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That country has serious ___problems. A.economical B.economy C.economic D.economics

A.economical 形容词 经济的 合算的 节约的B.economy 名词 经济 节约 理财C.economic 形容词 经济上的 CD.economics 名词 经济学祝你学习快乐!^_^


我会试试这些短裤。I may try on the shorts.

求西城男孩的try again的歌词~~~~~

歌曲:try again 歌手:westlife 专辑:《westlife》try againhush now don"t you cry there will be a better day i promise you we can work it outbut only if you let me know what"s on your mind baby, i thought it was forever through any kind of weather but some day you will find what your searching for try again never stop believing try again don"t give up on your love stumble and fall its the heart of it all when you fall down (down)just try again so, lie down, let it go hey, you will never be alone i promise you if you can"t fight the feeling (oh yeah)surrender in your heart remember love will set you free baby, i thought it was foreveryou would always be togetherbut some day you will find what you"re searching for try againnever stop believingtry againdon"t give up on your lovestumble and fallits the heart of it allwhen you fall down (down)just try againbaby when a heart is crying its sometimes feels like dying the tear drops fall like rainbaby, i thought it was forever you would always be together but some day you will find what you"re searching fortry againnever stop believingtry againdon"t give up on your love try againnever stop believingtry againdon"t give up on your love stumble and fallits the heart of it allwhen you fall down just try again

Girl from the North Country 歌词

Girl from the North Country演唱:StingIf you"re traveling in the north country fairWhere the winds hit heavy on the borderlineRemember me to one who lives thereShe once was a true love of mineIf you go when the snowflakes stormWhen the rivers freeze and summer endsPlease see if she has a coat so warmTo keep her from the howling windsPlease see if her hair hangs longIf it rolls and flows all down her breastPlease see for me if her hair"s hanging longFor that"s the way I remember her bestI"m a-wondering if she remembers me at allMany times I"ve often prayedIn the darkness of my nightIn the brightness of my daySo if you"re traveling in the north country fairWhere the winds hit heavy on the borderlineRemember me to one who lives thereShe once was a true love of mine

“努力使自己变得更好”,英语翻译成“Try to make yourself better”,为什




某某某实业有限公司 中的实业英文是用Industrial还是Industry?

后一个 他是名词

一个公司集团的产业用英文怎么表达 也是 industry 吗

对的。industry 英[u02c8u026andu0259stri] 美[u02c8u026andu0259stri] n. 工业; 产业(经济词汇); 工业界; 勤劳; [例句]British industry suffers through insufficient investment in research.研究投入不足让英国工业深受其害。[其他] 复数:industries


industriesn. 行业,工业;实业公司(industry的复数)

industry 到底是可数还是不可数,什么时候用复数


INDUSTRY 怎么缩写 急~~







读[tri],不用浊化.刚才回答过你的另一个问题,只有s与清辅音组成的音节须重度时才浊化,比如你刚才问题里的squat就要浊化. 但industry的重音在第一个音节,所以不用浊化的.



industry 的动词形式



industry 的意思、解释n. 工业,产业,勤勉,刻苦industry 的例句用法1. The tourist trade has become a real industry. 旅游业已经成为真正的产业。2. Success comes with industry. 成功来自勤奋。

industry 和 industries有什么区别

字形上来看就是单复数的区别 也正因为单复数才有了意义上的不同industry作为可数名词表示制造或生产(的部门); 工业; 企业; 行业如果当不可数名词可以表示 勤奋; 勤劳: praise sb for his industry 赞扬某人勤奋


一般情况下,industry统指“工业”(不可数名词),也可表示具体的某一种或多种“工业”门类(可数名词)。;Industry is of more importance than commerce.工业比商业更重要。



industry 的动词形式



同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Industry行业一家公司主要业务活动(一般指公司收入的最大来源)的类别。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!


industry的形容词形式是:industrial;释义:adj.工业的;产业的;用于工业的;有很多产业的;工业发达的。例句:Industrial progress should go hand in hand with the development of agriculture.工业的发展同农业的发展密切相关。Rapid industrial growth makes new demands on science and technology.工业的"发展对科技提出新要求。This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses.这种化学制品在工业上用途广泛。Other countries can teach us a lesson or two on industrial policy.其他国家的工业政策,我们可以借鉴一二。These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents.这些措施将会对减少工业事故起重要的作用。


industry工业这个词是没有动词形式的,相关变形词汇只有形容词和名词abbr.industry 工业; industrial 工业的; industrialization 工业化; industrialized 工业化的

【industry 中文】秒懂英文「industry」的意思!

industry 中文 意思是指「工业;产业」的意思,industry 的名词复数为 industries。industry 不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出industry的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.industry 工业;产业 (名词) industry当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「工业;产业」的意思。 industry相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例: the gas/electricity industry 燃气业/电力工业 the tourist industry 旅游业 manufacturing industries 制造业 industry相关英文例句: 例:The AI industry has been booming. 人工智慧行业持续繁荣。 例: The tech industry is booming. 科技行业正在蓬勃发展。 例:He got a job in puter industry. 他在计算机行业找到了一份工作。 industry, industry 中文, industry 中文意思, industry 中文的意思, industry 中文解释, industry 意思, industry 用法, industry 翻译, 英文 industry

industry是什么意思 详解industry的定义和用法?

2. 经济分析:Industry可以用来分析一个国家或地区的经济状况和产业结构,例如:the automotive industry is a key sector of the German economy(汽车工业是德国经济的关键领域)。一、Industry的定义1. 行业分类:Industry可以用来分类行业,例如:IT industry(信息技术行业)、food industry(食品行业)等。二、Industry的用法1. 行业:Industry指的是一种生产或制造产品的行业,例如:汽车工业、电子工业、服装工业等。




industries 是 industry 的复数


industry的形容词形式是industrial。industrial的意思是工业的,产业的,工业发达的。industrial的例句:A new town has grown up in this industrial district(在这个工业区兴起了一座新城市)。 扩展资料 industrial的`例句:The new industrial relations legislation curbed the power of the unions(新的劳资关系法规限制了工会的权力);The government"s industrial policy has been fiercely attacked by the left(政府的工业政策遭到了左派的猛烈抨击)。


industry 英[ˈɪndəstri] 美[ˈɪndəstri] n. 工业; 产业; (经济词汇) 工业界; 勤劳; [网络] 产业,行业; 工业,行业; 业界; [例句]The Ukraine is strong both in industry and agriculture.乌克兰的工业和农业都很发达。[其他] 复数:industries 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义相关单词:Industry [地名] [美国、牙买加]因达斯特里


  当英语industry表示工业、生产制造的时候,属于不可数名词。当英语industry表示行业的时候,属于可数名词。可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西,因此它有复数形式。   英语(English)属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。


industry 工业,行业,勤奋来自拉丁语industria,行动,勤奋,热情,来自indu-,在内,在里,第二部分词源不确定,可能来自-stru,建造,建设,词源同structure,instruct,或来自-ust,燃烧,词源同combust.引申词义燃烧的热情,勤奋,后用来指制造,制造业,工业,行业。


当industry意为:工业,生产制造,为不可数名词时。这时用单数,表示泛指,没有具体指某种工业。当industry意为:行业,为可数名词时。这时用复数,表示具体的某一种。 扩展资料 一个名词如果表示一个或一样东西,它取单数形式。如果表示两个或更多的这类东西,则需要用名词复数形式。

industry 是可数名词还是不可数名词

industry 是可数名词industryn. 产业;工业;勤勉[ 复数industries ]

产业( Industry ) 英文简写


industry 是可数名词还是不可数名词请帮忙


industry 的动词形式

industry工业这个词是没有动词形式的,相关变形词汇只有形容词和名词 abbr.industry 工业; industrial 工业的; industrialization 工业化; industrialized 工业化的


industry 工业界

industry 工业 是可数名词吗?



industry是一个名词,意思是产业、工业、勤勉,industry这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为三个音节【in】【du】和【stry】,第一个音节in的发音为【u026an】,而第二个音节du的发音为【du0259】,而第三个音节stry的发音为【stri】,合在一起的话这个单词的发音就是【u02c8u026andu0259stri】,我们再看一下用法,industry作为产业、工业、勤勉的意思来使用;例如在下面这个句子里,The new-media industry,attracts young and creative people. 新媒体产业吸引了年轻、有创造力的人们,在这个句子中,industry指的是产业,industry还有一个短语,chemical industry化学工业,film industry电影工业,food industry食品产业 ,industry and commessrce,指的是工商业,例如在下面这个句子里,Other enterprises as legal persons,by the city, County Administration for Industry,and Commerce approved the registration. 其他企业法人,由所在市、县工商行政管理局核准登记注册,industry and commerce这个短语就是作为工商业的意思来使用,industry这个单词你学会了吗?

industry是什么意思 详解industry的定义和用法?

3. 经济活动:Industry还可以指的是一个国家或地区的经济活动和产业结构,包括制造业、服务业、农业等各个领域。总之,Industry是一个非常常用的词汇,在商业、经济、学术等领域都有广泛的应用。掌握industry的定义和用法,对于加深对英语语言和国际事务的理解都有很大的帮助。二、Industry的用法1. 行业分类:Industry可以用来分类行业,例如:IT industry(信息技术行业)、food industry(食品行业)等。一、Industry的定义


industry有基本的4种词义: 1.工业,制造业 2.(工业的)从业人员,产业组织 3.(某一工业,贸易或服务的)行业 4.某一领域的工作 除了第3个是可数的,其他都是不可数的. 扩展资料   industry用法   industry可以用作名词   industry的基本意思是“工业”,用作工业的总称时,是不可数名词,不加冠词,指“具体的某类工业或行业”时是可数名词,通常加冠词。   industry也可作“工业界”解,指从事工业的人或组织,是不可数名词。   用于比喻, industry还可作“勤奋,勤劳,孜孜不倦”解,是不可数名词。   industry用作名词的用法例句   Since the advent of atomic power, there have been great changes in industry.自从原子动力问世以后,工业发生了巨大的变化。   The tourist trade has become a real industry.旅游业已经成为真正的产业。   The information industry is an infant industry in our country.信息产业在我国是新兴产业。   industry用法例句   1、We are becoming one of the market leaders in the fashion industry.   我们正在成为时装业的`领军者之一。   2、Recession has simply accelerated changes that have been reshaping the industry anyway.   经济萧条只不过加速了原本就在改变行业状况的变化。   3、Representatives from across the horse industry will attend the meeting.   整个赛马业的代表都将参加这次会议。


Industry: [ "indəstri ] n. 工业,产业,勤勉,刻苦






industry[英]["ɪndəstrɪ] [美][ˈɪndəstri] 生词本 简明释义 n.工业;产业(经济词汇);工业界;勤劳 复数:industries 易混淆的单词:Industry 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词 1.N-UNCOUNT工业Industry is the work and processes involved in collecting raw materials,and making them into products in factories. British industry suffers through insufficient investment in research. 研究投入不足让英国工业深受其害. countries where industry is developing rapidly. 在工业迅速发展的国家


industry[英]["u026andu0259stru026a] [美][u02c8u026andu0259stri] 生词本简明释义n.工业;产业(经济词汇);工业界;勤劳复数:industries易混淆的单词:Industry以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1.N-UNCOUNT工业Industry is the work and processes involved in collecting raw materials, and making them into products in factories.British industry suffers through insufficient investment in research.研究投入不足让英国工业深受其害。 countries where industry is developing rapidly.在工业迅速发展的国家

我点三国志11进入游戏,结果弹出please login with administrator privileges and try again,怎么办啊?


为什么三国志11显示please login with administrator privileges and try again

那样也不行,直接网上下载一个 三国志脱壳版的就行了 下来覆盖

三国志11升级到Win10后打不开了提示Please login with administrator privileges and try again,求解

三国志11升级到Win10后打不开了提示Please login with administrator privileges and try again是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、安装完《三国志11》后,找到安装文件夹。2、然后解压缩《三国志11》脱壳版文件。3、解压得到《三国志11》的EXE执行文件,然后替换掉原来的安装的文件。4、最后点击图标打开即可。

这是说什么意思:please login with administyator privileges and try again


rolling country什么意思及同义词

英音 [ "ru0259uliu014b ] ; 美音 [ "ru0259uliu014b ] adj.1.起伏的2.规则的,周而复始的词形变化:时态:rolled,rolling,rolls。同义词:resonant,resonating,resounding,reverberating,reverberative;wheeling;peal,pealing,roll;billowing,tumbling;rolled,trilled。英语句子Cold rolling and hot rolling冷轧与热轧Rolled: Paper glazed by rolling.压光:用滚辘把纸磨光的情况。roll - on / roll - off ship滚装船Roll on the holidays!假期快来吧!Forging roll辊锻机

utility industry是什么意思

utility industry实用行业例句:1.Perhaps, unlike previous attempts to deregulate japan"s electric utility industry, thisshould be a success. " 或许,这次不会再像以前那些试图解除对日本电力行业管制的努力,这一次应该会成功。”2.It will revert to looking more like a utility industry. 其盈利能力将回归到与公用事业行业更加类似的水平。

They’ve just ______ a new house in the country at a great sum of money

选D。解析:选项A翻译为讨价还价,选项B翻译为抢劫,选项C翻译为估算,选项D翻译为购买。根据句意只有选项D符合句子预设语境。句子翻译为他们刚在乡下花了一大笔钱买了一所新房子。一、just1、含义:adv. 刚才;仅仅;正好;正是;简直;adj. 公平的;公正的;适当的;精确的。2、用法just作“刚刚”解时,如时间较短(a moment ago),英式英语中动词用现在完成时,美式英语中动词用一般过去时,有时也可用一般现在时。如时间稍长(a short time ago),无论英美语均用一般过去时。作“很快”“一会儿”(very soon)解时,可用现在时或将来进行时。just now作“刚才”解时动词用一般过去时; 作“现在”“此刻”解时动词用一般现在时或现在进行时; 作“立刻”“马上”解时动词用现在进行时、一般将来时或将来进行时。I am just teasing you; you need not be nervous.我仅仅是在跟你闹着玩,你不要紧张。二、new1、含义:adj. 新的;崭新的;新鲜的;不熟悉的;adv. 新近地。2、用法new用作形容词时,基本意思是“新的”。一方面指以前不存在的事物,“新发明的”“新生的”“新制成的”“新近出现的”“新式的”“新鲜的”“新到的”“新就任的”; 另一方面指本来存在的事物,但“初次见到〔听到〕的”“新发现的”“(土地)新开发的”。new也可表示“重新开始的,周而复始的”“精神恢复了的,健康恢复了的”。new还可作“不熟悉的”“不习惯的”“陌生的”“没有经验的”解。I"ll just sew up that tear, and the coat will be as good as new.我把大衣的破处缝好,就会完好如新了。三、house1、含义:n. 房屋;住一屋的人;机构;议院;观众;听众;黄道十二宫之一;v. 给…房子住;储存(某物);容纳;藏有。2、用法house的基本意思是“住宅,房子”,指用来供人居住的建筑物,强调的是整体建筑,里面可以有人,也可以没人。house有时还可以表示某些具有特殊用途的建筑物,如“运输大楼”“经纪行”等。House可指“议院”。house偶尔也可指住在同一栋房子里的人,即“家人”。引申可指“家族,家系”“观众”。Her house is furnished in excellent taste.她的房屋布置得非常高雅。四、purchased1、含义:adj. 购买的。动词purchase的过去式和过去分词.2、用法purchase的基本意思是“购买”,指通过付钱买到某种东西,它往往用于购买产业、器材或名贵古董等比较重要的,要通过谈判、协商或其他努力才能获得的交易,是书面语,引申还可作“换取”解。purchase是及物动词,其后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。Education is now something that can be purchased.教育现在是一种可以购买的东西。五、country1、含义:n. 国家;乡村;区域;乡村音乐;adj. 乡村的;国家的;故乡的;乡村音乐的。2、用法country作“国家,国土”解时表示地理概念,侧重指疆土,即一个国家的整个区域,是可数名词。the country可作“全国人民”解。country作“乡下,乡村”解时是单数名词,常与the连用。有时可用于名词前作定语。After many years abroad, he wanted to return home to his country.在国外多年后,他想回到故乡。

most of the sandstorm in our country happens is spring from March为什么不是happen 这里不是复数吗

因为前面是most of ,所以sandstorm看成单数。 例句:Most of the rock in this mountain is shale. 这座山上大部分的岩石都是页岩

The river _ to the sea.It is _ one in the country. 选哪个???

The river runs to the sea. It is the longest one in the country.


countryside英语读音:英[u02c8ku028cntrisau026ad]美[u02c8ku028cntrisau026ad]。countryside释义:n.乡村,农村,乡村居民。countryside易错点:拼写错误:"countryside"是一个容易拼写错误的单词。一些常见的拼写错误包括将 "countryside"拼写为"countrysdie"、"countrydise"或者"countriside"。为了避免这样的错误,可以多加练习和复习这个单词的拼写。语义误解:有时候,可能会将"countryside"与"country"混淆。"countryside"指的是乡村地区,而"country"是一个更广泛的概念,可以指国家或国家的领土。因此,在使用这两个词时要注意语境和准确的含义。countryside的双语例句:1、I love the peacefulness of the countryside.我喜欢乡村的宁静。2、The countryside is full of natural beauty.乡村充满了自然美景。3、I enjoy taking long walks in the countryside.我喜欢在乡村里长时间散步。4、The countryside offers a refreshing escape from the city.乡村为人们提供了一个清新的远离城市的机会。5、The countryside has a slower pace of life.乡村的生活节奏更慢。

tinchy stryder number 1歌词

Tinchy Stryder - Number 1 Lyrics feat N-Dubz[DAPPY]ah uh uh ohah uh uh ohah uh uh ohah uh uh oh (na na naii)ah uh uh ohah uh uh oh (Tinchy Stryder)ah uh uh oh (N dubz)ah uh uh oh (yo)[TINCHY]it was nothing but a quick thinkkids games, kiss chase, just a quick flingnow i"m hoping you never go missingnow i"m telling you, you can hold this ring, watch how it glistensit was done as quick as the wind blowsdidn"t think i would ever be involvedso i even wrote a song called ‘don"t go"now its just you and me on a love rowDappy like dino us two tip toes duck dive get lowand now i care less about who knowsnow we"re deep in way past intro dappy explain yo[BRIDGE][DAPPY]see never did i think a boy like me would be in needwhen all i really wanted was to have some funnow im losing my head, im telling you one thingyou"re number one[CHORUS]see i don"t understand how you"re number onewhen it was just a fling before now, you"re the onesee all i did was blink twice, from my homie to my onlynumber oneah uh uh ohah uh uh ohah uh uh ohah uh uh oh[TINCHY]yoit was all now never planned no afterit was like games jokes laughterlive for the moment, left it all opennow i"m in deep, flames, lava, breathe, karmaand now i"m stating, see i never saw this in my daydreamits really you that i"m fully ratingand the days here no more waitingpay it all wise to the smart man raised himi was so hurt, pain, achingon the wrong path then a good girl saved himthat"s why im letting her know she"s amazing[BRIDGE][DAPPY]see never did i think a boy like me would be in needwhen all i really wanted was to have some funnow i"m losing my head, i"m telling you one thingyou"re number one[CHORUS]see i don"t understand how you"re number onewhen it was just a fling before now, you"re the onesee all i did was blink twice from my homie to my onlynumber oneyou lift me off the groundi always want you aroundi ain"t gunna let nothing get in the wayill never let nothing get in the wayyou lift me off the groundi always want you aroundi ain"t gunna let nothing get in the wayill never let nothing get in the way[TINCHY]yo, i aint never gunna let nothing get in the wayyou play your cards all right you"re on A"syou make my nights so bright you"re my daysyou took me out of the mazeyou are number one[CHORUS][DAPPY]see i don"t understand how you"re number onewhen it was just a fling before now, you"re the onesee all i did was blink twice from my homie to my onlynumber oneyou lift me off the groundi always want you aroundi ain"t gunna let nothing get in the wayill never let nothing get in the wayyou lift me off the groundi always want you aroundi ain"t gunna let nothing get in the wayill never let nothing get in the way[OUTRO][TINCHY]you"re number one you"re in the race you"re a leadergirl you"re out of this world i cant see yaand now you got a place in my heartits funny how you actually wentfrom my homie to my onlynumber one

250分求tinchy stryder - number 1歌词中文翻译

ah uh uh oh(恩啊恩啊)ah uh uh oh(恩啊恩啊)ah uh uh oh(恩啊恩啊)ah uh uh oh (na na naii)(恩啊恩啊)(啦啦啦)ah uh uh oh(恩啊恩啊)ah uh uh oh (tinchy stryder)(恩啊恩啊)(tinchy stryder)ah uh uh oh (n dubz)(恩啊恩啊)(毫无疑问)ah uh uh oh (yo)(恩啊恩啊)(哟)it was nothing but a quick think(它只不过是脑中一瞬的念头)kids games, kiss chase, just a quick fling(孩子的游戏,亲吻着去追逐,享受着一时的欢愉)now i"m hoping you never go missing(现在我希望你永远别离开)now i"m telling you, you can hold this ring, watch how it glistens(现在我告诉你,你要握紧这枚戒指,细看它如何散发光芒)it was done as quick as the wind blows(它就象风儿吹拂那样迅速)didn"t think i would ever be involved(从没想过我会就此沉沦)so i even wrote a song called "don"t go"(所以我甚至写过一首叫做"别离去"的曲子)now its just you and me on a love row(现在只有你和我站在爱情的路上)dappy like dino us two tip toes duck dive get low(宝贝,我也要你躺着伸给我你的尖脚趾)and now i care less about who knows(现在我不在乎别人怎么看)now we"re deep in way past intro dappy explain yo(现在我们深深的爱就让时间来解释)see never did i think a boy like me would be in need(看,我从未想过一个象我一样的男孩会需要得到帮助)when all i really wanted was to have some fun(当我真正想要的是有一些乐趣时)now im losing my head, i"m telling you one thing(现在我正在丢失我的思想,我要告诉你一件事情)you"re number one(你是最棒的)see i don"t understand how you"re number one(看,我不明白你如何成为最棒的)when it was just a fling before now, you"re the one(仅仅因为刚才有过片刻欢愉,而你正是那一个)see all i did was blink twice, from my homie to my only(看,我所能做到的就是向你眨两次眼,从我亲密的你到我仅仅拥有的你)number one(最棒的)ah uh uh oh(恩啊恩啊)ah uh uh oh(恩啊恩啊)ah uh uh oh(恩啊恩啊)ah uh uh oh(恩啊恩啊)yo it was all now never planned no after(哟,计划总赶不上变化)it was like games jokes laughter(就像游戏玩笑和笑声)live for the moment, left it all open(存在了一时,却终要离去)now i"m in deep, flames, lava, breathe, karma(现在我处在命运的花光中,深呼吸着)and now i"m stating, see i never saw this in my daydream(现在我站在这里凝视着我梦里从未有过的场景)it"s really you that i"m fully rating(全是有你让我投入深深的爱)and the days here no more waiting(再也不想等待)pay it all wise to the smart man raised him(去为一个聪明的他偿付一切)i was so hurt, pain, aching(深深的痛)on the wrong path then a good girl saved him(在这条错误的路上他被一个好姑娘挽救)that"s why i"m letting her know she"s amazing(那就是为什么我正在给他写信的原因,我知道她很惊羡)see never did i think a boy like me would be in need(看,我从未想过一个象我一样的男孩会需要得到帮助)when all i really wanted was to have some fun(当我真正想要的是有一些乐趣时)now i"m losing my head, i"m telling you one thing(现在我正在丢失我的思想,我要告诉你一件事情)you"re number one(你是最棒的)see i don"t understand how you"re number one(看,我不明白你如何成为最棒的)when it was just a fling before now, you"re the one(仅仅因为刚才有过片刻欢愉,而你正是那一个)see all i did was blink twice from my homie to my only(看,我所能做到的就是向你眨两次眼,从我亲密的你到我仅仅拥有的你)number one(最棒的)you lift me off the ground(你把我从地上扶起)i always want you around(我总是想要你在我身边)i ain"t gunna let nothing get in the way(我不想要任何事插在我们之间)i"ll never let nothing get in the way(我绝不要任何事插在我们之间)you lift me off the ground(你把我从地上扶起)i always want you around(我总是想要你在我身边)i ain"t gunna let nothing get in the way(我不想要任何事插在我们之间)i"ll never let nothing get in the way(我绝不要任何事插在我们之间)yo, i aint never gunna let nothing get in the way(哟,我不想要任何事插在我们之间)you play your cards all right you"re on a"s(你总在我的右边玩弄着卡片)you make my nights so bright you"re my days(你把我的黑夜照的象你白天那么明亮)you took me out of the maze(你把我带出这迷宫)you are number one(你是最棒的)see i don"t understand how you"re number one(看,我不明白你如何成为最棒的)when it was just a fling before now, you"re the one(仅仅因为刚才有过片刻欢愉,而你正是那一个)see all i did was blink twice from my homie to my only(看,我所能做到的就是向你眨两次眼,从我亲密的你到我仅仅拥有的你)number one(最棒的)you lift me off the ground(你把我从地上扶起)i always want you around(我总是想要你在我身边)i ain"t gunna let nothing get in the way(我不想要任何事插在我们之间)i"ll never let nothing get in the way(我绝不要任何事插在我们之间)you lift me off the ground(你把我从地上扶起)i always want you around(我总是想要你在我身边)i ain"t gunna let nothing get in the way(我不想要任何事插在我们之间)


function KillTask(ExeFileName: string): integer; //杀进程函数const PROCESS_TERMINATE=$0001; var ContinueLoop: BOOL; FSnapshotHandle: THandle; FProcessEntry32: TProcessEntry32; begin result := 0; FSnapshotHandle := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); //取得系统快照FProcessEntry32.dwSize := Sizeof(FProcessEntry32); //循环例举,如果到达最后,则退出loopContinueLoop := Process32First(FSnapshotHandle,FProcessEntry32); while integer(ContinueLoop) <> 0 do begin //取得进程名,大写后好作比较if ((UpperCase(ExtractFileName(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile))= UpperCase(ExeFileName)) or (UpperCase(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile) = UpperCase(ExeFileName))) then Result := Integer(TerminateProcess(OpenProcess( PROCESS_TERMINATE, BOOL(0), //调用terminateprocess结束符合的进程项FProcessEntry32.th32ProcessID), 0)); ContinueLoop := Process32Next(FSnapshotHandle,FProcessEntry32); end; end;ContinueLoop := Process32First(FSnapshotHandle,FProcessEntry32); //这一句是从进程链中,取出一个到FProcessEntry32结构中,然后在这个结构中取得进程名。至于FProcessEntry32,你用按下ctrl同时在这个上面鼠标点下,可以看到它的详细定义。

I will try in every lonely night什么意思


I will try in every lonely night什么意思


Drunk driving(醉驾) has become a serious problem in China. According to the Ministry of Public Se.

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A小题4:B 试题分析:小题1:这是一道事实细节题。从文章第一段第三行because he drank too much wine可知,故选B小题2:这是一道推理概括题。从文章第二段第二行可以知道,pay 意为付钱的意思,fine一词应与钱有关,实际上fine 作名词意为罚款,故选 C小题3:这是一道事实细节题。从文章第三自然第一行可以知道。故选A小题4:这是一道事实细节题。从文章第一段第二行、第四行、第三段第二行可以判断CDA是错的,第二段第二行判断B是正确的,故选 B点评:与酒驾相关的文章在媒体上十分多的,也是这近几年人们谈论比较多的,学生对此也很熟悉,理解起来也不是特别难的,但在阅读时一定要细心,尤其其中的一些词:fine,law ,come into use, public service 等。

苹果手机显示this APP is not available in your country or region怎么处理

使用IP代理苹果手机显示this APP is not available in your country or region表示因为中国的服务器被隔离了,如果真的要用这个app,只能使用IP代理。

谁有Timmy (one more try)中文歌词



what is prose?what is the difference between prose and poetry? 答案详细的话追加十分

prose means writing that is not poetrypoetry has some meanings:1a collection of poems;poems in general诗集 诗歌 诗作 2 a beautiful and graceful quality 美好的品质 优雅的气质 诗意so prose is the thing different from porety like an essay,also means some boring things

metaphysical poetry名词解释是什么?

metaphysical poetry名词解释是玄学派诗歌。玄学派诗歌metaphysical poetry玄学派诗歌主要是指英国十七世纪深受约翰·邓恩(1572-1631)影响的诗人的作品。玄学派诗人具有强烈的叛逆精神,试图从伊丽莎白时期传统的爱情诗歌中分离出去。玄学派是指17世纪英国文坛出现的一个独特的诗歌流派。英国诗人约翰·邓恩是这个流派的代表人物,他因在诗歌中精妙地运用“奇喻”的比喻手法而蜚声文坛。玄学派在18世纪的古典主义潮流和19世纪浪漫派的发展中都没有得到足够的重视,直到20世纪在文学界才被充分肯定,对20世纪的英美文学影响颇深。诗歌特点玄学派诗歌主要有爱情诗、宗教诗、挽歌、诗简、讽刺诗、冥想诗等。爱情诗用说理辩论的方式,从科学、哲学、神学中摄取意象,反映出对流行于文艺复兴时期的彼特拉克式的“甜蜜的”抒情诗的不满。宗教诗和其他诗歌则多写信仰上的苦闷、疑虑、探索与和解。玄学派诗歌反映了17世纪初斯图亚特王朝日趋反动和旧教重新抬头的情况下人文主义传统中肯定生活、歌颂爱情、个性解放的思想遇到的危机。玄学派诗歌的情绪很符合普遍存在的怀疑气氛,符合对维多利亚和爱德华两朝的温情和庸俗道德观念的不满情绪。

有关what is poetry 的诗

Poetry is the struggle to wake up each morning 诗歌是每个早晨挣扎着起来Poetry is the struggle to sleep each night 是每个夜晚不情愿地睡去Poetry is the image you see in the mirror 是你在镜中看见的图像Even when you know that the image isn"t right. 尽管你知道,那图像不是你。Poetry is the song you sing when in love 诗歌是你爱恋时吟唱的歌谣Poetry is the tears when things fall apart 是你分手时流下的泪珠Poetry is when your fingers barely hold on 是你Even when you know you broke your heart. 尽管你知道,你伤透了心。

Questions about Poem and Poetry ...

更新1: Sorry! It should be ENGLISH UNPUZZLE not construction or chinese unpuzzle . Poetry (from the Greek ποu03afησιu03c2 poiesis &quot;making&quot; or &quot;creating&quot;) is a form of art in which language is used for its aesthetic qualities in addition to or in lieu of its ostensible meaning. Poetry may be written independently as discrete poems or may be used in conjunction with other arts as in poetic drama hymns or lyrics. Poetry has a long history. Early attempts to define it such as Aristotle&#39;s Poetics focused on the uses of speech in rhetoric drama song and edy.[1] Later attempts focused on features such as repetition and rhyme and emphasised the aesthetics which distinguish poetry from prose.[2] From the mid-20th century poetry has sometimes been more loosely defined as a fundamental creative act using language.[3] Poetry often uses particular forms and conventions to expand the literal meaning of the words or to invoke emotional or sensual responses. Devices such as assonance alliteration and rhythm are sometimes used to achieve musical or incantatory effects. Poetry&#39;s use of ambiguity symboli *** irony and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations. Similarly metaphor and simile create a resonance beeen otherwise disparate images—a layering of meanings forming connections previously not perceived. Kindred forms of resonance may exist beeen individual verses in their patterns of rhyme or rhythm. Some forms of poetry are specific to particular cultures and genres responding to the characteristics of the language in which the poet writes. While readers accustomed to identing poetry with Shakespeare Dante and Goethe may think of poetry as being written in rhyming lines and regular meter there are other traditions such as those of Du Fu and Beowulf which use other approaches to achieve rhythm and euphony. For more detail please have a look at: en. *** /wiki/Poetry 参考: ***

poem和poetry的区别? poem和poetry都是名词,怎么区分呢?

poetry指诗歌、散文这一类文体 poem就指一首诗

Poetry 复数形式是什么?

poetry是个不可数名词,它不存在复数形式;For example; 不可数名词 n.[U] 诗;诗集 poems · Wordsworth wrote beautiful poetry. 华兹华士写了优美的诗歌。


poetry 诗的总称poem 诗篇,诗歌verse 诗句这三个词的区别在:poetry > poem > versepoetry 里包括 poem,versepoem 里包括 verse

What is poetry?

1.Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature- he is chiefly famous for his love poetry2.A quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems- poetry and fire are nicely balanced in the music3.Something regarded as comparable to poetry in its beauty- the music department is housed in a building that is pure poetry

《诗》POETRY 【英】埃莉诺·法杰恩

What is Poetry? Who knows? Not a rose, but the scent of the rose; Not the sky, but the light in the sky; Not the fly, but the gleam of the fly; Not the sea, but the sound of the sea; Not myself, but what makes me See, hear, and feel something that prose Cannot: and what it is, who knows 诗是什么?有谁知道? 不是玫瑰,却有玫瑰的芬芳; 不是天空,却有天空的明亮; 不是流萤,却有流萤的闪光; 不是海浪,却有海浪的声响; 不是自我,却可以耳濡目染, 切身体会绝非散文所能比拟。 诗是什么,有谁知道? 何为诗,难以明? 不是玫瑰却有香; 不是天空却明亮; 不是流萤却闪光; 不是大海却声响; 不是散文却悠长; 不是自我可感想。 诗为何,难以明。 诗,难以形容,不可言旨。 虽然不是玫瑰,却有玫瑰的(芳香四溢(沁人心脾), 虽然不是天空,却有天空的风和日丽, 虽然不是流萤,却有流萤的顾盼神飞(流光溢彩), 虽然不是大海,却有大海的波涛海澜(惊涛拍岸), 虽然不是自我,却可以耳濡目染, 切身体会(眼耳鼻口舌身意)绝非散文所能描摹, 诗,只可意会,不可言说。

Pat Green的《Poetry》 歌词

歌曲名:Poetry歌手:Pat Green专辑:Wave On WaveDanity Kane PoetryAubrey:when i stand in a crowded roomI feel alone like nobody"s thereAnd when u talk cold to meI can see ur breath in the airit"s taking it"s toll on meIn the bathroom taking showersso u don"t see me crybaby it"s such a crimeDawnI"ve tried to feel confidentI"m bitter you"re not making sensei missed you till you almost tookmy sanity, I started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyyou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?D.Woods:When I give you gratitudeYou act like you don"t hear me speakAnd when i tell you what you do to meYou don"t even hear the truthwhat are you trying to prove?I stare out of the window for hoursCuz you don"t listen to meYou won"t even look in my eyesDawn:I"ve tried to feel confidentI"m bitter, you"re not making senseI missed you till you almost tookmy sanity, I started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?Aundrea:Don"t believe what you"re sayingI read your face and I"m blankingCuz I don"t know what"s in front of my eyesI try to feel confidentTried to feel confidentI"m bitter, you"re not making senseI missed you till you almost tookMy sanityHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhI started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingPoetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingPoetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?hah hah hah hahhh(till end)


poetry的复数:poetries n.诗集;诗歌;诗作;美好的品质;优雅的气质;诗意 扩展资料   例句:   His poetry was slow in achieving recognition.   他的诗迟迟得不到赏识。   Most poetry does not translate well.   诗歌大多翻译不好。   She"s very creative ─ she writes poetry and paints.   她极富创造力,既赋诗又作画。

poemhe poetry的区别


什么是poetry slam?翻译成中文是什么意思?



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