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be subject to doing sth 其中的to为介词,所以后面跟doing,意思为:”易受…的“ 如:My mother is very subject to headaches.我母亲动不动就头痛.

be subject to和be subjected to的区别

be subject to 中 subject 为形容词;常常用于指 易受……影响;易患……疾病be subjected to 中 subject 为动词; 多用于指 屈从于……的支配;遭受……(不幸等)两者虽然有些微区别,但意思总体上还是比较接近的,大多情况下可以互换

The article is subject to duty. 这里的 subject to怎么理解? to是不定式吗?

The article is subject to duty. 意思是:本文责无旁贷。subject to:属于,归属于。

subject 的用法,包括be subjected to/by 等等?

n. 主题;科目;[语] 主语;国民adj. 服从的;易患…的;受制于…的vt. 使…隶属;使屈从于…on the subject of 涉及…时 subject matter 主题;主旨 on the subject 就某话题 subject to change 弦外之音(专辑) special subject 特殊主体 main subject 主体;主课 major subject 专业;主科 subject to approval 需经批准;以确认为准 basic subject 基础学科 civil subject 民事主体 subject investigated 研究对象 subject study 课题研究 interdisciplinary subject 边缘学科 subject of crime [法]犯罪主体 subject to tax 负缴税义务 注意区分以下几个词组的区别:subject to 受制于 ; 易受 ; 使受到 ; 使遭遇 be subject to 受支配,从属于;常遭受…;有…倾向的。如,be subject to compensation 承担赔偿责任 be subject to sth 屈服于某事 be subject to question 还有讨论的余地be subjected to受到……,经受……。如,be subjected to experiments 被迫接受试验 be subjected to tests 受到检验 be subjected to,sustain,encounter 遭受

be subjected to 和be subject to 的意思有什么区别?他们两个后面加的是do 还是

be subject to受支配,从属于;常遭受…;有…倾向的be subject to 经受,服从,遭受be firm subject to 以……为条件be not subject to 不受制约be subjected to受到…;经受…be subjected to 遭受,遭遇,蒙受be subjected to live 受活,《受活》be subjected to experiments 被迫接受试验

be subject to是什么意思


subject to 到底什么意思,尤其在英文信函、合同中?

信用证英语:subject to

信用证支付方式是目前国际贸易中最主要的付款方式,我国目前近百分之七十的进出口货物都是靠信用证结汇完成的。在对信用证的实际操作中,业务员由于专业及英语水平层次不一,对信用证特别条款理解不深或理解错误,给企业或所在单位造成不应有的损失的事情时有发生。 信用证的内容一般来说较为复杂,长句子多,涉及到金融、保险、商检、报运、银行等多项专业知识。信用证的审核既需要英语水平,还需要多年积累的经验。单证审核也是一项专门技术。 下面我们就对信用证条款中的一些关键英文词语做必要的翻译和分析,供大家参考。今天我们先来看看subject to。 subject to 在同一份信用证中有两种意思,此概念在审证时必须把握清楚。 This documentary credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce (publication No. 500). 本信用证受《跟单信用证统一惯例》国际商会第500 号出版物(1993 年修订本) 管辖(或约束)。 本句话中的subject to 在证中意为“受…… 约束, 受…… 管制”。此条款一般在来证的上方或页面的空白处载明,表明其适用的范围和承担的义务。类似的含义如: We are subject to the law of the land. 我们受当地法律约束。 以上是一种意思。而同时,它出现在证内其他一些条款中,又有不同的解释。请看下面这个条款: The certificate of inspect ion would be issued and signed by authorized applicant of L/C before shipment of cargo, whose signature is subject to our final confirmation. 发货前由开证申请人授权开立并签署的检验证书,其签字须待我方最终确认。 这是一条软条款(the soft clause),意在发生对进口人不利的情况时,限制这份信用证的实际生效,做出了对我方出口人极其不利的设限,使其从收到信用证的第一天起就处在被动之中。你的货备好之后,进口人随时都可以以检验不合格等借口不履行付款责任或乘机压价。这里的subject to 意为“有待于,须经…… 的,以…… 为条件”(conditionally upon)之意。这样的限制性条款往往又出现在信用证的最下端或和其他条款混在一起,用词讲究,很容易被忽略;或即使被看到了,审证人一扫而过,没有要求对方改证,最后给企业造成损失。搞国际贸易的人除了要具备良好的英语审证能力外, 还须养成对每一项条款都仔细阅读的好习惯。同一种含义的句子还会出现在证内要求的其他单据条款中:This Proforma Invoice is subject to our last approval. 本形式发票有待我方最后同意。

请问subject to 什么成分和词性?

在这里subject to 是表语的一部分,其中subject的词性是形容词,易于受。。。影响的意思,to是介词。

be contingent on和be subject to的区别

be contingent on和be subject to在字典里可以是直接近义词的,所以很多时候可以通用. 区别的话,be contingent on取决的是目前的一些情况,或者是一些“conditions”的满足情况.比如Acceptance is contingent on fulfillment of certain conditions. 录取与否取决与你是否满足了相应条件.(这些conditions是目前就存在着的,只需要比较一下是否满足,就可以得出答案) 而 be subject to ,还可以表示取决于将来的一些行为,( under the influence of some later action ) 比如Acceptance is subject to our discussion. 录取与否取决与我们(审核者)之后的讨论.(具体的满足条件目前还未可知)

关于subject to 的用法:subject to sb. 还是 subject to sth.?

subject to sth或者 be subject to sth.

英语中的subject to 的意思


subject to 的词性

subject to1.使服从于;使隶属于:You should subject yourself to my command.你必须听从我的命令。2.使经受,使经历:We were subjected to very close questioning.我们受到严厉的盘问。Have they been subjected to the war?他们经历过战争吗? be subject to 支配,从属于 be subjected to 被纳入 服从

英语这里subject to文中怎么翻译?

Be suject to this version. be suject to 以。。。为准, 这是商务英语最标准的说法。 当然 Be based on this version Please refer to this version please accord with this provision. Please take this as standard. 这几个都是可以的。

be subjected to 和 be subject to 用法上有什么区别

be subject to 中 subject 为形容词;常常用于指 易受……影响;易患……疾病be subjected to 中 subject 为动词; 多用于指 屈从于……的支配;遭受……(不幸等)两者虽然有些微区别,但意思总体上还是比较接近的,大多情况下可以互换~ ^-^



be subject to和be subjected to的区别

be subject to和be subjected to的最大的区别,就是其所表达的时态有所不同

subject to 用法

及物动词 vt.其他读音:[su0259bu02c8du0292ekt] 1.使服从, 征服, 制伏 He tried to subject the whole family to his will.他试图使全家人服从他的意愿。2.使从属;使受…的影响(常与 to 连用)3.使经受,使受到(常与 to 连用)4.使遭受,使蒙受;使易受(常与 to 连用)5.提交,呈交;交给 He has subjected his resignation.他已提交了一份辞呈。

be subject to和be subjected to的区别是什么啊?

"be subject to"和"be subjected to"都包含动词"subject",但是它们的语态和含义略有不同。"Be subject to"是一种表述方式,表示一个人、物或情况经常遭受某种影响、限制、控制或约束等。例如:"我每天通勤要花费两个小时,这让我很疲惫,我经常面临交通拥堵和车祸的困扰,因此我很容易受到通勤的影响。" 这里的“我”就是被动地接受通勤现实的影响。"Be subjected to" 是被动语态,表示某个人或物体遭受了某种行为或处理。比如,“我的车被盗了”,这里的“我的车”指的是被动地受盗窃行为的影响。总的来说,“be subject to”强调某个人或物长期或重复地受到某种影响,而“be subjected to”则更侧重于描述某个人或物在过去或当前遭受了某种行为或处理的影响。

subject ...to的意思是什么

subject to 英[ˈsʌbdʒikt tu:] 美[ˈsʌbdʒekt tu] v. 使服从,使遭受; [词典] 容易遭受,受…管制; [例句]The empirical evidence considered here is subject to many qualifications此处提及的实验证据有诸多限制条件。

subject to 点解?

1. subject to 是指「受到影响或受到约束」,通常用于条文和合约。例如 the product quality is subject to weather conditions,意思就是「产品质素会受天气情况影响」 。注意这儿的 subject 是形容词,故 subject 前要有 be 哦。 2. none of 是指「没有一个」。例如 none of the students are girls ,意思就是「没有一个学生是女生」 。 3. neither...nor 是指「既不...也不」。例如 He is neither happy nor sad,意思就是「他既不快乐,也不悲伤」;This is neither an apple nor an orange,意思就是「这既不是苹果,也不是橙」。 4. 我们很高兴表示,你对这职位作出的申请已被接纳,我们并希望你能前来面试。 5. 需要 s。另外,第一句前半文法有错(History course insufficient students attend 完全是中文直译过来);第二句不能说错,但看起来怪怪的(不理 insufficient student 这问题 ,文法是没错)。我尝试改一下: a. The history course is attended by insufficient students so we will cancel it today. (用被动式) b. There are insufficient students attending the history course today so we will cancel it. (比较自然的写法) 希望帮到你。 参考: 自己 1. 1 subjectto 点解? It can beinterpreted as遭受某个情况而有改变/更改or在某个情况发生后始生效. For example:1. Your employment status is permanent subjects to the change ofthe Human Resources regulations on an annual basis. 2. Your promotion to the Supervisory position is subjecting to thefinal approval of the Commissioner. 2. none of 点解? It me 一点儿也没; 一个也没For example: He has none of the strengthsof his brother.None of is monly used tobine with “the above.” None of theabove me 以上任何一个都不是. 3. neither...nor 点解? It me 两者都不. Forexample I cannot locate thesuspect neither at his residence nor his office. 4 We are pleasedto announce that your inital application for a possition as a junior clerk ha *** een accepted and would like you to e for an interview.(请翻译呢一句) 我们已经接受了你初级文员的申请 请你前来面试. 5.insufficient student使唔使+ S (句子岩吾岩?) if you useinsufficient student yes you do need a “s” at the end.Both of the followingsentences have grammar mistakes. a) History courseinsufficient students attend so we will cancel it today. b) Todayinsufficient student attend the history course so se will cancel it.I think it would be betterto write it the following ways:TheHistory course has to be cancelled because there are not enough students toenroll.ORSincethe numbers of enrollees are not sufficient enough to meet the schoolrequirement the History course has to be cancelled. subject to系基于某条件,某因素,某人某物等等。

subject to 什么意思


subject to是什么意思

subject to 英[u02c8su028cbdu0292ikt tu:] 美[u02c8su028cbdu0292ekt tu] v. 使服从,使遭受; [词典] 容易遭受,受…管制; [例句]The empirical evidence considered here is subject to many qualifications此处提及的实验证据有诸多限制条件。

subject to是什么意思


求这个百度云 [PSP][Maho.sub][Queen Bee]纯爱まにあっく 1 ~Pure


confirm, ascertain, substantiate 区别?

confirm和substantiate都含“证明或证实...是真实的或准确的”意思。 confirm指“用事实或证据来进一步证实或证明...是真实的”,如:confirm a rumour证实谣言。 substantiate指“列举事实以证实某一主张是有效的”, 如:The slanderer cannot substantiate his tale. 那个诽谤者不能证实他的谎言。 ascertain指“探知, 发现; 确定,调查, 查明, 断定”,如:I ascertained that she was dead. 我断定她已经死了。

如何判断短信是否发送成功 iccisms.sendtextforsubscriber

  源码SmsManager类里有个方法可以用来发送长短信,代码如下:  public void sendMultipartTextMessage(  String destinationAddress, String scAddress, ArrayList parts,  ArrayList sentIntents, ArrayList deliveryIntents) {  if (TextUtils.isEmpty(destinationAddress)) {  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid destinationAddress");  }  if (parts == null || parts.size() < 1) {  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid message body");  }  if (parts.size() > 1) {  try {  ISms iccISms = ISms.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("isms"));  if (iccISms != null) {  iccISms.sendMultipartText(destinationAddress, scAddress, parts,  sentIntents, deliveryIntents);  }  } catch (RemoteException ex) {  // ignore it  }  } else {  PendingIntent sentIntent = null;  PendingIntent deliveryIntent = null;  if (sentIntents != null && sentIntents.size() > 0) {  sentIntent = sentIntents.get(0);  }  if (deliveryIntents != null && deliveryIntents.size() > 0) {  deliveryIntent = deliveryIntents.get(0);  }  sendTextMessage(destinationAddress, scAddress, parts.get(0),  sentIntent, deliveryIntent);  }  }



Perri, on the other hand, grew up privileged in the New Jersey suburbs of the 1960s and 1970s.


curriculum lesson class course subject lecture program 区别

区别如下:class是最口语化的课,一般意义上的上课take class,have classcourse是课程,更具体也更正式,比如你在大学是读些什么课程的就要用courselesson与class基本相同,有些时候可以互换,但是前class侧重于课业的形式,而lesson侧重于课业的内容.比如说:“I have two classes this afternoon.”时,讲话人所强调的是“两个45分钟”的课业形式,而当他说:“I have two lessons this afternoon.”时,则着重强调“两个学科”的课业内容.lecturen 侧重于“演讲,讲座:program:程序,大纲、节目


subject : 学科;科目 : 是一个抽象概念 class : 班, 班级; (一节)课; : 是具体的(一节/某门)课. We are attending a English class.我们正上英语课. 不能说: 我们正上英语科目/学科__English subject 比较: class of post-graduates 研究生班 subject of post-graduates 研究生科目 attend classes at a college 在一所大学上课 不能说 : attend subjects at a college Training Class of Environmental Protection 环境保护训练班 Training subject of Environmental Protection 环境保护训练科目 English is one of our school subjects. 英语是我们学校的学习科目之一。 不能说: English is one of our school classes.


course:课程,学科subject:学科,科目subject,当有实际的科目时用例如:Besides Chinese,math and English,we also study some other__(科目)at school.除了语文,数学和英语,我们也学习一些其他的学科在学校。这时,就要用到suject


sub-distribution 配电 级分销短语sub-distribution transformer 低压厂用变sub-underwriting distribution 分销lighting sub-distribution 照明配电

"Life is a moment of substance_3000字

Learning time, the in the mind is always very upset: sometimes struggle with the past, sometimes lost in the future.That I do things efficiency unusually slow.Today I looking in days of yore, turn over for a while and mind is free from books mottled on the table, hand numbly pages at the same time;Soon feel wrong, may be too much to handle, and then turn back, turn to the first sentence - "I often want to find out a little quiet in the distractions, but is not easy".My heart suddenly quiet down.Originally lu xun also like me ah, but on second thought, I was not qualified to like him, he is so busy, I"m not in a stupid student.So, I read, meeting has faded long old friend - the book.Indulge in dense aroma in the heart. In lu xun"s prose is with a heavy critici *** more flavor, concise do not break elegant demeanour, and there is no lack of again heavy optimistic, always let me read a strange taste.The ash is harmonic expression I have ever seenproseIn the unique.I clearly feel vulgar and ugly, true and pure in the early in life with such a fierce contradiction, this paper contrast and metaphors appear ponder.I can read the most incisively and vividly is probably dog. The cat. Mouse this article, "actually a person poultry bian, this need not be so strict", the ideas of the original, if through the years, will find old China far away from us, but put yourself in a strong sympathy, this is what is called a classic charm.It just a person with bright hopes, to the Philistine to transcendental ideas, which I belong to?- say, I was close to the former, but through a nihilistic time far away from the books, I have heard my fall, and the latter is unexpectedly. I feel the same, is the peace of the rhyme of memories."In days of yore" picking up light, hope, it was in the past.He is in contrast to think and understand, this is the real memory.And I often make mistakes the recollection, I will be in a swamp, even more lost - I too desperate to return to the past glory, but in the past all the spring of permanent, will only make people skinny in the dream;Then I calculate the future.Finally I found at hand is the most important thing, don"t have to struggle, don"t be swayed by considerations of gain and loss. The most uplifting in the book, to me is the "gentleman" sarca *** .Such as "the father"s illness" chapter, quack false, false, still a pick up."Gentleman" suffered the bondage of traditional ideas, the false ego, no independent personality, pedantic, but did not know.Tonight I write my homework in the classroom, for example, immediately someone laugh at my silly.The reason is that the homework don"t have to pay eighty percent, appear to be *** art, understand the important principle thoroughly, being popular.I never think that homework is meaningless, as they cope with the form, I think homework better not to do.Worse is that they not only write, copy the answer, this practice, also infect demagogic.I just think is very funny, I suddenly felt in life, everywhere from the view of lu xun, the original evaluation of evaluation, is also a pleasure thing. Closed the book, disorder of the heart of convergence, peaceful, pure and fresh.

section 和subsection的区别。

section :n. 截面;部门;地区;章节vi. 被切割成片;被分成部分vt. 把…分段;将…切片;对…进行划分subsection:n. 分段,分部;细分;小部分


1.section意思是:部分;部门;部件;散件;节;款;项;段。 2.切开;切断;做(动物或植物组织)切片;(依法令精神病人)强制入院治疗。 3. section的读音是:英 [?sek?n]、美 [?sek?n]。 4. 第三人称单数:sections。 5. 复数:sections。 6. 现在分词 sectioning。 7. 过去式:sectioned。 8. 过去分词:sectioned。

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A is substituted for B,A substitute for B,什么时候主动,什么时候被动啊,

按照be done 的形式表示被动,而do,doing 的形式表示主动去区分,is substituted 是be done 的形式,substitute 是do的形式表示主动,以后你就按照这个方法去理解句子就行了,好好学习!




后面跟的介词不一样substitute A for B 表示用 A代替Breplace A with B 表示用B代替A

请问A is substituted for B 到底是A代替了B还是A被B代替? ?怎么我查的结

substitute 及物动词人 substitute A for B: 用A代替BA is substituted for B: A被B代替substitute 不及物A substitutes for B: A代替B


substitution翻译可以通过直译(literal translation)、意译(free translation)、异化(alienation)、归化(domestication)来进行翻译一、substitution的意思代替、代用、取代、作用。二、词型变化形容词substitutional、副词substitu-tionally。三、英语解释:1、an event in which one thing is substituted for another.同义词:permutation, transposition, replacement, switch.2、the act of putting one thing or person in the place of another: "he sent Smith in for Jones but the substitution came too late to help".同义词:exchange, commutation.

substitute replacement.区别

substitute 动词替换,replacement 名词替代品substitute 英[u02c8su028cbstu026atju:t] 美[u02c8su028cbstu026atu:t] vt. 代替,替换,代用; n. 替代物; 代替者; 替补(运动员) [语法学] 代用词; vi. 用…替代; [例句]But the larger point is this: a clever campaign gambit is a poor substitute for a serious proposal.但更重要的问题是:聪明的竞选策略根本代替不了严肃的提案。[其他] 第三人称单数:substitutes 复数:substitutes 现在分词:substituting过去式:substituted 过去分词:substituted形近词: prostitute restitute destitute replacement 英[ru026au02c8pleu026asmu0259nt] 美[ru026au02c8plesmu0259nt] n. 代替; 归还,,复位; 替代者; 补充兵员; [例句]A mock object is a replacement for a real object that we create for the express purpose of testing.为了达到快速测试的目的,我们创建模拟对象来代替真实的对象。[其他] 复数:replacements形近词: autoplacement transplacement emplacement


substitute可以用作动词,“代替”,指在需要时,把某事物用作代替者或用某事物替换某事物。在美式英语中substitute只能用作及物动词,在英式英语中substitute可用作及物动词,也常用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,常接介词for。 扩展资料   substitute:   vt.& vi. 代替,替换,代用   n. 代替者,替补(运动员),替代物,[语法学]代用词   vi. 用…替代   变形:过去式: substituted; 现在分词:substituting; 过去分词:substituted;   substitute例句:   1、Men fantasise as a substitute for acting out forbidden desires.   人类通过幻想宣泄压抑的欲望。   2、Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese.   低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极佳替代品。   3、Coming on as a substitute, he scored four crucial goals for Cameroon.   作为替补队员上场的他为喀麦隆队打入了四粒关键进球。


substitute[英][u02c8su028cbstu026atju:t][美][u02c8su028cbstu026atu:t]vt.& vi.代替,替换,代用; n.代替者; 替补(运动员); 替代物; [语法学]代用词; vi.用…替代; 第三人称单数:substitutes过去分词:substituted复数:substitutes现在进行时:substituting过去式:substituted例句:1.Leverage is not a substitute for scientific progress. 财务杠杆并不是科学进步的替代品。


substitute替代双语例句1Am I just his substitute?我是否只是他的替代品?2You"re the substitute?派你做代表吗?


ubstitute替代双语对照词典结果:substitute[英][u02c8su028cbstu026atju:t][美][u02c8su028cbstu026atu:t]vt.& vi.代替,替换,代用; n.代替者; 替补(运动员); 替代物; [语法学]代用词; vi.用…替代; 第三人称单数:substitutes过去分词:substituted复数:substitutes现在进行时:substituting过去式:substituted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Leverage is not a substitute for scientific progress. 财务杠杆并不是科学进步的替代品。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


substitute[英][u02c8su028cbstu026atju:t][美][u02c8su028cbstu026atu:t]vt.& vi.代替,替换,代用; n.代替者; 替补(运动员); 替代物; [语法学]代用词; vi.用…替代; 第三人称单数:substitutes过去分词:substituted复数:substitutes现在进行时:substituting过去式:substituted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Leverage is not a substitute for scientific progress. 财务杠杆并不是科学进步的替代品。




substitute英 ["su028cbstu026atjuu02d0t]   美 ["su028cbstu026atuu02d0t]  形容词: substitutable 名词: substitutability 过去式: substituted 过去分词: substituted现在分词: substituting 第三人称单数: substitutesn.代用品;代替者vt.代替;用 ... 代替;代以用作名词 (n.)Water is not a proper substitute for wine.水不是酒的适当代用品。We recommend this brand as a good substitute.我们推荐的新品种可以完全替代原来的产品。用作及物动词 (vt.)Only art can substitute for nature.唯有艺术能代替自然。You would substitute when the manager is away.经理不在的时候由你来代理。

A is substituted for B, A substitute for B.为什么第一个句子药用被动,还和第二个句子意思一样呢?谢谢

其实就是什么时候发生 A is substituted for B-这是过去式,已经substitue了。A substitute for B-这是现在。

A is substituted for B, A substitute for B,A replace B,分别是什么意思啊

Substitute1. Use or add in place of.2. Act or serve as a provide a substitute or equivalent in the place of:全部都是B被A取代了。

有没有substitute A with B这种用法?

没有见过一般是substitute B for A

区别substituted for和take the place of


replace substitute的区别

解释差不多,但用法不同.replace A with B,用A换B.substitute A for B,用B换A.

be substituted for是什么意思





substitute的中文翻译名词 n. 1.代替人;代替物;代用品[C][(+for)]Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar? 糖精是糖的良好替代品吗? 及物动词 vt. 1.用...代替;代替[(+for)]Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones. 国产零件取代进口零件。 Mary is ill and Laura is to substitute her. 玛丽病了,劳拉代替她。 不及物动词 vi. 1.替代;作代替者[(+for/as)]Only art can substitute for nature. 唯有艺术能代替自然。 He substitutes as our teacher of English. 他代任我们的英语教师。 形容词 a. 1.代替的;代用的;替补的The new substitute sweetener is made from a wild plant. 这一新的代用甜味剂是用一种野生植物制成的。substitution的中文翻译名词 n. 1.代替;代用;替换[U][(+for)]We use saccharin in substitution for sugar. 我们用糖精代替糖。 2.【化】取代(作用);【数】代换,代入[U][C]3.代替物;代用品;替换物[C][(+for)]

be substituted for是什么意思

be substituted for被取代的双语对照词典结果:be substituted for替代; 例句:1.Now thieves are even going for heating oil, which can be substituted for diesel


名词 n. 1.代替人;代替物;代用品[C][(+for)]Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar? 糖精是糖的良好替代品吗? 及物动词 vt. 1.用...代替;代替[(+for)]Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones. 国产零件取代进口零件。 Mary is ill and Laura is to substitute her. 玛丽病了,劳拉代替她。 不及物动词 vi. 1.替代;作代替者[(+for/as)]Only art can substitute for nature. 唯有艺术能代替自然。 He substitutes as our teacher of English. 他代任我们的英语教师。 形容词 a. 1.代替的;代用的;替补的The new substitute sweetener is made from a wild plant. 这一新的代用甜味剂是用一种野生植物制成的。


代替,替换,代用【u2665Me YCu2665】的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【采纳】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~


substitute的读音:英 [u02c8su028cbstu026atjuu02d0t] ,美 [u02c8su028cbstu026atuu02d0t] 。n.代替者;代替物;替补队员;情感替代者;副职v.用…代替;替代;接替;用(另外的人;物)替代;替换;取代复数:substitutes;第三人称单数:substitutes;现在分词:substituting;过去式:substituted;过去分词:substituted。substitute for替代;取代;代替。substitute teacher代课老师;代课教师。blood substitute替代血;人工血;血液代用品。provide substitute提供替代品。substitute addiction替代成瘾;替代上瘾。substitute造句示例:Soya milk is used as a substitute for dairy milk.豆奶可用作牛奶的替代品。The centre"s work was to be seen as supplementary to orthodox treatment and not a substitute for it.该中心的工作被看做是对正统疗法的补充,而不是取而代之。A vile Brummagem substitute for the genuine article.代替真货的品质极差的廉价物品。I found someone to substitute for me.我找到了一个人接替我。We should not substitute our personal feeling for the company"s decision.我们不能用个人感情取代公司的决定。


substitute常见释义:代替英:[u02c8su028cbstu026atjuu02d0t]美:[u02c8su028cbstu026atuu02d0t]n.代替者; 代替物; 代用品; 替补(运动员); v.(以…)代替; 取代; 例句:Emotion should never be a substitute for sound policy.感情不能代替政策。现在分词:substituting 过去式:substituted 过去分词:substituted

请翻译这句话, a subtle and demanding art解释在句中的成分

“但人类心理的复杂性使管理成为微妙而有难度的艺术。”这里 a subtle and demanding art做宾语补足语,make是谓语,management是宾语,而a subtle and demanding art补充说明management的性质和情况。【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!

英语dis ex con sub semi en de mand 前缀是什么意思

1.dis-加在名词、形容词,动词之前【否定】disadvantage(缺点)dishonorable(不光彩的)disagree(不同意) dis-加地动词之前 【否定】 disappear(消失),disarm(解除武装),disconnect(失去联系)2.ex- 表示“前”ex-president(前任总统)ex-wife(前妻)3.con 表示“共同,和,完全”connect(联系) contract(合同)4.sub- 表示“低”、“下”Sub-editou(副编辑),sub-way(地铁)5.semi 表示“半”Demi-,semi-hemi-Semi-circle(半圆),hemisphere(半球),demilune(半月,新月)6.en 表示“往……里,使……”encamp(扎营),enable(使……能),endear(使……受喜爱)加在名词,形容词之前 【否定】 demobilize(遣散;使…复员) decolor (脱色, 漂白) 8.mand不是前缀啊,mand-开头的词一共才8个。英语里比较常见的就mandate,mandatory.

绒孔藻亚族Subtribe Dasyporelleae Deloffre,

特征 叶状体圆柱状,有的具分枝。叶状体由长的中央茎和中央茎上一圈或多圈侧枝组成,侧枝纤细或末端略微膨大,密集排列,一级或二级。侧枝外没有外皮层。讨论 Stolley(1893)描述了几种来自德国北部 Kiel 地区的奥陶系冰川漂砾岩的Dasycladaleans。这些漂砾岩从斯堪的纳维亚或波罗的海地区搬运过来。其中包含 Dasyporella、Rhabdoporella、Vermiporella。Pia(1920)建立了 Dasyporelleae,将这些属及一个新属Anthracoporella归入其中。


  两者返回类型不一样。  根据JDK的文档,String.subSequence只是为了实现CharSequence接口上的同名方法而放在那里的,其行为与String.subString一样。  subString返回的是String,subSequence返回的是实现了CharSequence接口的类,也就是说使用subSequence得到的结果,只能使用CharSequence接口中的方法。不过在String类中已经重写了subSequence,调用subSequence方法,可以直接下转为String对象。

on the subject of是什么意思


confirm ,substantiate ,corroborate 有什么区别?

词性及解释 Part of speech and definition vt. 证实, 确定, 批准, 使巩固【计】 确认【经】 证实例句 Sentences Confirm letter of credit确认信用证,保兑信用证irrevocable and confirm credit保兑不可撤销的信用证To confirm an appointment确定约会confirm the truth of.确定事情的真实情况。Our observations confirm that...我们的观察证实...substantiate: [ s05bs"t03n06ieit ] v. 实体化,证实词形变化: 名词:substantiation 动词过去式:substantiated 过去分词:substantiated 现在分词:substantiating 第三人称单数:substantiates 例句与用法: 1. Can you substantiateyour accusations against him? 你指责他, 能提出事实根据吗? 英英解释: 动词substantiate:1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts同义词:confirm, corroborate, sustain, support, affirm2. represent in bodily form同义词:incarnate, body forth, embody3. make real or concrete; give reality or substance to同义词:realize, realise, actualize, actualise4. solidify, firm, or strengthencorroborate: [ k05"r00b05reit ] v. 使坚固,确证,给确证与...词形变化: 形容词:corroborative 名词:corroboration 动词过去式:corroborated 过去分词:corroborated 现在分词:corroborating 第三人称单数:corroborates 例句与用法: 1. His friend corroborated his guilt. 他的朋友证实了他的犯罪。 2. Experiments have corroborated her predictions. 实验证实了她的预言。 英英解释: 动词corroborate:1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts同义词:confirm, sustain, substantiate, support, affirm2. give evidence for同义词:validate3. support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm同义词:underpin, bear out, support
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