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请分析一下turning point和stationary point 相同点与不同点

A point at which the derivative changes sign.See stationary point,in mathematics In mathematics,particularly in calculus,a stationary point or critical point is an input to a differentiable function where the derivative is zero (equivalently,the slope of the graph is zero):where the function "stops" increasing or decreasing (hence the name).For a differentiable function of several variables,a stationary or critical point is an input (one value for each variable) where all the partial derivatives are zero (equivalently,the gradient is zero. For the graph of a function of one variable,this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent is parallel to the x-axis.For function of two variables,this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent plane is parallel to the xy plane. The notion extends to differentiable maps from Rm into Rn and to differentiable maps between manifolds,but,in these case,only the term critical point (or sometimes bifurcation point) is used,not stationary point. This article focuses only to the case of the functions of a single variable.For the other cases,see Critical point.

stationary supply 什么意思?


about stationary wave

更新1: 但系我系书上面又见到句咁既野:wave speed of the a stationary wave is not zero. It refers to the speed of the o wave travelling in oppostie direction which result in the stationary wave.咁姐系点? 更新2: if stationary wave 既speed系0既话 咁v=f入又可唔可以apply系佢度?另外 我系书度又见到以下呢一条mc: 一个stationary wave有个4个loops 入=0.4m A vibrator vibrates at 50Hz to produce a stationary wave. What is the wave speed of the stationary wave? A.10 ms^-1 B.20 ms^-1 C.30ms^-1 D.40ms^-1 答案是b 咁姐系点? speed of the stationary wave点解系呢度又唔系0?? 更新3: 很感谢你一直答我问题。我在维基看的:由于波的行进速度v为「其频率f和波长λ的乘积」,且为「弦所受张力F *** 的线密度μ的比值之平方根」,可知弦上形成驻波时,其频率f为:f=v/入=nv/2L 如果V of 驻波=0 那么frequency不就是0吗?这可行? As the name implies a "stationary wave" is NOT moving (though it has vibration of its particles). The speed of the wave is thus zero. A stationary wave is formed by o travelling waves moving in opposite direction to each other. The resultant wave has zero velocity as can be observed on any one of the crests (called antinodes) that always remains at the same position. The wer of 4.8 m/s is just the speed of one of the travelling wave that produces the resultant stationary wave. 2011-09-13 21:23:16 补充: The speed of a stationary wave is clearly NOT equal to the speed of the travelling waves from which the stationary wave is formed. The speed of a wave is the speed of motion of the crest (or trough). The crest (antinode) of a stationary wave possesses no trlational motion at all. 2011-09-18 15:48:32 补充: The equation: v =f.入 applies to a travelling wave. 2011-09-18 15:50:21 补充: The wer to your quoted question is certainly not right. 20 m/s is the speed of the travelling waves from which the stationary wave is formed. The speed of stationary wave = [20 + (-20)] m/s = 0 m/s 2011-09-18 15:51:21 补充: You cannot take the speed of a travelling wave as the speed of the stationary wave.

途锐汽车出现setup only when vehicle is stationary 是什么意思


stationary pendulum 什么意思

stationary pendulum的中文翻译stationary pendulum 静止的钟摆

your stationary

B.for等介词 后面肯定跟doing 形式,这个规律可以记住,很有用.另外knock off 是撞得掉下来的意思,knock on 是敲门的敲.意思上当然是B正确了.

请教,what is “company stationary”

what is “company stationary”什么是“公司文具”我是来自于“百度资源共享”芝麻团的团长:善良的我啊你答案满意请采纳谢谢思密达

英语remaining stationary怎么翻译?

意思是 保持静止

moveless car和 stationary car区别


stationary value

应该可以用中文回答的吧,需要英文版追问我. 先求导f"(x)=4ax^3-6x^2+2bx+2 有因式(x+1),即当x=-1,f(-1)=0=a+2+b-2=a+b (1) 当x=1/2时有极值,即f"(1/2)=0=4a*1/8-6*1/4+2b*1/2+2=a/2-3/2+b+2=0 (2) 由方程(1)(2)列方程组,即可解得a=1,b=-1

stationary board 是什么


stationary problem是什么意思?

stationary problem平稳问题例句1.Then a conditional stationary problem is transformed into an unconditional stationary problem.从而将条件驻值问题转化为无条件驻值问题。2.Stationary Problem about a Stochastic Control of Impulse Type一类脉冲型随机控制的平稳问题3.A Class of Stationary Problem on Reflected Follower一类反射跟踪模型平稳问题的研究4.on the stationary thermistor problem with joule效应的稳态热敏电阻问题5.Non-linear Prediction Problem of Quadruple Markov Stationary Processes四重马氏平稳过程的非线性预测问题6.The Stationary Point and Nonsingularity Conditions of A Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problem一种广义互补问题的稳定点与非奇异性条件

stationary wave条件

The o travelling waves must be of EQUAL AMPLITUDE. Stationary wave is characterized by the presence of nodes and antinodes. If the o waves forming the stationary wave are not of the same amplitude nodes (positions where there are entirely no vibration i.e. zero amplitude) would never be formed. Also the o waves need to be 180 degrees out of phase. This is the reason why stationary waves are usually formed from the superposition of a wave and its reflection. 不需要。 Stationary wave 是由两个同性质的波(wave of same nature)沿两个相反方向而互相干涉(interference)的效果。在一个closed system入面,只要wave的frequency乎合string的resonance frequency,stationary waves便可以出现。 两个wave一定要有以下的性质。 a. 它们有一个固定的相位差(phase difference),简单说即要同频率(same frequency)。 b. 它们要是同性质的。 c. 它们的amplitude要是相似的(similar),不一定要相同。


stationary 固定的;不能被移动的 still 静止的,静寂的 moving的反义词是stationary


stationary和stationery区别:1.Stationary一般作形容词使用,表示“不动的、静止的”例句:It is difficult for me to sit stationary for long periods.我很难长时间不动。He drove the car in a negligent way and hit a stationary lorry.他开车时一疏忽撞到了静止的卡车上。2.Stationery是名词,有两种含义,都和纸制品有关;文具;物品如纸、笔、文件夹、笔记本、等在办公室使用。例句:We supply office stationery for all types of companies and corporations.我们提供所有类型的公司和企业办公文具。

途锐汽车出现setup only when vehicle is stationary 是什么意思?

setup only when vehile is stationary.仅当车辆静止时设置。setup体制;组织方式;建制;陷害;栽赃;安装,

stationary point怎么求

stationary point 就是y=5x^3-3x^5的一阶到等于0,然后就可以求出stationary point 的X的坐标,然后代进y=5x^3-3x^5求Y的坐标就行了。Nature就是 这个点是Local max 或者是local min

stationary bike是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:stationary bike健身车;固定自行车;固定脚踏车;固定式自行车不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

Stationary wave和standing wave有什么区别

事实上,这两个是一个意思,只不过stationary wave 是英国用法,standing wave 是美国用法。

Stationary Stationery 歌词

歌曲名:Stationary Stationery歌手:Anberlin专辑:Blueprints For City Friendships: The Anberlin AnthologyAnberlin - Stationary Stationery---by 汲雪寒舟---Do they not have pen or paper where you are?Because I haven"t heard from you in agesI relive each memory from time to timeRead notes exchangedWith all those scented pagesIt"s coming back, it"s all coming back to me nowTell me everything turned out alrightBecause I"m where we saidThat we"d meet tonightDoes he treat you like you want?Does he ask to take your hand?Does he believe in dreams we talked about?When with no music we dancedI thought you said that you"d come find meI thought you said you"d be home by nowI heard you sang that you"d come back hereSo I wrote to remind you to somehowDance by yourself and think of me when you doI"m not sure you understandwhat this means to me, what you do to meBut I"m willing to proveThat you"re the oneI regret to slip awayNow I know it was only youthat I"ve been searching forBeen missing all this timeI thought you said that you"d come find meI thought you said you"d be home by nowI heard you sang that you"d come back hereSo I wrote to remind you to somehowI thought you said that you"d come find meI thought you said you"d be home by nowI heard you sang that you"d come back hereSo I wrote to remind you to somehowLet the past be pastLet"s start todayLetters won"t doI need to see your faceTell me where to meetAnd I"ll tell you why we should beI thought you said that you"d come find meI thought you said you"d be home by nowI heard you sang that you"d come back hereSo I wrote to remind you to somehowI thought you said that you"d come find meI thought you said you"d be home by nowI heard you sang that you"d come back hereSo I wrote to remind you to somehow

fixed stationary 之间有区别吗?


still 和 stationary的区别?



你的问题前后好像不对应,题目写的是stationary,下面写的是Purchased stationery,这两者在会计学上不是一回事。如果是购买固定资产,当然是cash at bank 和 stationary,然后作为asset的一部分,列报在财务报告里了。如果是低值易耗品(如文具),那就是归于存货科目,当实际领用时,计入费用科目。



still, static和stationary的区别是什么?





stationary 固定的静止的不能被移动的;固定的不变的still n.寂静, 剧照, 照片adj.静止的, 静寂的adv.还, 仍, 更, 还要, 尽管如此, 依然静止画面,静态图片前面一个应该是moving的反义词


stationary = 静止不动的(固定物体)standing = 站着的(但可能是动的)


stationery英音:["steiu0283u0259nu0259ri]美音:["steu0283u0259n,u025bru026a] 名词 n.1.文具;信纸[U]不可数 stationery and envelopes 信纸信封




stationary是文具的意思。pencil铅笔 pen 钢笔ruler尺子 rubber 橡皮stapler 订书机 扩展资料   stationary其他意思:   adj.不动的;静止的;固定的`;不可移动的;不变的;稳定的   n.不动的人;驻军;固定物   复数: stationaries   例句:   Stationary cars in traffic jams cause a great deal of pollution   交通堵塞中静止不动的汽车产生了大量污染。   The car collided with a stationary vehicle.   小汽车撞到一辆停着的车上。   I remained stationary.   我待着没动。




这些词其实严格来说,并不都是固定的意思,只不过字典上笼统这么解释了。每个词都有自己固定的用法和意思。fixed和settled有一层相近的意思,表示某某事情办妥了,某某问题解决了。当然fixed还表示某东西被固定好了 settled还表示人的生活或工作稳定下来了。constant有一层意思是持续的。stationary是表示静止的意思,就是物理学上那种。stable有一层意思是稳定的,比如某某趋势比较稳定,或者某某家具放在地上很稳,自身不会歪倒或摇晃,但并不像fixed是用螺丝或什么完全固定住的。