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freestyle 英[u02c8fri:stau026al] 美[u02c8friu02ccstau026al] n. 自由式;自选动作 adj. 自由式的;自由泳的 [例句]Katie hoff comes up just short in the 400-meter freestyle. 凯蒂霍夫在女子400米自由泳比赛后出水.


自由方式 就是一切自由发挥



how to live a healthy lifestyle'英语作文

Healthy lifestyle is so crucial to our lives that if we do not live healthy, everything else in life loses its importance.u3000u3000We may have many expensive things at our disposal, but if we have unhealthy lifestyle, we may not be able to enjoy the goodness that life offers to us. How we live has a direct implication on our health. And in turn, it decides the level of happiness in our lives. Many times, we do not realize about our unhealthy ways till some undesired effects start showing up. Having an extravagant lavish lifestyle or mere a simple living is not enough, it has to be healthy. However the modern ways of living are taking us away from healthy lifestyles. Keeping the importance of healthy lifestyle in view, we suggest some ways that leads to healthy lifestyle.u3000u3000Get activeu3000u3000This is the primary and the most vital aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Being active is a sure-fire way to remain healthy. Remain physically active. Walk, run, play, swim, climb, jumpu2026 do all those activities that will keep you physically fit. Avoid using vehicles as much as you can.u3000u3000If your job requires long hours of sitting, take frequent breaks, get up often and stretch. Do not let laziness shroud your body and mind. Clean house, do gardening, go cyclingu2026there are various simple active ways to lead a healthy lifestyle.u3000u3000However, your activeness should not end only at physical level. Be active on social front, at your workplace, around your neighborhood and wherever possible. Seek active participation in whatever is happening around you and concerns you. Sedentary lifestyle is a slow poison. It junks not only your body but mind as well. u3000u3000Keep cleanu3000u3000As per a common saying, cleanliness is next to godliness. Maybe! But it certainly can induce healthiness around you. Keep your surroundings clean. Cleanliness can create a healthy and positive ambience that is so very essential to a healthy lifestyle. Neat and well organized places are conducive to healthy mind and body; and in turn to a healthy lifestyle. Unclean and untidy place can not only irritate you but can make you sick. It represents unhealthy mindset.u3000u3000Cleanliness also means doing away with unnecessary things that we keep storing at our home, office or mind. Filter out crap from the cream for healthy lifestyle. u3000u3000Eat healthyu3000u3000What you eat has a direct bearing on your body and mind. The food served on your platter is indicative of your lifestyle. The healthier the food, the healthier will be your lifestyle. Healthy and delicious food can rejuvenate and rejoice you. Healthy and nutritious food is a prerequisite of healthy lifestyle.u3000u3000Our physical and psychological constitutions are dependent on our food intake. Any compromise on that results in unhealthy body or restless mind. If you are into junk food and unhealthy eating binges, you are incurring risk on your health. Prefer well cocked food that includes most of the healthy ingredients and nutrients. u3000u3000Think positiveu3000u3000After seeking external components for healthy lifestyle, if your mind cannot think positive and healthy, it can spoil the broth. Think positive and watch out for any negative connotation. Correct your negative thinking patterns. Opt to remain healthy and happy.u3000u3000Do not search all around for unhealthy excuses. Itu2019s all in your mind. A healthy and positive mind shall alert you if you are making an unhealthy choice. Healthy mind is an imperative for healthy lifestyle. u3000u3000Live Naturalu3000u3000This is probably the easiest way to live a healthy lifestyle. Be amidst nature as much as you can. Be around trees. Plant trees around your residence. Avoid usage of materials that are hazardous to the environment.u3000u3000This includes plastics, chemicals and other artificial paraphernalia. Natural lifestyle is healthy lifestyle. Avoid usage of things that are eco-hazardous and create unhealthy wastage. Preserve our nature and nature will preserve us.u3000u3000Only nature can support a healthy lifestyle. It must be clear from the above that to live a healthy lifestyle is neither impossible nor difficult. All it takes is setting our priorities right.u3000u3000Be active or lay idle, keep clean or live in trash, eat healthy or feast on junk, think positive or drown in negativity, live natural or get addicted to artificialu2026 choice is yours. Healthy choices lead to a healthy life.



endnote插入参考文献 为什么带着摘要!!请问这个问题您是怎么解决的?我自己定义的style!



Doggy style is a sex position 发挥你想象~


1.开发环境安装css-loader 2.在webpack.config.js中引入css-loader(三种方法) 3.引入后npm run build,仍然无法显示样式,什么原因? 因为没有安装style-loader 1.开发环境安装style-loader 2.在webpack.config.js中引入style-loader 默认规则:引入的loader从下往上,从右往左扫描 3.引入css-loader和style-loader后npm run build,正常显示




style="border:1px solid #666"




border英 ["bɔːdə]美 ["bɔrdɚ]n. 边境;边界;国界vt. 接近;与…接壤;在…上镶边vi. 接界;近似n. (Border)人名;(英)博德[网络短语]border 边界,边框,边缘Border Break ボーダーブレイク,Border Break: Sega Network Robot Wars,Border BreakBorder guard 边防人员,边防人员,边境巡逻队



vb 的formstyle参数0和1分别代表什么意思?




C#语言,Form窗体的FormBorderStyle设置为none,即 无边框,如何重绘一个边框,求代码


C# 窗体加载以后怎样更改窗体的FormBorderStyle

尝试一下在窗体加载函数里直接对修改FormBorderStyle(窗体边框)属性吧。 form f1 = new form();f1.FormBorderStyle = 你需要的形式;;




这些东西你可以自己写 //最大化 this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; //最小化 this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; //还原 this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; //关闭 this.Close();






CSS中,border-style为dotted 时,为何左上角的两个会挨到一起?

没有,这里是代表连接点,需要实现这样的效果需要使用 html 5 的 canvas 来实现









我用VB6 想去掉窗体边框 Form1.BorderStyle = 0 怎么不起作用?寻其他方法

Form1.Caption=""Form1.BorderStyle=0It will be OK.


Form Border Style表格边框样式

CSS中,border-style为dotted 时,为何左上角的两个会挨到一起




dataGridView 的 DefaultCellStyle.Format 属性,怎么设置



Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Me.Label1.BackStyle = 1 Then Me.Label1.BorderStyle = 0End SubPrivate Sub Label1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)Label1.BorderStyle = 1End Sub分可以给我了!


border:1px dotted #000;这是一般写边框样式的简写,分开写就意思就是 border-width:1px; border-style:dotted; border-color:#000;上面的简写最好是习惯性的每次都写3个样式,这样边框也不容易出现问题

C# pictureBox.BorderStyle 怎么自定义颜色?



这是html中设置边框的一个样式。这个是把边框设置为无。相当于css常用的 border-style:none






privatesubcommand1_click()withform1 form1.borderstyle=0 form1.caption="新窗体"endwithendsub要给窗体改个名字,form1的borderstyle属性是不能在运行里改变的,改变的是名叫“新窗体”的窗体。好像是这样解释吧,不对的请指正!






table 中的 border 属性是针对整个 table,所以在 table 上设置了 border 属性,table 中的每一个 td、th 都会有边框;而 css 或者说 style,是只针对单一标签的,所以如果仅仅在 table 标签设定 css 的 border 的话,就只有 table 有边框,里面的 td、th 是没有边框的。如果楼主想用 css 的方式,可以这样写试试:table, table td{ border:1px solid #000 }效果应该和<table border="1">一样

在VB中 当borderstyle属性值为4和5的区别?

Form 对象的 BorderStyle 属性设置值如下: 4 固定工具窗口。不能改变尺寸。显示关闭按钮并用缩小的字体显示标题栏。窗体在 Windows 95 的任务条中不显示。 5 可变尺寸工具窗口。可变大小。显示关闭按钮并用缩小的字体显示标题栏。窗体在 Windows 95 的任务条中不显示。 Line 和 Shape 控件的 BorderStyle 属性设置值如下: 4 点划线 5 双点划线




  border-style 属性可设置四边的样式,可以有1到4种样式举例table {border-style: dotted}all four borders will be dotted四条边都为打点型 table {border-style: dotted dashed}top and bottom border will be dotted, left an right border will be dashed 上下边为打点型的,左右为粉碎型table {border-style: dotted dashed solid}top border will be dotted, left and right border will be dashed, bottom border will be solid上边为打点型,左右为粉碎型边框,下边框为线型table {border-style: dotted dashed solid double}top border will be dotted, right border will be dashed, bottom border will be solid, left border will be double上边为打点型,右边为粉碎型,下边为线型,左边为双线型可用值值 描述 none Defines no border无边框 hidden The same as "none", except in border conflict resolution for table elements除了在table元素的边框解析上有冲突外基本和"none"一样 dotted Defines a dotted border. Renders as solid in most browsers打点边框,在大多数浏览器中会变为线条 dashed Defines a dashed border. Renders as solid in most browsers断裂边框,在大多数浏览器下也会变为线条(在IE里dotted和dashed基本无区别,FF浏览器有所不同) solid Defines a solid border线条边框 double Defines two borders. The width of the two borders are the same as the border-width value双线边框。两线的宽度和border-width值一样 groove Defines a 3D grooved border. The effect depends on the border-color value3D沟槽边框。效果依赖于border-color的值 ridge Defines a 3D ridged border. The effect depends on the border-color value3D脊状边框。效果依赖于border-color的值 inset Defines a 3D inset border. The effect depends on the border-color value3D嵌入边框。效果依赖于border-color的值 outset Defines a 3D outset border. The effect depends on the border-color value3D突出边框。效果依赖于border-color的值

VB form 的边框属性,borderstyle



你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: border style边界风格希望我的回答对你有帮助。



Execution Style 歌词

歌曲名:Execution Style歌手:Mercenary专辑:Architect of Lies《Execution Style》MercenaryTurning the nights, into your darknessDreams of the never, screaming for moreSearching for answers, searching for meaningSearching for life, as your life fades awayTurning your answers into your liesTwisting the truth, the truth you deny!Grasping to thisHope I haveIn between my dreamsI dreamFree in this mazeCalling youIn disgraceFallingFalling through lies, falling through painInto the night, you"re falling through rainInto the never, darkness foreverFeeling the cold, the shameful shiverFeeling the shame, you are becoming heartlessMy friend you lost, execution style!Grasping to thisHope I haveIn between my dreamsI dreamYeah!Free in this mazeCalling youIn disgraceWe will fightTo believeIn ourselves"till we die trying"I"ve never felt sorry for anything that I"ve done, other than hurting my familyOnly thing I feel sorry forI"m not looking for forgiveness, and I"m not repentingNo. I"m wrong. I"m wrongI do want my family to forgive meThis would never be me, this!You see the Architect cry, not very macho but...I"ve hurt people that mean everything to meThe only people that mean anything to me"And so you failBeing so frustratedYou will failTry to set your mind freeYou will failTurning empty pagesLife is staleTime will only showYou"ve taken all my dreams awayDestroy yourself and let it fall astrayFree in this mazeCalling youIn disgraceWe will fightTo believeIn ourselves"till we die trying仇十七 编辑

A Healthy Lifestyle,the Chinese Way


英语翻译:A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese Way

中国式的生活方式是一种健康的方式。 是题目的话,可以翻译成:一种健康的生活方式——中国式生活。

急~ lug style butterfly valve这个是哪种蝶阀啊


style="margin-left: 32px;" 我要修改这个值,在css里面哪个?


css DOM 里面的 只能取到行内样式style="" 这样定义的样式的值外链CSS或者头部head区域放置的嵌入式都是取不到值的

style preference怎么填

偏爱的英文:be partial to; have a preference for 一、have a preference for 英 [h?v ? ?pref?r?ns f?:] 美 [h?v e ?pr?f?r?ns f?r] 偏爱…,特别喜爱… Premise is that you have a preference for this grieve style. 前提是你偏爱这种悲伤的风格。 二、be partial to 英 [bi: ?pɑ:??l tu:] 美 [bi ?pɑr??l tu] 偏向;偏听偏信;对…偏爱,对…特别喜欢;左右袒 A parent should not be partial to any one of his children. 父母不应该对自己孩子中的任何一个偏心。 扩展资料 词义辨析: choice、favourite、preference 以上各词均指选中或特别喜爱的人或事物。 1、choice 指入选者、选中的东西: She"s the obvious choice for the job. 她是这个职位当然的人选。 2、favourite/favorite 指同类人或事物中最喜欢的一个: Which one"s your favourite? 你最喜欢哪一个? 3、preference 指偏爱的或最喜爱的事物: Tastes and preferences vary from individual to individual. 人的爱好和选择各不相同。


  一、配置mod有效选项  1、用记事本打开“我的文档My GamesFallout4”文件夹下的“Fallout4Prefs.ini”文件  2.打开后按“Ctrl+F”查找“[Launcher]”  3.找到后在下面一行添加“bEnableFileSelection=1”(不带引号)  4.打开“我的文档My GamesFallout4”文件夹下的“Fallout4.ini”文件。  5.打开后按“Ctrl+F”查找“sResourceDataDirsFinal=”  6.找到后修改为“sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS, TEXTURES, INTERFACE, SOUND, MUSIC, VIDEO, MESHES, PROGRAMS, MATERIALS, LODSETTINGS, VIS, MISC, SCRIPTS, SHADERSFX”  7.保存退出。  注意。这一步只需要设置一次。设置过的不需要再次设置。  二、mod安装方法  1.安装包安装,FOMOD、7Z、RAR格式的压缩包可以直接安装。自动勾选ESP文件  2.解压覆盖,ESP以及同层级文件(文件夹)仍进游戏DATA文件夹,然后用MOD管理器勾选ESP。

求《upside down》kaye styles的歌词~~

Upside down My grades are down from A"s to D"s 我的成绩从A降到D I"m way behind in history 我的辉煌已成为历史 I lost myself in fantasies (我沉湎于幻想中) Of you and me together 我沉湎于你和我在一起的幻想中 I don"t know why - I - I but dreaming"s all I do 我不知道为什么但所有都是在做梦 I won"t get by-I-I on mere imagination 仅仅是在想象我不能将它们变成现实 Upside down 混乱 Bouncing off the ceiling试探着最大限度 Inside out (彻底) Stranger to this feeling(门外汉)我对这感觉彻底陌生 Got no clue what I should do (我没有应该做什么的线索)我不知道我应该做什么 But I"ll go crazy if I can"t get next to you 但是如果我不能靠近你我将会发疯 My teacher says to concentrate 我的老师说要注意为什么如此 So what- his name was Peter the Great 他的名字是皮特 很好 The kings and queens will have to wait 国王和女王们将必须等待 Cuz I don"t have forever 因为我没有拥有永恒 I wish that I - I - I could walk right up to you 我希望我 - 我 能走近你 Each time I try- I-I the same old hesitation每次我总是同样犹豫 Upside down 混乱 Bouncing off the ceiling试探着最大限度 Inside out (彻底) Stranger to this feeling(门外汉)我对这感觉彻底陌生 Got no clue what I should do (我没有应该做什么的线索)我不知道我应该做什么 But I"ll go crazy if I can"t get next to you 但是如果我不能靠近你我将会发疯 Somehow someday (也许)可能有一天 You will love me too 你将也爱上我 One day will be the day when all my dreams come true (所有的梦成为现实)这一天将是我梦想成真的一天 Upside down 混乱 Bouncing off the ceiling试探着最大限度 Inside out (彻底) Stranger to this feeling(门外汉)我对这感觉彻底陌生 Got no clue what I should do (我没有应该做什么的线索)我不知道我应该做什么 But I"ll go crazy if I can"t get next to you 但是如果我不能靠近你我将会发疯 Upside down 混乱 Bouncing off the ceiling试探着最大限度 Inside out (彻底) Stranger to this feeling(门外汉)我对这感觉彻底陌生 Got no clue what I should do (我没有应该做什么的线索)我不知道我应该做什么 But I"ll go crazy if I can"t get next to you 但是如果我不能靠近你我将会发疯

moto x style手机参数配置(真实手机体验评测)

摩托罗拉,我相信每个人都会熟悉这个名字。来自世界 的第一部手机,——DynaTAC 8000X,到功能机时代的各种翻盖式爆款,再到安卓阵营所有键盘的里程碑系列,经典的防水系列Defy和RAZR系列,都给人留下了很多深刻的印象。今天,摩托罗拉这个 quot老人 quot在手机行业,被贴上了 quot感受 quot,哪能 这不禁使人们想起了死去的诺基亚。今天,摩托罗拉 的移动部门已经两次易手,来到联想 但这个手机行业的老巨头今年仍然推出了许多新产品,仿佛在对所有人说 quot我 我还没老呢!这是摩托罗拉 最新旗舰——Moto X Style这一次唐珂给大家带来的手机。除了感情,摩托罗拉还有什么能吸引你的注意力?让 让我们来看看下面的体验评测。优秀的工业设计Moto X风格坚持摩托罗拉 一贯的高水准工业设计。Moto X风格在设计上基本延续了上一代的风格。机身四周采用金属中框,正面搭载2K分辨率的5.7英寸2.5D屏幕,两侧各有一个扬声器。唯一让编辑觉得无法接受的是琳琅满目的开孔,包括传感器开孔、红外开孔、前置摄像头开孔、闪光灯开孔。有大大小小七个开口!有七个!有七个!而编辑拿到的是白色版的Moto X Style,和这些形成了极大的反差 quot弹孔 quot,让他们更加不听话。在这方面,编辑仍然建议最好从黑色版本开始。说到屏幕,这就不得不提这个2K分辨率了。到底该不该开?华为老板余承东曾批评2K屏耗电没必要,魅族 最新高端旗舰机型由2K改为1080P。但是Moto没有 换了,还是用2K屏幕,所以功耗肯定会高于1080P。在这方面,Moto也做出了选择,在处理器上采用了功耗控制更好的高通骁龙808,这是一个权衡。至于背部,Moto X Style也采用了和上一代一样的聚碳酸酯后壳,手感非常舒适。加入了对角线纹理,增加了背部和手部的摩擦力。背部的弧度也经过了特别的调整,背部的下部也变窄了,这使得Moto X Style更贴近手掌,躺在平面上也更容易抓握。机身右侧的电源键和音量键的设置也有所延伸,但这个按键的位置差异估计会让用户不舒服。习惯了音量键在上面,电源键在下面的小编,在使用中已经多次把电源键作为音量键按下。尤其是看视频的时候,想调音量的时候习惯性的按电源键,结果就是屏幕灭了。即使特意在电源键上加了质感形成区分,如果不是老搓粉也需要一段时间才能习惯。定制你心中的感受说到设计,你可以 不要说摩托制造商。从 quot选择的权利 quot到 quot可以 不可复制 quot体现在 quot选择 quot。更多的配色方案,更多的材料,背面摄像头的周围边缘和开机问候语都支持个性化定制,让用户有最大的选择来创建自己的Moto设备,可以 不可复制。它 就像电脑的DIY,或者耐克的Nike ID,不仅可以提升用户 购买欲望,也在差异化中创造了良好的优势。原生系统不够原创。Moto Style采用原生Android 5.1.1系统。不可磨灭的 quot应用程序密钥 quot在Dock bar和熟悉的两层菜单设计上充满了原生系统的味道!不过相比国外,国行的Moto X Style版本还是有所不同的。虽然中国银行采用的是原生系统,但是原生系统中最重要的一系列Google应用在中国却无所作为。所以Moto用灵犀语音、音乐商店、高德地图等更接地气的应用取代了原来的Google Now、Google Play、Google Maps,并做了大量的本地化。对于想体验原生系统的粉丝来说,这次还是让你们失望了。不过这个国内原生系统也不是一无是处。系统和原生应用中的很多动画都采用了新的Material Design设计语言,比较特别,不同于其他修改过的第三方系统。同时,系统还支持多种非触摸交互模式。其中,编辑认为最实用的是 quot显示 quot功能。通过手机上的红外传感器,在屏幕上轻弹一下就可以查看所有未读信息;在锁屏状态下晃动手机打开相机也非常方便。比iPhone更强大的拍摄功能随着快速的迭代更新,安卓阵营的旗舰手机近年来拍摄效果也得到快速提升。Moto Style背部配有2100万像素摄像头,支持相位对焦。镜头周围的金属边缘印有Moto标志。实际拍摄中,Moto X Style 的对焦和成像速度很快,可以保持完整的细节,噪点、曝光、白平衡都控制得很好;至于缺点呢?在光线不够的夜晚,自动对焦偶尔会不稳定,但总体来说还是可以接受的。照片样张:还有一件事!原生系统的相机应用的操作方式有很大的区别。固定触摸拍摄可以 被改变,容易导致对焦、测光等操作时的误操作。它 真是反人类。好在支持音量键拍摄算是一种补偿。同时通过滑动调出相机设置,但每个设置上没有文字说明。往往需要点击打开某个设置才能知道那个设置是什么。它 仅仅从图片上很难理解这个设置是什么。如果开启了不想要的设置,需要再操作一次才能关闭,太繁琐了。涡轮增压有助于提高续航能力Moto Style支持涡轮增压技术。从0到100,充满电大约需要1小时10分钟。结果挺好的。即使采用2K屏,适度使用3000mAh也能坚持一天充电,甚至一天半充电,续航能力也算是中上水平。从充电技术间接提高续航是现在很多厂商的解决方案。不过Moto turbo charging唯一的缺点就是充电器有点大,体积比其他厂商大,可能会影响携带。小卡槽大惊喜Moto卡槽设计还是比较执着的。Droid Turbo Moto把卡槽藏在音量键之后,这款Moto X Style居然带来了一个很有意思的卡槽——,三卡一槽。卡槽不仅支持插两张SIM卡,背面还支持插SD卡,一举三得。既能实现双卡双待,又能解决内存扩展的问题。最重要的是,这只能在卡槽中实现,而编辑是第一次看到这样的设计。此时,Moto 人性化是——Max。忘记感情,在选择中放手。摩托已经意识到单身 quot感悟 quot卡已经不足以吸引更多的用户,所以Moto为了回归做了很多改变。变化带来的不是坏消息,而是许多创新。今天 Moto不仅有情怀,更是业界定制化程度最高的Moto Maker,比以前更好的摄像头,更人性化的系统体验。我们可以选择忘记我们的感情,在 quot选择 quot现在开始了解摩托。当你拿到Moto X系列产品的时候,你会发现 quot哦?原来Moto除了情怀,其实还有这么多的发光点。那 没错!Moto X Style的推出也带来了新一代的Moto 360。有蹭粉能力的不妨买一台Moto 360二代的Moto X Style,在Android Wear里最超值!稍后我们还将推出Moto 360 II的评测。王者之心2点击试玩

许嵩 《Piay with style》歌词

不会 我语文是体育老师教的

cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" 在style中怎么样表示

style="cellpadding:0;cellspacing:0"cellspacing设置为“0”,显示的结果就是第一个表格的每个单元格之间的距离为0。若将表格边框设为“0”,则单元格 的距离就是0了 cellpadding属性用来指定单元格内容与单元格边界之间的空白距离的大小 。此属性的参数值也是数字,表示单元格内容与上下边界之间空白距离的高度所占像素点数以及单元格内容与左右边界之间空白距离的宽度所占的像素点数。




Style 言い訳したり 笑ってごまかす とか 自分にウソはつけないの uh baby 好きなときに そう 好きな场所へ 行きたいだけ それだけよ I don"t mind 自由とは タフなこと yes I know 私らしく going on going on come on 恋して 信じて 感じて 生きるの どんなに ハートが 泣いても my style babe 本気で 本音で 前见て oh my life 勇気も 明日も oh baby I believe my style 着替えるたび 気持ち変わってゆく どれもホントの 私なの uh baby 梦の中の もう ドールじゃなくて リアルな今 もがいてる I"m a woman 辉きは つかむもの yes I know 私らしく going on going on come on 上手じゃ ないけど まっすぐ 生きたい 大事な 全部を 爱して my style babe 胸に プライド 抱いてるoh my life ah ah 君も 今日も oh baby I believe my style ありのまま 见つめて欲しい私を これが真実だから 私も君のすべてを ねぇ 知りたいよ 私らしく going on going on come on 恋して 信じて 感じて 生きるの どんなに ハートが 泣いても my style babe 上手じゃ ないけど まっすぐ 生きたい 大事な 全部を 爱して my style babe 胸に プライド 抱いてるoh my life ah ah 君も 今日も oh baby I"m believing oh baby I"m believing oh baby I believe my style 12. Style Iiwake shitari waratte gomakasu toka jibun ni uso hatsukenaino uh baby suki natokini sou suki na basho he iki taidake soredakeyo I don"t mind jiyuu toha tafu nakoto yes I know watashi rashiku going on going on come on koishi te shinji te kanji te iki runo donnani hato ga nai temo my style babe honki de honne de mae mite oh my life yuuki mo ashita mo oh baby i believe my style kigae rutabi kimochi kawa tteyuku doremo honto no watashi nano uh baby yume no nakano mou doru janakute riaru na ima mogaiteru I"m a woman kagayaki ha tsukamumono yes I know watashi rashiku going on going on come on jouzu ja naikedo massugu iki tai daiji na zenbu wo aishite my style babe mune ni puraido dai teru oh my life ah ah kun mo kyou mo oh baby I believe my style arinomama mitsu mete hoshii watashi wo korega shinjitsu dakara watashi mo kimi nosubetewo nee shiri taiyo watashi rashiku going on going on come on koishi te shinji te kanji te iki runo donnani hato ga nai temo my style babe jouzu ja naikedo massugu iki tai daiji na zenbu wo aishite my style babe mune ni puraido dai teru oh my life kun mo kyou mo oh baby i believe oh baby I"m believing. oh baby I believe my style.

黑眼豆豆-My Style歌词翻译

i know that you like my styleyou can"t get to turn you outeverybody in the place get wildi know that you like my styleyou"ve gotta drop it on your pants right noweverybody in the place get wildwhat"s up, what"s up with you girlwhat"s up, what"s up with you boydon"t jock, don"t jock, baby don"t jock mei drop the hotness, baby watch meyou can"t, you can"t, no you can"t stop me"coz i"m a champ on the rep like rockyand when i spit it trying out at z rocks megot my style trademark with the copyright, you know my style is naughtyright, so don"t cock-block meyou like my style when i"m whiling out with my gangand i gain my fame from doing my damn thingon a mike and i turn the stage like cocaineand i bang them thangs like i"m a lovermanour style lined up when we team upjt and bep sold the scene upcali to tennessee and in between "emwe the hottest in the biz turn the beat upwe be rolling four hummers and a pimawith sunset off the chi cantinastepped out looking fresh and clean-ahpaparazzi put me in any magazine-ahi got eight million ways to rockin" like thisand ain"t nobody drop their styles like thisi"ma give it to you like that and like thisand my momma always told me "my baby"s a genius"te gusta mi estilodile a tu tia y tu tiohay viene jimmy with the lingo (lingo)i like to keep my style on singo (singo)baby you can call me mijo (mijo)i"ll make you say "ay dios mio"tu chochas todo mioi"ll make it hot bring it if it"s frioit feels like something"s heating uptimberland on the drum-drum he"s beatin" upblack eyed peas, there"s no defeating usjt, he"s rocking a beat with usthem freaks, they want to freak with usafter the spot they tryin"a meet with usthey know our style is fabulousoff the hook our style ridiculousba-da-ba-da-ba-da…what"s up, what"s up with you girlwhat"s up, what"s up with you boyi know that you like my stylei"ve been gone for a whilebut i"m back with a brand new styleblack eyed peas (black eyed peas)jt (that"s me)and we out baby (out baby)ba-da-ba-da-ba-ba-ba…


uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c - uc2f8uc774uc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c / oppa 江南style 江南styleub0aeuc5d0ub294 ub530uc0acub85cuc6b4 uc778uac04uc801uc778 uc5ecuc790 / 白天非常温暖充满人性的女人ucee4ud53c ud55cuc794uc758 uc5ecuc720ub97c uc544ub294 ud488uaca9 uc788ub294 uc5ecuc790 / 有着知道要有喝杯咖啡小憩的品格的女人ubc24uc774 uc624uba74 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 ub728uac70uc6ccuc9c0ub294 uc5ecuc790 / 一到了夜晚就会让人心似火烧的女人uadf8ub7f0 ubc18uc804 uc788ub294 uc5ecuc790 / 那种有反转的女人ub098ub294 uc0acub098uc774 / 我是男子汉ub0aeuc5d0ub294 ub108ub9ccud07c ub530uc0acub85cuc6b4 uadf8ub7f0 uc0acub098uc774 / 白天像你一样和气融融的那种男子汉ucee4ud53c uc2dduae30ub3c4 uc804uc5d0 uc6d0uc0f7 ub54cub9acub294 uc0acub098uc774 / 连咖啡都会趁热一饮而尽的男子汉ubc24uc774 uc624uba74 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 ud130uc838ubc84ub9acub294 uc0acub098uc774 / 到了晚上就会心似爆炸的男子汉uadf8ub7f0 uc0acub098uc774 / 那种男子汉uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc uc0acub791uc2a4ub7ecuc6cc / 好美丽 好妩媚uadf8ub798 ub108 hey uadf8ub798 ubc14ub85c ub108 hey / 没错是你(hey~)没错就是你(hey~)uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc uc0acub791uc2a4ub7ecuc6cc / 好美丽 好妩媚uadf8ub798 ub108 hey uadf8ub798 ubc14ub85c ub108 hey / 没错是你(hey~)没错就是你(hey~)uc9c0uae08ubd80ud130 uac08 ub370uae4cuc9c0 uac00ubcfcuae4c / 从现在开始到走的时候 一起走吧uc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c / oppa 江南style 江南styleuc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c / oppa 江南style 江南styleuc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c Eh- Sexy Lady / oppa 江南style Eh- Sexy Ladyuc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c Eh- Sexy Lady / oppa 江南style Eh- Sexy Ladyuc624uc624uc624uc624 / eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-ehuc815uc219ud574 ubcf4uc774uc9c0ub9cc ub180 ub550 ub178ub294 uc5ecuc790 / 虽然看起来贤淑但该玩的时候玩的女人uc774ub54cub2e4 uc2f6uc73cuba74 ubb36uc5c8ub358 uba38ub9ac ud478ub294 uc5ecuc790 / 只要到这个时候就会立马开窍的女人uac00ub838uc9c0ub9cc uc6ecub9ccud55c ub178ucd9cubcf4ub2e4 uc57cud55c uc5ecuc790 / 虽然遮住但是比若隐若现还要性感的女人uadf8ub7f0 uac10uac01uc801uc778 uc5ecuc790 / 那种令人充满快感的女人ub098ub294 uc0acub098uc774 / 我是男子汉uc810uc796uc544 ubcf4uc774uc9c0ub9cc ub180 ub550 ub178ub294 uc0acub098uc774 / 虽然看起来文雅但是该玩的时候玩的男子汉ub54cuac00 ub418uba74 uc644uc804 ubbf8uccd0ubc84ub9acub294 uc0acub098uc774 / 每逢那个时候就完全疯掉的男子汉uadfcuc721ubcf4ub2e4 uc0acuc0c1uc774 uc6b8ud241ubd88ud241ud55c uc0acub098uc774 / 与肌肉相比思想更加丰满的男子汉uadf8ub7f0 uc0acub098uc774 / 那种男子汉uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc uc0acub791uc2a4ub7ecuc6cc / 好美丽 好妩媚uadf8ub798 ub108 hey uadf8ub798 ubc14ub85c ub108 hey / 没错是你(hey~)没错就是你(hey~)uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc uc0acub791uc2a4ub7ecuc6cc / 好美丽 好妩媚uadf8ub798 ub108 hey uadf8ub798 ubc14ub85c ub108 hey / 没错是你(hey~)没错就是你(hey~)uc9c0uae08ubd80ud130 uac08 ub370uae4cuc9c0 uac00ubcfcuae4c / 从现在开始到走的时候 一起走吧uc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c / oppa 江南style 江南styleuc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c / oppa 江南style 江南styleuc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c Eh- Sexy Lady / oppa 江南style Eh- Sexy Ladyuc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c Eh- Sexy Lady / oppa 江南style Eh- Sexy Ladyuc624uc624uc624uc624 / eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-ehub6f0ub294 ub188 uadf8 uc704uc5d0 ub098ub294 ub188 baby baby / 人外有人 天外有天 baby babyub098ub294 ubb58 uc880 uc544ub294 ub188 / 我还是有点料的家伙ub6f0ub294 ub188 uadf8 uc704uc5d0 ub098ub294 ub188 baby baby / 人外有人 天外有天 baby babyub098ub294 ubb58 uc880 uc544ub294 ub188 /我还是有点料的家伙You know what I"m sayinguc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c Eh- Sexy Lady / oppa 江南style eh~sexy ladyuc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c Eh- Sexy Lady / oppa江南style eh~ sexy ladyuc624ube64 uac15ub0a8uc2a4ud0c0uc77c / oppa 江南style



Style&co 这个牌子的服装好吗.贵吗

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求Steph Micayle弹唱的Gangnam Style吉他谱,真心求啊!!!发邮箱,谢谢!!!!


Psy - Gangnam Style 歌词的意思是什么????

Gangnam Style

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求Steph Micayle —— Gangnam Style MP3格式

Gangnam Style MP3格式已经发到邮箱

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