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Though 怎么读,最好用音标

Sarah Vaughan的《Great Day》 歌词


谁能帮我翻译一下scarborough fair这首歌的中文,非常感谢!


it is hard work i enjoy it though

although 用在句首表示虽然...(但是but 这个词会省掉) though表示转折,用在句末. C D 是用在从句里,C 是好象,D 是即使 所以用A

daughter 女儿这个单词怎么背?







法语是fille,西班牙语是 ija


daughter 的所有格是 daughter"s .


Daughter是可数名词。举例:He has two daughters. 他有两个女儿。

daughter怎么读 daughter如何读

1、daughter意思是女儿,读音为:英式发音音标/u02c8du0254u02d0tu0259(r)/,美式发音音标/u02c8du0254u02d0tu0259r/。 2、在读daughter单词时,要注意音标的重音符号u02c8,该符号后的音节需要重读,也就是读到“du0254u02d0”时需要和后面的音节形成轻重之分,突出“du0254u02d0”的发音,此外由于/u0254u02d0/是长元音,要和短元音区分开。 3、此外,/r/位于元音后时,英式英语的“r”就不发音了,而美式英语仍然要发出“r”这个音。还需要注意的是英式“r”在音节末尾不卷舌,而美式“r”在音节末尾需要卷舌。


daughter 英[ˈdɔ:tə(r)] 美[ˈdɔtɚ] n. 女儿; 产物,后代; (某地的) 妇女; [生] 子代; adj. 女儿般的; [生] 第一代的; 子代的; My daughter informed me that she was pregnant我女儿告诉我她怀孕了。


英 [u02c8du0254:tu0259(r)]美 [u02c8du0254tu025a]n. 女儿; 产物,后代; (某地的)妇女; [生]子代adj. 女儿般的; [生]第一代的; 子代的网 络 女儿; 小女; 爱女; 千金 复数: daughters 派生词:daughterhood daughterly1. He bequeathed his entire estate to his daughter. 他把全部财产遗赠给他的女儿。来自《权威词典》2. We have two sons and a daughter. 我们有两儿一女。来自《权威词典》3. She"s their only daughter. 她是他们的独生女。来自《权威词典》4. She basked in the reflected glory of her daughter"s success. 她尽情地享受她女儿的成功带给她的荣耀。来自《权威词典》5. his sassy, streetwise daughter 他那又时髦又精通都市生存之道的女儿来自《权威词典》


daughter的读音:英 [u02c8du0254u02d0tu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8du0254u02d0tu0259r]【意思】1、n. 女儿;[遗][农学] 子代2、adj. 女儿的;子代的【短语】1、daughter chromosome 翻译 ; 子染色单体2、daughter colony [微] 子菌落3、Daughter daughter 是女儿


daughter,英文单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“女儿;[遗][农学] 子代”,作形容词时意为“女儿的;子代的”。单词发音 英[?d??t?(r)]美[?d??t?r]短语搭配 First Daughter第一女儿 ; 熬头女孩子。


daughter 英[u02c8du0254:tu0259(r)]美[u02c8du0254tu025a]n. 女儿;产物,后代;(某地的)妇女;[生]子代adj. 女儿般的;[生]第一代的;子代的名词复数:daughters好评吧。谢了!!祝你 学习进步。


英[u02c8du0254:tu0259(r)] 美[u02c8du0254tu025a] 美音最后[tu025a]要翘舌


名词是 女儿、(某国、某地的妇女)形容词是 女儿的


daughter的复数是daughters,直接加S就行了。daughter可数,复数: daughters; 亲人的单词: son 儿子 、daughter 女儿、father 爸爸 、mother 妈妈 、grandfather 爷爷 、grandmother 奶奶。



I found the cat ____ under the bed ,who had caught a mouse.(答案:hidden) 为什么不用hiding呢。。



daughter的意思是女儿。例句1、The death of their daughter was a cruel blow.女儿的死对他们是一个残酷的打击。2、Jill is my eldest daughter.吉尔是我的长女。3、My little daughter was born in December.我的小女儿是十二月出生的。4、She is chaperoning her daughter all day.她整日陪伴着她的母亲。5、My daughter is eighteen years old and has grown into a beautiful lady.我的女儿十八岁了,已经长成为美丽的淑女。6、He saved his daughter from the fire but at the cost of his own life.他牺牲了生命,把女儿从大火中救出来。7、Joan of Arc was one of France"s greatest daughters.圣女贞德是法国最伟大的女性之一。




daughter可数,复数: daughters; 亲人的单词: son 儿子 、daughter 女儿、father 爸爸 、mother 妈妈 、grandfather 爷爷 、grandmother 奶奶、 husband 丈夫 、wife 妻子 、brother 兄弟 、sister 姐妹、 uncle 叔叔 、auntie 阿姨 扩展资料   He invested his life savings in his daughter"s business.   他把一生的`积蓄投资到了女儿的企业。   She"s been all on her own since her daughter moved away.   自从她女儿搬走以后,她一直独自生活。   You should be ashamed of treating your daughter like that.   你这样对待自己的女儿应该感到羞愧。   They called their first daughter after her grandmother.   他们给大女儿取了祖母的名字。   She left 1 million to her daughter.   她遗留给女儿100万英镑。


女儿英语daughter读英 [u02c8du0254u02d0tu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8du0254u02d0tu0259r]


  daughter有女儿; 产物,后代等意思,那么你知道daughter的 近义词 有哪些吗?daughter的常见用法都有哪些?下面我为大家带来daughter的近义词辨析及用法例句,欢迎大家学习!   daughter近义词:   girl, maid, maiden, daughter   daughter近义词辨析:   这些名词都含有"姑娘,女孩子"之意。   girl 指7岁到12岁左右的女孩,与boy相对,广义指未婚的女孩。   maid 指闺女,女佣人。   maiden 指少女,处女或未婚女子。   daughter 指女子对父母而言的概称,不涉及年龄的大小。   daughter的用法:   daughter的用法1:daughter的意思是“女儿; 闺女”,指某一家庭的女性后裔,是可数名词。   daughter的用法2:daughter用于比喻意义时表示“产物; 自起源或出身衍生而来的事物”。   daughter的英语例句:   1. It"s plain that he adores his daughter, and the feeling is mutual.   明摆着他很喜欢自己的女儿,而且女儿也喜欢他。   2. His daughter was very active and noisy in the mornings.   他的女儿一到上午就很好动,吵吵闹闹的。   3. She even claimed the couple"s daughter was possessed by the devil.   她甚至宣称那对夫妇的女儿被魔鬼附了体。   4. He wants to transfer some money to the account of his daughter.   他想把一些钱转到女儿的账户上。   5. She shared her daughter"s disdain for her fellow countrymen.   她和女儿都瞧不起自己的同胞。   6. Both mother and daughter, who have requested anonymity, are doing fine.   这对不愿意透露姓名的母女俩目前情况良好。   7. Madge did not want to put her daughter on the stage.   玛奇不想让自己的女儿从事戏剧表演。   8. The late Earl passed on much of his fortune to his daughter.   已故伯爵将他的大部分财产传给了女儿。   9. I haven"t seen my own daughter since last January.   自去年1月起我就没见过女儿了。   10. Frances took her daughter walking every day, rain or shine.   弗朗西丝无论晴天还是下雨,每天都带女儿去散步。   11. His daughter says straightforwardly that he was not good enough.   他的女儿直言他不够好。   12. She put up her daughter for adoption in 1967.   1967年她为女儿征领养家庭。   13. My daughter is just gaga over men with hairy chests.   我女儿就是痴迷于那些胸毛浓密的男子。   14. The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home.   这位女士恳求她的女儿回家。   15. Marianna, the duke"s daughter, became mute after a shock.










女儿 到特尔


daughter的意思是女儿。读音:英[u02c8du0254u02d0tu0259(r)],美[u02c8dɑu02d0tu032cu025a]。释义:n.女儿;[遗][农学]子代。adj.女儿的;子代的。短语:baby daughter女婴。foster daughter养女。natural daughter私生女。youngest daughter小女儿。daughter的例句1、It"s plain that he adores his daughter, and the feeling is mutual.明摆着他很喜欢自己的女儿,而且女儿也喜欢他。2、His daughter was very active and noisy in the mornings.他的女儿一到上午就很好动,吵吵闹闹的。3、She even claimed the couple"s daughter was possessed by the devil.她甚至宣称那对夫妇的女儿被魔鬼附了体。4、He wants to transfer some money to the account of his daughter .他想把一些钱转到女儿的账户上。




daughter 可数名词: 女儿,闺女




daughter的读音是["du0254:tu0259]。daughter的读音为["du0254:tu0259],它是英文单词,作名词时,意思是女儿、子代,作形容词时,意思是女儿的、子代的。例句1、Physicists are separating daughters in the laboratory.物理学家正在实验室里分离子体核素。2、From her behavior,she seems to be a daughter of a noble family.从行为举止看,她似乎是贵族家庭的女人。3、As the only daughter,I am responsible for giving my parents a better life.作为唯一的女儿,我有责任给父母更好的生活。4、They have a daughter and three sons.他们有一个女儿和三个儿子。5、Her daughter is very cute.她的女儿很可爱。6、Your daughter has been consistently late for class recently.你女儿最近上课一直迟到。




daughter作为名词的意思是女儿,作为形容词的意思是女儿的如:I want you to stay away from my daughter。我想要你离我女儿远远的。


daughter 当名词时,女儿当形容词,女儿的, 如女儿的, 关系如女儿的 用成名词比较多










make a change through还是make a change from

make a change from是正确常用的表达。意思是:使改变,产生不同。例句:They"ll make a change from sitting by the seaside. 这肯定与坐在海边不同。 To make a large-scale development in the western region, we must organicallycombine Human Resource with the economic construction of the west region andmake a change from paying attention to "the material resources" to the "Human Resource". 西部大开发必须把西部地区的经济建设和西部地区人力资源开发工作有机结合起来,必须从重视物力资源开发转变到主要依靠人力资源开发的轨道上来。 Only generating human nature of loving nature, can people control unlimitedmaterial desires, and make scientific and technological knowledge a change from the destruction of the natural tool to saint patron of nature, and people can move toward harmony with nature. 只有生成热爱自然的人性,才能控制人无限的物质欲望,才能使科技知识由破坏自然的工具化身为自然的守护神,才能使人与自然走向和谐。 Zhejiang merchants"and their investments"outside migration will make Zhejiang"seconomy experience a change from "Zhejiang model" to "Zhejiangnese model".浙商外迁将促使浙江的经济发展经历从“浙江经济”到“浙江人经济”的深刻变革。

The central provinces have floods in some years, and _____. A.droughts in others B.droughts.

A 试题分析:因为and 连接并列的两个宾语floods and droughts , some....others 这个是固定的搭配。如果把句子补充完整就变成:The central provinces have floods in some years, and have droughts in others.因为两个句子的谓语都是have ,用and 连接起来时的时候,可以省略后边一个相同的谓语,所以就变成了:The central provinces have floods in some years, and droughts in others.所以答案选A。点评:在并列句中,省略是最常见的。一般说来,在后一并列句中凡是与上文相同的成分通常都要省略。My room is on the fifth floor, and hers (is) on the eighth (floor).我的房间在五楼,而她的在八楼。I came at right but Henry (came) at nine.我在八点来,但是亨利在九点来。在简单句的并列结构中,也常采用省略的做法:You may go by land or (by) water.你从陆路去或从水路去都可以。

look into look up look through 区别

ook up to1. 尊敬;敬仰;赞美:They all look up to their teacher.他们都很钦佩他们的老师。2. 将…尊为(榜样等)(常与 as 连用):We look up to him as a hero.我们把他尊为英雄。look up into望入一般用在这个短语中:look up into the sky抬头望向天空look through看穿[识破](某人或某事); 仔细检查[审查](某物); 穿过…看;As for doctors, when you go to see them they just look right through you.说到医生,你去看病时,他们直把你当透明的。look up 向上看; 改善; 拜访(某人); 查找I looked your address up in the personnel file...我在人事档案里找到了你的地址。Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.这个词的意思很多人都要查字典才知道。【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】追问在翻译成查找,审查时二者有何区别,求例句。。。回答look through 仔细检查, 看是否有毛病,瑕疵等, look up 查阅 以获取信息,释义等

look through与look into的差别

前者是 仔细查看;温习后者是 调查很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^


thoughtful,作形容词时译为“深思的;体贴的;关切的”。读音:英[u02c8θu0254u02d0tfl],美[u02c8θu0254u02d0tfl]。释义:adj.深思的;体贴的;关切的。例句:He scratched his head and looked thoughtful.他挠着头显出一副深思的样子。变形:比较级more thoughtful,最高级most thoughtful,副词thoughtfully,名词thoughtfulness。短语:thoughtful essay有思想性的文章thoughtful friend关心别人的朋友thoughtful about the business注意业务thoughtful for注意thoughtful of others体贴别人thoughtful的近义词considerate读音:英[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259ru0259t],美[ku0259nu02c8su026adu0259ru0259t]。释义:adj. 考虑周到的;为(他人)着想的;体谅的;体贴的。例句:You will live easily if you have a considerate friend with you.如果有一个考虑周到的朋友和你在一起的话,你会过得非常的轻松。变形:副词considerately,名词considerateness。短语:courteously considerate殷勤周到的thoughtfully considerate体贴周到的considerate about〔in〕在…问题上〔方面〕考虑周到

scarborough fair的歌词及翻译

《诗经》体翻译 斯卡波罗集市Are you going to scarborough fair? 子至集商?Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 卉草花香Remember me to one who lives there 白之居者He was once a true love of mine 吾爱为尝Tell him to make me a cambric shirt 诉制麻衣Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 卉草花香Without no seams nor needle work 天衣无缝Then he"ll be a true love of mine 吾爱为尝Tell him to find me an acre of land 告找亩疆Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 卉草花香Between salt water and the sea strands 临海良田Then he"ll be a true love of mine 吾爱为将Tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather 刈以镰榔Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 卉草花香And gather it all in a bunch of heather 束以楠枝Then he"ll be a true love of mine 吾爱为郎Are you going to scarborough fair 子至集商?Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 卉草花香Remember me to one who lives there 白之居者He was once a true love of mine 吾爱为尝

deeply in thought有没有语法错误


bought the farm in the World War II为什么会翻译成阵亡?

buy the farm[美俚]阵亡;买下农场(死了);突如其来的不正常死亡 关于来源,因为是美国的俚语,只有美国人比较清楚,下面是几个外国人的解释,我翻译了认为最可能的. 1.Buy the farm was originated with pilots.Mostly military. If something from the government crashes on to a farm - like a military plane,the government "buy the farm".as in the land that it destroyed.The pilot is dead because of the impact... “Buy the farm”的起源来自于飞行员.主要指军方的飞行员.如果政府部门的某件东西撞毁在农场里——例如军用飞机,政府部门就会“买下那个农场”,因为那块地已经被破坏了,而飞行员也在撞击的过程中死了……. 所以“Buy the farm”就比喻突如其来的不正常死亡,也就是阵亡了,特别是在战争中的,像第二次世界大战等. 2.To die,espescially in combat; most likely from the idea that a dead soldier"s death benifit would serve to pay off his family"s morgtage.Often shortened to "bought it." 3.This term was used during World War 2 whenever a Allied Pilot would have to make a crash landing into a European farm/house.WW2 pilots who did this were actually charged for the damages they caused and actually in a sense:"bought the farm"

bought the farm in the World War II为什么会翻译成阵亡?


look through look over 有什么区别???速求

look through: 看穿, 审核, 浏览, 温习, 从...中显露, 彻底审查Always look your work through before handing it in. 交作业前一定要仔细检查. Here are the books for you to look through. 你要审查的书籍在这儿。look over1. 从上面看过去:例句: to look over a wall从墙上看过去2. 查看;细看;仔细检查;逐一查考;把…过目:例句: Would you mind looking over my article?您看一看我的文章好吗?3. 察看;巡视;粗略地看一看:例句: Some officials will look over our factory this Friday.本周五一些官员将察看我们的厂子。4. 放过;忽略;原谅(过错等):例句: The teacher looked over his spelling faults.教师原谅了他的拼写错误。5. 温习:例句: to book over exercises温习练习

非谓语动词放句首注意什么? ______,the speaker brought his letu

像不定式,动名词和分词这三类非谓语都可以放在句首呀。如:To go to school early the next day, he went to bed. Rising up early every morning is a good habit. Protected by the parents very well, the little girl seemed a bit shy.作定语的非谓语?不定式,动名词和分词也都可以作定语。如:I have something to do。 (不定式作定语) living fish (动名词作定语) an educated man (分词作定语)

can,could,may might,must,ought 的区别和用法

can 可表示“可以,能够”,即表示允许或者能力.例如:Can you help me?你可以帮我吗?I can swim.我会游泳.也可表推测.常常用于否定推测.He can"t be a teacher.他不可能是个老师.用于肯定句也可,表示“可能”,强调有这种可能性.It can be hers.它有可能是她的.could一般用于过去式,作can的过去式用.但也可用于现在时中,表达委婉.例如:Could you help me?你可以帮我吗?may 也可表示“可以”的意思,表征求意见或允许.例如:May I come in?我可以进来吗?You may watch TV for a while.你可以看一会儿电视.也表推测,表示“也许,可能”.例如;He may be a teacher.他可能是个老师.might和may的关系与could和can的关系类似.must可表示“必须”的意思.如:You must get up now.你必须起床了!注意:must的一般疑问句回答时,若为否定回答,则应为:No ,sb.needn"t/don"t have to.不,sb.不需要(这样).must可表推测,用于肯定的推测.如:He must be a teacher.他肯定是个老师.ought to/should 应该.You ought to arrive on time.你应该准时到达.注意,当情态动词表推测时,反义疑问句根据情态动词后的动词和主语而定.如:He must be a teacher,isn"t he?

用‘ i pained the town red , i caught him red-handed , it is like a red rag to a bull.造句子

any letter of complaint to the boss like a red rag to a bull. 任何给老板的投诉信都会令他大发雷霆。 I had some trouble to save him from the fury of those who had caught him red-handed. 我很难将他从那些当场抓到他的人手中救出来。Lara and I painted the town red last night. I"ve never had so much fun before.paint watcher:

One day, many years ago, when I was working as a psychologist(心理学家)in England, I brought David

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:D小题5:A 小题1:根据文章内容I brought David into my office. His face was pale and he looked at his own feet.可知答案为C小题2:根据文章内容. But when he was 13 ,his grandfather died and his mother was killed in a car accident.可知答案为B小题3:根据文章内容After that we played chess every Wednesday afternoon—in complete silence. Usually, he arrived earlier than we agreed.,可知答案为A小题4:根据文章内容. He finally got friends in school and he even joined a bicycle club. Now he started his new life.可知答案为D小题5:根据文章内容可知答案为A

get through hard time是什么意思?

渡过艰难get through hard time

spend与get through都有度过的意思,在使用中他们的细微差别如何区分


get through with是什么意思


get through with是什么意思

get through withv.完成对…强硬例句1.When you get through with college, come and talk to me.你完成学院的时候,来和我谈。2.Let me use your pen when you get through with it.你用完笔之后借我一下。3.Say, how about joining me for dinner somewhere after we get through with this?嘿,办完这事之后,和我一起找个地方共进晚餐如何?4.once your mother and I get through with you.等你妈和我处理完你的事5.What happened after you get through with your wife?你们吵完之后,有发生了什么?

go through ,get through 与 live through 都表经历,度过


get though是什么意思

完成; 读完; 穿过; 用完

go through & get through & put through 意思,区别与例句~


get through 和 get over的区别

get through到达,做完,通过,度过,打通释义:To arrive at the end of; finish or complete.结束:到达终点;结束或完成To succeed in making contact; reach.到达:成功地和…联络;到达To make oneself understood.使自己被理解——————————————————————get over爬过,克服,熬过,恢复,原谅释义:To prevail against; overcome.胜过;超越To recover from:痊愈:finally got over the divorce.最终从离婚的创伤中恢复了To get across.使人了解


Break through 突围,突破 Come through 经历...仍活着 Cut through 用锋利的金属切割某物,穿过,穿透 Drag through 缓慢穿越,慢慢通过(某障碍) Drive through 驱车穿越 Drop through 没能完成 Fall through 失败,落空 Flounder through 艰难、吃力地穿过 Follow through 完全按照指示做;彻底贯彻 Gallop through 策马飞奔 Get through 完成;度过;被理解 Go through 遭受,经历;检查,被通过 Hit through 抽杀成功 Live through 度过,经受住 Look through 浏览;详尽检查 See through 看穿,识破

求pass, go through , get through的区别当出现一个句子时我该用哪一个?,在句子中怎么区分?

pass 1. 经过;通过 To pass someone or something means to go past them without stopping2. (沿特定方向)行进,穿过,穿越 When someone or something passes in a particular direction, they move in that direction. go throught 1.经历,经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期) If you go through an experience or a period of time, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, you experience it2. 翻阅;翻找;整理 If you go through a lot of things such as papers or clothes, you look at them, usually in order to sort them into groups or to search for a particular item.get throught1. 完成(任务);干完(工作等) If you get through a task or an amount of work, especially when it is difficult, you complete it2. 度过,熬过(困难或不快的时期) If you get through a difficult or unpleasant period of time, you manage to live through it.

get around 、get through 、get along 的区别

get around 传播;绕开;随意走走;说服get through完成;读完;穿过;用完get along 相处; 进展;前进;离去

get over与get through在表示度过时的区别?


应用get through的英文句子翻译

从那以后,他知道他能应用自己最好的技能处理任何突发事件。get through: 通过

pass through go through get through go over get over近义词辨析

pass through 经过(市镇等);经历(一段时间)go through (物体/法案等)通过; 经历(痛苦等); 用光/消耗STH; 仔细查看/研讨;履行/参加sth;完成get through The gate is narrow, so the car can"t get through (it).(通过) It is hard to see how people will get through the winter.(度过难关) I called you this morning but I couldn"t get through (to you) (接通) I find him hard to get through to.(与sb 沟通) How long did it take you to get through a letter?(做完/读完/写完) She gets through 40 cigarettes a day.(用完/消耗掉)go overGo over your work carefully before you hand it in. (仔细检查/查看/研究)She went over her lines before the first night of her play.(温习复习)go overGo over your work carefully before you hand it in. (仔细检查/查看/研究)She went over her lines before the first night of her play.(温习复习)go over v.(渡过...)转变, (对...进行)仔细检查, 润色, 但这里人们多用于复习的意思.例如:You should go over what you learn before you take an exam.你应该在考试前把你所学的知识复习一遍.go through v.经历, 经受, 仔细检查, 用完, 被通过, 参加, 搜查, 履行.这里多用语通过的意思.但是也有别的用法,具体看当时文章或句子的语境.

live throughget throughpull through的区别

live through 经历过; 经历…而未死 She has lived through several terrible accidents. 她曾经历过几次可怕的意外事故。 get through 穿过; 通过 The passage is too narrow for cars to get through. 通道太窄, 汽车过不去。 到达目的地 Our message doesn"t seem to have got through, we"ve had no reply through it was sent several days ago. 我们的信件看来没有收到, 因为已经寄了好几天了, 可至今还没有接到回音。 读完; (使)理解; 消化 I"ve pile of papers to get through before the meeting. 开会前我有一大堆文件要处理。 (用电话)接通某人 I rang you several times but wasn"t able to get through. 我几次打电话给你, 都没有打通。 完成 I got through the novel in one evening. 我一个晚上就看完了这本小说。 用完, 花光 He has got through all the money I lent him. 我借给他的钱他已花光了。 pull through 〈非正〉恢复健康; 精神状况转好, 情绪转好 The doctor is sure he will pull through. 医生确信他会康复的。

用get through造句

They"re gonna get through this. 他们会和好的. Did you get through your examination? 你通过考试了吗? How did you get through this? 你是怎么过来的?(度过难关,摆脱困扰等) I think you will get through. 我想你是能通过的. Can I get through by this road? 我可以从这条路过去吗? One cannot get through life without pain. 生活离不开劳苦. Did you get through your driving test? 你驾驶测验通过了吗? Mary could hardly get through to Jack. 玛丽几乎无法使杰克明白她的意思.

用get through造句

I called you last night but could not get through.

用get through造句

They"re gonna get through this. 他们会和好的. Did you get through your examination? 你通过考试了吗? How did you get through this? 你是怎么过来的?(度过难关,摆脱困扰等) I think you will get through. 我想你是能通过的. Can I get through by this road? 我可以从这条路过去吗? One cannot get through life without pain. 生活离不开劳苦. Did you get through your driving test? 你驾驶测验通过了吗? Mary could hardly get through to Jack. 玛丽几乎无法使杰克明白她的意思.

go through & get through & put through 意思,区别与例句~

get throughv.到达, 做完, 通过, 度过, 打通go throughv.经历, 经受, 仔细检查, 用完, 被通过, 参加, 搜查, 履行put through 1)实行; 完成; 使经历 At last we successfully put through the business deal. 最终我们成功地完成了这桩交易。 2)接通(电话) Please put me through to the Manager. 请替我接通经理的电话。 3)使通过 These proposals have to be put through several committees. 这些提议必须在几次委员会上通过。4)完成;(打电话)把……接通 Can you put me through to this number.

pass through get through go through 的 用法和区别

get through 穿过强调的是状态 可作谓语go throught 穿过强调的是动作 可作谓语pass through 经历,通过强调的是动作 可作谓语

get through 和 get over的区别

get through 是穿过的意思 比如穿过森林 get over 是克服的意思, 比如克服困难

给几个有get through 的英语句子,

John has got through the examination. 约翰已经通过考试了. The operator finally got me through. 接线员最终给我接通了电话. We can"t get it through to him that using drugs is bad for his health. 我们没法使他明白吸毒对他健康的危害. I have a pile of papers to get through before my leaving. 我离开之前有一堆文件要处理. How did you get through all that money in two days? 你怎么两天就把所有的钱都花完了? I don"t know how they get through these cold winters. 我不知道他们是如何熬过这些寒冷的冬天的.
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