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opening speech是什么意思

  opening speech  英 [ˈəupəniŋ spi:tʃ] 美 [ˈopənɪŋ spitʃ]  [释义]开题报告; opening report, thesis proposal;  [网络]开幕辞; 开幕词; 开幕式致辞;  [例句]He muffed his opening speech.  他的开幕讲话搞砸了。

make a speech是什么意思

make a speech英[meik ə spi:tʃ]美[mek e spitʃ]演讲;致辞;讲演

free speech是什么意思

free speech_百度翻译free speech [英]fri: spi:tʃ [美]fri spitʃ n. 言论自由 [例句]Managing free speech in home markets is hard too.言论自由的管理在美国当地同样步履维艰。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

connected speech是什么意思

意思是:连接语。connected speech英 [kəˈnektɪd spi:tʃ]   美 [kəˈnɛktɪd spitʃ]  连续语言例句:1、Eight important topics are included, such as "vowel sounds"," consonant clusters"," stress and rhythm"," sounds in connected speech"," intonation" and so on. 全书分为八大主题,将语言的元素逐一分解,并针对所有发音的细节作详细介绍,包括:母音、子音、子音群、重音与节奏、连音、语调等。2、A stroke that left him incapable of connected speech. 中风使他说话断断续续。3、The third one is about connected speech. 第三部分是连音。4、In Wernicke"s aphasia the ability to grasp the meaning of spoken words is chiefly impaired, while the ease of producing connected speech is not much affected. 韦尼克失语的患者主要是言语理解功能受损,而言语连贯性影响不大。5、This paper presented a syllable segmentation method for Chinese connected speech. 本文提出一种汉语语音连接词音节分割方法。


speech的意思是演讲,讲话,语音,演说。复数:speeches。speech读音:英[spiːtʃ],美[spiːtʃ]。双语例句:I like the speech about hope.我喜欢这个关于希望的演讲。You should prepare well for your speech.你应该好好准备好你的演讲。短语搭配:Speech Contest 演讲比赛,英语演讲比赛,演讲竞赛,讲演比赛。memorial speech 悼词,悼亡词,悼辞。telegraphic speech 电报式言语,电报语,电报句。speech coder 语言编码器,语音编解码器,语音编码器。speech event 言语事件,言语活动,话语事件,语言事件。


speech的读音: 英 [spi:tʃ] 美 [spitʃ]意思:n. 演说,演讲,发言; 说话,谈话,说话能力或方式。双语例句:I like the speech about hope.我喜欢这个关于希望的演讲。You should prepare well for your speech.你应该好好准备好你的演讲。


speech的意思是:演讲; 讲话; 演说; 发言; 说话的能力; 说话方式; 口语; (戏剧中的)台词;有关的造句如下:1、The audience booed as she started herspeech.(她一开始讲话,听众便发出一阵嘘声。)2、Herspeech offers much food for thought.(她的演讲有许多发人深思的内容。)3、He was making quite a longspeech.(他当时正在发表一个相当长的演讲。)4、The senator gave his standard stumpspeech.(那位参议员进行了一次例行的竞选巡回演说。)5、He delivered hisspeech in French.(他用法语作的演讲。)6、Thespeech was carefully phrased.(这篇讲话措辞谨慎。)7、Hisspeech is immature, his vocabulary limited.(他讲话不成熟,词汇量也有限。)

make a speech是什么意思

给一个演讲。。。make a speech


prepared speech_翻译prepared speech 准备演讲; 演讲稿; [例句]She digressed from her prepared speech to pay tribute to the President.她脱离了发言稿的主题,对总统给予了高度赞扬。

give a speech是什么意思



speech 英[spi:tʃ] 美[spitʃ] n. 演说,演讲,发言; 说话,谈话,说话能力或方式; (乐器的) 音,音色; 方言,民族语言; [例句]Intoxication interferes with speech

keynote speech是什么意思

keynote speech主题演讲双语对照词典结果:keynote speech[英][ˈki:ˌnəʊt spi:tʃ][美][ˈkiˌnot spitʃ]政党代表大会上关于施政方针的演说,会上发表的主要讲话; Keynote speech by hainan tourism development commission. 海南省旅游成长委员会率领主题演讲。

connected speech是什么意思


part of speech是什么意思?(语法中的术语)

part of speech part of speech n.(名词) 【复数】 parts of speech 1. One of a group of traditional classifications of words according to their functions in context, including the noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection, and sometimes the article.词类,词性:一组传统的词语类别之一,根据它们在上下文中的功能划分,包括名词、代词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词和感叹词,有时还包括冠词2. A word considered as a part of speech.被看作是某种词性的一个单词

part of speech是什么意思


