
阅读 / 问答 / 标签


Do you have a cinema ticket?

求一首歌的歌词,一部微电影里面的插曲,电影名是《the ticket》

The Fishermen Three-Those KissesLike I passed through a thousand desertsAnd come upon a mountain streamI was blind for a thousand sunsetsThen opened my eyes to seeMy angel is coming closerI feel her breath on meLipstick in the mirrorBlowing kisses in a dreamOh your kisses are blowing us awayAnd where they take us is where we"re gonna stayOh inside the darknessAll over the landI can"t see anything but I can feel your handSend to me a sparrowShow a little flameAnything to help you make it home againThe sand was white in the moonlightWhen I woke from a beautiful dreamOh if I could only see you,But there"s a desert in betweenI"m tracking a trail of petalsThe night it is aliveThe wind keeps twisting and turningSomehow I will arriveAnd oh your kisses are blowing us awayAnd where they take us is where we"re gonna stayOh inside the darknessAll over the landI can"t see anything but I can feel your handSend to me a sparrowShow a little flameAnything to help you make it home again

ticket怎么读 音标要正确,还有意思及用法

ticket英音:["tikit]名词 n.[C] 1.票,券;车票;入场券 Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场.2.(货物上的)标签 The ticket tells you the price of this dress. 标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱.3.证明书,许可证;(商船船长或飞行员的)执照 4.(政党的)公认候选人名单 5.(政党的)纲领,政见 6.(事业等的)计划,规划 7.【口】(给违反交通规则者等的)传票,罚单 Harris got a ticket for speeding. 哈里斯拿到一张超速驾驶罚款单.8.【口】恰好的事情;所需的东西[the S] It"s stuffy in this room.An electric fan would be just the ticket for me. 房间里很闷热,电扇正是我所需要的. 及物动词 vt. 1.加标签于;表明 2.指定,指派[(+for)] 3.【口】对...开出交通违规罚单(或传票)[(+for)] The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单.4.给...门票


ticket n.[C] 1. 票 券;车票;入场券 Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场。 2. (货物上的)标签 The ticket tells you the price of this dress. 标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱。 3. 证明书 许可证;(商船船长或飞行员的)执照 4. (政党的)公认候选人名单 5. (政党的)纲领 政见 6. (事业等的)计划 规划 7. 【口】(给违反交通规则者等的)传票 罚单 Harris got a ticket for speeding. 哈里斯拿到一张超速驾驶罚款单。 8. 【口】恰好的事情;所需的东西[the S] It"s stuffy in this room. An electric fan would be just the ticket for me. 房间里很闷热 电扇正是我所需要的。 vt. 1. 加标签于;表明 2. 指定 指派[(+for)] 3. 【口】对...开出交通违规罚单(或传票)[(+for)] The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。 4. 给...门票 参考: .dictionary.yahoo/search?q=1&s=ticket&Submit=+%ACd%A6r+ 票 券;车票;入场券...... ticket n.[C] 1. 票 券;车票;入场券 Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场。 2. (货物上的)标签 The ticket tells you the price of this dress. 标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱。 3. 证明书 许可证;(商船船长或飞行员的)执照 4. (政党的)公认候选人名单 5. (政党的)纲领 政见 6. (事业等的)计划 规划 7. 【口】(给违反交通规则者等的)传票 罚单 Harris got a ticket for speeding. 哈里斯拿到一张超速驾驶罚款单。 8. 【口】恰好的事情;所需的东西[the S] It"s stuffy in this room. An electric fan would be just the ticket for me. 房间里很闷热 电扇正是我所需要的。 vt. 1. 加标签于;表明 2. 指定 指派[(+for)] 3. 【口】对...开出交通违规罚单(或传票)[(+for)] The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。 4. 给...门票 参考: me 是票(机票、车票、船票......)。 参考: me 1. 票 券;车票;入场券 Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场。 2. (货物上的)标签 The ticket tells you the price of this dress. 标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱。 3. 证明书 许可证;(商船船长或飞行员的)执照 4. (政党的)公认候选人名单 5. (政党的)纲领 政见 6. (事业等的)计划 规划 7. 【口】(给违反交通规则者等的)传票 罚单 Harris got a ticket for speeding. 哈里斯拿到一张超速驾驶罚款单。 8. 【口】恰好的事情;所需的东西[the S] It"s stuffy in this room. An electric fan would be just the ticket for me. 房间里很闷热 电扇正是我所需要的。 vt. 1. 加标签于;表明 2. 指定 指派[(+for)] 3. 【口】对...开出交通违规罚单(或传票)[(+for)] The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。 4. 给...门票 参考: me!!me!! ticket指 [票] 即系好似戏飞果d 2007-07-28 15:43:00 补充: n.[C]1. 票 券;车票;入场券Admission by ticket only.凭票入场。2. (货物上的)标签The ticket tells you the price of this dress.标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱。3. 证明书 许可证;(商船船长或飞行员的)执照4. (政党的)公认候选人名单5. (政党的)纲领 政见6. (事业等的)计划 规划。

ticket for/ticket to用法有什么区别?

ticket for... 意为...的票据、门票,for表用途或原因,比如two tickets for the concert,两张音乐会门票(表用途),He just got a ticket for illegal parking. 他刚收到一张违章停车的罚单(表原因),另外,the ticket for作为俗语常常用来表示绝配或点睛之笔,如:The amplifier is really the ticket for our audio system. 这个功放简直与我们的音响是绝配。ticket to... 到...的票据、凭证,to表目的或结果。ticket常被引申为通向...的资格、资本、资质或途径。如:I need 2 air tickets to Shenzhen. 我需要两张去深圳的机票(to表目的)。A good education is the ticket to a good job. 良好的教育是通向一份好工作的门票(ticket 表资本)。ticket在上面都是名词,它作动词时,也有ticket for的组合,不过一般都是被动语态be ticketed for,意为注定、指定,如:Being a naughty boy,Langlang was considered that he was ticketed for a pianist. 还是顽皮男孩的时候,朗朗就被认为注定会成为钢琴家。


应该是某个订票或抢票软件吧。但是光靠文件名不可靠的,因为文件名是可以修改的。ticketn.票;券;车票;戏票;入场券;奖券;彩票;(商店中标明货物价格、尺码等的)标签;(交通违章)通知单,罚款单;候选人名单vt.售票;给…门票;送票;发出交通违章通知单复数:tickets第三人称单数:tickets现在进行时:ticketing过去式:ticketed过去分词:ticketed例句Can you work it so that we get free tickets? 你能不能为我们搞到些免费票?

ticket to和for区别

a ticket to释义:一张去...的票,to含有“向最终目标运动”的意思;是可数名词;a ticket to后跟的是地点。a ticket for释义:一张为...的票,for除了表示目的以外,一般不可以与瞬间动词连用,a ticket for后是事情。 ticket含义 ticket这个词,可以是动词,也可以是名词。当ticket是名词时,其含义为“票;券;车票;戏票;入场券;奖券;彩票;(交通违章)通知单,罚款单;(商店中标明货物价格、尺码等的)标签,(政党在选举中所支持的)候选人名单”,其复数形式为tickets。 当其为动词时,其含义为“售票;给…门票;送票;发出交通违章通知单”,其第三人称单数是tickets,现在分词是ticketing,过去式是ticketed,过去分词是ticketed。 ticket后常用介词有to和for,一般表示“去某处的票”时,用to;表示“何时或何事的票”时,常用for。例如:train ticket to Baltimore, tickets to the concert, tickets for Wednesday, tickets for the ball game, tickets for the movie, ticket for four o"clock.

ticket的用法及词组 举例举几个

ticket ["tikit] n.1. 票,券,入场券;车票2. (表明性质、价格等的)标签,票签3. (船长或飞机驾驶员的)执照;证件;(资格)证明书;许可证4. [美国口语] (给交通违章者开的)传票,罚款单5. [英国英语]搜查令;拘捕证6. [美国英语](某一政党提出的)候选人名单(政党的)政见,政纲7. 计划,规划8. 达到目标的办法(或手段) (与to连用)9. [the ticket] [口语]合适的东西,所需的东西;正好的事情10. [复数](有票房潜力并有号召力的)电影(或歌剧、音乐会、摇滚乐队等)vt.1. 加标签于,加以标签:Have they ticketed the merchandise?他们给商品加标签了吗?They ticketed my baggage at the airport.在机场,他们给我的行李贴了行李条。2. 给…票子;为…购票:The children are too young to be ticketed.孩子们太小,不用购票3. [美国口语]向(交通违章者)发出传票,开交通违章罚款单,贴交通违章通知于:to be ticketed for drunk driving因酒后开车而接到违章通知单4. 描绘,描述:She is ticketed as a heroine.她被描绘成了一位女英雄。5. 标明;指定:She was ticketed for a job as Minister of Education.她被任命为教育部长。vi.查验票证air ticket 机票 ticket price 票价 train ticket 火车票,路票 airline ticket 飞机票 lottery ticket 彩票;奖券 admission ticket 门票;准考证;入场券 ticket office n. 售票处 plane ticket 飞机票 return ticket (英)往返票;回程票 passenger ticket 客票;车票 ticket reservation 预订票,订座 bus ticket 公共汽车票 season ticket 长期票;月票 free ticket 免票,免费票;四坏球自由上垒 one-way ticket n. 单程票 ticket agent 售票代理处;代理售票人 price ticket 标价条 round trip ticket 往返票;来回票 ticket counter 售票台;售票柜台;票务处 ticket machine 售票机;自动售票机 权威例句:He poked about in his bag for his ticket.他翻包里的东西,寻找他的票。He turned out all his pockets looking for the ticket.他把所有口袋都翻出来,寻找那张票。He swapped his radio for a ticket of a football match.他用他的收音机换了一张足球门票。



ticket 英["tu026aku026at]美[u02c8tu026aku026at]n. 票,入场券;标签;传票,交通违规的通知单;<美>候选人名单vt. 售票;给…门票;加标签于,指派;对。。开交通违章通知单第三人称单数:tickets;过去分词:ticketed;名词复数:tickets;现在分...[例句]I booked my ticket to india.我订了张去印度的票。


ticket英音:["tikit]名词 n. [C]1. 票,券;车票;入场券Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场。 2. (货物上的)标签The ticket tells you the price of this dress. 标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱。 3. 证明书,许可证;(商船船长或飞行员的)执照 4. (政党的)公认候选人名单 5. (政党的)纲领,政见 6. (事业等的)计划,规划 7. 【口】(给违反交通规则者等的)传票,罚单Harris got a ticket for speeding. 哈里斯拿到一张超速驾驶罚款单。 8. 【口】恰好的事情;所需的东西[the S]It"s stuffy in this room. An electric fan would be just the ticket for me. 房间里很闷热,电扇正是我所需要的。 及物动词 vt. 1. 加标签于;表明 2. 指定,指派[(+for)] 3. 【口】对...开出交通违规罚单(或传票)[(+for)]The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。 4. 给...门票


常见释义票英:[u02c8tu026aku026at]美:[u02c8tu026aku026at]n.票;券;车票;戏票;入场券;奖券;彩票;(商店中标明货物价格、尺码等的)标签;v.售票;给…门票;送票;发出交通违章通知单;例句:You can have my ticket我可以把我的票给你。

Ticket是什么意思 《西语助手》西汉



/"tikit /



regard as a ticket to success

答案:A a good education一个好的教育,抽象名词具体化,所以第一空填a;a ticket一张票.

we decided to buy tickets for the jiangyou boat出自哪篇课文 在线等

外研版高中英语必修4 module 5

preliminary tickets 是什么门票?

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:preliminary tickets 翻译:基础的(初步的)(预赛的)门票preliminary:n. 准备;预赛;初步措施;adj. 初步的;开始的;预备的preliminary design初步设计;概要设计;开端预设;设计前期preliminary estimate初步估计;概算;[财政] 初步估算preliminary test[统计] 初步试验;预备试验;预实验;预试验preliminary examinantion予审preliminary report初步报告;预备报告preliminary hearing预审;调查庭;初步听证;预审程序preliminary standard预选标准;基础标准preliminary prospectus初步募股书;临时招股说明书;初步招股书;招股说明书preliminary data初始数据;初步资料;原始数据;初步数据preliminary study 初步研究 preliminary analysis 初步分析 preliminary design 初步设计 preliminary stage 初始阶段,初期;原始阶段 preliminary investigation 初步调查 preliminary test 初步试验;预先测试;初级试验 preliminary examination 预备考试;预先检查 preliminary plan 初步设计 preliminary round 初赛;分组预选赛 preliminary data 初始数据 preliminary survey 初步调查;初测 preliminary treatment 预处理 preliminary assessment 初步评估;预备评估 preliminary report 初步报告;预备报告 preliminary planning 初步规划;初步计划 preliminary agreement 初步协议 preliminary review 预审;预先复查;初审 preliminary scheme 初步规划 preliminary hearing n. 调查庭 preliminary works 初步工程;准备工程 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

One Way Ticket 歌词

歌曲名:One Way Ticket歌手:George Thorogood & the Destroyers专辑:I"M WantedThe Darkness -- One way ticketIt was a dusty old nightAnd I"m the first to admit itI"m sure I upset someoneBut my memory has chosen to omit itA tiny voice telling meI really should cool itChewing my face offTalking absolute rubbishThe first line hit me like a kick in the faceBut I better have another one just in caseNext thing I knew my heart was under attackI"m on a one way ticket to hell... and backOne way ticket to hell and backBought a one way ticket to hell and backOne way ticket to hell and backBought a one way ticket to hell…I"ve always tried to keep my vices under wrapsBut a coach load of mutes would have been talkative cha... hapsIf they"d seen fit to join me for a couple of hitsBut now my septum"s in tatters and I"ve still got the runsIt burned for a moment then it kicked like a muleThe strangers I"d recruited thought it was rocket fuelSeveral massive choking lines of glorious gakBought a one way ticket to hell... and backOne way ticket to hell and backBought a one way ticket to hell and backOne way ticket to hell and backBought a one way ticket to hellStick it up your fucking nose (Woo hooo)Holding court, repeating myself except we"re getting slightly louderPausing just long enough to snort the white powderWheels came off but I"m still on trackBought a one way ticket to hell... and back!One way ticket to hell and backBought a one way ticket to hell and backOne way ticket to hell and backBought a one way ticket to hellOne way ticket to hell and backBought a one way ticket to hell and backOne way ticket to hell and backBought a one way ticket to hellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9399678

i am lucky to get a ticket

ticket :门票 意思:我有幸得到一张足球比赛的门票

You are lucky to get a ticket.这句话该怎么翻译,到底是拿到票还是没拿到票?


make up a ticket和replacement ticket的区别是什么?



preticketed是preticket的过去分词preticket 价钱标贴过去分词:preticketed 现在分词:preticketing 第三人称单数:pretickets .-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

trust ticket 是什么意思


help desk ticket什么意思

  help desk ticket  帮助台门票  ticket 英[u02c8tu026aku026at] 美[u02c8tu026aku026at]  n. 票,入场券; 标签; 传票,交通违规的通知单; <美>候选人名单;  vt. 售票; 给…门票; 加标签于,指派; 对。。开交通违章通知单;  [例句]I queued for two hours to get a ticket to see the football game  我排了两个小时的队,就是为了买张足球赛的票。  [其他] 第三人称单数:tickets 复数:tickets 现在分词:ticketing 过去式:ticketed过去分词:ticketed

she has a ticket改为复数句

she has many tickets




ticket[英]["tu026aku026at] [美][u02c8tu026aku026at] 生词本简明释义n.票,入场券;标签;传票,交通违规的通知单;<美>候选人名单vt.售票;给…门票;加标签于,指派;对。。开交通违章通知单复数:tickets第三人称单数:tickets过去式:ticketed过去分词:ticketed现在分词:ticketing易混淆的单词:Ticket以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT(剧院、运动场、表演等的)入场券,门票,票A ticket is a small, official piece of paper or card which shows that you have paid to enter a place such as a theatre or a sports ground, or shows that you have paid for a journey. I queued for two hours to get a ticket to see the football game... 我排了两个小时的队,就是为了买张足球赛的票。


ticket的意思:n.票;券;车票;戏票;入场券;奖券;彩票;(商店中标明货物价格、尺码等的)标签;(交通违章)通知单,罚款单;候选人名单vt.售票;给…门票;送票;发出交通违章通知单复数:tickets第三人称单数:tickets现在进行时:ticketing过去式:ticketed过去分词:ticketed短语:1.ticket agent 票务代理2.ticket booth 售票亭3.ticket counter 售票柜台4.ticket holder 持票人5.plane ticket 飞机票6.ticket price 票价7.parking ticket 违章停车罚款单8.speeding ticket 超速罚款单9.lottery ticket 彩票例句:1.I asked whether they could change my ticket. 我问他们是否可以给我换票。2.You"re in luck ─ there"s one ticket left. 你运气不错——还剩一张票。3.Can you work it so that we get free tickets? 你能不能为我们搞到些免费票?4.You have to show your ticket as you go in. 进场必须出示门票。5.If you can manage to get two tickets that"s better still. 要是你能设法弄到两张票,那就更好了。


ticket [英][u02c8tu026aku026at][美][u02c8tu026aku026at] n. 票,入场券; 标签; 传票,交通违规的通知单; <美>候选人名单; vt. 售票; 给…门票; 加标签于,指派; 对。。开交通违章通知单; 第三人称单数:tickets复数:tickets现在分词:ticketing过去式:ticketed过去分词:ticketed形近词:Ticketpicketwicketricket 1 The price of a single ticket is thirty-nine pounds. 单程票的价格是39英镑。




1、ticket读音为:英 [?t?k?t]、美 [?t?k?t]。2、ticket意思是:票;券;车票;戏票;入场券;奖券;彩票;(商店中标明货物价格、尺码等的)标签。售票;给…门票;送票;发出交通违章通知单。3、第三人称单数: tickets。4、复数: tickets。5、现在分词: ticketing。6、过去式: ticketed。7、过去分词: ticketed。

ticket怎么读 ticket如何读

1、ticket读音为:英 [u02c8tu026aku026at]、美 [u02c8tu026aku026at]。 2、ticket意思是:票;券;车票;戏票;入场券;奖券;彩票;(商店中标明货物价格、尺码等的)标签。售票;给…门票;送票;发出交通违章通知单。 3、第三人称单数: tickets。 4、复数: tickets。 5、现在分词: ticketing。 6、过去式: ticketed。 7、过去分词: ticketed。


ticket的读音为:英式读音/u02c8tu026aku026at/,美式读音/u02c8tu026aku026at/相关内容:一、ticket的意思为:n.票 ; 门票; 车票 ;券; 入场券 ; 票证 ; 证明 ; 签条 ;标签 ; 候选人名单 ; 恰好的事情 ; 所需的东西 ; v.对…发出交通违章通知 ; 贴交通违章通知于 ; 获发门票 ; 给…加标签 ; 标明 ; 注定二、ticket的变形:过去式ticketed过去分词ticketed现在分词ticketing第三人称单数tickets复数tickets三、ticket的相关句子:He Produced His Railway Ticket When Asked To Do So.当验票时,他出示火车票。One Way, Please. How Much Is The Fare?单程车票多少钱?Person Who Has A Ticket For A Journey By Air, Rail Or Sea But Does Not Use It有飞机票、火车票或船票而不使用的人。The Conductor Punched His Bus Ticket.售票员用剪票夹在他的汽车票上打孔。Do I Have To Keep My Ticket Till After I Get Off?车票要保留到下车吗?Keep Your Ticket Until You Leave The Bus .车票请保留到下车。Not Valid On Certain Trains.车票对某些列车无效。Do You Want A One-Way Or Round-Trip Ticket?你要单程车票还是往返车票?This Ticket Is Cheap Because It Is An Excursion Ticket.这张车票便宜,因为是张短程车票。

跪求A TICKET TO TOMORROW program6原文!!!

Program 4: “The International coffee Shop”Read along[outside]Mr. English: Hi, Tamara!Tamara: Hi, Mr. English. Iu2019m so glad to see you.Mr. English: Iu2019m glad to see you, too. How are you?Tamara: Iu2019m fine, but Iu2019m hungry.Mr. English: Well, it is lunchtime. And thereu2019s a very good restaurant around the corner: The International Coffee Shop.Tamara: Do they serve only coffee there?Mr. English: No, they serve food and drinks from many different countries.Tamara: Oh, thatu2019s wonderful. Iu2019d like to try something new.Mr. English: Great. Letu2019s go![traveling music]Here we are!Waiters: WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME!YOUR TABLE IS READY.COME THIS WAY.WEu2019RE SERVING SOME SPECIAL DISHES TODAY!Mr. English: What are they?Waiter 1: WE HAVE SPAGHETTI AND MEAT SAUCE FROM ITALY.Waiter 2: OR YOU MIGHT WANT TO TRY A GOULASH FROM HUNGRAY.Tamara: Whatu2019s goulash?Waiter 2: SOME PIECES OF BEEF AND SOME VEGETABLES, TOO.Waiter 3: AND WE HAVE MANY OHER DISHES. HEREu2019S A MENU FOR YOU!Waiter 4: TAKE YOUR TIIME TO DECIDE.Waiter 1: BUT MAY I RECOMMEND A SALAD ON THE SIDE?Tamara: Oh, Mr. English. Look at this menu. Itu2019s very international!Mr. English: Yes, it is.Waiter 1: Would you like a taco? A taco is a thin, fried pancake with meat and lettuce inside.Tamara: What country are tacos from?Waiter 2: Tacos are from Mexico. Or how about a quiche?Tamara: Quiche?Waiter 3: Yes. A quiche is a cheese pie from France.Tamara: Hmmu2026goulash from Hungary, spaghetti from Italy, tacos from Mexico, and quiche from France. Are there any dishes from the United States?Waiter 4: Well, you can have a hamburger.Tamara: Oh, itu2019s very difficult to decide!Waiter 1: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE?Waiter 2: WHAT CAN I GET YOU?Waiter 3: WHAT WILL YOU HAVE?Waiter 4: WHATu2019LL IT BE?Mr. English: Iu2019LL HAVE THE GOULASH AND A CUP OF TEA.Tamara: AND JUST A CUP OF COFFEE AND A HAMBURGER FOR ME.Mr. English: A hamburger?Tamara: Yes, a hamburger.Waiter 1: How would you like it?Tamara: Excuse me?Waiter 1: How would you like your hamburger?RARE?Waiter 2: MEDIUM?Waiter 3 & Waiter 4: OR WELL DONE?Tamara: Ohu2026I donu2019t know.Waiter 1: WELL, HOW ABOUT RARE? IF THE HAMBURGER IS RARE, WE COOK THE MEAT FOR A VERY SHORT TIME, AND THE HAMBURGER IS RED INSIDE. ITu2019S RARE.Tamara: NO, I DONu2019T CARE FOR MEAT IF ITu2019S RARE.Waiter 2: WELL, HOW ABOUT MEDIUM? IF THE HAMBURGER IS MEDUIM, WE COOK THE MEAT FOR A WHILEu2026 NOT FOR A SHORT TIMEu2026NOT FOR A LONG TIME. AND THE HAMBURGER IS A LITTLE RED INSIDE—BUT NOT VERY RED. ITu2019S MEDIUM. NOT RARE.Tamara: NO, I DONu2019T CARE IF MEAT IF ITu2019S RAREu2026OR MEDIUM.Waiter 3: WELL, HOW ABOUT WELL DONE? IF THE HAMBURGERIS WELL DONE, WE COOK THE MEAT FOR A LONG TIME. AND THE HAMBURGER ISNu2019T RED INSIDE; ITu2019S WELL DONE. NOT MEDIUM. NOT RARE.Tamara: NO, I DONu2019T CARE FOR MEAT IF ITu2019S RAREu2026OR MEDIUMu2026 OR WELL DONE.Waiter 4: I BEG YOUR PARDONu2026PLEASE REPEAT.Tamara: OH, I DONu2019T CARE FOR MEAT!Waiter 4: WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? WHY ARE YOU ORDERING A HAMBURGER? A HAMBURGER IS MEAT!Tamara: Iu2019M SORRY, SIR. THIS IS NEW FOR ME.Waiters: WHO IS SHE? WHO IS SHE?Tamara: Iu2019D LIKE SOME FOOD YOU DONu2019T NEED TO COOK.Mr. English: WHERE IS THE MENU? HERE, LETu2019S LOOK.Waiters: WHO IS SHE? WHO IS SHE?Mr. English: SHEu2019S A VISITOR FROM THE FUTURE.Waiters: HOW ABOUT SUSHI?Tamara: Whatu2019s sushi?Mr. English: Sushi is a dish from Japan, small pieces of raw fish on cold rice.Tamara: Raw fish?Mr. English: Yes, the fish is raw. You donu2019t cook it.Tamara: Sushiu2026 Hmm.Waiters: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE?WHAT CAN I GET YOU?WHAT WILL YOU HAVE?WHATu2019LL IT BE?Iu2019LL HAVE SOME SUSHI!Tamara: Iu2019D LIKE SOME SUSHI!HOW ABOUT SOME SUSHI FOR ME?Read alongMr. English: Mmmu2026delicious! Iu2019ll have the check, please.Waiters: AT THE INTERNATIONAL COFFEE SHOPTHERE ARE SOME VERY INTERNATIONAL DISHES.WE SERVE SOME VERY DELICOUS FOODFOR ALL YOUR INTERNATIOANL MEAL-TIME WISHES.AT THE INTERATIONAL COFFEE SHOPYOU HEAR SOME FRIENDLY CONVERSATIONS.AND THE MUSIC IS PLAYING FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, AND THE DISHES ARE FROM MANY NATIONS. IF YOUu2019RE HUNGRY FOR A MEAL, OR IF YOUu2019RE HUNGRY FOR SOME FUN, IF YOUu2019RE LONELY, OR YOUu2019RE FEELING BLUE—RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN,THEN STOP—AT THE INTERNATIONAL COFFEE SHOP!Voices: WHATu2019S FOR DESSERT? WHATu2019S FOR DESSERT? WHATu2019S FOR DESSERT? WHATu2019S FOR DESSERT?Waiters: HOW ABOUT DESSERT?Waiter 1: SOMETHING SWEET!Waiter 2: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME CAKE?Waiter 3: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME PIE?Waiter 4: WOULD YOU LIKE A TREAT?Woman: NO, THANK YOU. NO DESSERT FOR ME TODAY.Man: AND NO DESSERT FOR ME. BUT THANKS ANYWAY!Waiters: HAVE SOME DESSERT.Waiter 1: TRY SOMETHING, PLEASE!Waiter 2: WOULD YOU LIKE A COOKIE?Waiter 3: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME FRUIT?Waiter 4: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME CHEESE?Woman: No, really! No dessert for me today.Waiters: How about some ice cream?Woman: Wellu2026 OK!Voices: Whatu2019s for dessert? Whatu2019s for dessert? Whatu2019s for dessert? Whatu2019s for dessert?Mr. English: Well, that was a great lunch! Please join us on our next show. Weu2019re going shopping! But thatu2019s all for now—until the next time—on A Ticket to Tomorrow.

with relative cheap tickets中的relative,形式对吗?

with relative cheap tickets中的relative,形式对相对便宜的机票

ticket 和receipt 有什么区别吗

ticket 门票、车票、罚单receipt 收据

Cheap airticket to Canada

你去加拿大边个城市?  图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/26 如果你去温哥华,你可以考虑搭甘泉...佢地有条去温哥华既航线....唔系旺季既时候,大约系$4500来回..其实选择有加航,国泰,不过好贵.. 如果去多伦多既话,你可以考虑搭大韩啦.唔系旺季果阵,大约要$6000-6500..其他选择有日航,加航同国泰,不过一定会贵... 至于西北同UA(联合)..要转机同埋要有美国签证,不过有时可以平到$4000来回架.... 要睇边个月份.. 如果你去加拿大其他既城市,最好搭加航喇..因为佢去加拿大唔同城市既路线最多 (由中国香港出发),唔好因为平,搭一间航空公司,去到某个城市再转第间航空公司呀..一delay你未必驳到机架.. 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/67参考: 国泰职员~ 加拿大人1)加拿大航空(AC) 2)OASIS HONG KONG(O8)

last minute ticket是什么意思

last minute ticket 最后一分钟的票

不知哪位知道claim check,ticket jacket, baggage handler等词的意思?

claim check 索赔凭证ticket jacket 机票baggage handler包裹装卸机visa card 通行卡 签证卡Master card用万事达卡


ticket:gQHu7zoAAAAAAAAAASxodHRwOi8vd2VpeGluLnFxLmNvbS9xLy1rd1F5Vzdta0x6cHJId0hZV0JLAAIESEOXUgMEAAAAAA==编码方式:java.net.UrlEncode(ticket,“utf-8”);报错:{"base_resp":{"ret":-5,"err_msg":"not supported"}}


ticket英音:["tikit]名词 n. [C]1. 票,券;车票;入场券Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场。 2. (货物上的)标签The ticket tells you the price of this dress. 标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱。 3. 证明书,许可证;(商船船长或飞行员的)执照 4. (政党的)公认候选人名单 5. (政党的)纲领,政见 6. (事业等的)计划,规划 7. 【口】(给违反交通规则者等的)传票,罚单Harris got a ticket for speeding. 哈里斯拿到一张超速驾驶罚款单。 8. 【口】恰好的事情;所需的东西[the S]It"s stuffy in this room. An electric fan would be just the ticket for me. 房间里很闷热,电扇正是我所需要的。 及物动词 vt. 1. 加标签于;表明 2. 指定,指派[(+for)] 3. 【口】对...开出交通违规罚单(或传票)[(+for)]The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。 4. 给...门票

all-in-one ticket 是什么

一体化的票all- in- one 一体化

can you show me another _____(ticket)

Can you show me another ticket.答案:ticket解析:another意思是“另一个”,后面跟名词的单数形式。

ticket original是什么意思

original[英][u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u0259nl][美][u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u0259nu0259l]adj.原始的; 独创的; 最初的; 新颖的; n.原文; 原型; 原件; 怪人;

英语翻译I got a film ticket——翻译我得到了一张免费的电影票。

I got a film ticket for free.for free[口语]免费地,无偿地

Airport ticket passport哪个是不同的?

airport 机场 ticket 票passport护照所以这里不同的应该是机场,airport

multi-trip ticket是什么意思?


multi-trip ticket 中文意思 多趟车票是什么意思 详细易懂点儿 求助

multi-trip ticket 的意思是:多程票,通常指可以去多个地方, 例如:从广州去北京:one way ticket 单程票从广州去北京,然后再回广州:round trip ticket 双程票从广州去北京,然后去上海,再回广州:multi-trip ticket 多程票

I want to book a round trip ticket from Beijing t


round-trip tickets是什么意思?

round-trip tickets往返票双语例句1Try eight round-trip tickets.想想八张往返机票。2How come she has round-trip tickets back to tokyo?她怎么会有回东京的返程票?

round-trip ticket是什么意思

round-trip ticket英 [u02c8raundu02c8trip u02c8tikit]美 [u02c8rau028andu02c8tru026ap u02c8tu026aku026at]往返票,双程票往返机票;双程票;往返票;来回机票1.How much is a round-trip ticket to Boston? 到波士顿的来回票多少钱?2.How much is a round-trip ticket to Boston for a child? 到波士顿的儿童来回票多少钱?3.I"ll take the round-trip ticket, please. 我要买往返的车票。

l have some tickets 什么Snow White?

I have some tickets for Snow White.

the ticket to和the ticket for的区别

the ticket to 去哪儿的票the ticket for 给谁的票~~~~~~~希望对你有所帮助,望采纳~~~~~~~~~~~



ticket to the world cup

选【C】 it"s very kind 【of】 you to get the tickets【to】 the world cup. It"s +形容词+0f/for sb.to do sth.是固定句型. 用of,表示人 怎么样. 用for 表示事情怎么样. it 是形式主语,代替to do sth.真正主语是to get me three tickets to the world cup. 这个句子可以改写成:You are kind to get me three tickets to the world cup. 第二个to 是介词,是:向,往,到

Plane Ticket Reservations


Leaf ticket 歌词

歌曲名:Leaf ticket歌手:KOTOKO专辑:パルフェ ~ショコラ second brew~ “Re-order” アレンジサントラ「Leaf Ticket」作词 KOTOKO 作曲 C.G mix 编曲 C.G mix歌 KOTOKOたたんだ手纸胸に押しあて木々に眠る日々思えば靴底いつか温む阳射しと小枝を缝う风が答えをくれた今日は君に话したい色褪せずに育つ梦もあるんだと公园通り発幸福行きの小さなチケットあげるよ「もう离さない…」远くで流れるメロディ春のような思いが心に満ちたから少しは解りあえたのかな?答えは今 横ではにかむ笑颜古ぼけたカバンには红茶色に染まっていく写真だけなんにもいらない幸福行きの列车は君と二人きり足りないモノは次の駅で探そう心晴れた今日の日は昨日の未来ほおづえの窓辺にはほろ苦くて甘い香り揺れるけど公园通り発幸福行きのチケット握るよこんな晴れた日は大好きな人诱って行きなさいとせっかちな风が言うからhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59969051

写一篇关于lottery ticket的不少于120个单词的英语文章

The Lottery Ticket by Anton ChekhovIvan Dmitritch, a middle-class man who lived with his family on an income of twelve hundred a year and was very well satisfied with his lot, sat down on the sofa after supper and began reading the newspaper."I forgot to look at the newspaper today," his wife said to him as she cleared the table. "Look and see whether the list of drawings is there.""Yes, it is,What is the number?"said Ivan Dmitritch;"Series 9,499, number 26.""All right . . . we will look .Ivan Dmitritch had no faith in lottery luck, and would not, as a rule, have consented to look at the lists of winning numbers, but now, as he had nothing else to do and as the newspaper was before his eyes, he passed his finger downwards along the column of numbers. And immediately, as though in mockery of his scepticism, no further than the second line from the top, his eye was caught by the figure 9,499! Unable to believe his eyes, he hurriedly dropped the paper on his knees without looking to see the number of the ticket, and, just as though some one had given him a douche of cold water, he felt an agreeable chill in the pit of the stomach; tingling and terrible and sweet!"Masha, 9,499 is there!" he said in a hollow voice.His wife looked at his astonished and panicstricken face, and realized that he was not joking."9,499? And the number of the ticket?"she asked, turning pale and dropping the folded tablecloth on the table."Oh yes! There"s the number of the ticket too. But stay . . . wait! No, I say! Anyway, the number of our series is there! Anyway, you understand...."Looking at his wife, Ivan Dmitritch gave a broad, senseless smile, like a baby when a bright object is shown it."It is our series," said Ivan Dmitritch, after a long silence. "So there is a probability that we have won. It"s only a probability, but there it is!""Well, now look!""Wait a little. It"s on the second line from the top, so the prize is seventy-five thousand. That"s not money, but power, capital! And in a minute I shall look at the list, and there--26! Eh? I say, what if we really have won?"The husband and wife began laughing and staring at one another in silence. The possibility of winning bewildered them; they could not have said, could not have dreamed, what they both needed that seventy-five thousand for, what they would buy, where they would go. They thought only of the figures 9,499 and 75,000 and pictured them in their imagination.Ivan Dmitritch, holding the paper in his hand, walked several times from corner to corner, and only when he had recovered from the first impression began dreaming a little."And if we have won," he said--" it will be a new life, it will be a transformation! The ticket is yours, but if it were mine I should, first of all, of course, spend twenty-five thousand on real property in the shape of an estate; ten thousand on immediate expenses, new furnishing . . . travelling . . . paying debts, and so on. . . . The other forty thousand I would put in the bank and get interest on it.""Yes, an estate, that would be nice," said his wife, sitting down and dropping her hands in her lap.And pictures came crowding on his imagination, each more gracious and poetical than the last. And in all these pictures he saw himself well-fed, serene, healthy, Here, after eating a summer soup, cold as ice, he lay on his back on the burning sand close to a stream . His little boy and girl are crawling about near him, digging in the sand or catching ladybirds in the grass. He dozes sweetly, thinking of nothing, and feeling all over that he need not go to the office today, tomorrow, or the day after. Or, tired of lying still, he goes to the hayfield, or to the forest for mushrooms, to take longer walks beside the river,契诃夫的彩票    伊万,中产阶级的男子和他的家人住在一个一千二百零一年的收入很满意他的很多,晚饭后在沙发上坐下来,开始看报纸。    我忘了看今天的报纸,”他的妻子对他说,她清理桌子。“看看图纸列表是否有”。    “是的,它是,号码是多少?伊万说;     9499系列数字26。    “好。我们将看看。    在彩票的运气伊万本来就不太相信,不会,一般来说,已经同意看的号码,但是现在,他无事可做,如报纸在他眼前,他通过他的手指向下沿列的数字。立刻,仿佛在嘲笑他的怀疑,没有进一步比第二行从上他的眼睛

steam上未转变者点开服务器显示出your econ ticket failed to serialize?然后就没办法进服务器。

很多种可能 第一:游戏更新了 服务器没更新 导致进不去 第二:被ban了 可能开挂被管理员封了 不过提示不是这个 第三:名字的问题 里面不可以有々《 这种符号 第四:网络延迟 一般要试三次才能进去 望采纳
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