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第一步,先把数据网格化。第二步,选择Grid菜单(网格),在上面选择Filter(滤波)。并打开想滤波的 grd 文件。(如没有 Grid 菜单,请打开或新建一个 Plot 文件)第三步,选择滤波方法,有线性卷积滤波(含低通高通带通,滑动平均,自定义等),非线性滤波。第四步,根据选择的滤波方法设置参数。第五步,输出新的 grd 文件。


这个可以在最上面的标签栏中的“窗口”中选择“工具”就可以找回来了Surfer软件,是美国Golden Software公司编制的一款以画三维图的软件。该软件具有强大的插值功能和绘制图件能力,可用来处理XYZ数据,是地质工作者常用的专业成图软件。


Surfer是美国Golden 软件公司的产品,用户包括矿业、工程、医药、地学、生物等领域的研究人员、工程师和科学家,目前最高版本为8.0,是科技工作者特别是地学研究人员必备的软件,应用极广。它提供的内插方法多达12种,Surfer强大的插值功能和绘制图件能力,已经使它成为用来处理XYZ数据首选的软件,能迅速地将离散点的测量数据通过插值转换为连续的数据曲面,进一步绘制等值线图、粘贴图、影像图、地貌晕渲图、矢量地图、线框图和表面图。Surfer具有简单的数学运算、数据统计、平滑、滤波、微分、积分、傅立叶谱分析等多种数据分析功能。也具有趋势面分析、体积和面积计算、坡度分析、坡向分析、剖面曲率、平面曲率和水平曲率分析以及剖面计算等等三维空间分析。可以说Surfer是在Win95/98和NT4.0操作系统下最强大的、最灵活的和容易使用的绘制等值线图及三维立体图软件包。 ArcGIS是美国环境系统研究所(ESRI)开发的新一代GIS软件,是世界上应用广泛的GIS软件之一,在ArcGIS中继续保持其产品既有的强大空间数据管理和分析能力外,还全面采用了工业标准的和开放的主流IT技术。ArcGIS的地统计分析扩展模块(Geostatistical Analyst)、空间分析扩展模块(Spatial Analyst)和三维分析扩展模块(3D Analyst)对开展地学空间分析功能提供了非常灵活的手段。 地理信息系统的数据模型分两大类,即矢量数据模型和栅格数据模型。不同的数据模型所采用的技术和分析方法大相径庭。以栅格数据模型为存储结构,地图代数(Map Algebra)为数学基础的空间分析方法自1980年代后期以来成为地理信息系统技术发展的重要方向,并日趋成熟。它的最大特点就是能够对空间问题进行建模,因此已成为衡量一个地理信息系统功能强弱的关键指标之一。ARCGIS地统计分析扩展模块中提供了5种插值方法来创建GRID表面模型,而在Surfer8.0内插方法多达12种,对中、小离散数据进行插值处理有其优势,以及绘制、标注等值线图及三维立体图都很方便,但其空间分析要比ArcGIS空间分析扩展模块弱得多,本文拟就二者创建的GRID表面模型的文件格式作一比较,并解决了这两种文件相互转换的方法,以方便在实际的科研中针对不同的数据量、研究目的等方便选择二者提供的不同的插值方法来创建GRID表面模型,发挥各自的优点。


步骤如下:surfer里的单位是米,我一般是通过mapinfo配准经纬度后定位,你可以直接将海图导入surfer,在海图上数字化岸线,打开新的图窗口导入bln文件,再在这个base图上数字化踩水深,导入到生成网格的软件就可以了,出来的单位都是米。Surfer 21全称“Golden Software Surfer 21”,这是一款非常优秀的科学图形绘制软件,是制作可视化工具地图(如地图、图形和模型)的最佳软件,深受全球范围众多行业领域科学家的喜爱,Surfer专为工程师、地址学家和研究人员开发的分析工具和可视化查看器可以轻松创建、分析和理解数据的各个方面,在Surfer的2D和3D视角之间切换可确保您发现数据的模式和趋势




surfer 基本解释: 冲浪运动员一、surfer 用法和例句1、A mid-50s californian surfer with chemically recalibrated brain insisting that 7ft aliens had been discovered in sarcophagi beneath mayan pyramids .一位用化学药物治疗脑病的50多岁的加州冲浪者坚持认为,在玛雅金字塔的石棺下面发现了7英尺高的外星人。2、An avid surfer and environmentalist , peirsol recently built a house in costa rica , and is an advocate for preserving the oceans .做为一个冲浪爱好者和环境保护论者,佩尔索尔最近在哥斯达黎加盖了一个房子,这也算是对保护海滨的一个倡导。3、The issue of internet moral is in nature the surfer "s moral problem in internet .摘要网络道德问题实质是上网者本身在上网过程中所发生的道德问题。4、To attract traffic , last year it flung open the doors to its collection of online " content " to every surfer ; until then much of it had been available only to subscribers .为了吸引交易,去年其对每位浏览者都敞开了其在线“内容”收藏的大门,而此前大部分收藏都只是针对订户开放。5、That is , the chance that a random internet surfer will find a blog that is part of the long tail is nearly zero .那就是说,一个互联网冲浪者随机发现的博客只涉及了博客世界长尾里的一部份,而找到你的博客,机率更几乎接近零。




surfer_[英] [u02c8su025c:fu0259(r)][美] [u02c8su025crfu0259r]n.冲浪运动员; 冲浪者


surfer的读音为/su025cu02d0fu0259r/。surfer是一个名词,指的是冲浪者或者沙滩上的冲浪运动爱好者。冲浪是一种在海浪之中踏板滑行的运动,需要面对强大的海浪和不确定的海洋环境,具有一定的挑战性和技术难度,因此吸引着许多人加入到这一体验富有激情的运动之中。“surfer”的发音是/su025cu02d0fu0259r/,其中的音符s, u, r, f, e以及r都是清音,发/s/音;元音符号用来表示e和u0259,是“sir”的中间元音发音。在音节上,“surfer”的读音为两个音节,第一个音节是重读音节/su025cu02d0f/,发长音,表示高声轻重;第二个音节是轻声的元音/u0259r/,表示弱转音。“surfer”这个单词常用于描述参与冲浪运动的人,包括专业的冲浪选手和休闲爱好者等不同程度的水平。在日常生活中,我们也经常听到有人使用“surfer”这个词来形容某种潮流或者风格,比如“沙滩风的surfer风格”、“这个品牌的logo很surfer”。作为一个可数名词,"surfer" 可以在句子中担任主语、宾语或表语等不同语法角色。它指的是参与冲浪活动的人,需要乘坐冲浪板在海浪上滑行。这个词可以被形容词或冠词等限定词修饰,形成不同的名词短语,更加详细地描述冲浪者的不同方面。surfer造句1、She watched the surfers riding the waves with envy. 她羡慕地看着冲浪者在海浪上乘风破浪。2、The surfer wiped out on the big wave and fell into the water. 那个冲浪者在一波巨浪中翻倒了,掉入了水中。3、After years of practice, he became a skilled surfer who could ride any size wave. 经过多年的练习,他成为了一名技艺精湛的冲浪者,可以乘坐任何大小的海浪。4、The young surfer was fearless as he tackled the bigger waves. 年轻的冲浪者勇敢地迎击着更大的海浪。

死神mad surfer lrc文件 (带中文翻译)

I have to tell you i am obsessed with my childhood. i never pooped. i"m serious, i hated pooing, i never did it. i refused to poo as child. mostly, i couldn"t. it wasn"t meat loaf, it wT chicken and rice, it wasn"t six hot-dogs at lunch with kraft dinner on top, it wasn"t sloppy joe"s, it wasn"t inactivity, i just never ever pooped. my parents had this house on milinocketT that had a bathroom upstairs. it had a door in the hallway and a door in the master bedroom. they used to close the hallway door, open the bedroom door, sit me on the potty and pull the t.v.Here you know, so i"d sit and watch and …wait. i mean hours. i must have been rotting insdie1 it would be like a week in between. you know, i discussed this at length with my mom, and sheOncerned thinking she fed me too much meat and stuff. but you know what i say, my two sisters had no problem pooping, and they ate the same suppers. it was just me. i was sick as a child, i mBif NakedWas always sick.If i fell off my bike and got a scrape, it would be infected. when i had the chicken pox, i was hospitalized because each pock was infected. each one! in my eyelids, everywhere. the nursesO dab each pock with a medicated cotton ball. my dad used to take us camping, and this one time i stepped on a dirty nail, you know, like rusty, with my barefoot. my whole hell became infectedGhs). it was hug! my heel was the size of a volleyball! i had to go to the doctor and get it drained. i was so ticklish all the time it took 5 or 6 doctors and nurses to hold me down and thenFeeling of the lanced hell, and i was screaming. my older sister was laughing her head off, right there. i had scarletina this one time, and was quarantined. i had a tonsillectomy. i even reR one time in the hospital, of course for you know the reason. a nurse was trying to put a suppository in my rear end. i was squirming and wrigglin" and gigglin". you know, cause i was getTickled. then i"d cry, cAuse i was all tense, you know, and it hurt. sooner or later, i had to make a run for it to the bathroom. boy, those nurses sure got mad at me for leavin" a trail. someone"s always mad, heyYou know, two feet across, tied around us with string, like a sandwich board. we were all moving our arms back and forth, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock . i was wearing red buckle shoes, tKnow. well, my string broke and the clock fell off, night there on stage, i just stood there, frozen, and bawling. the teacher had to walk on to the stage and carry me off. you know, i reactE same way when that stagedivin" crowd surfer kicked my microphone into my teeth. hey, the more things change. i quit all of it eventually. dance class cause i got lazy, soccer cause i grew, and piano cause my teacHer, mrs. davies, got mad at me and called me a stupid girl and banged my hands on the keys. you know i was even a cheerleader. hey, in grade 6 in kentucky it was a cool thing. ‘s-u-c-c-e-s-sT"s the way we spell success!". i can"t believe it. (laughs) ‘v-i-c-t-o-r-y, victory, victory is our cry gotta go". that"s how it went. i don"t really remember the hand movements. butI was never one of the popular cheerleaders. i remember this girl april was very popular, and this other girl jennifer was very popular. there were like, we were all in grade 6, but they hadE, bodies of 17year old people. and, and hey looked like farrah fawcett, you know all blond with feathered hair and endless teeth. i didn"t look like that. i wonder if my dad wouldn"t haveUs around so much, what if i woulda turn out different? you know, normal? or am i? i, i"m obsessed with my childhood. cause i dont" think i"m fully grown up. are you? i mean really? iInner child. iHad to search for my inner adult. and i"m still lookin". i still eat 6 hot dogs for lunch, they"re just vegetarian now.




在surfer的grid菜单中,有一个math工具可以对grd进行数学运算。按提示选择输入grd,指定输出grd,并输入公式后,可以得到新的grd。如果以10为底的指数运算,公式为C = pow(10, A)。楼主若需要更多的运算,可以在surfer help中搜索math function,根据需要选择公式。哈哈,希望对你有帮助!


要将一个 grd 文件导出为 jpg 格式的图片,你可以按照以下步骤操作:打开 Surfer 软件。通过点击菜单栏上的“文件”>“打开”,或者使用快捷键 Ctrl+O,打开你的 grd 文件。在文件打开后,Surfer 会自动将 grd 数据转换为等高线图或其他你设置的图表类型。你可以根据需要调整图表的样式和颜色。如果需要,可以在工具栏上添加图例、比例尺、指北针等其他元素。当你完成地图的制作后,点击菜单栏上的“文件”>“导出”选项,或者使用快捷键 Ctrl+E 打开导出对话框。在“导出”对话框中,选择你想要保存的文件夹,然后为输出文件命名。在“保存类型”下拉菜单中,选择“JPEG 图像 (*.jpg; *.jpeg)”作为输出格式。点击“保存”按钮,Surfer 会将你的 grd 文件导出为 jpg 格式的图片。如果你在尝试导出时遇到了问题,例如导出按钮是灰色的,无法点击,或者在“另存为”菜单中找不到 jpg 格式选项,你可以尝试以下解决方法:确保你的 Surfer 软件是最新版本,旧版本可能会有兼容性问题或者导出格式限制。升级到最新版本后重试导出操作。检查你的 grd 文件是否完整且未损坏。如果文件有问题,Surfer 可能无法正确读取数据和生成图像,从而导致无法导出为 jpg 格式。尝试使用其他正常的 grd 文件进行导出,以排除文件问题。

surfer8.0 中怎么把grd格式文件转换成txt







在surfer右侧工具栏里选择基面图,然后把文件类型改为ESRI型 导入需要的shp图就好啦






大致的步骤如下: 1.在左侧树形控件base节点处右击,选择enter group; 2.在右侧显示窗口中点击需要分离的省份,使之成为选中状态; 3.依次点击file、export,文件类型选择bln, 并勾上export窗口下方selected objects only复选框;

golden surfer中如何制作和编辑bln文件?

你好!请问你是在官网哪个菜单目录下找到的呢?能告诉我吗?或者给我发过来也行。 谢谢!



请问老师:我已用surfer 画了一个轮廓图,并存成了bna和bln格式(Golden Software白化*.bln)文件,下面怎


couch surfers什么意思

couch是“沙发”,surfer是“冲浪者”,在沙发间穿梭冲浪的couch surfer(沙发客)是指“借睡人家沙发过夜的人”。

Butthole Surfers的《Strawberry》 歌词

歌曲名:Strawberry歌手:Butthole Surfers专辑:Independent Worm Saloon叶子瑄 - Strawberry作曲:叶诗雅 作词:叶诗雅strawberry冰块有些话想要告诉你感谢你 陪我玩 陪我闹 陪着我每夜希望 今天 明天 大後天直到永远 每天在一起我们大步 向前行strawberry冰块写这首歌要感谢你感谢你乱画 毁了一个精美的杯子有点无奈 不知所挫却越看越喜欢 我想我一定是疯了strawberry冰块有些话想要告诉你感谢你 陪我玩 陪我闹 陪着我每夜希望 今天 明天 大後天直到永远 每天在一起我们大步 向前行strawberry冰块写这首歌要感谢你感谢你乱画 毁了一个精美的杯子有点无奈 不知所挫却越看越喜欢 我想我一定是疯了strawberry冰块有些话想要告诉你感谢你 陪我玩 陪我闹 陪着我每夜希望 今天 明天 大後天直到永远 每天在一起我们大步 向前行strawberry冰块写这首歌要感谢你感谢你乱画 毁了一个精美的杯子有点无奈 不知所挫却越看越喜欢 我想我一定是疯了strawberry冰块有些话想要告诉你感谢你 陪我玩 陪我闹 陪着我每夜希望 今天 明天 大後天直到永远 每天在一起我们大步 向前行

Butthole Surfers的《Space》 歌词

歌曲名:Space歌手:Butthole Surfers专辑:ElectriclarrylandPussycat Dolls - Spacemmmm.the plan was to let me down gentlyi know the game was to call it temporaryoh ooh, boy be careful what you wish forcuz you might get that and so much morei won"t shed a tear if you don"t want me hereboy i"ll give you spacein the closet where my clothes should bein that empty bed without meand now i"m walking out the front dooryou got exactly what you asked for, your phone where it said my namewhere i tore my picture out your frameand i won"t be around when you figure outthat"s exactly what you asked for, wait, this aint no way to be treatedmistake, you can"t have your cake and eat itno no, cuz any real man would up and leavebut i guess that"s more than you can belet me help you out, ima leave right now.boy you got your spacein the closet where my clothes should bein that empty bed without meand now i"m walking out the front dooryou got exactly what you asked for, your phone where it said my namewhere i tore my picture out your frameand i won"t be around when you figure outthat"s exactly what you asked for, space.where my kiss should bein your arms, where they used to beholding me. in the car on the passenger sidethere"s an empty seat where i used to ridethe space in your mind when you think of mecuz im about to be a you got your the closet where my clothes should bein that empty bed without meand now i"m walking out the front dooryou got exactly what you asked for, your phone where it said my namewhere i tore my picture out your frameand i won"t be around when you figure outthat"s exactly what you asked for, space.i"ll give you your spaceyou got your got exactly what you asked foroooh, baby. i"m so got me sayin bye, baby.

Butthole Surfers的《L.A.》 歌词

歌曲名:L.A.歌手:Butthole Surfers专辑:ElectriclarrylandAna Johnsson - L.A.Album: The Way I AmAll the roads lead to L.A.The place to meet JesusAnd make friends the Mary-JaneIf you"ve got music on your brainWell here"s the right placeTo get into the gameCause we all want the sameYeah we all want the star with our nameYou worshippers of sunshineYou seizer"s of the dayIf you"ve got something to sayHere"s the room for everyoneBlack, white, straight or gayWelcome to L.A. La-la-la...Yeah all the roads lead to L.A.Let"s drive into the desertAnd dance the night awayDo you remember how to play?Wake up the kid inside youAnd catch the next wave

Butthole Surfers的《Tongue》 歌词

歌曲名:Tongue歌手:Butthole Surfers专辑:Independent Worm SaloonSeether - TongueWell the tongue inside my mouth is not for saleAny spirit left in me is fading fastCould you throw another stone to ease my pain?Could you throw another stone to seal my faith?"Cause I don"t believe in this world anymore, anymoreI don"t believe in meAnd if I can rise above this I"ll be savedCan anybody save me?And if I can die for love, then I"m enslavedCan anybody save me?Second chances are too few and far betweenWill to change this circumstance eludes me stillShould I grow another shell in which to live?Should I grow another shell and not forgive?I don"t believe in this world, anymore, anymoreI don"t believe in meAnd if I can rise above this I"ll be savedCan anybody save me?And if I can die for love, then I"m enslavedCan anybody save me?Goodbye cruel worldGoodbye cruel worldGoodbye cruel world at last you see me drownAnd if I can rise above this I"ll be savedCan anybody save me?And if I can die for love, then I"m enslavedCan anybody save me?Goodbye cruel worldGoodbye cruel world

Butthole Surfers的《Birds》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Birds歌手:Butthole Surfers专辑:ElectriclarrylandShe was waitin` at the stationhe was gettin` off the trainhe didn"t have a ticket so he had to bum through the barriors, again.well the ticket inspector saw him rushin` throughhe said, girl you don"t know how much i missed youbutwe better runcause i havent got the funds to pay thisfineshe saidfineso they ran out of the stationand jumped onto a bus withtwo of yesterdays travel cardsand two bottles of budand he said you look well nice.well she was wearin a skirtand he thought she looked nice andyeah she didn"t really care aboutanything else because she onlywanted him to think that she looked niceand he didbut he was lookin" at her yeahall funny in the eyeshe said c`mon boytell me what you"re thinkin` nowdont be shyhe said alright i"ll trywell the stars up in the skyand the leaves in the treeall the broken bits that make you trip up and the grassy bits inbetweenall the matter in the worldis how much that i like youshe said what?he said let me try and explain againright birds can fly so highand they can shit on your headyeah they can almost fly into your eyeand make you feel so scaredbut when you look at themand you see that they are beautifulthats how i feel about youright birds can fly so highand they can shit on your headyeah they can almost fly into your eyeand make you feel well scaredbut when you look at themand you see that they are beautifulthats how i feel about youyeah thats how i feel about youshe said what?he said youshe said what are you talking about?he said youright birds can fly so highand they can shit on your headyeah they can almost fly into your eyeand make you feel so scaredbut when you look at themand you see that they are beautifulthats how i feel about youright birds can fly so highand they can shit on your headyeah they can almost fly into your eyeand make you feel well scaredbut when you look at themand you see that they are beautifulthats how i feel about youand thats how i feel about youshe said thanks i like you toohe said coolhttp://music.b***.com/song/2674711

Butthole Surfers的《Alcohol》 歌词

歌曲名:Alcohol歌手:Butthole Surfers专辑:Independent Worm SaloonBrad Paisley - AlcoholI can make anybody prettyI can make you believe any lieI can make you pick a fightwith somebody twiceyour size. . .Well I"ve been known to cause a few breakupsand I"ve been known to cause a few birthsI can make you new friendsOr get you fired from work.And since the day I left MilwaukeeLynchburg, Bordeaux, FranceBeen makin the barsWith lots of big moneyand helpin white people danceI got you in trouble in high schooland college now that was a ballYou had some of the best timesYou"ll never remember with meAlcohol, AlcoholI got blamed at your wedding receptionfor your best man"s emberrasing speechand also for those naked pictures of you at the beachI"ve influenced kings and world leadersI helped Hemingway write like he didand I`ll bet you a drink or two that I can make youput that lampshade on your head . .And since the day I left MilwaukeeLynchburg, Bordeaux, FranceBeen makin a fool out of folks just like youand helpin white people danceI am medicine and I am poisonI can help you up or make you fallYou had some of the best timesYou"ll never remember with meAlcohol AlcoholAnd since the day I left MilwaukeeLynchburg, Bordeaux, FranceBeen makin the barsWith lots of big money(crowd:) and helpin white people danceI got you in trouble in high schooland college now that was a ballYou had some of the best timesYou"ll never remember with meAlcohol, AlcoholAlcohol....

surfer中出现"sufer error,minimum curvature did not converge"怎么回事

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