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thank 和thirty 发音不相同




这是个很常见的现象,因为thirteen/thirty(14-19/40-90也一样)通常都会接上个名词,所以两个字的尾音都是高的。13-19的尾部是-teen,是长/i/和有鼻音/n/,跟广东话的「天」一样。30-90的尾音是ty,短/i/。如果说话者要清楚地说明是那一个,很多时都会在数目字之后可以加上数目字的单字念法,如 Thirteen (one-three) students are involved in the anizing mittee. ﹋ LAI ﹋ 已经答得唔错。我再补充 -teen 有鼻音 -ty 无鼻音 thirteen~~尾音系天 thirty~~尾音系田 有时候真系架...D外国人读英文超级快..我多数睇返条问咩就答返 TEEN=天






一个音节的叫单音节,两个音节的叫双音节,三个或三个以上的音节叫多音节. A.student双音节,beautiful多音节 B.thing单音节,bedroom双音节 C.people双音节,thirty双音节 D.answer双音节,family 多音节 所以选C






thirty 英[u02c8θu025c:ti] 美[u02c8θu025c:rti] n. 三十; 三十个; 三十年代; 三十的记号; adj. 三十的,三十个的; num. 三十; 三十个; [网络] 卅; 叁十; 30岁; [例句]There were at most thirty people in the room.屋里顶天儿三十个人。[其他] 复数:thirties 形近词: shirty


thirty的序数词是thirtieth。1、序数词的概念序数词是用来表示事物次序、顺序或排位的词。它在英语中常用于表示日期、年龄、名次等情况,例如"first"(第一)、"second"(第二)等。2、thirty的基数词thirty是一个基数词,表示数字30。它是由单词"three"(三)和后缀"-ty"(-十)组成的。3、thirty的序数词形式在将基数词"thirty"转化为序数词时,需要添加后缀"-th"(-第)或"-tieth"(-十第)。因此,"thirty"的序数词形式是"thirtieth"(第三十)。4、序数词的用法序数词通常用于表示具体的次序或顺序,如"the thirtieth day"(第三十天)、"the thirtieth anniversary"(第三十周年)等。序数词前一般加“the”;序数词前有名词所有格、形容词性物主代词时,不再使用“the”;a/an+序数词+名词,表示“又一,再一”。5、特殊的序数词形式除了基本的序数词形式外,有一些特殊的序数词形式需要记住。例如,"first"(第一)在序数词形式中变为"firsth"(第一);"second"(第二)在序数词形式中变为"second"(第二);"third"(第三)在序数词形式中变为"third"(第三)。结论thirty的序数词是thirtieth,它表示数字30的次序或排位。序数词在英语中用于表示具体的次序、顺序或排名,如日期、年

thirty是什么意思中文 thirty双语造句

1、thirty的中文意思是30的意思。2、双语例句:(1)Only thirty students graduated in Chinese last year. 去年只有三十名学生获得汉语学士学位。(2)She thinks nothing of walking thirty miles a day. 她认为一天步行三十英里不足为奇。(3)Hes described as around thirty years old, six feet tall and of medium build. 他被描述为大约三十岁,身高6英尺,体格中等。


th[ θ ]的读法是 咬舌读/s/音 英 ["θu025cu02d0tu026a]


thirty 英["θu025c:tu026a] 美[u02c8θu0259:ti] n. 三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号 adj. 三十的,三十个的 num. 三十;三十个 [例句]Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more.三十分钟的性可以烧掉85卡路里或更多的热量。

thirty是什么意思中文 thirty双语造句

1、thirty的中文意思是30的意思。 2、双语例句: (1)Only thirty students graduated in Chinese last year. 去年只有三十名学生获得汉语学士学位。 (2)She thinks nothing of walking thirty miles a day. 她认为一天步行三十英里不足为奇。 (3)Hes described as around thirty years old, six feet tall and of medium build. 他被描述为大约三十岁,身高6英尺,体格中等。




thirty 英[u02c8θu025c:ti] 美[u02c8θu025c:rti] n. 三十; 三十个; 三十年代; 三十的记号; adj. 三十的,三十个的; num. 三十; 三十个;


thirty的音标是[u02c8θu025cu02d0ti]。Three times a week 一周三次。three quarters 四分之三。three parts 四分之三。three strikes 三击措施。rule of three 三分律;比例律;比例法。a two or three 一两。the three Rs 3R课程。the best of three 三局两胜。the three Es 三“E”。three sheets to the wind 大醉。three years 三年。three times 三倍;三次。three dimensional 三维;三维立体;三维空间。three years ago 三年前。three phase 三阶段;三相;三相位。three gorges project 三峡工程;三峡工程项目;三峡水利枢纽工程。three branches 三分支。three gorges dam 三峡大坝;三峡水坝。three fourths 四分之三。mother of three 三个孩子的母亲;育有三个孩子。双语例句:1、Cook for a further thirty-five minutes until the filling has set.再烹调35分钟直到夹馅凝固。2、Thirty staff are facing the axe at the Royal Infirmary.皇家医院有30名员工面临裁员。3、I"ve got a long way to go before I"m thirty.我离30岁还早着呢。4、The dismissal of thirty civil servants for dishonesty and misconduct.30个公务员因不诚实和胡作非为而被解雇。5、Williams timed his pass perfectly from about thirty yards.威廉姆斯在约30码处的传球时机把握得恰到好处。


thirty 英["θu025c:tu026a]美[u02c8θu0259:ti]n. 三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号adj. 三十的,三十个的num. 三十;三十个[例句]Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more.三十分钟的性可以烧掉85卡路里或更多的热量。更多示例用法>>


thirty[英]["θu025c:tu026a] [美][u02c8θu0259:ti] 生词本简明释义n.三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号adj.三十的,三十个的num.三十;三十个复数:thirties以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.NUM(数字) 30Thirty is the number 30.2.N-PLURAL三十多,三十几(指 30 至 39 之间的数字)When you talk about the thirties, you are referring to numbers between 30 and 39. For example, if you are in your thirties, you are aged between 30 and 39. If the temperature is in the thirties, the temperature is between 30 and 39 degrees.Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early th


thirty 英["θu025c:tu026a] 美[u02c8θu0259:ti] n. 三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号 adj. 三十的,三十个的 num. 三十;三十个 [例句]Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more.三十分钟的性可以烧掉85卡路里或更多的热量。更多示例用法>>

thirty怎么读英语 thirty英语解释

1、thirty,读音:美/u02c8θu025cu02d0rti/;英/u02c8θu025cu02d0ti/。 2、释义:n.三十年代。num.三十。adj.三十个的。 3、例句:By sunset we had covered thirty miles.到日落时我们已走了三十英里。


thirty 英[u02c8θu025c:ti] 美[u02c8θu025c:rti] n. 三十; 三十个; 三十年代; 三十的记号; adj. 三十的,三十个的; num. 三十; 三十个; [网络] 卅; 叁十; 30岁; [例句]There were at most thirty people in the room.屋里顶天儿三十个人。[其他] 复数:thirties 形近词: shirty 望采纳,谢谢!


thirty[英]["θu025c:tu026a] [美][u02c8θu0259:ti] 生词本简明释义n.三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号adj.三十的,三十个的num.三十;三十个复数:thirties以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.NUM(数字) 30Thirty is the number 30.2.N-PLURAL三十多,三十几(指 30 至 39 之间的数字)When you talk about the thirties, you are referring to numbers between 30 and 39. For example, if you are in your thirties, you are aged between 30 and 39. If the temperature is in the thirties, the temperature is between 30 and 39 degrees.Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early thirties.显然,莫扎特在二十几岁到三十刚出头时,身体非常好。


1、thirty,读音:美/u02c8θu025cu02d0rti/;英/u02c8θu025cu02d0ti/。 2、释义:n.三十年代。num.三十。adj.三十个的。 3、例句:By sunset we had covered thirty miles.到日落时我们已走了三十英里。

thirty 怎么读


thirty的意思 thirty是什么意思

1、thirty 英[θ:ti] 美[θ:rti] 2、n. 三十; 三十个; 三十年代; 三十的记号; 3、adj. 三十的,三十个的; 4、num. 三十; 三十个; 5、[例句]Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early thirties. 6、显然,莫扎特在二十几岁到三十刚出头时,身体非常好。 7、[其他] 复数:thirties。


thirty发音是[_θ__ti]。thirty的音标是[_θ__ti],其发音可以根据其音标进行拼读,作为名词表示三十年代。相关例句:He was a young man at his early thirties他是个三十岁出头的年轻人。相关例句:I usually do my homework at around five thirty我通常5点半左右写作业。

thirty 怎么读

thirty [英]["θu025c:tu026a][美][u02c8θu0259:ti] n. 三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号 adj. 三十的,三十个的 num. 三十;三十个 复数:thirties 双语例句 1. There are thirty people in the classroom,counting the teacher. 把老师算上,教室里有30个人. 2. It is about thirty miles between Nottingham and Sheffield. 从诺丁汉到谢菲尔德大约30英里. 3. The drug put Simpson in a lull for thirty minutes. 药物使辛普森安静了30分钟. 4. My uncle entered upon a diplomatic career at the age of thirty-five. 我伯父35岁时开始了外交官的生涯. 5. He was a pillar of the club for over thirty years. 30多年来他一直是这个俱乐部的顶梁柱.


thirty 英[u02c8θu025c:ti] 美[u02c8θu025c:rti] n. 三十; 三十个; 三十年代; 三十的记号; adj. 三十的,三十个的; num. 三十; 三十个; [网络] 卅; 叁十; 30岁; [例句]There were at most thirty people in the room.屋里顶天儿三十个人。[其他] 复数:thirties 形近词: shirty


thirty[英]["θu025c:tu026a] [美][u02c8θu0259:ti] 生词本简明释义n.三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号adj.三十的,三十个的num.三十;三十个复数:thirties以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.NUM(数字) 30Thirty is the number 30.2.N-PLURAL三十多,三十几(指 30 至 39 之间的数字)When you talk about the thirties, you are referring to numbers between 30 and 39. For example, if you are in your thirties, you are aged between 30 and 39. If the temperature is in the thirties, the temperature is between 30 and 39 degrees.Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early thirties.显然,莫扎特在二十几岁到三十刚出头时,身体非常好。


英 ["θu025c:tu026a] 美 [u02c8θu0259:ti] n. 三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号 adj. 三十的,三十个的 num. 三十;三十个 网 络 三十; 三十分; 半; 三十岁 复数:thirties 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. NUM 数词(数字) 30 Thirty is the number 30. 2. N-PLURAL 复数名词三十多,三十几(指 30 至 39 之间的数字) When you talk about the thirties, you are referring to numbers between 30 and 39. For example, if you are in your thirties, you are aged between 30 and 39. If the temperature is in the thirties, the temperature is between 30 and 39 degrees. Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early thirties. 显然,莫扎特在二十几岁到三十刚出头时,身体非常好。3. N-PLURAL 复数名词三十年代(指 1930 年至 1939 年) The thirties is the decade between 1930 and 1939. 【搭配模式】:the NShe became quite a notable director in the thirties and forties. 她在三四十年代成了一位名导演。


thirty发音是[_θ__ti]。thirty的音标是[_θ__ti],其发音可以根据其音标进行拼读,作为名词表示三十年代。相关例句:He was a young man at his early thirties他是个三十岁出头的年轻人。相关例句:I usually do my homework at around five thirty我通常5点半左右写作业。


英 ["θu025c:tu026a] 美 [u02c8θu0259:ti] n. 三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号 adj. 三十的,三十个的 num. 三十;三十个 网 络 三十; 三十分; 半; 三十岁 复数:thirties 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. NUM 数词(数字) 30 Thirty is the number 30. 2. N-PLURAL 复数名词三十多,三十几(指 30 至 39 之间的数字) When you talk about the thirties, you are referring to numbers between 30 and 39. For example, if you are in your thirties, you are aged between 30 and 39. If the temperature is in the thirties, the temperature is between 30 and 39 degrees. Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early thirties. 显然,莫扎特在二十几岁到三十刚出头时,身体非常好。3. N-PLURAL 复数名词三十年代(指 1930 年至 1939 年) The thirties is the decade between 1930 and 1939. 【搭配模式】:the NShe became quite a notable director in the thirties and forties. 她在三四十年代成了一位名导演。



增加一个字母变成新单词 thirty?

thirsty 口渴


thirty 英["θu025c:tu026a] 美[u02c8θu0259:ti] n. 三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号 adj. 三十的,三十个的 num. 三十;三十个 [例句]Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more.三十分钟的性可以烧掉85卡路里或更多的热量。




这个,音标是 [u02c8θu0259:ti],如果不会读音标的话,大概的音译是-----涩踢,好吧,俩个字都读轻音一点就很像了,或者用电脑百度一下,会有语音的,点起来听一下。希望对你有用。









thirty是什么意思 thirty的意思

1、thirty,英文单词,数词、名词、形容词,作数词时意为“三十”,作名词时意为“三十年代”,作形容词时意为“三十个的”。 2、单词发音:英[u02c8θu025cu02d0ti]美[u02c8θu025cu02d0rti] 3、例句:That was thirty years ago.那是三十年前的事了。


thirty[英]["θu025c:tu026a] [美][u02c8θu0259:ti] 生词本简明释义n.三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号adj.三十的,三十个的num.三十;三十个复数:thirties以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.NUM(数字) 30Thirty is the number 30.




三十详细释义n.三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号adj.三十的,三十个的num.三十;三十个复数:thirties 数据来源:金山词霸双语例句1.Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early thirties.显然,莫扎特在二十几岁到三十刚出头时,身体非常好。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.She became quite a notable director in the thirties and forties.她在三四十年代成了一位名导演。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.I know that you"ve been studying chimpanzees for thirty years now我知道你研究黑猩猩至今已有30年了。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 your thirties30多岁 between the ages of 30 and 39


thirty 英[u02c8θu025c:ti] 美[u02c8θu025c:rti] n. 三十; 三十个; 三十年代; 三十的记号; adj. 三十的,三十个的; num. 三十; 三十个; [网络] 卅; 叁十; 30岁; [例句]There were at most thirty people in the room.屋里顶天儿三十个人。[其他] 复数:thirties 形近词: shirty


thirtyteen是thirteen的复数形式吗?答案 :不是我 Thirteen 是13, Thirty 才是30。

its about fifteen to thirty minutes对不对?

its 是它的意思 这句话表达的意思应该是它大约是15到30分钟 可以改为 it is about 更为妥当


英 ["θu025c:tu026a] 美 [u02c8θu0259:ti] n. 三十;三十个;三十年代;三十的记号 adj. 三十的,三十个的 num. 三十;三十个 网 络 三十; 三十分; 半; 三十岁 复数:thirties 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. NUM 数词(数字) 30 Thirty is the number 30. 2. N-PLURAL 复数名词三十多,三十几(指 30 至 39 之间的数字) When you talk about the thirties, you are referring to numbers between 30 and 39. For example, if you are in your thirties, you are aged between 30 and 39. If the temperature is in the thirties, the temperature is between 30 and 39 degrees. Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early thirties. 显然,莫扎特在二十几岁到三十刚出头时,身体非常好。3. N-PLURAL 复数名词三十年代(指 1930 年至 1939 年) The thirties is the decade between 1930 and 1939. 【搭配模式】:the NShe became quite a notable director in the thirties and forties. 她在三四十年代成了一位名导演。行业释义 英英释义 网络释义 体育 1.一局中得两分 双语例句 语源派生 1. There are thirty people in the classroom, counting the teacher. 把老师算上,教室里有30个人。 来自《简明英汉词典》2. It is about thirty miles between Nottingham and Sheffield. 从诺丁汉到谢菲尔德大约30英里。 来自《简明英汉词典》3. The drug put Simpson in a lull for thirty minutes. 药物使辛普森安静了30分钟。 来自《简明英汉词典》


1、读音:英 [u02ccθu025cu02d0u02c8tiu02d0n] 、美 [u02ccθu025cu02d0ru02c8tiu02d0n]


常见释义三十英:[u02c8θu025cu02d0ti]美:[u02c8θu025cu02d0rti]num.三十;三十几;三十年代;例句:There are thirty households in the village.全村共三十户。复数:thirties

英语语法:The bus departs at six thirty a.m. 这个depart为什么加s?

The bus是单数第三人称

谐音中文thirty people away








在某人三十五岁左右是不是翻译成in one’s thirty-fifth

in one"s mid-thirties in one"s early thirties 31-33in one"s mid thirties 34-36 (三十五岁左右)in on"e late thirties 37-39



Five years ago,I lost thirty-thousand men in the



40:40 平: deuce一个分数:point一轮比赛: round 一场比赛:Match一盘比赛:set一局比赛:game如果要说大比分几比几的话,就是 game x to x 这样如果是小分就是直接 x x这样的说法,中间不用加介词比如15:30就是 fifteen thirty0分: love(比较特殊,这里有个典故,有种说法认为,“love”之所以为“零”与网球的法国血统一脉相承。法语中,“l"oeuf”意为“egg”,而在英国,“duck"s egg”常用来指代“零分”。发音上,因为“l"oeuf”与“love”极为相象,久而久之,“love”就成了“(网球)零蛋”的代名词。)Question:为什么网球是0,15,40分这样算?Answer:网球是在十四世纪起源于法国路易斯王朝时代,在宫廷中举行的"jeude paume"(意为"用手掌击球的游戏")。后来在十九世纪引进英国,改良在草皮上举行。 因为最原始的网球运动是起源于宫廷之中,所以计分方法就地取材是可以理解的。他们拿可以拨动的时钟来计分,每得一次分就将时钟转动四分之一,也就是15分(a quarter,一刻),同理,得两次分就将时钟拨至30分,当然一切都是以他们的方便为基础。这就是15分、30分的由来。 至于40分,它比较怪异,它不是15的倍数。这是因为在英文中,15分念作"fifteen",为双音节,而30分念作"thirty",也是双音节;但是45分,英文念作"forty-five",变成了三个音节,当时着英国人觉得有点拗口,也不符合"方便"的原则,于是就把它改成同为双音节的40分(forty)。这就是看来不合逻辑的40分的由来。 虽然这样的计分方法看来有些奇怪,但还是依循传统沿用至今,毕竟大家都已经习惯了这种来自宫廷的计分方法。发球 service,serve,server(发球人),接发球 receive 接球员 receiver破发球局 break发球次序 order of service 接发球次序 order of receiving (这个通常在进入抢7或者是双打比赛中会用到,因为发球顺序发生了变化)第一发球 first service 第二发球 second service发球失误:fault 双发失误 double fault发球直接得分 ace,A (为什么是ace?请参考扑克牌里的a的发音,意思其实就是王牌,网球里发球好的人确实把发球看作王牌吧)擦网 net重发 let ( 注意和net的区别哦,let是指擦网的球落在界内,不算作一次失误的,但net的球也可能是fault(擦网后越过发球区域,这就算是一次失误了,很多人都容易吧let和net搞起来,这里举个例子,乒乓球比赛里面,擦网说的是let,为什么呢?因为乒乓球比赛里没有所谓的发球区域,所以擦网后永远是重发的,只要不下网或者出界)出界 out界内 in      三盘两胜制 the best of 3 sets(通常是大师赛或ATP巡回赛)五盘三胜制 the best of 5 sets(通常是4大满灌赛事)打平 all (注意除了40:40外的小分,大局大盘的比分和大盘比分都可以用all来表示)40:40 deuce占先 advantage (只是在deuce中才会出现)领先 lead (这个可以泛用,注意和advantage的区别)抢7 tie-break (这个典故我是真的没查到,哪位大神知道的话,我会立刻加入....暂且理解为暂停比赛 suspension弃权 default两跳 not up (这就是所谓的发球不可以双脚离开地面的....那虎炮确实又是一个纯yy了) 取消比赛资格 disqualify (ww里有很多该取消比赛资格的人吧....)技术犯规 foul shot (ww里有很多会骂街的人吧......)妨碍(干扰) hinder (ww里有很多会对裁判判罚起质疑的事情吧....)换球 ball change (现在比赛中换球的话,会出现new ball的字样不知道大家注意了没?)几个点的说发:局点: game point盘点(盘决胜分) set point赛点(一场比赛的决胜分) match point破发点 break point

(10)I got up early and bought thirty cards.(11)He is working for a big firm and he has a

(10)I[主语] got up[谓语] early[状语] and[连接词] bought[谓语] thirty cards[宾语].(11)He[主语] is working for[谓语] a big firm[宾语] and[连接词] he[主语] has already visited[谓语] a great number of different places[宾语] in Australia[地点状语].(12)He[主语] has just bought[谓语] a car[宾语] and[连接词] has gone to[谓语] Alice Spring[宾语], a small town[同位语] in the centre of Australia[地点状语]. (13)He[主语] calls at[谓语] house[宾语] in the street[地点状语] once a month[状语] and[连接词] always asks for[谓语] a meal and a glass of beer[宾语].

all the rest have thirty-one except in leap year。这个怎么翻译啊

all the rest have thirty-one except in leap year。所有其余的有三十一个,除了在飞跃年。

I am a long distance runner. When I was thirty-one, I was in a serious car accident. The doctor...

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:B小题4:A 试题分析:本文讲述了遇见事故残疾了的我通过个人努力,又一次参加了马拉松长跑,证明只要努力,一切都有可能。小题1:C 推理题。根据第一段3,4行I would never run again—terrible news for someone who views running as the oxygen(氧气) she breathes.说明我把跑步当成是呼吸的氧气,说明我很重视跑步,故C正确。小题2:A 细节题。根据第二段2,3行If only I could jog(慢跑) part of it—that would cost me less time.说明这样做可以省略时间,故A正确。小题3:B 细节题。根据第三段3,4,5行He believed that people should let nothing hold them back from achieving their goals 。Soon after his death, a crazy thought entered my mind: what if I could run the LA Marathon? I knew that if I didn"t train to my fullest, the doctor would win说明我受到他的话的鼓励,故B正确。小题4:A 推理题。根据And I succeeded in crossing the finish line of the LA Marathons all over the United States to the astonishment of my doctors. They never believed that I would achieve that.说明医生根本想不到我能做到这一切,这让医生非常惊讶。故A正确。点评:本文讲述了遇见事故残疾了的我通过个人努力,又一次参加了马拉松长跑,证明只要努力,一切都有可能。本文细节题居多,答题时在文章找到对应的地方,用笔进行标记,这有利于后期有时间检查时可以立刻找到答案的位置。仔细理解作者所讲的意思,再结合选项,通过排除法和自己对全文的把握,选出正确答案。

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thirty all 四十平是deuce

That was the first time in more than thirty years as a job holder that Coleman had heard such words

是这样的 that后面表示一个从句 形容that之前的那个词对于这句话来说that后面的Coleman had heard such words(Coleman听到这些词) 都是形容that前面的holder的你问的it is the first time that这个句式就是说 that后面会跟上一个从句 来解释time这个词, it做形式主语