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一般书店里都有,淘宝里也有 翻译到没有,但有答案,第一期的答案在第二期上,第二期的答案在第三期上。一次类推

Disposable Teens 歌词

歌曲名:Disposable Teens歌手:Marilyn Manson专辑:Lest We Forget (The Best Of) Deluxe PalAnd I"m a black rainbowAnd I"m an ape of godI got a face that"s made for violence and pornAnd I"m a teen distortionSurvived abortionA rebel from the waist downYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahI wanna thank you momI wanna thank you dadFor bringing this fucking world to a bitter endI never really hated the "one true God"But the god of the people I hatedYou said you wanted evolutionThe ape with the great big hitYou said you wanted revolution, manAnd I say that you"re full of shitWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposableWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposableYou said you wanted evolutionThe ape with the great big hitYou said you wanted revolution, manAnd I say that you"re full of shitYeah yeah yeahYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahThe more that you fear us the bigger we getThe more that you fear us the bigger we getAnd don"t be suprised, don"t be suprisedDon"t be suprised if we discover itYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahYou said you wanted evolutionThe ape with the great big hitYou said you wanted revolution, manAnd I say that you"re full of shitYeah yeah yeahYou said you wanted evolutionThe ape with the great big hitYou said you wanted revolution, manAnd I say that you"re full of shitYeah yeah yeahWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposableWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposable teensWe"re disposablehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8269399




Moms Bang Teens妈妈帮青少年

一个世纪第一个年代的英文怎么说?例如1920年代叫做nineteen-twenties, 1910叫做19-teens

都写成1910s,也有写成nineteen tens的,例如:In the nineteen tens and twenties woman began to be employed by the police. -----摘自" The Seventy Essays nineteen----teens或者nineteen tens第一个10年:1900s和1900"s两种用法都存在,且是同一种意思。究竟哪种“正确”,仍然存在争议。现在用1900s的似乎较多。1900s所指的时间跨度也有争议。1.) 指1900-1909;2.) 指1900-1999。从逻辑上讲,第2.)种定义更合理。求采纳!!谢谢【俊狼猎英】


teen [tu026au02d0n] n. (13岁到19岁)青少年 n. <古>痛苦adj. 青少年的She"s in her teens. 她正处于青少年时期。When I was in my teens, I liked playing football. 少年时我喜欢踢足球。


你好~teen [ti:n]a. 十几岁的;十几的 n. 1.【古】悲哀;痛苦 2.(13-19岁的)青少年在表达青少年这个意思时 teen可数 复数形式为teens有疑惑请追问~谢谢!望采纳~——寒冰烈


n. 青少年(等于teenager);愤怒;悲哀adj. 十几岁的(等于teenaged)Teen年轻,少年,愤怒teen wolf少年狼人,少狼男主角,十八岁之狼Teen Talk青少年论坛


没区别 teen是teenagers的简写

make teens是什么意思?

make teens 全部释义和例句>>使青少年


Losing yourself is the tragedy "This coat is really beautiful !I want to try it on,"said Tina. The shop assiatant noddsed.... "strage.The coat looked different hanging on the rack.I just don"t feel like myself in it.I can"t recognize myself in the mirror." Have you ever felt like Tina,here,not feeling completely yourself ?Perhaps feeling like you have turned into another person? Former Teens correspondent Ding Jun had this experience.Let"s take a look. There was a time when I was extremely confused and lost.I was feeling deeply hurt by a boy at my school. First of all,he was so good looking.I was attracted to his appearance.Then,after chating online with him a few times,I got to konw him better.But,he didn"t it was me chating with him .When he found out,he was angry,so we never talked after that. Every time I tried to talk to him,there would be other girls around him.I was frustruted and disapointed,and didn"t know what to do. One day ,I saw him with one of his girls.After that,I saw them together and together again and it told me that I had no hope.I was heart-broken and didn"t want to see him any more.I blamed myself for not being pretty enouth.To sum up,I lost all my self-esteem. Then,winter holiday came.I travelled to Southeast Asia with my family and had a great time,.Wth their help ,I found out that I didn"t need this boy to make me feel beautiful. When returned to school,I even found that I no longer felt nervous or excited when I saw him.That feeling was gone. It feels so good to be who I am,not wearing any mask,and not pretending to be someone that the boy likes.From this experience,I realized that being unattractive ,or thinking that you are tragedy -losing onesefe under the power of others is the real tragedy.






teens [英][ti:nz] n.十几岁; 十三至十九数字(或号码); 青少年们; 十几岁( teen的名词复数 ); 悲哀; 痛苦; (13-19岁的)青少年;



dear teens,I think I have a bad memory首字母

你好!dear teens,I think I have a bad memory亲爱的孩子,我认为我有一个糟糕的记性

late teens 的解释



1、A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.知足是人生在世最大的幸事。——Joseph Addison(美国作家艾迪生)2、If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some.要想知道钱的价值,就想办法去借钱试试。——Benjamin Franklin(美国总统富兰克林)3、If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend,experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以谨慎为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。——Thomas Edison(美国发明家爱迪生)4、Health is certainly more valuable than money,because it is by health that money is procured.健康当然比金钱更为重要,因为我们所赖以获得金钱的就是健康。——Samuel Johnson(英国作家约翰逊)5、That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest.能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。——Henry David Thoreau(美国作家梭罗)6、Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。——Albert Einstein(美国科学家爱因斯坦)7、Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success.意志、工作和等待是成功的金字塔的基石。——Louis Pasteur(法国化学家巴斯勒)8、All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。——Voltaire(法国思想家伏尔泰)9、There is a great different between exposure ofthe mind and that of the body.表露思想和展露身体之间存在极大的不同。——William Hazlitt(英国批评家散文家哈滋里特)10、To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive,and the true success is to labor.怀着希望去旅行比抵达目的地更愉快;而真正的成功在于工作。——Robert Louis Stevenson(英国作家史蒂文森)11、The greater a man is, the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him.一个人越伟大,对表扬和奉承就越反感。——John Burroughs(美国博物学家巴勒斯)12、I might say that success is won by three things:first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort.可以说成功要靠三件事才能赢得:努力,努力,再努力。——Thomas Hardy(英国诗人小说家哈代)13、Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed.成功常常取决于知道需要多久才能成功。——Charles Montesquieu(法国思想家孟德斯鸠)14、Only those who have the patience to do simple thingsperfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能够轻而易举的完成困难的事。——Friedrich Schiller(德国剧作家诗人席勒)15、You have to believe in yourself. That"s the secret of success.你必须相信自己,这是成功的关键。——Charles Chaplin(美国演员卓别林

teens in times的中文意思是什么?

TNT时代少年团Teens is Times简称“TNT”意“火力全开,势不可挡”时代峰峻推出的番位团

19 last teens是什么意思

19 last teens19个十几岁的孩子19 last teens19个十几岁的孩子

求一篇teens 报纸的翻译(译成中文)

超越简单测试一直以来,进入一所优秀大学都是一个挑战。高考完的青少年觉得如释重负,但不幸的是,优异的成绩并不能绝对保证你就一定能进入一所顶尖的大学。在英国,今年的A级考试中,得到顶A级成绩的学生人数打破了以往的数字记录。但是,根据英国的每日电讯报道,由于在该年龄层的人数更多,以及年龄层和经济危机的双重影响,与去年同期相比,2009年大学学位申请人数多出了60,000。尽管英国大学另增加了10,000个名额,但不可避免的会有学生出局。例如,牛津大学和剑桥大学已经看到了下一学年的申请记录:大约15,000个有顶级成绩的人申请3000个名额或者各院校提供的类似位置。罗素集团密集型大学研究的总干事Wendy Piatt通过BBC发表讲话:“我们将取消的名额不止三四个。”她补充道:英国大学尝试对申请者进行整体审视,而不只是成绩。在美国,青少年即使拥有优异的SAT成绩,那也不能绝对保证能在常春藤学校中获取名额。大学对学生的考核除了测试成绩,同样也包括他们的能力和学术。已担任了20多年大学顾问的Joyce Slayton Mitchell说:“我们大学也没有设置进入的分数限制。你作为学生会的副主席从中学到了什么,你从绘画、打篮球等活动中学到了什么,等等,这些能够把你与其他申请者区别开来,并显示出你的独特个性,这是他们比较看重的。”近几年来,中国的大学也开始对学生的个人能力进行全面考察,一些大学推出了全面的评估体系和自主招考项目,这些都应该对挑选具备较高能力的人才有所帮助。来自山东临沂的唐立宁希望有更多的大学能把重点放在学生的综合成绩上,而不是简单的高考成绩,他说:“与一个只能在测试中发挥良好的人相比,有创造力的人才在社会和学校中更成功。”





in his teens中的teens可以改为teenagers吗?


十几岁用英语怎么说?teens een ens en区别是什么?





单数“主语是一个句子中所要表达,描述的人或物,是句子叙述的主体。可由名词、代词、数词、 名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词和主语从句等来承担。谓语是用来说明主语做了什么动作或处在什么状态。谓语可以由动词来担任,一般放在主语 的后面。 宾语是动作的对象或承受者,常位于及物动词或介词后面

teens 做主语

1、B 解析:先行词是人,不能用which,而且做从句主语,whom只能用作宾语.且不能省略,排除D 只有B 代替人做主语 2、B 原因同上. 3、D 原因同1 4、C 解析:what不能用于定语从句,排除A. C that做从句主语,不能省略,排除B.it不能连接从句,排除D 5、C 翻译:尽管我认识他很久了,但是我不很了解他 though 尽管,引导让步状语从句 6、C 解析:ABD后面的名词都用单数形式,只有C后面的名词用复数.

tweens and teens什么意思

"Tweens" 是指年龄介于儿童和青少年之间的人群,通常是指年龄在10岁至12岁之间的儿童;而 "Teens" 则是指青少年,年龄通常在13岁至19岁之间。这两个词汇通常用于描述市场营销中的不同年龄段的目标群体。






teens表示13~19岁,也就是青少年这个时间段,可以说in one"s teens。不过也有把teens等同于teenagers的,个人认为不太规范。teenagers是青少年




teen 英[ti:n] 美[tin] n. 青少年(等于teenager);伤害,损坏;痛苦,悲伤;愤怒 adj. 十几岁的;13-19岁的 名词复数:teens [例句]Learn what to expect in the teen years.来了解一下青少年期望些什么吧。2.The teen bride was kidnapped by the groom and his friends. 这位十几岁的新娘被新郎和他的朋友绑架了。3.How common is teen sexting? 青少年性短信有多普遍?4.Nearly every teen can benefit from job experience. 几乎每一个青少年可以从工作经验中获益。5.Each teen has to preserve his individuality. 每个青少年都试图建立并保留他的个性。

PETS3中As a teenager I called him Opti the Mystic. Opti the Mystic到底要如何理解?

Opti the Mystic源于英语单词optimistic,文章中作者创造性的拆用,非常上口

大神求解答(用英文回答) What has teeth but cannot eat? What

saw 锯子eggage

和child teenager,adult ,toddler同类的单词以p开头

3 其他3个都是表示某一年龄层次的人,3是辈分的词 4 其他3个都是形容词,4是名词

small teen tits什么意思

small-teen-tits1. It"s not about making the amazing saves. It"s the little things and small things that made great gatekeepers great. 伟大的门将不是靠神奇的扑救成就,而是靠注重小事和细节成功。(Tim Howard美国国家队门将)来自金山词霸 每日一句2. Three prisoners were sharing one small cell 3 metres by 2 metres.3个囚犯关在一个3米长2米宽的小牢房里。3. Albania is a small nation state of around 3 million people. 阿尔巴尼亚是一个大约有300万人口的单一民族独立国家。4. The Inspector remembered her as a small, mousy woman, invariably worried. 检察官记得,她是一个矮小、羞怯、总是闷闷不乐的人




虹吸壶(Syphon) 虹吸壶坊间咖啡馆最普及的咖啡煮法之一。原理:在酒精灯的燃烧下,下层容器中的水温达到92℃时,水流被吸到有咖啡粉末的上层容器中,通过浸泡、搅拌后,制成的咖啡再原路返回。研磨度: 比粉状略粗,接近特粒细砂糖。虹吸式煮法带有一种化学实验室的感觉。有人说因为它能萃取出咖啡中最完美的部分。摩卡壶(Moka Pot) 比乐蒂摩卡壶摩卡壶基本原理利用加压的热水快速通过咖啡粉萃取咖啡液。最早的摩卡壶是意大利人Alfonso Bialetti 在1933年制造的,他的公司Bialetti一直以生产这种咖啡壶而闻名世界。摩卡咖啡壶在欧洲使用比较普遍。摩卡壶分为上下两部分,水放在下半部分煮开沸腾产生蒸气压力;滚水上升,经过装有咖啡粉的过滤壶;当咖啡流至上半部时,将火关小,如果温度太高会使咖啡产生焦味。使用注意事项:1、水位:使用温水,水位在安全阀下0.5厘米位置。安全阀在遇到下壶压力过高时会自动泄压,以防止出现安全事故,水位如果高过安全阀,安全阀的作用就不能正常发挥。2、咖啡粉:咖啡粉采用中细粒度,装满粉槽,装粉的时候适当振动粉槽让咖啡粉均匀分布,装满以后,用手指轻轻按压表面,使粉更密实一些。比利时皇家咖啡壶(Balancing Syphon) 比利时皇家咖啡壶兼有虹吸式咖啡壶和摩卡壶特色的比利时壶,演出过程充满跷跷板式趣味。它结合了数种自然的力量:火、蒸汽、压力、重力,这些使得比利时皇家咖啡壶的操作感觉更具可看性。整个调煮过程有如上演一出舞台剧的咖啡器,因为炫目华丽的外表,加上噱头十足的操作乐趣,大大增加了咖啡感性浪漫的分数。 这种美轮美奂的咖啡萃取过程,加上其本身就是一件精美绝仑的艺术品,这使其兼具实用性、观赏性和收藏性于一身,是任何其它咖啡壶都无法比拟的。当咖啡与比利时壶一起共舞时,便是整晚最明亮的部分。整个煮咖啡的过程都值得一看再看,令人惊奇不已!简称法压壶,是一种同时具备冲茶器功能的咖啡壶。 意大利式蒸汽咖啡机原理:用浸泡的方式,通过水与咖啡粉全面接触浸泡的焖煮法来释放咖啡的精华。适用咖啡:浓淡口味均可的咖啡粉。研磨度:粗颗粒状。缺点:由于金属滤网对细粉无法彻底的过滤,咖啡豆需要粗研磨,咖啡粉颗粒变粗,导致大量内容物无法萃取。而长时间浸泡又会萃取过渡,苦味,涩味,杂味纷纷涌出,因此咖啡口感稍逊一筹。电动式咖啡机一般市面上常见的有美式咖啡滴漏机、意大利式蒸汽咖啡机。 法压壶美式滴漏咖啡机的价格与虹吸壶不相上下,适合中度或偏深度烘焙的咖啡,研磨颗粒略细,口味偏苦涩。它通过电力将水煮沸后浸泡,这样做的黑咖啡最简单,但由于用沸水制作,口感稍逊一筹。相比而言,美式咖啡机更适合小资情调又怕麻烦的年轻一族。用意大利式蒸汽咖啡机冲泡的咖啡比较浓,温度也比较高,口味比美式滴漏机冲泡的咖啡要重。 意式蒸汽咖啡壶是种通过高压高温让蒸汽快速通过咖啡粉萃取咖啡的机器,煮咖啡的最佳温度在90度-98度之间,意式咖啡机温控做得相当好。家用的意式咖啡机往往还带着一支打奶泡的嘴,做卡布奇诺;另外往往还有将杯子温热的功能,这个细节很重要,凉的杯子盛咖啡,口感就差了。摩卡咖啡(Caffè Mocha ) ——是日本MM的最爱,是那种满满一杯又非常漂亮的东西。 美式咖啡(Caffè Americano) ——某种意义上相当于黑咖啡,和冰咖啡差别不大,但质量更好,口味上更加柔和细腻。 拿铁咖啡(Caffè Latte ) ——加很多奶的咖啡,奶特咖啡,也叫拿铁咖啡(latte)。女孩子会比较喜欢。 卡布奇诺(Cappuccino ) ——泡沫咖啡,到处都有的卡布其诺。 焦糖玛奇朵(Caramel Macchiato) ——制作工艺的复杂程度仅次于摩卡。尤其是冰焦糖玛其雅朵简直就是美味到家。 特浓咖啡 (espresso ) ——功夫咖啡,非常小一杯,高浓度兴奋剂

flat meridian和steep meridian哪个是度数


请问这件Mastermind JAPAN MMJ 花卉骷髅男女短袖t恤TEE是否是正品?这件价位应该是多少钱?

掴祭原仿订制一线奢品wàng↙徽这个杏,左边的YU0,的绝对值是其本身,即,2,还是对称的。0,不可作为多位数的最高位。6,月1日:儿童节。0,也是有理数。4,是一个简单的阿拉伯数字。0,是介于-1和1之间的整数。8,是7与9之间的自然数。.;.;.;CountlessReturning to Heaven WeaknessReturn in the face of difficultiesSpring blossomTalking and Laughing长得漂亮是优势,活得漂亮是本事。我为你今天的表现感到骄傲。

pebble Time与pebble Time Steel哪个好

Pebble Time Steel是最近刚刚出的一款新一代智能手表,那么不少用户想要了解一下和之前相比,两款智能手表在功能以及外观等等方面都有什么不同,一起来了解看看吧!Pebble的新款手表采用了彩色电子纸屏幕,搭载了新版Pebble操作系统,其中引入了被该公司称作Timeline的用户界面。在外观上则采用了不锈钢材质,机身比此前的Pebble手表薄20%。在功能方面,这款产品与以往的Pebble手表基本类似,但内建了麦克风。Pebble CEO埃里克·米基科夫斯基(Eric Migicovsky)表示,目前,麦克风功能仅限于听写针对智能手机通知的文字回复。用户还无法通过语音命令启动应用、进行互联网搜索、查询天气信息,以及设置闹铃。

pebble Time Steel和pebbleTime 2有什么区别

Pebble Time Steel是最近刚刚出的一款新一代智能手表,那么不少用户想要了解一下和之前相比,两款智能手表在功能以及外观等等方面都有什么不同,一起来了解看看吧!Pebble的新款手表采用了彩色电子纸屏幕,搭载了新版Pebble操作系统,其中引入了被该公司称作Timeline的用户界面。在外观上则采用了不锈钢材质,机身比此前的Pebble手表薄20%。在功能方面,这款产品与以往的Pebble手表基本类似,但内建了麦克风。Pebble CEO埃里克·米基科夫斯基(Eric Migicovsky)表示,目前,麦克风功能仅限于听写针对智能手机通知的文字回复。用户还无法通过语音命令启动应用、进行互联网搜索、查询天气信息,以及设置闹铃。

fifteen-year-olds和a fifteen-year-old boy


a fourteen years old boy 在句子中对吗

a fourteen-year-old boy

a fourteen years old boy 在句子中对吗




Yngwie Malmsteen的《Liar》 歌词

歌曲名:Liar歌手:Yngwie Malmsteen专辑:Trilogyliareric&dongwan(shinhwa)by:梓云ERIC:This one, it ain"t no song,Just straight tellin" you the real life story,know what I mean?So come closer, you know who you areuyonhan jarieso mana ni Cell Phone ponhorul ddajjokpalrigin hedo nan keude niga mame duniggasashil kokjong dweginun heso, nega babbatsunigga,pingkyegorin motdwae Uhnega nabbasunigga pulse, sojongmin,nege bigyohal ge motdwaepari giju, ne balggutedo michiji mothechwegoro chalhejugo shiposohengbokhehanun mosub bonn ge misoman isum dwae万叔:utnun naldo manatjiman himdun nari teo manatjinabbun nomiran kol almyonso nal saranghe jun nol Oh Ohhan bon tan hanbonman tashi sengakejulle um~miso jitnun chok hesotjiman utgo ijinun anajisaranghandanun pingyero nol ddona bonen nal Oh Ohhanbon tan hanbonman nal yongsohejulleERIC:yongsohejul su itgetni nan andwenabuda,nege jul su itnun kosun ojik sangchoinga budanamdulchorom yebun saranghago shiposonundenega yonye iningol chamshi ijotna boda,nun mon sarang padgi, chwego injong padgi,paksu padgi ddo kasumshik chigo pakgidejungul wihan naman itgo nan opsotnabodajinjja nan opgo, ggopjilman isonaboda Say万叔:utnun naldo manatjiman himdun nari teo manatjinabbun nomiran kol almyonso nal saranghe jun nol Oh Ohhan bon tan hanbonman tashi sengakejulle um~miso jitnun chok hesotjiman utgo ijinun anajisaranghandanun pingyero nol ddona bonen nal Oh Ohhanbon tan hanbonman nal yongsohejullenol saranghaji anatji, ni sengakdo anhetjiijen ta kwichanajyosotarun yojaga sengyoso, ne maumi byonheso.na wonre iron nomiyosonan hengbokhaniggan,noman apumyon niga yogulhachana OH~~nan kwenchan tanigga no kuman kokjonghechal jine My Love(ijuryo hebogido na heso,)(tonun andwegeso yogi sontegeui giroeso )han bon tan hanbonman tashi sengakejulle um~(pabo katun ne B hyongipi, kataga boryo,)(jajonshimun optadoni na dweryo manun kol hejujin motedo,)(hangsang utge hejugetago,joldenun opta,)(yaksok ddawin opta, mullon sa rangdo opta )(choldenun opta, yaksok ddawin opta, yogi sarangiran opta)万叔:utnun naldo manatjiman himdun nari teo manatjinabbun nomiran kol almyonso nal saranghe jun nol Oh Ohhan bon tan hanbonman tashi sengakejulle um~miso jitnun chok hesotjiman utgo ijinun anajisaranghandanun pingyero nol ddona bonen nal Oh Ohhanbon tan hanbonman nal yongsohejulle合的部分因为两个人唱的速度不一样,所以没办法同步,仅提供ERIC的RAPhttp://music.baidu.com/song/488043

Yngwie Malmsteen的《Liar》 歌词

歌曲名:Liar歌手:Yngwie Malmsteen专辑:Yngwie Malmsteen - Live In Leningrad「Liar」浜崎あゆみ作词:ayumi hamasaki作曲:池本雷太编曲:CMJK & イズタニタカヒロあまりに非生产な日々を过ごして〖过着完全不事生产的日子〗滑稽な感覚だけに陶酔する〖只知陶醉在滑稽的感觉裏〗初めてのキスとか 色んな记念日とか〖把第一次的吻 把各种的纪念日〗独占欲に涂れてみたり〖用独占欲涂抹上另一层色彩〗あの时の私に出来た事って言えば〖若要说那时我所能做到的事情〗そうして精一杯爱に背を向ける事〖那就是拼命转身不去面对爱情〗知るには早すぎたのかも知れない〖或许是知道得太早〗幸福の後にある恐るべき反动〖尾随在幸福之后 令人害怕的反弹〗普遍的なものが一番なんて幻想〖有普遍性的东西最好 那种幻想〗単纯すぎて浅はかなだけ〖只能说是太单纯太肤浅〗最後に见送った背中が私を占める〖最后目送着离去的背影占据了我〗一体どのくらい経てば解放されるの〖究竟要多久才能获得解放〗「君に爱される程胸が苦しいの〖「你爱我爱得越多 越令我痛苦〗ねぇ私は君の事をもう…」〖真的我已经对你…」〗あの时の私に出来た事って言えば〖若要说那时我所能做到的事情〗そうして精一杯爱に背を向ける事〖那就是拼命转身不去面对爱情〗最後に见送った背中が私を占める〖最后目送着离去的背影占据了我〗一体どのくらい経てば解放されるの〖究竟要多久才能获得解放〗収録:MY STORY/発売日:2004-12-15-エンド-http://music.baidu.com/song/10265510

Steel Pipes HFCHS 是神马钢管呢 谢谢

Circular Hollow Sections (C.H.S.), seamless, hot finished (HFCHS)

Sixteen Going On Seventeen (Reprise) 歌词

歌曲名:Sixteen Going On Seventeen (Reprise)歌手:Charmian Carr&Julie Andrews专辑:The Sound Of MusicRolfe: You wait little girl on an empty stageFor fate to turn the light onYour life little girl is an empty pageThat men will want to write onLiesl: To write on...Rolfe: You are sixteen going on seventeen, baby it"s time to thinkBetter beware, be canny and careful, baby you"re on the brinkYou are sixteen going on seventeen, fellows will fall in lineEager young lads, and roues and cadsWill offer you food and wineTotally unprepared are you, to face a world of menTimid and shy and scared are you, of things beyond your kenYou need someone older and wiser, telling you what to doI am seventeen going on eighteen, I"ll take care of youLiesl: I am sixteen going on seventeen, I know that I"m naiveFellows I meet may tell me I"m sweet, and willingly I believeI am sixteen going on seventeen, innocent as a roseBachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies, what do I know of thoseTotally unprepared am I, to face a world of menTimid and shy and scared am I, of things beyond my kenI need someone older and wiser, telling me what to doYou are seventeen going on eighteen, I"ll depend on youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7494003

sweet sixteen是什么意思

sweet sixteen——甜蜜十六岁

sixteen going on seventeen的中英文

  Artist: Rolf and Liesl Lyrics  Song: Sixteen Going on Seventeen Lyrics  [Rolf:]  You wait, little girl, on an empty stage  你等著,小女孩—在空荡的人生舞台  For fate to turn the light on  等命运机缘为你点灯开幕  Your life, little girl, is an empty page  你的人生,小女孩—不会空白  That men will want to write on  多少情郎会想替你写下新章  [Liesl:]  To write on  写下新章  [Rolf:]  You are sixteen going on seventeen  你才十六,转眼要十七  Baby, it"s time to think  宝贝,该好好想想罗  Better beware, be canny and careful  最好小心点,也学精明、谨慎一点  Baby, you"re on the brink  宝贝,你处境特殊呵  You are sixteen going on seventeen  你年方十六,才要满十七  Fellows will fall in line  年轻小伙子会来排队挂号  Eager young lads and rogues and cads  冲动的少年,流氓和骗子  Will offer you food and wine  对你花言巧语,还送上佳酿美食  Totally unprepared are you  全无准备的你  To face a world of men  就要面对充满色狼的世界  Timid and shy and scared are you  怯懦、害羞的你  Of things beyond your ken  害怕视野之外的陌生环境  You need someone older an wiser  该有一个比你年长、聪慧的人  Telling you what to do  教你分辨是非善恶  I am seventeen going on eighteen  我已十七,就要满十八  I"ll take care of you  我会小心呵护你  [Liesl:]  I am sixteen going on seventeen  我才十六,还没到十七  I know that I"m naive  我知道自己不谙世事  Fellows I meet may tell me I"m sweet  我遇见的小伙子,可能会赞我甜美可人  And willingly I believe  我也乐於相信  I am sixteen going on seventeen  我才十六,还没到十七  Innocent as a rose  纯真的像朵玫瑰花  Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies  单身汉、花花公子 ,还有端著白兰地的纨裤子弟  What do I know of those  我哪知道谁是谁非  Totally unprepared am I  全无准备的我  To face a world of men  该怎麼面对充满男人的世界  Timid and shy and scared am I  怯懦、害羞的我  Of things beyond my ken  害怕视野之外的陌生世界  I need someone older and wiser  需要一个比我年长、聪慧的人  Telling me what to do  教我举措行止  You are seventeen going on eighteen  你已十七,就要满十八  I"ll depend on you  我就靠你啦

Un-Sweet Sixteen 歌词

歌曲名:Un-Sweet Sixteen歌手:Wakefield专辑:American MadeWakefield - Un-sweet sixteenBang! Bang! on the bathroom doorYou say you can"t take it anymoreI say let"s even out the scoreI"m sorryFall! Fall! The tears are fallingRing! Ring! Who"s that calling?Stop! Stop! Stop your bawlingI"m sorryUn-sweet sixteenAlways acting like a beauty queenLike you"re posing in a magazineUn-sweet sixteenUn-sweet sixteenHomecoming queenBreaking down my self esteemMy un-sweet sixteenShe! She! She only smiledSmile! Smile! Cuz that"s my styleBut you acted like a childNeuroticWon"t let this whole thing go awayCuz you thought that I was out to playI just don"t know what to sayYou"re psychoticUn-sweet sixteenAlways acting like a beauty queenLike you"re posing in a magazineUn-sweet sixteenUn-sweet sixteenHomecoming queenBreaking down my self esteemMy un-sweet sixteenRah!Un-sweet sixteenAlways acting like a beauty queenLike you"re posing in a magazineUn-sweet sixteenUn-sweet sixteenHomecoming queenBreaking down my self esteemMy un-sweet sixteenUn-sweet sixteenUn-sweet sixteenUn-sweet sixteenMy un-sweet sixteenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9638678

Sixteen Going On Seventeen 歌词

歌曲名:Sixteen Going On Seventeen歌手:Rolf And Liesl专辑:The Sound Of Music - The Collector"S EditionYou wait, little girl, on an empty stageFor fate to turn the light onYour life, little girl, is an empty pageThat men will want to write onTo write onYou are sixteen going on seventeenBaby, it"s time to thinkBetter beware, be canny and carefulBaby, you"re on the brinkYou are sixteen going on seventeenFellows will fall in lineEager young lads and rogues and cadsWill offer you food and wineTotally unprepared are youTo face a world of menTimid and shy and scared are youOf things beyond your kenYou need someone older an wiserTelling you what to doI am seventeen going on eighteenI"ll take care of youI am sixteen going on seventeenI know that I"m naiveFellows I meet may tell me I"m sweetAnd willingly I believeI am sixteen going on seventeenInnocent as a roseBachelor dandies, drinkers of brandiesWhat do I know of thoseTotally unprepared am ITo face a world of menTimid and shy and scared am IOf things beyond my kenI need someone older and wiserTelling me what to doYou are seventeen going on eighteenI"ll depend on youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7517443

sixteen years old

先看例子:1.He is sixteen years old. 2.They are sixteen --year---olds. 3.He is a sixteen--year---old boy. 例2 中 sixteen --year---olds是名词 例3中sixteen--year---old 是定语

求超时空要塞7 remember sixteen的歌词

来到这里就想起只有在梦里才有的情境绵延的风将我从星际带回昨天(remember)华丽的碧蓝天空(sixteen)映出你的笑容我俩描绘著千年后的未来并没有把当初的约定给忘掉而今仍用相同的坚强及速度跑在梦的途中,remember 16沉落在天边的夕阳及挥手道别的你在绵绵的细雨中消失在林立的大楼缝之间(remember)草木萌芽的气息(sixteen)初吻(的感觉)像是我俩听见的雷声般的鼓动并没有失去那份专一的爱依然在失落的时候总是想起,remember 16满是尘埃的银色吉他不断地发出(因)梦想实现(而感动)的哭声并没有把当初的约定给忘掉而今仍用相同的坚强及速度跑在梦的途中并没有失去那份专一的爱依然在失落的时候总是想起并没有把当初的约定给忘掉而今仍用相同的坚强及速度跑在梦的途中…… ——百度上找的

when they ___ sixteen. A.get B.have C.reach


Sixteen Going ON Seventeen的歌词??

Artist: Rolf and Liesl LyricsSong: Sixteen Going on Seventeen Lyrics[Rolf:]You wait, little girl, on an empty stageFor fate to turn the light onYour life, little girl, is an empty pageThat men will want to write on[Liesl:]To write on[Rolf:]You are sixteen going on seventeenBaby, it"s time to thinkBetter beware, be canny and carefulBaby, you"re on the brinkYou are sixteen going on seventeenFellows will fall in lineEager young lads and rogues and cadsWill offer you food and wineTotally unprepared are youTo face a world of menTimid and shy and scared are youOf things beyond your kenYou need someone older an wiserTelling you what to doI am seventeen going on eighteenI"ll take care of you[Liesl:]I am sixteen going on seventeenI know that I"m naiveFellows I meet may tell me I"m sweetAnd willingly I believeI am sixteen going on seventeenInnocent as a roseBachelor dandies, drinkers of brandiesWhat do I know of thoseTotally unprepared am ITo face a world of menTimid and shy and scared am IOf things beyond my kenI need someone older and wiserTelling me what to doYou are seventeen going on eighteenI"ll depend on you

have count sixteen 三个中哪个是不同类?

sixteen 不同,是数词have, count是动词如He can count from one to sixteen.


sister ,sixteen 中的 i都是闭音节都是读[i] My sister is 16 years old.


Sixteen Night 网络 十六夜; [例句]Do you think sixteen year olds should be allowed to work at night?你认为应当允许十六岁的孩子晚上工作吗?

devel sixteen是什么牌子跑车


有“seventeen seventeen sixteen"的英文歌

《sixteen going on seventeen》Artist: Rolf and Liesl Lyrics Song: Sixteen Going on Seventeen Lyrics [Rolf:] You wait, little girl, on an empty stage 你等著,小女孩—在空荡的人生舞台 For fate to turn the light on 等命运机缘为你点灯开幕Your life, little girl, is an empty page 你的人生,小女孩—不会空白That men will want to write on 多少情郎会想替你写下新章[Liesl:] To write on 写下新章[Rolf:] You are sixteen going on seventeen 你才十六,转眼要十七Baby, it"s time to think 宝贝,该好好想想罗Better beware, be canny and careful 最好小心点,也学精明、谨慎一点Baby, you"re on the brink 宝贝,你处境特殊呵You are sixteen going on seventeen 你年方十六,才要满十七Fellows will fall in line 年轻小伙子会来排队挂号Eager young lads and rogues and cads 冲动的少年,流氓和骗子Will offer you food and wine 对你花言巧语,还送上佳酿美食Totally unprepared are you 全无准备的你To face a world of men 就要面对充满色狼的世界Timid and shy and scared are you 怯懦、害羞的你Of things beyond your ken 害怕视野之外的陌生环境You need someone older an wiser 该有一个比你年长、聪慧的人Telling you what to do教你分辨是非善恶 I am seventeen going on eighteen 我已十七,就要满十八I"ll take care of you 我会小心呵护你[Liesl:] I am sixteen going on seventeen 我才十六,还没到十七I know that I"m naive 我知道自己不谙世事Fellows I meet may tell me I"m sweet 我遇见的小伙子,可能会赞我甜美可人And willingly I believe 我也乐於相信I am sixteen going on seventeen 我才十六,还没到十七Innocent as a rose 纯真的像朵玫瑰花Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies 单身汉、花花公子 ,还有端著白兰地的纨裤子弟What do I know of those 我哪知道谁是谁非Totally unprepared am I 全无准备的我To face a world of men 该怎麼面对充满男人的世界Timid and shy and scared am I 怯懦、害羞的我Of things beyond my ken害怕视野之外的陌生世界I need someone older and wiser 需要一个比我年长、聪慧的人 Telling me what to do 教我举措行止 You are seventeen going on eighteen 你已十七,就要满十八I"ll depend on you 我就靠你啦 《I am sixteen going on seventeen》Rolf and Liesl Lyrics - Sixteen Going on Seventeen Lyrics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Artist: Rolf and Liesl LyricsSong: Sixteen Going on Seventeen Lyrics[Rolf:]You wait, little girl, on an empty stageFor fate to turn the light onYour life, little girl, is an empty pageThat men will want to write on[Liesl:]To write on[Rolf:]You are sixteen going on seventeenBaby, it"s time to thinkBetter beware, be canny and carefulBaby, you"re on the brinkYou are sixteen going on seventeenFellows will fall in lineEager young lads and rogues and cadsWill offer you food and wineTotally unprepared are youTo face a world of menTimid and shy and scared are youOf things beyond your kenYou need someone older an wiserTelling you what to doI am seventeen going on eighteenI"ll take care of you[Liesl:]I am sixteen going on seventeenI know that I"m naiveFellows I meet may tell me I"m sweetAnd willingly I believeI am sixteen going on seventeenInnocent as a roseBachelor dandies, drinkers of brandiesWhat do I know of thoseTotally unprepared am ITo face a world of menTimid and shy and scared am IOf things beyond my kenI need someone older and wiserTelling me what to doYou are seventeen going on eighteenI"ll depend on you 两首

sixteen—day是什么意思,和sixteen days有什么区别





英文原文:sixty和sixteen英式音标:[u02c8su026akstu026a] [su026aksu02c8tiu02d0n; u02c8su026akstiu02d0n] 美式音标:[u02c8su026aksti] [u02ccsu026aksu02c8tin]


sixteen 是jyp与ment电视台开展的选拔性新女团真人秀节目,顾名思义参加真人秀的有16个女生。其中包括四名日本人,一名中国人,以及kpop star第三季出身的双彩姐妹花,舞跳的相对好。你可以搜搜。而jyp并没有具体公布有多少旗下练习生。通过这次真人秀来看,男女练习生应该分别各达到二三十人,并且在海外,如中国、美国、日本、泰国等不断扩大练习生人数。大猩猩从来不掩饰进军海外的野心,如wonder girls进军美国,2pm got7 进军日本,got7从组团起就是以进军各大海外市场的野心组建的。好了,就这样吧。貌似越说越多。总之,应该是你要的回答。

16岁的男孩们 英语怎么说sixteen


sixty 和sixteen 读音怎麽样去区别?



先看例子: 1.He is sixteen years old. 2.They are sixteen --year---olds. 3. He is a sixteen--year---old boy. 例2 中 sixteen --year---olds是名词 例3中sixteen--year---old 是定语






歌曲:sixteen歌手:no doubt you"ve been a juvenilewith a dolphin smilewith no elbow roomwith your body in bloomyou"ve had your little backyardprotected by big wallsyou didn"t dare look over"cause you"ve been too smallnow you"re finally sixteenand you"re feelin" oldbut they won"t believethat you got a soul"cause you"re only sixteenand you"re feelin" realbut you can"t seem to cop a feelwhy do they have to force usthrough this metamorphoselittle butterflyno matter how you tryyou"ll be segregatedyou"re gonna be closed offyou"re callow and you"re green"cause you"re caught betweenyou"re only sixteentry to cross the linebut your little wings are intertwinedyou"re only sixteenand you"re such a teaseand there"s nothing you dothat can really please"these childrenthey"re not really bad most of themthey"re just productsof rotten neighborhoodsand bad family situations"you know you can"t forsake itso sit back and take ityou see you"re just not ripeso don"t try and fight thatyou"re only sixteenyou wanna catch a peekbut they look at youlike you"re such a freakwell you"re only sixteenwith a lot to saybut they won"t give youthe time of dayyou"re only sixteen!you"re only sixteen!!you"re just sixteen!!!you poor little thing

Sixteen (Live) () 歌词

歌曲名:Sixteen (Live) ()歌手:Iggy Pop专辑:Tv Eye: 1977 LiveSo they say I was sometimes cruel,I don"t know if I would say that tooOooh I, I don"t know about that.Everyday the sky reminds me still,You"re not here, and it always willOooh I, I don"t know about that.You (drawn out)...I try my best to play along,Like nothing"s over and no-one"s goneBut I, I don"t know about that,I don"t know about that...I don"t know about that.If I tried harder you"d,Still be here, is that true?,Oh, I, I don"t know about that...I, I don"t know about thatI, I don"t know about thathttp://music.baidu.com/song/2724429


从词性词义看不同的是:thirsty,thirsty adj. 口渴的; 渴望(求)…的; 干旱的,缺水的; 耗油的; [例句]If a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often.婴儿要是渴了,就会吃得更频繁。sixty 英[ˈsɪksti] 美[ˈsɪksti] num. 六十; [例句]The sunniest April in Britain for more than sixty years英国60多年以来阳光最灿烂的4月sixteen 英[ˌsɪksˈti:n] 美[sɪkˈstin] n. 十六,十六个; 十六岁; 十六点钟; 十六的记号; num. 十六; 第十六; adj. 十六的; 十六个的; [例句]Exams taken at the age of sixteen16岁时参加的考试




作为拥有长达118年 历史 的豪华 汽车 品牌,凯迪拉克从未放弃过向超豪华领域冲击的梦想,并且它一直都在行动。 如今的凯迪拉克被大多数人视为“二线豪华品牌”,但是世界上很少有 汽车 品牌能够像它一样,从诞生之日起便被视为高端。 因此,当劳斯莱斯、迈巴赫开始占据超豪华 汽车 市场时,凯迪拉克也按耐不住了,它必须要拿出一款强有力的车型来证明自己的实力,于是,一款闻名世界的“牛车”凯迪拉克Sixteen诞生了。 凯迪拉克Sixteen并不是一款没有传承的车型,它的出现首先是在向1930-1940年期间生产的凯迪拉克V-16的致敬。 凯迪拉克V-16被誉为“首款搭载16缸发动机的量产车”,这款车也奠定了凯迪拉克“豪车领袖”和“世界标准”的重要地位,在当时让所有竞争对手望尘莫及。然而时过境迁,随着 汽车 工业的快速发展,凯迪拉克并没有维持过去的优势,并且在后来的发展中慢慢被对手拉开差距,这迫使它不得不做出改变。 作为曾经对标劳斯莱斯和迈巴赫的车型,凯迪拉克Sixteen表现出了美国豪华车所拥有的一切个性:性情暴躁、财大气粗、不可一世。 它在17年前的底特律国际车展上首次亮相,表现了凯迪拉克想要超越世界豪车之巅的雄心壮志,它的出现,不仅引起了人们的广泛关注,也时刻在提醒着人们,凯迪拉克就是美国的劳斯莱斯或迈巴赫,是最好的豪华 汽车 制造商之一。 凯迪拉克Sixteen定位最顶级的豪华轿车,它的尺寸与当时的劳斯莱斯幻影相差无几,长宽高达到了5672/2029/1392mm、轴距3556mm,整备质量高达2.27吨,还有4个巨大的24英寸轮圈,较低的车身和流线型车体设计,为它带来了出色的空气动力学和鲜明的运动感,整体的风格独树一帜。 车内也是极尽豪华,融合了高档的皮革、木材、水晶和金属材料,方向盘上的凯迪拉克标志是由水晶雕刻而成,中控台上还有一块宝格丽钟表。 最引人注目之处,也是最能体现传承之处,在于凯迪拉克Sixteen搭载了一台13.6升自然吸气V16发动机,可产生1015马力和1356N·m扭矩,双双破千的性能非常强悍,能够在5.5秒内完成0-100km/h加速。 同时,这台发动机还具备“主动气缸停用”技术,能够根据不同的工况自动关闭8个或12个气缸,这使得凯迪拉克Sixteen虽然拥有高达13.6升的排量,却获得了14L/100km的综合油耗。 一切看起来都无懈可击,凯迪拉克Sixteen的量产计划也已经提上了日程,该计划由当时的通用 汽车 副董事长鲍勃·鲁兹直接负责,计划每年生产350辆,直接与劳斯莱斯和迈巴赫竞争,定价30万美元,在当时约合人民币240万左右。 可悲的是,凯迪拉克Sixteen在量产之前被彻底终止,因为大量的市场调查表明,富人们在购买超豪华轿车时,永远只会考虑劳斯莱斯、宾利和迈巴赫,即使有更好的产品也无济于事,品牌影响力已经成为了一道难以跨越的鸿沟。 编辑点评: 尽管凯迪拉克Sixteen没能投入量产,但是它仍在履行职责,在一定程度上重新振兴了凯迪拉克的形象,并且它所配备的先进技术也影响了凯迪拉克后续的车型,并延续至今。 从“世界标准”到“二线品牌”,凯迪拉克的形象转变令人唏嘘,这个世界上有太多“牛车”既卖不上价也卖不出量,因为品牌形象和影响力想要跌下去很容易,想要再提升则难上加难。 从凯迪拉克V-16到Sixteen,这节 历史 课值得每一个 汽车 制造商去学习。
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