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assure ensure insure pledge guarantee都有担保的意思,它们有区

assure 表示向某人保证某事一定会发生(内含有让某人放心之意) assure sb. of sth /assure sb. that...ensure "确定,保证"确保某种行为一定会发生 ensure sth. /ensure that...guarantee 对某事物的品质或人的行为"提出担保",对事物、商品等无质量,性能等方面的欺诈行为做出保证insure "保险..."(纯粹经济意义)pledge是一种具体化的或者是成文的保证,是主观态度的表示,译成“公约”、“誓言”等等更准确。


Guarantee更倾向于保证 担保的意思 如果事情失败 后果由谁谁来担保Ensure是确保的意思 确保这件事情能够怎样怎样 使保证得到

ensure,insure 和guarantee 的区别

ensure,insure,guarantee都含有一定的"保证"之意。  ensure "确定,保证" 确保某种行为一定会发生 ensure sth. /ensure that...  I will ensure that the car arrives by six o"clock.  我保证汽车六点钟以前到。  This medicine will ensure you a good night"s sleep.  这药能保证你睡一夜好觉。  insure 意思是为防不测向保险公司付钱投保。  My house is insured against fire.  我的房子保了火险。  guarantee 对某事物的品质或人的行为"提出担保",对事物、商品等无质量、性能等方面的欺诈行为做出保证。  The cooker is guaranteed for five years.  本炊具保用五年。  Can you guarantee me a job when I get there?  你可以确保我到那儿就可以找到一份工作吗?

guarantee 与ensure的用法区别 两个都是保证的意思,用法有区别吗


sure,nest time

C,the next time you come ,下次你来的时候.the next+原型动词.

电脑蓝屏出现check to make sure any new hardware

把内存擦一下 换个插槽试试是内存问题

In Samuel Taylor Coleridgeu2032s “Kubla Khan,” “A sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice” .


My Activities in Leisure Time 写篇英语作文,字数100!



sure 是adj. 当然的,一定的right adj. 正确的,右边的true adj. 真实的。

If you go by__ train, you can have quite a comfortable journey, but make sure you get__ fast one.

by 和 train 中间什么都不加, make sure you get THE fast one

723天与时并进:PIER PRESSURE 标题怎译?及闻中问字解?

更新1: but today Chief Executive Donald Tsang said there is no way 无办法 it or the Star Ferry Pier on which demolition work has already begun 开始佐 can be spared (spared 怎解?). 更新2: He said he respects 尊重 the public"s views on preserving 保留 the city"s history and promised 承诺 the ernment will launch 展开 a new round 新一轮 of public discussions on heritage (heritage 怎解?) preservation 保留 next month. 更新3: ATV Main News You may revise it if you like. Thanks (1)PIER PRESSURE “pier”是解作“码头”之意 “pressure”是解作“压力” “PIER PRESSURE” 是指“因码头拆卸所带来的压力” 指的当然是 *** 方面所受的压力 (2)SPARE “spare”应是解作“赦免/免去” 指的是“免去遭拆卸的结果”。 “now Chief Executive Donald Tsang said there is no way 无办法 it or the Star Ferry Pier... can be spared”全句是指“特首 *** 指出现在已经无辨法可免去天星码头或皇后码头遭拆卸的结果 因为拆卸的工程已经开始进行”。 (3)HERITAGE “heritage”是指“历史遗迹” 本文指的当然是如天星码头或皇后码头这些历史遗迹。 “the ernment will launch ...preservation next month”全句就是指 *** 方面 将会于下月展开新一轮的公开咨询 讨论关于历史遗迹的保存问题。 "Pier Pressure" 是借用法。原句是"peer pressure",意思是受同僚所做事情而产生的压力。许多时,我们去做一件事并非是自愿的,可能因为我个看到身边的同僚或同学都做某件事情,我们没做便好像不是一份子,那时候我们就是受了peer pressure。由于pier跟peer同音,所以新闻主持就用了借用,去说 *** 在清拆天星码头时候遇到的压力。 to spare 解作“赦免/幸免” The employer spares John from the recent round of layoff. John is spared from the recent round of layoff. heritage preservation 古物/古迹保留/保存 Hertiage也可以解作家族的背境或历史,或传统 The city has a heritage of displaying Christmas lights on both sides of the harbour. John is proud of his mixed heritage: his Chinese father and British mother.

英文尺寸 翻译 Dimensions Measures 13-1/2"L x 1-1/2"W x 16-1/4"H

尺寸措施13-1/2 “长x 1-1/2 ”宽x 16-1/4的“ H

reply to造句转为ansure

reply to 英[riˈplai tu:] 美[rɪˈplaɪ tu] [词典] 回复, 回答; [例句]He did not even have the courtesy to reply to my fax.他连回复我传真的这点儿礼貌都没有。

shaft measures approximately 8.5" from arch什么意思

shaft measures approximately 8.5" from arch轴的措施约8.5“拱词典结果:measures[英]["meu0292u0259z][美]["meu0292u0259z]n.程度; 度量法; 度量单位; 度量器具; (一定的)量( measure的名词复数 ); 程度; 措施; v.量( measure的第三人称单数 ); 测量; 衡量; 量出; 以上结果来自金山词霸

英语作文what measures would you like to take to improve your memory

A great memory can help you succeed in school, in your job, and in life. It can help you learn faster, and fast learners are always in demand. And they make more money.If you"re willing to make a few lifestyle changes and learn powerful memory techniques, you really can improve your memory. My goal is to explain every strategy that can help.Not only will you learn memorization techniques, but you"ll also learn how to improve your memory through diet, exercise, sleep, meditation, and other ways. Plus, I"ll point out other resources along the way that you may find helpful.

assurance ;reassurance ;ensure ;insurance 这几个英语怎么读?

Assurance 鄂秀楞Sreassurance 类鄂秀楞Sensure 印苏饿insurance 印苏饿楞S

Idle leisure 的区别

idle形容词,leisure不可数名词。1、idle i.dle["aldl;aid]《源自古英语”空洞的,无价值的”的意思》形容词(;i.dl.est)。没有工作的,不在工作的,闲散的(→lazy【同义字】)the~rich游手好闲的富人an~spec tator袖手旁观的人b.(美)没有比赛的an~player闲著,没有比赛。2、leisure lei.sure["lisL;lege]《源自拉丁文“已获准”的意思》不可数名词。(从工作获得解放而使用于休息、娱乐的)自由时间,空闲,闲暇a life of~闲暇生活a woman of~有闲妇人,不工作的妇女。空闲的时间[for]l have no~for sport.我没有空去参加。

-I didn`t mean to do that .please forgive me. -A.not too bad B.that`s all right C.It`s a pleasure

选B 既可以回答谢意也可以回答道歉

“压降”的两种英文说法pressure drop和pressure differential有何区别?请指教!谢谢



differentialpressure 背压

differential pressure是什么意思

压差; 压力降; 压力落差; 差动压力压差;差压;差动压力;分压

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of sure请问这句话的意思,谢谢!


arcgis make sure that you have security privileges on the drive 怎么解决

arcgis make sure that you have security privileges on the driv词典结果arcgis make sure that you have security privileges on the drivArcGIS的确保你的安全特权的驱动


意思不同、语境不同。1、areyouok意思是你没事吧?areyousure意思是你肯定吗?2、在某些语境下,areyouok还可以理解为你没事吧、你不要紧吧,你准备好了没有。Are you sure一般用在口语中或者非正式的语言环境中,是一种反问句式,它既可以单独使用,也可以接宾语从句,其意思为:你确定吗、你能肯定吗、你确信吗“等等。



Miguel Tontel-sure thing的中英文对照歌词

Love you like a brother,像哥哥一样爱你Treat you like a friend.像朋友一样对你Respect you like a lover像爱人一样尊重你Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh(⊙o⊙)哦,哦,哦。。。。You could bet that你可以肯定Never gotta sweat that永远不需要担心You could bet that你可以肯定Never gotta sweat that永远不需要担心If you be the cash, I"ll be the rubberband如果你是金钱,我就是强盗团You be the match, I"m gon be the fuse, boom如果你是火柴,我就是导火线,boom(爆炸的声音)Painter baby, you could be the muse如果我是画家,你就是我灵感的源泉I"m the reporter baby, you could be the news如果我是记者,你就是我的独家新闻Cause you"re the cigarette and I"m the smoker你是香烟,我是吸烟者We raise a be, cause you"re the joker你有无限的可能,因为你是个难以捉摸的人You are the chalk and I can be the blackboard你是粉笔,我就是黑板You could be the talk and I could be the walk我是一段路,你就是这段路上我们所说的话Even when the sky comes falling即使天空塌陷Even when the sun don"t shine哪怕太阳失色I got faith in you and I我仍然相信你So put your pretty little hand in mine所以请让我牵着你美丽的手Even when we"re down to the wire baby即使我们到了堕落的边缘Even when it"s do or die哪怕是站在生死线上We could do it baby, simple and plain我们什么都可以克服,你只需要平静的微笑Cause this love is a sure thing因为我们的爱是毋庸置疑的You could bet that never gotta sweat that你可以肯定,永远不需要担心You could bet that never gotta sweat that你可以肯定,永远不需要担心You could be the lover, I"ll be the fighter baby你是美人,我就是那个英雄If I"m the blunt, you could be the lighter babe如果我是爆竹,你就是打火机Fire it up将我点燃Writer baby, you could be the quote如果我是作家,你就是我的引述If I"m the lyric baby, you could be the note. record that如果我是歌词,你就是旋律Saint I"m a sinner, prize I"m a winner, it"s you你是圣人我是罪人,你是奖品我是赢家What can I do to deserve that我怎样才能更配得上你Paper baby, I"ll be the pen你是白纸,我就是钢笔Say that I"m the one, cause girl you"re a ten你是个完美的人,而我就是你命中注定的人Even when the sky comes falling即使天空塌陷Even when the sun don"t shine哪怕太阳失色I got faith in you and I我仍然相信你So put your pretty little hand in mine所以请让我牵着你美丽的手Even when we"re down to the wire baby即使我们到了堕落的边缘Even when it"s do or die哪怕是站在生死线上We could do it baby, simple and plain我们什么都可以克服,你只需要平静的微笑Cause this love is a sure thing因为我们的爱是毋庸置疑的(Now rock with me babe, let me hold you in my arms, talk with me babe yeah, yeah)(现在和我一起摆动吧,让我把你搂在怀里,跟我说话,耶,耶)This love between you and I is simple as pie baby你我之间的爱就像水果派一样简单It"s such a sure thing (such a sure thing)它是毋庸置疑的(毋庸置疑)Ooh it such a sure thing (such a sure thing)哦,它是毋庸置疑的(毋庸置疑)Even when the sky comes falling即使天空塌陷Even when the sun don"t shine哪怕太阳失色I got faith in you and I我仍然相信你So put your pretty little hand in mine所以请让我牵着你美丽的手Even when we"re down to the wire baby即使我们到了堕落的边缘Even when it"s do or die哪怕是站在生死线上We could do it baby, simple and plain我们什么都可以克服,你只需要平静的微笑Cause this love is a sure thing因为我们的爱是毋庸置疑的Love you like a brother,像哥哥一样爱你Treat you like a friend.像朋友一样对你Respect you like a lover像爱人一样尊重你Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦。。。。自己翻译的,凑合着看吧~(*^__^*)

Cohen 的量子力学,Closure Relation(翻译成闭包关系?),图中的A-29式,为

closure relation应该翻译成封闭关系,就是只力学量的正交基是完备的。A-29 完全没有什么所谓的变量代换,只是内插了恒等式其中的r"只是哑标而已。

wound closure 什么意思

wound closure伤口闭合例句:1.Navarro began his career with Johnson and Johnson focusing on wound closure.

storm flap closure在服装中是什么意思


need for closure是什么意思

need for closure 网络 了结需要; 结需要;[例句]The Affect of Need for Closure on Information Processing认知了结需要对信息加工的影响

zip closure 是什么意思,它是一种材料

拉链(zip closure)是服装常用的带状开闭件。用于服装的扣紧件时,使用非常广泛与便利,它有长短不同的规格,形式有闭尾式、开尾式、隐型式等。根据拉链牙齿的材料和形状可分为金属拉链、塑胶拉链和尼龙拉链等,拉链一般以号数(牙齿闭合时的宽度毫米数)来表示,号数越大,牙齿越粗,扣紧力越大。不同型号、不同材料的拉链其性能也不同,选择拉链时应注意以下几点:  (1)应根据服装的用途、使用保养方式,面料的厚薄、性能和颜色,以及以拉链使用部位来选择。如轻薄的服装宜选用小号拉链。  (2)应考虑拉链基布(底带)的缩水率、柔软度、颜色与面料相协调。   另外因为拉链在不同环境有不同适应性,因此在选购拉链时应向厂家特别提出:   (1)拉链应用在哪类产品上 (皮箱、鞋靴、滑雪衣、雨衣、账篷、雪水洗的牛仔服或酸性较大的皮制品类)及其它特别要求   (2)对拉链成份的要求,看是否需不含偶氮,不含镍,或可过检针器   这里我们较详细的介绍一下拉链的结构。   1、拉链组件   拉链是由两条能互为啮合的柔性牙链带及可使其重复进行拉开、拉合的拉头等组成的连接件(见图2-18,2-19)   ①前带头,②链牙,③肩带头,  ①插管,②牙链带,③牙链,   ④上止,⑤拉头,⑥布带,  ④插座,⑤加强胶带   ⑦下止,⑧带筋  图2-18  图2-19   下面我们对上图的拉链构造我们详细说明如下   (1)布带(tape) 由棉纱、化纤或混合化纤织成的柔性带,用于承载链牙及其他拉链组件。   (2)带筋(bead)布带边缘用来承载金属或塑料链牙的加强部份。  (3)筋绳(rope)指带筋中间由多股纤维组成的绳状物。   (4)链牙(scoops) 指金属、塑料等材料通过加工后呈一定形状的齿牙。   (5)中芯线(filler cord)由多股纤维线加工而成,用于尼龙拉链牙链生产的绳状物。   (6)牙链(chain)指连续排列的链牙。   (7)牙链带(one side zipper chain) 牙链固定在布带上称牙链带。  (8)链带(zipper chain)由两边牙链带啮合而成链带。   (9)上止(top stop)固定于牙链带上,限止牙链拉合时拉头滑出牙链带的止动件。   (10)下止(bottom stop)固定于链带上,限止牙链拉开时拉头滑出牙链带,并使得两边牙链带不可完全分开的止动件。   (11)前、后带头(Back & forth head tape)拉链上没有链牙部份的布带称带头,上止端为前带头,下止端为后带头。 注塑拉链  (12)插管(也称插销)(pin separable) 固定在开尾拉链尾端,用于完全分开链带的管形件。  (13)插座(box retainer)固定在开尾拉链尾端,用于完全分开链带的方块件。   (14)双开尾档件(two pin)一种与插管配合,用于双开尾拉链上的管形档件。   (15)加强胶带(strengthened tape)用于增强插管、插座与布带结合强度,提高拉链使用寿命的复合型簿片。

lace frontal closure在假发行业专业术语指的是?

lace frontal closure在假发行业专业术语指的是 “前头配件”



"for closure"在下面句子中如何理解?


lace closure什么意思

lace closure 网络释义 鞋带闭和短语Lace closure hair pieces 蕾丝小配件Lace-up closure 鞋面系带双语例句1.Lace closure for a secure fit. 跟读蕾丝关闭一个安全的适合。

button closure是什么意思

button closure 纽扣开口;纽扣封口 按钮关闭例句筛选1.ive-button closure at front.前五个按钮关闭。2.Keyhole at back with button closure.在回到钥匙孔按钮关闭。

Closure to 某篇文章什么意思

结束的意思closure to 以。。。停止辩论 closure [英][_kl____(r)][美][_klo___(r)] n.(永久的)停业,关闭; 结束; [电]闭合; [数]闭包; vt.使结束,使终止; 使停止辩论; 第三人称单数:closures过去分词:closured复数:closures现在进行时:closuring过去式:closured

give some closure 什么意思


论文中的closure by是什么意思

closure by以。。。停止辩论closure[英][u02c8klu0259u028au0292u0259(r)][美][u02c8klou028au0292u0259(r)]n.(永久的)停业,关闭; 结束; [电]闭合; [数]闭包; vt.使结束,使终止; 使停止辩论; 第三人称单数:closures过去分词:closured复数:closures现在进行时:closuring过去式:closured.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!



Asking Alexandria的《Closure》 歌词

歌曲名:Closure歌手:Asking Alexandria专辑:Reckless And RelentlessAsking Alexandria - ClosureOne last timeWe"re back againyou know we"re not fucking aroundGot a bottle of jack in our handsYou tryna" keep up kid?Let"s see who hits the groundWe"ve drank the drinksWe"ve done the drugsClearly we don"t rememberWe"ve come so farWe"ve shown them allWithout us you"d fall and fade awayThey say it all breaks downto keeping your feet on the groundMy sole intention iskeeping my head in the cloudsThey say thatI can"t last a day in the real worldI say you wouldn"t survive one night in mineNotorious and shit I wouldn"t change it for the worldI"m infamous but damn you can"t help but love this shitNotorious and shit I wouldn"t change it for the worldI"m infamous but damn you can"t help but love this shitYou can"t help but love this shitI"m everything we need to make this scenewhat it should have beenRemember platinum albumssold out stadiums, leave it to meLet"s tell the truthnot to be rude but we"re all irrelevantThis music"s dead with a bullet in its headLet"s wake it upIt"s so insane, I"m so insaneGoing insane, I"m so insaneLeave it to me from hereLeave it to me from here



press for closure什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答翻译为 按关闭希望能帮到你

financial closure 什么意思?


office closure 什么意思

您好:办公室关闭双语对照例句:1.They can read the sign about the office closure. 他们会看到一张公告。----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

请问,i got closure 是什么意思? 前面一个人说的,i am over you.

I"m over you 我对你没感觉了i got closure 我已经愈合了,即对方给的伤害已经愈合

end closure是什么意思

end closure英[end u02c8klu0259u028au0292u0259]美[u025bnd u02c8klou0292u025a]词典端盖网络闭合效应数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1The insulation device covers all the terminals with the insulation hood, insulting the upper surfaces and the side surfaces of the terminals with the end closure.本实用新型用绝缘罩把所有端子同时罩住,可以使端子上面、侧面都与端盖绝缘。


实在需要序列化,可以用反射(Reflection),并直接操作代码文件获得上下文信息:/*** 创建一个反射:*/$reflection = new ReflectionFunction($closure);/*** 参数可以直接得到了:*/$params = $reflection-getParameters();/*** 获得Closure的函数体和use变量,形如: * function($arg1, $arg2, ...) use ($val1, $val2, ...) { * // 要获得这个部分的代码!* }* 办法很多,你可以直接用正则、字符串查找或者Tokenizer,等等等等。 * 比如可以先从reflection里得到函数的开始行和结束行:*/$startLine = $reflection-getStartLine(); $endLine = $reflection-getEndLine(); // 然后用str*这个,str*那个的函数来清理,细节不写了:

Closure (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Closure (Album Version)歌手:Divine Heresy专辑:Bleed The FifthClosureAly & AJInsomniaticTitle: ClosureArtist :Aly & AjAlbum :Insomniatic (2007)Yesterday I spotted youHanging out with someone newCome on dude, I can"t believe whoDid it hurt? Oh yes it hurtBut not as much as I thought it wouldGuess it"s time for me to move onI"m getting closer (closer, close)Closer to closure (closer to closure)Everyday"s closer (closer, close)Closer to closure (closer to closure)I finally took your pictures downAnd all that other stuff I foundHidden somewhere in my closetI used to wear your shirt to bedBut now it"s in the trash insteadI don"t want to be reminded. No, no.I"m getting closer (closer, close)Closer to closure (closer to closure)Everyday"s closer (closer, close)Closer to closure (closer to closure)I saw you today taking my breath awayBut then you opened your mouth without thinkingAnd then I recalled why I ended it allAnd it makes me feel good about leaving (leaving)Mmm...Everyday everyday everydayEveryday everyday everyday everydayI"m getting closerI"m getting closer (closer, close)Closer to closure (closer to closure)Everyday"s closer (closer, close)Closer to closure (closer to closure)


闭包就是由一个属性直接或间接推导出的所有属性的集合,例如: f={a->b,b->c,a->d,e->f} 由a可直接得到b和d,间接得到c,则a的闭包就是{a,b,c,d}

closure 数学

ZN当且仅当N为素数时才是域,这个是抽象代数里面的东西.Z6 来说的话比如2和3这两个数,他们相乘的结果是0,说明2和3 都不是可逆的.ZN当N的因子个数大于1时,取m和t作为N的两个因子,满足N=mt其中m,t都严格小于N,那么m和t都不是可逆的,从而ZN不可能是一个域.而当N为质数时,ZN就是一个域,称之为素域.因为除去0以外,剩下的元素都可逆成为一个交换群.严格证明,如果a不为0元,利用中国剩余定理立即可以得到ax=1(modN)对于每个不同a都有x满足这个方程,然后x

Seremedy的《closure》 歌词

歌曲名:closure歌手:Seremedy专辑:Welcome To Our MADNESSJason Derulo - ClosureMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceput your bags down for a second,look me in my eyes babewont you lay down for a secondnever thought id saythat i,can hardlybreatheknowing its your last time next to memy babys next to me.and i aint gonna tell nobody,if you aint gonna tell nobody,i just wanna love yo body,before we say goodbye,before we say goodbyelets make love love lovefor the last time (for the last time)and call this closurewere just gonna call this closurelets make love, love, lovefor the last time (for the last time)and call this closurewere just gonna call this closurewoahhhwoah(oh)woah(oh)woahhhso were just gonna call this closurewoahhhsavour the momentlet me just lay your body downwe could just savour the momentthe last time, so ima make it count.but you wont want to leaveso stay here and sleep next to me, right here next to me.and i aint gonna tell nobody,if you aint gonna tell nobody,i just wanna love yo body,before we say goodbye,before we say goodbyelets make love love lovefor the last time (for the last time)and call this closurewere just gonna call this closurelets make love love lovefor the last time (for the last time)and call this closurewere just gonna call this closurewoahhMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source




这个问题在国外的论坛Wordreference里也有人问过,这两个词呢在大部分情况下都是可以互换使用的。他们的讨论建立在context(语境)之中的。比如:This event led to the closure/closing of the shop.这一事件导致该商店关门大吉。这里二者都是close的动词引申出来的,意为关闭,故二者互换亦可。(In many cases, they can be used interchangeably,这是一位高级会员的回答。)但是I"m looking for a good quotation to use in the closing of my speech tomorrow.中不可使用closure,因为closing有“结尾的 adj.”或者“结尾辞 n.”之意。总之,单词(点)的学习与理解不能脱离句子(线)以及语境(面)。点--线--面才能完整构架好理论理解以及应用实践的框架。希望对你有帮助!

I need a closure 什么意思



闭包是指有权访问另一个函数作用域中变量的函数,创建闭包的最常见的方式就是在一个函数内创建另一个函数,通过另一个函数访问这个函数的局部变量,利用闭包可以突破作用链域,将函数内部的变量和方法传递到外部。闭包的特性: 1.函数内再嵌套函数2.内部函数可以引用外层的参数和变量3.参数和变量不会被垃圾回收机制回收(by三人行慕课)




闭包指的是一个函数可以访问另一个函数作用域中变量。常见的构造方法,是在一个函数内部定义另外一个函数。内部函数可以引用外层的变量;外层变量不会被垃圾回收机制回收。 注意,闭包的原理是作用域链,所以闭包访问的上级作用域中的变量是个对象,其值为其运算结束后的最后一个值。 优点:避免全局变量污染。缺点:容易造成内存泄漏(变量都被保存在内存中)。 闭包的使用场景:封装组件,函数引用类型,定义私有数据 特性: a. JavaScript允许你使用在当前函数以外定义的变量 b. 即使外部函数已经返回,当前函数仍然可以引用在外部函数所定义的变量 c. 闭包可以更新外部变量的值 d. 用闭包模拟私有方法 由于闭包会使得函数中的变量都被保存在内存中,内存消耗很大,所以不能滥用闭包,否则会造成网页的性能问题 例子:


主要改名风波,其实还不错。 以前叫泸州医学院,麻醉专业等,很不错的,但外省的孩子有多少人知道泸医呢?一听xxxx学院,就是大专对不对?这个名字是历史问题,很早以前确实是专科。


Closuren.(永久的)停业,关闭; 结束; [电]闭合; [数]闭包; vt.使结束,使终止; 使停止辩论;


closure [英]u02c8klu0259u028au0292u0259(r) [美]u02c8klou028au0292u0259(r)n. (永久的)停业,关闭;结束;[电]闭合;[数]闭包vt. 使结束,使终止;使停止辩论[例句]She ordered the immediate closure of seven reactors.她下令立即关闭七个核反应堆。如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


closure[英]["klu0259u028au0292u0259(r)][美][u02c8klou0292u025a]n.(永久的)停业,关闭; 结束; [电]闭合; [数]闭包; vt.使结束,使终止; 使停止辩论; 第三人称单数:closures过去分词:closured复数:closures现在进行时:closuring过去式:closured

谁能告诉我在哪可以下载“Rigol USB Test and Measurement Device”,谢谢,急需!



取消而 ,听懂不、.?


treasure[英] [ˈtreʒə] [美] [ˈtrɛʒɚ] n. 金银财宝;宝藏;珍宝;不可多得的人才; vt. 重视;珍惜;珍视;储存;


不有音标么?! 你那是什么 揣着?

measure temperatures

D.take the temperature量体温.固定搭配 A.count数数 B.make做,不搭 C.do做,也是不搭

he wanted to measure temperatures.he wanted to ----them A.count .B.make D.take

你好!take temperatures 量温度是搭配百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~

magnetic closure是什么意思

magnetic closure的意思磁封例句:1.Each comes with a stylish protective cover case with magnetic closure to keep it safe.如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

LINX喷码机溶剂M121 SureFill代码能多次使用吗


什么叫interest rate risk exposure啊?怎么计算

interest n. 兴趣,爱好;利息;趣味;同行raten. 比率,率;速度;价格;等级riskn. 风险;危险;冒险exposuren. 暴露;曝光;揭露;陈列

stress & pressure 用法区别?


pressure bypass是什么意思




雅思写作小作文范文:leisure activities

  雅思作文是雅思考试的难点,那么写好作文必须要练好作文,看范文是不错的捷径,那么有哪些好的范文呢?这想必是不少出国人士比较关心的问题,你可以往下看文章或者点击收藏,和一起来看看雅思写作小作文范文:休闲活动信息,欢迎阅读。   雅思写作小作文范文:休闲活动信息   Task:Information about the preferred leisure activities of Australian children.   思路:   1. 采用对比模式,着重进行组内部的比较,比如说Art and Carft组中的男女百分比的比较。   2. 注意重点数据的描述(Max, Min, eg. Watching TV=Max; Skateboarding=Min)。   3. 分段通过数据的对比产生,男女数据相同的一组,男大于女的一组,女大于男的一组。   参考范文:   The bar chart shows the favored leisure activities of Australian boys and girls age 5-14. 5 aspects can be divided into 3 groups.   The first group includes Watching TV or videos, which was the most popular leisure activity in all. Specifically, numbers of boys and girls both reach the same level at 100%, which means TVs and Videos are always given the top priority for amusement and universally favored by every child.   The second group consists of Skateboarding, Bike riding and Electronic or Computer games, all of which attract more boys than girls. For example, in the level of Skateboarding where the lowest percentage of both genders was found, the number of boys accounted for little less than 30%, 10% more than that of girls. Similarly, regarding Computer games, the number of boys enjoying them was over 80%, much higher than girls.   The rest one which is preferred by girls, namely Art and Craft, belongs to the third group. The data indicates that the proportion of girls reached nearly 60%, almost twice of that of boys.   In conclusion, the percentage between two genders varies a lot in different kinds of leisure activities, and interestingly, all children like watching TVs and Videos most.



pleasure怎么读 英语pleasure怎么读

1、pleasure英[u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)]美[u02c8pleu0292u0259r],n.高兴; 快乐; 愉快; 欣慰; 满意; 玩乐; 休闲; 乐事; 快事;vi.使高兴; 使满意觉得高兴; 享受; 寻欢作乐。 2、[例句]It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home.很高兴欢迎您光临舍下。


用中文拼的话。。。普 来 日额后面两个连起来读。。你最好还是学一下音标,这样发音会比较准确。[ˈpleʒə(r)]




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