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Topic: global warming

global warming, the gradual increase of the temperature of the earth"s lower atmosphere as a result of the increase in greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution. The temperature of the atmosphere near the earth"s surface is warmed through a natural process called the greenhouse effect. Visible, shortwave light comes from the sun to the earth, passing unimpeded through a blanket of thermal, or greenhouse, gases composed largely of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Infrared radiation reflects off the planet"s surface toward space but does not easily pass through the thermal blanket. Some of it is trapped and reflected downward, keeping the planet at an average temperature suitable to life, about 60°F (16°C). Growth in industry, agriculture, and transportation since the Industrial Revolution has produced additional quantities of the natural greenhouse gases plus chlorofluorocarbons and other gases, augmenting the thermal blanket. It is generally accepted that this increase in the quantity of greenhouse gases is trapping more heat and increasing global temperatures, making a process that has been beneficial to life potentially disruptive and harmful. During the past century, the atmospheric temperature has risen 1.1°F (0.6°C), and sea level has risen several inches. Some projected, longer-term results of global warming include melting of polar ice, with a resulting rise in sea level and coastal flooding; disruption of drinking water supplies dependent on snow melts; profound changes in agriculture due to climate change; extinction of species as ecological niches disappear; more frequent tropical storms; and an increased incidence of tropical diseases. Among factors that may be contributing to global warming are the burning of coal and petroleum products (sources of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone); deforestation, which increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; methane gas released in animal waste; and increased cattle production, which contributes to deforestation, methane production, and use of fossil fuels. Much of the debate surrounding global warming has centered on the accuracy of scientific predictions concerning future warming. To predict global climatic trends, climatologists accumulate large historical databases and use them to create computerized models that simulate the earth"s climate. The validity of these models has been a subject of controversy. Skeptics say that the climate is too complicated to be accurately modeled, and that there are too many unknowns. Some also question whether the observed climate changes might simply represent normal fluctuations in global temperature. Nonetheless, for some time there has been general agreement that at least part of the observed warming is the result of human activity, and that the problem needs to be addressed. In 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, over 150 nations signed a binding declaration on the need to reduce global warming. In 1994, however, a UN scientific advisory panel, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, concluded that reductions beyond those envisioned by the treaty would be needed to avoid global warming. The following year, the advisory panel forecast a rise in global temperature of from 1.44 to 6.3°F (0.8–3.5°C) by 2100 if no action is taken to cut down on the production of greenhouse gases, and a rise of from 1 to 3.6°F (0.5–2°C) even if action is taken (because of already released gases that will persist in the atmosphere). A UN Conference on Climate Change, held in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997 resulted in an international agreement to fight global warming, which called for reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases by industrialized nations. Not all industrial countries, however, immediately signed or ratified the accord. In 2001 the G. W. Bush administration announced it would abandon the Kyoto Protocol; because the United States produces about one quarter of the world"s greenhouse gases, this was regarded as a severe blow to the effort to slow global warming. Despite the American move, most other nations agreed later in the year (in Bonn, Germany, and in Marrakech, Morocco) on the details necessary to convert the agreement into a binding international treaty, which came into force in 2005 after ratification by more than 125 nations. Improved automobile mileage, reforestation projects, energy efficiency in construction, and national support for mass transit are among relatively simpler adjustments that could significantly lower U.S. production of greenhouse gases. More aggressive adjustments include a gradual worldwide shift away from the use of fossil fuels, the elimination of chlorofluorocarbons, and the slowing of deforestation by restructuring the economies of developing nations. In 2002 the Bush administration proposed several voluntary measures for slowing the increase in, instead of reducing, emissions of greenhouses gases.

老友记 第一季 第一集 Topic 6

Topic 6: The effect of the quarrelling to Rachel and Paul was coming to Monica. Just breathe, breathe... that"s it. 深呼吸,深呼吸,就是这样。 Just try to think of nice and calm things... 试着想些美好平静的事情。 Rain drops on roses and rabbits and kittens , bluebells and sleighbells and something with mittens . 雨滴降落在玫瑰、兔子和小猫咪身上, 还有风铃草、雪橇铃和一些有手套的东西上。 La la la... Something with string. 啦啦啦,一些事情有绳子的东西。 There are a few. 还有。。 I"m a lot better now. 我现在好多了! I helped. 我帮上忙啦。 Okay! Look, this is probably for the best, you know? 好的,听着,这样可能是最好的,你知道嘛? Independence. Taking control of your life. 你独立了,可以主宰自己的人生啦。 And hey, you need anything, you can always come to Joey. 嘿,如果需要任何东西,你可以尽管来找乔伊。 Me and Chandler live across the hall . 我和钱德勒就住在对面。 And he"s away a lot. 而且他经常不在家。 Joey, stop hitting on her. 乔伊,停下,别戏弄她了。 It"s her wedding day. 今天是她结婚的日子。 What, like there"s a rule or something? 什么,哪里有明文规定不可以这样嘛? Please don"t do that again, it"s a horrible sound . 请不要再这么干了,这声音很烦人! Uh, it"s, uh, it"s Paul. 噢,这里,事实上,我是保罗。 Buzz him in . 让他进来。 Who"s Paul? 谁是保罗? Paul, the Wine Guy, Paul? 保罗,那个调酒师,保罗吗? Maybe. 可能吧。 Wait a minute. Your ‘ not a real date " tonight is with Paul, the Wine Guy? 等等,是你今晚的“非正式约会对象”嘛,就是调酒师保罗嘛? He finally asked you out? 他最终约你出去了嘛? Yes! 是的。 Oooh, this is a Dear Diary moment ! 噢,这真是一个值得永久铭记的时刻。 Rach, wait, I can cancel... 瑞秋,等等,我可以取消 Please, no, go, I"ll be fine. 拜托,别,去吧,我会没事的! Are, are you okay? I mean, do you want me to stay? 罗斯,你可以吗?我的意思是,你希望我留下来吗? That"d be good... 这样比较好。 Really? 真的吗? No, go on! 才不是呢,去吧! It"s Paul, the wine guy. 那可是调酒师保罗啊! Hi, come in! Paul, this is... everybody. 嗨,请进。保罗,这是...大家。 Everybody, this is Paul. 大家,这是保罗。 Hey, Paul. hello! 嗨,保罗。哈喽。 Hi!The Wine Guy! 嗨,调酒师。 I‘m sorry, I didn"t catch your name , Paul, was it? 抱歉,我没听清你的名字,保罗,对吗? Okay, sit down, two seconds . 好嘞,坐会儿,我马上就好。 Ooh, I just pulled out four eyelashes . That can"t be good. 噢,我刚拔掉了四根睫毛,这不是一个好事情。 So, Rachel, what"re you, uh... what"re you up to tonight? 那么,瑞秋,你,额,你今晚打算怎么过? Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing.我本该去阿鲁巴岛度蜜月,所以没事情做。 Right, you"re not even getting your honeymoon, God... 对噢,你竟然不能去度蜜月,上帝啊。 No, no, although, Aruba, this time of year... talk about your big lizard... 不,天啊,阿鲁巴,这个季节,大蜥蜴。 Anyway, if you don"t feel like being alone tonight, Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new furniture. 总之,如果你今晚不想一个人带着,乔伊和钱德勒会去我那儿帮我组装家具。 Yes, and we"re very excited about it. 是的,我们对此非常激动。 Well, actually thanks, but I think I"m just gonna hang out here tonight. 噢,实际上,谢谢你,但是我今晚不像出去了。 It"s been kinda a long day . 今天对我来说太长了。 Okay, sure. 噢,确实。 Hey, Pheebs, you wanna help? 嗨,菲比,你想一起吗? Oh, I wish I could, but I don"t want to. 噢,我希望我可以,但我不想去。





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仁爱版八年级英语上册Unit1Topic2 教案






写一段英语对话 topic:Think about the issue"How to protect our envrionment"?


关于title 、topic 、headlines 、heading的区别

title 是一个文章的标题 或头衔topic 是话题headlines 是头条heading 标题词



utopia sweetbox 的中文歌词

  我自己翻译的,我英语差 将就看吧 !  Utopia  (Verse 1)  Praying for something to carry me through  祈祷着能有什么让我的生活继续  Waiting for the day when I know what to do  等待着那天当我知道自己该怎么做  Hoping and hoping for a ray of light  一直期待着曙光的到来  Can you  Won"t you  Deliver me  请你你引渡我  (Chorus)  Utopia  乌托邦(指心里理想的完美世界)  I wanna go with you to Utopia  我希望能与你一起去 乌托邦  I wanna follow you to Utopia  我想要追随你去 乌托邦  Oh won"t you take me there please  Oh 请你带我到这  I wanna go with you to find Utopia  我要与你一同寻找那神奇的乌托邦  Where"s Utopia  乌托邦在哪?  Where"s Utopia  乌托邦在哪?  (Verse 2)  Holding onto nothing but a tired dream  任然固执地做这个让人疲倦的梦  Trying to find out who I need to be  设法找出自己该怎么做  Hoping that God will give me a sign  希望上帝能够给我暗示  Can you  Won"t you  Deliver me  请你引渡我  (Repeat chorus)  (C part)  I saw a girl walk by me today  今天我从一个女孩的身旁走过  And I saw my soul inside her eyes  我从她的眼里看到了我的内心  I saw her anger, her fear, her loss  underneath my same disguise  我看到了她的愤怒,恐惧,失落,却像我一样的去掩饰自己  Staring at my reflection finally made me see  我开始沉思,最后我明白了  I"ve been looking everywhere for myself  我已经试图从我身上的每一处认清我自己  Except inside of me  但是没从我的内心  Oh I need to go to Utopia  oh 我需要去乌托邦  (Repeat chorus out)  累死我了 ! 英语要是能好就好了 !!  噢 乌托邦 你在哪啊 ?

请将下面文字 用最简单的韩文翻译出来,在线等!大概topic-3级水平就可以看懂的 高分悬赏!

ub2f9ub300 uacfcud559uae30uc220uc758 uc2e0uc18dud55c ubc1cuc804uc5d0 ub530ub77c ud658uacbd ubb38uc81cub3c4 uc544uc8fc uc911uc694ud55c ud654uc81cub85c ub418uace0 uc788ub2e4.ud604uc7ac uc138uacc4ub97c uad34ub86dud788ub294 ub300uae30 uc624uc5fcuc740 uc8fcuc694ub85c uc628uc2e4ud6a8uacfcuc640 uc624uc874uce35uc758 ud30cuad34uc774ub2e4. uc778ub958uc758 ud65cub3d9uc73cub85cubd80ud130 ub300uae30uce35uc5d0 ubc30ucd9cub41c uc77cubd80 ud654ud559ubb3cuc9c8ub85c uc778ud574 uc628uc2e4ud6a8uacfcuac00 uc0dduae30uba70 ub610ud55c uacfcud559 uae30uc220uc758 uc2e0uc18dud55c ubc1cuc804uc5d0 ub530ub77c ub300uae30uc5d0 ubaa8uc885uc758 ubb3cuc9c8uc744 uc9c0ub098uce58uac8c ubc30ucd9cud55cuac83uc73cub85c uc624uc874uce35uc774 ud30cuad34ub418uace0 uc788ub2e4. uc628uc2e4ud6a8uacfcub85c uc778ud574 uc9c0uad6cub294 ub354uc6ccuc9c0uace0 uc788uc73cuba70 uc624uc874uce35uc758 uac10uc18cub294 uc778uccb4uac74uac15uc744 uc0c1ud574ud558uace0 ub18duc791ubb3c uc0b0ub7c9uc774 uc801uc5b4uc9d0uacfc ub3d9uc2dcuc5d0 uc0bcub9bc, uc790uc5f0uc0ddubb3cuad8c uadf8ub9acuace0 ud574uc591 uc0ddud0dc ud3c9ud615uc5d0ub3c4 ud06cub098ud070 uc601ud5a5uc744 ub07cuce58uace0 uc788ub2e4. ub300uae30uce35uc758 uc624uc5fcuc740 ub610ud55c uc0bcub9bcuc5d0 ub300ud55c uc778ub958uc758 ubb34uc790uc81c ubc8cucc44uacfcub3c4 ubc00uc811ud55c uad00uacc4ub97c ub450uace0 uc788ub2e4.ub9ccuc57d uc774ub7f0 uc0c1ud0dcuac00 uc9c0uc18dub418uace0 ub300uae30uc5d0 ub300ud55c ubcf4ud638uc5d0 ubb34uad00uc2ecud55cub2e4uba74 uc9c0uad6cuc5d0uc11c uc778ub958uac00 uc9c0uc18duc801uc73cub85c uc0b4uc544uac08uc218 uc788uc744uae4c ud558ub294 uc9c8ubb38ub3c4 ub18dub2f4uc73cub85cub9cc ub0a8uc544uc788uc9c0 uc54auc744uac83uc774ub2e4.


topi英 ["tu0259u028apu026a] 美 ["tou028apu026a] n.遮阳帽,(非洲的)转角牛羚网络拓步; 转角牛羚; 牛羚复数: topis 形近词: Topi双语例句 1Address by Mr. Bamir Topi, President of the Republic of Albania 阿尔巴尼亚共和国总统巴米尔·托皮先生的讲话2But Mr Topi is expected to push for a constitutional amendment to set a time limit.但托皮很可能为此推动一个设定检察长任期期限的宪法修正案。


topi 英["tu0259u028apu026a] 美["tou028apu026a] n. 遮阳帽,(非洲的)转角牛羚; [例句]Here is Salman Khan in a promotional event for his upcoming film Veer sporting T-shirt combined with a waist coat and a topi.以下是沙尔曼汗的推广活动,为他即将上映的电影韦埃尔运动的T腰外套,一托皮联合衬衫。[其他] 复数:topis




Introduction The book I chose to review for this assignment is entitled A Practical Guide for Translators by Geoffrey Samuelsson-Brown (2004). I chose this book simply due to the professionalism of its author. Brown is a technical translator “with more than 30 years" experience in the profession.” (Multilingual-Matters Editors) Apart from that, he used to give lessons about translation at the University of Surrey and has also published many papers. His competence to write this book is self-evident with his membership in various institutes, including the Institute of Translation and Interpreting and the Swedish Association of Professional Translators. Summary Brown provides an in-depth look at the profession of translator. This book is written for “those who have little or no practical experience of translation in a commercial environment” (Samuelsson-Brown, x), offering them a picture of the world of translation. The book starts out by describing the misconceptions about translation held by many people, as well as what it is like to be a translator and the qualities required to be a professional one. This part also talks about how to be a translator: either one becomes a translator by circumstance or he/she works as a staff translator/ a freelance. Then the author discusses the issue of bilingualism to remind readers of how important the differences among languages of different countries are in the process of translation. A viewpoint from the client is given in the last chapter of this part, which is about whom to get to translate, how to find a translation services provider and how to deal with the issue of cost. The book then goes on to offer comprehensive advice on all aspects relevant to the would-be translator and, whilst intended mainly for those who wish to go freelance, it is also relevant to the staff translator as a guide to organization of work and time. Advice is given on how to set up as a translator, from the purchase of equipment to the acquisition of clients. The process of translation is discussed from initial enquiry to delivery of the finished product. Hints are given on how to assess requirements, how to charge for work, how to research and use source material, and how to present the finished product. (Multilingual-Matters Editors) The last part of the book gives a brief introduction to some professional organizations for translators. Besides, a glossary of terms complied by the author is listed for reference. Guidance is also given on where to obtain further advice and professional contacts. Critique This book endeavors to serve as a useful handbook, as is stated in its title. And it is clear that the author has taken great pains to achieve his goal. In the main body of this book, he not only gives comprehensive advice on translation, but also puts forward some basic principles, to which I find myself favorable. One thing the author keeps drawing our attention to is that we should have a correct attitude towards time. This does not merely mean punctuality, although the importance of which can never be overemphasized. According to the author, what most people—especially those who freelance at home—fail to do is to reasonably arrange their working hours and leisure time, which directly influences the efficiency of their work and the quality of the translation. I think this is a problem true of many people nowadays. Suffering from great pressure from outside yet at the same time pushing ourselves forward from inside, we seem to forget that we are only flesh and blood, not machines—actually, even machines cannot run all day long without a break. Therefore, we must learn to relax sometimes, because, after all, only with a healthy body can we get to work. The author also mentions the importance of the working environment and the equipment in the office. Ideally, the working place should be separated from one"s living place. This, I think, is consistent with the idea of properly arranging one"s working hours and leisure time: it helps one to be truly relaxed without the sight of the work to be finished. As for facilities, I also believe that when choosing which to work with, we should always bear in mind that a handy tool makes a handy man. This, however, does not necessarily mean that we should always buy the expensive ones, but those that suit us most and those that could enhance the efficiency of our work. Mistakes are inevitable in our work, and the author makes it clear to us that prevention is always better than cure. What I find interesting is that he talks about problems that may be caused both by translators and clients as well. Often we regard it our own responsibility to fulfill the task as required when we are the service provider. Yet the author points out that the clients have their part to play as well, including offering necessary information and feedback. I think we can take this as a reminder in our work, especially in the process of communication, that is, to foresee problems in a more comprehensive way. Apart from the principles mentioned above, this book also enjoys some other advantages. Although the author is very experienced, he deals with the profession of translation with profundity and an easy-to-understand approach, making it more reader-friendly. Besides, with the aspects about translation in a commercial environment being so diverse and complex, he still manages to cover as many of them as possible with a clear structure, which enables us to follow his train of thoughts and have a better understanding while reading. In spite of its title, which indicates its target readers are translators, I think this book is also a good reference for students who major in language studies. Through it we can have a taste in advance what it is like to be a technical translator and what problems we may encounter in our work, thus in some way helping us to decide whether we would go into this profession or not in the future. There are some limitations of this book, though. Since the author is an Englishman, and his work experience is mainly in Britain, the content is more or less restricted. When I was reading this book, I found it hard to apply the advice to my own situation if I would work as a technical translator in China. The influence of district on this book is so obvious that it seems more British-oriented in spite of the author"s professionalism not only in his own country. Another limitation is that a book is nothing more than a static tool for reference. Although the author is considerate as to cover as many aspects as possible, we may have to tackle more problems in reality. This book is only an embodiment of the author"s thoughts, so when we have problems, we cannot communicate with it and get an answer to our specific problem. Moreover, since the book covers so many aspects, it is difficult, if not impossible, to deal with everything in depth. Finally, informative as it is, this book bears another unavoidable drawback—the outdating of some information it offers. This is particularly distinct when the author is talking about equipment like computers. With the rapid development of the IT industry, it is difficult to keep tabs on all the latest information with a single book, even with revised editions. Recommendation I have to say, in the end, I would not recommend this book to Chinese students who would like to work as translators in China. As I stated in the critique section of this review, the influence of district makes it not that suitable to Chinese readers. Although I cannot agree more with the author regarding those basic principles, I believe that they are common in every walk of life and we can learn that through some other ways. References Multilingual-Matters Editors. A Practical Guide for Translators 4th Ed. Multilingual-Matters. Channel View Publications, N.D. Web. 18 June, 2012. Samuelsson-Brown, Geoffrey. A Practical Guide for Translators (Fourth revised edition). Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2004. Print.

Alligator_Aviator_Autopilot_Antimatter 歌词

歌曲名:Alligator_Aviator_Autopilot_Antimatter歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Collapse Into NowAlligator_Aviator_Autopilot_AntimatterR.E.M.I feel like an alligatorClimbing up the escalatorClimbing up the escalatorI feel strongI feel like an aviator pilotThinks you wouldn"t buy itI"m feeling violentIncomprehensible your bleeding eye inTurn up the flierHey, hey, alligator, you"ve got a lot to learnI have got, have got a lot to learnI feel like an autopilotI"m the world"s strongest islandI feel like a rage coming under my hoodI feel good and calm like a robot wouldI feel like an autopilotI feel like an autopilotI am not a hater, hater, hater, hater, haterHey, hey, alligator, you"ve got a lot to learnI have got, have got a lot to learnI feel like a contradictionI"m a walking science fictionI don"t know which way to turnI"ve got a lot to learnI"ve got a lot of, lot to learnIf I didn"t like the way you stared at meIf I didn"t like the way you stared at meI could knock the sideways, I could knock you blindI could show you found to the lost and findI am not an agitatorI feel like an agitatorClimbing up the escalatorHey, hey, alligator, you"ve got a lot to learnI have got, have got a lot to learnYou"ve got so much to learnYou"ve got a lot to learn

英语阅读理解What is the hottest topic at your school recently??

.The hottest topic in Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School is money. 2.The team then put up a board saying "For Country Kids". 3.The writer think the activity is good for student. 4.It can make students know it "s hard to earn money,10,最近在您的学校最热门的话题是什么?在杭州涌金中学,它的钱。在学校举行的活动称为“赚钱”的最后一个周末。(被分成)30支球队被分为初级1和2初中学生约200。他们出去的时候,使销售things.What他们选择出售的钱?一些卖过报纸,有的选择瓶装水,一些出售的环保购物袋和竹篮。,胡庆余的团队决定在儿童活动中心门前卖了一些有益的书籍。他们认为父母想为子女购买的书籍。但不幸的是,他们遇到了城市管理人员(...,3,什么意思?,2,What is the hottest topic at your school? In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle what they were selling”指的就是前文所讲的“ ice cream ”】感兴趣。,2,英语阅读理解what is the hottest topic at your school recently? what is the hottest topic at your school recently?in hangzhou yongjin middle school,it"s money. the school held an activity called "making money" last weekend.about 200 junior 1 and junior 2 students were divided into(被分成) 30 teams.they went out to make money by selling things.what did they choose to sell?some sold newspapers; some chose bottled water; some sold environmentally friendly shopping bags and bamboo baskets. hu qing"s team decided to sell some useful books in front of the children activity center.they thought parents would like to buy the books for their children.but unfortunately,they met urban management officers (***).the officers asked them to leave."we played hide-and-seek with the officers for the whole morning" said hu."finally we had to give up." wang bing and her team sold ice cream in a square.they didn"t meet any officers.but few people were interested in what they were selling.the team then put up a board saying "for country kids".( it) worked.more people came to their stall.a foreigner even gave them 100 yuan."he didn"t want any change.he said he wanted to help the children," said wang."we were touched." later that day they gave the 100 yuan and more to the "project hope" office. meng zhaoxiang and his team were luckier.they sold all their cakes in four hours,spending 39.5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan.they made 40.5 yuan."it was not easy to make the money," said meng."some people just looked.others just tasted but didn"t i know how hard it is for our parents to make the money we need to lead happy lives."问题:1,what is the main diea of the text?(no more than ten words)2,what does the underlined "it" in paragraph 4 refer to?3,what is the writer"s attitude towards the activity?4what is the purpose of holding the activity?(no more than 12 words)


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Alligator_Aviator_Autopilot_Antimatter (Dickey Doo Larry Tee A3 Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Alligator_Aviator_Autopilot_Antimatter (Dickey Doo Larry Tee A3 Remix)歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Alligator_Aviator_Autopilot_AntimatterAlligator_Aviator_Autopilot_AntimatterR.E.M.I feel like an alligatorClimbing up the escalatorClimbing up the escalatorI feel strongI feel like an aviator pilotThinks you wouldn"t buy itI"m feeling violentIncomprehensible your bleeding eye inTurn up the flierHey, hey, alligator, you"ve got a lot to learnI have got, have got a lot to learnI feel like an autopilotI"m the world"s strongest islandI feel like a rage coming under my hoodI feel good and calm like a robot wouldI feel like an autopilotI feel like an autopilotI am not a hater, hater, hater, hater, haterHey, hey, alligator, you"ve got a lot to learnI have got, have got a lot to learnI feel like a contradictionI"m a walking science fictionI don"t know which way to turnI"ve got a lot to learnI"ve got a lot of, lot to learnIf I didn"t like the way you stared at meIf I didn"t like the way you stared at meI could knock the sideways, I could knock you blindI could show you found to the lost and findI am not an agitatorI feel like an agitatorClimbing up the escalatorHey, hey, alligator, you"ve got a lot to learnI have got, have got a lot to learnYou"ve got so much to learnYou"ve got a lot to learn





英语情景剧剧本 急用!Topic:We are a happy family 围绕这个主题的就可以!

Bart the General Bart the General Written by John Swartzwelder Directed by David Interior of the oven, cupcakes baking. Homer opens the door, and Marge explains that Lisa"s baking them for her teacher. Door closes. Bart opens the door and reaches in, but Marge yanks him away. Lisa ices the most recent batch of chocolate cupcakes... Bart: You know, there are names for people like you. Lisa: No there aren"t. Bart: Teacher"s pet! Apple polisher! Butt-kisser! Homer: Bart, you"re saying butt-kisser like it"s a bad thing! -- ``Bart the General"" Homer tells Bart it never hurts to grease the wheel, but Lisa denies that she"s doing it for the grades. She gets good grades because she pays attention and studies hard. Homer grabs a cupcake, and the kids dash off when the school bus horn honks. Lisa nips back in time to grab the cupcake before Homer can eat it. (``D"oh!"") Bart complains to Otto that Lisa baked a batch of cupcakes for her teacher and isn"t letting him have even a single crumb. Lisa hands over a cupcake. ``Here, Otto. I made an extra one for you."" Bart takes the seat next to Lisa, and when the bus sets into motion, the box jostles, and Bart helps catch it. Lisa grabs the box back. Bart: You sniveling toad! You little egg-sucker! Lisa: [holding secure her box of cupcakes] Tell me more! Bart; Back-scratcher! Boot-licker! Honor student! Lisa: [smirking] You"ll never get one now, name-caller. Bart: All right, all right. Look, I"m sorry. I, I got upset. In the heat of the moment, I said some things I didn"t mean. Lisa: [milking it] You weren"t thinking, were you. Bart: No. Lisa: I"m a sniveling toad, am I? Bart: Not really. Lisa: I"m a little egg-sucker, am I? Bart: Of course not. Lisa: Then what am I? Bart: A beautiful human being. Lisa: [coyly] What do you like best about me? Bart: [staring at the cupcakes] Well, I"d have to say... Your generous nature, your spirit of giving. Lisa: Well... [thinks] Open your mouth and close your eyes, and you will get a big surprise. Bart: [does so] Lisa: [gets up. The bus stops, and a cupcake falls out of the box. Lisa picks it up and shoves it into Bart"s mouth, then leaves] Bart: [munching] Thanks, Lis. You"re the best! -- ``Bart the General"" Once off the bus, a bully grabs the cupcakes and goes through the box, taking one bite out of each before discarding it. Bart threatens the boy, but Lisa warns Bart that the kid is a friend of Nelson Muntz. The boy pretends to hand over the box, but drops it and stomps on it. This proves too much for Bart, who leaps to attack the kid. A scuffle ensues (with the other kids cheering), and a hand reaches in and grabs Bart. It"s Nelson, who holds Bart harmlessly at arm"s length, then tosses him aside. Nelson is bleeding. He explains that he always gets other people"s blood on his face. But this time, it really his blood. It was an accident, man. A terrible, ghastly mistake. -- Bart tries to talk his way out of another jam, ``Bart the General"" A cold wind blows. Skinner stops by. ``Play friendly, children."" The bell rings. Nelson: [threateningly] I"ll get you after school, man. Bart: But... Princ. Skinner: Oh no no no, he"ll get you after school, son. Now hurry up, it"s time for class. Bart: But... Princ. Skinner: [shooing] Scoot, young Simpson! There"s learning to be done! -- ``Bart the General"" During class, Bart daydreams... Nelson is now a giant, who chases Bart down the hallway. Bart throws knives at him, which he merely pushes away after they embed in his chest. Bullets from a machine gun merely bounce off him. Bart is trapped, and giant-Nelson grabs Bart and says, ``Lunchtime!"" Bart falls down Nelson"s throat... ``Lunchtime, Bart,"" says Milhouse. Milhouse tells Bart he has to tell Skinner, but Bart refuses to violate the code of the schoolyard. They reach the lunchroom, where Lisa introduces ``Bart the bully-killer!"" Look, everybody. I would just as soon not make a big deal out of this. I"m not saying that I"m not a hero. I"m just saying that... I fear for my safety. -- Bart, ``Bart the General"" Nelson and his two cronies push through the crowd. The other kids scoot. Nelson tells Bart to be at the flagpole at 3:15. And not to be late. He has four other meetings that afternoon. Bart daydreams in class again... It"s his funeral. Open casket. (Bart has his lunchbox tucked under his arm.) Otto: [at Bart"s wake] Good-bye, little dude. [to Principal Skinner] He looks so lifelike, man! Principal Skinner: Yes, the nurse did a wonderful job reconstructing his little face after the fight. Good-bye, son. I guess you were right. All that homework a waste of your time. -- Wake me when it"s over, ``Bart the General"" Thanks, Bart! We got the day off from school for this! -- Milhouse attends Bart"s wake, ``Bart the General"" Homer gleefully says he got the day off from work for this. Marge jabs him in the ribs, and Homer acts in a manner more befitting the situation. Marge and Maggie bid Bart farewell. Lisa holds a cupcake. ``I can"t help but think if I had just given it to you in the first place, this whole horrible tragedy could have been avoided."" She leaves it on his forehead. Nelson comes up and takes the cupcake. ``Hey, look! They"ve got food at this thing!"" He then gives Bart a parting punch. The 3:15 bell rings. Bart tries to sneak out (hiding behind ridiculous things), but Nelson blocks his way. Nelson: Put "em up! [circles his fists] Bart: [raises his hands in surrender] -- ``Bart the General"" Nelson pummels a helpless Bart. Bart eventually collapses. ``Boy, you sure taught a lesson."" Bart is dragged off and dumped into a trash can. ``I"m going to get you again tomorrow, Simpson."" Bart takes a free ride in the garbage can down the street. Bart mutters, ``Man, that guy"s tough to love..."" [End of Act One. Time: 7:24ish] Bart climbs out of the garbage can onto the Simpsons front lawn. He falls and crawls inside. Marge seems concerned, but Homer just laughs it off. Bart goes into the bathroom, takes a quick look in the mirror (``I"m gonna miss ya, big guy"") and sits in the tub, moaning in pain. Homer pops in, at Marge"s insistence. Bart tearfully asks Homer"s help. The first step is to dry Bart"s tears, which Homer does with a high-power hair blower. Bart: Well, I had a run-in with a... bully. Marge: [bursts in] A bully!? Homer: [annoyed] Come on, Marge! I don"t bug you when you"re helping Lisa! Marge: Well, Bart, I hope you"re going straight to the principal about this. Bart: I... guess I could do that. Homer: What!? And violate the code of the schoolyard!? I"d rather Bart die! Marge: What on earth are you talking about, Homer!? Homer: The code of the schoolyard, Marge! The rules that teach a boy to be a man. Let"s see. [enumerates them on his fingers] Don"t tattle. Always make fun of those different from you. Never say anything, unless you"re sure everyone feels exactly the same way you do. What else... -- Rule number four: Girls have cooties, ``Bart the General"" Marge will hear nothing of this. Marge: This bully friend of yours. Is he a little on the chunky side? Bart: Yeah, he"s pretty chunkified, all right. Marge: Mmm. And I"ll bet he doesn"t do well in his studies, either. Bart: No, he"s pretty dumb. He"s in all the same special classes I am. -- ``Bart the General"" Marge suggests he try talking it out, but Homer drags Bart away. ``Thank you very much, Mrs. Maharishi Gandhi."" Down in the rumpus room, Homer draws a face on a punching bag and invites Bart to do his worst. Bart feebly punches it. ``No, no, not like that. Like this!"" Homer leaps onto the bag, clawing and chewing. He spits out a mouthful of cloth. Homer: You didn"t expect that, did you. And neither will he. Bart: You mean that I should fight dirty, Dad? Homer: Unfortunately, son, we Simpsons sometimes have to bend the rules a little in order to hold our own. Bart: Amen! Homer: So the next time this bully thinks you"re going to throw a punch, you throw a glob of mud in his eye! And then you sock him [pounds fist into hand] when he staggers around blinded! Bart: [getting into it] Yeah! Homer: And there"s nothing wrong with hitting someone when his back is turned. Bart: Gotcha. Homer: [quietly] And if you get the chance, get him right in the family jewels. That little doozy"s been a Simpson trademark for generations. [punches the punching bag down low] Bart: [cringes] Thanks, Pop. -- The rules of the schoolyard, Simpson style, ``Bart the General"" 取材自美国喜剧动画片【辛普森一家】 希望能帮到你!

Research Topic要怎么写,亲人们求助

The central dogma” has solved this problem by the DNA double helix structural model derivation. Regardless of the animal, the plant, the microorganism, the genetic material is DNA, moreover, inherits the information flow the transmission to obey “the central dogma”. Not only that the tRNA interpreter and genetic code"s research demonstrated that in the biosphere, everybody uses the common universal code, it is the biosphere everywhere general language. Therefore, in the evolution, the human, the plant and the bacterium is also the relative. The unification biology henceforth obtains the widespread acknowledgment. Take the DNA double helix model as the foundation central dogma, is recognized as the unification biology elementary theory system. Is following the common basic rule in the life material world and non-life"s material world everybody, chemistry, physics or information mathematics.



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kafka topic和broker 的区别

若没有分区,一个topic对应的消息集在分布式集群服务组中,就会分布不均匀,即可能导致某台服务器A记录当前topic的消息集很多,若此topic的消息压力很大的情况下,服务器A就可能导致压力很大,吞吐也容易导致瓶颈。 有了分区后,假设一个topic可能分为10个分区,kafka内部会根据一定的算法把10分区尽可能均匀分布到不同的服务器上,比如:A服务器负责topic的分区1,B服务器负责topic的分区2,在此情况下,Producer发消息时若没指定发送到哪个分区的时候,kafka就会根据一定算法上个消息可能分区1,下个消息可能在分区2。当然高级API也能自己实现其分发算法。
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