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Strawberry Swing歌词they were sitting they were sitting in the strawberry swing every moment was so precious they were sitting they were talking in the strawberry swing everybody was for fighting wouldn"t wanna waste a thing cold, cold water bring me round now my feet won"t touch the ground cold, cold water what ya say? it"s such it"s such a perfect day it"s such a perfect day i remember we were walking up to strawberry swing i can"t wait "til the morning wouldn"t wanna change a thing people leaving all the time inside a perfectly straight line don"t you wanna just curve away and it"s such it"s such a perfect day it"s such a perfect day ah… now the sky could be blue i don"t mind without you it"s a waste of time would be blue i don"t mind without you it"s a waste of time well the sky could be blue could be grey without you i"m just miles away well, the sky could be blue i don"t mind without you it"s a waste of time


WIN.INI的基本构成 WIN.INI文件包含若干小节,每一节由一组相关的设定组成。WIN.INI文件中小节和设定的格式如下: [小节名] 关键字名=值 其中:小节名必须用中括号([])括起,且左括号必须在屏幕的最左一列,文件中可以包含注释,每一行注释以分号(;)开始。 WIN.INI中的主要小节名及含义如下: [Windows]:影响Windows操作环境的部分,包括在启动Windows时执行哪一个应用程序,警告声音的设置、窗口边框的宽度、键盘响应的速度、鼠标器设置以及将文件定义为文档或程序等。 [Desktop]:控制系统界面显示形式及窗口和鼠标器的位置。 [Extensions]:联结特定的文件类型与相应的应用程序。 [Intl]:描述怎样为除美国外的其它国家显示有关的文件项目。 [Windows Help]:列出有关HELP窗口及对话窗的默认尺寸、布局、文本颜色等设置。 [Font Substitue]:列出Windows可识别的互换字体。 [TureType]:使用和显示TrueType字体的可选设置。 [Sounds]:为每个系统事件设计的声音文件列表。 [MCI Extensions]:把MEDIA控制接口设备同特定文件类型联系起来。 [Compatibility]:用于解决Windows 98和Windows 3.x之间的差异所引起的兼容性问题。 [Compatibility32]:用于解决Windows 98和Windows 3.X之间的差异所引起的32位磁盘存取兼容性问题。 [MCI Compatibility]:用于Windows 98中文版的MCI设备兼容性问题。 [Module Compatibility]:用于Windows 98中文版的模块兼容性问题。 [IME Compatibility]:用于Windows 98中文版的输入法与应用程序的兼容性问题。 [Pscript.Drv]:描述PostScrip打印机的ATM字库状况。 [Fonts]:描述Windows装入的屏幕字体文件。 Embedding:列出目标联接与嵌入(OLE)使用的服务器目标。 [Colors]:定义Windows的显示颜色。 [PrinterPorts]:Windows将要访问的激活或非激活的输出设备。 [Ports]:描述中文Windows 98的可用端口。 [Mail]:描述Microsoft Mail以及Microsoft Exchange的使用参数。 [Devices]:与旧版本Windows的应用程序兼容的激活输出设备。 [Programs]:当用户打开多个数据文件时,该段可为Windows查找相应程序文件提供附加的路径。 [Associated CharSet]:描述Windows 98中文版使用字符集状态和西文字体所对应的缺省中文字体。 [Windows Telephony]:描述Windows 98中文版的Microsoft Exchange的电话号码初始化日期和时间。 [Paintbrush]:描述Windows 98中文版的“画图”(PaintBrush)的省略图片格式。 [MAPI 1.0 Time Zone]:描述MAPI 1.0的时区设置参数.

开机时提示c:Program fileswindowsapps.....vcruntime140.dll没有被指定在windows上运行?

这是由于Windows 10近期更新所造成的部分App工作不正常。 看路径的话,只需要到开始菜单里面找到 爱奇艺 APP,右键卸载,重启后再到Windows Store里面重新安装即可。

摇腿是用shake 还是swing ?



swing意思是:摆动[英][swu026au014b][美][swu026au014b]vt.& vi.(使)摇摆; (使)摇荡; n.摇摆,摆动; 摆程,振幅; 秋千; 音律; vt.使旋转; 使做曲线运动; 挥舞; 悬吊; vi.悬摆; 迅速打击; 侧转,转弯; 轻快摇摆地走; 以下双语例句:1.Virginia is a swing state. 佛吉尼亚是个摇摆州。2.I am the dreaded swing voter. 我就是那种让人害怕的墙头草。3.Why should a swing in spending do such lasting harm? 为什么支出的波动会造成那么持久的危害?4.You can use the older awt components instead of swing. 你也可以使用旧一些的awt控件代替swing。5.The middle classes also matter because they are natural swingvoters. 中产阶层之所以有影响还因为他们是天然的可争取的选民。


swimsuit[英][u02c8swu026amsu:t][美][u02c8swu026amu02ccsut]n.(女式)游泳衣; 网络游泳衣裤; 连体泳衣; 泳装; 复数:swimsuits双语例句1Grab6 your surfboard, sunscreen, and swimsuit, then head to the gold coast for a great time.拿起您的冲浪板、防晒油及泳衣泳裤,前往黄金海岸欢度美好时光。

Eclipse中swing包中JPanel 等类不可用是因为什么



import java.awt.Graphics;import java.applet.Applet;class Sound extends Applet{ public void paint(Graphics g){ play(getDocumentBase(),"music.wav");}//播放当前目录下的一月文件;}我的QQ1162856902

People go out with masks,________. A.fear of swine flu. B.afraid of swine flu. C.fearing

B B考查形容词短语作状语的用法。

swine和pig都当猪讲时候有什么区别啊。为什么猪流感不用pig flu 而用 s...



“Swine”和“pig”均为英语中表示猪的词汇,它们的用法和含义有所不同。用法区别以下是“swine”和“pig”的具体区别:"Swine"泛指猪科动物"Swine"一般用来指猪科动物,也可以用于专业领域,如农业,兽医学等。例如:The farm raises swine for their meat and hides.(这个农场养猪以供肉食和革皮。)"Pig"指常见的家养猪或猪肉"Pig"通常用来指家养的猪或猪肉。例如:I bought some fresh pork chops at the supermarket this morning.(今天早上我在超市买了一些新鲜的猪排。)具体用法中英文举例以下是"swine"和“pig”各举三个例子来说明它们之间的具体区别:【"Swine" 的例子】He studied the behavior patterns of swine as part of his animal science research.(他在动物科学研究中研究了猪的行为模式。)The swine flu outbreak in 2009 caused many deaths around the world.(2009年的H1N1流感爆发在全球造成许多死亡。)The farmer sprayed the swine pen with disinfectant to prevent disease outbreaks.(农民用消毒剂喷洒猪圈,以防止疾病的爆发。)【“Pig” 的例子】I had bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning.(今天早上我吃了培根和鸡蛋。)Do you know where I can find good quality pig feed?(你知道在哪里可以买到优质的猪饲料吗?)They keep a few pigs in their backyard for fresh meat.(他们在后院养了几头猪,主要为了新鲜的肉食。)

为什么猪流感叫swine flu而不是pig flu?

swine也是猪的意思... 你这个问题就像问禽流感为什么叫禽流感一样.



Swing Out Sister的《Breakout》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakout歌手:Swing Out Sister专辑:80S Dance-V.A.N.N.E.S.S.-Bye Bye say Goodbye Goodbye say Goodbye今までの过去 just let it dieBye Bye say Goodbye Goodbye say GoodbyeTime to take it, Time to break it, Change the world退屈な街 飞び出せ partyそこらじゅう 热に浮かされ started廻る dance floor アガる once more夜明けまで L-O-V-E谁も见たことないような free style初めての常识越えた surpriseかなり special 更に precious遅れないように check me out, baby5,4,3,2,1 - Are you ready!ここからは don"t you dare stop!Break Break Break it down, It"s time to break it down打ちぬけろ this wall inside of meBreak Break Break it down, It"s time to break it downNo more waitin, Stop the hatin, Change the world止められない cuz it"s my timeマニュアルをぶち壊す邪魔させない this feels so right见逃すな everybodySO LISTEN UP NOW!いつものルーティーンな 退屈な毎日からGet outさ浮かれ気味 ただWatch out now!Fallin"×2 音の中 快楽に落ちていこうCallin"×2 いつでも そう呼び出してくれよ见渡す限りは no no真実知る者だけが strongerここは so cool そうさ no rules弾けるにはいいんじゃないだけど you"ll see この new scene世界中 魅せつけたいBye Bye say Goodbye Goodbye say Goodbye今までの过去 just let it dieBye Bye say Goodbye Goodbye say GoodbyeTime to take it, Time to break it, Change the world止められない cuz it"s my timeマニュアルをぶち壊す邪魔させない this feels so right见逃すな everybody何かに囚われた 理想なんかは要らない「Break Out!」作词∶Michiko Motohashi作曲∶GEN歌∶VANNESSBreak Break Break it down, It"s time to break it down打ちぬけろ this wall inside of meBreak Break Break it down, It"s time to break it downNo more waitin, Stop the hatin, Change the world止められない cuz it"s my timeマニュアルをぶち壊す邪魔させない this feels so right见逃すな everybody-V.A.N.N.E.S.S.-Bye Bye say Goodbye【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/8543503

swing panel 是什么意思


rail to rail output swing是什么意思

rail to rail output swing轨到轨输出摆幅rail to rail output swing轨到轨输出摆幅

JAVA Swing中怎么把树添加到下拉框中


NBA replice球衣 NBA swingmen球衣 NBA authentic球衣 有什么不同

下标也分为一个TAG和两个TAG之分,在这点上我还没有总结出什么样的款式配几个TAG. 关于M&N:M&N基本上不做现役球员的球衣(有个别的),而且也非常的贵(一般250美金起价).

求科普 谁给我介绍下NBA球衣的类别 什么swingman、AU啊


Nike NBA Authentic和SWINGMAN 有什么区别



Children do like to play on the swings in spring.孩子们确实喜欢在春天里玩荡秋千

play on the swings swing为什么要加s

首先声明我不是神!这句话的意思就是在秋千上玩,因为外国的秋千都是两根绳,所以加s.No simple questions on the internet Please.

英语字典中 jog run swim swing















  swingers  n.摆动(或挥动)的人,赶时髦的人( swinger的名词复数 )  [例句]To have orgies and those damn swingers parties.  可别想带女人过来胡搞放荡哦。  [其他]形近词: whingers


swinger,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“摆动的人;赶时髦的人;乱搞男女关系的人;巨大的事物”。heimageprocessoflaserscanningbeamintheautomaticphotoelectricdetectingsystemforthelaserswinger。someonewhoswingssportsimplements。someonewhoswingssportsimplements。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com








over the sound of ratu2019s feet, and rat screams, and themusic

瑞士军刀旗下的英文商标是不是只有Swissgear和wenger和victorinox? 商场里的swisswin是不是正规品牌?







大陆的这些网购的没几件是真的 都是代工!




自己看是不一样的 都是一家产的基本一样 您可以去拍拍 SWISSWIN官方旗舰店 看看


很多人在市面上经常看到swisswin的箱包专柜,于是想了解,现在瑞士军刀威戈背包品牌关系官网就给大家介绍一下。Swisswin就是祥兴厂注册的牌子,广东某个公司经营.他们以前也自称是瑞士品牌,现在基本上不牵涉瑞士军刀品牌了!wenger威戈是正品瑞士军刀牌子。Swisswin是福建国产的牌子,以前是给正品威戈代工的,现在是自有品牌。wenger的品牌介绍,大家可以参看:瑞士军刀品牌威戈wenger百年发展历史本站为了分辨清楚swisswin和wenger的区别,以及swissgear与wenger的区别,写了不少文章,如果你翻看一下,品牌关系这个栏目的文章,你就会恍然大悟,找到你想了解的内容。 品牌关系2012/06/09


真正的瑞士军刀品牌只有二个wenger和VICTORINOX ,前者叫威戈,它的标志是方形中间一个十字,后者叫维氏,标志是盾形中间一个十字。 这二者的关系是威戈兼并了维氏,保留了品牌各自生产自己的军刀,作为高低端面向不同的市场,威戈wenger面向高端,价格高出维氏不少,维氏走平民化路线,其实二者各方面差距不如价格上体现得这么悬殊,除非特殊爱好,维氏已经能满足绝大多数要求。swisswin是彻底的中国生产的XX货,其实也不是假的,因为他有自己的合法商标。你懂的!swissgear是瑞士军刀威戈wenger品牌的一个系列,主要生产背包产品。现在大街小巷很多人背的笔记本电脑双肩包,很多都是swissgear系列的,不信你留意一下就知道了。品牌关系2012/04/23


那么瑞士军刀wenger威戈是怎么回事?威戈是什么牌子?瑞士威戈品牌悠久,创立于1893年。Wenger威戈瑞士军刀是世界公认最好的军刀品牌,它的标志是方形中间一个十字。除了军刀之外,Wenger还有很多产品也很出名,其中包括手表和背包。Wenger代表着世界箱包的颠峰,因此每一个电脑包都符合国际标准,在全球众多的国家畅销,全球信赖倍受人爱。由于Wenger的背包对品质要求比较高,所以价格也不低,适合对背包要求时尚性、重要性和可靠性的朋友选购。   Wenger威戈背包采用世界知名扣具u2013NIFCO,强弯曲度及低温下表现出色,外观紧凑大方,功能划分合理,各种栏位分明,储物空间大,携带方便。瑞士军刀Wenger电脑包采用1680D防水面料,并已经成为世界电脑包销量第一的品牌。2011年wenger鞋进入中国,并在wengermall上销售。Wenger品牌的箱包也以其深厚的品牌文化、富有内涵的设计和优良的工艺而在国际享有很高的名誉。那么如何鉴别瑞士军刀威戈wenger真假?网友一:目前威戈在国内的唯一代理商是UTC,没有其他二级代理。所以你如果想买正品瑞士军刀WENGER包,可以去UTC实体店或者去淘宝威戈官方旗舰店买,淘宝上收到货确认没问题不须要退换货后可以跟他们联系,要求其开具****,一般15天内会挂号信件形式发给你,这样你就可以享受三年质保了。其他淘宝店经销的威戈都不敢保证是否正品,威戈以前的授权代工厂福建祥兴生产的,不过现在授权又转给了上海的一个代工厂,所谓福建假货一般较多,福建合约到期,继续生产的包就是官方意义上的假货。如需了解汉客拉杆箱的朋友也可以了解一下,性价比也是不错的!网友二:很简单的告诉你,是.而且只有UTC行家是wenger等大牌大陆总代,其余一些炒作。这个打假过程也很漫长。UTC行家是华美国际旗下销售wenger等大牌箱包的一个子项目,其实他们主要重心还是线下,所以网络上的销售及宣传就少了.大家比较难辨别.但是任意一家实体店,你去购买wenger包。你所看到的吊牌等等指向,只有utc行家。

「顺道拜访」英文怎么说?stop by/drop by/swing by,3种英文说法一次弄懂!

要怎么用英文说「顺道拜访」?假如你去某个地方,然后刚好想顺便去拜访某人,会拜访某个地方。要怎么用英文说出口呢? 下面整理「顺道拜访」的三种英文说法!赶快学起来,下次就会罗! 1.stop by 顺道拜访/短暂拜访 例:I hope you"ll stop by this afternoon.我希望你今天下午可以来短暂拜访 2.drop by 顺道拜访 通常指未事先告知对方,短暂的顺道拜访。 例:I asked her to drop by whenever she was in the neighborhood. 我告诉她无论何时她如果到了附近,要来顺道拜访。 3.swing by 顺道拜访 意思是短暂快速的顺道拜访。 例:I"ll swing by the supermarket on my way home. 我回家路上会顺道去超级市场 例:Can I swing by your home around 9 ? 我能在九点左右顺道去你家拜访一下吗? 上面就是常见的三种「顺道拜访」的英文说法,赶快学起来,下次就会罗! drop by, drop by 中文, drop by 意思, drop by 用法, drop by 翻译, stop by, stop by 中文, stop by 意思, stop by 用法, stop by 翻译, swing by, swing by 中文, swing by 意思, swing by 用法, swing by 翻译, 短暂拜访, 顺道拜访 英文, 顺道拜访 英文例句, 顺道拜访 英文怎么说

The Swinging Blue Jeans的《Sandy》 歌词

歌曲名:Sandy歌手:The Swinging Blue Jeans专辑:The Very Best OfSANDY(电影"油脂"插曲)Stranded at the drive inBranded a fool what will they sayMonday at schoolSandy can"t you see I"m in miseryWe made a start now we"re apartThere"s nothin" left for meLove has flown all aloneI sit and wonder why-y-y ohWhy you left me oh SandyOh Sandy maybe somedayhighschool is doneSomehow someway our two worlds will be oneIn heaven forever and everWe will be oh please say you"ll stayoh Sandy !Sandy my darlin" you hurt me real badYou know it"s trueBut baby you gotta believe me a sayWhen I say I"m helpless without youLove has flown all alone I sitI wonder why-y-y oh why you left meoh Sandy Sandy Sandy why-y-y-y oh Sandyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2873878

java swing编程托盘图标显示问题!!求教

在项目根下新建resources目录,然后把resources目录加到Build Path里。把imagesicon.png放到resources目录下。TrayIcon trayIcon = new TrayIcon(ImageIO.read(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("images/icon.png")));

Swingfly的《Winner》 歌词

歌名:《Winner》歌手:Swingfly发行时间:2011-03-04所属专辑:《Awesomeness -An Introduction to Swingfly》I never thought that I was gonna be shitI picked my goal and then I focused on itNow how will silver match my family nameAnd I will not loseLet me explainThey said to mePack your bag coSo I packed up my bagsLeftThey said that ifI"ll ever gonna make itBoy you can rapTill you run outta breathHow many raps styleI don"t haveNo shots to my body I"m happyLet"s make a toastTo this oneCause yesI"m happy(Ohhhohhohohoh)(Ohhhohhohohoh)I"m a winner(Ohhhohhohohoh)(Ohhhohhohohoh)I"m a winnerYeahYou"ll be banging on my doorTry drag me to the floorYou"re a sinnerYeah(Ohhhohhohohoh)(Ohhhohhohohoh)Cause I"m a winnerYeah a winnerI never thought thatI was gonna be flyI saw my goal andHad to reach for the skyNow how will siilverMatch my family nameAnd I will not loseLet me explainThey told to meGo out kick assWent out thereKick ButtI had to go do it big proveto them all I"m no nutHow many shit can you takeBefore you breakBreak Tear the roofOff this bitchLet me tell you one thingI dug myself out the ditch(Ohhhohhohohoh)(Ohhhohhohohoh)I"m a winner(Ohhhohhohohoh)(Ohhhohhohohoh)I"m a winnerYeahYou"ll be banging on my doorTry drag me to the floorYou"re a sinnerYeah(Ohhhohhohohoh)(Ohhhohhohohoh)Cause I"m a winnerYes I"m a winner(Ohhhohhohohoh)(Ohhhohhohohoh)I"m a Winner(Ohhhohhohohoh)(Ohhhohhohohoh)I"m a winnerYeahYou"ll be banging on my doorTry drag me to the floorYou"re a sinnerYeah(Ohhhohhohohoh)(Ohhhohhohohoh)Cause I"m a winnerYeah a winner

java swing编程中,有没有方法能让按钮旋转一个角度


如何利用Inno Setup制作java swing程序安装包

1 制作安装包之前写好执行的.bat启动文件,收集好及其他扩展文件、文件夹、主程序、java环境(jre)包全部拷贝到一个文件夹中备用。2 安装Inno Setup,网上有下载,本文利用的是Inno Setup5汉化版, 安装完成后双击桌面快捷方式Inno Setup 编译器打开Inno Setup5 3选择【用[脚本向导]创建新的脚本文件】点击确定,弹出Inno Setup脚本向导,点击下一步4在弹出的菜单中,填入应用程序的名称、版本、及相关制作者信息点击下一步 5在此窗中中指定应用程序的文件夹名称,其他默认,点击下一步6在此窗口中首先指定应用程序的主程序的文件路径;7然后点击添加文件将程序运行需要的其他文件依次加入8如果程序运行需要加入文件夹点击添加文件夹将需要的文件夹加入,因为我们之前将程序运行所需的所有文件都拷贝到一个文件夹中,所以选择添加文件夹一次性将文件全部加入即可9点击下一步输入程序安装后要创建的开始菜单中的显示名称,勾选创建卸载图标、桌面图标等选项,点击下一步;10在此窗口中选择要显示的许可文件、及安装前后要显示的信息文件,点击下一步11选择安装过程中显示的语言,InnoSetup支持多语言,点击下一步12在此窗口中可以选择安装程序制作好后的输出文件路径及文件名,自定义安装程序图标及安装密码(如果需要的话),点击下一步13点击下一步,默认即可,下一步14点击完成

On the way home, we swing by the Hob,

they have something to eat and others are not

Swinging London Town 歌词

歌曲名:Swinging London Town歌手:Girls Aloud专辑:TenSwinging London TownDo you know the me that wakes and see the livewire in my eyesThe it girl with a twist girl and no one realisesJust that I"m living on a tightrope, I can"t, I won"t look downI pussyfoot from drink to drink in swinging London TownDo you know the me that wakes the places with faces I"ve never seenThe mother of all hangovers to remind me where I"ve beenAnd if I stop, I"m sickened, it really gets me downSo I step back into the city lights the queen of London TownIt"s the queen of London TownIt"s the queen of London TownNew York, Monico, Paris and MilanPoor little rich girl, who does it cos she canI"m just a big time Gucci girl a first in retail therapyAnd now we"re down the slide to rehab and all of it for freeAnd with these joke-fuelled egos, Martini sipping chumsGigolos, stick-thin models, hanging off their armsI guess I"m neck deep in it, I"m starting to drownAlong with all the wannabes in swinging London TownDo you know me?Do you know me?Do you know me?Really, really know me?Do you know me?Do you know me?Do you know me?Really really know me?Soho soaks drink CampariFree flowing bubbly, a drop of ginCocktails with price tags make you choke on your sushiDressed to impress, these bright young things,Chelsea chicks, drink white wine spritzersG&T"s or bottled beerHorray Henry"s cruising the King"s RoadIn daddy"s bentley still full of gearGear, gear, gear, gearGear, gear, gear, gearDo you know the me the that face graces pages of Hello?Try hard to die hard, united on the goalAir kissing eligible bachelors and trust fund daddy"s boysInternational playgirl showing off their toysAnd all these price tag starlets, a galaxy of starsBuzzing around the next big thing and checking out their carsI guess I"m neck deep in it, I"m starting to drownAlong with all the wannabes in Swing London townSwinging London TownSwinging London TownSwinging London TownEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31383547


package socket;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.io.*;import java.net.Socket;import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.Rectangle;import javax.swing.JButton;import javax.swing.ImageIcon;import java.awt.Dimension;import java.awt.Point;import java.awt.Color;import javax.swing.JLabel;public class Client extends JFrame implements Runnable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private JPanel jContentPane = null; private JPanel btnPanel = null; private JButton sendButton = null; private JButton closeButton = null; private JButton connButton = null; private JTextArea outTextArea = null; private List dialist = null; Socket sock; Thread thread; BufferedReader in; PrintWriter out; public final static int DEFAULT_PORT = 8808; boolean bConnected; private JLabel imgLabel = null; private JLabel img2Label = null; private JLabel img3Label = null; public Client() { super(); initialize(); } private void initialize() { this.setSize(355, 267); this.setContentPane(getJContentPane()); this.setTitle("客户端"); this.setVisible(true); this.setLocationRelativeTo(null); this.setResizable(false); }private JPanel getBtnPanel() { if (btnPanel == null) { GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints3 = new GridBagConstraints(); gridBagConstraints3.gridx = 3; gridBagConstraints3.gridy = 1; GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints2 = new GridBagConstraints(); gridBagConstraints2.gridx = 1; gridBagConstraints2.gridy = 1; GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints1 = new GridBagConstraints(); gridBagConstraints1.gridx = 0; gridBagConstraints1.gridy = 1; btnPanel = new JPanel(); btnPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); btnPanel.setBounds(new Rectangle(1, 187, 347, 47)); btnPanel.add(getSendButton(), gridBagConstraints1); btnPanel.add(getCloseButton(), gridBagConstraints2); btnPanel.add(getConnButton(), gridBagConstraints3); } return btnPanel; } private JButton getSendButton() { if (sendButton == null) { sendButton = new JButton(); sendButton.setText("发送"); sendButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) { String msg = outTextArea.getText(); if (msg!=null) { //此句无效??? processmsg(msg); outTextArea.setText(null); try { sendmsg(msg); } catch (IOException e2) { processmsg(e2.toString()); } } } }); } return sendButton; } private JButton getCloseButton() { if (closeButton == null) { closeButton = new JButton(); closeButton.setText("关闭"); closeButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) { System.exit(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } }); closeButton.setText("关闭"); } return closeButton; } private JButton getConnButton() { if (connButton == null) { connButton = new JButton(); connButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { startConnect(); }}); connButton.setText("链接"); } return connButton; } private JTextArea getOutTextArea() { outTextArea = new JTextArea(); outTextArea.setLocation(new Point(0, 119)); outTextArea.setSize(new Dimension(269, 68)); return outTextArea; } public void processmsg(String str) { this.dialist.add(str); } private List getDialist() { dialist = new List(); dialist.setLocation(new Point(-1, 1)); dialist.setSize(new Dimension(271, 94)); return dialist; } public void run() { while (true) { try { String msg = receivemsg(); Thread.sleep(100L); if (msg != null) { processmsg(msg); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }catch (InterruptedException ei) {} } } public void sendmsg(String msg)throws IOException { out.println(msg); out.flush(); } public String receivemsg() throws IOException{ String msg = new String(); try { msg = in.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return msg; } public void startConnect() { bConnected = false; try { sock = new Socket("", DEFAULT_PORT); bConnected = true; processmsg("connect ok!"); in =new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream())); out=new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(sock.getOutputStream()))); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); processmsg("connection failed"); } if(thread==null){ thread=new Thread(this); thread.start(); } }private JPanel getJContentPane() { if (jContentPane == null) { img3Label = new JLabel(); img3Label.setText(""); img3Label.setSize(new Dimension(269, 23)); img3Label.setLocation(new Point(1, 94)); img2Label = new JLabel(); img2Label.setBounds(new Rectangle(270, 95, 81, 89)); img2Label.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/socket/10.jpg"))); img2Label.setText(""); imgLabel = new JLabel(); imgLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(270, 0, 78, 94)); imgLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/socket/3.jpg"))); imgLabel.setText(""); jContentPane = new JPanel(); jContentPane.setLayout(null); jContentPane.add(getBtnPanel(), null); jContentPane.add(getOutTextArea(), null); jContentPane.add(getDialist(), null); jContentPane.add(imgLabel, null); jContentPane.add(img2Label, null); jContentPane.add(img3Label, null); } return jContentPane; } public static void main(String[] args) { Client cl = new Client();}}

V6的《Swing!》 歌词

歌曲名:Swing!歌手:V6专辑:LIGHT IN YOUR HEART/Swing!V6 - Swing!作词:Koji Ide 作曲:Koji IdeBe-Bop Ru La Be, Be-Bop RudeBe-Bop Ru La Be, Be-Bop RudeBe-Bop Ru La Be, Be-Bop Rude(Wap para do wap up and down!)Be-Bop Ru La Be, Be-Bop RudeBe-Bop Ru La Be, Be-Bop RudeBe-Bop Be-Bop Be-Bop Bop Bop Bop(Swing out Be-Bop Rude!)今日も空振り またカラ回りハートどしゃぶり 振り出し戻り仕事につまり 恋は煮つまりつまり あまり変わりない一日「日々がレース 今日も寝てねえっす」Yeahそんな无理はしたくないんです伞を开けば「雨にうたえば」闻こえ出すのは こんなSwing Beat指を鸣らして Feel AlrightリズムにあわせてYeah Tick Tack, Tick Tick Tack気分 ジーン


楼主别听楼上一本正经的胡说,wenger威戈的子品牌是swissgear by wenger,这才是正品,而swisswin和swissgear是地地道道的国产山寨。swissgear和swissgear by wenger是不一样的。swissgear by wenger是威戈针对北美市场推出的低端产品系列,但是威戈没有为swissgear注册商标,swissgear不是一个瑞士品牌。国内的山寨厂家钻了这个空子,注册了一个swissgear品牌,迷惑消费者

Mike often swin on summer.(改错,2处错误)

oftens in

求《天体》全集,谢谢! 发dareswins@qq.com,万分感谢!

he swins in the riuer怎么变否定句

He doesn"t swim in the river.



swins He in summer a lake in连词成句

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:...He swims in a lake in summer.

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你直接去 拍拍 SWISSWIN官方期间店 就不怕是冒牌货了

初一下学期英语2单元选择题He swins ( ) the river and they ( ) the road at the ( )怎么添


安装SolidWorks的时候出现swinstactsvc.exe returned 1603....怎么解决?


大概是swin 的复数形势 或者是第三人称单数之类

Swing for the Fences是什么意思


starter feed 指什么饲料 还有finisher swine feed 是指什么?

starter feed 指仔猪饲料,finisher swine feed 指生长肥育猪的饲料

爵士乐中的Swing和 Bebop分别指哪两种流派,中文中对应的词是什么?

1、摇摆乐(Swing) 摇摆乐盛行于三十年代,经常采用20~30人的大乐队(Big Band)形式,因此三十年代又被称为爵士乐历史上的大乐队时期。从音乐上分析,摇摆乐最明显的特征是让你一听便想随之舞动的摇摆节奏。所以摇摆乐被认为是当时最好的伴舞音乐。摇摆乐的乐队一般都由萨克斯、铜管和打击乐等几个部分组成,按谱演奏不同的声部。从音响上分辨,铜管乐的明亮音色以及大乐队的庞大气势,让人一听便能认出这就是摇摆乐。 代表人物: 弗莱切·亨德森(Fletcher Henderson,1897~1952,编曲,擅长乐器:钢琴) 本尼·古德曼(Benny Goodman,1909~1986,擅长乐器:单簧管) 贝西伯爵(Count Basie,1904~1984,擅长乐器:钢琴) 科尔曼·霍金斯(Coleman Hawkins,1904~1969,擅长乐器:次中音萨克斯) 格伦·米勒(Glenn Miller,1904~1944,擅长乐器:长号) 奈特·金·科尔(Nat King Cole,1919~1965 ,歌手,擅长乐器:钢琴) 莱奥纳尔·汉普顿(Lionel Hampton,1909~ ,擅长乐器:颤音琴) 莱斯特·扬(Lester Young,1909~1959,擅长乐器:次中音萨克斯) 比莉·霍利迪(Billie Holiday,1915~1959,歌手) 艾拉·菲茨杰拉德(Ella Fitzgerald,1918~1996,歌手) 2、 比博普(Bebop)和硬博普(Hard Bop) 比博普出现于四十年代,它强调和声变化和个人即兴。可以用六个字来概括比博普的艺术标准,即" 高技术、快速度" 。比博普乐手们凭着极高的演奏技术,极力地张扬自己的音乐个性以此来体现他们的个人意识。从乐队编制上看,通常由3~6名乐手组成,每位乐手经常有意识或无意识的对和声、调性进行大胆的尝试和改革。因此,比博普乐曲的和声往往是爵士和声中分析和研究的主要对象。比博普给人的第一映象总是各种乐器在不断地、交替地做着快速的即兴独奏(Solo),让人越听越兴奋。 硬博普出现于五十年代,是比博普的延续,由于盛行于美国东海岸一带,所以又称“东海岸爵士”(East Coast Jazz)。从音乐上看,它与比博普没有太大区别,只是在比博普的基础上变得更加狂放和自由了。 代表人物: 查理·帕克(Charlie Parker,1920~1955,作曲家,擅长乐器:中音萨克斯) 迪齐·吉列斯匹(Dizzy Gillespie,1917~1993,作曲家,擅长乐器:小号) 塞洛纽斯·蒙克(Thelonious Monk,1917~1982,作曲家,擅长乐器:钢琴) 索尼·罗林斯(Sonny Rollings,1930~ ,擅长乐器:次中音萨克斯) 阿特·布雷基(Art Blakey,1919~1990,鼓手) 比尔·伊文斯(Bill Evans,1929~1980,作曲家,擅长乐器:钢琴) 埃尔文·琼斯(Elvin Jones,1927~ ,鼓手) 索尼·斯蒂特(Sonny Stitt,1924~1982,擅长乐器:中音萨克斯、次中音萨克斯) 奥斯卡·彼得森(Oscar Peterson,1925~ ,擅长乐器:钢琴) 查尔斯·明戈斯(Charles Mingus,1922~1979,作曲家,擅长乐器:贝司)


摇摆爵士(Swing)在爵士乐的黄金时期里,收音机传来的尽是摇摆乐大乐团的演奏录音,酒吧,舞场及其他表演场地里,尽是大乐团的天下。波谱爵士(Bebop)-- 波谱与摇摆舞音乐的主要不同表现在波谱爵士的演奏者喜欢用和弦式即兴演奏

carrie lewis-swing是男子还是女子名

中文意思:嘉莉 · 刘易斯-摇摆 适合女子名

ping DNS服务器显示:Deswination host unreachadle



是,杀不了最好重装.现象:历史操作: 电脑进程里多了这个东东,禁止了,每次开机都自动启动,出现在进程里,郁闷死了,帮帮我,这个到底是什么? 怎么删除它.... 谢谢了!!!备注: 尽快给我个回答,谢谢了!!!期待中....我的诊断报告:各位高手:非常感谢您留心我这份系统诊断报告,小菜鸟十万火急等待您的帮助!该诊断报告由360安全卫士提供 http://www.360safe.com诊断时间: 2007-12-20 23:43:31诊断平台: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2IE版本: Internet Explorer V7.0.5730.13 Build:75730 计算机物理内存:223.48MB - 当前可用内存:115.54MB[color=sienna]100 - 未知 - Process: TheWorld.exe [TheWorld Browser] - C:Program FilesTheWorld 2.0TheWorld.exe[/color][color=sienna]100 - 未知 - Process: TheWorld.exe [TheWorld Browser] - C:Program FilesTheWorld 2.0TheWorld.exe[/color][color=sienna]O2 - 未知 - BHO: (ThunderAtOnce Class) - [迅雷浏览器高级特性支持模块] - {01443AEC-0FD1-40fd-9C87-E93D1494C233} - C:Program FilesThunder NetworkThunderComDllsTDAtOnce_Now.dll[/color][color=sienna]O8 - 未知 - Extra context menu item: 使用迅雷下载 - C:Program FilesThunder NetworkThunderProgramGetUrl.htm[/color][color=sienna]O8 - 未知 - Extra context menu item: 使用迅雷下载全部链接 - C:Program FilesThunder NetworkThunderProgramGetAllUrl.htm[/color][color=sienna]O8 - 未知 - Extra context menu item: 添加到QQ表情 - F:QQQQAAddEmotion.htm[/color][color=sienna]O9 - 未知 - Extra button: 启动迅雷5(HKLM) - C:Program FilesThunder NetworkThunderThunder.exe[/color][color=sienna]O10 - 未知 - Winsock LSP: [NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support] [{8233FA91-E19D-4578-8FDE-808D1011C0B3}]C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll[/color][color=sienna]O10 - 未知 - Winsock LSP: [NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support] [{F074D56C-3588-4C06-9538-766E1E54B1C9}]C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll[/color][color=sienna]O10 - 未知 - Winsock LSP: [NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support] [{C5CCF9A3-5628-4124-8C7B-8BE9BCAFF4EF}]C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll[/color][color=sienna]O10 - 未知 - Winsock LSP: [NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support] [{5E20AC79-D3EE-4D34-8C06-1640381AB2E5}]C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll[/color][color=sienna]O10 - 未知 - Winsock LSP: [NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support] [{5DF57A48-33A6-4591-A45A-2795CF2E0A5E}]C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll[/color][color=sienna]O10 - 未知 - Winsock LSP: [NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support] [{28A4D8DA-E908-4C6F-A926-A66CC7AD3224}]C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll[/color][color=sienna]O16 - 未知 - DPF: {6E32070A-766D-4EE6-879C-DC1FA91D2FC3} (MUWebControl) - http://www.update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/V5Controls/en/x86/client/muweb_site.cab?1197455938058[/color][color=sienna]O16 - 未知 - DPF: 无效的CLSID:{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C} ({8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C}) - http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/ultrashim.cab[/color][color=sienna]O16 - 未知 - DPF: 无效的CLSID:{EC0978ED-24E3-403C-AB7A-060E388553E6} ({EC0978ED-24E3-403C-AB7A-060E388553E6}) -[/color][color=sienna][color=slategray]O23 - 未知 - Service: Windows windrser [管理基于 Windows 的程序的安装设备。如果此服务被终止,安装设备及其关联设备将不能正常工作.] - C:WINDOWSwinenct.exe - (not running)[/color][/color][color=sienna][color=slategray]O23 - 未知 - Service: 在计算机内 NTFS 文件之间保持链 [在计算机内 NTFS 文件之间保持链接或在网络域中的计算机之间保持链接。] - - (not running)[/color][/color]=======================================100 - 安全 - Process: smss.exe [进程为会话管理子系统用以初始化系统变量,ms-dos驱动名称类似lpt1以及com,调用win32壳子系统和运行在windows登陆过程。] - C:WINDOWSSystem32smss.exe100 - 安全 - Process: csrss.exe [客户端服务子系统,用以控制windows图形相关子系统。] - C:WINDOWSsystem32csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=Windows SharedSection=1024,3072,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=base100 - 安全 - Process: winlogon.exe [windows nt用户登陆程序。] - C:WINDOWSsystem32winlogon.exe100 - 安全 - Process: services.exe [用于管理windows服务系统进程。] - C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe100 - 安全 - Process: lsass.exe [本地安全权限服务控制windows安全机制。] - C:WINDOWSsystem32lsass.exe100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:WINDOWSsystem32svchost -k DcomLaunch100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:WINDOWSsystem32svchost -k rpcss100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exe -k netsvcs100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:WINDOWSsystem32svchost.exe -k NetworkService100 - 安全 - Process: svchost.exe [service host process是一个标准的动态连接库主机处理服务。] - C:WINDOWSsystem32svchost.exe -k LocalService100 - 安全 - Process: explorer.exe [windows program manager或者windows explorer用于控制windows图形shell,包括开始菜单、任务栏,桌面和文件管理。] - C:WINDOWSExplorer.EXE100 - 安全 - Process: nod32kui.exe [eset nod32反病毒软件相关程序。] - C:Program FilesEset od32kui.exe100 - 安全 - Process: ctfmon.exe [office xp输入法图标。] - C:WINDOWSsystem32ctfmon.exe100 - 安全 - Process: nod32krn.exe [一款防病毒软件相关程序。] - C:Program FilesEset od32krn.exe100 - 安全 - Process: alg.exe [这是一个应用层网关服务用于网络共享。] - C:WINDOWSSystem32alg.exe100 - 安全 - Process: NOTEPAD.EXE [notepad字符编辑器用于打开文档。在windows中附带。] - C:WINDOWS otepad.exe100 - 安全 - Process: 360Safe.exe [360安全卫士相关程序。] - C:Program Files360safe360Safe.exe100 - 安全 - Process: 360tray.exe [360安全卫士实时监控程序。] - C:Program Files360safesafemon360Tray.exeR0 - 安全 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Search Page=http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896R0 - 安全 - HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Search Page=http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896R0 - 安全 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Default_Search_URL=http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896R1 - 安全 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Local Page=C:WINDOWSsystem32lank.htmO2 - 安全 - BHO: (Thunder Browser Helper) - [迅雷附带下载监视器相关文件。] - {889D2FEB-5411-4565-8998-1DD2C5261283} - C:Program FilesThunder NetworkThunderComDllsxunleiBHO_Now.dllO4 - 安全 - HKLM..Run: [nod32kui] [nod32防病毒软件的主监控程序。] "C:Program FilesEset od32kui.exe" /WAITSERVICEO4 - 安全 - HKCU..Run: [ctfmon.exe] [office xp输入法图标。] C:WINDOWSsystem32ctfmon.exeO9 - 安全 - Extra button: Windows Messenger(HKLM) - C:Program FilesMessengermsmsgs.exeO11 - 安全 - Options Group: International*O16 - 安全 - DPF: {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} (Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool) - http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/b/0/5b0d4654-aa20-495c-b89f-c1c34c691085/LegitCheckControl.cabO16 - 安全 - DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} (Flash播放器) - http://fpdownload2.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cabO18 - 安全 - Protocol: OFFICE 相关 - {807553E5-5146-11D5-A672-00B0D022E945} - C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE11MSOXMLMF.DLL[color=sienna]O23 - 安全 - Service: NOD32krn [NoD反病毒软件相关服务。] - "C:Program FilesEset od32krn.exe" - (running)[/color]O25 - 安全 - ABOUT: DesktopItemNavigationFailure - res://ieframe.dll/navcancl.htmO25 - 安全 - ABOUT: NavigationCanceled - res://ieframe.dll/navcancl.htmO25 - 安全 - ABOUT: NavigationFailure - res://ieframe.dll/navcancl.htmO25 - 安全 - ABOUT: OfflineInformation - res://ieframe.dll/offcancl.htmO25 - 安全 - ABOUT: PostNotCached - res://ieframe.dll/repost.htm=======================================O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {42071714-76d4-11d1-8b24-00a0c9068ff3} - deskpan.dll - - - - 0 - O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: 无效的CLSID:Shell extensions for file compression - - - - - 0 - O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: 无效的CLSID:加密上下文菜单 - - - - - 0 - O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {0DF44EAA-FF21-4412-828E-260A8728E7F1} - - - - - 0 - O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {00E7B358-F65B-4dcf-83DF-CD026B94BFD4} - - - - - 0 - O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {7A9D77BD-5403-11d2-8785-2E0420524153} - - - - - 0 - O31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {B41DB860-8EE4-11D2-9906-E49FADC173CA} - C:Program FilesWinRAR arext.dll - - - - 121344 - db85440d8d5cfede55eab0f44edfb16fO31 - 未知 - SEApproved: {B089FE88-FB52-11D3-BDF1-0050DA34150D} - C:Program FilesEset odshex.dll - - - - 57344 - 334b1acb83362d61a453d8ea37fe7abdO31 - 未知 - Directory Menu: {B41DB860-8EE4-11D2-9906-E49FADC173CA} - C:Program FilesWinRAR arext.dll - - - - 121344 - db85440d8d5cfede55eab0f44edfb16fO31 - 未知 - LSA: Security Packages - sv1_0.dll - - - - 0 - O31 - 未知 - LSA: Security Packages - channel.dll - - - - 0 - =======================================[color=sienna]O40 - lsass.exe - Eset - C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll - NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support - f2cd292525b04493e80752e9eda7013b[/color][color=sienna]O40 - lsass.exe - - C:Program FilesEsetpr_imon.dll - - 02a0dc4a4c9de98a491b0670ea763bfa[/color][color=sienna]O40 - svchost.exe - Eset - C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll - NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support - f2cd292525b04493e80752e9eda7013b[/color][color=sienna]O40 - svchost.exe - - C:Program FilesEsetpr_imon.dll - - 02a0dc4a4c9de98a491b0670ea763bfa[/color][color=sienna]O40 - svchost.exe - Eset - C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll - NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support - f2cd292525b04493e80752e9eda7013b[/color][color=sienna]O40 - svchost.exe - - C:Program FilesEsetpr_imon.dll - - 02a0dc4a4c9de98a491b0670ea763bfa[/color][color=sienna]O40 - svchost.exe - Eset - C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll - NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support - f2cd292525b04493e80752e9eda7013b[/color][color=sienna]O40 - svchost.exe - - C:Program FilesEsetpr_imon.dll - - 02a0dc4a4c9de98a491b0670ea763bfa[/color][color=sienna]O40 - svchost.exe - Eset - C:WINDOWSsystem32imon.dll - NOD32 IMON - Internet scanning support - f2cd292525b04493e80752e9eda7013b[/color][color=sienna]O40 - svchost.exe - - C:Program FilesEsetpr_imon.dll - - 02a0dc4a4c9de98a491b0670ea763bfa[/color][color=sienna]O40 - Explorer.EXE - - C:Program FilesEset odshex.dll - - 334b1acb83362d61a453d8ea37fe7abd[/color]=======================================[color=sienna]O41 - AMON - Amon monitor - C:WINDOWSsystem32driversamon.sys - (running) - Amon monitor - Eset - d76c4cc55dbf0409d6f110fc2687be95[/color][color=sienna]O41 - QKeyService - KeyCrypt - C:WINDOWSsystem32KeyCrypt.sys - (running) - KeyCrypt - Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited - ecaa6d40a70bee079f3817601bec1692[/color][color=sienna]O41 - SVKP - SVKP driver for NT - C:WINDOWSsystem32SVKP.sys - (running) - SVKP driver for NT - AntiCracking - f05028b163b92c302a74409d683ac9b0[/color][color=sienna]O41 - VIAudio - VIA AC"97 Enhanced Audio WDM Driver - C:WINDOWSsystem32driversviaudios.sys - (running) - VIA AC"97 Enhanced Audio WDM Driver - VIA Technologies, Inc. - ec14fedcfc97f0af98215ce385afec23[/color][color=slategray]O41 - askd - askd - C:WINDOWSsystem32driversaskd.ahc - (not running) - - - 763f454a2482b1a2125651badce988a0[/color][color=slategray]O41 - TesSafe - TesSafe NT Driver - C:WINDOWSsystem32TesSafe.sys - (not running) - TesSafe NT Driver - TENCENT - 5bd148a670f2c278a2eed4b7b25aea39[/color][color=slategray]O41 - Vsp - Vsp - C:WINDOWSsystem32driversvsp.sys - (not running) - - - aaf94bc88ecdf0ae0586805dad1e59c4[/color]=======================================360Safe.exe=操作历史报告:2007-12-17 20:18清理恶评插件 - mssys32木马 - ----------全面诊断修复历史----------2007-12-15 22:02O6 - 危险 - 禁止IE首页相关设置 - HKCUSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerControl Panel----------修复IE浏览器操作历史----------2007-12-15 23:28R0 - 危险 - IE起始页的默认页 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainR0 - 危险 - IE自定义搜索引擎 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearchR0 - 危险 - IE备用搜索引擎 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearch=======================================360安全卫士,彻底查杀各种流氓软件,全面保护系统安全,并赠送正版卡巴斯基7.0最新免费下载:http://www.360safe.com





Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 歌词

歌曲名:Swing Low, Sweet Chariot歌手:群星专辑:Let"s Party: The Ultimate Party AlbumJoan Baez - Swing Low Sweet ChariotDiamonds & Rust In The BullringSwing low, sweet chariotComin" to carry me homeSwing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me, uh, homeAnd I looked over Jordan, yeah, and what did I seeComin" to carry me homeSo a band, a band of angels, they was comin" for meWas comin" for to carry you, uh, homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeWhat if you get there before I doComin" for to carry me homeTell all my friends that I"m acomin" tooComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me, you, us, them,uh, home。。。http://music.baidu.com/song/15176713

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 歌词

歌曲名:Swing Low, Sweet Chariot歌手:Jo-Anne Q专辑:BeautifulJoan Baez - Swing Low Sweet ChariotDiamonds & Rust In The BullringSwing low, sweet chariotComin" to carry me homeSwing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me, uh, homeAnd I looked over Jordan, yeah, and what did I seeComin" to carry me homeSo a band, a band of angels, they was comin" for meWas comin" for to carry you, uh, homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeWhat if you get there before I doComin" for to carry me homeTell all my friends that I"m acomin" tooComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me, you, us, them,uh, home。。。http://music.baidu.com/song/2923621

Swing Low Sweet Chariot (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Swing Low Sweet Chariot (Lp Version)歌手:Herbie Mann专辑:Mississippi GamblerJoan Baez - Swing Low Sweet ChariotDiamonds & Rust In The BullringSwing low, sweet chariotComin" to carry me homeSwing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me, uh, homeAnd I looked over Jordan, yeah, and what did I seeComin" to carry me homeSo a band, a band of angels, they was comin" for meWas comin" for to carry you, uh, homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeWhat if you get there before I doComin" for to carry me homeTell all my friends that I"m acomin" tooComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me homeSwing low, swing low, sweet chariotComin" for to carry me, you, us, them,uh, home。。。http://music.baidu.com/song/7942043

swing low sweet chariot 歌词翻译

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 可爱的马车轻轻摇晃1Swing low, sweet chariot 可爱的马车轻轻摇晃Coming for to carry me home. 正载着我回故乡Swing low, sweet chariot, 可爱的马车轻轻摇晃Coming for to carry me home. 正载着我回故乡 2I looked over Jordan, and what did I see 我俯瞰约旦河,我所看到的是Coming for to carry me home? 正载着我回故乡 A band of angels coming after me, 身后有一群天使Coming for to carry me home. 正载着我回故乡 3Sometimes I"m up, and sometimes I"m down, 尽管我时而低沉时而高涨(Coming for to carry me home) (正载着我回故乡) But still my soul feels heavenly bound. 但我的灵魂仍与天堂相接(Coming for to carry me home) (正载着我回故乡) 4The brightest day that I can say, 我敢说,那是我生命中最美好的一天(Coming for to carry me home) (正载着我回故乡) When Jesus washed my sins away. 当耶稣为我洗去一身罪孽(Coming for to carry me home) (正载着我回故乡) 5If I get there before you do, 如果我比你先抵达(Coming for to carry me home) (正载着我回故乡) I"ll cut a hole and pull you through. 我会打开突破口,让你通过(Coming for to carry me home) (正载着我回故乡) 6If you get there before I do, 如果你比我先抵达(Coming for to carry me home) (正载着我回故乡) Tell all my friends I"m coming too. 你们请告诉我的朋友,我很快就到了(Coming for to carry me home) (正载着我回故乡)

fraud 和 swindling有什么区别


fraud 和 swindling有什么区别

fraud 骗局swindling诈骗swindling 是骗局fraud的一种。 swindling更具体涉及到金钱方面。


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