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wain 是一个英文单词,意思是“船”或“小船”。在不同的上下文中,wain 可能指不同的事物。在英语中,wain 通常是一个常用的缩写,用于代表“木材”或“木材运输”。wain 这个词源于荷兰语,最初是指“小船”,后来也指“小船夫”。在英国殖民地美国,wain 开始被用来指“小船夫”或“小船”,同时也指“木材”或“木材运输”。在中文中,wain 通常被翻译为“船夫”或“小船夫”,特别是在台湾和香港地区。而在其他地区,如中国大陆和新加坡,通常翻译为“船员”或“船工”。wain 这个词在英语中非常常见,无论是在文学中还是在日常生活中,都经常被使用。在英语文学作品中,wain 通常被用来描述一些偏远的地方,或者是一些传统的行业。例如,在威廉·莎士比亚的戏剧《威尼斯商人》中,就有 wain 这个词的出现。wain 这个词还常常被用来描述一些传统的行业,如木材加工和航运业。在这些行业中,wain 通常是指那些用自己的小船运输木材的人。在英国和美国的一些地区,wain 甚至已经成为了一种文化符号,代表着传统手工艺和航运业。wain 这个词在中文中通常翻译为“船夫”或“小船夫”,这个词在中文文化中也有着非常重要的地位。在中国古代,wain 通常是指那些用自己的小船运输货物或人员的人,他们的职责是连接城市和乡村,为人们的生活带来了便利。wain 这个词在不同的上下文中可以有不同的含义,但都代表了一种传统的手工艺或行业。无论是在英国、美国还是中国,wain 都是一个非常重要和有意义的词汇,代表着人类生活中传统的手工艺和航运业。




被批注的代码元素内部的某些警告保持静默。 一点背景:J2SE 5.0 为 Java 语言增加了几个新的特性,并且和它们一起增加了许多新的警告并承诺在将来增加更多的警告。您可以为 "javac" 增加 -Xlint 参数来控制是否报告这些警告(如上面的 @Deprecated 部分所示)。 默认情况下,Sun 编译器以简单的两行的形式输出警告。通过添加 -Xlint:keyword 标记(例如 -Xlint:finally),您可以获得关键字类型错误的完整说明。通过在关键字前面添加一个破折号,写为 -Xlint:-keyword,您可以取消警告。(-Xlint 支持的关键字的完整列表可以在 javac 文档页面上找到。)下面是一个清单: 关键字 用途 deprecation 使用了不赞成使用的类或方法时的警告 unchecked 执行了未检查的转换时的警告,例如当使用集合时没有用泛型 (Generics) 来指定集合保存的类型。 fallthrough 当 Switch 程序块直接通往下一种情况而没有 Break 时的警告。 path 在类路径、源文件路径等中有不存在的路径时的警告。 serial 当在可序列化的类上缺少 serialVersionUID 定义时的警告。 finally 任何 finally 子句不能正常完成时的警告。 all 关于以上所有情况的警告。 @SuppressWarnings 批注允许您选择性地取消特定代码段(即,类或方法)中的警告。其中的想法是当您看到警告时,您将调查它,如果您确定它不是问题,您就可以添加一个 @SuppressWarnings 批注,以使您不会再看到警告。虽然它听起来似乎会屏蔽潜在的错误,但实际上它将提高代码安全性,因为它将防止您对警告无动于衷 — 您看到的每一个警告都将值得注意。 下面是使用 @SuppressWarnings 来取消 deprecation 警告的一个例子: public class DeprecatedExample2 { @Deprecated public static void foo() { }}public class DeprecatedUser2 { @SuppressWarnings(value={"deprecation"})public static void main(String[] args) { DeprecatedExample2.foo(); }}@SuppressWarnings 批注接收一个 "value" 变量,该变量是一个字符串数组,它指示将取消的警告。合法字符串的集合随编译器而变化,但在 JDK 上,可以传递给 -Xlint 的是相同的关键字集合(非常方便)。并且要求编译器忽略任何它们不能识别的关键字,这在您使用一些不同的编译器时非常方便。 因为 @SuppressWarnings 批注仅接收一个参数,并为该参数使用了特殊的名称 "value",所以您可以选择省略 value=,作为一种方便的缩写: public class DeprecatedUser2 { @SuppressWarnings({"deprecation"})public static void main(String[] args) { DeprecatedExample2.foo(); }}您可以将单个数组参数中的任意数量的字符串值传递给批注,并在任何级别上放置批注。例如,以下示例代码指示将取消整个类的 deprecation 警告,而仅在 main() 方法代码内取消 unchecked 和 fallthrough 警告: import java.util.*;@SuppressWarnings({"deprecation"})public class NonGenerics { @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked","fallthrough"})public static void main(String[] args) { Runtime.runFinalizersOnExit(); List list = new ArrayList(); list.add("foo"); } public static void foo() { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add("foo"); }}@SuppressWarnings 是否比前两个批注更有用?绝对是这样。不过,在 JDK 1.5.0 版本中还没有完全支持该批注,如果您用 1.5.0 来尝试它,那么它将类似无操作指令。调用 -Xlint:-deprecation 也没有任何效果。Sun 没有声明什么时候将增加支持,但它暗示这将在即将推出的一个 dot 版本中实现。 更进一步 如果您试图在 Javadocs 页面中查看这些属性,那么您可能很难找到它们。它们位于核心的 java.lang 包中,但有点隐蔽,它们出现在 Javadoc 类的最底端,列在 Exceptions 和 Errors 后面。 注意到了附加在 SuppressWarnings 批注后面的陌生的批注 @Target 和 @Retention 了吗?这些称为元数据批注,它们描述了该批注在哪里适用。我将在本系列的第二篇文章中介绍它们,以及介绍如何将元数据批注应用到您自己的批注中。

求Coldplay Swallowed in the sea歌词 中文大意

You cut me down a tree 你为我砍倒一棵树 And brought it back to me 你将它带到我身边 And that"s what made me see 它让我明白了 Where I was going wrong 我所做错的事情 You put me on a shelf 你将我放在架子上 And kept me for yourself 成为你的收藏 I can only blame myself 我只能怪罪自己 You can only blame me 你也只能埋怨我 And I could write a song 我可以为你写首歌 A hundred miles long 千万里那么长 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 And I could write it down 我能将这记下 Or spread it all around 也能让所有人知道 Get lost and then get found 迷失,接着又找到 Or swallowed in the sea 或者淹没在深海 You put me on a line 你将我高高挂起 And hung me out to dry 然后将我全部晒干 And darling that"s when I 亲爱的,那就是我决定 Decided to go to see you 见你的时候 You cut me down to size 你将我肢解 And opened up my eyes 将我的双眼打开 Made me realize 让我明白 What I could not see 我所看不到的 And I could write a book 我能为你写本书 The one they"ll say that shook 会让所有人震惊的一本 The world, and then it took 然后它将 It took it back from me 回到我身边 And I could write it down 我能将这记下 Or spread it all around 也能让所有人知道 Get lost and then get found 迷失,接着又找到 And you"ll come back to me 你会回到我身边 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 Ooh... 哦。。。 And I could write a song 我可以为你写首歌 A hundred miles long 千万里那么长 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 The streets you"re walking on 你所走过的大街 A thousand houses long 蜿蜒千万座房屋 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 Oh what good is it to live 哦,活着还有何意义 With nothing left to give 当没有什么可以去给予的 Forget but not forgive 忘却但不要原谅 Not loving all you see 所有你将爱的 The streets you"re walking on 你所走过的大街 A thousand houses long 蜿蜒千万座房屋 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 You belong with me 你也是属于我的 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 Yeah, you belong with me 啊,你也是属于我的 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海

In fact, the chances of anybody ______ by a whale are rather low. A.being swallowed B.swal.

A 考查非谓语动词。Anybody和swallow是动宾关系,故用被动,排除B、D;the chances of doing sth.“做某事的可能性”,of是介词,应该用动名词,故选A。

帮我翻译一下歌词吧Swallowed In The Sea



Swallow 生词本 简明释义 [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 斯沃洛绰号,来源于中世纪英语,含义是“燕子”(swallow);[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 斯旺职业名称,仆人或侍从,见Swain↑1 易混淆的单词:swallow 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 1.VERB吞下;咽下If you swallow something,you cause it to go from your mouth down into your stomach. You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B... 你要服一粒维生素 B 胶囊. Polly took a bite of the apple,chewed and swallowed. 波利咬了一口苹果,嚼了嚼咽了下去.


swallow 有两个意思:1. 吞咽 2. 燕子发音 /u02c8swu0252lou028a/读如 s-wo-lo元音 o 发音和oddhot的 o 一样。

He swallowed without chewing这个为什么用chewing

without后面跟动名词 chew 的动名词是chewing

英译中 "Have you swallowed a dictionary?"


May Be Harmful if Swallowed

《May Be Harmful if Swallowed》 这句话我看来的意思是:如果忍受,也许有害It"s not like I made myself a listOf new and different ways of murdering your heartI"m just a painting that"s still wetIf you touch me I"ll be smeared, you"ll be stainedStained for the rest of your lifeSo turn around walk away before you confuse the way we abuse each otherYou"re not afraid of getting hurtAnd I"m not afraid of how much I hurt youWell aware I"m a danger to myselfAre you aware I"m a danger to others?There"s a crack in my soul you thought was a smileWhatever doesn"t kill you is gonna leave a scarWhatever doesn"t kill you is gonna to leave a scarLeave a scar, leave a scarWhatever doesn"t kill you is gonna to leave a scarI"m more like a silver bulletAnd I"m like a gun, not easy to holdI"m moving fast and if I stay inside your heartAssume that this will be the end of your lifeSo turn around walk away before you confuse the way we abuse each otherYou"re not afraid of getting hurtAnd I"m not afraid of how much I hurt youWell aware I"m a danger to myselfAre you aware I"m a danger to others?There"s a crack in my soul you thought was a smileWhatever doesn"t kill you is gonna leave a scarWhatever doesn"t kill you is gonna to leave a scarLeave a scar, leave a scarWhatever doesn"t kill you is gonna to leave a scarShould warn you that you may f*ck meBut chances are I"m gonna f*ck you overShould warn you that you may f*ck meBut chances are I"m gonna f*ck you overShould warn you that you may f*ck meBut chances are I"m gonna f*ck you overShould warn you that you may f*ck meBut chances are I"m gonna f*ck you over有些歌貌似是DEMO版1.《May Be Harmful if Swallowed》感觉这歌节奏有点像THE DEATH SONG,唱得有点像流行歌曲http://rapidshare.com/files/216207693/mm_mhis.mp3上面的地址不能用迅雷,点击进入下载页面,单线程下载2.《Into the Fire》如果你先下了《May Be Harmful if Swallowed》,那么请听四遍以后再来下这个,因为那网站实在是比我还啰嗦,俩个文件要隔15分钟才能下......http://rapidshare.com/files/216207281/Marilyn_Manson__2009_-_Into_The_Fire.mp3这歌的“嗦啰”也很啰嗦以下两首感谢我们的“亲”小刚头同学上传到了一个相对不啰嗦的网站3.《Arma God Damn Mother F**king Geddon》http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/2a31fbe8-1aac-11de-88c7-0019d11a795f/4.《The wow》http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/21e9c0de-1aae-11de-add1-0019d11a795f/5.《Four Rusted Horses》http://rapidshare.com/files/214471641/08_Four_Rusted_Horses__Leak_.mp3又是这个万恶的网站,谁有空给上传到别的网站发出来,我们卸你八辈祖宗6.《We"re from America》http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=557176702

Coldplay的歌swallowed in the sea是什么含义?

这首《被大海吞噬》是Coldplay写个逝去亲人的悲痛歌曲。 歌曲中每四小句为一个小单元,共12小单元+1个结尾单元,编曲结构简单,但每一个小单元反应的哲理却非同寻常;Coldplay在呼唤亲人的回归,是一种对亲人逝去的悲痛和有同义无返顾一起死去的心态,对生死的抉择也有哲理性的阐释,只有在一起的时候,才不会被大海所吞噬。


个人觉得swallow 更倾向于吞咽的动作,注重于过程,用于形容某人或某物的这个行为。ingest 更注重于结果,摄取了什么什么。

帮我翻译一下歌词吧Swallowed In The Sea


swallowed in the sea讲得是不是迷失了自我?

You cut me down a tree 你为我砍倒一棵树 And brought it back to me 你将它带到我身边 And that"s what made me see 它让我明白了 Where I was going wrong 我所做错的事情 You put me on a shelf 你将我放在架子上 And kept me for yourself 成为你的收藏 I can only blame myself 我只能怪罪自己 You can only blame me 你也只能埋怨我 And I could write a song 我可以为你写首歌 A hundred miles long 千万里那么长 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 And I could write it down 我能将这记下 Or spread it all around 也能让所有人知道 Get lost and then get found 迷失,接着又找到 Or swallowed in the sea 或者淹没在深海 You put me on a line 你将我高高挂起 And hung me out to dry 然后将我全部晒干 And darling that"s when I 亲爱的,那就是我决定 Decided to go to see you 见你的时候 You cut me down to size 你将我肢解 And opened up my eyes 将我的双眼打开 Made me realize 让我明白 What I could not see 我所看不到的 And I could write a book 我能为你写本书 The one they"ll say that shook 会让所有人震惊的一本 The world, and then it took 然后它将 It took it back from me 回到我身边 And I could write it down 我能将这记下 Or spread it all around 也能让所有人知道 Get lost and then get found 迷失,接着又找到 And you"ll come back to me 你会回到我身边 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 Ooh... 哦。。。 And I could write a song 我可以为你写首歌 A hundred miles long 千万里那么长 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 The streets you"re walking on 你所走过的大街 A thousand houses long 蜿蜒千万座房屋 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 Oh what good is it to live 哦,活着还有何意义 With nothing left to give 当没有什么可以去给予的 Forget but not forgive 忘却但不要原谅 Not loving all you see 所有你将爱的 The streets you"re walking on 你所走过的大街 A thousand houses long 蜿蜒千万座房屋 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 字数超过上限,后面四句:你也是属于我的,而不会淹没在深海 啊,你也是属于我的 而不会淹没在深海


1.The fishing cannot be swallowed (swallow)by the cormorants. 2.All the fish are removed(remove)from the birds" mouths by the fisherman. 3.Then all the fish are threw(throw)into a big basket. 4.The rest of the fish is divided(divide)between Damin"s family and the cormorants. 5.Modern fishing methods are used(use)all over the world.



swallow 什么意思?




swing 和sway有什么区别?

sway, n. 摇,影响力,支配; v. 使摇动,支配.一般表示物体的下端固定,上端“摇动”.如:The sailboat swayed on the stormy sea.(帆船在惊涛骇浪的大海中摇晃.) swing, n. 摇摆,改变,冲力, 秋千,摇摆; v. 摇摆,使...旋转,动摇.多表示物体的上端固定,下端“摆动”.如:The pendulum swings.(钟摆摆动.)

i pray for the swan goose.the moonlight and the spring breeze forthousands of time是什么意思

你好!i pray for the swan goose.the moonlight and the spring breeze forthousands of time我祈求鸿雁。月光下,春风数千次

CrossWay的《Oh My My》 歌词

歌曲名:Oh My My歌手:CrossWay专辑:This I KnowOh My MyMy my oh my ooooooWhen I look into your eyes, I know that your the real dealEverything about you is so fly, I wanna know how you feelAnd how your body makes my body move from side to sideHands on my thighs makn me say oh my my myI love the way you make me feelEverything about yous, so damn realI love the way, you make me feelEverything about you is so damn realCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myDreaming of the day when you take my handRolling around up in the sandFalling in love in a different landThats how I feelEmbrassing eachother will make us oneLying up under the distant sun, found my love now I am doneMy soul is healedI love the way you make me feelEverything about yous, so damn realI love the way, you make me feelEverything about you is so damn realCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myooooo there"s not another man like youHope you feel the same way too, bout me as your girlUs against the worldOh my, oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my, my, my---- Preemo Rap--------Sophia Maria-OH MY MY-------Rap-------end----------Cmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myCmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytimeReally feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mindAnd how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my booOh myOh you make me say my myOr you look someone insteadMy oh my myhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2869182

怎么启动安装roccat swarm

1、检查驱动程序对应的系统和位数属否正确。 2、有限的连接是否紧固,无线的是否对吗。 3、打开设备管理器选带黄色问号的设备,通过更新驱动程序的方式安装。

The Pussycat Dolls的《Sway》 歌词

歌曲名:Sway歌手:The Pussycat Dolls专辑:Shall We Dance?When marimba rhythms start to playDance with me, make me swayLike a lazy ocean hugs the shoreHold me close, sway me moreLike a flower bending in the breezeBend with me, sway with easeWhen we dance you have a way with meStay with me, sway with meOther dancers may be on the floorDear, but my eyes will see only youOnly you have that magic techniqueWhen we sway I go weakI can hear the sounds of violinsLong before it beginsMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowSway me, take meThrill me, hold meBend me, ease meYou have a way with meSway (sway)Other dancers may be on the floorDear, but my eyes will see only youOnly you have that magic techniqueWhen we sway I go weakI go weakI can hear the sounds of violinsLong before it beginsMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowSway meSway meSway me nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8310779




Henry is watching TV now.同义句:Henry is watching TV at the moment.翻译:亨利正在看电视。解析:本题考查的是同义句,先观察例句,在例句中可以发现,now有相同意思的短语可以代替,now和at the moment意思相同,转换即可。at the moment一、含义:此时,此刻;现在,目前。二、用法:at the moment用于现在时,表示“此刻”的意思;用于过去时,表示“那时”的意思。He does not want any orange juice at the moment.此刻他不想要桔子汁。同义词:now一、含义:adv. 现在;立刻。conj. 既然(与that连用)。n. 现在;此刻。adj. 目前的;现存的。二、用法:直接源自古英语的nu,意为现在。now在句中除作状语外,还可作主语、表语或介词宾语。He is writing a letter now.他现在正在写信。

英语翻译 All her geese are swans

她所有的鹅都是天鹅 geese是goose的 复数 意思是鹅

see two big swans是什么意思

刚 高兴帮助你。see two big swans 意思是:看见两只大天鹅请采纳,谢谢!!swan 天鹅see 看见,看到 big 大的

请高手帮忙翻译swans mate for life这篇文章中的一个短语

我想该是 因为我们一直忙一切事情

Seven Swans 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Swans歌手:Sufjan Stevens专辑:Seven SwansWe didn"t sleep too late.There was a fire in the yard.All of the tress were in light.They had no faces to show.I saw a sign in the sky:Seven swans, seven swans, seven swans.I heard a voice in my mind:I will try, I will try, I will try.I will try, I will try, I will try.We saw the dragon move down.My father burned into coal.My mother saw it from far.She took her purse to the bed.I saw a sign in the sky:Seven horns, seven horns, seven horns.I heard a voice in my mind:I am Lord, I am Lord, I am Lord.He said: I am Lord, I am Lord, I am Lord.He said: I am Lord, I am Lord, I am Lord.He will take you. If you run,He will chase you.He will take you. If you run,He will chase you"cause He is the Lord."Cause He is the Lord...Seven swans, seven swans, seven swans,seven swans, seven swans...http://music.baidu.com/song/14537150

dirge of swans 帮忙翻译

天鹅在临死之前讴歌它们的歌声回响贯穿天际而我在血和泪的海洋上抛下一瓣玫瑰不断的祷告为什么你毫无感觉?(目空一切)为什么你伤害了一个又一个(不停的伤害)为什么?那专制暴政的侵略!为什么?你不曾打赢这场邪恶的(该死的)战争!光荣的衰退 傲慢的错觉沉默的愤怒 沉默的疯狂现在战火已经烧尽而剩下的只是冰冷的建筑这听上去像是天堂我朦胧中听见了痛苦的呻吟——那幽暗阴沉的旋律“现在 燃烧的火焰已经熄灭了与什麽的生命构造成冰我依稀听到痛苦的呻吟这是一个庄严音符”上面这最后一段取自http://bbs.uuu9.com/viewthread.php?tid=1255948理解不同,见仁见智。


How are the swans?这些燕子怎么样?They are very beautiful.

惠威音响Swans 2.6C怎么样




如何评价Swans乐队洪荒三部曲的最后一部作品《The Glowing Man》

他们的84年专辑Cop,这张黑胶唱片迄今仍是我的「发泄」极品,还依足封面上的说明"This record is designed to be played at maximum volume",扭大音量播放。


hivi-swans惠威源自中国,名誉业界。经过30年的发展,hivi-swans惠威已经成为世界知名高级音响制造公司,并以各类优秀的电声产品享誉业界。 hivi-swans标志源于hivi惠威于1997年收购的美国swans音响公司。










this way please, 这边请


We do. It"s on the second floor. This way please.我做了(我愿意)。它在二楼。这边请。



win10 swap usage 怎么设置


SWAP Usage是什么意思啊?

互换使用 特殊用法,在实际中并不常见。

Das Auto 和Volkswagen有什么联系与区别

volkswagen是大众汽车的商标,das auto只是一句广告词。德语Das Auto就等于英语的Auto,就是汽车的意思。世界上只有一间大众汽车公司。

酒吧里有首歌,“hands on my life ,and never feel....,i sware ,this is true,and only longly to you

3.The Time(Dirty Bit) - Pi(美好时刻) (修改)作词:John DeNicola、 Damien Leroy、Donald Markowitz、Allan Pineda、Franke Previte、will.i.amI-I came up in here to rockLight a fire, make it hotI don"t wanna take no picturesI just wanna take some shotsSo come on, let"s goLet"s lose controlLet"s do it all night‘Til we can"t do it no mo"People rockin" to the soundTurn it up and watch it poundWe gon" rock it to the topUntil the roof come burnin" downYeah, it"s hot in herrreThe temperaturrreHas got these ladiesGettin" freakierrr(Fergie)I got freaky, freaky, babyI was chillin" with my ladiesI didn"t come to get bougieI came here to get crazyI was born to get wiiildThat"s my styyyleIf you didn"t know thatWell, baby, now you know nowI"ve had the time of my lifeAnd I"ve never felt this way beforeAnd I swear this is trueAnd I owe it all to youDirty bit!And I owe it all to youOh, I-I-I-I"ve hadThe time of my li-i-i-owAnd I"ve never felt this way before-fore

held sway over

held是做these distinctions 的谓语动词,这里是 as long as 引导一个条件状语从句,在从句中,主语these distinctions 后有定语,用逗号隔开


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swag sex 的歌词

Marques Houston : Swag Sex (Soulja Boy, Soulja Boy Tell Em)(MH Let GO)(5* times)Put A litte swag in your sexSwag Swag in your sexand thats how you keep her from becoming your exYou only good at your sex game ( sex game)Said you did her real good but your sex lameShe gonna be be on to the next manyou gonna be be known as the ex manwhy you telling all your friends in the bed ( you destroyed her)she telling all your friends in the bed ( you annoyed her)when you put in on her didnt do ( anything for her)know she goods avoiding you(5* times)Put A litte swag in your sexSwag Swag in your sexand thats how you keep her from becoming your exYou need to grab her from the black lay her down flat yeahand kiss her, yeah bet she like thatyeah and turn her around and watch her back noweverytime you throw it thow it better put it in the end zoneyour sex game wack she gon put you in the friend zonethis right here about to be your theme songthis right here about to be your ringtonewhy you telling all your friends in the bed ( you destroyed her)she telling all your friends in the bed ( you annoyed her)when you put in on her didnt do ( anything for her)know she goods avoiding you(5* times)Need to put A litte swag in your sexSwag Swag in your sexand thats how you keep her from becoming your exYou need to grab her from the black lay her down flat yeahand kiss her, yeah bet she like thatyeah and turn her around and watch her back nowand thats how you keep her from becoming your exsoulja boywatch them swag sex when they play this songshe aint at my house playin nintendo with no panties onno panties oni maycheck my phonesay whats happenin souljai got a party at my mansion girls bring em overgirls everywhere we party non stopreal talk bring the drinks get this party poppinmhsb 22 every girl in here swaggaa sexinYou need to grab her from the black lay her down flat yeahand kiss her, yeah bet she like thatyeah and turn her around and watch her back nowand thats how you keep her from becoming your ex





crosswalk 和sidewalk



crosswalk指人行道,而sidewalk指旁道,边道。cross作名词用是十字架,十字形饰物的意思。across是介词,有横跨,横穿,穿越之意,横跨之意。 cross、across与through的区别 1、across作动词用,“穿过,越过”的意思。主要表示在物体表面上横穿。 例如,Be careful when you cross the street.过马路时要小心。 2、cross作名词用是十字架,十字形饰物的意思。across是介词,有“横跨,横穿,穿越之意,横跨之意。 across与go/walk等动词连用表示穿过,越过,横穿的意思。与cross基本同义,也是表示等动词连用表示“穿过越过,横穿”的意思。 3、through是介词,“在...之中,透过的意思,常与go,walk等动词连用,表示穿越,是介词,在之中透过”的意思之中,动词连用,表示穿过、穿越等意思。


crosswalk 指斑马线 要过那路的 SIDEWALK 是 人行道,相对于车行道, 他们是平行的

Aswad的《Reality》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality歌手:Aswad专辑:The Best Of朴慧京-realityMet you by surpriseI didn"t realizeThat my life would change foreverSaw you standing thereI didn"t know I"d careThere was something special in the airDreams are my realityA only kind of real fantasyIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsIt seems as if it"s meant to be.Dreams are my realityA different kind of realityI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving seems alrightalthough it"s only fantasy.If you do exist,honey don"r resistShow me a new way of lovingTell me that it"s trueShow me what to doI feel something special about you.Dreams are my realityThe only kind of realityMay be must fool is ness has pastAnd may be now at lastI"ll see how a real thing can beDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beI dream of holing you all nightand holing you seem tryPerhaps that"s my realityMet you by surpriseI didn"t realizeThat"my life would change foreverTell me that it"s true feelings that are newI feel something special about youDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsAlthough it"s only fantasyDreams are my realityI like to dream of you close to meI dream of loving the nightAnd loving you seems rightPerhaps that"s my realityhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7430444


“内存并不一定总是快” Linux 中内存主要有匿名内存和 Page Cache 两种。 Linux操作系统内存管理策略是会尽可能的利用内存来做各种缓存,所以一般来说服务器所谓的free内存都会较少,当应用alloc申请内存的时候,如果free内存不足就会引发内存回收,这就是所谓的PageFault缺页,这时候系统会先使用异步方式的后台回收来提高应用申请内存这个操作的响应速度。但是如果应用申请内存的速度大于系统后台回收的速度的话,就会进入所谓直接回收(Direct Reclaim)模式,这是一个同步的过程,应用会自旋等待内存回收完毕,产生比较大的延迟。见下图: 另一方面,内核会回收匿名内存页,并将其置换到磁盘里(这是Linux所谓虚拟内存的管理方式,磁盘上的这部分用来跟内存做交换的空间称为swap空间),匿名内存页一旦被换出然后再次被访问的时候,就会产生文件IO了(要从swap空间里把页加载回内存里),这也会导致比较大的延迟。见下图: vm.extra_free_kbytes 和 vm.swappiness 两个内核参数可以针对PageFault和SwapOut两种内存访问延迟做调优。mlock 系统调用可以让应用程序“锁定”一块内存空间而不被内核swap出去。 万亿级数据洪峰下的分布式消息引擎-InfoQ 后记: 这篇小文来自于学习RocketMQ开发团队的技术分享文章(见参考),里边的“内存没那么快”观点笔者认为更确切说法应该是“内存并不总是那么快”,里边的Linux内存管理的一小段说明加深了笔者对之前了解的概念的理解,这些东西可能平时工作未必有什么用,但了解底层的东西总是会让人产生求知求所得的愉悦感受。看了阿里褚霸的个人背景简介,“14年c开发经验, 12年网络开发经验, 3年Linux内核开发”,他也遇到过“底层 IO(Input/Output) 技术。IO 技术涉及面非常广,驱动,块设备,文件系统,内存关系等等” ,做专家终归是要走入底层,到最后考验的是对系统、对计算机的理解。本文很水,而脚下这条路不知能走多远,但是想想不为什么就算只为求知的喜悦我也是愿意走下去的啊。这也是我为什么要建“系统底层”这个专题

求Golden Boy的blue swans of winter的歌词...



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Overcast, Latte ,White Swan, Cobblestone分别是什么颜色?

Overcast阴天,White Swan白天鹅, Cobblestone鹅卵石 Latte 至于这个似乎没有拼完latteen 帆船



《after many a summer dies the swan 》中文

After Many a Summer Dies the Swan 经过一个夏天,许多模具天鹅

little swan空调怎么制热


How the Swan got a long neck

译死人哦,帮你译这些吧:There was this really large pond that ducks, and swans shared. It was in the shape of a swan , so the vain swans insisted that it should be called swan lake. 这个很大的池塘中栖息着鸭子和天鹅。池塘的形状像天鹅,所以那些自负的天鹅坚持认为这里要称作天鹅湖。Many think that there isn"t much difference between swans and ducks but there is.很多人认为鸭子和天鹅间没有多大区别,但是事实上是有的。


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身高: 167cm体重: 45千克朴秀真,1985年11月27日出生于首尔,韩国女演员、歌手、主持人。

スワン(swan) 中文歌词...Galileo Galilei的

http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2374639920スワンGalileo Galilei作曲∶尾崎雄贵作词∶尾崎雄贵 翻译:保坂学长 鸭子就是那样 鸭子就是那样 光着脚的你,便会那样叹息 无论何时 无论何时 不想结束的感觉 到底去了哪里? 刺眼的光 刺眼的光 舒展舒展羽毛最厚处的翅膀 痛苦了,无聊了,然后 不知为何 变成了寂寞的天鹅 接近太阳的每天to每天。 从心疗内科的挂号窗口那儿看到的, 砂场喷壶上的青苔妇罗和悬挂着的秋千连成一片。 “你依旧在这里。”这句话是骗人的吧。 我笑着看着你 笑着看着你 即使不正确 ,也要那样绮丽 不会飞的鸟羽毛卷曲起来 一群天鹅 将要遗忘这个城市 接近太阳的每天to每天 离开羽毛的包围,如今也要结束 不知从什么时候起,周围暗了下来 蝴蝶聚集在路灯中死去。 你发最后一个的高空球 却飞向了海的另一边 被焦蚀的太阳,变成了奇怪的样子吧。 “你依旧在这里。”这句话就是骗人的, 走到尽头,你消失的背影和我追逐的阴影, 像鸭子一样 像鸭子一样

英语单词的意思 hare,tortoise,goose,swan,ox,qoat

hare:[ hu025bu0259 ] n.野兔tortoise:[ "tu0254:tu0259s ] n.龟goose:[ gu:s ] n.鹅swan:[ swu0254n ] n.天鹅vi.闲荡,游荡ox:[ u0254ks ] n.公牛,牛goat:[ gu0259ut ] n.山羊

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千元级书架小音箱优选 惠威Swan OS-10有源蓝牙立体声音箱体验评测

随着数字化音乐以及人们生活条件地不断提升,大家开始注重生活品质的提升,对于大部分人来讲,音乐是我们生活中必不可少的重要元素,而一款不错的音箱播放设备,能够大大提升我们的幸福感,而今天小编我就来和大家一起分享一个颜值、音质都非常出色的桌面蓝牙音箱,他就是来自惠威的Swan OS-10蓝牙立体声音箱。提到惠威品牌的话,对于了解HiFi的玩家来讲一定不会陌生,惠威当家的带式高音可以说在整个烧圈都一直非常有牌面,作为拥有30年声学技术的老牌科技型音响企业,惠威自主研发的发声单元拥有极为出色的听感,并且获得业内专业人士的一致肯定。外观体验部分:外观部分的话,惠威的包装延续了惠威品牌的经典造型包装,质感方面没的说,同时包装上是惠威Swan OS-10的音箱渲染图,印刷质感非常不错,立体感非常强。惠威Swan OS-10蓝牙立体声音箱三围分比为133*202*190mm,主箱重2.2kg,副箱重2.0kg,整体外观非常小巧,可以轻松摆放在桌面、书架等位置,不会占据过多的桌面空间,有效提升家庭空间利用效率。音箱整体采用了非常时尚简单的外观设计,正面的黑色装饰板配合上金色涂装的中低音单元,整个正面看上去非常地抢眼,尤其那一抹金色,让人眼前一亮,而音箱的侧面和后部则是采用了定制的灰白相间的无缝编制网布,这与惠威一贯的原木侧板相比较,则更显时尚。音响的顶部采用了液晶触控面板,用户可以通过触摸的方式进行开关机,切换音源输入模式,音量加减,静音等操作,科技感爆棚,非常适合追求潮流的年轻群体,另外为了更好地方便用户的日常操作,这款音响还配备了一个功能齐全的无线遥控。接口方面,惠威Swan OS-10蓝牙立体声音箱将所有的接口都放在了主音箱上,光纤和线材输入的足够满足绝大部分用户的使用需求,并且所有接口的线材都在包装内附赠了,非常的贴心,包括遥控的电池也包含在内了。当然除了传统的线材连接之外,同样这款音响还支持蓝牙无线连接,连接手机、平板等无线设备都非常方便,让我们随时随地都能够享受各种类型的音乐。配置方面:惠威Swan OS-10配备了一只20mm的软球顶“猫眼”高音单元,振膜采用的是20芯通明丝膜材料,音质细腻温润,通透明亮,并且单元部分则使用了铜包铝线音圈配合上钕铁硼磁路,让单元可以承受更大的功率,适合播放各种类型的音乐。不仅如此,这款音响还搭载了4英寸金属中低音,单元采用了铝胴体锅底配合天然橡胶折环,能够更好地展现音乐中低频的细节,同时出色的内部架构设计,25芯铝骨架铜线音圈和铁氧体双磁路系统,让单元的瞬时响应更快速,进一步提升声音的准确性,为用户带来更好的声音效果,低频下潜更优秀。实际听感分享:实际听感方面,首先来跟大家摆正观点,在这一段时间的试听下来,这款音响的素质在千元内是没有任何对手的,如果非得用价位来讲衡量一款产品的好坏,那么惠威OS-10绝对是一款能够让你觉得物超所值的音箱产品的。总的听下来的话,惠威OS-10是一款偏向中低频的2.0有源音箱,尤其是人声的部分,声音非常通透,明亮,清甜的感受较为明显,并且各种类型的音乐都能更好地驾驭,适合各类流行音乐的品鉴。低音部分,音箱单元下潜回弹的速度极快,响应非常不错,听感够好,能够带给大部分用户那种“声浪”的体验,声量绝对足,在近场体验非常不错,但是如果距离太远的话,就展现不出这款音响的优势了,总而言之,惠威OS-10是一款综合素质很出彩的千元近场音响。写在最后:惠威OS-10有源蓝牙立体声音箱的外观时尚大气,更符合当下年轻群体的审美要求,并且简约的配色能够适合各种家装环境,并且音箱的配置给力,接口丰富,能够满足绝大部分家庭的日常娱乐使用,不论是做书架音箱还是桌面PC音箱,还是平时连接蓝牙放歌,都非常的不错,并且在888元这个价位上,可以说千元内,找不到可以媲美这款音响音质的产品。京东链接:https://item.jd.com/100030603236.html

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