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happen to和take place有什么区别?

  1)take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排  例如:  Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.  The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.  (2) happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件  例如:  What happened to you?(一般不说:What did you happen?)  Maybe something unexpected happened.  I happened to see him on my way home.  = It happened that I saw him on my way home.  take place与 happen的用法  固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如:  (1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen代换)  (2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place 可以用happened代换)  ▲动词happen以及词组take place, break out 等只能用作不及物动词,不能用被动语态形式。如:  (1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。(不能说:The car accident was happened last week.)  (2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。(不能说:The war was broken out in October.)  happen to do 意思是:碰巧。  It happened to be a fine one that day.  那天碰巧天气好。  I happened to see him this morning.  今天早上我碰巧看见他。  It happens that...后接从句,意思也是碰巧。  It happens that his sister is a closed friend of mine.  碰巧她姐姐是我的一个好朋友。  It so happened that both of them were there.  正好他们两人都在那儿。

take place什么意思/take place的用法

take place 是发生的意思,相当于happen,这个短语没有被动语态

take place的用法


take place是什么意思

take place[英][teik pleis][美][tek ples]发生,举行; 来; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But bank failures still take place. 但是银行倒闭仍在发生。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

take place啥意思




乘坐雪橇英语可以说take a sled

乘坐雪橇的英语不可以说take a sled。应该改为:take the sledge

take roller coaster.

支持takes 我没有学校的理论,我只是凭借在国外生活这么多年的语感,costs 的话后面都加个人称代词才会舒服,比如it costs me 什么什么

it takes two to tango 是什么意思啊!1

it takes two to do something....

歌词带 take baby的英文歌

Rude boy-Rihanna

男生唱的英文歌高潮是is beautiful night take 什么什么

Surrender - Cash CashI was running on an empty heartNot a trace of gasolineTrying to dim every single sparkThat could hurt,that could burn all of meLike a soldier on a battle groundLying wounded on the fieldI was fighting alongwith the broken swordNow I"m caught in a warwith no shieldIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay,we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrenderIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay,we"ll be foreverThen I surrender,surrender(surrender, surrender)I push and pull all the onesthat tryThen I"ll wash and fade awayAs I look around the vacate roomI see nobody left here to playCause I made myself a prisonerShackle up all my fearsBut I feel you"re breaking awayout the wallsMake them fall,make them all disappearIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay, we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrenderIf you hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay, we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrender(surrender, surrender)Hold me nowAnd leave me neverSay you"ll stay, we"ll be foreverThen I surrender, surrenderThen I surrender, surrendersurrender

粤语吉他的歌,歌词最后是say good bye ,bye,take good care my friend是哪首歌啊?

歌曲名为:escapingblues traveler演唱歌词为:Music & lyrics: john popperCome with me and take my handDon"t look back just let it endWalk with me for one more mileAnd think this over for awhileAnd decideI"ve been thinking for some timeOf escapingMore than once it"s really crossed my mindEscapingThere"s a little bit further left to goWe"re not too fast and we"re not too slowThe deadline"s ours, we"re doing fineBlues TravelerI"m not yours and you"re not minePlease decideCome see what the madman seesIn escapingThe endless possibilitiesOf escaping...i"m escapingWhen you try to look around but the walls are closing inAnd you"ve got just enough strength to think of starting againBut you don"t have the time you cannot think or hesitateBecause the bus just left and you"re seven hours lateAnd all you can see is the sun going downIn some far away land in some far away townAnd all of a sudden you find you just don"t careAnd you"d give everything you have if you could be over thereAnd even though you don"t know howBut you think you know whyYou could be full of shitTry...try...please try...tryI see the decision in your eyesNo, it"s ok, and i"m not surprisedSee just like you, i"m not afraidOf being scared of the choice you madeSo did iYou see nobody said that your life is fairSo you turn around now you know your home"s back thereI"ve got to find out what i can seeI love you and remember mePlease don"t cry...don"t cryOh say good-bye my friendI"m escapingI guess all i can do is recommendEscapingTry escapingTry escapingTry escapingTry escaping...


TAKKI的资料 姓名:泷泽秀明 英文名:TAKIZAWA HIDEAKI 出生日:1982年3月29日 星座:牡羊座 血型:A型 出身地:日本东京都八王子市 身高:169CM 体重 56kg 鞋码 26cm 视力:1.0 中指到手腕的长度 18.5cm 家族构成 父, 母, 姐, 兄 宠物 两只狗 Hidezo & Hidepita 入社日期 :1995年4月23日 初仕事: 1995牛5月5日KinKi Kids Concert 拿手的料理:炒饭 喜欢的场所:自己屋企 最喜欢的运动:棒球 ,摔角 最喜欢的棒球队:巨人队 最喜欢的艺人:志村健、松下由树 最幸福的时候:睡觉的时候 最尊敬的前辈:东山纪之、中局正广、堂本光一、城岛茂、锦织一清 偶像:堂本光一 最要好的朋友:今井翼 最宠爱的后辈:山下智久(山P叫泷papa,泷不仅帮山下取了山P这个外号,连P的狗的名字都是T取的) 最喜欢的季节:夏季 最喜欢的装饰品:戒指 最喜欢的食物:甜食、烧牛、肉、寿司 最喜欢的动物:小狗 最喜欢的花:玫瑰 喜欢的科目:体育、美术 喜欢的女孩类别:有一点男孩子气,开朗、率真(初恋 中一) 最喜欢的香水 CK1 最喜欢的词句:我的字典里没有不可能事 最喜欢的音乐:V6、尾崎丰、射乱Q 最喜欢的日剧 同一屋檐下 最喜欢的电影 Home Alone 最喜欢的数字 7 喜欢的颜色 黑, 白, 粉红 最不喜欢的颜色 咖啡色、紫色 最幸福的一刻 睡觉的时候 最想变成的动物:马 爱好:MD 编辑 最怕的东西 演唱会的爆破声 ◆星期四之怪谈 (木曜の怪谈) 富士电视台 1995年 其他出演:今井翼、川野直辉 ◆1995-10-21 梦幻料理人 (客串) 1996-03-29 谁和谁在恋爱 (客串) ◆新闻女郎 1998年1月7日--1998年3月18日(全11话) 主演:铃木保奈美、泷泽秀明 ◆心之门 (心の扉) 日本电视台 1998年8月 其他出演:浜田一男、安蒜厚志 ◆热血恋爱道 日本电视台 每周日 11:40 - 12:00 1999年1月10日--1999年5月2日 主演:泷泽秀明、 秋山纯、横山裕等 主题歌:Can do! Can go! ◆魔女的条件 (魔女の条件) TBS电视台 每周四 22:00 - 22:54 1999年4月8日--1999年6月(全11回) 主演:泷泽秀明、松岛菜菜子 其他出演:别所哲也、山口佑一郎、西田尚美、 山田麻衣子、白川由美、黑木瞳等 主题曲:宇多田光「First Love」 平均收视率:21.5% ◆新前程似锦 日本电视台 每周六 21:00 - 21:54 1999年7月--1999年9月11日 主演:Coming Century (森田刚、三宅健、冈田准一) 泷泽第九话Guest出演(9月4日) ◆元禄缭乱 2000年--NHK 泷泽饰:吉良嘉周 ◆2000-01-12 平成小气夫妇第12集 (客串) ◆太阳不落山 2000年4月-2000年6月--富士电视台 泷泽饰:真崎直 主演:泷泽秀明、松雪泰子、优香 主题歌:John Lennon 插 曲 : 泷泽秀明--JOURNEY ◆草莓蛋糕上的士多啤梨(S.O.S) 2001年1月 泷泽饰:入江真南户 主演:泷泽秀明、深田恭子、内山理名等 主题歌:"SOS"--ABBA ◆Speed Star 2001年3月 泷泽饰:御影翔 主演:泷泽秀明、大野智 ◆西洋骨董洋果子店 2001年10月--富士电视台 主演:泷泽秀明、椎名桔平、藤木直人、小雪等 主题曲:Mr Childre "Youthful Day" ◆太阳的季节 2002年7月--TBS 主演:泷泽秀明、池协千鹤 主题曲:キ·セ·キ--泷泽秀明 ◆仆だけのマドンナand I love her 2003年7月-----富士电视台 主演:泷泽秀明. 长谷川京子 回答人的补充 2009-05-28 10:55 主题曲:「涙の海で抱かれたい~SEA OF LOVE」 【日剧】【资料】[2005年1月冬]义经 ◆义经 泷泽秀明饰:源义经(史上大河剧最年轻的主演) 主演:中井贵一 加滕雅也 上戸彩 后藤真希 阿部宽 参演舞台剧 1997.8.29 - 1997.10.26 SHOW剧「KYO TO KYO」 (助演) 1998.12.04 - 1998.12.26 SHOW剧 98「MASK」 主演(史上最年少座长) 松竹座(大阪) 04.01.08 - 04.01.31 Dream Boy 主演 东京帝国剧场(史上最年少座长) 04.05.08 - 04.05.23 Dream Boy 主演 大阪梅田コマ剧场 创作歌曲: 1.Words of Love 作词:滝沢秀明&相田 毅 作曲:原 一博 wuC00-7-1 2.げっと!!! 作词:滝沢秀明&今井翼 作曲:滝沢秀明 3.Everlasting Love~终わりのない想い 作词:滝沢秀明&MAIKO 作曲:滝沢秀明 4.あの时は确かに恋してた 作词:LaVenDer 作曲:LaVenDer 5.894...ハクシ 作词:滝沢秀明 作曲:滝沢秀明 6.二人の夜 作词:LaVenDer 作曲/编曲:LaVenDer 7.Madonna 作词:LaVenDer 作曲/编曲:LaVenDer 8.My angel,you are angel 作词:Takeshi 作曲:滝沢秀明 9.Fight All Night 作词:阿闭真琴 作曲/编曲:LaVenDer (LaVenDer 是泷泽秀明的笔名)

Take Me Over 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Over歌手:Michael W. Smith专辑:Decades of WorshipTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17627002

Take my Brave 歌词

歌曲名:Take my Brave歌手:dystopiaground专辑:the epilogueTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28715877

Sickboy的《Take Me On》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me On歌手:Sickboy专辑:Time to PlayTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54885207


bu hao


Freak (feat. Pitbull) - Enrique Mr. WorldwideLet"s goI tried to let it goBut I"m addicted to your chemicalsI got a piece, I want an overdoseI love the way she gets so physicalFucks like an animalIn night, I just imagine how you put your love on meLights off, lightd onReady for some actionBaby, come and give it to meCause I"m a freakThe way you"re popping and droppingAll over meNo, I don"t want you to stop itYeah, I"m a freakBaby, I can"t lieWhen you move like thatI got a one track markCause I"m a freakYeah, I"m a freakCause I"m a freakYeah, I"m a freakYeah, baby there you goStealing my heart just like a criminalNo turning back, this time is criticalYou move your body like a miracleBaby, here we goIn night, I just imagine how you put your love on meLights off, lightd onReady for some actionBaby, come and give it to meCause I"m a freakThe way you"re poppin" and droppingAll over meNo, I don"t want you to stop itYeah, I"m a freakBaby, I can"t lieWhen you move like thatI got a one track markCause I"m a freakYeah, I"m a freakCause I"m a freakYeah, I"m a freakBaby you pop and lock itDrop it, I watch it for sureBaby you rollin and rockingMove it, I use it, let"s goYou know I leak it and do the things that they make you explodeYou don"t believe me, mami,just let me go lowBecause I"m a freak, that"s a noNow can I get big, big, big, baby back it up nice and slowI just wanna skip, skip, skip, ride out and goI came, I saw, I conquered, on to the next, let"s goCause I"m a freakThe way you"re popping and droppingAll over meNo, I don"t want you to stop itYeah, I"m a freakBaby, I can"t lieWhen you move like thatI got a one track markCause I"m a freakYeah, I"m a freakCause I"m a freakYeah, I"m a freakIt"s The CataracsFrom the hotel room to the DJ boothOn the bathroom seat, yes, I"m just a freakAn when the sun goes down, gotta let it outBaby don"t blame me, I"m just a freak

take a look和take a look at 的区别

have a look 一般用于建议别人‘看看吧",比如 Let"s go and have a look.take a look 一般是表达自己的想法...比如买东西时人家问你 Can I help you? 你就要回答 Just take a look.(随便看看。)

i have never told a lie in life.you can take the cat!什么意思?


Cowboy Take Me Away 歌词

歌曲名:Cowboy Take Me Away歌手:Dixie Chicks专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of The Dixie ChicksArtist: Dixie ChicksAlbum: FlyTitle: Cowboy Take Me Away...............I said I wanna touch the earth.I wanna break it in my hands.I wanna grow something wildand unruly.I wanna sleep on the hard ground.In the comfort of your arms.On a pillow of bluebonnets.In a blanket made of stars.Oh ! It sounds good to me.I said...Cowboy take me away.Fly this girl as high as you caninto the wild blue.Set me free.Oh, I pray.Closer to heavenabove and closer to you.Closer to you............I wanna walk and not run.I wanna skip and not fall.I wanna look at the horizonand not see a buildingstanding tall.I wanna be the only onefor miles and miles.Except for maybe youand your simple smile.Oh ! It sounds good to me.Yes, it sounds so good to me.Cowboy take me away.Fly this girl as high as you caninto the wild blue.Set me free.Oh ! I pray.Closer to heavenabove and closer to you.Closer to you.....................................I said I wanna touch the earth.I wanna break it in my hands.I wanna grow somethingwild and unruly.Oh ! It sounds so good to me.Cowboy take me away.Fly this girl as high as you caninto the wild blue.Set me free.Oh ! I pray.Closer to heavenabove and closer to you.Closer to you.<Music>Closer to you.Cowboy take me away.Closer to you.........................................................................<End>............@@@@@http://music.baidu.com/song/31373740

write ina hurry the report is full of mistakes

写作的很匆忙,这篇报告都是错误.这样的报告怎么可能让人满意? 希望对你有帮助哦~

Written in a hurry,______. 为什么答案选D 求解释 详细点谢谢 D:the paper is full of mistakes.


take chances 和 take a risk 拿。。。冒险。后面的介词用什么?

take chances of doing sth.take a risk of

take risks近义词组

adventurerun a risk

关于take risk的谚语,附带汉语,谢谢

take risk冒风险

take risks to do还是doing

冒险做某事,应该是take risks to do sth ,例如,I take risks to pick the ball.

take risks是什么意思


take a risk(risks) doing还是to do 如果有带介词的麻烦也说下

take the risk of doing sth= risk doing sth 冒险做某事 如: I don"t want to take the risk of meeting George,so I"ll stay here. 我不想见到乔治,所以我将呆在这儿 请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,

take a risk(risks) doing还是to do 如果有带介词的麻烦也说下

take the risk of doing sth= risk doing sth 冒险做某事 如: I don"t want to take the risk of meeting George,so I"ll stay here. 我不想见到乔治,所以我将呆在这儿 请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,

take a risk(risks) doing还是to do 如果有带介词的麻烦也说下

take the risk of doing sth= risk doing sth 冒险做某事如:I don"t want to take the risk of meeting George, so I"ll stay here. 我不想见到乔治,所以我将呆在这儿如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

take a risk 和take risks的区别是什么?

take a risk和take risks没有区别,都是冒险的意思。短语词汇分析:risk,英语单词,名词、及物动词,作名词时意为“风险;危险;冒险”。作及物动词时意为“冒…的危险”。短语搭配:Risk premium风险溢价 ; 风险贴水 ; 风险保费。risk双语例句:1、Should you risk it all?你真的该全然的冒险吗?。2、He went there regardless of the risk.尽管有危险, 他还是去那儿了。3、I know the risk, but I have to know her.我知道这很危险,但是我必须认识她。

take risks是什么意思


take a risk和take risks的区别


takd risks 后接动词什么形式?

动名词形式take risk doing sth.冒险做某件事。类似risk one"life doing sth.举例,He took risk walking on the street when the city was shut down.

take the risk与take a risks有何区别



TAKERU并不是一位声优,而是组合TAKERU SOLDIERS的主唱。生日:1985年7月8日血型:o型出身于鹿儿岛。除了LB以外,没有配过其他的角色

take a car对不对

takeacar是对的的,意思是乘小汽车;乘车。 双语例句: Let"stakeacarandgoforaride. 咱们找辆车,去兜兜风。 Takeacarrideonaprettydayandsavorthewindblowinginyourface. 在晴朗的日子里去驾车,让清风吹拂你的脸。 Danielsaidhewouldn"ttakeacablecartoday. 大牛说他今天不坐缆车。 ohnsuggestedthattheytakearideinhiscar. 他建议他们搭他的车兜风。

take a car 还是 in a car 乘车应该怎么说

1.ride 乘车 get on:上车...ride:乘坐,乘车...get off:下车 2.take a bus 乘车...change to…bus 换车、转车 I went to Beijing by car. 我坐车去了北京. 1.乘汽车 by air乘飞机...by car 乘汽车...by plane 乘飞机 2.坐汽车 8.take a cable car “坐缆车”,动词短语...by car “坐汽车”,介词短语,作方式状语...They usually take a bus to school. 3.坐小汽车 by ship坐轮船...by car坐小汽车...on foot步行 4.汽车 交通...汽车(by car) 1 take a car 乘车 2.乘轿车 take a bus 乘汽车...take a car 乘轿车...take有“乘车,船等”意思. 索 3.坐车 drive a car开车 1.in a car 在车上 2.乘汽车 by train 乘火车...in a car 乘汽车...by car 乘汽车

take a suitcase 和 carry a suitcase 一样吗 可以换用吗

没有什么大的区别,常见的用take a suitcase

英语语法问题。take a walk down oxford street 中,在牛津街散步中间的介词为什么可以用down??

down这里可替换为along,意思是沿着牛津街走,也可以直接 walk down xx street。in也可以用,表示就在牛津街上走,意思会有一些细微差异。with的用法很多,考得也很多,例举几个:1. 表示方式、手段或工具等时(=以,用),注意不要受汉语意思的影响而用错搭配,如“用英语”习惯上用in English,而不是with English。2. 与某些抽象名词连用时,其作用相当于一个副词。如:with care=carefully 认真地with kindness=kindly 亲切地3. 表示条件时,根据情况可与虚拟语气连用。如:With more money I would be able to buy it. 要是钱多一点,我就买得起了。4. 比较with和as:两者均可表示“随着”,但前者是介词,后接名词或代词;后者是连词,用于引导一个句子。比较:He will improve as he grows older. 随着年龄的增长,他会进步的。5. 复合结构“with+宾语+宾语补足语”是一个很有用的结构,它在句中主要用作状语,表示伴随、原因、时间、条件、方式等;其中的宾语补足语可以是名词、形容词、副词、现在分词、过去分词、不定式、介词短语等。如:(1) with+宾语+形容词He often sleeps with the windows open. 他常开着窗睡觉。Don"t speak with your mouth full. 不要满嘴巴食物说话。(2) with+宾语+ 副词He stood before his teacher with his head down. 他低着头 站在老师面前。He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on. 他和衣 躺在床上。(3) with +宾语+ 介词短语She said good-bye with tears in her eyes. 她含着眼泪说了声再见。The man was asleep with his head on his arms. 这个人头枕着胳膊睡着了。(4) with+宾语+现在分词He fell asleep with the lamp burning. 他没熄灯就睡着了。I won"t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill. 因为妈妈有病, 我无法去度假。(5) with +宾语+ 过去分词He sat there with his eyes closed. 他闭目坐在那儿。All the afternoon he worked with the door locked. 整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作。(6) with +宾语+ 动词不定式I can"t go out with all these clothes to wash. 要洗这些衣服, 我无法出去了。With such good cadres to carry out the Party"s policy we feel safe. 有这样的好干部执行党的政策, 我们感到放心。(7) with +宾语+ 名词He died with his daughter yet a schoolgirl. 他去世时,女儿还是个小学生。






1、含义不同Taker,是指主动与已挂出的委托单成交,即根据交易所盘口上已有的委托单价格, 下达一定数量的委托单,和盘口挂出的委托单立即成交。maker是指先报价的一方挂出的委托单,即先设置一个委托单挂出,限定其价格和数量,等待其他用户与之成交。2、顺序不同maker是在Taker前的一个动作,Maker方先报价等待价格匹配。价格匹配后报价的Taker方主动与挂出的委托单达成交易。总之,maker中文叫挂单,被放在orderbook上等待成交,给交易所提供流动性,taker是吃单,从交易所拿掉流动性的。挂单(maker)方先报价,价格匹配,后报价的吃单(Taker)方主动与挂出的委托单达成交易,这就是合约交易中的挂单(maker)与吃单(Taker)。taker和maker的交易费率:maker的费用为0,而taker是要收费的。maker就是挂单者,不管是买还是卖,他的订单进入订单簿等待有人来成交,提供了流动性;taker就是报单直接吃掉当前订单簿里挂着的单,提取了流动性;另一个角度,maker实际上是向所有人发了一个权证,他是义务方,但其他人却没有支付给他权利金,所以交易所要补贴他。



求 Sebastian Mikael-Take Me Higher 歌词

Sebastian Mikael – Take Me Higher LyricsI can"t sleep, I can"t think straight I can"t see you in the morning You come and you leave well I need a reason A reason to still believe in love See I"ve been looking for her, left to right And in all of the wrong places in sight Don"t want the same buzz, a quick fix in I want the real thing Take me higher, higher than I"ve ever been Take me further, further than I"ve ever been See I was talking I can see the way Now how did I get dropped like this Hold you longer, longer than him To make me believe, open my eyes and Show me the real not the illusion All I need is a reason A reason to still believe in love See I"ve been looking for her, left to right And in all of the wrong places in sight Don"t want the same buzz, a quick fix in I want the real thing Take me higher, higher than I"ve ever been Take me further, further than I"ve ever been See I was talking I can see the way Now how did I get dropped like this Hold you longer, longer than him See I may be attracted too long But it feels wrong when I"m lying there so long And I might feel like I"m running But I"m not moving forward It"s not real, I can"t fake my love I know what I need Take me higher, higher than I"ve ever been Take me further, further than I"ve ever been Take me higher, higher than I"ve ever been Take me further, further than I"ve ever been See I was talking I can see the way Now how did I get dropped like this Hold you longer, longer than him

how far should team building be taken into account when making long-term plans for a company?


up off 等等这种词的短语,越多越好,make up, take up, xxx up, take off,xxx off



put away 抛弃;舍弃:put all negative thoughts away.抛弃所有消极的思想put down 1. To write down. 写下来2. To enter in a list. 记入名单3. To bring to an end; repress: 结束;抑制:put down a rebellion.镇压了一起暴乱4. To render ineffective: 制止,取缔:使变得不起作用:put forward To propose for consideration: 提出:提议以供考虑:put forward a new plan.提出一个新计划put in 1. To make a formal offer of: 提交:提出…的正式提议:put in a plea of guilty.正式提出犯罪诉讼2. To interpose: 插入,插话:He put in a good word for me.他插进来为我说了一句好话3. To spend (time) at a location or job: 花时间:在某一场所或工作上花费(时间):The inmate had put in six years at hard labor. She put in eight hours behind a desk.犯人已经做了六年的苦工。她在花了八小时办公put on 1. To clothe oneself with; don: 穿衣服;穿上:put on a coat; put socks on.穿上外衣;穿上袜子2. To apply; activate: 运用;使活动:put on the brakes.刹闸put out 1. To extinguish: 熄灭:put out a fire.扑灭一场大火put up 1. To erect; build. 建立;建造2. To preserve; can: 保存;把…装罐:put up six jars of jam.做六罐果酱put upon To impose on; overburden: 强加于;使…负担过重:He was always being put upon by his friends.他总是受朋友的欺负put through 1. To bring to a successful end: 做成:达到成功的终点:put the project through on time; put through a number of new laws.按时完成了项目;通过许多新法律2. To cause to undergo: 使…从事、遭遇:He put me through a lot of trouble.他使我遇到许多麻烦take after 1. To follow as an example. 仿效:将…作为榜样跟随2. To resemble in appearance, temperament, or character. 相象:在相貌、脾气或性格上相似take apart 1. To divide into parts after disassembling. 拆开:分开后将…分成许多部分2. To dissect or analyze (a theory, for example), usually in an effort to discover hidden or innate flaws or weaknesses. 详细分析研究:肢解或分析(如,一个理论),通常是籍此以发现隐藏的或固有的弊端或缺点3. Slang To beat up; thrash. 【俚语】 狠揍;把…打扁take back To retract (something stated or written). 收回(所说的或所写的事)take down 1. To bring to a lower position from a higher one. 拿下,放下:将…从一个较高的位置拿到一个较低的位置2. To take apart; dismantle: 拆开;拆散:take down the Christmas tree.把圣诞树拆散3. To lower the arrogance or the self-esteem of (a person): 挫…的锐气:压低(一个人的)傲慢或自尊:really took him down during the debate.在辩论中实实在在地煞了他的威风4. To put down in writing. 记下:以书写的形式记录下来的take for 1. To regard as: 把…视作:Do you take me for a fool?你以为我是个傻瓜吗?2. To consider mistakenly: 误认为:Don"t take silence for approval.不要把沉默误认为是同意take in 1. To grant admittance to; receive as a guest or an employee. 让…进入,接纳,吸收:允许…进来;接受…为客人或雇员2. To reduce in size; make smaller or shorter: 收缩:在尺寸上减小;使…变小或为变短:took in the waist on the pair of pants.把裤子的腰身改小一些3. To include or constitute. 包括,构成4. To understand: 理解:couldn"t take in the meaning of the word.不能够理解这个词的含义5. To deceive or swindle: 欺骗,诱骗:was taken in by a confidence artist.被一名骗人的行家给骗了6. To look at thoroughly; view: 详尽地看;注视:took in the sights.饱览各个景色7. To accept (work) to be done in one"s house for pay: 接(活计)在家里做:为获取报酬而接下(在自己家里完成的工作):took in typing.在家的打字活8. To convey (a prisoner) to a police station. 押送(罪犯)去警察局take off 1. To remove, as clothing: 脱掉(衣服等):take one"s coat off; take off one"s galoshes.脱去外衣;脱下套靴2. To release: 放开:took the brake off.松开刹车3. To deduct as a discount: 打折:作为折扣而减价:took 20 percent off.优惠百分之二十4. To carry off or away. 带走5. Slang 【俚语】 6. To go off; leave: 走开;离开:took off in a hurry.匆匆地离去7. To achieve wide use or popularity: 广泛使用,大受欢迎:a new movie that really took off.一部极为卖座的新片8. To rise in flight: 起飞:The plane took off on time.飞机准时起飞9. To discontinue: 取消:took off the commuter special.取消了特殊通勤10. To withhold service due, as from one"s work: 休假:暂时不做(自己工作中的)应做的工作:I"m taking off three days during May.五月份我将会休假三天take on 1. To undertake or begin to handle: 从事,开始对付:took on extra responsibilities.担负了额外的责任2. To hire; engage: 雇;雇佣:took on more workers during the harvest.在收获期间雇了更多的工人3. To oppose in competition: 对抗:在竞争中迎击:a wrestler who took on all comers.一个接受所有新手挑战的摔跤运动员4. Informal To display violent or passionate emotion: 【非正式用语】 激动,大惊小怪:表现出猛烈的或激动的情感:Don"t take on so!别这样大吵大闹!5. To acquire (an appearance, for example) as or as if one"s own: 摆架子,假装:获得(比如,相貌)作为自己的或使它象是自己的:Over the years he has taken on the look of a banker.这些年来他摆出了一副银行家的派头take out 1. To extract; remove: 取出;弄走:took the splinter out.取出木屑2. To secure (a license, for example) by application to an authority. 向机关申请取得:通过向一个权力机关申请来获得(比如,许可证)3. Informal To escort, as a date. 【非正式用语】 陪伴(比如,约会中一方)4. To give vent to: 发泄:Don"t take your frustration out in such an aggressive manner.不要用这样一种积极的方式来发泄你的失意5. To obtain as an equivalent in a different form: 获得平衡:作为一种不同形式的对等物取得:took out the money owed in services.平衡各亏欠服务中心的钱6. Informal To begin a course; set out: 【非正式用语】 开始一段路程;出发:The police took out after the thieves.警方出动警力追捕小偷7. Slang 【俚语】 8. To kill; murder: 杀死;谋杀:Two snipers took out an enemy platoon.两名狙击手消灭了敌人一个排9. To search for and destroy in an armed attack or other such encounter: 在武装攻击或其它类似的方式搜寻并摧毁:Combat pilots, flying low to avoid radar, took out the guerrilla leader"s bunker in a single mission.在一次行动中,战斗机飞行员在低空飞行以躲避雷达,发现并炸毁了游击队领导所在的掩体take to 1. To have recourse to; go to, as for safety: 求救于;(如为了安全)前往:took to the woods.躲到树林里2. To develop as a habit or a steady practice: 养成习惯,沉于:有了…的习惯或开始持续地做:take to drink.染上了酗酒的恶习3. To become fond of or attached to: 喜爱,亲近:喜欢上…或和…变得亲近:“Two keen minds that they are, they took to each other”(&b{Jack Kerouac})“越敏锐的两颗心,越容易互相吸引”(杰克·凯鲁亚克)take up 1. To raise; lift. 举起;升起2. To reduce in size; shorten or tighten: 缩减,改紧:在尺寸上减小;缩短或使…更紧:take up a gown.把一件袍子改短些3. To pay off an (outstanding debt, mortgage, or note). 付清一笔(数目可观的债务、抵押贷款或票据)4. To accept (an option, a bet, or a challenge) as offered. 接受所提供的(一种选择、一笔赌注或一个挑战)5. To begin again; resume: 再次开始;重新开始:Let"s take up where we left off.让我们接着我们停下来的地方重新开始6. To use up, consume, or occupy: 用尽,耗掉或占用:The extra duties took up most of my time.额外工作耗费了我绝大部分时间7. To develop an interest in or devotion to: 喜欢,钟爱:对…产生了兴趣或钟爱:take up mountain climbing.喜欢上登山运动8. To deal with: 处理:Let"s take up each problem one at a time.让我们一个问题一个问题地来解决9. To assume: 摆出:took up a friendly attitude.摆出友好的态度10. To absorb or adsorb: 吸收,吸附:crops taking up nutrients.正在吸收养分的作物11. To enter into (a profession or business): 开始从事(一项职业或行当):took up engineering.干起了工程设计这一行make for 1. To have or cause to have a particular effect or result: 造成,促成:有或促使有某种特定的效果或者结果的:small details that make for comfort.令人舒适的小节2. To help promote; further: 帮助提升;推进:makes for better communication.促进更好的交流make off To depart in haste; run away. 急忙离开;跑走make out 1. To discern or see, especially with difficulty: 辨明:辨明或看清,特别是在有困难的情况下:I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain.在雨中我几乎看不清交通标志2. To understand: 理解:could not make out what she was saying.不能理解她在说些什么3. To write out; draw up: 写下来;列出:made out the invoices.开具发票4. To fill in (a form, for example). 填写(如表格)5. Informal To imply or suggest: 【非正式用语】 暗示,建议:You make me out to be a liar.你暗示我不要说谎6. Informal To try to establish or prove: 【非正式用语】 试图建立或者证明:He made out that he was innocent.他试图证明自己是无辜的7. To get along in a given way; fare: 进展:在给定的道路上前进;进展:made out well in business.在生意上进展顺利make over 1. To redo; renovate. 改装;革新2. To change or transfer the ownership of, usually by means of a legal document: 转让:改变或者转移所有权,通常是通过法律文件的方式:made over the property to her son.把财产转到她儿子名下make up 1. To put together; construct or compose: 整理;建立或捏造:make up a prescription.开一个药方2. To constitute; form: 构成;组成:One hundred years make up a century.一百年构成一个世纪3. To alter one"s appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics. 化妆:为在舞台上的角色而改变某人的外表,例如用服装或化妆品4. To apply cosmetics. 用化妆品化妆5. To devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent: 捏造,编造:杜撰小说或谎话;捏造:made up an excuse.编造借口6. To make good (a deficit or lack): 弥补:弥补(赤字或不足):made up the difference in the bill.弥补了帐单上的差额7. To compensate for: 补偿:make up the lost time.补足失去的时间8. To resolve a quarrel: 和好:平息一场争吵:kissed and made up.亲吻和好9. To make ingratiating or fawning overtures. Used withto : 献殷勤,巴结:提出献殷勤或讨好的建议。和to 连用: made up to his friend"s boss.向他朋友的老板献殷勤10. To take (an examination or a course) again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure. 补考,补课:因为以前缺席或不及格在一段时间后再考或再上课11. To set in order: 整理,收拾:make up a room.把房间收拾好12. Printing To select and arrange material for: 【印刷术】 排版,整版:made up the front page.为封面排版make a face To distort the features of the face; grimace. 改变脸部的容貌;扮鬼脸make believe To pretend. 假装make eyes To ogle. 向…送秋波make fun of To mock; ridicule. 嘲笑;嘲讽

soko- take my heart的中文歌词大意

吻别英文版中的歌词: it"s easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单 全文: take me to your heart将我留存心间 hiding from the rain and snow 藏身于雨雪之中 trying to forget but i won"t let go 努力忘记,但我怎能就这样离去 looking at a crowded street 看着熙熙攘攘的街道 listening to my own heart beat 却只能听见自己的心跳 so many people 这么多的人 all around the world 在世界上 tell me where do i find 请告诉我在哪里可以找到 someone like you girl 像你一样的女孩 take me to your heart将我留存心间 take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴 give me your hand before i"m old给我你的手,在我老去之前 show me what love is 问情为何物 - haven"t got a clue 在我们彼此离开前 show me that wonders can be true 问奇迹上演 they say nothing lasts forever 他们说没有什么可以天长地久 we"re only here today 我们也能此时相守 love is now or never 现在或者永不回头 bring me far away 请带我一起远走 take me to your heart请爱我吧 take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴 give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀 show me what love is 问情为何物 - be my guiding star 让星辰照亮我路 it"s easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单 standing on a mountain high 站在高山之颠 looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 看着月亮高挂于清澈的蓝天 i should go and see some friends 也许我应该去和朋友们在一起 but they don"t really comprehend 但他们真的不明白我此时的心情 don"t need too much talking 不需要繁琐的言语 without saying anything 甚至可以一语不发 all i need is someone 我仅仅需要 who makes me wanna sing 一个能让我欢乐而歌的人



you can take my heart 是谁的歌

《take my heart 》 演唱:soko 下载试听:http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=SoKo%20%2D%20Take%20My%20Heart%20&t=2 歌词 SoKo - Take My Heart Artiste: SoKo Chanson: Take My Heart You can take my heart for a walk on the beach You can take my heart for a little trip You can take my heart very close to your heart You can take my heart forever if you like But not every heart belongs to any other You and I You and I are meant to be I"m the one for you, You"re the one for me You love me as much as I do When you look at me and we"re skin to skin I want you so Please come in And you love me more and more And my love grows up with you And you kiss me more and more And I kiss you, too And I kiss you, too If I take your heart, I will cherish it every day If I take your heart, I will heal these old wounds If I take your heart, it"s to make it happy If I take your heart, it"s forever close to mine But not every heart belongs to any other You and I You and I are meant to be I"m the one for you, You"re the one for me You love me as much as I do When you look at me and we"re skin to skin I want you so Please come in And you love me more and more And my love grows up with you And you kiss me more and more And I kiss you, too And I kiss you, too (violin solo!) I don"t care, I don"t care If I"m again carried away If you swear, if you swear To give me your heart in return To give me your heart in return I don"t care, I don"t care If I"m again carried away If you swear, if you swear To give me your heart in return To give me your heart in return (Thanks to Tchey-Line for these lyrics)


peace-keeping time-consuming hardworkingeasygoing

求anne takle的nocturne完整中文歌词

Now let the day 现在就让白昼Just slip away 悄悄的溜走So the dark night may watch over you 让那黑夜俯瞰着你Velvet blue 丝绒般的蓝Silent true 安静而真实It embraces your heart and your soul 让它拥抱你的心你的灵魂Nocturne 夜曲Never cry, never sigh 不再哭泣,不再叹息You don"t have to wonder why 你不必问为什么Always be, always see 总是这样,总是看见Come and dream the night with me 来度过这梦幻之夜,与我一起Nocturne 夜曲Have no fear 没有了恐惧When the night draws near 当黑暗渐渐降临之际And fills you with dreams and desire 让你充满梦与渴望Like a child asleep 就像一个孩子睡着So warm, so deep 如此温暖,如此深沉You will find me there waiting for you 你会发现我在等待着你Nocturne 夜曲We will fly, claim the sky 我们将翱翔,放声在高空We don"t have to wonder why 不必问为什么Always be, always see 总是这样,总是看见Come and dream the night with me 来度过这梦幻之夜,与我一起Nocturne 夜曲Though darkness lay 尽管黑暗笼罩It will give way 但它终将走开When the dark night delivers the day 当黑夜托起白昼之时Nocturne 夜曲是这个不?

英语started to refer to Jan as Queen of Takotna怎么翻译?

嗯,这句话可以翻译为:他们开始称呼简为塔科特纳的王后。其中,jan的意思是简,有时候可以用作女子正式的名字,是janet的缩写。此外,Queen,一般是女王和王后的意思,可以根据上下文来确定具体的含义。refer to指的是:提到,参考和涉及,在这句话中可以翻译为称呼。

一首男生唱的慢歌,,歌词有一句是“take me home tonight。。。you 。。baby。。”什么的。

johnta austin的《call you tonight》

so take me one you can这是什么歌的歌词?

孙燕姿和仓木麻衣 Close my eyes and feel your mind Time has passed I walk like a shadow Never knew what I am going through You touch my heart and take my breath away Whisper on the wind so softly Let the bright stars fill our dreams with love Reach for your hand (You"re holding my key) And you show me the way Tonight, I feel close to you You open my door and light the sky above When I need a friend, you are there right by my side I wish we could stay as one I wish we could stay forever as one All the tears that haunt my past You promised it"ll be better tomorrow Play that song You and I listened to And let it gently ease our pain Tender rain drops from the blue sky Flowers blooming, life is so divine Like sunlight on a stream (You"re holding my key) You show the world to me Tonight, I feel close to you You open my door and light the sky above When I need a friend, you are there right by my side I wish we could stay as one So much love in this beautiful world Search for the brightest star in the sky You will find the meaning of love Don"t be afraid (Don"t be afraid) Just be yourself (Just be yourself) We need this love... I"ve never knew 记得采纳啊

take it home with me 和 take it home?


Take Me Out 歌词

歌名:Take Me Out歌手:ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi" NANATake Me Outby ANNAIt"s been a long long daySunshine breaking through the clouds and watching meI was sitting in the parkI was waiting for someone to take me outSacrifice comes in a different packageI"m tired of living with painTake me outHatred is blind as well as loveYou have to turn hate to loveGet me outFrom this world of anger and rageYou will find your way to heavenI promise that I"ll meet you when you"re thereIt"s been a long long tripSunshine is setting in the west and cryI was walking by the streamI was conscious that strangers are staring at meDon"t look at me with hateful eyesI"m tired of living with painTake me outToo many tears stroked on my cheekNo more tears with regretGet me outFrom this world of anger and rageYou will find your way to heavenI promise I"ll meet you when you"re thereI heard too many people were crying for helpGod forgive sinsOtherwise heaven would be emptySo wash away your grimy handshttp://music.baidu.com/song/1118536

求take me head歌词

take me handdaishi dance&cecile corbelufeffDAISHI DANCEu3001Cecile Corbel - Take Me HandsWritten byuff1aCecile Corbel/Tomoharu MoriyaIn my dreamsI feel your lightI feel love is born againFirefliesIn the moonlightRising starsRememberThe dayI fell in love with youDarling won"t you breakMy heartTake my hand nowStay close to meBe my loverWon"t you let me goClose your eyes nowAnd you will seeThere"s a rainbowFor you and meAs I wake upI see your faceI feel love is born againCherry blossomFlying birdsIn the skyCan"t you seeThe sunThat is shining on the fieldsIs it shining inYour heartTake my hand nowStay close to meBe my loverWon"t you let me goClose your eyes nowAnd you will seeThere"s a rainbowFor you and meAnd I dream of youEvery nightCause"s there only youIn my mindWill you beA stranger or a friend in my lifeDarling won"t you breakMy heartTake my hand nowStay close to meBe my loverWon"t you let me goClose your eyes nowAnd you will seeThere"s a rainbowFor you and meTake my hand nowStay close to meBe my loverWon"t you let me goClose your eyes nowAnd you will seeThere"s a rainbowFor you and meTake my hand nowStay close to meBe my loverWon"t you let me goClose your eyes nowAnd you will seeThere"s a rainbowFor you and me

谁能翻译一下TAKE ME OUT 的歌词

带我出去所以如果你是孤单的你我在这里等候你我只是 crosshair(不会,呵呵)我只是注视远离你而且如果你离开这里你休假我被打破,打碎, 我躺着我只是 crosshair我只是注视, 然后我们能死我认识我和你将会不在离开这里...我你不吗你你不我。。。 带我出去! 我你不不要移动, 潮是低点我。。。 带我出去! 我你不你你不我。。。 带我出去! 如果我移动这可以死如果眼睛移动这可以死我你。。。带我出去我认识我将会不在离开这里 (由于你)我认识我将会不在离开这里我认识我将会不在离开这里 (由于你)我认识我和你将会不在离开这里我你不吗? 你你不我带我出去如果我变小, 这能死如果我变小, 这能死我你带我出去如果我移动, 这可以死如果眼睛移动, 这可以死发生 , 带我出去我认识我将会不在离开这里我认识我将会不在离开这里我认识我将会不在离开这里我认识我和你将会不在离开这里

谁知道take me away的英文歌词和中文翻译

像一场梦却醒不过来另一个我在看着我她问我值不值得为你付出所有只要一想起你的温柔就会让我看不清楚你想做的你没有谁强迫我坚强我却都忍的住清醒的孤独你永远是我的最爱不管爱你有多难我的心只想属于你无法预知的未来你试着抱起我却看见远方寂寞爱将会克服一切在我心中我不会停止爱着你握着你温热的手就算偶尔透露你的不安和放纵我总是相信你另一个你在看着我他问我愿不愿意给你更多自由只要一想起你的忧愁我想做的我梦里的孤独你永远是我的最爱and now it"s closing timeand they have all shuffled homereturning to their lives so i return to minehere alone with youanother no name townsuitcase never unpackedwhen i"m restless in this unfamiliar bed ii reach out for youtake me away from heretease me with your tunesand dance me all around this roomfly me up above the cloudsfill me with your songand keep me laughing all night longmake me cry out loud till my eyes dry outwhen i"m insecureafraid and doubting meselfwhen i"m hurt and cold alone and in the darknessyou are always there so i run to youtease me with your tunesand dance me all around this rommfly me up above the cloudsfill me with your songand keep me laughing all night longmake me cry out loud till my eyes dry out

Take Me Out 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Out歌手:Franz Ferdinand专辑:Now That"s What I Call The 00sFranz FerdinandTake Me OutSo if you"re lonelyYou know I"m here waiting for youI"m just a crosshairI"m just a shot away from youAnd if you leave hereYou leave me broken, shattered, I lieI"m just a crosshairI"m just a shot, then we can dieI know I won"t be leaving here with you...I say don"t you knowYou say you don"t knowI say... take me out!I say you don"t showDon"t move, tide is lowI say... take me out!I say you don"t knowYou say you don"t knowI say... take me out!If I move this could dieIf eyes move this could dieI want you...to take me outI know I won"t be leaving here (with you)I know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving here (with you)I know I won"t be leaving here with youI say don"t you know?You say you don"t knowI say take me outIf I wane, this can dieIf I wane, this can dieI want you to take me outIf I move, this could dieIf eyes move, this could dieCome on, take me outI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving here with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59321257

犯罪心理第十二季第一集片尾曲是什么名字just take me to the place where you wi

Midnight Train-ESCONDIDO,在Yahoo上找到的,百度半天也没有

Take Me Out 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Out歌手:Scissor Sisters专辑:MaryTake Me OutScissor SistersSo if you"re lonelyYou know I"m here waiting for youI"m just a crosshairI"m just a shot away from youAnd if you leave hereYou leave me broken, shattered, I lieI"m just a crosshairI"m just a shot, then we can dieHa~Ha~Ha~Ha~I know I won"t be leaving here with you...( I say )I say don"t you know( You say )You say you don"t knowI say...I say... take me out!I say you don"t showDon"t move, tide is lowI say...I say... take me out!...( I say )I say you don"t know( You say )You say you don"t knowI sayI say... take me out!If I move this could dieIf eyes move this could dieI want you..I want you...to take me outI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving here ...with youI say don"t you know?You say you don"t knowI say take me outIf I wane, this can dieIf I wane, this can dieI want you to take me outIf I move, this could dieIf eyes move, this could dieCome on...take me outI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving here ...with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1718166

请问有雅尼的love take me歌词吗?


韩剧《Black》插曲《take me out》歌词?

Take Me Out歌词Take Me Out---Black插曲南太铉---演唱Iwake up at nightThe light is falling apartThe tears rolling downWithout any temperPlease tell any wordTell any waySo I can run from this daySo be in my arms todayYou"re calling my heartEvery day nowYou"re calling my heartIwant to take me outFrom this nightOh take me outOh take me outIdon"t know where to goOn this nightOh save meSave me from this darkSad tears fall even when I smileWoo Woo Woo WooIwant you to let me outLet me outThere"s nobody in hereWith meIwake up at nightTo find you and hold youBut nobody"s in here with meYou"re calling my heartEvery day nowYou"re calling my heartIwant to take me outFrom this nightOh take me outOh take me outIdon"t know where to goOn this nightOh save meSave me from this darkWhen I call your nameOh little be a little starLittle be a shining starIdon"t know where to goWhere to goOh save me save me from this darkIwant you let me outLet me outOh take me outOh take me outIwant you let me outLet me outOh save me save me from this darkSad tears fall even when I smile

Take Me Out 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Out歌手:Franz Ferdinand专辑:Franz Ferdinand (Special Edition Version)Franz FerdinandTake Me OutSo if you"re lonelyYou know I"m here waiting for youI"m just a crosshairI"m just a shot away from youAnd if you leave hereYou leave me broken, shattered, I lieI"m just a crosshairI"m just a shot, then we can dieI know I won"t be leaving here with you...I say don"t you knowYou say you don"t knowI say... take me out!I say you don"t showDon"t move, tide is lowI say... take me out!I say you don"t knowYou say you don"t knowI say... take me out!If I move this could dieIf eyes move this could dieI want you...to take me outI know I won"t be leaving here (with you)I know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving here (with you)I know I won"t be leaving here with youI say don"t you know?You say you don"t knowI say take me outIf I wane, this can dieIf I wane, this can dieI want you to take me outIf I move, this could dieIf eyes move, this could dieCome on, take me outI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving hereI know I won"t be leaving here with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8931407

有手女歌手唱的英文歌里面重复kissme kissme takeme takeme

Sugar - Flo RidaDa, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diMy lips like sugar, my lips like sugarThis candy got you sprung, this candy got you sprungSo call me your sugar, so call me your sugarYou love you some, you love you some(I"m sweet like)Da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diSugarHey, I"ve got a mouth full of cavitiesSweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to meSo my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear toneShawty gotta kiss, it"s an emergencySpit sprung for the taste, addicted to her glossOne smile this way, baby, I rub it offPut my tongue in your faceA little mistletoe, sippin" Gran Marnier, I"m a fan all dayDo me that favor, "cause I like your flavorMy manage behavior; I"m into your majorSweeter so flavor, that"s good for this playerMy hood, now and later, throw back like a pagerPretty much, you"re givin" me a sugar rushLil" mama, give me high blood pressure when you blushLips feel soft as a feather when we touchShawty, that"s what"s upMy lips like sugar, my lips like sugarThis candy got you sprung, this candy got you sprungSo call me your sugar, so call me your sugarYou love you some, you love you some(I"m sweet like)Da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double di(I"m sweet like)Double dee, double da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diSugarHey, shawty would you mind, "cause I want me some?Now and later, I don"t wanna have to wait, you the oneYep, yep you"re vicious, so, so deliciousCan"t help my interest, candy addictionWanna peace, to a piece gotta get a pieceI don"t know a piece, give me all your sweetsBottom and top lip, "bout to have a sugar feastLevel with our trip, I"m a lip bitin" beastMan, for them things, all 42 teethSqueeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must beatAin"t your mama slirp, stickin", usin" my treeLike taffy but classy, get at meI"m flyly, let you know I wanna kissBut your lips, they"ll do me fineNow baby, don"t trip with the juicy kindGet, get on the grip, girl, you ain"t lyin"My lips like sugar, my lips like sugarThis candy got you sprung, this candy got you sprungSo call me your sugar, so call me your sugarYou love you some, you love you someI"m sweet likeDa, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diSugarYou like my sugar, my sugar, you so sweet, so sweetLike my candy, my candy, you so sweet, so sweetI got a good appetite with you on me, on meI"ll wrap you out of them clothes, you my treat, my treatGirl, you my sugar, I call you candyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me someGirl, you my sugar, I call you candyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some sugarMy lips like sugar, my lips like sugarThis candy got you sprung, this candy got you sprungSo call me your sugar, so call me your sugarYou love you some, you love you someI"m sweet likeDa, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diDouble dee, double da, double dee, double diSugar

Take Me Back 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Back歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:3 Cd CollectionTake Me BackMichael JacksonTake me backTake me back where i belongThat"s with you babyAh take me backTake me back where i belongThat"s with you babyI thought the grass was green on the other sideThought the sun shone brighter without saying goodbyeThere"s a card in my handTears fall like rainI wanna come home againI want you to...Take me backTake me back where i belongThat"s with you babyTake me backTake me back where i belongThat"s with you babyAin"t no love in thsis worldAin"t no love in this world without youAin"t no love in thsis worldAin"t no love in thisIn my search to find myselfI saw your face and nothing elseEvery place i go everything i doI still feel the need for youCome on and...Take me backTake me back where i belongThat"s with you babyAh take me backTake me back where i belongThat"s with you babyI"m on my way back to youAnd i wanna make it up to youAnd all the prolems that i caused youIf ti takes my life i"ll make it up to youI just want you to take me, take meTake me, take me, take me, take meTake me back, forgive meTake me back where i belongIf you can, if you can find itIn your heart to forgive Take me back where i belongThat"s with you babywith you ...Take me backTake me back where i belonghttp://music.baidu.com/song/8567908

You Take Me 歌词

歌曲名:You Take Me歌手:From P60&Virag专辑:Erotic Lounge 9-Cool DesiresLifehouse - You & MeWhat day is it?And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can"t keep up and I can"t back downI"ve been losing so much timeCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youAll of the things that I want to say just aren"t coming out rightI"m tripping on wordsYou"ve got my head spinningI don"t know where to go from hereCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youThere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outEverything she does is beautifulEverything she does is rightCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youand me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youWhat day is it?And in what month?http://music.baidu.com/song/59917904

男歌手英文歌有一句you can take me you go away好像是这么念的?

根据问题判断该英文歌为《Everytime You Go Away》,歌手:Paul Young。部分歌词如下:Just can"t you see,we"ve got everything,do you even know we know.Every time you go away,you take a piece of me with you.Oh...参考来自:哔哩哔哩:网页链接

Take Me There 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me There歌手:Indigo专辑:The Colour Of DreamsMcFLY-Take Me ThereAlbum-Above the NoiseI don"t ever want to spend another day without you, without youI don"t think that I"d be standing here if I never found you, never found youRight now the sun is in your eyes, the montment has arrived to seeRight now there ain"t no better time, I feel like you"re alive in meCan you take me, can you take me, can you take me thereCan you take me, can you take me, can you take me thereby Zlin 1007264405I get anxious just to know that you"re the one I come home to,come home toBeing without you makes me suffocate cos baby I breath you,yeah I breath youRight now the sun is in your eyes, the montment has arrived to seeRight now there ain"t no better time, I feel like you"re alive in meCan you take me, can you take me, can you take me thereCan you take me, can you take me, can you take me thereRight now the sun is in your eyes, the montment has arrived to seeRight now there ain"t no better time, I feel like you"re alive in meI feel like something is special here, I feel like something is special,I feel like something is special here, I feel like something is special with you(Can you take me, can you take me )with you, (can you take me there)with you(Can you take me, can you take me )with you, (can you take me there) with you(Can you take me, can you take me )with you, (can you take me there)with you(Can you take me, can you take me )with you, (can you take me there) with youI feel like something is special here, I feel like something is special, with youI don"t ever want to spend another day without you, without youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13951555

Take My Love with You 歌词

歌曲名:Take My Love with You歌手:Eli "Paperboy" Reed专辑:Roll with Youhiding from the rain and snowtrying to forget but i won t let golooking at a crowded streetlistening to my own heart beatso many peopleall around the worldtell me where do i findsomeone like you girltake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand before i m oldshow me what love ishaven t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love isbe my guiding starit s easy take me to your heartstanding on a mountain highlooking at the moon through a clear blue skyi should go and see some friendsbut they don t really comprehenddon t need too much talkingwithout saying anythingall i need is someonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/26907909

Take Me Along (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me Along (Live)歌手:Charles Aznavour专辑:Au Carnegie HallMiley Cyrus - Take Me AlongThe city of angels is lonely tonightKeep myself alive by candlelightSay she can"t love you like I doLook me in the eyes and say it"s trueI ask myself, is this love at all?When I need you most, you let me fallI"m always here at the side of your stageWould you live your life, pretend I"m okay?(We both know that this ain"t over)I"ll be okayI"ll hold you close, I will stay foreverI, I don"t understand why you"re leaving meI, I don"t understand, now without you I can"t breathePlease, don"t, don"t leave me hereTake my hand, I plead into tearsI don"t understand why you can"t take me with youYou can pretend that I don"t existBut you"ll see my face every time you kissI hope you hurt and your walls fall downWhen you hear the sound that I"m okay(We both know that this ain"t over)I"ll be okayYou can"t hold me down, I will stay foreverI, I don"t understand why you"re leaving meI, I don"t understand, now without you I can"t breathePlease don"t, don"t leave me hereTake my hand, I plead into tearsI don"t understand why you can"t take me with youI watched you leaveI"m awake tonight and I"m ready to go for the last timeAnd through the tears, I say goodbyeSo breath in, breath in, breath in, breath outI, I don"t understand why you"re leaving meI, I don"t understand, now without you I can"t breathePlease, don"t, don"t leave me hereTake my hand, I plead into tearsI don"t understand why you can"t take me with youI, I don"t understand why you"re leaving meI, I don"t understand, now without you I can"t breathePlease, don"t, don"t leave me hereTake my hand, I plead into tearsI don"t understand why you can"t take me with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2640482

take me with you下载


take me with you中英文歌词

take me with youwhen you walkwhen you walk on the waystake me with youwhen you raisewhen you raise from the greytake me with youwhen you flywhen you fly on the winds on the windstake me with youwhen you comewhen you come back againwhen you go I wanna gowhen you go I wanna followto feel what is liketo be right by asidewhere you gowhat you dotake me with youtake me with youwhen you climbwhen you climb of the hilltake me with youtake me take meif you leavetake me with youwhen you hidewhen you hide on the drinkwhen you borethe way of the worldfor mewhen you go I wanna gowhen you go I wanna followto feel what is liketo be right by asidewhere you gowhat you dotake me with youwhere you gowhat you dotake me with you 中文歌词比较简单 翻译出来就没味了

Take Me with You中英文对照歌词

Taylor Swift - You Belong with MeLRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiangYou"re on the phone with your girlfriend, shes upset.Shes going off about something that you said"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do...I"m in the room, it"s a typical Tuesday nightI"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t likeand she"ll never know your story like i doBut she wears short skirtsI wear T-shirtsShe"s cheer captainAnd I"m on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake upAnd find what you"re looking forhas been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youbeen here all along so why can"t you see, youYou belong with meYou belong with meWalkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeansI can"t help thinking this is how it ought to beLaughing on a park bench, thinking to myselfHey isn"t this easyAnd you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole townI haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you downYou say you"re fineI know you better then thatHey whatcha doing with a girl like thatShe wears high heelsI wear sneakersShes cheer captain andI"m on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake up and findThat what you"re looking forhas been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all along so why can"t you seeYou belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back doorall this time how could you not knowBaby....You belong with meYou belong with meI remember you drivin" to my housein the middle of the nightI"m the one who makes you laughWhen you know you"re about to cryAnd i know your favorite songsAnd you tell me about your dreamsThink I know where you belongThink I know it"s with me...Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all alongSo why can"t you seeYou belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back doorAll this time

take me with you-Kelly歌词

Meet you downstairs in the bar and hurt,Your rolled up sleeves in your skull t-shirt,You say "Why did you do it with him today?"And sniffed me out like I was Tanqueray,"Cause you"re my fella, my guyHand me your Stella and fly,By the time I"m out the door,You tear men down like Roger MooreI cheated myself,Like I knew I wouldI told you, I was troubleAmy WinehouseYou know that I"m no goodUpstairs in bed with my ex-boy,he"s in a place but I can"t give joyThinking on you in the final throes,This is when my buzzer goesRun out to meet you, chips and pitta,You say "when we married,"Cause you"re not bitter,"there"ll be none of him no more"I cried for you on the kitchen floorI cheated myself,Like I knew I wouldI told you, I was troubleYou know that I"m no goodSweet reunion Jamaica and Spain,We"re like how we were again,I"m in the tub, you on the seat,Lick your lips as a I soak my feetThen you notice little carpet burns,My stomach drops and my guts churn,You shrug and it"s the worst,To truly stuck the knife in firstI cheated myself,Like I knew I wouldI told you, I was troubleYou know that I"m no goodI cheated myself,Like I knew I wouldI told you, I was troubleYeah you know that I"m no good

Take Me With You 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me With You歌手:Serge Devant专辑:WandererTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/21123820
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