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LB_SETITEMDATAAn application sends an LB_SETITEMDATA message to set a 32-bit value associated with the specified item in a list box. LB_SETITEMDATA wParam = (WPARAM) index; // item index lParam = (LPARAM) dwData; // value to associate with item 用sendmessage发送这个消息

FreeTextBox的问题 高手来

一、使用方法1.先把freetextbox.dll添加到项目中2.把 - ftb.colorpicker.aspx - ftb.imagegallery.aspx - ftb.inserttable.aspx从文件夹HelperScripts复制出来,放到外面与 - test.aspx (测试)同等级目录,(不这么做,插入背景色,图片,表格就不好使)3.把images文件夹放到test.aspx (测试)同等级目录下,来存放上传的图片.4.在test.aspx 中,加图片的路径<FTB:FreeTextBox id="FreeTextBox1" runat="server" Width="700" ButtonPath="imagesftboffice2003"/>this.FreeTextBox1.Text 这个就是FTB中你输入的文本的内容,这是带HTML标记的this.FreeTextBox1.HtmlStrippedText 这个是将HTML标记去掉的文本5.写入数据库在CSDN上看到朋友们说怎么把FreeTextBox内容写入数据库中我做了一下.就是把所有产生的HTML代码都插入数据库的一个字段中可以做一个新闻表news字段ID(自增) content addtime(getdate)private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){// Put user code to initialize the page hereif (!IsPostBack){SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection("server=(local);database=mm;uid=sa;pwd=123");SqlCommand myCmd = new SqlCommand("select * from test where id=2",myConn);myConn.Open();SqlDataReader myDr;myDr=myCmd.ExecuteReader();myDr.Read();Response.Write(myDr["content"].ToString());myDr.Close();myConn.Close();}}private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection("server=(local);database=mm;uid=sa;pwd=123");SqlCommand myCmd = new SqlCommand("insert into test (content) values(""+FreeTextBox1.Text+"")",myConn);myConn.Open();myCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();myConn.Close();}二、注意1、在web.config中system.web节加入: <pages validateRequest="false"/>否则会出现如下错误:从客户端(Content="<FORM language=javas...")中检测到有潜在危险的 Request.Form 值。说明: 请求验证过程检测到有潜在危险的客户端输入值,对请求的处理已经中止。该值可能指示危及应用程序安全的尝试,如跨站点的脚本攻击。通过在 Page 指令或 配置节中设置 validateRequest=false 可以禁用请求验证。但是,在这种情况下,强烈建议应用程序显式检查所有输入。异常详细信息: System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException: 从客户端(Content="<FORM language=javas...")中检测到有潜在危险的 Request.Form 值。2、如果你想对其他页面要进行从客户端(Content="<FORM language=javas...")中检测,你就麻烦一点,在调用freetextbox的页面上添加 validateRequest="false" ,如:<%@ Page language="c#" validateRequest="false" Codebehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="bizflat.WebForm1" %>三、实现机制刚开始试用FTB2.0的时候,感觉FTB真的很神,居然可以在网页状态实现编辑过程的What you see is what you get。看完FTB的文档(其实也不是很多的东西,估计就是用个NDOC或者什么类似的工具生成的SDK文档)又仔细试做了几个程序,觉得FTB的实现思路不复杂,但十分巧妙。它通过FTB这个中间部件将客户端(浏览器)的程序(javascript代码)和后台程序(C#写的aspx等ASP.NET代码)紧密结合,从而实现了这种所见即所得的效果。FTB的结构主要有三个命名空间组成:FreeTextBoxControls,FreeTextBoxControls.Design和FreeTextBoxControls.Support。 使用得最多的是FreeTextBoxControls,基本上用到的界面部件都来自于这里,例如ToolBar上每个功能Button可以在这里找到映射,而每个Button又对应着javascrip中的一个函数功能。例如:下划线这个功能,有个Underline的类(继承于ToolbarButton)实现,而这个类实际调用客户端的一段javascript代码FTB_Underline(在FreeTextBox-ToolbarItemsSrcipt.js中)。function FTB_Underline(ftbName) { FTB_Format(ftbName,"underline"); 如果再深究下去,仔细跟踪下这段js的代码又可以它调用FTB_Format这段代码(在FreeTextBox-MainScript.js中)。function FTB_Format(ftbName,commandName) { editor = FTB_GetIFrame(ftbName); if (FTB_IsHtmlMode(ftbName)) return; editor.focus(); editor.document.execCommand(commandName,"",null);}它正是通过document的execCommand方法来实现效果的,查MSDN文挡可以发现它对应执行的正是Underline的命令参数。execCommand可以执行的命令参数:Command Identifiers2D-PositionAllows absolutely positioned elements to be moved by dragging.AbsolutePositionSets an element"s position property to "absolute."BackColorSets or retrieves the background color of the current selection.BlockDirLTRNot currently supported.BlockDirRTLNot currently supported.BoldToggles the current selection between bold and nonbold.BrowseModeNot currently supported.ClearAuthenticationCacheClears all authentication credentials from the cache. Applies only to execCommand.CopyCopies the current selection to the clipboard.CreateBookmarkCreates a bookmark anchor or retrieves the name of a bookmark anchor for the current selection or insertion point.CreateLinkInserts a hyperlink on the current selection, or displays a dialog box enabling the user to specify a URL to insert as a hyperlink on the current selection.CutCopies the current selection to the clipboard and then deletes it.DeleteDeletes the current selection.DirLTRNot currently supported.DirRTLNot currently supported.EditModeNot currently supported.FontNameSets or retrieves the font for the current selection.FontSizeSets or retrieves the font size for the current selection.ForeColorSets or retrieves the foreground (text) color of the current selection.FormatBlockSets the current block format tag.IndentIncreases the indent of the selected text by one indentation increment.InlineDirLTRNot currently supported.InlineDirRTLNot currently supported.InsertButtonOverwrites a button control on the text selection.InsertFieldsetOverwrites a box on the text selection.InsertHorizontalRuleOverwrites a horizontal line on the text selection.InsertIFrameOverwrites an inline frame on the text selection.InsertImageOverwrites an image on the text selection.InsertInputButtonOverwrites a button control on the text selection.InsertInputCheckboxOverwrites a check box control on the text selection.InsertInputFileUploadOverwrites a file upload control on the text selection.InsertInputHiddenInserts a hidden control on the text selection.InsertInputImageOverwrites an image control on the text selection.InsertInputPasswordOverwrites a password control on the text selection.InsertInputRadioOverwrites a radio control on the text selection.InsertInputResetOverwrites a reset control on the text selection.InsertInputSubmitOverwrites a submit control on the text selection.InsertInputTextOverwrites a text control on the text selection.InsertMarqueeOverwrites an empty marquee on the text selection.InsertOrderedListToggles the text selection between an ordered list and a normal format block.InsertParagraphOverwrites a line break on the text selection.InsertSelectDropdownOverwrites a drop-down selection control on the text selection.InsertSelectListboxOverwrites a list box selection control on the text selection.InsertTextAreaOverwrites a multiline text input control on the text selection.InsertUnorderedListToggles the text selection between an ordered list and a normal format block.ItalicToggles the current selection between italic and nonitalic.JustifyCenterCenters the format block in which the current selection is located.JustifyFullNot currently supported.JustifyLeftLeft-justifies the format block in which the current selection is located.JustifyNoneNot currently supported.JustifyRightRight-justifies the format block in which the current selection is located.LiveResizeCauses the MSHTML Editor to update an element"s appearance continuously during a resizing or moving operation, rather than updating only at the completion of the move or resize.MultipleSelectionAllows for the selection of more than one site selectable element at a time when the user holds down the SHIFT or CTRL keys.OpenNot currently supported.OutdentDecreases by one increment the indentation of the format block in which the current selection is located.OverWriteToggles the text-entry mode between insert and overwrite.PasteOverwrites the contents of the clipboard on the current selection.PlayImageNot currently supported.PrintOpens the print dialog box so the user can print the current page.RedoNot currently supported.RefreshRefreshes the current document.RemoveFormatRemoves the formatting tags from the current selection.RemoveParaFormatNot currently supported.SaveAsSaves the current Web page to a file.SelectAllSelects the entire document.SizeToControlNot currently supported.SizeToControlHeightNot currently supported.SizeToControlWidthNot currently supported.StopNot currently supported.StopImageNot currently supported.StrikeThroughNot currently supported.SubscriptNot currently supported.SuperscriptNot currently supported.UnBookmarkRemoves any bookmark from the current selection.UnderlineToggles the current selection between underlined and not underlined.UndoNot currently supported.UnlinkRemoves any hyperlink from the current selection.UnselectClears the current selection.基本上每个命令参数都可以在FTB的FreeTextBoxControls中找到对应的实现类,如果觉得有些没有实现,自己参照已经实现的功能来增加也十分简单和方便。 FTB还提供了公开的接口,例如继承于ToolbarButton可以实现对应的工具按钮,继承于ToolbarDropDownList则实现下拉式选择(如选择字体那种),对应javascript的方法只须传递对应的方法名字符串给类即可,自己写的javascript可以放在js中,也可以放在 ScriptBlock的字符串参数里面,前者前端查看源码看不到,后者则将整个函数源码传回,一切都十分公开和方便。 这种思路是否也和ASP.NET的思路类似? 由于javascript可以被多种浏览器支持(估计有些小兼容问题,可以通过javascript来兼容),因此FTB可以在多种环境下正常工作。现在用的这个blog系统(.Text)也用了FTB,但版本是1.6.3.26037(汉化版),有兴趣可以在发表文章的地方查看网页源代码看看,就会发现好多的FTB_XXX的javascript函数。这些在2.0已经全部集中放到FreeTextBox-ToolbarItemsSrcipt.js和 FreeTextBox-MainScript.js中了,应该说这样比较归一些。 如果担心FTB的免费协议对商业用途有些影响的话,自己根据这个思路来开发一个适合自己产品用的所见即所得编辑器控件应该也不是难事。



新视野大学英语4:Unit3 TextB(课文+译文)

  Building the dream of Starbucks   构筑星巴克梦想   1.Howard Schultz is not a household name to most North Americans, but those living in urban or suburban communities know his company: the specialty coffee retailer Starbucks. With impressive velocity, Starbucks has grown into the largest coffee roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in North America in a span of only a decade. By 2000, its coffee house could be found in more than 3000 locations worldwide; even President Bill Clinton was seen in a snapshot with a Starbucks brew in his hand. According to the US weekly magazine, Newsweek, Schultz"s merging of the three Cs - coffee, commerce and community - surely ranks as one of the ‘90s greatest retail successes.   1.霍华德·舒尔茨对大多数美国人来说不是一个家喻户晓的名字,但是住在城市或郊区的人知道他的公司:专门的咖啡零售商星巴克。以令人印象深刻的速度,星巴克已经在短短十年内成长为北美最大的咖啡烘焙商和专业咖啡零售商。到2000年,其咖啡馆可以在全世界超过3000个地点找到;就连克林顿总统在他的手上也看到了星巴克咖啡。根据美国周刊《新闻周刊》,舒尔茨的三个cs-咖啡、商业和社区的合并-当然是90年代最伟大的零售成功之一。   2.Schultz was born in 1953 and grew up in an extremely poor section of the Brooklyn borough of New York City. His mother worked as a receptionist, and his father held a variety of jobs, none of which offered decent pay or medical insurance. When Schultz was seven, his father lost his job as a delivery driver when he broke his ankle in an accident. In the ensuing months, the family was literally too poor to put food on the table.   2.舒尔茨出生于1953年,在纽约市布鲁克林区一个极其贫穷的地区长大。他的母亲作为接待员工作,他父亲持有各种工作,没有一个提供像样的工资或医疗保险。当舒尔茨7岁时,他的父亲在一次事故中摔断了脚踝,他失去了作为送货司机的工作。在接下来的几个月里,这个家庭简直太穷了,不能把食物放在桌子上。   3.During his youth, Schultz was hounded by the shame of his family"s “working poor” status. He escaped the hot Brooklyn summer one year to attend camp, but would not return when he learned it was for low-income families. He was teased by boys in high school and ashamed to tell his girlfriend where he lived. The harsh memories of those early times stayed with him for the rest of his life.   3.在他年轻的时候,舒尔茨受到家庭“工作不佳”状态的羞辱。他逃离了布鲁克林炎热的夏天去参加夏令营,但当他得知这是给低收入家庭时,他不会回来。他被高中男孩取笑,羞于告诉他的女朋友他住在哪里。那些早期的严酷记忆留在他的余生中。   4.Sports became an escape from the shame of poverty. Schultz earned an athletic scholarship to Northern Michigan University in 1975. He was the first person in his family to graduate from college as none of his predecessors had training beyond vocational school.   4.体育成为摆脱贫穷的耻辱。舒尔茨在1975年获得了北密歇根大学的运动奖学金。他是家中第一个从大学毕业的人,因为他的前任没有一个是职业学校的培训。   5.The bud of inspiration for his phenomenal coffee business began growing in a 1983 visit to Milan, Italy. Schultz conceived of a new American way of life in the coffee bars of Milan. He sought to recreate such forums for people in the US to start their days or visit with friends. In 1987, at the age of 34,Schultz organized a group of investors and purchased the company that had formerly employed him, the Starbucks Coffee Company in Seattle, which he restructured as the Starbucks Corporation.   5.他非凡的咖啡业务的灵感萌芽于1983年访问意大利米兰。舒尔茨在米兰的咖啡馆里想出了一种新的"美国式生活方式。他试图为美国人民重建这样的论坛,以开始他们的日子或访问与朋友。1987年,在34岁时,舒尔茨组织了一批投资者,购买了以前聘用他的公司,西雅图的星巴克咖啡公司,他作为星巴克公司进行了改组。   6.The public verdict was overwhelmingly positive. Schultz"s premium coffee bars were an instant success, acting as a stimulus of rapid growth and expansion not only for Starbucks but also for the coffee industry around the world. In 1992, Starbucks became the first specialty coffee company to go public, affirming its magnitude and prospects.   6.公众的判决非常积极。舒尔茨的优质咖啡酒吧是一种即时的成功,它作为一种刺激,不仅为星巴克,而且为世界各地的咖啡工业迅速增长和扩张。1992年,星巴克成为第一家上市的专业咖啡公司,肯定其规模和前景。   7.Starbucks" first major venture outside of the northwestern part of the nation was Chicago, where the company"s specialty sales division developed new business with department stores and established Starbucks coffee bars adjacent to the business sections in national bookstores. Starbucks also formed a partnership with PepsiCo to create and distribute a new ready-to-drink coffee -based beverage, and entered into a licensing agreement with Kraft Foods. As company seeking to develop with a multilateral approach, Starbucks even developed a relationship with the music industry to sell Starbucks-tailored CDs of classical brass and orchestral music in the coffee bars.   7.星巴克在美国西北部的第一个主要风险企业是芝加哥,该公司的专业销售部门与百货商店发展了新业务,并在国家书店的业务部门附近建立了星巴克咖啡店。星巴克还与百事可乐建立了伙伴关系,以创建和分发一种新的现成的咖啡饮料,并与卡夫食品达成一项许可协议。作为寻求发展多边途径的公司,星巴克甚至发展了与音乐行业的关系,在咖啡吧出售量身定制的经典黄铜和管弦乐唱片。   8.When Starbucks opened its first store in New York City, it was a homecoming for Schultz, but he did not act like the head of the reigning royalty of coffee he had became. The New York Times commented, "The soft-spoken Mr.Schultz has barely a trace of a New York accent and a timid, almost apologetic manner."   8 .当星巴克在纽约开了第一家商店时,它是舒尔茨的回家之旅,但他不像以前的咖啡版税头头那样行事。《纽约时报》评论道,“这位软说话的先生。”。舒尔茨几乎没有一丝纽约口音和一种胆怯的,几乎是歉意的态度。   9.Schultz has also attracted considerable attention with his unconventional employment policies. He wanted to give Starbucks" employees both a philosophical and a financial stake in the business. He decreed that employees who worked the quota of 20 hours a week or more were eligible for medical, dental, and optical coverage as well as for stock options. At a time when other companies were trimming benefits as a cost-cutting measure, Schultz, who grew up in a family without any medical coverage, was vocal in his belief that genuinely caring about your employees is critical to building a sturdy workforce. "Service is a lost art in America," he told The New York Times. "I think people want to do a good job, but if they are treated poorly they get beaten down. We want to provide our people with dignity and self-esteem, and we can"t do that with lip service." Starbucks stipulates that every employee with at least half-time hours can receive health-care benefits. Schultz credits the utilization of such a benefits policy as the key to the company"s growth because it has given Starbucks a more dedicated workforce and an extremely high level of customer service. The chain also achieved a dramatically low turnover rate, half that of the average fast food business. This creates a significant numerical payoff for Starbucks, since new employee represents an expenditure of $3000 in recruiting and training costs and productivity losses.   9.舒尔茨的非传统的就业政策也引起了人们的注意。他想给星巴克的员工一个哲学和财务上的利益。他规定,每周工作20小时或以上的员工有资格获得医疗、牙科和光学覆盖以及股票期权。在其他公司削减成本作为削减成本的措施时,在没有任何医疗保险的家庭中长大的舒尔茨,坚信真正关心员工对于建设一支强健的员工队伍至关重要。“服务是美国失去的艺术,”他对《纽约时报》说。“我认为人们想做一个好工作,但是如果他们被待遇很差,他们就会被打败。”。我们要为我们的人民提供尊严和自尊,我们不能用嘴唇来做。"星巴克规定,每个至少有半小时的员工可以享受医疗保健福利.舒尔茨把利用这种福利政策作为公司增长的关键,因为它赋予了星巴克一个更专门的员工队伍和一个极高的客户服务水平。该连锁店还实现了一个极低的周转率,平均快速食品业务的一半。这为星巴克创造了可观的数字回报,因为新员工在招聘和培训成本和生产力损失方面的支出为3000美元。   10.Schultz has remained firmly committed to employee and community enrichment, a philosophy which is embedded in the very core of Starbucks" business culture. He has never grown accustomed to success enough to forget his working-class roots. He dedicated his book to the memory of his father, whom he had once spoken harshly to and accused of a lack of ambition. They were words Schultz would regret the rest of his life, a reminiscence he wished he could scrub from his memory. His father received the diagnosis of lung cancer and died before his son became a millionaire. Schultz once told his audience that his crowning success was that “I got to build the kind of company that my father never got to work for.”   10 .舒尔茨仍然坚定地致力于员工和社区的丰富,一种根植于星巴克商业文化核心的哲学。他从未习惯于成功地忘记自己的阶级出身.他把书献给了他父亲的记忆,他曾经严厉地对他说过,并指责他缺乏野心。他们是舒尔茨会后悔他的余生,他希望他能从记忆中擦洗的回忆。他的父亲接受了肺癌的诊断,在他儿子成为百万富翁之前去世了。舒尔茨曾经告诉他的听众,他最大的成功是“我必须建立一种公司,这是我父亲从未为的。”   拓展阅读:大学英语写作技巧   一、文章结构   英语写作和汉语写作一样,要写出好文章除了要有好的内容外还少不了好的结构,而结构的好坏又取决于选词造句。   1. 切合主题   写作都有固定的主题,最忌讳的就是跑题。因此,一定要确保文章的内容与主题一致,否则再好的文章也是失败之作。   2. 措词   在写作时要选择准确、生动而形象的词,要有意识地使用俗语、成语等,这样可避免语言的单调贫乏,令文章生动而富有内涵。   3. 句子   写作忌枯燥乏味,不要用同一模式反复表达,可以尝试用多种方法来表达同一概念,不断变化句子结构,使语言丰富多彩。   二、 语法   我们写的文章,有时整篇没有几句通顺的话,这是因为忽视了语法。简单地说,语法就是一个句子的构成。明白了句子的构成就不会写出支离破碎的句子了。   语法学习很简单。有人或许会选择买厚厚的语法书来看,其实没有必要。看语法书枯燥无味,毫无感觉可讲,不如换种方法,放弃死记硬背,在阅读中学习语法。在阅读过程中我们会发现,同一个单词可能多次出现,而且作用不同,学会将这些常用词分类学习,语法学习也就容易多了。   三、单词   在大学英语学习过程中,单词对于大多数同学来说都是一大难题,然而在写作中单词的积累尤为重要。   对于记单词,我们可以在小本上抄写10个左右的单词,作为一天的任务,这样久而久之就会积累大量单词。另一种方法就是通过阅读记单词,在读的同时配合手写,这样不仅会读而且会写。   大学英语写作提升技巧   (1) 改变时态   The bell is ringing now. (一般)   There goes the bell! (高级)   (2) 改变语态   People suggests that the meeting be put off. (一般)   It is suggested that the meeting be put off. (高级)   (3) 使用不定式   He is so kind that he can do me a favor. (一般)   He is so kind as to do me a favor. (高级)   (4) 使用过去分词   Lisa walked out of the room and many guys followed her. (一般)   Followed by many guys, Lisa walked out of the lab. (高级)   (5) 使用v-ing 形式   When she arrives, please give me a call. (一般)   On her arriving, please give me a call. (高级)   (6) 使用名词性从句   She happened to have met him. (一般)   It happened that she had met him. (高级)   (7) 使用定语从句   The girl is spoken highly of. Her homework was well done. (一般)   The girl whose homework was well done is spoken highly of. (高级)   (8) 使用状语从句   I won"t believe what he says. (一般)   No matter what he says, I won"t believe. (高级)   (9) 使用虚拟语气   The patient didn"t die because there were the efforts of the doctor. (一般)   But for the efforts of the doctor, the patient would have died. (高级)   (10) 使用强调句型   I was born in 1987. (一般)   It was in 1987 that I was born. (高级)   (11) 使用倒装   Though I"m sick, I"ll carry on. (一般)   Sick as I am, I"ll carry on. (高级)


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开头有一句you hear my heartbeat so...的一首很有节奏感的歌,女歌手唱的

Celine Dion - Can"t Fight The FeelingI get a little peculiarFeeling kinda strangeI don"t know what it isBut I like the changeThat comes over meWhenever he"s aroundIt"s as if my feetDon"t even touch the groundCause when I"m feeling downHe"s there to pick me upWhen I talk too muchHe doesn"t interruptLet me tell you there"s a better guyThis is how it makes me feel insideI wanna dance (dance) mmmI wanna play (play)Well can you hear my heartbeat (boom boom)A million miles awayHe won"t stop (stop) no noTill I drop (drop) yeahAnd every day and night he tells meI"m so special he could never give me upI"m hooked on a feelingA natural highYou better believe itAnd the reason whyIs a thing called loveIt makes me feel so aliveAnd I can"t fight the feelingSomebody told me onceYou only get one chanceSo live your lifeAnd do the best you canOnce a day goes byYou never get it backSo live every minuteLike it was your lastJust dance (dance) mmmCome on play (play)And tell somebody you love them (I love you)At least once a dayAnd don"t stop (stop)Till you drop (drop)I didn"t know that once someone so specialWould come along to steal my heartI"m hooked on a feelingA natural highYou better believe itAnd the reason whyIs a thing called loveIt makes me feel so alive, yeahLove, love, loveAnd don"t let it slipThat was all you needIf you taste it onceIt won"t be enoughI"m hooked on a feelingA natural highYou better believe itAnd the reason whyIs a thing called loveIt makes me feel so aliveAnd I can"t fight the feelingCan"t fight the feelingI said, no, can"t, can"t, can"tCan"t fight the feelingCan"t fight, oh!You better believe itYou better believe itCan"t fight the feeling

Heartbreak, U.S.A. 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak, U.S.A.歌手:Kitty Wells专辑:Country Music Hall of Fame SeriesMiael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRaphttp://music.baidu.com/song/54020334

土岐麻子的《heartbeat》 歌词

歌曲名:heartbeat歌手:土岐麻子专辑:BEST! 2004-2011Miael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRaphttp://music.baidu.com/song/54011181

jose gonzalez的《Heartbeats》 歌词

歌曲名:《Heartbeats》歌手:jose gonzalez专辑:《Absolute Acoustic》发行时间:2012-03-14 发行公司:Warner Music Korea歌词:One night to be confusedOne night to speed up truthWe had a promise madefour hands and then awayBoth under influencewe had demons inTo know what to sayMind is a razorbladeTo call for hands of aboveto lean onWouldn"t be good enoughfor me, noOne night of magic truthThe start of simple truthOne night to push and screamand then reliefTen days of perfect tunesThe colors red and blueWe had a promise madewe were in loveTo call for hands of aboveto lean onWouldn"t be good enoughfor me, noTo call for hands of aboveto lean onWouldn"t be good enoughfor me, noAnd youyou knew the hand of a devilAnd youkept us away with wolf teethssharing different heartbeatsin one nightTo call for hands of aboveto lean onWouldn"t be good enoughfor me, noTo call for hands of aboveto lean onWouldn"t be good enough试听:http://music.baidu.com/song/59853614

c++builder中 读取LISTBOX控件中选中项的输出 应用哪个属性?

void __fastcall TForm1::Button8Click(TObject *Sender){ int d=ListBox1->ItemIndex; ListBox1->Items->Delete(d);}

C# checkedListBox1.CheckedItems的第一项是0还是1



来由是Van样在虐待被绑起来的吾作时,一边动手,一边在那里说"Take it Boy!"而由于扮演Van样的演员的英语发音很标准,所以Take it连读后,由于it中的i是短音i,所以听起来像e或者ie的音最后导致Take it被理解成了Haiye,也就是“平家”于是广大nico乡民认为这一句是在说“平家boy”而结合以前吾作的那句“想变成螃蟹”,
























丁字裤(T-back)又称T型裤、G弦裤,是范围较小的三角裤,因形似“丁”字而得名。中国一些地方是这样的说法 而T-back在西方国家正确的说法是G-string,直译为G弦,形象地表达了面料较少的女式内裤。经常穿t-back的缺点选择丁字裤时,穿着舒适度是第一位的,因而在款式之外更应该注意裤裆位置与个人体型的吻合,加上无痕内衣卷起的流行风潮,采用纯棉透气材质或超细纤维材质的素面丁字裤,搭配隐藏式车边设计,成为了穿着合身服饰时的最佳搭配。此外,健康紧绷的臀型是穿着丁字裤显露美感的保证,因而若是臀部有下垂情况,则不建议穿。如果是初次尝试丁字裤,不妨先从大丁字裤开始着手,也就是选丁字部位较宽的。若是为搭配服装需要,可选择裤裆仅约1.5-2公分宽的更符合无痕要求。至于有些丁字裤后面仅有一条细带,那多是对无痕效果要求很高,或模特为舞台需要所穿着。


丁字裤的意思,中国一些地方是这样的说法   而T-back在西方国家正确的说法是G-string,直译为G弦,形象地表达了面料较少的女式内裤 G-string与T-back都是丁字裤 G-string只是基本等于T-back   G-STRING在股沟位置来了场更彻底的革命,收缩成仅为一厘米宽绳状设计,使你穿紧身衣时更无任何痕迹可寻,且绳状宽度恰到好处地使你自在又无任何束缚之感。 而一般来说T-back的后面的线条稍微宽一点,呈布状.



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  在Netbeans中由于使用了Swing进行开发 所以其中界面的字体也是由Java虚拟机进行配置而不是随操作系统的 在安装完Netbeans后默认的字体大小是 px 而在Windows下的宋体最小支持 px 所以字体为 px就已经无法完整显示了   简单的解决办法就是将字体改大一点 详细的方法是打开Netbeans安装目录下的etc f文件 在   netbeans_default_options= J client J Xss m J Xms m J XX:PermSize= m J XX:MaxPermSize= m J nsole=true J ea J Dapple laf useScreenMenuBar=true J Dsun java d noddraw=true   这行最后引号前添加 fontsize 即变为   netbeans_default_options= J client J Xss m J Xms m J XX:PermSize= m J XX:MaxPermSize= m J nsole=true J ea J Dapple laf useScreenMenuBar=true J Dsun java d noddraw=true fontsize   这个时候重新启动Netbeans就发现自己已经变为正常的大小 不再那么难看了   默认情况下 NetBeans编辑器和Output字体很难看 编辑器中字体可以通过修改配置解决 但是Output字体无法通过配置进行修改   可以通过修改JDK的默认配置达到目的 不过这样所有的Java GUI程序都会受影响   下面以JDK 为例说明   在<JDK安装目录 如 C:Program FilesJavajdk _ jrelib>/jre/lib下有一个名为fontconfig properties src 先备份   配置文件默认在GBK和GB 时 等宽字(monospace)优先使用了SImSUN(即宋体) 可以改成优先使用Courier New(文件中定义为alphabetic)   找到 sequence monospaced GBK=chinese ms alphabetic dingbats symbol   换成 sequence monospaced GBK=alphabetic chinese ms dingbats symbol   找到 sequence monospaced GB =chinese gb alphabetic dingbats symbol   换成 sequence monospaced GB =alphabetic chinese gb dingbats symbol lishixinzhi/Article/program/PHP/201311/20821

saintbaby 圣因洗面奶是大牌吗?是奢侈品吗?


wpf textbox允许输入多少

ML代码 02 03 < TextBoxHeight="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="100,5,0,0" Name="textBox1"VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" 04 DataObject.Pasting="textBox1_Pasting"PreviewKeyDown="textBox1_PreviewKeyDown" InputMethod.IsInputMethodEnabled="False" 05 PreviewTextInput="textBox1_PreviewTextInput" 06 / > 07 08 09 10 11 12 cs代码 13 14 15 16 //检测粘贴 17 private void textBox1_Pasting(object sender, DataObjectPastingEventArgs e) 18 { 19 if (e.DataObject.GetDataPresent(typeof(String))) 20 { 21 String text = (String)e.DataObject.GetData(typeof(String)); 22 if (!isNumberic(text)) 23 { e.CancelCommand(); } 24 } 25 else { e.CancelCommand(); } 26 } 27 28 29 30 private void textBox1_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) 31 { 32 if (e.Key == Key.Space) 33 e.Handled = true; 34 } 35 36 37 38 private void textBox1_PreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e) 39 { 40 if (!isNumberic(e.Text))

wpf如何设置 textbox文本垂直居中对齐


textbooks represent an 11 billion 是什么意思?


Our textbooks are very different from theirs.的汉语意思 谁能帮我翻译成汉语


The first textbooks___for teaching English as a foreign language came out in

两个句型不同喔,1.written 作定语,形容词性。若想用to be written ,则应写为It was the first book to be written for teaching English as a foreign language that came out in the 16th century.(to be written for teaching .... 是作副词的)(稍稍体会一下两种句子的不同)同样,其实下一个句子只是倒转了语序,这样写更容易明白:Dolly was the first mammal to be cloned sucessfully from an adult cell .(to be cloned sucessfully ....作副词,是副词不定式用法)如果再改写一下Dolly,the first mammal,cloned sucessfully from an adult cell .就成原题中的形容词作定语了。现在应该差不多分清了形容词用法与副词用法的不同了吧语言真的很美妙啊。




更正一下,应该是use text books 的意思是“使用书本”汉语音译:use(游丝)text(太克丝特) books(布克丝)

What we need ____ good textbooks.



你好同学,use text books 的意思是“使用课本”,汉语读作:use(游丝)text(太克丝特) books(布克丝)。谢谢。



use e-textbooks什么意思

很高兴为您解答~use e-textbooks 意思为使用电子书~如仍有疑问,还请追问;保证正确率,望采纳,谢谢~


这是一个英语单词:extbook 英[u02c8tekstbu028ak]美[u02c8tekstbu028ak]n. 教科书; 课本; 教材;adj. 规范的; 标准的;[例句]She wrote a textbook on international law.她写了本国际法教材。[其他] 复数:textbooks


textbook/‘tekstbuk/朗读时/‘tekst/中词尾的/t/失去爆破,发声的音标/‘teksbuk/textbook,英语单词,主要用作为形容词、名词,作名词意为"教材,教科书,课本",作形容词意为"规范的,标准的"。短语搭配:Textbookcontents教材内容、Englishtextbook英语教材;初中英语课本;英语读本。双语例句:Whosetextbookisthis?这是谁的教科书?一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

9.What we need ______good textbooks. A. is B. are C. have D. has


read the textbook中book后面不能加s是为什么呢?请您回答吧,谢谢


Textbooks should be Recycled?

优点1. 重复利用, 减少浪费2. 减少学生买新教材的费用3. 减少垃圾的产生缺点1. 不适合更新较快的技术科学2. 旧书有可能带有病菌, 不卫生

What we need____ good textbooks.


有没有关于Textbooks should be Recyded 的英文作文 不用太好50字 要翻译 快!!


use e-textbooks什么意思


帮我写一篇英语作文 Textbooks Should be Recycled

Textbooks should be recycled, and the benefits of recycling textooks are mainly as follows: Firstly, the use of recycled textbooks can significantly conserve resources, consisting of forest resources, man power, and financial resouces. Secondly, the use of recycled textbooks can reduce waste and cut energy consumption, and meanwhile protect the environment. Finally, the manpower and financial resources saved from the use of recycled textbooks can enable us to do many other more meaningful things. The improved environment resulted from using recycled textbooks can benefit our life in the long term. Since there are so many strong points to recycle textbooks, why not carry it out now?

the first textbooks written for teaching

1.The 【first】 textbooks 【written for teaching English】 came out in the 16th century . 定语 定语 谓语 时间状语 此句中涉及到的语法知识,其中之一,就是过去分词作定语.过去分词做定语,涉及到的内容也比较多.这里简单说两个: * 单个的过去分词作定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前.如: My friend is a returned student. 我的朋友是个归国的留学生. * 过去分词短语作定语要放在被修饰的名词后面,作后置定语,其作用相当于一个定语从句.如: The student dressed in white is my sister. =The student who is dressed in white is my sister. 穿白色衣服的学生是我的姐姐. 题1中的 【written for teaching English】就起到了后置定语的作用,限定前面的名词textbook. 与前面的同样起到定语作用的first没有必然的联系. 2. the 【first】 mammal 【to be coned】 was Dolly the sheep 定语 定语 系动词 表语 此句中涉及到的语法知识,其中之一,就是不定式作定语.不定式做定语,涉及到的内容也比较多.这里简单说一个: * 当不定式与它所修饰的名词属于动宾关系时,不定式一般用被动形式.如: Are you going to attend the meeting to be held by the teaching office? 在此句中,动词不定式"to be held"与它所修饰的名词"meeting"是动宾关系,即:meeting是held的宾语.所以动词不定式采用被动的形式. 题1中的 【to be cloned】就起到了定语的作用,限定前面的名词mammal . 因为mammal是cloned的宾语,所以动词的不定式采用了被动的形式.那么,to be cloned与前面同样起到定语作用的first,是没有必然的联系的. 由此,我们也可以对上面的两个句子做些可行的调整. 如题1. 也可以写为: The first textbooks【 to be written for teaching English】 came out in the 16th century. 因为to be writen与textbooks是动宾关系,textbooks是writen的宾语. 如题2.也可以写为: the first 【cloned】 mammal was Dolly the sheep 第一只被克隆的哺乳动物是多利羊. 因为单个的过去分词cloned做定语,要放在被修饰的名词mammal的前面. 当然,题2也可以写为: the first mammal 【cloned in 1996】 was Dolly the sheep. 在96年被克隆的多利羊,是第一只被克隆的哺乳动物. 因为 过去分词短语cloned in 1996做定语,要放在被修饰的名词mammal的后面.




电子书 文本


textbook 英[u02c8tekstbu028ak] 美[u02c8tu025bkstu02ccbu028ak] n. 教材; 教科书; 课本; adj. 规范的; 标准的; [例句]She wrote a textbook on international law.她写了本国际法教材。[其他] 复数:textbooks


textbook. n. 教科书; 课本; 教材。 adj. 规范的; 标准的。 例句:The two compilers agreed upon a division of the textbook into ten units. 两位编者一致同意把该教材分成10个单元。 复数:textbooks. 扩展资料   例句:   The house is a textbook example of medieval domestic architecture.   这所房子是典型的中世纪民居。   I gave the textbook back to him.   我将课本还给他了。   Long passages in this textbook have been lifted from other authors.   此教科书中有几大段是剽窃其他作者的.   He bought an up - to - date textbook.   他买了一本最新的教科书.   The boy forgot where he put his textbook.   那男孩忘记把课本放在什么地方了.

textbook和story book怎么读

texdook贴克斯博客----------story book斯刀瑞布克


英[u02c8tu025bkstu02ccbu028ak] 美[u02c8tu025bkstu02ccbu028ak] n. 课本,教科书adj. 典型的词形变化:textbookish

初中英语作文:一场足球赛-A Football Game

June 10th Sunday Fine    Yesterday was the ninth day of the World Cup. There was a football match between China and Brazil. We know Brazilian Team is the top one of the world. Though the players of the Chinese Team tried their best, they still lost the game. The result of the game was 4:0. I think they did better than the first game.I believe they can learn a lot from Brazilian Team. I hope the team of China will be a strong team one day. 6月10日 星期日 睛 昨天是世界杯赛的第九天。中国队对巴西队。我们都知道巴西队是世界上的足球队。虽然中国队队员竭尽了全力,但是还是输了。比赛结果四比零。我觉得中国队表现比第一场要好多了。我相信,他们能从巴西队那里学到很多东西。 我希望中国足球队终有一天成为强队。 June 10th Sunday Fine Yesterday evening the team of China played against the team of Brazil. The game started at 7: 30. It was an exciting game.Brazilian Team is the best one in the world. Everyone in the team of China tried his best, but the team of Brazil was too strong.Chinese Team couldn"t stop them. They kicked four goals, and our team lost the game. We hope the players in Chinese Team can make great progress, and it will be a strong team one day. 6月10日 星期日 睛 昨天晚上,中国足球对迎战巴西足球队。比赛在7:30开始。那是一场令人激动的比赛。巴西队是世界上的足球队,中国队的每个队员都尽了努力,但是巴西队太强大了。中国队根本抵御不住他们的进攻,最终以零比四输了这场比赛。 我们希望中国足球队队员能取得较大的进步,将来能成为一个强队。

owing to the deeply love for basketball 有什么语法错误?怎么修改

语法好像没有问题,但建议把deeply改为deep,因为love 是名词,应当用形容词修饰。


如何编写testbench的总结?1.激励的设置相应于被测试模块的输入激励设置为reg型,输出相应设置为wire类型,双向端口inout在测试中需要进行处理。方法1:为双向端口设置中间变量inout_reg作为该inout的输出寄存,inout口在testbench中要定义为wire型变量,然后用输出使能控制传输方向。eg:inout [0:0] bi_dir_port;wire [0:0] bi_dir_port;reg [0:0] bi_dir_port_reg;reg bi_dir_port_oe;assign bi_dir_port=bi_dir_port_oe?bi_dir_port_reg:1"bz;用bi_dir_port_oe控制端口数据方向,并利用中间变量寄存器改变其值。等于两个模块之间用inout双向口互连。往端口写(就是往模块里面输入)方法2:使用force和release语句,这种方法不能准确反映双向端口的信号变化,但这种方法可以反映块内信号的变化。具体如示:module test();wire data_inout;reg data_reg;reg link;#xx; //延时force data_inout=1"bx; //强制作为输入端口...............#xx;release data_inout; //释放输入端口endmodule从文本文件中读取和写入向量1)读取文本文件:用 $readmemb系统任务从文本文件中读取二进制向量(可以包含输入激励和输出期望值)。$readmemh 用于读取十六进制文件。例如:reg [7:0] mem[1:256] // a 8-bit, 256-word 定义存储器meminitial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem ) // 将.dat文件读入寄存器mem中initial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem, 128, 1 ) // 参数为寄存器加载数据的地址始终2)输出文本文件:打开输出文件用?$fopen 例如:integer out_file; // out_file 是一个文件描述,需要定义为 integer类型out_file = $fopen ( " cpu.data " ); // cpu.data 是需要打开的文件,也就是最终的输出文本设计中的信号值可以通过$fmonitor, $fdisplay,2. Verilog和Ncverilog命令使用库文件或库目录ex). ncverilog -f run.f -v lib/lib.v -y lib2 +libext+.v //一般编译文件在run.f中, 库文件在lib.v中,lib2目录中的.v文件系统自动搜索使用库文件或库目录,只编译需要的模块而不必全部编译3.Verilog Testbench信号记录的系统任务:1). SHM数据库可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只在probes有效的时间内记录你set probe on的信号的变化.ex). $shm_open("waves.shm"); //打开波形数据库$shm_probe(top, "AS"); // set probe on "top",第二个参数: A -- signals of the specific scrope S -- ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsC -- ports of the specified scope and below, including library cellsAS -- Signals of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsAC -- Signals of the specified scope and below, including library cells还有一个 M ,表示当前scope的memories, 可以跟上面的结合使用, "AM" "ams" "amc"什么都不加表示当前scope的ports;$shm_close //关闭数据库2). VCD数据库也可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只记录你选择的信号的变化.ex). $dumpfile("filename"); //打开数据库$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //scope = top.u1, depth = 1第一个参数表示深度, 为0时记录所有深度; 第二个参数表示scope,省略时表当前的scope.$dumpvars; //depth = all scope = all$dumpvars(0); //depth = all scope = current$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //depth = 1 scope = top.u1$dumpoff //暂停记录数据改变,信号变化不写入库文件中$dumpon //重新恢复记录3). Debussy fsdb数据库也可以记录信号的变化,它的优势是可以跟debussy结合,方便调试.如果要在ncverilog仿真时,记录信号, 首先要设置debussy:a. setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH :$LD_LIBRARY_PATH(path for debpli.so file (/share/PLI/nc_xl//nc_loadpli1))b. while invoking ncverilog use the +ncloadpli1 option.ncverilog -f run.f +debug +ncloadpli1=debpli:deb_PLIPtrfsdb数据库文件的记录方法,是使用$fsdbDumpfile和$fsdbDumpvars系统函数,使用方法参见VCD注意: 在用ncverilog的时候,为了正确地记录波形,要使用参数: "+access+rw", 否则没有读写权限在记录信号或者波形时需要指出被记录信号的路径,如:tb.module.u1.clk.………………………………………………………………………………………………………关于信号记录的系统任务的说明:在testbench中使用信号记录的系统任务,就可以将自己需要的部分的结果以及波形文件记录下来(可采用sigalscan工具查看),适用于对较大的系统进行仿真,速度快,优于全局仿真。使用简单,在testbench中添加:initial begin$shm_open("waves.shm");$shm_probe("要记录信号的路径“,”AS“);#10000$shm_close; 即可。4. ncverilog编译的顺序: ncverilog file1 file2 ....有时候这些文件存在依存关系,如在file2中要用到在file1中定义的变量,这时候就要注意其编译的顺序是从后到前,就先编译file2然后才是file2.5. 信号的强制赋值force首先, force语句只能在过程语句中出现,即要在initial 或者 always 中间. 去除force 用 release 语句.initial begin force sig1 = 1"b1; ... ; release sig1; endforce可以对wire赋值,这时整个net都被赋值; 也可以对reg赋值.6.加载测试向量时,避免在时钟的上下沿变化为了模拟真实器件的行为,加载测试向量时,避免在时钟的上下沿变化,而是在时钟的上升沿延时一个时间单位后,加载的测试向量发生变化。如:assign #5 c=a^b……@(posedge clk) #(0.1*`cycle) A=1;******************************************************************************//testbench的波形输出module top;...initialbegin$dumpfile("./top.vcd"); //存储波形的文件名和路径,一般是.vcd格式.$dumpvars(1,top); //存储top这一层的所有信号数据$dumpvars(2,top.u1); //存储top.u1之下两层的所有数据信号(包含top.u1这一层)$dumpvars(3,top.u2); //存储top.u2之下三层的所有数据信号(包含top.u2这一层)$dumpvars(0,top.u3); //存储top.u3之下所有层的所有数据信号endendmodule//产生随机数,seed是种子$random(seed);ex: din <= $random(20);//仿真时间,为unsigned型的64位数据$timeex:...time condition_happen_time;...condition_happen_time = $time;...$monitor($time,"data utput = %d", dout);...//参数parameter para1 = 10,para2 = 20,para3 = 30;//显示任务$display();//监视任务$monitor();//延迟模型specify...//describ pin-to-pin delayendspecifyex:module nand_or(Y,A,B,C);input A,B,C;output Y;AND2 #0.2 (N,A,B);OR2 #0.1 (Y,C,N);specify(A*->Y) = 0.2;(B*->Y) = 0.3;(C*->Y) = 0.1;endspecifyendmodule//时间刻度`timescale 单位时间/时间精确度//文件I/O1.打开文件integer file_id;file_id = fopen("file_path/file_name");2.写入文件//$fmonitor只要有变化就一直记录$fmonitor(file_id, "%format_char", parameter);eg:$fmonitor(file_id, "%m: %t in1=%d o1=%h", $time, in1, o1);//$fwrite需要触发条件才记录$fwrite(file_id, "%format_char", parameter);//$fdisplay需要触发条件才记录$fdisplay(file_id, "%format_char", parameter);$fstrobe();3.读取文件integer file_id;file_id = $fread("file_path/file_name", "r");4.关闭文件$fclose(fjile_id);5.由文件设定存储器初值$readmemh("file_name", memory_name"); //初始化数据为十六进制$readmemb("file_name", memory_name"); //初始化数据为二进制//仿真控制$finish(parameter); //parameter = 0,1,2$stop(parameter);//读入sdf文件$sdf_annotate("sdf_file_name", module_instance, "scale_factors");//module_instance: sdf文件所对应的instance名.//scale_factors:针对timming delay中的最小延时min,典型延迟typ,最大延时max调整延迟参数//generate语句,在Verilog-2001中定义.用于表达重复性动作//必须事先声明genvar类型变量作为generate循环的指标eg:genvar i;generate for(i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1)beginassign = din[i] = i % 2;endendgenerate//资源共享always @(A or B or C or D)sum = sel ? (A+B):(C+D);//上面例子使用两个加法器和一个MUX,面积大//下面例子使用一个加法器和两个MUX,面积小always @(A or B or C or D)begintmp1 = sel ? A:C;tmp2 = sel ? B:D;endalways @(tmp1 or tmp2)sum = tmp1 + tmp2;******************************************************************************模板:module testbench; //定义一个没有输入输出的modulereg …… //将dut的输入定义为reg类型……wire…… //将dut的输出定义为wire类型……//在这里例化dutinitialbegin…… //在这里添加激励(可以有多个这样的结构)endalways…… //通常在这里定义时钟信号initial//在这里添加比较语句(可选)endinitial//在这里添加输出语句(在屏幕上显示仿真结果)endendmodule一下介绍一些书写Testbench的技巧:1.如果激励中有一些重复的项目,可以考虑将这些语句编写成一个task,这样会给书写和仿真带来很大方便。例如,一个存储器的testbench的激励可以包含write,read等task。2.如果dut中包含双向信号(inout),在编写testbench时要注意。需要一个reg变量来表示其输入,还需要一个wire变量表示其输出。3.如果initial块语句过于复杂,可以考虑将其分为互补相干的几个部分,用数个initial块来描述。在仿真时,这些initial块会并发运行。这样方便阅读和修改。4.每个testbench都最好包含$stop语句,用以指明仿真何时结束。最后提供一个简单的示例(转自Xilinx文档):dut:module shift_reg (clock, reset, load, sel, data, shiftreg);input clock;input reset;input load;input [1:0] sel;input [4:0] data;output [4:0] shiftreg;reg [4:0] shiftreg;always @ (posedge clock)beginif (reset)shiftreg = 0;else if (load)shiftreg = data;elsecase (sel)2"b00 : shiftreg = shiftreg;2"b01 : shiftreg = shiftreg << 1;2"b10 : shiftreg = shiftreg >> 1;default : shiftreg = shiftreg;endcaseendendmoduleTestbench:module testbench; // declare testbench namereg clock;reg load;reg reset; // declaration of signalswire [4:0] shiftreg;reg [4:0] data;reg [1:0] sel;// instantiation of the shift_reg design belowshift_reg dut(.clock (clock),.load (load),.reset (reset),.shiftreg (shiftreg),.data (data),.sel (sel));//this process block sets up the free running clockinitial beginclock = 0;forever #50 clock = ~clock;endinitial begin// this process block specifies the stimulus.reset = 1;data = 5"b00000;load = 0;sel = 2"b00;#200reset = 0;load = 1;#200data = 5"b00001;#100sel = 2"b01;load = 0;#200sel = 2"b10;#1000 $stop;endinitial begin// this process block pipes the ascii results to the//terminal or text editor$timeformat(-9,1,"ns",12);$display(" Time Clk Rst Ld SftRg Data Sel");$monitor("%t %b %b %b %b %b %b", $realtime,clock, reset, load, shiftreg, data, sel);endendmodule


1.激励的设置相应于被测试模块的输入激励设置为reg型,输出相应设置为wire类型,双向端口inout在测试中需要进行处理。方法1:为双向端口设置中间变量inout_reg作为该inout的输出寄存,inout口在testbench中要定义为wire型变量,然后用输出使能控制传输方向。eg:inout [0:0] bi_dir_port;wire [0:0] bi_dir_port;reg [0:0] bi_dir_port_reg;reg bi_dir_port_oe;assign bi_dir_port=bi_dir_port_oe?bi_dir_port_reg:1"bz;用bi_dir_port_oe控制端口数据方向,并利用中间变量寄存器改变其值。等于两个模块之间用inout双向口互连。往端口写(就是往模块里面输入)方法2:使用force和release语句,这种方法不能准确反映双向端口的信号变化,但这种方法可以反映块内信号的变化。具体如示:module test();wire data_inout;reg data_reg;reg link;#xx; //延时force data_inout=1"bx; //强制作为输入端口...............#xx;release data_inout; //释放输入端口endmodule从文本文件中读取和写入向量1)读取文本文件:用 $readmemb系统任务从文本文件中读取二进制向量(可以包含输入激励和输出期望值)。$readmemh 用于读取十六进制文件。例如:reg [7:0] mem[1:256] // a 8-bit, 256-word 定义存储器meminitial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem ) // 将.dat文件读入寄存器mem中initial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem, 128, 1 ) // 参数为寄存器加载数据的地址始终2)输出文本文件:打开输出文件用?$fopen 例如:integer out_file; // out_file 是一个文件描述,需要定义为 integer类型out_file = $fopen ( " cpu.data " ); // cpu.data 是需要打开的文件,也就是最终的输出文本设计中的信号值可以通过$fmonitor, $fdisplay,2. Verilog和Ncverilog命令使用库文件或库目录ex). ncverilog -f run.f -v lib/lib.v -y lib2 +libext+.v //一般编译文件在run.f中, 库文件在lib.v中,lib2目录中的.v文件系统自动搜索使用库文件或库目录,只编译需要的模块而不必全部编译3.Verilog Testbench信号记录的系统任务:1). SHM数据库可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只在probes有效的时间内记录你set probe on的信号的变化.ex). $shm_open("waves.shm"); //打开波形数据库$shm_probe(top, "AS"); // set probe on "top",第二个参数: A -- signals of the specific scrope S -- Ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsC -- Ports of the specified scope and below, including library cellsAS -- Signals of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsAC -- Signals of the specified scope and below, including library cells还有一个 M ,表示当前scope的memories, 可以跟上面的结合使用, "AM" "AMS" "AMC"什么都不加表示当前scope的ports;$shm_close //关闭数据库2). VCD数据库也可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只记录你选择的信号的变化.ex). $dumpfile("filename"); //打开数据库$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //scope = top.u1, depth = 1第一个参数表示深度, 为0时记录所有深度; 第二个参数表示scope,省略时表当前的scope.$dumpvars; //depth = all scope = all$dumpvars(0); //depth = all scope = current$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //depth = 1 scope = top.u1$dumpoff //暂停记录数据改变,信号变化不写入库文件中$dumpon //重新恢复记录3). Debussy fsdb数据库也可以记录信号的变化,它的优势是可以跟debussy结合,方便调试.如果要在ncverilog仿真时,记录信号, 首先要设置debussy:a. setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH :$LD_LIBRARY_PATH(path for debpli.so file (/share/PLI/nc_xl//nc_loadpli1))b. while invoking ncverilog use the +ncloadpli1 option.ncverilog -f run.f +debug +ncloadpli1=debpli:deb_PLIPtrfsdb数据库文件的记录方法,是使用$fsdbDumpfile和$fsdbDumpvars系统函数,使用方法参见VCD注意: 在用ncverilog的时候,为了正确地记录波形,要使用参数: "+access+rw", 否则没有读写权限在记录信号或者波形时需要指出被记录信号的路径,如:tb.module.u1.clk.………………………………………………………………………………………………………关于信号记录的系统任务的说明:在testbench中使用信号记录的系统任务,就可以将自己需要的部分的结果以及波形文件记录下来(可采用sigalscan工具查看),适用于对较大的系统进行仿真,速度快,优于全局仿真。使用简单,在testbench中添加:initial begin$shm_open("waves.shm");$shm_probe("要记录信号的路径“,”AS“);#10000$shm_close; 即可。4. ncverilog编译的顺序: ncverilog file1 file2 ....有时候这些文件存在依存关系,如在file2中要用到在file1中定义的变量,这时候就要注意其编译的顺序是从后到前,就先编译file2然后才是file2.5. 信号的强制赋值force首先, force语句只能在过程语句中出现,即要在initial 或者 always 中间. 去除force 用 release 语句.initial begin force sig1 = 1"b1; ... ; release sig1; endforce可以对wire赋值,这时整个net都被赋值; 也可以对reg赋值.6.加载测试向量时,避免在时钟的上下沿变化为了模拟真实器件的行为,加载测试向量时,避免在时钟的上下沿变化,而是在时钟的上升沿延时一个时间单位后,加载的测试向量发生变化。如:assign #5 c=a^b……@(posedge clk) #(0.1*`cycle) A=1;******************************************************************************//testbench的波形输出module top;...initialbegin$dumpfile("./top.vcd"); //存储波形的文件名和路径,一般是.vcd格式.$dumpvars(1,top); //存储top这一层的所有信号数据$dumpvars(2,top.u1); //存储top.u1之下两层的所有数据信号(包含top.u1这一层)$dumpvars(3,top.u2); //存储top.u2之下三层的所有数据信号(包含top.u2这一层)$dumpvars(0,top.u3); //存储top.u3之下所有层的所有数据信号endendmodule//产生随机数,seed是种子$random(seed);ex: din <= $random(20);//仿真时间,为unsigned型的64位数据$timeex:...time condition_happen_time;...condition_happen_time = $time;...$monitor($time,"data utput = %d", dout);...//参数parameter para1 = 10,para2 = 20,para3 = 30;//显示任务$display();//监视任务$monitor();//延迟模型specify...//describ pin-to-pin delayendspecifyex:module nand_or(Y,A,B,C);input A,B,C;output Y;AND2 #0.2 (N,A,B);OR2 #0.1 (Y,C,N);specify(A*->Y) = 0.2;(B*->Y) = 0.3;(C*->Y) = 0.1;endspecifyendmodule//时间刻度`timescale 单位时间/时间精确度//文件I/O1.打开文件integer file_id;file_id = fopen("file_path/file_name");2.写入文件//$fmonitor只要有变化就一直记录$fmonitor(file_id, "%format_char", parameter);eg:$fmonitor(file_id, "%m: %t in1=%d o1=%h", $time, in1, o1);//$fwrite需要触发条件才记录$fwrite(file_id, "%format_char", parameter);//$fdisplay需要触发条件才记录$fdisplay(file_id, "%format_char", parameter);$fstrobe();3.读取文件integer file_id;file_id = $fread("file_path/file_name", "r");4.关闭文件$fclose(fjile_id);5.由文件设定存储器初值$readmemh("file_name", memory_name"); //初始化数据为十六进制$readmemb("file_name", memory_name"); //初始化数据为二进制//仿真控制$finish(parameter); //parameter = 0,1,2$stop(parameter);//读入SDF文件$sdf_annotate("sdf_file_name", module_instance, "scale_factors");//module_instance: sdf文件所对应的instance名.//scale_factors:针对timming delay中的最小延时min,典型延迟typ,最大延时max调整延迟参数//generate语句,在Verilog-2001中定义.用于表达重复性动作//必须事先声明genvar类型变量作为generate循环的指标eg:genvar i;generate for(i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1)beginassign = din[i] = i % 2;endendgenerate//资源共享always @(A or B or C or D)sum = sel ? (A+B):(C+D);//上面例子使用两个加法器和一个MUX,面积大//下面例子使用一个加法器和两个MUX,面积小always @(A or B or C or D)begintmp1 = sel ? A:C;tmp2 = sel ? B:D;endalways @(tmp1 or tmp2)sum = tmp1 + tmp2;******************************************************************************模板:module testbench; //定义一个没有输入输出的modulereg …… //将DUT的输入定义为reg类型……wire…… //将DUT的输出定义为wire类型……//在这里例化DUTinitialbegin…… //在这里添加激励(可以有多个这样的结构)endalways…… //通常在这里定义时钟信号initial//在这里添加比较语句(可选)endinitial//在这里添加输出语句(在屏幕上显示仿真结果)endendmodule一下介绍一些书写Testbench的技巧:1.如果激励中有一些重复的项目,可以考虑将这些语句编写成一个task,这样会给书写和仿真带来很大方便。例如,一个存储器的testbench的激励可以包含write,read等task。2.如果DUT中包含双向信号(inout),在编写testbench时要注意。需要一个reg变量来表示其输入,还需要一个wire变量表示其输出。3.如果initial块语句过于复杂,可以考虑将其分为互补相干的几个部分,用数个initial块来描述。在仿真时,这些initial块会并发运行。这样方便阅读和修改。4.每个testbench都最好包含$stop语句,用以指明仿真何时结束。最后提供一个简单的示例(转自Xilinx文档):DUT:module shift_reg (clock, reset, load, sel, data, shiftreg);input clock;input reset;input load;input [1:0] sel;input [4:0] data;output [4:0] shiftreg;reg [4:0] shiftreg;always @ (posedge clock)beginif (reset)shiftreg = 0;else if (load)shiftreg = data;elsecase (sel)2"b00 : shiftreg = shiftreg;2"b01 : shiftreg = shiftreg << 1;2"b10 : shiftreg = shiftreg >> 1;default : shiftreg = shiftreg;endcaseendendmoduleTestbench:module testbench; // declare testbench namereg clock;reg load;reg reset; // declaration of signalswire [4:0] shiftreg;reg [4:0] data;reg [1:0] sel;// instantiation of the shift_reg design belowshift_reg dut(.clock (clock),.load (load),.reset (reset),.shiftreg (shiftreg),.data (data),.sel (sel));//this process block sets up the free running clockinitial beginclock = 0;forever #50 clock = ~clock;endinitial begin// this process block specifies the stimulus.reset = 1;data = 5"b00000;load = 0;sel = 2"b00;#200reset = 0;load = 1;#200data = 5"b00001;#100sel = 2"b01;load = 0;#200sel = 2"b10;#1000 $stop;endinitial begin// this process block pipes the ASCII results to the//terminal or text editor$timeformat(-9,1,"ns",12);$display(" Time Clk Rst Ld SftRg Data Sel");$monitor("%t %b %b %b %b %b %b", $realtime,clock, reset, load, shiftreg, data, sel);endendmodule


1.激励的设置相应于被测试模块的输入激励设置为reg型,输出相应设置为wire类型,双向端口inout在测试中需要进行处理。方法1:为双向端口设置中间变量inout_reg作为该inout的输出寄存,inout口在testbench中要定义为wire型变量,然后用输出使能控制传输方向。eg:inout [0:0] bi_dir_port;wire [0:0] bi_dir_port;reg [0:0] bi_dir_port_reg;reg bi_dir_port_oe;assign bi_dir_port=bi_dir_port_oe?bi_dir_port_reg:1"bz;用bi_dir_port_oe控制端口数据方向,并利用中间变量寄存器改变其值。等于两个模块之间用inout双向口互连。往端口写(就是往模块里面输入)方法2:使用force和release语句,这种方法不能准确反映双向端口的信号变化,但这种方法可以反映块内信号的变化。具体如示:module test();wire data_inout;reg data_reg;reg link;#xx; //延时force data_inout=1"bx; //强制作为输入端口...............#xx;release data_inout; //释放输入端口endmodule从文本文件中读取和写入向量1)读取文本文件:用 $readmemb系统任务从文本文件中读取二进制向量(可以包含输入激励和输出期望值)。$readmemh 用于读取十六进制文件。例如:reg [7:0] mem[1:256] // a 8-bit, 256-word 定义存储器meminitial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem ) // 将.dat文件读入寄存器mem中initial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem, 128, 1 ) // 参数为寄存器加载数据的地址始终2)输出文本文件:打开输出文件用?$fopen 例如:integer out_file; // out_file 是一个文件描述,需要定义为 integer类型out_file = $fopen ( " cpu.data " ); // cpu.data 是需要打开的文件,也就是最终的输出文本设计中的信号值可以通过$fmonitor, $fdisplay,2. Verilog和Ncverilog命令使用库文件或库目录ex). ncverilog -f run.f -v lib/lib.v -y lib2 +libext+.v //一般编译文件在run.f中, 库文件在lib.v中,lib2目录中的.v文件系统自动搜索使用库文件或库目录,只编译需要的模块而不必全部编译3.Verilog Testbench信号记录的系统任务:1). SHM数据库可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只在probes有效的时间内记录你set probe on的信号的变化.ex). $shm_open("waves.shm"); //打开波形数据库$shm_probe(top, "AS"); // set probe on "top",第二个参数: A -- signals of the specific scrope S -- Ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsC -- Ports of the specified scope and below, including library cellsAS -- Signals of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsAC -- Signals of the specified scope and below, including library cells还有一个 M ,表示当前scope的memories, 可以跟上面的结合使用, "AM" "AMS" "AMC"什么都不加表示当前scope的ports;$shm_close //关闭数据库2). VCD数据库也可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只记录你选择的信号的变化.ex). $dumpfile("filename"); //打开数据库$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //scope = top.u1, depth = 1第一个参数表示深度, 为0时记录所有深度; 第二个参数表示scope,省略时表当前的scope.$dumpvars; //depth = all scope = all$dumpvars(0); //depth = all scope = current$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //depth = 1 scope = top.u1$dumpoff //暂停记录数据改变,信号变化不写入库文件中$dumpon //重新恢复记录3). Debussy fsdb数据库也可以记录信号的变化,它的优势是可以跟debussy结合,方便调试.如果要在ncverilog仿真时,记录信号, 首先要设置debussy:a. setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH :$LD_LIBRARY_PATH(path for debpli.so file (/share/PLI/nc_xl//nc_loadpli1))b. while invoking ncverilog use the +ncloadpli1 option.ncverilog -f run.f +debug +ncloadpli1=debpli:deb_PLIPtrfsdb数据库文件的记录方法,是使用$fsdbDumpfile和$fsdbDumpvars系统函数,使用方法参见VCD注意: 在用ncverilog的时候,为了正确地记录波形,要使用参数: "+access+rw", 否则没有读写权限在记录信号或者波形时需要指出被记录信号的路径,如:tb.module.u1.clk.………………………………………………………………………………………………………关于信号记录的系统任务的说明:在testbench中使用信号记录的系统任务,就可以将自己需要的部分的结果以及波形文件记录下来(可采用sigalscan工具查看),适用于对较大的系统进行仿真,速度快,优于全局仿真。使用简单,在testbench中添加:initial begin$shm_open("waves.shm");$shm_probe("要记录信号的路径“,”AS“);#10000$shm_close; 即可。4. ncverilog编译的顺序: ncverilog file1 file2 ....有时候这些文件存在依存关系,如在file2中要用到在file1中定义的变量,这时候就要注意其编译的顺序是从后到前,就先编译file2然后才是file2.5. 信号的强制赋值force首先, force语句只能在过程语句中出现,即要在initial 或者 always 中间. 去除force 用 release 语句.initial begin force sig1 = 1"b1; ... ; release sig1; endforce可以对wire赋值,这时整个net都被赋值; 也可以对reg赋值.6.加载测试向量时,避免在时钟的上下沿变化为了模拟真实器件的行为,加载测试向量时,避免在时钟的上下沿变化,而是在时钟的上升沿延时一个时间单位后,加载的测试向量发生变化。如:assign #5 c=a^b……@(posedge clk) #(0.1*`cycle) A=1;******************************************************************************//testbench的波形输出module top;...initialbegin$dumpfile("./top.vcd"); //存储波形的文件名和路径,一般是.vcd格式.$dumpvars(1,top); //存储top这一层的所有信号数据$dumpvars(2,top.u1); //存储top.u1之下两层的所有数据信号(包含top.u1这一层)$dumpvars(3,top.u2); //存储top.u2之下三层的所有数据信号(包含top.u2这一层)$dumpvars(0,top.u3); //存储top.u3之下所有层的所有数据信号endendmodule//产生随机数,seed是种子$random(seed);ex: din <= $random(20);//仿真时间,为unsigned型的64位数据$timeex:...time condition_happen_time;...condition_happen_time = $time;...$monitor($time,"data utput = %d", dout);...//参数parameter para1 = 10,para2 = 20,para3 = 30;//显示任务$display();//监视任务$monitor();//延迟模型specify...//describ pin-to-pin delayendspecifyex:module nand_or(Y,A,B,C);input A,B,C;output Y;AND2 #0.2 (N,A,B);OR2 #0.1 (Y,C,N);specify(A*->Y) = 0.2;(B*->Y) = 0.3;(C*->Y) = 0.1;endspecifyendmodule//时间刻度`timescale 单位时间/时间精确度//文件I/O1.打开文件integer file_id;file_id = fopen("file_path/file_name");2.写入文件//$fmonitor只要有变化就一直记录$fmonitor(file_id, "%format_char", parameter);eg:$fmonitor(file_id, "%m: %t in1=%d o1=%h", $time, in1, o1);//$fwrite需要触发条件才记录$fwrite(file_id, "%format_char", parameter);//$fdisplay需要触发条件才记录$fdisplay(file_id, "%format_char", parameter);$fstrobe();3.读取文件integer file_id;file_id = $fread("file_path/file_name", "r");4.关闭文件$fclose(fjile_id);5.由文件设定存储器初值$readmemh("file_name", memory_name"); //初始化数据为十六进制$readmemb("file_name", memory_name"); //初始化数据为二进制//仿真控制$finish(parameter); //parameter = 0,1,2$stop(parameter);//读入SDF文件$sdf_annotate("sdf_file_name", module_instance, "scale_factors");//module_instance: sdf文件所对应的instance名.//scale_factors:针对timming delay中的最小延时min,典型延迟typ,最大延时max调整延迟参数//generate语句,在Verilog-2001中定义.用于表达重复性动作//必须事先声明genvar类型变量作为generate循环的指标eg:genvar i;generate for(i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1)beginassign = din[i] = i % 2;endendgenerate//资源共享always @(A or B or C or D)sum = sel ? (A+B):(C+D);//上面例子使用两个加法器和一个MUX,面积大//下面例子使用一个加法器和两个MUX,面积小always @(A or B or C or D)begintmp1 = sel ? A:C;tmp2 = sel ? B:D;endalways @(tmp1 or tmp2)sum = tmp1 + tmp2;******************************************************************************模板:module testbench; //定义一个没有输入输出的modulereg …… //将DUT的输入定义为reg类型……wire…… //将DUT的输出定义为wire类型……//在这里例化DUTinitialbegin…… //在这里添加激励(可以有多个这样的结构)endalways…… //通常在这里定义时钟信号initial//在这里添加比较语句(可选)endinitial//在这里添加输出语句(在屏幕上显示仿真结果)endendmodule一下介绍一些书写Testbench的技巧:1.如果激励中有一些重复的项目,可以考虑将这些语句编写成一个task,这样会给书写和仿真带来很大方便。例如,一个存储器的testbench的激励可以包含write,read等task。2.如果DUT中包含双向信号(inout),在编写testbench时要注意。需要一个reg变量来表示其输入,还需要一个wire变量表示其输出。3.如果initial块语句过于复杂,可以考虑将其分为互补相干的几个部分,用数个initial块来描述。在仿真时,这些initial块会并发运行。这样方便阅读和修改。4.每个testbench都最好包含$stop语句,用以指明仿真何时结束。最后提供一个简单的示例(转自Xilinx文档):DUT:module shift_reg (clock, reset, load, sel, data, shiftreg);input clock;input reset;input load;input [1:0] sel;input [4:0] data;output [4:0] shiftreg;reg [4:0] shiftreg;always @ (posedge clock)beginif (reset)shiftreg = 0;else if (load)shiftreg = data;elsecase (sel)2"b00 : shiftreg = shiftreg;2"b01 : shiftreg = shiftreg << 1;2"b10 : shiftreg = shiftreg >> 1;default : shiftreg = shiftreg;endcaseendendmoduleTestbench:module testbench; // declare testbench namereg clock;reg load;reg reset; // declaration of signalswire [4:0] shiftreg;reg [4:0] data;reg [1:0] sel;// instantiation of the shift_reg design belowshift_reg dut(.clock (clock),.load (load),.reset (reset),.shiftreg (shiftreg),.data (data),.sel (sel));//this process block sets up the free running clockinitial beginclock = 0;forever #50 clock = ~clock;endinitial begin// this process block specifies the stimulus.reset = 1;data = 5"b00000;load = 0;sel = 2"b00;#200reset = 0;load = 1;#200data = 5"b00001;#100sel = 2"b01;load = 0;#200sel = 2"b10;#1000 $stop;endinitial begin// this process block pipes the ASCII results to the//terminal or text editor$timeformat(-9,1,"ns",12);$display(" Time Clk Rst Ld SftRg Data Sel");$monitor("%t %b %b %b %b %b %b", $realtime,clock, reset, load, shiftreg, data, sel);endendmodule


您好,激励的设置相应于被测试模块的输入激励设置为reg型,输出相应设置为wire类型,双向端口inout在测试中需要进行处理。方法1:为双向端口设置中间变量inout_reg作为该inout的输出寄存,inout口在testbench中要定义为wire型变量,然后用输出使能控制传输方向。eg:inout [0:0] bi_dir_port;wire [0:0] bi_dir_port;reg [0:0] bi_dir_port_reg;reg bi_dir_port_oe;assign bi_dir_port=bi_dir_port_oe?bi_dir_port_reg:1"bz;用bi_dir_port_oe控制端口数据方向,并利用中间变量寄存器改变其值。等于两个模块之间用inout双向口互连。往端口写(就是往模块里面输入)方法2:使用force和release语句,这种方法不能准确反映双向端口的信号变化,但这种方法可以反映块内信号的变化。具体如示:module test();wire data_inout;reg data_reg;reg link;#xx; //延时force data_inout=1"bx; //强制作为输入端口...............#xx;release data_inout; //释放输入端口endmodule从文本文件中读取和写入向量1)读取文本文件:用 $readmemb系统任务从文本文件中读取二进制向量(可以包含输入激励和输出期望值)。$readmemh 用于读取十六进制文件。例如:reg [7:0] mem[1:256] // a 8-bit, 256-word 定义存储器meminitial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem ) // 将.dat文件读入寄存器mem中initial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem, 128, 1 ) // 参数为寄存器加载数据的地址始终2)输出文本文件:打开输出文件用?$fopen 例如:integer out_file; // out_file 是一个文件描述,需要定义为 integer类型out_file = $fopen ( " cpu.data " ); // cpu.data 是需要打开的文件,也就是最终的输出文本设计中的信号值可以通过$fmonitor, $fdisplay,2. Verilog和Ncverilog命令使用库文件或库目录ex). ncverilog -f run.f -v lib/lib.v -y lib2 +libext+.v //一般编译文件在run.f中, 库文件在lib.v中,lib2目录中的.v文件系统自动搜索使用库文件或库目录,只编译需要的模块而不必全部编译3.Verilog Testbench信号记录的系统任务:1). SHM数据库可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只在probes有效的时间内记录你set probe on的信号的变化.ex). $shm_open("waves.shm"); //打开波形数据库$shm_probe(top, "AS"); // set probe on "top",第二个参数: A -- signals of the specific scrope S -- Ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsC -- Ports of the specified scope and below, including library cellsAS -- Signals of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsAC -- Signals of the specified scope and below, including library cells还有一个 M ,表示当前scope的memories, 可以跟上面的结合使用, "AM" "AMS" "AMC"什么都不加表示当前scope的ports;$shm_close //关闭数据库2). VCD数据库也可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只记录你选择的信号的变化.ex). $dumpfile("filename"); //打开数据库$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //scope = top.u1, depth = 1第一个参数表示深度, 为0时记录所有深度; 第二个参数表示scope,省略时表当前的scope.$dumpvars; //depth = all scope = all$dumpvars(0); //depth = all scope = current$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //depth = 1 scope = top.u1$dumpoff //暂停记录数据改变,信号变化不写入库文件中$dumpon //重新恢复记录3). Debussy fsdb数据库也可以记录信号的变化,它的优势是可以跟debussy结合,方便调试.如果要在ncverilog仿真时,记录信号, 首先要设置debussy:


相应于被测试模块的输入激励设置为reg型,输出相应设置为wire类型,双向端口inout在测试中需要进行处理。方法1:为双向端口设置中间变量inout_reg作为该inout的输出寄存,inout口在testbench中要定义为wire型变量,然后用输出使能控制传输方向。eg:inout [0:0] bi_dir_port;wire [0:0] bi_dir_port;reg [0:0] bi_dir_port_reg;reg bi_dir_port_oe;assign bi_dir_port=bi_dir_port_oe?bi_dir_port_reg:1"bz;用bi_dir_port_oe控制端口数据方向,并利用中间变量寄存器改变其值。等于两个模块之间用inout双向口互连。往端口写(就是往模块里面输入)方法2:使用force和release语句,这种方法不能准确反映双向端口的信号变化,但这种方法可以反映块内信号的变化。具体如示:module test();wire data_inout;reg data_reg;reg link;#xx; //延时force data_inout=1"bx; //强制作为输入端口...............#xx;release data_inout; //释放输入端口endmodule从文本文件中读取和写入向量1)读取文本文件:用 $readmemb系统任务从文本文件中读取二进制向量(可以包含输入激励和输出期望值)。$readmemh 用于读取十六进制文件。例如:reg [7:0] mem[1:256] // a 8-bit, 256-word 定义存储器meminitial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem ) // 将.dat文件读入寄存器mem中initial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem, 128, 1 ) // 参数为寄存器加载数据的地址始终2)输出文本文件:打开输出文件用?$fopen 例如:integer out_file; // out_file 是一个文件描述,需要定义为 integer类型out_file = $fopen ( " cpu.data " ); // cpu.data 是需要打开的文件,也就是最终的输出文本设计中的信号值可以通过$fmonitor, $fdisplay,2. Verilog和Ncverilog命令使用库文件或库目录ex). ncverilog -f run.f -v lib/lib.v -y lib2 +libext+.v //一般编译文件在run.f中, 库文件在lib.v中,lib2目录中的.v文件系统自动搜索使用库文件或库目录,只编译需要的模块而不必全部编译3.Verilog Testbench信号记录的系统任务:1). SHM数据库可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只在probes有效的时间内记录你set probe on的信号的变化.ex). $shm_open("waves.shm"); //打开波形数据库$shm_probe(top, "AS"); // set probe on "top",第二个参数: A -- signals of the specific scrope S -- Ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsC -- Ports of the specified scope and below, including library cellsAS -- Signals of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsAC -- Signals of the specified scope and below, including library cells还有一个 M ,表示当前scope的memories, 可以跟上面的结合使用, "AM" "AMS" "AMC"什么都不加表示当前scope的ports;$shm_close //关闭数据库2). VCD数据库也可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只记录你选择的信号的变化.ex). $dumpfile("filename"); //打开数据库$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //scope = top.u1, depth = 1第一个参数表示深度, 为0时记录所有深度; 第二个参数表示scope,省略时表当前的scope.$dumpvars; //depth = all scope = all$dumpvars(0); //depth = all scope = current$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //depth = 1 scope = top.u1$dumpoff //暂停记录数据改变,信号变化不写入库文件中$dumpon //重新恢复记录3). Debussy fsdb数据库也可以记录信号的变化,它的优势是可以跟debussy结合,方便调试.如果要在ncverilog仿真时,记录信号, 首先要设置debussy:


您好,激励的设置相应于被测试模块的输入激励设置为reg型,输出相应设置为wire类型,双向端口inout在测试中需要进行处理。方法1:为双向端口设置中间变量inout_reg作为该inout的输出寄存,inout口在testbench中要定义为wire型变量,然后用输出使能控制传输方向。eg:inout [0:0] bi_dir_port;wire [0:0] bi_dir_port;reg [0:0] bi_dir_port_reg;reg bi_dir_port_oe;assign bi_dir_port=bi_dir_port_oe?bi_dir_port_reg:1"bz;用bi_dir_port_oe控制端口数据方向,并利用中间变量寄存器改变其值。等于两个模块之间用inout双向口互连。往端口写(就是往模块里面输入)方法2:使用force和release语句,这种方法不能准确反映双向端口的信号变化,但这种方法可以反映块内信号的变化。具体如示:module test();wire data_inout;reg data_reg;reg link;#xx; //延时force data_inout=1"bx; //强制作为输入端口...............#xx;release data_inout; //释放输入端口endmodule从文本文件中读取和写入向量1)读取文本文件:用 $readmemb系统任务从文本文件中读取二进制向量(可以包含输入激励和输出期望值)。$readmemh 用于读取十六进制文件。例如:reg [7:0] mem[1:256] // a 8-bit, 256-word 定义存储器meminitial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem ) // 将.dat文件读入寄存器mem中initial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem, 128, 1 ) // 参数为寄存器加载数据的地址始终2)输出文本文件:打开输出文件用?$fopen 例如:integer out_file; // out_file 是一个文件描述,需要定义为 integer类型out_file = $fopen ( " cpu.data " ); // cpu.data 是需要打开的文件,也就是最终的输出文本设计中的信号值可以通过$fmonitor, $fdisplay,2. Verilog和Ncverilog命令使用库文件或库目录ex). ncverilog -f run.f -v lib/lib.v -y lib2 +libext+.v //一般编译文件在run.f中, 库文件在lib.v中,lib2目录中的.v文件系统自动搜索使用库文件或库目录,只编译需要的模块而不必全部编译3.Verilog Testbench信号记录的系统任务:1). SHM数据库可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只在probes有效的时间内记录你set probe on的信号的变化.ex). $shm_open("waves.shm"); //打开波形数据库$shm_probe(top, "AS"); // set probe on "top",第二个参数: A -- signals of the specific scrope S -- Ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsC -- Ports of the specified scope and below, including library cellsAS -- Signals of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsAC -- Signals of the specified scope and below, including library cells还有一个 M ,表示当前scope的memories, 可以跟上面的结合使用, "AM" "AMS" "AMC"什么都不加表示当前scope的ports;$shm_close //关闭数据库2). VCD数据库也可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只记录你选择的信号的变化.ex). $dumpfile("filename"); //打开数据库$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //scope = top.u1, depth = 1第一个参数表示深度, 为0时记录所有深度; 第二个参数表示scope,省略时表当前的scope.$dumpvars; //depth = all scope = all$dumpvars(0); //depth = all scope = current$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //depth = 1 scope = top.u1$dumpoff //暂停记录数据改变,信号变化不写入库文件中$dumpon //重新恢复记录3). Debussy fsdb数据库也可以记录信号的变化,它的优势是可以跟debussy结合,方便调试.如果要在ncverilog仿真时,记录信号, 首先要设置debussy:a. setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH :$LD_LIBRARY_PATH(path for debpli.so file (/share/PLI/nc_xl//nc_loadpli1))b. while invoking ncverilog use the +ncloadpli1 option.ncverilog -f run.f +debug +ncloadpli1=debpli:deb_PLIPtrfsdb数据库文件的记录方法,是使用$fsdbDumpfile和$fsdbDumpvars系统函数,使用方法参见VCD注意: 在用ncverilog的时候,为了正确地记录波形,要使用参数: "+access+rw", 否则没有读写权限在记录信号或者波形时需要指出被记录信号的路径,如:tb.module.u1.clk。


如何编写testbench的总结1.激励的设置相应于被测试模块的输入激励设置为reg型,输出相应设置为wire类型,双向端口inout在测试中需要进行处理。方法1:为双向端口设置中间变量inout_reg作为该inout的输出寄存,inout口在testbench中要定义为wire型变量,然后用输出使能控制传输方向。eg:inout [0:0] bi_dir_port;wire [0:0] bi_dir_port;reg [0:0] bi_dir_port_reg;reg bi_dir_port_oe;assign bi_dir_port=bi_dir_port_oe?bi_dir_port_reg:1"bz;用bi_dir_port_oe控制端口数据方向,并利用中间变量寄存器改变其值。等于两个模块之间用inout双向口互连。往端口写(就是往模块里面输入)方法2:使用force和release语句,这种方法不能准确反映双向端口的信号变化,但这种方法可以反映块内信号的变化。具体如示:module test();wire data_inout;reg data_reg;reg link;#xx; //延时force data_inout=1"bx; //强制作为输入端口...............#xx;release data_inout; //释放输入端口endmodule从文本文件中读取和写入向量1)读取文本文件:用 $readmemb系统任务从文本文件中读取二进制向量(可以包含输入激励和输出期望值)。$readmemh 用于读取十六进制文件。例如:reg [7:0] mem[1:256] // a 8-bit, 256-word 定义存储器meminitial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem ) // 将.dat文件读入寄存器mem中initial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem, 128, 1 ) // 参数为寄存器加载数据的地址始终2)输出文本文件:打开输出文件用?$fopen 例如:integer out_file; // out_file 是一个文件描述,需要定义为 integer类型out_file = $fopen ( " cpu.data " ); // cpu.data 是需要打开的文件,也就是最终的输出文本设计中的信号值可以通过$fmonitor, $fdisplay,2. Verilog和Ncverilog命令使用库文件或库目录ex). ncverilog -f run.f -v lib/lib.v -y lib2 +libext+.v //一般编译文件在run.f中, 库文件在lib.v中,lib2目录中的.v文件系统自动搜索使用库文件或库目录,只编译需要的模块而不必全部编译3.Verilog Testbench信号记录的系统任务:1). SHM数据库可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只在probes有效的时间内记录你set probe on的信号的变化.ex). $shm_open("waves.shm"); //打开波形数据库$shm_probe(top, "AS"); // set probe on "top",第二个参数: A -- signals of the specific scrope S -- Ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsC -- Ports of the specified scope and below, including library cellsAS -- Signals of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsAC -- Signals of the specified scope and below, including library cells还有一个 M ,表示当前scope的memories, 可以跟上面的结合使用, "AM" "AMS" "AMC"什么都不加表示当前scope的ports;$shm_close //关闭数据库2). VCD数据库也可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只记录你选择的信号的变化.ex). $dumpfile("filename"); //打开数据库$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //scope = top.u1, depth = 1第一个参数表示深度, 为0时记录所有深度; 第二个参数表示scope,省略时表当前的scope.$dumpvars; //depth = all scope = all$dumpvars(0); //depth = all scope = current$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //depth = 1 scope = top.u1$dumpoff //暂停记录数据改变,信号变化不写入库文件中$dumpon //重新恢复记录


您好,激励的设置相应于被测试模块的输入激励设置为reg型,输出相应设置为wire类型,双向端口inout在测试中需要进行处理。方法1:为双向端口设置中间变量inout_reg作为该inout的输出寄存,inout口在testbench中要定义为wire型变量,然后用输出使能控制传输方向。eg:inout [0:0] bi_dir_port;wire [0:0] bi_dir_port;reg [0:0] bi_dir_port_reg;reg bi_dir_port_oe;assign bi_dir_port=bi_dir_port_oe?bi_dir_port_reg:1"bz;用bi_dir_port_oe控制端口数据方向,并利用中间变量寄存器改变其值。等于两个模块之间用inout双向口互连。往端口写(就是往模块里面输入)方法2:使用force和release语句,这种方法不能准确反映双向端口的信号变化,但这种方法可以反映块内信号的变化。具体如示:module test();wire data_inout;reg data_reg;reg link;#xx; //延时force data_inout=1"bx; //强制作为输入端口...............#xx;release data_inout; //释放输入端口endmodule从文本文件中读取和写入向量1)读取文本文件:用 $readmemb系统任务从文本文件中读取二进制向量(可以包含输入激励和输出期望值)。$readmemh 用于读取十六进制文件。例如:reg [7:0] mem[1:256] // a 8-bit, 256-word 定义存储器meminitial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem ) // 将.dat文件读入寄存器mem中initial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem, 128, 1 ) // 参数为寄存器加载数据的地址始终2)输出文本文件:打开输出文件用?$fopen 例如:integer out_file; // out_file 是一个文件描述,需要定义为 integer类型out_file = $fopen ( " cpu.data " ); // cpu.data 是需要打开的文件,也就是最终的输出文本设计中的信号值可以通过$fmonitor, $fdisplay,2. Verilog和Ncverilog命令使用库文件或库目录ex). ncverilog -f run.f -v lib/lib.v -y lib2 +libext+.v //一般编译文件在run.f中, 库文件在lib.v中,lib2目录中的.v文件系统自动搜索使用库文件或库目录,只编译需要的模块而不必全部编译3.Verilog Testbench信号记录的系统任务:1). SHM数据库可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只在probes有效的时间内记录你set probe on的信号的变化.ex). $shm_open("waves.shm"); //打开波形数据库$shm_probe(top, "AS"); // set probe on "top",第二个参数: A -- signals of the specific scrope S -- Ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsC -- Ports of the specified scope and below, including library cellsAS -- Signals of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsAC -- Signals of the specified scope and below, including library cells还有一个 M ,表示当前scope的memories, 可以跟上面的结合使用, "AM" "AMS" "AMC"什么都不加表示当前scope的ports;$shm_close //关闭数据库2). VCD数据库也可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只记录你选择的信号的变化.ex). $dumpfile("filename"); //打开数据库$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //scope = top.u1, depth = 1第一个参数表示深度, 为0时记录所有深度; 第二个参数表示scope,省略时表当前的scope.$dumpvars; //depth = all scope = all$dumpvars(0); //depth = all scope = current$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //depth = 1 scope = top.u1$dumpoff //暂停记录数据改变,信号变化不写入库文件中$dumpon //重新恢复记录3). Debussy fsdb数据库也可以记录信号的变化,它的优势是可以跟debussy结合,方便调试.如果要在ncverilog仿真时,记录信号, 首先要设置debussy:a. setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH :$LD_LIBRARY_PATH(path for debpli.so file (/share/PLI/nc_xl//nc_loadpli1))b. while invoking ncverilog use the +ncloadpli1 option.ncverilog -f run.f +debug +ncloadpli1=debpli:deb_PLIPtrfsdb数据库文件的记录方法,是使用$fsdbDumpfile和$fsdbDumpvars系统函数,使用方法参见VCD注意: 在用ncverilog的时候,为了正确地记录波形,要使用参数: "+access+rw", 否则没有读写权限在记录信号或者波形时需要指出被记录信号的路径,如:tb.module.u1.clk。


您好,激励的设置相应于被测试模块的输入激励设置为reg型,输出相应设置为wire类型,双向端口inout在测试中需要进行处理。方法1:为双向端口设置中间变量inout_reg作为该inout的输出寄存,inout口在testbench中要定义为wire型变量,然后用输出使能控制传输方向。eg:inout [0:0] bi_dir_port;wire [0:0] bi_dir_port;reg [0:0] bi_dir_port_reg;reg bi_dir_port_oe;assign bi_dir_port=bi_dir_port_oe?bi_dir_port_reg:1"bz;用bi_dir_port_oe控制端口数据方向,并利用中间变量寄存器改变其值。等于两个模块之间用inout双向口互连。往端口写(就是往模块里面输入)方法2:使用force和release语句,这种方法不能准确反映双向端口的信号变化,但这种方法可以反映块内信号的变化。具体如示:module test();wire data_inout;reg data_reg;reg link;#xx; //延时force data_inout=1"bx; //强制作为输入端口...............#xx;release data_inout; //释放输入端口endmodule从文本文件中读取和写入向量1)读取文本文件:用 $readmemb系统任务从文本文件中读取二进制向量(可以包含输入激励和输出期望值)。$readmemh 用于读取十六进制文件。例如:reg [7:0] mem[1:256] // a 8-bit, 256-word 定义存储器meminitial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem ) // 将.dat文件读入寄存器mem中initial $readmemh ( "mem.data", mem, 128, 1 ) // 参数为寄存器加载数据的地址始终2)输出文本文件:打开输出文件用?$fopen 例如:integer out_file; // out_file 是一个文件描述,需要定义为 integer类型out_file = $fopen ( " cpu.data " ); // cpu.data 是需要打开的文件,也就是最终的输出文本设计中的信号值可以通过$fmonitor, $fdisplay,2. Verilog和Ncverilog命令使用库文件或库目录ex). ncverilog -f run.f -v lib/lib.v -y lib2 +libext+.v //一般编译文件在run.f中, 库文件在lib.v中,lib2目录中的.v文件系统自动搜索使用库文件或库目录,只编译需要的模块而不必全部编译3.Verilog Testbench信号记录的系统任务:1). SHM数据库可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只在probes有效的时间内记录你set probe on的信号的变化.ex). $shm_open("waves.shm"); //打开波形数据库$shm_probe(top, "AS"); // set probe on "top",第二个参数: A -- signals of the specific scrope S -- Ports of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsC -- Ports of the specified scope and below, including library cellsAS -- Signals of the specified scope and below, excluding library cellsAC -- Signals of the specified scope and below, including library cells还有一个 M ,表示当前scope的memories, 可以跟上面的结合使用, "AM" "AMS" "AMC"什么都不加表示当前scope的ports;$shm_close //关闭数据库2). VCD数据库也可以记录在设计仿真过程中信号的变化. 它只记录你选择的信号的变化.ex). $dumpfile("filename"); //打开数据库$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //scope = top.u1, depth = 1第一个参数表示深度, 为0时记录所有深度; 第二个参数表示scope,省略时表当前的scope.$dumpvars; //depth = all scope = all$dumpvars(0); //depth = all scope = current$dumpvars(1, top.u1); //depth = 1 scope = top.u1$dumpoff //暂停记录数据改变,信号变化不写入库文件中$dumpon //重新恢复记录3). Debussy fsdb数据库也可以记录信号的变化,它的优势是可以跟debussy结合,方便调试.如果要在ncverilog仿真时,记录信号, 首先要设置debussy:a. setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH :$LD_LIBRARY_PATH(path for debpli.so file (/share/PLI/nc_xl//nc_loadpli1))b. while invoking ncverilog use the +ncloadpli1 option.ncverilog -f run.f +debug +ncloadpli1=debpli:deb_PLIPtr键


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there must be 一定有;[例句]There must be something I can do!一定有什么我可以做的!

there mustbe someone doing sth是什么结构

这是there be句型,中间加了一个情态动词must,则be就用其原形be,比如我们是it is cold,很冷,如果你加了must,就变成it must be cold,一定很冷。

late night heartbroken blues 歌词

歌曲名:late night heartbroken blues歌手:miss li专辑:late night heartbroken bluesone two three four fiveand six beers later I was wildI said babyshow me to the bed nowcus I"ve been sitting here since half past ninebeen thinking dirty thoughts about you a thousand timescome on babydo you feel the same huh?cus I don"t want to end up beinga tragic heartbroken human beingfive six seven eightit"s twelve o clock and it"s getting latecome ondon"t you feel like going homeI"ll treat you good if you treat me badand I"ll give you the best lovin that you"ve ever hadshut upand take me by the handcus I don"t want to end up beinga tragic heartbroken human beingand he said something like this:sure babe, I"ll take you homebut in the morning you"ll be on your own againand I said:well honey that"s okand I don"t really care if you are straight or gayas long asyou make my daycus I"ve been sitting here since half past ninebeen thinking dirty thoughts about you a thousand timescome onshow me the waycus I don"t want to end up beinga tragic heartbroken human beinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/14189395

utopia sweetbox 的中文歌词

  我自己翻译的,我英语差 将就看吧 !  Utopia  (Verse 1)  Praying for something to carry me through  祈祷着能有什么让我的生活继续  Waiting for the day when I know what to do  等待着那天当我知道自己该怎么做  Hoping and hoping for a ray of light  一直期待着曙光的到来  Can you  Won"t you  Deliver me  请你你引渡我  (Chorus)  Utopia  乌托邦(指心里理想的完美世界)  I wanna go with you to Utopia  我希望能与你一起去 乌托邦  I wanna follow you to Utopia  我想要追随你去 乌托邦  Oh won"t you take me there please  Oh 请你带我到这  I wanna go with you to find Utopia  我要与你一同寻找那神奇的乌托邦  Where"s Utopia  乌托邦在哪?  Where"s Utopia  乌托邦在哪?  (Verse 2)  Holding onto nothing but a tired dream  任然固执地做这个让人疲倦的梦  Trying to find out who I need to be  设法找出自己该怎么做  Hoping that God will give me a sign  希望上帝能够给我暗示  Can you  Won"t you  Deliver me  请你引渡我  (Repeat chorus)  (C part)  I saw a girl walk by me today  今天我从一个女孩的身旁走过  And I saw my soul inside her eyes  我从她的眼里看到了我的内心  I saw her anger, her fear, her loss  underneath my same disguise  我看到了她的愤怒,恐惧,失落,却像我一样的去掩饰自己  Staring at my reflection finally made me see  我开始沉思,最后我明白了  I"ve been looking everywhere for myself  我已经试图从我身上的每一处认清我自己  Except inside of me  但是没从我的内心  Oh I need to go to Utopia  oh 我需要去乌托邦  (Repeat chorus out)  累死我了 ! 英语要是能好就好了 !!  噢 乌托邦 你在哪啊 ?



sweetbox—in a heartbeat的歌词

In a Heartbeat Artist: Sweetbox Lrc by taTu from 369 Lyrics Group ☆QQ:417288035 All the stressing and worry that you"re giving me Oh baby I"m sorry Why can"t I see it"s time to get over you now I"m trying to get over you now Every word and page of our history Says I"m not for you and you"re not for me It"s time to get over you now I"ve got to to get over you now My heart needs time to heal I give you anything for you to not mean a thing I can"t change the way it feels inside But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud For all the decent beats that I allow I wanna turn away but don"t know how Cos no one"s here for you last That I deserve the best I know you"re no good for me But I take you back in a heartbeat Oh~ ooh~ In a heartbeat ahh~ From the wreckage of us I walked away Made a promise to myself A love another day Said I"m so over you now But if I"m so over you now Why do I get pain alone After everything I take you back again I can"t change the way it feels inside But for all the broken heart and tears that made you proud For all the decent beats that I allow I wanna turn away but don"t know how I say I"m here for you last That dservesthe best I know you"re no good for me I take you back in a heartbeat ah~ In a heartbeat ah~ The broken heart and tears that made you proud For all the decent beats that I allow I wanna turn away but don"t know how ooh~ The broken heart and tears that made you proud For all the decent beats that I allow I wanna turn away but don"t know how I say I"m here for you last That I dserve the best I know you"re no good for me I take you back In a heartbeat In a heartbeat I can work on麻烦采纳,谢谢!

-sweetbox 中英文对照歌词

[ti:We Can Work It Out][ar:Sweetbox][al:The Next Generation][00:-2.00]Sweetbox - We Can Work It Out[00:13.25][00:14.87]I can"t see why everybody has to fight我不明白为什么每个人都必须奋斗。[00:21.49]Cos two wrongs don"t make a right 因为两个错误并不能变成一个正确。[00:28.37]A fall in life is justified 生命中的坎坷是不可避免的。[00:31.70]That is what they say这就是他们所说的。[00:34.75]Life"s too short生命是如此的短暂。[00:36.06]There must be another way一定会有另外一条道路。[00:40.53][00:41.50]We can work it out我们可以将它解决。[00:46.62](Together we can change it)我们一起可以改变它[00:48.45]We can work it out我们可以将它实现[00:53.43](Together we can make it)我们一起成功[00:55.68]And if we just forgive In this world we live如果我们仅仅是原谅我们所在的这个世界[01:02.74]And share some love并且分享爱[01:05.58]We can work it out我们可以解决它[01:12.83][01:16.55]We should live to the fullest each and everyday每天,我们应该彼此过着最充实的生活[01:23.32]Cos there"s no stop in time 因为时间不会停止[01:30.24]And yesterday"s past mistakes 昨天犯的错误[01:33.38]Shouldn"t bring us down 不能把我们打倒[01:36.38]Life"s too short 生命太短暂了[01:37.66]There"s no need to be afraid 没必要去害怕[01:42.45][01:43.25]We can work it out[01:48.29](Together we can change it)[01:50.16]We can work it out[01:55.15](Together we can make it)[01:57.38]And if we just forgive[02:01.53]Within this world we live[02:04.76]And share some love[02:07.37]We can work it out [02:14.47][02:17.09]We can work it out[02:20.14]Yes, we can[02:22.83]We can work it out [02:29.56](Together we can change it)[02:31.30]Together we can change it[02:33.24]Maybe we can make it [02:38.44]And if we just forgive[02:41.97]Within this world we live [02:44.99]If we life is too short[02:48.90]We can work it out[02:56.31]If we come together we can change it[03:00.33]We can work it[03:03.50]And together we can make it[03:06.54]And if we just believe in love我们必须相信有爱[03:09.69]Within this world we live to love 我们生活在爱的世界[03:13.23](Just miracle) Just miracle 仅仅是奇迹[03:15.07](Just very short)仅仅很短暂[03:15.87]We can work it out[03:21.56][03:28.74]Da la da[03:31.66]Da la da la da...[03:39.16][03:42.54]

求Sweetbox的with a love like you歌词


唱Human sarcrifce的是sweetbox的那位成员?

Jade Valerie (杰德·薇乐莉),全名:Jade Valerie Villalon,1980年8月12日出生于美国加州圣迭戈市,是一名活跃于美国和欧洲舞台的流行歌手,音乐制作人,演员;1999至2007年间,担纲德国知名创作团体Sweetbox(糖果盒子)的第四任主唱兼词作者,其音乐风格变化多样,比较流行的作品有:“Don"t Push Me”,“Life is Cool”,"Like A Bird",“Just Another Day”等。Sweetbox的音乐在日韩两国很受欢迎。"Human Sacrifice"出自Sweetbox 2002年发行的专辑"Jade"。

Jade Villalon 为何离开sweetbox


sweetbox的on the radio的歌词

Sweetbox—that night(That night) oh~ (that night) yeah~~ (by your side) I, I remember, (I cried) oh~ my loveOne night in late JulyI saw you cross the roomThen you asked me for a danceAnd I could hardly move(That night)I" never been so scared before(That night)Your touch was overwhelming(By your side)Then you led me to the floorAnd I swore I was dreaming** (That night) there was magic(That night) I was spellbound(By your side) oh~the first time(I cried) I cried(Yes you changed me life/ this night changed my life) **We sat and talked all nightWith the starry sky above usYou were nervous I was shyThe butterflies of first loveThen I knocked on heaven"s doorWhen you leaned in to kiss meI"d never been left wanting moreOh I was hardly breathingI wanna know what might have beenI wanna have that night againFirst love just never endsOh why do I still miss him?Now life has distanced usThat summer night is long goneBut I still feel your lipsWhen I hear our old love songI"ve changed a lot since thenBut I still sit and wonderI"d like to know what might have beenIf summer love had lingeredon the radio(remember the days) 歌手:nelly furtado 专辑:kdbtestYou liked me "till you heard my shit on the radioWell I hate to say but pop ain"t going soloYou liked me "till you heard my shit on the radioBut now I"m just too mainstream for you, oh noYou liked me "till you seen me on your t.v.Well if you"re so low below then why you watchingYou say good things come to those who waitWell I"ve been waiting a long time for itChorus:I remember the days when I was so eager to satisfy youAnd be less than I was just to prove I could walk beside youNow that I"ve flown away I see you"ve chosen to stay behind meAnd still you curse the day I decided to stay true to myselfYou say your quest is to bring it higherWell I never seen change without a fireBut from your mouth I have seen a lot of burningBut underneath I think it"s a lot of yearningYour face, the colours change from green to yellowTo the point where you can"t even say helloYou tell me you"d kill me if I ever snob you outLike that"s what you"d expect from me, like that"s what I"m aboutChorusI remember the days when I was so eager to satisfy youAnd be less than I was just to prove I could walk beside youNow that I"ve flown away I see you"ve chosen to stay behind meAnd still you curse the day I decided to stay true to myselfBridge:It"s so much easier to stay down there guaranteeing you"re coolThan to sit up here exposing myself trying to break throughThan to burn in the spotlight, turn in the spitfireScream without making a sound, be up here and not look downbecause we"re all afraid of heightsChorusI remember the days when I was so eager to satisfy youAnd be less than I was just to prove I could walk beside youNow that I"ve flown away I see you"ve chosen to stay behind meAnd still you curse the day I decided to stay true to myselfmyselfWhy ya hurt me hurt me hurt me hurt me hurt me hurt me so so,leave me down down down down low leave me down da down down dadown da downdown down...shit on the radio... shit on the radio...shit on the radio... shit on the radio
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