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sustain pedal 延音踏板,是钢琴上用的

电子琴casio ct-770上的插孔 phonbs,l/mono,r,lineout,sustain都是什么功能

phonbs 音频输出端口l/mono 单声道lineout 将声卡处理后的模拟信号sustain 延持时间

Thank for your sustain me!的中文意思



sustaining英 [su0259"steu026anu026au014b]美 [su0259"stenu026au014b]v. 维持(sustain的现在分词);支持;承受adj. 持续的;支持的更多释义>>[网络短语]Sustaining 身受,支持的,保持Sustaining Technology 维持性技术,性创新,保持性技术sustaining voltage 保持电压,维持电压,持续电压

辨析 preserve conserve maintain sustain

reversen.相反, 背面, 反面, 倒退adj.相反的, 倒转的, 颠倒的vt.颠倒, 倒转reserven.储备(物), 储藏量, 预备队vt.储备, 保存, 保留, 预定, 预约e.g.can I reserve a room?conservevt.保存, 保藏主要意思是(保存:保护从而使其不受损失或伤害;保存)preservevt.保护, 保持, 保存, 保藏保护:使免于损害,危险或伤害而处于安全中;保护保存:保持处于完善或不变的状况中;维持不变保持:保持,维持完好无缺的vi.做蜜饯, 禁猎n.蜜饯, 果酱, 禁猎地, 禁区, 防护conversen.相反的事物, 倒, 逆行adj.相反的, 颠倒的vi.谈话, 交谈, 认识这几个就是容易混淆 remain maintain retain sustain reserve preserve1 remain vi. 继续存在, 保持,仍是,剩下,(人)留下, 留待,尚待[+to-v], 属于,归属(+with)(后面大多跟形容词)2 maintain vt. 维持,保持,维修;坚持,主张, 断言[+(that)],供养,抚养;负担,支持, 保卫,坚守 3 retain vt. 保留,留住,拦住, 记住, 聘,雇4 reserve vt. 储备,保留(+for),预约,推迟作出,暂时不作n. 储备(物);储备金;保留(物);储藏量 (+of), 保留地;保护区;禁猎区[C],候补[C],克制;沉默寡言;含蓄;冷淡[U], 预备军,后备队;预备役军人5 preserve vt. 保藏,保存;防腐[(+from)],维护,维持,禁猎, 腌(肉等);把...做成蜜饯(等食品) [(+in)](注重保护,不让其灭绝或遭到破坏)n. 蜜饯;果酱 [U], (动植物)保护区;禁猎区[C],包揽的事物[C],防护用品;护目镜6 sustain vt.支撑, 撑住,供养, 维持(生命等); 继续加强, 进行下去,蒙受, 遭受,忍受, 经受住,证实, 证明,确认, 认可, 准许,恰当地扮演,抵挡7 conserve vt. 保存,保护,节省;用糖保存,将...做成蜜饯;【物】使守恒 n. 糖渍食品,蜜饯;果酱[C]首先maintain ,retain和sustain 有各自不同的意思,但其中都有“保持、维持”的意思。这三个词的区别要从各个词的原始(original)意思上去体会细微的意思差别。maintain --keep sth. in existence at the same level, standard. 维持(已有的水平、标准)如:I hope you will maintain your recent improvement.我希望你能保持最近取得的进步。Let"s maintain peace in the world.让我们来维持世界和平。maintain law and order维持治安maintain prices保持价格稳定retain--keep sth. in one"s possession or use.保留 如:This village still retains its old world character.这个村庄仍然保持着古色古乡特色。We retained the original fireplace when we decorated the room.我们装修那个房间时, 原来的壁炉保留不动。This cloth retains its color.这布不褪色He is 90 but still retains (the use of)all his faculties.他年已九旬,但各种官能仍未衰退。sustain --keep sb./sth.alive or in existence(支持、维持生命), to keep up the strength, spirits or determination of (维持体力/精神/决心)如:The supplies of food were scarcely enough to sustain life.食品的供应仅够勉强维持生命。A light meal won"t sustain us through the day.一顿小食维持不了我们一天的精力。Hopes alone sustained him in his misery.他在痛苦之中只有希望鼓励着他。现代英语中也有互用的情况。 如:我们也看到“enough food to maintain one"s stength”这样的句子。这时maintain =sustain .


sustain的形容词sustained。一、sustained,英语单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时译为“持续的;持久的;持久不变的”,作动词时译为“维持(sustain的过去式和过去分词);承受”。请点击输入图片描述二、短语搭配如下:1、sustained yield:保存得率;[生物]持续产量;永续收获;持续产量。2、sustained bouldering:抱石训练。3、sustained speed:航海船速;持久速率;持续速度;持续航速。4、sustained reaction:[电子]持续反应。请点击输入图片描述5、sustained note:持续音;持续音符。6、sustained combustion:持续燃烧;稳定燃烧。7、sustained hypertension:持续性高血压;高血压;而持续性高血压;持续高血压。8、sustained arc:[物]持续弧;持续电弧;持续弧。9、Glitter sustained:衣香鬓影的名缓里;闪光持续;持续的闪光。




sustain,maintain和retain的区别:sustain 经过一场劫难得以保存。retain 经过修理得以保存。只有maintain才是纯粹的“保持,维持”的意思。希望采纳哦!


sustain的形容词sustained。一、sustained,英语单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时译为“持续的;持久的;持久不变的”,作动词时译为“维持(sustain的过去式和过去分词);承受”。请点击输入图片描述二、短语搭配如下:1、sustained yield:保存得率;[生物]持续产量;永续收获;持续产量。2、sustained bouldering:抱石训练。3、sustained speed:航海船速;持久速率;持续速度;持续航速。4、sustained reaction:[电子]持续反应。请点击输入图片描述5、sustained note:持续音;持续音符。6、sustained combustion:持续燃烧;稳定燃烧。7、sustained hypertension:持续性高血压;高血压;而持续性高血压;持续高血压。8、sustained arc:[物]持续弧;持续电弧;持续弧。9、Glitter sustained:衣香鬓影的名缓里;闪光持续;持续的闪光。




sustain 保持。。不是5S的词组来的吧。。。


sustain读:[səˈsteɪn]。一、释义。1、vt.供养;支持;支持;给某某活力(或勇气);使振作;证实;证明;支撑;支持。2、n.延音。二、短语。1、sustain.支持;支撑;持续音踏板插孔;承受。2、sustain circuit.保持电路;维持电路;吸持电路。3、sustain technique.支撑技术;技术支撑。4、sustain losses.蒙受损失;遭受损失。三、各种形式。形容词:sustainable;名词:sustainability;过去式:sustained;过去分词:sustained;现在分词:sustaining;第三人称单数:sustains.含sustain双语例句:1、Speakers may be unable tosustain speech to complete the task and may rely heavily on repetition of the prompt.(发言者可能无法持续讲话来完成任务,并严重依赖反复提示。)2、sustain your momentum.(保持你的动力。)3、The cash dividends they get from the cash crop wouldsustain them during the lean season.(他们从经济作物中得到的那些现金红利能支撑他们度过歉收季节。)4、She managed tosustain everyone"s interest until the end of her speech.(她使每个人兴趣盎然,一直听她把话讲完。)

support bear sustain区别



意思是不一样的,可以体会一下句子,你想用在什么地方:prolong 意思:to make something last longer 延长,延期的意思如:The ongoing violence has prolonged the suffering of our people.sustain 1)to provide the conditions in which something can happen or exist 维持 2)FORMAL to give someone strength, energy, or hope (给力量、希望)支撑 3) FORMAL to support or prove an idea, statement, theory etc(给想法等)支撑 4) LEGAL to agree that a decision, law etc is based on good legal principles(法律上的证实)意思是不一样的希望帮到你



sustained 是什么意思

sustained 英[su0259s"teu026and] 美[su0259u02c8stend] adj. 持久的,持续的; v. 支撑; 维持( sustain的过去式和过去分词 ); 忍受; 长期保持; [例句]"I very much regret the injuries he sustained," he said.“我对他的受伤感到很遗憾,”他说。[其他] 形近词: unstained abstained sustainer


sus词根,在下面 tain抬 在下面抬→支撑,忍受,维持有些词根很常用的记住很有用,但不要记太多词根,反而会乱

sustain bear suffer区别

看具体情况sustain有持续,维持的含义,保持一种状态bear可以用在中性的情况下,比如bear a responsibilitysuffer特指受到某种伤害

Midi键盘后有两个sustain 延音踏板的接口,通常只用一个另一个是插哪种踏



2019年6月大学英语四级词汇:one-sided   英语四级词汇讲解丨考点归纳:one-sided   "No one can take one-sided action,"says Laird,who is exploring whether toseek an exemption from federal anti-trust laws so member colleges can discuss howthey could jointly reduce merit aid.   英语四级译文:   莱尔德正在研究能否从联邦反垄断法中寻求豁免,以使成员学校可以讨论如何联合起来削减奖学金。“没有学校可以单方面行动。”他表示。   四级词汇讲解:   引号内的内容为直接引语,本句的主干为says Laird。who引导的是Laird的定语从句,其中包含so引导的结果状语从句,该结果状语从句中,how引导的是discuss的宾语从句,可见本句也包含多重从句;whether toseek an exemption from federal anti-trust laws是exploring的宾语。   one-sided的意思是“片面的,单方面的,一边倒的”。如:   The newspaper gave a one-sided account of the issue.报纸对该事件做了片面的报道.   explore意为“探索,探究”。如:   The scientists were exploring the sea floor.科学家们正对海底进行勘察。   merit aid在句中的意思是“奖学金”。 2019年6月大学英语四级词汇:sustain   英语四级词汇讲解丨考点归纳:sustain   This is a merry-go-ground that"s going very fast, and none of the institutionsbelieve they can sustain the risks of trying to break away by themselves.   英语四级译文:   这就像是一个转得飞快的旋转木马,没有任何一个学校认为自己可以承担单独行动的风险。   四级词汇讲解:   本句为并列句,主干为this is a merry-go-round, and none of the institutions believe。前一个分句中that"s going very fast是merry-go-round的定语从句;第二个分句中they can sustain the risks oftrying to break away by themselves是believe的宾语从句。   merry-go-round在句中意为“一连串繁忙活动,走马灯似的更迭”,其本意为“旋转木马”。   break away的意思是“脱离,逃脱”,其后通常跟介词from。如:   They broke away from the national union to form their own union.他们脱离了全国工会,组建了自己的工会。   by oneself的意思是“单独,独自”。如:   The baby can now walk by himself.这个小宝宝现在可以自己走路了。   英语四级考点归纳:   及物动词sustain有以下含义及用法:   ※ 意为“维持(生命、生存)”。如:   A good breakfast will sustain you all morning.丰盛的早餐会让你整个上午都精力充沛。   ※ 意为“使保持”。如:   You should try to sustain the audience"s interest.你应该努力去保持观众的兴趣。   ※ 意为“遭受,蒙受”。如:   The town sustained heavy losses in the flood.该城镇在洪水中遭受了惨重的损失。   ※ 意为“承受,支撑”。如:   The floor won"t sustain the weight of the piano.地板承受不了钢琴的重量。   ※ 意为“支持”。如:   There is no proof to sustain your views.没有证据支持你的观点。 2019年6月大学英语四级词汇:that   英语四级词汇讲解丨考点归纳:that   A complicating factor is that merit aid has become so popular v}rith middle-income families, who don"t qualify for need-based aid,that many have come todepend on it.   英语四级译文:   一个复杂的因素是,奖学金已经受到那些不符合助学金条件的中等收入家庭的欢迎,很多人开始依赖奖学金了。   四级词汇讲解:   本句的主干是factor is that。句中第一个that引导的是表语从句;该表语从句中包含so...that…的句型结构,其中that引导的是结果状语从句;而两个逗号之间who所引导的是middle-income families的非限制性定语从句。   become popular with的意思是“受……的喜爱,欢迎”,也可以说be popular with。如:   This young teacher is popular with students.这位年轻的老师很受学生的喜爱。   qualify for的意思是“有资格,有权(要求)”。如:   He doesn"t qualify for unemployment benefit.他没有资格获得失业救济金。   come to do sth.的意思是“逐渐开始做某事”。如:   They have finally come to believe that.他们终于开始相信那件事了。   depend on的意思是“依靠,依赖”。如:   Children always depend on their parents,孩子们总是依赖父母。   英语四级考点归纳:   so...that...意为“太,以至于”,常用句型为“主语+谓语+so+adj./adv.+that从句”,以so... that...引导的结果状语从句可以转换成带不定式的简单句,即可转换为...enough to...或too...to...句型,但这种转换必须符合下列条件:   ※ 当主句和从句的主语一致,且that从句是肯定句时,可用...enough to...来替换。如:   The man is so strong that he can lift the heavy box.=The man is strong enough to lift the heavybox.这个人非常强壮,可以抬起很重的箱子。   ※ 当主句和从句的主语不一致,且that从句是肯定句时,可以用...enough for sb. to do sth.来替换,但须注意不定式的宾语要省略。如:   The question is so easy that I can work it out.=The question is easy enough for me to work out.这个问题很容易,我能解答出来。   ※ 当主句和从句的主语一致,且that从句是否定句时,可以用too...to...来替换。如:   I was so tired that I couldn"t go on with the work.=I was too tired to go on with the work.我太累了,没法继续工作。   ※ 当主句和从句的主语不一致,且that从句是否定句时,如果要用too...to...替换so...that... ,需用介词for引出动词不定式的逻辑主语,即用too...for sb. to do sth.来替换,注意不定式的宾语要省略。如:   It is so hot that we can"t sleep. = It is too hot for us to sleep.天气太热了,我们无法入睡。












sustain [英]su0259u02c8steu026an [美]su0259u02c8sten vt. 维持;支撑,支持;遭受,忍受;供养 1.Money doesn"t sustain or fund real economic activity.货币并不能支撑或资助真正的经济活动。article.yeeyan.org2.Can she sustain faster growth without sacrificing economic stability?她能使经济持续快速增长,而又能保证稳定吗?www.ecocn.org3.Free enterprise and democracy sustain each other.自由企业和民主政治相互支持。article.yeeyan.org4.Petrochina and sinopec have both been buying up many of those refiners to sustain fuel production.为了维持燃油产生水平,中石油与中石化收购了很多此类炼油厂。www.ftchinese.com5.The joy of helping you find a job or learn more about the industry is rarely enough to sustain a long-term networking or mentor relationship.帮你找到工作或更深入了解一个行业的快乐不足以维持长期的交往或导师关系。www.fortunechina.com


sustain[英][su0259"steu026an][美][su0259u02c8sten]vt.维持; 支撑,支持; 遭受,忍受; 供养; 第三人称单数:sustains过去分词:sustained现在进行时:sustaining过去式:sustained

Vingo obtained his release from jail ------




英语in time of enormous uncertainly怎么翻译?


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night的主角初次公开的背景故事

这是一张Miriam刚从将其封冻于时间之中的昏睡里醒来不久的图片。现在时间已经重新开始走动,她胸口的水晶也开始逐渐散发红光,表明侵占其身体带来威胁的诅咒已经重新活化了。 以诺魔纹阻止了诅咒的扩散。 当水晶占据了Miram,她的身体散发出红色的光芒,并且魔力高涨到了极其危险的水平。她背上的结晶化组织扩张到了最大,并且向外扩张出十字架的形态,此时诅咒已经不可阻止。Miriam难道会遭受与Gebel相同的命运吗?

求tail of the gun(枪的故事)全集纪录片【37集】 或者其他关于兵器【核弹除外】的纪录片,要英文的

ent of cotton or sugar or rum, is the virtu


当然of course;sure;certainly;without doubt;You bet.更多释义>>[网络短语]当然 Of course;certainly;sure当然可以 of course;by all means;Not at all当然会员 member as of right


tails这么读英[teu026alz]拓展知识:Miles Prower(麦尔斯·普劳尔マイルスu30fbパウアーMairusuPauā),通称Tails塔尔斯テイルスTeirusu)。是《刺猬索尼克》系列中的角色,是一只黄色的双尾小狐狸男孩。他的独特之处在于两条尾巴可以像直升机一般缠绕旋转,因此拥有飞行的能力。塔尔斯为人相当腼腆,尤其是对比他那大乐天派的搭档索尼克。塔尔斯似乎太过于依赖这位搭档并且显得不够自信,以至于开始引起索尼克的厌烦。塔尔斯最大的兴趣就是修理和操纵机器。作为索尼克的小兄弟,塔尔斯也希望自己可以像索尼克一样出色。为此,他一直支持着索尼克。角色设定早在制作《刺猬索尼克2》的时候,就有了设计塔尔斯的概念了。经过一番关于制作《刺猬索尼克》续作的讨论,Sonic Team的一些成员去了美国,加入了世嘉技术研发部。制作团队不仅仅想给游戏添加新要素,还想给索尼克添加一位新搭档,并吸引新玩家们的注意力。在STI举行了一次内部竞选,原世嘉公司Sonic Team的主要设计和区域设计师山口靖赢得了比赛。山口最初设计出了飞鼠雷(仅出现于SegaSonicArcade)作为索尼克的搭档,但是因为日本世嘉公司的反对,使得山口为内部竞选设计了塔尔斯。这个角色本来就对“索尼克”深深的崇拜。Miles“Tails”Prower这个名字是由“Miles per hour”(英里每小时)得来的。原本是狸,而这个浣熊类犬科动物原产于东亚,在日本的民间传说中非常受欢迎。但是制作者特意把种别设定成狐狸,以避免和马里奥的设定产生混淆。马里奥可以通过枫叶变装成狸猫,这种状态下的马里奥可以在空中飞行。


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业馀台湾大奶女孩taiwan 台湾Big Tits 大胸脯amateur 业馀girl 女孩

我要英文歌词带上翻译、Darren Hayes 唱的Bloodstained Heart

  Darren Hayes--Bloodstained Heart戴伦·海耶斯 染血的心Love, you"re in pieces宝贝 当你变成碎片(心碎痛苦的时候)There"s no one left to lay you down没有人陪伴在你身旁Or say it"s okay(安慰你)对你说一切会好起来On the worst night, of the worst year在最痛苦的黑夜里 最难熬的岁月中 Though we might fall, we"ll go out punching尽管我们或许会失败 但我们依然为爱奋斗不息You hit me like a subway train你如同一辆地铁闯入我的心扉And I"ll never be the same而我的内心将永远无法平静如初And darling I"ll follow you down to the ground亲爱的 我会全心全意地深爱着你Even when you fall apart, I"ll pick up your bloodstained heart即便 当你变成碎片 我依然会保存你那颗染血的心And darling I"ll follow you down to the ground亲爱的 我会全心全意地深爱着你In the gutter当你跌入低谷 Where you"re starless, and blind to dreams一蹶不振 无精打采 失去梦想We can dream each other我们可以憧憬彼此To a new day展望一个新的时刻Where the good guys always win And heaven still means something冥冥之中 有志者事竟成You hit me like a subway train你如同一辆地铁闯入我的心扉And I"ll never be the same而我的内心将永远无法平静如初And darling I"ll follow you down to the ground亲爱的 我会全心全意地深爱着你Even when you fall apart, I"ll pick up your bloodstained heart即便 当你变成碎片 我依然会保存你那颗染血的心And darling I"ll follow you down to the ground 亲爱的 我会全心全意地深爱着你Love, when you"re in pieces挚爱 当你变成碎片(心碎痛苦的时候)There"s no one left to dry your eyes没有人陪伴在你身旁You hit me like a subway train你如同一辆地铁闯入我的心扉And I"ll never be the same而我的内心将永远无法平静如初Oh darling I"ll follow you down to the ground噢 亲爱的 我会全心全意地深爱着你Even when you fall apart, I"ll pick up your bloodstained heart即便 当你变成碎片 我依然会保存你那颗染血的心Ooh darling I"ll follow you down to the ground 噢 亲爱的 我会全心全意地深爱着你是这个吗?

CheckRa1n切换到Unc0ver后卡在18/32(obtaining entitlements)

这个的问题有人测试 打开飞行模式-开启Restore RootFS-关闭飞行模式-越狱 后可以解决。 但是我尝试多次,即便这样做也最终越狱不成功。 期间发生 越狱卡住 、 提示成功-转菊花-重启 、 提示成功-黑屏-重启 等 最后觉得不是这个问题,应该是和 CheckRa1n 有冲突。 所以最后解决方案是:

请告诉我如下国家的首都(要英文!)澳大利亚 美国 俄罗斯 韩国 加拿大 tailand


mocktail 鸡尾酒


multiple container shipment 外贸英语?翻译?谢谢




关于 late later latter last 的区别以及用法 还有 in the further 、in further ~ 以及 sure 和 certain

late adj.或adv. 迟的,晚的 be late forlater adj. 后来 three hours laterlatter adj/n 后者(的) the latter is better than the former后者比前者好last adv.最后 Who laughs last laughs best.笑到最后,笑的最甜。in the future 未来 in future 今后= from now on Work hard in future and you will realize your dream in the future. 今后好好努力,将来你会实现梦想的。希望对你有用,请及时采纳,谢谢!


tiny, tired, tyre, tire, Thiland,



英文作文:travel spotlight:yantai

Yantai (Yāntái 烟台) is a prefecture-level city in northeastern Shandong province. Located on the southern coast of the Bohai Sea (bó hǎi 渤海) and the eastern coast of the Laizhou Bay (lái zhōu wān 莱州湾), Yantai borders the cities of Qingdao (qīng dǎo 青岛) and Weihai (wēi hǎi 威海) to the southwest and east respectively.The largest fishing seaport in Shandong and a robust economic center today, Yantai used to be known to the West as Chefoo, a misnomer which refers, in Chinese, solely to Zhifu Island (zhī fú dǎo 芝罘岛), which is historically governed by Yantai.The contemporary name of Yantai came from the watchtowers constructed on Mount Qi (qí shān 旗山) in 1398, during the reign of the Hongwu Emperor (hóng wǔ dì 洪武帝), founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty (míng dài 明代). The towers served to raise alarms against invasions of Japanese pirates (wō kòu 倭寇).TourismBecause of its fair weather and extensive coasts Yantai is a popular summer retreat. Like many other cities in China, Yantai has improved and upgraded many tourist sites targeted at both national and international tourist. An example of these improvements is the remodeling of the beach area to better accommodate patrons. It is also home to Asia"s first bowling alley, which is located on the fourth floor of Parksons department store. There is also the haunted house , a highly exhilarating tourist attraction.Yantai HillIt is the symbol of Yantai City, which is famous for the Smoke Platform (an alarming signal system in ancient times), the lighthouse and the western-style buildings of foreign consulates built before the 1940s.Address: NO.7, Lixin Road (lì xīn 历新), Zhifu County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 30How to go: You can take bus NO.3, 17, 43, 46 Mushi Demesne (móu shì zhuāng yuán 牟氏庄园) It was firstly constructed during the Yongzheng Period of Qing Dynasty. After one hundred-year"s expansion, now it covers an area of 20,000 square meters with over 480 rooms. It refects historic culture, architectural culture and social culture of ancient China. It is the largest yard buildings with residence feature of the north China which is protected well currently. It is also the key culture relic institute protected by the state, and reputed as the history memory of 600-year social cultures and the “civil imperial palace”. The annual culture festival is the most attractive civil activity. The specialist of the international organization made high evaluation on it and proposed to apply for the title of international culture relics. In 2000 defined this project was defined as the preferential development project Shandong Province. Address: NO.6, Zhuangyuan South Road (zhuāng yuán nán lù 庄园南路), Qixia (qī xiá 栖霞) County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 60How to go: You can take bus NO.6 or you can take a special line to the DemesneDings" Former Domicile (dīng shì gù zhái 丁氏故宅)It located in Longkou City, is the luxurious house of Baiwan Ding, a millionair of Qing Dynasty. The building consists of several large yards and each yard has several ccompound yards. Till now, it is the biggest and best protected "Compound Yard" in China.Address: NO.21, Huangcheng (huáng chéng 黄城) West Street, Longkou (lóng kǒu 龙口) County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 25How to go: You can take bus NO.105 to get thereNanshan Scenic Spot Zone (nán shān lǚ yóu fēng jǐng qū 南山旅游风景区) Situated in Longkou City, it is on the coastal line of the Bohai Sea. The zone takes the hotel, recreation palace and international golf course as center and it can meet the need of consumers at all levels. The Nanshan Hotel is the three-star international hotel which has relaxation, meeting and amusenent facilities. Occuping an area of 36,000 square meters, the Nanshan Recreation Palace is the Asian largest recreation center, which is the ideal place for relaxation. The biggest figure of Buddha in the world is also in the Nanshan Scenic Spot Zone, whose height is 28.66 meters and weight is 380 tons. The main scenic spots include Jimu Island, the General Stone, Hu Dahai Square, Sang Island, Yi Island, the Home Village of XuFu, the Former Residence of the Ding Family, Karts Cave of Small Laishan Hill and Nanshan Scenic Area. Nanshan Scenic Spot Zone is a perfect tourist and summer resort.Location: Hongqi Middle Road (hóng qí zhōng lù 红旗中路), Zhifu County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 110How to go: You can take bus NO.5 or special line NO.105, also you can drive by yourselfYantai and Weihai. It has good communication facilities and is 50 kilometers away from the railway station, port and airport. As a national forest park and the birthplace of Quan Zhen Tao(Taoism), it is rich in tourist resources. Mountain Kunyu ranges rise and fall, with high and precipitous terrain. Withits peaks rising one higher than another, its scenery is very magnificent. It has 72 distinguished peaks of various shapes. The main mountaion is called the "ancestor of wonder mountaions " of the East Sea.The forest coverage of Mountain Kunyu is up to 80%. There are 60 families and 340 species of wood plants, over 600 species of herbaceous plants, and 348 species of ornament flowers. Among them, 14 species are listed in the key plants specially protected by the state. With the beautiful scenery of hills and waters, Mountain Kunyu is the best tourist attraction and summer resort. The development of Mountain Kunyu has been listed in the general planning of Yantai Urban Tourist Development. At preasant, there are already 5 large scenic spots, such as Taibo Summit (tài bó dǐng 泰礴顶), Yanxia Cave (yān xiá dòng 烟霞洞), Nine--dragon Pond (jiǔ lóng ch í九龙池), Yuegu Hall (yuè gū diàn 岳姑殿), Wuran Temple (wú rǎn sì 无染寺), which attract large number of tourists each year.Location: Longquan Town (lóng quán zhèn 龙泉镇), Muping County (móu píng qū 牟平区), YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 110How to go: You can take a long-distance bus to get Muping from YantaiThe Changdao IslandsThe Changdao County (Cháng dǎo Xiàn 长岛县) is a county in Yantai. It consists of a chain of islands, Changshan Islands (zhǎng shān liè dǎo 长山列岛), in the Bohai Sea, north of Penglai (péng lái 蓬莱), Shandong Province. They are known for their sandy beaches and picturesque limestone cliffs. The total land area is only 56 square km, but the coastline is 146 km long.Both Changdao National Forest Park and Changdao National Nature Reserve are located on the islands, which are on a cross-Bohai Sea flyway.The islands are often referred to as the Temple Islands (miào dǎo qún dǎo 庙岛群岛) because of the large number of temples that were built there. Xianying Palace is a temple that was built during the Northern Song Dynasty, starting in 1122. It was originally a Taoist temple to the sea goddess Matsu (mā zǔ 妈祖), but became Buddhist later. At the present time the local government has restored the temple to its Ming Dynasty appearance, although many additions had been made during the Qing.Changdao Island was previously closed to non-Chinese nationals. Westerners found on the island were swiftly taken to the passenger ferry terminal and placed on the next ferry back to Penglai by the islands Police service. Islanders promptly reported all "outsiders" to the islands police service. (First hand experience) Police explained the reasons for this, due to the high number of military installations on the Island.The Changdao Islands are now open to non-Chinese nationals, including westerners。This was agreed by the local and national governments as of 1st December 2008.Admission Fee: CNY 100 or 150 (including different tickets)How to go: You can take a long-distance bus to Penglai (it take 50mins and takes off every 20mins and costs 17 Yuan), then you can go to Long Islands by ship (it takes 23 Yuan and the last ship takes off at 6:30pm).Specialty of Yantai- Yantai AppleYantai apple is one of the specialties of Shandong and the place of production are exclusively Qixia (qī xiá 栖霞), Zhaoyuan (zhāo yuǎn 招远), Haiyang (hǎi yáng 海阳), Muping (móu píng 牟平), Rushan (rǔ shān 乳山), Wendeng (wén dēng 文登). Yantai apple is well-known and welcomed for its sweety, juicy and tasty all over the world.Yantai apple was introduced by American missioners in 1871.Earlier it were exclusively two varieties, green banana and red banana; later it developed Little Guoguang (guó guāng 国光) and Jinshuai (jīn shuài 金帅); after China"s reforming and opening-up, it introduced Hongfushi (hóng fù shì 红富士), Qiaonajin (qiáo nà jīn 乔纳金),ect. Yantai apple is famous for its bright color and luster and fragrantly sweety. Yantai is the most important place of apple production, and Qixia apple is the most famous.Yantai apple was famous in the acient time because of its bigness and delicious, and its taste lasted long after it was eaten. Nowadays, Yantai apple is improved upon the basis, developed into many new varieties and sold all over the world.Yantai apple is famous for the long history of cultivation, with all varieties, high production, and good quanlity. The varieties of it are more than 200, green banana, red banana, Jinshuai, Guoguang are most famous varieties and stand for Yantai apple. Becides, Hongxing (hóng xīng 红星), Hongyu (hóng yù 红玉), Huangkui (huáng kuí 黄魁), Danding (dān dǐng 丹顶), Ruixiang (ruì xiāng 瑞香), Bayuesu (bā yuè sū 八月酥), Baishami (bái shā mì 白沙蜜), Hongfushi (hóng fù shì 红富士) and ect also taste great and have their own features.

我有一个抗美援朝时期的战利品,是一个美军的勺子,背后有wallco stainless的英文,请问这是什么意思?



楼主加我MSN:syingkai@hotmail.com 上海飞远物流

求英文诗《oh captain my captain》的来历 和写作环境

惠特曼纪念林肯遇刺所做死亡诗社中也有出现Walt Whitman 1865 Written on the occasion Abraham Lincoln"s assassination, “O Captain! My Captain!” was first published in the New York Saturday Press (November 1865) and was later included, along with “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom"d,” in a group of poems titled “Sequel” to Drum Taps (1865). While “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom"d” has become one of Whitman"s most critically acclaimed poems, “O Captain! My Captain!,” which incorporates more conventional rhyme and meter, was by far the most popular of Whitman"s poems during his lifetime. “O Captain! My Captain!” became an instant classic, and children were taught to recite its verses in school. Yet Whitman thought the praise the poem garnered was unwarranted. He is noted to have said: “I"m almost sorry I ever wrote that poem.... I say that if I"d written a whole volume of My Captains I"d deserve to be spanked and sent to bed with the world"s compliments — which would be generous treatment, considering what a lame duck book such a book would have been!” At the heart of this statement is Whitman"s recognition that the reading audience of his day still preferred conventionally rhymed and metered poems over more experimental free-verse forms that he himself favored. Nevertheless, “O Captain! My Captain!” does attest to Whitman"s versatility as a poet. While engaging fixed patterns of rhyme and meter, the poem manages to communicate Whitman"s heroic vision of Lincoln, the great Union leader of the Civil War, as well as the horror, shock, and dismay Whitman felt at learning of Lincoln"s assassination. The fallen Captain of the poem is an allusion to Abraham Lincoln, and the ship is a metaphor for the ship of state, or more precisely, the United States of America. The speaker"s difficulty in coming to grips with the death of his Captain is the subject of the poem. While he knows his Captain is dead, he hopes that he is dreaming, that he is somehow mistaken. However, the last line, in repeating the refrain “Fallen cold and dead,” lends a sense of finality to the poem and leaves no doubt in the reader"s mind. The Captain (Lincoln), the speaker"s father figure and leader, is indeed dead, and what should have been a time of great rejoicing at the end of the Civil War has been turned into a time of national grief and mourning.

detained 英文是什么意思

detained v. 被扣留,[法] 扣留(detain的过去分词)Police have detained two suspects in connection with the attack.警方拘留了2名与该袭击事件有关的嫌疑人。

Rocky Mountain spotted fever是什么意思

Rocky Mountain spotted fever .落矶山斑疹热;落基山斑疹热 落矶山斑点热;洛矶山脉斑点热;落矶山点状热例句筛选1."It really is Rocky Mountain spotted fever, " said Sprague, "and I wouldhave missed it if I hadn"t listened to you. "“真的是落基山斑疹热,”斯普拉格说,“如果我没有听你的我就会错过它。”2.Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a rickettsial disease that occurs in dogsand humans.落基山斑疹热是一种人犬共患的立克次体病。

container to consignee,这个是集装箱收货人的意思吗这句英文?


The back garden of our house contains a lawn, _____ very pleasant to sit on in summer.

该选B,which指代a lawn ,which在从句中做to sit on 的介词宾语。后面从句还原为It"s very pleasant to sit on which in summer. to sit on which又做从句的逻辑主语。

workbench中detaills of symmetry显示不出来


为什么不能用sheer 形容mountain?

日常生活中你说sheer mountain老外也明白。要严格讲的话,sheer的不是山,而是山的一部分-山崖。sheer cliff就可以。国内的考试嘛,不是为了让咱学到有用的知识的,只是刷人系统,淘汰人用的。你明白的。

提单上的"container vessel"是什么意思?是集装箱还是船?



tank n.1.(盛液体或气体的)大容器;箱,槽,罐,柜2.【铁路】(火车头的)水柜【船舶学】液体舱;油舱3.贮水池,蓄水池;游泳池




mountain的记忆方法:1、词根分解法Mountain这个单词来源于拉丁语的montanea,意思是山。通过对这个单词进行分解,可以很容易地记忆词根,并帮助拓展词汇。其中,mont这个词根意为山,来自于拉丁语的mounticulus,monte,例如:Montenegro(黑山)、Monterey(蒙特雷)、Mont Blanc(白山)等等。2、图像联想法这种方法是将单词和一个形象、生动的场景联系起来,利用视觉印象使单词更容易被记住。我们可以想象一个非常高的山,它的巅峰云雾缭绕,鹰隼在上面飞翔,山麓下是茂密的森林和清澈的河水。这种视觉印象将帮助我们更加深入地理解单词,对记忆也大有裨益。3、关联词汇法把与Mountain相关的词汇列出来,提高记忆力。例如:山地地(Mountainousterrain)-是一种地形类型,通常由山脉和山谷组成。山地旅游(Mountaintourism)-这是一种旅游形式,游客来到山区,参观地形景观和文化风俗。山顶(Mountain peak)-山顶是山的最高点,悬崖峭壁和浓雾都可以在这里看到。登山运动(Mountainclimbing)-登山是一种广泛的户外运动,需要爬越陡峭的山岭和绝壁,不仅对体力和技能要求很高,对勇气和毅力也有很高的要求。mountain 造句:1、两个人在山上被冻死了。(Two men were frozen to death on the mountain。)2、美国最高的山是什么?(What"s the highest mountain in the US?)3、我们雇了一位当地向导帮我们穿过山区。(We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains。)4、有三个人在山上的袭击中死亡。(Three people died during an assault on the mountain。)5、我们这个夏天要去山上散步。(We"re going walking in the mountains this summer。)

the container go to tema in transit to lome. 到底走的


Captain Jack 歌词

歌曲名:Captain Jack歌手:De Dannan专辑:Hibernian RhapsodyHeyo Captain Jack(Heyo Captain JackBring me back to the railroad track Bring me back to the railroad trackRunning to the railroad trackRun along with Captain JackRun to peace camp backRun along with Captain JackBadadadideido, left right, right leftBadadadideido, run along with Captain JackForward march!Heyo Captain Jack (Heyo Captain Jack)Bring me back to the railroad track (Bring me back to the railroad track)Give me a gun in my hand (Give me a gun in my hand)I want to be shooting man (I want to be shooting man)Left, right, left (Left, right, left)The military step (The military step)The air force rap (The air force rap)The seventeen is the best (The seventeen is the best)Goo, left, go right, go pick up the step, go left, go right, go left(Goo, left, go right, go pick up the step, go left, go right, go left)Chorus:We are running to the railroad trackRun along with Captain JackBadadideido badadideido, run along with Captain JackRun into the peace camp backRun along with Captain JackBadadideido, badideido, badideidideidideidoBadadadideido, left right right leftBadadadideido, run along with Captain JackCompany attention forward march!Heyo Captain Jack (Heyo Captain Jack)Bring me back to the railroad track (Bring me back to the railroad track)Give me a bottle in my hand (Give me a bottle in my hand)I want to be drunken man (I want to be drunken man)Left, right, left (Left, right, left)The military step (The military step)The air force rap (The air force rap)The seventy is the best (The seventy is the best)Goo, left, go right, go pick up the step, go left, go right, go left(Goo, left, go right, go pick up the step, go left, go right, go left)We are running to the railroad trackRun along with Captain JackBadadideido badadideido, run along with Captain JackRun into the peace camp backRun along with Captain JackBadadideido, badideido, badideidideidideidoBadadadideido, left right right leftBadadadideido, run along with Captain JackHeyo Captain Jack (Heyo Captain Jack)Bring me back to the railroad track (Bring me back to the railroad track)Give me a woman in my hand (Give me a woman in my hand)Left, right, left (Left, right, left)The military step (The military step)The air force rap (The air force rap)The seventeen is the best (The seventeen is the best)Forward march!We Are runningto the railroad trackRun along with Captain JackBadadideido badadideido, run along with Captain JackRun into the peace camp backRun along with Captain JackBadadideido, badideido, badideidideidideidoBadadadideido, left right right leftBadadadideido, run along with Captain Jack

求高手将此图上的 上映日期英文水印“CAPTAIN AMERICAN 7.22.11"去掉


《The Piperonthe Mountain》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Piper on the Mountain》(Peters, Ellis)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1tlyXgR06qd8NCFsb67HqcQ 提取码: vbhi书名:The Piper on the Mountain作者:Peters, Ellis出版社:Grand Central Pub出版年份:1996-3内容简介:When Herbert Terrell falls off a mountain during a vacation in Czechoslovakia, accidental death is the verdict. Then his step-daughter Tossa receives a note suggesting Terrell was murdered--turning Tossa"s long-planned European holiday with college friends into a hunt for the killer.

跪求Je TAime这法文歌中文歌词丶谢谢丶。是Kelly Sweet唱旳。

Je T"Aime —— Kelly Sweet Je T"Aime 我爱你 Je T"Aime tu ju 我爱你 I am forever yours 我永远属于你 Sweet dreams 甜蜜的梦 Sweet dreams mocuer 甜蜜的梦啊 You"re always in my prayers 你永远是我的祈祷 Softly 那么温柔 Sweetly 那么甜蜜 Wrapped up in heaven"s arms 就像天堂的感觉 Sailing 遨游 Soaring 飞翔 Over the moon 月亮那边 Gathering star dust 星辰那头 Be still 依然寂静 Be safe 依然无恙 Be sure 依然平安 Je T"Aime 我爱你 Je T"Aime tu ju 我爱你 Wishing 期盼着 Praying 祈祷着 All of your dreams come true 我的梦终将实现 Please remember 要记得 where you are 你在哪里 my heart is with you 我的心和你在一起 Sweet dreams 甜蜜的梦 Sweet dreams mocuer 甜蜜的梦啊 Always in my prayers 永远是我的祈祷 I am forever yours 我永远属于你 Je T"Aime 我爱你 Je T"Aime tu ju 我爱你

Go down the stairs to the fourth floor and( )left A side B along C get D turn选哪个

选D 句意:下楼梯至四楼,然后左转. 这是个祈使句,and 连接两个同样结构的分句,第一个分句句首是动词,那么and之后的第二个分句句首也应该用动词,在四个选项中只有cd是动词 向某个方向转的固定搭配就是turn+方向,所以选D

in the stairs还是on the stairs

on the stairs

fell down the stairs什么意思

fell down the stairs摔下楼梯双语例句1He fell down the stairs, giving him paraplegia of the upper limbs.他从楼上摔下,造成高位截瘫。

stairs hair读音相同吗?


take the stairs是什么意思

take the stairs走楼梯

down the stairs是什么意思?

down the stairs是什么意思?答:down the stairs是下楼的意思。

upstairs 与climb the stairs 区别

upstairs 是形容词/名词,而climb the stairs 是谓语+宾语。前者表达“一种状态“,即”楼上“,而后者表达”一种动作,” 即“上楼/爬上楼梯”。比如: He is upstairs/The upstairs consists of four rooms.He is having difficulty in climbing the stairs.

go up the stairs是什么意思



  stair有楼梯等意思,那么你知道stair的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    stair的用法:   stair的用法1:stair的意思是“楼梯”“梯级”,是可数名词。   stair的用法2:“一级楼梯”一般用 a flight of stairs, a pair of stairs, staircase, stairway表示。   stair的用法3:below stairs的意思是“地下室”, stair head的意思是“楼梯顶”, above stair的意思是“在正房”。    stair的用法例句:   1. Terry was sitting on the bottom stair.   特里正坐在最下面的一级楼梯上。   2. I followed her down the stair.   我跟着她下了楼梯。   3. The stair treads were covered with rubber to prevent slipping.   楼梯踏板上覆盖着橡胶以防滑.   4. He heard soft footsteps coming up the stair.   他听见有人上楼的轻微脚步声.   5. His office is down the stair.   他的办公室在楼下.   6. Clutch stair armrest, move carefully step by step.   抓紧楼梯扶手, 一步步谨慎地移动.   7. He constantly listened, expecting to hear her foot on the stair.   他一直竖起耳朵听着, 期待着听到楼梯上传来她的脚步声.   8. He was in agony when he descended a crowded stair.   最使他急得无法可施的是在人丛中走下楼的时候.   9. I recognized the blank , resentful stair of incomprehension in her eyes.   我在她的眼睛里看到一种茫然的 、 忿恨的难以理解的眼光.   10. The child was sitting on the bottom stair.   那孩子正坐在楼梯最下面的一级上.   11. Do you know what we used to call that squeaky stair?   你知道我们把那个嘎吱响的叫做什么 吗 ?   12. The STAIR ( St Andrews Air ) cell should be cheaper than today"s rechargeable s, too.   而且,STAIR电池的价格比起现在的可充电电池应当更为低廉.   13. Subsequent work has more than tripled the capacity to store charge in theSTAIR cell.   后续工作将实现在STAIR电池中储存三倍的电量.   14. All rising to great place is by a winding stair.   凡取得成功的人都走过一段艰难曲折的道路.   15. Loading dock. Stair , ladder, and dock leveler can be shown or hidden.   装卸口. 可显示或隐藏楼梯 、 扶梯和装卸台.

take the stairs是什么意思

take the stairs意思是爬楼梯。例句:1、You can take the stairs or the lift up. 你可以拾级而上或是乘坐电梯。2、There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs. 成功没有电梯,你得一步一步走楼梯。3、Thanks for your suggestion, but I will take the stairs. 谢谢你的提议,不过我会走楼梯。4、Could we take the stairs? 我们能不能走楼梯?5、There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs. 通往成功的路上没有电梯,你只能去一级一级爬楼梯。take的用法:一、 take 表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。如: My father usually takes a bus to work. 我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。 Which bus do you often take? 你经常乘哪一路公共汽车? 注意: take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。 by 短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。如: 格林先生经常乘火车去上班。 Mr Green often goes to work by train. Mr Green often takes a train to work.二、 take 表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。如: Could you take my schoolbag to the classroom, please? 请你把我的书包拿到教室里去好吗? His mother often takes him to the bookshop. 他妈妈经常带他去书店。 注意:如果表示把某人或某物从别处带到说话地点时,应用 bring .如: Han Mei, please bring me a cup of tea. 韩梅,请给我端杯茶来。 Don"t forget to bring your dictionary here next time. 下次别忘了把你的词典带来。三、 take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的动词前的 to 不可丢掉。如: It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day. 她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。 It takes me half an hour to do my homework in the evening. 晚上我要花半小时做作业。四、含 take 的短语 take exercise 运动;锻炼 take off 脱掉;(飞机)起飞 take a look (at) 看一看 take photos 照相,拍照 take a seat 坐下,坐坐 take a walk 散步 take a rest 休息 take down 取下 take away 拿走 take out 拿出

call up the stairs该怎么断,意思是什么?

这是一个动宾短语的词组,可以断成两部分。call up和 the stairs。


很多时候是习惯使然。但是如果一定要说出个一二,那大概是因为upstairs,在你这层楼和你楼上之间的楼梯一定是隔着很多级台阶的,毕竟Stairs是台阶,楼层是floor。实际上Stairs出现的时候一般都是复数出现的,毕竟,只有一个台阶就不是楼梯了。比如:He"s climbing the stairs.他在爬楼梯。至于什么时候stair不带s,一般就是说台阶的概念,而不是说具体的台阶的时候。比如staircase, stair-climbing.

matlab 中stairs画图函数的使用

你可以设置一个x轴,x=[0:length(y)-1].stairs(x,y). 这样横坐标就是从0开始。

go downstairs和go down the stairs都对吗



stair,n.1. (阶梯等的)一级,梯级2. [用复数,用作单数或复数]阶梯,楼梯3. [用复数]【船舶学】浮动平台4. 阶梯,途径stair [stεə] n. 英语解释:support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway stairs——是stair的复数形式。staircase ["stεəkeis] n.楼梯;楼梯间【即可指“楼梯”,还可指“设置楼梯的房间部分”】英语解释:a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of stepsstep 【重点强调“台阶”,而且,单复数意义不同。】 梯级,台阶;踏板。 [用复数]一段楼梯,一段台阶英语解释:support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairwaystairway n.【建筑专业用词】 阶梯,楼梯英语解释:a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps 当然,指代“台阶,阶梯”时,stair与step一般可互换。 祝你学习进步,时时开心!O(∩_∩)O~~


stair,n.1. (阶梯等的)一级,梯级2. [用复数,用作单数或复数]阶梯,楼梯3. [用复数]【船舶学】浮动平台4. 阶梯,途径stair [stεə] n. 英语解释:support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway stairs——是stair的复数形式。staircase ["stεəkeis] n.楼梯;楼梯间【即可指“楼梯”,还可指“设置楼梯的房间部分”】英语解释:a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of stepsstep 【重点强调“台阶”,而且,单复数意义不同。】 梯级,台阶;踏板。 [用复数]一段楼梯,一段台阶英语解释:support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairwaystairway n.【建筑专业用词】 阶梯,楼梯英语解释:a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps 当然,指代“台阶,阶梯”时,stair与step一般可互换。 祝你学习进步,时时开心!O(∩_∩)O~~
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