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as if跟as though的区别是什么呢?

一、文法不同 as if 引导的方式状语从句或表语从句,用虚拟语气。例句: He acts as if he knew me. 他显得认识我似的。as though 表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词,用would (might, could)+动词原形。例句:They treat me as though I were a stranger. 他们待我如陌生人。二、时态不同as if 表示与过去事实相反,用过去完成时。例句:This meat tastes as if it has already gone bad. 这肉吃起来似乎已经坏了。as though 表示将来的可能性不大,用一般过去时。例句:I feel as though I"m floating on air. 他感到好像漂浮在空中。三、语境不同as if 用来描述比较悲惨的境遇或者状况。例句:It is not as if he were poor. 他不像穷的样子(或他又不穷)。as though 语境属于中性,可以用到很多情境中。

as if和as though的区别

as if,as though的用法:这两个复合从属连词的用法和意义完全一样,但as if 在当代英语中比 as though 普通得多.1)as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况是事实或具有很大可能性时,通常用直陈语气.名子的谓语我为look,seem,taste,smell,sound等.如:It looks as if they have succeeded in the experiment.看来好像他们试验成功了.2) as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况不是事实,而是主观想象或夸大性的比喻时,通常用虚拟语气.从句中谓语动词一般用过去时,be 动词常用 were,但在现代英语中也常见到单数 was的情况.如:The young man with long hair looks as if he were a girl.这位满头长发的男青年看上去像个女的.The injured man acted as if nothing had happened to him.这位受伤的男子表现得好像没发生什么事一样.3)as if 引出的方式状语从句,当主句谓语是过去时态时,从句谓语形式常常没有什么特殊之处.如:The lady felt as if she lost something.这位女士好像学得丢了什么东西.He was singing as though / if he hadn"t had / didn"t have a care in the world.他唱着歌,好像人世间他没有忧虑.4)as if 引导的同一从句中所用的时态不同,意思往往不同.请比较:* The clown looks as if he were ill.那个小丑好像害病似的.(虚拟语气)* The clown looked as if he had been ill.那个小丑过去好像生过病.(过去生过病或虚拟语气)

as if和as though的区别是什么?

没区别,as if与as though是一组同义词,两者意思相同,用法也相同。as if = as though,常用来引导一个让步状语从句或表语从句,常译为“俨然”“仿佛”“好像”“犹如”,都可引导方式状语从句。例如:He closed his eyes as though he were too tired.他闭着眼睛,好像太累了。当从句主语和主句主语一致,从句谓语中又含有动词to be时,可以把主语和to be一起省去。as if在使用时应注意1、当as if引导的从句所表示的内容并不是事实或真实性很小时,一般该从句要用虚拟语气。但如果表示的内容真实性较大,就要用陈述语气。在as if或as though引导的从句中,谓语动词用过去式(be的过去式一般用were,在口语中,主语是一、三人称时也可以用was)表示与现在实事或情况相反的虚拟:用“had+过去分词”表示与过去实事或情况相反的虚拟。2、在非正式文体中,尤其在美国英语中,常用like代替as if。3、as if后有时可直接跟动词不定式(短语)、分词(短语)或介词短语等。这实际上可以看作从句的简略形式。不过,as if后是虚拟语气,还是陈述语气,从字面上不易看出,要根据上下文加以判断。4、as if前可用程度副词加以修饰或加强语气。

as if和as though有什么区别?

as if和as though的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,使用区别如下:一、意思不同 if意思:好像…一样,仿佛,似乎,(表示判断)好像,似乎,(表示类比)好像,仿佛,似乎。 though意思:好像。二、用法不同 if用法:if作为从属连词,可引导条件状语从句、让步状语从句和名词从句。if引导条件状语从句,从句可为真实条件从句,也可为虚拟条件从句。如为真实条件从句,谓语用陈述语气,表示可能性很大,通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,如果if从句中用will,表示意愿。 though用法:though引导让步状语从句时表示一种假设的情况或含有推测的意味,从句的谓语动词可用陈述式,也可用虚拟式,有时为了强调让步的意义,可采用倒装语序。在用though连接的从句中,谓语是be,而从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,从句的主语与be可同时省略。三、侧重点不同 if侧重点:侧重于口语形式,简练。 though侧重点:侧重于书面语形式,正式。

as if,as though用法区别

as if,as though的用法:这两个复合从属连词的用法和意义完全一样,但as if 在当代英语中比 as though 普通得多.as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况是事实或具有很大可能性时,通常用直陈语气.名子的谓语我为look,seem,taste,smell,sound等.如:It looks as if they have succeeded in the experiment.看来好像他们试验成功了.as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况不是事实,而是主观想象或夸大性的比喻时,通常用虚拟语气.从句中谓语动词一般用过去时,be 动词常用 were,但在现代英语中也常见到单数 was的情况.如:The young man with long hair looks as if he were a girl.这位满头长发的男青年看上去像个女的.The injured man acted as if nothing had happened to him.这位受伤的男子表现得好像没发生什么事一样.as if 引出的方式状语从句,当主句谓语是过去时态时,从句谓语形式常常没有什么特殊之处.如:The lady felt as if she lost something.这位女士好像学得丢了什么东西.He was singing as though / if he hadn"t had / didn"t have a care in the world.他唱着歌,好像人世间他没有忧虑.as if 引导的同一从句中所用的时态不同,意思往往不同.请比较:The clown looks as if he were ill.那个小丑好像害病似的.(虚拟语气)The clown looked as if he had been ill.那个小丑过去好像生过病.(过去生过病或虚拟语气)希望对你有帮助

as if as though区别

as if和as though区别:as if引导的方式状语从句或表语从句,用虚拟语气。而as though表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词,用would (might,could)+动词原形

as if和as though有什么区别?

没区别,as if与as though是一组同义词,两者意思相同,用法也相同。as if = as though,常用来引导一个让步状语从句或表语从句,常译为“俨然”“仿佛”“好像”“犹如”,都可引导方式状语从句。例如:He closed his eyes as though he were too tired.他闭着眼睛,好像太累了。当从句主语和主句主语一致,从句谓语中又含有动词to be时,可以把主语和to be一起省去。as if在使用时应注意1、当as if引导的从句所表示的内容并不是事实或真实性很小时,一般该从句要用虚拟语气。但如果表示的内容真实性较大,就要用陈述语气。在as if或as though引导的从句中,谓语动词用过去式(be的过去式一般用were,在口语中,主语是一、三人称时也可以用was)表示与现在实事或情况相反的虚拟:用“had+过去分词”表示与过去实事或情况相反的虚拟。2、在非正式文体中,尤其在美国英语中,常用like代替as if。3、as if后有时可直接跟动词不定式(短语)、分词(短语)或介词短语等。这实际上可以看作从句的简略形式。不过,as if后是虚拟语气,还是陈述语气,从字面上不易看出,要根据上下文加以判断。4、as if前可用程度副词加以修饰或加强语气。

as if 与as though 的区别

这两个连词as though和as if没有什么区别。as if用得普遍些,却可引导方式状语从句和表语从句,其从句谓语常用虚拟语气。(1)引导方式状语从句e.g.He closed his eyes as though he were too tired.他闭着眼睛,好像太累了。She acted as though nothing had happened.她装得好像什么事也没发生过似的。当从句主语和主句主语一致,从句谓语中又含有动词to be时,可以把主语和to be一起省去。e.g.He looked about as though (he was)in search of something.他四下张望,好像寻找什么。He paused as if(he was)expecting Tom to speak.他停了下来好像期望Tom说些什么。He listened as though he was turning to stone.这孩子一动不动地听着,仿佛变成了石头似的。(2)引导表语从句e.g.It looks as if it"s going to rain.看样子天要下雨了。It seems as if I"m the first one here.看起来我是第一个到这里的。as though和as if从句用虚拟语气,还是用陈述语气。完全根据具体情况而定。如果从句表示的意思与事实完全相反,或者纯粹是一种假设,通常用虚拟语气。e.g.When a pencil is partly in a glass of looks as if it were broken.当铅笔一部分放进水里,看起来好像折断了似的。(虚拟)You look as if you are friends.你们看起来像朋友似的。

as if as though和as for有什么区别

as if,as though的用法:这两个复合从属连词的用法和意义完全一样,但as if 在当代英语中比 as though 普通得多.as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况是事实或具有很大可能性时,通常用直陈语气.名子的谓语我为look,seem,taste,smell,sound等.如:It looks as if they have succeeded in the experiment.看来好像他们试验成功了.as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况不是事实,而是主观想象或夸大性的比喻时,通常用虚拟语气.从句中谓语动词一般用过去时,be 动词常用 were,但在现代英语中也常见到单数 was的情况.如:The young man with long hair looks as if he were a girl.这位满头长发的男青年看上去像个女的.The injured man acted as if nothing had happened to him.这位受伤的男子表现得好像没发生什么事一样.as if 引出的方式状语从句,当主句谓语是过去时态时,从句谓语形式常常没有什么特殊之处.如:The lady felt as if she lost something.这位女士好像学得丢了什么东西.He was singing as though / if he hadn"t had / didn"t have a care in the world.他唱着歌,好像人世间他没有忧虑.as if 引导的同一从句中所用的时态不同,意思往往不同.请比较:The clown looks as if he were ill.那个小丑好像害病似的.(虚拟语气)The clown looked as if he had been ill.那个小丑过去好像生过病.(过去生过病或虚拟语气)希望对你有帮助

as though和as if有什么区别?

一、文法不同 as if 引导的方式状语从句或表语从句,用虚拟语气。例句: He acts as if he knew me. 他显得认识我似的。as though 表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词,用would (might, could)+动词原形。例句:They treat me as though I were a stranger. 他们待我如陌生人。二、时态不同as if 表示与过去事实相反,用过去完成时。例句:This meat tastes as if it has already gone bad. 这肉吃起来似乎已经坏了。as though 表示将来的可能性不大,用一般过去时。例句:I feel as though I"m floating on air. 他感到好像漂浮在空中。三、语境不同as if 用来描述比较悲惨的境遇或者状况。例句:It is not as if he were poor. 他不像穷的样子(或他又不穷)。as though 语境属于中性,可以用到很多情境中。

英语as if和as through区别是什么?

一、文法不同 as if 引导的方式状语从句或表语从句,用虚拟语气。例句: He acts as if he knew me. 他显得认识我似的。as though 表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词,用would (might, could)+动词原形。例句:They treat me as though I were a stranger. 他们待我如陌生人。二、时态不同as if 表示与过去事实相反,用过去完成时。例句:This meat tastes as if it has already gone bad. 这肉吃起来似乎已经坏了。as though 表示将来的可能性不大,用一般过去时。例句:I feel as though I"m floating on air. 他感到好像漂浮在空中。三、语境不同as if 用来描述比较悲惨的境遇或者状况。例句:It is not as if he were poor. 他不像穷的样子(或他又不穷)。as though 语境属于中性,可以用到很多情境中。例句:It is not as though you were going away for good. 又不是你离开不回来了。

as if=as though 好像,

as if,as though:都是“好像,似乎” 的意思. 它们的区别在于: 1.在as if从句中表达与现在事实相反从句用过去时. He felt as if he alone were responsible for what had happened . 他感到仿佛他要独自为所发生的一切负责. 2.在as though从句中,表示过去想象中的动作或情况,从句用过去完成时. The machine operated as though it had been repaired . 这台机器运行起来好像已被修理过似的.

as if 与as though 的区别

这两个连词as though和as if没有什么区别。as if用得普遍些,却可引导方式状语从句和表语从句,其从句谓语常用虚拟语气。(1)引导方式状语从句e.g.He closed his eyes as though he were too tired.他闭着眼睛,好像太累了。She acted as though nothing had happened.她装得好像什么事也没发生过似的。当从句主语和主句主语一致,从句谓语中又含有动词to be时,可以把主语和to be一起省去。e.g.He looked about as though (he was)in search of something.他四下张望,好像寻找什么。He paused as if(he was)expecting Tom to speak.他停了下来好像期望Tom说些什么。He listened as though he was turning to stone.这孩子一动不动地听着,仿佛变成了石头似的。(2)引导表语从句e.g.It looks as if it"s going to rain.看样子天要下雨了。It seems as if I"m the first one here.看起来我是第一个到这里的。as though和as if从句用虚拟语气,还是用陈述语气。完全根据具体情况而定。如果从句表示的意思与事实完全相反,或者纯粹是一种假设,通常用虚拟语气。e.g.When a pencil is partly in a glass of looks as if it were broken.当铅笔一部分放进水里,看起来好像折断了似的。(虚拟)You look as if you are friends.你们看起来像朋友似的。

as if和as though的用法区别是什么呢?

Holding his head high, he walked past the pole and the soldiers asif they didn"t if 与as though 是一组同义词,两者意思相同,用法也相同,只是在口语中人们多半会用as if, 取其简短。as if和as though 用法较为复杂,本文拟对其各种用法做一概述。1.在通常情况下, as if 和as though 所引导的从句的谓语动词多用虚拟语气,表示所叙述的情况与事实相反。具体用法如下:1)谈论现在情形的,用过去时(动词be用were,也可用was):Why is she looking at me as though she knew me? 他为什么那样看我?像是认识我似的。He behaves as if he owned the house. 他的样子好像他拥有这个房子。 He treats me as if /as though I were a stranger.He speaks as if he were an Englishman.It"s not as though he was /were poor.2)谈论过去情形的动词形式有以下几种:a)过去式,表示过去的状态,如:He looked at me as if I were mad. 他那样看我,好像我是个疯子。He stood there looking at the train and laughing, as if to miss atrain was the best joke in the world.他站在那里,望着火车哈哈大笑,好像误了火车是天底下最开心的事儿似的。 Mr. Coleman always talked as if he knew everything.但是,如果状态动词带有持续时间状语,则用过去完成时:They talked as if they had been friends for years. (高二册,第95页) (试比较:They had been friends for years.)Now it is as though she had known Millie for years. (《现代英语用法词典》) 情态动词亦用过去时:She felt as though she could hardly endure such a life.她觉得简直无法忍受这样的生活。b)过去完成时,表示过去的动作先于主句动词而发生或完成,如: It was as if he had lost his last friend.“I remember,” she tells her children now, “how wild his white hairlooked——as if it had been electrified.”(高二册,第91页)必须注意的时,在指过去的动作时,即使主句是现在时,as if 从句中的动词也要用过去完成时:You look as if you"d seen a ghost. 你好像是见了鬼似的。He talks about Rome as though he had been there himself.他讲起罗马的情况来就好像他亲自到过那里似的。c)过去进行时,表示动作正在进行:He heard a noise, as if someone was breathing.(高一册,第211页) He ran as if ghosts were chasing him.I felt as if the ground were slipping beneath my feet. 我感到大地仿佛在脚下滑动。d)过去将来时,表示将要发生的事态:It looked as if it was going to snow. (高一册,第127页)

as if和as though是一种意思吗?

没区别,as if与as though是一组同义词,两者意思相同,用法也相同。as if = as though,常用来引导一个让步状语从句或表语从句,常译为“俨然”“仿佛”“好像”“犹如”,都可引导方式状语从句。例如:He closed his eyes as though he were too tired.他闭着眼睛,好像太累了。当从句主语和主句主语一致,从句谓语中又含有动词to be时,可以把主语和to be一起省去。as if在使用时应注意1、当as if引导的从句所表示的内容并不是事实或真实性很小时,一般该从句要用虚拟语气。但如果表示的内容真实性较大,就要用陈述语气。在as if或as though引导的从句中,谓语动词用过去式(be的过去式一般用were,在口语中,主语是一、三人称时也可以用was)表示与现在实事或情况相反的虚拟:用“had+过去分词”表示与过去实事或情况相反的虚拟。2、在非正式文体中,尤其在美国英语中,常用like代替as if。3、as if后有时可直接跟动词不定式(短语)、分词(短语)或介词短语等。这实际上可以看作从句的简略形式。不过,as if后是虚拟语气,还是陈述语气,从字面上不易看出,要根据上下文加以判断。4、as if前可用程度副词加以修饰或加强语气。

as if和as though的区别是什么?

一、文法不同 as if 引导的方式状语从句或表语从句,用虚拟语气。例句: He acts as if he knew me. 他显得认识我似的。as though 表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词,用would (might, could)+动词原形。例句:They treat me as though I were a stranger. 他们待我如陌生人。二、时态不同as if 表示与过去事实相反,用过去完成时。例句:This meat tastes as if it has already gone bad. 这肉吃起来似乎已经坏了。as though 表示将来的可能性不大,用一般过去时。例句:I feel as though I"m floating on air. 他感到好像漂浮在空中。三、语境不同as if 用来描述比较悲惨的境遇或者状况。例句:It is not as if he were poor. 他不像穷的样子(或他又不穷)。as though 语境属于中性,可以用到很多情境中。

as if和as though的区别

"as if" 和 "as though"是两个连词,都用来表达一种假设或类比的关系,但用法有些微妙的区别。1. "As if"通常用于描述虚拟情况或假设的情况,强调的是一个非真实的假设或想象。例如,“She acted as if she didn"t know me.”(她的举动好像不认识我一样。)2. "As though"也用于描述虚拟情况或假设的情况,但它更强调的是类比的关系。例如,“She looks as though she"s seen a ghost.”(她看起来好像看到了鬼。)总结来说,"as if"用于更强调虚拟的情况,而"as though"更强调的是类比的关系。

----the help of my teacher,i caught up with the other students.

填 withwith the help of.... 在。。的帮助下

ebay购物平台上点击钟样式图标,显示you are all caught up什么意思


Caught Up In The Rapture 歌词

歌曲名:Caught Up In The Rapture歌手:massimo faraò专辑:The Great Piano Lounge Collection, Vol. 4Anita Baker - Caught Up In The Rapture只听欧美滴!When we met, I always knewI would feel the magic for youOn my mind constantlyIn my arms is where you should beI love you here by me, babyYou let my love fly freeI want you in my life for all timeCaught up in the rapture of loveNothing else can compareWhen I feel the magic of youWe stand side by sideTill the storms of life pass us byLight my life, warm my heartSay tonight will be just the startI love you here by me, babyYou let my love fly freeI want you in my life for all timeCaught up in the rapture of loveNothing else can compareWhen I feel the magic of youThe feeling"s always newCaught up in the rapture of youI love you here by me, babyYou let my love fly freeI want you in my life for all timeCaught up in the rapture of loveNothing else can compareWhen I feel the magic of youThe feeling"s always newCaught up in the rapture of youCaught up in the rapture of loveCaught up in the rapture of loveShaGuar 制作

get caught up in造句

that kid got caught up in stealing money from his dad"s pocket.

many people are caught up in

it equals to involved or attracted people are involved in the social networking. people are attracted in the social networking

Caught Up In You 歌词

歌曲名:Caught Up In You歌手:38 Special专辑:Whip It [Music From The Motion Picture]Caught Up in you--38 Special---献给曾经深爱的露I never knew there"d come a dayWhen I"d be sayin" to youDon"t let this good love slip awayNow that we know that it"s trueDon"t, don"t you know the kind of man I amNo, said I"d never fall in love againBut it"s real and the feeling comes shining throughSo caught up in you, little girlAnd I never did suspect a thingSo caught up in you, little girlThat I never want to get myself freeAnd baby it"s trueYou"re the oneWho caught me baby you taught meHow good it could beIt took so long to change my mindI thought that love was a gameI played around enough to findNo two are ever the sameYou made me realized the love I missedSo hot! Love I couldn"t quite resistWhen it"s right the light just comes shining through.So caught up in you, little girlYou"re the one that"s got me down on my kneesSo caught up in you, little girlThat I never want to get myself freeAnd baby it"s trueYou"re the oneWho caught me, baby you taught meHow good it could beFill your days and your nightsNo need to ever ask me twice oh noWhenever you want meAnd if ever comes a dayWhen you should turn and walk away oh noI can"t live without youSo caught up in youYeah, Yeah, YeahAnd if ever comes a dayWhen you should turn and walk away oh noI can"t live without youSo caught up in you, little girlYou"re the one that"s got me down on my kneesSo caught up in you , little girlThat I never want to get myself freeAnd baby it"s trueYou"re the oneWho caught me baby you taught meHow good it could be, little girlYou"re the one that"s got me down on my kneesSo caught up in you, little girlThat I never want to get myself freeAnd baby it"s trueYou"re the oneWho caught me and taught meYou got me so caught up in you不要忘记那些爱---献给曾经深爱的露

get caught up in是什么意思


catch up in和get caught up in区别




be caught up in是什么意思

be caught up in[英][bi: ku0254:t u028cp in][美][bi ku0254t u028cp u026an]被卷入,牵涉,涉及; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Both of them promised not to be caught up in a vicious circle of revenge ever again. 他们都保证再也不会陷入冤冤相报的恶性循环中了

get caught up的用法?

over 有完的意思,也有覆盖的意思,我觉得在这里应该是一个词组,就是以喝饮料(酒)为背景我们喝杯饮料叙叙旧吧。catch up 有赶上的意思,在这里可以这样理解,即两个旧友好久没有见过面了, 感情生疏了,要弥补一下感情(catch up),至于为什么要用被动语态的问题,我想应该是一种思维方面出发角度的不同吧,姑且认同这样的表达方式就对了。就如汉语中谦让别人的时候,我们会说“你先来吧!”,但是英语却不习惯于说“you first”而说“after you”。当然这个问题值得深入思考。



112的《caught up》 歌词

歌曲名:caught up歌手:112专辑:part iiiCoudlnt help myselfShe was so fine, oh yeaI told her I had a girlBut she didn"t mindNow were gettin serious, seriousCause I mad the wrong decisionCaught up in the middleIn the middleIn a love triangleHow"d I get caught upIn this situationDon"t wanna lose my girlCause she"s my worldSo don"t get caught upIn this situationDon"t wanna lose your girlIf she"s your worldShe wanted me every nightTo hold her tight, oh yeahAfter I did the thingsHer body likes, oh yeaNow its gettin seriousWere seriousCause I made the wrong decisionCaught up in the middleIn the middleOf a love triangleHow"d I get caught upIn this situationDon"t wanna lose my girlCause shes my worldSo dont get caught upIn this situationDon"t wanna lose your girlIf she"s your worldHow"d I get caught upIn this situationDon"t wanna lose my girlCause shes my worldSo dont get caught upIn this situationDont wanna lose your girlIf she"s your worldDon"t get caught upDon"t get caught upDon"t wanna lose you girlDon"t get caught upDon"t get caught upDon"t get caught upDont wanna lose your girlHow"d I get caught upIn this situationDon"t wanna lose my girlCause shes my worldSo dont get caught upIn this situationDont wanna lose your girlIf she"s your world

Usher的《Caught Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Caught Up歌手:Usher专辑:ConfessionsUsher---Caught UpI′m the kind of brothaWho been doin′ it my wayGettin′ my bread for yearsIn my careerAnd every loverIn and out my lifeI hear love and left the tearsWithout a careUntil I met this girl who turned the tables aroundShe caught me by surpriseI never thought I′d be the one breaking downI cant figure it out whyI′m soCaught upGot me feelin′ itCaught upI don′t know what it isBut it seems shes got me twistedI′m soCaught upGot me feelin′ itCaught upI′m losin′ controlThis girls got a hold on meLet me go babyNow listenMy momma told meBe careful who you do cuz karma comes back aroundSame ol′ songBut I was so sureThat it wouldnt happen to meCuz I know how to put it downBut I was so wrongThis girl was meanShe really turned me outHer body was so tightI′m lookin′ for her in the daytime with a flashlightMy homies say this girl is crampin′ my styleAnd I can′t figure it out butI′m soCaught upGot me feelin′ itCaught upI don′t know what it isBut it seems shes got me twistedI′m soCaught upGot me feelin′ itCaught upI′m losin′ controlThis girls got a holdI′m soCaught upReally feelin′ itCaught upI don′t know what it isBut it seems shes got me twistedI′m soCaught upReally feelin′ itCaught upI′m losin′ controlThis girls got a hold on meAnd I think I like it babyOh nooo, oh noOoh, yeaah, oh myThis girl was meanShe really turned me outYeah, yeah, yeah, sugaMy homies say this girl is crampin′ my styleI′m soCaught upCaught upDon′t know what it isBut it seems shes got me twistedI′m soCaught upReally feelin′ itCaught upI′m losin′ controlThis girls got a holdI′m soCaught upIm soCaught upI don′t know what it isBut it seems shes got me twistedI′mCaught upReally feelin′ itCaught upI′m losin′ controlThis girls got a hold on me

caught up 怎么读加什么意思

[k00:t] [05p]catch up 突然而迅速地抓住He caught up the ball as it rolled along and threw it back.他一把抱起滚过来的球, 把它扔了回去。吹起, 卷起The leaves were caught up by a sudden gust of wind.突然一阵风把树叶吹起。追上, 赶上You just go ahead and I"ll catch up later.你先走一步, 我随后赶来。卷起来并保持下去She caught up her hair.她把头发卷了起来。打断We mustn"t catch the speaker up by so many questions.我们不该用这么多问题来打断发言人。把…缠住; 把…迷住Revolutionary zeal caught them up, and they joined the army.革命热情激励他们, 于是他们从军了。

you are caught up with your homework. you caught up with your homework.

Lost Stars - Begin AgainPlease don"t seejust a boy caught up in dreamsand fantasiesPlease see me reaching outfor someone I can seeTake my hand let"s seewhere we wake up tomorrowBest laid plans sometimesit"s just a one night standI"d be damned Cupid"s demandingback his arrowSo let"s get drunk on our tears andGod, tell us the reasonyouth is wasted on the youngIt"s hunting seasonand the lambs are on the runSearching for meaningBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?Who are we?Just a spec of dust within the galaxyWoe is me if we"re not carefulturns into realityDon"t you dare let all these memoriesbring you sorrowYesterday I saw a lion kiss a deerTurn the page maybewe"ll find a brand new endingWhere we"re dancing in our tears andGod, tell us the reason youthis wasted on the youngIt"s hunting seasonand the lambs are on the runSearching for meaningBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?I thought I saw you out there cryingI thought I heard you call my nameI thought I heard you out there cryingJust the sameGod, tell us the reasonyouth is wasted on the youngIt"s hunting seasonand the lambs are on the runSearching for meaningBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?I thought I saw you out there cryingI thought I heard you call my nameI thought I saw you out there cryingBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?But are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dar

be caught up in是什么意思


能帮我分析下这个句子 的get与caught up with 怎么解释

get (系动词)= 至于,处于,达到so caught up with = 纠缠在

get caught up in是什么意思

get caught up in陷入网络释义1. 陷入例句:1.Don"t get caught up in their marketing noise. 不要被他们的营销鼓噪所迷惑。

get caught up in和catch up in

get caught in释义: 陷入;遇到 例句: They get caught in trees (hence the epithet "Witches" Knickers"), take hundreds of years to decompose and push up demand for oil, used to make plastics. 它们挂在枝头(由此而得“巫婆的灯笼裤”之名),需要数百年才能分解,它们助长石油需求,正是石油用于制造塑料。 get caught up in释义: 陷入 例句: It"s easy to get caught up in the social whirl. 很容易被纷繁的社交活动缠得脱不开身。

be caught up in是什么意思

被卷入,涉及等同于be involved in

be caught up in是什么意思


Paris Bennett的Caught up的歌词???

Intro:Im jus (caught up)(Caught up)Verse I:I never thought I find myself stuck in the middle (the middle), of a two way street (two way street)Tryin" to keep the both of you would be so simple (so simple), but that jus aint me (aint me).My east side got that good love thang, but my west side got that best friend thang (friend thang)Now inside I"m torn between the two and I don"t know (I don"t know), I don"t know what I"m gonna doHook I:Tell me, who do you choose? Who do you give your love to when you get caught up.Tell me, what do you do? You don"t know "til it happens to you, "til you get caught up."Til you get caught up"Til you get caught upVerse II:I tried to trust my heart to go the right direction (direction). It"s pullin" me both ways (both ways).I cant deny with both of them it feels so electric (so electric) I jus cant walk away.My east side got that magical touch but my west makes my heart feel love (heart feel love)I cant decide I"m torn between the two and I don"t know (I don"t know) I don"t know what to doHook II:Tell me, who do you choose? Who do you give your love to when you get caught up.Tell me, what do you do? You don"t know "til it happens to you, "til you get caught up.I don"t know what Im gonna do. Its like Im stuck and I just cant move.And how"d my heart lead me to this road (this road)And I don"t know which way to go.Break:I don"t know where to goHook II (Repeat)Tell me, who do you choose? Who do you give your love to when you get caught up.Tell me, what do you do? You don"t know "til it happens to you, "til you get caught up.I don"t know what Im gonna do. Its like Im stuck and I just cant move.And how"d my heart lead me to this roadAnd I don"t know which way to go.Im jus caught upIm jus caught upIm jus caught upIm jus caught up

be caught up with是什么意思

be caught up with这个词组的意思是被赶上,这是典型的被动语态。英语的动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语为谓语动词的执行者,被动语态表示主语为谓语动词的承受者。被动语态的基本形式由助动词be加上及物动词的过去分词构成。The station was bombed by the tourists.车站被恐怖分子炸掉了。The road will be widened.道路即将扩宽。The baby is taken care of by his granny.宝宝由奶奶照看。Privileges must be done away with.特权必须废除。The matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.这个问题会尽快处理。

get caught up是什么意思

被抓住了双语对照词典结果:get caught up[英][ɡet ku0254:t u028cp][美][ɡu025bt ku0254t u028cp]被卷入,卷入到; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮,或在客户端右上角评价点【满意】如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

get caught up是什么意思

get caught up被卷入卷入到

get caught up是什么意思

get caught up 被卷入,卷入到 其中caught是 catch的过去式表示被动的意思。



caught up是什么意思

catch up过去式赶上,理解上

(10)I got up early and bought thirty cards.(11)He is working for a big firm and he has a

(10)I[主语] got up[谓语] early[状语] and[连接词] bought[谓语] thirty cards[宾语].(11)He[主语] is working for[谓语] a big firm[宾语] and[连接词] he[主语] has already visited[谓语] a great number of different places[宾语] in Australia[地点状语].(12)He[主语] has just bought[谓语] a car[宾语] and[连接词] has gone to[谓语] Alice Spring[宾语], a small town[同位语] in the centre of Australia[地点状语]. (13)He[主语] calls at[谓语] house[宾语] in the street[地点状语] once a month[状语] and[连接词] always asks for[谓语] a meal and a glass of beer[宾语].




opinion [u0259"pinju0259n] n.1. 意见,看法,见解,主张2. (个人)见解的表达3. 舆论4. (专家、医生、律师等的)专门意见;鉴定5. 评价;印象6. 好评;尊重7. 【法律】陈述,裁决;理由8. [废语]自负,自大9. [废语]名誉;信誉thought1 [θu0254:t] n.1. 想;思想2. 思索,思考;思维3. 想像力;推理能力4. 沉思,冥想,全神贯注5. 关心,关注,挂念;顾虑6. 想法,意见,见解7. 意图,目的8. 判断;信念9. 期望;打算10. 思潮;思想方式11. [a thought] 一点点,少量,稍许,些微12. [古语]麻烦;悲痛opinion:意见,看法,主张。指某人对客观事物的认识和看法,有十分肯定的意味。 What"s your opinion? thought:想法,见解,思考,思维。指通过思考,推理对事物所得出的全面系统的看法,不是凭想象所得出的结论。 I have given up the thought.

break up,break down,break in,break out,break into,break through怎么区别

break up:vt.开垦(破碎,破坏,解散,结束,衰弱)例句与用法:1.He was breaking up under the strain.他劳累过度,身体逐渐衰弱.2.The Government has broken up the large private estates.政府把大片的私人地产分割开.b...




  下面是我整理的一些关于介词By与through 的区别,欢迎大家阅读!   英语介词By 与 through 的区别:   (1)表示 方法 ,手段。即“用..., 通过...以u2026方式   ”相当于by means of 如:   All work had to be done by hand 所有的工作都是手工进行的。   He makes a living by teaching 他以教书为生。   It happened through no fault of mine.这件事的发生, 并非由于我的任何过错。   He saluted her by raising his hat.他举起帽子向她致意。   She earned money by writing.她靠写作挣钱。   根据;按照to play by the rules按规则比赛   相差His horse won by a nose.他的马以一鼻之差取胜。   (2)表示传达、传递的方式或煤介。如:   How did you send the letter, by airmail or by ordinary mail?   你是怎么发送的这信,是通过航天邮件还是普通邮件?   (3)表示用交通工具、通讯工具后接名词单数,不加冠词。如:   He came by train, but his wife came by bus. 他是乘火车来的,可是他老婆是坐公共汽车来的。   注意下面两句的区别:   Did you come by train? =Did you come in his car / on my bike?   “by +抽象名词”构成的词组有:   by accident / by chance / by diligence / by effort / by force / by heart / by luck / by mistake / by hard work.   (4)指数量增加或减少到的程度,相差。   We lost the match by one goal 我们仅以一球之差输了比赛。   (5)根据,按照   pay sb by the hour /day/week   Sell sth by the pound /meter/ dozen   sell sth by weight/length   As a rule,domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid by the hour 通常,家政服务是按照小时计酬的。   They marched by night.他们夜里进军。   2. through   (1) 表示“以;通过;经由”。如:   He succeeded through hard work.   (2) 空间上通过,透过,经过   Light comes in through the window。光线从窗户进来。   (3) 时间上通过, 自始至终,从头到尾经过   He often works through the night 他常常通宵工作。   注意:在表示手段表示“藉着;以u2026;经由”时,by, through有时也可换用。如:   Through his efforts he succeeded in making so many useful inventions.   By his efforts he succeeded in making so many useful inventions   He became rich through hard work.他靠努力工作而致富。   3、固定搭配   1)through   through:透;彻底   be wet through浑身湿透   through:自始至终,从头到尾   Have you read the letter through?你看完信了吗?   through:情况好;取得成功   I got through with good marks.我考的成绩很好。   through:打通,接通(电话)   Can you put me through to Mr Jones?请帮我接通琼斯先生的电话。   through:做完的; 完成的;完毕的   I"m not through just yet.我还没做完。   through:从头到尾   travel through the country游遍全国   go through a bottle of wine喝完一瓶酒   through the ages 古往今来   You are through.[英]你要的电话接通了。   Are you through?[美]你的电话打完了吗?   2) by   by and by不久以后;不一会儿   by and large全盘;总的来说   in days gone by昔日   put your work by for a minute把你的工作稍搁片刻   These oranges were put by for the winter.   这些桔子被储存起来留冬天吃。


1. 常见介词with引导的复合结构。with的复合结构,也叫with引导的独立主格结构。由with(也可省略)+名词/代词+现在或过去分词/不定式/形容词/介词短语或副词构成。它相当于一个状语从句,表示行为方式/伴随状况/时间/原因或条件。[典例2]_____two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.(2004u2022北京卷)A. With B.Besides C.As for D.Because of解析 A 由句子结构看出,第一空须填入介词,构成介词+宾语+to do的形式,只有with有此用法,由此可知选A。2. 常见介词by的用法。介词by含义较丰富,主要有:靠,凭借,在……旁边等含义。可有by oneself单独,靠自己;by and by不久以后,不一会儿,连续不断地,立刻;by and large总的说来。3. 常见介词through,既可指时间,也可指地点。指时间时表示“在(整整一段时间)中”,指地点时表示“通过,穿过经过4. 1)in表示A地在B地范围之内。如: Taiwan is in the southeast of China. 2) in指时间表示: (1)在某个较长的时间(如世纪、朝代、年、月、季节以及泛指的上午、下午或傍晚等)内。如: in 2004, in March, in spring, in the morning, in the evening, etc (2)在一段时间之后。一般情况下,用于将来时,谓语动词为瞬间动词,意为“在……以后”。如: He will arrive in two hours. 谓语动词为延续性动词时,in意为“在……以内”。如: These products will be produced in a month. 注意:after用于将来时间也指一段时间之后,但其后的时间是“一点”,而不是“一段”。如: He will arrive after two o"clock. 3)in表示地点: (1)用于指较大的地方。如: He lives in Shanghai. (2)虽然是很小的地方,如果说话人住在那里,也可用in。商店、学校、机关等,若看作一个地点(point)用at,若看作一个场所(place)用in。如: I met him at the post-office. I"m now working in the post-office.

you can pick up some uesful ideas through talking with your teacher句中为什么要用up 和with

pick up 固定搭配; talk with sb :和某人聊天

关于in case ,even though ,as if ,now that 的中文解释。最好能

in case 万一even though 即使as if 好像now that由于引导原因壮语从句in spite of 尽管because of 因为on the other hand另一方面一、常搭配使用的介词和介词短语 1. from…to /till /until 2. because of, on account of (由于), by means of, in front of, in spite of (=despite), instead of, in honour of (为纪念,为庆祝),in danger of (在….危险之中)3. according to, due to, with regard to, prior to, owing to, , in relation to, in response to, to a great extent, in addition to(=besides)4. together with, along with, in connection with, in comparison with, apart from 二、与on /upon搭配 1. act on, rely on, depend on, feed on, comment on, concentrate on, rest on, in 2. be based on, be keen on, be dependent on The boy is keen on mathematics. (这个男孩对数学感兴趣) 三、与of搭配 1. think of , consist of, take charge of 2. be composed of, be made up of, be capable of, be typical of, regardless of, bare of, be deprived of 3. the use of, the ratio of…to, a minimum of 四、与with搭配 1. deal with, interfere with, compare with /to, share with, join with 2. be familiar with, familiarity with, be credited with, be associated with, be concerned with, be filled with, be infused with, be consistent with 五、与in搭配 1. result in /from, succeed in, lie in, specialize in, originate in /from, live in, believe in 2. be interested in, be found in, be rich in, be involved in 六、与for搭配 1. account for, substitute for, look for, search for, run for (竞选), ask for 2. be suited for, be responsible for, be famous /known /noted for(因…..而著名) be valuable for, be appreciated for 七、与to搭配 1. belong to, lead to, refer to, relate to, devote to, adapt to, adjust to, dedicate to, commit to, owe to, do harm to, lead to, date back to, give way to, contribute to 2. be resistant to, be similar to, be equal to, be sensitive to, be subject to, be close to, be native to, contrary to, be adapted to, be destined to (注定) 八、其他 1. range from…to, benefit from, distinguish…from , derive from, stem from, break away from, protect from, prevent from, prohibit from, shield from 2. serve as, regard as, consider as, describe as, remember as, be known as, 3. transform…into, convert…into, change…into, divide…into, 4. rank amongin all 总共

Uncaught ReferenceError显示“is not defined错误”怎么办?

最可能的是引用的各个js的调用顺序有误,重新调整其引用顺序。1 .出现这个错误,最可能的是引用的各个js的调用顺序有误,重新调整其引用顺序。2 .还有一个原因就是在你引用js时,路径出错,不是你项目中正确的文件路径。3 .还有一个原因是你的js中有某些值是不存在的。4 .除了以上这个具体的错误,还可能遇到类似的Uncaught ReferenceError: XXXX is not defined错误,这类错误就要多检查传值错误,或者某些值不存在。

overcome等于go though

get over 等于 go through,如果上下文与地理没关系. 如果与地理有关系,over,through 正如♂→毕毕じ所说 IN TURN 和 IN RETURN in turn 有个前后果 in return 回报,

Through the Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Through the Fire歌手:Chaka Khan专辑:Live and DirectChaka khanThrough The FireI look in your eyes and I can seeWe"ve loved so dangerouslyYou"re not trusting your heart to anyoneYou tell me you"re gonna play it smartWe"re through before we startBut I believe that we"ve only just begunWhen it"s this good, there"s no saying noI want you so, I"m ready to goThrough the fireTo the limit, to the wallFor a chance to be with youI"d gladly risk it allThrough the fireThrough whatever, come what mayFor a chance at loving youI"d take it all the wayRight down to the wireEven through the fireI know you"re afraid of what you feelYou still need time to healAnd I can help if you"ll only let me tryYou touch me and something in me knewWhat I could have with youWell Im not ready to kiss that dream goodbyeWhen it"s this sweet, there"s no saying noI need you so, Im ready to goThrough the fireTo the limit, to the wallFor a chance to be with youI"d gladly risk it allThrough the fireThrough whatever, come what mayFor a chance at loving youI"d take it all the wayRight down to the wireEven through the fireThrough the test of timeThrough the fireTo the limit, to the wallFor a chance to be with youI"d gladly risk it allThrough the fireThrough whatever, come what mayFor a chance at loving youI"d take it all the wayRight down to the wireEven through the fireThrough the fire, to the limitThrough the fire, through whateverThrough the fire, to the limitThrough the fire, through whateverChaka Khan - Through The Fire

Do what you ought,come what may. 谁帮我翻译下!

come what may 的意思是 whatever happens 例如:Come what may,I"m determined to do it. 所以这句话的意思应该是: 无论发生什么,你都应该做你该做的事.

Do what you ought,come what____.


找一首歌open your eyes open your mind open your thought

是这个吗曲名:Open Up 歌手:顺子 专辑:NULL 歌手:顺子(NESCAFE雀巢咖啡全球广告歌英文版)You can be richWith no money to spendYou can do everythingWhen you understandYou can be motherWhen you are a manOpen UpYou know that you canOpen Up the bordersAnd start in your headOpen your mind to thoughts seldom saidOpen your heartAnd open your mindOpen your thoughtsAnd don"t stay behindOpen your eyesopen your mindOpen your thoughtsDon"t stay behindOpen Up, Open Up Open Up, Open UpOpen Up, Open UpLet"s get thereOpen your eyesopen your mindOpen your thoughtsDon"t stay behindLet"s get there

Die Dead Enough 歌词

歌曲名:Die Dead Enough歌手:Megadeth专辑:The System Has FailedIts twilight and I wake up hotMy body"s soaked in a cold, cold sweatI reenact the lurid scenesAnd clawed engravings in my headOh, I can"t punch hard enough and I runI can"t kick high enough and I runI can"t shoot straight enough and I runI can"t hold on enough and I runOh, I can"t stay down enough and I runI can"t take pain enough and I runI can"t bleed fast enoughI can"t die dead enoughThe air is thick, but the oxygen"s thinMy heart is beating like a drum, boom!And ice is flowing through my veinsExplosives on my lips and in my lungsOh, I can"t punch hard enough and I runI can"t kick high enough and I runI can"t shoot straight enough and I runI can"t hold on enough and I runOh, I can"t stay down enough and I runI can"t take pain enough and I runI can"t bleed fast enoughI can"t die dead enoughI don"t know what I"m running fromAnd I don"t know where I"m running toThere"s something deep and strange inside of me I seeI don"t know what I"m running fromAnd I don"t know where I"m running toSomething"s compelling me to run into the darkAnd now I am more driven than beforeAnd now I live just to settle scoreAnd now I feel the nearness of your breathNow I introduce you to your deathI am more driven than beforeI live just to settle scoreI feel the nearness of your breathI introduce you to your deathI can"t punch hard enoughI can"t kick high enoughI can"t shoot straight enoughI can"t hold on enoughI can"t stay down enough, die dead enoughI can"t take pain enough, die dead enoughI can"t bleed fast enough, die dead enoughI can"t die dead enough, die dead enough

Straight Through My Heart 歌词拜托了各位 谢谢

歌曲名:Straight Through My Heart 歌手:Backstreet Boys 专辑:Bigger Straight Through My Heart Backstreet Boys Hooohhhhhhhh In the heart Of the night When it"s dark In the lights I heard the loudest noise A gunshot on the floor Ohhhh ohhhhh I looked down And my shirt"s turning red I"m spinning around Felt her lips on my neck And her voice in my ear Like I missed you Want you tonight Straight through my heart A single bullet got me I can"t stop the bleeding Ohhhh Straight through my heart She aimed and she shot me I just can"t believe it Ohhhh No I can"t resist And I can"t be hit I just can"t escape this love Straight through my heart Soldier down (my heart) Soldier down (my heart) Thought I moved More than on Thought I could Fool her charm I really wanna go But I can"t leave her alone Ohhhh ohhhh Hear the sound Of a love so loud I just can"t (I just can"t) I just can"t ignore this feeling Said she misses me And she wants me Wants me tonight Straight through my heart A single bullet got me I can"t stop the bleeding Ohhhh Straight through my heart She aimed and she shot me I just can"t believe it Ohhhh No I can"t resist And I can"t be hit I just can"t escape this love Straight through my heart Soldier down (my heart) Soldier down (my heart) In the heart Of the night When it"s dark In the lights I heard the loudest noise A gunshot on the floor,oh oh... Straight through my heart A single bullet got me I can"t stop the bleeding Ohhhh Straight through my heart (soldier down) She aimed and she shot me (soldier down) I just can"t believe it Ohhhh No I can"t resist (I can"t resist) And I can"t be hit (no,I can"t) I just can"t escape this love Straight through my heart Soldier down (my heart) Soldier down (my heart) Straight through my heart Straight through my heart Soldier down (my heart) Soldier down (my heart) My heart, my heart Straight through my heart Soldier down (my heart) Soldier down (my heart) Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhhhh...采纳哦

straight throught my heart的歌词的中文意思?

In the heart 在这心灵深处Of the night 夜晚时分When it"s dark当它昏暗的时候In the lights 骤然间I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣A gunshot on the floor 地板上一声枪响Ohhhh ohhhhhI looked down 我慢慢地低下了头And my shirts turning red 我的衣衫变红I"m spinning around 我无力地瘫倒在地Felt her lips on my neck 感觉她的唇吻在我脖子上And her voice in my ear 她的声音在我耳边低诉衷肠Like I missed you 像我想你那样的绵绵情话Want you tonight 希望你今晚Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心A same old bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住的往外流OhhhhStraight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心She aimed and she shot me 她已经俘虏了我的心I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议OhhhhNo I can"t resist 不,我无法无力抗拒And I can"t behave 我无处躲藏I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心Thought I moved 我曾More than one 不止一次Thought I could 想我可以Fool her charm 玩弄她的魅力I really wanna go 如今却深陷其中(我真的想走)But I can"t leave her alone 无法自拔(但我又不能留下她一个人)Ohhhh ohhhhHear the sound 我听见Of a love so loud 爱情的召唤I just can"t (I just can"t) 我从没感受过I just can"t ignore this feeling 我从没感觉过,如此强烈的感觉Said she misses me 说,她想念我And she wants me 她想要我Wants me tonight 就今晚Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心A same old bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉I can"t stop the bleeding / 血也止不住的往外流Ohhhh / 哦Straight through my heart / 侵入我心She aimed and she shot me / 我想是她已经俘虏了我的心I just can"t believe it / 如此不可思议(我无法相信)OhhhhNo I can"t resist 我无力抗拒And I can"t behave 我无处躲藏I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心In the heart 心灵深处Of the night 夜晚时分When it"s dark 当它昏暗的时候In the lights 骤然间I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣A gunshot on the floor,oh oh 一 支枪在地板上Straight through my heart 直通我心A same old bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住地往外流OhhhhStraight through my heart (soldier down) 侵入我心She aimed and she shot me (soldier down) 她已经俘虏了我的心I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议(我无法相信)OhhhhNo I can"t resist (I can"t resist) 我无力抗拒And I can"t behave (no,I can"t) 我无处躲藏I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱Straight through my heart 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Straight through my heart 侵入我心Straight through my heart 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心My heart, my heart 我的心Straight through my heart 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心

Straight Through My Heart歌词翻译

《Straight Through My Heart》是后街男孩于2009年10月6日发行的专辑《This Is Us》中的主打单曲,由著名制作人RedOne为后街男孩量身定做。组合的成员也期望能够通过新专辑和该单曲再一次回到流行音乐的第一线。这首歌在日本Oricon榜取得了季军。在Billboard榜上也取得第6位的成绩。单曲在2009年被RIAJ认证为黄金销量(GOLD)。2010年,后街男孩通过该单曲被日本音乐录影带大奖评为"最佳组合" (Best Group),单曲在日本金唱片大奖上被评为"年度最佳国际歌曲"。歌词:In the heartOf the night 夜深之际When it"s darkIn the lights 灯光翳翳I heard the loudest noise 我听见一声巨响A gunshot on the floor 一颗子弹落在地上Ohhhh ohhhhhI looked down 我低头看And my shirt"s turning red 我的衣衫已红了大半I"m spinning around 天旋地转Felt her lips on my neck 感觉她的唇在我颈弯And her voice in my ear 她的声音在我耳畔Like I missed you 像(说着)我想你Want you tonight 希望和你共度今晚Straight through my heart 直穿我心A same old bullet got me 我被同一颗子弹命中I can"t stop the bleeding 我止不住鲜血狂涌OhhhhStraight through my heart 直穿我心She aimed and she shot me 她瞄准并向我射击I just can"t believe it 我简直不敢相信OhhhhNo I can"t resist 我无法抗拒And I can"t behave 也无法反击I just can"t escape this love 我就是无法逃离这场爱情Straight through my heart 直穿我心Soldier down (my heart) 防御溃堤(我心)Soldier down (my heart) 防御溃堤(我心)Thought I movedMore than on 曾以为我会所向披靡Thought I couldFool her charm 曾以为我能对她免疫I really wanna go (现在)我真的想走But I can"t leave her alone 却无法把她抛到脑后Ohhhh ohhhhHear the soundOf a love so loud 听见爱的喧响I just can"t (I just can"t)I just can"t ignore this feeling 我完全无法忽略这种感觉Said she misses me 说着她想我And she wants me 她要我Wants me tonight 就在今晚Straight through my heart 直穿我心A same old bullet got me 我被同一颗子弹命中I can"t stop the bleeding 我止不住鲜血狂涌OhhhhStraight through my heart 直穿我心She aimed and she shot me 她瞄准并向我射击I just can"t believe it 我简直无法相信OhhhhNo I can"t resist 我无法抗拒And I can"t behave 也无法反击I just can"t escape this love 我就是无法逃离这场爱情Straight through my heart 直穿我心Soldier down (my heart) 防御溃堤(我心)Soldier down (my heart) 防御溃堤(我心)In the heartOf the night 夜深之际When it"s darkIn the lights 灯光翳翳I heard the loudest noise 我听见一声巨响A gunshot on the floor,oh oh 一颗子弹落在地上Straight through my heart 直穿我心A same old bullet got me 我被同一颗子弹命中I can"t stop the bleeding 我止不住鲜血狂涌OhhhhStraight through my heart (soldier down) 直穿我心(防御溃堤)She aimed and she shot me (soldier down) 她瞄准并向我射击(防御溃堤)I just can"t believe it 我简直无法相信OhhhhNo I can"t resist (I can"t resist) 我无力抗拒And I can"t behave (no,I can"t) 也无法反击I just can"t escape this love 我就是无法逃离这场爱情Straight through my heart 直穿我心Soldier down (my heart) 防御溃堤(我心)Soldier down (my heart) 防御溃堤(我心)Straight through my heart 直穿我心Straight through my heart 直穿我心Soldier down (my heart) 防御溃堤(我心)Soldier down (my heart) 防御溃堤(我心)My heart, my heart 我的心Straight through my heart 直穿我心Soldier down (my heart) 防御溃堤(我心)Soldier down (my heart) 防御溃堤(我心)Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhhOhhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhhhh

Straight Through My Heart

  straight through my heart中英文歌词  In the heart 在这心灵深处     Of the night 夜晚时分     When it"s dark当它昏暗的时候     In the lights 骤然间     I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣     A gunshot on the floor 地板上一声枪响     I looked down 我慢慢地低下了头     And my shirts turning red 我的衣衫变红    I"m spinning around 我无力地瘫倒在地     Felt her lips on my neck 感觉她的唇吻在我脖子上    And her voice in my ear 她的声音在我耳边低诉衷肠     Like I missed you 像我想你那样的绵绵情话     Want you tonight 希望你今晚     Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心     A same old bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉     I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住的往外流    Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心     She aimed and she shot me 她已经俘虏了我的心     I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议     No I can"t resist 不,我无法无力抗拒     And I can"t behave 我无处躲藏     I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱     Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心     Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心     Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心     Thought I moved 我曾     More than one 不止一次     Thought I could 想我可以     Fool her charm 玩弄她的魅力     I really wanna go 如今却深陷其中(我真的想走)     But I can"t leave her alone 无法自拔(但我又不能留下她一个人)   没感受过     I just can"t ignore this feeling 我从没感觉过,如此强烈的感觉     Said she misses me 说,她想念我     And she wants me 她想要我     Wants me tonight 就今晚     Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心     A same old bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉     I can"t stop the bleeding / 血也止不住的往外流     Straight through my heart / 侵入我心     She aimed and she shot me / 我想是她已经俘虏了我的心     I just can"t believe it / 如此不可思议(我无法相信)     No I can"t resist 我无力抗拒     And I can"t behave 我无处躲藏     I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱     Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心     Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心     Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心     In the heart 心灵深处     Of the night 夜晚时分  When it"s dark 当它昏暗的时候     In the lights 骤然间     I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣     A gunshot on the floor,oh oh 一 支枪在地板上     Straight through my heart 直通我心     A same old bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉     I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住地往外流     Straight through my heart (soldier down) 侵入我心     She aimed and she shot me (soldier down) 她已经俘虏了我的心     I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议(我无法相信)    I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱     Straight through my heart 侵入我心     Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心     Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心     Straight through my heart 侵入我心     Straight through my heart 侵入我心     Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心     Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心     My heart, my heart 我的心     Straight through my heart 侵入我心     Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心     Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心

求Straight Through My Heart的中文歌词

straight through my heart中英文歌词 In the heart 在这心灵深处 Of the night 夜晚时分 When it"s dark当它昏暗的时候 In the lights 骤然间 I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣 A gunshot on the floor 地板上一声枪响 I looked down 我慢慢地低下了头 And my shirts turning red 我的衣衫变红 I"m spinning around 我无力地瘫倒在地 Felt her lips on my neck 感觉她的唇吻在我脖子上 And her voice in my ear 她的声音在我耳边低诉衷肠 Like I missed you 像我想你那样的绵绵情话 Want you tonight 希望你今晚 Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心 A same old bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉 I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住的往外流 Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心 She aimed and she shot me 她已经俘虏了我的心 I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议 No I can"t resist 不,我无法无力抗拒 And I can"t behave 我无处躲藏 I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱 Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心 Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心 Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心 Thought I moved 我曾 More than one 不止一次 Thought I could 想我可以 Fool her charm 玩弄她的魅力 I really wanna go 如今却深陷其中(我真的想走) But I can"t leave her alone 无法自拔(但我又不能留下她一个人) Hear the sound 我听见 Of a love so loud 爱情的召唤 I just can"t (I just can"t) 我从没感受过 I just can"t ignore this feeling 我从没感觉过,如此强烈的感觉 Said she misses me 说,她想念我 And she wants me 她想要我 Wants me tonight 就今晚 Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心 A same old bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉 I can"t stop the bleeding / 血也止不住的往外流 Straight through my heart / 侵入我心 She aimed and she shot me / 我想是她已经俘虏了我的心 I just can"t believe it / 如此不可思议(我无法相信) No I can"t resist 我无力抗拒 And I can"t behave 我无处躲藏 I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱 Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心 Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心 Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心 In the heart 心灵深处 Of the night 夜晚时分 When it"s dark 当它昏暗的时候 In the lights 骤然间 I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣 A gunshot on the floor,oh oh 一 支枪在地板上 Straight through my heart 直通我心 A same old bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉 I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住地往外流 Straight through my heart (soldier down) 侵入我心 She aimed and she shot me (soldier down) 她已经俘虏了我的心 I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议(我无法相信) I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱 Straight through my heart 侵入我心 Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心 Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心 Straight through my heart 侵入我心 Straight through my heart 侵入我心 Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心 Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心 My heart, my heart 我的心 Straight through my heart 侵入我心 Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心 Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心

后街男孩的straight though my heart 的歌词翻译成中文的意思

In the heart 在这心灵深处Of the night 夜晚时分When it"s dark当它昏暗的时候In the lights 邹然间I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣A gunshot on the floor 一支枪在地板上Ohhhh ohhhhh I looked down 我慢慢地低下了头And my shirts turning red 我的衣衫变红I"m spinning around 我无力地瘫倒在地Felt her lips on my neck 感觉她的唇吻在我脖子上And her voice in my ear 她的声音在我耳边低诉衷肠Like I missed you 像我想你那样的绵绵情话Want you tonight 希望你今晚Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心A single bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉 I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住的往外流OhhhhStraight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心She aimed and she shot me 她已经俘虏了我的心I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议Ohhhh No I can"t resist 不,我无法无力抗拒And I can"t be hit 我无处躲藏I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心Thought I moved 我曾More than 不止一次Thought I could 想我可以Fool her charm 玩弄她的魅力I really wanna go 如今却深陷其中(我真的想走)But I can"t leave her alone 无法自拔(但我又不能留下她一个人)Ohhhh ohhhh Hear the sound 我听见Of a love so loud 爱情的召唤I just can"t (I just can"t) 我从没感受过I just can"t ignore this feeling 我从没感觉过,如此强烈的感觉Said she misses me 说,她想念我And she wants me 她想要我Wants me tonight 就今晚Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心A single bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉I can"t stop the bleeding / 血也止不住的往外流Ohhhh / 哦Straight through my heart / 侵入我心She aimed and she shot me / 我想是她已经俘虏了我的心I just can"t believe it / 如此不可思议(我无法相信)Ohhhh No I can"t resist 我无力抗拒And I can"t be hit 我无处躲藏I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心In the heart 心灵深处Of the night 夜晚时分Wu wo woWhen it"s dark 当它昏暗的时候In the lights 邹然间I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣A gunshot on the floor,oh oh 一 支枪在地板上Straight through my heart 直通我心A single bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住地往外流Ohhhh Straight through my heart (soldier down) 侵入我心She aimed and she shot me (soldier down) 她已经俘虏了我的心I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议(我无法相信)Ohhhh No I can"t resist (I can"t resist) 我无力抗拒And I can"t be hit (no,I can"t) 我无处躲藏I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱Straight through my heart 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Straight through my heart 侵入我心Straight through my heart 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心My heart, my heart 我的心Straight through my heart 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhhhh

谁给我一首后街男孩的 straight through my heart的原版歌词

Straight Through My Heart-Brian-Oooh Woah WoahIn The Heart Of The Night When It"s Dark In The Lights,I Heard The Loudest Noise. A Gunshot On The Floor. Oh Oh.-Nick-I Look Down, And My Shirt Is Turnin Red.I"m Spinnin Round.Felt Her Lips On My Neck And Her Voice In My Ear.Like I Missed You, Want You Tonight.-Chorus-Straight Through My Heart,I Single Bullet Got MeI Can"t Stop The Bleeding. Oh.Straight Through My Heart,She Aimed, And She Shot Me.I Just Can"t Believe It. Oh.No I Can"t Resist, And I Can"t Be Hit.I Just Can"t Escape This Love.Straight Through My Heart.(Soldier Down)My Heart. (Soldier Down)My Heart. (Soldier Down)-Howie-Thought I Moved More Than On.Thought I Could Fool Her Charm.I Really Wanna Go, But I Can"t Leave Her Alone. Oh Oh.-AJ-Hear The Sound Of A Love So LoudI Just Can"t,I Just Can"t Ignore This Feeling.She Said She Misses Me, And She Wants Me.Wants Me To Night.-Chorus-Straight Through My Heart,A Single Bullet Got MeI Can"t Stop The Bleeding. Oh.Straight Through My Heart,She Aimed, And She Shot Me.I Just Can"t Believe It. Oh.No I Can"t Resist, And I Can"t Be Hit.I Just Can"t Escape This Love.Straight Through My Heart.(Soldier Down)My Heart. (Soldier Down)My Heart. (Soldier Down)-Nick-In The Heart Of The Night When It"s Dark In The LightsI Heard The Loudest Noise- A Gunshot On The Floor. Oh Oh.-Chorus-Straight Through My Heart,A Single Bullet Got MeI Can"t Stop The Bleeding. Oh.Straight Through My Heart, (Soldier Down)She Aimed, And She Shot Me. (Soldier Down)I Just Can"t Believe It. Oh.No I Can"t Resist (I Can"t Resist), And I Can"t Be Hit (No I Can"t).I Just Can"t Escape This Love.Straight Through My Heart.(Soldier Down)My Heart. (Soldier Down)My Heart. (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)Straight Through My Heart.Straight Through My Heart.(Soldier Down)My Heart. (Soldier Down)My Heart. (My Heart. My Heart.)Straight Through My Heart.(Soldier Down)My Heart. (Soldier Down)My Heart. (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)

Straight Through My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Straight Through My Heart歌手:Backstreet Boys专辑:Straight Through My HeartStraight Through My HeartBackstreet BoysHooohhhhhhhhIn the heartOf the nightWhen it"s darkIn the lightsI heard the loudest noiseA gunshot on the floorOhhhh ohhhhhI looked downAnd my shirt"s turning redI"m spinning aroundFelt her lips on my neckAnd her voice in my earLike I missed youWant you tonightStraight through my heartA single bullet got meI can"t stop the bleedingOhhhhStraight through my heartShe aimed and she shot meI just can"t believe itOhhhhNo I can"t resistAnd I can"t be hitI just can"t escape this loveStraight through my heartSoldier down (my heart)Soldier down (my heart)Thought I movedMore than onThought I couldFool her charmI really wanna goBut I can"t leave her aloneOhhhh ohhhhHear the soundOf a love so loudI just can"t (I just can"t)I just can"t ignore this feelingSaid she misses meAnd she wants meWants me tonightStraight through my heartA single bullet got meI can"t stop the bleedingOhhhhStraight through my heartShe aimed and she shot meI just can"t believe itOhhhhNo I can"t resistAnd I can"t be hitI just can"t escape this loveStraight through my heartSoldier down (my heart)Soldier down (my heart)In the heartOf the nightWhen it"s darkIn the lightsI heard the loudest noiseA gunshot on the floor,oh ohStraight through my heartA single bullet got meI can"t stop the bleedingOhhhhStraight through my heart (soldier down)She aimed and she shot me (soldier down)I just can"t believe itOhhhhNo I can"t resist (I can"t resist)And I can"t be hit (no,I can"t)I just can"t escape this loveStraight through my heartSoldier down (my heart)Soldier down (my heart)Straight through my heartStraight through my heartSoldier down (my heart)Soldier down (my heart)My heart, my heartStraight through my heartSoldier down (my heart)Soldier down (my heart)Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhhOhhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhhhh

后街男孩的《Straight Through My Heart》英文歌词,给正确的

straight through my heart中英文歌词:  In the heart 在这心灵深处  Of the night 夜晚时分  When it"s dark当它昏暗的时候  In the lights 邹然间  I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣  A gunshot on the floor 地板上一声枪响  Ohhhh ohhhhh   I looked down 我慢慢地低下了头  And my shirts turning red 我的衣衫变红  I"m spinning around 我无力地瘫倒在地  Felt her lips on my neck 感觉她的唇吻在我脖子上  And her voice in my ear 她的声音在我耳边低诉衷肠  Like I missed you 像我想你那样的绵绵情话  Want you tonight 希望你今晚  Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心  A single bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉   I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住的往外流  Ohhhh  Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心  She aimed and she shot me 她已经俘虏了我的心  I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议  Ohhhh   No I can"t resist 不,我无法无力抗拒  And I can"t be hit 我无处躲藏  I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱  Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心  Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心  Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心  Thought I moved 我曾  More than one 不止一次  Thought I could 想我可以  Fool her charm 玩弄她的魅力  I really wanna go 如今却深陷其中(我真的想走)  But I can"t leave her alone 无法自拔(但我又不能留下她一个人)  Ohhhh ohhhh   Hear the sound 我听见  Of a love so loud 爱情的召唤  I just can"t (I just can"t) 我从没感受过  I just can"t ignore this feeling 我从没感觉过,如此强烈的感觉  Said she misses me 说,她想念我  And she wants me 她想要我  Wants me tonight 就今晚  Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心  A single bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉  I can"t stop the bleeding / 血也止不住的往外流  Ohhhh / 哦  Straight through my heart / 侵入我心  She aimed and she shot me / 我想是她已经俘虏了我的心  I just can"t believe it / 如此不可思议(我无法相信)  Ohhhh   No I can"t resist 我无力抗拒  And I can"t be hit 我无处躲藏  I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱  Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心  Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心  Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心  In the heart 心灵深处  Of the night 夜晚时分  Wu wo wo  When it"s dark 当它昏暗的时候  In the lights 邹然间  I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣  A gunshot on the floor,oh oh 一 支枪在地板上  Straight through my heart 直通我心  A single bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉  I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住地往外流  Ohhhh   Straight through my heart (soldier down) 侵入我心  She aimed and she shot me (soldier down) 她已经俘虏了我的心  I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议(我无法相信)  Ohhhh   No I can"t resist (I can"t resist) 我无力抗拒  And I can"t be hit (no,I can"t) 我无处躲藏  I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱  Straight through my heart 侵入我心  Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心  Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心  Straight through my heart 侵入我心  Straight through my heart 侵入我心  Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心  Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心  My heart, my heart 我的心  Straight through my heart 侵入我心  Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心  Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心  Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh   Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhhhh

谁给我个straight through my heart的有效链接

有一首抒情沙哑的英文歌,歌词是through the……my heart still……

straight through my heart

straight through my heart 有没有上过榜单

有啊,比如1.Straight Through My Heart成为有统计以来-在日本手机歌曲/彩铃下载榜首周(初登场)排名最高的西洋歌曲!!!(8月19日至8月25日周榜 初登场 排名#3)2.Backstreet Boys新专辑This Is Us的首支单曲STRAIGHT THROUGH MY HEART在澳洲初登场#21.3.[09.09.19]STMH初登场日本公信榜(综合榜#17/国际榜#1)4.[09.08.28]Backstreet Boys的新单曲Straight Through My Heart空降加拿大单曲榜Top 20 - 排名为#19

后街男孩的Straight through my heart的歌词个中文意思?

In the heart 在这心灵深处Of the night 夜晚时分When it"s dark当它昏暗的时候In the lights 邹然间I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣A gunshot on the floor 一支枪在地板上Ohhhh ohhhhh I looked down 我慢慢地低下了头And my shirts turning red 我的衣衫变红I"m spinning around 我无力地瘫倒在地Felt her lips on my neck 感觉她的唇吻在我脖子上And her voice in my ear 她的声音在我耳边低诉衷肠Like I missed you 像我想你那样的绵绵情话Want you tonight 希望你今晚Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心A single bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉 I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住的往外流OhhhhStraight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心She aimed and she shot me 她已经俘虏了我的心I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议Ohhhh No I can"t resist 不,我无法无力抗拒And I can"t be hit 我无处躲藏I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 侵入我心Thought I moved 我曾More than 不止一次Thought I could 想我可以Fool her charm 玩弄她的魅力I really wanna go 如今却深陷其中(我真的想走)But I can"t leave her alone 无法自拔(但我又不能留下她一个人)Ohhhh ohhhh Hear the sound 我听见Of a love so loud 爱情的召唤I just can"t (I just can"t) 我从没感受过I just can"t ignore this feeling 我从没感觉过,如此强烈的感觉Said she misses me 说,她想念我And she wants me 她想要我Wants me tonight 就今晚Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心A single bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉I can"t stop the bleeding / 血也止不住的往外流Ohhhh / 哦Straight through my heart / 侵入我心She aimed and she shot me / 我想是她已经俘虏了我的心I just can"t believe it / 如此不可思议(我无法相信)Ohhhh No I can"t resist 我无力抗拒And I can"t be hit 我无处躲藏I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱Straight through my heart 侵入(直通)我心Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心In the heart 心灵深处Of the night 夜晚时分Wu wo woWhen it"s dark 当它昏暗的时候In the lights 邹然间I heard the loudest noise 我听见一阵喧嚣A gunshot on the floor,oh oh 一 支枪在地板上Straight through my heart 直通我心A single bullet got me 直入心脏般的感觉I can"t stop the bleeding 血也止不住地往外流Ohhhh Straight through my heart (soldier down) 侵入我心She aimed and she shot me (soldier down) 她已经俘虏了我的心I just can"t believe it 如此不可思议(我无法相信)Ohhhh No I can"t resist (I can"t resist) 我无力抗拒And I can"t be hit (no,I can"t) 我无处躲藏I just can"t escape this love 我也无从逃避这份爱Straight through my heart 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Straight through my heart 侵入我心Straight through my heart 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心My heart, my heart 我的心Straight through my heart 侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Soldier down (my heart) 她已侵入我心Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhhhh

帮忙翻译下后街男孩最新单曲:straight through my heart(附歌词)!


Straight Through My Heart(Solider Down)急求中文歌词

歌曲:StraightThroughMyHeart(SoldierDown) 歌手:BackstreetBoys(英汉对照) BackstreetBoys-StraightThroughMyHeart(SoldierDown)LyricsbyJohnLee&bayan@LK歌词组BJ分队翻译:thewalk@BSBChinaHooohhhhhhhh/哦....Intheheart/心灵深处Ofthenight/夜晚时分Whenit"sdark/不见灯火Inthelights/邹然间Iheardtheloudestnoise/听见一阵喧嚣Agunshotonthefloor/是枪声所至人心的声音Ohhhhohhhhh/哦哦Ilookeddown/我慢慢地低下了头Andmyshirtsturningred/却见衣衫浸红I"mspinningaround/而身体也无力地瘫倒在地Feltherlipsonmyneck/颈上却有人温柔的亲吻Andhervoiceinmyear/耳边在低诉衷肠LikeImissedyou/绵绵情话Wantyoutonight/在表露爱的讯息Straightthroughmyheart/就像子弹穿膛Asinglebulletgotme/直入心脏般的感觉Ican"tstopthebleeding/血也止不住的往外流Ohhhh/哦Straightthroughmyheart/侵入我心Sheaimedandsheshotme/我想是她已经俘虏了我的心Ijustcan"tbelieveit/如此不可思议Ohhhh/哦NoIcan"tresist/无力抗拒AndIcan"tbehit/无处躲藏Ijustcan"tescapethislove/也无从逃避这份爱Straightthroughmyheart/侵入我心Soldierdown(myheart)/她已侵入我心Soldierdown(myheart)/她已侵入我心ThoughtImoved/我曾Morethan/游戏人生ThoughtIcould/也想Foolhercharm/不为所动Ireallywannago/如今却深陷其中ButIcan"tleaveheralone/无法自拔Ohhhhohhhh/哦哦Hearthesound/我听见Ofalovesoloud/爱情的召唤Ijustcan"t(Ijustcan"t)/我从没感受过Ijustcan"tignorethisfeeling/我从没感觉过,如此强烈的感觉Saidshemissesme/是她的Andshewantsme/缠绵情话Wantsmetonight/和思念之心Straightthroughmyheart/就像子弹穿膛Asinglebulletgotme/直入心脏般的感觉Ican"tstopthebleeding/血也止不住的往外流Ohhhh/哦Straightthroughmyheart/侵入我心Sheaimedandsheshotme/我想是她已经俘虏了我的心Ijustcan"tbelieveit/如此不可思议Ohhhh/哦NoIcan"tresist/无力抗拒AndIcan"tbehit/无处躲藏Ijustcan"tescapethislove/也无从逃避这份爱Straightthroughmyheart/侵入我心Soldierdown(myheart)/她已侵入我心Soldierdown(myheart)/她已侵入我心Intheheart/心灵深处Ofthenight/夜晚时分Whenit"sdark/不见灯火Inthelights/邹然间Iheardtheloudestnoise/听见一阵喧嚣Agunshotonthefloor,ohoh/是枪声所至人心的声音,哦哦Straightthroughmyheart/就像子弹穿膛Asinglebulletgotme/直入心脏般的感觉Ican"tstopthebleeding/血也止不住地往外流Ohhhh/哦Straightthroughmyheart(soldierdown)/侵入我心Sheaimedandsheshotme(soldierdown)/我想是她已经俘虏了我的心Ijustcan"tbelieveit/如此不可思议Ohhhh/哦NoIcan"tresist(Ican"tresist)/无力抗拒AndIcan"tbehit(no,Ican"t)/无处躲藏Ijustcan"tescapethislove/也无从逃避这份爱Straightthroughmyheart/侵入我心Soldierdown(myheart)/她已侵入我心Soldierdown(myheart)/她已侵入我心Straightthroughmyheart/侵入我心Straightthroughmyheart/侵入我心Soldierdown(myheart)/她已侵入我心Soldierdown(myheart)/她已侵入我心Myheart,myheart/我的心Straightthroughmyheart/侵入我心Soldierdown(myheart)/她已侵入我心Soldierdown(myheart)/她已侵入我心Ohhhohhhohhhohhhohhh/哦哦哦哦Ohhhohhhohhhohhhohhhhh/哦哦哦哦哦LrcbyJohnLee&bayanfromLKLyricsGroup[ti:Straight Through My Heart (Soldier Down)][ar:Backstreet Boys (英汉对照)][al:][by:LK歌词组John Lee & bayan][00:-3.00]Backstreet Boys - Straight Through My Heart (Soldier Down)[00:-2.00][00:00.00]Lyrics by John Lee & bayan @ LK歌词组 BJ分队[00:01.00][00:02.00]翻译: the walk @ BSBChina[00:03.50][00:05.31]Hooohhhhhhhh / 哦....[00:08.58][00:09.88]In the heart / 心灵深处[00:11.91]Of the night / 夜晚时分[00:13.69]When it"s dark / 不见灯火[00:15.70]In the lights / 邹然间[00:17.02]I heard the loudest noise / 听见一阵喧嚣[00:20.50]A gunshot on the floor / 是枪声所至人心的声音[00:22.97]Ohhhh ohhhhh / 哦 哦[00:24.57][00:25.35]I looked down / 我慢慢地低下了头[00:27.37]And my shirts turning red / 却见衣衫浸红[00:29.23]I"m spinning around / 而身体也无力地瘫倒在地[00:31.24]Felt her lips on my neck / 颈上却有人温柔的亲吻[00:33.09]And her voice in my ear / 耳边在低诉衷肠[00:36.85]Like I missed you / 绵绵情话[00:38.43]Want you tonight / 在表露爱的讯息[00:39.71][00:40.22]Straight through my heart / 就像子弹穿膛[00:42.17]A single bullet got me / 直入心脏般的感觉[00:44.35]I can"t stop the bleeding / 血也止不住的往外流[00:46.74]Ohhhh / 哦[00:47.91]Straight through my heart / 侵入我心[00:49.83]She aimed and she shot me / 我想是她已经俘虏了我的心[00:52.03]I just can"t believe it / 如此不可思议[00:54.68]Ohhhh / 哦[00:56.44]No I can"t resist / 无力抗拒[00:58.30]And I can"t be hit / 无处躲藏[01:00.27]I just can"t escape this love / 也无从逃避这份爱[01:03.60]Straight through my heart / 侵入我心[01:05.12]Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心[01:07.00]Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心[01:10.54][01:11.82]Thought I moved / 我曾[01:13.68]More than / 游戏人生[01:15.65]Thought I could / 也想[01:17.69]Fool her charm / 不为所动[01:18.84]I really wanna go / 如今却深陷其中[01:22.51]But I can"t leave her alone / 无法自拔[01:24.75]Ohhhh ohhhh / 哦 哦[01:26.53][01:27.31]Hear the sound / 我听见[01:29.22]Of a love so loud / 爱情的召唤[01:31.25]I just can"t (I just can"t) / 我从没感受过[01:33.24]I just can"t ignore this feeling / 我从没感觉过,如此强烈的感觉[01:36.97]Said she misses me / 是她的[01:38.90]And she wants me / 缠绵情话[01:40.36]Wants me tonight / 和思念之心[01:41.63][01:42.16]Straight through my heart / 就像子弹穿膛[01:43.95]A single bullet got me / 直入心脏般的感觉[01:46.25]I can"t stop the bleeding / 血也止不住的往外流[01:48.71]Ohhhh / 哦[01:49.79]Straight through my heart / 侵入我心[01:51.58]She aimed and she shot me / 我想是她已经俘虏了我的心[01:53.97]I just can"t believe it / 如此不可思议[01:56.51]Ohhhh / 哦[01:58.32]No I can"t resist / 无力抗拒[02:00.28]And I can"t be hit / 无处躲藏[02:02.12]I just can"t escape this love / 也无从逃避这份爱[02:05.62]Straight through my heart / 侵入我心[02:07.10]Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心[02:08.90]Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心[02:12.35][02:13.83]In the heart / 心灵深处[02:15.71]Of the night / 夜晚时分[02:17.61]When it"s dark / 不见灯火[02:19.72]In the lights / 邹然间[02:20.86]I heard the loudest noise / 听见一阵喧嚣[02:24.33]A gunshot on the floor,oh oh / 是枪声所至人心的声音 , 哦 哦[02:28.06][02:28.60]Straight through my heart / 就像子弹穿膛[02:30.47]A single bullet got me / 直入心脏般的感觉[02:32.73]I can"t stop the bleeding / 血也止不住地往外流[02:35.20]Ohhhh / 哦[02:36.40]Straight through my heart (soldier down) / 侵入我心[02:38.04]She aimed and she shot me (soldier down) / 我想是她已经俘虏了我的心[02:40.36]I just can"t believe it / 如此不可思议[02:42.96]Ohhhh / 哦[02:44.84]No I can"t resist (I can"t resist) / 无力抗拒[02:46.69]And I can"t be hit (no,I can"t) / 无处躲藏[02:48.67]I just can"t escape this love / 也无从逃避这份爱[02:52.16]Straight through my heart / 侵入我心[02:53.57]Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心[02:55.50]Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心[02:57.53][02:58.40]Straight through my heart / 侵入我心[03:00.30]Straight through my heart / 侵入我心[03:01.55]Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心[03:03.08]Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心[03:05.31]My heart, my heart / 我的心[03:07.70]Straight through my heart / 侵入我心[03:09.08]Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心[03:10.91]Soldier down (my heart) / 她已侵入我心[03:12.81][03:14.01]Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh / 哦 哦 哦 哦[03:17.80]Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhhhh / 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦[03:25.46][03:26.51]Lrc by John Lee & bayan from LK Lyrics Group[03:29.00]

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