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在修改表的结构中,如何用alter table将已经建立的空值约束null改为not null?(其他的不变)

指定列为非空可以使用如下语句,但是需要注意,修改的列,在表中必须不存在null数据,如果含有为空数据,修改无法成功,需要先处理掉为空数据才能修改alter table 表名 modify 列名 not null;


是的,CREATE TABLE语句中的NOT NULL用于确保数据库表中的列不能为空,从而实现实体完整性。当你在创建一个表时,使用NOT NULL关键字来指定某一列不允许为空。这样,如果有人试图插入一条数据,并且在该列中没有提供值,就会出现错误,从而确保了数据的完整性。NOT NULL关键字可以应用于各种数据类型,包括字符串、数字、日期和时间等。





apply to和suitable for的区别

适用于:Britain had maintained that human rights laws did not apply to its troops based outside Europe.英国坚持称,人权法并不适用欧洲以外的军队。适合:Packing in cardboard box with a little bit of flower designs is suitable for display in supermarkets.带一点花卉图案的硬纸盒包装适合在超级市场上展销。

excel 中subtable 函数怎么用?

excel 中好像没有subtable 函数。我只在SQL那见过。基本方法是: 假设主表字段的值为 1,待查询表中与之对应的字段名称为 parentid 则使用下面的SQL语句进行查询 Select * From SubTable Where parentid=1

What are you comfortable with me calling you 什么意思


求steady sturdy substantial stable区别

steady sturdy substantial stable区别 steady多表示发展、增长稳步的,稳定. sturdy多表示人体结实的,坚固的,肌肉发达,体格强壮的,健壮的. substantial多在正式场合出现,关系牢固;也可形容经验丰富.可译为:大而坚固的;结实的;牢固的. stable多表示某人人品可靠,或政治方面稳定平衡的,平稳的. ——团队【白墨青城】

求助:谁能告诉我是 a respected job 还是 a respectable job?

a respected job


respected, 受人尊敬的: He"s one of the most respected managers in the company.respectable, 更多指:有名望的,被大众所认可/公认的, 正派的,端庄的,大方得体的(行为举止,着装等): Put a tie on, it"ll make you look more respectable. / They are hard-working, respectable people.


第一种方法1、加方法-(void)setExtraCellLineHidden: (UITableView *)tableView{ UIView *view = [UIView new]; view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; [tableView setTableFooterView:view]; [view release];}2、在- (void)viewDidLoad{ [super viewDidLoad]; //设置tableView不能滚动 [self.tableView setScrollEnabled:NO]; //在此处调用一下就可以啦 :此处假设tableView的name叫:tableView [self setExtraCellLineHidden:self.tableView];}在iOS4.3和iOS5.0中通过:值得注意的是在iOS4.3中可以直接设置footer为nil,但是在5.0不行,因为UITableView会默认生成一个Footer。(详见iOS Release Notes中的说明:Returning nil from the tableView:viewForHeaderInSection: method (or its footer equivalent) is no longer sufficient to hide a header. You must override tableView:heightForHeaderInSection: and return 0.0 to hide a header.)plain类型的tableview当显示的数据很少时,下面的cell即使不显示数据也会有分割线,可以通过下面这个函数去掉多余的分割线。- (void)setExtraCellLineHidden: (UITableView *)tableView{ UIView *view =[ [UIView alloc]init]; view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; [tableView setTableFooterView:view]; [view release];}当tableview的dataSource为空时,也就是没有数据可显示时,该方法无效,只能在numberOfRowsInsection函数,通过判断dataSouce的数据个数,如果为零可以将tableview的separatorStyle设置为UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone去掉分割线,然后在大于零时将其设置为UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleSingleLine第二种方法if (cell == nil) { cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease]; // Drawing our own separatorLine here because I need to turn it off for the // last row. I can only do that on the tableView and on on specific cells. // The y position below has to be 1 less than the cell height to keep it from // disappearing when the tableView is scrolled. UIImageView *separatorLine = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, cell.frame.size.height - 1.0f, cell.frame.size.width, 1.0f)]; separatorLine.image = [[UIImage imageNamed:@"grayDot"] stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:1 topCapHeight:0]; separatorLine.tag = 4; [cell.contentView addSubview:separatorLine]; [separatorLine release];}// Setup default cell setttings....UIImageView *separatorLine = (UIImageView *)[cell viewWithTag:4];separatorLine.hidden = NO;...// In the cell I want to hide the line, I just hide it.seperatorLine.hidden = YES;...In viewDidLoad:self.tableView.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone; 最后,创建UITableView时,使用style:UITableViewStyleGrouped,方法解决问题,代码如下1self.tableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame style:UITableViewStyleGrouped];23_tableView.separatorColor = [UIColor clearColor];4_tableView.backgroundView=[[UIView alloc] init]; //改变表的背景视图5_tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; //添加颜色使用UITableViewStyleGrouped类型创建的UITableView,背景颜色需要使用上面两个方法设置的才能生效,普通的backgroundcolor方法无效。同时由于UITableViewStyleGrouped模式默认会有Section高度,所以,要继承下heightForHeaderInSection方法,记住在UITableViewStyleGrouped,直接修改sectionHeaderHeight的方式是不行的。



html页面中嵌套iframe标签,但不显示内容怎么回事? 不显示table.html

路径是否有问题 , 当前的html和table。html 在一个文件夹下面


respectable adj. 值得尊敬的指因品质、行为等高尚而应该得到他人尊敬的。respectable motives 高尚的动机According to his students, he is a hard-working and respectable teacher. 在学生眼里,他是一位勤勉可敬的老师。respected adj. 受尊敬的指因取得的成就而受人敬重的。



respecting respectful respectable respective的差别

respecting:V.的ing形式respectful:形容词,有礼貌的respectable:形容词,值得尊敬的 或 名词,尊敬的人respective:形容词,分别的

respectful,respectable和respective 有什么区别

1.这四个单词看上去都是respect的衍生词,其实respective不是,因此跟它没有关系,意思是“分别的,各自的”,后面常常加名词的复数形式,如: We all w...2.其他三个单词都是respect的衍生词,但意义不同。respectful表示主动含义,...3.respectable表示被动含义,意思是“可敬的”。如: He is a r...4.respected仍是表示被动,过去分词作定语表示被动多用于修饰人,它与r...

respect ,respected,respectful,respectable,respective用法及区别、常用词组

1.respect: 既可以做动词也可以做名词。respect someone/sth. show one"s respect.2.respected: respect的过去式(例如,He was respected. );也可以做形容词,表示受尊重的。(例如, The respected leaders.) respected ideas 公认理论;权威理论 be respected as 被尊为... 3.respectful: 形容词,形容某件事,或者某人的行为恭敬的,有礼貌的(例如,respectful behavior)其副词形式:respectfully.(例如,she said respectfully.)4.respectable: 既可以做名词,意为:值得尊重的人或事物(例如,Most Respectable最尊敬的人)。也可以做形容词,形容某些人或事物值得尊敬(例如,respectable parents);某些人人格高尚的(The leader is so respectable.);或者人、事物相当数量的(respectable amount)。5.respective:形容词,意思:分别的,各自的(例如respective error个别误差)。(Everything in the world hasitsrespectiverulesand regulations)



开机出现The system cannot find any bootable device。

电脑显示这串英文是BIOS无法退出界面,想要退出BIOS的具体操作步骤如下:1、首先要退出BIOS,按esc推到主界面。2、然后选择save & exit setup输入y。3、按回车键,就可以退出并且进入到系统,这个是设置之后保存的。4、如果不要保存,那么也要退出,选择exit without saving,不保存设置退出,不保存设置,就选择这个设置选项,反之选择一二步,以及四五步骤。5、然后在BIOS设置界面,键盘按f10,选择yes,这个就是已经设置好并保存了的BIOS设置。6、最后电脑就正常进入操作系统了,可以正常使用。方法二:西数硬盘有的,你用U盘启动盘工具进入分区软件中把c盘引导重写一遍。写成Mbr分区表形式就好了。请老师给指导下可以通过进pe系统或者插入系统盘进行修复即可。修复电脑启动盘引导的步骤如下:1、首先在一台可用的电脑上下载安装小白一键重装系统,然后参照教程制作好u盘启动盘。制作教程参照:2、插入启动盘进需要修复的电脑中,开机不断按f2,del或者esc等启动热键进快速启动项,选择u盘启动进pe系统。(不同电脑的启动热键不同,可自行查询)3、选择01项pe系统进入。4、进入系统之后,打开桌面deskganius分区软件,点击c盘后再把左上角菜单里面的重写引导分区,点击是就完成了。关机重启电脑。he system cannot find any bootable devices遇到这个问题一般都是新主板或者升级了bios导致的,下面分享详细的解决方法。电脑bios设置方法/步骤首先进入到bios的设置选项。每个电脑进入的方法大同小异无非就是F2、F8、DELETE这三个按键长按电脑开机提示the system cannot find 解决办法打开bios---然后按F9先恢复下默认的bios设置。电脑开机提示the system cannot find 解决办法恢复之后我们根据下面的提示找到security.电脑开机提示the system cannot find 解决办法找到之后依次在它下面找到security---boot。电脑开机提示the system cannot find 解决办法进入它的设置把secure boot control设置为关闭(disabled)再次回到我们的boot设置,把CMS设置为开启,保存重启只有这个设置为enabled才能正常使用windows 。注意事项根据步骤来先设置secure boot control关闭,才能设置csm为开启

select t.*,ROW_NUMBER() as rowno FROM table t where rowno between 1 and 20 order by id desc

语法错了,下面这条应该是你想要的,select * from (select t.*,ROW_NUMBER() over ( order by id ) as rowno FROM table t ) o where o.rowno between 1 and 20 order by id desc

DVD ROM光驱上面有rewritable是什么意思?



Stablediffusion开阔的视野开阔的视野篇Perspective —— 透视Horizon —— 地平线Vantage point —— 观察点Panorama —— 全景Aerial view —— 鸟瞰图Wide-angle —— 广角Depth of field —— 景深Zoom out —— 缩小Expansive —— 广阔的Infinite —— 无限的Landscapes —— 风景画Cityscape —— 城市风景Seascapes —— 海景画Mountain range —— 山脉Open fields —— 开阔的田野Skyline —— 天际线Panoramic view —— 全景视图Vast expanse —— 广袤的空间Boundless —— 无边无际的Expanding horizons —— 开拓视野Wide open spaces —— 广阔的空间Limitless possibilities —— 无限的可能性Endless exploration —— 无尽的探索Expanding perspectives —— 拓宽视角Limit-breaking —— 打破界限Unobstructed view —— 无遮挡的视野Infinite potential —— 无限的潜力New horizons —— 新的视野Expansive imagination —— 开阔的想象力Broaden your mind —— 扩大思维Wide-eyed wonder —— 惊奇的眼神Embrace the unknown —— 拥抱未知Discover the unseen —— 发现未曾见过的事物Embrace diversity —— 接纳多样性Break free from limitations —— 摆脱限制Embrace change —— 拥抱变化Explore the unexplored —— 探索未被开发的领域Embrace different perspectives —— 接纳不同的观点Dare to dream big —— 勇于追求大梦想Unleash your creativity —— 发挥创造力Think outside the box —— 跳出思维定式Embrace the vastness of the universe —— 拥抱宇宙的无垠Embrace the beauty of diversity —— 拥抱多样性的美丽Embrace the wonders of nature —— 拥抱大自然的奇迹Embrace the richness of cultures —— 拥抱文化的丰富性Embrace the expansiveness of knowledge —— 接纳知识的广博Embrace the freedom of expression —— 接纳表达的自由Embrace the vastness within yourself —— 拥抱你内心的无垠Embrace the vastness of the cosmos —— 接纳宇宙的无垠


是啊! ReWritible是指可重写,讲的是盘片,跟刻录机无关。

bootstrap table分页时,pageList设置4个参数,只显示前两个参数,什么原因?

$("#table_ID").bootstrapTable({smartDisplay: false,});添加这一项就行了// 忽略数据计数的,就是没有数据也会显示全部pageList设置的参数


Bootstrap的后台数据绑定、特殊列处理及列的排序功能1.数据绑定一般做程序设计,很少是使用json文件直接绑定数据。基本上我们都是使用编程语言进行数据获取,并做数据绑定。放置一个Table控件<table id="table" ></table>调用javascript的代码<script >$("#table").bootstrapTable({url: "tablejson.jsp", //数据绑定,后台的数据从jsp代码search:true,uniqueId:"Id",pageSize:"5",pageNumber:"1",sidePagination:"client",pagination:true,height:"400",columns: [{field: "Id",title: "中文"}, {field: "Name",title: "Name"}, {field: "Desc",title: "Desc"}],});2.特殊列处理在实际应用中,我们需要增加我们的特殊列,例如是操作列,看下列的js代码 增加了一个特殊列{field: "#",title: "control",formatter:function(value,row,index){var del="<a href="Deletewww.bjldfw.comaction?Id="+row.Id+"" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >删除</a>";var updt="<a href="supdate.jsp?Id="+row.Id+"" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >修改</a>";var add="<a href="Include.jsp?Id="+row.Id+"" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >增加</a>"return del+" "+updt+"&nbsp"+add;}}js的代码修改为<script >$("#table").bootstrapTable({url: "tablejson.jsp", //数据绑定,后台的数据从jsp代码search:true,uniqueId:"Id",pageSize:"5",pageNumber:"1",sidePagination:"client",pagination:true,height:"400",columns: [{field: "Id",title: "中文"}, {field: "Name",title: "Name"}, {field: "Desc",title: "Desc"},{field: "#",title: "control",formatter:function(value,row,index){var del="<a href="Deletewww.bjldfw.comaction?Id="+row.Id+"" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >删除</a>";var updt="<a href="supdate.jsp?Id="+row.Id+"" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >修改</a>";var add="<a href="Include.jsp?Id="+row.Id+"" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" >增加</a>"return del+" "+updt+"&nbsp"+add;}}], }); 3.列的排序,排序主要是在列中增加了一个属性{field: "Name",title: "Name",<br><em id="mceDel">sortable:true</em>}以上就是JavaScript BootStrap Table后台数据绑定、特殊列处理、排序功能详解的详细内容

bootstrap table服务器分页的问题(PHP)

前端代码块<table id="test-table" class="col-xs-12" data-toolbar="#toolbar">function initTable(){$("#test-table").bootstrapTable({method: "get",toolbar: "#toolbar", //工具按钮用哪个容器striped: true, //是否显示行间隔色cache: false, //是否使用缓存,默认为true,所以一般情况下需要设置一下这个属性(*)pagination: true, //是否显示分页(*)sortable: false, //是否启用排序sortOrder: "asc", //排序方式pageNumber:1, //初始化加载第一页,默认第一页pageSize: 10, //每页的记录行数(*)pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100], //可供选择的每页的行数(*)url: "/testProject/page4list.json",//这个接口需要处理bootstrap table传递的固定参数queryParamsType:"", //默认值为 "limit" ,在默认情况下 传给服务端的参数为:offset,limit,sort// 设置为 "" 在这种情况下传给服务器的参数为:pageSize,pageNumber//queryParams: queryParams,//前端调用服务时,会默认传递上边提到的参数,如果需要添加自定义参数,可以自定义一个函数返回请求参数sidePagination: "server", //分页方式:client客户端分页,server服务端分页(*)//search: true, //是否显示表格搜索,此搜索是客户端搜索,不会进服务端,所以,个人感觉意义不大strictSearch: true,//showColumns: true, //是否显示所有的列//showRefresh: true, //是否显示刷新按钮minimumCountColumns: 2, //最少允许的列数clickToSelect: true, //是否启用点击选中行searchOnEnterKey: true,columns: [{field: "id",title: "id",align: "center"}, {field: "testkey",title: "测试标识",align: "center"}, {field: "testname",title: "测试名字",align: "center"},{field: "id",title: "操作",align: "center",formatter:function(value,row,index){//通过formatter可以自定义列显示的内容//value:当前field的值,即id//row:当前行的数据var a = "<a href="" >测试</a>";}}],pagination:true});}在前端通过请求获取table数据时,bootstrap table会默认拼一个 searchText的参数,来支持查询功能。服务端代码@RequestMapping(value = "/page4list.json")public void page4list(Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, String searchText, HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) {//搜索框功能//当查询条件中包含中文时,get请求默认会使用ISO-8859-1编码请求参数,在服务端需要对其解码if (null != searchText) {try {searchText = new String(searchText.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8");} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}//在service通过条件查询获取指定页的数据的listList<MwmsgType> list = mwMsgQueueService.page4List(pageSize, pageNumber, searchText);//根据查询条件,获取符合查询条件的数据总量int total = mwMsgQueueService.queryCountBySearchText(searchText);//自己封装的数据返回类型,bootstrap-table要求服务器返回的json数据必须包含:totlal,rows两个节点PageResultForBootstrap page = new PageResultForBootstrap();page.setTotal(total);page.setRows(list);//page就是最终返回给客户端的数据结构,可以直接返回给前端//下边这段,只是我自己的代码有自定义的spring HandlerInterceptor处理返回值,可以忽略。request.setAttribute(Constants.pageResultData, page);}完成上述代码,即可实现服务器端自动分页,bootstrap-table根据服务器端返回的total,以及table设定的pageSize,自动生成分页的页面元素,每次点击下一页或者指定页码,bootstrap-table会自动给参数pageNumber赋值,服务器返回指定页的数据。如果发送的是post请求,因为bootstap table使用的是ajax方式获取数据,这时会将请求的content type默认设置为 text/plain,这样在服务端直接通过 @RequestParam参数映射是获取不到的。这时就需要在bootstrap-table的参数列表中显式设置contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"设置成form表单的形式,tomcat内部就会自动将requset payload中的数据部分解析放到request.getParameter()中,之后就可以直接通过@RequestParam映射参数获取


Bootstrap的后台数据绑定、特殊列处理及列的排序功能1.数据绑定一般做程序设计,很少是使用json文件直接绑定数据。基本上我们都是使用编程语言进行数据获取,并做数据绑定。放置一个Table控件<table id="table" ></table>调用javascript的代码<script >$("#table").bootstrapTable({url: "tablejson.jsp", //数据绑定,后台的数据从jsp代码search:true,uniqueId:"Id",pageSize:"5",pageNumber:"1",sidePagination:"client",pagination:true,height:"400",columns: [{field: "Id",title: "中文"}, {field: "Name",title: "Name"}, {field: "Desc",title: "Desc"}],});

BootStrap-table 客户端分页和服务端分页的区别

  前端代码块  <table id="test-table" class="col-xs-12" data-toolbar="#toolbar">  function initTable(){  $("#test-table").bootstrapTable({  method: "get",  toolbar: "#toolbar", //工具按钮用哪个容器  striped: true, //是否显示行间隔色  cache: false, //是否使用缓存,默认为true,所以一般情况下需要设置一下这个属性(*)  pagination: true, //是否显示分页(*)  sortable: false, //是否启用排序  sortOrder: "asc", //排序方式  pageNumber:1, //初始化加载第一页,默认第一页  pageSize: 10, //每页的记录行数(*)  pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100], //可供选择的每页的行数(*)  url: "/testProject/page4list.json",//这个接口需要处理bootstrap table传递的固定参数  queryParamsType:"", //默认值为 "limit" ,在默认情况下 传给服务端的参数为:offset,limit,sort  // 设置为 "" 在这种情况下传给服务器的参数为:pageSize,pageNumber  //queryParams: queryParams,//前端调用服务时,会默认传递上边提到的参数,如果需要添加自定义参数,可以自定义一个函数返回请求参数  sidePagination: "server", //分页方式:client客户端分页,server服务端分页(*)  //search: true, //是否显示表格搜索,此搜索是客户端搜索,不会进服务端,所以,个人感觉意义不大  strictSearch: true,  //showColumns: true, //是否显示所有的列  //showRefresh: true, //是否显示刷新按钮  minimumCountColumns: 2, //最少允许的列数  clickToSelect: true, //是否启用点击选中行  searchOnEnterKey: true,  columns: [{  field: "id",  title: "id",  align: "center"  }, {  field: "testkey",  title: "测试标识",  align: "center"  }, {  field: "testname",  title: "测试名字",  align: "center"  },{  field: "id",  title: "操作",  align: "center",  formatter:function(value,row,index){  //通过formatter可以自定义列显示的内容  //value:当前field的值,即id  //row:当前行的数据  var a = "<a href="" >测试</a>";  }  }],  pagination:true  });  }    在前端通过请求获取table数据时,bootstrap table会默认拼一个 searchText的参数,来支持查询功能。  服务端代码  @RequestMapping(value = "/page4list.json")  public void page4list(Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, String searchText, HttpServletRequest request,  HttpServletResponse response) {  //搜索框功能  //当查询条件中包含中文时,get请求默认会使用ISO-8859-1编码请求参数,在服务端需要对其解码  if (null != searchText) {  try {  searchText = new String(searchText.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8");  } catch (Exception e) {  e.printStackTrace();  }  }  //在service通过条件查询获取指定页的数据的list  List<MwmsgType> list = mwMsgQueueService.page4List(pageSize, pageNumber, searchText);  //根据查询条件,获取符合查询条件的数据总量  int total = mwMsgQueueService.queryCountBySearchText(searchText);  //自己封装的数据返回类型,bootstrap-table要求服务器返回的json数据必须包含:totlal,rows两个节点  PageResultForBootstrap page = new PageResultForBootstrap();  page.setTotal(total);  page.setRows(list);  //page就是最终返回给客户端的数据结构,可以直接返回给前端  //下边这段,只是我自己的代码有自定义的spring HandlerInterceptor处理返回值,可以忽略。  request.setAttribute(Constants.pageResultData, page);  }  完成上述代码,即可实现服务器端自动分页,bootstrap-table根据服务器端返回的total,以及table设定的pageSize,自动生成分页的页面元素,每次点击下一页或者指定页码,bootstrap-table会自动给参数pageNumber赋值,服务器返回指定页的数据。  如果发送的是post请求,因为bootstap table使用的是ajax方式获取数据,这时会将请求的content type默认设置为 text/plain,这样在服务端直接通过 @RequestParam参数映射是获取不到的。  这时就需要在bootstrap-table的参数列表中显式设置  contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"  设置成form表单的形式,tomcat内部就会自动将requset payload中的数据部分解析放到request.getParameter()中,之后就可以直接通过@RequestParam映射参数获取

bootstrap dynamic table 英文怎么改中文

您好,这样的: 目测你只需要把data-url写好,比如写 data-url=“userList.htm”, 然后userList.htm返回数据如: {"state":"xxx","email":"xxx",...},即按照你th中写的字段返回json即可。 获取下拉列表选中项的值和文本(select) //获取下拉列表选...

英语作文an unforgettable travel experience

An unforgettable travel experience My most impressive travel experience is the travel to Guilin when I was 16 .that day was fine and cloudy,and the sky looked blue.I went to visit Guilin with my father.We spent 2 hours taking a bus to Guilin.When we got there,we went to Seven Stars Park first,which is beautiful and famous.There are many kinds of colourful flowers.They are all lovely and beautiful.We took many photos there.After a while,we went to the zoo in the park.There are also many animals in the zoo.I like birds best,because they have beautiful feather and can sing many good songs.We watched them gladly and feed something to them.After that,we went to the Li River.There are many famous places and bridges beside and on the river.We met many foreigners.The river water was very clean and the hills were green.It looks like a wonderful picture.We stayed beside the Li River for a long time,feeling very happy.When we felt tired,we took the bus back.What a wonderful time We had!

《An Unforgettable Gift》 写一篇英语作文



元音开头,读 昂

unforgetable还是unforgettable 有几个t

第二个 两个t

an unforgettable experience 作文

One of my most unforgettable experiences occurred on a day last summer, when I was handing out newspapers from door to door.   Disappointed at my study results, I didn"t want to go to school any longer. I found a temporary job during my summer vacation. Because I was poor in knowledge, the manager only asked me to deliver newspapers from house to house.   At the beginning, I took it for granted that it would be a piece of cake. There would be no difficultly in finishing it. But to my surprise, when I went to people"s houses, they looked me up and down. I could feel that they looked down upon me. I was badly hurt. Though I was discouraged, I came to another house. A black dog jumped out suddenly. I was frightened and screamed with fear. But no one came to help me. At that time, I came to realize that delivering newspapers was more difficult than reading in the classroom. I wanted to give up, but I couldn"t.   I tried my best to do the job better. Although I was very tired, I made it finally.   From this unforgettable experience, I have learnt that if we put our heart into it, nothing is difficult and nothing is impossible.   Now, I am sitting in the classroom, happy, confident, and hard-working. As long as I don"t lose heart and work harder and harder, I will make much progress.

请写一篇字数为80字的英语作文,题目为“An Unforgettable Day ”作业用


an unforgettable 不应该是冠词修饰名词吗

辅音开头用a即a wonderful and unforgettable experiemce

An Unforgettable Experience 写一篇英语作文?

An Unforgettable Experience This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn"t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn"t feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday. An Unforgettable Experience一次难忘的经历 Last summer, I went to Beidaihe for my holiday with my family. We took a train because the way is not far. We lived in a big hotel where could see the sea . We stayed there for three days. The first day, we went for a walk along the seaside, and then we went swimming and took a lot of interesting photos there. The second day, we went to a famous market and bought many keepsakes. I was going to bring these keepsakes for my friends. The last day, we had a good picnic on the seaside with the natives. They acted all kinds of programmes and made us feel happy. It"s a very good journey, and we all enjoyed ourselves on those days. If I have another holiday, I will go there again. An Unforgettable Experience I like traveling very much. My trip to XiAn is really unforgettable. Before I went there, I always wanted to see Bin Ma Yong, so I chose to go there. I went to there by train with my parents and I had breakfast in the hotel. Then we went there by bus. When I got off the bus, I was very excited. I saw a lot of false man whose hand with all kinds of things. I took many pictures. Finally we went back the hotel in the afternoon. Though I was very tired, I felt very happy. I dwill never forget it for ever. An Unforgettable ExperienceDuring the last summer holiday, I went to the Amusement Park of Beijing. My elder brother told me that it was an interesting place. We started out by car at 6:00. I saw a lot of people including a foreigner who has blue eyes .First I went to play roller coaster that was very exciting. Then I went to play corsair that was very unforgettable. Finally I also played any other games, which I had never played. And I enjoyed many beautiful sights.I was so happy that I think this is one of my Unforgettable Trip 高一(7)王峥 When I was a primary school student, my family and I took a trip to five cities which were in the south of China. First, we came to Nanjing by plane. That was the first time I had taken the plane and it took us an hour and a half to get there. We arrived in Nanjing in the morning. At 11:30 we went to a restaurant to have lunch. The food tasted delicious. In the afternoon we went to “Zhongshanling”. It was the place that preserve the tomb of Mr. Sugshan. The next day, we came to Wuxi and then Suzhou where we visited the region of rivers and lakes of “周庄”. It was a beautiful and old place. The house there were along the river and the women always washed clothes at the bank. The fourth day, we came to Hangzhou where We visited “The West Lake. It was very beautiful and the water was clear . As we all know, Hangzhou is famous for silk and tea, so we bought some beautiful silk and famous tea of “龙井”. The last place that we visited was Shanghai. It was one of the biggest city is China. The night view in Shanghai was more beautiful than Beijing. We visited the TV tower of “东方明珠”. It was the third tallest tower in the world. Standing in the tower you could see the whole city. In the evening, we lived in a hotel with 25 floors. I was very excited that evening. This trip took us seven days and we went back to Beijing by plane. The plane was very very big. There were three engine rooms. I felt happy and I would never forget the trip.

《An Unforgettable Gift》 写一篇英语作文


以an unforgettable thing 为题写一篇英语作文

Of course, everyone experiences different things which make them unforgettable. So do I. Next let`s share one that affects me a lot and is really unforgettable.July 2 is my grand father"s birthday. On that day, all of my families will get together to celebrate his birthday. This year was the same. My uncles and aunt came back from other cities. It was so alive that my grand parents were very happy. This year, I made a surprise for my grand father. I cooked a dish for him. As I never cooked before, he was so surprised as well as exciting. My grand father said that it was the best birthday gift he received. I was glad to make grand father happy. Actually, I had practiced for several days before that day.Since then, I always challenge myself to do the things I haven`t done before. And I feel I step to grow up little by little.

以An unforgettable holiday(一个难忘的假期)写英语作文

难忘的假期  I had a long holiday for May Day .I was very happy, because I could do anything I want.  我度过了一个很长的五一假期。我非常开心,因为我可以做任何我想做的事情。  During those days, I enjoyed myself. At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then, I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting.  那些天里,我玩的很开心。首先,我去动物园看可爱的动物。之后我去了海洋世界看了美丽的鱼。非常有趣。  Morever, I went for a trip with my parents. We went to visit my grandparents. We rode horses on the grassland. It was very exciting.  另外,我跟爸爸妈妈去旅行了。我们去了爷爷奶奶家。我们在草地上骑马。非常刺激。  Besides, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house. My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us. We also took many photos on the party. We played very happily.  还有哦,我办了一个小聚会,邀请了我的许多好朋友到我家来。我妈妈为我们买了好多可口的食物。我们在聚会上照了好多照片。我们玩的很开心。  I also watched lots of carton films at home. They were wonderful.  我还看了许多动画电影。可精彩了。  I like the holiday. I like my May Day.  我喜欢假期。我喜欢过五一。

英语作文:An unforgettable day

One of the most unforgettable days of my life occurred last year when I went on a hiking trip with my friends to a nearby mountain. The breathtaking beauty of nature and the invigorating exercise made this day truly memorable.We started our hike early in the morning, with the sun barely visible over the horizon. The cool breeze and chirping of the birds made the atmosphere feel ever so fresh. It was a steep hike, but our determination kept us going. We passed through lush forests and clear streams. The scenery was so spectacular that we stopped frequently to take in the stunning view.As we approached the summit, the view became more and more breathtaking. The views of the surrounding mountains were extraordinary. We could see small villages nestled among the valleys and forests. The clouds were like a blanket, covering the mountains tops.Once we reached the peak, we felt on top of the world. The sense of accomplishment was indescribable. We sat down to rest and enjoy the scenery before starting the descent. We shared snacks and laughter while enjoying the serene environment.The descent was not easy, but we helped each other navigate the tougher sections. We stopped by a stream to rest and take a dip. The cool water was refreshing, and the scenery was amazing. A few hours later, we arrived back at the base camp, tired but exhilarated.Overall, that day left an indelible imprint on me. It was more than just a hike or a day out; it was a day filled with adventure, friendship, and nature"s beauty. I will cherish those memories forever.

求英文作文 Unforgettable Vacation.350字左右

MY SUMMER VACATION After the final examination,I received a letter from my uncle and aunt who invited me to stay with them for a fortnight.They live in the countryside near a beautiful mountain.The news brought me a restless night.Next morning,after almost a day"s ride on the bus I reached their home and I was kindly received by them.They prepared a very nice and airy room for me,Just coming inside,on a small table I found a vase of roses----my favorite flower.I thanked them for their kindness.When they left me to take a rest,I really could not do it.My attention was taken away by the charming and picturesque scenery outside the window.If I were an artist,I would have drawn a wonderful picture of it. Every morning we took a walk in the neighboring hills where we could enjoy the fresh air and sweet songs by the birds.We gathered wild flowers here and there among the bushes,I found it full of fun. In the afternoon,I mostly sent my time reading and writing,for I was shut in the house by the terrible heat.The evening was shut in the house by the terrible heat.The evening was the only time we could go to swim together.I improved my swimming greatly during those two weeks. Though the fortnight passed away at lightening speed,the memory of it will last forever. My summer vacation is full of happy every day during the summer vacation,I have a lot of friends and play together,and we have been to many places in the summer vacation,I help my parents did some housework,mother also kua I,I am really very happy,so imperceptibly summer spent. 我的暑假过的很充实,每天过的很开心,在暑假里有很多的朋友与我在一起玩,我们去了很多地方我在暑假里还帮助我的父母干了一些家务,妈妈还夸我呢,我真的很开心,就这样,不知不觉暑假就度过了. My summer vacation This summer ,I had a really good time.What did I do?Let me tell you. I went to ...for vacation.The weather there is fine.And I visited ....I had some speicial food there.They were delicious.I took a lot of photos and bought a lot of souvenirs(初二词汇,纪念品) for my classmates. When I was there ,I learned a lot of Chinese history and I knew some interesting stories.I like this city.If I have time ,I may go there again. I did some housework this vacation.I thought it was good for my parents.And I can learn a lot from it. I also played some sports.I like basketball ,swimming and playing badminton. Wow!My vacation was so colorful. My summer vacation plan The summer vaction is coming ,I have a good plan. First,I must do my homework every day .If I have some question ,I will ask for my parents. Second ,I want to go ride with my freind ,we have already played togther.Besies,we need to stuady new konwledgle.Finally ,in the home,I can help my mom do more horsework . Ican"t wait it

初二英语作文《an unforgettable trip》80词左右


An Unforgettable Day是什么意思


an unforgettable thing 英语作文初三水平加翻译

An Unforgettable thing My happy Spring Festival After the New Year"s Eve dinner with my family,we began to sit down in front of the TV,and enjoyed 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala.At about ten o"clock,the black sky was lightened by lots of fireworks with colorful light and happy sound.We stop watching the CCTV 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala,and began to climb up the balcony to see the beautiful fireworks view,and my father took some fireworks up,and we also began to play fireworks.What a beautiful night.Later,my cell phone was ringing all the time.I received lots of short messages from my friends and classmates.They all blessed me happy New Year.I gave same bless to them by sending back the happy words.At almost 12 pm,I made a wish in New Year,and began to sleep.This is my happiest time of the year.我的快乐春节 吃完年夜饭后,我们一家人开始坐在电视机前,观看2008年春节晚会.大概十点钟左右,黑暗的天空被许多五彩缤纷的礼花照亮了,阵阵礼花声洋溢喜悦之气.于是我们不看晚会了,开始爬上阳台去看礼花夜景.父亲也把我们家的礼花拿出来,让我们去放.真的好漂亮的夜晚.过了一会,我的手机不停地响个不停.我收到很多来自我的朋友和同学的祝福短信,他们都祝福我新年快乐.我回了短信,也祝他们新年快乐.在接近12点时,我在即将到来的新年里许了个愿,然后就睡觉了.这是一年之中我最幸福的时候.

an unforgettable thing英语作文带翻译


unforgettable lesson 的英语作文 突出 unforgettable

This morning,I had an unforgettable English lesson.The bell rang and our history teacher came in.First he said that he was going to ask us some questions,and those who had not been asked questions recently would be asked first.On hearing this,I was very pleased,for I had been asked a question a week before.So I didn"t have to worry about anything.But unluckily,I was asked again.But I couldn"t answer the question.At last with a red face I had to say sorry to the teacher.The teacher didn"t criticize me.How shy I was at that time!After class,I thought and thought and came to realize that I should make good use of time,and never put off what could be done today till tomorrow.

a unforgettable 还是 an unforgettable?

选an unforgettable.因为第一个字母声标读为元音的前面都用an.

unforgetful存在么 我记得是unforgettable才对丫

unforgetful 是存在的,意思是难忘的 unforgettable 意思是难忘的;铭刻肺腑的 两个词都存在,而且是近义词,同义词.

Unforgettable 歌词

歌曲名:Unforgettable歌手:Aretha Franklin&Arranged By Robert Mersey专辑:This Is Jazz #34UnforgettableTiffany Alvord(中英对照)You make me feel like a beautiful sunrise你让我沐浴在日出的阳光中I like how I could get lost in your eyes我喜欢就这样迷失在你的双眼中Your sweet embrace, I know how much you love me你甜蜜的拥抱让我知晓你有多么爱我And when I"m hurt and when I"m down, you wipe my tears away每当我受伤,每当我失落,你会拭去我的眼泪And you hold me in your arms and tell me it"s okay你紧紧拥住我,告诉我那没什么And you are so unforgettable你是如此令人难以忘怀And you make me feel like an angel你就像一个天使般Kissed by the sun被阳光亲吻过Shinin" bright like the stars你的光芒如星辰般耀眼I won"t forget all the days我不会忘记那些日子That you take my breath away, ouuuuh你让我无法呼吸‘Cause you are so unforgettable因为你是如此令人难以忘怀~~You are the melody that plays through my veins你是流淌过我血液的旋律Over and over, again and again一遍又一遍,一次又一次Your sweet affection, I know it won"t change我知道,你那甜蜜的爱将不会改变A song would last forever for the end of skies above我将会歌唱到蓝天陷落Forever on "cause this is love我会歌唱到永远,因为这就是爱And you are so unforgettable你是如此令人难以忘怀And you make me feel like an angel你就像一个天使般Kissed by the sun被阳光亲吻过Shinin" bright like the stars你的光芒如星辰般耀眼I won"t forget all the days我不会忘记那些日子That you take my breath away, ouuuuh你让我无法呼吸‘Cause you are so unforgettable因为你是如此令人难以忘怀And hours and hours go by韶光流淌We talk on and on我们一起走下去But we never get tired我们不会疲倦From all the love, and all the fights因为我给你所有的爱与激情From every day, to every night因为每个昼夜For all the time that is to come 因为即将到来的每一刻Know that you are my only one你都属于我And you are so unforgettable你是如此令人难以忘怀And you make me feel like an angel你就像一个天使般Kissed by the sun被阳光亲吻过Shinin" bright like the stars你的光芒如星辰般耀眼I won"t forget all the days我不会忘记那些日子That you take my breath away, ouuuuh你让我无法呼吸‘Cause you are so unforgettable因为你是如此令人难以忘怀Unforgettable令人难以忘怀Unforgettable令人难以忘怀oooooh‘Cause you are so unforgettable因为你是如此令人难以忘怀End.....

Unforgettable 歌词

歌曲名:Unforgettable歌手:高耀太专辑:DANCE BEST and 9.5 (Disc 2)Paula DeAnda - Unforgettable感谢我们的好YoYoMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceWow..I"m unfoergettableYeah...ohh...You want it your wayAnd boy you know I"ve said OKNow you only have yourself to balmeCause when we were togetherYou taught me what you didn"t findNow you"re away out the timeFrom the day goBoy I told youThat you never (give you what you need)But you didn"t care why you count on meSo you miss meSo you miss usMore than you"ve ever done beforeNow you want meYou were in loveIt was so undeniableSo hardSetting back while you"re freeBoy you had it your wayYou"d know thisBefore you chose to goI"m unforgettableUh-huh..Uh-huhI"m unforgettableUh-huh..Uh-huhNow your heart is achingAnd you say you didn"t knowWhy I gotta say it, I told you soNow you keep sayingThat everything is changedYou wanna get that all I gotta giveFrom the day goBoy I told youThat you never (give you what you need)But you didn"t care why you count on meSo you miss meSo you miss usMore than you"ve ever done beforeNow you want meWe were in loveIt was so undeniableSo hardSetting back while you"re freeBoy you had it your wayYou"d know thisBefore you chose to goI"m unforgettableI had a hard time to believeThat"s you chose her instead of meBut boy just go out and seeBut there"s no matter (no matter)No better than meeeeeeeeeee!!!I"m unforgettable (no one)No one better than meI"m unforgettableSo you miss meSo you miss usMore than you"ve ever done beforeNow you want meYou"re in loveIt was so undeniableSo hardSetting back while you"re freeBoy you had it your wayYou"d know thisBefore you chose to goSo you miss meSo you miss usMore than you"ve ever done beforeNow you want meYou"re in loveIt was so undeniableSetting back while you"re freeBoy you had it your wayYou"d know thisBefore you chose to goI"m unforgettableI"m unforgettableI"m unforgettableSo never be meNever can get what you needNo no (I"m unforgettable)I bet you knowI know you know nowI"m unforgettableMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

Unforgettable 歌词

歌曲名:Unforgettable歌手:Aretha Franklin&Arranged By Robert Mersey专辑:Jazz To SoulUnforgettableTiffany Alvord(中英对照)You make me feel like a beautiful sunrise你让我沐浴在日出的阳光中I like how I could get lost in your eyes我喜欢就这样迷失在你的双眼中Your sweet embrace, I know how much you love me你甜蜜的拥抱让我知晓你有多么爱我And when I"m hurt and when I"m down, you wipe my tears away每当我受伤,每当我失落,你会拭去我的眼泪And you hold me in your arms and tell me it"s okay你紧紧拥住我,告诉我那没什么And you are so unforgettable你是如此令人难以忘怀And you make me feel like an angel你就像一个天使般Kissed by the sun被阳光亲吻过Shinin" bright like the stars你的光芒如星辰般耀眼I won"t forget all the days我不会忘记那些日子That you take my breath away, ouuuuh你让我无法呼吸‘Cause you are so unforgettable因为你是如此令人难以忘怀~~You are the melody that plays through my veins你是流淌过我血液的旋律Over and over, again and again一遍又一遍,一次又一次Your sweet affection, I know it won"t change我知道,你那甜蜜的爱将不会改变A song would last forever for the end of skies above我将会歌唱到蓝天陷落Forever on "cause this is love我会歌唱到永远,因为这就是爱And you are so unforgettable你是如此令人难以忘怀And you make me feel like an angel你就像一个天使般Kissed by the sun被阳光亲吻过Shinin" bright like the stars你的光芒如星辰般耀眼I won"t forget all the days我不会忘记那些日子That you take my breath away, ouuuuh你让我无法呼吸‘Cause you are so unforgettable因为你是如此令人难以忘怀And hours and hours go by韶光流淌We talk on and on我们一起走下去But we never get tired我们不会疲倦From all the love, and all the fights因为我给你所有的爱与激情From every day, to every night因为每个昼夜For all the time that is to come 因为即将到来的每一刻Know that you are my only one你都属于我And you are so unforgettable你是如此令人难以忘怀And you make me feel like an angel你就像一个天使般Kissed by the sun被阳光亲吻过Shinin" bright like the stars你的光芒如星辰般耀眼I won"t forget all the days我不会忘记那些日子That you take my breath away, ouuuuh你让我无法呼吸‘Cause you are so unforgettable因为你是如此令人难以忘怀Unforgettable令人难以忘怀Unforgettable令人难以忘怀oooooh‘Cause you are so unforgettable因为你是如此令人难以忘怀End.....


unforgotten为过分形式, 意为不被遗忘的,被牢记的。unforgettable意为难忘的。比如被牢记的东西things forgotten。难忘的事情unforgettable things。


unforgettable[英][u02ccu028cnfu0259u02c8getu0259bl][美][u02ccu028cnfu0259ru02c8getu0259bl]adj.难忘的; 铭刻肺腑的; 例句:1.A restaurant"s name must be short and unforgettable. 餐厅的名字一定要简短精悍,一见难忘。2.May the rest of your journey be unforgettable. 希望你剩余的旅程将令你难以忘怀


unforgettable[英][u02ccu028cnfu0259u02c8getu0259bl][美][u02ccu028cnfu0259ru02c8getu0259bl]adj.难忘的; 铭刻肺腑的; 形近词:Unforgettable





东方神起的《Unforgettable》的歌词翻译成中文 是什么意思啊?

韩翻中—— 傻瓜 谎话全是谎话,说什么时间能把你忘掉的话 虽然离别的痛苦还在我心中 但是我的心还是像从前一样向着你 虽然不是很简单的想法 即使也过了很长的时间了 没有了你让我觉得很陌生 虽然还继续爱你 虽然还继续想你 没有你我怎么也不快乐 即使看上去傻傻的 这样的我 渐渐的不知道自己 只是想看你 假话全都是假话 说什么现在已经忘了你的话 我担心我傻傻的样子 还有微不足道的自尊心 但是只想说一句话 就是我从来没有忘记过你 随着心中不满意的习惯浮现 想忘记都不可以 开始想念那个样子 虽然还继续爱你 虽然还继续想你 没有你我怎么也不快乐 即使看上去傻傻的 这样的我 渐渐的不知道自己 只是想看你 我从未停止过 爱你的心一点都没有变过 对你的爱渐渐加深的我的心 只有在一起的时间 悄悄的停止 Oh~~ 在我的小小的怀抱中 非常累的你 在相聚后分手可以看到 But I love you everyday 总是像那样 依旧只有你(像第一次一样)让我等待 See you once again ,my love

求一篇An unforgettable thing作文。

2.I met a beautiful girl last summer and was deeply impressed the memories she brought to me. It was a nice morning,we boarded the bus to visit the local memorial.After minutes,there was a boy getting sick and then threw up.The boy beside him got angry and shouted at him at once.The girl next to me immediately exchanged the seat to prevent things going amuck. After the visit she told me the boy"s behavior could just make people look down upon him. I never see her again,but her personality left a forever impression on me.


第一个是无法忘记,自己没有办法控制的,例如前男友前女友第二个是不能忘记,带有命令口吻,例如918纪念日 纪念国耻。不过一般英语会话里第二个基本不用

英语作文 An Unforgettable

An Unforgettable Spring Festival After the New Year"s Eve dinner with my family, we began to sit down in front of the TV, and enjoyed 2010 CCTV Spring Festival gala. At about ten o"clock, the black sky was lightened by lots of fireworks with colorful light and happy sound. We stop watching the CCTV 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala, and began to climb up the balcony to see the beautiful fireworks view, and my father took some fireworks up, and we also began to play fireworks. What a beautiful night. Later, my cell phone was ringing all the time. I received lots of short messages from my friends and classmates. They all blessed me happy New Year. I gave same bless to them by sending back the happy words. At almost 12 pm, I made a wish in New Year, and began to sleep. This is my happiest time of the year.

An unforgettable thing in my life:


英语作文80词左右《an unforgettable festival》带翻译。

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.Before Spring Festival we clean our houses,paint doors and windows red,decorate the doors and windows with paper cuts,buy clothes and have a haircut on New Year"s Eve,we get to together and have a big dinner,we eat dumplings,sweet rice dumplings.We watch TV and at midnight,we play fireworks.On New Year"s Day,we put on our new clothes and visit our family and friends,There"s dragon and lion dancing. The New Year Festival finishes at Lantern Festival after two weeks we usually eat rice dumplings.They are round and so they bring us good luck. oh,it"s really an Unforgettable Spring Festival.译文:春节是中国最重要的节日,在春节之前我们会打扫房子,把门窗漆成红色,用剪纸装饰门和窗,买衣服,在除夕夜理发,然后我们聚在一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,吃饺子,汤圆。我们看电视,到了午夜,我们会玩焰火。在新年的第一天,我们穿上新衣服去拜访家人和朋友,还有舞龙和舞狮。新年在元宵节后结束,两周后我们通常吃汤圆,这会给我们带来好运。这真是一个难忘的春节。


complain;wide;male;totally;forgettable;fortunately;excited;dead;living things.


不要说 这全部都是谎言 说时间会让我忘记一切 那天离别留下的痛已渐渐稍微平静 可是对你的思念却越来越无法停止 虽然知道不会那麼简单 虽然雨季也已经过去 还是不习惯 没你的日子 我依然深爱著你 我依然渴望著你 失去了你后世界都停止了转动 就算像一个傻瓜 我都不在乎 终於可以了解 在我的心里只有你 不要听 这全部都是谎言 说已经忘了你的那句话 只害怕微不足道的那颗心再被伤害 心便背叛了话语 要我怎麼能忘记你 只去回想你的那些任性 这样努力想要忘记你 思念是永不停息的旋律 我依然深爱著你 我依然渴望著你 失去了你后 世界都停止了转动 就算像一个傻瓜 我都不在乎 终於可以明白 在我的心里只有你 (永远的守护你) (离你而去) 彷佛美好时光不曾走远 静静的 停在那一天 在我小小的怀里 找不到一丝安慰 为什麼当我失去你后才能明白 but I love you everyday 这一生我的灵魂只属於你 (不要忘记) 记得我在这里等你 see you once again, My love...

以An unforgettable holiday(一个难忘的假期)写英语作文

难忘的假期  I had a long holiday for May Day .I was very happy,because I could do anything I want.  我度过了一个很长的五一假期.我非常开心,因为我可以做任何我想做的事情.  During those days,I enjoy...




《Unforgettable》中文歌词 [Hero] 不要说 这全部都是谎言 说时间会让我忘记一切 [Max] 那天离别留下的痛已渐渐稍微平静 可是对你的思念却越来越无法停止 [Hero] 虽然知道不会那麼简单 [Max] 虽然雨季也已经过去 [Hero Xiah] 还是不习惯 没你的日子 [All] 我依然深爱著你 我依然渴望著你 [Hero] 失去了你后世界都停止了转动 [Max] 就算像一个傻瓜 我都不在乎 终於可以了解 在我的心里只有你 [Micky] 不要听 这全部都是谎言 说已经忘了你的那句话 [Xiah] 只害怕微不足道的那颗心再被伤害 心便背叛了话语 要我怎麼能忘记你 [Uknow] 只去回想你的那些任性 [Xiah] 这样努力想要忘记你 思念是永不停息的旋律 [All] 我依然深爱著你 我依然渴望著你 [Uknow] 失去了你后 世界都停止了转动 [Max] 就算像一个傻瓜 我都不在乎 [Xiah] 终於可以明白 在我的心里只有你 [Micky] 我好想再把你抱进我的怀抱 永远的 不放手 守护你 [Xiah](永远的守护你) [Xiah] 其实我的那颗心 从来都不曾离你而去 [Hero](离你而去) [All] 彷佛美好时光不曾走远 静静的 [Micky] 停在那一天 [All] 在我小小的怀里 找不到一丝安慰 [Xiah] 为什麼当我失去你后才能明白 [All] but I love you everyday [Hero] 这一生我的灵魂只属於你 (不要忘记) 记得我在这里等你 [Micky]see you once again, My love..《Unforgettable》音译歌词 [Hero]kao qin ma mu du kao ji ma li jiao xi ga ni ku dai hei gai ha mun mao [Max]yi bao lai a pun ma hu mu qiu gong mu liao jiao ji ma ku dou hai an na hai ma yao jiao ni ku dai lu hen dai [Hero]xu hu gao la san ga ga nai qi ma [Max]ma nu xi ga ni lao sao dao [Hero]na ga hong nu gao na su gei man hai ha ji sa la ga nen dai ha ji nao bao na nen dai ku dai ao pu xi na kang qia na ji su hao hun nun gao [All]mi liao na gai bao yao dao [Xiah]hei gai na yin gao [MAx]na jiu qia mao la qiu ku tai man ku yi wo ha jiao [Micky]kao qin ma ku gang gao jiu ma li jiao yi jie nen ku zai li gou san da ma [Xiah]nai mu su qiu la hai ga ba ai niang an jia jiu xi mai ku jiao hai bong ma li bong ku dai lu li jin qiao gao pu jiao [U-know]ma mai ya du pao lu dao hao li miao [Xiah]yi jiao bao liao gou hai lu sao dou ku mao si ma jiao ku li wo ji nu [MAx]ha ji sa la na nen dai a ji nao wo na nen dai [U-know]ku dai ao pu xi na kang qia la ji su ao nun kao [Xiah]ma liao ha gai bu yao dou hei gai na yin gao na jiu qia mou la jiu ku tai man ku li wo ha jiu [Micky]na mang qiu jiao gao pu jiu gu dai sa la ha hen ma han ban dou bian nan jiao gao sao jiao(piao nan jiao gao sao jiu) [Xiah]a niao qiao jiao pao jiao man ga nu sa la man ke nai man dou(nai man dou) [Micky]dan ji ha kai hai dong du xi gan ma ka ma ni wao qiao bao li gao wo~~ [All]qia li mai pu ma nai sao hei min lao su ku dai lu [Xiah]pu nan dui ye ya hai ai liao bu su yin nen kao [Hero]But I love you everyday. nnu gu lai du xi yao jiao ni gai dai ma kai ta li gao wen nu nai gai hai [Micky]See you once again. My love.中文加上罗马发音.

the unforgettable 中文什么意思


Unforgettable 歌词

歌曲名:Unforgettable歌手:Beegie Adair专辑:Love Letters: The Beegie Adair Romance CollectionNat King Cole - UnforgettableUnforgettable, thats what you areUnforgettable though near or farLike a song of love that clings to meHow the thought of you does things to meNever before has someone been moreUnforgettable in every wayAnd forever more, thats how youll stayThats why, darling, its incredibleThat someone so unforgettableThinks that I am unforgettable tooinstrumental interludeUnforgettable in every wayAnd forever more, thats how youll stayThats why, darling, its incredibleThat someone so unforgettableThinks that I am unforgettable too

Unforgettable 歌词

歌曲名:Unforgettable歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:The Way You Look Tonight: A Crooner CollectionNat King Cole - UnforgettableUnforgettable, thats what you areUnforgettable though near or farLike a song of love that clings to meHow the thought of you does things to meNever before has someone been moreUnforgettable in every wayAnd forever more, thats how youll stayThats why, darling, its incredibleThat someone so unforgettableThinks that I am unforgettable tooinstrumental interludeUnforgettable in every wayAnd forever more, thats how youll stayThats why, darling, its incredibleThat someone so unforgettableThinks that I am unforgettable too

unforgettable 为什么双写t

动词是闭音节的单音节词,或是以重读闭音节结尾的多音节词,末尾只有一个辅音字母时,这个辅音字母须双写;forget前面是e的音, 以t结尾最后三个音是辅+元+辅

unforgetable还是unforgettable 有几个t

rgettable 有几个t




难忘的, 铭刻肺腑的

unforge table什么意思

unforgettable 吧 忘不了的 令人难忘的




unforgettable 英 [u028cnfu0259"getu0259b(u0259)l] 美 [,u028cnfu025a"ɡu025btu0259bl] adj. 难忘的


unforgettable的意思、解释unforgettable 基本解释形容词难忘的; 铭刻肺腑的unforgettable 相关例句形容词1. It was an unforgettable experience.那是一次令人难忘的经历。unforgettable 网络解释1. 令人难忘:20 A 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 我们也就可以用经过某一个熟悉却又无法叫出名字的(unnamed)人,这人也许令人难忘(unforgettable),也许难以置信(unbelievable),也许是不真实的(unreal),来识别我们自己所处的位置.unforgettable 双语例句1. This kind of sincere friendship and the simple, to a man, are forever unforgettable.这种友谊的真挚和朴实,对于一个人来说,都是永世难忘的。2. This book is a record of an unforgettable journey to Central and South America by Alumni Wong Hung Mui, Jess and Kwok Shiu Ming, Jessis. They went through Peru, Chili, Argentina, Mexico and Cuba in four months.内容简介:此书记录了黄红梅校友及郭瑞明校友以四个月时间浪走中南美的经历,先由秘鲁开始,探索印加古城马丘比丘,再往人生必到的智利百内国家公园;之后,跨境到阿根廷与梁朝伟来个火热探戈;意犹未尽,於墨西哥泛蓝的加勒比海玩浪;转眼,在古巴与热情的国民大跳salsa,幻想与海明威对饮mojito。3. During this unforgettable experience, I improved my oral English, widened my knowledge and built up a good relationship with my family and teachers.在这次既难忘又珍贵的经历中,我不仅提高路英语口语水平,获得了比赛经验,提升了综合能力,还学到了许多课外的知识,建立了良好的家庭情感和师生情谊。4. It was really an unforgettable experience to go to Cornell University.去康奈尔的日子是一段难忘的经历。5. unforgettable5. Charles Stockell, a forward artillery observer for the 2nd Division, had two unforgettable experiences on Christmas Day.在前线,第2师炮兵校射查尔斯·斯托尔中尉对圣诞节有两次难忘的经历。6. On schedule in the real estate market has an opportunity for all developers, banks and real estate funds拆入customers unforgettable words.
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