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l am full和 l am stuffed的区别?

一个是吃饱了, 一个是吃撑了,程度不同。

be stuffed with be filled with有区别吗

be stuffed with ,be filled with有区别吗?

be stuffed with多点硬塞的感觉

plush toy和stuffed toys的区别在哪里

stuffed toy may be covered with material like leather, it is plush Pu (non plush).

soft toy与stuffed toy有什么区别 这两个分别指哪两个玩具?

stuffed toy:填充玩具,用布料、长毛绒等缝制的,内部填充稻草、豆子、塑胶粒、棉花、合成纤维等. soft toy:布制玩具,或称“布公仔”. 还有一种叫plush toy. 三者者是指同一种玩具,不过stuffed toy是一个统称,而plush toy是美式英语,soft toy是英式英语


Stuffed dates英文翻译如下酿枣子

stuffed birds新概念上翻译成"鸟类标本" 应该是“喂饱了的鸟”才对啊?但是这样跟文章的意思又不符合 哎


兔子标本(stuffed rabbit ) 是什么意思

stuffed 被填充的说明这个兔子是被填充过的

stuffed animal和plush toys有什么区别

stuffed animal基本翻译填充玩具动物Plush Toy网络释义Plush Toy:毛绒玩具

get stuffed 是什么意思?


急!!!!!!!!!stuffed animal什么意思




soft toy与stuffed toy有什么区别

stuffed toy:填充玩具,用布料、长毛绒等缝制的,内部填充稻草、豆子、塑胶粒、棉花、合成纤维等。soft toy:布制玩具,或称“布公仔”。还有一种叫plush toy。三者者是指同一种玩具,不过stuffed toy是一个统称,而plush toy是美式英语,soft toy是英式英语

i am stuffed 其它意思?



stuffed 有吃饱了的,塞满了的意思,full 也有吃饱了的,塞满了意思,例 I am stuffed /full enough 我吃饱了,it has been stuffed /full enough 它已经足够满了

stuffed pandas 什么意思

get stuffed 是什么意思? 有人烦你,你受够了,就说 : get stuffed, 或是 stuff it! 意思是:你够了没?滚吧。 get stuffed 得到充实.

staffed, stiffed, stuffed, stacked 词义解释?

staffed v:任职于……;在……工作stiffed adj:僵硬的;拘谨的stuffed 填满、装满、塞满;把……塞进;饱的、吃撑stacked adj:放有大量…的;放有成叠(或成摞、成堆)…的;v(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞、一堆);使成叠(或成摞、成堆)地放在…;使码放在…;(令飞机)分层盘旋等待着陆


stuffed的英语单词音标是 [stʌfd]ed在浊辅音和元音后读[d]


stuffed的意思是充满的;饱的;塞住(stuff的过去式和过去分词);把…装进;把…装满;(使)吃撑。一、单词的读音及释义1、stuffed的读音:[stu028cft]。2、英英释义:filled with something;crammed with food。二、词组短语1、stuffed shirt:妄自尊大的人;自命不凡的人;道貌岸然的人。2、steamed stuffed bun:包子。3、stuffed animal:填充玩具动物。4、stuffed toy:填充玩具。三、双语例句1、The cupboard was stuffed with old fishing tackle.小橱里塞满了旧的钓鱼用具。2、He had the fish stuffed and mounted it over his fireplace.他塞满了这条鱼后就把它固定到了火炉的支架上。3、These are Dyche"s collection of stuffed animals.这些是戴奇收藏的毛绒玩具。


We are collecting the stuff for the report . 我们正为报告收集资料。 Don"t you never bepeve stuff pke that ? 你不是从不相信那类鬼事儿吗? Max knew how to dispose of the stuff . 麦克斯有门路可以卖掉这批赃物。 You"d have to pay to breathe that stuff . 你得付钱才能闻这种臭气。 That new employee is a stuffed shirt . 那个雇员是个自命不凡的人。 It"s almost impossible to counter that stuff . 几乎没有办法对付这种事。 He stole the stuff from under my very eyes . 他当著我的面偷走的。 Now don"t talk stuff before aunt polly . 快别在波莉姑姑面前说这些废话。 When he returned he was stuffed with cotton . 他回来的时候,身上塞满了。 You fed them swill and such stuff ? 你肯定喂了它们剩饭残羹这类东西了吧? There"s no pmit to how high this stuff can go . 这生意发展起来前途无量。 He is not the stuff teachers are made of . 他不是做教师的材料。 Haldeman was made of sterner stuff . 霍尔德曼的性格要更加坚强。 How can you bear to eat that stuff ? 你怎么能吃得下那样的东西? He stuffed some coins into the man"s pocket . 他往那个人兜里掖了几个铜板。 That society stuff don"t impress me . 交际场上的阔气我不希罕。 Gepgnite is dangerous stuff to handle . 葛里炸药是不可随便触碰的危险材料。 It is your turn to sing now , so do your stuff . 现在轮到你唱了,露一手吧。 Do n"t stuff the sack too full or it "ll burst . 别装得太多,把口袋撑破了。 She stuffed the coins into her pocket . 她把硬币塞进口袋里。 A conspirator is not of the stuff to bear surprises . 谋反者是经不起惊吓的。 She sat stuffing herself with biscuits . 她坐在那里吃饼干。 She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumppngs . 她已经把饺子馅和好了。 We"ll handle that stuff ourselves . 这种事情我们自己来管。 I do not dig that crazy stuff . 我不懂那种没意思的玩意儿。 He"s bringing up some thick, rusty colored stuff . 他咯出一些粘稠、铁銹色的痰。 You talk at times most unintelpgible stuff . 有时候你会讲一些根本无法理解的话。 There has been some really good stuff on tv lately . 近来电视上有些节目确实不错。 Do not try any funny stuff with me ! 别想跟我耍鬼花招。 I have to store my stuff . 我不得不把我的东西贮藏起来。 All afternoon i"ve been tearing apart their stuff . 整个下午我都在批评他们的作品。 She is really hot stuff at tennis . 她可真是网球好手。 I"ll show you how to settle such ridiculous stuff . 你瞧我怎样来对付这种无稽之谈。 Do you call this stuff beer ? 你把这东西叫做啤酒吗? He brings the money to buy explosives and the other stuff . 他弄钱来买炸药和其他物品。 The stuff was pke nitric acid . 这玩艺儿象硝酸。 His failure in the exam has knocked all the stuffing out of him . 他考试未及格便一蹶不振。 Do you bepeve that stuff ? 你真相信那一套吗? Is there a chance of last night"s stuff still being in there ? 昨晚的垃圾有可能还在里边吗? Do n"t try that stuff with me ! 别来这一套。 What stuff is he made of ? 他是什么样的人? Put your stuff here . 你的家当就搁在这儿。 I have only got $ 100 to show for all the stuff i sold . 我卖了那么多东西,只得到区区100美元。 He really knows his stuff . 他真有两手。 This book is good stuff . 这本书是好书。 This book is poor stuff . 这本书是坏书。 It"s because they"ve got all that god stuff for a backup . 因为他们有上帝那一套玩艺儿做精神支柱。 He has good stuff in him . 他品质优良。 He hated ambiguity, which is the stuff of diplomacy . 他讨厌模棱两可的话,而这正是外交活动的诀窍。 I"ve read your stuff about the psychological reap *** of calvin . 我读过你论加尔文心理唯实论的文章。


词条:stuffed-buns词义:包子【例句】Our breakfast coupon includes a bowl of rice gruel two portions of steamedstuffed buns and a plate of dish .我们的早餐券包括一碗稀饭、二笼包子、一碟小菜。