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This is the day you shall always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.


Captain Jack Sparrow

“I"m Captain Jack Sparrow” 看完第五季才知道“sparrow”是小麻雀的意思,尽管从第一部就觉得他很猥琐,很怂。但这一点不影响对这个人物的喜欢。知道船长名字里的含义后,才开始明白为什么他这么有魅力——尽管自己只是一只“小麻雀”,却有一个“船长”的梦。刚开始看《加勒比海盗》的时候只有一个感觉——混乱。人物关系的混乱,场景中物品摆放的混乱,一打起来就更混乱了。习惯性追求确定性的我总是在问:“威廉是好人吗?”“巴博萨是好人吗?”“杰克船长怎么这么坏?”“伊丽莎白到底喜欢谁?”……慢慢看下来才发现这些问题根本就没有一个准确的答案。人的好坏也确实没有一个绝对的标准,喜欢的人不止一个又有什么稀奇? 真实的世界原本的样子就是这样——无序、混乱、瞬息万变。所以我们才会想要追寻确定性的存在。追求对事态的发展有一定的掌控能力,以此来降低我们的无力感。稳操胜券之如杰克船长左手握着琼斯的心脏,右手拿着刀,却还是失去了威廉。生活中的博弈,难就难在时刻保持积极的心态,又必须时刻准备着接受最坏的结果。 不得不提的还有这部电影刷新了我对“背叛”的理解。受中国传统文化的影响,我深信耍诡计、欺骗以及背叛等行为是可耻的。可是当我看到杰克船长耍诡计的时候却觉得是可爱的,伊丽莎白想去救威廉,拿着杰克船长的罗盘却指向了杰克的时候是幸福的。 如果伊丽莎白亲吻杰克不算背叛威廉的话,那她将杰克锁在船上的时候,被自己喜欢的女人背叛的时候杰克是理解的。作为观众,我也一点不觉得伊丽莎白“婊”,相反,我很敬佩她的勇敢,敢于面对自己的心。我们所有的背叛,只要不违背自己的心,应该都是可以被原谅的,至少能被自己原谅。 很多时候,其实,我都希望自己能够有一个杰克船长那样的罗盘,帮我分辨清楚什么是我最想要的,便可以义无反顾地启航了。以前,哀怨不已的是自己没有;仔细想想才发现,其实我们每个人都有。只是在打开的一瞬间,你是否相信那就是你最想要的?

Song Of The Lonely Mountain 歌词

歌曲名:Song Of The Lonely Mountain歌手:Neil Finn专辑:Song Of The Lonely MountainFar over the Misty Mountains riseLeave us standing upon the heightsWhat was before, we see once moreIt" s our kingdom a distant lightFiery mountain beneath the moonThe words unspoken, we"ll be there soonFor home a song that echoes onAnd all who find us will know the tuneSome folk we never forgetSome kind we never forgiveHaven"t seen the back of us yetWe"ll fight as long as we liveAll eyes on the hidden doorTo the Lonely Mountain borneWe"ll ride in the gathering stormUntil we get our long-forgotten goldWe lay under the Misty Mountains coldIn slumbers deep and dreams of goldWe must awake, our lives to makeAnd in the darkness a torch we holdFrom long ago when lanterns burnedUntil this day our hearts have yearnedHer fate unknown the ArkenstoneWhat was stolen must be returnedWe must awake and make the dayTo find a song for heart and soulSome folk we never forgetSome kind we never forgiveHaven"t seen the end of it yetWe"ll fight as long as we liveAll eyes on the hidden doorTo the Lonely Mountain borneWe"ll ride in the gathering stormUntil we get our long-forgotten goldFar away from Misty Mountains coldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31210848

Song Of The Lonely Mountain 歌词

歌曲名:Song Of The Lonely Mountain歌手:Neil Finn专辑:Song Of The Lonely MountainFar over the Misty Mountains riseLeave us standing upon the heightsWhat was before, we see once moreIt" s our kingdom a distant lightFiery mountain beneath the moonThe words unspoken, we"ll be there soonFor home a song that echoes onAnd all who find us will know the tuneSome folk we never forgetSome kind we never forgiveHaven"t seen the back of us yetWe"ll fight as long as we liveAll eyes on the hidden doorTo the Lonely Mountain borneWe"ll ride in the gathering stormUntil we get our long-forgotten goldWe lay under the Misty Mountains coldIn slumbers deep and dreams of goldWe must awake, our lives to makeAnd in the darkness a torch we holdFrom long ago when lanterns burnedUntil this day our hearts have yearnedHer fate unknown the ArkenstoneWhat was stolen must be returnedWe must awake and make the dayTo find a song for heart and soulSome folk we never forgetSome kind we never forgiveHaven"t seen the end of it yetWe"ll fight as long as we liveAll eyes on the hidden doorTo the Lonely Mountain borneWe"ll ride in the gathering stormUntil we get our long-forgotten goldFar away from Misty Mountains coldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31210848

求The Song of the Lonely Mountain歌词,最好是中英对照的,万分感谢

Song of the Lonely Mountain孤山颂Far over, the Misty Mountains rise孤山远矗雾微茫Leave us standing upon the height崇山峻岭空余孤What was before, we see once more昔日辉煌何曾忘Is our kingdom, a distant light回首故国阑珊中Fiery mountain beneath a moon焰山之上明月度The words unspoken: we"ll be there soon一语未出即相逢For home, a song that echoes on乡音回荡断肠歌And all who find us will know the tune唯有归人闻其殇Some folk we never forget尚有离人自难忘Some kind we never forgive尚有国仇只待偿Haven"t seen the back of us yet家园未复身何往We will fight as long as we live无所畏惧沙场亡All eyes on the hidden way众人皆求绝境幽To the Lonely Mountain pave残踪小道入孤峰We"ll ride in the gathering storm铁骑踏破狂风去Until we get our long forgotten gold失而复得珍宝藏We lay under the Misty Mountains cold静夜独卧霭山冷In slumbers deep and dreams of gold珍宝乍现梦中还We must awake, our lives to make壮志未酬若敢眠And in the darkness, a torch we hold经年累月夜幕寒From long ago, when lanterns burned时光荏苒蜡炬残Until this day, our hearts we yearned时至今日我心向A fate unknown, the Arkenstone命途未知宝石还What was stolen must be returned 纵使流离终必返We must awake and mend the ache长夜漫漫伤未全To find our song for heart and soul 寻得歌之解心环Some folk we never forget尚有离人自难忘Some kind we never forgive尚有国仇只待偿Haven"t seen the end of it yet不见结果终不回We"ll fight as long as we live 长路漫漫纵使亡All eyes on the hidden door道是众人皆相问To the Lonely Mountain borne孤山何处玉门隐We"ll ride in the gathering storm铁骑踏破狂风去"Til we get our long forgotten gold 失而复得珍宝藏Far away, the Misty Mountains cold烟霭重重孤山冷


The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. It is about 8.844 kilometers above sea level (水平面). Many men have tried to climb this mountainbut without success. High winds, cold and little oxygen (氧气) have made this almost an impossible (不可能的) thing. It was not until 1953 that two menstood on the top. One of the men,was Edmund Hillary from New Zealand. The other was Tenzing Norgay of Nepal(尼泊尔). They were members of a British Expedition (探险队). There were nearly twenty people in the whole team. They spent about sixty days finishing the whole climbing. The last day, May 29th, was fine, Hillary and Tenzing started climbing as the sun rose. At half past eleven they were on top of Mount Everest. They were very glad.They wanted to stay there for some time, but they couldn"t. It was too cold and dangerous. They hadclimbed as high as anyone can climb.It were on the top of the world. 是你要找的吗?

Blue Highway - Blue Ridge Mountain Girl的歌词

Lyrics to Blue Ridge Mountain Girl :It sue is cold here in ChicagoThe wind can cut you like a knifeAnother day, another dollarWhat a way to spend a lifeShe was young and I was restlessLeft my home in Ole" VirginiaAnd my Blue Ridge Mountain girlChrousAnd I can see her standing by the windowAnd there"s nothing sadder in the worldThan to see those green eyes, all red from cryingOn my Blue Ridge Mountain girlIn my hands I hold a letterThat says she made a pretty brideAnd as I lay here in the darknessShe lays by another"s sideI"ve got money in my pocketsDiamond rings that I wearBut I"d trade them all this minuteFor the gold that"s in her hairChorusAnd I can see her standing by the windowAnd there"s nothing sadder in the worldThan to see those green eyes, all red from cryingOf my Blue Ridge Mountain girlAnd I can see her standing by the windowAnd there"s nothing sadder in the worldThan those green eyes, all red from cryingOn my Blue Ridge Mountain girlOn my Blue Ridge Mountain girl

sp_ _ ts ( ) sh_es( ) c_ _ d( ) ()里填意思,小学5年级的 tomorrow we_____going to __the mountain

I”am“going to "make" the eggs.It"s a "tall" building.My school library is on the "second" floor。make,sing,swim,run,"jump"

song of the lonley mountain这首歌的中文意思,急,悬赏20


he climb up the mountain__a cold winter morning. A.in B.on 请解释为什么


he climb up the mountain__a cold winter morning. A.in B.on 请解释为什么


求The Song of the Lonely Mountain歌词,最好是中英对照的,万分感谢


she ( ) that it was very cold on the mountain

d 应当知道

怎样修改bootstrap table detailformatter


a true blue will never stain什么意思

True blue will never stain: 真金不怕火炼True blue will never stain: 真金不怕火炼

Rescue Me (City Lights) (Cabaret Voltaire Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me (City Lights) (Cabaret Voltaire Remix)歌手:Cabaret Voltaire专辑:RemixedRESCUE作词:ECO

american captain是什么意思

american captain美国船长例句:1.Corey Pavin"s successor as American captain will be unveiled on Thursday.

ACCA F8 test in detail and analytical procedures

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How to maintain friendship?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。

how to maintain friendship是什么意思?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。

how to maintain friendship什么意思?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。

how to maintain friendship是什么意思?

How to maintain friendship 意思是如何维持友谊。以下是三篇以《How to maintain friendship》为题的英语作文,仅供大家参考。友情第一篇以下这篇作文介绍了如何维持友谊。提出了沟通、彼此协调、互相理解、珍惜友情等方面的建议,强调了通过这些简单步骤可以加强友谊和建立长久的关系。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but maintaining friendships can be a challenge. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendship: Firstly, communication is key. Regularly check in with your friends, listen to them and share your own experiences and feelings. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if it"s just a quick phone call or text message, staying in touch shows that you value the friendship. Thirdly, be understanding of each other"s differences and be willing to compromise. Finally, remember to show appreciation by expressing gratitude and acknowledging their efforts to maintain the friendship. By following these simple steps, we can strengthen our friendships and build long-lasting relationships.难词解释:1. Communication (名词) - 沟通、交流。2. Compromise (动词/名词) - 妥协、折中、和解。翻译:友谊是我们生活中很重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些如何维持友谊的建议:首先,沟通非常重要。定期与你的朋友保持联系,倾听他们的心声,并分享自己的经历和感受。其次,抽出时间来见面。即使只是一个简短的电话或短信,保持联系表明你珍视这份友情。第三,理解并接受彼此的不同之处,愿意妥协。最后,记得表达感激之情,赞扬对方为维持友谊所付出的努力。通过遵循这些简单步骤,我们可以加强友谊、建立长久的关系。第二篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、彼此留些时间、理解和支持等方面的建议来保持友谊的重要性和方法。Maintaining friendships can be challenging, but it is essential for our well-being. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communication is key. Keep in touch with your friends regularly and let them know you care about them. Secondly, make time for each other. Even if you have busy schedules, try to meet up or call each other frequently to catch up. Thirdly, show understanding and empathy towards your friends" feelings and needs. Finally, be supportive and express gratitude for their friendship. Remember that friendship requires effort and commitment, but the rewards of strong connections and support are worth it.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力。2. Commitment (名词) - 承诺、投入、奉献。翻译:维持友谊可能会面临挑战,但它对于我们的幸福很重要。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,沟通非常关键。经常与朋友保持联系,让他们知道你在乎他们。其次,留出时间给彼此相处。即使你们都很忙,尽量经常见面或打电话来聊聊天。第三,理解和同情朋友的感受和需求。最后,支持和感激他们的友谊。记住,友谊需要努力和承诺,但强大的联系和支持带来的回报是值得的。第三篇以下这篇作文介绍了通过沟通、共同参与活动、理解和支持等方面的建议来建立并保持强大的友谊。Friendship is an important part of our lives, but it can be challenging to maintain. Here are some ways to keep your friendships strong: Firstly, communicate regularly with your friends and listen to their concerns. Secondly, make time for each other and participate in shared activities. Thirdly, show empathy and understanding towards your friend"s emotions and feelings. Fourthly, be reliable and supportive during difficult times. Finally, express gratitude for their friendship and acknowledge the effort they put into maintaining it. In summary, building and maintaining strong friendships requires effort, but it is worth it for the support and joy that comes from these relationships.难词解释:1. Empathy (名词) - 同情心、共情能力,即理解和感受他人的情感。2. Reliable (形容词) - 可靠的、可信赖的,指能够在需要时提供支持或帮助的人。翻译:友谊是我们生活中重要的一部分,但维持友谊可能会面临挑战。以下是一些保持友谊强大的方法:首先,与朋友经常沟通并倾听他们的关注。其次,留出时间给彼此相处并共同参与活动。第三,对朋友的情感和感受表现出同情和理解。第四,在困难时期可靠并提供支持性帮助。最后,表达对他们的友谊的感激,并承认他们为维护友谊所付出的努力。总之,建立和保持强大的友谊需要努力,但这对于从这些关系中获得的支持和快乐是值得的。

求大神写英文作文“On Maintaining Trust”,谢谢了!

  “On Maintaining Trust”  Future trends in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence,It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same machine.For human services and to help people solve problems.After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in the machine.In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means all. Through the study of artificial intelligence, can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, and promote the development of other science, the artificial intelligence is the best!I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore it step by step the real connotation.  望采纳~!!

Maintaining a sharp eye 什么意思?

Maintaining a sharp eye 保持敏锐的眼光

system is maintaining是什么意思

system is maintaining系统正在维护例句One of the most difficult tasks associated with system administration is maintaining a centralized documentation repository that is current, comprehensive, and inclusive of all systems.与系统管理相关的最困难的任务之一是维护一个最新的、全面的、涵盖所有系统的集中式文档存储库。The rise and fall enable working platform system is in use for installing and maintaining charging stations.升降工作平台可在充电候车站安装及维护时使用。

Maintaining the status quo为什么翻译成以不变应万变?

status quo的中文意思是“不变”如果按照字面上翻译,你这句话的意思是 “保持不变”不确定“应万变”是怎么来的,感觉你的这个英文句子不完整

将温度保持在 请问用maintain 还是 maintaining 哪个好啊?

看你需要的是动词谓语还是非谓语你需要将温度保持在。。,用maintain,即:You should maintain the temperature ...我们将温度保持在。。得到的结果,用maintaining,即:We got the results maintaining the temperature ..


maintaining 是 maintain 的现在分词,是动词,不能做名词,没有名词含义。译为保持,保养,坚持,保卫。maintainance是名词,译为维修,维护,保持,生活费用,抚养费。大部分情况用作维修和维护。






mountain和hill的区别:mountain的意思是“山”、“山岳”,其复数形式mountains常表示“山脉”,通常指比hill大或陡峭的高山,例如:It"sthehighestmountainintheworld(它是世界上最高的山)。hill的意思是“小山”、“丘岭”,通常指比mountain小的山,例如:Thehousestandsonthetopofthehill(房子位于山顶上)。mountain柯林斯释义1、N-COUNT山;山岳;高山Amountainisaveryhighareaoflandwithsteepsides.2、QUANT大量;大堆Ifyoutalkaboutamountainofsomething,ormountainsofsomething,youareemphasizingthatthereisalargeamountofit.3、PHRASE极大的困难;难办的事情;棘手的难题Ifyousaythatsomeonehasamountaintoclimb,youmeanthatitwillbedifficultforthemtoachievewhattheywanttoachieve. hill柯林斯释义 1、N-COUNT; 小山;山冈;山丘Ahillisanareaoflandthatishigherthanthelandthatsurroundsit.Wetrudgedupthehilltothestadium.我们费力地爬到山上的体育场。2、PHRASE人老珠黄;在走下坡路;在衰退中;过气Ifyousaythatsomeoneisoverthehill,youaresayingrudelythattheyareoldandnolongerfit,attractive,orcapableofdoingusefulwork.

from the top of the mountain 此处为什么用from而不是用at?




关于S.M Entertainment

SM TOWN创立于1995年,是以创始人兼控股股东李秀满(LEE SOOMAN)的名字的英文缩写命名的,,公司的CEO是金英敏(KIM YOUNG MIN).公司工作人员:70名,公司业务范围,内容:明星传播.培训机构:SM ACADEMY 范围:歌手/演员(包括,电视剧,SHOW,电影)制作 音乐方面的业务包括自己发行唱片,以及授权发行


原文: In Britain you"re allowed to drive a car when you"re seventeen.You have to get a special two-year driving license before you start.When you"re learning, someone with full license always has to be in the car with you. You don"t have to go to a driving school --a friend can teach you. The person with youisn"t allowed to take money for the lesson unless he"s got a teacher"s license. Before you"re allowed to have a full license, you have to take a driving test. You can take a test in your own car, but it has to be fit for the road. In the test, you have to drive round for half an hour and then answer a few questions. If you don"t pass the test, you"re allowed to take it again a few weeks laterif you want to. In 1970, a woman passed her fortieth test after 212 driving lessons! , When you"ve passed your test, you don"t have to take it again, and you"re allowed to go on driving as long as (只要) you like, if you"re healthy. Britain"s oldest driver was a man who drove in 1974 at the age of 100. Before 1904, everyone was allowed to drive, even children. Then from 1904 car drivers had to have a license. But they didn"t have to take a test until 1935. In the early days of car driving, before 1978, cars weren"t allowed to go faster than four miles an hour, and someone had to lead the car with a red flag.

改正下面的十个英语病句1.Our host entertained us with many interesting s?

逗号改为分号 news和the之间加逗号 逗号改为分号 question和even之间逗号改为分号 Li和however之间逗号改为分号 closed后逗号改为分号,he looked(不太确定) everybody前加and,thus前逗号改为分号 Mark Twain was a well-known American author; his... that they would去掉 前三个and去掉(...),3,改正下面的十个英语病句 1.Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure,he had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic. 2.To tell my friend the good news the letter was posted at once. 3.Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers,that was why he got higher pay than others. 4.No student could answer that question,even Yao,who was usually quick in answering questions,was silent. 5.Lin looks like Li,however,they are not related. 6.The old man hunched forward,his head tilted at an angle,his eyes half closed,looking very sleepy. 7.Their work was well planned,everybody worked with great enthusia *** ,thus,they over-fulfilled their quota. 8.Mark Twain,a well-known American writer,whose experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to bee a famous writer. 9.The children promised to be careful and that they would return home early. 10.We entered the shop,and a saleswoman greeted us,and all kinds of shoes were on the shelves,and the prices were quite reasonable,and a lot of customers were


mountain的复数形式为“mountains”。mountains可作为名词使用,其中文意思有:高山、山岳、许多、大量等含义,例句:Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.山上越高的地方植物越稀少。 扩展资料   一、mountain 所有格   复数: mountains   二、mountain 词性及释义   (n.):高山;山岳;许多;大量等含义;   三、mountain 双语例句   例句 1. Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.   山上越高的地方植物越稀少。   例句 2. We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains.   我们雇了一名当地人做向导带领我们翻山越岭。   例句 3. We"re going walking in the mountains this summer.   今年夏天我们打算到山里去徒步旅行。   例句 4. The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains.   橘红色的"夕阳辉映着群山。   例句 5. We spent a week walking in the mountains.   我们在群山中走了一个星期。   例句 6. The mountains provided a dramatic backdrop for our picnic.   群山如画,给我们的野餐平添景色。






区别是 :当都指山峰的时候mountain 一般指山脉, 群山。mount 一般指独立的山峰。此外,mount还有其他的意思如登上等,可以作为动词。详细解释:mountain 英[u02c8mau028antu0259n] 美[u02c8mau028antn] n. 山脉; 山,山岳; 一大堆; 大量; [例句]Ben Nevis, in Scotland, is Britain"s highest mountain.苏格兰境内的本尼维斯山是英国最高的山。mount 英[mau028ant] 美[mau028ant] vt. 登上; 骑上; vi. 增加; 上升; vt. 安装,架置; 镶嵌,嵌入; 准备上演; 成立(军队等); n. 山峰 [例句]The ANC announced it was mounting a major campaign of mass political protests.非洲人国民大会宣布他们正在开展一次大规模政治抗议活动。










英 [u02c8mau028antu0259n]美 [u02c8mau028antn]


mountain的英语读音是(英)/u02c8mau028antu0259n/ (美)/u02c8mau028antn/ 。扩展知识——英语的由来1、是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。2、英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。3、该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。4、英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。5、中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。6、自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。7、英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家的官方语言或官方语言之一。8、与英语为母语的人相比,将其作为第二语言学习的人更多。它是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的母语,在加勒比海、非洲和南亚被广泛使用。


mountain [u02c8mauntin] n.1 山,山岳 2 山脉


The mountain rises 6,000 feet above sea-level . 那山海拔六千英尺。 It is a long hard slog up the mountain . 上山是一段长长的艰难的路。 His echoing cry woke the mountain valley . 他叫喊的回声震荡著山谷。 Beyond these snow-capped mountains pes rome ! 越过这些雪山就是罗马! Then they broke out the towering mountains . 然后他们脱离了崇山峻岭。 The mountains is the stupidity of mankind . 这座山就是人类的愚昧。 The team cpmbed the north face of the mountain . 那小队攀登山的北坡。 We "re now flying high up over the mountains .. 我们正在群山上空飞行。 It would not do to starve among the mountains . 总不能饿死在山中。 The mountains reared their crests into the clouds . 山顶高耸入云。 The mountains are covered with thick snow . 山上覆盖著厚厚的积雪。 The road passes over a steep mountain . 这条路翻越一架陡峭的高山。 They clawed their way to the peak of the mountain . 他们奋力爬上山顶。 I pke to go no piics and cpmb mountains . 我喜欢去野餐和爬山。 Pears grow on the cool mountain slopes . 梨子生长在凉爽的山坡上。 Thousands died on the snow mountains . 在雪山上死去的有成千上万。 The highest mountains can "t shut out the sun .. 山高挡不住太阳。 A fog had e over the mountains from the sea . 海上来的雾遮蔽了群山。 He was the first to top the mountain peak . 他是第一个登上这座山峰的人。 The fierce robbers e down from the mountains . 凶恶的土匪从山上下来。 They went into the mountains to hunt bucks . 他们进山去猎羚羊。 Her voice had the sparkle of a mountain stream . 她茑语呖呖,像高山流水。 If you pve on a mountain , you pve off the mountain 靠山吃山,靠水吃水。 The mountain torrents rushed down with a terrifying force . 山洪来势凶猛。 It was a hard pull up to the mountain hut . 费了很大力气才到达山上的小屋。 A pttle air was moving over the mountain . 一阵微风吹过山来。 The motorcade spiralled up the mountain . 车队沿山路盤旋而上。 The sun is rising and shining all over the mountain . 太阳一出哟,满山红。 The trucks cpmbed the isting mountain road . 卡车沿著盤山公路向上爬去。 The mountain pes beeen o counties . 这座山介于两县之间。

什么山用mount mountain

You can also say Mount Wutai.Another example:Mount Everest (珠穆朗玛峰).Usually,if you are saying the offical name of a mountain,then use Mount X.Another example:I know that Mount Everest is a mountain. Another example:Mount Fuji,Mount Kilimanjaro. You use mountain as a general term.E.g.Himalayas mountains,Rocky Mountains. 你也可以说五台山.又如:Mount Everest (珠穆朗玛峰).通常情况下,如果你说它的正式山名,用Mount x.另一个例子:我知道珠穆朗玛峰是一座山. 又如:富士山,乞力马扎罗山. 您可以使用mountain作为一个通用语.例如喜马拉雅山山脉,落基山脉.


山脉. 英语的 mountain,其最近的字源是法语的 montagne(山岳地区,-gne 是法语对於地名的结尾).所以虽然「山岳」字根只有「mont」(法、西、意诸罗曼语系的山只作 mont),但英语多加出来第二音节的「-tain」,则是来自於原字的复加语尾所致.






mountain是一个英语单词,名词(n.)。作名词时,意思是“山;山脉”。中文词源mountain 高山来自mount,山,-ain,小词后缀。字面意思即小山,在18世纪前,该词都用来指高度非常低的小山。比较Mount Everest.mountain用法和例句提示:Mountain pass itself won "t break china "s stranglehold .仅凭帕斯山是不可能破除中国垄断的。Climb that mountain or chill in the barcalounger ?爬上高山亦或在保卡伦格里发抖?No one on the team imagined a single antarctic mountain could house so many wonders .没有人对能想象这样孤独的南极山脉能孕育出如此多的奇迹。China has been stockpiling a mountain of cotton , presumably to insulate its textile makers from shocks .中国正在储备大量的棉花,可能是为了消除纺织业者的不安。


mountain的意思是山,许多。n.(名词)山,高山;许多,大量(a mountain/mountains of);(食物的)过剩,积压短语1、Mountain View山景城 ; 芒廷维尤 ; 山景市 ; 加州山景城2、Brokeback Mountain断背山 ; 断臂山 ; 断违山 ; 装饰画3、mountain bike登山车 ; 山地车 ; 山地自行车 ; 山地自行车赛例句1、He mimed climbing a mountain.他用哑剧形式表示爬山。2、We rode the mountain trails.我们骑着马走在山里的小路上。3、We"re going down a mountain.我们向山下走去。




mountain 的意思是“山”、“山岳”,其复数形式mountains 常表示 “山脉”,通常指比hill 大或陡峭的高山.例如:①It"s the highest mountain in the world.它是世界上最高的山.②The city lies in a valley with high mountains all around it .城市坐落在高山环抱的山谷中.



mountain和hill的区别 说明理由 一定要仔细

mountain 和 hill 的区别: 1) mountain 的意思是“山”、“山岳”,其复数形式mountains 常表示 “山脉”,通常指比hill 大或陡峭的高山.例如: ①It"s the highest mountain in the world. 它是世界上最高的山. ②The city lies in a valley with high mountains all around it . 城市坐落在高山环抱的山谷中. ③the Rocky Mountains 落矶山脉 2)hill 的意思是“小山”、“丘岭”,通常指比 mountain 小的山.例如: ①They are climbing the hill .他们正在爬山. ②The house stands on the top of the hill.房子位于山顶上.


mountain中文翻译名字叫山牌,创键于1996年,是以生产男仕休闲系列服装为主的专业化公司。注册商标为“山牌”ONIDUNTAIN),全国各地均有很好的知名度。公司在所有员工同事的不断力下,以质里求生存、服务为根本,紧紧抓住市场机遇,得到飞速的发展。 更多关于mountain,是什么牌子,进入:https://m.abcgonglue.com/ask/a8de351615833440.html?zd查看更多内容


一、mountain读音:英 ["mau028antu0259n] 美 ["mau028antu0259n]    二、意思是:n. 大量;山;山脉;高山三、例句:This mountain runs from east to west.这是一座东西走向的山脉。四、词汇搭配:make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做;remove mountains 排山倒海scale a mountain 登山;ski down the mountain 滑雪下山扩展资料词汇用法:mountain, hill, mount这组词都含有“山”的意思。其区别是:1.mountain是普通用词,通常指较陡峭的高山; hill指较低矮的小山或丘陵。例如:The mountains were hidden in mist.群山笼罩在雾中。The house stands on a hill.这幢房子坐落在小山上。2.用于专有名词时,Hill和Mountain都位于山名之后,而Mount位于山名之前.例如:His death was weightier than Mount Tai.他的死重于泰山。


west mountain网络西山双语例句1Status and Trend Analysis of Maize Diseases in the West Mountain Regions of Hubei 鄂西山区玉米病害发生情况和趋势分析


mountain 和 hill 的区别: 1) mountain 的意思是“山”、“山岳”,其复数形式mountains 常表示 “山脉”,通常指比hill 大或陡峭的高山. 扩展资料 例如: ①It"s the highest mountain in the world. 它是世界上最高的"山. ②The city lies in a valley with high mountains all around it . 城市坐落在高山环抱的山谷中. ③the Rocky Mountains 落矶山脉 2)hill 的意思是“小山”、“丘岭”,通常指比 mountain 小的山.例如: ①They are climbing the hill .他们正在爬山. ②The house stands on the top of the hill.房子位于山顶上.


mountain英[u02c8mau028antu0259n]美[u02c8mau028antn]例句“巨人墙”是这座山最难攀登的一段山岩。Titan"s Wall is the mountain"s hardest rock climb.

A tail of an old black cat。请问为什么要加“an”呢?可不可以不加呢?

因为cat是可数名词单数,前面要用不定冠词old是元音开头,用 anA tail of an old black cat.




mountain用拼音读法是mang ten


mountain用拼音读法是mang ten


mountain 英["mau028antu0259n] 美[u02c8mau028antu0259n] n. 山,山岳;山脉;一大堆;大量 名词复数:mountains


mountain,读音:英 ["mau028antu0259n],美 ["mau028antu0259n]。释义:n. 大量;山;山脉;高山形容词:mountainy例句:This mountain runs from east to west.这是一座东西走向的山脉。短语:on the mountain 在山上a mountain of 一大堆barren mountain 荒芜的山scale a mountain 登山mountain climber 爬山运动员at the foot of the mountain 在山脚下词义辨析mountain,hill,mount这组词都含有“山”的意思。区别是:mountain是普通用词,通常指较陡峭的高山;hill指较低矮的小山或丘陵。例如:The mountains were hidden in mist.群山笼罩在雾中。The house stands on a hill.这幢房子坐落在小山上。用于专有名词时,Hill和Mountain都位于山名之后,而Mount位于山名之前。例如:His death was weightier than Mount Tai.他的死重于泰山。The Rocky Mountains lie in the west part of America.落基山脉位于美国西部。


mountain[英]["mau028antu0259n] [美][u02c8mau028antu0259n] 生词本 简明释义 n.山,山岳;山脉;一大堆;大量 复数:mountains 易混淆的单词:Mountain 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词 1.N-COUNT山;山岳;高山A mountain is a very high area of land with steep sides. Ben Nevis, in Scotland, is Britain"s highest mountain. 苏格兰境内的本尼维斯山是英国最高的山. ...a lovely little mountain village. 怡人的小山村




mountainous adj. 多山的;巨大的;山一般的; 例句: Tibetans live in very high mountainous areas in southwestern China. 西藏人生活在中国西南部的高山地区。 扩展资料   The plan is designed to reduce some of the company"s mountainous debt.   制定这个计划是为了减少该公司的`一部分巨额债务。   We left the rough track and bumped our way over a rugged mountainous terrain.   我们驶离坎坷的小道,又颠簸过了崎岖多岩的山地。   The road mainly passes through in the mountainous area, the desert region, and the levigation ditch area.   此道路主要经过山区,沙漠地区和水磨沟区。   He lives in a mountainous district.   他住在山区。



英语中climb mountain和mountain climb有什么区别?




高中英语--- mountain 在山上是用 in 还是用 on ??

in the mountain,没有on the mountain这种搭配.但如果是hill,in和on都可以用,前者是指在山里,后者指在山上.




去听那首mountain top,名字叫《high 歌》,马上会学会


"Mountain" 的中文意思为“山”。它是一个非常通用的词汇,经常用于描述地理环境中的自然山区和山脉。山是由地球地壳运动形成的,并且通常在地球表面高出周围地区。下面是有关"山"的更加详细的介绍。在地理学和地貌学中,山被定义为地表海拔比周围地区高出500米或以上的陆地形态。山脉则是一系列相互连接的山峰和山谷,通常形成在地球的板块运动中。世界上最高的山峰是珠穆朗玛峰,它位于中华人民共和国和尼泊尔的边界线上,海拔高度达到8,848米。山是自然环境中的重要要素,它们提供了许多资源和服务,如水资源、土地、生物多样性和旅游景点。人们不仅可以在山上进行旅游和户外活动,还可以从山中获取木材、矿物和其他资源。许多重要的城市和商业中心都建立在山脉附近,例如位于阿尔卑斯山和喜马拉雅山脉周围的城市和地区。但是,山地环境也存在一定的挑战和问题。在某些地区,山地环境容易受到过度开发、环境污染和土地退化等影响。此外,山区经常处于自然灾害的风险之中,如山洪、山崩、泥石流、雪崩等。因此,对于山区环境的保护和管理是非常重要的。
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