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fair trade federation

What Is Fair Trade?Fair trade is an international alternative trading system designed to empower disadvantaged farmers, artisans, and labourers. The movement began 50 years ago when international aid organizations worked to help farmers and labourers in Africa break free from oppressive trading practices. These inequitable trading practices still exist today.Farmers and artisans in developing countries rely on intermediaries for market information and trade. These middlemen usually pay less than market price and keep the producers trapped in a cycle of poverty. Small-scale farmers cant afford to produce the crop. They cant afford the overhead or their financings interest rates. They abandon their farms, or, in the case of some cocoa producers, they employ unpaid workers, often children.Through fair trade, farmers and artisans deal directly with members of fair trade organizations, bypassing the middleman and receiving a fair and sustainable wage for their work. According to the Fair Trade Federation, the goal of a member organization is to benefit the artisans they work with, not maximize profits. By reducing the number of middlemen and minimizing overhead costs, FTOs (fair trade organizations) return up to 40 percent of the retail price of an item to the producer. Producers receive a fair wage for their product, children are not exploited, and long-term relationships are encouraged to provide continuity in trading. Fair trade considers the enduring well-being of the person behind the product.Who Decides Whats Fair?In Canada, the Fair Trade Certified logo is managed by TransFair Canada, a nonprofit organization that belongs to the international Fairtrade Labeling Organization (FLO). Use of the logo comes with very strict rules and terms, to which all members are bound by contract.The Canadian Fair Trade Certified logo is applied to product-specific items only, meaning that the product, not the company, is certified as fair trade. On the other hand, the Fair Trade Federation logo identifies the company as a certified member. Two of the largest members in the US are Ten Thousand Villages and SERRV International.The Fair Trade Federation and FLO monitor their producers and members. They ensure that the playing field of trade is level and fair. For the consumer, these logos assure that the goods are produced in environmentally responsible conditions and that the cultures and communities of the worker are respected and sustained.Is It Working?Yes. According to the Fair Trade Federation, sales for Ten Thousand Villages in the US and Canada between 1985 and 1998 increased by nearly $15 million, creating over 12,000 full-time jobs for artisans and farmers.As more consumers use their purchasing power for social justice, large corporations consider the fair trade alternative. Currently, there are 117 Canadian fair trade licensees, and 44 source countries are registered with the FLO. Todays fair trade products include crafts, coffee, tea, chocolate, soaps, cosmetics, sugar, and fruit. Coming soon are wines, nuts, oils, and more.

commodity trade是什么意思

commodity tradeun.商品贸易网络商品批发商;货物贸易网络释义un. 1.商品贸易例句释义:全部,商品贸易,商品批发商,货物贸易更多例句筛选1.Permanent Advisory Commission on International Commodity Trade ;国际商品贸易常设咨询委员会;2.A Study of Commodity Trade between China and EU中国与欧盟的商品贸易研究

帮我翻译下,非常谢谢,trade references 是什么意思


Sales Operation和Trade Marketing的区别

HA!?May not my best reaches.Let"s try a little bit.:If your learnings, are like me, in the year of 1988 colleague entry segment display, our nation then, not yet have BUSINESS SCHOOL. Then ONLY business related majors with business are hold by MOFTEC internal ministry college like:贸院。So, when, if you take that period time of old fashion studies about business, then, you may feel a little bit confused, there should be a major called trade marketing.Because at then, we, our countries do not have our ministry of commercial yet like State. We have only MOFTEC instead.That"s reason why, may you raise this question for so long time-being era means course.Today"s management issue and management science, named the all marketing practice the MarCom.So a there won"t be a our lined old college course trade marketing in dued to be replayed or carry on from real time job assignment.For the learning course modernization point of view, sales and marketing are all related with trade.;In the meantime, SALE and MARKETING now in the business school, of course including trade part content.At the old times, our nations we do not have market this defination and marketing this course, we only have country import and export business to earn foreign currency for the nation ONLY. So no full-scale business course supplied, and the all teaching text books are all focus on then what we already have in our nation.So, to seperate the trade part content today, from the mains of business school learnings,that"s not the international standard to communicate with even if old clients.But, when you indeed need a old style job vacancy or officer to carry on the specified job assignment like old time trade - in market - marketing from the allies, they may not understand what you mean. But you need to know this is indeed your own operational unit specialties and on job training course insider"s business-know-how to do your company"s that job work in time in position in time.So, if by learning point of view, trade marketing then, may from marketing in general today.Trade marketing for your company, need your individual effort contributions and input to your own belongings add-on to work your way. This is how free market countries, every business unit they all keep extremely confidential when talking about private owned competetive-advantages to survive in a so very much firece fight market as survival skills.At last , let"s get back to if there are what you prepare to have:Sales OperationTrade MarketingSales Operations:can be defined whatever the company need to reach the last customer-end to make this turn-round change the company product to cash revenue.Trade MarketingMarketing, means to promote sales whatever.But, there is no cash-returned and end-user final downpayment in defined textbook teachings. They need professional sales-man to collect customer"s money for every piece of sales.Marketing guy are so premium to overall in control of national or even international sales promotions. If we use a oil industry word, Marketing will be the up-line or upper-stream for the sales to carry on specified job assignment to open a contract and in the meantime to finish contract dued.If by strategy tier the highest point of view, use product life-cycle illustrations to show how the company"s every business going and turn-round, that will be very clear:1.RD;2.Marketing;3.Sales;4.AS.The very format and the international standard to any business operations in this world for their routine business goings.

trademark ,brand name ,mark,brand,logo,label的区分


关于品牌方面,brand、make、 trade mark有什么区别,thanks.

brand 商标,含义比较广,包含标志,含义,以及整个效应等 make 标志, 只代表那个图案,符号,可以是商标,也可以路标等等标志, trade mark 商业标志,和make差不多,但是多了一重商务的含义

请具体解释一下brand.logo .trademark的意思以及之间的关系

统称商标,trademark是个泛称,brand代表一种烙刻感,譬如说用来形容浮雕和刻雕的商标是最好的;logo带有企业设计和企业理念的一种文化折射感很强的东西,其实说白了就是很炫的东西。具体用法也有不同。牛津字典里这样注释:logo:organization"s emblem used in display material;brand:make of goods,=lable,usually discribe characteristic kind;trademark:device or name legally registered to represent a company or product.


BRAND的是品牌 主要是文字上的TRADEMARK 是商标 防伪啊注册啊什么的

关于品牌方面,brand、make、 trade mark有什么区别,thanks.

brand 商标,含义比较广,包含标志,含义,以及整个效应等 make 标志, 只代表那个图案,符号,可以是商标,也可以路标等等标志, trade mark 商业标志,和make差不多,但是多了一重商务的含义



求教principal trade and agency trade in Soft Dollar

principal trade and agency trade in Soft Dollar翻译成中文是:软美元的主要贸易和代理贸易相关单词学习:principal 英[u02c8pru026ansu0259pl] 美[u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l] adj. 主要的; 本金的; 最重要的; 资本的; n. 本金; 首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法] 委托人,当事人; [例句]The principal reason for my change of mind is this.这是我改变主意的最主要原因。[其他] 复数:principals 相关短语学习: soft dollar软美元欧美国家以“软美元”(soft dollar)即证券互惠行为,来称呼基金经理与经纪商之间的行为。满意请采纳,谢谢!

急求两篇商务英语对话,一篇是关于market research,一篇是关于trade fairs的。

Market Research 市场调研   对话1:  A: Your new task is to reach US $20 billion by the end of 2006. That"s a magnificent task. How can you make sure you will accomplish it?  你们的新目标是到 2006 年底增到 200 亿美元,这是宏伟的任务,你们怎样完成这个任务呢?  B: Well, in addition to improving the quality of our products, we need to open more international markets.  除了提高我们的产品质量,我们还需要开拓更多的销售市场。  A: As far as I know, you have many regular customers.  据我所知,你们有很多老客户。  B: Yes, most trading companies have regular customers. But it is quite another story for those manufacturing enterprises that have just started exporting. They can"t find certain distribution channels.  是的,大多数贸易公司都有老客户,但是对于那些刚刚开始出口的生意的生产企业来讲情况就不同了,他们找不到分销渠道。  A: Do you have any particular plan to help them to open up new markets?  你们有没有特别的计划帮助他们打开新的市场?  B: Yes, we do. In order to help them build up marketing channels, we have decided to strengthen market research and gather more information from various resources, such as national trade statistics, trade journals and directories, international organizations and field investigations.  有。为帮助他们建立销售渠道,我们决定加强市场调研,从各种资源,比如国家贸易统计资料,贸易杂志和名录,国际组织和实地调查搜集更多的信息。  A: I agree that a good marketing channel is important and indispensable to the success of exporting, Besides, as a friend of yours, I would suggest that you should be still more flexible in doing business.  我同意一条好的销售渠道对顺利出口是至关重要和必不可少的。另外。做为你们的朋友,我建议您做生意更活些。  B: Thank you for your good suggestion! As a matter of fact, we need to make improvement in many areas. 谢谢你的建议!事实上,我们需要许多方面进行改进。  A: Yes, you said it. 您说对了。  对话2.  A: How is market research carried out?  怎样进行市场研究?  B: That"s a very wide question. But to put it in a very simple terms, one of the objects of market research is to find out ................................................  这是一个范围很广的问题。但简单地说,市场调研的目标之一就是找出这种产品是否有市场,在市场上是否能出售这种产品。  A: Who does this kind of job then? 那么谁做这种工作那?  B:: Sometimes we carry out our own research, but for major products where development costs are likely to be high, we employ specialists.  有时候是我们自己搞调研,但对于那些开发费用高的主要产品我们请专家调研。  A: Do you own salesmen take part? 你们自己的销售人员参加吗?  B: In the early stages, only the regional managers do. If we decide to have some test marketing, some of the senior salesmen are brought in.  在开始阶段,只有地区经理参加,如果我们搞试销,一些高级销售元也参加。  A: It seems to me that the salesmen receive some special training.  依我看,销售员似乎接受了一些特殊的训练。  B: Yes, they all have initial training course when they first join the company, and this includes product training.  是的。他们在进公司时,都进行了培训,其中包括产品知识培训。  A: What is that? 什么意思?  B: As a salesmen he or she must fully understand the various applications, design features, special advantages and almost everything of the products we produce.  作为一名销售人员,他 / 她必须对公司的产品的用途,设计,特点,独特的优点等等都要非常了解。 Trade fairs,下面的对话中是trade show,你自己换成fairs就可以了,一个意思 SCOTT: This facility is great, don"t you think?ANDREW: Yes, it is better than last year. They have done a very good job this time.SCOTT: I"m glad our booth is on the first floor. More people can see our display.ANDREW: If someone wants to find us, they can look at this floor plan.It shows where all the companies have their booths.SCOTT: Let me see that. I didn"t get one when I came in.ANDREW: Really? They didn"t give you one with your ticket?SCOTT: No.ANDREW: That"s strange.SCOTT: Where do you go for lunch around here?ANDREW: Are you hungry?SCOTT: Not too bad. But I will be soon.ANDREW: I went across the street. There is a good Chinese restaurant next to the hotel.SCOTT: I can"t see Comtex on this floor plan. Don"t they have a booth here?ANDREW: They must. Let me look at that.Here it is. Comtex. It"s on the second floor, next to the Rolly booth.SCOTT: Oh, that will be uncomfortable for them.ANDREW: For whom? Comtex?SCOTT: Yes. Comtex just stole Darren McDowell from Rolly.And probably Darren will be here.So he will have to spend the whole show standing next to his old Comtex coworkers.ANDREW: I"ve never met Darren.But you"re right. That would probably be uncomfortable.SCOTT: When you reserve a booth, you should check who your neighbors will be.Don"t you think?ANDREW: Yes, maybe. If you"re Darren McDowell, you should probably check.SCOTT: Yes. Well, I think I"ll go get lunch. Will you join me?ANDREW: No, I"ll stay here at the booth.I ate earlier. Are you going to the Chinese restaurant?SCOTT: Maybe. I will look around.史考特:这个设备真好,你认为呢?安卓鲁:是的,比去年好。他们这次做得很好。史考特:我很高兴我们的摊位在一楼,有更多人可以看到我们的展示。安卓鲁:如果有人想找我们,他们可以察看这个场地图。它清楚地标示所有公司的摊位所在。史考特:让我看一下,我进来的时候我没有拿到。安卓鲁:是吗?他们没有把它附在你的门票中吗?史考特:没有。安卓鲁:真奇怪。史考特:你在附近那儿吃午餐?安卓鲁:你饿了吗?史考特:还可以,但很快了。安卓鲁:我到对街去。靠近旅馆有一间不错的中国餐厅。史考特:我没有在场地图看到 Comtex。他们应该有摊位吧?安卓鲁:他们一定有。让我看一下那张场地图。在这儿,Comtex。在二楼,Rolly 摊位隔壁。史考特:对他们来说是很不舒服的。安卓鲁:对谁?对 Comtex?史考特:是的。Comtex 才刚从 Rolly 那儿挖走迪凌?麦克当沃。迪凌应该也在会场。他整个展销期间要对着他Comtex的老同事。安卓鲁:我从未见过迪凌。但你是对的,那真的是很不舒服的。史考特:当你要订一个摊位,你需要察看一下谁是你的邻居。你不怎么认为吗?安卓鲁:是的,或许是吧。如果你是迪凌?麦克当沃,你是应该要察看一下。史考特:是的。嗯,我想要吃午餐了。你要跟我一起吗?安卓鲁:不,我会留在摊位。我先前吃过了。你要去中国餐厅吗?史考特:或许是吧。我会到处看看。

What is the trade term? Please give an examplE.

【答案】:A trade term refers to using a brief English concept or abbreviation to indicate the formation of the unit price and determine the responsibilities, expenses and risks borne by two parties as well as the time of the passing of the property in the goods. For example, USD500 per M/T CIF London. "CIF London" is a trade term.

halfway,slaves traders suggested that they -----north ,telling them about a huge lake there

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