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scenic spots怎么读

scenic spots 景点 [例句]Some scenic spots there include the big sur coastline , the alpine beauty of the sierra nevada mountains and the awesome mojave desert.这里的一些景点包括大苏尔海岸,内华达山脉美丽的高耸山地,以及令人肃然起敬的莫哈韦沙漠.**************************************************************请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助谢谢你!***************************************************************


scenic spots [释义] 景点;全部释义>>[例句]It is suitable to use at village meets, communities, plant parks, scenic spots and local residences.农会、社区、植物园、观光景点、民宿都非常适用。

when some got spots的英文翻译


There are spots on the sun.是什么意思?


问英文, over the rough spots

over the rough spots 直译当然可以系「走过一d粗糙地面/点」,但睇情况,可以系「解决问题/困难」之意。 用 google 揾几句例句睇下: A positive attitude and a long term vision will help us all over the rough spots. Be a team player. 正面的态度和长远的目光会帮助我们解决问题。要懂得与人合作。 Phnom Penh now has a group of three counselors to help ex-pats over the rough spots of life. Phnom Penh 现在有一个三人顾问小组,帮助外地来者解决生活上的困难。 over the rough spots=在粗糙的地点之上 参考: 翻译网 ..but唔知岩唔岩!!

scenic spots 50词英语作文

Stationed at Shenzhen Bay, for the purpose of promoting the World, the world wonders, historical sites, landmarks, ancient and contemporary, folk songs and dances performed a pooled Park, creating a wonderful beautiful world. Window of scenic spots on the five continents of the world Plaza, the World Sculpture Park, the International Street, a common Jurassic earth beauty 10,000 state, Lun absolutely wonderful, amazing man-made theme parks. Park in various spots, according to the proportion of different free-fang, sophisticated and uniquely lifelike. Window of one of the attractions are solidified resisted symphonic poem, which has witnessed a folk performances of China is a lively and vivid pieces Emboldened. This translated into the English language in the week.

leopard and his spots告诉我们什么道理

豹和狐狸伊索寓言英文故事黑布林豹子和猴子故事告诉我们一方面要“立下誓言”(目标),另一方面还要立足现实。“黑布林英语阅读”是一套适合国内小学低年级至高中二年级学生使用的英语分级读物,由上海外语教育出版社从欧洲专门从事英语教育的Helbling Language出版机构引进。这套读物全彩设计、图文并茂,将经典小说与当代作品完美结合,可全面满足国内小学、初中和高中各阶段学习者的英语阅读需要。

英语谚语:The leopard cannot change its spots 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: The leopard cannot change its spots 中文意思: 江山易改,本性难移。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Time reveals all things 时间会揭露一切。 Time tames the strongest grief 时间可以冲淡最强烈的悲伤。 Time tries all 时间检验一切。 Time tries truth 时间考验真理。 Time works great changes 时间能产生巨大的变化。 Time works wonders 时间可以创造奇迹。 Timid dogs bark most 狗胆小,拼命叫。 To a boiling pot flies e not 苍蝇不叮沸水壶。 To acquire wealth is difficult to preserve it more difficult but to spend it wisely most difficult of all 积财难,守财最难,而聪明地散财最难。 To a crazy ship all winds are contrary 对于一只漫无目标的船来说,不论什么方向的风都是逆风。 英语谚语: The leopard cannot change its spots 中文意思: 江山易改,本性难移。

spots shop为什么sport要加s?


seven spots是什么意思

seven spots七热点例句1."We have seven spots on our labels that identify it"s an alcoholic product, " he said. "We go above and beyond industry standards. "“在我们的标签里有七点来识别这是一种酒精饮料”他说,“我们超出了制造业标准。”2.With its scarlet wings speckled with seven small black spots, the ladybird is generally a welcome visitor to the garden.随着鲜红的翅膀斑点与七个小的黑点,一般的小鸟儿是一个值得欢迎的访客花园。3.With the seven-day holiday at hand, many people are planning on tours to the natural scenic spots for relaxation.随着七天长假的临近,许多人正在准备去自然景点旅游,放松自己。4.Visiting the Beautiful Scenic Spots in the Seven Cities游辽宁名胜览七市美景5.Seven other state giants carved out their spots in the top 10.前十名中还有另外七家国有企业巨头。



seven spots的汉语怎么说

seven spots七点

连词成句英语 the. center.going. spots. to.

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:...Going to the sports center.

犬之岛结局是什么意思 Spots最后为什么被软禁


请教个英语语法。1.there are a lot of tourist spots to visit in this old city.

to visit 是定语,第二个是比较状语



Koplik s spots是什么意思

Koplik s spots斑的斑点Results The clinical symptoms of adult measles patients were serious, typical skin lesions was maculopapular eruption, Koplik"s spots were distinctive and lasting longer time, these patients usually combined with liver and heart injury, pneumonitis and myocarditis were its main complications.结果成人麻疹患者临床症状严重,皮疹典型为充血性斑丘疹,科普利克斑(Koplik"s spots)明显且持续时间长,常常合并肝脏和心肌损伤,并发症以支气管肺炎和心肌炎为主。


"spots"的英语读音为/spu0252ts/。Spots是英语单词,通常指的是小圆点或斑点。Spots这个词可以用于形容许多不同事物的外观。首先,spots可以用于描述皮肤上的小斑点。这些斑点有很多不同的原因,可能是由于年龄、阳光照射、激素分泌不当或其他内部问题导致的。晒斑是一个常见的示例,如果长时间处于阳光下,可能会看到一些颜色较深的斑点。有些斑点非常小,几乎看不见,但有些则很显眼。其次,spots还可以用于描述动物身上的斑点。例如,豹子、虎子和狗都可能有斑点。这些斑点可以使动物看起来非常美丽,并且也可能提供自然伪装防止捕食者侦测。此外,spots还可以指示其他领域中的小点标记,例如dalmatian狗身上的黑色斑点或红利方格联赛中足球裁判使用的小旗。在技术行业中,spots同样指的是在图像或视觉化中用于标记了某种东西的小点。例如,在 Photoshop软件中,可使用小的“spot healing brush”,将不完整或不想要的区域用斑点涂抹掉。尽管spots可有多种不同的含义,但总的来说,它都指小圆点或斑点。无论是在人类、动物、还是技术中,都可以发现spots概念的运用。"Spots"是一个英文单词,它可以用作名词或动词。以下是它的一些用法:1.名词:"Spots"可以指任何小点、斑点、印记或污渍,常常引用到皮肤上的斑点或动物身上的花纹。例如:There are black spots on the white dog"s fur.(白狗的毛上有黑斑点。)2.动词:"Spot"的动词形式"to spot"表示发现、认出或定位某物。"Spot"还可以表示打上污点或标记某物,用于标记或区分。例如:I spotted the bird sitting in the tree.(我发现鸟儿坐在树上。)The teacher spotted her mistake and corrected it.(老师发现了她的错误并加以纠正。)3.短语:"on the spot"意为立即,即刻,立刻。例如:I need an answer on the spot!(我需要立即得到答案!)4.对话:在口语中,"spots"还可以用来作为一种问候方式,类似于"What"s up?"或"How are you doing?"。

Shanghai oritental spots center,_____by the east side of HP river,is available to enthusiast.


急!could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots?

on感觉很奇怪 for 好一点


具体名称应该是:ABSOLUE PREMIUM βX Advanced Replenishing Dark Spot Serum。是兰蔻金纯卓颜系列的去斑精华。Dark Spot 是色斑,Serum是精华液,Advanced是高级的意思,Replenishing是营养补充型的意思。Advanced和Replenishing都是形容词,修饰Serum精华的。所以,意会之下就可以知道, Advanced Replenishing Dark Spot Serum 是去斑精华的意思了。精华用在化妆水之后,乳液或者面霜之前的。护肤的正确顺序:洁面---化妆水(各种水都可以,高技能精华水也属于化妆水的)---精华---乳液或者面霜。

be goob at spots是什么意思?

Be good at sports擅长体育

Last week I went to Beijing with my parents. There are hundreds of tourist senic spots and historic


Conservationists call them hot spots--habitats that cover just 1.4 percent o
