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应该是这样 a few hours earlier (than ...) 所以一定要用earlier 才能表示比较 early没

for twenty years同义句

have passed since 20年过去了,自从他住在这里

since twenty years

since 前面的主句必须用持续性动词.married 不延续,所以这句话应该为 They have been married since twenty years ago. have been married 表示状态

After twenty years的续写

After twenty years,we will be still friends.


twenty中文翻译是20的意思。twenty作为名词是二十、二十年代的意思。作为数字是指二十。作为形容词是二十的的意思。twenty的复数形式是twenties。固定短语有Matchbox Twenty火柴盒二十、火柴盒乐队、表演者。Twenty Twelve二零一二。Twenty Years After二十年后。

用in twenty years time造句?

Speak out what you think may happen in twenty years time.

用twenty years from now作状语改写句子)

twenty years from now表示将来,所以改为What will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now?

five and twenty years什么意思


twenty years from now 等于in twenty years 吗

twenty years from now = twenty years later

今后20年和20年之后是都翻译成in twenty years还是。。

今后20年:in the next twenty years20年之后:in twenty years



Twenty years is a short time in history.

We are dying.

Jack is twenty years old. but he has only five bi


after twenty years的翻译是什么呀?

《after twenty years》即《二十年后》的中心主题是对资本主义上升时期的美国社会的深刻批判。《after twenty years》是美国作家欧·亨利的作品。两个美国青年——鲍勃和吉米·威尔斯是一对非常要好的朋友,当鲍勃要到西部去创业时,他们相约20年后在纽约大乔勃拉地饭馆相会。然而当在西部闯荡了20年并且正受芝加哥警方辑捕的鲍勃赶到纽约来践约时,在纽约已当了巡警的吉米以出人意料的手段逮捕了鲍勃。该小说通过这两个青年20年后重逢之际所发生的意外变化,反映了美国19世纪后半期到第一次世界大战前美国社会生活各方面的深刻变迁。从作品的主人公之一——被警方通缉的罪犯鲍勃身上,可以看到19世纪末20世纪初美国开发西部的一个侧面。如果说“警士”代表着资本主义制度文明的悲剧,那么“罪犯”则体现了资本主义竞争的惨烈。虽然美国“西部”不等于殖民地,但是所谓“西部开发”,就是向资本主义文明尚未渗透的西部进行充满掠夺与冒险的资本积累过程,这是一个孳生繁衍罪恶的温床。从作品的另一个主人公——成为警士的吉米身上,体现出美国所谓的高度文明对人的心灵的扭曲和摧残。吉米的一系列举动,都表现出一种带有机械性质的麻木和冷漠。他在去见20年前最好的朋友时(其时他并不知道他的朋友就是被通缉的罪犯),不急不喜,“一边走一边试试人家的门户是不是关好,一只手把警棍耍出许多复杂而美妙的花样”,充分体现出一个公安卫护人的形象。扩展资料《after twenty years》创作背景1862年,美国林肯总统在《宅地法》中规定,任何公民只需交15美元的证件费,便可在美国西部得到一块相当于160英亩的土地;在这块土地上连续耕作五年以上就可成为这块土地的主人,这一措施民主地解决了独立战争期间的土地问题,同时激发了美国人勤劳创业、发财的热情。这时的人们纯朴、勤劳、勇敢,充满活力和生气,他们彼此重义气、讲交情,尽管他们在对付满腔怒火的印第安人时也干尽了野蛮的掠夺、杀戮等强盗行径,正如在西部文学作品中所看到的那样。但也许是远离城市,西部资产阶级内部尚未染上唯利是图、尔虞我诈的恶习,或者说为对付险恶的自然环境他们尚未顾及内部的倾轧和吞并。19世纪末20世纪初期的美国,处于资本主义飞速发展阶段,出现了资本集中和无产阶级的贫困化,同时,中小资产阶级的破产及失业大军的不断扩大,使美国社会的阶级矛盾不断尖锐化和表面化。正是在这样的时代背景下,广大民众对美国的“民主”社会产生了怀疑和失望。他们曾经为消灭蓄奴制的战争流过血,以为消灭了蓄奴制的美国是世界上最先进的民主国家。但事实上,美国不但没有成为“人人享有民主、自由、幸福权利”的天堂,而且成了世界上贫富鸿沟最深的国家之一。在那里,一方面是一小部分卑鄙龌龊沉溺于奢侈生活的亿万富翁,另一方面是千百万永远在饥饿线上挣扎的劳苦大众。社会生活的发展变化,对美国文学产生了深刻的影响。参考资料来源:百度百科-二十年后

英语问题:请问twenty-year-old和twenty years old的区别



twentyyearsago是时间段还是时间点?是时间点。20 years ago的意思是20年前,20年前是一个时间点。

after twenty years的中文意思是什么?

《after twenty years》即《二十年后》的中心主题是对资本主义上升时期的美国社会的深刻批判。《after twenty years》是美国作家欧·亨利的作品。两个美国青年——鲍勃和吉米·威尔斯是一对非常要好的朋友,当鲍勃要到西部去创业时,他们相约20年后在纽约大乔勃拉地饭馆相会。然而当在西部闯荡了20年并且正受芝加哥警方辑捕的鲍勃赶到纽约来践约时,在纽约已当了巡警的吉米以出人意料的手段逮捕了鲍勃。该小说通过这两个青年20年后重逢之际所发生的意外变化,反映了美国19世纪后半期到第一次世界大战前美国社会生活各方面的深刻变迁。从作品的主人公之一——被警方通缉的罪犯鲍勃身上,可以看到19世纪末20世纪初美国开发西部的一个侧面。如果说“警士”代表着资本主义制度文明的悲剧,那么“罪犯”则体现了资本主义竞争的惨烈。虽然美国“西部”不等于殖民地,但是所谓“西部开发”,就是向资本主义文明尚未渗透的西部进行充满掠夺与冒险的资本积累过程,这是一个孳生繁衍罪恶的温床。从作品的另一个主人公——成为警士的吉米身上,体现出美国所谓的高度文明对人的心灵的扭曲和摧残。吉米的一系列举动,都表现出一种带有机械性质的麻木和冷漠。他在去见20年前最好的朋友时(其时他并不知道他的朋友就是被通缉的罪犯),不急不喜,“一边走一边试试人家的门户是不是关好,一只手把警棍耍出许多复杂而美妙的花样”,充分体现出一个公安卫护人的形象。扩展资料《after twenty years》创作背景1862年,美国林肯总统在《宅地法》中规定,任何公民只需交15美元的证件费,便可在美国西部得到一块相当于160英亩的土地;在这块土地上连续耕作五年以上就可成为这块土地的主人,这一措施民主地解决了独立战争期间的土地问题,同时激发了美国人勤劳创业、发财的热情。这时的人们纯朴、勤劳、勇敢,充满活力和生气,他们彼此重义气、讲交情,尽管他们在对付满腔怒火的印第安人时也干尽了野蛮的掠夺、杀戮等强盗行径,正如在西部文学作品中所看到的那样。但也许是远离城市,西部资产阶级内部尚未染上唯利是图、尔虞我诈的恶习,或者说为对付险恶的自然环境他们尚未顾及内部的倾轧和吞并。19世纪末20世纪初期的美国,处于资本主义飞速发展阶段,出现了资本集中和无产阶级的贫困化,同时,中小资产阶级的破产及失业大军的不断扩大,使美国社会的阶级矛盾不断尖锐化和表面化。正是在这样的时代背景下,广大民众对美国的“民主”社会产生了怀疑和失望。他们曾经为消灭蓄奴制的战争流过血,以为消灭了蓄奴制的美国是世界上最先进的民主国家。但事实上,美国不但没有成为“人人享有民主、自由、幸福权利”的天堂,而且成了世界上贫富鸿沟最深的国家之一。在那里,一方面是一小部分卑鄙龌龊沉溺于奢侈生活的亿万富翁,另一方面是千百万永远在饥饿线上挣扎的劳苦大众。社会生活的发展变化,对美国文学产生了深刻的影响。参考资料来源:百度百科-二十年后

twenty-year-old twenty years old 两个怎么用????

twenty-year-old 是形容词,后要接名词 twenty years old 不能接名词,如He is a twenty-year -old man .= The man is twenty years old .加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢

placebo twenty years 中文歌词

神呐 为什么要翻译。。。。

after twenty years主题是什么?

《after twenty years》即《二十年后》的中心主题是对资本主义上升时期的美国社会的深刻批判。《after twenty years》是美国作家欧·亨利的作品。两个美国青年——鲍勃和吉米·威尔斯是一对非常要好的朋友,当鲍勃要到西部去创业时,他们相约20年后在纽约大乔勃拉地饭馆相会。然而当在西部闯荡了20年并且正受芝加哥警方辑捕的鲍勃赶到纽约来践约时,在纽约已当了巡警的吉米以出人意料的手段逮捕了鲍勃。该小说通过这两个青年20年后重逢之际所发生的意外变化,反映了美国19世纪后半期到第一次世界大战前美国社会生活各方面的深刻变迁。从作品的主人公之一——被警方通缉的罪犯鲍勃身上,可以看到19世纪末20世纪初美国开发西部的一个侧面。如果说“警士”代表着资本主义制度文明的悲剧,那么“罪犯”则体现了资本主义竞争的惨烈。虽然美国“西部”不等于殖民地,但是所谓“西部开发”,就是向资本主义文明尚未渗透的西部进行充满掠夺与冒险的资本积累过程,这是一个孳生繁衍罪恶的温床。从作品的另一个主人公——成为警士的吉米身上,体现出美国所谓的高度文明对人的心灵的扭曲和摧残。吉米的一系列举动,都表现出一种带有机械性质的麻木和冷漠。他在去见20年前最好的朋友时(其时他并不知道他的朋友就是被通缉的罪犯),不急不喜,“一边走一边试试人家的门户是不是关好,一只手把警棍耍出许多复杂而美妙的花样”,充分体现出一个公安卫护人的形象。扩展资料《after twenty years》创作背景1862年,美国林肯总统在《宅地法》中规定,任何公民只需交15美元的证件费,便可在美国西部得到一块相当于160英亩的土地;在这块土地上连续耕作五年以上就可成为这块土地的主人,这一措施民主地解决了独立战争期间的土地问题,同时激发了美国人勤劳创业、发财的热情。这时的人们纯朴、勤劳、勇敢,充满活力和生气,他们彼此重义气、讲交情,尽管他们在对付满腔怒火的印第安人时也干尽了野蛮的掠夺、杀戮等强盗行径,正如在西部文学作品中所看到的那样。但也许是远离城市,西部资产阶级内部尚未染上唯利是图、尔虞我诈的恶习,或者说为对付险恶的自然环境他们尚未顾及内部的倾轧和吞并。19世纪末20世纪初期的美国,处于资本主义飞速发展阶段,出现了资本集中和无产阶级的贫困化,同时,中小资产阶级的破产及失业大军的不断扩大,使美国社会的阶级矛盾不断尖锐化和表面化。正是在这样的时代背景下,广大民众对美国的“民主”社会产生了怀疑和失望。他们曾经为消灭蓄奴制的战争流过血,以为消灭了蓄奴制的美国是世界上最先进的民主国家。但事实上,美国不但没有成为“人人享有民主、自由、幸福权利”的天堂,而且成了世界上贫富鸿沟最深的国家之一。在那里,一方面是一小部分卑鄙龌龊沉溺于奢侈生活的亿万富翁,另一方面是千百万永远在饥饿线上挣扎的劳苦大众。社会生活的发展变化,对美国文学产生了深刻的影响。参考资料来源:百度百科-二十年后

Me In Twenty Years,关于二十年后的我作文300字

Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in enty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them.

in twenty years什么意思?知道德告诉我下还有以这个题目写一篇60词英语作文。谢谢。


in twenty years 同义句是什么 要不一样,换一个,4个空的

in coming twenty years in next twenty years within coming twenty years within next twenty years

用所给词的适当形式填空:1.I______(be)twenty years old next ye?

will be ,next year 是“明年、下一年”的意思,所以这句话是一般将来时态,谓语动词应该使用将来形式 will be ,补充完整是 I will be twenty years old next year .



in the last twenty years和in the latest twenty yea

in the last twenty years 在过去的20年间in the latest twenty years 在最近的20年

three and twenty years


有three and twenty years的说法吗?为什么?

没有,不过有three twenty years的说法,指的是320年. 说全了就是three( hundreds and )twenty years,括号里的口语中可以省略.

there are twenty years ago是哪首歌的歌词

years ago

the last twenty years.和the past twenty years的意思有什么区别

the last twenty years 是指过去了的20年,在现在角度来回过头来看,不包括现在.20 most important stories of the last 20 years.过去20年间最重要的20个故事.(不包括现在的重要故事)the past twenty years 是站在...

我with a history of twenty years old中with的用法?

这涉及到with的复合结构,with a history of twenty years old中with引出了后面的宾语a history of和形容词twenty years old。我给你举个例子帮助理解:她躺在床上,脸色苍白。She lay in bed with her face pale.他过去常常开窗睡觉。He used to sleep with all the windows open.

二十年已经过去了 网上翻译是Twenty years have passed.我们学的是Twenty years has passed. 到底哪个对呀



现代大学英语精读1 UNIT9 After TwentyYears 课文翻译20XX101018第九单元Translation of Text A二十年前1正在巡逻的警察精神抖擞的沿着大街走着。他这样引人注目并不奇怪ue008并不是为了招摇ue008 因为此时大街上根本没有什么观众。时间还不到晚上十点钟ue008但夹带着雨意的冷风几乎清空了整个街道。2警察边走边检查门是否关好了ue008他十分灵巧的不停转动着警棍ue008眼光还不时头像平静的街道ue008他那魁梧的身材ue008配上卓越不凡的气势ue008就是一副治安维持者的形象。那个地区的人晚上休息的很早。你偶尔还能看到一家雪茄店或是昼夜营业的饭店还在亮着灯ue008但是觉得大多数的店铺都已经关门了。3在一个街区的半路上ue008警察忽然放慢了脚步。在一家已经关门的五金店的门廊里ue008一个男子倚在那里ue008嘴里叼着一只未点燃的雪茄。当警察朝他走去时ue008 男人赶忙毫不犹豫的说。 4 “没事的ue008长官。 ”他坦然的说。 “我只是在等一个朋友ue008这是二十年前就定好的约会ue008 听起来有点荒唐。是吧ue00a哦ue008如果你想弄明白事情的真相ue008我就说个你听。

用in twenty years time造句?


Last twenty years 是二十年前还是二十年后的意思?

in twenty years等于什么

in twenty years" time"s time可以省略

twenty yearsˊ和twenty_year的区别是什么?


the last twenty years.和the past twenty years的意思有什么区别

过去20年。 过去的20年

twenty years中英文对照歌词

歌手:placebo 专辑:once more with feeling: singles 1996-2004 There are twenty years to go,and twenty ways to knowwho will wear,who will wear the hat,There are twenty years to go,the best of all i hope,join the ridethe medicine show,And thems the breaksfor we designer fakeswe need to concentrateon more than meets the eyeThere are twenty years to go,the faithful and the lowthe best of startsthe broken hearts, the stoneThere are twenty years to go,the punch drunk and the blowthe worst of startsthe mercy part, the phoneAnd thems the breaksfor we designer fakeswe need to concentrateon more than meets the eyeThems the breaksfor we designer fakesbut it"s you i take"cause you"re the truth not i,There are twenty years to go,a golden age i knowbut all will passwill end too fast you knowThere are twenty years to go,and many friends i hopethough some may hold the rosesome hold the ropeAnd that"s the end, and that"s the start of it,that"s the whole, and that"s the part of it,that"s the highs, and that"s the heart of it,that"s the long, and that"s the short of it,that"s the best, and that"s the test in it,that"s the doubt, the doubt the trust in it,that"s the sight, and that"s the sound of it,that"s the gift, that"s the trick in it,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i.

In the past,the boss made the workers ____ (work) twenty hours a day


丘吉尔这句话什么意思,谁来解释一下:If you are not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart?


About twenty of us had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a film-studio(影棚)to take.

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者作为一次群众演员的经历。小题1:根据文章中的第一段“About twenty of us had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a film-studio(影棚)to take part in a crowd-scene. Although our "act" would last only for a short time, we could see quite a number of interesting things.”可知C正确。【考点定位】考查细节理解。小题2:根据文章中的“A big fan began blowing tiny white feathers down on him, and soon the trees were covered in "snow". Two more fans were turned on, and a "strong wind" blew through the trees. The picture looked so real that it made us feel cold.”可知:这里的picture即是the man-made scene。【考点定位】考查细节理解。小题3:根据文章中的“For a full three minutes in our lives we would be experiencing the excitement of being film "stars"!”可知A正确。【考点定位】考查判断推理。

求泰勒·斯威夫特的twenty two歌词翻译,谢谢

It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters夜色神秘,最适合打扮成巫女 And make fun of our exes, uh uh uh uh 为前任们“占卜”,拿他们打趣It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight 狂欢的夜,最适合把宵夜当早餐To fall in love with strangers uh uh uh uh 与陌生人相识,坠入爱河如此简单 Yeaaaah We"re happy free confused and lonely at the same time 我们迷惘孤独,却不失自由幸福It"s miserable and magical oh yeah 有些青涩苦楚,却奇妙地像魔术Tonight"s the night when we forget about the deadlines, it"s time uh uh 今夜,是时候打破重重束缚 I don"t know about you but I"m feeling 22不知你作何感想,我感到22岁青春绽放 Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you 没什么可以阻挡,只要我在你的身旁You don"t know about me but I bet you want to 也许你并不了解我,但我知道你很想Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we"re 22, 22 没什么会将我们阻挡,只要我们舞动青春,像22岁一样It see***ike one of those nights 又是一个这样的夜里This place is too crowded too many cool kids uh uh 拥挤的人群,许多俊男靓女It see***ike one of those nights 在这样的一个夜里We ditch the whole scene and end up dreaming instead of sleeping 我们抛开一切,幻想着未来,而不是沉沉睡去Yeaaaah We"re happy free confused and lonely at the same time 我们迷惘孤独,却不失自由幸福It"s miserable and magical oh yeah 有些青涩苦楚,却奇妙地像魔术Tonight"s the night when we forget about the deadlines, it"s time uh uh 今夜,是时候丢掉我们的束缚Tonight"s the night when we forget about the heartbreaks, it"s time uh uh 今夜,是时候忘掉令人心碎的一幕幕 I don"t know about you but I"m feeling 22不知你作何感想,我感到22岁青春绽放 Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you 没什么可以阻挡,只要我在你的身旁You don"t know about me but I bet you want to 也许你并不了解我,但我知道你很想Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we"re 22, 22 没什么会将我们阻挡,只要我们舞动青春,像22岁一样I don"t know about you, 22, 22 不知你怎样想,22岁的青春绽放It see***ike one of those nights 又是一个这样的夜里This place is too crowded too many cool kids uh uh 拥挤的人群,好多俊男靓女It see***ike one of those nights 在这样的一个夜里We ditch the whole scene and end up dreaming instead of sleeping我们忘乎所以,梦想未来,而不是沉沉睡去 It feels like one of those nights又是一个这样的夜里We ditch the whole scene 我们忘乎所以It feels like one of those nights在这样的一个夜里 We won"t be sleeping 我们不会睡去It feels like one of those nights 就是这样的一个夜里You look like bad news I gotta have you, I gotta have you 也许你不会安分守己,但我想拥有你,我要和你在一起 I don"t know about you but I"m feeling 22不知你作何感想,我感到22岁青春绽放 Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you 没什么可以阻挡,只要我在你的身旁You don"t know about me but I bet you want to 也许你并不了解我,但我知道你很想Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we"re 22, 22 没什么会将我们阻挡,只要我们舞动青春,像22岁一样Dancing like 22, yeah, 22, yeah yeah 舞动青春,像22岁一样 It feels like one of those nights又是一个这样的夜里We ditch the whole scene 我们抛开忘乎所以It feels like one of those nights在这样的一个夜里 We won"t be sleeping 我们不会睡去It feels like one of those nights 就是这样的一个夜里You look like bad news I gotta have you, I gotta have you 也许你不会安分守己,但我想拥有你,我要和你在一起

英语问题:请问twenty-year-old和twenty years old的区别

twenty-year-old是一个复合形容词twenty years是形容词old的状语,表示“多大”She is a twenty-year-old mother.She is twenty years old.

六年级英语:根据上下文,完成对话。(每空一词) _is the _today? Today is the twentieth of November。

What is the date today




《Twenty Years After》(Dumas, Alexandre)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:5dbn书名:Twenty Years After作者:Dumas, Alexandre出版年份:2005-4页数:820内容简介:1898. Twenty Years After is the sequel to The Three Musketeers. Two decades have passed since the famous swordsmen triumphed over Cardinal Richelieu and Milady in The Three Musketeers. Time has weakened their resolve, and dispersed their loyalties. But treasons and stratagems still cry out for justice: civil war endangers the throne of France, while in England, Cromwell threatens to send Charles I to the scaffold. Dumas brings his immortal quartet out of retirement to cross swords with time, the malevolence of men, and the forces of history. But their greatest test is the titanic struggle with the son of Milady who wears the face of evil. Due to the age and scarcity of the original we reproduced, some pages may be spotty, faded or difficult to read. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.作者简介:大仲马(Alexandre Dumas, 1802-1870),19世纪最受欢迎与最多产的法国作家之一,30岁便以剧本创作而名声大噪,开启了法国浪漫主义戏剧的序幕,与雨果同被誉为戏剧节的双杰。大仲马一生精力过人,作品源源不断,一直到死前几个月都还在写作,他的作品就像他的人,丰富、慷慨、豪迈,充满了惊奇和趣味。

Roxette的《7twenty7》 歌词

歌曲名:7twenty7歌手:Roxette专辑:Have A Nice Day (Spanish Version)7twenty 7 Is Ready To MoveYou Know She Packed Her BagsWith Nothing Left To ProveI Thought I Didn抰 CareNow I抦 Fallin?ThroughWouldn抰 You?Well, It抯 A Long Long Journey To The Other SideOh I抳e Been Wishin?All Night I Was On That FlightAnd God, You抎 Better Take Care Of The Sweetest EyesI Hear Myself Swallowin?The Tears I CryI Hear Myself Swallowin?The Tears I Cry7twenty7 Is Up In The AirYou Know I Feel Her HandsOn Me EverywhereI Thought I Didn抰 CareNow I抦 Saying A PrayerHey Mister, Do You Know The WayTo Salvation Square?It抯 A Long Long Winter 扵il The Birds Will SingOh I抣l Be Waitin?All Night For The Phone To RingI抦 Goin?Up In Smoke And Phoney MagazinesEverything Is Just Pieces Of My Stupid DreamsEverything Is Just Spieces Of My Stupid DreamsWith The Clouds Passin?ByWith The Clouds Passin?ByIt抯 All Right7twenty7 Is Close To The SkyIt Carries The WorldBetween Hello And GoodbyeLike The Monday We MetThat Disappeared In A BreathLike The Sunday She LeftForever Smellin?Of DeathAnother Jet Black Night, Another Drink To GoOh I抣l Be Diving My Head In The Pure White SnowGod, You抎 Better Take Care Of This Gold Skinned FriendTell Me, Will I Ever See Her AgainTell Me, Will I Ever See Her AgainTell Me, Will I Ever See Her AgainTell Me, Will I Ever See Her AgainWell, It抯 A Long Long Journey To The Other SideOh I抳e Been Wishin?All Night I Was On That FlightIt抯 A Long Long Winter 扵il The Birds Will SingI Hear Myself Swallowin?The Tears I CryHey Mister, Do You Know The WayTo Salvation Square?7twenty7 Is Close To The Sky7twenty7 Is Close To The Sky

Roxette的《7Twenty7》 歌词

歌曲名:7Twenty7歌手:Roxette专辑:Have A Nice Day (2009 Version)7twenty 7 Is Ready To MoveYou Know She Packed Her BagsWith Nothing Left To ProveI Thought I Didn抰 CareNow I抦 Fallin?ThroughWouldn抰 You?Well, It抯 A Long Long Journey To The Other SideOh I抳e Been Wishin?All Night I Was On That FlightAnd God, You抎 Better Take Care Of The Sweetest EyesI Hear Myself Swallowin?The Tears I CryI Hear Myself Swallowin?The Tears I Cry7twenty7 Is Up In The AirYou Know I Feel Her HandsOn Me EverywhereI Thought I Didn抰 CareNow I抦 Saying A PrayerHey Mister, Do You Know The WayTo Salvation Square?It抯 A Long Long Winter 扵il The Birds Will SingOh I抣l Be Waitin?All Night For The Phone To RingI抦 Goin?Up In Smoke And Phoney MagazinesEverything Is Just Pieces Of My Stupid DreamsEverything Is Just Spieces Of My Stupid DreamsWith The Clouds Passin?ByWith The Clouds Passin?ByIt抯 All Right7twenty7 Is Close To The SkyIt Carries The WorldBetween Hello And GoodbyeLike The Monday We MetThat Disappeared In A BreathLike The Sunday She LeftForever Smellin?Of DeathAnother Jet Black Night, Another Drink To GoOh I抣l Be Diving My Head In The Pure White SnowGod, You抎 Better Take Care Of This Gold Skinned FriendTell Me, Will I Ever See Her AgainTell Me, Will I Ever See Her AgainTell Me, Will I Ever See Her AgainTell Me, Will I Ever See Her AgainWell, It抯 A Long Long Journey To The Other SideOh I抳e Been Wishin?All Night I Was On That FlightIt抯 A Long Long Winter 扵il The Birds Will SingI Hear Myself Swallowin?The Tears I CryHey Mister, Do You Know The WayTo Salvation Square?7twenty7 Is Close To The Sky7twenty7 Is Close To The Sky

求twenty one pilots Heathens歌词

[Chorus]All my friends are heathens, take it slow我的朋友都是异教徒,当心点Wait for them to ask you who you know等着他们来跟你打听人Please don"t make any sudden moves请不要轻举妄动You don"t know the half of the abused后果会很严重All my friends are heathens, take it slow我的朋友都是异教徒,当心点Wait for them to ask you who you know等着他们来跟你打听人Please don"t make any sudden moves请不要轻举妄动You don"t know the half of the abuse后果会很严重[Verse 1]Welcome to the room of people欢迎来到大伙的房间Who have rooms of people that they loved one day他们也曾有一票所爱的人Docked away靠边站Just because we check the guns at the door在门口查枪不是害怕Doesn"t mean our brains will change from hand grenades面对手雷我们也面不改色You"re lovin" on the psychopath sitting next to you你喜欢的疯子就坐在你旁边You"re lovin" on the murderer sitting next to you你喜欢的杀手就坐在你旁边You"ll think, how"d I get here sitting next to you?你会想,为什么我坐你旁边But after all I"ve said, please don"t forget但我毕竟说过了,别忘了[Chorus]All my friends are heathens, take it slow我的朋友都是异教徒,当心点Wait for them to ask you who you know等着他们来跟你打听人Please don"t make any sudden moves请不要轻举妄动You don"t know the half of the abused后果会很严重[Verse 2]We don"t deal with outsiders very well我们对外来者不太友好They say newcomers have a certain smell他们说新来的都有一股味道You have trust issues, not to mention更不用说你有信任危机They say they can smell your intentions他们说你的意图他们一清二楚You"re lovin" on the freakshow sitting next to you你喜欢的怪胎就坐在你旁边You"ll have some weird people sitting next to you有一些奇怪的人坐你旁边You"ll think,how"d I get here, sitting next to you你会想,为什么我坐你旁边But after all I"ve said, please don"t forget但我毕竟说过了,别忘了(Watch it, watch it)(当心,当心)[Chorus]All my friends are heathens, take it slowWait for them to ask you who you knowPlease don"t make any sudden movesYou don"t know the half of the abuse[Bridge]All my friends are heathens, take it slow(Watch it)Wait for them to ask you who you know(Watch it)All my friends are heathens, take it slow(Watch it)Wait for them to ask you who you know(Watch it)[Outro]Why"d you come, you knew you should have stayed你为什么跟上来?你知道你应该留下(It"s blasphemy)(这是渎神)I tried to warn you just to stay away我试图警告你离远一点And now they"re outside ready to bust现在他们在外面要大干一场It looks like you might be one of us看上去你也应该加入我们

求twenty one pilots Heathens歌词


300字英语作文 in twenty years there will be fewer cars

Topic: In twenty years, there will be fewer cars are in use than there are today. No one can neglect the contribution of cars in people"s life in 20th century. However, I think cars face the problem to be reduced in the next 20 years just because we overuse them today. First, in past half century, crude oil exploitation is dramatically grown which makes the energy crisis concerning all facilities which cost fuel. Car takes a considerable part of using fuel. Nowadays people are pursuing to find other substitute for gas. however, we find that it"s hard to make it efficient and economic because of limited technology. Since it"s a long period to develop applicable gas substitute, we think reducing cars and using bicycles and taking public transportation such as buses and trains could be a temporary replacement because there is less cost of fuel per capita when people take public transportation, comparing with individual cars. Second, fewer cars can urge a greener earth since environmental pollution is seen as a worldwide topic. Scientists predict that the sea level would rise over one meter after fifty years and a series of cities on the seashore could be immerged in one hundred years due to greenhouse effect which is caused by excessive emission of carbon dioxides. To solve this problem, we must limit the quantities of cars whose exhaust gas ranks second place in omission of greenhouse gas, right after industrial exhaust. Lastly, cars are initially used to server people"s lives, but we can observe that you would hardly reach your destination on time by a car if you live in a megapolis. Traffic problem is negatively influence our lives indeed. If you read news, then you find how people deal with this issue. For example, people in London pay an extra while they are entering in the center by car. How is the situation in Beijing? The answer is your car can drive only the day of even numbers or uneven. What"s more, ninety percent of people in Tokyo take subway to their offices and leave their cars at home. Thus, I assert that cars will be fewer, and public transportation will develop fast instead. To sum up, I confidently believe cars are gradually becoming fewer in twenty years than today because the problems of energy crisis, environment pollution and traffic jam.


is就是一种助动词,直接将其提到句首构成一般疑问句。Is his birthday on the twentieth of November?



at only twenty dollars,this bicycle is a bargain。at 是什么意思, bargain能做主语吗

bargain指讨价还价得来的特价商品,以……的价格讨来的,用介词at。bargain有三个词性:n. 交易;契约;特价商品vi. 讨价还价;成交vt. 讨价还价;拿…做交易这里很明显用它的名词形式,作的是表语。既然bargain可以是名词,当然它也可以作主语。

fifty和的sixty中的t的发音和twenty hirtyforty等是否一样?求解释。


Nowplease turn to page_and look at the_picture inLessonTwo.Atwentieth,oneBtwenty,oneCtwentieth,firs

twenty ,first

选择答案 1.During the twentieth century , there has been much concern ___ the



it"s eight twenty,colin, you are late的意思是柯林,现在是八点二十,你来晚了。

what is the different betwen an embargo and boycott



歌手:e-40 专辑:my ghetto report card [Intro]GoudaSick Wid It RecordsBMEWarner BrothersThe Machinery (Yee!)Oooh, look out pimp!Heavy on the grindin" entertainmentStovetop productions[Verse 1 - E-40]Oooh, Hustlers are usMy game sharper than an elephant"s tuskMe myself at night the only that I can trustSleep with one eye open finger on the pistol clutch (Ka ka ka!)I got my hands and everything, I"m real instrumentalI"m as real as they come and got no bitch potentialWhen I was comin" up there certain things we don"t allowLike long fingernails and me and arching the eyebrowHere"s another thing I don"t condone and don"t approveHow all of a sudden snitchin" became cool (I dunno)I"m gamed up I be chewin" on this mack graniteOG Jay be stomped that laced that niggas posted never canI brought the baddest broad in the whole facilitationAll by way of mouthpiece just by my manipulationI can make it look like I"m at my best when I"m at my worstPersuade the broad to put on the dress and break her for her purse[Hook]Ten wraps and a rubber band (Gouda)Three or four more in my other hand (Gouda)Five, ten, fifteen, twenty (Gouda)Twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five, forty (Chalupa)Gettin" money I"m a stunna, man (Gouda)In a "lac shootin" box like a hundred grand (Gouda)Forty-five, fifty-five, sixty-five, seventy-five (Gouda)Eighty-five, ninety-five, wait, what am I doing? (Chalupa)[Verse 2 - E-40]A day in the life on the soil in CaliscrillyaTake the wrong turn and these youngstas out here kill yaWell I ain"t concerned, they love us hustlas and dealersThey wanna tear our houses down so they can build some of my kidsOooh, Just tryna get my point acrossWhere I"m from it"s pandamonium and chaosWhere I"m from the lights is off, we use matchesWhere I"m from we do it bare-faced instead of ski masks (Ka ka ka!)Oooh, No more talking on them cellsI heard the federal went ahead and bought Nextel (what?)Oooh, Over-crowded jailsThey got us sleepin" in the gym instead of our own cellsOoh, Put our yeti togetherMe and my investors, we flippin" ten or betterI got some booty, got a little bit of cheddarMama now you got more killers than a peacock better[Hook][Verse 3 - B-Legit]Gettin" money I"m a stunna manWith bitch like I do little whips about the stunna vanMy ? she a runner manOff top, i"ma boss, shoot a box full of rubber bandsContraband, on the other handBig girls, big quips, turn around, roll center manOn the real, I"m a gentlemanPut the scrilla, I"m a killa, man, hit it like a little manWhat you doin" with that?From the scratch, we can load up the "lacA-1, we can bring that backFrom day 1, we get them wrapsBig stacks from the back of the shackAyee, I buy the weed manHella turkey bags just to put my weed inOhhh, we gettin" chalupaWrapped cheese in a rubber band and call it gouda[Hook][Interlude]Look out pimp! Ai-i-i-te! What it do!We gettin" it, so whatchu need? (Gouda)Bay business, so whatchu need? (Gouda)We gettin" it, so whatchu need? (Gouda)Ice ?, so whatchu need? (Chalupa)We gettin" it, so whatchu need? (Gouda)Bay business, so whatchu need? (Gouda)We gettin" it, so whatchu need? (Gouda)Sick Wid It, so whatchu need? (Chalupa)We doin" way too much (Gouda)We never watered down, we doin" way too much (Gouda)And you don"t wanna stunt with us (Gouda)Hustlers are us, we doin" way too much (Chalupa)We doin" way too much (Gouda)We never watered down, we doin" way too much (Gouda)And you don"t wanna stunt with us (Gouda)Hustlers are us, we doin" way too much (Chalupa)[Hook][Outro]The definition of gouda(What"s the definition?)Chalupa, scrilla, scratch, paper, yaperCapital (the definition)Gouda means cheese, and cheese means yaper you square ass square buttsBiiiiiattchhhhh!Let"s get back to what we"se talkin" about earlierWhat was we talkin" about earlier, pi-imp?Hustlers...hustlers are us. Uh oh. Ahhh.Look out (Look out, pimp)

我想问一下,at the cusp of twentieth century

可以理解为 正在步入二十世纪. 但 要注意的是 cusp 前面通常是用 on ,例子: I am sitting on the cusp of middle age... 我正要步入中年.
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