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marry christmas什么意思?

marry christmas是圣诞快乐的意思。不同国家圣诞快乐的表述:意大利:Bion Natale比利时:Zalige Kertfeest墨西哥:Feliz Navidad丹麦:Glaedelig Jul荷兰:Hartelijke Kerstroeten瑞典:God Jul挪威:Gledelig Jul英国:Merry Christmas葡萄牙:Boas Festas法国:Joyeux Noel德国:Frohliche Weihnachten希腊:Eftihismena Christougenna圣诞节是西方的传统节日,又称耶诞节、耶稣诞辰,译名为“基督弥撒”,是西方传统节日,起源于基督教,在每年公历12月25日。圣诞节也是西方世界以及其他很多地区的公共假日,例如:在亚洲的香港、澳门、马来西亚和新加坡。


marrychristmas的意思是圣诞节快乐。marrychristmas是很多人都听说过的一句祝福语,在圣诞节这天,大街小巷都会播放Merry Christmas的歌曲,因此即使是小朋友都知道Merry Christmas怎么说,可见圣诞节在我们的生活中的氛围多么的浓厚。人们会在圣诞节这天聚餐,会给彼此送礼物,在圣诞前夜更是会送苹果,寓意平平安安。圣诞节也叫做基督弥撒,其实弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式,可见圣诞节是一个宗教节,把圣诞节当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,因此叫做耶诞节。这一天,所有的基督教会都举行礼拜仪式,12月25日是基督徒庆祝耶稣的日子。现在,由于中西方文化的交流,过圣诞节的习俗已经传到了世界各地。

营养麦片巧克力LETICIA OATMILK CHOCO ,谁吃过啊,会胖么,就是那种咬着吃的,脆脆的,麦香很浓的


麦德好OATMILK 营养麦片巧克力有几种颜色的包装?

除了网购 在长沙 哪里有卖呀?超市有吗 好像也没见过





postman put 和 patch是什么意思

POST 方法用来创建一个子资源,如 /api/users,会在users下面创建一个user,如users/1; POST方法不是幂等的,多次执行,将导致多条相同的用户被创建(users/1,users/2 … 而这些用户除了自增长id外有着相同的数据,除非你的系统实现了额外的数据唯一性检查)PATCH 方法PATCH方法是新引入的,是对PUT方法的补充,用来对已知资源进行局部更新 HTTP PATCH method require a feature to do partial resource modification. The existing HTTP PUT method only allows a complete replacement of a document.


如何读取HTML5 local storage 的值

在HTML 5中,localstorage是个不错的东西,在支持localstorage的浏览器中, 能持久化用户表单的输入,即使关掉浏览器,下次重新打开浏览器访问,也能读出其值, 下面给出的例子是使用jquery 在每次表单加载的时候,读localstorage的值,而在表单每次提交时则清楚其值的例子 首先是一个表单: 复制代码 代码如下: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>HTML5 Local Storage Example</title> <!-- include Bootstrap CSS for layout --> <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <h1>HTML5 Local Storage Example</h1> <form method="post" class="form-horizontal"> <fieldset> <legend>Enquiry Form</legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="type">Type of enquiry</label> <div class="controls"> <select name="type" id="type"> <option value="">Please select</option> <option value="general">General</option> <option value="sales">Sales</option> <option value="support">Support</option> </select> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="name">Name</label> <div class="controls"> <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" maxlength="50"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="email">Email Address</label> <div class="controls"> <input class="input-xlarge" type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" maxlength="150"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="message">Message</label> <div class="controls"> <textarea class="input-xlarge" name="message" id="message"></textarea> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <label class="checkbox"> <input name="subscribe" id="subscribe" type="checkbox"> Subscribe to our newsletter </label> </div> </div> </fieldset> <div class="form-actions"> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Send" class="btn btn-primary"> </div> </form> </div>然后是js部分代码: 复制代码 代码如下: <script src="//"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { /* * 判断是否支持localstorage */ if (localStorage) { /* * 读出localstorage中的值 */ if (localStorage.type) { $("#type").find("option[value=" + localStorage.type + "]").attr("selected", true); } if ( { $("#name").val(; } if ( { $("#email").val(; } if (localStorage.message) { $("#message").val(localStorage.message); } if (localStorage.subscribe === "checked") { $("#subscribe").attr("checked", "checked"); } /* * 当表单中的值改变时,localstorage的值也改变 */ $("input[type=text],select,textarea").change(function(){ $this = $(this); localStorage[$this.attr("name")] = $this.val(); }); $("input[type=checkbox]").change(function(){ $this = $(this); localStorage[$this.attr("name")] = $this.attr("checked"); }); $("form") /* * 如果表单提交,则调用clear方法 */ .submit(function(){ localStorage.clear(); }) .change(function(){ console.log(localStorage); }); } });


用js的ajax,这个是jquery的一个简单例子,纯js的会稍微复杂点,$.ajax({ type: "post",//请求方式 dataType: "json",//数据类型 url: "",//请求地址 success: function (msg) { //成功之后调用 } });

localstorage 可以存html文件吗


HTML5的local storage存储的数据到底存到哪去了

基本使用方法如下 = "k1w1"; 这样的话,你的本地磁盘中就会有个数据库存下了这个数据。我无法接受数据写到了我的本地磁盘而我找不到它的确切位置,于是通过寻找发现:Chrome 的存储方式是以sqlite的数据库文件形式存储。存在C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultLocal Storage 中,虽然后缀名是.localstorege 但是实际上就是sqlite的数据库文件,可以用sqlite打开,并看到其中的数据。这么蛋疼的找它存在哪里是因为我想删掉在学习使用local storage时产生的一些垃圾数据,有点电脑洁癖。就像当初我喜欢选择性删除cookies一样。Firefox存在哪里暂时没有找到,感觉像是被加了密的sqlite数据库文件(这样的话firefox的安全性就高一些了),不过我每次关掉firefox它都会自动删掉所有浏览数据,所以也暂时不想找它存在哪了。

Hilary Duff - Last Christmas 中英对照歌词 谢谢了!


求后街男孩歌词Last Christmas...


求 taylor swift 版本的last christmas的歌词

Last Christmas I gave you my heart But(the)very next day you gave it away This year To save me from tears I"ll give it to someone special Last Christmas I gave you my heart But (the) very next day you gave it away This year To save me from tears I"ll give it to someone special Once bitten(and)twice shy I keep my distance But you still catch my eye Tell me baby Do you recognize me? Well,It"s been a year (It) doesn"t surprise me Happy christmas I wrapped it up and sent it With a note saying "I love you" . I meant it Now I know what a fool I"ve been But if you kissed me now I know you"d fool me again Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year To save me from tears I"ll give it to someone special Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year To save me from tears I"ll give it to someone special A crowded room Friends with tired eyes I"m hiding from you And your soul of ice Oh my I thought you were Someone to rely on ,Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on A face of a lover with a fire in her heart A man under cover but you tore me apart (ooo-ooo) Now I"ve found a real love you"ll never fool me again Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day, you gave it away This year To save me from tears I"ll give it to someone special Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year To save me from tears I"ll give it to someone special (ooo-ooo)去年的圣诞,我将我的真心给了你 可就在第二天,你却把它抛弃 今年我不想再流泪 我会把真心给特别的人 第一次的挫折让我羞于启齿 我和你保持着距离 可你还是捕捉到了我的眼神 亲爱的请告诉我 你认出我了吗? 好吧,已经一年过去了 我对此并不惊讶 我把它和写着“我爱你”的纸条打包送出 现在我才知道自己曾经多么愚蠢 如果你现在再次吻我 我会知道你又一次在愚弄我 在一间拥挤的房间 朋友们带着疲惫的眼神 我躲着你和你冰冷的灵魂 上帝啊,我怎么曾经竟会觉得 你是依赖于我,我是让你依赖的? 倾慕的表情,燃烧的内心 一个躲闪的人,你将他抛弃 或许下一年,我会将真心给我特别的人

Last Christmas (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Last Christmas (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:The Best Christmas Karaoke Album In The World...Ever!Jimmy Eat World -《Last Christmas》Robin_SHILast ChristmasI gave you my heartBut the very next day,you gave it awayThis yearTo save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialLast ChristmasI gave you my heartBut the very next day,you gave it awayThis yearTo save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialLast ChristmasI gave you my heartBut the very next day,you gave it awayThis yearTo save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialLast ChristmasI gave you my heartBut the very next day,you gave it awayThis yearTo save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialA face on a lover with a fire in his heartA man undercover but you tore me apartNow I‘ve found the real love, now I foundYou"ll never fool me again!A face on a lover with a fire in his heartA man undercover but you tore me apartNow I‘ve found the real love, now I foundYou"ll never fool me again!Last Christmas, I gave you my heartThe very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me the tearsI"ll give it to someone special.Last Christmas, I gave you my heartThe very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me the tearsI"ll give it to someone special.

Last Christmas 的歌词

Taylor Swift - Last Christmas (中英版)Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人Once bitten and twice shy 曾经受伤,不免心存畏惧I keep my distance 我保持著距离But you still catch my eyes 但你依然发现了我Tell me baby, do you recognize me 告诉我,宝贝,你认出我了吗Well it"s been a year 已经过了一年It doesn"t surprise me 我并不惊讶Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐I wrapped it up and sent it 我包装好後将它送出With a note saying I love you I meant it 附上字条,写著我爱你,我是认真的Now I know what a fool I"ve been 现在我才知道当初真傻But if u kiss me now 但如果你现在吻我I know you"ll fool me again 你可以再次愚弄我Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人Crowded room 拥挤的房间里Friends with tired eyes 朋友们眼神疲惫I"m hidding from you and your soul vival 我想避开你和你冰冷的灵魂My god i thought you were Someone to rely on Me 我的天,我曾以为你是多麼倚赖我May I guess I was a shoulder to cry on 我想我就是你可以靠著哭泣的肩膀A face on a lover with a fire in his heart 有著火热的心的爱人脸庞A gril under cover but you tore her apart 刻意掩饰,你却将我拆穿Maybe next year, Maybe next year, 可能下年圣诞节,可能下年圣诞节I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人Cause Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人Last Christmas 去年的圣诞节This year 今年Wanna be anything leanning, anything leanning Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人

Last Christmas (Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Last Christmas (Single Version)歌手:Ashley Tisdale专辑:Last Christmaslast christmasAshley Tisdalelast christmasI gave you my heartbut the very next day, you gave it awaythis yearto save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone speciallast christmasI gave you my heartbut the very next day, you gave it awaythis yearto save me from tearsI"ll give it to someoneI"ll give it to someone......specialhalalalala-halalalala-halalalala-halalalalaonce bitten and twice shyI keep my distancebut you still catch my eyetell me babydo you recognize me?wellIt"s been a yearIt doesn"t surprise mehappy christmas,I wrapped it up and sent itwith a note saying "I love you"I meant itnow I know what a fool I"ve beenbut if you kissed me nowI know you"d fool me againlast christmasI gave you my heartbut the very next day, you gave it awaythis yearto save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone speciallast christmasI gave you my heartbut the very next day, you gave it awaythis yearto save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone special (special)halalalala-halalalala-halalalala-halalalala(yeah e yeah)a crowded roomfriends with tired eyesI"m hiding from youand your soul of iceI thought you weresomeone to rely onme?I guess I was a shoulder to cry ona face, a lover with a fire in her heartI"ve been under cover butyou tore me apart, ooo-ooonow I"ve found a real love you"ll never fool me againlast christmas(last christmas)I gave you my heart (I gave you my heart)but the very next day, you gave it away (you gave it away)this yearto save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone special(I"ll give it to someone)last christmasI gave you my heart(I gave you my heart but the very next day)but the very next day, you gave it away (you gave it away)this yearto save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone...special(last christmas, last christmas)I"ll give it to someone........specialhalalalala-halalalala-halalalala-halalalala

歌曲《Last Christmas》歌词的第一句是什么?

第一句歌词是Last Christmas I gave you my heart,歌名是《Last Christmas》。《Last Christmas》演唱:威猛乐队歌词:Last Christmas I gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialLast Christmas I gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialOnce bitten and twice shyI keep my distance but you still catch my eyeTell me, baby do you recognise me?Oh well, it"s been a year it doesn"t suprise meMerry christmasI wrapped it up and sent itWith a note saying "I love you" I meant itNow I know what a fool I"ve beenBut if you kissed me nowI know you"d fool me againLast Christmas I gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialLast Christmas I gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialA crowded room Friends with tired eyesI"m hiding from you And your soul of iceOh my God I thought you were Someone to rely on Me?I guess I was a shoulder to cry onA face of a lover with a fire in her heartA man under cover but you tore me apartNow I"ve found a real love you"ll never fool me againLast Christmas I gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialLast Christmas I gave you my heart(I gave you my heart)But the very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialThe face on a lover with a fire in his heartA man under cover but you tore me apartMaybe next year I"ll give it to someoneI"ll give it to someone special扩展资料:乔治·迈克尔(George Michael)在1984年还在威猛乐队(Wham!)时期所创作演唱的Last Christmas已经成为每年圣诞节街头店家还有各大电台必播的应景歌。有超过两百多位(组)不同曲风甚至不同国家的艺人翻唱过这首歌。《Last christmas》是英国双人流行音乐组合威猛乐队(Wham!)在1984年发表的一首圣诞歌曲,它描述了一个人在渡过圣诞节时的感受。参考资料来源:百度百科-Last christmas

泰勒版《Last christmas》完整歌词

Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special我会把心交给一个特别的人Once bitten and twice shy曾经受伤,不免心存畏惧I keep my distance我保持著距离You still catch my eyes但你依然发现了我Tell me baby, do you recognize me告诉我,宝贝,你认出我了吗Well it"s been a year已经过了一年It doesn"t surprise me我并不惊讶Merry Christmas圣诞快乐I wrapped it up and sent it我包装好后将它送出With a note saying I love you I meant it附上字条,写著我爱你,我是认真的Now I know what a fool I"ve been现在我才知道当初真傻But if u kiss me now 但如果你现在吻我I know you"ll fool me again 你可以再次愚弄我Last Christmas I gave you my heart去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special我会把心交给一个特别的人Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人Crowded room拥挤的房间里Friends with tired eyes朋友们眼神疲惫I"m hidding from you and your soul vival我想避开你和你冰冷的灵魂My god i thought you were Someone to rely on Me我的天,我曾以为你是多么倚赖我May I guess I was a shoulder to cry on 我想我就是你可以靠著哭泣的肩膀A face on a lover with a fire in his heart有著火热的心的爱人脸庞A gril under cover but you tore her apart刻意掩饰,你却将我拆穿Maybe next year, Maybe next year, 可能下年圣诞节,可能下年圣诞节I"ll give it to someone special我会把心交给一个特别的人Cause Last Christmas I gave you my heart去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special我会把心交给一个特别的人Last Christmas I gave you my heart去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人Last Christmas 去年的圣诞节This year 今年Wanna be anything leanning, anything leanning Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人

Last Christmas的完整歌词


html5 页面回退时localstorage怎样存储

h5本地存储localStorage,sessionStorage。 localStorage是没有失效时间的,sessionStorage的声明周期是浏览器的生命周期。 当浏览器关闭时,sessionStorage的数据将清空,而localStorage数据只要不通过代码特意的删除或手动删除,是永久保存的...


1)HTML5能够本地存储数据,在之前都是使用cookie使用的,HTML5提供了下面两种本地存储方案; 2) localStorage用于持久化的本地存储,数据永远不会过期,关闭浏览器也不会丢失; 3) sessionStorage 同一个会话的页面才能访问并且当会话结束后数据也会随之销毁,因此sessionStorage不是一种持久化的本地。

last christmas的歌词是什么?

Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special我会把心交给一个特别的人Once bitten and twice shy曾经受伤,不免心存畏惧I keep my distance我保持著距离You still catch my eyes但你依然发现了我Tell me baby, do you recognize me告诉我,宝贝,你认出我了吗Well it"s been a year已经过了一年It doesn"t surprise me我并不惊讶Merry Christmas圣诞快乐I wrapped it up and sent it我包装好后将它送出With a note saying I love you I meant it附上字条,写著我爱你,我是认真的Now I know what a fool I"ve been现在我才知道当初真傻But if u kiss me now 但如果你现在吻我I know you"ll fool me again 你可以再次愚弄我Last Christmas I gave you my heart去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special我会把心交给一个特别的人Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人Crowded room拥挤的房间里Friends with tired eyes朋友们眼神疲惫I"m hidding from you and your soul vival我想避开你和你冰冷的灵魂My god i thought you were Someone to rely on Me我的天,我曾以为你是多么倚赖我May I guess I was a shoulder to cry on 我想我就是你可以靠著哭泣的肩膀A face on a lover with a fire in his heart有著火热的心的爱人脸庞A gril under cover but you tore her apart刻意掩饰,你却将我拆穿Maybe next year, Maybe next year, 可能下年圣诞节,可能下年圣诞节I"ll give it to someone special我会把心交给一个特别的人Cause Last Christmas I gave you my heart去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away 但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears 今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special我会把心交给一个特别的人Last Christmas I gave you my heart去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人Last Christmas 去年的圣诞节This year 今年Wanna be anything leanning, anything leanning Last Christmas I gave you my heart 去年的圣诞节,我把心给了你But the very next day you gave it away但隔天你就将它丢弃This year to save me from tears今年我从泪水中力图振作I"ll give it to someone special 我会把心交给一个特别的人

求《Last Christmas》这首歌的创作背景,歌词含义。。。为什么那么多大牌都喜欢翻唱这首。

Eagles的The last resort都听过,歌词的隐喻意解释很多。有说是美国人占领这是一首批判白人侵略印地安领土的歌 它描述了印地安人曾经的生活, 和

求《Last Christmas》这首歌的创作背景,歌词含义。。。为什么那么多大牌都喜欢翻唱这首。

创作背景  是由Wham!乐队1984年发行的单曲《Last Christmas》,其中wham!的成员中一个是大家都知道的George Michael 是主唱 ,另外一个是andrew负责伴奏和合声的,后来wham!解散了,George Michael 单飞了,唱last chrismas的时候wham!还没解散。此后有多名艺人多次翻唱此曲。以下为你们简单介绍翻唱过的艺人(不全,望完善),其中最新版的应该是2009年由FOX电视台请GLEE CAST翻唱的。 基本版本  1.Rubber Band 版本   许多人以为这是BEATLES演唱的。实际上,这个版本的"LAST CHRISTMAS"是由丹麦的乐队Rubber Band通过仪器并使用BEATLES的声音制作出来的.很多偶然听BEATLES的人很容易被混淆.但是,在列侬已经去世的情况下,又如何去翻唱80年代如日中天的Wham!乐队的经典之作呢。选自Rubber Band96年8月20号发行的专辑《Xmas! The Beatmas》   2.Gerard Joling 版本   选自Gerard Joling 1997年的专辑《White Christmas》   3,Whigfield 版本   选自Whigfield 1997年12月9号发行的专辑《Whigfield II》   4.Savage Garden 版本   选自Savage Garden 1999年11月2日发行的专辑《A Rosie Christmas》   5.Atomic Kitten 版本   (望补充)   6.Billie Piper 版本   选自Billie Piper 2000年的圣诞专辑《Now! The Christmas Album》   7.Amy Grant 版本   选自Amy Grant 2001年的专辑《Time-Life Treasury of Christmas (VA)》   8.Jimmy Eat World 版本   Jimmy Eat World 2002年翻唱的作品   9.Busted 版本   选自Busted 2003年专辑《Chante Lors De TOTP (2003)》   10.Manic Street Preachers 版本   选自Manic Street Preachers 2003年发行的专辑《Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of Man》   11.Human Nature & Backstreet Boys 版本   选自2003年9月发行的NOW圣诞系列专辑《Now That""""s What I Call Christmas!》   12.Hilary Duff版本   选自Hilary Duff 2003年10月发行的专辑《Santa Claus Lane》   13.Sexbomb Girl 版本   选自泰国组合Sexbomb Girl的专辑《Wish Ko sa Pasko》2003年10月发行。   14.织田裕二 (Oda Yuji) 版本   选自2004年11月3日由SONY MUSIC发行的织田裕二新专辑《Last Christmas/Wake Me Up GO! GO!》   15.taylor swift版本   选自2007-10-13由Big Machine发行的专辑《sounds of the season: the taylor swift h》   16. Ashley Tisdale版本   选自2006年11月21日由华纳公司发行的单曲。   17.Glee Cast版本   选自2009年大热美剧《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)圣诞节发行的特别单曲。《欢乐合唱团》是一步节奏轻快的音乐喜剧,在这部剧中演员们翻唱了许多经典的歌曲,其中就包括这一首。2010年,这话首单曲被收入由哥伦比亚唱片公司发行的圣诞专辑《Glee: The Music, The Christmas Album 》。   18.Boa版本   19.放浪兄弟版本   选自2008年11月26日由Rhythm Zone发行的放浪兄弟专辑    20.Baby boo版本   选自2004年12月1日由环球唱片发行的《Ubugoe Onsen 3 》特别的和声。   21.Jamelia版本   22.JuJu版本</b>   选自2007年12月12日发行的《Wish for snow/奇迹を望むな...》这首的女声还是相当特别的。   23.ToNick版本   香港一队Punk pop独立乐队唱的,粤语   24. 郑秀文版本   选自Love Mi世界巡回演唱会Live   25.朱宝拉版本   选自韩国M-net单曲榜9   27.杜德伟版本   28.Cascada/Natalie Horler版本   29.Crazy Frog版本</b>   选自专辑Everybody Dance Now   30. 王力宏和圣堂教父版本</b></b></b>   31. 韩国女子2人组 AS ONE版本   </b></b></b>   32.Wham版本   33.:Ashley Tisdale版本   极为欢快的曲调,也是不错的版本      等等据不完全统计有五六十个版本,在此我希望广大网友帮忙补充,谢谢~   34.卫兰卫诗版本——《the christmas tunes》 编辑本段歌词  Last Christmas   I gave you my heart   But(the)very next day you gave it away   This year   To save me from tears   I"ll give it to someone special   Last Christmas   I gave you my heart   But (the) very next day you gave it away   This year   To save me from tears   I"ll give it to someone special   Once bitten(and)twice shy   I keep my distance   But you still catch my eye   Tell me baby   Do you recognize me?   Well,It"s been a year   (It) doesn"t surprise me   Happy christmas   I wrapped it up and sent it   With a note saying "I love you" .   I meant it   Now I know what a fool I"ve been   But if you kissed me now   I know you"d fool me again   Last Christmas   I gave you my heart   But the very next day you gave it away   This year   To save me from tears   I"ll give it to someone special   Last Christmas   I gave you my heart   But the very next day you gave it away   This year   To save me from tears   I"ll give it to someone special   A crowded room   Friends with tired eyes   I"m hiding from you   And your soul of ice   Oh my I thought you were   Someone to rely on   Me?   I guess I was a shoulder to cry on   A face of a lover with a fire in her heart   A man under cover but you tore me apart   (ooo-ooo)   Now I"ve found a real love you"ll never fool me again   Last Christmas   I gave you my heart   But the very next day, you gave it away   This year   To save me from tears   I"ll give it to someone special   Last Christmas   I gave you my heart   But the very next day   you gave it away   This year   To save me from tears   I"ll give it to someone special   (ooo-ooo) 编辑本段歌词翻译  去年的圣诞,我将我的真心给了你   可就在第二天,你却把它抛弃   今年我不想再流泪   我会把真心给特别的人   第一次的挫折让我羞于启齿   我和你保持着距离   可你还是捕捉到了我的眼神   亲爱的请告诉我   你认出我了吗?   好吧,已经一年过去了   我对此并不惊讶   我把它和写着“我爱你”的纸条打包送出   现在我才知道自己曾经多么愚蠢   如果你现在再次吻我   我会知道你又一次在愚弄我   在一间拥挤的房间   朋友们带着疲惫的眼神   我躲着你和你冰冷的灵魂   上帝啊,我怎么曾经竟会觉得   你是依赖于我,我是让你依赖的?   倾慕的表情,燃烧的内心   一个躲闪的人,你将他抛弃   或许下一年,我会将真心给我特别的人   特别的人   Last Christmas 日文版   ※Last Christmas 今はまだ 思い出になんてできないよ   でも爱はもう ここにはいない this year   Last Christmas ふたりなら 愿いはかなうと信じてた   まだ越えられない 君は今でも special※   出会って気づいたよ 本当は仆も淋しがりやだと   ねえ君は覚えてるかい? 二人で交わした初めてのキス   “Happy Christmas!”   思えば仆は 君にはたぶん重すぎたよね   わかったふりの强がり 张り裂けそうな My beating heart   Last Christmas 今はまだ 思い出になんてできないよ   でも爱はもう ここにはいない this year   Last Christmas ふたりなら 愿いはかなうと信じてた   まだ越えられない 君は今でも special   Oh… oh, my baby   悲しみもせつなさも 仆たちが生きてる证   失ってみて 初めて知った 大切なもの 大切なひと   もうあの顷には戻れない 君の微笑みは戻らない (Show me your smile)   Ooh ooh... この胸は痛みを覚えてる   (※くり返し)   もうあの顷には戻れない 君の微笑みは戻らない   “Maybe, next year!”   だけど今でも 君は今でも special   罗马音   Last Christmas Ima wa mada omoide ni nantedekinaiyo   Demo ai wa mou kokoniwa inai this year   Last Christmas Futarinara negaiwa kanauto shinjiteta   mada koerarenai kimiwa imademo special   Deattekitsuitayo hontouwa bokumo sabishigariyadato   Nee kimiwa oboeterukai? Futaride kawashita hajimeteno kisu   "Happy Christmas!"   omoeba bokuwa kiminiwa tabun omosugitayone   wakattafurino tsuyogari harisakesouna My beating heart   Last Christmas Ima wa mada omoide ni nantedekinaiyo   Demo ai wa mou kokoniwa inai this year   Last Christmas Futarinara negaiwa kanauto shinjiteta   mada koerarenai kimiwa imademo special   Kanashimimosetsunasamo bokutachiga iketeruakashi   ushinattemite hajimeteshitta taisetsunamono taisetsunahito   mou ano goroniwa modorenai kimino hooemiha modoranai (Show me your smile)   Ooh ooh.. konomuneha itami wo oboeteru   Last Christmas Ima wa mada omoide ni nantedekinaiyo   Demo ai wa mou kokoniwa inai this year   Last Christmas Futarinara negaiwa kanauto shinjiteta   mada koerarenai kimiwa imademo special   Mou anogoroniwa modorenai kimino hooemiwa modoranai   "Maybe, next year!"   dakedo ima demo kimiwa imademo special

ASTM A27.70-36相当于国内是什么材质

ASTM A27.70-36化学成分见下截屏,对照一下与ZG35更接近。

I am going over to the department什么意思?go over?


【求】一首圣诞歌曲,歌词高潮是:i wanna wish you a merry christmas,i wanna wish you a merry christ

Feliz navidad

一首圣诞歌,里面有这句I wanna wish you a merry Christmas。求的不是高耀太的那个,好象是西班牙的一个

Felize Navidad




ISPR[2]:全称是:Interrupt Set-Pending Registers,是一个中断挂起控制寄存器组。每个位对应的中断和ISER是一样的。通过置1,可以将正在进行的中断挂起,而执行同级或更高级别的中断。写0是无效的。ICPR[2]:全称是:Interrupt Clear-Pending Registers,是一个中断解挂控制寄存器组。其作用与ISPR相反,对应位也和ISER是一样的。通过设置1,可以将挂起的中断接挂。写0无效。当高优先级的中断正在执行中,如果发生了低优先级的中断,CPU自然会将低优先级中断挂起,当高优先级中断执行完毕后,再去处理低优先级中断,这个时候需要清除挂起位,采用库函数中的一个函数去处理就可以了 比如,EXTI_ClearITPendingBit()

简述STM32 中断“抢占(Preempt)”和“挂起(Pending)”的的含义?






html 后面的id是什么意思?



图像映射<map name="" id=""> <area shape="" coords="" href ="" alt="" /></map>

在HTML中a href 有个什么属性,以及值 可以去掉下划线的?


html怎么防止a href标签冲突

<a href ="javascript:return false;">这个链接不能点击 </a> 也可以写成<a href ="javascript:volid(0);">这个链接不能点击 </a> 都一样会阻止a 标签的跳转行为!

HTML代码……表示(  )。


在 HTML 中,语句<a href= >联系方式< a>的作用是( )。

【答案】:B在HTML中,<a>标签定义超链接,用于从一个页面链接到另一个页面。<a> 元素最重要的属性是href 属性,它指示链接的目标。超链接的显示内容是标签对之间的文字内容。创建段落用<P>标签。

如何使得html 中的标签 只执行onlick,不执href跳转?

把 href="#"用这个试试

HTML代码<ahref=″url″>……</a>表示( )。



> 标签定义超链接,用于从一个页面链接到另一个页面。<a> 元素最重要的属性是 href 属性,它指定链接的目标。在所有浏览器中,链接的默认外观如下:未被访问的链接带有下划线而且是蓝色的已被访问的链接带有下划线而且是紫色的活动链接带有下划线而且是红色的

请教html中 随机跳转到某个落地页?

这个需要用js实现。代码如下:<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"><title>随机跳转</title></head><body><a href="javascript:;">点我跳转</a></body></html><script src=""></script><script>$(function(){// 落地页的地址数组let links = ["","","","","","","","","",];let r = Math.floor(Math.random()*(links.length));// 点击跳转随机落地页$("html").on("click", "a", function(){location.href = links[r];});});</script>

HTML中:或者 ,href后面直接跟"/"或者是"/products/"是什么

<a href="/" ></a> 表示链接到网站根目录.<a href="/porducts/" ></a> 表示链接到根目录下的products目录.返回的文件按服务器默认文档顺序决定, 有可能是以下之一index.htm, index.html, default.htm, index.asp, index.php, index.aspx......




代表超链接<a href="#"> </a> #号是空白的意思,也有刷新的作用,在网页中这样写,一般是用于刷新的




<A href="" target="_blank"><FONT face=楷体_GB2312 color=#f70968 size=6>aaa<FONT></A>


实现超链接,为什么还非要用Label呢,直接这样写不就可以了. <a href="url" Class="label4" target="_blank"><%# Eval("Msg_Title") %></a> 至于截取字符串,就用NET里面的截取函数,最好定义一个类,如下面的: public static string SubStr(string str, int n, string tail) { string tempStr = ReplaceHTML(str); string reStr = "";//返回值 if (n == 0) reStr = tempStr; else { //检测中英文 if (tempStr.Length <= n / 2) { reStr = tempStr; } else { int t = 0; char[] tmp = tempStr.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < tempStr.Length; i++) { int c; //c=Convert.ToInt32(tempStr.Substring(i,1)); c = (int)tmp[i]; if (c < 0) c = c + 65536; if (c > 255) t = t + 2; else t = t + 1; if (t > n) break; reStr = reStr + tempStr.Substring(i, 1); } if (n < tempStr.Length) reStr = reStr + tail; } } return reStr; //不检测中英文 //if (n >= tempStr.Length) // n = tempStr.Length; //return tempStr.Substring(0, n); } 然后调用的地方就这样写 SubStr(Eval("Msg_Title") .ToString(),10,"...") 这样就可以了.求采纳

html中 的用法

你是想说当点了链接以后,主网页不变只是网页中的部分变化?比如只是中间的网页变成另外一个网页?那个是用iframe来实现 ,你可以在百度里搜索一下相关的东西


在HTML中,<a>标签的href属性指定的链接地址可以是:1. 绝对地址:以<LINK::START http:://或https:://开头的完整URL地址。例如:http://xn--https-wm6j://开头的完整URL地址。例如<LINK:END>:>html<a href="">绝对地址链接</a>2. 相对地址:相对于当前页面的URL地址。例如:html<a href="contact.html">联系页面链接</a> 这会链接到当前页面所在目录下的contact.html页面。3. 片段标识符:链接到同一页面的某个片段。例如:html<a href="#section1">链接到section1片段</a>这会在页面内跳转到id="section1"的元素位置。4. 空链接: href为空或者没有href属性,浏览器会加载当前页面。例如: html<a href="">空链接</a> <a>无href属性链接</a> 5. 页面内锚点:链接到页面内的某个位置。例如:html<a href="#top">回到页首</a> 这会链接到id="top"的元素位置。6. 邮箱地址:以mailto:开头的邮件地址链接。例如:html <a href="">发送邮件</a> 这会打开邮件编辑界面发送邮件到指定邮箱地址。所以,在HTML的<a>标签中,href属性支持的链接地址类型包括:绝对地址、相对地址、片段标识符、空链接、页面内锚点、邮箱地址等。这使得页面内部跳转和外部链接 become 非常方便。



a href="#" 这个在html中有什么作用?


html 中能够使用ajax吗?






Roundtrip HTML技术 是什么

Macromedia公司的Roundtrip HTML技术让用户可以随意导入HTML文件而无需重新设置代码格式,用户还可以利用Dreamweaver清除或重新格式化HTML代码,实现代码的优化。利用Dreamweaver,可以方便地使用动态HTML功能,却不需要写一行行的代码;利用它还可以检查作品在所有流行的平台和浏览器中可能发生的错误。当然,如果不用DW的话,同样可以制作出非常棒的网站来,其实什么样的程序或者HTML代码都可以直接用记事本来写,只不过DW实现起来确实方便一些吧,还有一些其他的网页编辑工具,比如微软的Frontpage等等,只是想说明一下,做网站,DW很好用,但是不是必须的!


这儿我复制来有点乱~(是很乱)望采纳啦~片头曲 * 片头曲:“NightmaRe” - SNoW 作词:SNoWu30fb山野英明,作曲:SNoWu30fb进藤安三津,编曲:进藤安三津、藤田谦一 今何时か教えて、梦といって抱きしめて 廃墟の町に见覚えがある あなたと潜った写真集の中 どうして独り、あたしは独り すぐに、すぐに梦なんだと気づく 瓦砾を走る、何か蹴飞ばす 梦から覚める出口を探すの 早く行かなきゃ、早く行かなきゃ どこかであなたの声がしてるの 动いている、时の中しか、永远のなんて、见えないんだ 今何时か教えて、梦といって抱きしめて 止まりかけたあたしの心を动かして お.ね.が.い 隣にあなたはいる、たぶん违う、梦を见て 太阳なんか要らない あなたの笑颜が今恋しくて あなたを思う、こんなに思う そんなあたしを梦に见つけたの もっと知りたい、もっと知りたい あなたのことをもっともっと知りたい 何とかしなきゃ、しっかりしなきゃ どんな世界にも切なさが危ない 时が爱しい、何故が爱しい 今はもっとあなたを知りたい 忘れてたよ、信じなければ、どんなことでも、始まらないわ 一分一秒でもずっとずっと抱きしめて 丸い梦を见ていただけどささやいて く.だ.さ.い 隣にあなたがいた、今もきっとそばにいるの 抗ったまたって、あなたの声しか届かないな 届けたいな、给いたいな 君を守ったか、たまには闻きたいな 走りたいな、笑ってたいな、始めたいな 今何时か教えて、梦といって抱きしめて 止まりかけたあたしの心を动かして お.ね.が.い 隣にあなたはいる、たぶん违う、梦を见て 太阳なんか要らない あなたの笑颜が今恋しくて Ima, nanji ka oshiete Yume to itte dakishimete Haikyo no machi ni mioboe ga aru Anata to mekutta shashinshuu no naka Doushite hitori atashi wa hitori Sugu ni sugu ni yume nanda to kidzuku Gareki wo hashiru nani ka ketobasu Yume kara sameru deguchi no sagasu no Hayaku ikanakya hayaku ikanakya Dokoka de anata no koe ga shiteru no Ugoiteiru toki no naka shika Eien nante mienainda Ima nanji ka oshiete yume to itte dakishimete Tomarikaketa atashi no kokoro wo ugokashite, onegai Tonari ni anata wa iru Tabun chigau yume wo mite Taiyou nanka iranai Anata no egao ga ima koishikute Anata wo omou konna ni omou Sonna atashi no yume de mitsuketa no Motto shiritai motto shiritai Anata no koto wo motto motto shiritai Nanto ka shinakya shikkari shinakya Donna sekai ni mo setsunasa ga afureru Toki ga itoshii naze ga itoshii Ima wa motto anata wo shiritai Wasureteta yo shinjinakereba Donna koto demo hajimaranainda Ippun ichibyou demo zutto zutto dakishimete Warui yume wo miteita dake to sasayaite, kudasai Tonari ni anata ga ita Ima mo kitto soba ni iru no Araamu ga nattatte Anata mo koe shika todokanainda Toroketainda Atama itainda "Kimi wo mamoru" toka tama ni wa kikitainda Hajiketainda Waratte itainda Hajimetainda Ima nanji ka oshiete yume to itte dakishimete Tomarikaketa atashi no kokoro wo ugokashite, onegai Tonari ni anata wa iru Tabun chigau yume wo mite Taiyou nanka iranai Anata no egao ga ima koishikute

请问大家anchor对象 和link对象的区别,貌似我看了都是html里的链接对象哇,有啥区别,嘿嘿~



这个是PDB数据库原子坐标记录格式HETATM 非标准基团原子坐标e.g: 1 MG MG 168 4.669 34.118 19.123 1.00 3.16 MG2+英文在PDB file 中的说明:The HETATM records present the atomic coordinate records for atoms within "non-standard" groups. These records are used for water molecules and atoms presented in HET groups.

关于STM32 GPIO的上拉输入和下拉输入


investment pipeline是什么意思

investment pipeline投资管道双语对照例句:1.Others in particular, poland and the baltic states will continue to argue for euinvestment in new gas pipeline routes that bypass russia, and for tougherrestrictions on russian energy investment in europe. 其它国家,特别是波兰和北欧各国,将会继续主张欧盟投资兴建绕开俄罗斯的新油气管线,并对俄罗斯在欧洲的能源投资进行更严格的限制。2.The proceeds would be used to meet the company"s medium-and long-termcapital requirements, such as possible investment in a new gas pipelinefrom the west to the east of china. 中石油将把所募资金用于满足中长期资金需求,例如可能在西气东输新管线项目上进行投资。

consolidation and adjustment 财报什么意思

consolidation and adjustment 合并与调整

Investment Real Estate是什么意思?


Investment Real Estate是什么意思?

t Real Estate


去 好逍遥DJ网 吧,那里的舞曲音质还不错哦,我经常去听的

graduate recruitment 是什么意思呢?


您好,请问办理签证请假信里面的recruitment date 是什么意思


社会招聘英文怎么说 相对于校园招聘"campus recruitment"的

Society recruitment 或者Social recruitment 直接说job fair 就ok,招聘会

招聘会用英语怎么说? 是recruitment fair吗?

直接用FAIR就可以了 比如:劳务招聘会--- a labor fair 或者就用 a job fair也可以

HR请进:RC recruitment 中的RC指什么?

第一个意思Recruitment Coordinator招聘协调员第二个意思Resource Coordinator人力资源协调员


recruitment zone 补充带,做变形虫运动的细胞的胞质区,外细胞质在此处对内胞质进行补充。

recruitment fair是什么意思

招聘会双语对照例句:1.Mr. chang learned of st. mary"s at a recruitment fair in china. 常舒是在一个教育展会上知道圣玛丽中学的。2.Uk alumni career development workshop and recruitment fair. Pdf. 留英校友职业发展研讨会暨小型专场招聘会。3.Metropolitan area polytechnics "" career and recruitment fair. 城市地区工艺职业和招募大会。4.In order for talented team members to be attracted and remain with your organisation itis essential that you have a thorough and fair recruitment system that supports thestrategic objectives of the business. 为了吸引并留住高素质员工,企业必须制定一个与企业总体战略目标相配合的,彻底的、公平的招聘体系。5.Robert thesiger, chief executive of imprint, morgan mckinley"s parent company, said: "ayear on from the first reports of the credit crunch, it is fair to say that considerable levelsof uncertainty remain within the financial services industry and, in turn, the recruitmentmarket." 摩根麦金利母公司imprint的首席执行官罗伯特塞西格(robert thesiger)表示:“从信贷紧缩最初的报道至今已过去了1年,客观地说,金融服务业内部仍存在很大的不确定性,而这也反映在招聘市场。”

recruitment specialist是什么意思

recruitment specialist招聘专员双语对照如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

recruitment date是什么意思


I am TM about to break down这是什么意思?

I am TM about to break down:我快要崩溃了


是:recruitment recruitment 英[ru026a"kru:tmu0259nt] 美[ru026au02c8krutmu0259nt] n. 募集; 补充; 征募新兵; [例句]This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies这促使许多雇主考量其人才选拔和招聘政策。


recruitment的读音:英 [ru026a"kru:tmu0259nt];美 [ru026au02c8krutmu0259nt]释义:n.征募新兵;补充;募集短语:recruitment advertising招聘广告;recruitment exercise招聘工作recruitment drive入伍记(游戏);recruitment methods招聘方法例句:1.We"re going to launch a big recruitment drive in autumn.我们将在秋季进行大规模征兵。2.The garrison needs our recruitment of water and food.驻军需要我们补充水和食物。3.Intel has set up a recruitment office in Dublin.英特尔在都柏林设立了一个招聘办公室。
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