行 例句:The old scientist used to run three circuits of the track every morning. 老科学家以前每天早晨沿跑道跑三圈. 3)circulate vt.使循环 vi.循环 例句:The blood circulates round the body. 血液在体内循环

it is a sky full of the lights出自哪首歌

A Sky Full of Stars


circulate 更强调流通循环的意思,抽象意义的循环。而cycle更强调圆圈,实实在在循环的形式。circulate 例:1、vi. 流通vi. Please open a window to allow the air to circulate. vi. 打开窗子让空气流通。 vi. Foreign money is not allowed to circulate in China. vi. 外币不允许在中国流通。 vi. Money shall circulate freely within the common market. vi. 货币应在共同市场自由流通。 2、vi. 循环vi. Blood circulates through the body. vi. 血液在体内循环。 3、vi. 传播vi. The news of her death circulated quickly. vi. 她死去的消息迅速传开。 4、vt. 使流通cycle 例:1、n. 圆圈n. The dancers were standing in a circle around the fire. n. 舞者们围着篝火战成一圈。 n. A square has four sides but a circle has no sides. n. 正方形有四条边,而圆形没有边。 2、n. 圈子n. He has a large circle of friends. n. 他有一大群朋友。 n. He is part of an exclusive social circle and belongs to an exclusive club. n. 他所处的社交圈子很排外,而且参加的又是个很排外的社团。 3、n. 包厢n. We"ve booked seats in the circle. n. 我们预订了楼厅包厢的座位。 4、v. 划圈, 包围, 盘旋, 环绕v. 划圈v. Someone had circled the next paragraph in red. v. 有人将下一段划了一个红圈。 5、v. 包围v. Our army circled the desperate enemy and wiped them out in a second. v. 我们的军队包围了垂死挣扎的敌人,并很快地将其一举歼灭。 6、v. 盘旋v. The plane circled the airport before landing. . 飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。 7、v. 环绕v. The moon circles the earth every 28 days. v. 月亮每28天绕地球旋转一周。


cycle 指物理的机械的循环:例如水:水==》水蒸气--》降水是一个cycle的过程;机器的运转(如自行车,摩托车);circulation 通过一定的线路进行流动(movement through a circuit);

Time Of Our Lives [Atjazz Love Soul Remix] 歌词

歌曲名:Time Of Our Lives [Atjazz Love Soul Remix]歌手:Santos专辑:Time Of Our LivesTIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe"ll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet"s light the fire find the plainLet"s go together as one inside"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesWe"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I"ll keep on till the end)Heaven knows"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...(And now I will never ever forget it...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we areFor one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our liveshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7452266

rather than和would rather的详细用法~!

rather than 用法小结rather than 是一个并列连词,用法比较复杂,现归纳如下: 1. rather than 与would 连用时,构成“would rather...than...”句式,意思是“宁愿……而不愿……”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。例如: She"d rather die than lose the children. 她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。 2. rather than 不与would连用时,表示客观事实,意为“是……而不是……;与其……不如……”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。现分述如下: (1) 连接两个名词或代词 He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。 You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去要野营。 注意:rather than 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。 (2) 连接两个形容词 The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。 (3) 连接两个介词(短语)或动名词 We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. 我们是在教室里开会,不是在大厅里。 She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。 (4) 连接两个分句 We should help him rather than he should help us. 是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。 (5) 连接两个不定式 I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。 注意:rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以不带to, 如上句。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to 的不定式。如:Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。 (6) 连接两个动词 He ran rather than walked. 他是跑来的,而不是走来的。 注意:这里rather than 后用了walked,而没有用walk,表示客观事实,而不是主观愿望。如果换成walk,则作“宁愿……而不愿 ……”解。would rather的用法一、would rather意思是“宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好”,后接动词原形,常省略为"d rather,表示优先选择的一种方式 其否定形式是would rather not do sth。would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rather。 “would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个惯用句式,美国英语中多用had rather。would (had)在此决无“过去”之意,它是一个情态助动词,且无词性、时态变化。 例 Mr Li would rather not listen to rock music. 李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。 If you"d rather be alone, we"ll all leave here. 如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这儿。 He"d rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。 You would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening. 今晚你最好呆在家中读点书。 二、如果在两者中进行取舍,表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……宁可……”的意思时,则可用would rather…than…或would…rather than…的句型 例 I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. 我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影。 The children would walk there rather than take a bus. 孩子们宁愿步行去那里而不愿乘公共汽车。 请注意 1) would rather…than…/would…rather than…也可以颠倒为:rather than…would…。Would(rather)和than后都接不带to的动词不定式,若选用的动词相同,那么than 后的动词可以省略。 例 I would rather have noodles than rice. 我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。 He would rather drink wine than beer. 他喜欢喝红葡萄酒而不喜欢喝啤酒。 Rather than work in such bad condition, he would give up. 与其在这样差的条件下工作,他宁愿放弃。 2)使用would rather…than…句型时要注意“平行结构”,即在than 的前后要用两个同类的词或词组,如两个名词、两个不定式、两个介词短语等。 例 I would rather go to work by bike than by bus. 我宁愿骑自行车也不愿乘公共汽车去上班。 I would rather talk with his mother than with his father. 我宁愿和他妈说话而不愿和他爸说话。 三、在疑问句式中,would rather 与would rather…than…中的would要放在主语之前 例 Would you rather stay here or go home? 你愿意呆在这里,还是回家? Which would you rather have, apples or bananas? 你喜欢吃苹果还是香蕉? Would you rather read a novel than read a poem?你宁愿看小说而不愿朗读诗歌吗? 四、would rather+从句,是一个常用的虚拟语气句型 Would rather+从句,谓语一般用过去时来表示现在或将来。其意为“宁愿……,还是…… 好些”“一个人宁愿另一个人做某事”。引导从句的that常省略。在谈到过去的动作时,谓语则用过去完成时。 例 John wants to see me today. I would rather he came to tomorrow than today. 约翰今天想去看我。我宁愿他明天来看我而不是今天。(句中came不是表示过去而是表示将来) We"d rather he paid us the money tomorrow. 我们宁愿他明天付给我们那笔钱。 Don"t come tomorrow. I"d rather you came next weekend. 明天别来。我希望你下周末来。 请注意 1) 如果谈到过去的动作,也就是表示过去已经发生的事情在选择上不恰当。此时,主句一般为I had rather ,其(that)从句则用过去完成时。 例 Would rather you had not done that. 我真希望你没有做那件事。 2)如果只涉及主语本人而不涉及另一个人,则would rather之后不接that从句而接have done结构。 例 I would rather have gone to the theatre than stayed home night. 我真希望昨天晚上去看了戏而不是呆在家里。 He would rather be poor than have got money by dishonest methods. 他宁可穷也不愿意用不诚实的手段获取金钱。 Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does.亨利希望他的女朋友和他在一个部门工作。 五、would rather/sooner和prefer/would prefer的区别 would rather和would sooner之间一般没有区别,但经常接触到的是would rather。 例Tom would rather/sooner read than talk. 汤姆宁可读书而不愿谈天。 Tom prefers reading to talking.汤姆喜欢读书而不喜欢谈天。 请注意 1)would rather后跟不带to的不定式+than+不带 to的不定式,而prefer后跟动名词+to+动名词。有时prefer后面也可跟名词,而在would rather之后要求只带动词原形。 例 He prefers wine to beer.= He would rather drink wine than beer. 他喜欢喝红葡萄酒而不喜欢喝啤酒。 I prefer tennis to golf.= I"d rather play tennis than golf. 我喜欢打网球而不喜欢打高尔夫球。 2)某些 prefer+名词的情况不能用 would rather完全确切地表达出来:He prefers dogs to cats.(他喜欢狗而不喜欢猫。)和 He would rather have dogs than cats.(他宁可养狗而不愿养猫。)很明显,这两句的意思并不完全相同。 3) would rather+不带to的不定式有时可代替 would prefer+带 to的不定式。 例 I"d rather fly than go by sea.=I"d prefer to fly. 我宁愿乘飞机也不愿乘船。 这两个结构后面带名词时情况也一样: 例 —Would you like some gin? —I"d prefer a coffee.=I"d rather have coffee than gin. —您想喝点杜松子酒吗? —我想喝点咖啡。/我想喝点咖啡,不想喝杜松子酒。 4)would rather/sooner和would prefer后面都可跟完成式,但后者带to。 例 We went by sea but I"d rather have gone by air=I"d prefer to have gone by air. 我们是乘船去的,可我本想乘飞机去。(我愿意乘飞机去,可我的愿望未能实现。)这和 would like+不定式的完成式有点相似,would like+带to 的不定式的完成式也表示未能实现的愿望。

36 Grad (Paul Van Dyk S Vandit Clubmix) 歌词

歌曲名:36 Grad (Paul Van Dyk S Vandit Clubmix)歌手:2raumwohnung专辑:36 Grad RemixeGrade 8Ed Sheeran百度 EdSheeran吧My mind is a warrior,My heart is a foreigner,My eyes are the colour of red like a sunset,I never keep it bottled up,Left to the hands of the coroner,Be a true heart not a follower,We"re not done yetI see it in your movements tonight,If we can ever do this right,I"m never gonna let you down,Oh I"ll never let you down,Now keep it on the down lowAnd I"ll keep you around so I"ll know,That I"ll never let you down,I"ll never let you down.You"re strumming on my heart strings like you were a grade 8 but I never felt this way,I"ll pick your feet up off of the ground and never ever let you down,nowYou"re strumming on my heart strings like you were a grade 8 but I never felt this way,I"ll pick your feet up off of the ground and never ever let you down,My eyes are a river filler,This drink is a liver killer,My chest is a pillow for your weary head to lay to rest again,Your body is my ballpoint penAnd your mind is my new best friend,Your eyes are my mirror to take me to the edge again,Now I see it in your movements tonight,If we should ever do this right,I"m never gonna let you down,Oh I"ll never let you down,We"ll keep it on the down lowAnd I"ll keep you around so I"ll know,That I"ll never let you down,I"ll never let you down,You"re strumming on my heart strings like you were a grade 8 but I never felt this way,I"ll pick your feet up off of the ground and never ever let you down,You"re strumming on my heart strings like you were a grade 8 but I never felt this way,I"ll pick your feet up off of the ground and never ever let you down,Hold my heart to stop me bleeding now, now, now, and I"ll never let you downHold my heart to stop me bleeding now, now, now, and I"ll never let you downHold my heart to stop me bleeding now, now, now, and I"ll never let you downHold my heart to stop me bleeding now, now, now, and I"ll never let you down"Cause You"re strumming on my heart strings like you were a grade 8 but I never felt this way,I"ll pick your feet up off of the ground and never ever let you down,You"re strumming on my heart strings like you were a grade 8 but I never felt this way,I"ll pick your feet up off of the ground and never ever let you down,百度 EdSheeran吧http://music.baidu.com/song/2936139

i would rather two weeks earlier

C 虚拟语气 我宁愿你两周之前来.言外之意,你两周前没来.

英语语法:rather和would rather用法有什么区别?

说would 语气更委婉礼貌文气一点。实际意思一样,我宁愿如何如何

would rather 的用法 would like better的用法


would rather的用法和区别是什么?

would rather主要用来表示“宁愿;宁可”,它有两种用法:不带从句和带从句。(一)当不带从句时1、此时,would rather直接后接动词原形,如:正确:We"d rather go on Monday.错误:We"d rather to go … or We"d rather going …2、其否定形式为直接在would rather后接not,如:I"d rather not fly. I hate planes.3、当我们要表达过去发生的事情时,我们会采用would rather have done的用法,此时的用法其实是虚拟语气,往往表达与事实相反或不符的情况。如:She would rather have spent the money on a holiday. (钱没有花在度假上)(二)当后接从句时当后接不同主语的从句时,从句中的谓语动词要采用虚拟语气的用法。如果是对现在或将来情况的描述,从句的谓语动词采用一般过去时的形式;如果是对过去情况的描述,从句的谓语动词采用过去完成时的形式。如:现在或将来:I would rather they did something about it instead of just talking about it.现在或将来:Would you rather I wasn"t honest with you?过去:I"d rather you hadn"t rung me at work.(三)would much rather当我们要强调时,会采用would much rather的用法。在口语中,我们会重读much以示强调。如:I"d much rather make a phone call than send an email.She"d much rather they didn"t know about what had happened.

Revolver [Paul Van Dyk Dub] 歌词

歌曲名:Revolver [Paul Van Dyk Dub]歌手:Madonna专辑:RevolverMadonna Ft. Lil Wayne - RevolverMy Love"S A RevolverMy Love"S A RevolverOops I Guess I Shot YaMy Finger"S On The TriggerI Had A Bullet With Your Name On ItClick ClickI"m A Sex PistolMy Love Should Be IllegalReal Deal BabyI"m No CounterfeitClick ClickLine "Em UpKnock "Em DownMy Looks Can KillE-O-E-OMy Body"S Fully LoadedAnd I Got More AmmoLine "Em UpKnock "Em DownMy Looks Can KillE-O-E-OYou"re An Accessory To Murder CauseMy Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?My Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?I Let It Bang BangYou Been Hit By A Small CriminalA Bad Girl I Gotcha Crying To Your Momma SayingI Can"T Believe It, I Seen Your Type Bring A Knife Into A Gun FightGot Caught Up In A Bad Fight And I Think I Made Him Mad Right???Line "Em UpKnock "Em DownMy Looks Can KillE-O-E-OMy Body"S Fully LoadedAnd I Got More AmmoLine "Em UpKnock "Em DownMy Looks Can KillE-O-E-OYou"re An Accessory To A Murder CauseMy Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?My Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?I Let It Bang BangI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot "Em Bang BangMirror Mirror On The WallWho"s The Baddest Of Them AllI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot Them Up And Watch Them Fall(Lil Wayne)Bang ,The Shooter Name Is WayneThe Victim Didn"t ComplainShe Just Screamed "Shoot Again"I Gave Her Extra RoundsMy Barrell Wwist AroundI Am MR. Shoot "Em DownI Leave Hearts On The GroundMy Love Is A WeaponAnd Yes I Use It WellThen I Let The Rose PetalsCover Up The Bullet ShellI Never Shoot And TellI Only Shoot To KillAnd That Vest Ain"t Gonna Help YaEven if It"s Made of SteelMy Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?My Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?My Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?My Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?I Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot Them Up And Watch Them FallI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot Them Up And Watch Them Fallhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8488969

would rather的用法有哪些情况?

would rather主要用来表示“宁愿;宁可”,它有两种用法:不带从句和带从句。(一)当不带从句时1、此时,would rather直接后接动词原形,如:正确:We"d rather go on Monday.错误:We"d rather to go … or We"d rather going …2、其否定形式为直接在would rather后接not,如:I"d rather not fly. I hate planes.3、当我们要表达过去发生的事情时,我们会采用would rather have done的用法,此时的用法其实是虚拟语气,往往表达与事实相反或不符的情况。如:She would rather have spent the money on a holiday. (钱没有花在度假上)(二)当后接从句时当后接不同主语的从句时,从句中的谓语动词要采用虚拟语气的用法。如果是对现在或将来情况的描述,从句的谓语动词采用一般过去时的形式;如果是对过去情况的描述,从句的谓语动词采用过去完成时的形式。如:现在或将来:I would rather they did something about it instead of just talking about it.现在或将来:Would you rather I wasn"t honest with you?过去:I"d rather you hadn"t rung me at work.(三)would much rather当我们要强调时,会采用would much rather的用法。在口语中,我们会重读much以示强调。如:I"d much rather make a phone call than send an email.She"d much rather they didn"t know about what had happened.

would rather的用法

would rather的用法:would rather意思是“宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好”,后接动词原形,常省略为"d rather,表示优先选择的一种方式,其否定形式是would rather not do sth.would rather没有人称和数的变化。 用法 1.在两者中取舍,表“宁愿……而不愿……/与其……宁可……”时,则可用would rather…than…或would…rather than…句型。 2.也可以颠倒为:rather than…would… 3.Would(rather)和than后都接不带to的动词不定式,若选同一动词,那么than后的动词可以省略。 4.要注意“平行结构”,即在than的前后要用两个同类的词或词组,如两个n、两个不定式、两个介短等。 5.在疑问句式中,短语中的would要放在主语之前。 would rather+从句,常用的虚拟语气句型,谓语一般用过去时来表示现在或将来。 其意为“宁愿……,还是……好些”“一个人宁愿另一个人做某事”。u2028 引导从句的that常省略。在谈到过去的动作时,谓语则用过去完成时。此时,主句一般为I had rather,其(that)从句则用过去完成时。

英语语法would rather 的用法。

would rather dowould rather not dowhat would ……rather dowould…… rather do……or……



would rather虚拟语气用法? 谢谢!!

1.宁愿;宁可2.从句(从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用过去式)would rather+从句(从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用过去式) 3.句子(虚拟语气,句子谓语用一般过去时)would rather+句子(虚拟语气,句子谓语用一般过去时)

would rather 的用法

一、would rather意思是“宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好”,后接动词原形,常省略为"d rather,表示优先选择的一种方式 其否定形式是would rather not do sth。would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rather。 “would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个惯用句式,美国英语中多用had rather。would (had)在此决无“过去”之意,它是一个情态助动词,且无词性、时态变化。 例 Mr Li would rather not listen to rock music. 李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。 If you"d rather be alone, we"ll all leave here. 如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这儿。 He"d rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。 You would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening. 今晚你最好呆在家中读点书。

英语would prefer 和 rather的用法

I would prefer to stay at home rather than go out.= I would rather stay at home than go out.


var multipart = require("connect-multiparty");var multipartMiddleware = multipart();app.post("/upload", multipartMiddleware, function(req, resp) { console.log(req.body, req.files); // don"t forget to delete all req.files when done});前端用multipart/form-data的形式上传数据,后端通过中间件connect-multipary接收。 注意,接收结果req.files是一个对象,包含POST上传的参数和一个临时文件,文件一般在/tmp目录下,可以将文件移动到指定位置。var fs = require("fs");var source = fs.createReadStream(path);var dest = fs.createWriteStream(output);source.pipe(dest);source.on("end", function() { fs.unlinkSync(path);}); //deletesource.on("error", function(err) { });

would rather的用法总结

would rather的用法总结如下:wouldrather的用法: wouldrather意思是“宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好”后接动词原形,常省略为"d rather,表示优先选择的一种方式,其否定形式是wouldnot do sth.would rather没有人称和数的变化。用法:在两者中取舍,表“宁愿·.....而不愿·...../与其·.....宁可......”时,则可用wouldrather···than·或would··rather than...句型。也可以颠倒为: rather than··would···Would(rather)和than后都接不带to的动词不定式,若选同一动词,那么than后的动词可以省略。要注意“平行结构”,即在than的前后要用两个同类的词或词组,如两个n、两个不定式、两个介短等。在疑问句式中,短语中的would要放在主语之前。would rather+从句,常用的虚拟语气句型,谓语一般用过去时来表示现在或将来。其意为“宁愿·....., 还是·.....好些”“一个人宁愿另一个人做某事”。引导从句的that常省略。在谈到过去的动作时,谓语则用过去完成时。此时,主句一般为I had rather,其 (that) 从句则用过去完成时。

请问would rather的用法有哪些?

would rather用法总结一、 “would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个惯用句式)。would 在此决无“过去”之意,且无词性、时态的变化。该句式常用来表示选择的意愿,意为“宁可„„;宁愿„„;最好„„”。例如: He"d rather work in the countryside. 他宁可到农村去工作。 If you"d rather be alone, we"ll all leave here. 如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这儿。 You would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening. 今晚你最好呆在家里看点书。 二、 would rather与than连用,可构成另一个惯用句式,即:“would rather...than....”意为“宁可(愿)„„(而)不要(愿)„„;与其„„不如„„”。用以表达主语的意愿,强调经过选择后做其中一件事,而不愿做另一件事。例如: I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. 我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影。 三、 在使用“would rather...than...”句型时,应注意以下几点: 1. than 后边也应接动词原形,但如该句型前后连接的两个动词相同,则than之后的那个动词可省去。例如: I"d rather know that now than afterwards. 我宁可现在就知道这件事,而不是以后。 2. would rather...than...也可改写成 “would...rather than...”,其用法及含义仍不变。例如: Facing the enemies, our soldiers would die rather than surrender. 面对敌人,我们的战士宁死不屈。 3. 有时为了表示语气上的强调,可将rather than置于句首。例如: Rather than refuse to help you, I would borrow money from my friends. 我宁可向朋友借钱,也不愿拒绝帮助你。 4. would rather后也可跟从句,表示主语宁愿让某人干某事。这时,从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即用一般过去时表示现在或将来要做的事;用过去完成时表示已经做过的事或过去要做的事。例如: I"d rather she set out to do the work now. 我宁愿她现在就着手做这项工作。 I"d rather you met her at the airport tomorrow morning. 我但愿你明天早上能在机场见到她。 I"d rather you hadn"t told him the news that day. 我真希望你那天没有把那个消息告诉他。 5. would rather后还可接动词的完成式,表示主语要做某事,而结果却事与愿违。例如: I"d rather have left a note on her desk. 我本想留张字条在她书桌上的。(事实上没有留)

would rather 的用法

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