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luck [lʌk]truck [trʌk]两个单词uck部分读音相同



truck怎么读 英语truck怎么读

1、truck英[tru028ck]美[tru028ck],n.卡车; (铁路上运送货物或动物的)敞篷车,无盖车皮; (运送货物、士兵、动物等后面敞开的)载重汽车; (运送东西的)手推车,手拉车;vt.用卡车装运。 2、[例句]A truck driver used his CB radio to call for help.卡车司机用民用波段无线电呼救。




美式读音:tru028ck英式读音:tru028ck过去式:trucked过去分词:trucked现在分词:trucking第三人称单数:trucks复数:trucks例句:1、The truck driver bears the main responsibility for the traffic accident.卡车司机负这次交通事故的主要责任。2、He trucked leisurely on the bridge with his teacher.他和自己的老师悠闲地在桥上走着。3、The steel bars are trucked to factories in the west.钢筋用卡车运往西部工厂。4、The truck carries a large number of vegetables to the market.这辆卡车载着大量的蔬菜运往市场。




the second day I began to


truck 英[tru028ck] 美[tru028ck] n. 货车;(铁路的)无盖货车;(行李)搬运车 vt. 用卡车装运 vi. 驾驶卡车;以物易物 [例句]A delivery truck entering the brewery.运送啤酒的卡车驶入酿酒厂。




truck(铁路上的)敞篷货车 van客货车 铁路上运送行李﹑ 邮件或货物的)厢式货车, 守车

消防车翻译是Fire engines还是fire truck

Fire engine

trucking fee 和truck fee 的区别


truck to continue是什么意思



truck [tru028ck]n. 卡车, 载货汽车; 手推车; 敞篷货车; 手推小平台车#交易, 买卖; 垃圾, 破烂; 商品蔬菜; 废话

trucking No. 是什么?在快递中~~ 货号?还是卡车号?

你的客户打错了,应该是tracking no.是快递公司的快件单号码,你登录快递公司的网站可以查出这封快递的状态,什么时间,到哪个分拣站了,最后谁签收的都能查到。你问一下你客户用的那家快递,然后可以上快递公司的网站查。我每天收很多快递,经常这么做。

英语non-truck operation怎么翻译?

non-truck operation非卡车操作。

It hit me和I struck me区别是什么?


模拟欧洲卡车2中国地图出现Euro truck simulstor2


C21 Struck in MY HEART 歌词大意谁能给我?

【stuck in my heart】歌词 You are stuck in my heart 你深印在我心 like counting a million stars 像是在数无数的星 for that many reasons you are 你就是这许多的原因 Can"t you tell 你不知道吗 you"ve been all over me like a spell 你像是魔咒般充满了我的周围 I know 我知道 I never wanna let you go 我永不让你走 Can"t you see 你不知道吗 you"ve been changing the world around me 你已经改变了我周围的世界 I know 我知道 I never wanna let you go 我永不让你走 If you hold me close enough 如果你紧抱我 I can whisper you the words 我会耳语出这些话 If the distance is too far 如果距离太远 I can"t do nothing "cos 我将什么也做不了 因为 You are stuck in my heart 你深印在我心 and we can go anywhere 我们可以去任何地方 whatever the reason you are 无论你有什么原因 so stuck in my heart 如此深印我心 like counting a million stars 像是在数无数的星 for that many reasons you are 你就是这许多的原因 Can"t deny 无可否认 since I met you that day 自从我见到你的那天 I"ve been blind to see 我便无视其它事物 Now I wanna know for real 现在我想知道真相 Inside me 我心中 I"m afraid to wake up from a dream 害怕从梦中醒来 and see 去面对 It never really happent to me 它永不会发生 If you hold me close enough 如果你紧抱我 I can whisper you the words 我会耳语出这些话 If the distance is too far 如果距离太远 I can"t do nothing "cos 我将什么也做不了 因为 You are stuck in my heart 你深印在我心 and we can go anywhere 我们可以去任何地方 whatever the reason you are 无论你有什么原因 so stuck in my heart 如此深印我心 like counting a million stars 像是在数无数的星 for that many reasons you are 你就是这许多的原因 You are 你是 like a dream so deep inside of me 我内心当中的一个梦 You are 你是 the reason that I never sleep 我失眠的原因 You are stuck in my heart 你深印我心 Can"t you tell 你不知道吗 you"ve been all over me like a spell 你像是魔咒般充满了我的周围 I will never let you go 我永不让你走 Can"t you see 你不知道吗 you"ve been changing the world around me 你已经改变了我周围的世界 I don"t wanna let you go 我永不让你走 I can"t do nothing "cos 我将什么也做不了 因为 You are stuck in my heart 你深印在我心 and we can go anywhere 我们可以去任何地方 whatever the reason you are 无论你有什么原因 so stuck in my heart 如此深印我心 like counting a million stars 像是在数无数的星 for that many reasons you are 你就是这许多的原因 You are stuck in my heart 你深印在我心 and we can go anywhere 我们可以去任何地方 whatever the reason you are 无论你有什么原因 so stuck in my heart 如此深印我心 like counting a million stars 像是在数无数的星 for that many reasons you are 你就是这许多的原因

英语Europe’s third-biggest truck-marker怎么翻译?

Europe"s third-biggest truck-marker欧洲第三大卡车标志

More and more trucks are seen _________ between these two towns these days.

be seen to do sth 被看见做某事

it was quiet those big trucks

选C.until 才能正常表达意思. 句子意思是: 直到那些大卡车进入那个镇,它都是安宁的. 相当于: It was not noisy until those big trucks started coming through the town. (那个镇没有什么噪音,直到那些大卡车穿城而过.)

Air-ride trucks 什么意思啊



truck[英][tru028ck] [美][tru028ck] 生词本简明释义n.货车;(铁路的)无盖货车;(行李)搬运车vt.用卡车装运vi.驾驶卡车;以物易物复数:trucks第三人称单数:trucks过去式:trucked过去分词:trucked现在分词:trucking以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组1.N-COUNT卡车A truck is a large vehicle that is used to transport goods by road. Now and then they heard the roar of a heavy truck.他们不时地听到大卡车的轰鸣声。

truck什么意思 truck解释

1、truck的意思 (1)货车,(铁路的)无盖货车,(行李)搬运车。 (2)用卡车装运。 (3)驾驶卡车; 以物易物。 2、例句:Now and then they heard the roar of a heavy truck.他们不时地听到大卡车的轰鸣声。 3、第三人称单数:trucks,复数:trucks,现在分词:trucking,过去式:trucked过去分词:trucked。


卡车truck的读法为[tru028ck]。1、truck基本解释n.货车;(铁路的)无盖货车;(行李)搬运车。vt.用卡车装运。vi.驾驶卡车;以物易物。2、truck变化形式复数:trucks第三人称单数:trucks过去式:trucked过去分词:trucked现在分词:trucking3、双语例句①A large bus has just crashed into a truck.一辆很大的巴士撞到了一辆卡车上。②C-note drives a truck through the night.晚上,c-note驾驶着一辆货车。③It has never had any truck with the government-in-exile.中国与流亡政府决不会有任何交易。④Unloading another truck with plastic bottles.卸下另一辆装满塑料瓶子的卡车。⑤Car and truck sales have rebounded as well.小轿车和卡车的销量也开始反弹。

I like dumb trucks 是什么意思?


trophy truck是什么车?

1.trophy trucks直译就是竞速卡车或者奖杯卡车,是美洲BAJA1000赛事中最强悍的车族系列专业赛车。2.基本就是一台纯手工打造的超强越野性能的车架套了个卡车的壳子。这种车子前置后驱的结构,车身由结实的防滚架支撑,套上轻便的车壳。3.你可以百度搜索Baja1000赛事,里面能找到专业车队的trophy trucks。


当我们谈论乘坐交通工具时,该用哪个介词取决于我们说的是一般的交通方式还是具体的交通工具。如果谈论的是一般的交通方式时,用介词by, 例如:你可以by train(坐火车), by car(坐汽车), by bus(坐公共汽车), by truck(坐卡车) by plane(坐飞机), by motorcycle(坐摩托车), by helicopter (坐直升飞)或者 by boat (坐船)。此时不用任何冠词,名词也用单数形式。例如:I travel(go) by train: 意思是你经常或总是乘火车出行。介词by有一个例外。当说到步行时,使用“on”。例如,“I travel on foot”,而不说“I travel by foot”。但请注意,无论是哪种交通工具,都不用介词with。当我们谈论的是具体交通工具时,用介词“on”或“in”,并相应加上冠词a/an/the.对于火车、公共汽车、船只和飞机(trains, buses, boats and planes),用介词"on." 例如:I"m on the plane now. I have to turn off my phone. (我现在在飞机上。我得把手机关掉。)对于卡车、汽车和直升飞机(trucks, cars and helicopters), 用介词 "in." 例如:I"m in a taxi. (我在出租车里。)用“on”还是“in”有一个简单区分方法:如果你可以在交通工具中站起来或者走动,用on;如果你只能坐在交通工具里,就用in。例如,你不能站在出租车(taxi)里,所以要用in a taxi.用“on”还是“in”还有一个区分方法:如果是私人交通工具,如小汽车和卡车,使用in。如果是公共交通工具,如火车、公共汽车和飞机,使用on。

dodge trucks 是什么意思

道奇车例句:1.It has a bad product portfolio, with not only the chrysler brand but dodgeskewed towards the us, and trucks and vans. 克莱斯勒的产品组合很糟糕克莱斯勒品牌和道奇(dodge)都向美国倾斜,还有卡车和货车。2.When daimlerchrysler chose to build an assembly plant for dodge ram pick-up trucks in the middle of the northern mexico desert, it asked siemens toinstall a water recycling system. 戴姆勒-莱斯勒(daimlerchrysler)选择在墨西哥北部沙漠的中央建立一座“道奇公羊”(dodge ram)皮

trucks and trains前面应放置什么介词

当然是 by 了


看看吧!Truck一词,源自拉丁语 trochus [iron hoop钢箍],源自 希腊语 trokhos [wheel轮]。  于是,我们先看见的是一种车轮。  车轮嘛,古代最早的形式肯定不会是“钢箍”的“轮”,而是木轮大行其道,那是古代的技术和经济条件的局限所致。直到20世纪,中国农村普遍流行的车轮不也还是木轮么。  然而,随着时代的演进,结实的“钢箍轮”问世,人们立即意识到装有这种车轮的车的好处。  最早已知的应用truck是在1611年,当时指的是军舰上炮车的“无胎小轮”,因为炮车太重,不得不采用这种车轮。  自1771年始,开始指承载重型货物的“载重货车”,这货车还不是后来才出现的卡车(汽车的一种),而仅仅是说当时盛行的马车,只不过车轮采用了钢箍轮,因而载重量很大而已。  进而衍生指“马达动力的载重车”,即真正意义上的卡车时,已是1930年的事儿了。自此以后,truck表示卡车的说法才风行于世。  这中间的语义演进过程,都是在援引“钢箍轮”的结实,用于车辆而具有强大的载重能力。  所以“钢箍轮车”就是truck 一词的核心意义。  今天我们还可以看见在工厂或工地大量使用着各种各样的“(铁路上的)手摇车、敞车、无盖货车;(车站或车间的)电动搬运车;[英]无盖货车;转向台车;矿车、手推(老虎)车”,之所以英语会把它们都叫做truck,正因为它们因载重需要而采用“钢箍轮”。  还有“滚轮(idler wheel, trolley, roller, gyro wheel)、滚轴(roller, roller shaft, roll axis)”之类的工件,也被称为truck,不正是它们形体上具有“钢箍轮”的特点,而且可以作为车轮的代用品,用于上述诸多车辆嘛。  至于,truck 居然还能指“交易/换、打交道、来往、以物易物、买卖;实物工资(制)”等概念,那是出自于一种比喻,因为“钢箍轮”结实可靠,带来的是重量级的大宗货物,比其它的运送更值得信任,因而值得打交道。换句话说,就是与你打交道的,可是“钢箍轮”的硬通货啊,那你还不赶快去买卖,去使用?内容来自天涯英语词源 上面翻译添加了很多。truck (n.1)truck (v.2)"vehicle," 1610s, originally "small wheel" (especially one on which the carriages of a ship"s guns were mounted), probably from Latin trochus "iron hoop," from Greek trokhos "wheel," from trekhein "to run" (see truckle (n.)). Sense extended to "cart for carrying heavy loads" (1774), then in American English to "motor vehicle for carrying heavy loads" (1913), a shortened form of motor truck in this sense (1901).There have also been lost to the enemy 6,200 guns, 2,550 tanks and 70,000 trucks, which is the American name for lorries, and which, I understand, has been adopted by the combined staffs in North-West Africa in exchange for the use of the word petrol in place of gasolene. [Winston Churchill, address to joint session of U.S. Congress, May 19, 1943]Truck stop is attested from 1956.内容来自词根词源字典。回答别人的问题,积累自己的智慧。


truck这个英语单词经常作为名词使用,表示“卡车”的意思,truck还有动词和形容词用法,truck的及物动词含义为交易,以卡车运输,不及物动词含义为驾驶卡车,以物易物,truck表示形容词是,一般出现于美式英语中,表示“运货汽车的”的意思。 扩展资料   truck是可数名词吗   truck属于可数名词,truck的复数形式属于一般形式上的变化,truck的.复数形式直接在该单词后加“-s”,truck的复数形式是trucks。   truck短句分享   Wecan onlyseattwoin thetruck.   我们的敞篷货车里只能坐两个人。   Thetruckcrashed intoaparkedcar.   卡车撞上了一辆停放着的汽车。   Hepulledtoastopbehinda pickuptruck.   他把车停在了一辆小型货车后面。




你好!trucks n. 货车( truck的名词复数 ); (铁路的) 无盖货车; (行李) 搬运车; 1 (铁路上运送货物或动物的)敞篷车; [例句]One armoured column attempted to blast a path through a barricade of buses and trucks.一个武装纵队试图从公交车和卡车组成的路障中间炸出一条通道来。


"trucks"是一个英语单词,常用复数形式,可以表示多种不同的意思,具体中文解释如下:1、卡车,载重汽车这个意思通常是指货运车辆,用于在道路上运输大量货物。例如:The trucks on the highway are causing a lot of traffic.(高速公路上的卡车堵塞了交通。)The factory uses trucks to transport raw materials and finished products.(工厂使用卡车运输原材料和成品。)2、滑板车,托踏板车这个意思常用于美国北部地区,指一种由小孩子或年轻人骑乘的玩具车辆,类似于一个托踏板车一样的设备。例如:The kids were riding their trucks up and down the street all afternoon.(孩子们整个下午都在街上骑滑板车来回兜圈子。)机车,火车头在一些英国方言中,“trucks”也可以指由机车牵引的货车列车中位于最前面的机车或火车头。例如:The main locomotive is usually at the head of the trucks.(主机车通常在卡车列车的最前面。)需要注意的是,虽然“trucks”单词的含义存在一定的差异,但是使用上下文语境可以很好地判断其具体含义。


truck[英][tru028ck][美][tru028ck]n.货车; (铁路的)无盖货车; (行李)搬运车; vt.用卡车装运; vi.驾驶卡车; 以物易物; 第三人称单数:trucks过去分词:trucked复数:trucks现在进行时:trucking过去式:trucked例句:1.Or when a truck hits a piloted car? 或者说,如果卡车撞了自动驾驶汽车又怎么办?2.It was a startup that sold long-distance services viamicrowave towers to truck drivers. 刚刚起步时,MCI的业务是通过微波塔向卡车司机出售长途通信服务。3.A delivery truck entering the brewery. 运送啤酒的卡车驶入酿酒厂。4.C-note drives a truck through the night. 晚上,c-note驾驶着一辆货车。5.Truck drivers demanded six-figure salaries. 卡车司机也索要6位数的薪水。


truck的意思是卡车。读音:英[tru028ck],美[tru028ck]。释义:n.卡车;交易;手推车。vi.驾驶卡车;以物易物。vt.交易;以卡车运输。adj.(美)运货汽车的。变形:过去式trucked,过去分词trucked,现在分词trucking,第三人称单数trucks,复数trucks。短语:wash a truck刷洗卡车。light truck轻型卡车。delivery truck送货卡车。fire truck消防车。词义辨析truck,automobile,bus,car,lorry,taxi这六个词都可作“汽车”解。其区别是:car和automobile意思相同,均指载人或载物的汽车。前者是一般用词,后者是正式用词;前者主要用于英式英语,后者主要用于美式英语。car是车的总称,尤指私人的小轿车。bus指大型公共汽车。lorry与truck均指载货卡车。前者主要用于英式英语,后者主要用于美式英语。car在英美均可指火车车厢;truck在英国可指铁路上的敞篷货车。taxi指出租车。


trucks[tru028cks]n.货车( truck的名词复数 );(铁路的)无盖货车;(行李)搬运车;1 (铁路上运送货物或动物的)敞篷车双语例句1.The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their loads.货车在仓库等着装载货物。2.Cars and trucks swooshed past.汽车和卡车嗖嗖地疾驶而过。3.We could feel the vibrations from the trucks passing outside.我们可以感到外面卡车经过时的颤动。4.A couple of tanks convoyed the trucks across the border.几辆坦克护送着卡车穿越边境。5.Cars, trucks and buses produce exhaust nearly as harmful as the factories.汽车、卡车和公共汽车排出的废气和工厂的废气差不多同样有害。


chua ke(拼音),重音在chua上

stamp, die casting, die struck的区别是什么?

stamp:打印、冲击(印章、刻字、打字等)die casting :压力铸造(铝、锌、镁合金等)die struck:冲压(冲床冲压钢板)

曲婉婷 Love Struck Me Down ,life is a struggle 中英歌词

《Love Struck Me Down》歌手:曲婉婷所属专辑:《Say The Words》发行时间:2013-10-18中英对照:I‘m going back to the sunset strip我折回日落大道A place I fell in love with a man一个我爱上一个男人的地方I know I had to see him again我知道我将再见到他So I drove a thousand miles in a day所以我今天驱车千里Fourteen hours seemed like a piece of cake十四小时好像很轻易的就过去了Cause I know in the end the price was worth the fight因为我知道付出的代价到头来还是值得的There he was, standing with his puzzled eyes果然他在那里,眼睛茫然的站在那Then he closed the gaps between us, lips inches away你打破我彼此间的隔阂,你我嘴唇仅隔咫尺Suddenly love struck me down突然心中的爱将我击倒My knees hit the ground我的双膝碰撞在地上He loved me back你的爱让我回到Like it was yesterday oh…就像回到了昨天Love struck me down爱将我击垮I weep but no sound我无声的哭泣A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮It"s been three years since you left town从你离开小镇已经有三年了How"ve you been I hope life didn"t bring you down你过的怎样,我希望生活没有将你击倒You must have met someone like me by now如今你肯定见过像我这样的人了Sunday morning I was in bed周日早晨我赖在床上Let the phone ring but it wouldn"t end电话铃响着,不断的响着I was mad, I picked up, it was you我受不了了,拿起电话,是你“Hey you, I am back for good now…”“嘿,亲,我想和你重归于好”Then it brought me back to that day然后带我回到那天your lips inches away你我嘴唇仅隔咫尺Suddenly love struck me down爱突然将我击倒My knees hit the ground我的双膝碰撞在地上He loved me back你的爱让我回到Like it was yesterday oh…就像回到了昨天Love struck me down爱将我击垮I weep but no sound我无声的哭泣A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮Just ask me to stay. I"ll stay for the night请求让我留下,我会在这里过夜There"s nowhere else I rather be than没有别的地方可去here with your body next to mine你的身体紧挨着我Holding me tight…搂的很紧Back into your arms我钻进你的臂膀love struck me down爱将我击垮My knees hit the ground我的双膝碰撞在地上He loved me back你的爱让我回到Like it was yesterday oh…就像回到了昨天Love struck me down爱将我击垮I weep but no sound我无声的哭泣A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮A long awaited love struck me down一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮《Life Is a Struggle》歌手:曲婉婷所属专辑:《Say The Words》发行时间:2013-10-18中英对照:Life is a struggle, I"m not the only one人生是一场搏斗(奋斗),我不是仅有的一个。Love is a tangle and I"m not the only one爱情是一种纠缠,我不是仅有的一个。Everyone grows old and I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still feeling so alone?那么我TMD为什么还是觉得如此孤独?Once again, I"m at a crossroads再一次,我站在十字路口Wondering which way I should go犹豫该走哪条路If I go, will it take me home?如果我走向其中一条,它会将我领回家么?In my heart, I know…在内心里,我知道Life is a struggle, I"m not the only one人生是一场搏斗,我不是仅有的一个。Love is a tangle and I"m not the only one爱情是一种纠缠,我不是仅有的一个。Everyone grows old. I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still feeling so alone?那么我TMD为什么还是觉得如此孤独?((tmd三个字可不要。。。)Once again, I"m hanging by a thread再一次,我岌岌可危(命悬一线)Wondering if I should have my eyes closed如果我闭上眼睛Before I cut my safety rope在我切断悬我的绳子之前(与前面命悬一线对应)In my heart, I know…在内心深处,我知道Life is a struggle, I"m not the only one人生是一场搏斗,我不是仅有一个。Love is a tangle and I"m not the only one爱情是一种纠缠,我不是仅有的一个。Everyone grows old. I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still feeling so…那么我TMD为什么还是觉得如此….How am I still feeling so…我还是感觉如此…Why the hell am I still feeling so…alone?那么我为什么还是觉得如此孤独?Everybody wants to have someone to hold每个人都想要有那么一个人拥抱自己Then why the hell am I still feeling so…那么我为什么还是觉得如此…How am I still feeling so…我还是感觉如此…Why the hell am I still feeling so…alone?那么我为什么还是觉得如此孤独?Life is a struggle…人生是一场奋斗Love is a tangle…爱是一种纠缠Everyone grows old and I"m not the only one每个人都将老去,我不是仅有的一个Then why the hell am I still… alone那么我为什么还是觉得如此孤独?


是stuck 还是struck?如果是struck,和stick根本没有关系. 如果是stuck,如下: This tape STICKS well. This thing is stuck!



high-clearance truck什么意思




The Derek Trucks Band的《Revolution》 歌词

歌曲名:Revolution歌手:The Derek Trucks Band专辑:SonglinesRevolution F.I.R词曲:F.I.R高跟鞋 太过脆弱承受不了垂死的梦他眼神冰冷折磨对于爱算计太多 I can"t breath (Baby tell me what u want, maybe cuz I"m head over heels in this catchin" and find situation)会是谁又犯了错无力抗拒Baby tell me what u want, maybecuz I"m head over heels in this catchin" and find situation)致命诱惑下一秒 混乱坠落加速逃离 devil"s control别回头要召唤最骄傲的自由甩开一切 revolution幸福之后让人窒息不安全感弥漫空气 无法呼吸甩开一切 revolution别再叫我冷静的听 毁灭之前要看透你someone let me free



thunderstruck ~ac/dc 歌词

Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunderI was caughtIn the middle of a railroad trackI looked roundAnd I knew there was no turning backMy mind racedAnd I thought what could I doAnd I knewThere was no help, no help from youSound of the drumsBeating in my heartThe thunder of gunsTore me apartYou"ve beenThunderstruckRode down the highwayBroke the limit, we hit the townWent through to Texas, yeah Texas, and we had some funWe met some girlsSome dancers who gave a good timeBroke all the rulesPlayed all the foolsYeah yeah they, they, they blew our mindsAnd I was shaking at the kneesCould I come again pleaseYeah them ladies were too kindYou"ve beenThunderstruckI was shaking at the kneesCould I come again pleaseThunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, ThunderstruckIt"s alright, we"re doin" fineIt"s alright, we"re doin" fine, fine, fineThunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeahThunderstruck, ThunderstruckThunderstruck, baby, babyThunderstruck, you"ve been ThunderstruckThunderstruck, ThunderstruckYou"ve been Thunderstruck

Thunderstruck 歌词

歌曲名:Thunderstruck歌手:David Garrett专辑:EncoreTHUNDERSTRUCKAC/DC(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunder!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!) Thunder!(Thunder!)Thunder!(Thunder!)I was caught,In the middle of a railroad track! (Thunder!)I looked "round,And I knew there was no turnin" back! (Thunder!)My mind raced,And I thought, "What could I do?" (Thunder!)And I knew,There was no help, no help from you! (Thunder!)Sound of the drums...Beatin" in my heart!The thunder of guns, yeah...Tore me apart!You"ve been... thunderstruck!Rode down the highway,Broke the limit, we hit the town!Went through to Texas,Yeah, Texas, and we had some fun!We met some girls,Some dancers who gave a good time!Broke all the rules, played all the fools,Yeah-yeah, they - they - they blew our mind!And I was shakin" at the knees!Could I come again, please?Yeah, the ladies were too kind!You"ve been...You"ve been... thunderstruck! Thunderstruck!Yeah-yeah-yeah, thunderstruck!Ooh, thunderstruck!Yeah...I was shakin" at the knees!Could I come again, please?Ow!SOLORah-rah-rah-rah-rah...Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah...Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah...Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah...Ooh...Thunderstruck! Thunderstruck!Yeah-yeah-yeah, thunderstruck!Thunderstruck!Yeah-yeah-yeah, said:Yeah, it"s alright!We"re - doin" fine!Yeah, it"s alright!We"re - doin" fine!So fine!Thunderstruck!Yeah-yeah-yeah, thunderstruck!Thunderstruck! (Thunderstruck!)Whoa, baby-baby! (Thunderstruck!)You"ve been thunderstruck!(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah, thunderstruck!)(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!) Thunderstruck!(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!) Thunderstruck!(Rah-rah-rah-rah-rah!) You"ve been thunderstruck!

Patti Austin的《Starstruck》 歌词

歌曲名:Starstruck歌手:Patti Austin专辑:Patti AustinStar StruckYellowcardManufacture Frow The SWRWhere is your inspiration, you lost it, oh so long agoSo much for innovation, I saw this coming long beforeYou had no motivation, your hopes are high but trapped below,This constant competition, we"ve won but your still keeping scoreBut I grew up, wishing on a starYou think I won"t ever get too far.So high on dedication, it feels so good to get away,From all this repetition, this angry town, this battlegroundSo now we"ll break tradition, we"ll leave you swimming in our wakeWithout your inspiration, you won"t survive, you"ll surely drownBut I grew up, wishing on a starYou think I won"t ever get too farSo now I am wishing on a starYou think I won"t ever get too farBut I grew up, wishing on a starYou think I won"t ever get too farSo now I am wishing on a starYou think I won"t ever get too farWhere is your inspiration, you lost it oh so long ago

Starstruck (Live From London) 歌词

歌曲名:Starstruck (Live From London)歌手:Robbie Williams专辑:Live From LondonRobbie Williams - StarstruckYou laugh at us, we"re differentWe laugh "cause you"re all the sameBy the look on your face babyWe"ve been enjoying ourselves againI know that you criedI know why you tried so hardReady, steady, goEverybody famousEveryone you knowWhy"d it take you ages?I don"t have to listen, read, love like youI"ve got no problem with the physical, minimal real lifeLiving in hysterica for everybody"s bettermentIsn"t it a miracle, Everybody starstruckI guess the odds are very goodBut the goods are very oddAnd even though I talk with the devilI only made the deal with god.I am a lonelistKnock one off the rest so hardReady, steady, goEverybody famousEveryone you knowWhy"d it take you ages?I don"t have to listen, read, love like youI"ve got no problem with the physical, minimal real lifeLiving in hysterica for everybody"s bettermentIsn"t it a miracle, Everybody starstruckYou want to stopBut you can"t, can you?I was lovelyOn the way upOn the way upReady, steady, goEverybody famousEveryone you knowWhy"d it take you ages?I don"t have to listen, read, love like youI"ve got no problem with the physical, minimal real lifeLiving in hysterica for everybody"s bettermentIsn"t it a miracle, Everybody starstruckReady, steady, goI don"t have to listen, read, love like youI"ve got no problem with the physical, minimal real lifeLiving in hysterica for everybody"s bettermentIsn"t it a miracle, Everybody starstruckEverybody starstruckReady, steady, go


Lady GaGa (Feat. Space Cowboy & Flo Rida) - StarstruckGroove slam work it backFilter that baby bump that trackGroove slam work it backFilter that baby bump that trackGroove slam work it backSpace Cowboy just play that trackGaga in the room so starstruckcherry cherry cherry cherry boom boomRollin up to the club on the weekendStylin" out to the beat that you"re freakinFantasize on the track that you"re tweakin" blow my heart upPut your hands on my waist, pull the faderRun it back with original flavorCue me up on the twelve on your table.......在周末冲去夜店穿上(意指尽情律动)你最爱的音乐沈醉在那歌曲的幻境使我心跳加速把你的手放在我的腰际、尽情放大音量将那音乐拉回原音(意指不要混音)将我立定排名、我是你第12人选我魅力四射魅力四射、亲爱的你可以让我心动不以吗?现在我们终于独处、我有个小小要求你可以把我排进第一清单吗?拿起你肮脏的耳机、开启左耳的音效开始前后伸展(这边是指激情戏),阿阿把你的手放在我的腰际、尽情放大音量将那音乐拉回原音(意指不要混音)先将音乐分解直接将副歌回放再回放TELEPHONE(LADY GAGA)Hello, hello, baby,You called, I can"t hear a thing嗨,宝贝,你打的电话我听不到I have got no service in the club, you see, see你知道的,我在club里收不到信号Wha-Wha-What did you say什么?你说什么Oh, you"re breaking up on me哦,原来你要和我分手Sorry, I cannot hear you, I"m kinda busy抱歉,我听不清楚你在说什么.因为我有点儿忙K-kinda busy K-kinda busy有点儿忙Sorry, I can"t hear you, I"m kinda busy抱歉,我听不清楚你在说什么.因为我有点儿忙Hello, hello, baby,You called, I can"t hear a thing嗨,宝贝,你打的电话我听不到I have got no service in the club, you see, see你知道的,我在club里收不到信号Wha-Wha-What did you say什么?你说什么Oh, you"re breaking up on me哦,原来你要和我分手Sorry, I cannot hear you, I"m kinda busy抱歉,我听不清楚你在说什么.因为我有点儿忙K-kinda busy K-kinda busy有点儿忙Sorry, I can"t hear you, I"m kinda busy抱歉,我听不清楚你在说什么.因为我有点儿忙Hello, hello, baby,You called, I can"t hear a thing嗨,宝贝,你打的电话我听不到I have got no service in the club, you see, see你知道的,我在club里收不到信号Wha-Wha-What did you say什么?你说什么Oh, you"re breaking up on me哦,原来你要和我分手Sorry, I cannot hear you, I"m kinda busy抱歉,我听不清楚你在说什么.因为我有点儿忙K-kinda busy K-kinda busy有点儿忙Sorry, I can"t hear you, I"m kinda busy抱歉,我听不清楚你在说什么.因为我有点儿忙Just a second, it"s my favorite song they"re gonna play等一下,他们现在正在放我最喜欢的歌And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh我手里拿着饮料所以就不能给你发信息了You should made some plans with me,you knew that I was free你也知道我是自由身了,所以你做什么事逗该和我商量一下And now you won"t stop calling me那么现在就停止给我打电话吧I"m kinda busy因为我在忙Stop calling,stop calling别再打来了I don"t wanna think anymore我什么也不要想I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor只要全身心的投入到舞池里Stop calling,stop calling别再打了I don"t wanna talk anymore我什么也不想说I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.只要全身心的投入到舞池里Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, ehStop telephonin" me停止给我打电话Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, ehI"m busy我很忙Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, ehStop telephoning me停止给我打电话Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, ehCan call all you want, but there"s no one home你随时都可以打来,只是不会有人在家and you"re not gonna reach my telephone你也不会得到我的号码Out in the club, and I"m sippin" that bub我正在club和那个家伙一起喝着香槟and you"re not gonna reach my telephone你也不会得到我的号码Call when you want, but there"s no one home你随时都可以打来,只是不会有人在家and you"re not gonna reach my telephone你也不会得到我的号码Out in the club, and I"m sippin" that bub我正在club和那个家伙一起喝着香槟and you"re not gonna reach my telephone你不会得到我的号码Boy, the way you blowin" up my phone宝贝,用这种方法轰炸我的手机won"t make me leave no faster.不会使我离开你的脚步放慢Put my coat on faster, leave my girls no faster.迅速的穿上外衣,等女友们跟上我的节奏I shoulda left my phone at home我本应该把电话放在家的cause this is a disaster而现在它简直像灾难一样Callin" like a collector不停地响就像有自动拨打它sorry, I cannot answer抱歉,这让我无法接听Not that I don"t like you, I"m just at a party并不是我不喜欢你,只是我正在参加派对And I am sick and tired of my phone r-ringing我对我电话响个不停已经感到厌烦了Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station有的时候我甚至感觉自己就像站在中央车站一样Tonight I"m not takin" no calls, cause I"ll be dancing今晚我一个电话也不会接,因为我要热舞Cause I"ll be dancing因为我要跳舞Cause I"ll be dancing因为我要跳舞Tonight I"m not takin" no calls, cause I"ll be dancing今晚一个电话我也不会接,因为我要跳舞We"re sorry…the number you have reached很抱歉,您所拨打的号码is not in service at this time.现在不在服务区Please check the number, or try your call again请核实该号码,或稍后重播LOVEGAME(LADY GAGA)Let"s have some fun this beat is sickI wanna take a ride on your disco stickLet"s have some fun this beat is sickI wanna take a ride on your disco stick这心跳越来越乱 让我们来找点乐子吧我想要骑在你的disco stick上这心跳越来越乱 让我们来找点乐子吧我想要骑在你的disco stick上Huh, HuhI wanna kiss youBut if I do then I might miss you babeIt"s complicated and stupidGot my ass squeezed by sexy CupidGuess he wants to playWants to playA LOVEGAMEA LOVEGAME我想亲你但如果我那麼做我就会很想念你 宝贝一切是如此地复杂又愚蠢我的臀部被性感邱比特抓著我想他是想玩他想玩一场爱情游戏一场爱情游戏Hold me and love meJust wanna touch you for a minuteMaybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it占有我并且爱我只是想要多抚摸你一分钟也许三秒就足够让我的心全身而退Let"s have some fun this beat is sickI wanna take a ride on your disco stickDon"t think too much just bust that kickI wanna take a ride on your disco stick这心跳越来越乱 让我们来找点乐子吧我想要骑在你的disco stick上别想太多 只要玩得疯就好我想要骑在你的disco stick上Let"s play a LOVEGAMEPlay a LOVEGAMEDo you want love?Or you want fame?Are you in the game?Dans, the LOVEGAME我们来玩一场爱情戏完一场爱情游戏你想要爱情?还是你想要名誉?你享受在游戏之中吗?I"m on a missionAnd it involves some heavy touching, yeahYou"ve indicate your interestI"m educated in sex, yesAnd now I want it badWant it badA LOVEGAMEA LOVEGAME这是我该做的而且它也意味著我必须用力点抚摸 对吧你也表现出一脸感兴趣的样子我对性是很有经验的 没错而现在我想使坏想使坏一场爱情游戏一场爱情游戏Hold me and love meJust wanna touch you for a minuteMaybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it占有我并且爱我只是想要多抚摸你一分钟也许三秒就足够让我的心全身而退Huh, HuhI can see you staring there from across the blockWith a smile on your mouth and your hand on your, Huh!The story of us, it always starts the sameWith a boy and a girl and a huh! and a game我能看到你从对街就闪耀著光芒嘴角上扬起一抹微笑 而你的手在你的 Huh!我们的故事 开头总是一样的一个男孩和一个女孩和Huh! 和一场游戏And a gameAnd a gameAnd a gameA LOVEGAME和一场游戏和一场游戏和一场游戏一场爱情游戏好累的,给我加分哦!

lady GaGa Starstruck歌词,要英文的谢谢

Lady Gaga-Starstruck Groove Slam Work it back Filter that Baby bump that track Groove Slam Work it back Filter that Baby bump that track Groove Slam Work it back Space Cowboy just play that track Gaga in the room So Starstruck Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Boom Boom Rollin" up to the club on the weekend Stylin" out to the beat that you"re freakin Fantasize I"m the track that you"re tweakin Blow my heart up Put your hands on my waist pull the fader Run it back with original flavor Cue me up I"m the 12 on your table I"m so Starstruck I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up Baby now that were alone gotta request Would you make me number one on your playlist Got your Dre headphones with the leftside on Wanna scratch me back and forth back and forth Uh huh Put your hands on my waist pull the fader Run it back with original flavor Get the breakdown first Up until the chorus To the verseRe-ke-re-ke-Reverse I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up Hey lil mamma like really really is that him I done seen you before what you got on them big rims Enter that cash flow I"m like baby you dont trip So shawty say hand over your signature right here Like adjust the dotted line and I suppose to sign How she at it a fanatic and I think it"s goin down She so star struck the gal all stuck I should have had an overdose too many Starbucks Ain"t never seen a balla paper that stack taller Notice who let the top back on the Chevy impala Hummers and all that fully loaded with two spoilers What did you call that when you showed up with two dollars But that"s another chapter son of a bachelor All on me just spotted a baby actor Complete swagga they go the dagga Got what she wants shawty happily ever after I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up Groove Slam Work it back Filter that Baby bump that track Groove Slam Work it back Filter that Baby bump that track Groove Slam Work it back Filter that Baby bump that track Groove Slam Work it back Filter that Baby bump taht track Baby now that were alone gotta request Would you make me number one on your playlist Got your Dre headphones with the leftside on Wanna scratch me back and forth back and forth Uh huh Put your hands on my waist pull the fader Run it back with original flavor Get the breakdown first Up until the chorus To the verse Im so Im so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up I"m so Starstruck Baby cause you blow my heart up


1.点击获取左边的3盆花,然后点击右边的车。获得一盆花,软管和锤子。2.回到花店门口,用锤子打开箱子获得一盆花。把软管放在水龙头下面,点击水龙头开关冲洗掉车子上的泥。按照车上的位置,摆放5盆花。完成后如下图。3.进入花店,点击左上角微微发亮的地方,打开灯。点击如下图的位置,获取浇水壶和钳子。打开抽屉,查看账单。同时点击鹦鹉和墙上的肖像,获得信息。4.到花店外面,把软管卸下来,给浇水壶装满水后回到店里。把水放进地上空的花瓶里面,获得紫色的板。点击玻璃柜,输入密码1542,打开后获得橘子和香蕉。把橘子给鹦鹉吃,然后再点击鹦鹉获得信息。5.点击墙上的柜子,根据鹦鹉的提示找到相应的花朵,记住它们的颜色。输入密码紫色,黄色,橙色打开柜子。6.把紫色的板放上去,依次拼好3个图。完成后获得钥匙。7.回到店外,用钥匙打开车后箱。点击木箱获得信息。点击带锁的柜子,输入密码AXEL。用钳子打开带锁的木箱。然后给猴子吃香蕉。点击查看箱子底部的纸条。8.点击车前面的屏幕,打开开关,输入YOUR CODE,每一列只能使用一个字母。然后根据猴子的字条,花店门口的招牌,输入密码5432。依次点击3个位置,触发独白后,游戏通关。


qq音乐里有明星之恋这张专辑、、里面的歌曲都可以找到的、、歌词sterling knight——StarstruckOh Oh, yeah,Oh Oh, yeah,Oh Oh, yeah,Oh OhEvery girl every boy 少男少女们They got your posters on their wall, 他们在墙上贴面你的海报Yeah.Photographs, autographs,The minute you step out the door 你踏出大门的一瞬间 相机 签名扑面而来You will need the applause 当然还有热情的掌声Papparazzi"s hiding in the bushes 狗子队躲在灌木丛里Trying to make a dollar 就为了赚那么一点钱Wanna be you When they see you 每当他们看到你时 就会对你无比羡慕They scream out loud! 继续放声尖叫Starstruck! 明星之恋Camera flashes Cover of magazines 闪烁镁光 杂志封面(Whoa Oh Oh)Starstruck! Designer sunglasses 明星之恋 带上定制的墨镜Livin" the dream as a teen 年少时就实现梦想Driving the fancy cars, Hollywood Blvd 开着靓车奔驰在好莱坞大道上Heard the crowd calling your name听见人群呼喊你的名字Yeah.Starstruck! 明星之恋Prepare to get Starstruck! 准备好恋上明星Oh yeahClimbing life, lookin" flyPerfect smiles,On the way to the limousineYeahEverywhere first in line, VIP,Hanging out with celebritiesYeahAnd all the pretty girls,They wanna date yaTrying to make you hollerHollerWanna be you When they see you 每当他们看到你时 就会对你无比羡慕They scream out loud!Starstruck! 明星之恋Camera flashes Cover of magazines闪烁镁光 杂志封面(Whoa Oh Oh)Starstruck!Designer sunglasses 明星之恋 带上定制的墨镜Livin" the dream as a teen 年少时就实现梦想Driying the fancy cars Hollywood blvd 开着靓车奔驰在好莱坞大道上Hear the crowd calling your name 听见人群呼喊你的名字YeahStarstruck!Prepare to get 准备好恋上明星Starstruck!Oh right 就是这样Oh OhYeahOh OhStarstruck 明星之恋Oh OhYeahOh OhYeahAs soon as you move They gonna talk about it 你的一举一动 无不被人热议In the pic or the news They gonna talk about it 报纸 新闻 时刻关注着你Cause your on the A-list You better believe it 因为你是第一选择 你最好相信这一切You better believe it 你最好相信这一切YeahWhatever you do (Whatever you do)无论你做什么Doesn"t matter if is trueCause your on the top 因为你是最热门的话题And nothing can stop ya 没人能够阻止你And nothing can stop ya 没人能够阻止你Starstruck! 明星之恋Camera flashes Cover of magazines闪烁镁光 杂志封面(Whoa Oh Oh)Starstruck! Designer sunglasses 明星之恋 带上定制的墨镜Livin" the dream as a teen 年少时就实现梦想Driying the fancy cars Hollywood Blvd开着靓车奔驰在好莱坞大道上Heard the crowd calling your name听见人群呼喊你的名字YeahStarstruck! 明星之恋Camera flashes Cover of magazines闪烁镁光 杂志封面Oh OhStarstruck!Designer sunglasses 明星之恋 带上定制的墨镜Livin" the dream as a teen 年少时就实现梦想Driying the fancy cars Hollywood blvd 开着靓车奔驰在好莱坞大道上Heard the crowd calling your name 听见人群呼喊你的名字YeahStarstruck!Prepare to get Starstruck! 准备恋上明星Oh yeah

Rainbow的《Starstruck》 歌词

歌曲名:Starstruck歌手:Rainbow专辑:ClassicY.Lam - StarstruckThere is a girl in my mind(She is) the type of star that"d make the sun go blindAn ordinary girlOut of all that"s in the worldShe is a superstar to meShe got me speechlessShe got me staringShe got me looking like an idiotAnd i don"t know what to doShe"s that one of a kindGod"s masterpiece in designI"ve never met anybody so divineGirl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI lose my breatheAnd the words I wanna sayIf I ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life awayGirl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI-I-I stutterAnd make a fool of myselfIf i ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life awayI don"t know why this is happening(Because) usually the girls would find me impressingSelf conscious I becameDon"t wanna say the wrong things"Cause she might think that I am insaneShe got me speechlessShe got me staringShe got me looking like an idiotAnd i don"t know what to doShe"s that one of a kindGod"s masterpiece in designI"ve never met anybody so divineGirl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI lose my breatheAnd the words I wanna sayIf I ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life awayGirl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI-I-I stutterAnd make a fool of myselfIf i ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life awayWhatever touches your handsWill probably turn into goldThis is how magical and special you areNobody gives me the feeling that you"re giving meIt"s crazy I knowOh~Girl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI lose my breatheAnd the words I wanna sayIf I ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life awayGirl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI-I-I stutterAnd make a fool of myselfIf i ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life away

ladder truck造句 ladder truckの例文 "ladder truck"是什麼意思

Let us use your ladder truck . - get up now 让我使用你的云梯车吧起来了! When a new york fire department ladder truck .纽约消防队的一辆云梯车 We " ve got no business with you . - we need a ladder truck 我们和你没有生意来往我们需要云梯车! We " ve got a ladder truck ing . have them move their cars 我们有辆云梯车要进来叫他们把车子移一下 We " re waiting for the ladder truck 我们正在等云梯车 Three days later fireman bob picked up billy , dressed him in his fire uniform and escorted him from his hospital bed to the ladder truck 三天后,消防员鲍勃来接比利,为他穿上消防制服,从医院病床一直陪同来到装著长梯的消防车上。 About five minutes later a ladder truck arrived at the hospital , extended its ladder up to billy " s third floor open window and 5 firefighters cpmbed up the ladder into billy " s room 约莫五分钟后,装著长梯的消防车到了医院,将梯子伸到三楼比利敞开的窗户上,五名消防员爬上梯子进入比利的房间。 It"s difficult to find ladder truck in a sentence. 用 ladder truck 造句挺难的


hit一般是碰撞,注重结果 beat指连续打击 通常为有意的 struck是strike的过去式 比较抽象 比较正式 用手或物 可轻可重 有意或无意地打.



rail and truck是什么意思

字面上 rail and truck 的意思是:铁路和卡车但如果句子是关于交通运输的话,rail 通常指铁路(火车)运输, 所以 rail and truck 可以翻译为:火车和卡车 (运输)

struck on the ground 和 struck the ground 有什么区别。


Rainbow的《Starstruck》 歌词

歌曲名:Starstruck歌手:Rainbow专辑:Colour CollectionY.Lam - StarstruckThere is a girl in my mind(She is) the type of star that"d make the sun go blindAn ordinary girlOut of all that"s in the worldShe is a superstar to meShe got me speechlessShe got me staringShe got me looking like an idiotAnd i don"t know what to doShe"s that one of a kindGod"s masterpiece in designI"ve never met anybody so divineGirl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI lose my breatheAnd the words I wanna sayIf I ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life awayGirl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI-I-I stutterAnd make a fool of myselfIf i ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life awayI don"t know why this is happening(Because) usually the girls would find me impressingSelf conscious I becameDon"t wanna say the wrong things"Cause she might think that I am insaneShe got me speechlessShe got me staringShe got me looking like an idiotAnd i don"t know what to doShe"s that one of a kindGod"s masterpiece in designI"ve never met anybody so divineGirl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI lose my breatheAnd the words I wanna sayIf I ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life awayGirl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI-I-I stutterAnd make a fool of myselfIf i ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life awayWhatever touches your handsWill probably turn into goldThis is how magical and special you areNobody gives me the feeling that you"re giving meIt"s crazy I knowOh~Girl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI lose my breatheAnd the words I wanna sayIf I ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life awayGirl you know i"m starstruck when you"re aroundIt"s amazing how every timeI-I-I stutterAnd make a fool of myselfIf i ever get to speak to you face to faceIt"ll probably take my life away




目前,关于特斯拉几款全新产品的发布节凑,已知的是使用4680电池的Model Y 仍会在 2021 年推出,生产工厂为美国奥斯汀和德国柏林的新建超级工厂,而中国上海的特斯拉超级工厂暂无生产4680电池Model Y的计划。 对于大家更关心的超酷电动皮卡Cybertruck,目前未表明是否会按原计划在4680 Model Y投产后开始排产。 这一部分,目前有个新的不确定因素,那就是特斯拉又又又又推迟了首款纯电卡车Semi的上市时间,Cybertruck是否会不知不觉加入延期军团,不好预估。 特斯拉在其 2021 年第二季度的财务报告中宣布,全电动 Tesla Semi 计划转移到 2022 年推出,这又是一次延迟。 让我们回想一下,Semi 于 2017 年亮相(该公司宣布了 300 英里和 500 英里版本),原计划于 2019 年推出。但最初的交付计划明显延误了。 在最近几个季度,特斯拉的目标是 2021 年开始交付Semi电动卡车,尽管今年早些时候我们看到了重新设计的第二代原型车,此前还有人预测到2021年12月,特斯拉将开始每周生产100辆Semi卡车,但这事不会发生了。 特斯拉解释说,目前必须专注于其他项目,同时两款卡车的进度还取决于“许多新产品和制造技术、持续的供应链相关挑战和区域许可(指柏林超级工厂又陷入一些许可文件中而影响了工程进度)。” 首先,特斯拉试图在 2021 年年底之前在德国和德克萨斯州奥斯汀开始生产 Model Y(带有巨型铸件和结构电池组,由 4680 圆柱形电池单元组成)。 4680 电池的量产进度有延迟,这也是影响 Tesla Semi 计划的主要因素。 “我们相信,我们仍有望于 2021 年在柏林和奥斯汀建造我们的第一辆4680 电池版本的 Model Y 。各自生产坡道的步伐将受到许多新产品和制造技术的成功引入、与供应链相关的持续挑战以及区域许可。为了更好地解决眼前这些由于电池单元的供应有限和全球供应链带来的挑战,我们已将Semi半挂卡车交付计划的启动时间推迟到 2022 年。” 实际上,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆马斯克在 2021 年 3 月暗示了 Semi 的电池限制: 当时有人提问:“Semi 怎么样了,Elon? 您认为我们会在哪一年看到领先的无人驾驶半挂 汽车 ?” 埃隆·马斯克:“我们现在的供应链受限太多,但明年可能会好起来。” 他后来澄清说,到 2022 年,扩大 Semi 的生产将更容易。 换句话说,这不是一个大惊喜,但有点遗憾的是,可能还要再等一年才能看到特斯拉进入一个新的细分市场——大型纯电动半挂卡车市场。 根据官方报道,分配给 Giga Austin (奥斯汀)工厂生产的Cybertruck 皮卡将跟随4680电池版的 Model Y 同时发布。 “我们还在推进 Cybertruck 的工业化大批量生产,目前计划在 Model Y (4680电池版)之后在奥斯汀生产。” 这表明我们今年可能看不到 Cybertruck 的发布,因为即使是 2021 年底的 Model Y 发布也充满挑战,完全是由于 4680 电池的生产限制。 根据特斯拉在最新季度财报中关于4680电池的描述,这款新型电池已经成功验证了性能和寿命,到目前为止,在实现量产方面还有约10%的工艺需要改进。今年还剩下4个多月,看样子,4680版的Model Y可能只能刚刚好卡在2021年结束的压哨声中走下生产线了。至于排在后面的Cybertruck,大概率会在2022年正式量产。 好吧,也许特斯拉会在年底设法开始少量试生产,但让我们面对现实,超百万下单的Cybertruck车主们,最早可能将在 2022 年才有可能提到自己的爱车。


单轴卡车 semi-truck: 双轮卡车


当特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡变身为各种工具车会是什么样子?下边的这7种车型渲染图一定可以满足你的好奇心,一起来看看吧。【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-救护车】救护车角色的Cyber truck采用了类似英国救护车的黄色和绿色涂装,可以看到前包围和车身周边都增加了白蓝的警示灯,车顶也安装了救护车专用的警灯。重要的是特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡原车就配备了高低可调节的空气悬架,这样在日常使用中能极大的提升便利性。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-海岸警卫队】海岸警卫队风格的Cyber truck看上去非常炫酷,外观方面进行了众多的改装。可以看到该车的前包围已经换装成了通过性更强的保险杠,并且还带有绞盘。既然是海岸警卫队就避免不了沙地中行驶,所以不仅升高了底盘同时也换装了更大尺寸的越野轮胎。车顶和后视镜都安装了用来提升照明的LED光源,而车尾方面则是金属框架用来增加实用性和坚固性。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-披萨外卖】当你打开门,看到一台特斯拉Cyber truck来给你送披萨会不会感到惊讶和意外,那么宣传的效果就达到了吧。对于店家来讲,想让你的外卖披萨和店里刚出炉的拥有一样的口感么?那么选择一台0-100km/h加速时间仅为2.9秒的特斯拉Cyber truck吧,保证客户手中的披萨热度丝毫不减。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-出租车】与披萨外卖车一样,迟到了需要赶飞机么?选择一台特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡出租车吧,不仅快速,还兼顾了安全可靠。并且作为一台出租车,宽大的内部空间是一大重点,特斯拉Cyber truck内有宽敞空间,甚至还可以安装下一个单人床,可以非常轻松的容纳五个人的家庭和他们的行李。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-警车】如果上边的都是虚构,那么特斯拉Cyber truck当作警车可以事实了。迪拜警方已经宣布,将在其车队中增加Cyber truck车型,未来在迪拜超豪华的警车阵容中,不仅可以看到布加迪威龙,兰博基尼Aventador,阿斯顿·马丁One-77等等,还能看到特斯拉Cyber truck。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-UPS快递】为什么加入快递车行列?特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡 14,000磅的牵引能力就是最有效的说明。再加上出色的通过性能,相信不论你家在何处,都能又快又安全的收到包裹。而且特斯拉Cyber truck作为快递车也不是没有可能,据悉美国邮政总局已经拨出一笔数目庞大的资金用来更换老旧设备,这其中就包括14万辆老旧卡车。 【特斯拉Cyber truck纯电皮卡-道路援助】拖曳、拖拉、车载充电等等都能让特斯拉Cyber truck胜任道路援助的工作。而且在欧美国家道路救援服务的价钱可并不便宜,尤其是偏远一些的地方。如果采用特斯拉Cyber truck作为道路救援车型,是不是节省下的油钱、维修保养钱都可以让服务价格降低一些呢? 怎么样?以上的这7种工具车类型你更喜欢哪一种呢?或者你还有哪些想法,不如在评论里留言吧。

lovestruck the vamps中文和英文歌词,求好人,答好了,给200,求好人

英文Lovestruck - The VampsYou, YouExcuse me miss,I don"t ever do this,Must admit I"m pretty nervous,But just in case you say yes.I had to ask,If you already had dinner plans,I know you probably have a man,But if you happen to be unattached.I"d sing your name over the airways,Crash your couch and sleep on the stairway.If not tonight, maybe tomorrow cause,I"m hung up, I"m shook up,I"m lovestruck.I"d wait all day, just for a maybeI"m trying to find a way to be worthy.If not tonight, maybe tomorrow causeI"m hung up, I"m shook up,I"m lovestruck.You, I"m lovestruckYou, I"m lovestruckIt might seem strangeYou don"t even know my nameBut I"ve been watching you for daysSitting in the same corner table of the same cafeI heard "wonderwall" beating through your headphones,Cracked a little smile when you got the words wrong.Excuse me miss,I thought that you should know this.I"d sing your name over the airwaysCrash your couch and sleep on the stairway.If not tonight, maybe tomorrow causeI"m hung up, I"m shook up,I"m lovestruck.I"d wait all day, just for a maybe.I"m trying to find a way to be worthy.If not tonight, maybe tomorrow causeI"m hung up, I"m shook up,I"m lovestruck.I"d lay flowers at your feetOh, oh, oh, oh,I"d be everything you need.Woah, oh, oh, ohYou, I"m lovestruckYou, I"m lovestruckI"m lovestruckI"d sing your name over the airways,Crash your couch and sleep on the stairway.If not tonight, maybe tomorrow causeI"m hung up, I"m shook up,I"m lovestruck.I"d wait all day, just for a maybeI"m trying to find a way to be worthy.If not tonight, maybe tomorrow causeI"m hung up, I"m shook up,I"m lovestruck.You, I"m lovestruckYou, I"m lovestruckI"m lovestruckI"m lovestruck...中文痴情的鞋面你,你打扰了,夫人。我不要这样做,必须承认,我很紧张,但你说的没错。我不得不问,如果你已经有了晚餐的计划,我知道你可能会有一个人,但如果你是独立的。我会唱你的名字在航空公司,碰撞你的沙发上睡在楼梯。如果今晚不,也许明天的原因,我挂了电话,我很震惊,我的热恋。我等了一天,只是为了一个可能我试图找到一种方式是值得的。如果今晚不,也许明天的原因我挂了电话,我很震惊,我的热恋。你,我的热恋你,我的热恋它可能看起来很奇怪你甚至不知道我的名字但我一直在看你的天同时坐在一咖啡馆一角桌我听音乐打在你的耳机,破解一点微笑当你把话说错了。打扰了,夫人。我认为你应该知道。我会唱你的名字在航空公司碰撞你的沙发上睡在楼梯。如果今晚不,也许明天的原因我挂了电话,我很震惊,我的热恋。我等了一天,只是为了一个可能。我试图找到一种方式是值得的。如果今晚不,也许明天的原因我挂了电话,我很震惊,我的热恋。我躺在脚下的鲜花哦,哦,哦,哦,我会是你需要的一切。哦,哦,哦,哦你,我的热恋你,我的热恋我的热恋我会唱你的名字在航空公司,碰撞你的沙发上睡在楼梯。如果今晚不,也许明天的原因我挂了电话,我很震惊,我的热恋。我等了一天,只是为了一个可能我试图找到一种方式是值得的。如果今晚不,也许明天的原因我挂了电话,我很震惊,我的热恋。你,我的热恋你,我的热恋我的热恋我的热恋…中文翻译的不好还请谅

struck by a vehicle 歌词

歌曲名:struck by a vehicle歌手:Dane Cook专辑:RetaliationThree weeks ago one of my dreams came true.I finally got to see something I"ve always wanted to witness live.I finally saw someone get hit by a car.Nailed, this guy got hit right in the hip.That"s your center of gravity and that sends you flipping through the airlike Eddie Gordo from Tekken when someone doesn"t knowhow to do combos and they"re just hitting the buttons randomly.I always just miss it, right?I"m looking, and then I go to order my twisty cone.Oh what, what happened?!The guy got hit? No.I just went to order my twisty cone and I missed it.This guy gets nailed. this is the setup.He"s walking down the street and he"s doing that whacky speed walk.he"s got the buds in his ears, and I don"t know what you"re listening tothat makes you do this fucking walk.Maybe just a tambourine or maracas.So Johnny Tambourine is walking down the street,he"s got the "not a good time to cross" signal.When I see the car coming, I"m like."Yesssss finally. don"t talk to me. don"t talk to me I gotta see this."The guy goes flying into the air, his shoes flew off.When you get hit by a car, sometimes your shoes will fly off.Sometimes your pants will come off.But I was not fortunate enough to see the pants portion on this strike.And before I go any further, here"s the best part.This is how he lands on the other side of the carwhich was a dodge by the way,and I thought that was kind of funny and ironic.I just - I got a little humor out of that.I did try to help this the car was coming towards him I reached out and I said,"ohhhhh. ohhhhh."That"s all I could think of to say.Theres so many things now in retrospect that I would loveI would love to have been like "you"re about to get struck by a vehicle!!!"I did not have time to say "You"re about to get struck by a vehicle"so I went with "ohhhhh!" which is like a concerned moan.The guy gets tagged okay, the greatest part of the story.He"s in the air flipping around,this is how he lands on the other side of the car.He comes down perfectly on his feet and then he jumps in the airand he starts walking around, embarassed.He"s trying to play it off like he didn"t just get hit, by a car.People around him are like.-"Oh my god! Oh my god! Are you alright? Are you okay?"He"s like .-"I"m fine, I"m fine. Seriously, I"m fine. I"m a little bit hungry.But uh other than that I"m fi-"-"No you should really sit down, you"re bleeding from the ears."-"I know, I know that. I do that.Every couple of weeks I empty the blood out of my own head,it"s tradition in my family. Has anyone seen my shoes?I kicked them off in a fit of joy.I love getting struck by vehicles and sometimesI"ll kick my shoes off in a fit of joy.I"m fine I"m just gonna go over here and puke shards of my ownpelvis into this bush."

请问图中的Landed on truck in savana,gerogin是指我们的CFR价格要


Cazwell 的Ice Cream Truck 歌词~

Cazwell - Ice Cream TruckMeet me at the ice cream truck I"ll be you an ice cream I"ll whip out my Drumstick that will make your eyes gleamlick it up quick - before it melts on the floorI got it! uno-dos-tres-quatro gimme some more OK!Meet me at the ice cream truck I"ll buy you an ice cream I can test out my luck you can play on my team let"s do the banana split on the dance floor Got it!uno-dos-tres-quatro gimme some more OK! I met him at the school yard "round quarter to three we went out for cheeseburgers with extra cheese I get my french fries crispy ketchup on the side and when it comes to dessert this is how i ride I saidMeet me at the ice cream truck I"ll be you an ice cream I"ll whip out my Drumstick that will make your eyes gleam lick it up quick - before it melts on the floor I got it! uno-dos-tres-quatro gimme some more OK!You know where to find me from May to July I"m on the sidewalk chillin lookin" all kinds of fly sometimes I get low sometimes I get high I like rainbow sprinkles on my ice cream pie YEAH RIIIGHT!! Meet me at the ice cream truck I"ll be you an ice cream I"ll whip out my Drumstick that will make your eyes gleam lick it up quick - before it melts on the floor I got it! uno-dos-tres-quatro gimme some more OK!Meet me at the ice cream truck I"ll buy you an ice cream I can test out my luck you can play on my team let"s do the banana split on the dance floor Got it! uno-dos-tres-quatro gimme some more OK! END: Relax take it easy check it when you see me I"m chillin with an ice tea watermelon icey (repeat)


Groove slam work it backFilter that baby bump that trackGroove slam work it backFilter that baby bump that trackGroove slam work it backSpace Cowboy just play that trackGaga in the room so starstruckCherry- - -cherry-boom-boomRollin up to the club on the weekendStylin" out to the beat that you"re freakinFantasize on the track that you"re tweakin" blow my heart upPut your hands on my waist, pull the faderRun it back with original flavorCue me up on the twelve on your tableI"m so starstruckSo Starstruck (struck)Baby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)So StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)So StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart up (I"m so)StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)Baby now that we"re alone, got a requestWould you make me number one on your playlistGot your dirty headphonesWith the left side onWanna scratch it back and forth, back and forth uh huhPut your hands on my waist, pull the faderRun it back with your original flavorGet the breakdown firstUp until the chorus to the verseRe-ke-re-ke-ReverseSo Starstruck (struck)Baby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)So StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)So StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart up (I"m so)StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)Hey lil mamma like really really is that himI done seen you before what you got on them big rimsEnter that cash flow I"m like baby you dont tripSo shawty say hand over your signature right hereLike adjust the dotted line and I suppose to signHow she at it a fanatic and I think it"s goin downShe so starstruck the gal all stuckI should have had an overdose too many StarbucksAin"t never seen a balla paper that stack tallerNotice who let the top back on the Chevy impalaHummers and all that fully loaded with two spoilersWhat did you call that when you showed up with two dollarsBut that"s another chapter son of a bachelorAll on me just spotted a baby actorComplete swagga they go the daggaGot what she wants shawty happily ever afterSo Starstruck (struck)Baby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)So Starstruck (struck)Baby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)So StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart up (I"m so)StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)Groove slam work it backFilter that baby bump that trackGroove slam work it backFilter that baby bump that trackGroove slam work it backFilter that baby bump that trackGroove slam work it back(Filter that) baby bump that trackBaby now that we"re alone, got a requestWould you make me number one on your playlistGot your dirty headphonesWith the left side onWanna scratch it back and forth, back and forth uh huhPut your hands on my waist, pull the faderRun it back with your original flavorGet the breakdown firstUp until the chorus to the verseI"m so I"m soStarstruck (struck)Baby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)So StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart up (I"m so I"m so)So StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart up (I"m so)StarstruckBaby could you blow my heart upBlow my heart upI"m soI"m so 槽大满贯回去工作过滤器,婴儿撞跟踪槽大满贯回去工作过滤器,婴儿撞跟踪槽大满贯回去工作太空牛仔只是玩跟踪Gaga在房间里所以追星族Cherry-cherry-cherry-cherry-boom-boom转入俱乐部在周末Stylin的节拍,你冲上去幻想在跑道上,你tweakin吹我的心把你的手放在我的腰,把音量控制器运行它原始的味道提示我的十二表上我很追星族所以追星族(袭击)宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)所以追星族宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)所以追星族宝贝你能打击我的心(我)追星族宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)宝宝我们独处的时候,有一个请求你会让我一号在你的播放列表吗弄脏你的耳机在左边来回来回想抓它,嗯嗯把你的手放在我的腰,把音量控制器运行它,您的原始风味先分解直到合唱诗Re-ke-re-ke-Reverse所以追星族(袭击)宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)所以追星族宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)所以追星族宝贝你能打击我的心(我)追星族宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)嘿李尔妈妈像真的是他我做了见过你你有什么大轮圈进入现金流我喜欢孩子你不旅行所以美眉说交出你的签名在这里调整虚线和我想签署她是如何在一个狂热的,我认为它会是她因此追星族加卡住了我应该有一个过量太多的星巴克从没见过balla纸栈更高注意谁让顶部雪佛兰黑斑羚悍马和满载两个破坏者你所说的,当你出现两美元吗但这是另一个章学士的儿子我只是发现了一个婴儿的演员完成swagga他们去印度大麻得到了她想要的美女从此幸福地生活在一起所以追星族(袭击)宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)所以追星族(袭击)宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)所以追星族宝贝你能打击我的心(我)追星族宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)槽大满贯回去工作过滤器,婴儿撞跟踪槽大满贯回去工作过滤器,婴儿撞跟踪槽大满贯回去工作过滤器,婴儿撞跟踪槽大满贯回去工作(过滤)婴儿撞,跟踪宝宝我们独处的时候,有一个请求你会让我一号在你的播放列表吗弄脏你的耳机在左边来回来回想抓它,嗯嗯把你的手放在我的腰,把音量控制器运行它,您的原始风味先分解直到合唱诗我很我很追星族(袭击)宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)所以追星族宝贝你能打击我的心(我所以我)所以追星族宝贝你能打击我的心(我)追星族宝贝你能打击我的心打击我的心我很我很

PC版的GTA4里的 Phil Bell任务中的Truck hustle任务怎么过?


英语have struck you as absurd then怎么翻译?

来自这个句子?Such procedures would have struck you as absurd then, as absurd as they would be for you today. 这样的过程在当时和今天对你们来说都是荒谬的。

英语have struck you as absurd then怎么翻译?


struck 是不是有吃惊的意思? 如 what stuck me is... The firs


power industry trucks 指的是叉车吗

指的是叉车。 电瓶叉车优点:电瓶叉车以蓄电池—电动机为动力,起动性能好,运转平稳,无噪声,无废气排放,不污染空气,操作简单。 Advantages of battery forklift: battery forklift is powered by battery-motor. It has good starting performance, smooth operation, no noise, no exhaust gas emission, no air pollution, and simple operation.缺点:对电控系统的检修比较复杂,需要充电房和充电设备,轮班作业时需要备用蓄电池,对路面要求高,由于蓄电池容量的限制,一般电动机功率较小,爬坡能力较差。 Disadvantages: The overhaul of the control system is complex, requiring charging room and charging equipment, and spare batteries when working in shifts, which require high road surface requirements. Due to the limitation of the capacity of batteries, the power of General Motors is small and the climbing ability is poor.柴油叉车优点:柴油机的特点是燃料价格便宜,功率大,爬坡能力强,对路面的要求低,作业持续时间长,维修性能好,配件便宜,所以现阶段的内燃机叉车主要以柴油机为主,主力机型是新柴490A型。 Advantages of diesel forklift truck: diesel engine is characterized by low fuel price, high power, strong climbing ability, low requirements for road surface, long operation duration, good maintenance performance and cheap accessories, so at this stage, the main engine of internal combustion forklift truck is diesel engine, and the main engine is new diesel 490A.

damaged hurt hit struck 的区别

damage--较大程度的毁坏、破坏hurt--伤害到、疼痛,一般的程度吧。比如:my arms hurt.胳膊疼hit--有撞击的意思struck是strike的过去式和过去分词,有敲打的意思,个人认为它偏向于指迅猛地出击。

truckloads of什么意思

truckloadsn.一货车的容量( truckload的名词复数 )truckloads of==成车的东西如Truckloads of food, blankets, and other necessities reached the city. 成车的食物、毯子与其他必需品抵达了该市。

EGOIST的《LoveStruck》 歌词

歌曲名:LoveStruck歌手:EGOIST专辑:Extra terrestrial Biological Entities「LoveStruck」作词∶ryo(supercell)作曲∶ryo(supercell)编曲∶ryo(supercell)歌∶EGOISTキミのこと考えたもあたし目を抉じ开けたまま 一晩明かしてるあいもかわらず眩しい朝だI"m feeling a little down in the dumps today优しいキミは语るわDon"t let it get you down无责任ね でも好きよ罗列暗号 理论上の空想次々色を変えるキミの解読魔法 言の叶仕挂け或いはあたし动かされるのはいつも全部ラブレター缀ったそのままキミにあげるから読んでみせてよ 意地悪さんSomething good happened to me todayちょっと闻いてよ ほらYour happiness is indeed contagious妄想でも 好き罗列暗号 理论上の空想次々色を変えるキミの解読魔法 言の叶仕挂け或いはあたし动かされるのはいつも全部gray そうねblue 谁も悪くないのgreen だから教えてyellow だって怖いのwhite どうするつもり?purple 无気力なあたしに梦中なんて描き出していつだってあたしは音楽(キミ)と共にこの街でかかとを鸣らしてゆくわキミを歌えるようになる顷にはあたし多分 ビッグスターキミを歌えば大好きな人が増えるんだもの楽しまなくちゃね罗列暗号 理论上の空想次々色を変えるキミの解読魔法 言の叶仕挂け或いはあたし动かされるの罗列暗号 理论上の空想次々色を変えるキミの解読魔法 言の叶仕挂け或いはあたし动かされるのはいつも全部终わり
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