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macbook pro 备份 即time machine 要用 Airport Extreme吗?


airport extreme外接移动硬盘的格式问题?


请大神帮忙,我的airport extreme根本无法连接上网一直黄灯,用DHCP和PPPOE都试


如何访问airport extreme 硬盘

你先吧硬盘插电脑上格式化一下。然后再差到路由上。 顺便说一下十分的不好用。经常访问不到。我用了2周就放弃了。稳定性和速度太差。

苹果的AirPort Extreme如何设置WDS? 是不是一定要同样的牌子(苹果)才可以桥接?AirPort Extreme如何运

刚查了下资料,Airport Express 的 WDS 要求匹配基站也是 Airport Express/Extreme,所以 WDS 应该没戏了。要延展范围同时又需要 AirTune 的话,貌似只能把 Airport Express 通过有线网络插入 Buffalo 的 LAN 口(也就是不能无线延展了)。不太清楚 Airport Express 能否手动设置子网,如果不能的话,前述方式连接的 Buffalo 和 Airport Express 会创建两个不同子网(Airport Express 会启用自己的 DHCP),需要 NAT 所以使用不太方便。另外最好把 Buffalo 和 Express 设置成使用完全相同的 SSID 和密码,方便客户端在两个基站间自动切换。

AirPort Extreme路由器 802.11n支持千兆光纤吗,最高速度是多少


家里办的500M宽带 用的airport extreme大的。猫连上路由器设置pppoe可以上网


苹果AirPort Extreme 基站和苹果Time Capsule有什么区别

前不久好像才回答了一位朋友这个问题。苹果基站其实很好理解。有点像中国移动啊,联通啊那种基站一样。只不过惟一不同的是它的发射范围。不过没有用过就不知道它的真正的用途了。苹果基站,从目前已发布的形态来看。有两种:一种是方形的像充电器;另一种像个小小的飞碟形。(后一种频率较高一些。)它的工作原理的就是:(主要以前一种为准啊)无论在家里或办公室。只要在插入一条网线在基站里。然后,其它电脑无论是Mac还是PC,只有主板上装有无线网卡。并且支持通用的802.11通讯协议的相关指数。那么,苹果无线基站都会自动搜索并连接。它的范围在45米之内都可以连通。同时它还支持无线打印机的连椄。大致情况就是这样。我有一个基站。05~06年那阵用得多些。现在很少用了。因只有一台电脑在家了。呵呵。 关于它上网速度的问题,我也研究过。如果你在房间里关着门。会有一些影响,但基本上没有很大问题。能正常上网。当然跟网速也有一定关系了。以前我都是用512K/S. 呵呵。

AirPort Extreme怎么设置远程访问


如何装载 AirPort Extreme USB 硬盘宗卷。

但是,如果此选项已在 AirPort 磁盘实用程序 (Mac OS X) 或 AirPort 磁盘 (Windows) 中禁用,或者被网络用户拒绝,则仍可以使用以下任一相应步骤进行访问。在默认情况下,用户可以输入 IP 地址,通过 IP 访问 AirPort Extreme 基站 (802.11n)。如果不能确定 AirPort Extreme (802.11n) 的 IP 地址,请使用 AirPort 实用程序 (Mac OS X) 或 AirPort 磁盘 (Windows) 选择基站。它的 IP 地址将显示在主窗口中。注释:在Mac 上,AirPort 磁盘实用程序位于“Applications”文件夹的“Utilities”文件夹中;在使用 Microsoft Windows 的电脑上,AirPort 磁盘位于“开始 > 所有程序 > AirPort”中。打开该实用程序,或在 Mac OS X 中点按 AirPort 磁盘菜单栏图标 (),然后选择已连接 USB 硬盘的 AirPort Extreme 基站 (802.11n)。受影响的产品Airport Extreme Base Station 基站, Time CapsuleMac OS X自动装载硬盘从AirPort 磁盘实用程序的主窗口中启用“在菜单栏中显示 AirPort 磁盘”。输入访问 AirPort 磁盘所需的用户名和密码。使用AirPort 磁盘菜单栏项目手动装载硬盘点按AirPort 磁盘菜单栏图标 (),并选择带有所需 USB 硬盘的基站。选择所需的硬盘(AirPort 磁盘)。输入访问 AirPort 磁盘所需的用户名和密码。手动装载 Mac OS 扩展 (HFS+) 宗卷从Finder 的开始菜单中选择连接到服务器。输入AirPort Extreme 基站的 LAN IP 地址(默认为。输入访问 AirPort 磁盘所需的用户名和密码。从可用的宗卷中选择所需的 AirPort 磁盘。手动装载 FAT16/FAT32 宗卷从Finder 的开始菜单中选择连接到服务器。输入AirPort Extreme 基站的 LAN IP 地址,前面加 smb://(例如,smb://输入访问 AirPort 磁盘所需的用户名和密码。除非已在 AirPort 实用程序中分配了一个工作组,否则请将“工作组”字段留空。从可用的 CIFS(通用 Internet 文件系统)宗卷中选择所需的 AirPort 磁盘。Windows XP 和 Vista注释:在 AirPort Base Station Update 2007-002 或更高版本中,“AirPort 磁盘代理”已重命名为“AirPort 基站代理”。如果尚未安装此更新,请在下面的步骤中将“AirPort 磁盘代理”替换为“AirPort 基站代理”。使用AirPort 基站代理进行装载从C:\Program FilesAirPort 中启动 AirPort 基站代理确保任务栏菜单在 AirPort 磁盘中已启用点按任务栏中的“AirPort 基站代理”图标输入用户名和密码通过映射网络驱动器进行加载进入“我的电脑”(开始 > 我的电脑)在菜单中,下拉“工具”并选择“映射网络驱动器”输入尚未使用的驱动器号(例如,Z)输入驱动器的路径。其格式为:\IPaddressdrivename(例如,\使用服务器连接进行装载选择“开始 > 运行”并输入 AirPort Extreme 基站 (802.11n) 的 IP 地址。

airport extreme 无线路由器应该怎么用?

airport extreme 无线路由器应该怎么用 求解

airport extreme 设置问题 求助

打开airport实用工具依次设置好,关键里面有 选择你先要使用“AirPort Extreme” 进行哪些操作。第一项选项是直接把宽带插入路由器的选择这个。第二个是让airport接受原有的无线路由信号并且转发。第三个是仅仅加入网络。。我选择的第一个,把路由器插入网络。。下一步是设置wifi密码什么的,,还有两个关键的词语“网桥模式”就是airport连接路由器“使用DHCP 和 NET共享...(后面的我没记住)”这个是airport直接插网线客人网络就不多说了,输入你的ppp0e密码就ok了 图中的情况代表路由器已经开始成功的运转 但是你应该选择的是网桥模式,所以你还需要一个额外的路由器去转接宽带,而不是直接把网线插在airport上面。如果你是apple oxs系统的话 直接打开设置点击向导--网络诊断--wifi--依次设置注意不要选择网桥模式啦

如何使用airport extreme

AirPort Extreme 基站设计小巧、使用便捷并支持同步双频,是家庭、学校和小型公司完美的无线接入点。为 Mac 电脑、PC 及 iPhone、iPod touch 和 Apple TV 等 WLAN 设备提供快速的 802.11n WLAN 接入。简单的来说。。。就是无线路由器。。。开始——程序——打开airport实用工具点“继续”设置设备名称和管理密码第一个,直接把宽带插路由器上的选这个第二个,让airport接受原有的无线路由信号并转发的选这个第三个,仅加入网络前面我选了第一个下一步是设置WiFi名称及密码airport连路由器的选第一个,airport直接插网线的选第二个设置客人网络,客人网络的意思就是只允许上网,不允许对airport设置进行更改输入宽带帐号和密码最后点确认就可以了。

苹果 AirPort Extreme 基站 的网速有多快?等于几M?

airport extreme的性能很好,极限速度能达到108m(下载速度达到13.5MB/s),估计中国很多地方的最大带宽都达不到airport extreme的特长不在于带宽高,而是信号稳定,而且传输距离远,最多可以50个终端接入,适合大家庭和公司使用;其实小家庭,宿舍或者日常使用的话,airport express就完全够用了,速度和extreme一样,就是差在信号的传输距离和用户接入数量上,,但是距离也可以满足绝大多数需求了,而且信号强度也可以...airport extreme和time capsule其实一样,只不过后者可以自动备份(与mac的软件配合),但是airport extreme支持无线硬盘,可以通过usb接口读取写入外置硬盘数据,速度也比较快...它们都支持无线打印airport express的usb接口不能支持无线硬盘,但是也可以无线打印,此外,express的air tunes 功能很好,喜欢音乐的朋友可以考虑,这个功能extreme和time capsule不具有价格方面,express最实惠,700左右,extreme 1300多,time capsule要2000+

苹果的AirPort Extreme 基站充当的是猫还是路由器 或者是两者的合并?

AirPort Extreme就是路由器。airport extreme的性能很好,极限速度能达到108m(下载速度达到13.5MB/s),估计中国很多地方的最大带宽都达不到airport extreme的特长不在于带宽高,而是信号稳定,而且传输距离远,最多可以50个终端接入,适合大家庭和公司使用;其实小家庭,宿舍或者日常使用的话,airport express就完全够用了,速度和extreme一样,就是差在信号的传输距离和用户接入数量上,,但是距离也可以满足绝大多数需求了,而且信号强度也可以...airport extreme和time capsule其实一样,只不过后者可以自动备份(与mac的软件配合),但是airport extreme支持无线硬盘,可以通过usb接口读取写入外置硬盘数据,速度也比较快...它们都支持无线打印airport express的usb接口不能支持无线硬盘,但是也可以无线打印,此外,express的air tunes 功能很好,喜欢音乐的朋友可以考虑,这个功能extreme和time capsule不具有价格方面,express最实惠,700左右,extreme 1300多,time capsule要2000+关于通过AirPort Extreme建设无线局域网,如果连接有困难,可以参考下面网址中的内容

airport extreme一直闪黄灯



imgoingtoplanttreestomorrommoning变为一般一问句是Are you going to plant trees tomorrow morning? 句子中有be动词变成一般疑问句时,直接把be动词提到主语前面。

阅读理解:Hawail,the 50th state of the United States,is out in the Pacific Ocean,3,700 kilometres


帮忙人工翻译下歌词Satyricon-Fuel for Hatred

Satyricon-Fuel for HatredSatyricon-仇恨的源头Scornful, relentless memory充满了鄙视,无休止的记忆Ripped of all but drive剥夺了除动力之外的东西Undressed by betrayal被背叛扒下了华丽的外衣Zero tolerance for the souldead对灵魂早已死亡的人没有一丝耐性Wish I was the violence,情愿我是那inflicted upon you加诸于你身上的暴/力Fuel for Hatred, air raid siren. Fuel for Hatred, to mankind仇恨的源头,空/袭/警/报。对于人类的,仇恨的源头。Little you,渺小的你still like a claw in my eye像是扎在我眼中的一根刺Pulsating organic rage激动的原/始/愤/怒I should have let you off of the hook我应该放你离开的Mind drifts神游天外into dynamic pain到了不断扩大的伤痛中Universal onslaught对世界的冲击I"m on my own (One soul, one hate)我只有自己(一个灵魂,一种仇恨)Fuel for Hatred, air raid siren. Fuel for Hatred, to mankind仇恨的源头,空/袭/警/报。对于人类的,仇恨的源头。Damnation, holocaust诅/咒,毁/灭Devil horns for you to ride魔角仍你使用Time for the angel是时候让天使to spread his wings and fly张开他的翅膀飞翔World opponent,世界的对手wishmaster of gruesome pain恐/怖伤痛的愿望之神Stormtroops" frantic fury,暴雨军/团的狂乱怒火demoniac spitfire!恶魔的烈焰Abortion of religious life, distinguish the rot宗教生活的夭折,看清腐败I hate you我恨你to a level of intoxication恨到让我中了毒Don"t feel alone,不要感到孤单I"ve got enough我受够了I wish you slow death,我希望你慢慢的死去slow death by grinding慢慢的被磨碎Fuel for Hatred, air raid siren. Fuel for Hatred, to mankind 仇恨的源头,空/袭/警/报。对于人类的,仇恨的源头。希望对你有帮助~天上~注:fuel是燃料的意思,但是在这里翻译为源头更贴切。另,歌词为意译。

That afternoon Molly almost danced along the street, as she walked home with her father from the st





补助金接受者双语例句1.40kbThe foundation said grant recipient Eric Lam at Rutgers University in New Jersey is exploring tomatoes as a antiviral drug delivery system.基金会宣称,新泽西州罗格斯大学的补助金接受人埃里克·兰姆正在认真研究西红柿,希望将它培育为抗病毒药物的载体。2.40kbThe foundation said grant recipient Eric Lam at Rutgers University in New Jersey is exploring tomatoes as a antiviral drug delivery system.基金会宣称,新泽西州罗格斯大学的赠款接受人埃里克·兰姆正在将西红柿作为抗病毒药的传送系统加以认真研究。3.43kbHe is a two-time Pulitzer Center Grant recipient and has seen his work for the Pulitzer Center featured in such publications as National Geographic.他是普利策中心补助金获得者,其为普利策中心所拍的摄影作品在《美国国家地理》杂志出版过。柯林斯英汉双解大辞典recipient /ru026au02c8su026apu026au0259nt/ 1.可数名词 The recipient of something is the person who receives it. 接受者例:...the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid.…最大的美国对外援助接受方。

谁能给我典范英语《the boss dog of blossom stre

老板的狗开花结果的压力Snap was a small black and brown dog. He has a special job , he was the boss dog of Blossom Street. One Saturday Snap"s owners were at home, they were picking up things and going to move away! They would not live on Blossom Street any more Snap was not happy about it because he didn"t think he can do his job any more, but when they got on the van, Snap had an idea and this idea could help him to be boss dog of Blossom Street even he didn"t live there. So every morning, Snap sets off and takes a bus to Blossom Street. After he makes sure that the dogs and cats are in their places, he takes a bus home! What a clever dog! Everyone loves him so much and everyone knows him! He is still the boss dog of Blossom Street, even he didn"t live there any more !

Family Tree 歌词

歌曲名:Family Tree歌手:Jake Thackray专辑:Jake In A Box (The Emi Recordings 1967-1976)Family TreeMLTRby:百度Mltr吧I"m gonna be the owner of the world for a little whileAnd it feels like I am flying (I am flying)Everybody"s waving in the crowd to get a smileBut they never saw me crying ( saw me crying)Even when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careEverybody"s talking right behind my backAnd I don"t care what people"re thinkingBut in a little corner of my mind it"s getting toughWhen the moving lights are twinklingEven when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWhen the heavy come fallsI know where I belongI could never walk away from you(from you)When the everyday life callsI"m gonna sing a songYeah~Hold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careby:百度Mltr吧..感想

Family Tree 歌词

歌曲名:Family Tree歌手:Leena专辑:Mean Old Clock (Ep)Family TreeMLTRby:百度Mltr吧I"m gonna be the owner of the world for a little whileAnd it feels like I am flying (I am flying)Everybody"s waving in the crowd to get a smileBut they never saw me crying ( saw me crying)Even when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careEverybody"s talking right behind my backAnd I don"t care what people"re thinkingBut in a little corner of my mind it"s getting toughWhen the moving lights are twinklingEven when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWhen the heavy come fallsI know where I belongI could never walk away from you(from you)When the everyday life callsI"m gonna sing a songYeah~Hold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careby:百度Mltr吧..感想

Family Tree 歌词

歌曲名:Family Tree歌手:Jake Thackray专辑:Lah-Di-DahFamily TreeMLTRby:百度Mltr吧I"m gonna be the owner of the world for a little whileAnd it feels like I am flying (I am flying)Everybody"s waving in the crowd to get a smileBut they never saw me crying ( saw me crying)Even when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careEverybody"s talking right behind my backAnd I don"t care what people"re thinkingBut in a little corner of my mind it"s getting toughWhen the moving lights are twinklingEven when we dance close the floorAnd everyone"s calling out for moreSomeone in your heart you feel aloneHold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWhen the heavy come fallsI know where I belongI could never walk away from you(from you)When the everyday life callsI"m gonna sing a songYeah~Hold my hand tonightAnd show me what is rightMake my life complete below the family treeTake away my fearAnd tell me you"ll be thereWe"ll always stay togetherI"ll always know you careWe"ll always be togetherI"ll always know you careby:百度Mltr吧..感想

up the street/down the street的意思是什么?


North Street中文意思是什么啊?

North Street直译过来的确就是北大街,北街。经常出现在一些国外地址中。国内说XX北路一般是翻译成North road的

Travis Cottrell的《Sanctus》 歌词

您好,Travis Cottrell的《Sanctus》 歌词:歌曲名:Come Home歌手:Travis Cottrell专辑:Beth Moore Presents Songs Of DeliveranceLene Marlin - Come HomeI just wanna lock the doorLeave it all outsideTurn off the lampsI just wanna hideDon"t bother look for meNot even sure that you wereSo I don"t have to tellI am not feeling well this staysJust give me directions I go anywhereI need to find something I can not find hereGive me a chance I prove that you are wrongI manage to find I can be strongAnd maybe I wanna come homeThat maybe I wanna come homeI just wanna stay in backStay right here for nowLeft it with my thoughtsI don"t know howI do face another dayAnd I tragedy for it yetSo I don"t have to show that I am not OK this wayJust give me directions I go anywhereI need to find something I can not find hereGive me a chance I prove that you are wrongI manage to find I can be strongAnd maybe I wanna come homeThat maybe I wanna come homeAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah AhJust give me directions I go anywhereI need to find something I can not find hereGive me a chance I prove that you are wrongI manage to find I can be strongAnd maybe I wanna come homeThat maybe I wanna come homeMaybe I wanna come homeListened by John Lee from LK Lyrics Group(如果您觉得有答案对您有帮助,请点“有用”,谢谢。)



一首英文歌,男声see me waitting for you on the corner of the street


想问一部美剧men in trees是否还有第2季 第一季到17集就结束了 不知道是不是被砍了 十分感谢!


sesame street英文怎么读

sesame 英[u02c8sesu0259mi] 美[u02c8su025bsu0259mi] n. <植>芝麻,脂麻; [例句]I"ve put some sesame crackers in the oven to bake.我已经把几片芝麻脆饼放进烤箱里烤了。street 英[stri:t] 美[strit] n. 大街,街道; [例句]He lived at 66 Bingfield Street他住在宾菲尔德大街66号。[其他] 复数:streets


你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:Sesame Streetn.芝麻街,艺术家Goodie Mob专辑Soul Food中的歌曲名称; 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。


1、空 (NULL) 值表示数值未知 2、空值不同于空白或零值。 3、没有两个相等的空值。 4、比较两个空值或将空值与任何其它数值相比均返回未知,这是因为每个空值均为未知。 5、在写入数据的时候,空字符串"" 也是一个确定的值,所以就算你定义了 NOT NULL 也可以被写入

suffer from stress

简单的记有FROM的是不及物的,没FROM的是及物的,有FROM的后加病的名称,没有的加痛苦,不幸. suffer from AIDS suffer pain

Street / Nr.: 的 Nr 是什么意思?

Nr是德语Nummer的缩写 就是英语里面mumber的意思

求Backstreet Boys - All of Your Life (You Need Love) 的中文翻译 神人速来

All of your liveHey Yeah, yeah 嘿,耶,耶。。I wanna know 我想知道Can we spend this life together 我们是否可以共度一生Be a shield from rain and weather 为彼此挡风遮雨Tell me can I 告诉我,可以吗?Baby tell me can I be your man 宝贝,告诉我,我可以成为你的男人吗?Let"s be lovers (be lovers) 当情人吧Girl I promise to be faithful 女孩,我答应对你忠贞True and honest forever 真诚到永远I know you been hurt 我知道你曾经受伤害But you really need to give us a chance 但是你真的必须给我们彼此一个机会Cuz… 因为# You need love 你需要真爱Please don"t change the way you are 请不要改变Soon you"ll live within my heart 很快的你就会住进我的心里You deserve it, you know it 你知道,这是你应该得到的You"ve been searching for it all of your life 你已经花了一辈子的时间去寻找You need love你需要真爱Don"t be scared to try again 不要害怕再去尝试You can rest upon a chance 这一次你可以放心And I"ll hold you, I"ll save you 我会握着你,拯救你You"ve been searching for it all of your life你已经花了一辈子的时间去寻找You need love (you need love) 你需要真爱I need to know 我需要知道Can I be the one you trust 我可以成为你信任的那一个吗?Be your friend I"ll give you all 当你的朋友,我会全部奉献All of the things you dream of 你梦想的一切Tell me can I be your man告诉我,我可以成为你的男人吗?Hole your heart 你心里的创伤There"s a wound I wanna heal 我想要治疗If you need me I"ll be here 当你需要我时,我会立刻出现Here to fix what broke 修复破损的一切Let me change the life you live 让我改变你的生活You"ve been searching for it All of your live 你已经花了一辈子的时间去寻找Yeah 耶You"ve been searching for it All of your live你已经花了一辈子的时间去寻找Yeah Ooh ooh 耶。。哦。。哦。。

使用zTree 生成的文件树该怎么存放至数据库

能说说看这个是什么应用场景吗?说清楚的话可能比较有针对性的探讨。如果类似于p2p软件的共享 可能这些数据保存在客户端比较合适.例如cookie什么的,不过cookie也有它的局限性,会给清理,保存内容有限 等等 不过4kb似乎也够了这些文件目录是非固定的吧?是的,非固定的目录与文件。有一点像是杀毒软件的架构……jquert-filetree.js// jQuery File Tree Plugin//// Version 1.01//// Cory S.N. LaViska// A Beautiful Site ( 24 March 2008//// Visit for more information//// Usage: $(".fileTreeDemo").fileTree( options, callback )//// Options: root - root folder to display; default = /// script - location of the serverside AJAX file to use; default = jqueryFileTree.php// folderEvent - event to trigger expand/collapse; default = click// expandSpeed - default = 500 (ms); use -1 for no animation// collapseSpeed - default = 500 (ms); use -1 for no animation// expandEasing - easing function to use on expand (optional)// collapseEasing - easing function to use on collapse (optional)// multiFolder - whether or not to limit the browser to one subfolder at a time// loadMessage - Message to display while initial tree loads (can be HTML)//// History://// 1.01 - updated to work with foreign characters in directory/file names (12 April 2008)// 1.00 - released (24 March 2008)//// TERMS OF USE//// This plugin is dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License and the MIT License and// is copyright 2008 A Beautiful Site, LLC.//if(jQuery) (function($){$.extend($.fn, { fileTree: function(o) { var EXCLUDED = 0; var INCLUDED = 1; var PARTIAL = 2;// Defaults if( !o ) var o = {}; if( o.root == undefined ) o.root = "/"; if( o.script == undefined ) o.script = "jqueryFileTree.php"; if( o.folderEvent == undefined ) o.folderEvent = "click"; if( o.expandSpeed == undefined ) o.expandSpeed= 500; if( o.collapseSpeed == undefined ) o.collapseSpeed= 500; if( o.expandEasing == undefined ) o.expandEasing = null; if( o.collapseEasing == undefined ) o.collapseEasing = null; if( o.multiFolder == undefined ) o.multiFolder = true; if( o.loadMessage == undefined ) o.loadMessage = "Loading...";$(this).each( function() {function showTree(c, t) { $(c).addClass("wait"); $(".jqueryFileTree.start").remove(); $.post(o.script, { action: "file_tree", dir: t }, function(data) { $(c).find(".start").html(""); $(c).removeClass("wait").append(data); if( o.root == t ) $(c).find("UL:hidden").show(); else $(c).find("UL:hidden").slideDown({ duration: o.expandSpeed, easing: o.expandEasing });//Check that the list of files that we got from the server have not already //been included or excluded in the UI. $(".checkbox").each(function () { var dir = escape(dirname($(this).attr("rel"))); if (dir == t) { var state = get_include_state($(this).attr("rel")); if (state !== false) { set_checkbox_state(this, state); } } }); bindTree(c); }); }function bindTree(t) { $(t).find("LI A.tree").bind(o.folderEvent, function() { if( $(this).parent().hasClass("directory") ) { if( $(this).parent().hasClass("collapsed") ) { // Expand if( !o.multiFolder ) { $(this).parent().parent().find("UL").slideUp({ duration: o.collapseSpeed, easing: o.collapseEasing }); $(this).parent().parent().find("").removeClass("expanded").addClass("collapsed"); } $(this).parent().find("UL").remove(); // cleanup showTree( $(this).parent(), escape($(this).attr("rel").match( /.*// )) ); $(this).parent().removeClass("collapsed").addClass("expanded"); } else { // Collapse $(this).parent().find("UL").slideUp({ duration: o.collapseSpeed, easing: o.collapseEasing }); $(this).parent().removeClass("expanded").addClass("collapsed"); } } else { var element = $(this).parent().find(".checkbox"); if (element.length) { checkbox_click(element); } } return false; });//Bind our check box clicks $(t).find("ul").find(".checkbox").bind("click", function() { checkbox_click(this); });// Prevent A from triggering the # on non-click events if( o.folderEvent.toLowerCase != "click" ) $(t).find("LI A").bind("click", function() { return false; }); } // Loading message $(this).html("<ul class="jqueryFileTree start"><li class="wait">" + o.loadMessage + "<li></ul>"); // Get the initial file list showTree( $(this), escape(o.root) ); });/** * Updates the tri state check box based on the state hidden element passed * @param check_box */ function set_checkbox_state(check_box, new_state) { new_state = parseInt(new_state); $(check_box).removeClass("checked"); $(check_box).removeClass("partial"); switch(new_state) { case EXCLUDED: $(check_box).addClass("checked"); break; case PARTIAL: $(check_box).addClass("partial"); break; default: break; //INCLUDED - Do nothing } }/** * Toggles the hidden list input with what has changed * @param element */ function set_include_state(element) { var file = $(element).attr("rel"); var state = get_checkbox_state(element); var file_tree_list = JSON.parse($("#file_tree_list").val()); var in_list = false; for (var i = 0; i < file_tree_list.length; i++) { if (file_tree_list[i][0] == file) { file_tree_list[i][1] = state; in_list = true; break; } } if (!in_list) { file_tree_list.push([file, state]) } $("#file_tree_list").val(JSON.stringify(file_tree_list)); }/** * Get the file state from the local list * @param file * @return int */ function get_include_state(file) { var file_list = JSON.parse($("#file_tree_list").val()); for (var i = 0; i < file_list.length; i++) { if (file_list[i][0] == file) { return file_list[i][1]; } } return false; }/** * Just like PHP"s dirname * @param path */ function dirname(path) { return path.replace(//$/, "").replace(//[^/]*$/, "/"); }/** * Toggles the directory check box to ON, OFF or PARTIAL depending on the state of all its children. * @param clicked */ function toggle_directory_check(clicked) { //Also check its directory if they are all not checked var checked_count = 0, total = 0; var clicked_parent_dir = dirname($(clicked).attr("rel")); $(".checkbox").each(function () { if (clicked_parent_dir != o.root) { var parent_dir = dirname($(this).attr("rel")); if (parent_dir == clicked_parent_dir) { var state = get_checkbox_state(this); if (state == PARTIAL || state == EXCLUDED) { checked_count++; } total++; } } });//Now that we know that the state of all the directories children we can update the parent dir accordingly $(".checkbox").each(function () { if ($(this).attr("rel") == clicked_parent_dir) { if (checked_count == total) { set_checkbox_state(this, EXCLUDED); } else if (checked_count == 0) { set_checkbox_state(this, INCLUDED); } else { set_checkbox_state(this, PARTIAL); } set_include_state(this); toggle_directory_check(this); } }); }/** * Return the current state of a clicked check box * @param clicked */ function get_checkbox_state(clicked) { var state = INCLUDED; if ($(clicked).hasClass("partial")) { state = PARTIAL; } else if ($(clicked).hasClass("checked")) { state = EXCLUDED; } return state; }/** * Set all the children of a directory to a state * @param parent */ function set_directory_children(parent, state) { //If this is an expanded directory recursively update all its children if ($(parent).parent().hasClass("expanded") && $(parent).hasClass("directory")) { $(".checkbox").each(function () { if (dirname($(this).attr("rel")) == $(parent).attr("rel")) { set_checkbox_state(this, state); set_include_state(this); set_directory_children(this, state); } }); } }/** * The on click function for a file check box. If the user clicks on a directory then all its open children * need to be updated accordingly. * @param clicked */ function checkbox_click(clicked) { var state = get_checkbox_state(clicked) == EXCLUDED ? INCLUDED : EXCLUDED;set_checkbox_state(clicked, state); set_include_state(clicked);set_directory_children(clicked, state); toggle_directory_check(clicked); } } });})(jQuery);

Wall Street Tequila北京新office怎么样?

Wall Street Tequila北京新office是轻奢的小清新style

a story of wall-street讲的啥

a story of wall-street华尔街的故事a story of wall-street华尔街的故事





One Up on Wall Street这本书有没有中文译版?


求The Whore of Wall Street种子

这个世界现在需要的是胆大心细,脸皮厚,脑子灵活,会说话,能吃苦的人。一个男人能取的多大成就,很大程度上在于他能经受得了多大诱惑!。。。。。。不光是说大家,同时也是勉励我自己,凡事都有因果报应。一个满脑子胡思乱想的人会有妹子喜欢吗?气质猥琐,内向胆小怕事,自卑,只能说活该,你就别怪妹子跟人走,试想一下,如果你是女孩,你喜欢那种整天就知道sy的男人吗?天天脑子昏昏沉沉,记不住东西,没气场,被人各种看不起,这就是你想要的生活吗?你愿意一辈子贫贱吗?。。。。。。气质,就是一个人为人处世,和待人接物,的方法和态度。是通过一个人的言行举止,所表现出来的。是由内而外散发出来的。一个满脑子邪淫的人,会有气质吗?能不猥琐吗?会有底气和气场吗?万恶淫为首,邪淫者注定贫贱一生,邪yin消耗的是一个人的福报和健康.等你的福报消耗完了,霉运就来了,生活不如意,事事不顺心,健康消耗完了,一系列的生理和心里疾病也会接踵而来,色是刮骨钢刀,摧残的是一个人的意志力,人没了意志力,终将一事无成。一:由于看SQ片、SQ小说是直官的xing刺激 ,其间你的YJ一直处于充血勃起状态,决定YJ勃起硬度的是PC肌,位于蛋蛋和EXIT之间,常时间的勃起会使PC肌处于疲惫状态,久而久之就会使YJ疲软,达不到理想的硬度。二:经常看SQ片会使人对“鱼水之欢”的激情和新鲜感下降,严重者和伴侣“嗨咻”时会产生力不从心或厌恶情绪(SQ片的女主角都很漂亮),所以一定要远离SQ片!三:SQ片的内容繁多,甚至有违家庭社会伦理的内容。为毒害他国青少年身心健康进行文化渗透,诱使青少年犯罪,就值得警惕!看H 片的危害?为何有一种想看的心理?如果你是未成年人,则要坚决远离这些东西。由于青春的发育,对于男女之间的事情都比较好奇,一旦你接触了,处于一种本能,它就会像毒 品一样吸引你,从而影响你的学习和成长,而且往往这些H片都伴随暴 li,更会影响你的世界观和人生观。成年人看SQ片、SQ小说可能引发四大危害不少人可能认为看SQ录像可提高xing生活的情趣,但如经常看SQ录像,可能给双方的心理和相互关系造成某种损害,这是因为SQ录像带来的信息骗了他们。A。SQ录像会使人沉迷于xing的梦幻。xing梦和xing幻想是人类的正常xing心理活动,不大可能主观和能动地去寻求。而SQ录像所诱发的xing梦幻则不同,往往最具体、最形象化、最容易使人误以为是一种美。长期迷失于xing梦幻中,会对个人心理和夫妻感情产生深远的不良作用。B。SQ录像传播谬误的xing信息。SQ录像不是科教片,内容是为了赚钱,会夸大或扭曲人类的xing行为,必然会散布种种错误或荒谬的xing信息。C。SQ录像会使人把对方物体化。SQ录像是通过剥夺语言交流来剥夺人类的情感交流,沉迷于SQ录像的夫妻,会逐渐把对方看做xing工具,忽视或淡忘了双方的感情交流,把对方仅仅视为xing交的对象,是对婚内爱情的最严重破坏。D。SQ录像会误导夫妻的xing偏爱。在具体的xing行为和具体xing动作方面,人人都可能具有不同程度的偏爱,夫妻xing生活协调是在互相理解和尊重的基础上,共同寻找一种双方都觉得合适、满意的具体方式。xing偏爱是一个人的自尊与人格的体现。而SQ录像中的种种技巧是忽略了感情因素的盲目效仿,只会让对方反感。看SQ片,上SQ网站的危害比SY更大!原因有:1,接触H色信息比自己刻意SY更容易发生,前者只要输入网站就可以看到,后者必须是在自己受到强大诱惑的情况下才能发生。2,接触H色信息更容易上瘾,SY后往往心情非常低落。而上H网后心里不会那么难受,如果过后不破戒,反而觉得自己定力强,于是为下一次上H网提供了心理上的条件。3,上H网的最终归宿往往是破戒,如果上H上瘾,那么必然导致破戒!4,戒除H网比戒除SY更难,就如同戒除YY比戒除SY更难一样,YY发展的最后结果就是SY,而H网可以让YY在短时间内无比强大。5,上H网和导致的YY让生殖系统长期充血,之后再SY往往时间要么比较短,要么SY后很累,比正常情况下的SY累很多。 主要应注意一个问题是男破精不易早,不易多,早则伤精,多则耗元气。西医的不惜精观点是错误的,青少年,看SQ片难免会有xing冲动、射精的现象。这是会消耗青少年的很多能量。多则会,没精神,眼花,耳鸣,腰痛等很多身体能量(元气)不足的证状,元气不足到一定程度时,身体的自保功能就会开始内闲九窍(上七窍,下二窍)导致身体出现一些问题。人体的元气也就象一个工厂的电能,如电量不足时,办法就是把一部份耗电设备停用。当然你的身体不会马上就坏到一点都不用能的程度,(也是因为你的元气不会被耗的一点都没有)但是人体器官工作时会有点吃力的。  人的能量肾精(元气)是有限的,要把这些能量用在长身体,学习,强体魄之上,而少用在大量生产精子,YY之上。只有这样你的身体才 会更健康,头脑更聪明(肾生精,主髓通脑)人生才会更成功。SQ片都是邪乱胡来的,不看SQ片你的人生也不会有什么遗憾!南无阿弥陀佛!

有没人知道那里有卖Peter Lynch 著One Up on wall Street 《选股战略》的中文版

One up on wall street, by Peter Lynch , 选股战略 读后感:这本书在很久以前的智富杂志就已经推荐,但一直没有时间好好地把它读完,计划把智富杂志中所介绍的理财圣经都看完,毕竟它们都是经过时间的焠炼而留下来,打算在近期之内把这几本书读完并做一些整理的动作,消化吸收后形成个人的操作策略,在很久前就已经将<<一个投机者的告白>> 与 <<是川银藏>> 这二本看完,很可惜并没有花时间把重点整理出来趁这个假日把这本书看完,并做笔记。今天看的这本 <<选股战略>> 里面以故事穿插的方式说明作者的实际操作策略虽然书中的背景都是发生在美国,但对于台湾的股友实际操作股票仍有许多帮助。选股战略 by Peter LynchCH4:买任何股票前,必须面对的三件个人问题 1我有房子吗? 2我缺钱吗? 只投资你赔得起的钱,这笔钱如果赔了,在可预见的未来里 对你的日常生活不应有任何影响,才可投资股市 3我的个性能让我成功吗 耐性、自信、常识、持久力、弹性、忍受痛苦的能力、做研究的意愿 CH7 .不管是透过自己的观察(看到市场上某项产品热卖)或是从别人处得到的消息 均需自己再加以确认,确认这项产品对公司的财务底线产生多少效果,即该 项产品占全公司营业项目的百分比。 .股票的分类 A.缓慢成长股 1.每年付固定丰厚股息 2.股价成长缓慢如:电力公司 B.稳定成长股 1.每年盈余成长率在一成至二成之间如:可口可乐、必治妥 C.循环股 1.公司的业绩和利润呈规律起伏 2.循环股走出不景气,进入经济复苏时,股价上扬的幅度往往高过稳定成长型股票如:汽车公司、航空公司、轮胎公司、钢铁厂、化学厂及国防工业 D.起死回生股如:克莱斯勤。E.资产类 1.此类公司拥有被人忽略的某种有值钱的东西,未被真实反应至帐目上。CH8 如何辨识具成长型的股票: 1.听起来无聊-荒谬更好 2.做无聊的事 如专做瓶盖或手机小零件的小公司3.做让人摇头的事 找产品利基独特的小公司 4.是个分家的公司 由母公司脱离出来的独立公司 5.证券商不买,分析师不爱 找寻被证券商忽略的具成长潜力的公司,这些资料可从法人持股数量看出来资料来源: Vicker"s Institutional Holdings Guide, Nelson"s Directory of Investment Reaserch, Spectrum Survey, Value Line Investment Survey6.谣言四起:此股涉及有毒废弃物和(或)黑手党 如:赌场股票 7.让人沮丧的股票 如:葬仪社 8.无成长工业 无成长工业,往往没有竞争的问题,得以让公司持续成长,扩大市场占有率 9.占尽地利(垄断优势) 如:报纸业、制药公司、可口可乐、万宝路 10.人们非不断购买不可如:消费必需品11.科技使用者如:google12.局内人自己也买股票 当公司内部的人员每个都持有大量的股票时,表示公司的人对于公司成长均有信心资料来源:Vicker" Weekly Insider Report , The Indsiders , Wall Street Journal , Barron"s managane13.公司买回自己的股票 若公司买回一半的股份,而其盈余总数不变,那么每股平均盈余便加倍CH9 我会避开的股票1.热门工业中最热门的股票2.小心未来的XXX 人们把某种股票看成未来的XXX时,往往显示模仿者和其模仿对象的题峰期已近尾声 3.避开恶化经营公司.把钱花在思蠢的收购上(收购与公司本业无关的公司,无法发挥一加一大于二的综效) 4.提防耳语股票 5.小心居间型公司 有些公司把四分之一到一半的产品卖给同一客户,大客户具有无比的权力,可以杀供货商的价 或做其它的特权要求,让供货商的利润锐减。这类任人宰割的局面很难产生好投资。 这一点所描述的例子,在台湾或大陆等以代工为主的产业中常常可以看到,要特别注意。6.小心名称别致的股票CH11 二次牛刀小试选出的心目中的股票后,尽可能了解公司如何增加财富、刺激成长及未来发展,为自己的股票说「故事」。A.缓慢成长股.这家公司过去十年来,年年都提高股息,不论景气好坏都不例外,甚至过去三次不景气 期间都没有破例。B.稳定成长股.看本益比,看看股价最近几个月间是否有飞涨的情况,如果有,看看是什么因素造成的 C.循环股.故事内容应包含生意状况、存货量和价格。D.起死回生股.这家公司是否实施了改善措施?该措施到目前为止是否有效? E.快速成长公司.它要如何保持快速成长?往哪里成长?CH12 找寻事实1.充分利用证券经纪商 向证券经纪商索取公司的年报、季报及相关的投资报告2.打电话给股票公司 3.拜访公司总部4.亲自到投资人关系室5.阅读财报(重点放在资产负债表)CH13知名的数字 1.销售率 2.市盈率(P/E ratio) .一般说来本益比若是成长率的一半就算很好了 .公式: (长期成长率+股息) / 本益比 ex: (12 + 3) / 10 = 1.5 低于 1 不太好,1.5还可以,但该找2以上的公司 3.现金状况 4.债务部份 5.股息 6.账面价价 账面价值往往与一个公司真正的价值没有什么关系,都是大幅偏高或偏低 如:专利、品牌 7.现金流量8.存货 .对制造商或零售商而言,存货增多通常是个警讯 .存货比销售量的成长更快速,便是一个红灯9.成长率 10.税后纯益 CH17 买卖的最佳时机1.岁末税负大抛售(10到12月间)2.股价每隔几年发生的大暴动:如911、SARS、地震

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《Le Loup de Wall Street》(Belfort)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:提取码:1234书名:Le Loup de Wall Street作者:Belfort

The Wolf Of Wall Street著名片段

H:Tootski? B:Oh,no.Thank you, though. W:Mr.Hanna, what can I bring for you on this glorious afternoon? H:Well, Hector, here"s the game plan, You"re gonna bring us two absolut Martinis, you know how I like them, straight up. And then precisely seven and one half minutes after that, you"re gonna bring us two more. Then two more after that every five minutes until one of us passes the fuck out. W:Excellent strategy, sir. B:Oh, I"m good with water for now, though. Thank you. H:It"s his first day on Wall Street. Give him time. Thank you. B:Thank you. B:Mr. Hanna? You"re able to do drugs during the day and then still function, still do your job? H:How the fuck else would you do this job? Cocaine and hookers, my friend. B:Right. B:Well, I got to say, I"m incredibly excited to be a part of your firm, I mean. The clients you have are absolutely... H:Fuck the clients, your only responsibility is to put meat on the table. You got a girlfriend? B:I"m married, I have a wife. Her name is Teresa. She cuts hair. H:Congratulations. B:Thank you. H:Think about Teresa, Name of the game, Move the money from your client"s pocket into your pocket. B:Right. But if you make your clients money at the same time, it"s advantageous to everyone, Correct? H:No. Number one rule of Wall Street, Nobody... I don"t care if you"re Warren Buffett or if you"re Jimmy Buffett. Nobody knows if a stock is gonna go up, down, sideways, or in fucking circles. Least of all stockbrokers, right? It"s all a fugazi. You know what a fugazi is? B:Well, Fugayzie, It"s a fake. H:Yeah, Fugayzie, fugazi, It"s a whazy, it"s a woozy, it"s Fairy dust, it doesn"t exist. It"s never landed, it is no matter, it"s not on the elemental chart, it"s not fucking real. Right? B:Right. H:Stay with me, We don"t create shit, we don"t build anything. B:No. H:So if you got a client who bought stock at eight and it now sits at sixteen, he"s all fucking happy. He wants to cash in, liquidate, take his fucking money and run home. You don"t let him do that. B:Okay. H:"Cause that would make it real. B:Right. H:No. What do you do? You get another brilliant idea. A special idea. Another "situation". Another stock to reinvest his earnings and then some. And he will, every single time. "Cause they"re fucking addicted. And you just keep doing this, again and again and again. Meanwhile, he thinks he"s getting shit rich, which he is, on paper. But you and me, the brokers, we"re taking home cold hard cash via commission, motherfucker. B:Right. That"s incredible, sir. I can"t tell you how excited I am. H:You should be. There"s two keys to success in the broker business. First of all, you gotta stay relaxed. B:Yeah. H:Do you jerk off? B:Do I... Do I jerk off? Yeah, Yeah, I jerk off, Yeah. H:How many times a week? B:Like three or four, three or four times, maybe five. H:Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. I myself, I jerk off at least twice a day. B:Wow H:Once in the morning right after I work out, then once right after lunch. B:Really? H:I want to. That"s not why I do it, I do it "cause I fucking need to. Think about it, you"re dealing with numbers. All day long, decimal points, high frequencies. Fucking digits. All very acidic above-the-shoulders mustard shit. All right? It kind of wigs some people out, right? You got to feed the geese to keep the blood flowing. I keep the rhythm below the belt. B:Done. H:This is not a tip, this is a prescription. Trust me. If you don"t, you will fall out of balance, split your differential and tip the fuck over. Or worse yet, I"ve seen this happen, implode. B:No, I don"t want to implode, sir. H:No, No, you don"t. B:I"m in it for the long run, you know? H:Yeah, implosions are ugly. B:Yeah. H:Pop off to the bathroom, work one out any time you can. When you get really good at it, you"ll fucking be stroking it and you"ll be thinking about money. Second key to success in this racket, is this little baby right here. It"s called cocaine. B:Right. H:It"ll keep you sharp between the ears. It"ll also help your fingers dial faster. And guess what? That"s good for me. Yes, sir. Revolutions. You follow? B:Revolutions. H:Keep the clients on the Ferris wheel. And it goes. The park is open 24/7, 365, every decade, every goddamn century. That"s it. The name of the game. Halkidiki? B:Thank you. H:Come on. H:We"re the common denominator. H:A!~ B:a!~ H:A!~ B:a!~ H:Keep it up for me. You"ve seen the echo. And the money comes in. The parade comes to town. Going down Broadway. It"s a one-way street. Whichever way I go.


《高频交易员》(【美】迈克尔u2022刘易斯)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:01qs书名:高频交易员作者:【美】迈克尔u2022刘易斯译者:王飞 王宇西 陈婧 译豆瓣评分:7.8出版社:中信出版社出版年份:2015-5-1页数:315内容简介:《说谎者的扑克牌》《大空头》作者迈克尔u2022刘易斯最新作品英国《金融时报》和麦肯锡2014年度商业类入围好书美国上市一周,狂销13万册!2014年苹果电子书店下载,非虚构类第一名!一场运用网络交易技术与精密算法的大对决一场抗衡超级金融系统与权贵人士的大挑战一场直面股市交易内幕与监管之惑的大辩论千分之十三秒能做什么?你还来不及眨一次眼睛,但对于高频交易员而言,足够完成一次交易。美国有多少个股票交易所?你很可能以为,只有两家:纽约证交所和纳斯达克。错!今天,美国股市有超过13个公开交易所,此外,几乎各大券商都有属于自己的秘密交易平台,俗称“暗池”。这是一个隐蔽且被操控的市场,高频交易员利用纳秒级(十亿分之一秒)的时间差,捕捉“猎物”,快速买入卖出,谋取暴利。这是“暗池”里的“游戏”,速度就是一切,为此,他们甚至开山破土,建起了一条有史以来最笔直的数据传输光缆。一群华尔街的奇异人士发现了这个秘密,他们是一群智力超群的反叛者,他们密谋揭秘金融市场的疯狂,揭露华尔街上那些大银行、股票交易所、高频交易公司赚取暴利的新把戏。《高频交易员》曝光了全球金融市场中不为人知的内幕,对当今世界快速演变的金融工具进行反思,并回答了这样一个问题:到底是谁在操纵市场?作者简介:【美】迈克尔u2022刘易斯(Michael Lewis)美国超级畅销书作家,毕业于美国普林斯顿大学和英国伦敦经济学院,曾任所罗门兄弟公司的债券交易员,后为《纽约时报》撰稿。他的成名之作《说谎者的扑克牌》被公认是描写20世纪80年代华尔街文化的经典名作,书中的精彩片段被各大媒体广泛引用,对美国商业文化产生了重大的影响。2011年,其反思金融体系弊端的最新著作《大空头》受到广泛关注与好评。2014年出版《高频交易员》,再次受到读者与媒体的追捧,上市第一周狂销13万册,本书还成为2014年苹果电子书店下载,非虚构类第一名!

The Wall Street Crash翻译,求手工翻译,速度,快的加分,纯手工流畅加分!


Wall Street Tequila成立多久了?

第四十六回 病关索大闹翠屏山 拚命三火烧祝家庄

Wall Street Tequila主要是做什么的?在留学生圈子里经常能听到

Wall Street Tequila主要是帮助海外留学生统筹规划未来职业方向并且尽早开始进入日益激烈的求职市场,通过一系列的培训课程提升有求职意向的留学生的专业技能和软技能,通过有效的方式方法帮助学员们实现各阶段的职业目标,专属导师一对一辅导给予非常高效而且很适合学员情况的建议,从而获得目标公司可以转正的实习机会。

为什么Wall Street Tequila工作环境这么好?

为什么?因为:Wall Street Tequila is a premier full-service career consulting company, focusing on helping students to fulfill various career developmental needs. Our mentors are highly experienced industry professionals from world-renowned finance and consulting firms (such as J.P. Morgan, BCG, Bain&Co.). WST has a global mentor network that covers New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Hong Kong, London and Shanghai, etc.


street 英[stri:t] 美[strit] n. 大街,街道; [例句]He lived at 66 Bingfield Street他住在宾菲尔德大街66号。常用的与street相关的短语组合:block the street 阻塞街道clean a street 清扫街道close a street 封闭街道cover a street 覆盖街道cross a street 横过马路fill the street 充满街道go about the street 在街上散步lay down a street 铺路line the street 排列在街道两旁

Wall Street 为什么能代表美国文化?

因为美国的政府高官里绝大部分是 Wall Street里的人

为什么叫“Wall Street”?



Wall Street n. 华尔街; [例句]On Wall Street, stocks closed at their second highest level today华尔街股市以今天的第二高点收盘。

冷知识——华尔街为什么叫“Wall Street”?

全球金融市场都关注的,美国纽约华尔街,为什么叫“Wall Street”?说起来其实也很简单,因为那里曾经真的有一堵墙。北美新大陆发现伊始,现如今的纽约地区,最初是荷兰人的殖民地,被称之为“新阿姆斯特丹”。当时的市长彼得·斯特文森,担忧与争夺殖民地的英格兰必有一战,因此决定在城市北面的交通要道,用圆木建起长700多米的木墙,用来阻挡英军的进攻。但事实上在1664年英国人进攻的时候,并没有从陆地来,而是通过海路以军舰进行炮火压制,短时间内就结束了战斗。新阿姆斯特丹就此改名为新约克郡(New York,简称纽约),以此作为献给约克公爵(英王查理二世的弟弟及继承人)的生日礼物。那道形同虚设的城墙,在1698年被拆除,沿着墙边建造的马路,也就自然被命名为“墙街”,Wall Street了。虽然华尔街的由来,看似和金融发展毫无关联,但是纽约人似乎是传承了荷兰人对于投机的偏好,最终成为全球金融中心,也许冥冥中也有天意。 这个冷知识,我是在《伟大的博弈》这本书里看到的,了解一下华尔街金融帝国崛起的历史。

wall street 是华尔街 wall 是什么 street 是街道?

华尔街是英文Wall Street(墙街)的音译。1792年荷兰殖民者为抵御英军侵犯而建筑一堵土墙,从东河一直筑到哈德逊河,后沿墙形成了一条街,因而得名Wall Street。后拆除了围墙,但“华尔街”的名字却保留了下来。然而,它却以“美国的金融中心”闻名于世。美国摩根财阀、洛克菲勒石油大王和杜邦财团等开设的银行、保险、航运、铁路等公司的经理处集中在这里。著名的纽约证券交易所也在这里。参考资料:百度百科


WallStreet作为借代词使用时是指华尔街(纽约一街名)。WallStreet原意是指墙街,后用来指代华尔街(Wall Street),纽约市曼哈顿区南部从百老汇路延伸到东河的一条大街道。全长仅三分之一英里,宽仅为11米。街道狭窄而短,从百老汇到东河仅有7个街段,却以“美国的金融中心”闻名于世。美国罗斯柴尔德财团、摩根财团、洛克菲勒石油大王、高盛集团和杜邦财团等开设的银行、保险、航运、铁路等公司的经理处集中于此。著名的纽约证券交易所也在这里,至今仍是几个主要交易所的总部:如纳斯达克、美国证券交易所、纽约期货交易所等。“华尔街”一词现已超越这条街道本身,成为附近区域的代称,亦可指对整个世界经济具有影响力的金融市场和金融机构。

Wall Street是什么意思啊啊?

Wall Street .华尔街(美国纽约金融中心和证券交易所所在地) 纽约华尔街;美国华尔街;墙街例句筛选1.The securitisation of mortgages was an innovation that led unwittingly towhat Wall Street calls "betting the company" .按揭证券化是一种创新,不知不觉中导致华尔街所称的“押注公司”的行为。2.McCain said he believes the country is in an economic crisis and hevowed to clean up the greed and corruption on Wall Street.他说,他认为美国处于经济危机,他誓言要清除华尔街的贪婪和腐败。

Wall Street是什么意思?

  Wall Street  n.华尔街;  双语例句:  1, He"s some big hoo-hah on wall street.  他可是华尔街的一个人物。  2, I work for the wall street journal, so does that make me a cia agent?  我为华尔街日报工作就意味着我是中情局特工吗?  3, I met a wall street man.  我遇到一个华尔街的人。  4,You know it gets strange she"s dating somebody from wall street?  你不为她正和一个来自华尔街的人约会而感到奇怪吗?  5,You don"t think it"s strange that she"s dating somebody from wall street?  你不觉得她爱上一个出身华尔街的男孩很奇怪吗?

一硬币上有“PIASTRE DE COMMERCE”1906年收藏价值如何


英语翻译New York City CopsHere in the streets so mechanisedRise

在这里的街道是如此的机械化 Rise to the bottom of the meaning of life上升到生命的意义底部 Studied all the rules didn"t want no part研究了所有的规则不希望任何部分 But I let you in just to break this heart不过,我只是让你打破这个心 Even though it was only one night尽管这只是一个晚上 It was *** ing strange这是他妈的怪 Nina"s in the bedroom尼娜在卧室 She said time to go now她说,现在的时间去 But leavin" it ain"t easy但要走"这是不容易 I got to let go我得放手 I got to let go我得放手 And the hours they ran slow而昨天他们跑慢 I said everynight she just can"t stop sayin"我说每个夜晚她不能停止的言谈 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 They ain"t too *** art他们是不是太聪明 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 They ain"t too *** art他们是不是太聪明 Well,kill me now,I let you down那么,杀我,我让你失望 I swear one day we"re gonna leave this town我发誓一天我们要离开这个小镇 Stop停止 Yes I"m leavin"是的,我要离开 "Cause it just won"t work因为它只是将无法工作 They act like Romans他们像罗马 But they dress like Turks但他们穿得像土耳其人 Sometime,in your prime有时,在你最 See me,I like the summertime见我,我喜欢夏天 Nina"s in the bedroom尼娜在卧室 She said time to go now她说,现在的时间去 But leavin" it ain"t easy但要走"这是不容易 I got to let go我得放手 I got to let go我得放手 Oh!哦! Trapped in an apartment被困在公寓 She would not let them get her她不会让他们得到她 She wrote it in a letter她在一封信中写道它 I got to e clean我得坦白 The authorities they"ve seen他们已经看到当局 darling I"m somewhere in between亲爱的,我现在在两者之间 I said everynight every night,I just can"t stop sayin"我说每个夜晚每个夜晚,我忍不住说的了 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 They ain"t too *** art他们是不是太聪明 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 They ain"t too *** art他们是不是太聪明

求一首欧美男歌手唱的歌名,歌曲开头是baby girl,结束是no stress.

Fool againu2015westlife

Trevor Rabin的《Leaving》 歌词

歌曲名:Leaving歌手:Trevor Rabin专辑:Armageddon - Original Motion Picture ScoreJesse McCartney Ft. Baby Bash - Leavin (Remix)(Talking Baby Bash)All ready all readyIt"s officialLike a referee whistleJesse macBaby bashWat is?(Jesse McCartney)Hey baby girl, I"ve been watching you all day (all day x3)Man that thing you got behind you is amazing (amazing x3)You make me want to take you out and let it rain (let it rain x3)I know you got a man but this is what you should sayWhy don"t you tell him that I"m leavin" never lookin" back againYou found somebody who does it better than he canNo more making you cry, no more them gray skiesGirl we flying on the G5 G5And believe in never lookin back againSo call your shawty and tell him you found a new manThe one who"s so so fly, the one that keep you highHave me singing all night like likeOh oh oh oh man she gon" be singinOh oh oh oh ohNow if I talk it girl, you know that I will walk it out (walk it out x3)Man I"ll put my money (money) where my mouth is (mouth is x3)Cause you the baddest little thing that I"ve ever seen (ever seen x3)So I"m a ask you one time if you got a manWhy don"t you tell him that I"m leavin" never lookin" back againYou found somebody who does it better than he canNo more making you cry, no more them gray skiesGirl we flying on the G5 G5And believe in never lookin back againSo call your shawty and tell him you found a new manThe one who"s so so fly, the one that keep you highHave me singing all night like likeOh oh oh oh oh man she gon" be singinShe gon" be singin, she gon" be singin, she gon" be singin oh you gon" be singinDon"t stress, don"t stress, don"t stressJust tell him to the left left leftDon"t stress, don"t stress, don"t stressCause we gone, and we gone, and we gone(Baby Bash)Now you can tell him Sayonara and holla Astalla uegoCause a mami like yourself needa soul papi and fuegoTell that boy to get rocks get coast hit the blocksCause I found someone that"ll hit the spotSomeone that you dig a lotSo then kick it with me and let"s go vacationStress free, drama free in a foreign nationAnywhere the water atBaby I"m your quaterbackAin"t no more I ain"t holding back(Jesse McCartney)Girl you need to tell himThat I"m leavin" never lookin" back againYou found somebody who does it better than he canNo more making you cry, no more them gray skiesGirl we flying on the G5 G5And believe in never lookin back againSo call your shawty and tell him you found a new manThe one who"s so so fly, the one that keep you highHave me singing all night like like likeOh oh oh man she gon" be singinOh oh oh ohShe got me singin al night like like like likeOooooohMan she got me singinShe gon me singing, oh she gon me singing

Tom is the boy who is in red under the tree句子讲解

under the tree 为介词短语做地点状Tom 就是穿红衣服在树下的那个男孩。

有谁知道美国的电视节目star trek 的简介?要英文的,急!!!!

一:(更多内容去: the final frontier.These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilisations; to boldly go where no man has gone before. In the 23rd Century, Earth is a member of the United Federation of Planets, a peaceful alliance of democratic worlds that runs a 慡tarfleet?of space vessels to patrol the final frontier of space. One such starship is the USS Enterprise. Captained by James Tiberius Kirk, a courageous and unflinchingly noble commander with an eye for the ladies; first officer Mr Spock, a half-human half-Vulcan with pointed ears, arched eyebrows and a philosophy based on pure logic; Chief Medical Officer Leonard 态ones?McCoy, a grumpy Southerner who insists that he is 欲ust a simple country doctor at heart? and Chief Engineer Montgomery 慡cottie?Scott, an old-fashioned nuts and bolts man loyally devoted to his engines. As well as encountering strange and incredible alien races, deadly monsters, uncanny space phenomena, time travel, and universal threats to life as we know it, this crew of pioneers also has to deal with the warrior Klingons and the scheming Romulans, who threaten to destroy the stability of the Federation. Originally conceived as a 慦agon Train to the stars? the series was created by television pioneer Gene Rodenberry, as an adult science fiction series. The characters may be slightly corny, but the chemistry between them creates a sense of family. The stories are action-packed space fare, with an innovative style of storytelling, memorable special effects, and futuristic technology (such as phasers, communicators, and teleporting transporters). The series?enduring appeal also lies in its humanity and optimism: the crew抯 line up reflected a united mankind, a society free of racial and sexual discrimination; it had a black woman, Lieutenant Uhura, as communications officer, and the navigators were Japanese ?Mr Sulu ?and Russian ?Mr Chekov. Each episode has a morality tale, and the series constantly maintains an indomitable faith in man as an essentially noble creature, flawed and a little impulsive, but with its heart in the right place. Unfortunately, waning ratings led to the show being cancelled after just three seasons. However, interest was kept alive by continual re-runs, and 慡tar Trek?was later revived in an animated series, and then in movies. This then led to the spawning of four further series based on the mythology, and ten movies. Talking of movies, it was recently announced that "Lost" co-creator JJ Abrams is to direct a new "Star Trek" movie, which will show how James T. Kirk and Mr Spock meet at Starfleet Academy and go on their first assignment. With a tentative 2008 release for the film, it looks like the Star Trek franchise still has plenty of new frontiers to explore! 二:(全部内容去: Trek began in the early 1960"s as an idea in the mind of Gene Roddenberry, a World War II veteran and former L.A. policeman who had become an established television writer/producer and was determined to bring his vision of a serious, thoughtful science fiction drama to the air. Pitched as "Wagon Train to the stars," Star Trek, after a few false starts, became a reality in 1966 in primetime on NBC. The show was only a minor hit and was threatened with cancellation after its second year, but a surprisingly strong letter-writing campaign from fans convinced the network to keep the show on for another year. But the ratings were unspectacular, and Star Trek was terminated with little hope of any future. Fortunately, after three years enough episodes were produced that the show could enter syndication, and it was in the after-school market during the early 1970"s that the show found its audience. Fan conventions sprang up, merchandising blossomed, an animated series with the original cast was produced, and it became apparent that Star Trek was a force that would refuse to die. Today, the franchise first conceived by Gene Roddenberry four decades ago has spawned four more television series, 10 theatrical movies, hundreds of books and magazines, and innumerable Internet fan sites. The Star Trek Series Timeline shows when each of the series and movies were released, and places each of the series within the timeframe of the fictional Star Trek universe. The following articles provide an introduction to each of the Star Trek series (live-action and animated), in the order in which they appeared. Overviews of the ten motion pictures are next, concluding with a discussion of the phenomenon that is Star Trek. 更多文章:

怎么删除iphone里面my photo stream

一、在桌面上进入设置;二、点iCloud 进入下图所示画面,点“照片”;三、在照片下关闭“我的照片流”就可以了。

怎么删除iphone里面my photo stream


easyui tree 的onClick事件该怎么调用?

步骤:用firebug查看其生成html,发现其checkobx是假的,只是一个span,来回的变样式而已,汗Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)>$(".tree-checkbox", tree).unbind(".tree").bind("click.tree", function() {if ($(this).hasClass("tree-checkbox0")) {$(this).removeClass("tree-checkbox0").addClass("tree-checkbox1");} else {if ($(this).hasClass("tree-checkbox1")) {$(this).removeClass("tree-checkbox1").addClass("tree-checkbox0");} else {if ($(this).hasClass("tree-checkbox2")) {$(this).removeClass("tree-checkbox2").addClass("tree-checkbox1");}}}_2eb($(this).parent());_2ec($(this).parent());return false;});然后再看其onClick事件脚本Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)>$(".tree-node", tree)....bind("click.tree", function() {$(".tree-node-selected", tree).removeClass("tree-node-selected");$(this).addClass("tree-node-selected");if (opts.onClick) {var _2ea = this;var data = $.data(this, "tree-node");, );}})相应的修改其check脚本$(".tree-checkbox", tree).unbind(".tree").bind("click.tree", function() {if ($(this).hasClass("tree-checkbox0")) {$(this).removeClass("tree-checkbox0").addClass("tree-checkbox1");} else {if ($(this).hasClass("tree-checkbox1"))

英文:the redwood tree is one off the largest plantsin in the can gorw very tall.

the redwood tree is one of the largest plants in in the world 红杉树是世界上最大的植物之一.it can gorw very tall. about 85 meters它可以长得很高--大约85米. it can live a very long life 它寿命很长. some redwood trees are 2000 years old 有些红杉树能存活2000年.it has cones. that"s the fruit ,just as an apple is the fruit of an apple tree.(这句话有毛病)他可结果,就像苹果树上结的苹果一样

求一篇关于“What causes stress at work and life?”的英语文章

Work-life balance: Tips to reclaim controlWhen your work life and personal life are out of balance, your stress level is likely to soar. Use these practical strategies to restore harmony.By Mayo Clinic staffThere was a time when the boundaries between work and home were fairly clear. Today, however, work is likely to invade your personal life — and maintaining work-life balance is no simple task. Still, work-life balance isn"t out of reach. Start by evaluating your relationship to work. Then apply specific strategies to help you strike a healthier balance.Married to your work? Consider the costIt can be tempting to rack up hours at work, especially if you"re trying to earn a promotion or manage an ever-increasing workload. Sometimes overtime may even be required. If you"re spending most of your time working, though, your home life will take a hit. Consider the consequences of poor work-life balance: Fatigue. When you"re tired, your ability to work productively and think clearly may suffer — which could take a toll on your professional reputation or lead to dangerous or costly mistakes. Lost time with friends and loved ones. If you"re working too much, you may miss important family events or milestones. This can leave you feeling left out and may harm relationships with your loved ones. It"s also difficult to nurture friendships if you"re always working. Increased expectations. If you regularly work extra hours, you may be given more responsibility. This may lead to only more concerns and challenges.Strike a better work-life balanceAs long as you"re working, juggling the demands of career and personal life will probably be an ongoing challenge. Use these ideas to help you find the work-life balance that"s best for you: Track your time. Track everything you do for one week, including work-related and personal activities. Decide what"s necessary and what satisfies you the most. Cut or delegate activities you don"t enjoy or can"t handle — or share your concerns and possible solutions with your employer or others. Take advantage of your options. Ask your employer about flex hours, a compressed workweek, job sharing, telecommuting or other scheduling flexibility. The more control you have over your hours, the less stressed you"re likely to be. Learn to say no. Whether it"s a co-worker asking you to spearhead an extra project or your child"s teacher asking you to manage the class play, remember that it"s OK to respectfully say no. When you quit doing the things you do only out of guilt or a false sense of obligation, you"ll make more room in your life for the activities that are meaningful to you and bring you joy. Leave work at work. With the technology to connect to anyone at any time from virtually anywhere, there may be no boundary between work and home — unless you create it. Make a conscious decision to separate work time from personal time. When you"re with your family, for instance, turn off your cell phone and put away your laptop computer. Manage your time. Organize household tasks efficiently, such as running errands in batches or doing a load of laundry every day, rather than saving it all for your day off. Put family events on a weekly family calendar and keep a daily to-do list. Do what needs to be done and let the rest go. Limit time-consuming misunderstandings by communicating clearly and listening carefully. Take notes if necessary. Bolster your support system. At work, join forces with co-workers who can cover for you — and vice versa — when family conflicts arise. At home, enlist trusted friends and loved ones to pitch in with child care or household responsibilities when you need to work overtime or travel. Nurture yourself. Eat healthy foods, include physical activity in your daily routine and get enough sleep. Set aside time each day for an activity that you enjoy, such as practicing yoga or reading. Better yet, discover activities you can do with your partner, family or friends — such as hiking, dancing or taking cooking classes.Know when to seek professional helpEveryone needs help from time to time. If your life feels too chaotic to manage and you"re spinning your wheels worrying about it, talk with a professional — such as a counselor or other mental health professional. If your employer offers an employee assistance program (EAP), take advantage of available services.Remember, striking a healthy work-life balance isn"t a one-shot deal. Creating work-life balance is a continuous process as your family, interests and work life change. Periodically examine your priorities — and make changes, if necessary — to make sure you"re keeping on track.


[u02c8trevu0259] 特雷弗(男子名)

empirical; experience ;treasury ;这英语用谐音怎么读?



be one streat用作宾语。be是动词根据时态语态变化为is、am和are用在主语后,one streat为合成缩写词意思为请客常作宾语,be one streat在句中用作宾语意思是“由/该某人请客”而“be”表重点突出。英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。

Trick or treat 歌手 Geof Johnson 的完整歌词

 Trick or treat. 不给糖就捣蛋  Smell my feet. 闻闻我的脚  Give me something good to eat. 给我好吃的东西  Ghosts, witches, and goblins, too. 鬼、巫婆、小精灵  Are waiting in the dark for you. 正在黑暗中等着你  The witch is riding on a broomstick. 巫婆正骑在扫把上  She is warming up the big black kettle. 她正热着黑色的炉子  She is cooking small toads and spiders. 她正在煮蟾蜍和蜘蛛  She is feeding all the ghosts and goblins. 她正在喂所有的鬼和小精灵  We are all scared to death. 我们全部怕的要死  Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋  Give me something good to eat! 给我好吃的东西  If you don"t, I don"t care. 如果你不给,没关系  I"ll steal your underwear. 我会偷走你的内衣裤  Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋  I want something good to eat! 我要好吃的东西  Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋  Give me something nice and sweet. 给我好吃的东西  Give me candy and an apple, too. 给我糖果和苹果  And I won"t play a trick a trick on you! 这样我就不会捉弄你

bewitched tree色彩rgb数值是多少?

获取他的颜色的html代码 然后百度下有html代码转rgb工具的

put a tree in the hole是什么意思

Put a tree in hole把书放进洞(或坑)里 Water it well好好浇水 Stamp the earth把土跺实这里earth指大地或土 Put the earth back把土放回去 应该够详细了吧~
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