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请问cut it out and stick it on a big piece of paper是什么意思啊


stick it out 歌词

歌曲名:stick it out歌手:Rush专辑:different stagesTrust to your insticntIf it"s safely restrainedLightning reactionsMust be carefully trainedHeat of the momentCurse of the youngSpit out your angerDon"t Swallow your tongueStick it outRushDon"t swallow the poisonSpit it outDon"t swallow your prideStick it outDon"t swallow your angerSpit it outDon"t swallow the liesNatural reflexPendulum swingYou might be too dizzyTo do the right thingUltimate proofMoment of crisisDon"t swallow the truthStick it outEach time we bathe our reactionsIn artificial lightEath time we alter the focusTo make the wrong move seem rightYou get so used to deceptionYou make yourself a nervous wreckYou get so used to surrenderRunning back to cover your neckStick it out


stick英 [stu026ak] 美 [stu026ak]扩展资料:vt.& vi. 粘贴;张贴;插入;刺入vt. 容忍;产生作用;(尤指迅速或随手)放置;阻延或推迟n. 棍棒,棍枝;枝条;操纵杆;球棍棒; 棒子; 棍; 坚持复数:sticks过去式:stuck过去分词:stuck现在分词:sticking第三人称单数:sticks及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.粘贴, 张贴What"s wrong with this stamp?It won"t stick.这邮票怎么回事?粘不住了。2.插入, 刺入, 卡住The key sticks in the lock.钥匙卡在锁里了。

stick to it是什么意思



stick to :粘住. Sticking it to The Man:用它粘住这个人


stick是一个多义词,可以作为名词、动词、形容词和副词使用。下面分别介绍其不同的用法:名词:stick作为名词时,通常表示一根细长的物体,如棍子、木棍、火柴等。例如:He picked up a stick and started to draw in the sand.(他拿起一根棍子在沙子上画画。)一、动词:stick作为动词时,有多种不同的用法,如:1.粘贴:stick可以表示粘贴的意思,例如:She stuck the poster on the wall.(她把海报贴在了墙上。)2.插入:stick可以表示插入的意思,例如:He stuck the key into the lock and turned it.(他把钥匙插进锁里并转动了一下。)3.坚持:stick可以表示坚持的意思,例如:I"m going to stick to my plan and finish this project.(我要坚持我的计划,完成这个项目。)4.粘住:stick可以表示粘住的意思,例如:The gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe.(口香糖粘在了我的鞋底上。)5.形容词:stick作为形容词时,通常表示“粘的、黏的、固执的”等含义。例如:The noodles were too sticky.(面条太粘了。)6. 副词:stick作为副词时,通常表示“紧密地、牢固地”等含义。例如:The lid was stuck on the jar.(盖子紧紧地盖在了罐子上。)二、除了以上的用法外,stick还可以用于构成一些常用的词组,如:stick to:坚持、遵守,例如:You need to stick to the rules.(你需要遵守规则。)stick with:坚持、继续,例如:I"m going to stick with my original plan.(我要坚持我的原计划。)stick out:伸出、突出,例如:The tower sticks out above the city skyline.(塔楼高耸于城市天际线之上。)stick up:竖起、耸立,例如:The trees stick up against the sky.(树木耸立在天空之上。)


A glue to stick it

stick it to some tape


stick to it是什么意思?

stick to it的意思是坚持它。

stay the course与stick it out的区别是什么?

个人理解:Stay the course - 坚持下来(仍能坚持持续某样测试或者事实)Stick it out - 坚持下来(直到out这么个状态,可见的坚持,或者可以期待结果的坚持)你抛掉词组中文意义来理解可能更有益。





英语stick with it怎么翻译?


stick on 与stick to的区别是什么?

“stick to”是动词,坚持、粘住的意思。“stick on ”是保持在什么之上、贴上的意思。一、Stick to例句:1、Stick to it!(坚持下去!)2、I can stick to my guns.(我能够坚持自己的主张)3.Reporter should stick to investigating the facts.(记者应该坚持调查事实真相)二、stick on例句:1、I insist on your taking/insist that you take immediate action to put this right.(我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好)2、I"m afraid we have to call the whole deal off if you still insist on your original quotation.(如果你们仍然坚持原来报价,我们就只好放弃这笔交易)3、I must insist on more regular hours.(我必须强调起居定时)


一、 作及物动词 1. 表示"刺;戳;刺死",后面接名词,且与介词into连用。 (1) She stuck some pins into the material. 她往布料中刺了几根饰针。 (2) The boy stuck the knife right into the butter.那个男孩刚好把刀子插入黄油之中。 2. 表示"放置;插牢;钉住",后面接名词,且与表示地点的介词短语连用。 (1) You must stick a pole in the ground. 你必须把杆子插在地上。 (2) You"d better stick the book back on its shelf. 你最好把书放回书架。 3. 表示"忍受;容忍",后面接名词或代词,常用于否定句。 We never stick him.我们从来不容忍他。 4. 表示"张贴;粘贴",后面接名词。 (1) I forgot to stick a stamp on the letter.我忘了在信上粘贴邮票。 (2)Please stick the notice on the wall.请把这张通知张贴在墙上。 5. 表示"放入;塞入",后面接名词, 且与表示地点的介词短语连用,常用于口语中。 You can stick the letter under the door.你可以把信从门底下塞入。 二、作不及物动词 1. 表示"粘住;贴住;钉住",常用于否定句,与together连用时,用于肯定句。 (1)The stamp won"t stick.这枚邮票粘不住。 (2)Two pages of the book stuck together. 这本书有两页粘在一起。 2. 表示"卡住;陷住;困住",常与介词in连用。 (1)The key has stuck in the lock. 钥匙卡在锁里了。 (2)The bus stuck in the mud.公共汽车陷在烂泥中。 3. 表示"坚持;停留",与介词to连用,后面接名词、代词或宾语从句。 (1)I decided to stick to my present job.我决定把现在的工作坚持做下去。 (2)He sticks to what he said yesterday. 他仍然坚持他昨天说的话。 4. 表示"坚持做;被困住",与介词at连用。 (1)If you want to succeed, you must stick at it.如果你想成功的话,你就必须坚持做下去。 (2)We never stick at small difficulties.我们从来不被小小的困难困住。 5. 表示"固着;粘贴",与介词to 连用。 (1) The paper stuck to the wall.那张纸粘在墙上。 (2)The stamp didn"t stick to the envelope. 邮票没有在信封上粘牢。 三、作名词 1. 表示"枯枝;枝条"。 She picked up some sticks to make a fire. 她拾些树枝来生火。 2. 表示"拐杖;棍棒"。 His father walks with a stick. 他的父亲走路拄着拐杖。 3. 表示"木头人;固执的人",常用于口语。 He is a dry old stick. 他是个呆头呆脑的人。


"stick" 是一个英语单词,它有多种含义和用法。下面是一些常见的解释和用法:"stick" 可以作为名词,表示一根细长的物体。例如,"He picked up a stick to play with" 意为"他拿起一根棍子来玩","She used a stick to stir the soup" 意为"她用一根棍子搅拌汤"。"stick" 还可以表示一种粘性物质,通常是固态。例如,"I stepped on a piece of chewing gum and it stuck to my shoe" 意为"我踩到了一块口香糖,它粘在了我的鞋上","The glue made the paper stick together" 意为"胶水使纸张粘在一起"。"stick" 还可以表示一种工具或装置,通常是有柄的。例如,"She used a stick to reach the high shelf" 意为"她用一个棍子够到高架子上","He put the marshmallow on a stick and roasted it over the fire" 意为"他把棉花糖放在一根棍子上,在火上烤"。"stick" 还可以作为动词,表示把某物插入或固定在某处。例如,"He stuck the key into the lock and turned it" 意为"他把钥匙插入锁里并转动","She stuck a note on the refrigerator to remind herself" 意为"她贴了一张便条在冰箱上提醒自己"。


stick英 [stu026ak] 美 [stu026ak] vt.& vi.粘贴;张贴;插入;刺入vt.容忍;产生作用;(尤指迅速或随手)放置;阻延或推迟n.棍棒,棍枝;枝条;操纵杆;球棍第三人称单数: sticks 复数: sticks 现在分词: sticking 过去式: stuck 过去分词: stuckHe looks old and walks with a stick 他看起来很老,走路时拄着一根拐棍。2It"s not motorists who give you the most stick, it"s the general public 对你批评最严厉的并不是驾车人,而是普通民众。3He lived out in the sticks somewhere. 他住在某个偏远的乡村。

stickout是什么意思(stick itout)

1、stickout是什么意思。 2、Stickout。 3、stick itout。 4、stickout什么意思中文翻译。1.stickout意思是对什么继续忍耐,将什么坚持到底和伸出,突出,显眼。 2.reach?outfor相当于一个vt(及物)就是说后面可以直接加sth伸手够什么东西的意思reachout意义和reachoutfor意思是相同的,但是用法不同,他是一个vi(不及物)后面不能直接加sthreachout和stickout的区别要区别两个词组的意义和用法,就得从各自的意义和用法的不同点和相同点入手:stickout的意义Ifyoustickoutpartofyourbody,youextenditawayfromyourbody.把身体的某一部分伸出去,伸出。 3.探出Shemadeafaceandstuckouthertongueathim.她做了个鬼脸,向他吐了吐舌头。 4.Hestuckhishandoutandhesaid,&amp。 5.#39。 6.Goodevening.&amp。 7.#39。 8.他伸出手说:“晚上好。 9.”Ifsomethingsticksout,itisverynoticeablebecauseitisunusual.某物显眼,因为某物不同寻常,显得突出Thethingsthatstuckoutwerehiscockinessandhisfour-letterwords.和众不同之处在于他的骄傲自大和满嘴脏话。 10.WhathadCutterdonetomakehimstickoutfromthecrowd?卡特做了些什么,让他从众人之中脱颖而出?Ifsomeoneinanunpleasantordifficultsituationsticksitout,theydonotleaveorgiveup.某人在逆境中坚持不退缩,(在逆境中)坚持到底,忍耐到底Ireallydidn&amp。 11.#39。 12.tlikeNewYork,butIwantedtostickitoutalittlebitlonger.我真的不喜欢纽约,但我想再坚持一段时间。 13.reachout的意义对于reachout的本意:把身体的某部分伸出去,权威字典还没有收录,很多专家认为这个意义不是固定用法,而stickout表示把身体某部分伸出去是固定用法。

stick it to the man是什么意思

stick it to the man网络男人要坚强双语例句1Now it"s time to stick it to the man. 现在是时候戳穿前面的人了。2We"re happy to "stick it to the man" and do whatever we want in school, but as soon as we"re in the workforce all bets are off. 我们快乐的履行“为了男人坚持”并且在学校做着任何我们想做的事,但是一旦我们到达工作场合,全盘皆输。



关于stick it out

of course


你好!很高兴为你解答。棍子,敲击 希望能帮到你。


枝条 棍,棒,杖;手杖棒状物

stick 的用法


我想问一下,电影《女生向前翻》(又名《stick it 》)中的演员nikki soohoo就是杨云吗?

是啊 属于客串

stick to it是什么意思

stick to it坚持它双语例句1As long as you choose the right path, you should stick to it.只要选择的路是对的,就要坚定不易的走下去。2If you know what youre doing is important and right, stick to it.如果你知道你做的事是重要且正确的,那就要坚持下去。3So, when you have that plan, try to stick to it.一旦你有了购物计划,就要严格执行。


【篇一】stick的用法大全   stick的用法1:stick的基本意思是“粘贴”“张贴”,指用胶水、糨糊、黏结剂等粘贴,也可指一个人或一个物体依附于另一个或两者互相依存,引申还可表示“卡住”“困住”。stick还可作“插入”“刺入”解,指用尖物插入、刺、戳、贯穿。   stick的用法2:stick在口语中用于否定句和疑问句,表示“容忍”“忍受”,有时也可表示“喜欢”。   stick的用法3:stick还可作“产生作用,生效,起作用”解。   stick的用法4:stick既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。用作不及物动词时,主动形式常含有被动意义。   stick的用法5:stick用作名词的基本意思是“枝条”,尤指用作柴禾的“枯枝,柴枝”。   stick的用法6:stick也可译为“棍,棒”,还可指“棒状物”,如鼓槌、台球球杆等,主要指打击用,引申还可指“严厉对待,惩处”“责打,惩罚”。   stick的用法7:stick还可表示“手杖”。   stick的用法8:stick用在口语中,还可喻指“某种类型的人”,一般指“木头人,呆头呆脑的人,固执的人,老实的人”。 【篇二】stick的常用短语   stick around1 (v.+adv.)   stick around2 (v.+prep.)   stick at (v.+prep.)   stick by (v.+prep.)   stick down (v.+adv.)   stick in (v.+adv.)   stick it   stick it out   stick on (v.+prep.)   stick out (v.+adv.)   stick to (v.+prep.)   stick together (v.+adv.)   stick up (v.+adv.)   stick up for (v.+adv.+prep.)   stick with (v.+prep.) 【篇三】stick的用法例句   1. But legal experts are not sure if such a charge can stick.   但法律专家们不能肯定这一指控是否成立。   2. She poked and shifted things with the tip of her walking stick.   她用手杖尖翻拨挪动东西。   3. There are interesting hikes inland, but most ramblers stick to the clifftops.   内陆地区有一些很有意思的徒步远足路线,但多数徒步者都去爬悬崖陡壁。   4. I tend to stick to fresh fruit for pudding.   我一直坚持用新鲜水果做甜点。   5. He gave the donkey a whack across the back with his stick.   他拿棍子朝驴背上狠狠打了一下。   6. Remember, stick to the issues and don"t take it personally.   记住,就事论事,不要把问题个人化。   7. They prefer, in the end, to stick with what they know.   他们最终选择了继续做自己熟悉的事。   8. He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers into battle.   他虽然拄着拐杖,但依然带领士兵们投入战斗。   9. The government is proclaiming a carrot-and-stick approach to the problem.   对于这个问题,政府宣布要采取软硬两手应对。   10. I"m not a fashion victim; I stick to what suits me.   我不是一味赶时髦的人,我只穿适合自己的服装。   11. If a window is broken, you can"t stick it back together again.   如果窗户碎了,就无法再把它粘回到一起了。   12. If we all stick together, we ought to be okay.   如果我们大家团结在一起,就不会有事。   13. Stick them on using a small amount of glue.   用少许胶水把它们贴上。   14. I didn"t stick around long enough to find out.   我在那儿呆的时间很短,没弄清楚.   15. Why did you have to stick your nose in?   你为什么非要插手?

stick it out什么意思

stick it out[英][stik it aut][美][stu026ak u026at au028at]v.坚持到底; 双语例句1I really didn"t like New York, but I wanted to stick it out a little bit longer.我真的不喜欢纽约,但我想再坚持一段时间。2So I seem to have two choices: quit a company I really like working for, in order to move up somewhere else; or just accept the fact that there "s no room at the top and stick it out here.因此,我似乎有两个选择:离开这家我很喜欢为之工作的公司,到其他公司寻求晋升的通道;或者,接受现实,既然上层没有空间,就继续呆在自己的位子上。

stick it怎么连读


百度:我的阿迪两面穿棉衣 衣领上有个STICK IT 是什么意思

站稳了 坚持住 是一种精神鼓励的意思

stick it 里面海莉的性格

放松~的体育梦想。叛逆女孩的中性美。主人公的性格。青春的色彩。因为我们不能随心所欲。年轻的资本。年轻人爱老人嫌。我们决定。 17岁女孩海莉(梅西·帕瑞格兰 Missy Peregrym 饰)的消极个性让家人十分的头痛,曾经是一名优秀体操运动员的她由于发现了母亲和教练之间的奸情而放弃了体操从此一蹶不振。海莉的叛逆逐步升级终于触碰到了法律的高压线,被控告破坏财物的她被迫进入了一间管理及其严厉的体操学院里改过自新。   学校里的生活并不好过,除了一帮充满了敌意的同学们,海莉还结识了体操教练伯特(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰),在经历了种种误会和冲突后,伯特发现了海莉在体操方面的神奇天赋,他发誓决不能让这天赋白白流逝。在伯特的鼓励和鞭策下,海莉重新站在了赛场上,她要面对的不仅仅是强劲的对手,还有自己灰暗的过去。



大学英语作文:对理想的坚持 Stick to Your Dream

【 #英语资源# 导语】学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些短篇英语文章也是提高英语阅读能力的一种。下面是 !  【篇一】对理想的坚持 Stick to Your DreamWe have read so many inspiring examples about how the successful people stick to their dreams. We see the power of persistence. But as I see different situations, sometimes the way to gain achievement is not favored by me. Different people have different ways to keep move on. 我们看过很多成功人士坚持自己的梦想的一些激励人心的案例。从中我们看到了坚持的力量。但是当我看到别的境况时,有时候,我不赞成有些获取得成功的途径。每个人有每个人努力的方式。 For those people whose family are not poor, they can chase their dreams without hesitation. The parents will give great support to them and no matter what their children do, they just want them to be happy. Without the economic burden, those people can focus all their attention and follow their dreams all the time. 对于那些家庭条件并不差的人来说,他们可以毫不犹豫地追逐自己的梦想。无论孩子做什么,父母都会大力支持,因为他们只是想让自己孩子开心。没有了经济的负担,这些人可以集中所有的精力去追寻自己的梦想。 But for the persons whose family are poor, especially the parents are waiting for the children"s economic support, they should make ends meet first and then follow their dreams. Life can"t be ideal all the time, only when they solve the basic needs, dreams will be supported. Some people make the things they like as a hobby, they keep studying it in their spared time, if insist, they will get the extra achievement. 但对于那些家庭贫困的人,尤其是父母还在等待孩子们的经济支持。这样的人群应该先维持生计,然后再去追逐自己的梦想。生活不可能是理想的,只有当他们解决了基本需求,梦想才会得到支持。有些人把他们喜欢的东西作为一种业余爱好,在业余时间不断研究,如果坚持下去,就会获得额外的成就。 Following dreams completes our life and make us live with meaning. The will of never giving up will bring us success someday. 追逐梦想使我们的生活变得完整,让我们活得有意义。永不放弃的意志总有一天会带给我们成功。  【篇二】大学教育 College EducationThe stage of college will be the most important period of our life. We need to learn knowledge, at the same time, we also need to learn some skills, which will be of great help when we come to the job market. The ability we gain in the college will be useful all the time. 大学阶段是我们生活中最重要的一个时期,我们需要学习知识,与此同时,我们也需要学习一些技能,这些技能对我们在就业市场上有很大的帮助。我们在大学获得的能力会一直有用。 In college education, we need to change our way of learning. In high school, we get use to learn what the teachers pass to us. Every thing they show us is correct. Teachers take the leader roles and students just follow them. But now students need to learn knowledge by themselves. As teachers will not show up much time, so they should improve their ability to learn. 在大学教育中,我们需要改变学习方式。在高中,我们习惯于老师传授知识的方式。他们教给我们的知识都是对的。教师处于主导地位,学生被动学习。但是现在,学生需要自学。因为老师出现的时间不会很多,所以他们应该提高自己的学习能力。 What"s more, as teachers are no longer the center role, they try to cultivate students" way of thinking. Critical thinking is what the college students most need. They are adults and should make their own decision. It is time for them to get rid of the out-date tradition, and creativity is what they need. 更重要的是,由于教师不再处于主导地位,所以他们试图培养学生的思维方式。批判性思维是大学生最需要的。他们是成年人,应该自己做决定。是时候让他们摆脱过时的传统观念,创造力才是他们所需要的。 The aim of college education is to broaden vision and master special skills. 大学教育的目的是拓宽视野、掌握特殊技能。  【篇三】每天穿一样的衣服 One Style Every dayFor most girls, they are so annoyed about what to wear before they get out of the house. They want to make themselves look stunning, as the choice is so hard to make, they will spend a lot of time, then they are always late for the date or the work time. In order to get rid of this problem, a girl chose only one style every day. 对于大多数女生来说,她们总是烦恼穿什么衣服出门。她们想让自己看起来漂亮,但是由于很难选择,所以她们会在这上面花很多时间,所以总是约会迟到或工作迟到。为了摆脱这个问题,有一个女孩选择每天穿一样的衣服。 The girl was from America, and she worked in a fashion company. Before she went to work in the morning, she had to struggle what to wear, which made her be late for company. Then she decided to wear the same clothes as her working style every day. Now she has done this for three years. 这个女孩来自美国,她在一家时装公司工作。她早上去上班之前,总是要纠结穿什么,这纠结总是让她上班迟到。所以她决定每天上班的时候都穿一样的衣服。现在她已经坚持了三年。 Actually, many successful people do the same things, such as Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, who kept the same style no matter where they showed up. They believed that it could save them more time to focus on job. Before students go to college, they dress school uniforms, so there will be no comparison. But in the private hours, we can choose many styles, which helps to keep us the different moods. 事实上,许多成功人士也是这样的,比如史蒂夫u2022乔布斯和马克·扎克伯格,他们无论出现在哪个场合都保持同样的风格。他们相信这可以节省更多的时间来专注于工作。学生上大学之前,他们穿着校服,所以不会有对比。但在个人时间里,我们却是可以选择各种风格,这让我们会有不一样的心情。



STICKER DIMENSIONS: 1" H x 1.5"W 什么意思?

标签尺寸:1英寸高 x 1.5英寸宽。STICKER ---标签DIMENSIONS---外形尺寸H--- 英文“height”(高度)的缩写。W ---英文“wide”(宽度)的缩写。

STM32 v3固件库编写SYSTICK,不报错,不进入中断,请大牛指点!

你没有配置NVIC中断向量控制器啊!!void NVIC_Configuration(void){ NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure; NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_3); //选择分组3 3bits抢占优先级 NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = SysTick_IRQn;//中断号 NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0;//抢占优先级 NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0; //子优先级 NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE; //使能中断 NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);}









insist可以和stick to ,persist in ,adhere to, preseve


stick to 与insist on 有什么区别

stick to persevere;adhere to坚持*I shall stick to mydecision.我将坚持我的决定。*If you stick to it longenough you can find the answer to that problem.如果你坚持一段时间,你就会发现那个问题的答案。*I hate listening to him;he never sticks to the point.我不喜欢听他说,他从不坚持自己的观点。*I hope you will stickto the point in the debate.我希望你在辩论中能抓住要害。*If you stick to thetruth,you"ve nothing to fear.你要是坚持真理,就可以无所畏惧。insist on 坚决地宣告; 督促,强烈地要求The bank will insist on collateral for a loan of that size.银行对这样的大笔贷款一定要有抵押物。I insist on what I said just now.我坚持我刚才所说的。Quality Policy: strengthening quality management; insist on sincere service. Have continued to improve; to enhance customer satisfaction.质量方针:加强质量管理;坚持诚信服务。不断持续改进;增强顾客满意。If you insist on a year, I was an experienced sales!如果坚持一年,我就是个有经验的销售了!He insist on climbing Mr. Tanigawa, though his mother tell him not to.他一定要扶着坦伊加瓦先生向上爬,尽管他的母亲告诉他不要。The United States will continue to insist on accountability for crimes committed there, including genocide, he said.他说,美国将继续要求对在那里的犯罪行径,包括种族屠杀,追究责任。He must not insist on "rights" and must not behave as if his private property rights were still sacred.他不能再坚持“权利”,也不能表现得像他们的财产权依旧不可侵犯那样。article.yeeyan.orgA friendly person thinks of others, and do not insist on his own "rights" .一个友善的人认为别人的,不坚持自己的“权利”。However, foreigners should not stiffly insist on trying to understand China from their own eyes and their own background.然而,外国人不应该顽固地从他们自身的眼光和自身的知识背景来理解中国。Behind all this is a fundamental divide. Surplus countries insist on continuing just as before.所有这些的背后,是根本的分歧所在。

stick当坚持讲时后面用to do还是do 还是doing

stick to doing sth 坚持做某事或者stick to sth

keep on/carry on/go on/move on/stick to有何区别 能否给几个例题详细讲解一下?

这些词组意思比较接近,但各有异同,我们逐个来分析. keep on是指持续不断做某事,或者坚持做某事. 比如:If you keep on singing,they"ll ask you to leave.如果你继续唱,他们会要求你离开的. 这句中的keep on是不能用其它几个词组代替的. 或者:I kept on trying,but it still didn"t work.我不停地试,但还是不管用. carry on也有持续不断的意思,但与keep on有所不同. 比如:Rescue operations were carried on in spite of the storm.尽管有宝风雨但救援工作还是继续进行. 另外,carry on作“继续下去”讲时主要是指尽管发生了某些事情(悲剧)或遭受了挫折,但(生活、工作等)还要继续,是表达持续的状态. 比如:Her life carried on anyway after his husbend died.她丈夫死了但生活还在继续. 这句中的carry on是可以用go on/move on来代替的. go on指继续做某事,或者表达持续的状态. 比如:Go on working,it"s not time to have a break yet.继续工作,还没到休息时间呢. 另外,go on还有发生的意思,比如:What"s going on here?发生什么了? 有作为的意思,比如:Don"t go on like this!别再这么干了! move on是指move forward,向前发展或推移. 比如,As time moved on,he gradually left her behind his back.随着时间的推移,他慢慢把她忘记了. stick to则是坚持的意思,是指对承诺或者目标等始终坚持,跟其他几个词组有明显区别. 比如:He always sticks to what he believes in.他总是坚持自己的原则. 基本上是这样,


两者不一样。 sticker 的i是读 /i/ 像一,短音like 的i 是读/ ai / 像爱音。

tattoo sticker and three-dimensional sticker英语是什么意思

tattoo sticker and three-dimensional sticker纹身贴纸和立体贴纸tattoo sticker and three-dimensional sticker纹身贴纸和立体贴纸

please peel off the mask with this sticker 这句话什么意

please peel off the mask with this sticker请用这张贴纸把面具揭掉

Please peel off the mask with this sticker before application


有人知道puffy sticker 的中文意思吗?谢谢!


好久不来了,我想问问宝贝们谁知道moisture lipstick口红是什么牌子的,韩国代购的

首先告诉你 moisture lipstick不是牌子。moisture lipstick是保湿口红的意思,并不是牌子。其次,morecolor,这才是牌子名字。确实是有这牌子,但是他家不做化妆品,是做衣服的。也就是说你这个口红不是什么正规牌子的。

reach out 和stick out的区别?

stick out意思是对什么继续忍耐,将什么坚持到底和伸出,突出,显眼。reach out for 相当于一个vt (及物)就是说后面可以直接加sth 伸手够什么东西的意思reach out意义和reach out for意思是相同的,但是用法不同,他是一个vi(不及物)后面不能直接加sth




Chicken wing


chicken wing(s)鸡翅 wing[英][wu026au014b][美][wu026au014b]n.翅膀,翼; 飞翔; 派系,派别; vi.飞行; vt.为…装上翼; 使或使能飞行; 飞过; drumstick(s)鸡腿

谁有Stick With You 的歌词赏析?

曲名:Stickwitu 歌手:The Pussycat Dolls 专辑:Pcd The Pussycat Dolls - Stickwitu I don"t want to go another day So I"m telling you exactly what is on my mind Seems like everybody is breaking up Throwing their love away I know I got a good thing right here That"s why I say (Hey) Nobody"s going to love me better I must stick with you Forever Nobody"s going to take me higher I must stick with you You know how to appreciate me I must stick with you My baby Nobody ever made me feel this way I must stick with you I don"t want to go another day So I"m telling you exactly what is on my mind See the way we ride In our privated lives Ain"t nobody getting in between I want you to know that you"re the only one for me And I say Nobody"s going to love me better I must stick with you Forever Nobody"s going to take me higher I must stick with you You know how to appreciate me I must stick with you My baby Nobody ever made me feel this way I must stick with you And now Ain"t nothing else I can need And now I"m singing "cause you"re so, so into me I got you We"ll be making love endlessly I"m with you Baby, you"re with me So don"t you worry about People hanging around They ain"t bringing us down I know you and you know me And that"s all that counts So don"t you worry about People hanging around They ain"t bringing us down I know you and you know me And that"s why I say Nobody"s going to love me better I must stick with you Forever Nobody"s going to take me higher I must stick with you You know how to appreciate me I must stick with you My baby Nobody ever made me feel this way I must stick with you Nobody"s going to love me better I must stick with you Forever Nobody"s going to take me higher I must stick with you You know how to appreciate me I must stick with you My baby Nobody ever made me feel this way I must stick with you


英音:[stik]美音:[st01k]斯替克(克轻音)名词 n. 1. 枝条;柴枝[C] 2. 棍,棒,杖;手杖[C]Grandpa still walks without a stick. 爷爷走路仍不拄拐杖。 3. 棒状物[C][(+of)]I bought the child some sticks of candy. 我给孩子买了几根棒棒糖。 4. 【英】【口】惩罚;棒打;有敌意的言行[U] 5. 【口】家伙;呆头呆脑的人[C] 6. 【口】(简单的)家具[C] 7. 【口】小镇;乡间[the P]They are moving out into the sticks. 他们将从市区搬到乡间去及物动词 vt. 1. 刺;戮;刺死 2. 钉住;插牢 3. 粘贴;张贴They stuck the notice on the wall. 他们把通知贴在墙上。 4. 【口】放置[O]Her younger sister helped her stick a flower in her hair. 她妹妹帮她把一朵花插在头发上。 5. 伸,伸出[O]Don"t stick your head out of the train window. 不要把头伸出火车窗外面。 6. 【口】(通常用于疑问句和否定句)容忍,忍受[W][+v-ing]I can"t stick such people. 我无法容忍那种人。 7. 使停止;阻塞 8. 【口】被...难住;以...困住[H]Are you stuck over your algebra? 你的代数题做不下去了吧? 9. 【俚】(把不称心的事物)强加于 不及物动词 vi. 1. 粘住;钉住This stamp won"t stick. 这张邮票贴不上。 2. 陷住;梗塞;被困住A fish-bone stuck in his throat. 他喉咙里卡了一根鱼刺。 3. 停留;坚持;固守 4. 伸出;突出[(+from)]What"s that sticking out of your pocket? 你口袋里伸出来的是什么东西? 网络释义stick1. 粘贴,张贴★国外生活必备英文词汇全搜索-住宿篇1, ...stick 粘贴,张贴 2. 置顶3. 黏着鞋类专业英语 2 - 外销部 - Our ...stick黏着

We stick the paper with g()

with glue


cling和stick的区别:cling|klɪŋ|intransitive verb(past tense, past participle clung) ①(physically)抓紧 to cling to [something]/[somebody]紧紧抓住某物/某人 to cling together紧紧抱在一起 to cling on to [something] for dear life死命地抓住某物stick (past tense, past participle stuck)A.transitive verb①(fix with adhesive substance)粘贴 she stuck a stamp on the letter她把一张邮票贴在信封上you"ll have to stick the broken plate with some superglue你得用强力胶把破了的盘子粘起来 ②(push)把…插入the nurse stuck the needle into my arm护士把针扎进我的胳膊 don"t stick your fingers through the bars of the cage不要把手指伸进笼子③(impale)插牢 to stick the balls of wool on knitting needles把毛线团插在编结针上

stick the paper with the glue



》cling [klu026au014b] 1. 不及物动词 [+person, object] to cling (on)to 紧紧抓住 2. 不及物动词 [+idea, belief] 坚持 3. 不及物动词 [clothes, dress+] to cling to sb"s body 紧紧地贴在身上 》stick [stu026ak] 1. 名词 [c] [of wood] 枯枝 2. 名词 (as weapon) 棍棒 3. 名词 (walking stick) 拐杖 4. 名词 [of chalk, dynamite, celery] 条 5. 及物动词 to stick sth on {or} to sth (with glue etc) 将某物粘贴在某物上 6. 及物动词 [inf] to stick sth in/through sth (put) 随手将某物戳进/放进某物中 7. 及物动词 to stick sth in {or} into sth (push) 将某物刺入某物中 8. 及物动词 [BRIT] [inf] (tolerate) 忍受 9. 不及物动词 [stamp, sticker+] to stick (to sth) 粘贴(在某物上) 10. 不及物动词 [substance, paste+] 粘在 11. 不及物动词 [name+] (remain) 长久保留 I nicknamed him "Rex", a name which stuck. 我给他起了个外号叫Rex,一直叫到现在。 12. 不及物动词 [door, lift+] (get jammed) 卡住 to get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick [inf] 误解 to stick in one"s mind [thought etc+] 铭记在某人的心中相近词区别:stick, glue, cohere, cling, adhere这组词都有“粘着、附着”的意思,其区别是:stick 常指用胶水或浆糊粘贴,词义引申指坚持。glue 与stick的本义相同,指用胶水把东西粘合在一起,没有“坚持”的含义。cohere 指物质微粒粘合在一起,成为不可分离的整体,强调所形成新物体的不可分割性。可引申指逻辑上的前后一致。cling 着重靠缠绕、紧抱、紧抓等方式而形成密切关系。也可作引申用。adhere 正式用词,语气较严肃刻板,既可指物体粘在一起,也可指坚持信仰或忠于事业等。

glue stick 是什么




我的索尼相机里面提示:“Memory Stick中没有记忆空间”是怎们回事?要怎们解决?


我的psp有一次玩着游戏中按了“HOME”,然后打开Memory Stick 就显示内有游戏,但还占有内存。


无法读取memory stick


PSP无法读取Memory Stick,请在[设定]下的[主机设定]中进行Memory Stick的格式化



那个Memory stick是索尼独有的“记忆棒”,也就是俗称的内存卡,只有索尼的才叫记忆棒,道理一样,你先看看你选择的存储空间是相机本身还是记忆棒,如果你把记忆棒清空,但你选择的还是机身存储,它当然永远是满的。

为什么我的相机会出现‘memory stick没有记忆空间’的字样?应如何排除此故障?【具体说明做法、最好图文

就是你的相机存储卡剩余空间不足了 意思就是已经满了 如果想继续用 就要删除记忆卡上的一些东西 释放空间 相机就能继续用了 或者买个更大点得存储卡 that"s all

PSP3000显示没有插入Memory Stick


PSP无法读取Memory Stick

请在电脑上格式化回 FAT32.

急psp3000 6.2升级6.35的时候出现无法读取memory stick


Memory Stick Duo到底是什么?

Memory Stick Duo 短棒就是你相机用的存储卡,它是相对与索尼的长棒而言的,便宜的由很多是假货,要小心不要被骗了.

PSP格式化过程中 显示没有插入Memory stick


为什么索尼数码相机链接电脑后出现Memory Stick格式化出错…


我的Sony相机为什么刚拍了一张照,就显示说Memory Stick 中没有记忆空间?


psp无法读取memory stick


SONY memory stick pro duo 内存卡怎样修复?


SONY的memory stick PRO duo是什么?

memory stick pro duo一般指记忆棒。记忆棒它用在PSP,PSX系列游戏机,数码相机,数码摄像机,索爱的手机,还有笔记本上,用于存储数据,相当于计算机的硬盘。最初的Memory Stick提供最多128MB的容量,以及Memory Stick Select容许两张128MB的容量于一张卡内。而含有8GB容量的Memory Stick,已于2006年在拉斯维加斯举行的国际消费电子展中公布,Memory Stick PRO最大可能容量为32GB。一般而言,Memory Stick是用来为手提式装置作为储存媒体的, 以易于移除的方式来被PC存取。以Memory Stick读卡器(一般是一个以USB或其他连线方式连接的细小的盒子),用户可不需把数码相机接到电脑而复制图片。

我PSP的游戏在memory stick中显示不出来?


psp2000, 显示无法读取memory stick,让在主机设定中进行memory stick格式化,为什么会这样?我要如何处理

在PSP的设置里有一个格式化选项,把memory stick格式化一下应该就好了。也有一个原因就是memory stick(记忆卡)坏了
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