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truth    英[tru:θ]    美[truθ]    n.    真理; 真相,事实; 忠实,忠诚; 现实,现实性;    [其他]    复数:truths    


truth,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“真理;事实;诚实;实质”。短语搭配in truth 事实上 ; 实际上 ; 的确 ; 实在ground truth [航] 地面实况 ; 地面真值 ; 地表实况 ; 路面实况apriori truth 先天的真理Historical truth 历史事实 ; 历史真实 ; 历史真理 ; 历史的真实Conventional Truth 世俗谛Hidden Truth 法网晴天 ; 丹特丽安的书架 ; 隐藏的真实 ; 隐匿真相Deep Truth 深邃蓝Necessary Truth 必然真理truth criterion 真理标准  双语例句I have persuaded him of its truth.我使他相信了其中的真理。So what is there to fear in your truth?那么,在你的真相中有什么是要害怕的呢?So you have to discover truth about yourself.所以你必须发现关于你自己的真理。




因该是truth吧 我也没见过thuthly这个单词 真实 真理的意思呵呵

“truth be told”是什么意思?

说真的;老实说;说句真心话. (用于表明后面说出的是真相或真诚的话)说实话

stretch the truth是什么意思


be truth 什么意思,是词组吗?


truth or dare什么意思

Truth or Daren.真心话大冒险(游戏); [电影]胆量与实话; 双语例句 1Now this is sounding a lot like,“ truth or dare,”这听起来更象,“真实或虚伪”2Games can be anything like truth or dare or to less extreme games like the 5 questions game.可以是任何游戏比如真心话大冒险又或者平淡些的点名问答游戏。


post-truth 的意思是:后真相,这也是《牛津词典》 2016 年的年度词汇。它指的不是真相浮出水面,而是说在这段时间里,真相变得无关紧要,因为没人关心。这个词最先出现于 1992 年的《国家》(The Nation)杂志中,多用来形容“情感比客观事实更能影响舆论”的情况。2004 年一本名为 The Post-truth Era的书和 2005 年喜剧演员 Stephen Colbert 的脱口秀进一步科普了这个词。格拉斯沃称,随着大众阅读新闻的习惯改变,社交网站已经成为人们的新闻主要来源,而人们亦开始偏向质疑传统新闻的报道,导致“后真相”一词开始具有代表性。“后真相政治”,指的是民众忽略事实,以立场决定是非而支持政见及政客。这个词的使用频率相比去年上升了 2000%。《牛津词典》的负责人表示:“我们最早看到它频率的飙升是在 6 月份,那时英国脱欧和川普竞选共和党总统提名的新闻铺天盖地。鉴于之后它的使用频率就一直没降,成为形容我们年代的词汇之一并不意外。”

To tell you the truth, I don"t agree with you.中文是什么意思



Life truth生活真相双语例句1、This is life"s truth.-For you, maybe.这是生命的真理。-对于你,也许是。2、In common life truth means the agreement of an object with our conception of it.通常我们总是认为我们的表象与一个对象相符合叫做真理。根据具体问题类型,进行步骤拆解/原因原理分析/内容拓展等。具体步骤如下:/导致这种情况的原因主要是……



英语问题 Truer truth 是什么意思 有语法错误吗 我需要专业的如题 谢谢了



truth是真相,事实,真实的东西, 是true的名词形式 more是更多的意思 是many和much的比较级

truth英文解释 truth什么意思

1、truth,真理,读音:美/tru?θ/;英/tru?θ/。2、释义:n.真理;事实;诚实;实质。3、例句:Everyone is on a spiritual quest for truth in their own lives.每个人都在自己的生活中追求真理。

truth 这个英文单词是什么意思



Truth: [ tru:θ ] n. 事实,确实例句与用法: 1. There is no truth in what he says. 他说的没有一句实话。 2. It was in truth a miracle. 这确实是个奇迹. 3. There"s no truth/not aword of truth in what he says. 他说的毫不属实. 4. It is far from the truth. 这哪里是事实。 5. The truth verified the allegations. 事实证明了这些说法。 6. We shall find out the truth early or late. 我们迟早会查明事实真相。 7. Why on earth didn"t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话? 8. They were waiting with assurance for me to discover the truth for myself. 他们自信地等待我自己发现事实真相。 英英解释: 名词truth:1. a fact that has been verified2. conformity to reality or actuality同义词:the true, verity, trueness3. a true statement同义词:true statement4. the quality of being near to the true value同义词:accuracy5. United States abolitionist and feminist who was freed from slavery and became a leading advocate of the abolition of slavery and for the rights of women (1797-1883)同义词:Sojourner Truth


truth_有道词典truth英 [truːθ]美 [trʊθ]n. 真理;事实;诚实;实质更多释义>>[网络短语]Truth 真理,真相,真理in truth 事实上,实际上,的确ground truth 地面实况,地面真值,地表实况

truth什么意思中文 truth翻译

1、n.真相; 实情; 事实; 真实情况; 真实; 真实性; 真理; 2、[例句]Nothing seemed to satisfy their hunger for truth.似乎没有什么能满足他们对真理的渴求。 3、[其他]复数:truths


truth英 [tru:θ] 美 [truθ] n. 真理; 真相,事实; 忠实,忠诚; 现实,现实性复数: truthstruth是可数名词


truth英 [truːθ]  美 [truθ] n. 真实情况,真相;真实性;真理;诚实;实质详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社n /truːθ/真相;事实;实情Is it possible to separate truth from fiction? 事实和虚构能够区分开吗?judgements of truth or falsity 对真假的判断I want you to tell me the truth. 我想让你告诉我真相。No one knows the whole truth. 没有人知道全部实情。真实(性)Is there any truth to the rumors? 那些谣言有什么事实依据吗?There is no truth in the story. 这个故事毫无事实根据。The criticisms have at least an element of truth. 这些批评至少有那么点事实依据。There is an element of truth in the overused cliché: money can"t buy happiness. 这句用滥了的套话有几分真实性:金钱买不到幸福。真理;自明之理It is a universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we exercise the skills we initially used to perform it. 我们在工作中越往上晋升,那些最初的工作技能就用得越少,这是明摆着的普遍事实。公认的原则;原理;法则the truths of astronomy 天文学原理

truth什么意思 truth英文解释

1、truth,真理,读音:美/truːθ/;英/truːθ/。 2、释义:n.真理;事实;诚实;实质。 3、例句:Everyone is on a spiritual quest for truth in their own lives.每个人都在自己的生活中追求真理。


truth英 [tru:θ] 美 [truθ] n.真理; 真相,事实; 忠实,忠诚; 现实,现实性Is it possible to separate truth from fiction? 有可能把事实与虚构分开吗?




adversity is the path to truth. 逆境是通往真理之路。人们不是常说“failure is the mother of success””失败是成功之母”吗?其实这两句话有异曲同工之妙。

Artists used lies to tell the truth

艺术家用谎言揭示真相,而政治家用谎言掩盖真相。 说谎还有理了。


be truthful be honest,tell the truch


您好,honest 指遵循诚实道德规范的,My dad was the most honest man I ever met. 爸爸是我所见过的最正直的人。I know she"s honest and reliable. 我知道她诚实可靠。truthful 指总是言行一致的Most religions teach you to be truthful 大部分宗教都教导人要说实话。We"ve all learnt to be fairly truthful about our personal lives. 我们都学会了要非常坦诚地对待自己的个人生活。


应该是分开的两单词“truthful me”,即“真实的我”

truthful 和 honeaty 用法

都是形容词truthful可形容物也可以形容人,侧重于说真话,不说假话比如He is a truthful person. A truthful answer.honesty也可以形容物或者人,侧重于 老实,诚实比如 He is a honesty person.

true与truthful都是形容词 他们的区别是什么

true是事实、真实 但truthful是真实的、诚实的

truthful 与honest的区别是什么?

truthful 与honest的区别为:指代不同,用法不同,侧重点不同一、指代不同1、truthful:诚实,讲真话。2、honest:诚实的,老实的。二、用法不同1、truthful:truth的基本意思是“真实,真相,事实”,是不可数名词。引申可作“真理”解,是可数名词。2、honest:honest的基本意思是“诚实的,正直的,可靠的”,表示某人重视并严守高尚的道德规范。honest也可表示人的行为、外表“老实的,真诚的”。honest还可作“坦诚的,直率的”解。三、侧重点不同1、truthful:用来形容一件事的真实性。2、honest:是针对人来说的。

true与truthful都是形容词 他们的区别是什么

true是事实、真实 但truthful是真实的、诚实的

论真诚 | How to be truthful?

什么是真诚?怎样是不真诚? 如果不能给出准确的定义,可以从这些近义词中去接近理解吗? 真诚就是——诚实、忠诚、信任且坚定不移、给予且全心全意。 以我的智商,只能理解到这个份上。 真诚不是你我的标签,更像是对世间最理想爱情的期望和要求,只有真诚的人配得上拥有,只有绝对真诚才能做到。也正如你说,褒义的词汇其实少有人配得上,因为少有人真正做得到。 如果这样理解——不真诚,就是残缺的、保留的、依赖的、被动的、可能易变的。如我给你的爱,也如你所不能接受的现世爱情。 谁都渴望最好的爱情,如妈妈或圣母能够给予的那种,于此我是悲观的,于我你是失望的。 我是不是该为此再做点什么?或者我还能证明点什么? # How to be truthful? # 听说55年来广东最冷的冬天即将来临,原谅我此刻真的特别无力和忧郁,甚至把内心的呼唤都压倒,do nothing & want to have a rest...(你知道的,哄一哄我就能慢慢好起来~(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)~ 昨晚已得知Alan的消息,直到今天看到雷德克里夫(Harry)对他的悼文用了"Truthful"一词,才接受了这个事实。是啊,那个表面阴沉但内心装着最美爱情,最勇敢且真诚的“斯内普教授”在这个冬天离开了~ 戏如人生# 谁又能像他一样演绎好人性反差最大的角色?他更多地选择把人性最阴暗和苦难的一面演绎出来,谁又能否认他的挚善和诚意? "You can act in real or false. You can show yourself or hide. Therefore, the audience knows a bit, but it also loses a lot." 人生如戏# 正如我不能平面地将自己展现给你;爱你的方式也有多面,越不完整越有对比,我想给你最纯洁最真挚最虔诚的爱,就要经历最破坏最冷酷最黑暗的磨砺和洗礼,因为此爱不止在初见,而是无限期——要么耗尽我所有热情为你疯魔成仁,要么用时间和勇气填补你我缺陷,待到天荒地老细水流深,且看得见我们的缘分和真。。。 Stay Strong, Stay in Love. —— After all this time? —— Always. 2016.01.15 GZ R.I.P Alan Rickman

truthfully 和 truly 有什么区别?



honest true

be truthful with是固定短语吗?



the truth 真相

true 与truthful的区别?

truthful 与honest的区别是什么

一、意思不同1、truthful意思:adj. 诚实; 讲真话; 坦率; 真实的; 如实的;2、honest意思:adj. 诚实的; 老实的; 正直的; 坦率的; 坦诚的; 真诚的; 二、用法不同1、truthful:用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征。Most religions teach you to be truthful 大部分宗教都教导人要诚实。We"ve all learnt to be fairly truthful about our personal lives 我们都学会了要非常坦诚地对待自己的个人生活。2、honest:常用作定语,也可作表语、补语或状语。I was honest about what I was doing 我对自己所做的事情并无隐瞒。I"m not sure, honest. 我不能肯定,真的。三、侧重点不同1、truthful侧重点:truthful也是用来形容一件事的真实性,不过是针对事情来说的。2、honest侧重点:honest主要是形容一件事的真实性,是针对人来说的。




前者是形容人,真诚的 后者是真实的,形容事情,

truthful 与honest的区别是什么?



truthful 同义词是honest 诚实的,如实的。如:You and I must be truthful with each other. 我俩一定要坦诚相待。 I want a truthful answer. 我要一个如实的回答。

这句话中的true 什么意思?truth 有是什么意思?


关于 it is a truth universally acknowledge that 傲慢与偏见的第一句


It is a truth universally acknowledged that

universally acknowledged中universally是副词,用来修饰形容词acknowledged这里的acknowledged,后置是有原因的,通常以字母 a- 开头的表语形容词,如 asleep, awake, afraid, afloat, alive 等作定语时,通常后置。例如:The baby awake is looking here and there.He was the only man alive in the accident.希望对你有所帮助

It is a truth universally acknowledged, 所包含的语法知识?

itisatruth universally acknowledged...的中文翻译 itisatruthuniversallyacknowledgedthatasin 罪是公认的真理。重点词汇truth真理; 真相,事实; 忠实,忠诚; 现实,现实性universallyacknowledged公认asinasinistra在左边

lay bare the truth for sb这里的lay bare到底是什么结构,尤其是bare是形容词用法吗,还是动词用法?

lay sth bare 和Lay bare sth都可以表示显示,表露,揭露如Lay bare the truth,a plot等,揭露真相,阴谋(牛津高阶辞典)lay sth bare的用法楼上说了。The director was careful not to lay the firm"s plans bare. 经理小心翼翼,不说出公司的计划。这是习惯用法。不能认为是短语动词,因为bare是adj

The Truth (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Truth (Lp Version)歌手:Handsome Boy Modeling School专辑:So..Hows Your GirlHandsome Boy Modeling School - The TruthUnderground Rap / Indie RockGo ...Go to the mountain if you mustGo to the burning bushHappy would ease your troubled mindHow do the fade just stay behind?I know you better than you think I doDon"t worry babe.. this is why i fell in love with youThe man in the looking glassIs looking back at you at lastYou can"t hide from the truthBecause the truth is all there isYou can"t hide from the truthBecause the truth is all there isYou can"t hide from the truthBecause the truth is all there isYou can"t hideIf happy times are too few and far betweenIt"s a pity dear, we can"t erase the things we"ve seenSo disappear, vanish if you wishJust go before you"re swallowed up by bitternessAnd the truth is you can"t hide from the truthAnd the truth hurts because the truth is all there isI realized some time ago that I would have to let you goMay not be true to see that you would return one dayBut in your present state you may as well not be here at allYou wear a thin disguise, it"s from yourself you hideJust take a look at us, we are heading for a fallNow presiding in this quarter: hip-hopJustice, my rap fortéJudge, jury, bailing for prosecuting D.A.Et ceteras, paraphasMy modus operendeIt"s carpe diem whether the fact or word is your wayComprende?The people versus, you ain"t no SensiTeaching that style of word-playWe got the words theyRegardless of what your friends sayThey"re all disableStriken from the record and deemed indimissableAnd this long arm of the law grabs a mighterShoot dope lines first and ask questions laterThe death sentence of this live litagatorClose the case tighter than the jaws of a "gatorStenonographer, that study law again, the jargonLet your counselors "a barking, in hopes of a plea bargainBut when you read back verbatimWhat they"re saying to pursuade themThey realize exactly how i"ve played themI come with the truth, whole truth and nothing but"Cause the truth hurts just as much as fuckin" with lies willI brew skill with free fills from now untilPlagerizing MC"s get their flows distilledBaby I don"t die without you by my sideAs long as you return into these arms that burnBaby I won"t die just take a look insideInto these eyes that burn, come to these arms that yearnI won"t die, if you leave me highI won"t die if you"re not by my sideAnd the truth hurts because the truth is all there isAnd the truth hurts because the truth is all there isYou can"t hide from the truth, cause the truth is all there isYou can"t hide from the truth, cause the truth is all there isYou can"t hide from the truth, cause the truth is all there isYou can"t hide from the truth, cause the truth is all there isYou can"t hide from the truth, cause the truth is all there isYou can"t hide from the truth, cause the truth is all there isYou can"t hide from the truthBecause the truth is all there isYou can"t hide from the truth..EndHandsome Boy Modeling School - The TruthUnderground Rap / Indie Rock

When you have eliminated the impossible,whatever remains,however improbable must be the truth.


When you have eliminated the impossible,whatever remains however improbable must be the truth.

When you have eliminated the impossible,whatever remains however improbable must be the truth. 的翻译当你排除了不可能时,无论留下什么,也不管怎样不大可能,它都是真理。
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