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The streams are about 12to15 feet wide and 300 fe


quite streams and trees and shade, and lazy afte

您是想说“quiet streams and trees and shade, and lazy afternoons by a pool,eating ice cream to feel cool”对吧?意思为“安静的流水,加上树木和影子,在池边度过一个慵懒的下午,吃着冰淇淋,感觉很凉爽”

Vs2010 error c1083:无法打开包括文件:streams.h:no such fil

streams.h 写错了 iostream.h

of the stream中文翻译

Along the banks of the stream wandered a countless multitude . 沿河两岸数不尽的人群在漫游。 From the gorge came the noise of the stream in the boulders . 峡谷里传来溪水流过圆石间的淙淙声。 The noise of the stream could not drown the discussion with a turbulence . 涛声掩盖不住激烈的争论。 The genesis of valley deposits is intimately associated with the history of the stream by which they were formed . 河谷沉积物的成因实质上与河流形成的历史相联系。 It is across this open country, down into the next valley and above the timber at the head of the stream . 穿过这片空地,走下前面那个山谷,到这小溪源头那片树林高处就是。 The sinuosity or sinuosity ratio of a stream is expressed as the ratio of the length along the center pne of the stream to the length along the valley . 一条河流的弯曲率或弯曲比,是以沿该河中心线与沿其河谷长度之比来表示的。 Or - 1 if at the end of the stream 的无符号字节,或者如果到达流的末尾,则为- 1 。 Don " t change horses in the middle of the stream 不要在艰难的征途当中换人马。 Reads the remainder of the stream and returns it as a 读取流的其余部分,并以 Or - 1 if reading from the end of the stream 的字节,或者如果从流的末尾读取则为- 1 。 The contents of the stream and the input buffer of the 对象的流和输入缓冲区的内容。 Numerical analysis of the streaming potential in bone tissue 骨组织流动电势数值分析 The new size of the stream as a number of bytes 流的新大小以字节数表示。 A pointer to the internal data of the stream object 一个指向流对象的内部数据的指针。 A long value representing the length of the stream in bytes 用字节表示流长度的长值。 Specifies the new size of the stream as a number of bytes 将流的新大小指定为字节数。 The length of the stream data can be obtained from the 流数据的长度可以从 Value is larger than the maximum size of the stream 值大于流的最大大小。 Seeking is attempted before the beginning of the stream 试图在流的开始位置之前查找。 The current position is larger than the capacity of the stream 当前位置大于流的容量。 Method will return zero only if the end of the stream is reached 仅当到达流的末尾时, That indicates the state of the stream during seriapzation 在序列化期间指示流的状态的 Only one of the streams in this area ever panned out 这个地区只有一条河曾经淘出过金。 Streams will only return zero at the end of the stream 流仅在到达流的结尾处时才返回零。 Sets the current position of the stream to the given value 将流的当前位置设置为给定值。 Value that specifies the length of the stream 值,该值指定流的长度。 A pointer to the internal buffer of the stream object 一个指向流对象的内部缓冲区的指针。 Or - 1 if the end of the stream has been reached 的字节;或者如果已到达流的末尾,则为- 1 。 Method , instead , put all of the stream cleanup logic in the 方法,而应将所有流清理逻辑放入 The noise of the stream had a pleasantly somnolent effect 小河潺潺的流水声有宜人的催眠效果An attempt was made to seek before the beginning of the stream 尝试在流的开始位置之前查找。 Gets the length in bytes of the stream 获取用字节表示的流长度。 The noise of the stream have a pleasantly somnolent effect 小河潺潺的流水声有宜人的催眠效果。 Gets the length of the stream in bytes 获取用字节表示的流长度。 She lay on the bank , pstening to the ripple of the stream 她躺在河岸上,听著小河的潺潺流水声。 The mystic token apghted on the hither verge of the stream 那神秘的标志落在离小溪不远的地方。 Or returns - 1 if reading from the end of the stream 的该字节;或者如果从流的末尾读取则返回- 1 。 She pe on the bank , pstening to the ripple of the stream 她躺在河岸上,听著小河的潺潺流水声。 Stabipzation of the stream bank and streambed 稳定河岸和河床 Specifies the size in bytes of the stream or byte array 指定流或字节数组的大小(以字节为单位) 。 The length of the stream in bytes 流的长度(以字节为单位) 。 The end of the stream is reached before 之前到达了流的末尾。 Specifies the size , in bytes , of the stream or byte array 指定流或字节数组的大小(以字节为单位) 。 Changes the size of the stream object 更改流对象的大小。 If the current stream position is at the end of the stream ; otherwise 如果当前的流位置在流的末尾,则为 The apppcation of the streaming media technology in the higher education 流媒体技术在高等教育中的应用 Is larger than the current length of the stream , the stream is expanded 大于流的当前长度,则流被扩展。 Changes the configuration of the stream - -变更流的配置 The water quapty of the stream used to be excellent and crystal clear 以往的东涌河水质优良,河水清澈。 Keep us out into the centre of the stream or we " ll run us aground 把船开到河中心去,否则我们就要搁浅了。 推荐阅读: 苗族节日:开年节(中国传统节日) 我国很早就有了穿木屐的相关记载,例如东晋诗人谢灵运发明的“谢公屐”,它在当时的用途是: 作家"地名说"、"歌谣说"力证嫦娥故乡在湖南岳阳

推特上的Only User Streams running是什么意思?

—— 英文:Only User Streams running 仅用户流在运行。

Oracle 11Gr2 Stream 同步求解

How to setup Oracle Streams Bi-Directional

stream read error是什么意思

stream read error流读取错误stream[英][stri:m][美][strim]n.河流,小河,川,溪; 潮流,趋势,倾向; (事件等的)连续,(财富等的)滚滚而来; 流出,流注,一连串; vt.& vi.流,流动; vi.飘扬; 招展; 鱼贯而行; 一个接一个地移动; vt.按能力分班(或分组); 按能力分班(或分组); 第三人称单数:streams过去分词:streamed复数:streams现在进行时:streaming过去式:streamed易混淆单词:Stream例句:A nearby stream supplies fresh drinking water. 附近的一条小溪供应新鲜的饮用水

Tiny Streams 歌词

歌曲名:Tiny Streams歌手:Psychotic Waltz专辑:Into The EverflowMorning sun begins the dayMothers child has gone awayLocked inside the game that they taught him all to playCloset city sleeping pretty tired from the dayAnd if he leaves the tiny porch light dimHe"ll keep the dogs at baySnotty little brat he playsNever puts his toys awayBreaks the ones he"s used if they don"t sparkle anymoredollies in the playhouse kissingPsychotic WaltzAll their little heads are missingChop their tiny hands with this thingThat"s what daddy bought them forRed and White"s turned blue todayI laugh to dry the tear awaySitting in my ceilings faceThis boiling rainbow webbing placeSmiles soft anger feeling shapesOf mouths and hands in sonic scapesFingers spanning psychic burningBlack Sabbath record turningPools of vision, understandingClimb the walls, half inside themOther side, air is thin thereFriends inside pull me to themCannot keep from laughing, laughingRipples from the portholes making contactCenter bending circlesGrowing echoes of each otherFloat reflections of this covered consciousnessInside this eggshellMasterpieces scattered not well spokenYet still undertakenTiny streams of orchestrationFlow into this fisheye car rideLeaning close to catch his good sideTiny streams of orchestration

stream read error是什么意思

数据流读取错误 可能是魔术手里面的一些控件出现问题 或者是系统兼容性的问题。stream read error 数据流读取错误;stream 英[stri:m]美[strim]n. 河流,小河,川,溪; 潮流,趋势,倾向; (事件等的) 连续,(财富等的)滚滚而来; 流出,流注,一连串;vt. 流,流动;vi. 飘扬; 招展; 鱼贯而行; 一个接一个地移动;[例句]There was a small stream at the end of the garden.花园的尽头有一条小河。[其他] 第三人称单数:streams 复数:streams 现在分词:streaming 过去式:streamed 过去分词:streamed

registered php streams什么意思



stream的读音:英 [striu02d0m],美 [striu02d0m]    n. (小)河;水流;(人;车;气)流;组v. 流动;流出;飘动;将(学生)按能力分组形容词: streamy 过去式: streamed 过去分词: streamed 现在分词: streaming 第三人称单数: streamsstream的基本意思是“流动”,指受限制的流动,如通过一定的路线或出口。也可指大量不断地流动。引申可指“飘动”。stream既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。例句1、On either bank of the stream stand rows of willow trees.小河两岸柳树成行。2、Sand and leaves trapped the water in the stream.沙子和树叶堵住了小河的水流。3、Visitors to the exhibition came in an endless stream.参观展览会的人络绎不绝。4、Cars stream along the highway.汽车在公路上流水般地行驶。


stream 英 [stri:m]美 [strim]n. 河流,小河,川,溪;潮流,趋势,倾向; (事件等的) 连续,(财富等的)滚滚而来;流出,流注,一连串;vt. 流,流动;vi. 飘扬;招展;鱼贯而行;一个接一个地移动;[例句]The bare bed of a dry stream 干涸小河裸露的河床[其他] 第三人称单数:streams 复数:streams 现在分词:streaming 过去式:streamed 过去分词:streamed 形近词: streak scream


stream的意思是:流动。读音:英[striu02d0m],美[striu02d0m]。释义:n.溪流;流动;潮流;光线;(数据)流。vi.流;涌进;飘扬。vt.流出;涌出;使飘动。例句:The limpid stream flows northward.这条清澈的小溪流流向了北方。变形:过去式streamed,过去分词streamed,现在分词streaming,第三人称单数streams,复数streams。短语:mountain stream山涧。sun streams太阳光线。in streams连续不断,川流不息。近义词brook读音:英[bru028ak],美[bru028ak]。释义:n. 溪;小河;小川;vt. (不)允许(某事);例句:God told him to go hide himself by the Brook Cherith.神告诉他去藏在约但河东边的基立溪旁。变形:第三人称单数brooks,复数brooks,现在分词brooking,过去式brooked,过去分词brooked。用法:brook是正式用语,通常用于否定句或疑问句。brook用作名词的意思是“小溪”,是文学用词,指发源于山泉的溪流,一般说来,比creek和stream小。

revenue streams是什么意思

revenue streamsn.[经] 收益源( revenue stream的名词复数 ); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He also vowed to find new revenue streams in comics, television, films and toys. 他也曾发誓要在动画、电视、电影和玩具等领域寻找新的收入来源。2.As business owners know, multiple revenue streams are the key to financial stability. 每一位企业主都知道,多个收入来源是财政稳定的关键所在

java8 Streams可以反向遍历集合吗

List<Integer> l1 = new ArrayList<>();l1.add(1);l1.add(2);l1.add(3);l1.add(4);List<Integer> l2 = new ArrayList<>();l2.add(5);l2.add(6);l2.add(7);l2.add(8);Stream.of(l1, l2).flatMap(n ->>n%2==0).forEach(System.out::println);

电脑出现stream read error怎么办?

数据流读取错误 可能是魔术手里面的一些控件出现问题 或者是系统兼容性的问题。stream read error 数据流读取错误;stream英[stri:m]美[strim]n.河流,小河,川,溪; 潮流,趋势,倾向; (事件等的) 连续,(财富等的)滚滚而来; 流出,流注,一连串;vt.流,流动;vi.飘扬; 招展; 鱼贯而行; 一个接一个地移动;[例句]There was a small stream at the end of the garden.花园的尽头有一条小河。[其他]第三人称单数:streams 复数:streams 现在分词:streaming 过去式:streamed 过去分词:streamed

急流的急流(jet streams)




in a stream 、in streams 与in a streams哪个是对的 ?分别是什么意思及用法


咨询下Data guard,Streams,GoldenGate三者有什么区别

Data guard ==> 全库的复制 灾备 、 高可用、 读写分离, 除了Active Data Guard外 都是免费的,性能好,对网络的要求高Streams==》 支持单向或双向的流复制,多种粒度:表 Schema DB , 免费 , Bug较多 管理难度较大,性能较差,对网络的要求较高Goldengate ==> 支持单向或双向的同步复制, 多种粒度, 收费昂贵,管理难度一般,性能较好,对网络的要求较低。

Java 8的Streams API和.Net的LINQ使用上最大的不同是什么

完整的LINQ分以下几部分,缺一不可:Lambda ExpressionQuery ExpressionExtension MethodsExpression TreeAnonymous TypesJava除了第一个后面都没有。你可以认为Java的Streams API是一个:无法用Monad形式(没有Query Expression)难以扩展的(没有Extension Methods)无法表达语句结构及动态编译函数(没有Expression Tree)无法借助临时结构减少计算或增强表达能力(没有Anonymous Types)的LINQ。此外,这套API不是加在标准的Iterator和Iterable模型上的(在C#叫IEnumerator和IEnumerable),导致又多了一套Streams模型出来,而又和IO的Stream容易产生混淆,真不知道设计者是怎么想的,搞个Extension Methods出来多好,不光对LINQ有用,简直方便之至。总而言之,Java 8这套给我的感觉就是因为不愿意搞出和C#一样的设计而引入的半吊子东西。当年Lambda表达式的草案是和C#以及Scala一样使用“=>”符号的,结果最后硬要改为“->”真是生怕别人不知道要故意跟C#不同。

treat my sister with your semen, my little sist

my little sister.我的小妹妹 why are you unhappy?你为什么不开心? Little toys are all over your world,小玩具充满了你的世界 Why is not there one you treasure?为什么没有你所珍惜的? my little sister.我的小妹妹 Black umbrella that god left is my only possession.黑色的雨伞是上帝赐予我的唯一财富 Please tell me,请告诉我 how could i trade it for your smile? 我怎样用它来换取你的笑容 my little sister.我的小妹妹 Do not have to use your pretty scissors 不要用你那把可爱的小剪刀 to cut down the dream you planted in your garden.将你种在花园里的梦想剪断 the rianbow will still appear from the sky and it will start to be sunny.彩虹依然会在天空出现,天空终将晴朗 my little sister.我的小妹妹 Do not mind his tears.不要在意他的眼泪 little toys are all over your world Always you can find another one 你得失界充满了玩具 if you lose him`````` 如果你失去了他,你仍然可以拥有另外一个


he treats me ____a friend空格部位应该填写什么?


Harry treats his secretary badly. 翻译



看这里表达的意思:with friendliness是状语成分,修饰 treat谓语。可以直接用副词friendly。He always treats me friendly。用friend含义就完全不同了,friend是朋友的意思,friendliness是友情,友好的意思。

give out these treats as gifts请翻译




our neighbors gave us treats的意思


talk的韵词(除了walk) sweets的韵词(除了treats) be的韵词(除了me)急!!!!


treat sb with sth造句

The teacher treats us with all her kindnessu3002

rice krispie treats是什么菜?

不是菜,是零食或者可以当甜点,就跟大米花糖一样. 这个网站有图~Rice krispie treats are a sweet dessert or snack made from rice krispies, melted margarine or butter, melted marshmallows, and vanilla. Sometimes marshmallows and/or cereal that is seasonal is used to make these treats holiday specific. They are often homemade, but one can find them in many stores usually packaged under the Rice Krispies brand.Recipe 做法Ingredients:1. 3 tablespoons margarine or butter2. 1 package (10 oz. about 40) regular marshmallows or 4 cups miniature marshmallows3. 6 cups KELLOGG"S RICE KRISPIES cerealPreparation Instructions:1. Melt margarine in large saucepan over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat.2. Add KELLOGG"S RICE KRISPIES cereal. Stir until well coated.3. Using buttered spatula or waxed paper, press mixture evenly into 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cut into 2-inch squares when cool. Best if served the same day.


101+treats是什么意思?翻译成为中文就是:101种 待客之道。开心快乐每一天!哈哈哈

give us a treat和give us treats区别


no treats for you 是什么意思

no treats for you 没有对你的治疗treats n. 款待( treat的名词复数 ); 招待; 乐事; 乐趣; v. 对待; 处理( treat的第三人称单数 ); 探讨; 请(客); [例句]She treats me well.她对我很好。[其他] 原型: treat

treat sb 与treat with sb的区别是什么?

treat sb 是请客的意思treat sb with sth 是用什么方式对待某人的意思

Pet treat 是什么意思

Pet treat 宠物治疗treat 英[tri:t] 美[trit] n. 招待; 款待; 乐事; 乐趣; v. 治疗; 对待; 处理; 款待; [例句]Artie treated most women with indifference阿蒂对大多数女人都漠不关心。[其他] 第三人称单数:treats 复数:treats 现在分词:treating 过去式:treated过去分词:treated

treat sb 与treat with sb的区别是什么?

1.treat sb 对待,招待 eg.Our grandma treats us very kindly.我们的祖母对我们很慈爱. She treatd him to lunch.她请她吃午饭. 2.treat with sb 和……协商(谈判,交涉) eg.If we are to treat with you,it must be on equal terms. 如果要我们和你谈判,双方必须处于平等地位.

sweet treats什么意思?

口语里有时也用sweets指甜点类。treats 指好吃的东东,象 cat treats, dog treats 都是拿来“招待、奖励”小猫小狗的。我家的两个猫猫都能听懂food treat这些“关键词”(呵呵;-)),说话中提到这个treat,它们就会过来了或看着你(等着呢);有时为了避免“不必要”的“误会”,我们的办法是spell the word, t-r-e-a-t,这样它们就听不出了。哈哈 ;-)

Treat 怎么读啊

treat 英音:[tri:t]美音:[trit] 及物动词 vt. 1. 对待;看待,把...看作[O][(+as/like)]Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。 She treated me all right. 她对我还不错。 2. 处理;为...涂上保护层This substance must be treated with acid. 这材料得用酸来处理。 3. 探讨;论述The book treats some political problems. 该书论述某些政治问题。 4. 医疗,治疗[(+for)]The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病。 5. 款待,请(客)[(+to)]We"ll treat you to dinner. 我们请你吃饭。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 探讨;论述[(+of/about)]This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。 2. 谈判,协商[(+for/with)] 3. 请客I"ll treat today. 今天我作东请客。 名词 n. [C]1. 请客It"s my treat. 我请客。 2. 难得的乐事It"s a great treat for them to go to the theater. 他们去看戏真是乐事。 For desert we had fresh strawberries -- a real treat. 饭后甜点我们吃鲜草莓 - 真是难得的享受。

treat sb to sth什么意思?

意思是:款待某人做某事重点词汇:treat英[tri:t]释义:vt.治疗;对待;探讨;视为vi.探讨;请客;协商n.请客;款待n.(Treat)人名;(英)特里特[复数:treats;第三人称单数:treats;现在分词:treating;过去式:treated;过去分词:treated]短语:trick or treat不给糖就捣蛋;不给糖就捣乱;不请吃就捣乱扩展资料:词语辨析:cure,treat,heal,remedy这些动词都有“治疗、医治”之意。1、cure主要指治愈疾病。2、treat普通用词,指接受并诊治病人。3、heal侧重指治愈伤口、伤痛如灼伤等。4、remedy着重用药物对病人进行治疗。

sweet treats什么意思?

口语里有时也用sweets指甜点类。treats 指好吃的东东,象 cat treats, dog treats 都是拿来“招待、奖励”小猫小狗的。我家的两个猫猫都能听懂food treat这些“关键词”(呵呵;-)),说话中提到这个treat,它们就会过来了或看着你(等着呢);有时为了避免“不必要”的“误会”,我们的办法是spell the word, t-r-e-a-t,这样它们就听不出了。哈哈 ;-)


口语里有时也用sweets指甜点类。 treats 指好吃的东东,象 cat treats, dog treats 都是拿来“招待、奖励”小猫小狗的。我家的两个猫猫都能听懂food treat这些“关键词”(呵呵;-)),说话中提到这个treat,它们就会过来了或看着你(等着呢);有时为了避免“不必要”的“误会”,我们的办法是spell the word, t-r-e-a-t,这样它们就听不出了。哈哈 ;-)



翻译。英语Do parents take their children around the neighborhood to ask for candies an treats

Do parents take their children around the neighborhood to ask for candies an treats做家长带着孩子在附近找一把糖果kids say "trick or treat"at every house.This means that if you don"t give them a treat,they"ll play a trick on you!孩子说,“在每一家就捣蛋”。这意味着,如果你不给他们治疗,他们就捉弄你!even little kids dress up as ghosts or black cats.They can also dress up as fun things like cartoon characters.some parents join in the fun by dressing up,too!即使是小孩子装扮成鬼或黑色的猫。他们还可以扮好玩的东西,喜欢卡通characters.some父母一起玩的打扮,太!

英语初三悬赏50英语 He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth,spreading love and jo


make treats什么意思

make treats做治疗例句1.Atlantic hydrus platurus linnaeus: According to the modern pharmacologist studies, hydrus platurus linnaeus"s snake venom may make treats the cancer medicine "the snake-venom serum ".大西洋海蛇:据现代药理学家研究,海蛇的蛇毒可制成治癌药物"蛇毒血清"。2.Let"s compromise. How about make it a dutch treat?我们折中一下吧,各付各的怎么样?

good treats什么意思





treat用法合集如下:1、对待,处理:We should treat others with respect.(我们应该以尊重的态度对待他人。)How we treat the environment is important.(我们如何处理环境很重要。)2、治疗,医治:The doctor will treat the patient"s illness.(医生会治疗患者的疾病。)This medication is used to treat headaches.(这种药物用于治疗头痛。)3、款待,招待:She treated her friends to a nice dinner.(她请她的朋友吃了一顿美味的晚餐。)The company treated their employees to a weekend getaway.(公司请他们的员工度过了一个周末度假。)4、视为,认为:He treated the situation as a learning opportunity.(他把这个情况看作是一个学习机会。)We should treat their opinions with consideration.(我们应该认真对待他们的意见。)5、感到,认为:He treats every day as a new adventure.(他将每一天都当作一次新的冒险。)She treats it as a privilege to work with such talented people.(她认为能与如此有才华的人一起工作是一种特权。)6、提供,赠送:The company treats its customers to free samples.(公司向客户提供免费样品。)The manager treated the team to tickets for the concert.(经理为团队提供了音乐会的门票。学习英语的技巧1、设定明确的目标:确保你有明确的学习目标,如提高口语流利度、扩大词汇量、提高听力理解等。这有助于你更有针对性地学习和评估自己的进步。2、创造英语环境:尽可能地让自己暴露在英语环境中。可以通过观看英语电影、听英语音乐、阅读英语书籍和杂志等方式来联系英语。3、多听多读:通过大量听英语和阅读英语来提高自己的语感和理解力。选择你感兴趣的材料,如英文小说、新闻、博客等,以便更加愉快地进行学习。4、建立词汇量:努力记忆和应用新的单词和短语。可以使用词汇卡片、手机应用程序等来帮助记忆。5、练习口语:找到练习口语的机会,可以与语伴交流、参加英语角或口语俱乐部、进行模拟对话等。尽量用英语表达你的想法和观点。


treat的英文为treat,意译为对待、一份招待等。1、名词解释: 一份款待;招待:例如,“She invited me to dinner as a special treat”(她邀请我去吃饭作为特别款待)。愉快或奢侈的事件、经历或享受:例如,“Going to the amusement park was a real treat for the kids”(去游乐园对孩子们来说真是一次愉快的经历)。2、动词解释:对待;看待:例如,“He always treats his colleagues with respect and kindness”(他总是以尊重和友善的态度对待他的同事)。处理;对待:例如,“The doctor will treat your illness with medication”(医生将用药物来治疗你的疾病)。给予;赠送:例如,“My parents treated us to a nice dinner at our favorite restaurant”。3、作动词时,"treat" 还有以下几种常见用法:对待(某人/某物):例如,“He treats his employees fairly and with respect”(他公平对待并尊重他的员工)。(用特定方式)对待(某人/某物):例如,“She treated herself to a spa day for her birthday”(她为了生日给自己安排了一天的水疗)。治疗(某人/某物):例如,“The dentist treated my toothache with a filling”(牙医用充填物治疗了我的牙痛)。给予(某人)乐趣、好处或惊喜:例如,“He treated the audience to an amazing performance”(他给观众带来了一场精彩的表演)。treat造句1、The children were excited when their parents treated them to ice cream after a long day at the park. (当孩子们在公园玩了一整天后,父母给他们买了冰淇淋,他们非常兴奋。)2、The company treated its employees to a weekend getaway as a reward for their hard work. (公司为了奖励员工的辛勤工作,给他们安排了一个周末度假。)3、Sarah"s friends treated her to a surprise birthday party, complete with decorations and delicious food. (Sarah的朋友们为她举办了一场惊喜生日派对,有装饰和美味的食物。)4、The doctor treated the patient"s infection with antibiotics and monitored their progress. (医生用抗生素治疗了患者的感染,并监测他们的进展。)5、As a special treat, the couple decided to pamper themselves with a luxurious spa day at a five-star resort. (作为一次特别的款待,这对夫妇决定在一个五星级度假村享受奢华的水疗日。)


英文原文:treats英式音标:[triːts] 美式音标:[triːts]




treat 英[tri:t]美[trit]n. 招待; 款待; 乐事; 乐趣;v. 治疗; 对待; 处理; 款待;复数:treats 第三人称单数:treats

treasury bond 和treasury bill的区别是什么

国库券的介绍 国库券是国家财政当局为弥补国库收支不平衡而发行的一种政府债券。因国库券的债务人是国家,其还款保证是国家财政收入,所以它几乎不存在信用违约风险,是金融市场风险最小的信用工具。国库券是国库直接发行的用以解决短期财政收支失衡的一种债券,由于期限短、流动性强、安全性高,被视为零风险债券或"金边债券"(Gilt edged Bond)。 我国国库券的期限最短的为一年,而西方国家国库券品种较多,一般可分为3个月、6个月、9个月、1年期四种,其面额起点各国不一。国库券采用不记名形式,无须经过背书就可以转让流通。发行国库券的主要目的在于筹措短期资金,解决财政困难。当中央政府的年度预算在执行过程中发生赤字时,国库券筹资是一种经常性的弥补手段, 国库券的发行方式,通常实行招标制,即每次发行前,财政部根据近期短期资金的需要量、中央银行实施货币政策调控的需要等因素,确定国库券的发行规模,然后向社会公告。各投标人在规定的发行规模的约束下,分别报出自己拟购买的价格和数量。在众多参与价格投标的投标人当中,出价最高者首先中标,之后按出价顺序,由高到低依次配售,直至售完为止。这就是所谓的“竞争性投标”。也有一些小规模的金融机构,无力或不愿意参与竞争性投标,便按照投标最高价和最低价的平均数购买,这是“非竞争性投标”。 国库券因期限较短,故其发行价格一般采用贴现价格,即以低于票面金额的价格发行,到期时按票面金额偿还。票面金额与发行价格的差,即是投资者的利息。国库券发行价格的计算公式如下: 发行价格=面值[1一贴现率×(发行期限/360)] 在国库券的流通市场上,市场的参与者有商业银行、中央银行、证券交易商、企业和个人投资者。国库券行市的变动,要受景气动向、国库券供求关系、市场利率水平等诸多因素的影响。在美国,证券交易商在进行国库券交易时,通常采用双向式挂牌报价,即在报出一交易单位买入价的同时,也报出一交易单位的卖出价,两者的差额即为交易商的收益,交易商不再附加佣金,在英国,票据贴现就是国库券二级市场上最为活跃的市场主体。持有国库券的机构和个人如需转让,可向贴现所申请贴现。英格兰银行实施公开市场操作,也以贴现所为中介,先向贴现所买进或卖出国库券,然后贴现所再对商业银行进行买卖。 国库券是国家债券的主体部分和主要表现形式,也是历史最为悠久的一种国债。 我国历史上第一次发行国债是在1898年发行的“昭信股票”。北洋政府时期,从1912年到1936年共发行国债27种。在抗日前国民党政府时期,从1927年到1936年共发行国债45亿元。抗日战争时期国民党政府共发行国债90亿元。 我国新民主主义革命过程中,为了弥补财政收入的不足,各革命根据地人民政权发行过几十种国债。中华人民共和国成立后,发行国债分为两个时期:20世纪50年代为一个时期,20世纪80年代以后为一个时期。20世纪50年代由国家统一发行的国债共有六次。第一次是1950年发行的“人民胜利折实公债”,发行的目的是为了平衡财政收支,制止通货膨胀,稳定市场物价。从1954年起,为了筹集国民经济建设资金,连续5年发行“国家经济建设公债”。 1968年本息还清后,一直到1981年国家没有发行国内公债。 1981年以后,我国每年发行国债。1994年财政部第一次发行半年期、一年期和二年期国债,实现了国债期限品种的多样化。短期国债的出现促进了货币市场的发展,同时也为中央银行的公开市场操作奠定了基础。 [编辑本段]国库券的基本特征 作为债权债务证书,国库券的债权人是投资者,债务人是国家,其本息偿还保证是国家后续的财政收入。所以,国库券几乎不存在信用违约风险,是证券市场上风险最小的一种债券。国库券的偿还期限,各国规定不一。西方国家的国库券,分为3个月、6个月、9个月和1年期4种,是一种短期政府债券。我国的国库券有3年、5年和10年的,是一种中长期政府债券。 由于国库券期限短、风险小、流动性强,因此国库券利率比较低。美国国库券利率仅仅高于通知放款利率。西方有些国家国库券发行频繁,具有连续性,如美国每周均有国库券发行,每周亦有到期的,便于投资者根据投资需要选择。国库券发行通常采用贴现方式,即发行价格低于国库券券面值,票面不记明利率,国库券到期时,由财政按票面值偿还。发行价格采用招标方法,由投标者公开竞争而定,故国库券利率代表了合理的市场利率,灵敏地反映出货币市场资金供求状况。 [编辑本段]国库券的历史 国库券是1877年由英国的经济学家和作家沃尔特·巴佐特发明,并首次在英国发行。沃尔特认为,政府短期资金的筹措应采用与金融界早已熟悉的商业票据相似的工具。后来许多国家都依照英国的做法,以发行国库券的方式来满足政府对短期资金的需要。在美国,国库券已成为货市市场上最重要的信用工具。 [编辑本段]国库券的特点 ◆其利率是市场利率变动情况的集中反映。国库券利率与商业票据、存款证等有密切的关系,国库券期货可为其它凭证在收益波动时提供套期保值。 ◆流动性强。国库券有广大的二级市场,易手方便,随时可以变现。 ◆信誉高。国库券是政府的直接债务,对投资者来讲是风险最低的投资,众多投资者都把它作为最好的投资对象。 ◆收益高。国库券的利率一般虽低于银行存款或其他债券,但由于国库券的利息可免交所得税,故投资国库券可获得较高收益。 Treasury Bill 短期国库券 美国政府发行的债务证券,期限少于一年。短期国库券通过竞标过程发售,价格相对面值有折扣,所以不会像大部分其他债券一般支付定额利息 treasury bond是财政部发售的公债、长期国库券

treasury bond 和treasury bill的区别是什么

 treasury bond 和treasury bill的区别在于,前者是长期的,后者是短期的。  treasury bond的意思是:长期国库券。  例句:You can thus count on the bullion price to rise as Treasury bond yields are increasing.  当长期国库券收益上升的时候,你可以期待手上的金银块价格上涨。  treasury bill的意思是:短期国库券。  例句:Treasury bills are about as safe an investment as you can make. 短期国库券是你能做出的最安全的投资。

英语Live streamer怎么翻译?

Live streamer这句话,翻译成中文:住拖缆


主流 的英译 mainstream 有几个不同意思, 因此 mainstream 的反义词,除了 non-mainstream 之外, 有这些其他单词:On the edge, exterior, heterodox, outside, periphery, unconventional, uncommon, uncontemporary



老虎的条纹是 stripe 还是 streak ?斑马同问。英语题 说出理由

streak 用于老虎,形容不规则条纹sripe形容斑马,形容规则条纹


streak和stripe区别在于streak可以指性格特征而stripe不可以指性格特征。streak英 [striu02d0k] 美 [striu02d0k] n.条纹;条痕;(尤指不好的)性格特征;(尤指体育比赛或赌博中)顺的时候,背的时候,运气,手气v.在…上画条纹(或留下条痕);使布满条纹(或条痕);飞奔;疾驰;裸奔stripe英 [strau026ap] 美 [strau026ap] n.条纹;线条;(军装或警服上表示等级的)条,杠vt.使带有条纹


踏实的道路。_oads踩 ; 踏 ; 践踏 ; 走 ; 踩碎 ; 步法 ; 步态 ; 脚步声 ; 胎面 ; 外胎花纹 ; 踏步板__ell Tread Roads》这是一首表达大气、史诗、欢快、感动等各种情绪的流行音乐,主要使用了打击乐、吉他、打击乐器组,适用于店铺音乐、综艺、广告片等使用场景。

The treasure in the forest By H.G.Wells的全文翻译?

H.g.wells 的”森林宝藏”,建议去有道词典看看

哪里有《knock trick treat》的歌词?

Knock Knock Trick or Treat Knock Knock Trick or Treat .................................................................................. Video ...................................................................................................................................................... Language Focus "Knock Knock", "Trick or Treat", "Who are you?", "I"m a ghost/cowboy/witch/monster/ballerina/pirate." ...................................................................................................................................................... Lyrics and actions: In this song we introduce 6 costumes. Here are some gesture ideas for each of the costumes. Ghost: Place your hands in front of you like a floating ghost. Cowboy: Pretend to put on your cowboy hat. Witch: Make a witch"s hat over your head by forming a pyramid with your hands. Ballerina: Bend at the knees like a ballerina. Monster: Raise your hands like claws above your head. Pirate: Cover one eye with your fist, as if you were wearing an eye patch. Knock. Knock. (Pretend to knock on the door.) Trick or treat? (Place one hand out, palm up, and then your other hand out palm up, as if offering 2 choices.) Who are you? (Shrug your shoulders and then point forward.) I"m a ghost. (Point to yourself and then make a ghost gesture.) I"m a little ghost. (Point to yourself and then make a ghost gesture.) Knock. Knock. (Pretend to knock on the door.) Trick or treat? (Place one hand out, palm up, and then your other hand out palm up, as if offering 2 choices.) Who are you? (Shrug your shoulders and then point forward.) I"m a ghost. (Point to yourself and then make a ghost gesture.) I"m a little ghost. (Point to yourself and then make a ghost gesture.) (Movement music: Everyone floats around the room making ghost noises!) Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Who are you? I"m a cowboy. (Point to yourself and then make a cowboy gesture.) I"m a little cowboy. Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Who are you? I"m a cowboy. I"m a little cowboy. (Movement music: Move around the room like cowboys riding on horses.) Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Who are you? I"m a witch. (Point to yourself and then make a witch gesture.) I"m a little witch. Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Who are you? I"m a witch. I"m a little witch. (Movement music: Fly around the room like witches riding on broomsticks.) Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Who are you? I"m a monster. (Point to yourself and then make a monster gesture.) I"m a little monster. Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Who are you? I"m a monster. I"m a little monster. (Movement music: Stomp around the room with your arms in front of you like Frankenstein"s monster!) Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Who are you? I"m a ballerina. (Point to yourself and then make a ballerina gesture.) A little ballerina. Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Who are you? I"m a ballerina. A little ballerina. (Movement music: Stand on your tippie toes and spins in circles.) Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Who are you? I"m a pirate. (Point to yourself and then make a pirate gesture.) I"m a little pirate. Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Who are you? I"m a pirate. I"m a little pirate. (Movement music: Make pirate voices - Aaaaarrrrghhh! - and pretend to have sword fights .) Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween! Knock. Knock. Trick or treat? Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween!

英语翻译 he beat a hasty retreat .那beat

他匆忙逃走了. beat a hasty retreat,固定搭配,匆忙逃走/急忙忙溜掉的意思.


《Retreat, Hell!》(Griffin, W. E. B.; Hill, Dick;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:tpq6书名:Retreat, Hell!作者:Griffin, W. E. B.; Hill, Dick;出版社:Brilliance Audio页数:0

新概念三中 he beat a hasty retreat.这句话怎么翻译?这里的beat什么意思?!


headlong retreat是什么意思

headlong retreat跌跌撞撞往外跑; 落荒而走1.the hall door, the gravel drive, and the front gate were dimly noted stages in hisheadlong retreat.穿过大厅的门、石子路、前大门,他一路跌跌撞撞往外跑。2.The hall door and the gravel drive were dimly noted stages in his headlongretreat.在他落荒而走的时候只隐约记得经过前门和砾石铺的车路。

Retreat of the Ten Thousands出自何处?

色诺芬的《远征记》.retreat of the ten thousands 汉译“万人大撤退”.指的是希腊1万雇佣军从波斯退回希腊的故事. 有兴趣的话可以百度以上名词,或“希腊史”. 英文资料请google.

《Retreat, Hell!》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Retreat, Hell!》(Griffin, W. E. B.; Hill, Dick;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 12q9书名:Retreat, Hell!作者:Griffin, W. E. B.; Hill, Dick;出版社:Brilliance Corporation页数:0

Retreat meeting是什么意思

Retreat meeting退会双语对照例句:1.Evergreen meeting and retreat meeting will be cancelled if the government announceno working day for that day. 若政府宣布停止上班上课,常绿聚会和退修会开会也会暂停一次.

Retreat meeting是什么意思

英文:Retreat meeting中文:退出会议很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

headlong retreat是什么意思

headlong retreat跌跌撞撞往外跑; 落荒而走1.the hall door, the gravel drive, and the front gate were dimly noted stages in hisheadlong retreat.穿过大厅的门、石子路、前大门,他一路跌跌撞撞往外跑。2.The hall door and the gravel drive were dimly noted stages in his headlongretreat.在他落荒而走的时候只隐约记得经过前门和砾石铺的车路。

There is no retreat. To be or not to be.什么意思?

There is no retreat:没有退路。TO BE OR NOT TO BE :生存还是毁灭。

he beat a hasty retreat中beat是什么意思


beat a retreat是什么意思

beat a retreat [英]bi:t u0259 riu02c8tri:t [美]bit e ru026au02c8trit v. 撤退,放弃;打退堂鼓 [例句]Then xiao wu beat a retreat.这时小吴打起退堂鼓来了。

英语语法问题 retreating behind在句中是啥意思?

retreat 回避,撤回的意思, 说维多利亚时期的父母都不爱说话,看起来很有威力。

Leadership Retreat 中文指什么?


ministers retreat 什么意思翻译

ministers retreat部长们撤退
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