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“on sunday”和“on sundays”有什么区别?

一个是在周日,一个是在每个周日,On sundays,等于,Every sundays

Sundays 和Sunday的区别是什么?

Sundays是泛指每个星期天,而Sunday是星期天 sundays是用一般现在时 sunday看情况的


表示经常性的动作,从句子里看出是经常性发生的动作,要用复数。例如:She often reading book on sundays.她经常在星期天读书。而不加s的是表示“偶然”的意思。例如:I will play football on sunday.我星期天要去踢足球。扩展资料:英语名词复数的规则变化:1、 一般情况加s例如:map-maps boy-boys girl-girls pen-pens bag-bags car-cars(清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音和元音读/z/,/s/、/z/、/du0292/等音后发/iz/)2、以s, sh, ch, x结尾加es,读/iz/。例如:bus-buses、watch-watches、box-boxes、brush-brushes3、以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,读/iz/。例如:baby-babies、city-cities、country-countries4、以y结尾的专有名词或元音字母+y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s,读/z/monkey-monkeys、holiday-holidays、Mary---Marys(专有名词)5、以辅音+o结尾无生命的名词,直接加s,读/z/.例如:piano-pianos、photo-photos、alto-altos、soprano-sopranos6、以辅音+o结尾有生命(包括动植物)的名词,加es,读/z/.例如:hero-heroes、negro-negroes、tomato-tomatoes、potato-potatoes


Sundays - Sunday的复数。意思是不止一个星期天。


表示经常性的行为时,可以加s。例如: I have cooking classes on Sundays.意思:我每个周天都上烹饪课。周一到周日的英文分别是:Sunday(星期日)、Monday(星期一)、Tuesday(星期二)、Wednesday(星期三)、Thursday(星期四)、Friday(星期五)、Saturday(星期六)。英语名词复数的规则变化:1、 一般情况加s例如:map-maps boy-boys girl-girls pen-pens bag-bags car-cars(清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音和元音后读/z/,/s/、/z/、/du0292/等音后发/iz/)2、以s, sh, ch, x结尾加es,读/iz/。例如:bus-buses、watch-watches、box-boxes、brush-brushes3、以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,读/iz/。例如:baby-babies、city-cities、country-countries

求大神把披头士乐队主音吉他手乔治哈里森的all things must pass的歌词翻译一下Su



表示经常性的行为时,可以加s。例如: I have cooking classes on Sundays.意思:我每个周天都上烹饪课。周一到周日的英文分别是:Sunday(星期日)、Monday(星期一)、Tuesday(星期二)、Wednesday(星期三)、Thursday(星期四)、Friday(星期五)、Saturday(星期六)。英语名词复数的规则变化:1、 一般情况加s例如:map-maps boy-boys girl-girls pen-pens bag-bags car-cars(清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音和元音后读/z/,/s/、/z/、/du0292/等音后发/iz/)2、以s, sh, ch, x结尾加es,读/iz/。例如:bus-buses、watch-watches、box-boxes、brush-brushes3、以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,读/iz/。例如:baby-babies、city-cities、country-countries


sundays意思是星期日。Sundays:adv.于每星期日;n.星期日(Sunday的名词复数);星期天;每逢星期日出版的报纸;星期日报。句子1、What happens on Sundays?2、douBle time for Sundays3、Sundays fly by like lightning.4、We play volleyball on Sundays.5、SHEX Sundays and holidays excepted.6、We"re mostly out on Sundays.7、except(for)Sundays and holidays8、Algiers Sundays are among the most sinister.9、I usually go shopping on Sundays.10、Is the museum open on Sundays?11、The shop is open on summer Sundays.12、We are mostly out on Sundays.13、The museum is closed(to visitors)on Sundays.14、I used to go to an English salon on Sundays.15、On Sundays,what time do you have lunch?

为什么sundays 或weekdays前面介词要用on?


On Sundays 什么时态?


wtat do you do on sundays.请问sundays,后面为什么要加"s"?


like sunday还是like sundays

I like Sundays.的意思是我喜欢礼拜天。这是一个一般现在时陈述句肯定形式,一般现在时表示的是经常性的动作或者已经成为了习惯。那么,喜欢礼拜天,不可能是这个或者那个礼拜天,而且所有的礼拜天都喜欢,所以Sundays应该使用复数形式,表示全部都有。





"on sundays"的sundays是名词的复数,还是副词


sunday sundays

Sunday的S大写 星期的第一个字母都大写去掉THE因为这是固定搭配,星期前不加定冠词。

what__he often do__sundays?

What does he often do on Sundays?


直接-s Sundays

on sunday和on sundays 是什么区别

on sundays 是指一般的星期天。

Sundays 和Sunday的区别是什么?

Sundays 是副词 翻译为于每个星期日Sunday是名词,星期日


Are you at home on sundays? sundays表示每一个星期天 sunday不加s 前面要有限定词(this last next.)


你好" 是小写 sunday 是一般的名称 不用做大写




sundays意思是星期日。Sundays:adv.于每星期日;n.星期日(Sunday的名词复数);星期天;每逢星期日出版的报纸;星期日报。句子1、What happens on Sundays?2、douBle time for Sundays.3、Sundays fly by like lightning.4、We play volleyball on Sundays.5、SHEX Sundays and holidays excepted.6、We"re mostly out on Sundays.7、except(for)Sundays and holidays.8、Algiers Sundays are among the most sinister.9、I usually go shopping on Sundays.10、Is the museum open on Sundays?11、The shop is open on summer Sundays.12、We are mostly out on Sundays.13、The museum is closed(to visitors)on Sundays.14、I used to go to an English salon on Sundays.15、On Sundays,what time do you have lunch?

Blinded By The Sun 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Sun歌手:Gym Class Heroes专辑:Patches From The Quilt - EpGym Class Heroes - Blinded By The SunYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunOne lie, two liesI shoulda said shoe fliesShame on meI usually see through liesSaid you loved me, yeah rightI thought we were air tightYou were playing foulIt was far from a fair fightI hung onto your every wordSweetest shit I ever heardI even made you pinky swearJust so I was reassuredThe rumors started gettin backThat so and so was hittin" thatSilly me for being suchA "natic for that kitty catYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunThree lies, four liesYou shoulda been a tour guideThe way you lead me onKnowing I was one of four guysSaid you loved me, okayWhere were you the other day?Your car was parked at 38thBut you wereAt your mothers place?Your mother lives on BroadwayI followed you all dayI called but you ignored itWhen you kissed himIn the hallwayCall me crazy, call me oddCall me what you want toBut Karma is a bitchI pray to GodShe always haunts youYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sun

女孩很高兴的看着那个小动物 英文 用pleasure

The girl is pleasure with looking at the animal




FUV= Fashionable Utility Vehicle 即时尚多功能车辆。广汽丰田逸致定位为国内首款FUV时尚多功能车,主打家庭用车市场,FUV即集合轿车的舒适性和燃油经济性、MPV的大空间和多用途、城市SUV的动感外观和高安全性于一体SUV的全称是Sport Utility Vehicle,中文意思是运动型多用途汽车。主要是指那些设计前卫、造型新颖的四轮驱动越野车。SUV一般前悬架是轿车型的独立悬架,后悬架是非独立悬架,离地间隙较大,在一定程度上既有轿车的舒适性又有越野车的越野性能。由于带有MPV式的座椅多组合功能,使车辆既可载人又可载货,适用范围广那个mpu是mpv吧MPV是指多用途汽车(multi-Purpose Vehicles),从源头上讲,MPV是从旅行轿车逐渐演变而来的,它集旅行车宽大乘员空间、轿车的舒适性、和厢式货车的功能于一身,一般为两厢式结构,即多用途车。通俗地说,就是可以坐7-8人的小客车。从严格意义上说,MPV是主要针对家庭用户的车型,那些从商用厢型车改制成的、针对团体顾客的乘用车还不能算做真正的MPV。MPV的空间要比同排量的轿车相对大些,也存在着尺寸规格之分,但不像轿车那么细。

you are such a stud


super absorbent polymer 是什么化学品

super absorbent polymer [释义] 高吸水性高分子; 全部释义>>[例句]Application of super absorbent polymer in the desert control高吸水聚合物材料在防沙治沙中的应用高吸水树脂(Super Absorbent Polymer,SAP)是一种新型功能高分子材料。它具有吸收比自身重几百到几千倍水的高吸水功能,并且保水性能优良,一旦吸水膨胀成为水凝胶时,即使加压也很难把水分离出来。因此,它在个人卫生用品、工农业生产、土木建筑等各个领域都有广泛用途。


public static void consumer(){Properties props = new Properties();props.put("zk.connect", "hadoop-2:2181");props.put("", "1000000");props.put("groupid", "fans_group");// Create the connection to the clusterConsumerConfig consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig(props);ConsumerConnector consumerConnector = Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector(consumerConfig);Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();map.put("fans", 1);// create 4 partitions of the stream for topic “test”, to allow 4 threads to consumeMap<String, List<KafkaStream<Message>>> topicMessageStreams = consumerConnector.createMessageStreams(map);List<KafkaStream<Message>> streams = topicMessageStreams.get("fans");// create list of 4 threads to consume from each of the partitionsExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();// consume the messages in the threadsfor(final KafkaStream<Message> stream: streams) {executor.submit(new Runnable() {public void run() {ConsumerIterator<Message> it = stream.iterator();while (it.hasNext()){log.debug(byteBufferToString(;}}});log.debug("use time="+(System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime));}}



Vs2010 error c1083:无法打开包括文件:streams.h:no such fil

streams.h 写错了 iostream.h



Kasugayama Forest什么意思?

春日山原始林(位于日本奈良)是世界上最古老的市区森林。这句话翻译过来是这个意思,但到底是不是全世界最古老的就不一定了,注意一下哦~Kasugayama ForestKasugayama Nara Japan

Suzanne Vega的《Luka》 歌词

歌曲名:Luka歌手:Suzanne Vega专辑:The Best Of Suzanne Vega - Tried And TrueMy name is LukaI live on the second floorI live upstairs from youYes I think you"ve seen me beforeIf you hear something late at nightSome kind of trouble, some kind of fightJust don"t ask me what it wasI think it"s because I"m clumsyI try not to talk too loudMaybe it"s because I"m crazyI try not to act too proudThey only hit until you cryAnd after that you don"t ask whyYou just don"t argue anymoreYes I think I"m okayI walked into the door againWell, if you ask that"s what I"ll sayAnd it"s not your business anywayI guess I"d like to be aloneWith nothing broken, nothing thrownJust don"t ask me how I am

Suzanne Vega的《Luka》 歌词

歌曲名:Luka歌手:Suzanne Vega专辑:Cool - LegendsMy name is LukaI live on the second floorI live upstairs from youYes I think you"ve seen me beforeIf you hear something late at nightSome kind of trouble, some kind of fightJust don"t ask me what it wasI think it"s because I"m clumsyI try not to talk too loudMaybe it"s because I"m crazyI try not to act too proudThey only hit until you cryAnd after that you don"t ask whyYou just don"t argue anymoreYes I think I"m okayI walked into the door againWell, if you ask that"s what I"ll sayAnd it"s not your business anywayI guess I"d like to be aloneWith nothing broken, nothing thrownJust don"t ask me how I am

1.一定要选择适合你发质的护发用品(sure) 2.用了许多种药后,她终于找到了治疗胃病的良药(remedy)

1.Certainly must choose suits you to send the archery target to protect sends the thing2.After many medicines, she had finally found has treated gastric disease the good medicine 答案补充 绝对正确的,



So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!

击倒 是词组



super crossfighter怎么玩

Leap Attack (中段技) : 输入↓↓ P or K后,会出现像小跳跃的攻击招式,对手不能蹲下挡。 Stun 表 (晕倒表) : 在体力表下面有一小表,当你被攻击时,Stun 表会上升,当出现 "STUN"时,会晕掉。每个人的Stun表的长度也不同。此外,当不受攻击时,Stun 表会慢慢下降,所以尽量用连续技来攻击对手吧 !Dash Forward and Dash Back : 快速输入→→为前冲,←←为后冲,移动中没有无敌,另外每个人移动的速度与距离也都不同。 Quick Standing : 被打,被摔时,在落地一瞬间输入↓,会后滚起来。 High Jump : 输入↓↑为垂直大跳跃,输入↙↗为往前大跳跃,空中追打时须要用High Jump。 共通技 技名 使用法 招式说明 DASH FORWARD →→ 前冲,快速向前中无法出招,非无敌技 DASH BACK ←← 后冲,快速向后中无法出招,非无敌技 HI-JUMP ↓↑ 大跳跃,空中追打时须要用此技 HI-JUMP FORWARD ↙↗ 向前大跳跃 LEAP ATTACK ↓↓ P or K 中段技。角色会小跳跃攻击,下挡不可。 QUICK STANDING 倒地前,↓ 被打,被摔时,落地一瞬间使用,会后滚起来 BLOCKING(PARRYING) 上段:→ 在对手攻击的一瞬间使用,成功后,下段:↓ 会发光,可自由输入招式反击对手。空中(远离地面):→空中(接近地面):↓ ALEX ALEX(艾立克斯),住在美国纽约曼哈顿(Manhattan)的青年格斗家。少年时代两亲离异,现在他与父亲的好友TOM和TOM的14岁女儿Batricia生活在一起,他每天在TOM所开的拳击练习场练拳。ALEX很尊敬从美军格斗战教练退休的TOM,可是某天TOM被一个不知名的男子打倒,ALEX为了找出这名男子,展开了他的旅程。ALEX兼具爆发力与强轫度,是一个拥有强力摔技与拳击力的战士。 必杀技 技名 使用法 招式说明 FLASH CHOP ↓↘→ P 手刀。小技速度快,中or大技慢。用中or大技后,对手会背对你,可大摔。通常技连接时,用小技(中大不可) AIR STUN BEAT ↓集气,↑ K 跳过去把对手从空中往地面踏。下挡不可 AIR KNEE SMASH →↓↘ K 对空用,膝盖击,非无敌技。对地不可 POWER BOMB →↘↓↙← P 大摔,不可挡。用站小K连接时,速度快 FLYING CROSS CHOP 空中,↓ 大P 像跳水一样冲过去,落地会滚 SUPER ARTS 技名 使用法 集气长度,MAX数 招式说明 I。HYPER BOMB 一圈 P 长,1 超级大摔 II。BOOMERANG RAID ↓↘→↓↘→ P 短,2 4个手刀之后大摔 III。STUN GUN HEAD BUTT ↓↘→↓↘→ P 短,1 飞过去头捶,必晕 大P的距离是一个画面 对空技 : 蹲下大P 连续技 站立小P or 小K or 中K → 小FLASH CHOP FLYING CROSS CHOP → 蹲下大P → AIR STUN BEAT 中or大FLASH CHOP → POWER BOMB 蹲下小P → 蹲下中P → AIR STUN BEAT or POWER BOMB DUDLEY DUDLEY(达德利),来自英国的重量级拳击手。他父亲是一个英国著名的运动选手,事业也很成功,所以他的少年时代过的很好。大学时期,父 亲的事业失败,所以他立志成为一个优秀的拳击手,想再过以前那般优闲的生活。他非常追求时髦,什麼事都要求完美,就连打斗时,也要优美的打败对手。拥有速度与技巧的DUDLEY,不论是远距离战或接近战,都能轻松地压制对手。 (DUDLEY的按钮全部都是拳) 必杀技 技名 使用法 招式说明 JET UPPER →↓↘ P 对空用,似升龙拳,非无敌技。对地不可 MACHINE GUN BLOW ←↙↓↘→ P 冲过去拳连打,小的距离短,连打数少 DUCKING STRAIGHT ←↙↓↘→ K,后P 首先上半身无敌的往前闪避,按P出直拳 DUCKING UPPER ←↙↓↘→ K,后K 首先上半身无敌的往前闪避,按K出勾拳 CROSS COUNTER →↘↓↙← P 上半身双手往下垂,挨对手一击,随后马上反击。配血技 SUPER ARTS 技名 使用法 集气长度,MAX数 招式说明 I。ROCKET UPPER ↓↘→↓↘→ P 中,2 DUDLEY的升龙裂破 II。ROLLING THUNDER ↓↘→↓↘→ P连按 长,1 突进系的乱打技,破绽大 III。CORKSCREW BLOW ↓↘→↓↘→ P 短,3 突进系,威力



visual C++中cdc和PDC是什么意思


As you like my pleasure 如何翻译?

As you like my pleasure 可以翻译为:如你所愿

Pilot Super Sport

● 干湿地动态驾驶体验1.技术介绍在这个环节中,我们体验的是米其林之前在国内主打的高性能跑胎——Pilot Super Sport(下文称:PSS),该款 轮胎 具有很好的操控性能。在PSS轮胎的胎面附有一层特殊的物质——高密度纤维材料(TWARON),这种材料直接做成PSS的胎面覆盖层,由于它具有可变的张力,能更紧密抓住胎面中部。胎在极高速的情况下能有效抑制由于离心力所造成的外凸变形,保持轮胎与地面最大化的接地面积,确保出众的抓地力和驾驶安全性。PSS的胎面还采用复合配方技术,米其林讲两种不同配方的橡胶融合到PSS的胎面,可以实现干、湿地操控和安全。当车辆在干地路面极速过弯时,轮胎胎面外侧区域须要承受巨大的横向作用力,因此要求胎面的花纹块要很坚固,使其能够牢牢地抓住地面,确保车辆在高速时的操控稳定性。当车辆在湿地路面行驶时,轮胎胎面中部及内侧区域的橡胶更柔韧,从而挤破路面的水膜,增大胎面与地面的接地面积,从而确保车辆在湿地驾驶的安全。2.体验感受这个环节,我们在将体验Pilot Super Sport在干湿地动态驾驶的体验。从图片我们可以看到,体验的赛道从湿滑路面开始,然后进入干地路面,弯道和直线加速都有;而且体验的车型换成了法拉利458 Italia,驾驶体验变得更有趣。一辆装配了米其林PSS轮胎的法拉利458,与另一辆同样装配了倍耐力P Zero进行对比,先后不同顺序体验。这两款轮胎各方面性能比较接近,因此对比起来也比较有意思。法拉利458为后轮驱动,570最大马力,540牛米的最大扭矩,7挡双离合变速箱。体验的赛道环节和LS 3揽途的有点类似,体验轮胎在干湿地的表现。看到其他媒体老师纷纷坐上几百万的法拉利458,我当时很热切的坐上去体验。我的顺序排得比较后,因此当别人都在试的时候,我在下面悠哉悠哉的拍照。当我坐上458上体验时,在低操控强度的情况下,两款轮胎在操控的差异不明显。毕竟车的性能相同,场地一样,其实两者的区别不大。但在车辆临近失控时,PSS的操控会比较线性,车辆出现甩尾,只要松开油门然后通过修正方向盘,比较容易把车辆救回来;对于我这种驾驶技术较差的,PSS更适合我。而P Zero出现甩尾时,通过刹车和修正方向盘才能把车辆救回来。● 总结在一天的时间内把三个项目和三款不同的轮胎都体验完,我亲身体验到米其林轮在操控方面出色的表现。通过与竞品的对比,尤其是最新款的Pilot Sport CUP 2轮胎,半热熔的胎面能够紧贴路面,卓越的操控把竞品远远的抛离。而Latitude Sport 3揽途在干湿路面的操控表现,也顺应了现在国内豪华SUV的发展趋势。如果你希望车辆的操控更出色,你可以选择米其林这两款全新的操控型轮胎。

主板pss support是什么

你好!“支持 ” 的意思,产品的服务和支持

英文歌 听不太懂 不过高潮部分 每句后面好像有Saturday Sunday follow


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是网卡性能套件。包括网卡的驱动程序和管理软件killer control center 管理软件killer control center可以监控本机网络、检测网速、控制各个程序上传下载。

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英语翻译Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,?

你贴的这短话,这串看起来希奇古怪的文字其实是拉丁文.很多网站在刚刚做出来没有内容时候就用“Lorem ipsum……”这个开头的无意义文字进行填充.而Google出来的结果是“约有2,370,000项符合Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame...,10,这串看起来希奇古怪的文字其实是拉丁文,1,绝对不是英语!,1,提醒一下:其中有些单词拼法是错误的,请查找并改正,谢谢,0,英语翻译 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiu *** od tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Ut enim ad minim veniam,quis nostrud exercitation. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiu *** od tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Ut enim ad minim veniam,quis nostrud.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiu *** od tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Ut enim ad minim veniam,quis nostrud.

CF爆头时说的英文是“take suss"吗?是什么意思?


Miguel的《Sure Thing》 歌词

歌曲名:Sure Thing歌手:Miguel专辑:Essential R&B 2012Sure ThingMiguelLove you like a brother,Treat you like a friend.Respect you like a loverOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohYou could bet thatNever gotta sweat thatYou could bet thatNever gotta sweat thatIf you be the cash, I"ll be the rubberbandYou be the match, I"m gon be the fuse, boomPainter baby, you could be the museI"m the reporter baby, you could be the newsCause you"re the cigarette and I"m the smokerWe raise a be, cause you"re the jokerYou are the chalk and I can be the blackboardYou could be the talk and I could be the walkEven when the sky comes fallingEven when the sun don"t shineI got faith in you and ISo put your pretty little hand in mineEven when we"re down to the wire babyEven when it"s do or dieWe could do it baby, simple and plainCause this love is a sure thingYou could bet that never gotta sweat thatYou could bet that never gotta sweat thatYou could be the lover, I"ll be the fighter babyIf I"m the blunt, you could be the lighter babeFire it upWriter baby, you could be the quoteIf I"m the lyric baby, you could be the note. record thatSaint I"m a sinner, prize I"m a winner, it"s youWhat can I do to deserve thatPaper baby, I"ll be the penSay that I"m the one, cause girl you"re a tenEven when the sky comes fallingEven when the sun don"t shineI got faith in you and ISo put your pretty little hand in mineEven when we"re down to the wire babyEven when it"s do or dieWe could do it baby, simple and plainCause this love is a sure thingThis love between you and I is simple as pie babyIt"s such a sure thing (such a sure thing)Ooh it such a sure thing (such a sure thing)Even when the sky comes fallingEven when the sun don"t shineI got faith in you and ISo put your pretty little hand in mineEven when we"re down to the wire babyEven when it"s do or dieWe could do it baby, simple and plainCause this love is a sure thingLove you like a brother,Treat you like a friend.Respect you like a loverOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

surprise 和 shock 的区别是什么?



这要看你的引导版本了 ,bigsur问题不大,蒙特雷的话需要改的多。总之不知道什么引导什么版本的,就先安装作者说的装吧 慢慢来,一句两句说不清楚




monterey和bigsur一样,都是macOS下的一种操作系统,不过monterey是最新推出的,所以很多用户好奇monterey和bigsur区别是什么,下面小编就从外观、功能、兼容性等方面为大家对比一下这两款系统。 【monterey使用问题汇总】【值得升级吗】 monterey和bigsur区别: 一、外观 1、monterey和bigsur在整体界面外观上差别不大。唯一有区别的是其中的Safari浏览器。 2、monterey中的Safari浏览器拥有更加简约、现代化的设计,网页和可用空间的占比更大。 3、bigsur中的Safari浏览器主界面的功能更多,使用更加方便;但是整体观感更复杂,美观上略逊色。 二、功能 1、在功能方面,monterey作为新系统要更多,遥遥领先与bigsur。 2、在此前的功能上,monterey加入了视频聊天、快速笔记、文件分享、gif制作等功能。 3、同时,monterey在底层应用的稳定性上也要好于bigsur,在编译组件的时候更加舒适。 三、兼容性 1、bigsur作为旧系统,对于旧设备的兼容性要优于monterey,能支持13年之前的设备。 2、但是monterey加入了多设备互联的功能,让你可以连接iPhone、ipad、其他imac或macbook,更符合现代人的习惯。 相关文章:系统花屏解决方法 以上就是monterey和bigsur区别详细介绍了,其实这两款系统都是不错的,如果你更喜欢哪一款那就坚定地选择它吧!喜欢的话就来关注一下本站吧。

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a year heart surgery

这里的given作介词,翻译成"根据" 意思是:他们根据在本院治疗的病例来估计整个欧洲的手术成功率 可以看作 according to 或 based on expected是定语从句的谓语成分,它的宾语是前面的rate 整句的主干是: Hospital publish suvival rates along with the rate (they expect given/based on the patients they treated) 括号中的部分可以看成一个定语从句(they treated是嵌套在内的又一个定语从句)

laparoscopic surgery是什么意思

laparoscopic surgery腹腔镜手术双语对照词典结果:laparoscopic surgery[医]腹腔镜手术; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Laparoscopic surgery revolutionized the operating room more than 15 years ago,replacing long incisions with small cuts and vastly reducing pain and recovery time. 15年前,腹腔镜手术作为外科学的革命性成果,以小切口代替了长切口,大大减少了患者的疼痛和康复时间。

BMC Surgery是SCI-E收录吗

是SCI-E杂志,四区刊名字 BMC Surgery期刊ISSN 1471-2482 2014-2015最新影响因子 1.397 涉及的研究方向 SURGERY- 出版国家 ENGLAND 出版年份 2001 年文章数 110

Intuitive Surgery 怎么翻译?


orthopedic surgery是什么意思

orthopedic surgery整形外科双语对照词典结果:orthopedic surgery[英][u0254:θu0259u028au02c8pi:du026ak u02c8su0259:du0292u0259ri][美][u0254rθu0259u02c8pidu026ak u02c8su025adu0292u0259ri]矫形外科; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Dr. scott haig is an assistant clinical professor of orthopedic surgery at columbia university college of physicians and surgeons. He has a private practice in the new york city area. 作者scott haig博士是哥伦比亚大学整形外科学院的助理临床教授,他在纽约地区有私人诊所。2.Pioneered by dr. denis marcellin-little, an associate professor of orthopedic surgery at north carolina state university college of veterinary medicine, cassidy"s prosthetic is so advanced that the scientists who worked on him are hoping the technique might someday be used on humans. 在北卡罗来纳州立大学兽医医药学院的手术,由副教授丹尼斯.马塞林.里特医生开创,卡西迪的假肢非常先进,为他做过研究的科学家们都希望这项技术有一天能用在人身上。

orthopedic surgery是什么意思

orthopedic surgery整形外科双语对照词典结果:orthopedic surgery[英][u0254:θu0259u028au02c8pi:du026ak u02c8su0259:du0292u0259ri][美][u0254rθu0259u02c8pidu026ak u02c8su025adu0292u0259ri]矫形外科; 以上结果来自金山词霸网络释义1. 骨科手术收起例句:1.Dr. scott haig is an assistant clinical professor of orthopedic surgery atcolumbia university college of physicians and surgeons. He has a privatepractice in the new york city area. 作者scott haig博士是哥伦比亚大学整形外科学院的助理临床教授,他在纽约地区有私人诊所。2.The orthopedic surgery department, wakayama medical university. 和歌山立医科大学整形外科学教室。3.Respiratory and analgesic effects of meperidine and tramadol in patientsundergoing orthopedic surgery. 在行骨科手术的患者中,哌替啶和曲马多的呼吸和镇痛作用。4.Hemostatic changes after crystalloid or colloid fluid administration duringmajor orthopedic surgery: the role of fibrinogen administration. 较大矫形手术期间输注晶体或胶体液后止血功能变化:纤维蛋白原的作用。5.Pioneered by dr. denis marcellin-little, an associate professor of orthopedicsurgery at north carolina state university college of veterinary medicine,cassidy"s prosthetic is so advanced that the scientists who worked on himare hoping the technique might someday be used on humans. 在北卡罗来纳州立大学兽医医药学院的手术,由副教授丹尼斯.马塞林.里特医生开创,卡西迪的假肢非常先进,为他做过研究的科学家们都希望这项技术有一天能用在人身上。很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。你的采纳是我前进的动力记得好评和采纳,互相帮助如果满意记得采纳哦·

翻译:Maybe I should take up surgery on the side.这句话如何翻译?语境是指一

这句话来自on writing well 第4页最后一句

dental surgery是什么意思


Twenty-Twenty Surgery 歌词

歌曲名:Twenty-Twenty Surgery歌手:Taking Back Sunday专辑:Twenty-Twenty SurgeryTwenty-Twenty Surgery LyricsArtist(Band):Taking Back SundayI"ll take with me every single luxury.When I leave you can,Count on me for that and nothing more.(Count on me for that and nothing more.)The view from this side"s not what,The view from this side"s not what,I thought it"d be.Promise something differently.Close our eyes and let go of the wheel.It"s not the quality that bothers me.(No it"s not the quality that bothers me.)No it"s not the quality that bothers me...It"s the means.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Well all young children listen,"Cause they"ve got so much to learn.(Turn it in, tune out.)We"ll get you home in time to make...The rent should be for free for being me.It"s not the quantity that bothers me.(No it"s not the quantity that bothers me.)No it"s not the quality that bothers me...It"s the means.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.I do, I don"t need you like you think...I do, I don"t, I don"t need you like you think...I do, I don"t, I don"t need you like you think...I do, you don"t, you just don"t... leave me alone.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine

Twenty-Twenty Surgery 歌词

歌曲名:Twenty-Twenty Surgery歌手:Taking Back Sunday专辑:Louder NowTwenty-Twenty Surgery LyricsArtist(Band):Taking Back SundayI"ll take with me every single luxury.When I leave you can,Count on me for that and nothing more.(Count on me for that and nothing more.)The view from this side"s not what,The view from this side"s not what,I thought it"d be.Promise something differently.Close our eyes and let go of the wheel.It"s not the quality that bothers me.(No it"s not the quality that bothers me.)No it"s not the quality that bothers me...It"s the means.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Well all young children listen,"Cause they"ve got so much to learn.(Turn it in, tune out.)We"ll get you home in time to make...The rent should be for free for being me.It"s not the quantity that bothers me.(No it"s not the quantity that bothers me.)No it"s not the quality that bothers me...It"s the means.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.I do, I don"t need you like you think...I do, I don"t, I don"t need you like you think...I do, I don"t, I don"t need you like you think...I do, you don"t, you just don"t... leave me alone.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine

undergo surgery是什么意思

undergo surgery 英[u02ccu028cndu0259u02c8ɡu0259u u02c8su0259:du0292u0259ri] 美[u02ccu028cndu025au02c8ɡo u02c8su025adu0292u0259ri] v. 进行手术; [例句]If can eye cancer cure in the undergo surgery before diffusing?眼癌假如在扩散前进行手术是不是就可以治好啦?

bigsur和Monterey 哪个流畅

Monterey更流畅。 Monterey 与 Big Sur:表现 大苏尔和蒙特雷的表现没有太大区别。这些性能提升可能在M1 Mac上最为明显,因为这是Apple开发人员现在关注的重点。 这些是蒙特雷和大苏尔之间的主要区别。有许多较小的变化,例如引入iCloud+和安全功能,例如在邮件消息中隐藏IP地址。还有一个实时文本功能,可从照片中复制文本并与之交互。如果拥有兼容的Mac,则非常值得升级。

triple bypass surgery是什么意思

你好很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:triple bypass surgery三重搭桥手术望采纳 谢谢

emergency surgery是什么意思


day surgery是什么意思

day surgery 英[dei u02c8su0259岁数碰:du0292u0259ri]美[de u02c8su025adu0292u0259ri] [医] 日间手术;1. She spent Day in the hospital that year recovering from major surgery. 那年母亲节,她是在医院度过的,做完大手乎谈术,在康复中.2. I was working in a hospital. 2 - 3 a day to do surgery. 我在医院工作.2月3日一天做毕辩外科手术.

Rocket Surgery 歌词

歌曲名:Rocket Surgery歌手:Amy Kuney专辑:Bird"s Eye ViewAmy Kuney-Rocket SurgeryLyrics By 老实芭蕉 Q:120357097You"ve marched to your pomp and your circumstance bravelyYou"re starched you"re a formal affair and I can"t breatheYou"re smart you know all those big words and their meaningsBut you aren"t very good at remembering small thingsYou say that you love me but I ask you how muchSo you spread your arms wide till behind you your thumbs touchAnd you hold that position as I add it all upIn cold hard mathematical terms you"re in loveSo hold me, don"t think too hard about itWould common sense allow it?You wait too long and you"ll lose meJust do it when you get the urgingOh its not rocket surgeryWhen you know you love someone it"s easyYour book heavy head is so weighted with deep thoughtsAs you lay in my lap and we struggle with small talkTry writing it down but you trip on writers blockSo we just “hmmm mmm mmm” On and on and on and onHold me, don"t think too hard about itWould common sense allow it?You wait too long and you"ll lose meDo it when you get the urgingOh its not rocket surgeryWhen you know you love someone it"s easyWe"re a pair you"re smart I"m romanticKiss like you care your mouth is mechanicalWords are air; over my head they blowSo blink once if you like itAnd blink twice if you don"tThree times, if you love itAnd then just keep them closedHold me, don"t think too hard about itWould common sense allow it?You wait too long and you"ll lose meDo it when you get the urgingOh it"s not rocket surgeryWhen you know you love someone it"s easyHold me, don"t think too hard about itWould common sense allow it?You wait too long and you"ll lose meDo it when you get the urgingOh it"s not rocket surgeryWhen you know you love someone it"s easy


monterey和bigsur区别:一、外观1、monterey和bigsur在整体界面外观上差别不大。唯一有区别的是其中的Safari浏览器。2、monterey中的Safari浏览器拥有更加简约、现代化的设计,网页和可用空间的占比更大。3、bigsur中的Safari浏览器主界面的功能更多,使用更加方便;但是整体观感更复杂,美观上略逊色。二、功能1、在功能方面,monterey作为新系统要更多,遥遥领先与bigsur。2、在此前的功能上,monterey加入了视频聊天、快速笔记、文件分享、gif制作等功能。3、同时,monterey在底层应用的稳定性上也要好于bigsur,在编译组件的时候更加舒适。三、兼容性1、bigsur作为旧系统,对于旧设备的兼容性要优于monterey,能支持13年之前的设备。2、但是monterey加入了多设备互联的功能,让你可以连接iPhone、ipad、其他imac或macbook,更符合现代人的习惯。浏览器浏览器是用来检索、展示以及传递Web信息资源的应用程序。Web信息资源由统一资源标识符(Uniform Resource Identifier,URI)所标记,它是一张网页、一张图片、一段视频或者任何在Web上所呈现的内容。使用者可以借助超级链接,通过浏览器浏览互相关联的信息。浏览器的种类很多,但是主流的内核只有四种,各种不同的浏览器,就是在主流内核的基础上,添加不同的功能构成,主流的浏览器分为IE、Chrome、Firefox、Safari等几大类,Web服务器不是指硬件上的服务器,而是指支持解析Web后台语言的服务器。以上内容参考:百度百科——浏览器





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