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test out;try out ;give out ;turn out

try out 试验 turn out《出乎意料》结果是 give out 放出《气体光和热》 test out这个我不知道


英文缩写: TRP 中文全称: 色氨酸(氨基酸) 英文全称: Tryptophan (Amino Acid)





可汗学院注册不了 try again


try to do 与work hard的区别

work hard:努力工作.主要强调工作的艰辛,劳动的辛苦.有点偏向体力劳动 try to do :试图、尽力去做某事.强调想方设法达成某事.有点偏向脑力劳动 ------------- 个人见解,仅供参考

什么时候用try hard什么时候用 work hard

努力去做某事 try hard to do sth 勤奋工作 努力工作 work hard 我尽力(努力了) I tried hard




monitor[英]["mu0252nu026atu0259(r)][美][u02c8mɑnu026atu025a]n.显示屏,屏幕; [计]显示器; 监测仪; 监控人员,班长; vt.监控,监听; 搜集,记录; 测定; 监督; vi.监视; 第三人称单数:monitors过去分词:monitored复数:monitors现在进行时:monitoring过去式:monitored

python tk怎样调整一个button控件和Entry控件在界面的位置

tk的话,建议你用grid把控件在的位置规划好,然后放到grid的cell里面,如果你想用绝对位置来定位控件,一旦界面大小变化,控件布局会很难看的。给你个例子你就知道怎么做了。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728from tkinter import *from tkinter import ttkdef calculate(*args): try: value = float(feet.get()) meters.set((0.3048 * value * 10000.0 + 0.5)/10000.0) except ValueError: pass root = Tk()root.title("Feet to Meters")mainframe = ttk.Frame(root, padding="3 3 12 12")mainframe.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N, W, E, S))mainframe.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)mainframe.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)feet = StringVar()meters = StringVar()feet_entry = ttk.Entry(mainframe, width=7, textvariable=feet)feet_entry.grid(column=2, row=1, sticky=(W, E))ttk.Label(mainframe, textvariable=meters).grid(column=2, row=2, sticky=(W, E))ttk.Button(mainframe, text="Calculate", command=calculate).grid(column=3, row=3, sticky=W)ttk.Label(mainframe, text="feet").grid(column=3, row=1, sticky=W)ttk.Label(mainframe, text="is equivalent to").grid(column=1, row=2, sticky=E)ttk.Label(mainframe, text="meters").grid(column=3, row=2, sticky=W)for child in mainframe.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=5, pady=5)feet_entry.focus()root.bind("<Return>", calculate)root.mainloop()00

try out与work out的区别

try out 试验, 考验, 提炼 try out for: vt. 参加选拔 1. His brother"s example inspired him to try out for the football team. 他哥哥的榜样激励他去接受足球队的选拔测试。 work out -- 通过努力达到,作成,定出,算出,研究出,制出。。。。 Let them work out their own problems. 让他们解决他们自己的问题。 work out 强调 工作出结果,解决问题

开头有“you know I try ”的英文歌

I Remember

Country of origin是什么意思?


阅读下文并回答问题。One day, a rich father took his young son on a trip to the countryside. He wan

小题1:Yes, he did小题2:Two days小题3:In the garden. 短文大意:这篇短文中的父亲主要是想让自己的孩子认识到贫穷生活,结果在孩子眼里却看到了另一番天地,得出了自己才是穷人的认识。这正好验证了那句话我们穷的只剩下钱了。小题1:根据第一段One day, a rich father took his young son on a trip to the countryside.描述,可知本句为肯定回答。故答:Yes, he did.小题2:根据第二段They spent two days in a poor family in the village. 描述,可知他们在这个农民家里呆了两天。故答:Two days.小题3:根据We have a pool in the garden.描述,可知答:In the garden.

Chris Daughtry - NO SURPRISE歌词及中文翻译

I"ve practiced this for hours,gone round and round 我已经练习了数小时,一遍又一遍 And now I think that I"ve got it all down 我想我已经记住了 And as I say it louder I love how it sounds 当我大声说出时我已经习惯了这种腔调 Cause I"m not taking the easy way out 因为我没有用轻率的态度对待 Not wrapping this in ribbons 更不会用华丽的言语去修饰 Shouldn"t have to give a reason why... 难道还需要其他的理由去解释吗 It"s NO SURPRISE I won"t be here tomorrow 明天我不会出现这是意料之中的 I can"t believe that I stayed till today 我想我不会一直待到今天 Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow 是的, 我和你都会变得不好过 But I know in time we"ll find this was NO SURPRISE 但我清楚我们最终发现这都是意料之中的事情 It came out like a river once I let it out 这就像是我在放掉河水 When I thought that I wouldn"t know how held onto it forever 当我感到我不知如何永远留住它时 just pushing it down 那么还是就此放手吧 Felt so good to let go of it now 放手反倒觉得好多了 Not wrapping this in ribbons 我不会用华丽的言语去修饰 Shouldn"t have to give a reason why 难道还需要其他的理由去解释吗 It"s NO SURPRISE I won"t be here tomorrow 明天我不会出现这是意料之中的 I can"t believe that I stayed till today 我想我不会一直待到今天 There"s nothing here in this heart left to borrow 我的心不再属于你 There"s nothing here in this soul left to say 而且心中也不再有任何情感可以留恋 Don"t be surprised when we hate this tomorrow 即使我们不愿这样,也不要感到任何惊讶 God know we tried to find an easier way 上天了解我们已经尽力了 Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow 是的, 我和你都会变得不好过 But I know in time we"ll find this was NO SURPRISE 但我清楚我们最终发现这都是意料之中的事情 Our favorite place we used to go 过去我们常去喜欢的地方 The warm embrace that no one knows 如今双方都无法再感受到爱的拥抱 The loving look that"s left your eyes 你深情的双眸已不复存在 That"s why this comes as no,as NO SURPRISE 这也是意料之中的吧 If I could see the future and how this plays out 假使我可以预料未来,知道会变成这样 I bet it"s better than where we are now 我肯定情况会好过现在 But after going through this, 但经历了这一切 it"s easier to see the reason why 可以更清楚了解事情的缘由 It"s NO SURPRISE I won"t be here tomorrow 明天我不会出现这是意料之中的 I can"t believe that I stayed till today 我想我不会一直待到今天 Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow 是的, 我和你都会变得不好过 But I know in time we"ll find this was NO SURPRISE 但我清楚我们最终发现这都是意料之中的事情 Our favorite place we used to go 过去我们常去喜欢的地方 The warm embrace that no one knows 如今双方都无法再感受到爱的拥抱 The loving look that"s left your eyes 你深情的双眸已不复存在 But I know in time we"ll find this was NO SURPRISE 但我清楚我们最终发现这都是意料之中的事情

请问 country 与 nation 的区别。 谢谢!

country 尤指地域意义的国家,有“国土”的含义。人们一般说到国家大都用country 表示。例如: He has visied many African countries.他访问过许多非洲国家。 country 还可以表示有某种特色的地区和乡村、乡下。例如: The country all around the mining town is rough and hilly.这个采矿小镇的周围都是道路崎岖的山乡。 I like the farms and fields of the country better than the tall buildings and busy streets of the city.我喜欢乡间的农庄和田野,胜过城里的高楼和热闹的街道。 nation 指一个主权国家的国民,或者说长期由独立的政府统一管理的人群。他们虽然并不一定来自同一民族,但他们有共同的法律、社会机构、归属和习惯。所以nation 也可译为“国家”。 state指政治意义上的国家,即其政权、政府。state 与nation 的区别可以由下面的例子看得很清楚。 When the state fell to pieces, the nation held together.政权已经分崩离析,但是全国人民仍然团结一致。 也就是说state 是时势所造,可以诞生,也可以灭亡。但是nation 则不然,不可能人为地造就一个nation,也不可能人为地消灭一个nation.。state 与nation习惯出现于不同的固定词组之中,不可互换使用。例如: the United Nations联合国 the law of nations国际公法 head of state国家元首 a state visit国事访问 值得注意的是,在美国、澳大利亚等一些国家,state 有“州”或“邦”的含义。例如:the United States of America美利坚合众国

英语中state,country,nation 有什么区别

country, nation, state——三个词在做“国家”解时是同义词.1、country 着重指疆土、国土、家园,加the可以表示国民.如:Japan is an island country.日本是一个岛国.All the country voted yesterday.昨天全国都投票了.2、nation 着重指人民,可译成“民族”、“国民(总称)”.如:He is loved by the whole nation.他受到全体国民的爱戴.3、state 着重指政权、国家机器.如:Railways in China belong to the state.中国的铁路是国家所有.a head of state.国家元首.希望对您有所帮助.


Nation,按照英语的翻译,可称“民族”又可称“国家”。nation是颇为正式的词,叙述地理位置的情况下不常用。这个名词在作为国家讲其实一定意义上就是指“民族”。比方说“华人”这个概念,就是指Nation。对于华人来说,无论你的国籍在哪,别人遇到你第一反应就是“中国人”,这里的“中国”就是指你的Nation。所谓Country,带有地理位置关系、国土等含义,指“国家领土的自然延续”。我们惯常说“中国”,我们生活在中国,这块土地叫做“中国”。封建社会的中国是中国,中华民国时期的中国也是中国,中华人民共和国的中国也是中国。无论政体存在不存在,我们所生活的这个地方依然是中国。(至于country还有一种用法是乡村,意思不同所以就不讨论了)所谓State,就是指“政体”,或者这个国家的政府,具体一点,就是“中华人民共和国”,People"s Republic of China, China P.R.,特指。中华人民共和国这个State和中华民国这个State是不一样的。

英语中state,country,nation 有什么区别


Nation 和Country的区别

1. 两者均可表示“国家”,有时互换。如:friendly countries [nations] 友好国家one‘s mother nation Does the nation [country] want war? 全体国民都需要战争吗?但严格说来,两者的侧重点不同:country 侧重指国土或疆域;nation 侧重国民或民族。如:China is a large country. 中国是一个疆域广大的国家。The whole nation is [are] rejoicing. 全国人民欢天喜地。2. 用于名词前作定语时,两者也有差别(1) country 没有相应的形容词形式,若需用于名词作定语,可直接用名词形式。但此时它通常不表示“国家”,而表示“乡村”。如:country music 乡村音乐 country life 乡下生活(2) nation 有相应的形容词形式,即 national.National Day 国庆节 a national bank 国有银行3. country 除表示“国家”外,还有一个常见意思:“农村”、“乡村”,其前通常要用定冠词。此时不能用其他两个词 .Which do you prefer, to live in a city or in the country? 你是喜欢住在城里还是喜欢住在乡下?He looked as though he were from the country. 看起来他好像是从乡下来的。

英语:country ,nation 在表示国家的时候的区别

country, nation 两者都可译为“国家”,但含义不同. country 指国家时,侧重疆土或人口, 又作“乡下”讲.如: China is a socialist country. 中国是一个社会主义国家. nation指国家时,侧重民族.如: The whole nation is /are rejoicing. 举国欢腾.

country nation state的区别

country指疆土、国土、家园,nation指人民,民族,state指政权。这三种表达在语义上各有侧重。 三者有什么区别 country,nation,state——三个词在做“国家”解时是同义词. 1、country着重指疆土、国土、家园,加the可以表示国民.如: Japan is an island country.日本是一个岛国. All the country voted yesterday.昨天全国都投票了. 2、nation着重指人民,可译成“民族”、“国民(总称)”.如: He is loved by the whole nation.他受到全体国民的爱戴. 3、state着重指政权、国家机器.如: Railways in China belong to the state.中国的铁路是国家所有. a head of state.国家元首. country、nation和state的差别 “国家”一词在英文中有这样的表达:country,nation以及state,这三种表达在语义上各有侧重,一是指一个国家的山川大地、森林河流等自然地理特征,侧重地理意义的行政区划;二是指生活在某一片土地上的族群,这个“国”是某一特定人群在某种文化意义上的共同体;三是指统治国家的政权,以政府为代表的整个上层建筑体系,侧重于政治学意义的表述。 大家所说的“爱国”是要爱country和nation这个“国”,而非state这个“国”。爱country,也就是热爱祖国的大好河山,热爱这片土地上的壮丽山河。所以,诗人艾青有言:为什么我的眼里常含泪水,因为我对这土地爱的深沉。爱nation,就是要热爱世世代代在这片土地上的繁衍生息的人民,他们往往有着共同的历史、语言和风俗习惯。这两种意义的“爱国”都来自于人们内心一种朴素的情感,是一种对生于兹长于兹的土地的眷恋和对我之所以区别于他者的文化意义上的身份认同。

英语中state,country,nation 有什么区别

1. 三者均可表示“国家”,有时互换。如: friendly countries [nations, states] 友好国家 one‘s mother nation [country] 祖国 Does the nation [country] want war? 全体国民都需要战争吗? 但严格说来,三者的侧重点不同:country 侧重指国土或疆域;nation 侧重国民或民族;而 state 则侧重指政权或国家机器 (通常大写第一个字母)。如: China is a large country. 中国是一个疆域广大的国家。 The whole nation is [are] rejoicing. 全国人民欢天喜地。 Railways in China belong to the State. 中国的铁路属于国家。 2. 用于名词前作定语时,三者也有差别 (1) country 没有相应的形容词形式,若需用于名词作定语,可直接用名词形式。但此时它通常不表示“国家”,而表示“乡村”。如: country music 乡村音乐 country life 乡下生活 (2) nation 有相应的形容词形式,即 national. National Day 国庆节 a national bank 国有银行 (3) state 没有相应的形容词形式,若需用于名词作定语,可直接用名词形式。如: state railways 国营铁路 state schools 国立学校 3. country 除表示“国家”外,还有一个常见意思:“农村”、“乡村”,其前通常要用定冠词。此时不能用其他两个词 . Which do you prefer, to live in a city or in the country? 你是喜欢住在城里还是喜欢住在乡下? He looked as though he were from the country. 看起来他好像是从乡下来的。


1、侧重点不同country是指一个国家的山川大地等自然地理特征;nation是指生活在某一片土地上的族群,是某一特定人群在某种文化意义上的共同体;state是指统治国家的政权,以政府为代表的整个上层建筑体系,侧重于政治学意义的表述。2、延申义不同country除了表示国家的意思外,还可以表示区域、国民的意思。例句:They have the support of most of the country.他们有大多数国民的支持。nation除了国家的意思外,还可以表示民族的意思。例句:an independent nation 一个独立的民族state除了表示国家的意思外,还可以表示状态; 状况; 情况的意思。例句:He was in a state of permanent depression.他一直处于消沉状态。3、词性不同country和nation都只可以做名词,state除了可以做名词,还可以做动词,表示陈述、说明的意思。例句:The facts are clearly stated in the report.报道对事实真相作了清楚的说明。


1、侧重点不同country是指一个国家的山川大地等自然地理特征;nation是指生活在某一片土地上的族群,是某一特定人群在某种文化意义上的共同体;state是指统治国家的政权,以政府为代表的整个上层建筑体系,侧重于政治学意义的表述。2、延申义不同country除了表示国家的意思外,还可以表示区域、国民的意思。例句:They have the support of most of the country.他们有大多数国民的支持。nation除了国家的意思外,还可以表示民族的意思。例句:an independent nation 一个独立的民族state除了表示国家的意思外,还可以表示状态; 状况; 情况的意思。例句:He was in a state of permanent depression.他一直处于消沉状态。3、词性不同country和nation都只可以做名词,state除了可以做名词,还可以做动词,表示陈述、说明的意思。例句:The facts are clearly stated in the report.报道对事实真相作了清楚的说明。


nation:n.1. 民族2. 国家3. [美国英语](组成印第安人联盟的)部落4. 种族5. 国民;[the nation]全体国民6. [英国英语](中世纪苏格兰的)学生同乡会7. [用复数][the nation] 【圣经】非犹太民族,不信上帝的民族[诗歌用语]普天下各民族8. [N-][美国英语]印第安部落(联盟)领地9. [口语]一群;一簇country:n.1. 地方,地区,区域2. 国土,领土3. 国,国家4. 民众,国民,人民5. 故乡, 故土,家乡,祖国6. 乡村,农村,乡下7. 【法律】陪审团8. [美国口语]乡村音乐,(尤指)西部乡村音乐9. 首都以外的地区10. 领域;兴趣范围11. 舱12. 空间;外场13. 【地质学】围岩adj.1. 乡村的,农村的,乡下的2. 乡土气的,粗野的3. 国家的4. [方言]本国的,祖国的;故乡的,家乡的5. [美国口语]乡村音乐的;以乡村音乐为特色的6. [美国口语]具有早期美国乡村家具特征的比较书面的表达中国家民族都用nation,而乡村地区就用country,不过一般使用country来描述这是一个国家,但是说到名字的话就会用nation,比如united nation(联合国),China is a big country(中国是个大国家)。我没法很条理的解释清楚,楼主养成语感后就会觉得很简单了。</SPAN>

country, land, nation, state的区别

country 强调的是国土,包括陆地和海洋state 强调的是政治概念,指国家政权nation 强调的是一国的人民,有民族的概念land 土地,仅包括陆地面积earth 指大地,泥土,区别于岩石 ground 指大地的表面 land 指陆地,区别于江河湖海 soil 指富有有机物的,易于耕种的土壤


1、侧重点不同country是指一个国家的山川大地等自然地理特征;nation是指生活在某一片土地上的族群,是某一特定人群在某种文化意义上的共同体;state是指统治国家的政权,以政府为代表的整个上层建筑体系,侧重于政治学意义的表述。2、延申义不同country除了表示国家的意思外,还可以表示区域、国民的意思。例句:They have the support of most of the country.他们有大多数国民的支持。nation除了国家的意思外,还可以表示民族的意思。例句:an independent nation 一个独立的民族state除了表示国家的意思外,还可以表示状态; 状况; 情况的意思。例句:He was in a state of permanent depression.他一直处于消沉状态。3、词性不同country和nation都只可以做名词,state除了可以做名词,还可以做动词,表示陈述、说明的意思。例句:The facts are clearly stated in the report.报道对事实真相作了清楚的说明。


1、侧重点不同country是指一个国家的山川大地等自然地理特征;nation是指生活在某一片土地上的族群,是某一特定人群在某种文化意义上的共同体;state是指统治国家的政权,以政府为代表的整个上层建筑体系,侧重于政治学意义的表述。2、延申义不同country除了表示国家的意思外,还可以表示区域、国民的意思。例句:They have the support of most of the country.他们有大多数国民的支持。nation除了国家的意思外,还可以表示民族的意思。例句:an independent nation 一个独立的民族state除了表示国家的意思外,还可以表示状态; 状况; 情况的意思。例句:He was in a state of permanent depression.他一直处于消沉状态。3、词性不同country和nation都只可以做名词,state除了可以做名词,还可以做动词,表示陈述、说明的意思。例句:The facts are clearly stated in the report.报道对事实真相作了清楚的说明。

We should all try to remain young psychologically

主语:We主语同位语:all谓语:should try宾语:to remain you状语:psychologically

什么是Graveyard poetry


绿色化学 英文介绍 the green chemistry

The Green Chemistry Expert System (GCES) allows users to build a green chemical process, design a green chemical, or survey the field of green chemistry. The system is equally useful for new and existing chemicals and their synthetic processes. The GCES features are contained in five modules: The Synthetic Methodology Assessment for Reduction Techniques (SMART) module quantifies and categorizes the hazardous substances used in or generated by a chemical reaction, based on information entered by the user. Reactions can be modified in the SMART module and re-evaluated to optimize their green nature. The Green Synthetic Reactions module provides technical information on green synthetic methods. The Designing Safer Chemicals module includes guidance on how chemical substances can be modified to make them safer; it is organized by chemical class, properties, and use. The Green Solvents/Reaction Conditions module contains technical information on green alternatives to traditional solvent systems. This module also allows users to search for green substitute solvents based on physicochemical properties. The Green Chemistry References module allows the user to obtain additional information using a number of search strategies. The user may also add references to this module.

RSC的polymer chemistry影响因子会有多少

RSC的polymer chemistry期刊,2013年的SCI影响因子为5.368。

no try no high give me five什么意思


no try no high give me five 意思

no zuo no die why you try,no try no high give me five let it go!no zuo no die why you try,you try you die don"t ask why just do it!

同学说no try no high give five 什么意思

No zuo no die why you try. Give me five。是不是这两句啊

no try no high give me five什么意思?


no zuo no die why you try,no try no high give me five let it go no zuo no die why you try,you tr

  楼下瞎说  直译是:  不作就不会死,你为啥要以身试法。  不试就不会嗨,来来来我们庆祝一下。  啥都别想了。  不作就不会死,你为啥要以身试法。  你作你挂去吧别问我为啥。作去吧。  但其实就是现在流行的不作就不会死的扩展版。  满意请采纳

"try them on" "try it on" "take them off" "take it off"分别是什么意思?

"try them on" "try it on"是试穿"take them off" "take it off"是脱下

were you subject to the two-year home country re

你是否受回国两年的限制(212e)?一、首先,并非所有的J-1签证都受到回国两年的限制,如下三种情况受到回国两年的限制:1.赴美进修的外国医学院毕业生,2.交换访问者赴美参加交流计划的经费由美国或外国政府所提供,3.赴美参加交流计划的访问者,其学习或进修的学科被美国新闻总署列入系该国所缺乏的专业。原文如下:J-1 Exchange Visitors are subject to the two-year home residence requirement based on direct or indirect U.S., home government or international organization funding and/or the Exchange Visitor Skills List or if they have come to the US to pursue graduate medical education or training.二、即使如果你是受回国两年限制的情况,也不是说一定不能申请签证。如果你回来不足一年然后去签证,对F-1来说不在范围内。但申H-1,L-1,green card就不行。条文如下。J-1 "visitors" (that is, J-1 students and scholars) who are what the INS calls "subject" to this requirement 212(e) must to return to their country of last legal residence for two years or obtain a waiver of this requirement before they are eligible for H-1B status (temporary employment), L-1 status (intracompany transfer), or Permanent Residence (a green card).如果你是再次申请新的F-1,J-1,J-2,B-1,B-2,VO均受理。只是签证时一定不在美国内。如果在美国签新的visa,被视为申请转签证类型。May apply to an American Embassy overseas for a visa to return to the US in another non-immigrant status, e.g. F-1 (student visa), another J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa, J-2 dependent status, B-1 (visitor for business) or B-2 (Visitor for pleasure). Visa Issuing Officer at Embassy must determine visa eligibility. NOTE: An application for a new nonimmigrant visa must be made outside the US; if it is made within the US it is considered a change of status request and will be denied unless a waiver of the residency requirement has been granted.三、如何判断自己是否是属于受限制范围:1.如果是的话,最简单的一条:学校告诉你。因为这是要求之一。原文如下:J regulations require that program sponsors apprise their exchange visitors of the two-year home residency requirement.2.如果属于以上三种,自己应该很明白3.注意:护照上写有SUBJECT TO SECTION 212E TWO YEAR RULE并不代表你就是属于限制范围。如果属于受回国2年限制的交换访问者,在申请签证时,其护照、签证或IAP-66表会被领事注明受回国2年限制。不过,决定持证人是否受到该限制的是美国移民局,而不是领事。有的领事在签证时,对J-1申请者一律注明须回国2年。

Country of Permanent Residency和Country of Citizenship有什么区别?都怎么填?谢谢啦~

Country of Permanent Residency 写你拥有永久居住权的国家Country of Citizenship 写你拥有国籍的国家,就是你拥有护照的国家

求一首歌,一个女的用英语唱的,第一句是no cry for me什么什么try to see……

cry for me now cry for me no, no i don"t love you anymore cry for me ... cry for me [jersey boys] 歌手:various artists 专辑:jersey boys [soundtrack] I cried for you Now cry for me No, no i don"t love you anymore Cry for me Well, you had your fun (don"t go baby) With someone new (don"t go baby) Girl, now you want me to take you back (don"t go baby) We"re all through Cuz now i"m leavin" (Ah, ah) No, no make believin" (Ah, ah) You made a fool o" me (Ah, ah, ah) So now i"m leavin" you (A-ahhh) Love you so (don"t go baby-ay) Much more than you"ll ever know (don"t go baby-ay) But you just cheated and you lied (don"t go baby-ay) G"won and cry for me Well you knew it from the start (Ah, ah, ah) Someday you"d break my heart Now we"re all through (Go on and) So, cry, cry for me (Won"t you cry for me baby, cry, cry) Jus"way cried for you (Won"t you cry for me baby, cry, cry) Jus"way cried for you Go on and cry Cry for me (Cry for me Oo-ee-oo-ee-ooooo)

Country Folks 歌词

歌曲名:Country Folks歌手:The Lost Trailers专辑:Holler BackThe Lost Trailers - Country Folks (Livin" Loud)Hey look at all those cowgirls tearin" down the gravel roads on Saturday night,Singing “Summertime” at the top of their lungs, sippin" Dixie cups of strawberry wine,All my boys are out, we holler and whistle and honk our horns in timeWe"re just country folks livin" loudWe"re country folks livin" loudWe"re just country folks livin" loud….We"re crankin" Waylon Jennings in our pickup trucksClinkin" beer bottles till the sun comes upMammas in the church choir, oh, what a soundWe"re country folks livin" loudWe"re drivin" tractors in the cotton till the cows come homeBoots on the dance floor, around we goThe Star Spangled Banner, we sing it proudWe"re country folks livin" loudInterstates jammed with race fans, we"re heading towards a Talladega infield signOur tailgates are droppin" and barbecue"s poppin", everybody"s gonna have a good timeThere ain"t nuthin like those engine"s starting and the crowd at the finish lineWe"re just country folks livin" loudWe"re country folks livin" loudWe"re just country folks livin" loud….We"re crankin" Waylon Jennings in our pickup trucksClinkin" beer bottles till the sun comes upMammas in the church choir, oh, what a soundWe"re country folks livin" loudWe"re drivin" tractors in the cotton till the cows come homeBoots on the dance floor, around we goThe Star Spangled Banner, we sing it proudWe"re country folks livin" loudIt"s a hoot and a holler on a touchdown passA George Strait crowd when he tips his hatLord, ain"t that what it"s all aboutWe"re just country folks livin" loudWe"re country folks livin" loudWe"re just country folks livin" loud….We"re crankin" Waylon Jennings in our pickup trucksClinkin" beer bottles till the sun comes upMammas in the church choir, oh, what a soundWe"re country folks livin" loudWe"re drivin" tractors in the cotton till the cows come homeBoots on the dance floor, around we goThe Star Spangled Banner, we sing it proudWe"re country folks livin" loudWe"re country folks, and we"re proud of livin" loudWe"re countryand we"re livin" loud

Are You Ready For The Country 歌词

歌曲名:Are You Ready For The Country歌手:Waylon Jennings专辑:Ultimate Waylon JenningsWaylon Jennings - Are You Ready For The CountrySlippin" and a slidin" playin" Dominosleftin" and a rightin" ain"t a crime you knowWell I gotta tell the story before it"s time to goAre you ready for the country are you ready for meAre you ready for the country are you ready for meAre you ready for the country are you ready for meAre you ready for the country ain"t that a sight to seeTalkin" to a preacher said God was on his sideTalkin" to a butcher they both were sellin" hidesWell I gotta tell the story boys I don"t know the reason whyAre you ready for the country are you ready for meAre you ready for the country are you ready for meAre you ready for the country are you ready for meAre you ready for the country ain"t that a sight to seeAre you ready for the country are you ready for meAre you ready for the country are you ready for meAre you ready for the country are you ready for meAre you ready for the country ain"t that a sight to see

we will have a third try. 这究竟什么意思啊? 一个第三次尝试? 那时不是已经第四次了?....


have a third try

答案是:原句子的意思是:现在再让我尝试一下(已经是第三次) a+序数词 表示:又一,再一 所以答案是:B

have a third try为什么用a

固定词组。third的音标是/[θ??d/,是以辅音音素开头的单词,have a third try是固定词组,再一次,所以用a。

a third try和the third try

选B,A选项意思为“第三次尝试” C选项缺少冠词the B选项中,a third 在此是another的意思,全句意思是:让我们再试一次. a+序数词=another.

i try to forget boy but you still here in my heart evermore 求歌名!

歌名: the day you went away歌手:Keido Blow歌词:every day and night I think of youI"ve been loving you try to hold on youI can not take itI try to forget you boybut you still here in my heart evermoreI"m here nothing to say I"m just waiting for youI"ve been waiting for you since the day you went awayI can"t get off my mind no matter what I do, hey boyWhen you said goodbye I couldn"t say anythingCouldn"t even cry because the day was so fineIf it had been raining I could have cried and time went onevery day and night I think of youI"ve been loving you tried hold on youI can not take itI try to forget you boybut you still here in my heart evermoreSo much I wanna say been lonely ever sinceI"m sure while it go up something special the dayWhy do we never know what we"ve got till it"s gone, oh yaNever had it much in living without your smileNow I"m flying in the deep gray sky without wingsWhen I realise I was wrong and turned on one to walk homeevery day and night I think of you .

it may be worth it to try这一句

这句话有两种讲法,都是一样意思。it may be worth trying (worth 后面只能加动名词,而不是不定式)it may be worth it to try (这里第二个 it 和 to try 是同位语,不能省略)

帮我找一篇try to be myself的英语作文(急需啊!)

Now ,I have the hornour to talk about myself . I think I have a lot of advantage and weakness in my life .but I will overcome my weakness and let it became a adantage .then ,I will do things well .At the same time ,my character is I will make a touch with others ,I have a lot of freind around me ,while I am in bad mood ,they can help me .I also know all coins have two parts. so I would value the friendship until I was dead

printf("%*s%s/ ",depth," ",entry->d_name)里的%*s是什么意思啊

Linux的类ls程序吧~可能你没明白你的格式里面有几个控制符~其实有三个~* 对应 depth %s %s不用说吧~C语言里面的控制输出字符串宽度的~如%2s

diary 与diary entry有什么区别



diary只给自己看,journalentry可以给别人看。keep a journalentry翻译为记日记,而diary也翻译成日记,但是两者是有区别的。journalentry可以记录事情、感受,是可以给别人看的那种,而diary更偏重于记录个人的事情、感受,一般只有自己看,别人不给看的。英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。

diary entry和diary的区别

diary意思是日志,日记;日记簿。diary entry的翻译是日记条目,在外文文体中,entry可以指代简短的记录,所以在某些翻译中将其引申为随笔,a diary entry = an essay in a person"s secret book of thoughts。 diary entry和diary有什么区别 1、diary 短语: Exchange diary 交换日记 Future Diary 未来日记 Dear Diary 亲爱的日记 ; 情人日记 ; 桫椤札记 ; 贵日记 例句: She riffled her husband"s diary. 她飞快地翻看丈夫的日记。 He tore a few pages out of his diary. 他从日记里撕下了几页。 Many pages of his diary have clung together. 他的日记中有好多页都粘在一起了。 2、diary entry 短语: a diary entry 一篇日记 The next diary entry 记下流水帐 Presidential Diary Entry 总统日记 例句: Followers on Twitter will be able to read the first 140 characters of the diary entry and then linkto the full blog. Twitter的追随者们可以阅读日记的前140个字符,之后则需链接到博客上的完整版。 As in other albums, the listener is promoted to voyeur of miserablism: each track has a feel of a torn out diary entry, left to wilt on adeserted marital bed for our perusal. 像其他专辑一样,听众被推动着窥探歌者的愁苦:听每一首歌都好像是在读一本日记,在久婚之后被遗弃的床边凋谢,又被不断翻开乃至破烂不堪。 But the issue was fuelled when Mr Staines quoted Mr Morgan"s diary entry for January 26, 2001. 但是事情真正的开始被公众所知晓是Staines引述了摩根的2001年1月26号的日记原文开始的。

the food safety is a serious什么in our country.we should try to solve it


请教MySQL 5.7 geometry 字段类型的正确使用方式

括号是字符串长度比如说@a char(5)那么这个@a长度就是5个字符varchar(5)就是最大长度5个字符改变括号的数字,会影响该字段的大小,太大了浪费,太小了溢出,所以一定要选好。mediumint有默认的长度,也许也可以指定长度,这个没用过

i enjoy country music英语作文哪里有

Singing Contributes to a Joyful Mind(歌唱带来欢乐) Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best. I sing for no particular purpose. In short, I sing for fun. There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others. It is something more satisfactory and exciting to draw echoes from them. It is nothing bad to spread joy around, is it? As you can tell, singing is my second life. 在所有使我快乐的事中,唱歌是我最喜欢做的一件事。我唱歌不是为特别的目的。简言之,我为快乐万唱。我唱什么歌并无限制,只要它能发泄我的情绪,稚快乐的声音传给周遭的人就好了。能够引起他们的共鸣更是一件令人满意、兴奋的事。把欢乐散布四方不是件坏事,是吗?你可以看出,唱歌是我的第二生命。 Music in my life Music is an important part in my life,I even can"t live without music. Acturally,I like many kinds of music,I"d like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it"s mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself! I"m not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and can"t hear them clearly.I can"t stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted! In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can"t live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,I"m gonna fight him and never give up!

No Country For Young Men 歌词

歌曲名:No Country For Young Men歌手:Ice Cube专辑:I Am The WestIce Cube - No Country For Young MenMany Motherfuckers Criticize Pros And How They PlayAnd Many Motherfuckers Criticize Rappers And What They SayEven Though They Criticize Secretly They FantasizeBut They Know Theyll Never Paid Be To PlayYea I"m a Kill One Of You Young PunksWith A Old School FlowFlow FlowThough I Walk Through The Shadow Of DeathI Gotta Make Sure That My Shoes Ad My Outfit FreshYa"ll Bitches Get Jealous When You See Me ComingYa"ll Would Too If You See My WomanYa"ll Know What We Bout To DoThis Shit Here Bout As Sick As The FluDrunk Motherfuckers Wanna Vomit On My ShoeNiggas Can"t Have Shit Prolly Cause Of YouRappers Go To Jail Like Oprah Go To YaleSteffan Policy Don"t Ask Don"t TellWheres My Waterbees As I Go Get The MailHalf Black Is The New Black Can"t You Tell?It Was BLue Black Like Wesley Snipes In New JackNow You Got To Have A White Mama Just To Do ThatTiger Woods Used To Be A Safe NiggaGo Ahead Let Your Daughter Have A Date With HimHe"ll Make With Her Prolly In A WifebeaterTIger Bout To Change His Name To CheaterI Don"t Like It When You Call Me Big PoppaFrom South Central And I Hate HelicoptersIf We At School I"ll Break In Your LockerSee Me With A Waterbottle Mixed With Some VodkaDrink Responsibly Or Drink ConstantlyBe Who You Wanna Be in This EconomyDrunk As Sean Connery At The FineryCan"t Throw Me Out I"m The HoneryTrust Me I"ll Never Be The NomineeI Don"t Kiss Enough Ass I"m Too HoneryIce Cube Be where the Piranahs BeSwim Upstream Eat North EconomyWestcoast Treat It Like HyenasTake What You Want From These Lieing Ass CheatersEat The Fuck Out These BeaversThat"s How We Act When You Don"t Wanna Feed UsCrazy Motherfucker Since I Was A FetusYou Might Aswell Join Us You Ain"t Gonna Beat UsPlease Believe Us You Can Ask JesusI"m a Be Bout As Long As RegisUnderstand I Never Pledge Of AlligianceIt"s Like Balla Confusion Might Cause A ConclusionI See You"re Crusing For A BruisingFucking With A Pricipal That Don"t Like StudentsDon"t You Know That Attention Is A LynchingAnd If I Forget To Mention Then I"m Spinning Out My PensionNo No No NoThe Reason I Home InCause This Right Here Is No Country For Young MenSunny You Done Fucked Up The Churches MoneyI"m Red Fox And You That Big DummyTHis Junkyard Was A EmpireYa"ll Let It Get Ran BY VampiresMost MCs Are God Damn LiarsLike Them Supervisors Working Up Mcgisors?Bitch I"m Not A Dodger I"m A Laker PunkYous A Fucking Clipper You Can Call Me Jack The RipperCut You Up By Your Guiser Then Down By Your LiverRooter By The Tooter Gut You Like FlipperDipper Ya"ll Better Treat Me Like The SkipperHead Trigga The Air NiggaAir Honkey And Air CritterI Come In And Kill Every LitterLike That Like That Like That...No Country For Young MenNo No No NoIt"s Like Balla ConfusionNo Country For Young MenNo No No NoYour World Is Just An IllusionNo Country For Young MenNo No No NoIt"s Like Balla ConfusionNo Country For Young MenNo No No NoYour World Is Just An Illusionwhat this mortherfuckerNo Country For Young Menthe only for real niggafor real niggas

护照上Issuing country什么意思


求 poultry / domestic fowl / domestic animal 区别


b0rn t0 try是啥意思

Born to Try 生为拼搏

thank you for trying winzip什么意思



Backcountry是专门为户外运动者提供装备的户外服饰装备网站,产品覆盖了North Face,Black Diamond,Petzl、Mountain Hardware,Arc Teryx,Salomon等将近250个知名品牌,类别齐全,商品基本正价,打大折扣的机会没有其旗下的steepandcheap网站多(SAC时不时就来个200-40,真香)。 再介绍这次的主角:始祖鸟lefroy裤在鸟家系列中定义为美亚backcountry入始祖鸟lefroy长裤记 春夏薄款户外远足运动速干裤美亚backcountry入始祖鸟lefroy长裤记 (具体可见始祖鸟淘宝旗舰店和其官网)特点有:轻量耐久、快干远足、调节腰带、金属搭扣。

阅读理解. Do people in your country hug?

1-5 DACBC,1,阅读理解. Do people in your country hug and kiss on the street?In some countries,it is mon for people to show affection (喜爱) in public places.In the United States,for example,we often see couples hold hands, hug or kiss on the street,in the park,in restaurants,and even on trains and buses!However,in some other countries,people never show affection in public places because their customs don"t allow this.For example, in China and Korea,custom doesn"t allow people to do so in public.So,when Chinese and Korean people visit the United States,they often feel very surprised and shocked when they see Americans hug and kiss on the street.In some countries friends show physical affection to each other. In some South American countries,female (女性) friends walk arm in arm when they walk along the street together.In Italy and Russia,male friends often kiss each other on both cheeks when they greet.In most countries,men don"t kiss or hug when they greet another.They usually shake hands or pat each other on the back. People around the world are different in amount,manner,and situations in which they touch each other. 1.How do Korean people feel when they see people kiss and hug on the street? A.Worried and sad. B.Happy and interested. C.Relaxed and enjoyable. D.Surprised and shocked. 2.What"s the Chinese meaning of "hug" in the passage? A.拥抱 B.摔跤 C.嬉戏 D.鞠躬 3.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true? A.Social customs are different in different countries. B.Customs in the United States allow public affection. C.Women in South America never touch each other. D.People around the world are different in some ways in which they touch each other. 4.From the passage we can know that ________. is not polite to hug and kiss in public B.male friends in Russia often kiss each other on both cheeks C.Chinese and Korean people don"t hug and kiss each other D.all Americans like to kiss 5.The main idea of this passage is that _________. A.Chinese people are quite different from American people B.Koreans and Americans can never understand each other C.different culture allows different ways to show affection D.people in some countries are more affectionate than those in some other countries

i had been trying hard to get high score.这是什么时态?


Nature Chemistry和JACS哪个好

Nature Chemistry 最新IF:23.297 ,09年创刊,为Nature的子期刊,可想而知其影响力,当然也是很难中的JACS 最新IF:11.444,是ACS老牌的口碑期刊,影响力很高,但是跟Nature Chemistry相比还是略逊一筹的我自然认为Nature Chemistry影响力更好

Nature Chemistry和JACS哪个好


Country Road 歌词

艺人: Jack Johnson 语种: 英语 唱片公司: Bootleg 发行时间: 2007年12月20日 专辑类别: 合集、杂锦 Head on collision on a 2 lane country road.(Paula) Lord I pray let them be safe.(both) No turning back I"m just a mile away from home. (Paula) Sit here waiting, Let me be patient. (Both) Sometimes its hard to ease my mind to realize... (Both) Your always with me- waiting, willing (Paula) To hear my prayers, my hopes, my dreams, my every need... (both) I pray for wisdom and overstanding (Paula) Whats meant to be will always be though I control my destiny (Paula) The will you gave me even though you made me (both) Be careful of the things you do it eventually comes back to you (Paula) universal law, Babylon shall fall. (Both) Sometimes its hard to ease my mind to realize... (Both) Your always with me- waiting, willing (Paula) To hear my prayers, my hopes, my dreams, my every need... (both) I pray for light in time of darkness. (Paula) (whistling of the tune by Paula Fuga and Jack Johnson) Head on collision on a 2 lane country road. (Paula) Lord I pray let them be safe. (both) No turning back I"m just a mile away from home. (Paula) I sit here waiting, Let me be patient. (both)Sometimes its hard to ease my mind to realize... (Both) Your always with me- waiting, willing (Paula) To hear my prayers, my hopes, my dreams, my every need... (both) I pray for peace in times of war. (Paula) universal law, Babylon shall fall. (Paula) The things you do shall return to you. (Paula)

east和eastern都有东方的意思,,但表示东方的国家,还是eastern country

用eastern, east作形容词时,表示明确的方位,界限。接名词要用east of,而eastern 是形容词,意为东方的,比如eastern Asia 东亚。而如果用east 则是the east of Asia 意为亚洲东部。


复制了一篇不错的影评还,楼主迷茫的话也可以去老无所依的贴吧看看,不过其实东西方文化差异大,终究感觉不一样。老无所依(No Country For Old Men),就和它那完全脱离电影故事的译名一样,让看完电影的大众很迷茫.特别是那个结尾,看第一遍时谁都会让找个东西踹两脚的冲动.可是既然它拿了奥斯卡,那对大众的科普解释是不能少了.电影有很多精彩的对白和细节,不能一一点到,只是在这里讨论一下电影到底在说什么.不算影评,也不是什么非官方解释,抛砖引玉的砖头罢了.开始了~电影主要讲的是三个半人物的故事,汤米李琼斯饰演的警长贝尔,杀手史格(Chigurh),捡到钱的莫斯(Moss),还有半个人物是莫斯的老婆卡拉(Carla Jean). 故事发生在80年代初,两老墨黑帮交易viper黑吃黑,留下一堆viper和百万现钞在沙漠里.莫斯捡了钱,自然就引来黑帮追杀,黑帮派了几路人马追杀他,包括了史格这个超级无敌杀手,警长贝尔来办案,想保护莫斯,当然,常见电影的套路就是,贪财的都得死,莫斯就还是被干掉了,钱自然也回到失主手中,一个拾金不昧的反面宣传片,当然也有正面意义,昧了金的结果实在可悲啊.电影情节就这么简单,可是电影的结尾是那个老警长开始说他的两个梦,接着就突然结束了.WHAAAAATTTTT???第一个,也是最关键的问题来了,到底有没有史格这个杀手真实存在?理解这个问题,就能明白为什么说这部电影的故事是关于警长贝尔的,故事里是有人在拼命追杀莫斯,而且有好几路人马,有一路是一个很厉害的杀手,而且他杀了很多人,是不是用氧气罐,不一定,但一定是个类似的射高压气体的东西.那电影里的史格是什么?是不是长得那副滑稽脸和那个搞笑发型?应该不是.他是警长贝尔心里恐惧的东西.贝尔老爸是个老,是贝尔的偶像,刚直不阿,秉公执法.而贝尔虽然没有干坏事,但是他面对越来越堕落的社会和越来越猖獗的社会黑暗面,他放弃了抵抗,这也是在说,社会变坏不是仅仅因为坏人多了,同时也是因为好人少了,好人不敢站出来了.你一定要质疑我为什么说史格根本不存在,或者说是贝尔的想象.最简单的一个证据,就是在莫斯被干掉的旅馆房间史格和贝尔对峙的那幕.贝尔进去前,电影给了另外一个镜头,史格躲在房间里,拿着枪,可是贝尔进去后,浴室的窗户锁得好好的,根本没人,贝尔坐下来,看到钱早被拿走了.说明杀手XX来过,只是拿了钱早走了. 史格如果在房间里,以他之前的行为和他的能力,他没理由不杀贝尔.所以贝尔在开门前是在心理斗争,是否进去面对这个杀手,所以切了这个镜头,暗示贝尔"觉得史格在门另外一边".史格在电影里如此畅通无阻,见山开山,实际是贝尔心中对社会上恶势力的一种屈服,它们太厉害了,所以我没办法啊.史格的出现恰恰是用来表明贝尔的软弱.回到之前的氧气罐,联系贝尔和莫斯老婆卡拉讲的那个杀牛的"真实"故事,我们就明白,为什么贝尔给史格加上这个武器是因为贝尔看到被弹开的门锁就联想到的.而且在电影的一开始,也做了这样的伏笔,史格和贝尔坐在同样的地方喝了同样的一瓶牛奶,这也是在暗示他们的联系.从外观上,史格头发多到有点不舒服,而且贝尔是个秃顶的老头.小总结一下,史格也是代表了我们这个世界的黑暗面,贪婪,暴力,等等.莫斯到底怎么死的?怎么电影里对于他的死描绘得那么无心?电影里先演了一段莫斯和那个泳池边的女人调情的镜头,然后就切到贝尔警长来到旅馆,看到满地的尸体的镜头.观众被敲了一下脑子,电影不是一直围绕着莫斯手里的钱吗?怎么突然把枪战给剪了?因为这段镜头里,没有史格和贝尔,换句话说,枪战和贝尔无关,所以电影就是以贝尔的第一视角来处理这段情节的,一句话,电影是讲警长贝尔的故事的.那莫斯到底是怎么死的?首先,他打电话叫他老婆来碰头,要给她钱,自己打算和黑帮拼个鱼死网破.然后,他老婆卡拉带上妈要赶来这里,她妈被另外一伙儿墨西哥黑帮的人给骗出他们碰头的旅馆地址,就是那个冲来帮她提箱子的穿西装的小胡子.这伙儿人就先杀来了旅馆,干掉了莫斯,但是因为太匆忙,没找到那百万美金.钱还在空调口里躺着.晚上,那个很厉害的,专门用硬币当螺丝起子的杀手(注意,不是史格,起码长得不是史格的样子),来了,拿了钱,走了,然后警长贝尔来了...史格杀没杀莫斯的老婆卡拉?那个车祸有什么含义吗?当然杀了,原著小说很明白地写了这句.电影里史格看鞋子,也是在暗示他在确定鞋底没有血.史格给卡拉选硬币,为什么卡拉不肯选?这实际是在暗示她在电影里的命运,她其实没有选择的机会,为什么史格说莫斯有救卡拉的机会但却拉她进来来救自己?因为莫斯想把钱给卡拉,这样就算他被杀手追到,只要没有钱,他也不会死.但是只要卡拉被拉进来,和这笔钱扯上关系,她也死定了,就电影里来说,史格所代表的杀手拿走了钱,但是墨西哥黑帮那边的人还是没有在旅馆里找到钱,莫斯死了,他们还能找谁?当然是卡拉,他们会认为只有卡拉知道钱在哪里.所以莫斯打电话说要把钱给卡拉,实际就是他和史格之前对话的"映射","我现在给你一个机会,可以救你老婆."但是莫斯选择了不,他害死了卡拉.所以卡拉没有硬币,莫斯替她选了.你肯定要问,电影里不是史格杀了卡拉,不是那帮老墨啊?天,你还没明白,如果史格不是真的人物,电影这么演不是要传达一个信息吗?那史格最后被撞的车祸呢?很显然,这也是一个很有意思的情节,传递了电影里一直在表达的一个信息,世界被一股无形的力量所控制,就像那个硬币一样.莫斯如果不是犯傻半夜去送水,他是不是不会这么倒霉?史格和贝尔喝牛奶的地方,镜头一直在拍被风吹动的窗帘,风,一直是作为一种看不到,摸不着的力量的.代表了我们每个人的命运.史格代表的是世界上邪恶的,贪婪的,不好的力量,他们和所有人一样也会被命运之手戏弄,莫名其妙就出来车祸,可是精彩地在于他还是逃脱了,怎么逃的?用钱买来的,被收买的小孩甚至马上开始因为分赃不均开始吵架,这不就是我们的现实吗?那贝尔最后讲的那两个关于老爸的梦是什么意思?第一个梦,贝尔的老爸和贝尔在镇上见面,老爸给了贝尔一些钱,贝尔给弄丢了.这个梦说的是贝尔老爸是个好,贝尔想子承父业,做一个一辈子的好,可是他还是缺了点勇气,退休养老去了,所以自己感慨自己没有继承父亲的衣钵,算是丢了父亲的"钱".第二个梦,贝尔梦到老爸手里拿着"装了火的牛角",超过贝尔,要去某个地方生火,贝尔说如果自己去了那里,就能见到老爸.第二个梦在说什么呢?这个装火的牛角代表了什么了?首先,像月光一样洁白的牛角代表的是一种正直的力量,其次,火代表社会的秩序,我们需要一个像贝尔老爸一样的愿意站出来去把那些想乱窜的火苗(社会里负面,邪恶的力量)装进牛角里的好,而且他们要到别的地方去生火,来面对,来控制这些"火".贝尔知道如果自己选择和这些黑势力斗争,他就能和老爸一样,就能"见到老爸",可是现实是,"我醒了".贝尔没有见到老爸,因为他选择了逃避,这个社会越来越乱.贝尔之前和他叔叔Ellis(就是那个有一窝猫的老头)的对话里提到了当年Mac叔叔怎么死的,他勇敢地出来面对7,8个印第安马贼,虽然被打死,但是坏人们看到了他的勇气,只要有好人敢站出来,社会就有希望,但是现在呢?而且贝尔在讲梦的一开始强调说他爸死的时候比他现在年轻20岁,这里就是暗示"老人"的含义,老人不是说年龄老了,而是心老死了,想退休,想逃避了,贝尔是个"老人"(逃避者),这个社会不需要这样的"老人",需要的是敢于站出来的"年轻人".顺便说一下史格的名字,Anton Chigurh,重新排列一下,就是Caught In Horn(直译:装在号角里),所以史格就是这里说的"火",代表了社会上的"反秩序",邪恶的势力,贝尔老爸在的年代,正还能压邪,火都被搁号角里放着呢.最后的话回到电影的名称,No country For Old Men,电影的背景是1980年左右,美墨边境viper交易开始猖獗的时候,也是电影里讲的正开始不胜邪的开始,老人代表的是传统的,正确的价值观,正义的力量,贯穿电影所传递的信息就是整个社会都变得贪婪,向金钱,暴力,viper屈服,以前的"好人"又因为坏人的力量过于强大,妥协,甚至逃避,社会的堕落由此而来.所以No Country For Old Men根本不是什么老无所依,而是更接近于人心不古的意思.

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你这个问题应该发到 CU论坛的Symantec专区 记得吧错误信息多贴出来一点


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各位大侠请问:try dong和 try to do 有什么区别吗?除了这个词还有其他类似的词组吗?谢谢!

没有区别try doing只是把后面的动词名词化 try to do 只是加动词

try doing和try to do的区别

  try to do:尽力做某事;努力做某事。表示努力做什么,相似于try one"s best to do或do one"s best to do。  try doing:试一试做某事。表示尝试做什么。  例如:  Whatever helps you relax, try to do more of it.  任何能帮助你放松的事情,尽量多做。  You must drive carefully, and try to do nothing else.  你必须小心开车,不要做别的。  Try doing it with the engine running!  你可以试试让引擎开起来。  The next time you feel stressed or tired, try doing an easy exercise you enjoy.  下次感到充满压力或疲劳的时候,试试做一项你喜欢的简单运动吧。

try to do ry doing finish to do finish doing ------ 等这样的词组怎么记中文,我总是乱!

finish doingfinish to do 是没有的

Eligible to work in country of application

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